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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7300 - Sassy Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>493229125
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I love you blazebot!
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Colors look a bit muted
>t. Happened to be working on the same thing
Best ship coming through.
Who's Broly
Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
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I ship Tails with older women
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Why is this westoid faggot trying to poison the shonen market with his westoid garbage?
>Muh appeal to popularity
You eat slop every day.
True on both accounts
I was able to get Amy and Knuckles into Sonic CD Miracle Edition, turns out it didn't need to do any of that decompiling shit after all. I just had to download this and open the "Soniccd" file
To any of you want to play the whole thing without any of the fuzz
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Squidward doesn't look happy.
I'm not surprised. He's with Rouge, after all.
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Rare double tsundere
That's the gentle tired smile of someone who hasn't had a reason to keep living up until that very moment. It's beautiful.
Holy fucking shit biscuits, is that a fucking Newtron From Sonic 1?!! So cool!!
That's the forced tired smile of someone who wishes for the sweet release of death at every waking moment.
>literal who badnik made
no mecha sonic from sonic 3....
Ugh 4 months until edgekino
I think I'm gonna end up going the matching color tracksuit route and either a shadow hoodie or hat/headwear for the quills, dunno about the gloves, shoes is probably the one thing I should actually make a effort on
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What did he mean by this
We need a Shadow The Hedgehog 2
>4 months
But Shadow and his EPIC doom powers are next month
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Good night.
Metal copying Sonic's "Long time no see" phrase while calling Sonic the copy
*chaos controls over anon and watches anon sleep*
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The switch up on Sonic Colors from "Hey this is a pretty good game!" back in 2010 to "Fucking soulless shit" in 2024 BECAUSE OF TWO GAMES THAT CAME AFTER IT is the worst fucking thing the Sonic Fandom has ever gaslight into existence
You eat slop by being in a Sonic general, retard.
Man this hame is taking forever to release just dump it already sega what the frick
Heh I swapped out a word tho
Giving Max some tea and cookies as he enjoys the garden on this beautiful but cloudy day.
Who the fuck is Max
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Nope. YOU eat slop by being in a Sonic general.
I never considered Sonic slop, but you did, you self-deprecating little bitch.
The last Sonic game created was SA2
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The King from Sonic Saturday cartoon based comic.
Are these any good? I need a small Blaze on my desk in these trying times.
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>World Ending
That itself becomes a point of contention given the world has nearly ended what, five times at this point? Dark Gaia, The End, Perfect Chaos, Ifrit, Mepheles, Biolizard, and let's not forget Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik trying to enslave the planet on a weekly basis.

You can't really do "conspiracy theories" in world where that's just Tuesday. It's just stupid and not in the fun way.
Creator of SAGE laments the lack of fangames this year.

>>Muh appeal to popularity
When the comparison is between a manchild who drew Sonic furries in college because he is another Chris-chan and stumb;led his way up the foodchain because everyone else got sick of licensed comic slop and an actual respected professional in the mange industry, pointing out credentials is perfectly reasonable.
not canon
If Sega decided Paramount should make Shadow a girl in the third movie, just for the fun of it and because the movies already diverge a lot from the games, how would you have reacted?

Which Hollywood star would you pick as girl-Shadow's voice actress?
You fags told me that Sonic games will have a higher budget thanks to the movies so why does Shadow Gens still looks like shovelware trash?
>just for the fun of it
Are you an unfunny faggot just as a joke too?
I never unsterstood why Sally's father was a wolf
Neither is that diabetic cat.
I would cum.
it’s a retarded gaijjn OC like that stupid bitch sally ugly redneck bunnie and regarded faggot elias that shartchie fans force on our throats
Krysten Ritter
Kys sonazebot
Lost World and then Forces
It wasn't till these games came out fans somehow misfired their brain neurons and said "Hey....this is Colors' fault!!!"
>so why does Shadow Gens still looks like shovelware trash?
It looks way, way higher budget than Frontiers did, are you retarded anon?
Hey! Bunnie is not ugly >:( She's just southern.
Because there isn't any talent at Sonic Team atm
are you stupid or messing with me anything not made by soj is not canon
and she doesn’t exist
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Fox, actually. And no, I didn't get it either.
And I get it even less why squirrels have fox tails.
Making the Sonic characters into crossdressing troons is super common in these threads anon, you aren't fooling anyone about your fetish.
fuck I want to have sex with elias
Who would be better to take on a date out of those two?
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It looks as good as lost world and it also has a lot of reused assets
didn't they hire a bunch of new people after frontiers?
>posts picture of desert
>"Not water"
We all know SatAM and Archie are not canon.
You constantly posting the obvious is just dumb.
>"Why are you posting non-canon shit"
Here we talk ALL things Sonic, even the non-canon ones. Hell, we talk about Fanfiction here.
>anything not made by soj is not canon
So the horrible IDW garbage is not canon, gotcha.
that's what you're thinking about? I was thinking about since Amy and Rouge aren't there, to have a female mobian, they could make Shadow a girl, but nobody likes hearing about diversity quotas so I put "just for the fun of it".
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Anon it's a riff on Gens, of course it has reused assets. What you should be asking is why Frontiers looked like shovelware
This is a little sad I get what they're saying.
They're both foxy
It depends if you're into DILFs or barely drinking aged men.
Fuck. Decision is too hard.. :(
who cares about "fandoms" anyways i played colors and i don't get why it was so hyped up. it felt really gimmicky often and i didn't care much for the platforming. and the story is even more nothingburger than most sonic games
because sega probably doesn't care *that* much about sonic and admittedly hardcore sonic autists will probably buy it anyways good looking or not
it might be fun though
there's always someone who literally can't stop thinking about trannies so sees literally everything as about them or by them
Why not both?
I miss Starline
imagine no scatam or shartchie to ruin the franchise, only aosth so instea of OC slop and OOC cancer the whole "western sonic" is nothing more than pingas man.......
>lost world
Ah, so you are just a retard.
>it also has a lot of reused assets
And is a short game even by Sonic standards, exactly the reasons WHY it looks better and higher budget, the resources they had were allocated well with a more compact game. That still doesn't mean your stupid "shovelware" statement make any more sense though.
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Why is the quality of fanfiction for this series so bad?
Games are a lot of work to make. I don't think that its bad to want compensation to make a game.
Sonic Underground would've been bit less darker, but equally silly.
>SoJ (pronounced onions) writes characters with alzehimers and breaks canon frequently.
canon is what my headcanon is. My OC, ship and theories are canon. and yours are not.
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Not that into pushes or pillows

But this time I’ll make an exception

For Big
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Most fanfic suffer Misery porn, ooc, Mary sueing, and/or self inserting. It's not an easy task finding a good one.
There are literally tens thousands of fanfictions, if not hundrers of thousands.
Most of them are dead, abandoned or forgotten.
Is Big The Cat sill dogshit?
autism. autism can lead to the greatest works of art imaginable too though it's a double edged sword
dogshit? he literally just loves fishing you can't get better
I used to hate big, but the more I draw him the more I love him
blue sanic jamp on robot and collect rangs mister egg very upset with sanic.... tsundere shipping?
Never existed.
>Liefeld comparison
He didn't create Deathstroke, he wasn't even in the industry at the time.
The audience for Sonic might tend to be younger. Also consider the fact that fanbases built around written works usually have better writing than games shows and anime. By written I mean books. Because reading helps a lot to be a good writer, its common sense.
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Is Trip wearing a tattered shirt of is he toppless?
Didnt ask for the existentialist/nihilist pseud yap sesh. I like animu grrls! WAIFUS!
Alright. I will give both a chance. A group date, then a private date, and decisions.
>What if Shadow was a femboy.....I mean a girl who wore a dress, wouldn't that be such funsies?
Is totally not something we were seeing fanart of last thread with Sonic, right retard? Gaslighting doesn't work for people who can remember things from half an hour ago.
okay but have you read wario sonic fanfic?
I agree.

Too bad the Sonic fandom is full of "those people".
Yes Yes we know, you hate Colors because the Fandom told you I explained that in my post
Emi says: Sonikku! I can be like the wind too! BRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP
The only pseud I'm interested in is attached to Tangle the lemur
Christ almighty don't tell me you're talking about A Dark Deed
I had that fanfic locked away in my memory
Sonic dream team should add Silver and Blaze as the ones who fly quickly and have AoE attack and Shadow and Tikal as the ones who teleport and throw lightning
Yeah, I;m talking about that
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>Anon it's a riff on Gens, of course it has reused assets
It was fine in Gens and Mania because they are great games. I doubt Shadow Gens will be able to reach that so I'm more crritical
>What you should be asking is why Frontiers looked like shovelware
That's quite simple actually. They got a small budget and they stretched it way too tight just so they could implement a poorly designed open world to it.
>Ah, so you are just a retard.
How am I wrong?
>And is a short game even by Sonic standards
And that's even worse. I'm fine with asset reuse in huge open world games like Elden Ring because those games need way more assets than standard linear games.
>it looks better and higher budget
Does it really? I don't really see it
>That still doesn't mean your stupid "shovelware" statement make any more sense though.
Why? Shadow Gens is just a half assed movie tie-in game
i played colors when people were dickriding it (and still do outside of here usually) i do not understand what you are talking about. some of us actually played video games when they came out
People unfamiliar with the franchise would call girl-shadow a Mary Sue

>le edgy
>le tragic backstory
>beats all the pre-existing male characters in a fight
>ultimate life-form
>as fast as sonic
>and has additional extra speshul powers
>actually she's not evil, just misunderstood
>all main characters commiserate over her when she sacrifices herself and "dies"
I accept your concession that you're a faggot.
>i don't get why it was so hyped up
it's just a very upbeat game with great art direction. It also has good level design and a lot of platforming and slope jumps for a boost game
You forgot the part where Sonic masters Shadow's special powers and Shadow admits that Sonic is the true ultimate lifeform before fucking dying.
That's literally Ryuko lmao
For a pairing thats incompatible, Sonic seems pretty content enough in Mobius 25 Years Later, both Ian and penders parts. He doesn't seem to hate his life or be actively against Sally in any ways sure things aren't perfect but its still fine for that version if Sonic. Game Sonic wouldn't be able to live in a situation like that though because he's too much of a free spirit.
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i didn't mind it being upbeat (so was heroes mostly) but it just felt kind of meh to me
i didn't care much for how the platforming felt. it wasn't dogshit or anything i just think it's horribly overrated. i do like the graphics though it looks pretty good for the wii
you keep shadow boxing those trannies dude i'm sure you'll win
>Does it really? I don't really see it
So you don't see the improved animations, the pretty graphical effects, the overall presentation that was put into Shadow's Doom powers compared to how Wisp powers looked in the past? Again, you must be retarded not to see the obvious polish put into the Shadow portion of the game to match up with the Generaitons portion.
Shocking how far you've come.
Sonic and Sally aren't incompatible because of that, they're incompatible because Archienic's ultimate fate was always going to be turned into stale wind paragon rolemodel Sonic by mandatees.
We joke about Ian lying but Reboot Sally was very much just a way to avoid the uncomfortable impending doom that was Sonic not being allowed to be in relatioinships because muhh fucking wind
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SEGA should team up with Bandai or another model making company to make Sonic plamo. I'd kill for some Badnik model kits.
Doom powers totally destroy the Wisps really.
>because Archienic's ultimate fate was always going to be turned into stale wind paragon rolemodel Sonic by mandatees.
There was nothing wrong with Archie Sonic growing up a bit and becoming a leader without Sally around though. That was good character development that fit the character well.
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It looks worse than Mario Odyssey to me. Shadow Gens looks really stiff to me and not fluid enough.
so she can get a piercing but not a fucking bra
Box office predictions for Sonic 3 movie?
>free sprite like myself
Holy ESL. Blame auto correct if you want to, I don't believe you.
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stupid femoid... I hate her
1 dollar
NTA but sprites are pixies/ yokais just like sanic
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tree fiddy
Shadow: edges
Tails: goons
Eggman: flickergoons
Sonic:Nofap/fucks human chicks
Knuckles: Ohios
this sounds like ass wtf
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>how would you have reacted?

Shadow the Hedgehog, The Ultimate Waifu!
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Metal Sonic Squishmallow
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>this makes chinchillas, witches and galactic huntresses cream themselves

What the fuck are you talking about
Does Sonic really say this during the Devil Doom fight?
jobs to CHADow
>posting the shitty watermarked version for dramawhoring
Nah, I just fucked up.
wokedow the foidhog
Another day I am greatful to have the Sonic Adventure 2 movie I've always wanted, simply the most based timeline.
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accept no substitutes
I like this one better because the cum looks so potent
good for you, goyslop consumer
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Shadow, you're quite impressive. I never stood a chance against Black Doom, you're the only one who can fight him. I think I finally understand how a free spirit like myself can't surpass you. I thought it was because you had something to protect. I thought your drive to protect allowed you to take advantage of your capabilities... this may have been a reason, but not I too have this drive. I fought to do as I wished, because I ove freedom and hanging with my friends. But he's different, he fights not to win but because he's the Ulitamte Lifefrom, causing him to break his limits and he really doesn't care who his opponent is. So when he didn't kill me, it was because he saw I can fight on his level, like I can now... Go Shadow, you're number one!
>I am greatful to have the Sonic Adventure 2 movie I've always wanted
No Amy no Rouge and GUN is a joke thanks to previous movies. It was over before it even began.
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Better female Shadow
But anon... She's a squid...
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Not gonna lie, I love the idea that even after her father is gone, Sage is still loyal to the vision and keeps the Empire going even post-apocalypse.
Life is full of both infinite tragedy and infinite beauty. It is then up to you what you see.
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>Sonic series in the 2020s
sonic if xe woke dei sweetbaby
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Strongly disagree.
I mean, what else is she supposed to do? I’d get bored and try taking over the world if I was an immortal AI
If female Shadow was in the movie, how many halloween costumes would she inspire?
SAGE's creator is kind of dissatisfied with SAGE 2024's lack of fan games
Bold statement
I don't care about Saleta
Who do you miss sthg?
What the fuck? The showcase had like 50 of em. What is he fucking smoking?
Alzheimers general.
Alzheimers franchise.
Alzheimers fanbase.
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No she isn't. The squid thing is still fucking stupid.
or something like that i always forget how to spell his name
I've had an edgy fanfiction idea for a while where Eggman dies, creating a bad future, Silver fights Future Sage who is using Metal Sonic to create mass production Metal Sonics, and Metal slowly becomes more enraged and psychotic while Sage tries to reach out to him but eventually he just spews nothing but hatred towards her and she becomes depressed and lonely.
If you wouldn't fuck the squid, you don't really love Shadow.
Shadow looks like a toddler/midget in this one.
Same on both counts
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Shadow owns that future generation huh
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That's fair.
Since the 2020s Sage started having way more indie demos so fan games are no longer grand majority of the expo.

At least we still have Sonic Hacking Contest and Chao Games Showcase
Daily spankings. Rotorfag. Incelkun.

Super Mario 3 Is A Bad Memory For Me. I Was So Addicted To It That My Mom Literally Threw My Nes Into The Trash For Not Studying Well.
>shadow's amnesia
>blaze's amnesia
>mr tinker
>sonic's brief amnesia
>silver doesn't remember 06
>sonic initially was supposed to lose memory in frontiers
>surge and kit don't remember who they were
>and i bet something was in handheld games, but idk
alzheimer franchise
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Loving a monster for who they are on the inside is kino. It does help if you also like monsters though.
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I suppose. I wonder if it's hard to balance being a mother with conquering a planet.
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I still like the idea that her version of the Eggman Empire would lack Eggman's whimsical carnival casino vibe and go full utilitarian war machine.
Sega must have hunted this man down for knowing their secrets because if it were me I'd hop on the squid fanart train immediately as a victory lap
Idk man, I just love crazy; this franchise is a nexus of "mental diversity" and I relish every second of it.
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here's your gerald's journal
eggdad won
>Father was rather fond of amusement parks. I'm more of an escape room kind of girl.
maybe you just don't go out much but i get enough "mental diversity" here and irl
Master System > Mega Drive Sonic
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>from parts unknown

Why did they retcon Sonic being from Christmas Island?
>Dark Gauge is full
This was before IDW was considered "canon".
Flynn also said that Christmas Island is no longer canon
I like Sonic's origin being left up to interpretation and left mysterious. And besides, that wasn't Sonic
His answer was
>probably not
That's not a real answer.
You want Sonic to be a cereal mascot lol.
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>don't go out much

The anonymous nature makes interactions different than irl.
He is part of the Restoration right here.
That's what Sonic always has been, dude. He is but a vehicle for SEGA to make money.
I thought SoA wasn't "canon"
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>the Restoration ALLY
>he is part of the Restoration right here
He wasn't a cereal mascot until after 06 flopped. He shouldn't be a corporate sterile pet.
You want Sonic to lack an identity, to be a soulless husk.
What if sonic was the wind...
Holy shit yes.
When Shadow's descendants find each other it will be full of poetry and dramatic irony
Cause Nicky isn't Sonic.
I was just making a joke about Sonic and Nicky being different people...
Sonic is us, we are Sonic, Sonic is inside everyone of us-
I wish Sonic was inside me
Or I was inside Sonic
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what if sonic is the wind because he was raised by a gigantic bird who taught him windlyness
Why is his team the Restoration and not Team Sonic?
>me when motherfuckers start going on about MUH WIIIIIIIND
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Iizuka said that Silver isn't related to Shadow. So he can only be descended from Sonic or/and Amy be completely unrelated to any of the present day cast.

If not related to Sonic, he's probably at least a reincarnation since he shares Sonic's ability to go Super.
He has his own team but being associated with the Restoration is more important to him than the actual team he has been a part of multiple times.
I don't care about Flynn, Iizuka and Tailstube and games
I make my own headcanons and they are true
Eggfag which do you hate more, Wind or Sage?
It might be different but online drama is still drama and just as tedious and unwanted.
Incel kun was that depressing lost cause sort of rambling that is present in insane asylums, and rotorfag is just a faggot. He could have just been a ritualposter like espioyume but instead he has to put his gay porn addiction front and center. Otherwise he's not super interesting. I know he usually will talk a lot about rotor in the comics but he rambles to the point where it's hard to understand what he's saying sometimes.
Though in retrospect your examples aren't too bad, there are some dramafags who can be really annoying when they show up to threads. Incel kun and rotorfag generally don't derail threads like schizos
Izuka also said that Shadow is a friendless loser who doesn't live anywhere or do anything. Fuck that stupid cunt.
>Iizuka said
That Shadow is not Vegeta
>Looks at Shadow's proto designs
Sure thing anon
I kind of like the idea that shadow lives in a cave. But I imagine the back of the cave has like a hidden entrance to some sort of high tech lab where shadow does whatever the fuck
Iizuka.. /sthg/ is acting OOC with headcanons.
Iizuka is acting OOC
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*Team Heroes

So we went directly to Shadow -- the character (with answers coming from the creators at Sonic Team) -- to get his thoughts on everything from regrets to influences to his relationship with Sonic. Check it out:
Shadow, on what distinguishes him from Sonic:
"I am relentless in my pursuit of finding the answers to my past, and in such, I would challenge anyone or anything that denies me that."
Shadow, on what distinguishes Sonic from him:
"Sonic, being the spotlight grabbing hero he is, would do anything to help you out in a pinch."
Shadow, on regrets:
"My past is shrouded in so much mystery, I hate to fathom what I could have or couldn't change. But if I could change one thing about my past, it would have to be giving my life for that of Maria's. I am forever haunted of losing someone that really cared for me, and I did nothing to stop her from sacrificing her life for mine."
Shadow, on movies:
"I really like action movies. The more mayhem the better! The Terminator series has to be one of my favorites...Arnold is just sooo cool...hasta la vista baby! Guns, explosions, high-speed action...I love it all!"
Shadow, on his good/evil choices:
"I really have no preference as to which path I follow as long as it leads me to the Chaos Emeralds. Only until I have found all of them, will I truly know what my past is."
Shadow, on his spare time:
"Play games, listen to music, skateboard, hang out with friends...the usual."
Shadow, on his favorite games:
"Madden's football series, anything with street fighting, and Burnout 3."
Shadow, on gadgets he owns:
"PSP, Nintendo DS, iPod, and a Razor cell phone. I am one hooked up hedgehog."
Shadow, on food:
"Pizza, Doritos, Snickers, anything mobile...also a big fan of Hot Pockets. "
Silver is Shadow and Rouge's son
I feel like Iizuka has made it his mission to make sonic as purposefully ambiguous as possible, not only to keep the fans from killing eachother but because Sonic is a muse, and as such he's supposed to be like of open for interpretation. Thats why he can't date or be overly emotional and shit. Him being enigmatic allows the fans to kind of play around with who sonic is in their own way.
I think mario is similar but most people don't give a fuck about marios character other than bing bing wahoo spaghetti save the princess
forcing iizuka to read our fanfics
but what about Silver :(
Meh, I'm here for all of it

Whomst? All I've seen recently is the Knuxouge hater.
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>game about cyberspace as an excuse to recycle old levels
>no Cyber Track Zone
Sonic Team is so fucking useless, I swear.
this shit is so funny
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Share your favorite porn drawings too with him.
just pay attention, you'll notice them.

Shadow isn't even allowed to live in a cave? No wonder why the furniture was so bare in there.

does anyone have the rest of the twitter thread?
Archie! Shadow and Silver are related
Black Knight! Shadow and Silver are related

Only boring gameverse(games are BAD!!!!) Shadow and Silver aren't related
Shadamyfag is always right. I believe in him.
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This is why most writers just avoid Shadow now.
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look at this and tell me this isn't the face of a man who was forced to read 1 fox 2 babies
Going by Black Knight logic, Amy is Shadow's adoptive mother, Knuckles is Sonic's nephew, Jet is Blaze's brother, and Shadow fucks Sonic's wife
Judging by the squid he already does.
He's seen worse. He has been forced to see everything.
I don't see what's wrong with that
he doesn't want ian making sonic randomly blurt out his lifestory if he had a defined one, assume all Izuka retcons are to tar wrangle flynn
>Woah you know the way team dark are besties working for gun?
No shadow has no friends
>Erm okay maybe a home with epic lore and references?
>Uh since chaotix get paid and there are many different kingdoms presumably with different currencies, exchange rates and econoic systems I was wondering-
No, no money.
I'm going to find that one fanfiction that involved teen pregnancy drama.
To be absolutely fair, Vegeta has a wife, kids, a nice house, and plenty of friends.

Shadow, strictly speaking, is indeed not Vegeta, because Vegeta has a life.
>can't have the backstory referenced or contradicted
But if Shadow doesn't live anywhere, where does he store all his motorcycles and guns and his
>PSP, Nintendo DS, iPod, and a Razor cell phone
Everything about Shadow is so autistic and that's why I love him

>He can't live in a house because that implies that he sat down and talked about rent, which is lame and doesn't give with the chunni dark edgy mysterious vibe
>He can't be homeless because that is for losers
>He is an "antihero" who only kills offscreen/ontologiclaly evil characters (By this logic, Spider-man is an anti-hero)
>"He isn't good or evil, he just wants to achieve his goals" as if everyone on earth doesn't want to achieve their goals
>Stop specify what Shadows' goals even are after his game so all he ever does is show up during crisis situations and help
>Can't have friends because friendship is uncool (????)
>In fact we never get to see his personality outside of world ending situations unless it's a noncanon spinoff where he's in a go-cart race
>Doesn't say names because it makes him sound too familiar with people
>Despite all of the above, Shadow in gameplay tends to use minor slang, compliment other characters, uses their name frequently, and shows heaps of personality he normally doesn't in cutscenes.
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>Shadow, strictly speaking, is indeed not Vegeta, because Vegeta has a life.
Boom was not originally a spin-off. If it had succeeded, it would have become the new main series.
I find it funny that the same people that complained about Shadow being Vegeta are the same people that are now realizing that they wanted him to be Vegeta all along.
>He can't live in a house because that implies that he sat down and talked about rent
and he doesn't want to build a house up to building codes either
>But if Shadow doesn't live anywhere, where does he store all his motorcycles and guns and his
His ass. Literally. As The Ultimate Lifeform TM, Shadow's anus doubles as a dimensionally transcendental pocket that allows him to store items.
Localizations be damned.
Shadow and Silver being biologically related in that reality holds more weight than the interchanging relationships of the rest
Extremely fake and gay
>people that are now realizing that they wanted him to be Vegeta all along.
GT Vegeta then sure. Super Vegeta is a whiny manchild in comparison.
Fat, Ugly, and would not have sex with him.
damn. no wonder why he doesn't need a house if his ass IS the house.

should've just shoved Maria up his ass and escaped together. No wonder why he feels so bad about Maria's death if he missed that opportunity.
I have a question for sonallyfags in the thread. Like an honest question. I'm watching Satam and are Sonic and Sally... not dating?
Seriously, they just seem like friends who kiss each other. Which sounds silly, but that is a thing.
It's like they're Fred and Daphne (outside of MI).
There's even an episode where Sonic tries to claim Sally is his girl only for Sally to shoot that down. This is after they kiss in multiple previous episodes.
No "I love you"s. Never calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend aside from that single instance. Sally seems surprised the first time she thinks Sonic is hitting on her, only to realize he's talking about chilli dogs.
shut up, femcel
The mandates are obviously in place to prevent stuff from getting as bad as they did in the comics, and even though they're clearly too strict, it's clear that the writers are desperate to do everything in their power to try and dodge them and sneak things through whenever possible, so it's a necessary evil.
Does Amy store her hammer in her ass too?
>Shadow fucks Sonic's wife
So that's why it feels right to ship him with Amy and/or Sally. Kek!
>in a sonic game
fake and gay
>S-shadow let me out it stinks I can't move or see anything
>Unff stay still up there muhria!
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Nvm, I spedread.
Point is, Sally kissed everyone.
So everyone is aware that if Sega did not have mandates, the Freedom Fighters would immediately pop up in all western media, because literally all of it has been made by satamfags except the movies.
Why are you guys like this
to be tails.. and having sally read me a story every night and kissing me.
So no one told you sthg was gonna be this gaaaayyyy
Which would be fine, who cares about limiting westoid writiers from putting their agenda itno the rpeople's property, but then Sonic Team doesn't advance the story of these characters themselves and then even allow retards like Flynn to write Frontiers ager allowing other "comedy" writiers to write Sonic games. They sohuld be writing the games themselves in a professional manner and then let the localizers make up shit that isn't canon to the real Japanese lore which people will always point out.
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If i was satam tails i would have developed a fetish
He only learnt about his ass-powers when he was so bored on earth that he decided to shove a gun up his ass, then experimented with putting a whole motorcycle in there
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What would her banter with Silver be like as enemies?
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>if Sega did not have mandates, the Freedom Fighters would immediately pop up in all western media, because literally all of it has been made by satamfags except the movies
That's actually really funny
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>Shadow: Maria, we have to escape. Quick, get inside my ass!
>Maria: ... Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.
Why doesn't Sega just write Shadow if they know exactly how he should be?
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But he did, that's why he was horny all the time, especially with Fiona.
>posting off model garbage
>and then let the localizers make up shit
no thanks, i'm sick of the west changing shit for no reason. Is just having a 1-1 translation of the japanese script to much to ask for
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Heh, threaten me with a good time.
Because that would require them to commit to a single vision and they refuse to do so. Shadow's new Doom powers will disappear in his next game appearamce.
Sage is not a blobian anon, she can probably look like that if she wanted to in the distant and unexplored future of Silver.
>Shadow's new Doom powers will disappear in his next game appearamce.

I mean, they come from Black Doom and Black Doom will be dead again by the end of the game
Because... because shut up is why!

Oi, fuck off back to your containment, Falcom twat.
>Is just having a 1-1 translation of the japanese script to much to ask for
In the current climate, yes. But at least people wouldn't say
>But the westoid from the comics wrote the game and added easter eggs so westoid canon is law!
Like they do now. That is the bigger issue.
Meganbros it's time to take over
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Don't let Espiowifeanon see this...
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Sonic is fundamentally western, made to appeal to Americans
why are people posting maria getting anal vored by shadow???
I would not be surprised if Sega mandates are so strong around Shadow that Movie Shadow is 100% in-character.
Nice coloring but huh?
Because Sega won't let Shadow have a house.
So Shadow Generations is ultimately pointless then since it adds nothing to Shadow's story going forward at all to the point he can't keep his new powers. That is why people hyped for this game are setting themselves up for disappointment, the status quo isn't getting any better from here.
absolutely not.
The movies have more freedom because Paramount doesn't HAVE to give Sega's franchise a movie series.
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Has anyone else experienced auto rail changing in Frontiers? It really bugs me and I see no option how to fix it
>A game series made by the japanese that has wipe dout every attempt at making western cnaon in the past is fundamentally western.
Yeah, no.
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>Thank you for knowing your place as an inferior race.
Because someone asked where Shadow keeps his motorcycles and guns if he doesn't have a house, another person said up his ass because his ass has special dimension storage powers. And therefore Shadow could have saved Maria by putting her in the ass dimension
If she was better, her white patch of fur would be above her groin.
>Cold and detached vs furious belligerent
The opposite of Sonic and Eggman.
Japs have never liked Sonic because the franchise has such a "western" feel. Kind of like how Zelda is far more popular in the West than Japan.
...did someone edit cameltoe in?
They like Japanese Sonic. They don't like American Soinc. Games that aren't succesful in Japan don't sell in America.
I like Sonic because it's weird and Jappy. Sonic is a weeb franchise.
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That sounds really cool.
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She's busy.
Where's the Jappyness in Sonic?

Everything in this franchise is made to appeal to Americans.
I want to kiss that fireplace.
>implying that Shadow's ass would stink, and wouldn't smell like the roses and unicorns like the ultimate lifeform he is
Might as well argue Nintendo games aren't really Japanese just because they go for the broad international audience.
>20 mins until clocking out
*enters meditative state to charge my energy to unleash a shitpost storm into sthg*
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Anon, don't you dare.
No, that's how FWA drew it because she's based
Adventure, SatBK, and X are Nip slop, as opposed to things like Boom which were made to appeal directly to Burgers.
Japan never liked Sonic because Sega consoles are flops over there. Sega is known more for their arcades in Japan.
Talk about a big salad
I still doubt FWA is a girl.
Nothing against her, but I smell catfishing.
>feta cheese
ah, classic Greek and French salad with Chinese dressing.
Nice work.
If they did, I must thank them.
This is so far my favorite one out of them.
>shadow is the ultimate lifeform
>therefore shadow doesn't poop or fart
>girls don't poop or fart
>therefore shadow is a girl
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If Sonic isn't meant to appeal to Americans, why does Generations have a level that lets you ride a skateboard?
>Where's the Jappyness in Sonic?
Random Dragon Ball references before Dragon Ball became popular in the west. Eggman is a villain right out of a gag manga and Japanese Sonic even had an entirely different, cuter design from Western Sonic.
I smelt her fish and can confirm she's a girl
>They like Japanese Sonic
This is just a lie. Sonic has never really done well in Japan.

Sonic is designed to appeal to westerners and has always thrived in the west. Western continuities have always been incredibly beloved by many whereas any Soj has long given up on having a consistent canon for almost 2 decades, yet Soj insists on fucking with said western continuities anyway and puts 0 care in preserving them. Nor do they put any care into preserving a proper continuity of their own. Canon means nothing anymore in this franchise thanks to Soj and their mismanagement.

Sure, I'm grateful to Soj for creating Sonic, and at the end of the day Sonic is a japanese created franchise. I'd be grateful to my wife too for birthing my son but of course I'm going to resent her when she decides to beat him on the daily afterwards
How ribbet-ing.
>ignore japanese creativity and only make western games
>we would never have sonic
>Sonic is designed to appeal to westerners
Only in the SoA marketing, the games are incredibly Japanese, see >>493300440
I think these are all true, but from a normie standpoint the japanese references in Sonic don't really stick out because they only became obvious in the 2000s when western cartoons started taking heavy inspiration from anime
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Meanwhile, in the real world, Metroid exists and proves you don't know what you're talking about.
>implying the japanese like Sonic at all
The one non-korone japanese sonic tuber i could find didn't know Eggman's legal name was Robotnik until the movies
If is impossible, literally impossible, to play Sonic Adventure 2, or watch Sonic X, and not be aware of the name "robotnik" in japan.
>soj: this is how sonic should be portrayed
>soa: okay!
>adds random OCs an edgy plot compared to Sonic’s lightheartedness
>soj: arenr you going to far? this isn’t like Sonic’s character
>soa: sonic? dont you mean the sally acorn show?
>soj: ffs
>soa: must.. have.. sally.. boss.. sonic
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>Eggman is a villain right out of a gag manga
Eggman is famously based on Teddy Roosevelt, you stupid fuck.
No? Sonic is inherently very much made to appeal to westerners and it shows. There's a good reason Sonic is insanely popular in the west, yet fails to have a real fanbase in Japan. Shit like dbz also has huge western appeal and eggman being a villain from a gag manga is not really a good point because saturday morning cartoon villains also exist and are basically the same thing. Sonic being cuter in Japan is also a given, of course they're going to try and make him cuter for Japanese audiences but it didn't work because surprise, Sonic was not designed to be a cute mascot for Japanese audiences.
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Sometimes fwa is just in horny mode.
I want to know what Ian would do with Sally if he was allowed to use her again
i wish us never existed and got nuked to the ground so sonic wouldn’t be destroyed by gaijins
Make out with her Nicole bot
Make her a lesbian again
Good to know, you will never be japanese btw
He said in a bumblekast that he would bring reboot Sally if he was allowed to.
>SoJ: Can you help us make an IP that will appeal to Americans?
>SoA: Sure thing.
>SoJ: What the fuck are you doing?
>SoA: Oh, we made a few changes to the initial concept to make it more appealing to the target demographic.
>SoJ *swears blood vengeance for all eternity*
You can't get mad at someone for doing exactly what you asked them to do. Fuck off.
>isn't meant to appeal to Americans
alright but its appealing to americans in a bizarre way americans would never conceive of a felix the cat ripoff based off some obscure euro animal mixed with clinton mj and santa/christmas. same reason mother/earthbound is in america but feels different to actual american made inspired by it games.

Kind of like a weeb who only knows anime waifus and ninjas would write something different about japan than the japanese even if inspired by the weeb's bizarro work based on them
>Western continuities have always been incredibly beloved by many whereas any Soj has long given up on having a consistent canon for almost 2 decades
You're biased, and listening to SoA's horrible decisions of how to damage control the franchise is how we ended up with horrible western pandering and meta era trash.
Will this appear in the movie? Will the Dark Rider in the movie be disposed and give way to this one for future installments of the SCU?
>few changes
>heres a bitchy girlfriend that sonic wouldnt tolerate in canon
>heres an edgy dark plot that no one in japan likes
>here’s sally being a slur
>sally this
>salt that
>sally here
>sally there
>oh sonic?
>you are watching sally be a bitch show
Probably just have the Freedom Fighters be a allied faction. Otherwise, back to business and have her keeping doing her thing as strategy princess.

But also this, yes.
Look around you. Archie and Satam still have so many fans all these years later fo example. Soj nowadays is still trying its hardest to make this franchise as bland and corporate as possible and continues to make shitty decision after shitty decision like they have for decades while squeezing the creativity out of it.

>heres an edgy dark plot that no one in japan likes

None of this was sold or marketed in Japan. Also stop whing about something youve never watched/read
>Just Sally
Come now, she was merely a tip of the iceberg, there were way more problems than her.
But she was one of the biggest ones.
Sally is for Ultimate Correction!
shartchie fags cant listen because “OMG ITS ROBOPOOPTONIK NOT EGGMAN” arguing with a shartchie is like arguing with a mutt it shitself while riding a fat scooter
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are you like 12 yold dude?
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It really is sadly hilarious how SoJ drones invariably default to seething about Sally. This chipmunk princess properly mindbroke both you and your corporate masters. Incredible.
Mohawknic and Robotnik died for a reason, just like how the Adventure and Riders models are still paraded as perfection. There's a good way to build on an original concept, and there's blatantly replacing things that you aren't able to respect and understand.
>Look around you. Archie and Satam still have so many fans all these years later for example
And yet despite all it's flaws, Sonic X outdoes them by a landslide. With the sub being universally seen as the better of the two as well.
Choose a continuity you like, or all of them without flaming others for their headcanons. Make your little headcanons and enjoy the characters for who they are. Don't find Sally and Sonic compatible? Then make them good friends who work together. Don't like the Satam cast or anyone from Archie? You don't have to include them.
Sonic is a lighthearted hero . When the fuck did he become someone wanting romance and to be under rule of a kingdom?
post one small idea that will significantly improve sonic
Who the fuck talks about Sonic X lmfao, you're kidding yourself
baldlennial here, more satam and funko pops!
Japfags and Satamfags like to paint the picture a certain way when it really just went like this

>SOJ: Here are the Sonic character details so you can make cartoons
>SOA: Thank you, we will now make cartoons
>SOJ: Thank you for making cartoons
>SOA: Here are a bunch of characters to fill in the background
>SOJ: Yeah-huh
>SOA: We gave Sonic a love interest because he doesn't have one
>SOJ: Yeap (Amy dancing in the background)
>SOA: We changed Amy's name to Sally
>SOJ: That's nice dear
>SOA: We put Sally in Sonic Spinball
>SOJ: *attempts to stick fingernail into nipplehole
>Sonic Franchise is now big and has tons of eyes on it
>SOJ: Stop making Sonic cry
>SOA: Shit sorry, can we make a spinoff comic?
>SOJ: Yeah but we're keeping an eye on it this time
>SOA: *makes Sonic kiss Sally a lot*
>SOJ: Stop that too
>SOA: Damnit
>SOJ: *Gives Bioware unlimited freedom*
>SOA: Hey someone is suing us
>SOA:Hey someone is suing us we don't have the papers
>Archie: lol
>SOJ: Drop their characters
>Bioware: whoops
>SOA: But they made 2000 characters
>SOJ: Drop their characters
>SOA: *Zeno-sama's 2000 characters
>SOJ: *checks the archive because it matters now
>SOJ: Did you make Sonic rape a mechanical rabbit?
>SOA: It was Evil-Sonic
>SOJ: Archie you're fired.
>Archie: lol
>SOA: IDW no romance allowed.
Sonic gf
Sally and Satam were directly created by corpos looking to make Sonic make as much money with a clear disregard for the creators original vision. You have no room to talk.
>this is a >vidya< game general
>for /co/ purposes see yourself out to >>>/co/
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Sure, anon.
I wanna say /sthg/ is more open minded in some ways than other Sonic communities
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>>heres an edgy dark plot that no one in japan likes
You say, when SA1 and 2 exist and were very much the love child of the Japanese side of things.

And now you're making up lies about the name thing. SA1 clarified that Eggman is a nickname, and Ivo Robotnik is his legal name. Literally nobody but non-fans and shitposters fail to grasp this.
And SoA drones just default to... seething about everything Japanese Sonic.
delete all the hedgehogs
>the great 2000s deviantart sonally vs sonamy wars
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Put spaghetti in it!
I was clearly talking about the designs.
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How many times do we have to post the interview for you, old man?
There is way more crying about archie/satam from SoJ drones than crying about game Sonic from anyone else and everyone can see this. You people love to make stuff up
blow the moon again
That's because we're anonymous. If it wasn't you would have likely been crucified by now for some silly reason.
I will only accept the Freedom Fighters if they are written by STHG and not Ian.
>SA1 clarified that Eggman is a nickname, and Ivo Robotnik is his legal name
No it didn't.
SoJfags can have a discussion about what they like. SoAfags can't have a discussion without bitching about the japanese canon.
More evil women
Replace wisps with werehog
Bitch, SA2 is my favorite Sonic game, and it's Japanese as fuck. My issue is specifically with Izuka and pals being incompetent twats who are fucking everything up. You're projecting hard.

No, you were asserting that a certain section of the fanbase gets uppity about the name. Fuck off.
>No shut up, I'm the chad and they're the faggots!
There is at least one sallyfag here who is a closet SOJfag and I'm going to sus him out
>Mohawknic and Robotnik died for a reason, just like how the Adventure and Riders models are still paraded as perfection.
Sonic is North Korean: Red, White and Blue on their flag.
>"Haven't you played around with the future enough times?"
>"Playing around? You think this is just a game to me?"
>Even if you go back as many times as you need and change every detail to your ideal, it would all mean nothing for you: You are removed from space and time. More of a "ghost" than I am. An anomaly with nothing to call friends and family in the countless parallel dimensions you've foolishly called present so far. If this isn't playing pretend, then I have to say I have severely overestimated your intelligence."
>"Even if I have nothing to win... this lifeless world... not even Eggman would want something like this empty place!"
>"My father had his vision, I have mine. The Eggman empire shall keep grow under my watch at maximum speed."
>"Empire? That's just a big machine! And clearly, not even you enjoy this. Just admit you have n-"
>"Enough! You've made it clear that you want leave my timeline alone the easy way." Thankfully I am well-prepared to the hard way."
>Supreme-like robot comes out of a mist made glitches in reality.
>haha Japan stupid
>now this part is important where sally makes out with everyone
>we need to add a rape scene with a half robot rabbit
>we need to make tails parents act like niggers
>lets retcon sally with her faggy brother that fags here derail the thread over
>do you want to read 900+ echidna stories?
>oh yeah let’s give sonic random girlfriends
>let’s make egg man genocidal just because instead of a silly villain
>this part is importantly where the characters imply they have sex
>let’s add politics
>let’s add an horribly insensitive poem associated with the Holocaust but about echnidnas
>let’s write a story about sally losing her virginity
>let’s make charmy a prince and overdose on drugs
Yes it did. The first encounter between Sonic and Eggman in the story.

Says the retard who thinks Sally being posted at any point is physically stopping you from talking about the games. And don't think I didn't notice you fuckers getting real quiet earlier when a discussion of Chronicles got going.
>MUH 40 year old cartoon!
>Muh knuckles fanfic rape comic!!!
SOAchuds are so lame, need bongs to sperg about their old comics more than SOAtards
>American Sonicfags claim they don't seethe.
>Start seething.
I really wouldn't call him closeted considering that he admitted it himself.
Replace boost with a dedicated "ball form" trigger which engages with stage physics.
>well-prepared to
well-prepared for*
You didn't even read the comics.
It's true. I don't even like Archie. I just like Sally. Sonic is the wind. Fuck you.
>The first encounter between Sonic and Eggman in the story
That wasn’t in the Japanese script. SA1 was developed in Japan, written in Japan, first revealed in Japan and released in Japan a full year earlier than the west.
i hope russia and china bomb the shit out of the US and my country leaves NATO
Not him, did you? And what was your favorite part in it?
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Please do yourself a favor, read the comics, THEN, I'll probably consider your opinion.
Please stop discussing Archie.
I'm convinced that these idiots don't even play the games they claim to love so much. Notice how every time they bitch about nobody talking abut the games, they get told tat nothing is stopping them, and then they just proceed to bitch more. Intadasting...
Bioware and SoJ won that lawsuit tho.
I did.
Ask a question.
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Why not, it's on-topic.
Who in God's name would subject themselves to reading that crap?
New Sonic character
Tuah the Hawk
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Kino. Now, if only SEGA could execute this well... but for that, they would have to consider Silver to be anything but their sidelined punching bag.
rent fee also see >>493303469
>Appeal to authority
Any more logical fallacies you wanna pull out just to show how big of a retard you are?
Fuck the comics. Sonic is the wind.
Here we talk ALL things Sonic.
Feel free to talk about games or cartoons or movies.
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Reminder that Steven Butler WILL draw furry women, and you cannot stop him.

At this point, several folks in this thread are going to keep discussing Archie out of spite.
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>Same swirly glasses
>same head shape
>same moustache shape
>The Laputa anime has a floating island powered by a powerful gemstone
>all the levels in 3K correspond to areas in Laputa
>Sonic 3 even has an airship that resembles one from Laputa
>Naka, Yamaguchi and other ST members constantly state which anime influenced particular things in Sonic, which confirms that they do look at anime when developing the games
how is it even possible for a sallyfag who is an sojfag to exist
Idk it's just tiresome watching people bitch at each other every thread.
>/vg/ - video game generals
>sally wasn’t in a video game besides a non canon one
>none of Archie showed up
when janitor applications open up im banning every comicfag :)
I binged the entire pre reboot in 2 weeks 11 years ago. guess I'll do it again.
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Sonic should just be a cereal mascot. He should just go fast, destroy robots, rinse and repeat until the franchise dies like Crash.
Permanently bring Silver to the present so that we can stop (or, at the very least, significantly reduce) all the bullshit and incosistencies with his time-travelling.
You'd just be demoted.
...Couldn't you have just asked to make Silver's time travel consistent?
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Talk about the games. You won't, because you don't actually play them.
The most based sallyfag here, folks.
When there are millions of fans and there is a franchise spanning multiple decades over multiple mediums, statistically speaking you tend to get overlap at some point.
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Sally tried that
>eggman nega is a descendent of eggman
>eggman has a AI for a daughter
So does this mean someone fucked and managed to have a child with a computer program?
Those coats actually look pretty badass. But I never grew out of my 'Matrix' phase. Which technically started earlier from Gambit in X-men and the original Syndicate game.
Wind=/=Cereal box mascot
>SoJ have zero original ideas
>SoA was full of originality
This isn’t the own you Japfags think it is!
Nope. Sage just decided she wanted a kid and cloned her dad.
What sort of entertainment do you think the ARK has so Maria doesn't get bored?
>SoA was full of originality
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It's not my fault that I like Sonic the way he is and not a version of him that was watered down into a typical western teen hero.
I've read both the comics, watched all the cartoons (yes, even the Underground), the moves and I first got into Sonic through the games.
And as someone who actually played the game, S3&K is still one of my favorites of all times.
Shadow's cock.
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Who else reads ASO? What are your thoughts about it? I personally think it has a lot of charm that resembles Ian's writing from preboot. I look forward to new issues as if they were the real thing.
>make Silver's time travel consistent?
I love it, it's so good. It's a miracle it exists but I'm so happy it does
or just have Silver only show up whenever someone is messing with the timeline
You don't need characters to abonden their role just because you want them to be around all the time, same with Knuckles and Blaze. Them showing up is supposed to be when a special and meaningful event that fits their character and role in the series. I don't need those characters around all the time if they are not gonna respect their identity and role
It's alright. Like you said, it closely resembles the original comic, but I prefer Sonic Retold by Glitcher just for how gritty it is.
which fancomic was the one that promised not to break up sonic and sally but did it anyways
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>tfw no new riders game
>just shitty go kart racers
Jet was a cool rival who deserved better. If Blaze can go mainline after 1 good spinoff title, the Babylon Rogues should have secured a spot too.
Let’s be honest. SoJ hated the comics because they weren’t family friendly. No child or parent wants to see making out in a comic or implied sex. When you are a teenager you find this cool but now that you have children you become more conservative and realise what is good for kids or not. See how Mario succeeds?
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Make everyone sluts
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You said small idea. Making it consistent would require a megatsunami of retcons.
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>Tails is based on Gohan
That sadly tracks.
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I liked the Antoine issue.
this pic makes me sad
make all Sonic Team members play Sonic Utopia
Archie Sonic Forever.

Not only that, but it hints at Sally x Nicole.
I'm not SOJ but those are specifically the things i hated about Archie.
It did not feel like romance was there to build the characters, it was there so that the writers could feel sexually gratified. I could feel it coming off the page. Reboot crushes Preboot.
Jet now
>jobs to Surge
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Archie didn't respect the source material and acted passive aggressive towards it. You have more pages of the game cast getting lectured by OCs than the other way around.
He's probably a grandnephew, instead of a true grandson.
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>Antoine was going to be the designated vector or Black Knight lore, possibly building up to an adaptation
>Antoine vs Merlina never ever
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You didn't read the comics.
I would love to read a version of archie that understands the sega characters. Maybe one day a turbo autist fanfic writer could do this.
Tails doesn't have a BEAST mode unless you count that meme moment in Archie that everyone makes fun of, lol.
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Maybe someday in ASO...hopefully.
You mean the one where Tails sacrifices his neck for more muscle power?
I wish I didn't not to know all that.
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>Shadow is Vanilla Ice
They did, I can't say the same for SoJ, they flanderized all characters, being the worst case Shadow.
>showing the general once again that Soj was unoriginal
The Freedom Fighters were original. Knothole was original. Sonic Team can’t help themselves but to trace anime
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Wind ruins Sonic and Sage ruins Eggman.
It really all comes down to which I value more.
Honestly, if I were writing a fanfiction and had to choose which one to keep, I'd probably choose Sage. I might love Eggman, but I know his role in a story as well as the franchise, and it's not as important as Sonic's. It would be painful to write Eggdadshit, but if it means that Sonic can be interesting, then so be it.
And even if Eggdad has none of the flair Eggman has, you can still do something with him, whereas Gary Stunic is a dead end.
Eggdad could maybe represent a fatherly symbol of control to clash against Sonic's freedom. Originally, Eggman represented freedom in a bad manner, he's a manchild who wants everything his way, having all of Sonic's worst traits. My Eggdad could have all of Knuckles' worst traits, as in, he's controlling, abusive, and a know-it-all to everyone except Sage, who is his favorite.
So yeah, I hate wind shit more. Sage is still shit, though.
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Well now we have to go there. DESTINY VS BEAST.
>They did,
Kek. What's this lie? No they didn't.
quit blaming japan they know what sells and it’s not sonic making out with sally
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I was playing with the idea of Sage creating a clone of Eggman to fill the void after his death. He'd have the bombastic and jovial nature of Eggman, mixed with a cold and calculating approach to how he goes about doing things. He'd be like if Hal9000 was enjoying himself far, far, too much.
Haven't really played much with his design though.
I never liked when certain characters are treated differently based on their source. I think all characters should be treated as equals, and yes, that means Sally being treated as an equal to characters like say Amy Rose. I feel this especially for Archie because I care a lot about Archie originals and the SatAM cast and not quite as much for IDW, but I apply the same logic to each.
Game characters should be able to lecture ocs. Comic characters should be able to do the same. Just treat them the same because there's no point in doing otherwise, make them all fit in the story.
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Antoine in this video always cracks me up.
Twilight zone argument, if Japan really knew that, Sonic wouldn't be a blunder in Japan. Sonic is still a thing thanks to the west.
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Western Tails vs Japanese Tails when?
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You have some really interesting takes. It's a shame I will destroy everything you love.
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Shadow lost to Minecraft
Sonic is a thing around the world and the American shit was exclusive to America.
How is Eggman freedom in a bad way when he's all about control and conquest and tyranny, and wanting to make everything be like robots and machines he can directly command?
He's doing laps forever, but going nowhere, just like Jet
>yes honey it’s appropriate to include genocide in a sonic media
>yakuza creator is still seething online
>Disney rejects are "original".
>But, madmoiselle! You cannot simply freeze ze world, life must go on so we may learn and grow.
>I'm sorry, Sir Antoine, but it is beyond hope now. I regret that it must come to this, but I cannot allow you to stop me.
>Oui, I regret as well. We shall both do what we must, non?
Like, seriously, having Antoine be the focal point of this stuff and opposing Merlina's static world is fucking perfect. This shit writes itself, honestly.
>shitdow movie and vidya flop hard
>Minecrap and live action lion king 5 make actual trillions
To be honest I liked the early SoA take on Sonic better than early SoJ Sonic. Adventure and onwards all the way to 2009, I loved SoJ's take on Sonic a lot but the early stuff was too playful and too whimsical for me. I'm both a fan of Archie and the Dark Age games, and I think there should be more overlap between the two. Also I'm talking more so about stories and vibes from the games rather than actual gameplay, that's what I want from Sonic but I also want good gameplay and good ratings at the same time.
It depends on how both are handled but even I have limits, I think genocide might be too far but the classics simply were just too lighthearted and colorful for my taste. I prefer the grimderp SatAM much more than that, and I find JP Sonic to be less interesting than SoA 90s Sonic.
mutts always try to act special and get mad that that most of the world hates them and what they butcher
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Eggman Nega? More like
Honestly Eggman has had the feeling of an abusive parent for a while now for the same reasons as Black Doom. The way Eggman treats his creations, praising them only when they're useful and make him look good, only to blame them for his own failures and disown them the second they fail to live up to his impossible expectations. That mixed with him seeing Shadow as his property and gaslighting him into doing as he says just because they're technically related and Shadow should listen to his elders, is another example I feel fits.
The best way to ensure your personal freedom is to make it so you control absolutely everything and prevent anyone from ever being able to impede you.
Japanese Tails would run away screaming.
Western Tails would also run away screaming.
Fandom Tails wins.
I like Chris, Sally, and Elise. In fact, these are some of my favorite characters in the entire franchise. They're in my top ten along with Sage, the chaotix, Rouge, and Shadow. Sonic will always be number 1.
>what is Sonic adventure 1?
>what is Sonic Adventure 2?
Please stop talking.
By west I mean anything that isn't Japan, money speaks volume, sales went up just after Movienic was released. Also the best selling games in Japan are the Olympic ones because noone there care. Sonic is beloved in the west thus SoJ's approach on the franchise should be different.
antilocalizer schizos need to be put in the same gulag as antiwoke grifters
To be fair that's not genocide.
What new games will we see from Minecraft for this?
I dislike Chris because he sounds like he's just a boring self insert like Koichi from JoJo. I don't have a problem with SatAM being the Sally show because she's really cool and her personality is awesome. They aren't equivalent to me.
>The best way to ensure your personal freedom is to make it so you control absolutely everything and prevent anyone from ever being able to impede you.
There is a fundamental difference between wanting to be free, and wanting to control others.
Sage can still be redemed by having her be Eggman's loyal servant without the whole father/daughter relationship. Personally I only want Eggman's fondness for Sage to be used as a strong motivator for Eggman to keep seeking world conquest cause he wants to create a world for her as well
When does this come out?
>13 million views in one day
The fuck?
Microsoft has the largest number of bots in the world at their command
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"SOJ's Sonic"
It's just "Sonic" thank you. Sega of Japan's Sonic is the character. It isn't a "Version" of the character because there are no "Versions" of reality. Just reality.

Sega of America's "Sonic" is a mishmash of misinterpretations and intentional alterations.
>boring self insert like Koichi from JoJo
abusive gf makes him piss himself, and he's dragged around by a creepy pedo artist he just like me frfr
>Personally I only want Eggman's fondness for Sage to be used as a strong motivator for Eggman to keep seeking world conquest cause he wants to create a world for her as well
Other way around. Sage's fondness for Eggman should be used as her motivator for seeking world conquest to impress her father, which simotaniously gives him a reason to brag about her to everyone instead of scrapping her like the rest of his failed creations.
>US defualtsm
the mutt script ruined RVERYTHING
Sonic says: Thanks for hanging out with me today, it was a Baja Blast!
>Reason everyone else speedran Sonic and Black Knight: get through the game as fast as possible
>Reason Antoine speed runs Black Knight: "Sacre bleu et merde! Mon bun will keel moi if I will arrive late to our anniversary!"
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Was it kino?
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Minecraft is king
NTA funny how all three of them are blue eyed gingers.
sometimes i wish sonic never left japan so we would get a more serious fanbase unlike localized slop
If I want to travel the world I have to worry about money, and places to stay, and wildlife, and the locals. If I control the world completely I can just have my slaves take me wherever I want, and I can be safe and free without having to worry about anyone or anything being able to stop me.
There's obviously a difference between the two, but it's clear how a villain could come to a similar conclusion.
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>canonizes idw
>singlehandedly invents the open zone
>makes ian's derange haters cry
>epic lore
>emotional story
>more than soni is playable
yup yup issa PEAK
I don’t get why people are acting like eggman creating a child is OOC. After all what kind of empire builder wouldn’t want a loyal successor when he kicks the bucket
I do call him just Sonic or the real Sonic sometimes, but I consider SoA Sonic to be a real character in its own right. He's a different character for certain, but his attributes are what makes him an interesting character. Not the original or the creator's intentions, just who 90s SoA Sonic was. He was iconic, a mascot with attitude, and together with the amazing SoA marketing and the genius gameplay from SoJ they became rivals to Nintendo. Both played a large part in Sonic's initial success.

I like both SoJ and SoA Sonic but to me, Sonic's always been a cocky slightly jerkish guy with a heart of gold and impatience. And that's fine, you can have a the true Sonic as well. I like that these different versions of Sonic exist because different people like different things.
Lack of Blazeposting contributed to this general current state
is it weird if i want to know every drawfag's specific sonic opinions so i can judge them accordingly
The only approach that SoJ should do is making good games and flesh out it's world and characters. Cause people already like what SoJ has done, they just want them to expand and flesh out those ideas
Who's the twitter is this from?
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I will FUCK YOU UP, Sparky acolyte.
It's tyranny in the eyes of people who have to deal with his freedom. He himself doesn't have much of a sense of duty, like Sonic. He's a big baby who wants dessert before lunch.
That's how Sonic would act if he let the intrusive thoughts take over. Which is exactly what happens with IDWnic who lets villains go free and beats up anyone who has something to say about that. He looks pretty fucking tyrannical when looking down at Surge, but he's just doing what he wants, and what he wants is be a fucking idiot.
>praising them only when they're useful and make him look good, only to blame them for his own failures and disown them the second they fail to live up to his impossible expectations
I imagine that akin to a kid throwing away a toy the second it gets a tiny piece broken, and lying just to feel on top, like how he did by betting on Beta before Gamma and him fight, and then telling Gamma he always believed in him when Gamma wins.
Yeah, evil kids gaslight people all the time. They feel powerless in an adult's world so they act like devilish little shits. But Eggman could very well be an abusive parent, as you've stated. I'd have no problem with Sage if Eggman actually was IC and treated her like he treats his other robots.
>cause he wants to create a world for her as well
That's the major problem, though. Eggman is an egocentric. He has his face plastered everywhere and on everything. He creates robots because he hates dealing with other people, and when he does do that, it's either through trickery or enslavement. He never wants to share the spoils. His empire is called the "Eggman Empire".
Having him want to do anything for anyone other than him is just spitting in the face of all that. Little Timmy doesn't wanna give half of the cake, he wants all of it.
We chased the Blazetroons away.
Creating a child isn't the OOC part, it's how he treats the child and his reasoning for doing so that's OOC. We've seen how he treated the E-Series, Metal, and Shadow, he's a terrible person and an even worse parent.
Anti-localizers attack bad localizations because they want to maintain original vision.

Pro-localizers defend bad localizations because they match your sensibilities and you think you know what's best for everyone.

Basically you're a fascist and not even the cool kind like the EU pro-consumer laws.
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he did not create sage, she was straight up an accident
i don't blame you for not knowing that since frontiers doesn't fucking state it.
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You may have a point. And to restore some equilibrium, let's start off with some violent truth.
Francophones hate Antoine for how he acted
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Nah, SoA Sonic was an obnoxius 90s time capsule. To be honest, americas vision of what being cool is shit compared to japan it's being calm, wise and experienced
Yes. What are yours?
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>I'd have no problem with Sage if Eggman actually was IC and treated her like he treats his other robots.
And I'd have no problem with Windnic if he was portrayed as he's supposed to instead of an emotionless ghoul who kills children because he's "le free spirit", so maybe we aren't so different after all.
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>they hate him for growing into a brave and competent soldier who is loyal as fuck to his wife and country
That's a bit odd, but okay.
>noncanon troonslop
>E-Series, Metal, and Shadow,
male and male adjacent, plus he got nicer over time with orbot and cubot, see with rouge hes generally nicer and more trusting with girls, he is a feminist/womanizer of course
While I'm not Francophone, I definitely can see why, especially during SatAM.
Japan values tradition and wisdom
Americans value violence sex lgbt and sportsball
Ivo loves his rebellious teenage son. What are you on about?
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>sage was a accident
Bring back the hyper forms.
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Sonic is the fucking wind. He doesn't sit around and cry. He doesn't wait for life to happen for him. He isn't a teenage jock trying to take his girl to the dance.
SOA fundamentally misunderstood the character. They broke him.

Mocking "Sonic is the Wind" Doesn't make you a literacy expert. It is a good allegory and you just hate it because of Sparky.
Sally Acorn is best girl but should never date Sonic.
i honestly felt bothered by satam even his one good episode
I feel the better word here is "loose" rather than "bad". I think if SoJ used its strategies at marketing in the US, it would've not been successful because their early marketing was just weird and it didn't really fit western sensibilities either.
I get wanting to protect original vision, which is why I take the middle position. Even if it meant we wouldn't have something like SatAM or Archie, SoA should've localized and changed up their marketing strategy to make it fit their culture while SoJ oversaw them, but making sure they didn't deviate too much from the source. That way, the marketing could have been successful and the creator's original intentions were respected.
I think he's way past cool. Even if it is very 90s I find him really fun. True Sonic feels a little bland, if we're going by his characterization in 06 and Unleashed. I prefer many alternate takes on his character. Such as Black Knight Sonic (slightly different than JP Sonic), SA2 Sonic (also slightly different than JP Sonic), Archie Sonic, SatAM Sonic, and stuff like that.
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Recursion error's good
It's more like America is forever stuck in a teenage phase
Not him, I think he meant during SarAM and early comic issues
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what is american culture besides bad healthcare and violence lol
disgrace of a country
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I'm a borderline everythingfag who wants to cram as many characters from this series together since I can see the potential in most if not all of them. I'm also admittedly obsessed with canon characterizations and am a ludicrous sparky disciple, windfag, and eggdad/egghitler hater who prefers sonic as a cool dude and force of nature rather than a flawed hero.
>American writers: "lol let's make this side character a coward, and because he's a coward, let's make him French just because what happened 50 years ago."
i never want to see a sallyfag say windshit again. you windfags are making me sick
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What the fuck even is this thread?
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Ivo is a good poppa. Cope.
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Story is a slow return to tonal form after a decade long trip-up because they tried to make Sonic for fucking babies.
Music was hit-or-miss, personally I don't think Lo-Fi fits the series and it was overall too electronic, but I can appreciate people who liked it. Dear Father is a nuclear warhead to the feels, especially if you want a family but will realistically never have one.
Gameplay was alright.
Combat was irredeemable dogshit that makes Werehog stages look outstanding in comparison.
World and aesthetic design is easily arguable as the worst in the entire franchise history (literal floating rails in a tech demo field that clip into existence, repeat in all areas) (yes, worse than Lyric). The franchise just isn't built for true open world in the way they attempted, and it has no clear stylistic throughline. Even the cyberspace looks like it was ripped from Forces, and it was shit there.
americans always forget that french people died more than anyone in the world wars AND did most of the work. if antoine redeems himself that’s ok but that doesn’t mean what was written about him constantly is fucking good and i cannot forget him being made a stereotype
Hard disagree. Just because I love Archie's take on Sonic as well as the early 90s American Sonic as well. Also I'm a big Sonally fan. I think other takes on Sonic should be allowed to exist, just not to replace the original Sonic or displace him.
at least he got a southern cyborg GF in the comics
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Eggdad will never be real.
ianhaters grinding their teeth into dust at eggdad being canon
Good lord I want to have sex with that bat after playing with her ears and wings
>why is a sonic thread on an 18+ site highly autistic????
In this context, it is you who is the fool.
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mutts will seethe at this
"Glorified beta test" is the understatement of the century
The more I think about it, the more I hate it. The Super fights are the only sort of good part about it and even then I can't really say that Frontiers invented QTEs in Sonic
France is endboss of EU4 for a reason.
Imagine if they'd made him furry Polnareff from day 1, a genuine romantic rival for Sally's feelings to Sonic, someone who's actually component in combat and fiercely loyal to his comrades.
What can I say without outing myself?
I like Frontiers. I like Eggdad. I like Iizukadow. Definitely an everythingfag.
I'm fine with the movies. I like most of Archie, but the parts of it I hate are the parts of it everyone hates.
Sonic X is my favorite TV series, Knuckles is my least favorite, but I like Wade.
I personally gravitate towards the mid-to-late 2000s Sonic games above all. Shth to Black Knight. The 4kids Era.
I like Chris. I like Antoine.
I may be a bit of a Sonicfag but I think my drawings don't make that obvious so you'll never catch me.
I think instead of creating other takes of Sonic they should just make new characters that fulfill that role instead. You even get to have the pleasure of Sonic being able to interact with these "other versions" without having to create some alternate reality shenanigans to make it work.
This is why I like SA2 Sonic the most. He is still the wind but he has a bit of a larger cool factor and a bit more of an attitude.
I don't quite agree with you, I'm trying to demonstrate something here.
Sisu looking ass
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Tbh it's retarded, but I would love Antoine in a Sonic 06 scenario (or in any content). I like most of the characters from any continuity
then i would take the comics and amerimutt content seriously
Would Silver be improved with a south american accent?
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I love this and I hate how the 2010s onward buried this to make him "funnier" in an attempt to appeal to nostalgic millenial westerners. Keep Sonic as himself.
oh yes put the french character in the WORST game
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What do you mean by "Windnic"? Do you mean the cool aspirational figure? Windfags really just fucking suck all the life out of any possible character Sonic might have.
"Oh he's a free-spirit? So maybe he could be seen badly in the eyes of societ--" "Nah everybody loves him cause he's sooooo cool!"
"Okay, so if he's so cool and with the flow, maybe he could act a bit uncaring towards his friend--" "NAH! He's also kind and courageous and everything nice! Yeah!"
"Okay, so if he's so kind, maybe he could like, have some insecurit--" "NAAAAAAH! He's JUUUUUUST perfectly selfless enough to be kind and JUUUUUUUST perfectly selfish enough to be confident and GOD HE'S JUST SO PERFECT I WANNA SUCK MY BLUE--ERR I MEAN HIS BLUE COCK HAHA, IM NOT SELF-INSERTING I SWEAR"
And I don't mind perfect characters when they're used well, I don't mind that at all. One Punch Man is one of my favorite fucking satires partly because of how well it handles Saitama. Saitama isn't the MC by any metric. The story focuses disproportionately on the side characters because they're the ones with the stakes in the game. They're the ones who need all the attention and to develop. Saitama is simply the punchline, he comes in at the end for a joke or inspires other heroes to get better, but he's never the main focus.
You want Sonic to be le perfect inspiration? Fine. But actually have him fit that role and put him on the sidelines so the people who are inspired by him can develop in the limelight.

Sonic can be written a thousand different ways and Windfags choose the worst possible one.
That's it, I'm the fucking wind now. Look, Sparky, I turned myself into the wind. I'm wind eggfag. waba laba dub dub.
He would be improved if he played like Sonic and Shadow
Worse than Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric?
I think Original Sonic is good but I like the way his traits was balanced in Maekawa's interpretation of the character the most.

Not a fan of Pontaff Sonic that much though even though its the one I grew up with.
>Metal Overlord is voiced by Mike Pollock in SXSG
Eggman Jr confirmed
This, as well as the change from the classic design to the adventure design are good examples of how to adapt a franchise.
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if saleta and sally clothing swapped how long could they hide it
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Was going to do these yesterday but a work related issue sprung up, woops. On it.
You got me intrigued
>Mr and Mrs D'Coolette go to visit Soleanna for an anniversary
>Bunnie gets kidnapped, Antoine saves her
>Antoine gets kidnapped in turn and Bunnie saves him
>Silver mistakes Antoine for Iblis Trigger but then bot Mr and Mrs had enough and kick Silver's ass
too expensive and not enough ROI
This fucking sucks.
>This, as well as the change from the classic design to the adventure design are good examples of how to adapt a franchise
Is that why so many people seethe at the Modern designs since they were introdcued in 1998 and then the whole seperate classic brand was made
I love the idea of the black arms secretly rising back to power at the time of Silver's future
>"Okay, so if he's so cool and with the flow, maybe he could act a bit uncaring towards his friend--"
psychonic sounds funny, he should be a dickhead like goku putting everyone at risk for his own amusement hes the wind because he blows homes over on his runs around the world like tornados
Stop looking at your grandma like silver
Of course. And he's a chip off the old block too, seeing how he plays The Game.
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>He's a kniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiIIIIIIiiiiiiiiight of the wind.
Woah..... WOAH-oh-oh!.....
Enlightened post.

ST is seemingly unable to learn their lessons from their repeated failures of using the *entire* cast all at once (see Forces). What people want are stories which focus on specific characters and ignore the ones that don't need to be there; not everyone needs to be on screen all the same time. I'd eather eat STEAK every day than suffer through all of Sonic's shitty friends all at once. Same situation with team autism; people want to see unorthodox pairings like pic related instead of the same old teams.

Although to be fair I think this cast bloat is a consequence of protracted development cycles, over budgeting, and an overall aversion to risk. You can't really give different characters the spotlight when you only make 1 game every few years. The solution IMO is smaller projects; to their credit the comics (both Archie and IDW) excel at and don't fall into these pitfalls as frequently.

Basically we need Rush style games which focus on specific characters.
sick how incels found out an unused concept of blaze's insecurities and use it to dehumanze women
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Ivo is a loving father. ... With one exception.
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women aren't human tho.
clue's in the name. wo-man, hu-man. different things entirely.
Metal is the Bowser Jr. of Sonic
Sage is the Kamek of Sonic
Didn't eggman order the woman on the right to fucking kill herself?
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Reminder that Evan was absolutely broken when she found out about Sage
mecha is cute even though she's not supposed to be
what is a windfag?
Yes, yes it was. And I'm tired of everyone else saying ohterwise!!!!
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>And I don't mind perfect characters when they're used well, I don't mind that at all. One Punch Man is one of my favorite fucking satires partly because of how well it handles Saitama. Saitama isn't the MC by any metric. The story focuses disproportionately on the side characters because they're the ones with the stakes in the game. They're the ones who need all the attention and to develop. Saitama is simply the punchline, he comes in at the end for a joke or inspires other heroes to get better, but he's never the main focus.
>You want Sonic to be le perfect inspiration? Fine. But actually have him fit that role and put him on the sidelines so the people who are inspired by him can develop in the limelight.
That IS the way Sonic should be used and that's where the other characters like Tails, Amy, Knuckles, etc should come in.

Sonic 2 is all about Tails, Sonic CD uses Amy and Metal to further expand the core premise between Sonic & Eggman, Sonic 3 is all about the "& Knuckles", Rush is all about Blaze. Sonic Adventure is about Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Gamma, Big, but most of all, Tikal & Chaos. Sonic Adventure 2 is about Shadow. '06 is about Elise and Silver. Unleashed is about Chip. And the list goes on. Even Black Knight, where Sonic's own character is at the forefront, uses Caliburn to bounce off of him and have a clear developmental arc that reflects Sonic's impact on the world and such.

The way that Sonic SHOULD be used is having the actual story focus be on everyone else around him, and how Sonic's actions impact and shape their lives.

Like the original Mary Garnet or Marie Granette stories, for example, shifts the narrative focus on everyone EXCEPT Sonic. It uses those other characters around him to highlight the mysterious aura that surrounds that test pilot and the mascot on the back of his flight jacket.
he was sad about it but yes. Mecha killed herself on Eggman's orders. Eve killed herself because she killed trillions. Sage killed herself to protect Eggman. All three (3) Eggdaughters committed suicide.
Though just like Sage, it is shown that she can revert into a computer code when her body is destroyed, so she could get lucky. Ian says she died because editorial wanted her gone.
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what is going on with those comments? I am genuinely going insane reading what these people are saying, there's just no fucking way anyone thinks this shit is good music
I've been into Sonic since the old cartoons from Blockbuster when I was really young
I loved the old games and had to show my friends the Metal Sonic fight by playing to that level in one sitting because of no save states
I kinda sorta played the 3d Adventure games at friends' houses because my family was just poor enough to get me the genesis at the time
I never made an OC for Sonic. I don't know why, but it just never occurred to me, despite being on DeviantArt
I forgot about the series for years and learned to draw anime instead
Eventually, I came back, learned more about the new SoJ characters and started to like them
I found out that outside the lovable characters, most of the games suck and the fanbase hates them
I found out Sonic comics exist but they're all a bit too cringey for me now
I still hold fond memories of the old cast but they don't really fit next to the new characters so I don't mind them being vaulted
Now I just draw characters at random, imagining a better timeline where SonicTeam was competent and the games were good
fartfetishist vs farthater
>with one exception
Why isn't biolizard, shadow, or metal there then? Hmmmmmm?
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I live in spain without the a
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> >>493311783
Chads of /sthg/. The Word Bearers, the Seekers of the Truth.
That Sonic is the personification of the wind.
What if I'm not really into Sonic farting but I did rewatch that scene in movie one where sonic farted like a million times because it meant sonics sexy little asshole is canon? (at least in movieverse)
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Only because his other son tricked him into thinking Mecha was a traitor. He regretted it immediately. Fuck you A.D.A.M, objectively worst Egg Kid.
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She was framed by her rogue AI brother and complied to self-destruct. Archie Eggman seemed to regret losing both of them and the whole ordeal probably contributed to his mental decline.
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You ever drink water out of a 1 liter glass?
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>"Oh he's a free-spirit? So maybe he could be seen badly in the eyes of societ-"
Outside of people who abuse authority and are scared of Sonic inspiring people to follow their dreams and search for the truth on their own, Sonic doesn't really give people a reason to hate him. He just likes traveling the world, trying good food, and thrill-seeking, so it doesn't make sense for regular people to just hate him unless it's perhaps out of jealously and wishing they were wearing his shoes.

>"Okay, so if he's so cool and with the flow, maybe he could act a bit uncaring towards his friend-"
I can see how you could come to that conclusion, but even I don't like seeing other people angry, and I don't go out of my way to make others uncomfortable, and often try and joke around and make people happy just because I enjoy seeing people enjoy themselves. If someone likes seeing people have fun and enjoy themselves, why would they be cruel and uncaring? Sonic does whatever he wants after all, and wanting to see other people happy isn't unrealistic by far.

>"Okay, so if he's so kind, maybe he could like, have some insecurit-"
Something I love about this franchise is the idea of always moving forward, the idea that no matter what you're scared or worried about it's always better to keep moving forward than let your emotions or insecurities hold you back. Sonic represents what most people wish they could be but simply can't. Normal people hold themselves back because they're afraid of failing, but Sonic takes that leap. Normal people lose what they hold dear and they let grief consume them and refuse to move on, but Sonic never stops moving forward. Normal people let their emotions cloud their judgement and make them do things they'll inevitably regret, but Sonic is always coolheaded and in control.

Sonic isn't supposed to be this flawed and relatable protagonist, he's supposed to be this cool guy that anyone would just be friends with, and I like him because of that.
Also uncle.
He was hanging out with the girls that day. Metal was on a date with his girlfriend, Breezie.
Pure unfiltered raw kino
You can tell someone is a windfag when they go out of their way to keep Sonic out of shippings or if they overhype Sonic as this awesome symbol of legend.
Biolizard couldn't fit in the room. Unless...
The quote retweets are shitting on it.
Which breezie?
we really had the iconic avengers endgame scene before avengers endgame

it's too bad it was for an enemy that came the fuck out of nowhere
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I want her to comeback...
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Reminder that Mecha is one of the few badniks -ever- to defeat Sonic in a straight fight. Beat the shit out of him too, it was fuckin' brutal.
Niggers like (You) always forget Orbot, Cubot and the Hard-boiled Heavies.

It was hinted at but not nearly enough, never thought about it like that though.
I'm a windfag because I enjoy the concept of an inextinguishable fire of hope. I want to see Sonic put through the wringer and lose everything and everyone, only to stand back up against all odds, pull through defiantly, win, and then move on to embrace whatever tomorrow holds. I'm also autistic as shit, but that should be a given.
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I think Sonic is purposefully left ambiguous to be left up to subjective interpretation as much as possible.
The way I see it, Sonic is a muse: a source of inspiration for creatives and the ambitious. The specifics of who he is are really up to the beholder.
While I believe there is a proper way for sonic to be represented (i.e he should be cool and a lover of adventure) his embodiment of the wind isn't really outright said, but maybe implied in some scenes of some games like Sonic 06. Whether that's an integral part of his being is really left to the individuals jurisdiction.
I think the most important thing about Sonic is that he's cool and action oriented. I really like his ambiguity and mystique. It's neat and adds to his appeal.
>Mina is almost as fast as Shadow
based based based based based based
This arc was good but it will forever be marred by the slap.
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Fuck you, faggot. I don't care about the 2 lackies and the heavies. Biolizard is more than important those assholes.
Reboot Breezie, naturally.

You gotta love how no matter what the continuity, she WILL fuck Eggman's son.
what the fuck is this based stacy queen shit?
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there should have been a reboot version of mecha
Someone's getting some alone time with the disturbingly muscular bear guards.
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minafag you're being kind of mean to nicole
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Nah bro, you cannot look at Black Knight and tell me it was in any way like OPM. The story is literally just following Sonic as he goes around telling random people "Ur wrong" while beating them up, while Caliburn learns the way of things and begins to suck Sonic's cock as well. Nothing about that Sonic fits the role well. We don't see the other characters reflect on what Sonic says and making their own decisions with his advice in mind. They all just start sucking his dick or he MAKES them suck his dick. And don't even get me started on how retarded the whole message of "What good is a world that lasts forever?" is.
Almost all the games you mentioned have a bit of what I just said as well. Greatly less than Black knight, but still a bit.
Yeah, I'm not engaging with you.
You like him cause you self-insert as him. Simple as.
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Sega was actually somewhat paying attention by this point, so I doubt they could get away with that.
>kick Silver's ass
i...i'm sorry man i don't believe they can do any shit.
wait a minute
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Personally I was not a fan of Breezie's Archie design (they should have kept the dress imho), but respect them for keeping characters like her and the S6 squad relevant
I love The Ball and The Box.
Watch you tone mf
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Shut the fuck up, no I'm not. Don't tell me that thing doesn't deserve it
>eggman's son
I thought she wanted to fuck Sonic.
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How did Sonic lose? This makes no sense Antoine's just a regular guy with a sword, no matter the dimension.
I want to know what she would have looked like during the Yardley era.
Well, how would you prefer those games be written to better utilize Sonic as the aspirational figure he's meant to be in a way that works?
Wasn't this Anti-Antoine?
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She had the dress in flashbacks.

But yes, it was damn fun to see the book bring in AoStH characters and treat them with such respect.
this is actually closer to how sonic is supposed to operate than a lot of newer stuff. sonic isn't a super hero and doesn't have "super powers" (Even "normal" blobians are strong) he
and the other characters are all like Pokemon.
If Amy got knocked through a building she would survive, just like Sonic would.
>You like him cause you self-insert as him
Personally I prefer a character that struggles, gets the shit kicked out of him, and keeps pressing on in spite of the odds simply because of how much he cares, like Mumen Rider and Silver. I still like Sonic and understand him despite that, even if he isn't my favorite. Also, are you really going to engage with Sparky but not me? You wound me Eggfag...
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AoStH Breezie ended up with Junior, Robotnik's artificial son. Is it technically incest since they're both his creations? who knows.
>You like him cause you self-insert as him
>>said the avatarfag
the good old stitch and angel situation
>"Okay, so if he's so cool and with the flow, maybe he could act a bit uncaring towards his friend--" "NAH! He's also kind and courageous and everything nice! Yeah!"
I think this is where you fucked up because I'm pretty sure Sonic isn't known for his "gentle" touch (hence why attempts at it are pretty clumsy). His friends are such because seeing him makes them want to be a part of his life (or are otherwise pulled into it), and he welcomes it just fine. He's simply led by curiosity or reaction and isn't bothered by the greater details
Ohana means Family... but not literally!
Self-inserting as eggman is based though, humanchads shall remain victorious
This is kinda lame then. I feel Sonic should kind of be like a superhero in abilities, just like the rest of the main cast, and this feels inconsistent with how Sonic was portrayed in the past of the comic, considering what he has done before.
>"Oh he's a free-spirit? So maybe he could be seen badly in the eyes of societ--"
there is a sonic x episode where this is the entire point. sonic stops the eggmoon plan even though it angers society.
Alien Sonamy
>a character that struggles, gets the shit kicked out of him, and keeps pressing on in spite of the odds simply because of how much he cares
And wins in the end because of it?
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>Is shown all other times as a fencer/saberist
>Give him a fucking arming sword.

This is fucking saber erasure! Also, thank you, I could not remember what animal Antoine was supposed to be. I guess partly because Coyotes tend to normally be depicted as kind of mangy and he's so well-kept.

Gohan at least was allowed cool moments.

Tails should start having attack drones he can unleash on foes. Also go full American.
>How did Sonic lose?
By the fight ending.
Because this is before he was contractually obligated to always win.

No, that's our Antoine. The "Sonic" there is actually Scourge. Twan thinks that Sonic is pretending to be him to be nice, so he just bodied the real Scourge without realizing it.
I'm on the fence about it myself. After a while it becomes clear literally every blobian who becomes a main character could survive a fight with Metal Sonic. I wouldn't be surprised if Civies like Dawn and Nite have some cartoon abilities too and by default all blobians can fight.
Even the movies just unilaterally treat all "Aliens" as powerful automatically.
Why did they stop doing gendered stuff like this? The whole eyelashes and slimmer body thing. You don't see it as much.
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I find it funny how Sonic characters are 50 pounds, yet some can lift actual tons. Nothings stopping you from picking one up and throwing them even though they could destroy you.
He was caught off guard or something, that makes a bit of sense.
You forgot wearing a bow/ribbon and being colored a girly color like pink or purple
I don't want to pick up Silver. I want him to pick me up
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Let me just make it clear that I would rather if Sonic wasn't an aspirational figure, and if instead, EVERYBODY was both flawed and aspirational in their own ways, for a more interesting and versatile cast that don't all just look up to one singular guy.
But if it has to be done, then yeah, the games you mentioned do it pretty well. SA1 is my favorite because you get taken away from Sonic completely and put into the different characters' mindframe, and they all reach their conclusions on their own. Sonic didn't say shit to Tails, he didn't tell him "You can do this lil' bro" or anything. He just told Tails to take Amy to Station Square and that's it. Tails is the one who reflects on how much he's changed since meeting Sonic and what he wants to be. The growth comes from him, Sonic is just the spark.
It's not like in Black Knight or Rush where he straight-up tells people what to do and beats them up until they do it.
Then you'd know how a character like that is infinitely more interesting than "Cool guy", right?
What can I say? I'm a bit of a manchild myself.
If he is uncaring, it's never called out or a problem, so what's the point? Why does it matters that he's an asshole if everyone still loves him for it? People think anything bad in real life is a flaw, when that's not what that works. It has to be bad in the context of the story.
Don't fucking talk about that episode.
but what about more Amy :(
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Absolutely not. That was just a honey trap job. Metal is a real man.
Mobians vs Blobians who would win based on how their abilities are portrayed in their respective continuities
but what about more Marine the Coon
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Because a bunch of lunatics woke up one day and decided 2 genders weren't enough
>Then you'd know how a character like that is infinitely more interesting than "Cool guy", right?
Yes, which is why most of my brainstorming and ideas revolve around other characters instead. That being said I still really enjoy Sonic, and feel that he fits as the protagonist very well, and wouldn't dare change him.
>Don't fucking talk about that episode.
Why? It's literally evidence agiainst your point. They confirmed that Sonic will go up against society if he thinks Society is in the wrong .
Thoughts on Summit Spire?
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Something like uh "Normalcy must be destroyed to prevent abnormal people from feeling bad.".
NTA, but it's poorly thought out in it's entirety even if the idea behind it works fine. The Helen episode where he runs from the presidents goons because he just wants to adventure instead is a better example.
the "surge" ability goes hard
I think the captain america trilogy of movies all did the "Main character sticks to his principles even if everyone from the law to his friends says he's wrong" thing better than Sonic because in Sonic everyone just comes around to agreeing that he was right the whole time and just didn't explain himself.
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You drew that? I enjoy how expressive it is.
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>transparent replacement for Mogul
>completely mogs
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Bro, if Society is retarded and doesn't know how the moon works, then him going against it is just more dick-sucking for Gary Stunic.
This is a common tactic for Gary Stus. Everyone hates them but they're all wrong and he's right, and they all realize he was right at the end and get kind of embarrassed. It should be more nuanced than that.
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Sonic needs a cute dog girl already
Yeah thanks, she's like the wind.
... Do I want to know who's jerkin' it specifically to knees?
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Nice, I think being like the wind is pretty cool.
We have Korone.
Absolutely not.
Ah thanks. You're the wind too.
but what about the wind :(
Make her an official character then. She could be Knuckle's girlfriend or something, I don't care
The Meso people are corny af
I kind of like the idea of Big basically being Forrest Gump of the Sonic group. Maybe I just love that movie too much these days.
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Eggfag is going off today. It's a good thing I have all the correct opinions.
Awesome, I always knew I could be cool.
You're the wind too buddy,
You aren't me >:(
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Why did Neo Metal have such an unconventional design? You'd think the "real Sonic" would be more hedgehog-looking. Instead he gives himself a starfish head and elf shoes
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I think it may have something to do with this..

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