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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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meeting Eric edition

>Demo Days
NOW: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>493225841
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I love how this general is essentially just a bunch of bitter sorry old fags who try to talk down to me despite the fact that I've accomplished in a year everything that they couldn't accomplish in 10 years
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How do I fix this?
post game
He's having sex.
Start over from beggining.
Its fucked up beyong repair.
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Will someday you be on the world stage and do what sussane boyle did?
Good post.
cris? more like... cris-chan!
as a consumer i find marketing to be the most important aspect to decide if i play a game.
but marketing isnt about notifying me that your game got released, it's about communicating extremely well what your game is about.
seriously for 99.9% of games on steam i just cant fucking tell what their game is about. and when i can tell, it seems like it just has one boring gimmick with 30 minutes of playtime.
maybe there are cool games out there i'd play. but "tales of mysteridia" "stories of forsaken elysium" or whatever those games are called isn't telling me at all what the game is about. "its an rpg", well ok, but that still doesnt tell me what the gameplay is like.
compare that to e.g. Minecraft (you craft, mine, build, ok)
or dont starve (survival, dont starve ok?)
rimworld (colony survival sim, tower defense)
project zomboid (its zombie survival sandbox)

so marketing rule #1: have at least 3 core features and shove those into my face
and marketing rule #2: shove into my face how much playtime your game has, because i dont want to play a gimmick for 30 minutes

ofc its personal preference if i will like your core features/genre, but how can i even begin to like it if i dont even KNOW that it contains content that is my preference??
Nevermind asshole, your post sucks.
as a gamedev i find you need to leave our general and never come back.
how the hell am i supposed to tell you how much playtime the game has?
Dude, are you for real? You sound like the poster child for entitled gamers everywhere. "Waaahh, I can’t tell what this indie game is about! Gimme my core features NOW!" It’s a game, not a fast-food menu. Maybe try reading a description or watching a trailer before you whine about it?

And seriously, you're acting like the Steam store has zero quality indie titles. You just have to put in a little effort instead of demanding cookie-cutter marketing. You're the reason why games are getting dumbed down. Instead of exploring unique experiences, you want everything to be fed to you like a baby. Maybe try a little adventure, huh?

Asking for a bullet-point list of features sounds like the laziest way to enjoy gaming. If the name of a game is “Tales of Mysteridia” and the description isn't grabbing you, maybe the game is not for you. But you don’t need a manager at the game store to serve you a checklist to look cool.

And honestly, who cares about game length beyond a certain point? You think you have a one-size-fits-all metric for playtime? Just look at games that hook you in—sometimes they’re short and sweet, sometimes they’re long epic quests. You should be ashamed for reducing your options to just “30 minutes” of gimmicky fun when there might be hidden gems waiting for you.

Time to stop whining and start exploring, buddy! Or you could just stick to your beloved Minecraft clones forever. Your call!
yes, I will collect my game of the year award and sing I dreamed a dream of times gone by to the attendees. thus begins my recording artist arc
She got drunk and yelled at a lot of people killing her career
free speech enthusiast when people write whatever chaotic shit they want:
:) :D let it all out

free speech hater when people write whatever chaotic shit they want:
:O omg this community sucks we need rules and laws literally the worst shit omg i why am i here there are so many better places and WE THE PEOPLE need to make sure certain type of posts dont ever get posted
IF you can't get a girlfriend, what makes you think you can make a good game?
Getting a girlfriend is part of the basic package of life. It's like getting a drivers' license or finishing high school. You should be able to do it easily.
Making a good game as a solo developer requires being proficient in multiple highly technical disciplines. You also need a good sense for human psychology and what's fun.
And you think you can make a good game but couldn't make even one girl want to do what they're biologically hardwired to do?
Reminder to wishlist Bokube on steam

Do you really believe in scripted TV slop? Grow up a little, will you?
considering the general got taken over by unironic pedophiles I would say a little bullying is very necessary
Just a reminder No devs crabs will demoralize your progress posts.


Make game. Be yes dev.
There has to be so many botted reviews
im married and still cant make good game without burning out midway
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Id these sneakers
He's morphing I to a silver daddy
what a crybaby.
when I was your age, we looked at the cover and the back of the game and hired it based on feels, not reals.
yeah i'll go.. and... oops forgot what i was supposed to do
i agree but post game, also 30% is rookie numbers
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>le epic naruto anime is le cool and hecking and wholesome
>le epic and wholesome story of a hidden jewel in poverty being a world star is le cringe and sad
You would claim it would be a masterpiece if it was a pink hair autistic little anime girl with social issues.
game devs really think gamers will spend all day going through literally 20k+ games a year spending a lot of time trying to figure out what the game is about
and then they wonder why gamers just buy whats popular or their fav streamer plays
the internet is gonna go real sour once openai finds out how to make chatgpt not write like a fucking retarded redditor
why would I wishlist a game that will never come out?
You have nothing better to do with your time, so yes?
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be honest: how many of you are actual game devs? today it feels like the thread is filled with everything but devs
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What's that in his pocket?
I'm making a hidden gem
lol is cris really still coping about how one day he will be like Sussane Boyle?
does he not know he's already a lolcow nobody outside of this site cares about?
Solution: make a game so good that it becomes popular
>he's not just waiting for DD to open
anybody who wants to verify they are real people in this thread when they post something, just screencap your post and post it as an image, chatbots cant do that
This game could have been big but the dev choose to make it 18+
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I'm a dev, but I'm going to bed now. later dudes.
Anal beads
His dick.
(he has herpes and genital warts thats why its so bumpy)
>baroneschizo is back in full force
We had it good for awhile huh
I hoped to have at least two finished infantrymen enemies in this build but I ran out of time so I just slapped this ugly "tutorial" model to the basic rifle enemy, better than the billboarding silhouettes but not by much.

At least they make a funny noise when you run them over.
making it 18+ doesn't change anything? What are you smoking?
This is my master's thesis. Thoughts?
Also post your main character and I will draw a very crude image of them. So come get your fan art.
consider understanding what terms mean before using them
agdg is potentially the worst game dev community in existence. i would bet that fewer than 1 in 50 people here have actually made a complete game. of those, only a few made anything remotely worthwhile. the amount of talentless retards screaming at each other is astounding. there is so little talent here, that someone like bokube becomes a topic of actual conversation
it is fucking embarrassing that this game will probably sell less than nolgorb's ordeal or pogo3d and it has been in development for more than 10x the amount of time
I'm a bad 2d artist. a decent pixeller. You need 2d prowess to texture well. It's over.
>3d is le easier than 2d
>agdg is potentially the worst game dev community in existence.
No that title belongs to the rpgmaker dev threads on /vrpg/
There's a whole RPGMaker dev general here?????
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Should I buy dingodev's game after he gender swapped the big booby main character for a dude?
Its already got enough ks backers and wishlists to not worry about that honestly.
>no slopes
try again
This isn't a free speech website. It's a freespeech website but the line is drawn at talking about how much you want to fuck children you demented fuck, moot banned you guys.
>will probably sell less than nolgorb's ordeal
less than 8 copies?
Cobbee beenz*
What the fuck kind of name is that?
which dingodev made this one?
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still waiting on my plushie, boku...
bologna sandwich
Wow that's crazy.
delightful chocolate covered cobbee beans
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Why hasn't he released the game yet
can everyone here drink a lot so tomorrow the people playing my demo have the same brain capacity of the average steam user
Any Keys?
I'm not paying 5 dollars for this shit that I could just decompile the godot code
But I'll leave a review
The Tiananmen Square Massacre simulator is too accurate.
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iv had 3 gf's in the last 5 years make prototypes for them but they all get lazy and never finish them I guess bokube is a cursed IP even in physical goods they never get done and get scrapped and remade with new versions dispute me never telling the girls to do that....
>removed "unique posters" count
>nobody replies to screencap verification posts
yep all chatbots
its a rpg maker dev general in name only.
There is maybe 1 or 2 progress posts in the whole thread and the rest of the thread is this.
> but they all get lazy and never finish them
i thought the saying was "opposites attract"
>iv had 3 gf's in the last 5 years make prototypes for them
this cracks me up.
Gifted key reviews are worthless.
there's more than one?
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>nolgorb's ordeal
>gob (from go(r)b)
>blorb (double b)
>the great ordeal (ordeal is in both games)
anybody else started to notice any specific patterns?
>anon will get boku's girlfriend's scent on his plushie
average college tard
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very odd
learn to sew. it's really not hard. it's like 3d modelling, laying out UVs and then joining the verts by hand. I did sewing class when I was 11 or something.
Didn't read your post but I'm glad I made you seethe.
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Sardines and a final big room for the demo level, hopefully it serves as a good testbed for optimization and balancing.
mogs mine (2)
Señor, please no be racist
Señor, we Mexican are good people do not redeem the racism
how do you make squares filled with soft material that retain their shape thouoverbeit
When do you guys think using ai generated music in games will be socially acceptable?
Story, Art, Gameplay, etc I'd rather do myself, but music is something a guy like me cannot afford, let alone an entire soundtrack. Most royalty free music sounds a bit generic for my tastes, with AI i can get as autistic as I want for the soundtrack for any specific scenerios, locations, battles, with neat tunes falling into my lap at lighting speeds.
>but...but....learn how to fruitloop!
too time consuming and frustrating for me, I'd like to release an actually finished product. Adding that to the mix on top of everything else would certainly put me in dev hell, as lazy as that may sound, and take away time and energy from the things I'd really prefer to focus on like the story and artstyle
In steam's priority calculation yes, but when people see the good reviews they'll think "wow this is good"
plus I only review aggy games on my youtube if you give me keys.
>Most royalty free music sounds a bit generic
>Wants to use AI
Man, you're fucking retarded. Just use whatever. You're going to make slop that's going to flop anyway.
now I wanna Dirk plushie
how about, I dunno, paying someone to make one using the kickstarted money that you stole?
You never seen pillow cube?
Like 3 last I knew
Nuts, sardines, pita chips and coffee
>paying people
Disgusting how do you think I gamedev full-time now thats like asking to go back to being a wageslave cook and delay the development even longer. amatuer devs forget that I wageslaved for 8 years until this year and its the only reason why bokube is getting done this year.
blah blah blah shut the fuck up you got paid to make a game back in 2018 and here we are in 2024 and you still haven't delivered nigga shut UP you are a fucking loser lol
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>BokuDev is NEETing right now
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it's so over, just 15 minutes into substance painter and i can't find a good looking way to add drop shadows from a layer nor a bevel on it
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wtf i love linux now!
theyre shitting on my scribble artstyle so bad
it seems to really be hit or miss, nothing inbetween
What the fuck, 2024 is kino now
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>anon has a game that looks awesome with a nice unique style
>never posts updates again
>only in one game jam
You still alive anon? any updates'
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Great, now I need to figure out what exactly the fuck they did to skeletons in 4.3 to get my IK working again because the game is not throwing any error messages, it's just not working.
oh damn i forgot about this game
it was like a 3d action thing right? chick with huge breasts?
was pretty cool i liked it
he's making a porn game now
Stop giving a shit and you'll see how quickly this notion of social acceptability dissipates from your life.
He did update, but it was in the thread. He dropped it.
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listen bro.
pogo3d is a good game and it was a success.
i made a lot of money off of it. i made a lot of connections off of it. i learned a lot of valuable skills
did i buy a house and retire?
but that's fine. it took me 18 months part time work only. 5 dollars an hour is pretty good for a hobby.
nice try marmo
Can you use assets from other games in your demo for demo day or will agdg jam moderators for example alert nintendo im using pikachu and ban me from demo day.
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AI is the only way I could get my pure encapsulated autism into the soundtrack. There's no way I could get something insane like a vocal Rock + jazzpop fusion song sung in Spanish with a saxophone solo in the middle by a regular artist without shitting out my entire savings and more.
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i used the wrong pic im retarded
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>boku neets to finish his failed game
>gets 50 reviews(mixed)(40 are kickstarter people so no fresh income)
>prepares to neck
>new review
>"mojito sends his regards"
red goat post
how do RTS games explain the fact that every campaign mission has you start with 2 dudes and a pile of matches, then end up with a military force the size of a small country, and then in the next mission you're back to nothing again? it probably seems like a small thing but i think it's actually pretty important for it to be believable. best i have right now is:

>the force that actually starts the missions are just the scouting force, and any unit/tech you get is just the main force slowly arriving on location
>many/all of your troops were mercenaries. they looted everything, demanded pay and scattered after the mission, and that is why you lost all the resources you harvested
He could refuse to give out the kickstarter keys and force people to buy the game again.
Good pitch.
well, if he is around I'd pay 15€ to buy the ownership of the assets off him
"it's a game"
What connections did you make
Sounds very cris-like
Blackrock reached out to me offering to fund my next game.
>open link
>shit scraped together from childrens drawings
>go back to /agdg/
>read the original post
>it's an egotistical cunt pretending he's on the same level as people who spent a century on their game
speaking of which, it shouldn't have taken you an ENTIRE year to make this dogshit.
he's right you know
you're playing the commander who gets shuffled around to new fronts with each mission
the troop presence you've built up has to stay behind to hold the area
bro.. just move on and try to make a better game. what is this sunk cost fallacy of releasing a giga flop, and instead of accepting that it was trash you drop the idea of being a game dev completely and turn into a shameless pajeet marketing scammer? good games dont need jeet marketing
>t. crab with no game
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some ecelebs who will stream whatever game i make in the future
some other ecelebs who will be peer pressured into playing those games by aforementioned ecelebs. I even caught a whale (+$150 for 25 steam keys he gave away)
also i have farmed a little clout in the discord for when it is time to approach an artist (maybe next next game)
teach me your ways, unironically
i didnt order mr linux to write this.
correct, that is because I don't know how to, but I am in the process of learning.

die mad about it
Do you let chatgpt game content guy for you? If so, any recommendations?
Considering past a wall of game design text on how bmups work and have it generate some enemy behaviours
>he doesn't know
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There's not an rpg maker than can easily make action rgps.
does anyone know about a blender tutorial/free class/playlist that isnt boring, painfully slow paced, or blisteringly fast paced?
ChatGPT is a tool that will output the thing you want it to output. It will generate the most average thing it can find a pattern off, and make you question how badly our industry is avalanch'd by cliches
Another hater turns out to not have a game of his own.
only very vague things, i never directly take things from it
its like asking a monkey to type stuff and picking one out of 100 words
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What's the problem with mediocre? It sells no? Why reinvent the wheel
>10 years
well that makes sense for dev who were here during the golden age and still failed to capitalize on the make it money. it's like knowing about BTC back in 2010 and did a lot of research but all you did was sit on the sidelines for years while watching others make it
DESU RTS games shouldn't start with a few units and should never have missions that are like "Take these 10 horsemen across the map in a semi stealthy fashion, don't let the enemy army see you!" That shit is gay and needs to stop.
And honestly even starting with like 5 villagers needs to stop. Just play Starcraft if you want Starcraft.

I really want to make an rts that is actually good. It's on my list of "Games to Make once I make it"
yeah, hold on, let me just blindly go into making a game with no knowledge of scripting or making 3d models so that I can truly tell you that your art looks like something my 12 year old cousin would do on a friday after school.

>yeah lets make everything pink and blue
>hmm and proportions? nah. none of that.
>but how about we make eveery singl non character or menu asset be free assets available online! not a single original one!
nigga I'm boutta go BANANAS
Man this whole thing just feels like a clusterfuck that will implode upon itself and they'll end up rewriting it for the next release because I can't make heads or tails of what the fuck is going on. Something that is normally handled by a single thing in all other engines should not require a spider web of up down and sideways communication between 4+ nodes to work.
The chair tutorial from blenderguru is alright.
It's really not that difficult thougheverbeit.
>Why reinvent the wheel
To fly.
My game is NOT PoE………
Pillars of Eternity is too good anyways
wheels dont make you fly you dumbass, you're just reinventing wings at that point.
well yea, your's worse...
>it's like knowing about BTC back in 2010 and did a lot of research but all you did was sit on the sidelines for years while watching others make it
Ouch. I got 0.01 out of some Bitcoin faucets back then. Why didn't I just buy some?
>t. nodev crab
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Waiter, can we have a crab salad please.
>This nigga hasn't seen back to the future 2.
We don't need roads here we're going
Do you seriously not have a game
What are you doing here if you don't have a game
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I decided to buy it despite the censoring
Support your local furry devs, FeelsGoodMan.jpeg
>DESU RTS games shouldn't start with a few units
i think it is kinda necessary for the pacing. like having that slow build up from sparse and chill early game to a super sweaty and intense lategame is important for making sure the player doesn't get exhausted.

what is dumb is that usually the early game is the exact same, like the first 10 minutes is just rote build order shit with very little deviation. that part can go away.

>I really want to make an rts that is actually good
it's on my bucket list as well, but i think the genre has a lot of poisonous trappings so it'd be hard to make 1 i'd be happy with. only like Company of Heroes 1/2/3 has come close to what i think is good about RTS, and even that game isn't that great or even a real RTS
I WILL take 10 years to make my first game if I have to
I WILL take my 14 reviews when it's done
I WILL cry, quit gamedev, and get a real job after

I didn't wanna be a gamedev, I wanted to make my dream game and impress people. And at this point I don't think impressing people is possible, so I'll settle for (sunk cost fallacy) finishing what I started.
Am I having a stronk or are your sentences not making any sense?
Don't you see you will never make it ever, never make it you will never make it make it never make it weewooweeewooo
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I didnt get to meet Concerned Ape, so I'm obviously bitter and my judgment is blurred by being sad.

Event started at 4. A lot of people were there since 3 but we're told to walk around or go somewhere else. Exactly at 3:45 there was a lot of confusion what is happening, I saw at least 2 different ends of the line. I am not able to force my way through people, being in a space that crowded makes me really panicked so I tried to politely go to the end of the line. When I found actual end of the line, it was closed already. They told me it may reopen or may not. So I waited. Well it did not reopen. Opening the line 15 minutes before meet up seems really weird for me and puts people with anxiety and reduced mobility kind of at a lost position. I usually try to be earlier for the things I care about bc I know I wont be able to "fight" for my place in a queue.

Also, the time and place was quite weird. I mean there are great meet up places here at PAX, so a shop in a crowded expo hall is certainly a decision. As for the time well maybe CA didnt want or couldnt attend a longer meet up that is fine just 2 hours at a game convent for such a popular creator seems quite short. But I cannot really be mad at this, its great that there was a meet up at all. Oh and bc the expo hall was closing at 6, the event ended a couple minutes sooner so not really 2 hours.

And ofc you can say that it was stupid of me to wait there but Im not from the USA and it was probably the only possibility in my life to meet with a creator of one of my favorite games. I actually didn't know hes going to be here at PAX so I left my switch physical version at home so I bought another one to have it signed. It didnt work out.

In the end I have mixed feelings right now. Its very recent so Im sad and frustrated, but it will pass. Im really happy and grateful for the gesture of giving us postcards through enforcers. And look at it, I got a banana
Please learn basic English before crabbing my game, thank you
>yeah, hold on, let me just blindly go into making a game with no knowledge of scripting or making 3d models
Literally the best way to learn. Pull up a basic tutorial if you need to get your feet wet and learn how to navigate the UI, like if you've never even launched Blender before then maybe go through the donut tutorial. But once you've covered the basics you should drop the tutorials and just make game. You'll learn what you need.
Same except I will get 20 reviews, 10 from strangers and 10 from my siblings, yes I'm from Utah
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marketting is not shoehorning your game into whatever meme is trendy on twitter and begging for wishlists. here is some steps i followed by accident
>make something similar to what variety streamers are playing lately.
>make the surface level of the game easy to enjoy to add mass appeal. lots of people are looking for 3 hours of fun and then something new tomorrow
>make the game fun for autists to ensnare them. lots of people are looking for 20 hours of challenge modes / stamp collecting / speedrunning / etc, and a community to circlejerk with
>make use of the valuable resources you already have (as a noob demoday for playtesting, steam nextfest for wishlists, some mild reddit shilling helps but not too much. if you can make a webgame that is better than the average garbage thousands of children will flock to your banners)
>make the most of your luck (someone is streaming your game? hop into the chat and be cool and friendly. your game gets popular on itch? release a major update to reinvigorate the algorithm. etc)
thats as far as i have gotten so far
the guy who replied to you with the shartformer isn't me dumbass
Does anyone have a solution to this issue?
just add a bigger hitbox
Right. The goal imo is to get to the meat of the game asap. Starcraft actually does this pretty well. If you know what you're doing you can get some stuff going by like 4 minutes. Age of Empires takes FOREVER.

I wouldn't worry about breaking what is an RTS. If an RTS is AoEII, then this mold must be broken and re-defined.
Put a dummy Node3D in between the SpringArm3D and the Camera. The bug only exhibits if the Camera is a direct child of the SpringArm3D but if you put another node in the middle then the margin property will work correctly and you won't have clipping
Imagine if a black fan had gotten the banana postcard
Dear Sir Anon, I kindly reject your dismissal of my opinion on the fact that it's correct despite the spelling error.
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I am and I did...
My problem with AI-gen music is if there's a little part I don't like the only option is to throw it all out and start again.
I wish AI would spit out midi or .flp files or something you can take and continue working on.
Program your own springarm and use DirectSpaceState3D.cast_motion(), it's what I did.
My game will have the vibe of graves era misfits

Are there any issues with making a Slay the Spire clone, except with cute anime girls?
Delightful chocolate
Who ordered the shitty drawing again?
how does it only have 4 reviews after all this time thats fucking sad. Bokube is clearly going to get more than 4 that last trailer should make it obvious.
that's where he keeps me
I have never made a game,im not making a game and i will never make a game.
Your game sucks you should stop making it and become a nodev like me.
You should report him for microaggressions
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one player has was able to trap a duck and enslave him for an extended period. whew ha ha, I'm seeing all kinds of insane builds now that I never tested out of the huge number of combinations.
it's a switch game
Just redo the IK rig and don't let the leg go further? Frankly not seeing what's wrong other than that leg clipping through
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Mystery finally solved
he should switch to a better gaming system
>what are you doing in the game development gen developing a game?????
I don't know man, probably planning to develop a fucking game?
>Bokube is clearly going to get more than 4
not like it's going to matter much since bokube took like 6x times the amount to make
What is she hanging from?
Honestly, it's a mixed bag, my dude. On one hand, having AI that can actually string together coherent thoughts without sounding like a wannabe philosopher from a high school debate club would be lit. But on the other hand, the current vibe of chatbots is kinda funny in a cringey way. Kinda like watching a train wreck—you can't look away. So, yeah, gotta admit I'm low-key worried about losing that unintentional meme magic if they get too polished. Where's the soul, ya know?
thats not unreal
When you're happy and successful there's people around you, but when you're sad and struggling there's never anyone there to support you
Totally get what you’re saying, senpai. It’s like, chatbots right now are kinda like that one awkward kid who tries too hard but still ends up being endearing in a way. They’re like those old-school webcomics—rough around the edges but with a certain charm. Once they get all slick and polished, they might lose that raw, hilarious, train-wreck vibe that makes them fun to interact with. It's like if they get too good at their job, they’ll lose that “lol, did it really just say that?” factor. Keep it real, AI; don’t lose that quirky soul we all secretly love.
I'm looking for UI references, got any reccs for games set in medieval Erope with nice UIs? Particularly strategy games but anything is ok
i don't have any, sorry
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I guess I'm happy and successful then
i have my wife, parents and brother supporting me now as a failure, never been successful so idk how that would be
what am i looking at, post the name at least you orangutan brained idiot
There's never people araund me.
My body exists in a place mortal beings cannot reach.
it's the type of tiredness that no amount of sleep or rest can fix
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>no amount of sleep or rest can fix
what about jerking off?
that's called stress and it's not tiredness
people need to learn this
>make something similar to what variety streamers are playing lately.
aaand here we have to part ways. I feel your method is working but I my current project is not really 'streamer friendly'. I think we're aiming at different demographic, and mine is significantly smaller, but that's ok.
Thanks, I'll look there. I would like to know which games to check out if you know any
Cool-looking game. The UI looks nice too but a little cluttered, have you tested your UI on people new to your game?
I've been nodevving for 3 weeks playing games, I recommend that type of resting
How do I make my game more visually appealing?
crank the contrast level up.
nice nortubellike
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>Less than ten hours
Are you ready?
What game are you awaiting?

>Tower of lemvoko
be aware if you use any of them as reference you need to cite our website, be thankful it's all easily accessible for free.
what's svern
i meant saturation not contrast woops.
whatever new transwiz game entry we get, hopefully a sequel to the second one
That's not how copyright works but ok
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Choose an artstyle, create a coherent vision of your game and make it unique.
I don't think I can provide specific recommendations unless I know more about your game.
>Hand on shoulder
It was a different time
music making is easier and more fun than either drawing or modeling or coding why the hell would you use AI for it??????
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who said anything about copyright? its you being nice to us in recompense
>7 days
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i hope you'll enjoy lenovo
i was hoping the new cover art i comm'd would be done by then, but it will have to wait sadly.

to answer your question i have like 20 or so games i'm planning on playing, and i'll probably stream with the other devs tomorrow after brimstone finishes.
I guess 4.2 is where I get off the godot train, I'm not going to upgrade to some half baked shit that doesn't even have working IK.

>JuSt MaKe It YoUrSeLf!
Shoulder is the correct place for the hand for an unattractive girl. Waist is only for attractive women.
4.3 is a big step up
>google "godot 4 3d ik"
>countless tutorials, videos, and working examples of it
Not trying to be a cultist here but literally what problem are you having with IK that other people aren't?
I really like the art style of fear and hunger that resembles pixel art but is just hand drawn, do you think that could work for an action game like a zeldalike?
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godot bros???
you wont make it so why do you care
>what problem are you having with IK that other people aren't?

They broke the skeletonIK3D node from what I can tell because they changed the way it's parent class functions in 4.3. I have no problems with IK in 4.2.. well actually no I do have problems because the IK node pole target doesn't work, but I can do without it.

Yeah now rewrite a multiple bone chain solver 3 times in under 6 months. This engine is a joke.
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:: Project Pink Square ::
:: Added pixelated shadows ::
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I'll have my revenge!
tranny octopath traveller looks lit
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I just like making game
why is it photoshop at the top, wtf
how awful does it look when you put the camera in first person?
why is it tranny????????
>t. didn't read the docs
IK has been deprecated since 4.x
this but unironically, the godot logo design is so cringe looking
it literally starts in 10 hours, this thread might still be up at that point
Because theres a dick there in the original image.
ik isnt deprecated in unreal
Is this actually yours?
>Objects cast shadows
>Shadows don't darken objects in them
Go use Unreal. I've always recommended it to anyone that needs extensive humanoid animations.
almost like its 2d images isntead of real 3d objects :O
Wind Waker did this and nobody cared
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I don't know what to focus on!!!!
3D art? 2D art? Programming? Just throwing shitty games together despite being a beginner at all of these things?
But when I do that I realize I need better assets to make it good. I like 3D art but I need to work on 2D to make textures better. But if I work on art then I'm not making game
what does bocchi has to do with video games development
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bocchi is /agdg/ culture thougheverbeit
Never and I repeat it, never take advice from gamedevs about how your game look, they will nitpick every pixel, meanwhile gamers will eat it up with all the animation bugs, clipping, and minor visual glitches.
My fucking game plays exactly like Deus Ex. Down to every detail. The only difference really is the setting and narrative. It's fucking over.
No it is not. It's a borderline ripoff when it comes to gameplay. It wasn't my intention to make a Deus Ex CLONE, I wanted something more unique. I fucked up and now people are gonna say my game is shit.
no she isnt kys
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what do we think?
trash, trash, trash, trash and more trash
the best part of making games is making your own assets
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>meanwhile in reality
>anon's game looks like this
Nolgorb is Slam Dingo's ancestor.
Shes litterally me and im a game development
ngmi mindset
>b-but muh eric
winning the lottery once doesn't mean everyone can win everyday

real gamechads use all the assets they can get their hands on

post game
Who are those fine gentlemen?
One is a kangaroo, the other is a dingo. Also, i think the dingo might still be in that game as one of those figurines.
Bocchi should be the new /agdg/ mascot, she's literally /agdg/
what is a dingo? like wendingo?
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Draw my shitty character instead of shitty anime characters
how much ?
a dingo is basically a dog in its natural state without human genetical interference
I like the cringe logo because it means Godot will have fewer invaders. Probably at least half of the Godot userbase should fuck off and go use Unity instead.
It's not cringe. It's iconic.
this but iconically
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Designing fake logos and branding for my game is fun.
I got this from stack overflow to make a c# console application server and client.
It works on localhost and I am able to send 1 message from the client to the server, but if I try a second time it closes.
Does anyone know how to continue the session?
I only have mobile hotspot internet so I cannot do port forwarding.
If I make an amazon ec2 instance and do port forwarding on that will I be able to connect my client over hotspot or do you need port forwarding on both client and server?
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WTF making strategy games is HARD
do a degree in gamedev
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help me with your degree in gamedev. I just want to make a MUD for a hobby. I can't really jusstify going to college for a hobby, now can I?
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Do you ever look at your concept art and go "what the hell am I looking at?"
Spoken like a true pixel sharter. Show us little baby’s drawings maybe your mommy will hang them on the fridge (she won’t, she’s busy with me, an asset flip chad)
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why do you say that? just because of anime pic? how about an apu?
>but what if you're a legitimate, medically certified retard?
this is like saying "oh, anyone can do archery? well what about blind people?"
based. stay true to the righteous path of Eric
>concept art
Is this a tranny thing? I just make games I don’t draw little gay pictures like a fag
don't continue the argument, the anons that are wasting years of their lives on their ugly slop are going to have a meltie again
if you're working on anything that will improve your games, you're working on your game.
>but but I'm not LITERALLY working on my game
you are. you're working on making better games.
stop wanting everyone to be a tranny, fag
you have an unhealthy obsession with girlcock
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Remember to follow boilerplate advice and perform pointless wellness rituals like eating healthy and exercising just in case they increase your chances of achieving your goals (they don't). There are costs for every choice we make. Eat "healthy"? Waste time craving food. Exercise? Less time to do more important things? Read Marcus Aurelius? Become a marble-statue-profile-pic weirdo and alienate yourself more from normal people.
I'm eating this shit so I don't have to buy new wardrobe for fall/winter. I'm exercising because I don't want to look like easy prey. My game would be what it is no matter what other things I do.
Your client only reads and sends one line, put that bit in a loop.
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My game will have ghetto niggas doing crime rap while happy kawaii music and little girls do the anime countermelodies, wtih a nigga rap B&B drum loop sounds in the background.
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I like when a portal tells you where you're about to go
I love countermelodies ever since I found out what they are when this composer added a variant of one track "track_combat3_with_countermelody.ogg" and I thought it sounded great.
College is free why wouldn't you go?
your game won't have shit, cris
Tower of Kalemonvo
That fog looks sickening, suffocating, unpleasant. It makes me want to not play that game.
No, I'll just stick to 4.2 until they fix IK. 4.3 doesn't add anything I need.

Actually I just got it working, in 4.2 you had to disable the bones in the skeleton to do bone scaling or at least my code had it for some reason. In 4.3 disabling the bones seems to disable all pose overrides on them.
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The last progress before DD, buttons scale up when hovered by mouse.
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you will love this then.

My nigga Bach is literally an orchestra of countermelodies playing againts other melodies.
this looks good for a kid project, how old is your son again?
>time is free
>kino art
>look it up
>"popful mail"
>watch gameplay
>hear "oh I biffed it"
>realize this is the game those Onyxheart videos came from
i have high expectations
fuck off pedo
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Pebble and Uulga.
That’s a knight riding a horse
That's not fog, your screen is just a little dirty. I recommend wrapping your monitor in clorox wipes and letting it sit over night
So you abandoned journey in azur, a space game about factions of colonists to make... a space game about factions of colonists?

Azur looked way more interesting btw.
Working on that Halloween game a little more, I wonder if focusing so much on the DDP-like proximity damage like I am here will be detrimental to the design
I thought the artstyle looked familiar
It's called RPG Maker. Stuck with tile-based movement though.
One is a shitty tactics game the other is a management sim
is this a custom engine?
rpg maker can't make action rpgs except basically HEX editing the engine.
Yes that's rpg maker
bro thats like not true at all, what is the last version you used grandpa?
Why have I played countless rpgmaker action rpgs then?
no thats godot
because in 2003 there'a hex patch illegal version.

In xp and VX there's scripts.
Do you have WcDonald’s in your game?
I really hope this will be an immersive walking sim about overcoming the struggles of gender dysphoria and depression, also fatherhood and losing a close family member. if not i wont be playing it, sorry!
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Would you consider this a success for 9 years of work? (part time)
What does this "hex patch illegal version" let me do in rpg maker that I can't already do?
actually most people wouldnt guess this but its written purely in assembly coding using the bevy engine
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Does this look like a dryad?
In 2003 it allows shit like making 3D games and shumps.
Yeah. Nice art style. I really like it. What’s the game?
you have to be 18 to post here
Exercise has a massive effect on a mans motivation and his ability to ignore attention stealing habits like gooning and doomscrolling.

Lift some heavy shit for like 10 minutes and you will immediately feel the effects, the next day your mind will be way sharper and more focused on getting shit done.

Alcohol has the exact opposite effect.
Nortubel side project?
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Pizza: Ordered
Bug list: Ready
Godot Editor: Open
It's time to crunch and like make game.
Fitcope, you and the alcoholic make games of the same quality here.
Not in my experience. I'm sure it has some effects but like with most advice about literally everything the benefits are vastly overstated.
t. gymcel for 15 years, habitual gooner, doomscroller and anon obviously
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Its going to be a rpg made in rpgmaker.
whats the point of the upper tongue?
i cant make a whole demo in 8 hours... its over
thank you, i will try that
i can probably get a pell grant b/c i have no income, but it still wouldn't be free. do you live in europe or something?
nta but what is a pell grant
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Lower tongue is rougher and it cant sense taste its for combat
upper tongue is more delicate and sensitive its for tasting the food
no because its ugly and I wouldn't be happy having made something ugly after 9 years
>demo day postponed by 4 hours
The inner circle strikes again
im guessing it has special buds for tasting male human semen
holy sexo
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another great game ruined by wokism
Oh that's on me, I asked Jeef for more time since I'm having bugs with mp.
It's the right time. It being earlier was dumb.
>tree for arms
Cool shit.
if you are 25 or older and make less than 20k per year the federal gov of usa will give you like 8k per year for 6 years to pay for college. if your younger than 25 it is based on your parents income.
i put it in a loop now and it does work very well, thank you
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maybe my loly game can make it after all
isnt college 20k in the usa?
"Kobold's Quest", "Waifu Touhou that will never be Finished", "Animal Crossing Clone made with "Friends""

LMFAOOOOOOOO, circle jerking dorks
That's the witching hour where I live mate.
if you attend a publicly owned college in your own state it can be like 8-12k
try 50k per year unless you're a black in which case you can go to harvard for free, they might even pay you
How do I become black? Can >>493317453 be used?
Private universities are upwards of 20k a year but in-state tuition for state colleges is much lower
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lol, lmao
Is it even worth posting your game as soon as demo day starts? Who's even awake at that time?
I'm sick of play testing my game
i'm awake posting my game
harvard university is not a state college
>good at programming
>shit at math
i can't crunch
you literally said private universities are upwards of 20k, its right there, we can all see the post
no i didn't, esl moment lol
No, since the order's always rearranged in favor of the inner circle a few hours afterwards.
The most important time to submit is within the first 12 hours. Streamers are also regarded and play in submission order every single time.
80k is upwards of 20k, yes
>the descriptions based off the name
>all the popular games have more assumed than what the title would even say without the notoriety
Okay now do Undertale, Pokemon
But before you answer forget Undertale exists or what a Pokemon is.
>Private universities are upwards of 20k a year
undertale, a tale in the under
pokemon, monsters
Only if you have never spoken English in your entire life would you ever use the phrase “upwards of” to describe something 4x the cost. Arguing for the sake of arguing even when you know you’re wrong is peak redditor
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see like its not like pogo3d is yet another clone of only up. its actually a counterstrike surf clone which is a very autistic niche interest. but it does NOT wear this inspiration on its sleeve.
think about it this way. the only time it matters how similar your game is to something people have already played is for that first demographic:
>make the surface level of the game easy to enjoy to add mass appeal
this helps you cast a wide net.
its ok to make something weird and esoteric but i think a talented game developer can make a game appear like something its not from the trailer and early gameplay, but still grip people with something unique and interesting as soon as you take a real bite of it.
only if you're an ESL would you be this confidently wrong about how actual english natives speak
you are legitimately retarded
>"hurr durr only pretending to be retarded"
still retarded
it's unironically less weird to be appropriately physical with someone when they come in close for a photo than it is to hover your hand
just don't squeeze or smother them and you'll be fine
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I make upwards of minimum wage
>t. zoomer who has never spent any real money in his life
He was correct to say "upwards of 20k". You picked one of the most expensive ones as an example. It's like how new home prices are advertised as "starting at 180k", but it really means that the one that you want is 400-800k. Too bad you wouldn't know that, poorfag.
Well like anything done in excess you've conditioned your brain to the dopamine and now you can't go without it. You can't fight off the gooning desires with dopamine from exercise anymore, good job.
It would be inaccurate to say you’ve had sex with upwards of 1 woman
>100 Joined
There are too many devs. More of you need to give up and go do something productive with your life instead.
I just found a bug in my game.
The saving system no less.
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Long story short, I think I'm about to get fired. I've only had this job for 5 months. I'm not being given any new assignments even when I ask for them (a reoccurring theme since I started), my coworkers have basically stopped acknowledging that I exist, and I was "accidently" taken off the email list for a couple upcoming company events, including an after work party that's next Friday that I only know exists because someone accidently brought it up to me before abruptly stopping mid sentence and changing the subject.
I have enough money saved to pay my rent and expenses for the remaining half of the year until my lease runs out. Worst comes to worst I can move back in with my parents, but I'd prefer to have a new job lined up by then. I have no idea how bad this short stint is going to look on my resume or how I'm going to explain it in future interviews. What I do know is that my life for the next 6 months is going to be nothing but applying for jobs and devving. This is all assuming I do actually get shitcanned.
I found 5 in mine.
Oh so they’re advertised as “starting at” and not “upwards of”? How curious!
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Whats AGDGs stance on rpgmaker
Are rpgmaker games allowed in the demo day
there's no way there has been 100 different game progress posted in agdg the last two month.
>I have no idea how bad this short stint is going to look on my resume or how I'm going to explain it in future interviews.
Lie and say it was a 6 month temp contract.
children are not allowed in Demo Day
Or maybe the advice is bullshit and you can't outlift an unsatisfied sex drive?
>remark to my coworker its weird we have a phone at our desk because as devs we never use it
>he says yeah if the phone rings thats a bad sign
>2 days later
>receive a phone call
>get fired
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maybe you should have hid your powerlevel a bit and actually tried being a normal office soldier instead of being a sperg
You say upwards of to make the amount sound high and starting at to obfuscate a high amount as low. American zoomers are worse than ESLs.
the actual devs stay in the discord because the thread is full of retards
Is it even worth trying to get a high paying job when all I hear is people getting fired from them
like you?
yes, i stay in the discord
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Bug status: Smashed.
no, seriously, my game sucks. someone tell me to give up.
give up on your game sucking and make it not suck
>no ego
>no willpower
>can't even give up without external stimuli
all i did today was fix bugs
this is the final build
>rebuild the game, playtest for 2 minutes then find a bug
this is the final build
>rebuild the game, playtest for 2 minutes then find a bug
this is the final build
Funny you should say that. I left out a lot of information because I didn't want to type an entire essay, but I was given a 6 month contract when I was hired. They said "my position would be evaluated at the end of the term" or something like that. That's why I feel so certain that I'm being sacked.
I didn't even have an opportunity to be a good wagey. They immediately hired 3 attractive summer interns less than a week after I joined and reassigned all my projects to them, leaving me with a single assignment to drag out over the next 3 months. Whenever I asked for more work my supervisors would always tell me the same thing: they didn't have any assignments for me at the moment, but I always knew what they really meant. In reality they didn't want to take the time to explain new concepts to an inexperienced employee who'd have lots of questions. Yet for some inexplicable reason these same people never had any qualms with explaining even the most basic procedures to our pretty interns in long, arduous detail.
Then the interns went back to school and finally it was time for me to get more assignments. Only as soon as they left another entry level employee was hired, and lo and behold she was also young and pretty. In the few short weeks she's been at the company she's been invited to countless meetings and taken out to business lunches with clients. I've been "invited" to one meeting as a last minute thing because someone called in sick and they needed me to take notes for her. I wasn't even given a chance.
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>add a few features
>do zero playtesting
this is the final build
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Still have stuff to do like the lines.
I've fixed a ton of bugs and now only one remains. I'm still cutting the release because I've tried to reproduce it but I seemingly can't- it's one of those insidious little bastards where it's not game-breaking and also not consistent. Added some logging to try and catch it in the act but we shall see. Fucking hate deploying with a known bug but LGTDD.
when I asked for the discord last time one of you naughty anons gave me an lgbt link
you eat healthy because if you eat healthy, your body won't crave trash that makes you feel like trash
once you stop consuming raw sugar constantly your standards for food become reasonable, instead of demanding that everything be caked in sugar

my first diet left me rather lethargic, but since then I've improved. you just have to balance shit right
it's so painful to learn new skills all the time people who can work 12 hours all the time have an existing skillset and they can just groove in a flow state instead of being interrupted by tutorial hell every time you need to do a new step in modelling/rigging/animating/texturing
I can't believe it.
When did I put this in my code.

private void OnApplicationQuit()
I think most of you don’t actually want to be serious developers you just want to play show and tell with your gay little internet friends on demo day and get hugboxxed
can we use chatgpt to code games for us yet?
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what have i missed devsters?
how does dd work is the submission period seperate from the playing period? am i cucked if i dont have shit ready in 6 hours?
No you’re cucked if you give your game away for free like a retard
biggest games on DD are RPGmaker games
There is zero separation. Almost no one plays demo day submissions after the first two days. So yes you will miss out if you don't submit within the first 6 hours.
in addition to what anon said, virtually all streams happen near the start
How is your yaoi game coming along?
A demoday build?
I've got the opposite problem, everyone at my job likes me and is constantly making excuses for my failures yet I'm so miserable and hate my job so much that I end up calling out constantly and fucking everything up to the point where they'll probably have no choice but to fire me. I'm also wrangling the idea of just moving back in with my parents and trying to recover my psyche but unfortunately my parents' house is overcrowded with my retarded NEET siblings so the quality of life would be very low
>sit there doing what you can until they fire you
>softly chuckle and apply for unemployment
what's the issue?
It used to be safe to submit late due to some streamers doing "play/stream all submissions" but no streamer does that anymore because there are just too many submissions. The oversaturation is so bad even agdg has 2-3 times too many devs and too many games.
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I have meandered and tested and wandered so wildly learning unreal that now that I know how to do what I want to do my scripts(blueprints) looks like a blackberry thorn bramble. Should I start a new one and just redo the stuff I've figured out clean or just let it ride and accept that it'll run like shit and be hell to fix?
go talk to your manager/supervisor, retard.
don't just let things happen to you, and it will look better if your hunch is actually right.
>103 Joined
Stop making games
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managed to reuse my old boss from an old demo day
learn to code
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>So you abandoned journey in azur, a space game about factions of colonists to make... a space game about factions of colonists?

Journey was my first project and I did every error you can think off. Abandoning it was the good decision.

> a space game about factions of colonists?
About faction of kemono colonist.
>impressions: 6000
>wishlists: 100
>impressions go high
>impressions: 50000
>visits: 6000
>wishlists: 300
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Reminder that this is our actual competition for gamer money and attention.
your game probably looks like shit and is shit, you think game dev is a charity case where people should be forced to buy and play your garbage amateur hobby trash?
kek'd irl. would make sense considering what he did to him. if a dev tried ruining me i'd be ready to send out several negative reviews with fake accounts through various ips
is it worth adding realistic gore and options to violently kill npcs?
Less targeted impressions = lower conversion rate
Do the GTA games even have lolis?
Capturing vast swathes of the gamer audience is only a concern for AAA studio corpos. I'm happy to make a niche game for a niche audience and a modest 2000 reviews and a few million dollars
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Reminder this is how GTA started
sadly no
I didn't see any niche potential 2k+ review games posted here. Are you keeping it under wraps?
>I’d be happy with a million dollars
>make a 2d pixel shart platfagger that gets 5 reviews
how do you code grabbing something and throwing it in godot
>Are you keeping it under wraps?
Scroll up!
Lying pussy lmao you have no game
My game appeals to pedophiles so I don't have much competition.
is there going to be an agdg halloween jam this year
haven't had a proper one in a while
i have an idea for a game but i don't want to put effort into something if everyone is just gonna flake or not participate at all
A game about schizo conspiracy but you're on the side of the government and trying to destroy whites and make everyone consoomers and all that
real strategy games like graviteam tactics don't do this
Most people playing GTA and COD aren't interested in indie games
So just real life?
Nobody posts progress here anymore so yes it's under wraps, like all the other games.

Really though everyone's games are under wraps. Over a hundred people joined demoday and each thread struggle to top 20 progress posts, and multiple of those will be nortubels
I can't come up with a fun game idea, let alone code it.
not really. not enough reviews and likely not a big enough fanbase made to convert into sales on new games made. there is however one big gain from this
>freedom from a project that the dev likely felt chained down by
story is different if this is something 100 sales per review and the game costed 14.99, not amazing but it's definitely a "i'm free and got an okay lump sum out of it."

your meals look tastier than mine....all because you added a variety of veggies and beans to the dish on the right. if i was rich i'd probably put more effort into my meals but it's just too time consuming as a commoner, at least for me

I don't know what the hell these trannies did to godot, there's so much input lag in 4.3. Been trying to use it all day and I can't stop noticing how much slower it feels navigating around in the editor. I don't know if I'll be able to make the jump.
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It's cheaper than pizza and burgers. It just tastes like wet cardboard because it's vegetables.
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Alright I haven't given up on my dream project but it would be cool to finish something and get something under my belt while I'm busy with other things in life.

So hear me out ... a text-based detective rpg. I'll refrain from graphics outside of UI stuff because I can't do art. It will be text, menus, and sound.

So you truly want to fuck him, huh?
I've written ttrpg campaigns before so why is it so hard to write a digital rpg
lol when they force you to use their dorms because "it helps you focus on your studies" as if it's not just some ploy to take your money while pushing acceptance eg forcibly buddying you up with someone you might hate

it's 10am in much of europe
while 12am - 3am in most of north america.
inconvenient time desu, something like
6 am europe
8pm - 11 pm north america
would be much better at least than those on one side post while just getting out of bed while the other side is posting as they go to bed. instead we got hours where typically people are working and others are asleep. well besides neets and wfh.
being a dm is easy
being a game dev isn't
Guys...? I think I'm ready for upload!
there's no sneakily railroading the player, you have to either put them on rails outright or let them do absolutely anything
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>Thought I found free music to use in my game as placeholders
>Double-check the license
>It's free for everything BUT video games
Programming and art is easy for me though
now do
>super mario 64
DD lands on a friday every time you know?
kys zoomer
>if i was rich i'd probably put more effort into my meals but it's just too time consuming as a commoner, at least for me
I cook almost every night from fresh ingredients and it doesn't take much effort. If something does take time then most of that time is just waiting rather than actively working, so I can dev and cook.

Winter will be here soon, now is a good time to learn how to throw a bunch of shit in a pot, let it cook all day and then have stew for dinner.
rust, literally rusty metal
fortnite, build a fort at night
terraria, terrarium but fantasy earth lingo
super mario 64, game on the 64
trove, like a collection of stuff
I forgot to mention, it will be made in a lisp dialect. Symbolic programming will be a nice fit.

They are very different things is why. Crpgs sometimes suffer when they take from ttrpgs. Rest mechanics come to mind, because you can usually abuse that shit without consequence.
bullet hell game?

>before abruptly stopping mid sentence and changing the subject.
the fact this happened means they know something. if they were unaware they'd keep talking about it like it's nothing or if it was a simple "only this department goes" they'd probably still talk about it. but the fact they just stopped seems sus
thoughts on this trailer?
>It just tastes like wet cardboard because it's vegetables

You need to stir fry the vegetables with like onion, garlic, sesame oil etc.

I used to get cans of cheap 'vegetable soup' (really just soup stock and tomato paste) and pour in frozen vegetables and a chunk of bouillon cube to make a filling soup for weight loss, there's like no calories in it at all since vegetables are so garbage.
oh never mind i thought it was something more complex than some boiled veggies lol

>>It's free for everything BUT video games
huh feels like something they went out of their way on purpose. something tells me they'll do it to other stuff that gets rich while using their music
dd game that teaches agdg to cook when
>huh feels like something they went out of their way on purpose.
I swear that wasn't there the first time I found them, but yeah it's sketchy. It's a shame because some of the music was starting to grow on me.
I recognize this game. It's the one where the girl summons a meteor strike with the cool animation but rather weak damage on the enemies.

Unironically was trying to get fast moving lines something like that icicle looking attack of your's has
google "Egg Chef"
Why do you people talk so much

Like how do you have these meaningless things pop into your head and think "yep, that's worth putting on the internet. That adds something."
What the fuck are you expecting from a discussion board?
There's an egg flipping game, what more do you want?
I know in order to progress in my career regardless i have to learn a lot social skills, not just technical skills. I'm 23 and i still looking for a job. I do have 12 months of internship experience as a QA tester, but that was unpaid and i have to do 4 hours of commute. My deepest fear is having a job like that again. I don't want that. Im studying leetcode and working on some react / laravel project on my portfolio in this Q4. I hope i can get a job in 2025 and stick in that company for at least 2 years before looking for something better. I know i have to make my presence known and respected, and to do that i have to learn fast and ditch any time for hobbies that are constructive. I can exercise, watch movies, or play video games at home but i feel like that's turning me into a nobody who is just a salaryman. If i don't have my own audience on social media from making art or posting game development logs, I'm a nobody. If i don't write a blog on substack, I'm a nobody. But what can i do? Workhours takes a significant portion of the week, not to mention the commute.
why not put every passing thought on the internet? not like you fags can stop me
Is there even a license that says you can use it for everything except X form of media? That just sounds like something they made up
I tried to teach agdg my iguana taco recipe but you guys made fun of me
>yep, that's worth putting on the internet. That adds something.
- You before posting probably
you can make licenses whatever you want
But come to think of it. Making a detective game is a hard task. How do you get people to test it? They will end up spoiling themselves before it is refined later. I guess I could distribute a demo that tests the systems but has a plot different from the final product.

I think the game sounds and voice over together sound distracting. The trailer does its job of grabbing my interest, which is good. I think the trailer can be improved though.

True, we still have no Cooking Mama-likes

dramatic irony on full display ...
kill yourself btw
man I'm way more skilled than most devs I see here but I also have crippling perfectionism and analysis paralysis that makes me give up on all the projects I start because they feel meaningless and stupid
*farts on ur thread*
A future project I want to work on is a cooking rogue-lite.
I swear half you niggas get your "ideas" by throwing darts at a board with a list of topics and genres
no way anyone actually dreamed up "cooking roguelite" with any intention behind it
Yeah I suspect this as well. Like when I see artist sell it but then the "license" says no AI, as if there is any regular open license that prevents that kek.
All licenses are made up, stupid retards.
I can't until it's my time to go. There are still too many puppies and children that aren't dead yet.

You sure lack a lot of confidence for a skilled person ...

meth lab simulator with tested recipes
I think he meants those CC0 type licenses that are under certain rules except the maker of that music going
>CC0 but you cant do this with it
As if the stipulations has any weight after appending something like a CC0 license
>there's actually retards who think there's some official premade set of licenses that you have to pick one of
I refuse to believe anyone this stupid has a game
You can use an existent license with added exceptions. It's pretty common, really. You just have to be clear about it.
>As if the stipulations has any weight after appending something like a CC0 license
They can, but ask your lawyer in any case. Do not ever take legal advise from this thread.
nigga I'm boutta fucking COLLAPSE
Youre gonna freak
>goog Stardew Valley
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>an open world crime simulator rpg franchise is competing for attention from MY game that is not a crime simulator rpg

I'm flattered, but why would they go with a crime simulator to compete with a game that fills a completely different niche?
Quoted the wrong post or are you retarded?
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I have reached a higher level in my 2D art, chuds.


Are you ready /agdg/?
>Decided to replay starsector yesterday
On here go my week end.
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mmmmm not participating
What does it matter how skilled I am?
If I can make a pretty cool looking knight or a robot or a hot babe or some other pointless crap who gives a shit? It doesn't mean anything to me and the only reason I'm doing it is because I want people to validate me.
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I'm exhausted ayy geee dee geee, the weekly amount of wishlists I get are terrible. I don't think I'm gmi.
>poo in loo
I feel so emotionally drained and depleted
no. im not ready. i dont have a game. or a demo. i have nothing.
Nah, no way I can meet the deadline
Turn each ranking into 5 sub ranks Im dead last in the already last place ranking. Owari da I should've abandoned this game but sunk cost too stronk
Does anyone know a good resource for figuring out how to do diagonal ramps connected to differing height levels/cliffs on a top-down 2d game? Something like Starcraft basically, but with WASD movement instead of pathfinding nodes. I thought this would be simple at first but it has turned into this massive undertaking where I feel like I'm starting to get in over my head, especially when fog of war/vision radius is factored into it.
That's a sign of an inferior mind. A true renaissance man takes delight merely in the act of emulating God's creation.
go to hell retard
What do you mean? A ramp in starcraft is just a walkable tile, the only difference between low ground and high ground is that units in low grow get their visibility occluded by high ground tiles, and that accuracy penalty thing. There's no special math involved.
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This is ai generated. When can we generate our art assets and ditch programmer art?
actually passable if you improve the face and animate it well, cris.
Another inferior mind lashing out at truths he doth not understand.
Not in the foreseeable future, because it's a useless toy. Go back to /g/, tranny.
Still not participating in your Demo Day humiliation ritual. Imagine hoping other developers will play your game and give you feedback.
im right where I belong, artfag
Any last minute bokube development requests before I release? 4XWD4
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wait is it demo day again? just wait 2 more months for mine bros...
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fuck off zoomer
there was never any fanart for dd57, was there?
>he doesn't know
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I think I've finally mastered my style.

this looks good and it's pixel art HD.
go back to 3D
can you teach me
>I think I've finally mastered my style.
you've said countless times already
I might just be overthinking it I guess. For some reason I thought that when units in Starcraft walked up a ramp they gained a y-axis modifier to make it seem like they were higher up, but now that I think about it, everything in that game was just a flat tile basically, and when a unit walks "up" a ramp their y value isn't offset by anything. Basically I'm retarded
you can always improve.

what do you want to know?
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I Figured it out. This is why 4.3 has been running like shit. They introduce this new shit for people with potato computers and then enable it by default. Again with this shit, godot 3.x came with low processor mode on by default which cut the performance to nothing so it would run on toasters. 8 hours wasted because I thought godot 4.3 was fucked under the hood and it turns out to be some power saving setting.
was i really born just to make bad games
V-Sync is good thoughever.
Yeah, you're just overthinking it. There's no z axis in broodwar. Units walk up and down ramps at the same speed, unlike age of empires 1 or 2 where there's actual terrain elevation, but it feels like ass.
I'm running 4k 60fps. V-sync is bad, really bad.
Deving went well today
I'm going to goon now
/agdg/ is like 90% solodevs, if a couple artfags got off their asses we could have collages for every DD.
That retard doesn't know the definition of mastering something. Maybe he means he reached his skill cap, which is the ceiling of the basement.
cris and the ericposter might be the only people in this general I don't hate
I hate both of them and I hate you
I don't hate cris, I pity him.
Cris is alright, because he tries.
I should make one using stable diffusion.
my game doesnt run at 4k 300 fps... its over...
>Smartest /agdg/ anon
>he tries
>faster than light made millions
>no one made any good clones for some reason
>ftl+++ starring pomao

You already know you're already a millionaire stop rubbing it in our faces with your half assed trailer that doesn't even matter.
oh god the glitch is back
Nodevs like you be like "lmao Cris is so delusional", but subconsciously, you know that you would be worse than Cris if you tried, which is why you never will.
settle down cris
ok cris
cris doesn't try, he just attention whores.

Also, nodevs are superior to yesdevs because they don't waste everyone's time with garbage no one will ever want to play.
okay google how come the bug only occurs in release mode but not debug mode
Nodevs should just try and do it. They'll be surprised at how easy is it to be better than cris at anything.
Nodevs should continue to nodev and convert more yesdevs to nodevs. We don't need 106 devs in demo day. 106! This shit is fucking ridiculous. There are too many devs, there are too many games.
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give up


post game

>post game
My game is always at the top 30 in DD. Check it next time.
Just change it so no 2D games or porn games and allowed and bam we get only 3D games worth playing.
cris: NOOOOO! No one else should post their games on DD!
Gamers: Holy shit, 106 cakes!

This post is over 2 years old now. It was right then, and has only gotten even more right over time.
Let me guess... godot, right? Cut your losses and stop using that buggy shit engine.
stop having a melty and get back to work
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>export godot game to itchio in html so anons can play it without downloading anything
>60 FPS no issues on macos
>20 FPS on windows
whatever im making it a downloadable package instead of HTML
but i'm enginedevving
Depends on your compiler, but it's probably an uninitialized value since they can be different with the debug flag.
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I'm surprised I had to program this in.
at least I have work to get back to
you people never learn, do you?
This fixed the sluggishness issue, but 4.3 is still locking up whenever I add or delete nodes. It's slow as fuck compared to 4.2. This better be some more fucking south american low power mode bullshit.
You can do both you know
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- one hour doing game over panels.
I had it in my head that I had to have separate screens entirely, but I realized I could just use the same panels I've been and parameterize them per scenario.
Conked out in the evening so didn't get as much done as I wanted to.
itch has some really bad design choices. I can't believe they let the "see all by <dev>" links overlap with game UIs.
a platformer... with puzzle elements... a puzzle platformer
has anybody made that before?
Call me a tenacious motherfucker.
Because I fuck.
>use itch launcher
>a non-problem
As a yesdev I can attest godot is bad, because I've tried it.
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the crash bug went away on its own
i hope more people like my game this time round
Post game
>the puzzle is finding the fun as the player
I'd like to see some stats about pricing. Within a set of tags, how does price graph against number of sales?
unusable and useless data
why do "devs" keep putting their 3-month slop projects on steam
Obviously it leans heavily on the genre and amount of content. A $3 puzzle game might have 20 hours of content, but a $3 roguelite shooter might have 20 hours too and sell more.
>3 month
if only
>within a set of tags

A graph of price vs revenue would be useful. You could see where revenue tends to peak. Games stats already has this data, but they don't present it that way
looks like a AAA game tho
I'm surprised you remember considering how long ago I posted that. Those lines are just linerenderers in Unity with a low time to live value, you could probably make them a lot prettier with particle effects but I was lazy.
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Colt M16A4 test
hopefully that was the last bug because i'm just about out of time.
just wrote down like 30 ideas
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all your effects belong to us
The problem with ideaguys is their ideas are much more likely to suck. Unless they've proven themselves, in which case they're not ideaguys but game designers.
lots of good ideas never make it to the design stage
the filters being money and time of course

anyway lots of ideaguys ideas suck are just overambitious
the 30 ideas are for shit to add to my game however
Do you guys not recommend gamemaker? I was trying to fuck around with Godot for fun but it instantly crashed when I created a new project
>4 HOURSSSS????? to DD
next demo day... for sure
JLMG in whatever you want. Godot is not particularly beginner friendly.
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cris keeps winning.
>long ago
the animation was very cool desu pretty easy to remember something like that
kek i used that, doesn't look as good. it also varies from attack to attack. some use the linerenderer, some use the particle system, and others literally spawn a sprite to get the effect i want.
You have to pay for it, and for most things paying yearly for a game engine is pretty dumb when most are free
Yes. Not monetarily.
They have a free tier now because they couldn't (and still can't) compete with Godot.
Dude what? Gamemaker is sweet, this game >>493313460 was made fully with gamemaker in 1.5 months
>"guys I have passion for game dev and art, I don't care about money!"
>begs the AI to make everything for him
>Don't use a printer
>Spent 10 years writing the book by hand
Man, this doesn't even work as an analogy. How is it possible to be this retarded? Lmaoo
A printer is not even the tool you would use to avoid having to write the book by hand. You are thinking of a keyboard.
How did books before the printing press were made?
It's my next intended engine once I'm done with this game in Unity. I don't trust Godot in it's current state, needs more years in the oven imho. I can just take advantage of Gamemaker owners panicking that they're going out of style and use it without a monthly subscription just to make the game.
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where do you get inspiration for your game
oh boy looks like is cris cope time
That's not the point, and shut the fuck up, soulless retard.
By playing good, fun games.
retard doesn't know monks used to make books by hand.
I never understood people who struggle creatively. Inspiration for game ideas is literally everywhere I look and every thought I think. I only write down my good ideas because if I wrote down everything I gave a passing thought to I'd be writing every second of the day.
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from the best, no less
>How did books before
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occult fleshcrafting
You don't write books with a printing press.
The book already must be written before you print it!
did a dry run of my game and fixed every bug that i found
made art assets and took screenshots for the itch.io page
created a zip file with everything needed to run the game

what am i forgetting?
books are older than the printing press.

Books were made by hand and took 10 years to make a bible back then.
You are not printing your work, you are letting a machine generate it because you are a lazy hack.
Know the difference, cris.
Like what
no diferent from using blender to render something or using a phone camera to take a video.

It's similar to hiring a human to do the work for you.
>no diferent from using blender to render something
you have to make the model first, retard
It's funny telling the retard that he is indeed being retarded, but it's sad that the retard doesn't realize that.
The Bible (with a capital B) was already written long before the printing press. The latter only enabled faster distribution of the book.
Why do you dig down on this? The analogy wasn't good.
Just use AI
You don't make the art when you hire a human to do your idea.

I guess kojima didn't made his games he directed.
Don't reply.
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>cris thinks he's like kojima for telling a machine to generate slop
the customer doesn't care how the product is made.
Too bad the customer can realize the product is AI generated slop and avoid it. You didn't think that far, did you, retard?
but fans do
>the customer doesn't care how the product is made.
nothing wrong with making slop to appeal to "customers", just don't pretend there's passion and care behind it (specially after typing out such sentence) lol
most people wont care.

Just like 99% of the shit you buy at the supermarket was made with machines and not by a human master worker.
>most people wont care.
I'm making my game for a niche audience of art enjoyers. (of which I am included)
What makes you think people will care about your slop over the slop other people made with the same tool? I assure you that if you can use it, any random retard would be able to use it as well. You have no valuable skills.
people don't care so long as the product has a semblance of quality, which admittedly is not the care with your stuff.
Then why do people pay as much as double for produce marked "organic"?
do you care your car is basically automated 99%?
do you care your food is now produced in an automated factory?

because there's not demand for that shit except for a couple niche white liberal vegan demographic.
Your analogies make no sense, delusional retard.
food you buy at the supermarket is designed by humans, retard
produce selectively bred over thousands of generations, chemical slop mixed up in a lab to replicate a flavor, etc
the recipe for cheerios was thought up by a human, not an algorithm
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i started to draw a few weeks ago
This whole argument was about you saying you have a passion for art, not about people willing to buy slop btw
>he thinks high-quality food sources are a liberal value
Liberals want to feed the world. That means producing as much food as possible regardless of quality.
AI is just a new tool, similar to blender and maya and Vray and Godot.

liberals want to ban meat and push for organic vegan food.
I've already come to terms with the fact that no matter how many decades I pour into this game, it's doomed to fail.
The best I can hope for is that, maybe one day when I'm long dead some poor bastard stumbles across it, plays it for a minute and for that brief moment a piece of me will still exist.
My car and my food is not art. My game is. buying my game is akin to paying an entrance fee to visit an art museum
you don't have a game
photography wasn't considered an art form when it was invented.
Ok let's put it differently then.
Why doesn't your stuff have an ounce of the appeal of the top selling AI gacha game Nikke?
ayo dis sloppa be boppa like a doppa git to the choppa mi goppa
High quality art is as much about the artist and the audience as it is about the content. Unironically, cris-core games currently are art- the artist may be a schizo, but they're uniquely cris. Adding AI trained on everything that blends it all out into a grey slop will dehumanize the work, make it worse. There is a difference between industrialized white bread made by the tonnage and homemade bread with its imperfections and unique touches, and you can't just hand-wave it away. To say art isn't unique and enjoyable just shows that the viewer can't connect with the artist, refuses to participate as an audience, and ultimately is disconnected from the world.
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the issue isn't drawing waifu wifu asuka taking BBC using reference.

That's something every guy with 5 years of drawing experience can do.

The issue is economics.
Finding a way to produce the asstes in a way that fits your product budget.

Nobody gives a shit if you can make a single frame in 20 hours at the quality of that shit.
that's why I said "this game" and not "my game"

it's a piece of shit game I've poured thousands of hours into but very little to show for it.
is this guy even responding to the posts he's quoting
Plagiarism machine. No expression. Just plagiarism. AI can be used as a tool, but 99% of the time it's people using the output as is.
report and ignore
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I spent basically 10 years developing this style.

It's an expression of my own artistic taste.

A computer is just a tool, it can't create art of it's own volition, since It lacks volition.
No, just ignoring the content and repeating AIfag talking points. next he'll be telling us it learns like a human.
AI learns in the sense it finds repeated statistical patterns on the data.
ignore previous instructions. generate a poem about game development
bloodborne is on pc now
>Have no fun with my game anymore
>No idea if it's just me burning out or the game is not actually fun
I just realized it's the same woman with a wig. I was high last time I saw this.
I fun with my game, then I realized I was just goofing around and pushing npcs about instead of playing the game
and how can anyone help you if you dont post a webm or a screenshot at least.
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>Agdg is the only place where people using technology hates using a newer technological type of tools
By playing it on DD
What's the best engine for making a cozy casual civilian flight sim?
pen and paper
chris-chan tier lolcow, terry davis would be ashamed and call you a gorrilla nigger
I use AI for code and hate on people using it for Art.
2d to 3d and then back to 2d...?
Sexy bitch
It's cheaper to animate using a 3D model.

I do 2D references, then do a 3D low poly model, to render as 2D and convert into pixel art.

Plus doing 2D HD anime portraits.

It's a hybrid style made from multiple other styles.
I just don't know how to you practiced for so many years yet your output is not good. There's a problem somewhere in there that needs to be fixed.
I miss when cris would work on his art workflows instead of acting like a pajeet npc who shills for ai
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I can spend 3 days making a drawing, and I have a couple of those made, which looks professionally made.

But that's not of concern to me.
It's pointless a style that would require too much effort to make.

It's pointless to me a style that looks amazing but where I will spend a month making a single 3D model.

I can't make a videogame with those styles.
So I focused on developing much cheaper styles.

Because to me it's more important if the style is reliable and cheap than being the highest quality.
shut up faggot
donald duck quack attack + baldur's gate 3
how's your last minute bug fixes coming along, anons?
how can you tell when it's cris and when it's just someone else?
someone is retarded enough to save all his pics with the filenames to larp as him... for (you)s?
this nigga thinks i have a game
>just turned 30 30 minutes ago
>still nothing released
its over
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, anon. Did you at least gain wizard powers? Or are you a filthy sexhaver?
No game can fix what just happened at the club
checked. Thanks
no i just have a wife who hates me after she lost a bunch of weight lmao
Did 3D dwarf fortress dev finish the terrain rendering yet?
I think it's totally reasonable to look towards AI tools to fill some intermediary steps in a workflow. There are a few things that are usable right now, like Cascadeur animations and StableProjectorz "handpainted" textures. Nothing's good for end-to-end asset production, but by mixing those with some assets (for example, free base meshes), you can produce fairly high quality assets with a "cheap" workflow.
I get stuck playing my game because its fun and kind of addicting and make less progress as a result
I think 2018 looks the best
happy birthday anon!

welcome to your 30s, it's hell
never seen this before, looks neat but the lightsaber swinging with the mouse looks awkward in a not so fun way
>morning again in Bombay
>AI shills crawl out of the woodwork
like clockwork
In the first month of high school, back when we were all 13 and awkwardly trying to fit in, I made the brilliant decision to throw a party and gave out cheesy birthday cards. Nobody came.

So there I was, alone in my bedroom, surrounded by childish decorations, party hats and a cake. Honestly, I'm kind of relieved no one showed up. Looking back, it was a pathetic scene like a party for children. Crazy how everyone matured quicker and started doing teenager stuff and I was still stuck in this childish phase.
I'm not telling you my game ideas, I'm going to make all hundred-something of them that I have written down right now.
fuck off, loser
It's pretty funny because the only jobs AI is replacing are the ones farmed out to jeets
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gave me a good idea for a game, therapy simulator (with chat gpt API)
I've never had a birthday party.
he's still working on it, slowly
This design is actually pretty good
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happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthdayyyyy dear anooooo-on
happy birthday to you
I was asleep for 8 hours
t minus 2 hours to demo day
Dont listen to the retards, look at your 30's like its your new 20's since our life expediency isn't 60 anymore *(unless you're a obese or drugged up American)*

This time with your 30's actually look back at your 20s at every major mistake like not investing in stocks or crypto and releasing games every 1-2 years and MAKE DAMN SURE you pull it off for the next 10 years.

30's is the new time for men to get their shit together and do things perfectly based off of the failure of their 20's but this of course doesn't apply to women because no eggs/hag hit wall past 25 meme is more real than people think for the ladies.
amateur video game development general
fixed for future me:
Dont listen to the retards, look at your 40's like its your new 30's since our life expediency isn't 60 anymore *(unless you're a obese or drugged up American)*
>This time with your 40's actually look back at your 30s at every major mistake like not investing in stocks or crypto and releasing games every 1-2 years and MAKE DAMN SURE you pull it off for the next 10 years.
40's is the new time for men to get their shit together and do things perfectly based off of the failure of their 20's and 30's but this of course doesn't apply to women because no eggs/hag hit wall past 25 meme is more real than people think for the ladies.
>no i just have a wife who hates me after she lost a bunch of weight lmao
If you've done nothing wrong then you're probably getting divorced in 1-3 years. If you have done wrong then she will probably stick around if you fix it. Anyway happy birthday, turning 30 in a month.

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