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MSGK piloting toy robots edition

Previous Thread: >>493067470

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

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peak voice acting
It wouldn't surprise me if in their next games or the ones after the next ones, Acerola, 111, Shark, etc... all use at least some AI to cut dev time. And frankly it wouldn't even bother me if it was consistent and irrecognizable. AI is here to stay, so at least I hope it gets good enough quickly.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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You were supposed to be the chosen one!
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Friday is upon us
So what? Not like there are any good games to play anyway, be it normal or gay.
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Game with cute pure gamer gf?
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maybe someone missed last friday's game
>posts vtuber who is known to have a boyfriend
>great h-status screen
>dogshit pseudoVN gameplay
fuck YOU acerola, and fuck RJ01159214
what a fucking bait
Any vtuberge?
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We just got one. And there will be another game in two weeks!
that game flopped for a reason
the free cat girl game RJ01249360 has the VTuber tag
but I don't know VTubers so I have no idea if that's accurate
NTA but I'm an EOP. How long does it take for mainline games to get translated usually? The usual translator seemingly stopped doing it and innocent rules still isn't translated yet.
Flops inc, the only thing westerners care for is no mosaics
sex with the one on the left
Shame because they used a really good VA from Nukitashi 2 to voice her, I hope she at least got paid well
your oshi sucks
I don't see the appeal.
Anyone know why Shiravune refuses to uncensor? Are they retarded?
size difference is peak, that's what
game is reasonably fun too
>NTR sister
lmao even
They operate from Japan unfortunately
Why doesn't the Japanese government allow Japanese studios to uncensor western releases though? It feels dumb to need a non-japanese middle man. Then again the whole censorship thing is retarded to begin with.
Eh... I want story or turn based and slow burn. Remove all animations.
They don't think about this. They're mentally challenged. All the people in their Diet are 80 or something and out of touch. Also, they do everything that America-kun tells them to. It just is what it is. I wouldn't worry about it.
Download the demo and try it.
it's still retarded, the only thing they need to do is upload the patch somewhere else in the world and then post about it on the steam discussion forum.
to be fair, cuck MC does fuck her and feels romantic interest towards her
to be fairer, cuck MC is not opposed to the idea of her getting a boyfriend before he says yes or no to her proposal
weird fucking game
Not rocking the boat is Japanese approach to everything. They need another nuke or two to shake things up.
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and so the last bastion of ntrge... falls...
But Americans have more lax porn laws unless you mean they wont change shit unless told to kek
Would the Japanese population really complain if their porn was uncensored? The "best" censorship is almost completely uncensored at this point.
When sub-par was around it took around 4-6 months for a translation to come out. The only exception was L.Depth which took 2 months.
If anyone else picks up thirst I’d expect it to be done in about a year.
They're born into it. It's part of their culture or normal for them. Same as if you were born in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia and had to pray to whatever meme god however many times a day. It's just how they do things. At least we get uncensored versions most of the time once they're properly localized.
that boyfriend? me
So this is the next dazed? Kinda boring.
Is the MTL for VP not working for anyone else?
It's the status quo but I don't think Japanese people feel passionately about censoring their porn so I can't imagine they'd bitch about it being uncensored. The whole censorship thing is just what old fucks think will save their birth rate but they're clearly wrong especially considering their porn industry probably beats tons of uncensored countries as it is.
I thought that it was just the fact that nobody wants to be the one to repeal the law.
I can see why, imagine your most famous political moment was unblurring hentai and AVs.
Nevermind i didn't see it was separate.
He'd have my vote kek I think selling uncensored versions of games/javs could really help Japans economy.
I don't know exactly what the rationale is. I think it's been present culturally for around 200 years, more or less. This mostly bothers the game devs and artists, because it limits their artistic expression. Detailed genitalia? All forbidden. Maybe it alienates the people who buy these games too, knowing that westerners get uncensored versions. It might make them feel like 2nd class citizens in their own country or something like that. Ultimately it's their own choice. They could start a movement to have everything decensored, but I dunno how much Tanaka-kun actually cares about this. Dunno if they could get enough people on board to make the difference...
do japs even care about wegs?
There's this xitter account that is really passionate about the issue, but most nips just don't care enough.
I've always wondered if Japanese artists even know how to draw genitalia anymore. I know some artists could definitely afford to be more lax with their self censorship but they seemingly choose not to and it makes me wonder if that's because they're not confident in drawing them.
If I'm being given the option to battle against trainers 20 levels higher than me this early in the game, I will be forced to cheese them with DoTs and revive mushrooms. It is what it is.
I think you're suppose to come back to some of them. That being said at one point in the game it does a fake choice of "do you want to go to the port or to the Japanese town area" but if you get lost like me and go straight to the jap town all the enemies are 20 levels higher than you so you have to use cheat tackle
>imagine your most famous political moment was one of the most important things in Japanese history
I think they draw them properly. I don't think their internet is censored like Korea's, China's, and so on... they can access western pornography just fine. Plus, considering that only until recently they've been breeding like rabbits, I think they had plenty of experience looking at genitals. Anyway, the Flatcheez dev released a new tier of support on Ci-en, offering a decensored version of various FC3 CGs. Someone already posted it on ATF.

Also to add, I think that many devs now look to the west for profit too, desiring to have their product eventually localized, so they keep the decensored files with them for that time. I don't know how many are so utterly defeatist that they don't keep their .psd files or whatever alternative with all the relevant layers and only have the finalized .png versions. But there certainly are some, considering how not everyone even maintains an up to date backup of their works. You remember the stories of months or even years lost and everything finished due to a simple drive failure, right?
>The longer it takes for the law to get repealed the more uncensored CGs we lose to hard drive failure
in Kagura's Summer Memories uncensor, the vaginas where upside down
sasuga Kagura-sama
Kek wasn't that game made by a woman? How'd they fuck that up?
Yeah, some are redrawn because the devs didn't keep the originals for whatever reasons. Or maybe they did keep them but didn't bother putting much or any effort at all into drawing the genitals because pixels would make all the details indistinguishable anyway. So why bother drawing anatomically correct genitalia in the first place? Seems like a reasonable conclusion to make.
They looked down at their own vagina and drew it like it was the correct perspective looking at a vagina from a third person perspective.
why are loli cunnies so tight
h-how do you know that?
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this sounds retarded as fuck but
Show it
>Or maybe they did keep them but didn't bother putting much or any effort at all into drawing the genitals because pixels would make all the details indistinguishable anyway.
But they can afford to be really lax with their censorship a lot of the time though meaning the details can actually get through so I just think it's laziness or inability on the artist's part
>generic naked female
yeah, I'm super impressed

Knotbros we won
This. Its just a boring ACT.
I think it depends on when the games were made too. Some time ago the censorship was more extreme than it is now, but also sites have their own rules, like how that other site censors red backpacks? Anyway, there's also lots of options to censorship, like light rays, pixels or various sizes, black bars, blur, and so on... so it depends on the time (laws), the dev, the site and so on...
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it's true
Get the fuck out.
Is there anything that excites you fags anymore?
>censors red backpacks
What site does that? I'm guess they casually allow rape while censoring that because they're retarded.
Good gameplay.
>action RPG
idk how to feel about this, virgin run will be harder
unless she's not a virgin anymore
except this thread only goes up to 100iq
xitter is banned for me, what is it?
Whether it's the best or not it's still shit for being NTR
reminds me of the Legend of Krystal flash games
>toilet animation
Eeeh, that game is just gore, barely porn
Don't be rude.
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>cute gameplayge is made by a woman
Why are male nip devs so fucking autistic and lazy?
This game could've been perfect if the h-CGs weren't so bad.
doujin otome is a dude
despite the name he's not an otome
But don't you find it hot that a girl genuinely can't draw a dick?
Lelie's dev is female too?

Yeah, they're extremely inconsistent. That was a real shame. I have very little hope for Princess Synergy. I know that they've outsourced all of the art to someone who's more capable, but the game's likely just gonna remain a never-ever. Sad.
NTA but it does kinda sound cute if it's a virgin woman's idea of sex.
I thought the only dev that's been confirmed to be a woman is Sugar Star.
what about virgin man's idea of sex?
That's every h-game.
Is this the new fad, projecting that game devs are women?
I guess it could be idealized in a way that virgins like me can appreciate or something.
I liked his succubus game more
Replace the middle of the bell curve with "NTR sucks" and then the left and right sides with "I love NTR".
it's the best -NTR- game specifically. it's terrible overall, but the NTR mechanic are close to none
That usually happens if a dev produces too many games with shotas .
On the left is a pajeet and on the right is a chink
NTR is for sub humans
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Marion's game is better.
they felt really barebones. You spy on the camera and then you spy in the dream, while the girl goes from 0 to dick in pussy in the span of two days.
It also somehow barely felt like an NTR game because it keeps the "MC might not know what's going on" pretense.
>>493291227 is right, the succ NTR game was better.
Okay, so are devs that make ugly old men also women because they secretly fantasize about rape or have daddy issues? By that logic it seems plausible.
women games are either gayshit with cute males or kuro (or both)
I feel like shota mainly appeals to women. Most dudes don't want to see women getting dicked by some small feminine little kid.
So you're saying that ugly, smelly, balding old men appeal to guys?
or maybe it's for little boys discovering puberty wanting to self-insert and fuck older women (me 15 years ago)
BTW any other games from this deva were translated to English?
I like inpio however.
That has nothing to do with what I said but I think that's true because either it's easy for dudes who look like that to self insert or men who like to see women be degraded by having sex with disgusting men.
Eh I'd rather self insert as a generic adult guy myself but I guess it has niche appeal. I think dudes just tolerate shota they don't particularly care for it unless it's their fetish.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
>the girl goes from 0 to dick in pussy in the span of two days.
she really doesn't, even if you fail all ntr checks it still takes some time.
>it keeps the "MC might not know what's going on" pretense.
it feels more netorase since you can choose not to interrupt the bull, record them, sell videos etc

i think some of the best mechanics include
>NTR probability is tied to combat performance
>calling her at a wrong time lowers her stats (is she fighting or getting harassed?)
>scenes happen even if MC doesn't know about them
>NPCs giving you tips about where the girl is is such a simple yet genius alternative to heart icons
>even if you know about something happening you can not make it in time to stop it
>netorase choices/ending
if that's barebones then what are other NTR games where all you do is walk around the map and search for <3. i'll agree that overall the game SUCKS and the gameplay loop makes me put a loop around my neck, but i've yet to play something with better NTR mechanics.
maybe i'm just missing something, but looking at top ntr sellers they're just glorified scene viewers, NTR knight and scars of summer being some examples.
But if I contribute then it's not a Japanese 2D H-game
Summer Memories is the best selling h-game on Steam. Men love the fantasy of being a little kid fucking a bunch of older women.
And most guys buy games where they play as a girl so I guess that makes them gay too
Hmm now that you mention it whenever a real female sex offender gets outed you always see creeps saying "where were these dream makers when I was a kid" and such so maybe I'm wrong on dudes not liking but I will say that I think it's a genre that women probably like commonly.
So you're saying that Concord is the best game ever made because it's full of ugly ogre and sheboon like characters that people are absolutely fucking thrilled to self insert as!?
for me it's ugly fat bastard shotas
Guys, I think I got it! I think the moral of the story is that nobody wants to be ugly and that the sole appeal of ugly characters is the contrast between them and the beautiful heroine. I have solved it! I have escaped the Matrix! I am free!!! FREE!!!
that's how you get comedy like rubber vaginas and womb penetration
Retard that's not comparable because most dudes aren't self inserting as a woman they just want to see her get dicked by all sorts of dudes whereas the appeal of shota seems to be self inserting.
Just finished Rashe's game.
I can't believe the story was so good, the gameplay was alright enough to not get tedious, the ero was really good and the progression felt natural and not at all forced, i'm going to try out other games from the same circle because they all seem to be twists on the same concept.
This is insane levels of delusion.
>shota because self-insert
>femce isnt self-insert to get dicked by lots of guys it's...just it isn't okay!
Go play Spirited Away instead, before trying his other stuff.
purely mechanics based, >>493292082 is better as it's a strategy game where you have to protect your girls while fighting a war from the king who needs them for regular impregnations. Amour magic academy is better with how you can build and lose relationships with lots of swapping around,
F95 says Traveller Inn Tales is a nip game but idk, it might be /weg/, it's also better with how you have to manage which heroines you are going for as the rival will also pick some girls, so if he gets to pick before you he can cuck you out of your favorite girl who you build a relationship with.
gimme your worst slopge
i want to audibly lose braincells
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I wonder what happend to the translator.
Whorege and corruptionge aren't really my thing but pretending dudes don't enjoy forcing women to be whores or get corrupted is retarded. Dudes can self insert as a woman if they like but most aren't doing that they just like puppeteering women into doing whore shit.
The OP looks like that but in maybe a good way
>men self-insert as boys
>men don't self-insert as women
imagine right?
>shota due to self-insert
>femc due to pretending to play God or similar by tricking already basic and borderline retarded woman into embarrassingly unrealistic and retarded scenarios
Yep: insane levels of delusion. Thanks for supporting my original hypothesis.
I think it's the people looking for control that femce attracts, the act of "making" a woman do something that is objectively against her interests.
unless you're a virgin running chad
you guys would be a lot happier if you self-insert in games that are made for self-insert and don't self-insert in games that are not made for self-insert
rignetta too unless you think the pictures of her tits she posted is fake
Are you so retarded and insecure about yourself that you think every character you play in a h-game has to be a self insert? Or are you sperging out because I suggested the appeal of shota protagonists is self inserting? I have no idea
I thought that much was obvious considering most femc games are either whorege or corruptionge because why else would you play a femc
That's just up to the player though. You could even self insert onto an MC with personality if you really wanted to.
I kind-of wish there was a tag or way to find specifically this in sites like dlsite. Femc fine, but often when you can't do virgin run it's rushed and forced. Similar and much rarer are femcgames where you can choose to be with men and/or women for different playthroughs.
The simple answer is that we're not the same and that many people are incapable of complex thought. Have you seen the video of the visibly shocked woman who was still processing the fact that you can use a bar of soap to lather your hands, after which you put it down and use the soap that's on your hands, to wash your nether regions, effectively not contaminating the bar in the process? You can play a game and not self insert. It's the same as the now very archaic pastime of book reading. You can immerse yourself as the main character or someone from the cast, or you can read it from the perspective of an outside observer. Remember, some people cannot tell you how they'd feel like if they didn't eat breakfast yesterday.
>most dudes aren't self inserting as a woman
I-Is this true? Am I doing it wrong...?
yes, this is my aesthetic
They like it about as much as men like lolis. If you look at the women's section of dlsite, doujins and asmr really since women don't play h-games, the sex objects there are mostly just pretty boys visually in their late teens to late twenties. I'll also add that shota content made by women for women and shota made for men (some women make male-targeted hentai, haven't really seen the reverse) have completely different vibes.
Yeah, I only play femc games. How could you tell? Oh because I am one of the few capable of complex thought. Also I don't use soap on my nuts because it'll contaminate it. But, I put soap on my hands to then wash my balls. I dunno how this works, somehow on bar, it will break it, but somehow soap on my hands first will somehow rid the contamination. Also incapable of washing bar after the fact too. Just complex thought things.
Then I guess the question is do women self insert as lolis more commonly than they like shota?
>different vibes
I've noticed when scrolling ASMRs that the dudes in all have this pointy face weird structure that lets you know it was drawn by a fujo or gay whereas female characters are way more varied.
You have to adapt in order to be able to overcome the very difficult challenge that is getting aroused and reaching climax, to the slop they pander in 2024.
>contaminating the bar
soap is cleanliness incarnate though, it cannot be corrupted
I self-insert as a paternal god leading the female /hgg2d/ protagonist to happiness. And maybe finding a kind simp who can fuck her brains out if the game has one.
>the female /hgg2d/ protagonist
Anon what do you do with the cheg and teg protagonists?
soap femc ge (immune to corruption) where
That was the premise of their conversation, if I recall correctly. The woman was at a loss for words that you could actually do such a thing. For some reason it reminds me of that Monopoly question about what's bigger, an elephant or the Moon.
what the hell kind of name is soap
Sounds cute honestly.
Chainsaw Man.
thanks anon, saved. maybe i should play thp first but it just feels terribly outdated
Call of duty
you think femdevs use their own moans for their games?
>no dlsite link
>just patreon, itch and a fandom wiki
>3d models used as an excuse not to have unique CG drawn
this is basically maximum weg
don't exist
they're all larpers
women can't code
NTA, but I don't really care if it's weg, jeg, or cheg, as long as it's good. I want a good fucking game already. It's been too damn long! But I wager that this ain't it either. Why would it be? Why would I get nice things? Fuck.
No H devs can code anon
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>I wonder what happend to the translator.
Liffia? He's still translating stuff, he shared Butterfly Again translation here 4 or 5 months ago.
I am puppeteering a silly woman. Imagine my hand in the ass of kermit the frog.
you can't say that here. if the dev isn't 100% pure japanese then his game is NOT allowed here (unless we decide to ignore it like potato's game or BBQ because ummm we just can ok??)
When will we see the birth of the next legendary hentai game?
Yeah, I know... It's just a random comment anyway, and it's not like I planned on discussing it in the first place. Don't worry, the sarcasm in the last part of your post also isn't lost on me. I can't exactly change my tone in text format to forward my understanding concisely. Purple Cope.
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>playing her game
>doing love route
>take my time before taking her virginity
>turns out if you miss one scene at the treasure hunt you're locked into a cuck end
>even if you were her first and only partner
what a shit game
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>Butterfly Again
Oh, didn't realise that was the same guy.
>The game features 13 heroines with their own story scenes, backstories, and sex scenes, over 2200 images, a fast-paced dungeon crawler minigame
i haven't even looked at the screenshots but i can gues the "fast-paced minigame" is just standard RPGM combat
It's NTR. What did you expect?
Well, yes, sarcastic faggot. See: OP. Act like you have a chip on your shoulder and for no good reason.
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Big fat witch nun!
kys (kiss your sister) immediately, retard
Anon the "2D" "Japanese" and "H-game" parts of this thread are merely a suggestion at this point kek
Fumika Fantasy had good RPGM combat.
To some yeah obviously.
>"""japanese""" (eng only doesn't look jap either)
>ver 0.95
technically you can have nip games without a dlsite link and only patreon scams, like nympho priestess, and the 3d models are fine since it's all animations, but I agree it's most likely a /weg/ as I can't find any indication of the other. Probably a misplaced tag by fag95
As I recall there was an ending where neither you nor any of the bulls get her.
>if you interrupt the other guys enough their events straight up disappear, inversely if you let enough go through their events will always have a chance to happen
>other guys can have infinite foreplay sex with her
>so long as you prevent the real sex from happening, you'll still get the pure love ending
>if she has real sex with another even once you're locked to adultery end
>i can gues the "fast-paced minigame" is just standard RPGM combat
no, it's just you touch enemies you defeat them at the cost of mana, and when you run out of mana you leave the dungeon, and you can find scenes in the dungeon based on your and the rivals relationships with the girls present, but enough shilling of an off topic game.
COM3D2 models? This game could have the greatest writing on earth and I wouldn't play it. I'm so burned out on COM3D2.
I like how her tits basically didn't grow from 13 -> 20
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i run 3dge through oil painting filter so it's on-topic

>you touch enemies you defeat them at the cost of mana
honestly preferable over turn based RPGM combat. i've played hundreds of hours of that.
It's garbage anyway. I gave it a quick test. It's certified shit. Don't waste your time with it. Play Nebel or Kubel instead. Although both are shit, they smell less than this "game".
so what's actual not-shit ntr then?
>Play Nebel or Kubel
i tried luxoria and it was awful
also it's NTS
>3d is on-topic to 2d only because I post it
How far up your own ass with its huge ego.
your monitor is 2d
and let me guess everything it shows is japanese because its panel is from japan
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Boy Hero Ken and Mischief War are alright.
could be
Not an NTRbody. This is the girl who starts out innocent and gets corrupted, and then ropes all her hot friends into corruption as well.
RJ01006462 or RJ01025856 tonight?
If you just want a quick wank go with the second option. Orphanage would take you far longer than one night.
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Cli Pick and Hige to Deko
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used goods.
Is that from right before she almost gets lesbomurderraped?
>you will never share a bed with canela, her bouncing up and down on your waist
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That's a really weird example but yeah I used to read a ton of books as a kid, and enjoyed how it was like peering directly into someone else's mind. I'd say the fetish is more closer to voyeurism than autogynephilia.
that's not canela that's canela blob! get it right!
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No, this is canela blob. See?
/!\ ACHTUNG! /!\
Megrim released a new game, the world is now a slightly more disgusting place.
/!\ ACHTUNG! /!\
any 3D cheges? vns are welcome as well
>Possibility of virgin run
It's largely incomplete, but https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14 has some info on this.
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fake blob
Can someone recommend me games FOCUSED on "mommy"-type femdom?
That is:
>Girls are older, taller than the guy
>They have a thick/curvy figures
>Their type of domination is more of a caring, gentle kind
>Almost a motherly/nurturing kind of relationship with the MC
There are so few games like this.
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Sequel games have a bunch of characters like that
Also try Princess Honey Trap, Incubus Quest, and Dragon Princess is Hungry
I don't mean to hijack your post, but reminded me of something I've wondered about recently. Were there any femdom games you liked that weren't mean-spirited? Could be a pushy aunty on a shota, or some dumb musclegirl onto a guy, or some monstergirl onto a guy etc. But isn't overly abusive, just more sexually aggressive and dominant. I don't know femdom stuff greatly (apparently) but all I've played it's overly mean and I don't mind it, but gets tiresome.
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Nuh uh.
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kill yourself
cute blob
It's called gentle femdom
I date 40 yo milfs irl and it's basically like that
my wife would never blob like this
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You can lie to others, but deep down you know the truth.
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Wait a minute, I recognize this blobbing style!
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no games... I'm playing a WEG... why has it come to this
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Physical release of Hatsune's game
I think blobs suck
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Learn Japanese.
you've become enlightened
Not like it matters anyway. The weg is most likely unfinished garbage. What difference does it make if you play a jeg that's also garbage but is feature complete? Not like you're going to complete either of them unless you're a desperate masochist.
The JEG has attractive art instead of DEI garbage.
We're not talking about Concord. Megrim's new game just released too, so your argument is a really weak one. Both sides are capable of producing utterly revolting abominations. I'd argue that you can find good games from either camp, and that in general 99% of it is all trash.
I just finished RJ179387. Sullen girls are great. 8/10
Stay here and love yourself, genius king.
Looks like mostly the older entries have virgin run info. Can someone fill in the blanks for the newer entries such as RJ01226089 and RJ01070108?
I'm sorry.
Purchased :
Scars of Shitmer BTFO
>nearly all of the shinmyoumaru works are gore and ryona for some reason
I just want good wholesome minigirl games...
The JEG has attractive writing instead of DEI garbage.
The Pragmatist
The Optimist
The Nihilist
what is the name of this gay game?
cute pubes
>attractive writing
Kek, 99% of translations are the English equivalent of deformed midgets, and I'm not even talking about MTL.
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>he doesn't know Fake-Rabi's game series
How new?
i don't intend to be a part of your thread
I like playing the oblivious,purehearted cuck with AI bots
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Forest of Pandora
SEQUEL series
What model are you using?
The scene with the incubi is easy to miss and arguably the best scene in the game.no homo
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Wrong gay game.
JEGs are made and played by attractive people instead of DEI garbage.
CAI. Since I see no sex, it goes just fine
based skillchad
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It's Fake-Rabi Friday. How are you anons celebrating it?
playing some hard gay weg with link and that kingdom hearts protag
What's with nips and repeating the protagonist's last name over and over.
>RJ01082861 what-if bad end routes in the DLC
>Tomboy Childhood friend succumbed to torture and got mindbroken into being the obedient sex slave pet of the bad guy
>Tsundere Childhood friend remains defiant all the way to the end despite getting just as much horrible shit being done to her

Osananajimi were never the problem. It's always them boyish tomboy whores.
Give me a blobjob doko.
Games where you need to earn the chance to rape a girl? Something like this
EraTW pissed me off because there is no size play that isn't her screaming in pain or falling unconscious from the pain even if 100% consensual and max lube.
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I will play.
Recs for games with girls who are explicitly JDs? RJ395613 was shite
>Kunoichi Karin
>Pregnant Sonata
Why the fuck do fucking porn games made by 1-2 horny jackasses stick the landing to their climaxes (hah) and final bosses to deliver maximum hype and the perfect culmination of their heroes journey far better than any fucking ""AAA" or more mainstream JRPG in the past decade.
Indie devs are closer to their audience.
JD = Joshidaisei = Female uni student
Similar to JC and JK
Forgot about daigaku, thanks anons. I also want some college girl hentai.
they also tend to not be soulless husks with a blatant agenda
What's this one.
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Elftits Simulator 2022 from the thinly veiled Brocon dev I imagine.

Anon could also be talking about RJ146347, but I don't remember the endgame of that being kino. Still a fun enough game though.
Probably RJ353002
There's some actually interesting discussion regarding that as revealed by the dev's ramblings in the dev room. Basically, the whole game started by Nyuu already thinking of a super fucking cool revelation scene and hype moment in the climax. And then, the next step he took was going "How do I build a game that will revolve around leading up to this cool moment?". Working backwards works fucking wonders. You have a definite end you're going towards with everything in service of building up to it.
Compare that to some other creators who have this idea of a really neat beginning and setup, but fizzles out towards the end because the person in charge has no goddamn idea of where they want to take things.
It's the straight ahead vs pose to pose debate. The former you have to be careful not to get sidetracked, the latter you have to be careful about being too contrived. The most important part is the author had a cool idea at all, whether it was a starting premise or an overarching goal.
yes, it's the same demographic of guys who like smegma and beastiality
they don't care what the guy looks like they just want it to be degrading for the woman
It's not always about degradation. Old fat bastards are often comedic protagonists as well.
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>Alice in Cradle adding everyone's favorite, the large industrial accident crushing machine
>instead of gruesomely instantly killing her while breaking every bone in her body it does a tiny bit of damage and flattens her like a cartoon character
I'm both slightly disappointed and greatly amused by this. Feels a bit out of place in this area though.
beastiality fan here, don't speak for me
i hate old men and smegma stuff and my love of beast has nothing to do with degradation
>comedic protagonists
The lv 99 Rape Master...
lmao what the fuck is this Tom and Jerry shit.
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It's about seeking blind, unconditional love, you fools.
peak sovl
No complaints here.
the best ACTshit has to offer
>Level 99 Rape Master

Jesus Christ. How does one commit that much rape?
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My hero
Paper Noel
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I hope you get analed mericans
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>porn game makes me angry because I finished cooming and want to win now but the actual game is ass
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i am playing wolf dungeon
>Looks really nice
>体験人数: 0
>Virginity not mentioned at all
This makes me sad
Pro tip: Atl+F4
do they still count as virgins if they had their hymen broken by being stuffed with several dildos?
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According to my experience with ero games, it doesn't count as defloration if she's doing it with toys herself, but if it's another man inserting the toy inside her then the man becomes her first timer.
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if u-room dies before hypnosis academy comes out i'm gonna be so sad and mad. All of you are complciit for not keeping his morale up
Do devs make more money if they do an international release as opposed to just selling domestically?
in Monochrome Fantasy her virginity value actually becomes 1, meaning deflowered, if you insert a dildo inside her before your own dick
monochrome fantasy had dildos?
The vibe dildo and a tentacle toy
Yeah from chyna
gurofag in shambles
Using one of their "you" equivalents to refer to someone is considered impersonal/impolite so they refer to people by names. N5s and machines will translate this literally and unnaturally by having the characters randomly refer to each other in the third person (see Sequel Blight). Better translators will correctly use "you" instead, but they'll still be intimidated by the script and include the name somewhere in the line, ignorant to the fact that English speakers only refer to each other by name to clarify who they're directing their words at. The best translators, who don't waste their time on h-games and do manga and anime for large audiences instead, touch English grass, so they're aware of concepts such as natural dialogue and character voice.
You need to shrink your dick
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this is the mythical ryonafag/gurofag metaNTR KINO
A tanned tomboy who enjoys physical activity becomes enraptured with a cock and starts to focus on girly things instead
If you shove a dildo in your ass would you then tell the first guy you have sex with you're not a virgin?
breakfast question ass question
Gayfags can't experience virginsex unless their assholes tear
thats just another way to say hag
anything past 18 = geriatric
That's amazing. I love it.
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Gay, give me crackle cradle style stuff.
Anta urusai ne...
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Kino every single time.
No... NO!
This but she used to be a man before TS magic
why is it always tomboy childhood friend with tanlines ntr
It is morally correct to fuck the femininity and girlyness back into tomboys.
>want to see the flat pancake girl have sex
Why am I like this?
I like the way she pops back into 2.5d mode by wiggling around.
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so once the daiakuji patch fully comes out /hgg2d/ will merge with haniho and be talking about the best whores to enslave and recruit right?
A take so shit you can actually smell it, never post again
If you really want to fuck a boy, you can start with your own asshole.
>talk about gameplay
Those days are long gone.
Your childhood friend's womb is under attack
>Contains Grotesqueness
This is the guro tag right? Also the description cracks me up. This is a pure love game where you find your ideal marriage partner I guess.
My asshole doesn't moan though.
Tell her I don't care because it's not NTR if we aren't in a relationship
I cast Fortify Defenses.
Post-apocalyptic ges?
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american blonds make the best sex slaves in 2d especially if they're racists and deserve it.
His mere existence is grotesque.
Daiakuji doesn't run on a phone so the fag95 invaders who make up 90% of the thread these days won't be able to play it.
lol paranoia

btw does this game have a vanilla routes?
ya the brothel stuff is optional, if you don't open a brothel you end up opening a galburger/mickyd ripoff and its considered a fate worst then death for the prisoners you send there.
On the bright side there's one girl who you can only marry if you swear off having sex with anyone else and the brothel stuff and she's pretty cute.
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I wish more h-ge had a 60s/70s americana theme
Which one is that? I don't recognize it
hmm nah
What you're saying is that if a woman wearing men's clothes and has a masculine approach to how she presents herself then it's gay. But if a man wears women's clothes, puts on make up, acts cute 100% of the time and calls himself Alexa then it's a woman..

Well done for outing yourself, retard. Clothes do not make the woman, a biological female makes a woman
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How is she so squishy? What is she made of?
>Immediately jumps to thoughts of men crossdressing and homosexuality
Ladies and gentlemen, the average tomboyfag. Always homos in denial.
she's part cat
Reversetrapbros we are fucking fossil.
Netorasebros, we need more games
Blobbros, doko?
>selling drugs is illegal
>okay but what about selling drugs to overseas baka gaijin?
>what part of selling drugs is illegal don't you understand?
The law isn't "selling porn uncensored to JAPANESE is illegal".
>Would the Japanese population really complain if their porn was uncensored?
There's a big pushback from the IRL porn studios actually, as a lot of their models aren't actually having the sex, perhaps as one final way to spite Abe-san.
tfw no butterface heroine ge (game)
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That's literally where you went, you were given a woman and immediately thought of naked little boys and wanting men to have anal sex with themselves
Virginrapebros, we have lots of new entries in the masterlist: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14
It's weird that Amelia Watson has two h-games
Netoribros, why don't we have a list like this?
I'm running out of h-games
The SEQUEL girls are all cute, it's just a shame I'm not into female dominance
>NTR/GoR focus
>Game is extremely easy to clear pure mechanically
god i fucking hate failure state h so fucking much
failure state is the perfect set up and tone for h scene. It is optimal, even when the game is too easy.
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VERY important question, who makes the best feMCs?
kunoichi or shrine maidens?
alternatively, mages/witches or knights?
nuns > shrine maidens > princesses > knights > kunoichi > thieves > witches
Nothing wrong with have a bf (me)
>GoR game
>beat it without losing
>get to gallery
>nothing unlocked
Yeah very cool. Fuck GoR. GoRfags should be gored. Or even better the particularly old GoR games that have no gallery.
Never seen a shrine maiden game with pregnancy mechanics so definitely not them
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Has SEQUEL overtaken BS for having the most number of blobs per series?
pregnancy is a bad mechanic. Pregnant women should stay at rest and be catered to by their loving husband. Sitting around isn't much of a game mechanic.
Women should be impregnated by monsters and give birth after a few days, human men are lame and their stupid babies take literal months to shit out
only the vyner one is good
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Based but I'd love for a very slow game where you take care of your pregnant heroine.
>the process determines how strong/weak etc the baby is
>then after the birthing and healing period, you get back to making more children
completely unrealistic
that's not how pregnancy works
impregnation is hot, actual pregnancy is shit.
>New game
>Opens H status screen
>体験人数: 1
Hot garbage
probably and there are even more girls that can get blob'd when Thirst comes out. That small slime NPC from Kludge should get a blob too
Realism is boring, I've decided to do better
Tentacles and slugs develop fast
or how about a harem series where you gradually populate your home base with pregnant women
RJ193425 did it best. After the GoR where the girl gets impregnated it shows her settling down with her rapist to raise her children together
There's nothing hotter than a pregnant woman having to fight to survive
Probably more realistic considering the nature of hgames and its players. Would also be great.
There's nothing hotter than a pregnant woman in a ntr game
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Shove her over the railing, no witnesses
>Start playing RJ379257
>Pink is a turbo baka, literal flowerhead too pure for this sinful earth airhead
>Yellow is a no fun allowed muh honor knight
Alright, gonna keep Pink pure and Yellow will be the one whored out to everyone.
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Are you gonna play her Acerola slop when it releases tomorrow?
I will. But who deserves her the most?
- Big Dick Young Master Shota
- Fat Ojisan Innkeeper
- Chad Playboy Hero
What did he mean by this?
>who deserves her the most
Faceless MC-kun.
What did he mean by this?
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But another dev told me that those letters don't mean anything
>blog posting
still amazes me that these "people" think anyone gives a shit about what game they're currently playing
Why don't you be a good nigger and argue about NTR or something.
We've unironically reached a point where people get upset for staying on-topic to the thread. Its amazing really.
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OH NO he has awakened into being a cuck. What have I done?!
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This nigga is most likely the "vanilla" love interest/male party member for Acerola's upcoming game of Alchemist Collette - Edgy Dragon Girl version. Say something nice about him.

The other two male party members are a fucking furry lion, and a shota priest. Its literally Collette all over again.
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Need more JYs
> furry lion
Does he have a barbed dick?
Anyone else kind of over loli?
The market is incredibly lop-sided with many things, such as femc, loli, and ntr. So I'm always in a state of 'over' them, always looking for other stuff.
>her pink shirt is actually a hoodie
Excited for this gal's ge.
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Yeah, I'm sick of hags as well.
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I think this some times then I see an uncensored randoseru and instantly get hard again and realize, theres no cure.
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I love my students so much
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mikos (exposed pits is mandatory)>kunoichis>>>witches>>knights
mikos are made to be sexually abused
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He looks less of a faggot than that Thief guy from Collette at least.

Acerola slop is the same most of the time, but they really seem to be going hard for this upcoming game with a bunch of feature creep namely:
- Virgin run possible for MC and all other heroine party members, none of that forced loss bullshit
- Futa function for MC if she has high enough affinity with the female party members
- Bringing back the Masochist <-> Sadism system
- Karma/Morality system since the game is about MUH REVENGE and you can presumably choose how ruthless MC will be
- A disposition system where the female members actually have preferred specific lewd acts
- And all the usual Acerola sluttery of costume changes, lust buildup, whoring out etc.

Granted, it could also be an incomprehensible mess where the systems don't really feed into each other properly or aren't even utilized thoughtfully at all. All this effort makes me want to check it out at least.
Also, the main MC is literally just Velvet from Berseria. And I have a soft spot for edgelord heroines.

The Nigga Lion from Colette had one, so I imagine this one would too.
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Is one of the men a turbo autist?
mikos shouldn't be dressed slutty, only act slutty
what was the rj for the game where the miko is a complete slut but only does completely clothed sex?
These three here are the male party members.
Lion is apparently a strong silent JUSTICEfag that has the weakness of going into feral unga bunga sex if egged on.
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>Karma/Morality system since the game is about MUH REVENGE and you can presumably choose how ruthless MC will be
Colette also had this, at least the karma part. All it did was lead to an early evil end where she became the demon lord or something. Will most likely be the same here.
>game is about MUH REVENGE
But how will being the usual Acerola whore help her in her quest for revenge?
Where did you find this picture of me?
>Edgeform blows up her tits
I will now want to play this game you're shilling.
Not tomorrow, but I will play it some time.
Last not disappointing Acerola.
I hate big breasts
Claire also did that, although the karma check event was split between default route, bad end for high, and evil miniroute for very high. Hopefully it goes that way again since the neutral, slut, and true ends are probably going to be not killing god and instead reflecting on newfound friendships. Then again, hoping for something out of acerola is exceptionally dumb.
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Huh, this is vanilla? Something about the color pallet always made me assume it would be heavy on rape/suffering for some reason.
so this is how far the tales series have fallen
I dunno, Lust Prison gave me what I was expecting. Decent game too. People like to shit on Acerola for having the heroines turn into sluts easily, but they flipped the formula this time with the heroines literally being brainwashed into being sluts from day 1. And the game revolved around mitigating the horny traps and scenarios stacked against you. The systems and narrative felt more cohesive than your usual Acerola fare.
I'm happy for you but it's worth pointing out that there two games since lust prison were a bad ntr legend clone and lile half a brothel sim. I have no problem with C+ wandering slutge but I don't really see reason to expect anything more than a return to formula with more cgs out of this one.
Prison is best Acerola because of trap you can turn into semen hose for 2 nymphos to drain
Needs more powerslut games
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why do I love NTR so much, bros...? Does the me in my previous life cummed so hard to real cuckoldry kino which makes me not able to jerk off to anything other than ntr...??
Worth pointing out that Lust Prison was actually co-developed with another circle. Maybe that's why the game is more competently held together compared to the usual Acerola game.
Dragon Blood looks to be 100% Acerola again, so its best to be pessimistic.
I'd say a lot of people who like it are jaded to normal porn so they need something more shocking while not having blood or bodily waste.
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Define "powerslut."
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games where bystanders are abducted and violated?
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would you not care about some femc's virginity if you are not a virgin yourself? genuine question.
Do virginrunfags just want the femc to stay virgin as a cope because they are sexless virgins?
just finished RJ01241385... it was an ok game...
it really needed more scenes and a skip text function
and show more of her feet
Nta, but In my case it's just the wrongness and the humiliation aspect of it. Ntr where the cuck doesn't know doesn't do anything for me.
>Do virginrunfags just want the femc to stay virgin as a cope because they are sexless virgins?
No, not a virgin IRL. I only play games with virgin girls. 3DPD and IRL crap have nothing to do with it.
The only reason gachafags aren't virgins is that they have gay orgies at their conventions.
Virgins are more pure so it's more satisfying. Same reason why corruptionges are shit if the girl loses her virginity too fast, you spill the spaghetti on the most impactful change. Pure>unpure feels bigger then slut>slut with boob piercing.
I should've mentioned the real schizo virginrunfag that drops the game on forced virginity loss
I agree that the girl gotta start as virgin on any game obviously
forced virgin loss can feel unsatisfying as you don't get to choose the breaking point.
Also it would prevent you from making virgin anal sluts.
Based Leane enjoyer, I came for hentai, stayed for plot and gameplay, it felt sovl
Shove her off the railing and kill her. Femdom garbage.
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>Spent 10 hours finishing a game just to get an ending where your canon girlfriend has to sacrifice herself for the greater good

T-thank you Japan
I dunno. Part of me wants to buy it because I'm a sucker for blondes, but in the end I know that it's the exact same copy and paste as the other NTR games, including story board and reactions.
>girl starts job
>gets molested and does absolutely fuck all about it
>meet requirements and it becomes lewder
>lower her guilt and she spreads her legs faster
>swap to mc during night phase to do the whole talk thing
>added optional 2 extra girls to cheat on

Looks absolutely mid and uninspired.

>that design
So Acerola guy just played Tales of Berseria, and got inspired to rip it off? Okay.

That's actually kinda interesting learning about this. I never bothered much with the game due to how easy everything was. If it plays like a nukige I tend to just skip everything because I get bored of the same repetitive cumdump scenes really fucking fast. Yes, yes, she collected boatloads of cum and drained everyone dry... again... for the 47th time. Wow... amazing...

I doubt it's as good as you say. It's just Acerola in the end. An Acerola game being good isn't much praise all things considered, because the bar for making these games good is so unbelievably low already. Just make the combat more difficult or intricate, stop holding the player's hand so damn much, give the feMC a spine, the ability and willpower to fight back her assailants, and slow down the progression of her so called corruption by at least 75%. Done. Games are decent now.
I've only been playing nukiges for a while and now want a plotge to enjoy. Did we get anything since Demon Roots?
>anything since kusoge?
Sure, a lot more of kusoge since, anon.
ge? I'm a sucker for bittersweet endings.
You know the sister thing is just a cuck cope when the story makes it explicit that the royal family is patrilineally defined, right? Ares' kids with her would just be more cucks/cumdumps.
Yeah, play futa games because I'm your boss now.
Maybe untranslated, otherwise not that I know of. Unless Azure Orphanage is also on this list? Not really sure, I don't care for Fire Emblem type gameplay and some forced NTR sob story bullshit.
>Azure Orphanage
I'll check it out
yeah that's really what that post was getting at
for sure
Gnosia, but it's not porn
Pretty much the same as steins gate where you two develops feelings for each other while looking for a way to fix the timeline and shit and then at the end you two finally realize in order to fix it one of them has to go
so he's urging MC to breed his sister because it's too high a level of acceptable incest for the king but nieces are fair game?
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wtf does this mean?
your credit score after gooning to ntr
please, master xi, one more goon sesh to bbcntr and i go back to factory
Even if nieces were off limits, the next generation would repeat the Muriel cucking.
Thanks, I'll give it a look
>purged from vndb
And if you make a baby stronger than you he grows up (spermarche) and NTRs you.
NTRbrain creativity.
If there was NTR to work with I think it would be better to have a system where unfaithful girls can cuck you and have children with men besides you, but that you can also cuck the men back by fucking and impregnating their girls.
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Not sure how to feel about these cheap optional NTR rpg games where every cutscenes is a A or B dialogue options asking if you want to leave your girl so she can get fucked or not
Honestly myself I didn't really care for the sister, Marion was the best girl
Also the first plot twist at the hill was great, but the second plot twist at "winning" the game would be nice if there was any real effort to that phase of game, it just felt really forced
it's not netorare if the game is stupidly easy or outright gives you an obvious choice, it's netorase painted as netorare
I don't even understand why these games are considered netorare when it's clearly netorase.
You had the choice to save her but you just let her get fucked, why is the cuck MC crying about it afterwards, shouldn't he be happy?
replay on a different save
Can anyone explain the full save culture of F95? Do they actually play games?
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Finally, a game where YOU cuck your childhood friend
NTR wasted
is that a /cheg/?
Washed up devs. Game story should be linear with choices only being about how you'll progress sex scenes and combat. Melee, archer, caster build, maybe some kind of stealth shit and avoiding everything. And the choice to pick whatever sex stuff you want to do, or not do. Keep everything else linear and focus on writing a good plot. 99.9% of all books written in totality of human history are completely linear and the basis of great movies, series, anime, and whatever inspirations... Yet people want to reinvent the fucking wheel yet again.

There's a reason why Pokemon works over and over. The concept itself is interesting. People like slavery or "pets". Just put your own spin on whatever popular story and you're guaranteed some form of success.

Some do. A lot don't. I don't blame them. Imagine having played hundreds of games and establishing your own tastes. You know exactly what you like and what you want. Now imagine that you're bored out of your mind, you see some game that you know is either shit or not really what you care about, but you have nothing better to do so you want to check out the h-scenes at the very least, before you delete it. I don't blame them for it.
What's wrong with their eyes? Is this a new type of AI? Do they glow in the dark? How horrifying!
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You wouldn't understand
Childhood friends' eyes look downright creepy, I'd go for the sister.
These aren't even offensive.
>then there's this newblob
>Keep everything else linear and focus on writing a good plot.
this is because H-ge are indies with 1 or 2 person at most working on it, if it's big budget with lots of people working on it then linearity is not acceptable, it's a game after all
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90s shoujo eyes but they forgot the glint.
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Sure, just do another Concord or Suicide Squad. I wish you well!
>completely unrelated
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Fuck off back to /v/
BodysuitASMR when? I'm starving
>it's a game after all so linearity is unacceptable!
yeah totally man, just let 10 chefs work at the same time on the same dish. i love slop!
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Nina's game!
the fuck, this good girl can be angry?
The concept of virginity doesn't apply to men.
Nice cope, incel. You're totally popular now!
Megrim's new game is actually pretty fun.
Thoughts on her game?

Fridgecore. I wish Gaptax hurried up and made Exel 2 already, we need more bodysuit futakino.
Apparently VISA didn't have any issues with DLsite, it was another intermediary company, according to a Japanese politician that met some VISA executives: https://x.com/Daiz42/status/1824847414588543352
It's your fault I'm not popular.
Cunnyge that heals the heart?
Any better games similar to bound by love?
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>Apparently VISA didn't have any issues with DLsite, it was another intermediary company
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None, it's peak sadist kino. Last I heard the dev is planning for a playable epilogue, but that's last year and his gyaru horror ge is nowhere in sight.
I know that its the same artist, but her in-game portraits aren't this hot.
Good CG quantity
Great "real-time" NTR video call gimmicks

Unavoidable NTR
Game is pretty much a VN with combat element between each day
Dead static world where nothing is interactable and everyday is just wake up and look for pink heart icon
Meh art quality
>have to pay a debt within a certain number of days
>do jobs to make money
>also do jobs to raise your slut stats
>cuck your husband behind his back enough and he'll become an actual cuck
>shota, fat bastard and ikemen as typical ntr characters
It's literally the dame formula as their other games.
>So Acerola guy just played Tales of Berseria, and got inspired to rip it off? Okay.
You act like that's a bad thing. When I played Berseria, only thing going through my mind was wanting to make Velvet go through the usual Acerola-isms. Including but not limited to:
- Getting fucked silly by some shota
- Murdering monsters while pregnant
- Sucking off a homeless guy to make some money or get quick entrance to some sketchy place
- Being mindbroken into becoming the personal whore sex slave of some fat fuck

Or maybe actually getting into a sweet vanilla romance with some dude. Say what you want about Acerola games, but they at least cover a good base of content.
Too short, too linear. The shota was the only good route though the weird choice at the end where if the MC gives the shota a speech and the shota decides to stop fucking the heroine and she goes back to being a loyal wife and is effectively the game's only "good" ending. It made no sense.
Any oyakodon ge?
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What if say we nominate Yarimono for the indie game of the year
Unfortunately modest chests are virtually nonexistent outside of loli media.
Does the game have a walmart Magilou too? If so, I'll play Tales of Acerola.
As an Acerola game this is expected and normal at this point, but in general it undoubtedly is a bad thing because all the fetishes are just very shallow. It's a jack of all trades, master of none, type of thing. Sharkslop and Clymewme do things similarly, without much specific focus on any particular fetish or type of corruption. They just cover a little bit of everything for the sake of broad appeal.
I totally trust them.
Not my GOTY, but I don't care either way. Not like there's anything better, and I doubt there will be in what remains of 24. Go right ahead.
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Good taste anon.
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And here's the bimonthly sloppa! Enjoy!
So he's going to recreate Ambrosia scenes 1:1 ?
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It's hot when the male mc and his female companion can go into a room and then interact with the bed to have sex.
Celesphonia didn't create train groping scenes you newfaggot
Well, it's a contemporary game, and he's already posted a preview of various train shenanigans. Yeah, it's gonna be Celes 2.0. Supposedly more in depth and lengthier, his words not mine, whatever that even means. Might be just fluff in the end, we'll see. In his today's update he said that he hopes that the trial will be done by next month, so that's something to look forward to. Otherwise that the plan for the JP release is 2025... who the hell knows what kind of priority this is for KG. If everything goes according to keikaku and if he manages an early release next year, we might be able to see it by then, otherwise 2026...
Yeah, there are better chikan games out there.
Wailing Guignol
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Depends on what parameters you're looking for I guess. Here's your whole party cast bro.

Also, apparently, dev composed an original song for this game and even got a certain singer on board for the project. So it has an official theme song now. Oh wow, it really is a goddamn Tales game now.
arent most scenes with mom and daughter them getting fucked next to each other instead of fucking the same guy?
No idea, I didn't get cucked.
That tiny blue hair better not be a trap bro.
I hope the dev actually makes an actual decent gameplay loop this time around
Why do you think tiny blue hair is put in the same row as the dudes?
fuck this gay earth he still top cute
Knowing the dev's track record, you can still probably fuck the kid in the pooper. Hell, there is precedent for him turning into a girl too.
The males look fucking atrocious and the females aside from the feMC don't really stand out that much compared to his previous heroines, either.
Who is "you"? The FemMC?
One of the best NTR vtubers, only second to Vei.
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He looks like Arona.
Could be worse, he could be a rushiafag.
NTRed her fanbase by hiding the pomf song
Is it me or almost all of those designs look like shit except Elf and Blonde Shortstack?
New MC isn't top CUTE like Collete and her outfit looks retarded.
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I'll just replay Colette's game.
how do I stop myself from getting game(2).zip
Pretty cute for a never ever.
Acerola's best design
Kill and rape and trannytubers!
Nah, the best ntr vtuber is the one from Phase
>grandma hair
>best anything
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grandma hair can be hot
Wait, I'm starting to see the combo. Bot have red eyes and white, silver, or grey hair. They're just albinos!
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Give me some games where the purpose of sex is not lust or procreation.
the trap priest unironically interests me more than all the girls except that smug pink knight needing rape correction, gut feeling says she is the best girl and has the best scenes
Having a boob size option is probably one of the more/most innovative options you can add in a 2D h-ge
I just want male ningen sex...
virgin's protection magic
But the purpose in Collette very much is also lust. She's a very horny slut! The alchemy aspect is just a bonus.
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What the fuck is this dogshit gameplay
I thought you said it was good
>he trusted and believed
Silver hairs are just too op, they almost always the best girl in everything
>the way his face stretches
I prefer black or blonde
>Oji-san secret technique!
>*mashes lmb*
But for real, it's a resource management ge, what did you expect?
nta but
>what did you expect
nothing. never again. it's all slop, forever.
>check bin
>My Special Summer Vacation 2
Fuck me. I know this is a sequel but would this be considered as a nostalgiafap? I had so much good memories from playing the first game.
shirokami/kurokami: Tier S
Blonde/Pinkshits: Tier F
Apparently it's much worse than the previous one.
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White =/= silver
In what way?
I'm looking for some games that has unique gameplay or a story you won't find anywhere else.
Any genre goes just no games focused on cuckshit.
i'll tongue your anus after i'm done playing. thanks.
I'll be the judge. If I get blinded by my nostalgia goggles and think it's good then it's good.
Kodoku the Successor
Can't say, I didn't bother with it. It's just what I remember reading from various sources (here, f95 and steam reviews), reason why I said apparently. I think people didn't like the same body types being overused and lack of story?

Report back if you like it.
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I'm starting to think all of these are just forced losses with zero dialog variance.
Nta but the scenes were worse imo. Character customization was added though
if your gf caught you playing hgames, would you rather she catch you playing loli or NTR?
The cuckoldry is a metaphor.
NTR. You cannot trust women. Loli is a death sentence. She'd report me 100%. NTR is just a weird fetish that she might be on board with, in which case I'd preemptively dump her before I get cucked.
loli for sure, NTR would probably make her think it's okay for her to cuck me
Damn, 072 Project just started pumping shit out like nobody's business. 3 games in August and another one just today, a mere week after Yarimon.
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Games with coolsisters?
>31 years old
>bar code tattoo
*beep* Sorry sir, this product seems to have expired and I cannot sell it to you.
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Kiss your sister with your wegslop
NTR for sure. Loli would probably destroy my job and everything.
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W-where is... the... kino ...... need..... h-game kino..... particularly.... of the NTRkino kind........... urk.... *dies from lack of kino, particularly of the NTRkino kind*
What's with American hours and NTR beg posting
it's a keg
wegs are from europe, australia and the americas
chegs are from china and taiwan
kegs are from korea, and jegs are from japan
NTRman is Japenis.
How could anyone tell if something is NTR from a glance?
their entire culture is built around getting cucked out of their own country
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>chegs are from china and china
Why name China twice?
Not with that Korean manhwa style. A true Japanese must be native Japanese living in Japan with a Japanese art style. If his art style mimics a keg, he becomes a keg. If his art style mimics a cheg, he becomes a cheg. Only a true Japanese with a Japanese art style can be a jeg.
I only play eegs.
The person playing NTR is usually a hunched over ghoul, while the person playing lolige is a chad. This makes it obvious at a glance.
>Only a true Japanese with a Japanese art style can be a jeg
SEQUEL shit confirmed weg that shouldn't be discussed in these halls, thank you.
Games from Taiwan are tegs
girl looking through a curtain sex scene
Please recommend some female-only (only futa or only yuri) games
sequel mind broke me
Games where you fall in love with "broken" girls?
>T word mentioned
CCPshills ITT are gonna freak!
Why is she giving me the "white male protag of a early 2000's romcom with blue eyes" stare and pose?
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What if Goblins are very nice people and Japan is just being racist
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Haven't been here in some time, is there a reason the ipfs links don't work?
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my honest goblin reaction
we need dazed to translate the....uhhh....... the kino games... the ones... you know..... those.... that are.... there........ you know the place.... the games.....
>A true Japanese must be native Japanese living in Japan with a Japanese art style.
>This standard doesn't apply to any other country for some reason
Blob bin just got updated.
Get seedin'
seed the slop?
miss me with that rings of power shite
>tons of new games
>barely any ntrshit
We are finally witnessing the decline and death of ntrshit bros. I'm so glad.
big NTR drop is D&B
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>Truly pure water must be 100% pure with no pollution.
>This standard doesn't apply to polluted slop for some reason.
A virgin can only be a virgin as long a she stays a virgin. The moment she loses her virginity it's over (for her virginity). It doesn't matter by how much or how little, the virginity is lost. Being a native Japanese living in Japan drawing with a Japanese art style is the exact same as being a pure virgin. Once it has been corrupted, it will always be corrupted. All it takes is a single drop of foreign influence.

Now, just because something has lost its virginity or nativity, doesn't necessarily mean it's joeover. It's only over for her purity route or his h-eroge career. The other routes are still available. A nonvirgin can still go for the slut route, or the vanilla route, or the NTR route. Just as a Half-Japanese/Half-foreigner can still make wegs, kegs, or chegs. He could even work on VH, which is a multi-national project on the same level as the International Space Station.
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I don’t think we’ll ever be truly rid of it, but it’s nice to see a cancer like that dying out. I’d like to see the mesugaki and no reverse tags replace it
catbox test

>retard thinks only Jap games are good
I don't think that his artstyle is "Korean" plus the argument only holds if you're some tard who thinks only Japan makes good media because otherwise you think Japs can make wegs, kegs etc but the inverse doesn't work because you suck Jap cock for some reason when we both know tons of Jap games are slop.
The vast, vast, vast majority of all games, including Japanese ones, is complete and utter dogshit. In many instances the JP devs are totally clueless about what they're doing, some not having even played other H games their peers made, to be able to understand what works, what's good, what doesn't, what's been tried and failed, and so on. There's a reason why slop is such a prominent word nowadays.

But it also doesn't even seem to matter that much, cause people love it nonetheless. They even buy the AI generated junk. It's a general lowering and degradation of standards. Imagine if D&P got completed back in 2016-2017. So many games released in 2024 absolutely pale in comparison to it in its incomplete form.
Well, this is 2d hentai games general. If this was a place for discussing western erotic games it would be called 2D Western Erotic Games General. Korea and China ban porn so technically kegs and chegs shouldn't exist. They probably get away with it by being released in a western country, which is probably why they get lumped together with wegs. It is what it is. It's also just a Japanese mindset. Even Japanese don't consider a native Japanese who has left Japan to go live elsewhere a Japanese. He's now a foreigner. Even half-Japanese are considered foreigners even if they were born and raised in Japan and live there. That's just how it is.
Explain to me the appeal of NTRge where you play as the cuck. I genuinely don't get it.
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Nebel 2 soon, fellow NTRsisters.
>Nebel 2
A vanilla game with the actual heroine this time? Sign me the fuck up.
Masochism. Anything else?
I will accept that mediocre succubus, but I draw the line at the exotic beastwoman only having illusory hair cat ears
he needs to ditch the shitty combat and fully focus on voyeur gameplay
Now all we need is a Kubel sequel to guarantee absolute NTR supremacy.
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It’s Friday.
Also this: >>493402245
Just because the games are Japanese doesn't mean they're good. It just means they're Japanese. A shitty Japanese game is worse than a good weg. However there are probably more shitty wegs than there are japanese eroge overall just because the values and priorities are so different.

At a glance there are way too many daz 3D weg games so you can see they don't even put the effort in to draw. Amateur art in Japanese games tend to be more soulful and less lazy, generally speaking. And some weg art is just ugly (on purpose sometimes) even if the dev has studied some anatomy because they're more concerned with standing out and being unique even if it means making the girls look ugly. They also seem less professional because it's too easy for a weg dev to run their mouths on twitter and are too quick to abandon their games or become a patreon scam, where as Japanese have an image of being more polite, soft-spoken, and hard-working, and releasing their games in full. They just have more goodwill and respect built up from years of earning it.
Not even sure if she's actually a beastwoman. All that was said in her initial biography notes is that she's just a brown ninja from totallynotjapan. Maybe she's just like that one ninja girl from Rance whose name I'm forgetting who looks like a beast girl, but actually isn't.
Maybe she's just like that one ninja girl from Rance whose name I'm forgetting who looks like a beast girl, but actually isn't.

>Brown Ninja
>Looks like a beastgirl, but actually is human

You may be right there. Since MC is a Walmart Velvet, this chick is probably supposed to be Walmart Suzume.
>They just have more goodwill and respect built up from years of earning it.
But yeah, lately, this image has been starting to crack, as there are now Jegdevs who have joined the patreon scams alongside the wegs. Chegs and Kegs are starting to rise up in their place and releasing some pretty respectable games.
Care to name a few of these respectable games?
I lack the knowledge in those spheres.
The point I was trying to make was he made it seem like Jap games were of a higher quality and as such it could be "corrupted" whereas all other types (cheg, teg, weg etc) could be made by a Jap living in Japan without any authentic experience in those regions.
The weg patreon thing is low hanging fruit and I honestly don't blame weg devs from milking retards for years rather than releasing a game because it's more profitable. That being said I also imagine the Asian work culture of overworking yourself to death also contributes to how they're able to pump out games faster mixed with how Asian gamers probably wouldn't stand for the weekly/monthly update slop format.
It's a trick.
>I thought you said it was good
clearly a chink shill at work. game also full of bugs.
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Go make a /cheg/ general already.
No one cares, no one reads and it's off topic.
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"Literally just Evil Monika" is also part of the bad guy team rocket gang (another Tales staple)

>inb4 original Monika is already evil for being a loose and unfaithful cheating whore.
>Villain characters look better than the heroes were are supposed to play as and cheer for.
Every single goddamn time.
games where you fight an evil org and your gf gets hypnotized from time to time and becomes part of said org while the two of you try to figure out who the new female member of the evil org isits your gf wearing a mask
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Also part of said evil enforcer gang: Twins.
Anything else?
They talk with noja while wearing fedoras and eat lasagna?
come on, its not that big of an ask, im sure theres doujin about that
games where your bin gets seeded by another anon?
This image of the Japanese people that you described is most prevalent amongst anime fans. Ordinary folk who don't think or know much of Japan don't look at them this way, not even close. And the reality is much bleaker as well.

Ultimately the majority of these games are made as 1-offs, in an attempt to make quick and easy money, and not first and foremost from an innate desire to artistically express themselves. That's why they just copy popular tropes and formulas and why are most so shallow. They're just throwing stuff together and hoping it sticks, especially for those using crowdfunding platforms.
blobs your bin
bins are community property
Survival Mission Z
Escape From Z City 1
Bitch Raider
My Wife and I ~Shipwrecked on a Desert Island

Tenants of the Dead (Japanese dev but probably half-Korean or really likes Korean girls/culture)
Alien Quest Eve
Parasite in City

>Breg (Brazillian Erotic Game)
Nymphomania Priestess (dev is half-japanese half-BR)

>??????? (Some kind of weg)
Yukiya Onsen The Waters of Fertility (seems more western weg than eastern weg from the character designs)

There's a lot of chegs on Steam too.
meant for >>493404252
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Will they fuck each other?
>However there are probably more shitty wegs than there are japanese eroge overall just because the values and priorities are so different.

I think you're heavily underestimating just how mnay japanase eroges there are (of which the vast majority of is complete garbage)
>that look
>holding scissors
I don't like where this is going...
Is this going to be femc like all their other games? I feel like it could be malemc with that many girls.
This isn't the Acerola NTRteam working on it
I'm such a newfag I didn't know there was a team. I just remember buying their games on steam years ago. Have they ever released malemc games before this one?
use RJ01170484 for the next OP
Am I doing something wrong? It says the links dead.
I'm the mayor of hgg2d and I declare that wegs are bad and that Japanese h-games are good.
Discussion over.
time for an impeachment
Also Ricca, Lona and Nebel are off topic and shall no longer be discussed!
That game was such a disappointment.
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The past few posts made me interested enough to actually look through the ci-en. Characters from left to right:

- Literally just Velvet from Berseria. Collects Dragon curses in her journey of revenge. Wants to kill God. Has Acerola patented changeable tiddies.

- Strong and Gentle Princess. Pic related is her more usual attire. Might be gay for Iris.

- Francisa's loyal if not a bit exasperated demon maid. Has a sharp tongue.

- Spoiled msgk daughter of chief of vampire clan. Very correction friendly.

- Elf. Described as a slut and knowledgeable about sex. Except she's a virgin.

- Brown Ninja from notjapan. Supposed to be some Nekomata thing.

Riruna (Lilna?)
- Dwarf Idol. Like, she's supposed to literally be a Dwarf. And an idol.

- Dorky easygoing adventurer that somehow got swept along the party. He also apparently has amnesia so you know there's a big twist with him.

- JUSTICE and Honorable Knight Lion Dude. In contrast to his more stoic demeanor, has a habit of going into animalistic feral unga when having sex.

- Actually a dude. Literally described as "Sexy" by devs despite explicitly having boipussy and feminine penis.

Stated to have the biggest bulk of scenes ever made in a game they released. On top of having a chronic fuckton of H-CGs, will also have a sizeable amount of normal event CGs, chibi scenes and cut-ins for day to day non-H events. Plenty of portraits for non-main characters too and a whole gang of bad guys with their own unique portraits (and H-scenes) as well. Game is mostly voiced too. Plus, there's that aforementioned theme song as well. All in all, probably Acerola's most ambitious game yet.

Also, for that one guy that liked Lust Prison, the Acerola + Latia combo is a thing again because they teamed up once more to work on another project. But they're keeping details in the back for now to focus on Dragonblood.
If a japanese person made a game and the art looked like a /weg/, would you play it?
I play all games, no matter who makes them. I don't care where the person's from, only that the game's good. All things considered I'd probably try it and drop it because it would be shit, like everything else.
Depends what weg and if it was enjoyable. Daz? No fucking way. Princess&Conquest style art? Sure
I voted for you.
man, is this really the slop that you guys play? lmao
Yeah, as long as it's not made with Ren'Py and is 2D (no daz3d model bullshit).
That's Megrim.
Probably not because the artstyle matters a lot.
Conversely I would 100% play a western h game if the style was japanese enough. like Eroico.
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>don't want to play acerola
>no other games with flat chested heroines
Tareme on dignified/confident characters are the most erotic thing
Cute pink
Megrim's art isn't weg, in fact his art doesn't fit to any country or culture of this planet.
It's just unique.
Not because they are japanese. It's about the Japanese mindset, culture, and art style being infused into the work. If all of that isn't there, then it lacks appeal
You won't be happy if you play Monica tomorrow. It's as Acerola as it can be and offers absolutely nothing new. Sticks to the tried and true recipe of Acerola NTR.
The answer is no, I already asked that question myself long ago with Megrim's garbage
Makina kinda looks like a weg. Think it's the coloring style. The dev is also a westaboo so that probably influences it a little.
>weeb idolizing japan (capitalist shithole where people have no rights)
WTF I love Japan now?!
WTF I like Japan now
Japanese culture > American culture > everyone else
I knew it, the weggers are commie tards.
>japan (capitalist shithole where people have no rights)
So America but without niggers? Sounds like an improvement to me.
It works for me.
You two will fit in great there, worker bees.
Kek I think people genuinely like the aspect of the culture that works them to the bone and encourages them to work themselves to death because it means they get more slop to consume
America doesn't even have any "culture" aside from being scum
yes, however
>0.0001% chance to get an hgame dev gf
Japanese people are allowed to protest, vote, work/live where they want, criticize the government, get an education, own/purchase property, etc.
Yeah, he's a bit misguided. Japan is woke as fuck.
they can also afford a house and groceries. Shame about the whole working from 9 to midgnight thing.
Japan is still allowed to have pretty girls in their games. The West, however...
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"I like the kind of porn this country produces."
>This means you agree with their entire politics, love the socioeconomic situation and wish to fucking live there.
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And to round up whatever else has been introduced in the ci-en

Francisca's mother. No name given.

And we have the recurring bad guy evil enforcers of the game:
- Textbook cartoonishly evil prettyboy bad guy

- OHONONONONONONONONONO. Self-proclaimed "Angel of Love"

- AKA Literally just evil Monica. A trendchaser of sorts and has a bunch of groupie grunts at her command

Edward/Charlotte Folkley (Volkl?)
- Creepy sadistic twins. Here's a preview/rough sketch of one of their H-scenes:
They also tip their landlords which is very based we need to bring this over to the west.
That's more of a societal/culture thing. The government is trying to undo that mindset too and their zoomers aren't having it either.
It's only a few large corporations that try to appeal to the west like square enix and sony. Most people there don't know wtf a marx is, and they can talk about hating foreigners on TV.
>America doesn't even have any "culture" aside from being scum
which conquered country are you from, buddy? American culture may be currently soulless and gay, but there's a lot of history to draw upon and America has influenced every other modern country's media and culture for years. Like how the Japanese are obsessed with American cinema and reference American shit in their games
Oh so it was a femc game all along?
western gaming industry is part of a wider money laundering and ponzi scheme
their games are just released as a PR stunt
Who's the third person? Iris?
Nigger, it already has a fucking store page
I'm from America. I hate every single person in this shithole and the only reason I haven't escaped it is that I don't have enough money.
Yeah, I read recently how people can't even give resignations as the boss would just tear it up and tell them to go back to work, some would even have to prostate them selves to beg to quit. So now they made agencies that would quit your job for you.
The history of fleeing from your homeland because for economical, religious and crime related reasons?
Followed by murdering the locals?
Nice h-game and totally on-topic post here you fucking dipshits. If you're so desperate for human interaction, at least keep it related to the thread.

>Who's the third person? Iris?
Most likely a defeat scene, so yes.
I shouldn't have got my hopes up
i need game...
>some would even have to prostate them selves
gaemus for this feeru?
piracy is communism, you know
wrong thread, ricardo
The only downside to Japanese porn is that silly puppy-like whimpering with the girl's voice. Even the milfy types do that when they should really be doing a more gutteral animalistic moans and screaming. This is the only time the west beats Japan. Western moans and screaming is way more exciting. Japan can do it too, but for some reason they choose not to the majority of the time.
Does Jeffrey fuck women?
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This slop is already releasing in December? Has it been in development that long or has Acerola finally decided to use AI?
piracy is libertarianism as long as it's digital
>you lived long enough to see Japanese H-rpgs go woke
It's so over.
Piracy is necessary to keep the devs in check. I think it should be increased and made more mainstream. They're still reaping too many rewards. They need to suffer and struggle more!
Futa has always been woke
Yes, Blackbeard was the first communist philosopher.
>Has it been in development that long
It has. Project has been on the slow but steady backburner since way back in 2020. But serious practical work and progress only started around 2022 or so.
I did my part and gassed all da juice.
Buddy, evil okamas have been around since the 90s before woke was even invented
Okamas have been a thing in anime/manga since forever you flaming newfag. The fact that he's a villain is the very opposite of woke.
How many fucking Pajeets does this guy employ? He's released Monica and Lust prison in this time, and that Chica shit and whatever other garbage! What the fuck!?
Only in America could you have the freedom to be this retarded.
>Thread degrades into /pol/shit in burger hours
Not saying the west or Japan is perfect by the way but at least there's a way and a process to challenge the existing party/ideas/values.
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shhh... no tears, only dreams now...
Any NTRTS games? No turn-based strategy. Only real-time strategy.
uhhhhhhhh jopbros? our response?
This is one of the worst images I've ever seen.
why do horses lack representation in hgames?
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Where is she? I'm tired of waiting.
RTSs are really hard to make, I tried once and it looked like a headache. TBS are several orders of magnitude easier, so you'd be hard pressed to find any RTS H game, let alone a specific fetish one.
real life
wait wtf???? is this real???
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For me, it's regs
The Sims
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I dunno, but she's late.
>ryoka sameface
He's too busy cucking himself and having a mental breakdown
Interesting. Wonder if those local leaders have to campaign and raise funds like they do in the west. And why is porn even outlawed if most of the public can still view it. If they made it legal they could have a massive industry. Imagine if we could get bigger budget, proper chegs during JP eroge droughts. They wouldn't have to go to the west to create a company and have to pay extra taxes. They could pocket more of the revenue themselves which would in turn encourage more homegrown games and more H-rpgs in general.
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fumika xd
You called?
Its so strange he went out of his way to make a sequel to Scars when he said how much the NTR hurt him
>NTR games cause harm to its creators and players
Banning porn is one of the easiest things to do to make you seem like you care about the people, and if you try to defend it you just end up looking like a pervert/addict.
>anon discovers art
Too real...
That makes no sense. What's stopping them from just walking out afterwards or not showing up again?
youre calling mediocre games art now?
He isn't a tortured artist anon, he makes cuckold eroges.
Their honor.
What an unfathomably teenage statement.
the most tortured of all artists
>he makes cuckold eroges
That sounds like a tortured artist.
>he's not a tortured artist, he's a tortured artist
>has mental breakdowns making art
>isn't a tortured artist
I know you faggots don't actually have any appreciation for the medium and just hang around here to shitpost between meatbeating sessions but at least try to use your brain a little.
I appreciate Makina, not an "NTR" game which shouldve not been one
90% of /weg/s are regs
Dunno but I'm guessing it's some russian weg
>mikos (exposed pits is mandatory)
Holy godlike taste.
How would you have felt last night if you didn't eat breakfast or lunch yesterday?
very artistic nation!
Dunno, what does this have to do with anything?
But I did eat breakfast yesterday?
But I ate breakfast and lunch!
The last hgg2d I played was Celesphonia, has anything good came out since then or has it all been slop?
Everything is slop to you, so no.
Yeah probably dozens of games.
Exactly 1 (one) game.
I disagree. It's much hotter when they're trying to moan quietly and gradually can't hold it in.
1) Female Adventurers/Heroes who have settled down and started a family but ended up taking adventuring back up again for whatever reason (return of the demon lord/monster population rising/village attacked by bandits etc.)
2) Experienced Female Adventurers who are around the age where it's time to start looking for a husband to settle down with but are stalked by the grudges of past enemies or foes
3) Scrappy Female Adventurers who won't take anyone's shit but can still be exploited or tricked or blackmailed by underhanded or sly means
4) Stoic (or Ditzy) Female Knights who are easily manipulated by words
5) Gyarus
6) Power gap
7) Everyone else
Best parts of Artel's game is the moaning sounds because they're deep and the animation is fluid it's just a shame War Shop fucked up the code so badly that the actual climax sfx never plays
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No games
RJ01225565 voicing is soul
>read random fag95 thread out of boredom
>people having technical difficulties with the game
>unable to figure out how to copy paste files
>take a picture of their screen with their phone and upload it instead of printing screen or snipping image
Yeah... I think we're done as a species.
Post some samples.
>>read random fag95 thread
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It's crazy to me how newer generations are actually worse at technology.
It can be done well like with RJ01136110 but the puppy whimpering you normally get is really bad. It's like they're in pain. It's no good. It's like thye make their voices unnaturally high too. They can moan quietly, but a mature woman should still sound like a mature woman, not a little girl or puppy. They should use their naturally deeper voice and we should hear them breathing loud like they're really getting into it. That whimpering sounds too fake like they're trying to act less experienced than they are.
Well yeah, don't you look at the various animals when you visit a zoo?

I don't think they're necessarily worse at it, they just quite literally don't give a fuck. But it's a normalized herd activity. Everyone's doing it, so do they. They don't care about the technical aspect or the tech itself, only what it serves them. Mainly videos, social media, clout, and so on...
I dunno what the context here is but so you're saying that puppies and bondage were involved in the recording of the audio? I believe it.
early thread doko
Just go to the dlsite page and watch the video
You don't have to go to fag95 to see esls and zoomers who can't use technology anon.
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quick, post 3dge before the thread dies
I just did in the blob bin.
The politician probably told them they'd get anti-trusted if they kept at it.
I've read about this specifically and it actually shouldn't be that surprising. older generations grew up with troubleshooting as part of their experience with technology while the newer ones had all the kinks worked out for them and simply used it. likened to how boomers (actual baby boomers) had to know how to fix their own cars because you couldn't depend on a tow truck or repair shop around the corner while today the average person can barely pump their own gas.
RJ01250461 kino
>Price 8,800JPY
As if price is a factor for us. Pirate everything.
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Cute loli
Seems like a game version of faphero.
>AAA game price
the fuck?
Exclude doujin works in your filter on DLsite and look for company releases only. They're all ultra expensive, even more than 3xA games.
Look at the number of VAs.

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