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Crab Bucket - Edition

Previous thread: >>493095961

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides for Jet Battles

>Guided weapons statistics

>What are the rewards for base bombing?
>TL;DR - Rewards aren't set between planes - they are dynamic to match BR and specific vehicle

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Bongs suck.

Thread theme:
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>new spotting system won't even render enemies in absolute detection unless you look at them
>this means no sounds
>enemy can literally get on your 6 without you ever noticing because the game literally doesn't render the plane if you don't look directly at it
How do you deal with a su7?
>only 7bs
>not supersonic
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it is I
Ask nicely for one of your supersonic teammates to shoot it down (say pwetty pwease with a cherry on top)
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Yeah but I wish I actually had other people to play naval with.
As in, you know, the same match. Who cares about SQRP at this point, all the good vehicles were added years ago and if you don't have them yet that's on you.
Idk, I have no relation to the 508 squadrons but maybe TF508?
>light tanks traditionally have inferior guns compared to contemporary medium tanks, heavy tanks and tank destroyers
So what makes it in your mind that the M18 isn't a light tank but the M41 is despite them both having 76mm cannons
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Is this a good premium to start me off for Sweden?


The left can't meme.
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Time to make webms of clips I've gathered over the past month.
what tanks were contemporary with the M41's production, anon?
>no radar missiles
>no 9m
lol dogshit wont even bother with a discount
Already have the FRS.1 which looks about the same
Doesn't matter it shares a BR range with the M18 of only being .3 above.
wrong answer
try again
Can't go wrong with a mustang, personally I'd go with the Pyörremyrsky.
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Oplot when
>history/doctrine autism
it's a video game buddy
this is a video game faggot go take your tistic troon ass back to dcs
>AV-8B Night Attack
>Doesn't come with NVG
It's a typo it's supposed to read: AV-8B: When Niggers Attack
video game based on what?
There wasn't any?
Good, get fucked
The word of Jesus? Definitely not history, unless you wanna cite whatever source shows king tigers duking it out with type 67s in Kursk.
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type 61*
historical AFVs, combat aircraft and naval vessels, mostly
the M18 is a tank destroyer. it was not designed to be a light tank, it was designed to be a tank destroyer. you can use a screwdriver as a hammer, it does not stop being a screwdriver
And you can throw as many doctrinal fits as you want, this is a video game with vehicle types associated with their in-game capabilities and spawn costs. If in-game it more resembles a hammer then it's getting hammer spawn costs and features lmao.
this is the same thing as the A-10 premium
>"early" variant which is same exact plane with older munitions of the tech tree variant
except this one doesnt bring any unique ammo, the early a10 at least gave you gbu 8
it resembles a tank destroyer, based on its in-game capabilities
if good gun, fast, shit armor=light tank, most of the MBTs in this game should be light tanks
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Does this mean other premiums are endorsed?
76 is a good gun for 5.3 maybe. Also that's not the light tank formula it's actually better gun, faster, worse armor than medium tanks at the given br (there's no MBT vehicle classification in this video game). For higher battle ratings this comes down to better dart and amount of protection against autocannons.
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Yeah the Prinz Eugen and the Tiger II (H) Sla.16 are.
The M18 was a tank destroyer but gaijin reclassified it as a light tank because it was too popular and it was making the "destroy enemy tank destroyers" task too easy.
Russia is getting 20km HMD ACM.
>Su-27SM — the ability to carry additional underfuselage R-77 missiles has been added.
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>discussion of anti-tank landmines
>half of the community is completely opposed to it
I don't see how landmines would be any worse than drones, they are both low-risk technologies that are widely used in war. They would make headless chicken tactics less viable but that's about it.
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you need 4 of those for each aim120a to reach the enemy into the FUCKYOU zone so you still are ad disadvantage
it frontally kills a number of heavy tanks up to 6.7 with ease
>better gun
this is untrue in the case of numerous light tanks
>faster, worse armor than medium tanks at the given br
all the leopard 1s, and most japanese and french MBTs would be light tanks then
A drone can be seen coming, a burrowed mine is effectively invisible.
Don't forget about the dogshit FMs (you're cripplingly disadvantaged in WVR) and utter fantasyshit R-77 drag (you're severely disadvantaged in BVR).
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>>half of the community is completely opposed to it
Oh man I can't wait to see them added regardless next week.
>>safeguards of independence and freedom
how do I use the mig 19s?
use your infinite energy to nigger on people by simply going up, deny your 6 to cuckrriers and cucksaders
you can confidently dogfight and kill anything you can encounter but it might take some time since you're relying solely on flight performance, no crutch missiles or anything
eternal remindere to fly the harriers!
still not buying it :)
I like Harriers but won't be getting it, not really anything that good or unique about it. Maybe eventually on 50% off.
why does arcade permanently have more people than realistic?
retards and bots
my "friend" I play with hates RB because he can't see shit, can't aim for shit, and has the memory of a goldfish, he aims center of mass an keeps firing there even when he is doing no damage, I'm not even sure he knows about the bullet cam even after I told him about it multiple times
bigger bing bing wahoo = more players
the final redpill: it's more fun
except in air, fuck that blatant P2W spawncamp fest
Why did is the Sheridan at 8.3?
Its so bad
>he can't see shit
Can't blame him, looking for the 2 visible pixels of a grayish-green tank against a grayish-green background IS ass.
easier to play, less punishing, faster paced, etc
consider how stupid your RB teammates are, now realize that RB is genuinely too hard for most of the people that play arcade
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So I had an idea for a game mode rework, primarily for large maps, because I only play on those.
Basically, every capture point would be split into multiple smaller areas, and you would have to hold them all, to claim the point.
You can have sub-points of varying sizes and numbers per one capture point.
More like Battlefield, less like Team Fortress.
What do you think?
who said that air realistic is hard? I just go head on with first enemy I see
get my research points and go next
this is supposed to be a GAME, so the more FUN game-y mode is always going to be more popular
just look at how angry anything not related to realistic the playerbase gets at
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>the trick is to not get uptiered
makes sense
>you will eat gruel, sleep in a pod, capture points and you will be happy
It's not even that, I will repeatedly call out an enemy clearly visible, giving him distance and direction and he simply won't detect them, the enemy could be shooting at him, and it will take him like 2-3 shots to get their location. Not talking about bushed up niggers peaking a ridge, but enemies just maybe standing on a corner or next to some tree in plain sight.
Does your “friend” play on a laptop? Because that’s a valid reason to not see anything in RB.
it's second only to the Ariete in a dogfight, it's not that bad
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This is nothing new, gayjew has been supplied countless ideas for game modes, they just refuse to make anything good.
Now THIS is a good proposal. Purpose-made tank maps are beyond saving, Air maps is the future. Touch up building hitboxes (they're bigger than the visual models so shells WILL be eaten by corners), make the terrain less jagged (literally just click "subdivide" a few times in the map editor), make the trees and grass not severely oversized and they're perfect.
the AV-8B+ is legitimately the comfiest plane at top tier other than the J-7E

I don't play mud RB because i refuse to resort to ULQ, bushes and other niggerfaggotry.
finally, some good fucking devblog
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TLDR: Better gamemode.

Long version:At this point has been proven again and again that GRB is just a glorified ARB for CAS mouthbreathers to get their dopamine fix. It's shilled and psyopsed by CC's because they get revenue based on the packs bought from gaijin, and most of them are catared to CAS fuckers.
Also GAB is more balanced (mixed MM), CAS is not oppressive (it can be spawned based on your kills and caps, has a time limit, doesn't have powerful weaponry). You can get more RP/h if you know what are you doing, there are less cheaters and when there are, the playing field is more "equalized". You can skip some mods that are pivotal to the end withou any kind of problems (NVG, laser rangefinder). It's easier to form a lineup (only 3 vehicles and anyone have ONLY that) and you will not get farmed by sweats with 10 crews unlocked. Obviously less spawn camping, bush niggers are not a problem at all because of outlines\spotting. Also if you know how to take advantage of the spotting system you can be extremly stealthy. There are WAY less nukes (in 4000 hours the only nukes i saw were mine) because if you are not an outstanding player you can forget your nuke.

INB4 rage from autistic fucks that want to larp in an arcade game
Woah, an actually nice feature from gayjew. I can't wait to see how they fuck it up.
Yeah that mechanic and the new tracers are the only thing worth something in this update imho
absolute truth, that's why i love nuking mudsuckers
But we already have the AV-8B+ with night vision?
If you can't spot in ground rb it's because you're stupid and deserve to get farmed.
What the fuck? This is actually nice.
Are the devs finally developing new features for their game?
>Best missile is the aim 9L
What br is this thing because it looks like shit
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legally i think they have to say this (and probably were supposed to the whole time) if they were using military insignia and selling shit in the US- i've mostly seen it pertaining to politicans wearing their uniform in ads and shit though

probably a good idea for a Russian company to dodge legal scrutiny on every ground possible
probably he doesn't want to be an ULQ nigger like you
yep, absolutely unusable if not downtiered
It's going to break every existing custom sight isn't?
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Ultra settings, 1440p. If you need ULQ to spot in ground rb you are stupid and deserve to get farmed.
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>t. stupid + deserves to get farmed
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How do you guys play naval for more than 5 minutes and not kill yourself?
Not being bad usually works for me.
>ultra settings
>looks like total dogshit
>also probably runs like total dogshit because FAS vodka niggers can't code.
Draw more porn corey
If there's one thing you can't fault this game for it's optimization, it looks great at max settings but runs on just about anything.
Was talking about how dogshit boring it is but I'm sure you're very good at botes and are showing those bots who's boss
DSR + DLSS, avg ~120 fps with a 3080 + i9 10850k
I just unlocked the British JAS39C what am I in for?
>bong troon literally frothing at the mouth because he can't insta-win free kills like the subhuman retard he is
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An AMRAAM and Chaff dispenser, just like everything else at 13.0+
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>this is apparently good enough for Gaijin to add it as a purchasable user skin
How do I score points in bluewater? I'm always last
Play the game, that usually works.
that's how it is IRL
Japs are retarded then.
>kill 4 bases
>kill 1 enemy
>match duration: 17 mins
>die to a chink a5 nigger
>13k RP
God this is awful
can't you see that's american?
No one said they aren't.
that's not in japanese
>start dogfighting a guy
>game ends 5 minutes in
fun!!!!!! i fucking LOVE bombers and ticket bleed!!!!!
How do i lock planes with the pod on the AMX to take advantage of EEGS? It doesn't work, a guy earlier told me it's glitched but there's a workaround
Cruisers are an absolute joke against US destroyers
how is this shit meant to be fair?
it's not
ESL moment
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>others reviewing the myoko
>full downtier, only cruiser on their side vs a handful of american destroyers that dont know what the fuck they're doing
>barely gets targeted, even if it does they almost never get hit due to poor enemy accuracy
>when I play the myoko
>death lasers on the enemy team
>northampton & co on mine
>instantly targeted by everyone even if i spawned far back, or waited MINUTES to spawn
>everyone shooting at me has laser accuracy and disables all of my guns in 2-3 salvos
>get killed by a single (1) american destroyer that singles me out from across the map on the rare downtier
JSL moment
US DDs are monstrously powerful and a prime example of the retarded levels of compression (and general retardation in terms of balance)
keeping your distance, not sailing in straight lines, changing speed filters most of the shitters. try aiming below the rear turrets
but theres a lot of cruisers that are at a disadvantage in 90% of encounters with the 5/38 rainbow generators
>Atlanta in WoWS: glass cannon without the "cannon" part, can't hit shit and can't damage what it hits without starting fires, suffers BADLY in uptiers
>Atlanta in WT: invincible niggerbunker with instagib railguns, dominates even uptiers
im certain it just is bugged as of now, havent been able to make it work on either the normal or the premium one
America assrapes everyone in air and naval and mutts will still cry about russia and minor nations.
ok boogeyman
should've built better X boogeyman
etc etc
why bomber controls are such ass?
why the plane keep leveling any time i try to fire?
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Why can't ruspiggers just make an airplane that's worth a damn, instead of whining, crying, shidding, and pissing all the time?
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odd thing is, they're gone
events used to be wall to wall Atlantas but even when playing 5.3 they're not particularly common

switch off autopilot for gunner/bomb sight
its in the main parameter tab of the settings menu
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>that turret in the back
Looks so retarded, thank God this design was canned.
thanks, default setting in this game are ass
Hello everyone, hope you're doing well.
slightly less of an eyesore than Alaskas 40mm mount on the bow
Good, get fucked with your gay anime shit sights
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Is Russia just a nation of manlets? It would explain the foreign policy.
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wtf is this now?
I didn't set it
it keeps turning my view
jesus fucking christ gajin
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you switched to sim controls (virtual joystick)
dont blame gaijin for your chimp brain clicking and mashing every thing you see
it's really easy to turn that stuff off, this is an IQ test for you and you're getting filtered
>you switched to sim controls
I didn't do shit, that's the point
Yes you did
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same design bureau as Il-40
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Play naval.
No thanks, I'm not homosexual.
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Play air
>No thanks
So you're gay?
>I'm not homosexual.
Then you do play naval?
Anon, make up your mind
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I've been playing some in my HMS Iron Duke, I love the massive HE shells you get with it, very fun. Going to bring out the Yamashiro tomorrow. I got them both in a sale a few months back and haven't played them much yet.
ground was pain at first but it was fun
air is just aids for autistic children
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Your shitboxes are MASSIVELY overperforming across the board in terms of sustained turn rates and energy retention while non-MiG-23 Soviet aircraft are either accurate (MiG-29) or underperforming (Su-27) in terms of sustained turn rates and all suffer from dogshit instructors and unrealistically bad energy retention (because the sustained turn rate nerfs were done EXTREMELY lazily in the exact same manner as the Draken's and the Viggen's).
>b-but muh MiG-23
Make it unable to take off for all I care, I don't give a shit about pre-Gen 4 hunks of junk.
And don't forget that aside from this, the F-16 is a literal UFO in-game not bound by even remotely realistic AoA limits by Gaijin's own admission (it effortlessly pulls shit that would instantly throw it into an unrecoverable flatspin IRL) while the Gripen's energy retention is about three times better than its expected ballpark (as per the extensive, publicly-available Lavi documentation; yes the planes are close enough, no you're not getting any better estimates any time soon for obvious reasons).
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I just play everything, me. Even Helicopters.
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I can't wait for Sweden to get its Norwegian Seahawk.
I am, it's frustrating but I'm sticking through with it.
That's the last time I lag out during a dogfight.
can the jannies do something about the swegro avatarfagging with that awful cartoon
See you tomorrow
it's not even avatartrooning at this point, it's straight up spam
They can barely handle off-topic /pol/shit and discord raids, do you expect them to do anything about thinly veiled vaguely WT-related avatarfaggotry?
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Play Sweden
>it's the lowRP trannies
of course
>Your shitboxes are MASSIVELY overperforming across the board in terms of sustained turn rates and energy retention
There's better documentation for American aircraft available than anybody else's, so why can't you demonstrate this massive overperformance? Many people have looked at the F-16s and the conclusion is that it rates half a degree too fast at like mach 0.5 and half a degree too slow at mach 0.7 (its corner speed, which means its peak sustained turn performance is actually lower than it should be), Gaijin said twice that they consider that to be accurate enough and they won't change it.
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you know why
Nigger that entire thread is all about said overperformance complete with graphs and tests. More trustworthy than your anecdotal evidence.
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Why are Chinese planes so soulless?
joe, de ballen
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it is time to hunt some moskal and chinaman pidors
probably because almost none of them are chinese
>it is time to get my hand crushed into a fine red paste
we know sven
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Thats the British Gripen actually
awesome camo, my wife's boyfriend is gonna love this!
You have the best main battery at 5.7 and under, just kill them. US destroyers explode if a single shell hits vaguely near the rear turrets. They’re free kills and some of the best things to farm events against
you must from far east
I didn't know churkas supported ukraine
This you?
ruh roh
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>first hour of naval challenge
>already got hatemail
gonna be a good week
>You have the best main battery at 5.7
Some good it does when they can dump nonstop salvos in the time I reload ONE.
That's like telling someone playing a FV4005 to just kill a bunch of BMP-2Ms.
Wow very insightful. I wonder why nobody's thought of that before.
>US destroyers-
Those were not US destroyers.
>They’re free kills and some of the best things to farm events against.
That's about the only valid thing you said.
use the ranging shot function and stagger your fire so you're constantly pumping out accurate rounds by walking your fire onto the magazine
I've done all the same the tests myself and come to totally different conclusions, you should do them yourself rather than believing the first slop you find on the forums.
I am doing that, but I don't know if you can't see the fact that 3 of my 5 turrets are disabled.
That sort of makes "walking my fire onto their magazine" difficult.
Not to mention the fact it takes 20 secs for my shells to hit and 16 to reload.
>thread made and corroborated by several long-time FM testers/bug reporters :|
>anecdotal evidence by a random anon on /wtg/ öÖö
You have the highest output 8” gun at the br, which happens to be the br with the best matchmaking in the game. I have Myoko, I run between a 9-10k/d on it, it is monstrously strong. The only ship that even really competes with it is Hipper/Eugen. Like the other guy said bind your ranging shot key and it’s a fucking warcrime that would probably be 6.0 if they weren’t selling the thing.
I see... so stirling is just piece of shit that folds at slightest sight of combat and I'm hitting the enemy but it can shitty gun not even crit
Hipper/Eugen are ridiculously weak and prone to ammo dets tho, and ROF is still below american ships
it was THE meta 2 years ago, and it clearly left an aftertaste in the naval community
its a joke nowadays
I am one of those long-time FM testers/bug reporters and I don't believe the post is really relevant. The developers don't use load factor to calibrate sustained turn performance, they use degrees per second turn rate directly. For two reasons; it's a more precise measurement, and the manuals almost always have it, while only sometimes do they have load factor charts. So if the developers confused the two load factor measurements, it literally does not matter. There are other things wrong with the post, he's cherrypicked for example, the region at low speed where the F-16 overperforms and doesn't attempt to explain at all the region at 0.7 mach, its corner speed, where it underperforms. He has also used trim to perform the tests, they should be done with neutral trim using only the primary control surfaces, because the game handles trim differently than control surface inputs. It's possible to do things with trim that are not possible with normal input.
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giant enemy crab
Bigger JDAMS
It has the strongest guns in the br range, use them to kill things before you’re half sunk. The 8” reload is best in class for its tier and the shell flight time is a fact of life in naval that isn’t any worse than what most ships deal with.
Their shell output beats any US heavy bar the Des Moines, which have even larger magazines while being 0.6 higher. At 5.7 it is perhaps the strongest ship in the very common full downtier, which is why the chinks loved bottling them so much and why it took that short trip up to 6.0. While it certainly isn’t invincible it’s the best combination of armor and firepower at the br.
How do I get a big brain like you, I'm tired of being a baka.
>my dad works at Nintendo
People like that don't waste their time on this shithole.
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122s should get 5s reload
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why the fuck does that plane motherfucker look more and more horrible every time swegros post it?
I find bluewater an exhausting slog, don't know how both of the regular navy players do it.
Sw*den should be deleted. Not just in the game, in real life.
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i dont work for gaijin retard, but they do lurk here; you don't think it's conspicuous that some bugs and exploits are fixed quickly after being posted here, when no official reports were made?
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>you don't think it's conspicuous that some bugs and exploits are fixed quickly after being posted here, when no official reports were made?
crabs are the coolest
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i know
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>could have had Dutch kino for France
>instead get stuck with Waffle F-16s
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its not fair bro
I think the new air kill system is a step in the right direction but its a bit weird that knocking out someones oil line is worth more RP and SL than setting them on fire and wrecking all their control surfaces
It’s nice when you like a particular ship historically and the snail decides not to butcher it
how does Russia have not a single good premium rank 7 jet?
russian bias or something
this is a completely different aircraft though, with the difference being a radar
the A-10A and A-10A Late have no differences in their models and may as well be the same aircraft with slightly differing weaponry
are lobsters cool? I watch that one fisher dude on youtube who removes barnacles off lobsters
why did brits get rid of their shermans stabalizer, are they stupid?
They're both good though
>F-16 IS MASSIVELY OVERPERFORMING!!!!!! cope gets absolutely demolished in this thread
the resident churka is on suicide watch
>are they stupid?
Unironically yes. The stab that was used on the Sherman was unnecessarily complex, and the simple minded bong was simply unable to comprehend how it works.
Also why the US dropped it after the M4 was nobody used it because it was rarely used even by the crew who were good at using it; plus it was apparently too tedious needing to be adjusted whenever the rounds are switched.
>literally >>493286404 counts as "demolishing"
kek, cope
yeah, cope is all you can do when the other side has all the evidence and all you have is "trust me bro"
which side do the devs agree with?
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remember that the devs ALWAYS know better
as per >>493282115's pic, the forum guys but are too retarded to do anything about it
I think you're genuinely overestimating the ship's performance over its stat card info and possibly performance on release almost 2 years ago compared to now. And you're also severely underestimating American ship handholding.
Either way your broad and vague """"advice"""" like, just shoot the enemy until it dies xD, or you have BIG gun xDDD isn't worth squat until you post a recent clip of you putting it in action.
I'll keep using it to grind the rest of the tree and because it's my favorite WW2 ship but I'd much rather play the 6.0 cruisers, at least those have a semblance of armor appropriate to the BR to match the so-called superior firepower it supposedly boasts.
Also I don't know if my accuracy is really unlucky or if AP shells just don't travel underwater that far but I've had my shells land really close to the waterline of someone and yet they won't detonate the shell rooms.
the amount the FM is wrong by is so small it's irrelevant, which the devs have said
Up 26% (F-4E) is anything but small, and I guess you're just gonna play dumb and pretend they didn't admit they gave the F-16 a shitton of artificial stability (controllability at all speeds in mouse aim and AoA at low speeds) to compensate for their inability to code a decent FLCS.
Why are all the Italian prop era strike aircraft so fucking shit goddamn
I find myself still flying the Breda 88 in 3.x because it's the only one that doesn't flounder and die the moment someone looks at it wrong or it has to execute a maneuver more complex than level flight
we already know it's even underperforming at some speeds, keep crying Misha
All flight models are 1:1 representations of the real planes
Don't like it? Consoon less copeganda
fuck off antroon
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>anton turned my maw slaving on again
>if i ignore the entire argument and say "ok misha" i win
>devs can do no wrong (only if it benefits me)
literally like "arguing" with a toddler
Devs know better
Now fuck off
I’ve played it since the fragment changes, it still holds up fine. It isn’t something you can just ignore getting shot in, but you can count the ships that can do that now on one hand with fingers left over. Underwater travel isn’t near as good as it was during La Royale, but Japanese shells are still generally the best for their caliber travel limit since the fuse delay lets them go more of that distance, while many others explode prematurely. I’ve heard they may have nerfed total distance again but the general rule is bigger shell means longer underwater potential travel. 6.0 Japanese cruisers are far and away worse tier for tier than Myoko. The ships at the same br are broadly better than them, while Myoko is a top pick for 5.7. That is without mentioning that now that the event is on Scharnhorst season should be open, so probably 4/5 of your games will be full uptiers against ships that should never take more than a minute to kill you while you can barely inconvenience them unless they’re dumb enough to take a full spread of torpedos after they’ve already killed you.
damn, it's so fun to grind bombers when wyverns just bomb all bases at mach 2, I get chased down with no help and we lose the game
That's why we're going fullspeed ahead with fixing APHE.
You simply just grind with fighters in the fighter gamemode
Unironically though
APCR buff when?
is R-Darter supposed to be good? it constantly misses head on shots in the 6-10 km range
If we make every shell bad then what are we suppose to use?
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This has been my best match in about 10 and I'm pretty sure it's because it was a full downtier with not that many Moffets and Frank Knoxes.
Only ammo detonation I got was the Northampton.
If people are supposedly doing it left and right with this I'd love to see proof of it because my shells will land anywhere but the shell rooms, and when they do land below them they don't penetrate underwater even at close range.
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We ram each other
>guy is blindly shooting at someone
>i get hit by a stray bullet at 2km into a pilot
Close range is the worst range band to try fishing for magazines, not shell rooms, on almost any ship, especially with large guns. As an aside shell rooms shouldn’t even catastrophically detonate on most ships, especially ones with high AP ratios loaded. Generally you want to be outside 5km or so for the easiest ammo racks, as the farther you get the more the natural arc of the shell tends to lead it towards the magazines, while the lowering velocity makes over penetrating shells much less likely. Aim point against US destroyers should always be turret no.3, while vertical correction should start at around -0.1km and adjust based on closing speed and sighted fall of shot.
You could always learn to aim? Well I mean not YOU but normal people could.
I think this is the gayest game in existence with all the sword fighting you already end up doing
All of the Fox-3s are trash in comparison to the SPAMRAAM.
Thanks for the tips, will try them out later today.
If you've got any more do share them if you can, I take long hiatuses for naval so I tend to forget even the basics.
If you can’t hit magazines consistently just walk your fire up and down the ship. I can’t prove but do suspect gaijin fucks with dispersion match to match. If you aren’t getting lucky it is much better to walk fifty ranging shots up and down a ship to quickly drain its crew below 8% than to blow five salvos into ocean water with only a few hits that shaved off ~20% crew. Crew drain lacks the spectacle of a big detonation but I find it much more reliable. Not to mention what being repair looped does to an enemies offensive capability
Why do Gripens have only 6 missile pylons?
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>testing of nation research bonus has concluded!
It's going to be 6 months before we see it again, and it's going to be worse isn't it.
Swedish pilots are the best in the world so they don't need more, others from the east know they won't return home so they carry all they can
Ok whatever but why only 6 missiles?
Air combat doctrine + the whole point of the Gripen is to be a very lightweight plane. From the Gripen E there are 3 more pylons under the belly
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This game is such a fucking joke.
>fly near the ground
>someone dive me
>pulls sharp turn
>pilot faints
>crashes into the ground
free kill
>US T-90
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they must have changed something cause the hipper is ridiculous at 5.7 and I never touched the hipper when it was 6.0
very busy of making APHE rework
many workings on frankian brown water vessel
overhours clocking in premium cloning facility
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I can go into the localization files and change the name to something to us_t_90a_trophy too faggot
no one cares
clearly a shitpost
Hippers were kinda oppressive at 5.7, so they got bumped to 6.0 for a couple months or so
not that they're unkillable or whatever, but the majority of players absolutely shit themselves and appear not to know what to do against them so they're just running rampant as they're left unchecked
there is no fucking way that gaijin will do this
When do we se LeClerks BTFO in Ukraine?
They're smol planes.
Don't shoot at 6-10km? Retard.
Fox 3's are supposed to be used like Fox 2's on steroids in the current meta.
Except the SPAMRAAM but if you fire that shit at me from 10km I'll notch it.
What would it be like if Gayjew remade the engine so that we could have ground rb maps the size of Altis?
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Good morning sir
What would it be if we spent more time flying into the battle doing jack shit?
Give me hilly maps
Give me maps with lots of hills
Give hills with a map attached
Depressionlets fuck off
I'd use the F4 Phantom drop tank for one
>half of the community is completely opposed to it
So when is it being added to the game, Anton?
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Don't really like bluewater, I tried. Coastal is quite fun though and you can earn as much for events doing that at a lower BR so will stick with that. Thanks for reading.
Test drove the event ship, was thoroughly let down.
Couldn't they have given us a better ship?
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can i still get the body pillow decoration or did i start playing this game too late?
Anton's neverending generosity gifts you a battleship and you dare complain?
All events will be crafting from now on
It doesn't seem bad overall, it just has weak AA
Still available
dont think weve got many options that dont require a BR increase

and the completely retarded 15" dispersion
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what did he mean by this?
I don’t like when actual good stuff is event locked. It’s solidly mediocre, which is good for the game overall.
Coastal somehow manages to have more problems than bluewater, no idea how they managed that.
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>he can't afford premium time
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thank you kindly!!!
>never finished prototype of a tank
>in game
>hundreds of shed main battle tanks out in active combat
>not even mentioned
It needs new maps and in some of them the two player spawn points are too close together.
bottom tier copestal is just MG/autocannon speedboats, but once you get just a bit higher up you're facing cold war krokboats, escort vessels, autoloading 3"ers and destroyers whilst grinding at jet costs
and you cant really decompress because the mere existence of coastal is one of the reasons bluewater is equally hypercompressed
>this is going to make so many people angry
nobody really gives a shit anymore
suicide drones for scout vehicles when?
Who here is unironically grinding the WW1 shi(t)p?
shoot under first turret for free kill lmao, they haven't been a thing since years, especially with the new placement
Seconding >>493268059 , but now as air forces player.
Air arcade is much better designed as a gamemode than air realistic. You have much less frustration, less downtime, more action and more meaningful moments and decisions per battle and per minute. More airplanes are playable and capable of giving you fun. It also has higher skill ceiling because you won't be able to just base bomb your way to top tier. At late jet tiers there are less people in match then in RB, which means you get more tactical combat when you have to pick your battles, choose horse trades and some subtle mindgames if you really want to carry the game, and game actually allows you carry instead of being gangstalked if your team was not good enough and you are outnumbered. You will still experience some missions ending very fast, but it's not that frustrating because you will have to play full retard to go into negative sl, and you always see whether it is an uptier or not as well as all red team spawns and setups, so you always can just leave the battle without spawning once if you don't feel like it.
The biggest issue I have is the fact that "Air Conquest" has not entirely replaced "Domination" mode in the rotation, yet even though it's far superior.
Post educative videos about tanks/planes/whatever
It does? I've mainly played arcade in for ground and when I try and find high rank games the search can take ages.
cancerously bad opinion
many people are just bad at the game, that's why they play arcade. I realized it was a joke halfway up my first tree (uk) and never looked back.

This however is largely true. Respawning also alleviates the infuriation of how long ARB matches can be or dying after spending 10 minutes just preparing to fight.
What range am I supposed to be firing MICAs at these things do not want to track at all
not because Barham itself is all that interesting, but because im fairly certain we're not getting a TT QE (or anything else up high) for a while



Me, I already have the Iron Duke and the Renown so I'll be able to make a top tier line-up with this.
They should really just split the matchmaker completely. People would be more interested if you weren’t grinding tier iv/v speedboats to have boss fights against reserve destroyers.
It's amazing how a single round can behave so differently and perform so many different tasks, from APHE to airburst. That's Swedish engineering for you right there.
If you play arcade it's not so bad though, as if you're a speedboat you can just shit out all your torpedos at will then wait a minute then have them all magically reload.
It's even worse than that lol. You're playing actual speedboats with like 1x37/40mm and some 20mm's and getting uptiered into destroyers every match that kill you by hitting just in your vicinity.
what bugs me most is that they hide frigates in there
not that they're the end-all or whatever, but its fucking stupid that you'd have to grind through 4 tiers of speedboat garbage to get them
only to get fairly rapidly deleted by DDs that dont like the look of your rank V HE slinger
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>HMS Spey
>3.3 BR
>Premium at a rank that lets you grind the whole tree
>2 x 4 inch cannons
>decent AA
>on the market right now for 20 gayjin coins
This is a good buy if you want to mix it up with the grind desu, I love this ship at the battle rating it's at, you can bully so many shitty tugboats, speedboats and can hold your own against other frigates. Has a decent SL modifier too.
frogs are getting a TT version btw
dont think ive seen anyone mention it
not that anyone else really cares
>2x4" cannons
>this is a good buy
I'm not buying your bag.
I'm not selling a bag anon-kun
>"bro r77 drag is fantasy"
>look at R77
>literal airbrakes instead of fins
I'd be interested in grinding out the frog tree but I want to see it all in game first
Naval bros
What's the point of coastal? Do you grind it out in pure coastal boat games? Or are they really just good at speeding for a zone cap
actually air arcade is faster for grinding
It's less drag at supersonic and subsonic speeds but significantly more at transonic speeds. We've been over this.
dont play coastal dumb faggot
play coast smart straight man
i usually try to get the best point capper, if theres funny/cool/competitive/interesting shit later in the tree ill get that too
so ive maxxed the bong and german ones, barely bothere with the mutt and wop ones, never touched japs
in most cases its a sidegrind, but some genuinely lend themselves to fun and efficient (event)grinders

its a genuinely fun mode but is retarded that it hogs the bottom half of the (currently) available BRs and the grind is insufferable
Do play coastal intelligent straight man
>What's the point of coastal? Do you grind it out in pure coastal boat games?
The sole point is to be the tugboat with the biggest dick when capturing the shallow water control points.
Pedobotes are stupid fun in high BR bluewater battles.
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fun fun fun
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speed capping
What the fuck was going on in that lobby? Seven different cap rushers spawned?
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give Mighty Russia a place in the sun because its bluewater history is a joke start to finish
a not insignificant portion of the good ships in the tree are designed/built/formerly Italian
yeah for once people actually were contesting the cap lol
Uh... When?
>hit a plane with 47mm canon at 30 degrees
>no damage
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I don't care if there's a ship with the hand of God at 3.3 or 7.0 you can NOT beat a US ship because they can put out more AP shells per minute and all their fast firing destroyers and cruisers are all undertiered by 2.0 BR.
the point is having Rank 5 vehicles that are only at 3.3 br for events lol
>7.0 BB match
>ends in 5 minutes because some asshole in a speedboat capped two points the battleships literally cannot get to (in time)
>playing BBs in non-open water maps
That's on you.
im not J'ing out of a big match after 9 minutes of queuing on the off chance theres a coastal killjoy hellbent on ruining everything
7.0 queue is faster than anything besides 4.7 stop the excuses
Sir, your floatplane and/or 3.x autocannon raft? Don’t compromise the developers’ vision the game is meant for small boats
Scharnhorst can because it is invincible.
that ship is always the exception and thus is never taken into consideration
6.5 minutes on average today
yes i am autistic enough to track that shit
>reaching the point where the game stacks the op undertiered niggerbunkers with nonstop laser spam ships vs me in my unspaded overtiered cruiser with the 1940 rafts that take 2 pluto orbits to reload filling my so-called teammate slots
I've been getting very consistent games at 5.7 see>>493315564
The standards literally explode if you look at them funny right now, though Alaska is a lot stronger than she was a year ago. Germany has the best top tier followed by Japan, though with a fair power gap between the two.
they were chosen because of packaging reasons (they fold), because they don't require actuators with as much torque, and because they have superior lift-INDUCED drag characteristics at supersonic speeds, not because they have better parasite drag.
Standards have the slowest reload of all top tier ships. Their ace reload with max skills is about what most big gun battleships have with no crew level, though they should have at least the same 2rpm as most other battleships.
>14999/15000 RP
well fuck you too
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NIGGER i'm talking about their destroyers and cruisers mainly the MOFFET ATLANTA and CLEVELAND
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>he cant handle a Knoxbot
bruh us destroyers have their rear magazine above the waterline
I specifically talked only about the 6.7/7.0 battleships and you responded to that post. I’m sorry you struggle so hard to kill things in a full downtier in the most compressed game mode. You should maybe practice more between events when less of the good players are back.
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Chinks on the forums are complaining that the J-10A doesn't perform identical to the Gripen despite weighing the same as 2 fully loaded Gripens. How could Gaijin be so racism and mean to China people???
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>dies to auxiliary ammo detonation
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>It's real
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and I SPECIFICALLY mentioned destroyers and cruisers and YOU brought up BATTLESHIPS like the STUPID INBRED MONKEY MONGREL you are
maybe if you quit enjoying the muttgroid cock up your ass and stopped defending their most handheld gamemode you'd realize that
>"American" T-90 is just a skin of a captured vehicle
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>W-what.... I grinded the whole USSR tree, and now my T-90A and T-90M are going be used by BIG BLACK AMERICAN COCKS forever while I wait for a JDAM to kill my pantsir
>at 3.3 or 7.0
From the first sentence of the first post in this reply chain. I’m terribly sorry about whatever accident took you hands since it just isn’t possible to run under a 5 k/d at 5.7 if you still have them attached to your body.
> not because they have better parasite drag.
It may not have been the factor that the decision was based upon, but it is still true.
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>Russian's don't get the Iranian F-14
>now they don't even get their T-90
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Swedish supremacy remains unmatched
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they already have their T-90
It will be removed from the tree.
what's with all the us main gloating lately? is it because of the aphe changes?
i like m better than the mutt 4.7s
get one-tapped a lot less in the Ds than in the Gearings/Sumners
find that the lesser shells kinda balance out with the constant RoF that outshoot the american second stage reloads
Nope. Still sorry about your skill issue though
>gets confused and starts yapping about something entirely different from the main topic
>get called out for the shitskinned illiterate retard you are
Why do the islamic F-14A's glove vanes extend in high AoA turns like slats? That's wrong.
whats legoprodigy got to do with this
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Wow, it's almost like a 15 ton plane is less maneuverable than a 7 ton plane
Why are you being so racist to China?
You said there’s no US ship that loses to anything. I called bullshit and you started nuclear cope. If you die to anything more then 0.6 under what you’re using it better have been a third party kill steal or you have a terrible skill issue.
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oh my god you really are the epitome of illiterate burgerclap
it isn't
Don't forget that they fucked up the geometry of the plane because they just copypasted eurocanards without knowing how and why were they designed like that in the first place.
>worse than Knox/Moffet
>almost twice as expensive
will amimutts ever not crygloat about everything at every opportunity
I love coastal
I hate women
I hate /wtg/
I love /wotg/
>still seething
If you put this much effort into the game you might not be the worst player in the easiest mode
any reason to use a targeting pod for Air Realistic Battles? I'm not usually a lawn mower
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I don't know why I'm even grinding the bong shitp when I'm just going to be playing Amagi and Mutsu when the update drops
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last time i asked for proof of this i got a pressure vs aoa excerpt which isnt related to this meme i keep hearing be repeated about drag vs speed
So I will ask again, is there proof of this or is it like the amx30s where people repeat a meme that sounds good because they need to cope with the fact that something is bad in wt
>STILL riding mutt dick
>realized his ESL mistake and tries to change topic
eugh yuck LMAO
stop posting my wife
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>the chinaman thought he could beat the finest jet in human history
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Same, I'm only playing naval again because the event is gonna bring more players and therefore faster matches, and I can grind the rest of the Japanese tree.
Also check out this crew loss/gain bug.
You must be confused with Yuuhi, because that is my wife.
It’s something to do while you wait and you’ll get it for free playing top tier after the update anyway
Here, since you struggle so much, you can shoot the rear turrets of almost any US ship and it blows up. Knox, Moffett, Atlanta, Cleveland, it doesn’t matter. Works at every br in any ship that isn’t stuck with HE.
riveting gameplay
>shells have zero spread
>see tranime faggot name using some crapan shit
>focus him
>rages in chat and leaves
Very fun
What happens is that due uneven airflow through the grid-fins it effectively becomes equivalent to a flat plate since the air gets choked.
FCS has been bugging out sometimes too, mostly gets fixed if you hit the target lock button again but that sometimes also makes it worse. No idea what that’s about since it’s been happening with the static test drive ships too
Yuuhi a shit. I would never.
how did the community allow this game to turn into an unbearable grindfest pay to play shithole with 80 dollar premiums. I remember when we bullied IS-6 owners for wasting $30
are ships comfy while drunk like planes are
If you want actual nuimbers and somthing to read

>As expected, there is an increase of drag for the lattice grid models
versus the planar model. The estimates came to a 100% increase in the subsonic regime
as well as a 67% increase in the supersonic regime.

It had been on a bad road for a while but covid lockdowns were kinda the nail in that coffin for gaming as a whole I feel
>drunken sailor starts playing
Of course anon
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Oh well then may I interest you in something fancier? Like this?
Yeah I noticed they fixed it ages ago, and then it came back for some reason. Also don't know if it's intended or not but I see damage dealt by teammates on the enemy's X-Ray alongside mine.
Well then that's too bad, because Meiya's with me.
Don't be too hard on Yuuhi though.
I saw something in one of the most recent datamines saying they changed some fcs code so I’m coping that maybe they fixed it again. Maybe once the update drops
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Did I mention that the 0% crew ghost ships are back?
Just had it happen to me a couple of matches ago.
im getting it because i like the QEs and i bet gaijin isn't gonna add anything like it for a really long time
dont know why theyre so hellbent on keeping scharnhorst at the top spot and at the same time hide as much shit in events
F-14A is a meme vehicle that only kills shitters, T.B.H.
F-15 is better in just about every conceivable way
Ahh naval. Never a dull patch. It’s like a different game every time they touch anything. But they still manage to only ever make it worse
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And yet we keep playing.
Yeah that's why it's at a higher br? Dumbass?
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What if, consider this...what if...just hear me out...what if air in ground battles had a separate SP poll, and its gains would be inverstly proportional to your performance.
i.e. you are doing poorly, you can spawn as air for cheaper, fast. You are smashing them kittens, no air for you if you die.
Huh? What do you think?
Baffling that nobody even tries to make something better. There’s clearly a market for it, but here we are, stuck
I think that might be the actual dumbest suggestion I've ever heard, and I'm not exaggerating.
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Nobody will ever make better 3D models that's for sure.
The closest thing they've ever gotten to a
decent & balanced gamemode was the convoy hunter-killer event that served as a live test for submarines.
It's either this or Wargaming.
I still play Battlestations because that's the best naval game though.
I remember renting battlestations from a blockbuster on a 360, think it was Midway. Should really look into getting that, I remember it being pretty fun. I guess they added sub spawns to the maps recently, can’t wait to see what kind of clusterfuck that turns into since they make no attempt to balance teams. Gonna be great fun running into four Scharnhorsts when 3/4ths of my team spawns underwater
Thanks, I just hate when something becomes a regurgitated self defense meme like the abrams DU or the example I already gave
>The estimates came to a 100% increase in the subsonic regime as well as a 67% increase in the supersonic regime
not great, but obviously the question is how that compares to how it performs in game. I wouldnt know, but id be curious to read any of the threads if you have them
Shame theres no direct comparison of drag for planar vs grid at higher AOAs in that article, it only seems to detail the shock vs AOA for grid alone. My intuition says that more area @ higher AOA should have more drag than less area @ higher aoa, but obviously that isnt a source. Since missiles are usually not going to be flying in a perfectly straight line in war thunder, if grid fins have bad drag characteristics when pulling the same AOA that'd add further drag.
>not great, but obviously the question is how that compares to how it performs in game
The thing to note is that those results are equivalent AoA, not response force. Because they depends far to much on the configuration of the fins in question.

Basically while being less overall less enrgy efficient (Lower Lift to Drag ratio ) grid fins require less AoA for the same maneuver and are easier to adjust. So they provide higher overall performance.

So they do have a use case for missiles, its just that they can waste a lot of energy very quickly, and and as such tend to have a significant negative impact on range, especially so if the target beings to maneuver.

which is part of why the R-77-1 went back to planar fins.
The WT YT shorts page is kinda funny ngl.
They fly together so who cares
the F-14A regularly fights planes without radar missiles, the F-15 doesn't
>one day, without reason nor warning, they got rid of the bomb bay doors for the G4M1
>and they never brought them back
>friendly strv122 asks for cover
>cover him in GBU-24
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so... fvcking... zvsed...
I just realized that if they nerf aphe tortoise will be playable because they won't remove half of your crew on every cupola shot
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Play Harriers
It still does, supposedly.
no thanks
Quiet, Paypiggy.
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Feels for this vehicle?
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wacky russian
Why do Jap tanks not get modeled interiors but American and Russian tanks do?
nobody cares about nipslop, they are purely meant to be fodder for real vehicles
>why does an unpopular tree not get something two popular trees get
literally no one plays Japan outside of Air
Does the APHE nerf fix shit like gepards and falcons abusing pixel spots to instakill you?
is there a mod yet that lets you know if you're in an uptier for gamemodes besides ground? im tired of wasting spawns because i dont know this
Not really. They'll just hit that spot more than once (very easily) and you'll still die.
Every time I play the AV-8B+ I kinda wish I saved the million lions
Dead update. Dead general. Dead game.
Will the American T-90 be a premium or event vehicle
What BR will the Yamato be and what 198X ship will Gaijin add to neuter any prospects of fun it might have?
A skin for the russian T-90 lol.
it probably won't happen because its racist

if it did it'll be a squadron
Its literally confirmed retards
>kirov and ronnie raygun’s iowa

Alternatively we get a partial paper supership meta, which would be nice. Montanas could fit a stretched definition of “work started” on the basis of the 5”/54 being developed for them, Sovetzky Soyuz and at least H-39 fit the standard as is. Bongs are in a weird spot with exactly how far the Lion design could be contorted and maybe G-3 if they can prove it was actually laid down. France and Italy are in a bad spot and would need full paper to my knowledge.
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They accidentally showed it in the sights update video, its still up on twitter but got changed to french vehicles instead of American on the war thunder blog post
this is the same twitter account that make a blacked porn parody out of tanks in game
theyre shitposting
It was on the actual devblog at first but they removed and re added the video with french vehicles instead
oh sick i can't wait for the vatnik seethe
yeah imagine accidentally leaking a shitpost and people taking it seriously
Why are you so defensive about this it's not a big deal lmao
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Play France
this is the first post I've made on this for like 4 hours or whenever someone first posted it
Odd you're only posting about this then
only posting about what?
Coastal would be way better without the three spawn limit
>spawn in Wilkinson
>gain the ire of the entire enemy team
The Mitschers are a popular sweat boat
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>play naval realistic
>game is at the complete mercy of USN players
>play naval arcade
>actually fun because i get to live for more than 1 minute
Damage models and guns are literally the same, there’s just faster speeds and worse players.
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>naval realistic
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that's literally just luck that you finished both challenges at the same time.
the aiming system in arcade is also not atrocious
I think that's the biggest reason.
>at the complete mercy of USN
just like real life!
ground RP gains are seriously so shit

why do they hate mudsuckers
They don’t hate them, they just love their money more
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When are the Leopard 2 and friends getting a reload speed buff?
whassat? you want to question muttgroid hegemony at high tier?!?!?!
off to the coal mines with ye
what is the justification
Every manually loaded 120mm got 5s except the Leopards and that's animal discrimination
Leopards suffer
when non-american NATO militaries institute some actual standards
No its called holding W with the AMX-40 on Poland down the main street and just confusing the enemy team by being in their base in the first 30 seconds of the game
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The HE shell of the CV90120 is broken
Abuse it before it gets patched
Dead game dead general
Dead joe dead mama
MAW slaving resets whenever you restart the game)))))
why is there no option to change the default state? har2kod))))))
Is the AMX Ghibli worth playing in SIM? I'm not really feeling the ARB grind on it
If thats the tech tree AMX that sits at 10.7 I'm not sure what youre complaining about, its by far the best of the subsonic all aspect flingers at that BR range because it can actually go fast and dogfight slightly and sees non flare carrying jets
All you are saying are lies tho? in 40 games i saw ONLY 1 Milan, most of your games are at SARH BR with NiG-23ML. Under 800kph you are an utterly shitbrick and you have basically only 1 good turn. I used the Su-25K a LOT and it's VASTLY VASTLY superior to the AMX in an air-to-air environment
skill issue
post stats nigger
im in bed right now
i know my strike aircraft
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What benefit does the M1A1 HC have over the normal M1A1? I see no armor difference between them but there like a solid 3-4 extra tons of weight added and the IRCCM thing
Is the chang J7 that handeld? Everyone is flying it
better turret armor
x-ray says they're the same, how are they different?
DU inserts in the cheeks
it is
never runs out of energy
and it's a fishbed
that's some paranormal shit
So for Dance of Dragons APHE is getting a straight buff, the test feature (from the dev server) is being added in the patch which will be voted on later if it gets implemented into actual gameplay rather than just an armour pen viewer option.
but again it says no difference
nta but you have to pen calculator it vs the same round at the same angle to see protection differences between tanks generally. Xray doesn’t show changes since they mostly just fuck with material modifiers to change armor value
did gaijin just forget to update the xray model?
probably just doesnt show until you try to point a dart at it in the penetration calculator
the later Abrams models have actual serviceable turret cheeks which is nice for playing hull down, however the absolute massive turret ring / neck and breech block still mean can still get oneshot even if playing with just the turret showing
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So TLDR my Hungarian\English\USSR MiG21 loses 500kmh in a single turn (against law of physics) and the chink one doesn't? What happened? Has something been bug reported?
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Somehow I feel like this isn't an accurate depiction of the type 10? What I've read says it has almost twice as much composite armor by weight than the type 90.
What did gaijin use to construct this model?
>What did gaijin use to construct this model?
Sekret documents)))))))
the type 10 we have ingame is really just a bad copy paste of the type 90 with all the good things about the type 90 removed
Eurofighter when?
when asramm/iris-t/pl10/a-darter/aim9x comes
uh, no, it has redesigned wings
it's not as much of a flying airbrake as the bis
>look at all the AI targets I killed
Good job, Timmy!
All Mig-21 models had their turn rate and energy retention massively nerfed except the chink ones because...uh...because one has slightly different weight and one has an extra few inches on the wing (?)
>What happened?
Centuries of cultivation
>Has something been bug reported?
You don't have permission to post in the game chat for 30d (Time left: 29d)
Reason: Abuse
(this action may be retrospective)
concession accepted
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you must be one of the HUNDREDS of retarded and handheld F8U mutts i farmed during the F14 event because you think that it's easy to get in a dogfight with a frogfoot
>performance suddenly shits itself
>now have to play on ulq
Yes. I concede you pad your stats with AI kills so you can pretend to be a big boy on the internet. You win.
you can't even comprehend basic math. If those weren't people, how would i have that winrate and those deaths? but i know education is illegal in obeselandia
>tanks half your ammo
>flips aircraft around like it's a saber
>fires two undodgable all aspect missiles
>points laser gun at you that nukes your aircraft if rounds fly within 5 meters from you
>generates energy like it has a 2.5 T/W ratio
>"Heh, it's actually pretty hard to play)))))))))))"
It's not hard to play, i'm sayng that Su-25 is STRONG and STRONGER than AMX, but since it's a premium, it's used mostly by mouthbreathers
>how would i have that winrate
Individual performance doesn't correlate with winrate (USSR aircraft so facing exclusively US teams)
>and those deaths
You know how to land your plane and leave the match. Well done.
So... you are THAT bad that for you, that kind of stats are unphatomable? And those are not even THAT good. That's truly sad anon. I know that the bar is very very low (i can see stats in games) but damn. Wish i could take you with me in some games
Didn't they stop counting AI kills as kills for the stats
or was that just someone coping about his K/D?
I have the same winrates on planes with 1:1 KDR. You can cope all you want, but I know for a fact half those kills are AI, otherwise you wouldn't have posted your inflated stats.
time to settle it with a duel
They separated it in the in-game scoreboard last update but they still count as air targets in the stat card.
look at the timmy seethe this post caused
What stuff will be on sale for the anniversary? Just premium packs of will vehicles that you buy for GE be on sale too?
No need, I've already won the intellectual battle.
Not worth the money at all desu, Phantom is much better to grind burgers out.
no worries, it seems that he never played an ARB match if he thinks that you can "farm ai" with a fucking frogfoot, probably he's someone from LOWIQ
NTA but you literally can. You can reach the ai before the enemy is within range. Just kill two bots and RTB. You can get a 30:1 K/D with easy like that.
>already have Tier 7 premium
>already have a Harrier premium
>already have a CAS premium
For what purpose would they add this? It's literally useless and there are better pack options for anything you'd be doing with this.
>CAS harrier with guided ammunition and JDAMs that doesn't see ARH carriers
jeez i wonder why anyone would ever buy it
>that doesn't see ARH carriers
Don't tell him.
Will the next update come with the needed BR fixes?
I'm getting burnt out on high rank lads. Are there any busted tier 1-2 premium tanks for some relaxing seal clubbing?
the next event after the shitp is a ground one, they usually do a balance patch before those
Funny you assume that the balance patch will be an improvement
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>same price as the DCS AV-8B
i think i'd actually be mad at gaijin if i had any intention to actually buy either of them
Naval is fun.
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i was off by 1
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God I love coastal
i think the j-10 has slightly better thrust to weight characteristics but i dont know anything on the difference of aerodynamic properties, maybe the big air scoop on the front doesnt help a lot
think we're getting a second dev this weekend or are just gonna dump it next wednesday?
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i 4 wut?
A slow AMRAAM and chaff dispenser
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i dont get why chaff doesnt come standard on a plane by this point
its like parts on tanks, its a necessity to actually function
So you're food for other players for a few games basically, to make the overall playerbase (besides you) happy.
>someone again spawn camps air arcade 3km above spawn
return to hangar
pay yellow bird to skip grind )))))
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pidors of world, PIG UP!
I already own them all :)))))
dont buy anything here
in november everything will be 50 off
rasim ((((
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imagine playing a game, that you like, only to have a better k/d ratio
>yes pidor
>planexissies bickering over who has the most padded stats
GroundGODS only earn our stats through pure skill on the field of battle.
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Vehicles for this feel?
>incomprehensible gibberish
>Britain could have been a republic today if not for this man
Kind of based
You obviously meant Churchill AVRE Retard.
no i meant Centurion AVRE and you don't have to sign your post next time
Tomorrow I grind Italian coastal.
y tho
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>last enemy dogfighting teammate, 2v1
>big losing queues for teammate
>I'm out of guns/missiles
>I know what I must do
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beep beep motherfuckers
Imagine starving to death on an island surrounded by fish.
>4 ammo
So you can take down 1 (one) SU-25K a match
>a fucking truck
Pandering to chinks is really letting the whole game down
don't care
I literally came back to see if I was spoiled subliminally but it's not in your file name or anything
Cromwell V
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applied to squadron name L --- N
mesugaki pillars
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Mavericks are bad because...because they just are, ok?
They used to be but they buffed them, I think in the last major update. Used to do spike-tier damage.
My only hope is that it's not a GE or pack vehicle.
>GE or pack vehicle
Frankly that's EXACTLY my hope because that would at least mean it won't be time-gated like an event or a battle ass vehicle.
Battlepass i wouldn't want that as well, but event vehicle? I'm all in for it. If it comes as a pack i could exchange my racist f14 for it but still
yeah if you had a fuze delay like a semenslurping retard
Fucking why? GE and pack vehicles both go on sale regularly, event vehicles NEVER do, they only ever go up in price.
Spikes do damage just fine, their problem is that they magnetize to irrelevant modules due to piss poor coding.
Please count how many times you've hit precisely the fucking vision block on someone's roof, which done nothing, instead ten centimeters to the side penetrating said roof.
>they magnetize to irrelevant modules due to piss poor coding
They target center mass with a random offset. The offset was only added recently because people were complaining the missiles never hit anything of importance on some vehicles, particularly large, mostly empty IFVs.
>US gets the Iranian Tomcat
>US will get a captured T90A
>Russia gets a dick in the ass
Perfectly balanced
Some people are third worlders and paying for anything in their currency is exorbitantly expensive. They prefer grinding for weeks.
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>>US will get a captured T90A
Just like we got the billion captured propshit variants that have been sitting in the files for over 11 years?
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Never heard of that being the cause before. They weren't overpressuring correctly even in armor viewer.
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How the fuck do people manage KDs above 2:1 on a vehicle?
Even if I try my damn hardest to not die and play correctly, by the time I get 3 kills I'll die to some unavoidable bullshit. A missile will drop from orbit for the one second I am not looking in that direction, a blue nigger will TK me, I'll get engaged by a plane that's better than mine in every way or my entire team dies before I get to do anything and am left to a 1v7. What's the secret? Do people get high KDs by just killing one or two low level shitters, landing and then immediately leaving?
so it's not enough that I had to unlock 5 planes in tier 5
now the one I want costs 4 times as much to research
I don't believe this. Aiming for center mass would yield better results than what we have now.
Also I've been using Spikes since Freccia, and I didn't notice much change.
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More foreign muck
olifant might be a prize for a grinding event, but the sarc, if not added as an israeli low tier fartmobile comedy relief car, is never getting released
>respawn after first death
>get instantly charged into a head of collision
yeah, I'm leaving
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>start playing a couple days ago
>finally unlock tier 4 cause there's a tank I want to play
>Slowly realize I have no fucking silver lions to actually buy it
Can't be bothered to grind today but I don't know what else to do.
thanks for the relateable anecdote and the thought-provoking image, anon.
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you're welcome anon, would you believe me if I told you I uploaded the wrong image?
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No, because then you would've posted the full image and I would've shot thick ropes.
play realistic, rewards in arcade are shit
>Olifant as an event
Auuuugh gaijin adding stuff like this to get me to actually play ground
yes, but i think less of you for it
unironically run before you get invested
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>website down
dead game
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works 4 me
I actually got chased between buildings and someone didn't tread the needle behind me
at least they still update their wiki
would you believe me if I told you the official world of tanks wiki(under the direction, ownership and control of wargaming) hasn't been updated in years?
war thunder wiki is a community project now
the world of tanks fan wiki is even worse, it's practically unusable with how little information it has
I don't play that game but isn't that because they actually give you the vehicle stats in-game and not made up numbers like wt statcards
I had to go back and review the replay because I saw this guy being chased by 3 of my teammates when I was RTB and then later I see him still alive and all of my teammates dead.
Specs? Your game runs really smooth.
ryzen 9 5950X
RTX 4090
X570 motherboard
64GB of 3600MHz RAM
though the game was still running very smoothly when I still had a 3070 instead
kinda cuts both ways
there's pages with literally zero info, not even stat card type shit
others have detailed info on everything from the history down to how play the vehicle per mode
and there's shit that has all of the above but hasn't been updated since 2016 or whatever
Black Prince article still claims it has the most powerful gun in the game last time I checked (which afaik was never true to begin with)
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so, I got germany ground to 8.0 and I have like 4 rocket tanks and not enough leopards, so I started grinding USSR to change things up and I've noticed these tanks are on sale. Are they any good? Which ones would you recommend? Is it a good price? Thanks guys.
kommyhuct just called me crying because he lost a rap battle to a 13 year old boy named milford
They're all literally 100% without word of a lie P2W. The 279 would be there if it didn't sell for hundreds already.
to follow up, I always lost to IS-6, always, which makes me think it's a good tonk, I mean, they all look rad
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wait for 2 months to get 50% instead of 30%. Or if you've really got the grinding itch just buy something low tier right now and something better during the big sale
most, if not all, of these go on a 50% sale in like 6 weeks
50% off everything anniversary sale is coming up ~end of October
It grinded me the whole USSR tree when i got it, very solid pick
Skip it it's not worth it
Used to be a niggerbunker back in the day, singlehandendly the reason that stopped me playing the game in 2016. Now, it isn't even worth it
You get an APFSDS railgun or a HE slinger. I used it a lot and it was fun, it also has an autoloader.
>USSR Starter pack
Always get all the starter packs if you can, they are worth their price even only counting the GE inside
it's cute you think i don't stalk all of your social medias so i know when you're online
KD above 1 puts you in the top 30% of players. A KD of 2 is more than enough. Anything above that and you're playing something overpowered or really autistic about 1 vehicle.
>i stalk random forum troons on the internet, look how badass i am!!!
what a sad little existence lmao
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>anyone who makes fun of me is a samefag!!!! samefag!!!! SAMEFAG!!!!!!!
chimpout time
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the wiki has much more information+user reviews and advice+all the information is condensed into a single page
pretty much every vehicle added in the last two years doesn't have a page at all
don't waste your breath, once a schizo is locked onto something there's no convincing it otherwise
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who the hell is kommyhuct and why should i give a fuck
das rite i've got IRCCM you can't pop flares on me
some redditfag, more notably the resident schizo's latest obsession
Thanks guys, I will get the 5 buck starter pack and chill until the big sale
What vehicle you playing bub
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I genuinely couldn't tell you how I do as well as I do if I tried
I can, AI stat padding and Gaijin's SBMM taking part in you having easier matches on account of you sucking absolute ass when put against similarly-skilled people.
Holy cope. Lets see your stats so we can all have a laugh.
coordinating the next chimpout with the muttcord rn
Who said anything about grinding, I just want a fun plane
>crying about boogeyman out of the blue
yeah we can tell it's coming
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>immediately resorts to the default copeout reply
like clockwork
Knew i was right on the money when i called you that, faggot.
>unprompted crying, shitting, pissing fit about ai padding and imaginary SBMM
you don't need to, you've already outed yourself as a mega shitter
Not what i said, piglet.
well, you oughta know sweetie
i don't have a reddit account unlike your butt buddy
I hate /wtg/
Talk about wrestling with a schizophrenic pig.

War Thunder?
no war thunder, it's all schizos, /pol/shit spam and discord raids now
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Holy shit naval is cancer if you aren't playing America.
but the best boat is German
Yeah at the very very end of a long grind.
C'mon Anon think for once.
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>best boat is Ger-ACK!!!!
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Is French Naval good?
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Today I will play France.
Today I will impregnate french pussy
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>say the line once 3 days ago
>wasn't even aimed at his retard ass
>it's still stuck in the schizoswine's monkey brain
I'mma go play War Thunder, that's enough laugh for a while.
Janny, circumcise this man NOW
>arguing with schizos
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Vehicles for this song?
K:D is an odd stat in that it only a useful metric if nobody cares about it and just plays like normal without any concern for their K:D. If you're playing like normal with complete disregard for K:D, then having a good K:D is a rough benchmark for player skill. Up to a certain point you can get a good K:D simply by being good at the game. But it all falls apart when people give a flying fuck about their K:D and make an effort to boost it since you can play certain ways that are very good for boosting your K:D but aren't very useful to your team at all.

One example is being a useless fuck who follows teammates around and refuses to push until the teammate makes the risk of pushing forward. No pushing over the hill. No rounding the corners. Just being a fucking pussy who waits for his teammate to be shot so that he can then zip forward and attack while the opponent is reloading. Or going a step beyond camping and straight up building a summer home on sniper hill and just waiting patiently until people walk into his line of fire with no intent to ever leave their nest no matter what happens during the match. Maybe they pass the time crying on the forums because a plane killed them or gaijin moved their hill out of bounds. Another example would be plane players who make an effort to prioritize attacking defenseless base bombers and then fuckoff to alpha centauri to force the enemy to win via ticket bleed.

This shit happens in every fucking game that tracks stats. Whether it be war thunder, call of duty, or GTA. The people that care the most about their K:Ds tend to be mid at best since they long since quit caring about how to become a better player and instead just focus on boosting their precious K:D.
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Actually starting to enjoy naval.
What are the good/fun nations to play?
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>when your missile changes its target and kills an AI plane
>your air target kill count in your service record is forever tarnished
USA and Scharnhorst
those are about the only words you know
if youve played other trees, its not great but almost all of them can be made to work
if you're new to naval, stay away

tier I destroyers are just that, nothing particularly great/bad about them
Aigles are okay, but the slow reloads, slow handling guns and awkward gun arrangements means you have to expose a lot to bring more than two guns to bear
Kleber and Marceau are german destroyers with a bit of allied dakka, nothing particularly interesting, one of them is HE only. i hated Guichen, the 10.5 HE does fuck all and the 57mm are auxiliary so youl have to switch back and forth to make full use of them (no HEVT which sucks ass for what is essentially an AA destroyer)
rank III cruisers are fairly fragile, but pack a relatively hard punch. not that you'll withstand the 5/38 rain for long so its best to hang back
Malin suffers from the same issues as its predecessors, but it does get the longer barrel so you'll be damaging more reliable. upcoming Mogador, although no Knox beater, looks really good (for a french destroyer that is)
Colbert and Emile-Bertin are probably the only genuinely good ships, fragile but hard hitters for their BR, 5.3 doesnt get a lot of uptiers so your fragility is less obvious
as for the BBs, I only got the Paris, which just floods very quickly and doesnt do much reliable damage in return. doesnt ammorack very easily which kinda surprised me

its been a fairly neglected tree in terms of content, virtually everything theyve added since La Royale has been variying degrees of copy pasta
upcoming coastal tree doesnt seem all that interesting

mutts for pure paw obliteration in the DD/cruiser range
germany if you want to play the undisputed king of top tie (also a strong coastal tree)
Italy if you like being different (5.7 cruisers are awesome)
Bongs for a very mediocre experience start to finish
Japs for funny looking battleships and torpedo trickery
frogs if you're weird and/or a masochist
I generally agree, but
>pushing corners
>pushing hills
You shouldn't be dying pushing corners since you can use freelook to peek it and see if it's being watched. If it is and you push it anyway you're retarded. Also pushing over the top of hills is also retarded, just exposing yourself to as many angles as possible and asking to die.
Algerian sweat lubed anal rape.
MiG-21F-13, AJ37, F-16AJ and Mig-21bis are my current go-to planes but it varies month to month
It's not like I feel like I'm doing bad. that's the problem. I feel like I can cope with most scenarios but after 3 or so kills I get kille dby bullshit or something I couldn't have possibly avoided unless I played in a way that wouldn't have gained those 3 kills.
That makes sense. I was just surprised how casually people dropped 5:1 and 10:1 KDRs so casually and go "this isn't even good lawl xd". Only recently did I start paying attention to those stats because of this. But what you say does make sense
people with kdrs above 3 typically got them because they abused a vehicle when it was overpowered or was at a really low BR, and kdrs of 5 and 10 are only a thing in naval but you cant really get them anymore because naval back then had a legit bot "problem" up until recently so it was piss easy to farm player kills and inflate kdrs
The third person camera only takes you so far because your opponents have third person cameras too. You can inspect an area, it looks clear, start moving and then an opponent who was observing with a third person camera can advance into shooting position while your turret is facing the wrong way.

But ultimately I was just talking about extremes. If you know how to play, know how to be observant of your surroundings, know how to safely traverse the maps, etc, then on average your K:D will go up. But there are people who refuse to take any risks whatsoever. They one-death-leave because their gameplan involves sprinting to their favorite sniping spot before it is physically possible for an opponent to be in position to shoot at them while they're traveling. They'll refuse to advance one step forward without having a scapegoat to take the first step. It's really bad with wannabe streamers who roam around with their little simp squad.

The moral of the story is that K:D is only a useful metric as a gauge for player skill if you're not deliberately trying to bolster your K:D. Going too far to boost your K:D can even cripple your ability to improve as a player. Refusing to play uptiers or just running away to space after going after bombers is great for your K:D. A good player can probably leverage different advantages to defeat superior aircraft, knows how to perform reversals, and might even be a threat when outnumbered in a 2 or 3v1 situation. But the good player wasn't always good. He was a noob once. He probably had his ass handed to him a shit ton of times before he learned how to flip the tables on someone that's on his six. You're not going to get the experience to learn how to win from a disadvantaged position if your primary goal is to preserve your precious K:D.
i had a kdr of 7 (triple digits) with the sagittario 2 shortly after release
i tried to use it for the f-14 event and it went down to 3 or 4 i cant remember right now
the powercreep is real, if they did kdrs per month i bet everyone would appear to be way worse than they think
yeah you kinda fucked up because once you care about kdr and stats in general there's no going back
i can pinpoint when i stopped having fun in war thunder with the moment i started caring about stats
all thanks to /wtg/
Also remember that stock grind negatively impacts your performance early on. If you're feeling down that your K:D isn't as high as you want it to be, remember that it's reasonable for your vehicle to be underpowered because of )))))))))))) like
>you don't have parts for repairs
>you don't have fire extinguishers
>you don't have countermeasure
>you only have HEAT-FS in a meta where everyone is covered in ERA and composite armor
>your engine is just missing a large chunk of its horsepower
>your pilot simply forgot his G-suit that day
>you have a lot of empty pylons on your plane because high command won't let you equip more missiles yet

No matter how good you are, each new vehicle is gimped from square 1 and spading the vehicle is just the first step to "fixing" your stats in it.
this, some vehicles suck so much until you get a rank 3 or 4 mod its not even funny
>yes pidor
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>play russia
>hold w
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Pasta planes kind of have the opposite situation than american ones.
>Pasta pilots tend to be above average compared to the main 3 nations
>receive high agility plane
>kick ass with it
>gaijin's statistics say to uptier the plane
>ameriburger pilots don't know shit
>probably just bought the plane with a credit card
>max fuel and bomb load
>gaijin's statistics say that it's underperforming: DOWNTIER IT
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I spaded the Su-27SM at release when you had to fight against SPAMRAAMS all day before finally receiving your first Fox-1 as a rank 4 mod.
and the double standard shit is real(ly annoying)
>italian vehicle gets added at the perfect BR - not too strong or too weak
>italian players do good with it
>statistiks))))) go up
>algorithm moves it up
>devs artificially nerf it
>original italian players do barely okay
>people that played it past the first days do bad
>statistiks))))))) no longer go up
>new stuff gets added around the new br
>powercreep ensues
>italian vehicle starts doing bad
>doesnt get moved down in br
>artificial nerfs don't get undone
>italian vehicle barely is forgotten
>new italian vehicle gets added at the perfect BR - not too strong or too weak
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>thermal and top round are a tier 4 mod
>LRF is a tier 3
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>doesnt even link it
anyone in here not a useless tard?
Did Gaijin confirm they're not giving the J-10 more flares?
They've got a real big problem of their algorithm failing to suggest future changes because the nerf was great enough to cause the community to completely abandon the plane. Since it's largely abandoned, the algorithm doesn't get enough input to suggest a change.

I remember one of the youtubers and his friends exploited this flaw to deliberately try to shift the BR of one of the forgotten planes. Gaijin got egg on their face but didn't change the algorithm.
Historically it's the exact other way around but (You) do (You).
It knows what it's doing.
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Newnigger, I...
I kneel
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>get buzzed off three or five brewskis
>kd and winrate instantly go up
Antons fault for pandering to these animals
>climb for 5 minutes
>get in inevitable head on with G*rman pilot who fully commits every time
>kill each other
>requeue and do it again
Wow prop gameplay sure is fun
>be bad
>blame gamemode
...while all already spaded F-16C's received their SPAMRAAM module after 1(one) battle because they got cashback from their removes engine fire system.
Its been how many months since the fox 3 update and yet 9/10 retards at 13.7 still only know how to max afterburn, spam all their missiles and die instantly to the first enemy they see. What the fuck.
its been over a decade since the open beta and 9/10 retards still only know how to do headons
At least, going forward, Russia will have 20km HMD ACM.
...while having worse FMs, worse ARHs, worse IR missiles and 1/2 to 1/3 the countermeasures.
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I only care about kills because it's what gives points and that's the only thing that matters to me
I don't know if you noticed this yet, but winning the game also gives you points
frognigs really are that retarded
nothing new
It is the exact opposite of good
Free market
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The only players that I expected to know how to notch my Sparrows, SPAMRAAMS, and farkours during the tomcat event were the mirage pilots. It's almost disgraceful how many players shat the bed when faced with the cheeky "hovering SPAMRAAM harrier" meme.
>only obtainable through limitied time fomo gambling crates
krok'd up hebrew devs
Not if you don't get kills))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
>while having worse FMs
>worse ARHs
Yes. Unless gaijin pulls the 27EA out of their ass.
>worse IR missiles
R-73 vs 9M is apples to oranges honestly. Ideally you'd want to bring both if frankenstein loadouts were possible.
>1/2 to 1/3 the countermeasures.
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How's the naval grind going?
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Why do you care, its not like theres any reason to use the S2 anymore
So why can't you launch Fox-3s with an IRST lock? Obviously the range of IRST is inferior to radar, but laser rangefinder equipped IRSTs are capable of calculating the range and heading of a target. That's enough to calculate the aim indicator for gun's ballistic computer. Is that not enough information to fling a Fox-3 downrange with inertial guidance? Honestly such a launch would probably be within pitbull range for a hot off the rails launch. I'm not seeing why the plane strictly needs a radar to fire a fox-3 at close range.
Yeah, We already know free markets are a blight upon society.
about 90k in
but im not gonna sell it
>Sweden gets 3 Leopard 2 A4s
>Germany gets 2
fucking defend this
Germany gets 4 leopard 2a4 you dummy
those dont count i mean the base 2a4 swigger nigger
when are they adding the leo 2a1-3?
10k to go, but i've been doing the ground exclusive PoH and Holiday needful earlier today.

Next PoH stage is a mudfest too by the way.
Then Germany has 2 leopard 2a4 and Sweden has another 2 leopard 2a4
naval grind?
Both Germany and Sweden have two base Leopard 2a4
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I just like it. I wish I could get the same skin as a semihistorical for the sxxi at a not outrageously pants-on-head retarded price.
Sweden has 3 you swigger faggot
No it doesn't
funny you should ask
It just Three-tone with words on the turret
Yeah but it also has the cool markings on the lfp and rear and I'm autistic.
Both have two base model 2a4
Bruh why the fuck do you care about the things license plate
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I already told you and I like when my pixel tanks have funny little numbers on them.
First star was free basically, finished in maybe two hours. Would’ve been quicker but I played a lot of tier iv copestal. Not bothered with the coupon upgrade since I’m a collector. She’ll sit next to Renown in my hangar.

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