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Peak female form edition

Previous Thread: >>493273334

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
Be a blob person.
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I'm going to Arisu
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Wrong Arisu to have sex with every day.
A while ago someone posted a screenshot of an eroge that kept track of all the different people (and animals)'s babies presumably the main heroine had gotten pregnant with. Anyone know the name?
I want to have a fetish discussion outside of context of video games, talk about Visual novels, debate Non-Japanese games, and have a conversation about 3D games.
I hope these things belong here!
Likely just Violated Princess. Go check and confirm.
Probably Kirsten
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Absolutely, go right ahead! Let's get a 3 day sun tan together!
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Why is the bin not working I wanted to confirm somethinggg
fuck dazed im going to buy it from dlsite
I'm so triggered by normies. I want them all to be violently until they're traumatized by 3d and become fellow weebs
I want a normie girlfriend I can corrupt
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Nice "game" NTR-tards...
do i start this game or delete it
how much of this godawful combat is there?
it's a deconstruction, anon, it's kino
>he wants them all to be violently
oh no!
The game is all about Imos' suffering. Are you into watching and maybe fapping to other men being miserable? If so, it's just the right thing for you!
He has no face so you have to self insert.
Fapping to myself and my own suffering? Now that's meta!
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War Demon Kirsten. One of the best femc games I've ever played. And I'm eagerly awaiting the dev's next game too.
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I'm having more fun pointing out the farcical plot, also I'm incapable of self-inserting as someone so pathetic.
>Sorry, we did not find the product number you specified in our database. Please check the
fix your RJ script or something
>AAA eroges
:O !!!
Replace /work/ with /announce/ in the URL.
The Concord we all need but don't deserve! :DDD
>Somehow less erotic than the non-h game it's inspired by
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Why is Megrim's art so bad?
>catbox down
Which Acerola games have no guys in the parties? Always felt it was weird to have a whore female MC and they shove a male love interest at them.
use litterbox for the moment then.
Pink haired sluts
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They don't betray!
>new thread
>we're deader than dead
what the fuck? did ww3 start already or are you all playing games behind my back!? where are they!? give me the games!
Now that's just a lie
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Does anyone happen to have RJ173033? All the a-s links are dead and it's not on the other usual sites.
I know it's just one dollar, but I don't have access to my credit card right now (long story).
everyone's playing weg
Why would anyone have this one particular title? Can't you just jerk off to something else? Just cum and you'll get over it.
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NTA but sometimes you just see a girl and decide that you just HAVE TO fap to her, no matter what.
What game should I buy next?

Preferably something with a flat-chested magical girl
>Why would anyone have this one particular title?
I know it's unlikely, but you never know. Might be a favorite for some anon here.
>Can't you just jerk off to something else?
It's the first tanned succubus game I've encountered. I know it's probably slop, but I want to see the H scenes at least.
Can't say I relate to that. I'm not that picky. More often than not I just want to get it over with, to not feel this way, is all. I rarely get hyped over a particular character, especially considering the overall shallow writing and how quickly they all spread their legs. Maybe I should try a VN again? I'm not seriously considering it because in most cases those are even worse. They're just 10x as long as an RPG, but with walls of pointless filler words. Oh well, nothing that can be done but to wait for the next kino. ETA who the fuck knows.
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The CGs are on panda. There's a mere handful and they look.... you know the word.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
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we need more games with hardcore anal training. where the products are kept virgins so they can be sold for a higher price and become complete anal sluts from endless mindbreaking vibes being inserted into them.
just search RJ173033 animesharing you will see lots of links
judging from the hcgs its worse than current slops, you can see most of her cgs already from dlsite preview..
nta but he's looking for a game from 2016, all the links are dead since they're using sites like datafile or turbobits
>just search RJ173033 animesharing you will see lots of links
Bro I said this in >>493435981:
>All the a-s links are dead and it's not on the other usual sites.
The links are hosted on dead sites.

>The CGs are on panda
I know, but I want to fap with textual context, particularly the dialogue between the guy and girl.

To add, it's Apple soft's first title which I am a fan of.
This is one crazy-looking hag.
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oh boy, king slop is already up by dazed. that was really fast
This is the one with the not-Rance guy, right?
What the hell happened to the bin?
My record is ~30k DMG. git gud
% wise how much of this is the blue haired girl?
How kino is King Exit compared to Kino Roots?
feMC grows a dick and rapes a young girl she is supposed to protect for 48hours
It came first, so I'm assuming it's not really that great. I found some comments on f95 and people apparently are having to cheat and the game still takes forever for little payoff.

Not that I was ever even really into the torture porn, but this dude has a bit of an obsession.
>lots of updates in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13AHUSfSpNVeyl3i8caEm9qFb26aZ5yEaZrdcy0Msr14
deflorape chads we're eating good
oh yeah the end game bosses use retarded RNG
Games with goth hags?
What's new? I don't use this site.
a lot more confirmed games since the last time i checked
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It's rougher since it's his first real game, but it's still great at evoking emotion and making you care about the characters. All party members are great and as much as I like Polca I still prefer Geo.

By far the worst part of KE is step based encounter system.
MTL'd RJ01173775 the other day
One specific thing I really liked about it was the magic room in another dimension where one year inside is like a second outside and how in the worst ending, all the girls get trapped in it after the entrance breaks and get raped for eternity without aging
Any recs for games with similarly specific scenarios of group suffering?
I was actually just thinking about this ge the other day randomly, didn't know Dazed planned to do it.
I lost my save file for Mid Roots probably around halfway through and never finished it, so I don't even know the actual story, and no way in hell I'm slogging through the game again. Don't know if I should bother with KE.
>step based encounter system
And now I lost my motivation to ever play it. Pointless fights were already a snore in Demons Roots, having those be unavoidable is just too much.

I'd still slog through it, if there is an option to take easy difficult then go for that. If you like DR for its characters and story and setting then you will enjoy KE regardless of inferior gameplay.
Requesting this with just general immortality + hopelessness
any games with girls like chiyo in RJ01203275? Her route was extremely sexo
I recall Grace's game having a Hyperbolic Fuck Chamber she goes in because she made an agreement for like a week of straight sex with every man at the inn for helping her out with her debt or something like that.
What's she like anon
thanks anon.
are they all virgins in this game?
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I honestly don't know how that game got any good reviews, it was pretty bad just because the main girls account for less than 50% of the scenes in the game. Ichika was the best girl by the way.
oh yeah we're playing at the same pace
i don't see what was the point of this sequence when it's all scripted. you might as well suicide and not waste your mats.
i still don't know if Grey is a bro or not
the pink haired girl is a dumb bitch though
>bull attack her village, is responsible for her friends getting raped&mindbroken
>"your childhood friend? he lied to you"
>"h-how could he!"
bin update?
Haven't been here in a while. What happened to the regular /hgg/? I don't see it here or on /jp/.
When the FUCK is it getting an actual translation
I don't wanna ruin one of the few great plotges by playing a shitty dazed "translation"
Games where you can get captured but the gameplay keeps going? I already played Sharkdev's stuff and Aisha's games
no literally the same hashes from OP
speaking of which, did someone change the gateways in between OPs?
same as before (shit as usual)
I'm afraid it's been 9 years
The chances of it getting a fan translation went from 1% to 0% with this. You'll have to hope for some official publisher now. Unlikely it'll be Kagura since they didn't start with it.
Does RJ333022 feature the other Kozue girls getting action too? Previews only show Sayuri.
Do you care about the game engine used by a game? Like if it's a VX or VX Ace game, or if it's something more unconventional like Bakin.
No way. But really, what happened to it? I remember posting in it somewhat recently (albeit years ago).
Did you even read the post you responded to retard?
VX ace looks like shit, but not really
Of course. Sets up a lot of what's to be expected. Old engine where there isn't even a volume slider for each thing can go fuck itself (granted my favourite game uses wolf)
>t. dazed
>if you can read you are dazed
I wonder how many dazed anons there are in this thread
When is Silent Pill 2 getting a translation?
why haven't you losers learned japanese yet? and yes it is worth it to learn a dying language for the sole purpose of masturbation.
I thought it was ok for what it was. I only tried it for chiyo's design. I haven't finished the other routes yet and I probably won't except for pink's and maybe ichika's. But as a CG hunter its at least above average.

Typical nerdy and shy bookworm type thats secretly a horny degenerate. Hobbies are "reading" but the material in question is often porn. During the school festival where you can have sex anywhere on campus as long as you pay, she lets you do it for free because the sex is payment enough. Kinda crazy and a little gross but not overly so. Absolutely total bitch (japanese) that l likes to be treated and dominated as such but sometimes gets so horny that she tops
RJ109441 when?
i'm getting there anon様, soon done with 漢字s and then moving on to vocabulary and grammar (already know basic grammar). After that I will be free to masturbate to whatever I want.
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>worst girl
wtf Serafina is used goods?
I'm learning jap to interact with vtubers not play shitty rpgm slop
That's even lower, vbuta
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Anon that's even more tragic
you don't want to be_ the vtuber?
I already told you I'm too stupid
Does RJ01227087 have as much despair as Araka?
I hope this is bait or it's going down permanently as the most embarrassing post I've seen in 2024, nothing can top this level of pathetic
It was too hard
Are "Thug Hero Party" and "Hero Party Must Fail" the same game?
It was pretty mild I guess. The bad end is the typical endless monster impregnation birth hell deluxe but the good end is fairly light hearted. The only thing that made araka worse story-wise was the cuckshit.
One follow the other
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I spent 12 hours straight playing Elf Sex Farm (RJ01027321).
My eyes are burning.
10/10 game.
No. Dark Hero Party is the steam release of Thug Hero Party. The other one you listed is just some shitty weg that a shitposter liked to spam in the past.
The women were almost useless, too, just like in real life. Extra points for realism.
I did notice they seemed to work fine when I was away, but when I stayed and observed them, the AI visibly got worse and made bad decisions, letting crops die, not picking stuff up, etc. I wonder if it was purposefully programmed like that in order to increase engagement / playtime.
>Supported languages:
>Chinese Simplified
>Chinese Traditional
I'm not even touching this.
I tried playing Living with my Aunt (RJ419396) and the game ran sluggish on my Intel Pentium Gold 8GB RAM laptop.
I didn't expect that from such a seemingly simple low-requirement game. Maybe the one I downloaded had a cryptominer in it, maybe the game is unoptimized.
Either way, a pity.
>in the past
he is still here
Sort of. It depends on how it's utilized. The older ones have a plethora of various scripts and 3rd party assets, that can make them quite complex and interesting.
More games like Shia where you can sell out your friends?
I know that. He deliberately changes whatever he likes to spam too.
If she had vaginal sex, got pregnant, and gave birth, how come she's still a virgin?
Dont care for mid exit or mid roots but it is always nice to see bazed dropping bombs on the contrarians corporate shills
I would vote dazed for president
Low resolution games are annoying as fuck.
Did you get a full save or what? Where's that pic from? My only guess is that someone restored her virginity through cheating. I think the recollection room had something to restore her virginity too.
I'm on here everyday and either my filters are better than I thought or you two are lying.
Just a pic I saw in the download page.
>that perspective
>those sprites
What in the god damn. Incredibly ugly. Picked up!
Ah yeah, I remember that spam. I even tried the game myself, villain solo must succeed. I wasn't really impressed. It tries to be too damn edgy. Also likely a never ever.
I haven't seen him in a bit, so don't worry about it.
Only 4 hours to go until the next Acerola slop, and boy is it bad! I don't quite recall his old NTR games, but things escalate real fast in Monica's. Can't wait to see no discussion about it whatsoever!
Where is the bazed MTL thing now?


is down
it's the kind of script that can only be used by the developer so don't get your hopes up
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Did you bros have a good Fake-Rabi Friday?
>it's the kind of script that can only be used by the developer so don't get your hopes up
What like he has custom parameters for it?
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Is this sexy?
not to be confused with minors
there's much uglier shit in the douj comic and douj artist area. without even looking for it you'll see some eventually.
It randomly explodes.
( | )
Wasn't an official translation already in the works for King Exit?
Yes, an Official English Translation (MTL).
as long as someone does a second pass on the MTL to remove the obvious mistakes then that's okay. I wonder if Dazed even does that
It's not okay nigger you should have some damn standards especially for storyge, and no Dazed doesn't even playtest his MTLs before releasing them buggy.
You can always read the original MTL if bazed kino is too much for you. Is not like the game stopped being available after being delisted from le steam
better to have something to read than have nothing to read
>no Dazed doesn't even playtest his MTLs before releasing them buggy.
That is an actual problem thoughever
No, I got cucked by the delay of
So like, when does the ecchi in VH start? I've been playing the game, beaten every foe so far, but apart from other girls getting dicked I've yet to come across something that either lasts long enough to get my rocks off or is enticing enough. Of course this is all very early on in the game, I had just finished the bandit raid.
None of his releases are buggy though because he hotfixes everything fast. Basically makes the community do the testing for him.
We call this "Trunk Based Development" in Software Engineering.
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>eyeless protagonist gains eyes at the final battle
Genuinely one of my favorite tropes and I wish more games did it.
Please don't mention software engineering ITT. It gives me a headache
I don't really remember but you have to lose to get most of the scenes iirc.
help me out bros, what was that one game where you play a girl who gets pregnant and gives birth to monsters that fight for you like pokemon?
God damnit, I can't believe I was playing the game wrong. Is it like DoL where you have to try and get dicked instead of focusing on making money and progressing shit? I made a similar mistake there too.
Can I play RJ183994 as a deranged futa rapist or is it more vanilla favored?
Yes... but no. You can be a deranged rapist but the game won't acknowledge it.
>futa with no balls
Well due to the nature of the development a lot of the scenes are focused near the start of the game so you don't really get much by progressing the story which, last I played, isn't even finished. Think about it as more of a sandbox where you walk around to find a sequence you like and enjoy the absurd amount of detail the specific dev put into the scene.
Try RJ301497
>shemale with no balls
literally the antichrist
>shemale with no balls
literally no chance of getting fagpreggers
Niramare quest did this and it was KINO
>portraitless NPC gets a portrait and reveals himself as the main antagonist
>blonde (tsundere?) mage heroine with twin tails

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Pinks (male) never betray!
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Was it RJ161078?
Memes aside, did you anons actually enjoy VP?
Is the Rignetta OVA out yet?
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no ashley no play
No. It's genuine kusoge but it's the type of kusoge I can let slide and know that the few who actually like it aren't inherently retarded. Can't say the same for a lot of other titles.
Ultra cringe.
Yes. It's great.
Naedoko Demons Ground?
There was someone on here like a couple weeks ago asking for horror heroine games. Looks like it might be cool, can't really see much in the pictures. I'm a pussy when it comes to horror games and I can't achieve scared boners but might try it soon anyway.
yoooooooo we have movies/animations in the bin now?...
/hgg2d/ movie night when?...
Going by the tags and the images, it looks like a male mc game.
Add this one to the bin!
It's pretty good.
no way fag
enjoyed it as well
Good games don't belong in the bin, anon, hence the name. And: >>493469263
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Should I play Alcy's game?
Absolutely not
I've heard getting pregnant meant game over
Delete that shit game
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You should pray game.
It's genuinely bad.
Eh? Did people dislike Alcy's game? I enjoyed it a lot even though I didn't think it was amazing. Plenty of scenes, the RPG component isn't super obnoxious, the sex stuff is generally inoffensive.
Irito, stop fangirling over your edgy twink boyfriend.
The translation was a MTL sold as a human one which turned a bunch of people off.
Julius isn't a particularly complex character, but it honestly does wonders if a MaleMC protagonist is given a personality beyond:
"I'm an inoffensive nice guy that just wants to do the right thing" or "I WANT TO HAVE SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX".
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Nice clothing is more erotic than naked
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>MaleMC protagonist is given a personality
Take the doublescore pill and enjoy MaleMCs that are just different flavors of: "Dandy middleaged dude jaded and broken by life but is healed by the heroine(s)".
Wasnt the literallyme-kun of his recent mecha game your typical teenage gundam protag though?
No, he was a jaded former pilot who was granted a second chance by one of the heroines.
We'll know when it gets TL'd.
>we [...] TL
lol. lmao.
yeah that's the one, thanks man
Otakuplan has done all their other games, it's just a matter of time. A matter of a lot of time.
>Dandy middleaged dude jaded and broken by life but is healed by the heroine(s)
Oh so literally me. But I don't have any cute heroines.
You aren't dandy either.
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You guys are like a few months late to the news.

Phantom Brave eroge doko.
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So does she show up for one scene in the true ending or something?
i don't know what game this is but i do know that a lot of rape happens in that van
Zero rape happens in the car.
You mean the form or for h?
As the form she's there for like 50% of the route (true end route is twice as long as other two routes). For h I think she has like 3 scenes. I can't remember if there was 1 near the middle, but there are two close to each other near the end. It's her mom not having scenes that's criminal.
Vyner blob, don't get the magnifying glass oit.
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It's Friday.
Hmm, very nice, nyes
Then I'm surprised I haven't seen her in her human form yet. Though I've only done Ichijou's route.
What's criminal is chachamaru not having enough scenes. We need a game focused on her
And sex with Chaika
There's one in progress according to akaimato, Tenka Ran RPG got a TL out of nowhere a few days ago
She only enters her humanoid form around the start of her route. Mind you, when I said twice as long, I meant that the length of of the game from entering her route to end is about as long either of the two routes from beginning to end of game. Not that just the post enter route content is twice as long. True route also has chachamaru's route included
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>And sex with Chaika
How soon?
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ge with girls like this?
I hope it won't be as boring as The MHS
Bait used to be believable.
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Yeah, there are a few.
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Mods do something
name 2
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Any games like this?
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Calm down, Loki.
The guy who made this didn't even bother with cleaning up the AIslop
There's a vn general. Fuck off, retards.
games are cringe
Pink is a hetfag.
They all are
It was a miraculous immaculate rape and abortion. Truly a holy mother of Gobbos.
Which games have a fun or unique turn-based combat system? I'm thinking in the lines of Scalegarden games.
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Nell's game.
Apparently Kagura's version of Monica is broken (voices don't play during scenes).
>dick looks like a log
demons root
its not quite a human cock.
be a good person
I don't know how.
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>Awful hair
>Permanently sweating
yep, that's a NTRman alright

As expected of Kagura. I turn voices off though so not much of a problem for me at least
why do people give a shit about the kagura release? is there additional content?
Yes, it's exactly my shit.
I don't want a big sandbox, and I don't want corruption. I just wanna see Serena have a bad time.
But then I stopped after a while, because I wanted to wait and see where mods go.
Why do you care about people caring about the Kagura release?
I'm not an impatient MTLnigger so I haven't played it yet
I never finished it but I got a lot of good faps out of it, so it was alright enough
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games where you cook americans?
Recommend corruption eroges
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What's japs obsession with Alice?
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kill yourself
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She thought she could outrun the NTRman
fuck you asshole
Rio big
No, I fuck your asshole
Fuck you buddy, you were supposed to ntr , not rape
NTR starts with rape
My body has fallen
Ochimpo sugoi
what's the best miko corruption ge?
ntring your childhood friend by having gay sex with u is also ntr
What ge does this happen in.
The tomboy stays pure and the nice guy gets turned out by a hobo
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>Her husband has a limp dick.
>However, she knows all about fellatio, anal sex and the like from her old boyfriend.
Are there flashback scenes with the old boyfriend?
>latest acerola has animation
bros... i might be sold on the game...
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What a pointless edited screencap.
Nope, it's all hairy hag nootmaxxing.
the FIRST isekai, what do you think?
Enjoying it more than I thought I would
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why does the artist do it?
I choose small breasted Monica
>Another Story has drawn enough shit over the years that if he turned those into CGs instead blonde Malina's game would have been finished by now
tfw no big smile bluntbang chubby heroine game
why live
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Evil people like me always win in the end... always.
This game is boring without pregnancy tracking and childbirthing
she just ashamed to ask for dick
every game should have pregnancy mechanics
they want to have sex with her
Yeah. GOTY
they can't, she is a kid
Yes. Amazing game. Did a virgin run immediately after
No, it was a damn waste of character design. The dev even went double nigger and made modding a pain in the ass to do so the game is basically unsalvageable
>latest Acerola
Do you mean Tales of Acerola or Monica?
a very sexy kid
Nebel 2
- shitty combat
+ x-ray scan
literally a stick inside a dress
Kubel 2 doko
why are you brown
only thing ntr players can relate with
But would it sitll be about Kana, or another FEMC?
It's funnier when the protagonist is white outside of sex scenes but then they magically become brown inside them
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For me it's Akane
Oshi no Ko NTR game
I'm up for it
>not adam and eve
Kek. Also do people seriously play MTLs of 20+ hour plotge? That just sounds so aids trying to look for subtleties in the script to use for theorycrafting or make lore connections to related games with when you don't even know if what you're reading is some made up bullshit.
It's not what you think. The game's thread is from 2017. It was made then with whatever MTL at the time. That's why it's rated so low. Dazed's GPT released just today. I dunno why they didn't just make a new thread, but whatever. Not that it matters. The game's mid, like roots.
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>Your NTRman, sir

>mom is hotter than her daughter

every time
Yeah, it was GOTY and better than yarMIDmon. Also BTFO vh faggots so double the kino delivery
>Tales of Acerola
I hate that this actually sounds like a legitimate Tales title.
>literally the same girl upped 5 years more with a different hairstyle
>call it her "mom"
>he thinks all girls have massive tits and ass all of a sudden when they become a mom
Aqua's too much of a sigmachad, he'd probably just ruin the bulls' lives through some Machiavellian scheme and then whore them out to rich businessmen out of newfound disgust and further his goals.
Everytime I see Monica art I want to play her game but everytime I download it I'm reminded the art in the game is not good compare to their other games. There are some hot scenes (like the demon lord defeat) but otherwise the base stuff is so meh I can't be bothered to explore the new stuff in DLC.

But anon Nisei is the flat one
>Play MTL
>Rate game low because the MTL is bad
This is the most niggerbrained shit I've ever seen.
the mom is the shorter tomboy one
There's literally a not-kana game in the oven rn
muramasa was a shit vn, too much preachy shit, not enough sex (that was not with generic rapemen lol) And le generic shock value beheading, the sign of kusoge.
Why wouldn't you rate a game based of it's official translation? Are you retarded? It's all on the dev if they chose chink slop translations the first time round.
>anon randomly starts describing his schizoid delusions
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>Each family member has a different hair color
You are a nigger
When, long ago, the Gods created Earth,
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill this gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing 493499684
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Baldge doko
>more off-topic dogshit
the sign of kusoanon
>finally get around playing Aradia's game
>softlocks after the first boss when trying to pick up the diary
well shit. help?
i'm out of the loop. what's the newest version of lost life and is there a link?
Someone post futa cocks to scare the /vn/babies.
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It fuckin' sucks. She has a bunch of different skin colours which reflect in all (very few) scenes. Brown, grey, blue, for example.
Is Bokki like a Rock okay?
they love subahibi tho?
futa only works against normaltrannies and gachaniggers
on the otherhand NTR attracts them. Gachaniggers even have specific NTR focused gachas
>futafags talking about trannies
Trannies love fag shit though
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He won.
>gayzed troon
>buggier MTLs than sakuragame
or rather
Good evening.
Petrification and tickling are such meme fetishes.
>doesnt fix bugs

>fixes the bugs
Another victory for the jop-killer
They're so rare in games they hardly deserve to be called memes.
Also, Witch Act has the best petrification scenes ever
I dunno, I like statues.
Why doesn't he hire a good artist holy shit.
His art style is horrible.
Megrim is kinda crazy
Not many know that Mid Exit received an official MTL from Sakura Game, later rebranded as Paradise Project. But yes, like with the vast majority of Japanese devs and people in general, I'd say that over 90% in fact, they're entirely clueless when it comes to anything English. But that's alright. They'll learn through the wonders of migration and multiculturalism. No escaping it.
Petrification gets me hard sometimes, depending on how it's built.
Can kinda crumble if it's done badly, just feels like a bad photoshop fetish.
Tickling just actively turns me off.
I can see petrification being utilized as a form of torture or for the sake of preserving someone's spirit or beauty, but not in a sexual way. It's a fucking statue. And while ticking can be stimulating in various ways, it's not really a realistic sexual fetish that many can relate to. Might be the closest the dev got to actual skinship. It wouldn't surprise me.
>only Alice blob looks good in this pic
sad but true
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Aliceblob always looks good
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Talk about games
So it takes place during the Ashikaga Shogunate, yet she's the only one of her siblings to have the Ashikaga name. How's that work?
I don't get the "magical girls must suffer" meme.
>Petrification gets me hard
>Can kinda crumble if it's done badly
Yeah it's complete shit and he doesn't get better.
dunt care
sex with chachamaru
I don't think his intent is to change or improve his style. This is his final form and it's revolting.
It's le subversion, anon.
What are the objectively 5 BEST mahou shoujoge?
I believe that Megrim's art can get even haggier.
>So it takes place during the Ashikaga Shogunate
It takes place after mecha WW2, not the 15th centaury Ashikaga
>yet she's the only one of her siblings to have the Ashikaga name
From what I remember the other generals aren't her siblings. She's only related to the shogun and the other kid, both of whom are called Ashikaga.
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Does this looks like suffering to you
Madoka was cool, and then people wanted to copy it in a shallow way until it became a trope.
For sure, that I don't doubt, but it would be due to aging or health issues, a degradation in quality that is to say, not an intentional "improvement". I think his games should be banned from this thread out of principle. But that's just me.
nta but is this horrendous style on purpose?
or is he just into this ugly stuff
literally gay propaganda
who the fuck wants to fuck these boring designs? normalfags
based megrim. tell 'em!
Judging by his past works and lack of any significant difference, change, or improvement, I'd say with almost certainty that this is "his style". This is what he considers good or beautiful.
brown tomboy elf can only get better if she were flat
I don't really disagree with his take though, they're kinda mainstream and boring looking. Nothing that really catches the eye. They have this generic anime character vibe to them, that you'd scroll past if you didn't know that they were h game characters, that there was going to be more to them than their dressed up versions.
>this is boring!
>refuses to post a "good" design
Yeah I just like to talk shit. It's good to have unique art styles. Retards crying about "bad style" and even "should be banned" really ought to stay silent–permanently.
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How about you design something and we judge
>unique = good
Fucking look at them who the fuck is masturbating to that. This isn't even an acquired taste it's just WEG tier art.
I mean, it really depends. I like beauty and I believe in the objectivity or at least a standard to it, that symmetry, colors, contrasts, proportions, and all that, are very important... and that it isn't all in the eyes of the beholder. That's cope. For this reason I'd prefer seeing pretty things instead of stuff like in OP or Rinko and Kirstin's games.
>implying the magical girl suffering meme started with madoka
holy zoomerinos
>unique = good
Trust hgg2d with the inability for basic reading skills.
Beauty is objective up to a point, after which it's preferences. It's because what we call beauty is just sexual attractiveness aka genetic markers of a successful individual
it did start with madoka. This doesn't mean madoka was the first one to do it.
And there's a lot more leeway with simplified 2d anime designs. I think that many are too simplistic. I know that simplicity is oftentimes best, but oversimplifying can be a detriment too. For instance, a generic looking anime girl, every pretty with the dev's art style, not necessarily unique, but wears boring clothes that are all a one piece, no underwear to speak of, nothing else either. Bring back ScaleGarden!
It was the highly successful iteration that spawned all the copycat bullshit and memes.
That does not mean it was the first example of this concept, merely the one that made it a popular concept to mimic.
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the reason simplicity generally looks good is because you essentially fill in the blanks with whatever you like.
For instance you couldn't make AAA weg manfaces with less detail, you need more.
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Where is vitamin when we needed him the most
Not in hentai media, which is the only topic that matters here. Simple as that.
Literally me.
even pretty*

That also depends on the medium and the quantity of art employed. Filling in blanks (pun very much unintentional for the most part) can be done in certain circumstances, such as drawing sex scenes from angles where the genitalia from both are completely hidden, every single time. Or, when "exotic" characters wear specific types of clothing, like veils and such. But in general this doesn't really apply because everything's laid bare in this medium.
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Holy kino. Big kudos to nyuu for that story.
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Give me a tldr of the story, if you finished the game

I played it on the JP ver and I ctrl'ed through everything
Fucking based. Who wants to read this dogshit anyway? Give booba and fuck off!
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/teg/bros I'm cumming.
yarimono is fucking shit
smartest notpokemon poster
Sounds like the Muramasa, MGQ and Rance killer.
Picked up!
Hopefully it becomes the THP killer one day.
Retard you said it's good to have unique artstyles which nobody has a problem with but then you defended that ugly weg art. The art is just bad but you think it's good for it to exist because it's unique.
Good to have unique styles does not mean unique style itself is good. You are the retard. Trust you, the ESL to be active during SEA hours. It's routine.
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any alternatives to chink tool if i don't need auto MTL, just shit like toggable speedhack/auto win buttons/variable modify/event playing?
the chink is fucking annoying, keeps breaking stuff every update, the UI is legitimately awful and forces some of the functions so that you can't disable them
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What I mean is the more simple the design the harder it is to look bad. It's easier to screw up a renaissance painting then an anime character, and it's easier to screw up an anime character then a smiley.
Your mind easily fills in the lack of detail to to mean good looking nose, no blemishes, clean and healthy skin, etc etc.
Nice design. I like the layers. But her tits are too big.
Yeah, I cannot deny that. But there are exceptions at times, like noseless girls.
Its clearly just his style. Saying he needs to hire a good artist is stupid since his actual artistic ability is above average for a hgame dev. Compare it to something like sequel and the actual detail in his art, use of colours, shading, everything except his actual choice of what to draw is better. But Sequel artist actually chooses to draw attractive characters to the guys here.
I like his hags
no such thing as a /teg/
Holy shit its a Megrim OP
Yeah, it is.
>But there are exceptions at times
>like noseless girls.
nta, but what did he mean by this?
No one nose.
nice, im a gamer too. would you kindly provide the name or source of your image
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pucker up!
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>AI use
: )
Only part of this I find ugly is the weirdly detailed lip creases
The discord blob meme is from a teg
No thanks, just showered. RJ the anon below.
But nobody said it was bad to have unique styles you projecting ESLtard you just got pissy when one of the worst unique art styles of all time got shit on.
Bastard invented the NTR smile before it was even associated with NTR, AND he draws NTR CGs on the side...and yet no NTR game. What the cuck is his problem?

(And don't you even say some bullshit like I should be happy I'm getting cucked out of NTR. Not having something that doesn't exist is not NTR. It needs to exist first, and THEN it needs to be stolen to classify as NTR. This current situation is not NTR. To become NTR, he would need to announce an NTR game, show off some CG previews and some screenshots, promise a release date, and then turn around later and say he's abandoning the game because working on the game gave him such serious PTSD that it gave him genital herpes and he can no longer continue working on it do to health issues...only to later announce that he's been fully cured but his hard drive was destroyed by water damage during a recent tsunami, so instead of continuing his game, he's moved on to a new project. Now THAT is NTR. Not some weak, half-assed trollpost by some random vanilla enjoyer.)
You know who doesn't use AI? Megrim.
I think that's also intentionally done for the sake of... I don't know. Maybe ugliness is also a fetish? Perhaps I'm using the wrong expression or word to define what this is. Perhaps I can explain it differently. Imagine looking at something you find pleasant on the eyes, be it a human face, an animal, a plant or inanimate object... now imagine zooming in to an extent you'd see all the little imperfections and details that you didn't really need to see. That. I think that's the fetish here. Don't ask me why.
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That does not follow. Also (as was already mentioned in the chain that you clearly do not read) it mentions how somebody said art like megrim should be banned from here. Again you're only digging yourself into a deeper hole with each and every post. Funny how it took you so long to respond this time and you're copying (and projecting) me calling you an ESL as it's blatantly obvious–unless you're trolling which is possible as you're clearly not reading properly, such as missing the aforementioned banning. No more (you)s as I've seen many a time other anons here getting baited by a samefagging schizo and it never, ever ends in any resourceful manner. On the very slim chance you pretend to think that you're honest (you're not), then reread from the top (I'd wager money you won't).
Even more reason to keep such artists around. Shit art > AI "art".
Just self-insert as the pink elf's boyfriend if you want NTR that bad
AI art is better than midgrim and karl james tho
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Don't lose your way.
!!! Give it back! D:
The staff ruins everything. I think it too needs to be simplified or smoothed out!
>bad art should be banned
>unique art is bad
You think those are the same two statements retard? Banning art is retarded especially retards who said NTRman creates kegs because they didn't like the style and such but you sperged out over someone saying his art was so shit it should be banned implying that they hated unique art as a whole instead of megus unique shitty art. If you see someone hating BAD art so much that they say it should be banned and your retarded response is to say all UNIQUE art should be banned then you're implying he hated it because it was unique and not because it was dog shit. You also said "it's good to have unique art styles" like it being shit is somehow redeemable because it's unique. Being unable to infer from context the implications your words have is peak ESL or autism which is presumably why you started projecting.
>no way in hell I'm slogging through the game again
You're only missing out. Finish it.
I think I kind of understand what Megrim is going for even though personally I find it disgusting. If you want to check out something similar but a lot less off-putting look up the non-Japanese artist Aarokira, there's a bunch of his comics on sadpanda.
I think the art is dog shit and worse than AI sloppa but if it sells well then he must be doing something right.
It's more like being a futa rapist it's normal and encouraged in that world or public sexual acts are more normalized, as naked futa waitress are normal there.
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>They're still arguing about that retarded shit
I don't think I want to know, but thanks anyway.

He's pandering to a very specific niche it seems. Considering what constitutes as success in terms of sales of HRPGs, he's found a sufficient audience to entertain. All things considered, the primary demographic is Japan, and I'd be appalled if a western publisher such as Kagura actually decided to pick this up, but that aside, selling a few thousand copies... can be deemed possible or expected, out of the 120m population of Japan. You know, statistically speaking and all that...
Rice eroge when?
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so i had to be a responsible adult for a while and now i come back and the archive links don't work for me. someone point me in the right direction so i can unfilter myself.
or spoonfeed me, i'm ok with that too
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What part is AI?
It doesn't heckin matter! AI le bad!
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>inb4 but it's partial so it's okay!
The ipfs mirror in the OP is just down. Copy the hashes into a different mirror or use ipfs directly.
If it's just used for backgrounds or something similar then I could not give less of a shit
It's not really all that good. Some of its individual parts are good or high quality, but the total sum of them all leave much to be desired. The side characters are kinda pointless and underdeveloped in terms of writing. Alcy doesn't have much to do for a good chunk of her journey. It's poorly paced with large gaps of content, basically. The combat is really plain and boring as well. I think it would've been better if her companion wasn't an actual unit.
Honestly just pirate it. If you can't tell it's AI and you enjoy it who gives a fuck. That being said from the screenshots being posted I would assume it's just background stuff.
Careful with that slippery slope, anon. First they come for the backgrounds, then for the various touch ups, like lighting and shading, then they take the clothes, and finally the character and writing itself too. AI creep is very much real. Never support any of it! Pirating is a different matter because it doesn't equal support. Do with that whatever you want.
>Honestly just pirate it
I do that for every game I play regardless of AI use
>If you can't tell it's AI and you enjoy it who gives a fuck
Thanks for the tip. I was under the impression that if it uses AI in any form I'm not allowed to enjoy it at all. Really needed the unsolicited advice that doesn't answer my question at all.
>from the screenshots being posted I would assume it's just background stuff
So you have no idea and no more information than I do, but felt the need to post a reply with a sermon and a shitty attempt at an answer.
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Games with gorillawoman when?
Most shitty indie devs dont even draw backgrounds because it is too much work, nothing wrong with using AI for those. For characters too as long as the model is well-trained and the character looks mostly the same in all the CGs
Tsk tsk tsk... you can't have Hent without AI.
>First they come for the backgrounds, then for the various touch ups, like lighting and shading, then they take the clothes, and finally the character and writing itself too
I don't care if AI is involved in any of that shit so long as the end result is good. Right now AI is only good enough to do backgrounds without being noticeably worse, but if it gets to the point where it can generate character art and dialogue as well as a human, then I'll happily play games made entirely with AI and toss retarded game devs to the street.
NTA, but good! Fuck the devs! Never support anyone or pay for anything that you can get for free without trouble! Always pirate, no exceptions! Especially the things that you really like!
What's gorilla about her?
this but unironically
The sooner the better, I guess. It's gonna be a bumpy ride until then, but I think it will be worth it.
>hgame draught so bad that anon(s) now have open arms to AI and even at the prospect of it doing more and more work
it's over
i'll just have eroge then
checkmate faggot
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nap time
Nobody reasonable has ever inherently cared about AI being involved in games. We care about the end result, not the tools used to create it. Only butthurt artists scream and cry about AI even when they produce good outputs, because they're extremely jealous and desperate to gatekeep their single shitty "skill".
I wasn't being ironic. Never pay if you can steal and get away with it!
>inherently cared
What the fuck do you mean with "inherently" here?
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jops are getting left behind by MTL
shitty artists are getting left behind by AI art

It do be like that
There's tons of games already out there that look interesting but have no translations available. I'm just waiting on someone like f95 to get cracking.
>keeps posting this randomly
filter time
Any new translated loli games?
People care about AI use because of the downstream consequences involved, not because of AI itself. If the negative consequences (aka, worse than human art) go away, then there's no longer anything to care about. If you just care about AI use inherently and not the quality of its production, then you're retarded and mad.
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I think the masses that complain do it because they know that it's still half baked and unreliable, but if it could produce quality results, and reliably at that, they wouldn't care. Especially if it could mimic the art of others. Copyright is kind of an issue, but I think the laws will just have to be thrown away because such highly advanced AI won't be easily censored, or work effectively while censored. And China certainly won't give a fuck about any of that, they'll make what works, disregarding the DEI mental illness.

As for developers and code monkeys? They'll become obsolete and receive some kind of UBI, like everyone else.
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I just want to play as a voluptuous, hypercompetent female protagonist who enjoys sexually comforting lonely male NPCs as she saunters around the world with impunity. Is that too much to ask for?
>the masses that complain do it because they know that it's still half baked and unreliable, but if it could produce quality results, and reliably at that, they wouldn't care
Yeah, that's exactly what I said.
Why ask about AI if you can enjoy it regardless? Just ask "is the art good" instead of beating around the bush because you phrased it like AI girls would make you drop it.
Assgar games
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Post gaems
And you trust us to tell you that it's safe... why exactly? Why can't you check for yourself? No, really. Why can't you do it yourself? Right click the damn file and select edit and you'll see all that it does. If you're a clueless midwit, paste it into ChatGPT to tell you what it does. Holy fucking shit the double digit IQ on this guy...
>Why ask about AI if you can enjoy it regardless?
You mean why ask what parts of the game AI was involved in? Because I know the current capabilities of AI and know which parts of a game it's currently able to handle up to my standards. If it's only involved in backgrounds then I don't care. If it's involved in character art then I do.
>Just ask "is the art good"
Just be less direct and more subjective for no reason? Why?
>you phrased it like AI girls would make you drop it
They would, because AI isn't currently capable of that well enough. One day it will, and then I won't care, but that day is not today.
RJ01249935 is pretty fun
>I don't care if AI is involved in any of that shit so long as the end result is good
this, but in my case I want stories to be good.
I don't see you posting any games either, fumibane shitposter.
Monica's game just released. Go play that if you can stomach generic Acerola slop.
There's a new Acerola game? Link?
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I just finished RJ352832, shorter than I expected
Well said. I don't get why that guy has issues with any of this. What you said is perfectly reasonable.
IVAV2's demo came out, the girl is a middle schooler.
Any young looking women in that?
holy kino
I feel like a lot of retards actually hate AI art because of "le human touch" or "it could take human jobs" or it's "stealing" or similar retardation instead of the end result so im surprised there's so many people here that actually just care about consistency and the end result.
You talk about beating around the bush but people have already posted several screenshots of characters so if you can't tell whether they're AI it doesn't matter unless I'm mistaken about the game you're talking about in which case my bad I guess.
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How about you shut the fuck up fartbrain
Oh nice it's like L.Depth. I wonder if this is going to be a thing going forward like the token trap and piss scenes.
>discord out of nowhere
Stop bullying me
>people have already posted several screenshots of characters
I saw one screenshot of the game I was asking about, and that doesn't give me anywhere near enough information to know where AI is used. Maybe the pixel-art overworld sprites in the screenshot are hand-made but the dialogue portraits and battle sprites are AI-generated, in which case I wouldn't like the game. The background in the screenshot looks fine, and if someone confirmed "yeah only the backgrounds are AI" then I'd be happy with it. Maybe there are other screenshots in other posts that I missed, and if that's the case and they give a good comprehensive picture of the art throughout the game, then please feel free to just point me at those. Otherwise I think my incredibly basic question about what parts of the game AI was involved in is perfectly reasonable.
Games for insect/slime/tentacle impregnation?
Alright fair enough. From what I can tell >>493507984 and >>493504850 seems to be from the same game but I could be wrong about the first post. I just assumed the girls were human art based off this because I haven't heard of a single game that uses human portraits but AI sex scenes.
How big is wedding Odin's cock?
Fuck off beggarnigger.
That art all looks fine to me so if it's representative of all the art in the game then I'm content. I've seen one game that used AI for sex scenes but not sprites (can't remember what it was though), and I've also seen at least one game with a pixel-art aesthetic where a large portion of the art was AI-generated and then run through a pixelation filter (or maybe the AI was trained to directly output pixel art. Either way, it was obviously AI).
I have to ask. Is this troonposting of some weg or is it maybe futa, or even just shitty MTL?
Oh I see well I'll keep that in mind next time.
Go back.
Joke's on you, I wasn't expecting a helpful answer.
NTA but not played frontier before. Do you know the play order for that series? I can check VNDB but I feel like some of the games are completely untranslated or MTLs and idk if that would ruin the series if I had to skip them.
I was supposed to know that it's VB due to the MC's name? Well, thanks for telling me that it's something I don't like or care for, either way.
Hollow first if you are on the fence since it has the best gameplay, otherwise Frontier first if you think you'll like it because it only gets better after that. The important thing is to do Frontier before Ragnarok, which isn't even translated yet.
There's also Gaia, play that one whenever you feel like it
No, you're a faggot from /v/ saying troon shit.
Its obvious. Fuck off.
>give her a handjob
If that ain't troon or futa shit, then I don't know what is. I'm not sorry for your mental illness. Stay mad.
nice sour grapes you newshitter
kill all tourists
Eat shit.
another great example of why not to spoonfeed
good job anons. you're not 100% succcess rate (you still spoonfeed sometimes) but good job
Wow, you're really a troon? That's crazy! Look guys, a real troon! It's mental illness hours!
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Post your Lana /hgg2d/
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>newfag using /v/ lingo
just overwrite folders and dont run blobminer.bat?
I can see the bottom of her glans
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as you should
>Not even patreon gets updated anymore.
Kemono is dead.
Press S to spit on the admin.
Why are troons and futafaggots always so mad? Compared to them the Fake Rabi Friday guys seem well adjusted and reasonable.
Too big
>the actual detail in his art, use of colours, shading, everything except his actual choice of what to draw is better
Yeah that's the issue.
You can be competent and yet chose make tumblr tier art, I'm not sure I see the point.
any idea why they stopped updating?
VBchads won
Pickfag lost
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I lost my savefile but my Lana had max penis, max balls, max breasts with no foreskin
>with no foreskin
shalom rabbi
>megrim discussion
grim indeed
I think he meant the dev panders to people with a fetish for ugliness
I find it disgusting and I won't touch that turd art, but if people are actually into this sure whatever
Megrim should make an h game with all the jojo girls lol.
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>child form is irresistible
>this holds true for both sexes
What did they mean by this?
>Kemono gets all the donations
>The leakers don't even get a thank you

The whole system was flawed to begin with.
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cute bulge
Makes sense. I only followed one guy's art and ultimately I don't think that any of his stuff is worth the money in the first place. Another case of it is what it is.
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Hello i am newfag
Game for ....... feeling?
And kemono can't even be assed to fix their ripper script either.
Like I said in a previous post, these games are overall still extraordinarily niche, all things considered. The best selling game on DLsite that hasn't whored itself out for free like that slut Konko, is still Teaching Feeling. In 9 years since the official release it sold only 120k copies. That's nothing. So it's kinda expected that a few thousand people would find Megrim's stuff appealing in some way. It's only a matter of probability.
>King Exit got dazed
wow, didn't think I'd see the day
Yes, game in OP's post. :DDD
I'm still unsure if plotge should get MTL'd, even if it's by GPT. I don't think it's quite there yet... But I'm sure that ESL's will love that shit.
I know some people play his games not for the art, that they also find disgusting, but because the story/choices are good.
So despite the horrible art, the underlying game is good enough
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EOPs won't be able to tell the difference.
link me up to the yarimono wiki. I need all the info, movesets, yarimons, evolution levels.
Bro this game is piss easy even without cheat tackle why would you need a wiki
what did he mean by this
>only MV/MZ
what about older engines
I've already beaten the game without cheat tackle too. I just have a dire need for reading wikis.
Where's Saddam Hussein?
Why are webshitters like this?
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Acerola NTR fatigue is real. Do we know if his upcoming game is going to be NTR too? I don't think too many people like it. His most well received titles are both Claire and Collette.
Explain the correlation between rabbits and jews
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Acerola's next game is pretty much Colette 2. But now with extra edge and plot.
EOPs certainly will, ESLs are those that won't. The former may choose to tolerate various MTL hiccups, whereas the latter will praise it as the next best thing since sliced bread.
Then it's guaranteed to sell. I'm betting it will be up there with the other two, maybe even surpass them and achieve similar numbers to Sharkslop. I wonder how Lust Prison would do considering that it isn't NTR?
His games are so happy go lucky even the ntr doesn't work anyway.
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>extra edge and plot
Sounds great
Acerola is at least banking a lot on it. They said that its going to be their bulkiest game to date, even going out of their way to compose an original vocal song and hire a singer for the game's main theme. They seem to be going for the whole """AAA"" JRPG, but with Acerola shenanigans experience for it.
What you meant to say is braindead. Neither party gives a fuck about the cheating. The cuck is content with his own affairs or turning to netorase and the heroine's so much of a slut that she stopped caring as soon as she got stuffed with cock. Seems like the Japanese are more predisposed towards this than westerners, judging by sales numbers on Steam and DLsite.

I think that whole culture of sex not actually being cheating, and I'll add that I don't know how much of this truly is applicable and how many really think this way, may also play some kind of factor when it comes to NTR titles?
holy shit why are pinks legs so huge
Royalty welfare courtesy of being a Princess. Unlike them shit eating peasants, she actually eats good food and sits her ass on a soft and comfy chair.
Eh, vocals in games do nothing for me personally, and hiring someone to sing some cheap song isn't really a big deal. I'd wager that the expenses are less than full voice acting due to the brevity of the act. A song is only a few minutes, but the complete dialogue can be dozens of minutes or even hours. I dunno how much is voiced in Monica's game as an example.

Regardless, although I really doubt it, it may be an Acerola that's worth playing. That was difficult to type.
What was that loli shota doujin that anon posted when he was asked what game he fapped to recently? I lost it. It had two schoolmates who went to a secret base and got curious about sex because they found porn. They did sex regularly after that but the girl never admitted that she liked the boy. After a timeskip they meet again and have casual sex but then the girl finally admits that she liked him.
not this
That's the thing. It's all extra fluff to go the extra mile. It shows that they're trying to go for the: "Those old JRPGs you like, but now it has porn" experience.
They made standing unique portraits for multiple non-playable NPCs, for the whole villain gang and even some unique ero scenes for them too. And that's on top of the stated much more content than usual for the actual main/playable characters. Plus, a lot of non-H CGs and chibi pop ups and cut-ins for slice of life stuff during their adventure too. The premise of the story is considerably more serious and edgy than usual fare for Acerola as well. I'm not expecting high literature here, but stuff with bigger stakes and some more brevity of seriousness helps a lot in making you give a fuck about what's happening.

Yes, you're right. It's still Acerola, but what they teased at and previewed actually makes me excited despite my better judgment.
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>multiple non-playable NPCs
Well fuck me, how did that happen. Acerola brainrot is getting to me. At least its not NTR.
>Seems like the Japanese are more predisposed towards this than westerners, judging by sales numbers on Steam and DLsite.
I think they just take it as 'ntr flavour', a way to have various whoring of the girl + ntr play with no drama.
Either that or the dev has no idea how the fetish works.
It sells well anyway, and I bet it would sell the same with and without.
Will someone ask the heroine why birds fly? (To get laid)
MC can fuck the shota trap
That alone already gives me closure for quite a few of the frustrations I had while playing Velvet's wild ride.
i want to rape nun(male)
>"Those old JRPGs you like, but now it has porn" experience.
Those old JRPGs didn't have vocals
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Tentacle NTR
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Why are ningens like this
Just realized this wasn't in the bin. I thought it was translated ages ago?
>Those old JRPGs didn't have vocals
They actually did.

The very first Tales game on the SNES already had voices and a dedicated theme song. Not unless you wanna go turbo boomer and say that those "old JRPGs" would be them really ancient DQ and FF ones.
>going the extra mile with fluff
>appealing to nostalgia
>adding things and doing everything for the sake of creating a certain image
Doesn't this................. sound incredibly forced and fake to you too? I'm kinda put off by it now.
How do you guys not find tickling hot? Have you ever done it? Especially when it escalates into actual sexual touching and her laughs turn to moans? The best tickling scenes are the ones that include fucking, like on Slave Sword.
it's probably this
No, it got a cheap and buggy DLsite AI patch that nobody asked for. Not even binanon wants that slop. It got officially released by Kagura today, decensored and "properly localized". It's still just Acerola anyway...
>premise is established that the couple loves each other
>they need money to be happy
>girl finds job and starts work
I dunno, I guess I grew up?
>slave sword
Not a great example. I think that autistic dev employs a bunch of tickling scenes, the one that made Maken-shi Sara?
Thank you
>RJ01235155 is finally out
status screen kino finally
Then don't play it when it comes out nigga. A lot of doujin games are influenced by stuff the creators played when they grew up. Sometimes, these people want to make a "Thing I played back then, but now its my version of it" project, and that's perfectly fine. If that shit doesn't fly with you, bless you and fuck off.
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he's me
>"Thing I played back then, but now its my version of it"
Yarimon is very obviously painted with nostalgia pandering of the GB era Pokemon games and nyuu's own passion for shounenkino tropes. And despite some contrarians here hating on it, its clear to see that its a project filled with love and SOVL.
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Sorry anon. That game is below average. See >>493371000
>released only yesterday
>score already hovering at 4.5, likely gonna fall below
not a good sign
I honestly can't give a fuck, I just want to see the numbers go up and see the girl get corrupted
Grew up out of what? This makes no sense. Tickling leads into sex is pretty much a well known thing? Have you never done it with adult girls or what?
I wasn't intending on playing it in the first place because I don't like or care much about Acerola, but I was receptive to discussing the potential of it being an actual decent game, unlike what Acerola ever did before, which is an interesting topic to me.
Oh okay have fun then
Anon, not everyone has the same kinks. Tickling really does nothing for me. That's for children.
Tickling leads to sexual harassment lawsuit when done to adults.
>shounenkino tropes
Its fucking wild that most of the biggest appreciation and genuinely great execution for the bells and whistles of the genre I've seen in recent years came from fucking porn games.
Game looks fine desu but I don't care for NTR so never bothered to check it out
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>Have you never done it with adult girls or what?
That's true for everything a man can do to a girl of he isn't hot anon.
That's all I ask out of Acerola anyways. That the girl is hot and a lot of dudes win her over.
Anyone relating futa to trans in any capacity is a fucking faggot that should mouthkiss a 12 gauge.
futas are way gayer
Why does what I presume to be the vanilla dude option look like such a goddamn goober.
The Hero NTR bulls from Leana and Monica look like conventional (if not a bit too inoffensive) ikemen cool guys.
The anon that looked through Acerola's notes/preview in ci-en said that red nigga is apparently amnesiac. If they're really playing by the classic JRPG book here, that means that there's a pretty good chance that he's part of the main bad guy group. Either as a sleeper agent or a genuine amnesiac that will change sides because of the friends he made along the way.
>Tickling leads into sex
Never had that, but then again I don't see tickling as something sexual.
So we're at the point of unironically linking to shitty /v/ e-celebs that /v/ doesn't even like.
>FFX as thumbnail
fuck you I member
I fabricated those memories to make you think this!
I remember the stories of tons of video games though?
what wegkino is this?
I haven't even played FFX and I remember the story.
Unironically Futa x girl is considered Yuri so it would be more lesbian rather than gay.
Beisdes that this is just one game, all of the dialogue was still text-only.
Plenty of TurboGrafx-CD games are voiced, some are fully voiced even.

>but the cuck-looking guy is the bull who cucks the bull-looking guy
Ge for this feel? I'm in a mood for a deconstruction of the NTR genre.
Name ONE h-game better than shitposting in this general all day.
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Uula’s ci-en article. I had a good time reading it while listening to her updated theme.
Uula is the wagie from Aurum Company, as you all know.
Battle-wise, hakika says Uula is even better at fighting and healing than Outoku is. However, that’s only if she specializes in one of these roles (healer or attacker). It sounds like she won’t be that good at class mixing until later in the game. Reminds me of how blight’s classes are. In addition to that, Uula is the one character that doesn’t need to care about weapon type, similar to how Lusica in kludge was practically the Mechanic class from blight. I guess Uula trained enough to have all the weapon mastery passives innately. Good for her.
Scene-wise, she’s a smug gremlin since she already has experience with you. She’ll be very confident during the act.
>deconstruction is when the character sprites are swapped
I would deep throat those ears.
Dog Princess is updated to use unity.
Yes, I know >unity but any anon have it?
So netori with a deceptive mc.
Precisely, that's how it is. Just like the deconstruction of the jRPG genre has a church which doesn't secretly worship an evil god.
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Gentlemen. What should I play.
Alice nightmare

I don't like how Hakika no longer draws the white parts of eyes
Nice. I'm hoping this gets picked up for translation by a good translator and doesn't take a year plus to get translated but I'm probably a dreamer.
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Yeah, looks jaundiced. Just gross.
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He only gives eye whites to characters with dark skin
They look so smug this is gonna be great I can tell
I wonder if it'd be hard to change that. If enough people hate it they might
malding troon
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I don't like how this dev only makes medium breasts young adults in his game
That's medium??? Things are huge! Too fucking big! I don't want to even know what your take is on Karryn's P cups.
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They're really not that big

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Any games where men beg for sex before they die or do something extremely dangerous?
Uula learned the NTR smile
That depends. You wanna goon or just have a gay old time? I'd say that for plain old gooning Sheryl is likely gonna be the quickest option. Gameplay wise Agnietta's probably the most annoying. Alice is some meme minigame and VP has a long ass intro and mostly defeat scenes.
I saw VP had a mod called the "pure love" mod but then I read the description and it seemed like there were no sex scenes but also apparently lots of rape so I'm guessing the AI translation fucked up the ci-en post.
When put into perspective they do appear smaller, but still pretty big overall in terms what I consider to be normal breast sizes. But if we venture into anime territory and disregard ordinary size conventions, I can see how you'd consider them to be on the smaller size. Hell, some who are more unhinged may even call her flatchested or a washing board. Sana has existed for many years already...
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I wouldn't call that a deconstruction. That'd be more like a NTR where the bull wins the girl over by being sweet and caring rather than fucking her so good she gets addicted or pretending to care to manipulate her a la Minako. The only example I can think of is pic related.
another arisuge RJ01252086
Remtairy has previously translated at least 2 other games, and managed to successfully publish one of them, the Pink Elf one. The Icicle game got cockblocked for some unknown reason, likely just Steam things. Does anyone know if he's working on another translation?
good stuff
some games got the femc rescue the desperate men and they still beg for sex after that lmao
New kino just dropped bros RJ01110052
Acerola read a lot of Fleelen doujins and decided to make Shtark as the "guy that's just there as all his female party members get fucked by innkeepers and shota princes"
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>unable to take pleasure in doing literally anything
>a few days pass
>finally, get horny one day
>spend the entire day fapping to hgames
>love doing it, finally feel at peace with the world
>shoot my goop
>no longer horny
>unable to take pleasure in doing literally anything, and the cycle begins anew of waiting to become horny again
I hate this. Abstaining completely from fapping doesn't even work. I break my "addiction" but then I just have ZERO fun days and live apathy all week. Literally the only activity that captivates me anymore are good hgames, and it's not even a hedonic treadmill thing anymore.
Uula's eyes were never white
Share it with us, anon!
Go whine about your life in /soc/ or /adv/
kill yourself
>I wonder if it'd be hard to change that
Easy enough redraw for sprites. Not sure what happens if you just change those image files in the file system
Sounds like you're really tired of your daily life, but you probably already know this. So I take it that you're unwilling or too afraid to potentially sacrifice everything or as much as is needed, regardless of the cost, in order to find happiness in some other activity, or elsewhere in the world if where you currently live isn't working out for you?

Wellp, console yourself with the unfortunate fact that your life now is probably better than it will be in the near future. Things will only get worse, that much is inevitable. You'll get older, likely get various health issues, you'll lose family and friends for various reasons too, and won't be able to connect with the new generations either. You may even earn less or have to spend more due to inflation. Embrace the moment! If you imagine life being peaks and valleys, also zoom out and imagine a downward trajectory! You're not even at the worst part yet!
Yeah, you should just do that.
that's rough buddy
Start lifting and get huge
You should go on a vacation. Go to somewhere you haven't been to before, and experience new stuffs.

And while you're gone I'll be at your house breeding your childhood friend
The anon that did the demo, qudere, said he'll be doing the full game as well. He also made a fag95 thread for it.
pony[tail] you degenerate
Does the rape lead to corruption/lewd side or is she just suffering through the whole thing?
The pixel loli art looks amazing but I don't want just "sad rape" with no corruption.
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There are hundreds or thousands of corruption games. It's time to taste a different flavor.
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Ah, you're right
Hope it ends up good then. I liked the demo translation we got from him.
So I guess the answer is "she just suffers from beginning to end".
Looks like your problem isn't "addiction", it's a general lack of motivation, with only fapping able to change that temporarily.
Oh is his translation good? I'd hope at least it will be on par with the previous translations.
>wagie profile pic
She finds solace in goblin motherhood
It might have been initially planned, but the dev ditched those plans for pure ryona. The entire game is only suffering. She's never happy, nor does she ever enjoy it. There are some instances where it appears like she does, but she's hypnotized and from time to time momentarily breaking out of said hypnosis, to break the illusion that she's happy. I dunno about the mods and if they add anything significant in terms of corruption. There are way too many different people working on all sorts of stuff. I think the most persistent one with the longest track record is rosemary, but again I dunno if his plan is to add any kind of corruption to the main part of the game. Maybe only side stories and events...

The pixels are fantastic though. A real shame. If you still haven't for whatever reason, and wish to experience the blonde heroine Serena get off to actual sex, try VH instead.
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That's a good thing
man, Serena is really daughterfeel
Is there a good ending if you keep the girl safe? This may sound like a retarded question but, unironically, the best part of the dev's first game was the good ending (which was the only ending).
links are dead
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Played it weeks ago, I thought it was good.
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If you downloaded all the games that you like and made an offline snapshot of the bin for posterity's sake, you wouldn't have this problem!
which game is this pic related from nigga
what game is the XD meme from?
Is that the guy that did the NTR game about the karate girl?
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The best game ever.
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I have till Feb/March. Then ipfs fucked up on me so I uninstalled it.
And now it seems like they are fucking up once again.
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Next game from Clymenia. Go play his others if you haven't yet.
>Highly anticipated game finally comes out after like 4 years of development
>Literally nobody talks about it anymore the next day
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I liked it
is there an injoke with the ntr MC being named "hayato" so often?
Liz is so fucking Hot.
thank fren
>MC has not an ounce of character
>select a route and collect CG
>already saw how the girl got corrupted in the previous game 8 times
seems deserved
There no plot/gameplay to speak of, just "Wow Ryouka's a whore..."
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Confident, sassy bitches make the best corruption femcs. They have so many different directions they can go, while still being themselves.
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>still no Liz 2
>max balls

Given that in this game that means no balls, that is the best

>max breasts

>max penis
Tiny looks better on her

>no foreskin
jew detected.
I find "Kyle" is also a big contender.
I can't for the love of god find a dlsite clicker game about a loli doing gravure shots, does anyone know it?
This guy gets it.
You don't get it.
So you're addicted to hoarding a bunch of useless slop and not actually playing games? You know... I don't condemn you for it. Well, no worries. Binanon will fix it eventually.
There's nothing to talk about, same as Monica's game that just released. They're sluts. They ride dicks. They either turn you on and get you off or they don't. In any case, neither inspire any kind of discussion. Seriously, what exactly would you want to talk about them? How ugly the men are? How slutty she is? How empty and useless MC is? It's a shitty scene viewer. It doesn't even feature any kind of gameplay. You either talk to one of the ugly fucks and get on his route, or you collect the... whatever garbage, and go vanilla with no sex. Wow... amazing...
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>it's been deleted from dlsite
Yeah no wonder I couldn't find it, thanks fren.
i think we should talk about how hot it would to be a girl who ntrs his cuck bf with ugly fat creeps
Thank you
I'm going to send these comment to the devs
Good taste. I also agree with your assessment. But although I do have fond memories of Clymeme's stuff, I gotta admit that it wasn't all that great in the end. Sophie's game was especially underwhelming. He's generally pretty bad at world building and creating towns that feel like people actually live in them. Dunno why that is. His heroines are easily top tier. His scenes are also fantastic. Just everything is kinda flimsily connected together...
I second this. Doesn't Acerola alone have at least 2 or more Kyles?
Sophie's problem is that the map is too big for how little content there is, and like 1/3rd of that content is trapped behind "gameplay."
The entire point of scenes in Liz's game was to AVOID gameplay by getting money to purchase passes to skip the dungeons.
Too bad I'm not into pregnaner
A waste of time. Acerola doesn't reply to comments and 111 blocked all of them a few years back. I think they're dead set in their ways and refuse to take any kind of feedback. Must be why their new games are all the same shit. Then again, why bother changing the recipe when so many people love the slop that they're making? Their sales on DLsite have surged to all time highs.
Implied is always so damn hot
Not only that but I remember most of the non JP comments are very retarded, each one basically "can you insert my pet fetish xxx".
>tfw no dating sim with iconic /hgg2d/ girls like liz, canela, fumika, karryn etc.
Nobleman's possibly had the hottest scenes but worst possible gameplay and maps. Salvation likely has the best and most interesting and unique gameplay. I'm very partial to CJL 2's Haruka for whatever reason. I like the scenes she's part of, even though the gameplay is similar shit tier to Nobleman's and I didn't care for the DLC. Liz averages as his best overall game IMO, especially with the fan made pregnancy mod. That thing is really high quality all things considered and adds an additional layer of depth to the game.

Sophie's game felt really lackluster and you pretty much nailed the main offending factor. Everything in the town is based on events. There aren't people around just doing stuff... going about their business and such. Those only appear once an event has been triggered and that makes everything feel so... empty and mechanical. Like, NPCs show up and stuff happens only when the feMC is involved. Nothing has the illusion of being alive. Also, Sophie has far too many kinks and falls into corruption too quickly and easily. You might remember the sewer scene, having to find that one prostitute, yeah? I think the bath investigation should've happened afterwards, with her having to take a bath to clean off her stench... you know, a proper excuse why she's going in...
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we were robbed
Yeah but who cares about those? I might be guessing or projecting even, but this could be a huge cultural factor. The JP comments typically are all just some form of praise, every single time. They feel really redundant and placid, pointless honestly, whereas westerners are far more direct or brash, and just speak their minds. I think many devs aren't used to this and can't take the pressure and that's why they retreat or ignore them.

In their shoes, if I were a JP dev with a western mindset making Ci-en articles or the like, I'd leave it open and consider what's said, reply to only things that I feel are noteworthy and ignore everything else. It seems like the fairest and most logical approach.
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i finished it
what did i think of it
>In their shoes, if I were a JP dev with a western mindset making Ci-en articles or the like, I'd leave it open and consider what's said, reply to only things that I feel are noteworthy and ignore everything else. It seems like the fairest and most logical approach.
That's very hard to do with a Japanese mindset, they'd want to reply to everything and it's honestly overwhelming.
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I like ntr but this is torture porn, meh
Sylvia is better than Liz
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Arachne is a spider demi-human who wears a giant turban.
The tips of her legs are fangs that she can squirt poison when stabbing.
Her legs are always folded in a curled up state, and she crawls around using her six arms.
The mucus that comes from her vagina has the property of turning into threads when it comes into contact with air.
it was a nice change of pace from usual ntrge where MC does literally nothing
I'm still playing it. I'm spreading my sessions out though because I want to keep my faps fresh + who binges a nukige. I'll do a review of all the routes when I'm done, but I really liked the Daisuke one for being a realistic depiction of how people cuck themselves out of happiness by hanging onto the past. Masaru's wasn't as good but I appreciated the strong themeing of sexual objectification, starting with Masaru jealously fapping to a picture of Ryoka and ending with you doing the same with a video of him. I haven't gotten to Saki's main route yet but I like all the slut escapades she goes on and how that taints her ability to guide her younger sister. That's how sluttery gets inherited in real life too, and I'm sure their mother was no different.

>not an ounce of character
Not true, he's just realistically passive about pursuing a sexual relationship with a longstanding friend and prefers to neg her like he's done all his life rather than seriously go after her. And he'll act possessive when she's not around like when he gloats over the erogaki that Ryoka is his and he'll never hand her over (while both of them are unknowingly being cucked by Masaru). Later in the routes he becomes more pathetic and mind broken too.
>his cuck bf
Yeah, I think that's a fundamental difference that's irreconcilable. I don't get how you'd feel compelled to reply to every single thing. Like, who gives a fuck? But also ignoring everything isn't the best course of action because there could be some genuinely good ideas in the comments that could improve the game in some way. I think people need to take stuff less personally and more objectively when possible. Moderation's done by the site staff to whatever extent, I believe, so anything truly negative or hurtful would get filtered out or removed.
Is the turban full of small spiders?
>futa ntr
>its the bull who gets fucked by the girl
Not erotic
So you're saying that he's the equivalent of a Patreon, OF, or Twitch beta orbiter/simp, and happiest when fulfilling this role? Maybe he can support her with her new husband and their children!
put RJ01234826 in the next OP
any links yet?
tori was erotic enough
my problem is, it feels less like NTR and more like IRL with people just never getting together for reasons and settling for someone else
also, her Sister being a slut no matter what means there is no true vanilla ending
English comments are the most niggercringe shit in the world and every time I see them I hope cien makes it impossible to access the site from non-Japanese non-VPN IPs, at the expense of myself. That's how much secondhand embarrassment I get. It's like how mexicans just think they can take over English forums and it'll always be stupid shit they're talking about.
>I don't get how you'd feel compelled to reply to every single thing.
Because they see that as the polite and respectful thing to do for people who took the time to write suggestions and be interested in their story.

>some genuinely good ideas in the comments that could improve the game in some way
It's super rare lol, like I wrote 90+% of adding random stuff.
It's content creep at its finest.
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a wall of text?
jumped it
Sounds like self hate. I think of myself as above everyone else and have no such issues.
Maybe. To an extent I can see you being right, but you'd also have to take into account that this is a very niche hobby, even in Japan. This isn't like the YT comment section, flooded with hundreds or thousands of comments. Most articles don't even have 1 page worth of replies, in rare cases they have above 10. I really don't see this as a big deal at all. Very easily manageable.
dev's stuck making some blonde bitch's game, wished the modders for liz's game kept going.
Her sister is just a pushover and fails to guide Ryoka out of bad decisions due to her own terrible morals. It's more like "You want a hobo boyfriend because he was there for you when you almost got drugged and raped? Oh okay that's your choice who you love, you should probably tell your childhood friend though since I can tell he likes you and he should probably know", rather than actively corrupting her like a comical psychopath. She goes on to have a happy married life with Daisuke, I see no reason why she can't do the same with the protagonist aside from the protagonist's own lack of action, which is what makes the missed opportunity and NTR all the more regrettable.
It's more like empathy for the dev, I don't want them to have to go through that, especially if those are some of the few comments they get.
>NTR man is ugly
ewww how am I supposed to self-insert into that?
can japs stop making ugly bastards and focus either on disgusting shit like slugs or insects AND/OR focus on dark-skinned individuals and gyaruos and white-skinned chads
ugly japenis inceloids? no thanks
I self insert as the good blob doko.
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>he self-inserts as the bull
Yeah it's pure immersion breaking.
At least make the girl get swept of her feet to justify it a little beside MUH WARTY 10x10 DICK
bull if netorare with gyaruos or whites as antagonists
girl if netorase, femmc, insects
protagonist if netori
I self insert as the simp who refuses to see woman as sex objects. Ironic since I'm playing eroge, but still
All I want is a game about cunny and various types of animal genitalia, is that too much to ask
Come on, let's not exaggerate. They're all adults. I'm sure they can manage just fine. And they have complete control over their content. They can report or ban the people they don't like or simply disable comments entirely if they don't care to hear such replies. Honestly, I like the latter idea the most. Like I said before, JP comments seem to be just empty, hollow praise, like...
>wow, you're doing such a good job!
>take care of your health!
>i'm cheering for you!
>do your best!
And so on... Imagine seeing the same replies in every single article. I'd start thinking they were all bots or part of some kind of hivemind, but I get it, it's a weird cultural thing that I'll never be able to understand because I just speak my mind. How else am I supposed to communicate? Seems pretty self intuitive to me.
if you aren't ugly then you wouldn't be here.
Most dev really just want to mock uglies since ugly people escape reality by playing H-games
based people understander and kino enjoyer

cringe grass starved oversimplifiers and kino haters
Soon, brother. GPT10 is just a few years away. For the low, low, low price of your soul, it will turn your wildest fantasies and desires, into reality!
Tunnel escape had one.
Was a pretty good game overall, too.
shut the fuck up you cucks
the tentacle monster is setting up the seed bed
Cheg supremacy
Some people in the comments are obviously autistic (or ESL or lack manners or everything at the same time).
>le just self insert, cuck
>ew is that netori?
10 years and we get Nervegear
Yeah my main problem with it was that. It didn't feel erotic despite the nice design and art.
It's just sad and sadder.
have been supreme for a long time
WAKUWAKU dominates the market with his NTR Legend-inspired netori clickers
one could say NTR Legend is one of the most influential eroges to ever come out
I self insert as the insect
Most of them are autistic social outcasts ostracized from their families with fragile minds and their art is the only interaction they get with others. Why would I want them to have to manage with some foreign monkeys utterly lacking in self-awareness shitting in front of them? Things like these contribute to less games coming out.
Some Chegs are starting to look really damn good. I wonder when they'll manage to overcome Jegs, if ever?
Insectchads has been left in the ditch for awhile now huh? Will there be anything made for em anytime soon?
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I like his game, so I wanted to find the same genre, and all I could find was the current wip " NTRaholic".
The art is pretty but the writing is so bad, the dev writes the story like it's a book instead of it being dialogue driven, showing stuff with character expressions, etc. I hate that.
>Lovey dovey
It's being remade right now, drop it and wait when the improved version comes out.
I seed them all lil' niggy.
That's some intense projection, anon. I don't know about that. I don't think they're like that at all. And like I said, they can easily moderate the replies or even disable them at their own discretion. I think you're massively exaggerating this and making it sound like it's a bigger deal than not. I mean, imagine how utterly mind broken someone would have to be to drop their entire project over some random hurtful comment. That's insane. Do you at least have an example of such an occurrence to provide? And I don't mean targeted harassment on all platforms by multiple people for a prolonged period of time, but literally a single comment that broke the camel's back. Cause I find it hard to believe that this would be possible.
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You telling me that THIS is the fag that gets to have sex in Japanese eroge society?
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Will he stop with the tryhard "I'm writing a book instead of a visual novel story", aka go actual show don't tell ?
I thought it was just defeat rape and combat sex.
Can't beat Chad Thundercock.
because he occupies the same mindspace as "Hobo" and "Janitor" outside it
File deleted.
More likely than not, since he writes the Steam updates with a fairly good English.
>2 pixels left, 4 pixels down, 2 pixels right
best jerk off of the year so far
ges for this?
You act as if VNs don't have lines just like that. And that has nothing to do with show don't tell. It's not an anime, physical actions like that have to be described.
aren't gyarus and gyaruos are closer to emos than chads?
Koreans are the biggest qosbbc worshipper out there I pray for the doom of all kegs
Going off >>493542523
He looks like a scene kid from two decades ago
>22 hour thread
>over 800 replies
i'm proud of you guys
I'm glad all this retarded discussion will be buried in the archive and nothing will change.
Die niggers.
It feels too much, I don't want every actions described but just shown.
drink more water and take a walk
grow up faggot
Gyarus are left wing propaganda. Embrace breeding sex with a single yamato nadeshiko.
>off-topic discussion
typical monkeynigger brain
You can't show that though.
>yamato nadeshiko
built for NTR with dark-skinned delinquents
I'm pure white gyaru enjoyer.
That's the best. I used to read VNs voraciously, but I eventually saw the pattern that everything was boring copy pasted slop, with school setting and retarded heroines in the reverse beta orbiter role, around a completely unremarkable MC with an almost always completely useless wingman comedy relief best male friend, who's life goal seems to be preserving his own virginity by never attempting anything with any of the MC's girls!

While HRPGs are also quite retarded and suffer from the same copy paste bullshit, they're easier to go through and drop with less investment and time wasted upon realization that they aren't worth it. And that's a huge plus.
Remember to change the links.
Who are they talking to?
Please understand that it takes longer to create a new OP because blobmenship has to be taken into consideration.
Of course you can.
>frozen surprise pixel art
>searching frantically in 2 frames loop pixel art
How to avoid NTR in my own life?
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use RJ01252128 for the next OP
>spend a day on two seconds of animation that will be used exactly once in a cliche scenario that most skip anyway
no thanks, mr. dev please just write "cuck-kun searched for keys but couldn't find them anywhere" instead of making an anime
Okay just making sure you have no idea how development works and feel entitled to random inefficient resource sinks.
the blob has spoken!
But why not? Think about it from their perspective. Inefficiency is the best and most valuable resource they have, especially if they have a massive Cuckreon following! Spending a week on 3 pixels is huge!!!
My main problem is more that it's like this :

The hapless and pitiable cuck-kun, his brow furrowed with mounting desperation, scoured every nook and cranny of his modest abode for those elusive keys. His trembling hands frantically rifled through drawers and upended cushions, while visions of his beloved's passionate tryst with her well-endowed lover tormented his fevered imagination. Alas, the keys remained frustratingly beyond his grasp, much like the affections of his unfaithful paramour.
>Acerola doesn't reply to comments and 111 blocked all of them a few years back. I think they're dead set in their ways and refuse to take any kind of feedback
tbf you could go insane just from reading internet comments about something you worked really hard on. Better to limit your engagement in some way
you ever think about how its weird Japan and china are the only countries with a thirving porngame economy?Like wheres the russian dlsite
cute cunny cat
your screenshot is 1.5 lines of text
what the fuck are you talking about
The rest is on patreon.
Have you ever heard of landladies, anon?
That would be comedy kino but it's also nothing like the image you posted. The image you posted is a simple utilitarian description.
I wanted to show what i meant by tryhard, and I exaggerated to show it.
I don't mind "He searched for his keys in panic", but I don't want every sentence to be with random added adjectives.
Yeah anon this argument is not it.
>wheres the russian dlsite
Russian DAZ, HTML and 2D wegs own that website
The whole trainer genre came out of Russia, literally NTR Legend but for wegs
I just mean that japan isnt the only county with games AND porn but the only country where enough peoeple cared to make companies for this
theres maybe 4 /wegs/ with an actual company behind them
People in America post their porn games on itch.io
The indie market is thriving, but historically in the west, porn games were treated as joke games at best, or had many limitations (no non con, no high school... in the end the only thing allowed is harem bimbo milf), and it was (is) taboo for devs in general to make them.
Even nowadays most of the western market avoids any taboo like the obvious shota/loli, but also noncon, and incest.
Whisper me hentai, onii-chan!
It is what it is, step-anon.
I don't like how sex-positive western erotic games are. Sex should be a shameful activity, a fact the nips understand well.
Yeah violence and gore is cool and marketable but don't you fucking dare show a nipple.
side effects of patreon domination and then zoomie insane numbers of taboos around fetishes
How's the ADULT AND CONSENTING landlady, anon?
Maybe if you weren't in control of your own comment section and were always exposed to all the shit, no matter what, but this isn't the case. We've all been shitposting here for a good minute or two, all have probably been told to affectionately kiss our sisters, yet we're all still here! I think we simply got better at shrugging off all the pointless shit.
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I am sending you to the Makina Chamber, where you will have consensual sex with Makina until you're learned your lesson.
I assumed that was just for legal reasons. Especially incest because I'd consider that somewhat of an uncontroversial normalfag fetish.
ALL characters in this work are ACTORS and they CONSENT to ALL interactions
Too real! You need to stop!!!
wtf you should love consensually consenting consent, because consent is important
They know it so well that their birth rate is tanking.
Porn games are absolutely massive in the west. DO NOT LOOK AT HOW MUCH NUTAKU EARNS! DO NOT!
I'm saying it contributes. It wasn't my claim at all and I'm not sure why you're asking for proof of it when using the phrase "camel's back", but nobody would ever admit to being mindbroken by a single comment, not even to themselves most of the time since mentally ill people don't operate at high levels of introspection. They'd just cite general burnout or nothing at all, and quit.
Still remember some dialogues about characters reassuring each others that each were 18 years old.
"We can have sex you know, I am 18!"
"Me too, I'm also 18"
"Fuck my 18 years old self"
>I assumed that was just for legal reasons
No, most of it is just aversion to risk.
If bimbo and consent stuff are safe and sell, might as well just do that.
If you say so. While I'm not sure about Ci-en examples as I rarely bother looking at those, I've seen mind break happen on fag95 with weg devs, and it was pretty funny too.
I've never understood those shitty NSFW gacha games they have and how they make so much money
Haven't you heard? 18 is the new 9. You shouldn't have sex with a woman until she is AT LEAST 26.
*weee-uuu wee--uu weeeeeiiiiuuuuuuuuu~*
*bang bang bang*
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>From some renpy game dialogue I dumped
Holy kek
I love consentingadultsex but only when nip devs do it.
Oh yeah true, I've seen zoomers argue about 25+ and age gap <5 years.
I feel like there are retarded new rules every other week.
This shit takes me immediately out of the story.
It's so dumb.
If it were a Japanese game it would say 小学生 instead.
I love degeneratelolisex but only when I have to hack a weg dev game to do it.
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age : x8 years old.
I never understood this about America
>18-20 year olds are apparently too immature/retarded to drink and not drive
>somehow they're mature enough to have sex and relationships
Well the difference is you know Japs could be doing non-vanilla content which might even be more profitable given how much Japs love rape but they're opting to do consentual stuff instead.
fugg :DD
〇学生 you mean
These rules come directly from western shipping fandoms. For some reason it derived to a point where zoomers also talk about them, mainly about age gap being "uncomfortable" and ya being "too young".
Can someone explain what soul boost does in a technical sense?
only if you explain domain expansion first
Anon the age of consent in like half of America is 16.
It increases the size of your チンポ。
99% of weg are either work place or college.
They don't get the appeal of high school and first loves/rapes.
They do get the appeal, they just can't make a viable product utilizing those themes, cause they'd get flagged for CP and jailed. They have to work within their means.
That just makes my point more potent. I'm sure that in some countries you can drink at 16 too and in some they let you drive I think
I actually thought it was 18-21 for the longest time because of how many online memes about it being 18+ and people seen as pedos because they had relation with 17 yo (girls). Stuff like 19yo dude / 18 yo girl seen as something unholy, which is endlessly funny to me as I actually was a high school student with basic observation skills.
I doubt high school stuff would lead to anything.
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I've seen some funny stuff where characters were obviously in early high school but were all "21+"
(I won't lose... to this cock!)
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The point is the law recognizes that teenage sex is a natural thing and most people find 16 year olds attractive, and it'd be unhealthy for society if they weren't allowed to have sex. Alcohol is a bane on society and should be eradicated, but it's too deeply engrained into society and people will do things like rebel against the government, so the most they can do is delay the drinking age until people's brains are mostly developed and they've had a bit of a chance to figure out how to be adults.

Can't wait for "all characters are 30+ and enthusiastically consent"
Well the AOC just exists for hedonists really. People who value sex as something special to be shared with their life partner aren't having sex at 16 or 18 and probably not even 19 or 20. It mainly exists to stop horny retard hedonsit teens from causing themselves problems.
>character skipped several grade levels
>18 year old in high school
I don't care about americans or what they think the right age to screw in a ligthbulb is...
People are naturally hedonistic
Funnier is when all female characters are horny bombshells, 25+ and virgins.
Yeah sure.

I'll breed with megane jimiko instead
I mean I always think it's funny that people have sex with people they don't love and then try to get into monogamous relationships for some reason. If they have casual sex that means they think sex and love are different and yet somehow they want a monogamous relationship. The real reason being they're afraid their partner will leave them if given the chance so they have monogamous relationships not because they value the intimacy but rather because they don't trust their partners. It's kind of tragic in a way.

Lolihags are a miracle of the universe
games for this feel?
Yall niggas act like most h-game heroines, even the high school ones, aren't 18+ either
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H games gotta have that feeling of immorality. Any recent JC games?
What is this? From the dl page it looks like a female protagonist rape sim but this dialogue makes it seem like a trainer or something
>I think it would've been better if her companion wasn't an actual unit.
I thought the cell thing was a pretty good idea and something I'd like to see done better in other games. Really, having you control a femc and a flying mcguffin/hypno device/jedi mind trick thingy that is basically (You) that allows you to influence battlefuck from the enemies side and affect how or what goes (instead of playing RNG roulette with the enemy) is a pretty interesting consept and I think something worth exploring or expand upon. Think I played a slutge that just has you fuck the enemies directly, but this works indirectly, and allows your femc stay meek and passive. (and thats a good thing!)
Ebonics is a staple of zoomer speak.
mf is right
on god these niggas stay trippin
early thread doko
The VN version of The Fox and the Grapes.
southerner here
if you accuse the word 'yall' of being ebonics one more time i will track you down and shove a lit pipe bomb up your gelatinous ass :)
That's not a game
Why? Do you have something interesting to post or do you feel the urge to do a shitty ritualpost only? Cause last I checked, there are no games. Let's stay until the ship sinks!
yeah niggers culturally appropriated it and the n-word from the southern masters then whine when other people say it
>the n-word
niggers don't say 'yall', they don't use contractions of any kind
they just say 'you', even when it doesn't fit
>you got me fucked up
>you fucking with me?
yall niggas is literally a phrase euro-kun
Ya'll mothafuckaz need Jeezus!
im from tennessee you faggot
and i don't give a shit how some brain damaged chicago street rat talks, it doesn't make it ebonics
The only reason zoomers use it is because black people use it.
>you got me fucked up
Kek, this is like the white collar dad understanding of ebonics.
mf is angry skull skull
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Ya'll is southern slang used by southern blacks too dumbass retard. It doesn't matter where you're from if you don't go outside.
american hours
What's with zoomers and being obsessed with ebonics
Don't bother to make a new thread
It's because it is less gendered than "You guys" or "Dudes"
I requested a reupload here https://www.vivahentai4u.net/18626/ and the guy delivered!

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