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Previous thread: >>493266715

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodya visits him every night. He has no saying in that matter.
Gregor watches from the outside, btw.
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Post your best/worst crackship
To make shippers sad, obviously
I have nothing against Cathy, i swear
How do I know if a reroll is good enough to be worth keeping?
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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I just Don's ass to make my dick dirty so I can tell Sinclair to wash it with his mouth. Discuss.
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Dante is actually the secret never before mentioned 4th member of the old ABC group from lobcorp. he loved carmen, and "left his rose behind" after Carmen started fucking around with taboo stuff in the city outskirts
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Rodya LOVE!
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Sinner for this feel?
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Sometimes I rotate pressing keys on my mechanical keyboard so I can imagine hearing Dante trying to talk to me
This nigga writes fanfictions, the creative zest is unreal
post roster here and someone will tell you
or consult tier list
Execute every motherfuckin clerk right nyow
he actually left her behind after finding out Ayin was all over the laboratory fucking her in every way imaginable
then it will be revealed that the city is just director's overtly complicated cuck fetish magnum opus
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>got 6 dupe announcers in a row
I hate this shit clogging up my rolls
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Does that even count as a crackship
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>new walpurgis uptie stories filtering out limbus only retards on SHITter
Truly amazing
Faust x That one random sailor girl NPC from Canto 5 (the one in a blue uniform)
Fuck you.
You laugh now but Iori is Director's secret weapon
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For some people, yes.
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That's an official ship anon
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>signalis pfp
Of course
Solemn Lament Yi Sang, Kurokumo Ryoshu, Cinqlair, Dawnclair, Gripclair
First roll where I got more than 1-2 good 000s
Bloodfiend Don WILL molest Sinclair in Canto 7 causing LCB Sinclair to be permanently replaced with Dawn Office Sinclair from then on.
>Cinqlair, Dawnclair, Gripclair
The Attack Type Brothers
>twitternigs endlessly reference DA RED MIST
>when presented with an actual reference to the red mist they scratch their heads
actually upsetting
There can be only one KEK of Dawn.
Chadclair owns /lcg/
>Solemn Lament Yi Sang
>Kurokumo Ryoshu
>Cinqlair, Dawnclair, Gripclair
All good but it's all one Sinner.
I would reroll until you get both of the new Yi Sang and Ryoshu IDs + something else like W Don
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I only played limbus and know nothing of the lore but even I knew it was some blade lineage chick
True. He was referred to as "D" and his real name is "Demonio"
You say this like Walpurgisnacht isn't a grifter event, that leeches off of LobCorp players with nostalgia bait.
Your dad is blade lineage chick.
Don't you fucking stop me I will murder this nigger
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This word lost all meaning, huh
What did he fucking mean by this?
limbus is a tranny-tertiary-leddit game
i will use Lobcorp agent IDs with joy and you cant stop me joykiller
Call it what you want. It keeps being scummy.
>casetti uses his Blood Break Barrage
>faust IMMEDIATELY comes to dante's assistance and saves him by sacrificing herself
>GREAT LOVE FOR US comes crashing down the roof to smush dante to paste
>faust IMMEDIATELY pushes him out of the way and takes the splattering for him
Does YOUR favorite sinner look after you like that?
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its feels weird seeing heath being nice to sinclair ngl
>Lament Yi Sang just humiliates the damage of all units I had prior him
Excuse me?
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>inflict butterfly
>inflict sinking
>inflict rupture
>inflict tremor
>inflict burn
>inflict attack power down
>inflict paralize
>inflict offense level down
>all on the same enemy on the same turn

>mission still at 2/6
He's a fucking beast. Butterflies doesn't mess around.
He almost topped Huntcliff in one of my runs, just short of a thousand damage.
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She did. She harpooned me later though.
No, I am the one to protect my favorite sinner

Now consider that the game doesn't attribute damage from the butterfly debuff to Yi Sang.
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Outis said she would do that for me and she would never lie anon. I mean, just look at that sweet, heartwarming smile!
I want a full Nugget squad already
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Alright I'm finally gonna do rr4. What's the easiest team archetype to do it with?
Heathclair is pretty fun
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just had second lunch
time for pre-dinner
Anon you need to inflict all that shit in the same turn. [# next turn] applications don't count. You only need 3-4 status effects from your Walpiggy team and Paus using Hex Nail to complete the mission. If it flips heads, it's 3 status effects just from that alone.
Good work fatass, how much do you weight? Is also your favorite sinner Faust?
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sex with gwalijanim...
High clash and damage.
>Get friend to try out the game
>Immediately hates Ishmael.
Jesus christ, RingSang is fucking ASS.
As in, he's FUCKING over the ENEMIES. Like absolutely tearing their assholes apart.
And this is my first run with Bleed.
Good. Only secondaries and trannies like SHITmael
It was all on the same turn, no next turn effects
monzo is just incompetent
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why so many typos this update? what are they doing to the new english translator?
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She's my second favorite sinner though.
Yi Sangdev keeps making god tier IDs and then goes on the internet to blame Sinclairdev for his greed. How does he keep getting away with it?
Only Redditors hate Ishmael, /lcg/'s most individually popular sinner
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Can’t be sure but the Railway allows you to switch IDs each gauntlet. I was a retard that couldn’t figure how and did it all without switching all with the same sinners so I guess my team is good enough.
I used (in no specific order but order MATTERs): Butler Outis, Faust and Ishmael (I assumed Poise was better but turns out Molar is better), Sunshower Heathcliff (didn’t have Wild Hunt back then), W Don, Maid Ryoshu, Dieci Rodion with Rimeshank (YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT HER FOR THE SECOND GAUNTLET SHE IS NEEDED TO KILL THE N CORP OR ELSE YOU WILL SUFFER), Spicebush Yi Sang, W Hong Lu (backup tanker he never stepped in), Rosespanner Gregor (didn’t have Edgar), Rhino Mersault (didn’t have BL)
It's a reference to the OG lobotomy corp translation
yisang missed out on a season end bleed ID and they made up for it, simple as
>/lcg/'s most individually popular sinner
That's Faust though.
>but muh polls??
Those are rigged and botted polls. Faust is the /lcg/ sinner.
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>collecting golden boughs which used to be in all the LobCorp facilities and are tied to the Light
>keep getting more and more departments from the main lobcorp facility inside the Mephistopheles through the thingie
>Dante used to be an LCorp big shot
>Dante is getting his own Sefirot built up in his head as shown by us getting Hokma in canto 6
I wonder if we're gonna end up recreating the Tree of Life from the end of LobCorp. That kinda seems to be the goal so far.
Had enough time passed for us to agree that canto 5 sucked?
>Reddit hates Ishmael
>When the Reddit polls have her as one of if not the highest
We've already been over this song and dance
You Ishmalefags really are pathetic
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Waiter! More chain battles, please!
>Dante used to be an (HEADCANON) big shot
You really thought you could slip that by me, uh?
To be FAIR, Faust is the only one that knows what is probably gonna happen and that if Dante dies, they're all FUCKED.
Don Quixote
Dante is X is Ayin
The holy trinity
Show the FULL picture...
>Is also your favorite sinner Faust?
ESL fatfaggot bwo...
gregor is hokma
>Doomsday clock requires a clay doll sacrifice
>Sacrifices a sinner
Based Manager getting rid of the dead weight
>All that buildup for something that hits for 100+ (lol) 7 units (unnecessary)
When are they doing those 10+ enemy fights I wonder.
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IDs and Missions done. Back to farming!
may i please have the source
I took it yesterday and only saved that portion of it :^(
Hitler ID when?
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Butlerclair is so lucky...
Aryan Brotherhood Meursault ID when?
Chief butler Outis is so lucky.
The Yi Sang ID has some of the best animations of the game! Thoughts?
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Hitler isn't a woman or a stupid stinky neet.
you may
stinky feet...
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Hitler wasn't a woman but he was a stupid stinky NEET.
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>Wake up and check previous threads
>Anons started a whole argument chain about a comment you made
I don't think, mate.
Well then you are not.
god i wish cute and stinky femcels like this existed irl
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>still no doujin the mirror technology goes haywire and Faust gets schizophrenic alternating personalities and traits having sex with Dante for 60 pages until each ID settles down
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She needs to be CORRECTED...
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>still no doujins
god that would be so hot
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>still no bros
>ryoshu starts trauma dumping to the big spider
>but she also seems to be able to talk to our lord and saviour Ayin (forma crime and punishment book cover)
What does it all mean.....
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>bros no doujins
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>doujins bros still
Post your top 5 sinners NOW
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>Still no
Doujins bros...
I'm actually reading chime and punishment right now so Rodya is moving up the sinner mental tier list.
Did some very simple, rough math regarding Wingbeat and Solemn Lament and how the two compare. Pic related.
Please note that this is assuming that you cannot roll Heads after rolling Tails at all for the sake of simplicity (so no Heads -> Tails -> Heads, etc), and it only looks at the raw numbers, meaning it does not factor in things like the Gluttony Fragility from Wingbeat or the raw Gloom damage potential from Solemn Lament.
With this in mind, Wingbeat needs to roll Heads three times to surpass Solemn Lament rolling Tails for every coin, and it needs to roll Heads five times to begin to outperform Solemn Lament in general.

The chance of Wingbeat dealing more damage than Solemn Lament is, statistically speaking, very low, but it's worth noting that you can use Support Passives to help make it more consistent. This is obviously also true for Solemn Lament, but it is significantly less important, since rolling Heads with the later hits does not affect damage all that much.
I am so lucky.
My name? Danteh!
>Doujins with bros
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>Olga IDs?
>TKT 000?
Why do they hate her?
i think you got the wrong book bro
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Hong Lu
Yi Sang
Now make a graph on the chance of rolling heads for both.
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It's from the same person as clock and dagger, how can it not be the right book
>benching faust
>benching (ring) yisang
>>>>>all for Niggermael to MAYBE deal more damage
Not falling for that meme again
She's Russian
She has big breasts and is assertive.
Its Crime and Punishment.
From the same dude that made WhiteNight.
She's not special.
Yi Sang
Patrick Bateman
Don Quixote
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People fear the giant Russian goddess
>war criminal
>yi sang buttbuddy
>schizo captain
>rich guy
>another yi sang buttbuddy
>a worthless maid
>the artfag syndicate
You know, our antagonists are kind of pathetic when you compare them to limbus
Yi Sang
Hong Lu
Is Dante actually going to be an analogue to Jesus? Being the son in the Trinity.
>X, Dante, Ayin
>Father, Son, Holy Spirit
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You forgot someone and thus makes him more dangerous.
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Yi Sang
So Solemn Lament is more consistent?
>twelve sinners/apostles
>they seek to fulfill their wishes
>dante's task is to guide them to the right path
The bell tolls for the damned. The clock ticks for the Sinners.
I'm sharding for the following IDs:
-Ring YiSang
-10 Mersault
-T Corp Don
I also have the two new Walpurgis IDs.
I only have enough EXP tickets to max out 2 of them. Which should I go for?
you say it as if limbus wasnt hard, hard carried by s to unlimited revivals and funds from god knows where
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>150 pulls
haha at least i pulled a single 3 star
Significantly so, yes.
Dante is going to be betrayed and put on the cross...
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<You think (You)re the only one who can resurrect the time itself?>
OUR MANAGER Danteh will rise again after being TRAPPED & BETRAYED on the cross
The ITALIAN dies for the City's Sins... now THAT is crazy.
Should I put Erlking and Solemn Sang on the same team or will they not pair well with each other?
Yeah guessed right. Second ejaculation was still hard and long so there was a lot still to wring out. Feel spent
Is 60 turns after I'm done with Section 3 in the Railway bad?
Should I just restart?
Why wouldn't they? They only real issue is both kill stuff too fast.
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>team has been switched after XIII
>now you need to roll again
dios mio
dante negro....
ringsang and new ryoshu i suppose
I thought you were doing a bit from my obvious typo anon, all that set up for that response...
She got the Kirei ID.
Dante forma nigga...
Yi Sang
ringsang and erlking. t corp don is for tremor which needs too many resources (both yuridivas, frog HL, everlasting faust, etc) dieci murso is kinda eh since the whole discard archetype isnt that fleshed out and for sinking he barely contributes and you have to gamble with his s3 for the count instead of being consistent
>40 turn excess for Meme squad and Bound King
You'll be fine.
>Yuri Faust
>pages and pages she is desperate, going on about how lonely she was and all her life fell apart. Starts crying out of sorrow, ends crying of joy to have finally found her guiding star and sharing warm with someone after being alone for so long
>W Faust
>Feels up your entire body while riding you. Claims it's because she knows you took a Warp Train recently and wants to verify you are truly normal in case something got botched in process and your body got jumbled up. Purely out of scientifical concern of your own good, totally not because she wants to know all your measures and record for herself in case the Hivemind ever gets disconnected
>Zwei Faust
>Says this is to verify your capabilities in case of an emergency and keeping you healthy through a sexual activity and managing your ejaculations is her job as your bodyguard
>Blade Lineage
>this is pure training to increase your endurance and nothing more. She still keeps riding you even after you ejaculated thrice totally to help build your body as any good Manager of the Blade Lineage should have
>starts pretty nuts telling you this is your job to please the One Who Grips laughing like a maniac but ends somewhat colder but closer to you, with the psychotic smile breaking into a genuine one as a true Faust under all that fanaticism
>Butler Faust
>much like Zwei it's her job to manage your ejaculations but also throws in services like massaging you up. Dresses you up button for button after you faint from all the sex
>uses all four arms and superhuman prosthetic efficiency for the best service of your life. Doesn't stop no matter how much you beg and cum. While you are convulsing you miss a small smile on her lips - proof in spite of all the unfeeling enhancements there is still a human down there
Doujin ends with all IDs getting Uptie V and Faust thanking the Hivemind for the help. The rest thanks her back and will use it as reference material.
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The missions themselves give 20 rolls too
Current rep, limbabs?
>Phillipclair and Yi Sang within about 150 pulls
I have run out of resources to keep pulling. I even went and completed railway...
>forgetting the futa don x ishmael doujin
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New YiSang isn't important for clearing the Purple Noon missions easily?
Keep in mind, the two Walpurgisnacht IDs are also still at level 1. Are Erl + Ring more important than those two?
>frau Hermann instead of Gregor
>Gubo instead of Yi Sang
>Jia Huan instead of Hong Lu
>Kromer instead of Sinclair
>a literal maid instead of Heathcliff
>Ahab instead of Ishmael
Too many hags for my taste but the whole idea is neat.
I got everything in 90 rolls and still have 50k lunacy lol
Whale or no whale?
whoever let you cook is in trouble
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>inflict bleed
>inflict paralyze
>inflict sinking
>inflict butterfly
>inflict rupture
>inflict tremor
>inflict attack power down
>inflict fragile
>inflict burn

>mission STILL not complete

I am going to KILL monzo
>Please note that this is assuming that you cannot roll Heads after rolling Tails at all for the sake of simplicity
Anon please
depends what content you're doing right now, but id say erlking and ringsang are more of a priority yeah. you can just borrow butterflysang from a friend and breeze through the event with it as the captain
No whale
oh he basically grants you an easy win but you can pick one from support, i tied to pick ids that were more flexible in use
Nice. Fund it. 7 faust and regret faust still needed
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I skipped the final phase because this attack instakills through the damage immunity, huh.
I'm not including all possible rolls of an 8-coin skill on a line graph, man.
Zenya didn't tell me to do my dailies so I won't and will now file a civil suit against her
I wish Hod would suck me
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No dailies, Faust sleeps
Does anyone actually like sinclair beyond wanting to fuck him, he seems pretty boring so far
If there any gas leaks it might because somehow went and did a HGW
He translates Ryoshu for me so he is already more useful than half the sinners + Faust without wifi
I see, thank you for the insights.
I like him solely due to how good his ids are
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Oh fuck off, he's perfectly fine as a character, just a bit timid
t. heascarippufag
He can also mince words
What is the worst W Corp ID?
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So this only counts butterfly sinking and dark flame burn right?
So the easiest way to do this is just spam Rupture?
I like him. He's a fun target for bullying.
Which team/EGOs do I bring to complete the 6 status mission in a turn?
I don't care for him.
(Special) is a OR. So either normal Burn or Dark Flame.
Sinking is best because with butterfly it triggers twice per hit.
I can understand why you interpret it like that, but no
Just regular sinking and burn works too
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Pretty sure the Head don't mind HGW every week or so because it's HUMANE. But property damage will be a headache for everyone.
In a vacuum it's either Mersault or Hong Lu. In practice it's probably Faust since in MD you won't need to generate charge for other IDs since you'll be drowning in charge from your EGO gifts. Also, her other charge ID is at least an order of magnitude better.
I miss rolling
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I thought Walpiggy would be more devastating to my account but I'm still doing well. I only didn't get Dawn Office announcer and I got the new IDs and EGOs completely maxed already. Out of
Ah ok, thanks. I figured I would have gotten it by now if it was since I did everything else, but I guess boss is dying too fast for for status damage to hit 18 times.
if pm likes to pay attention to the fandom, does that mean they know about the hong lu macro doujin
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So I was wrong in trying to inflict as many kinds of debuffs as possible and should have just gone all in with Sinking instead?
No gifts/EGOs considered, it probably is Meursault
But with EGOs and MD gifts, it would be Hong Lu

While W Faust is also weak, I highly value Paralysis and Attack Power Down, so her I like her skill 3 alot
Me too anon
I need to gamba but I get everything too easily and have too much lunacy
>pm likes to pay attention to the fandom
Korean fandom, anon
>Taking Blade Lineage through mirror dungeon, decide to go with Violet Noon floor
>Great Love For Us resists slash
i may be retarded. what are the conditions for huntcliff gaining dullahan other than ally death, i cant seem to find it
>tfw memorized the whole Yorokobe Shounen sentence because I found a button that plays it and spammed that dozens of times
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Gaining Dullahan? Just stay on your horse and it builds up at turn end.
If you mean actually getting on your horse, just use your counter. It doesn't even need to actually counter anything.
>shitmale on her way to ruin the fun again
w meursault has one of the strongest debuffs in the game he’s not that bad
It's not that strong
they’ve advertised more in japan than any other country so lol
Limbus is the ffxiv of gatcha
I was in Japan earlier this week and I dont think I met a single person in my time there that knew about PM
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I was fully expecting to double spark and lose most of my stash. I still had to spark one identity in the end of the day, but at least I'm prepared for next walpipi now.
Limbus is the dark souls of gacha
>Thinking a food truck company is going to be popular
phillipclair is strong
I know we're pretty shitty but c'mon man Limbus couldn't possible be THAT bad
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Trust the plan
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I'm so pissed they started doing that right after my month-long vacation there ended. I'd have loved to grab some of the merch I've seen available.
I even recognize some of the specific stores after having gone to them in person.
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Just realized that after lament greg dealt a bajillion damage by himself he left the boss with so many butterflies that the entire team dealt +30 damage per hit on the next turn
Limbus is the Melty blood of gacha.
His debuff is on S3 right? That means it is the equivalent of the enormous damage nuke S3 on other W-Corp IDs. Having two bad skills and an S3 that clashes poorly and requires other units to have good skills the same turn is not in itself good. There are very few use-cases where W-Mersault is superior to any of the good W IDs and I've already pointed out that Hong is in competition with him for the worst as well as Faust in some situations. Unless you are suggesting that W-Sault is better than W-Sang, Ryoshu, or Don I don't know what it is that you are arguing.
a true prowlersault moment
i think if you went to korea for a week most of them would not know about pm
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wemyembyur tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
Ok but are we MBAACC or MBTL?
i said he’s not that bad, as in he’s not on the same level as hong/faust
I don't know, does anyone give a single shit about Gregor?
Limbus Company is the French dub of Visconti's "The Leopard" of foreign films adapted from books.
can't be TL that game was so ass
MBAACC, we have standards and most of the cast is not from another series.
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anyone else's timer stopped? i emptied my bar earlier and it didnt give me my module daily either, and i cant get into the thread mines
limbus is the super smash bros of gacha, but like with literary characters!!1! epic!!
impressive screenshot
Limbus is the Meet and Fuck of gacha.
Do you have to complete a whole suppression to complete a mission, or can I hit the goal and then quit and it applies?
did you check if Dante is using his sapling of light powers
oh what the fuck, my computer's clock is off by an hour
no wonder
I had the game hang on a loading screen when I played through daily reset, when I reopened the game it was fine again.
I hate him as a character and for being a faggoty favorite of El Director. He slurps up too many IDs and EGOs just like Hong Lu, but at least Hong has the decency to be likable.
Limbus Company is the Limbus Company of gachas
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I knew that.
it was indeed dante's fault
Vergilius is literally just Kiryu for Koreans
Limbus Company is the Pandora's Forest (by Shiganoma) of gachas
you need to complete it
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Limbus Company is the Summer/Winter Memories of gacha.
Lobotomy Corporation is the Endless 8 of PM games.
I do. He's our buddy.
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If you want to prove a new ID or EGO are strong, you don't get to use them in mirror dungeon. Even the shittiest bottom tier gutter trash can one-tap solo a boss in the mirror dungeon. It doesn't count. It immediately makes me suspect the ID is actually shit.
20 rolls away from being able to dispense lament greg with no tickets or lunacy fuck my stupid chungus life
There's no content to use them on though
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<I like Gregor. He's my bud, and he's a valuable member of the Limbus Company Bus team!>
Very nice framing.
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I see that you guys are normalfags franchise now what do you have to say for yourself?
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So Manual XP Meta is
>Regret Faust
>Molar Outis
>Dieci Rodion
Who for spot 6? Middle Don or Wild Hunt Heathcliff?
Anon you're a pedophile
Post her pits so I may lick them
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What should my RR sinking team be? I have both butlers, linton gregor, erlking and molar ish, can I just pick up a support butterfly yi sang and not care about dieci rodion?
Whatever happened to BA, it won't happen with Limbus
At least we are not Granblue.
We don't think about you at all.
Echoes of the Manor is currently bugged
Either bench Butlers or wait until they fix it
Roblox has been filled with LoR and limbus cosplayers for a few months, also has been big with tiktok zoomies.
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>Echoes of the Manor is currently bugged
why doesn't el director let naiga make girls as sexy as seia?
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Sinking is dangerous in RR, bro. You're just gonna make the fakers corrode.
That aside, get as much AoE as possible, so Erlking is a good choice, and Dieci Rodion also has both good damage and EGO options. If I were to redo it with the current Sinking options, I'd probably do
>Erlking Heathcliff
>Linton Gregor
>Solemn Yi Sang
>Dieci Rodion
>Dieci Hong Lu
>Butler Outis
as my main team.
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Limbabs, where were your daily reminders?
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Faust is playing Albion Online
vergilius and zenakot killed themselves after walpipi losses
How the fuck do you actually sustain sinking count? I'm running:
Molar Ish
Dieci Rodya
Linton Greg
Butler Outis
and it feels genuinely impossible to actually start building the stack.
The only other semi functioning teams I have are bleed with rings, new ryoshu and hooklu, and charge with both MCs, outis and r ish, would one of them be a better choice? I have enough shards to craft 3 000s.
Bro, your Rimeshank spam?
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Had to go digging through the catalog and found this approx 3 threads ago
I do not know if it's fixed
Maybe don't spam winrate
carefully plan your skills
Please teach me how to spam rime shank from the first turn.
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wait why did they refund all the upgrade mats put into Ryoshu LCCB? Did they realize how completely fucking worthless the ID is?
we have plenty of cute npc girls who will never be playable though
They nerfed her support passive interaction with Bullet Outis, likely because it was also going to be gamebreaking on Lamentsang.
Retard sama...
I thought it doesn't even work on Gunfu Sang
if you have to plan out skills for your md team it’s bad
>They nerfed her support passive interaction with Bullet Outis
I see, I don't even have Bullet Outis so that flew over my head. Well, the ID is completely unusable even as support now then, I suppose.

If you have to even ask about maintaining count for ANYTHING in MD, then you're genuinely retarded
youre having trouble maintaining count in MD?
the change is that the damage buff only applies to a single coin, so a multi coin skill like yi sang’s s3 gets much less damage out of it than it would have before with a cumulative bonus
>it's a hentai video game series
It good?
>Director is salty no one liked his sanity update
>so now he's slowly boiling the frog by making very subtle sanity changes every update in secret until he reaches his desired "rework"

mark my fucking words
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zenya wus tyakyin nyan nyap nyand fyurgyod...
I will grab you by the ankle and slam your head into the concrete if you don't stop existing
no. i hit winrate and ignore everything that happens onscreen
I'm informing you now that you are being served with a civil suit
I'm kinda disapointed that there wasn't another cutscene after finishing Hard mode to show that the Sinners actually did find something of worth for doing the expedition, because this one brought up a very good question (why are we even doing these) and then proceeded to not bother answering it.
ishMALE (shit!) threw a harpoon at dante, but GAWDst (WIFE) pushed him out of the way of
so where are the ishbabs huh
>Anon is so pure that he can't even type love
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>so where are the ishbabs huh
I'm busy fucking your dad, faggot
Every Shifag Must Die
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Do people really drink slop like Mountain Dew? Just drink water. Why are you shoving over 40 grams of sugar in your mouth? Disgusting
Playing mihomo games seems like.
>ishmale admitting his gay love
yeah, thats how it goes in md.
>why are we even doing these
Mission rewards are part of the ludonarrative
>dust off shootis for MD
>going through several long as fuck fights
>man this fight has been going on for 8 turns better check her bullet count
>1 bullet

if they ever give us uptie 5 I genuinely hope they fix her bullet gain
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Can someone explain this to me?
I don't understand what happens to other tremor types when this triggers
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I saw that
sinners if they were WOKE!

hong lu
TRANS quixote!
>doing walpipi
>get to boss fight
>enters, kills the team in the cutscene
>cutscene talks like I fought and beat it
Cucking her S2 bullet gain at a maximum of 3 is the worst decision they've made on that ID.
Because after using it 3 times, you're relying on 1/6 of her total skills just to generate bullets, not counting dark flame or nuking her own SP every time she uses her s3.
You don't know how to read
entanglement = tremors combine for 1 turn and then turn into normal tremor
>yellow tremor
>trigger amplitude entanglement into everlasting
>tremor is now both yellow and white tremor at the same time for 1 turn
>after turn ends it turns into default tremor
>hong lu
he's just a bishounen young master THOUGH
do leftists not read cultivation novels?
Just hover over the text anon...
amplitude entanglement combines tremor flavors
You beat dawn, you got your shit kicked in by Noon, they literally talk about how theyll go again but with red shields bullets
Bi Sang...
>Solemn Yi Sang as captain
>Get to Grant as love
>Last couple of turns make evyone guard except Yi Sang to make absolutely sure he's the one to kill the boss
>Yi sang deals the last hit
>Don't get the mission
Did I miss something? How am I meant to do this?
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Reasons Gregor will get the White Night EGO Suit
>he's Jewish
>he's the 12th sinner not counting Dante
>former soldier and probably a sleeper agent
>he would look sexy in an ID art where he's pulling down his mask as the Heretic
I rest my case
>tremor conversion
Grabs your tremor (whatever tremor, piss tremor or normal tremor doesn't matter) and converts it to X tremor. An example is YuroHong S3, who has conversion to piss tremor.
>entanglement/tremor superposition
Combines your tremor effects, also makes any conversion on tremor superposition into entanglement, so it also adds to it instead of changing the stack completely
Hey guys I'm looking to set up a Rupture team, are any of these IDs worth upgrading?
I also have almost all charge IDs with rupture maxed, but I want a more authentic rupture team.
Probably got a status kill instead of the captain kill. Its wonky like that. Just solo it with him instead
The only gay novel I could read, until you reach the extras, where it's just smut.
Funny how the Chinese government neutered the anime.
undeniably gregor is one of the objectively sexiest sinners, just look at the reactions to heir gregor, garden of thorns, solemn laments, etc.
His book is not a cultivation novel you dumb bitch
good luck philip...
rupture isn't a real team right now
Start with Lantern Don and work towards
>>>b-b-b-bu-but he isn't 7-
7sang sucks balls in rupture teams, as he suffers from a terminal case of Season 1 ID
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He's getting it in!
I'd recommend not doing so.
There's basically 2 ways to build rupture: AEDD Gregor with Gloommaxxing, or a basic core around Seven Faust and WSang/Dimshredder and 7Outis/Ebony Stem, and NEITHER is good or consistent. Both rely on extremely specific Red Sheet RNG to actually acquire large amounts of potency, and that's just a miserable experience in general. I hate that stupid fucking talisman twink for carrying Rupture.
smooching sinclair
Holy shit, PirrupCHAD confirmed to FUCK Yuna's PUSSY after he's unbooked
w-what don't talk like that it's creepy
as per usual, ishMALE babs are gay. ishmael's law
all of the changes they implemented into the IDs that came right after her would fix her

>defense skills effects activate even if you dont defend against anything
>shootis has to defend and get beat up in order to get +1 bullet
>putting signature skill on S2 so it's more common and not as easily wasted
>shootis has to rely on getting several S2s just to build up S3, but you'll get 2 S3s before you get 4 S2s so you'll waste your S3
>new skills build up resources as you use them
>shootis gets fucked over if she (very frequently for some reason) loses her first coin of her S2 and gets fuck all

they should've at least put bullet gain on S1 up to 4, then 1-2 on S2 up to 6-7 if not the things I mentioned above
dark flame and coin power is great and really strong but it sucks that when you play her she feels like she's in a wheelchair or something
WSang is surrogate pure Rupture because he's the only Charge-Rupture ID that inflicts Count for shit. 7Sang is abject garbage because he released at launch; there was a funny period where some madmen ran him on burn teams and that's about it.
Lantern Don is the most Count friendly ID, 7Heath is second place.
Grab 7 Outis if you can stomach getting her to UT4 just to be somewhat usable. Her S2 is count neutral and her clashline is vaguely competent if you have an entire Rupture team backing her. I use her over Talisclair in MDs because I fucking despise piloting this schizophrenic twink and his anti-resonance horseshit like you wouldn't believe.
Also get Rosegreg.
Sinclair said this
Easiest ways to get the 18 damage stacks and 3 enemies defeated at 80%+ HP on hard?
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>Needs high mental fortitude and an extracted weapon, gear and E.G.O Gifts from the collective unconscious of humanity made manifest just to fucking reload mid-fight
Im wondering about something. So, we know carmen is the ID narrator, but is she the carmen of that mirror? or the carmen of our mirror? If its their carmen, what about the mirrors where lobotomy corp didnt happen? are those just unaccesible?
they sound fun
should I get the announcer
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>t. OC writer
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They won't take this new cool ego away from Greg right bros?
gun em down
Solo Ding sang does every single quest except 6 statuses by himself
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she's the geriatric of the company pleas understand
Are there any new fusion gifts or do you get all the new stuff from the ? rooms?
i believe he may be doing more damage than intended
playing with don in a sandbox while sunshowersang sits on a bench
What the fuck bros I thought Salvatore was the one PLOWING Yuna
so far its a nice one, not overly talkative and has some nice quips tho i havent heard everything yet
idk if its worth really rollin for tho if you've got the ids and egos already, I was close to pity so I just rolled like 20 or so more to get it with that personally
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Sex with rodya-sama....
And the complete the mission without taking more than 5 hits
No but the layout is locked, so no getting random events in there that aren't from the pack
Just two slot her. Literally fixes all of the problems with her
I think it's our Carmen
also I want to note they made it very distinct in text alone who's talking so that I really appreciate, i got molar but haven't used them yet but like saude&effie or jack&pierre it was sometimes hard to know who was who
Won't the fruits decay? Or does he deal enough damage to kill them before that with sub 5 slots?
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>after he's unbooked
No, he does the 5 hit too. His s3 literally just kills them at full HP
Why the long face?
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about that...
Im close to pit aswell and already got everything, hence why im asking
Philip de-cuckening art
We already know he's not the biggest cuck around with Linton existing
The other Crying Children are still there, sis. Pirrup is coming back except he'll be more talkative and assertive
yeah he'll get back as a 2 year old jobbing to the sweepers
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>Pirrup is coming back except he'll be more talkative and assertive
Maybe....stop being a filthy limbab?
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wao wild hunt in effect i forgot that was a thing
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Seriously what the fuck did anon mean by this?
Im decently sure he is basically lobotomized since like 80+% of him is gone
Who Rang?
ah, then yeah if you've got the rolls to spare why not
doesnt blow your ear drums out and doesnt vomit out word soup, also just nice commradery between them all
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I Rang
>Tier 1 bleed ego gift
>Flat damage bonus
>Tier 2 bleed starter ego gift
>Wound Clerid
>Tier 1 rupture gift
>rupture does double damage to shields
>Tier 2 rupture starter gift
>Something that activates on fucking lust abs
what the fuck is this team and how did you manage to lose a sinner to the fucking sheep?
Can someone send me a Jun jumpscare image
Does the Shelter protect you from the green death beam from the Green Midnight? Thinking about using it to kill WN
>200 roll spark if I want Angela announcer
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Yes but it will take millenias
pretty sure he's making a joke by referencing Aeng Du's design being present in Ruina's artbook, and how people thought she was Purple Tear forma loli at the time
Or he's being genuine and thinks
>gook+sword=blade lineage
ishmael corroded after i killed the 12 envy peccatulas since she was getting mogged by philipclair and erlking's AOEs and i got careless with Faust after realizing i'd just reset again
Ishmahab moment
seems like all the lines are pretty much philip talking to either yuna or salvador, which seems reasonable
the novice paired with an expert analysing the fight
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Outis Road Home EGO when?
There's actually one with just Salvador and Yuna but it's just them grunting...
That's her Dimension Shredder EGO though
heres one of salvador and yuna
watch your back in the backstreets nigga
We still got greghomos here?
hey i heard that some limbus company fan have attack the blue archive comunity on twitter is it true?
Unprotected handholding with Road Home
you're not going to get rid of us, we're not moving an inch from under the fridge until greg canto part 2 drops, greg will be relevant in the story again soon, my faith is unbreakable
who cares
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The most satisfying for me at least. Hell, i'm feeling like a 15yo again. It kinda makes me wish for a series just about Butter Sang kicking ass
Why havent you killed yourself already
Post the one with Yuna and Salvador fucking behind KEKlip's back
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>after he's unbooked
It was me and they deserved it.
Fuck baggots.
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Why do people seethe about Walpipis again?
They expose secondaries like >>493312162 every time.
I need a lore explanation for announcers
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all me
Its like the holocaust
Didn't happen but should have
Chadlip WILL return... trust.
2nd only to Wild Hunt
She's letting the BETA FINDOM KEK pay for her meals, don't get it twisted.
I think we should cause problems for The Head
Why Dont You Have Sex With Philip Instead Huh
Have You Ever Thought About That Instead Of Ruminating About A Nonsensical Scenario
How About You Take In The Reins Of Your Own Life And Take Action By Your Own Means
>Formerly from a Nest
>Lost memories
>Connection with Carmen and the seed of light project/library
>Initially cowardly, but overcomes that nature to fight for what he believes in and protect his friends
Dante IS chadlip.
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I'm getting filtered by the missions.
Why Do You Type Like This
>1 reply in /bag/
>7 in /lcg/
I thought we were friends
Do people actually forget Ensemblelip is just the unspeaking child when the other two are still booked? Or is it just a case of nobody playing the previous games?
It's kinda hilarious how in this event Grant Us Love pulverized 5 sinners before they could even react. Even after all those power ups/OP IDs on our side, we can barely keep up with the some half-decent abnos
what if you wanted to distort so badly you manifested ego
I'm sorry that was mean.
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>it's kqe-1j-23 day
They're the easiest set so far. The last one was far worse.
WINNERlip... the UNBOOKED... soon...
Oh boy I can't wait to meet Argalia again in Limbus.
Why is Ishmael (>>493315629) replying to herself like that?
well I can't do them!
>attack guy
>inflict Sinking damage 8 times
>still doesn't work
It's another beautiful SKIP BATTLE day.
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>Walpipi cleared with managing to get everything
>Sitting on a fat stack of exp tickets, yellow boxes, and thread to comfortably get whatever comes out next
>Near module cap
>Fully maxed account, all egos and IDs at 45 and UT IV
I have finally done it, I have beat Limbus Company
I believe in this now.
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You dare go against your forefathers? Your insolence knows no bounds.
anything is good as long as it isn't drifting fox or the toad, having to actually manual fox is suffering.
ishbabs had it rough... bitchmael got humiliated...
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Personally, I blame 8lue 8itches.
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>actually accurate classpect tbdesu
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How many steam hours?
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>Philip just listening doing nothing
. . .
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So does my cock Philip, the cock I use to fuck Yuna Philip. Is that what you thought huh? Is that what you want or something? That I dump fat loads inside of her and get her pregnant while we laugh at you from the back or something?
It's funny how everyone pinned her as a Knight of Hope and how wrong that turned out to be.
Sorry chief, we here forever.
I'm sick and tired of people making fun of my hero.
840 but it's a bad metric, I have a habit of leaving it running in the background
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Will any other ID ever come close to the satisfaction of PEWPEWPEW DINGDINGDING PEWPEW DINGDING? I think we've peaked.
Dante is a Lord of Time. He will cause LIMBILLIONS to DIE because of the Scratch. CityBURB is real.
>See something obvious
>Someone points it out
This broke Philip somehow
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The rest of the crying children are booked, tertiary retard. Even just one of them was enough to be a fully independent version of Phillip
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I'm personally looking forward to this one.
<we need more business cards, now get obliterated again for the twentieth time>
Philip lost to Clussy btw.
I'm talking about Pete of course.
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I can't think of any other abnos that have sound effects as iconic as Butterflyman
Other than HIM
I dunno, I'm personally liking
It does hurt the eyes though
Didn't the event itself explain it? Dante was using previous Walpipi stuff on purpose to check if there's any correlation or if it sheds any more light into why these are happening.
Gay sex did not occur.
Our thread resident zoomies really going hard into the very detailed cuck fanfiction I see
Bro? Your HELLO and GOOD BYE?
Why didn't they break pattern to give us the Hod people like instead of the shitty Hod?
Who even likes LobCo Hod?
Made a burn team now Dawnclair and Shootis are shardable. Dawnclair is garbage and they feel like BL team except with more EGO and less free boost from Kimsault if they're struggling to get started.
I'm the wrong guy to ask, 'cause I did, in fact, run a Sinking team myself, and I'm just warning that you will definitely have to deal with some corrossions if you go that route.
I know a guy from here used a Tremor team to great success, but I can't verify that for myself.
kys homo
Dawnclair is not garbage
You really can't go wrong with charge and you can build them several ways to suit your preferred playstyle.
>imblying a lord would need a scratch
he's a page
Sinclair (forma de chadlip) is not garbage.
HIMclair is not garbage.
No. He's the Heir or Page of Time
Weenielip? The Page of Blood.
Uhh... Dante is Twilight Sparkle.
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Love me wife Outis
That's Faust.
Not even a joke, Faust's VA also does Twilight Sparkle.
His name is Phillip.
4chan x isnt letting me post...
this paus makes me rock hard
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Dante is gay,,,,
His name is Chadlip.
Dante is X
>Dawnclair is garbage
...Only if you've been lobotomized into a retard and can't manage a simple SP gauge.
She tries, she's just retarded and usually makes things worse.
pretty average
Dante is Beatrice
>faust with yi sang
Get this tourist propaganda out of my thread
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My ass really can't see him as anything other than that, especially how he's starting to unlock his powers and all.
Now that I think of it, I remember seeing an image with the Aspects plastered over the Sinners.
dante is yuna and philip is going to come back and impregnate him
Dante is Philip and Beatrice is Yuna.
He totally is. His s1 is ass even if he could flip heads consistently, which he can't, and that's 50% of his deck. His damage spikes and then falls off, which is neat and often the falloff doesn't matter, except his super skill is a single coin on a guy who hates SP and you have to design the whole team around making sure he doesn't start crying in a corner...except he's still going to do that anyway, which means nobody else can benefit from SP management that isn't EGO use. His S2 is good when ENTERed and that's it. It's like Warp Don if every skill was worse and she dropped her contact lenses after a few turns.
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>filtered by SP
MANY such cases.
Dante is Salvador and he will fuck Yuna in-front of Sinclair
phillip was sent to a mirror world where things are normal and he has a happy marriage with his wife Yuna in a nice suburban town and everything about his life is nice and people are nice to him and gets to smile
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Sinclair is a nigger.
Wait wait wait.
Does that mean there's a chance of a Netz announcer line talking about bear?
Skill issue.
My hero would never.
What IDs would LCCB Kromer get
Which would be her good ones
Which ones would be excuses to draw her as stupidly hot
manager esquire i hath sniffed the glue and i feel like mine life is about to end
I agree with this. His damage spike is nuts but actually getting it up again after he exits can be absurdly annoying. If the fight lasts for long enough for you try to ramp it up again you better have an SP battery like Fluid Sac with you because else you'd need to win at least one clash and later phases will likely not lose to S1.
It's only so much "skill" when half of your deck is a 10 or 11 at best, which modern content easily outrolls. He's very overhyped and you're possibly still better off bringing Cinqlair to everything because the ceiling might be a bit lower, but the floor is a lot higher.
you're using him wrong, no other explanation for such gross incompetence and tourist-like opinions
oh yeah well https://files.catbox.moe/5fx220.png
GODclair is worth lcb Bi Sexualang and lcb Dong Poo on the bench
Having the most backwards retarded opinions on IDs is /lcg/ core
He's more reliable than Nclair in burn team
>you're using him wrong
>oh no you started with 2 S1's
I won't lie, landing that heads flipped S3 in his ego state is amazingly satisfying but he's also one of the most frustrating ID's when he loses clashes outside of it (primarily the first 2 turns or so) and when he exits his ego state.
There are other IDs that simply provide more value without any need for babysitting.
Should I UT4 Butler Outis?
lucklet issue
>I can totally maintain his SP, all you have to do is divert all bench resources towards him and chain lust res every turn and win clashes every time with his 3+7 but he doesn't have 45sp most of the time-

Yeah or I could just use another dps who isn't an absolute meme and have my bench slots back. I wouldn't even lose burn count because Hong Lu can stop wiping Dawnclair's nose.
SCHINKENclair der köstliche
Fun fact
Ryoshu curbstomps Clerks and Dead Rabbits
I like him I just wish they did a bit more with the hidden edgy side idea, make a bit of cinqclair bleed over into his actual character or something.
What do you mean "what the fuck is this team" it's PEAK IDs only
>Yeah bwos, this ID is very good actually, you're just using him wrong, you just need to
>*absolutely perfect scenario where it works*
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>takes too long to get his ego in story to be able to make use of his aoes
>doesn't deal enough damage with his aoes to be usable in RR4 (THE aoe mode)
>burn is shit with ego gifts anyway
Philclair is doomed to never EVER be used outside of MD
He needed one or two more buffs, but alas...
I like him but I feel like his canto didn't actually do much for characterization.
hmmmmm nyes sounds like skill issue...
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Forgot image
Cute zoomie noises
>just 2 S1s

if you can see any skill other than S1 on the horizon while 2 slotting him you're not playing shitclair
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What is your XP lux team, anony?
without*, obviously
>This ID is so OP you guys
>*posts MD clear*
Name that ID.
Itd be so hot if ryoshu was your gf's mom and one day she decided to watch you fuck her daughter then have way through joined in to teach you
whatever the most recent 3 IDs are
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>alright time to do this shit time to clear all the achievemen-
>Outus goes crazy and friendly fires staggers the team
>Noon of Violet then kikls most of them off
>Gregor’s Lament corrodes and kills tge rest but kills the Noon too
Fuck Outis
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>gook+sword=blade lineage
I was baiting, but also this
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Ring Yi Sang
smoke war mentioned
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>Kills a malformed chicken
>This reminds me of my Smoke War days
I'd believe it. But I absolutely insist that Rodya gets the hybrid ALEPH with One Sin as the Awakening and White Night as the corrosion.
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>dante sneaks out of the bus to go on an adventure
>faust scolds him out of (loving) worry for his wellbeing
>keeps an eye on him after all is said and done to have a romantic moment alone afterwards
Extremely cute couple
>having r ish crash out and hit teammates
Wish there was a better 6th blunt ID than Liu Ishmael... Maybe middle Don but she's nothing special
>>crash out
She doesn't because I'm not stupid.
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Very cute
damn salvador maybe chill a little
So Butterfly Sang is clearly Sinking material, but then what does that make Dual Wielder Ryoshu? Is she a Charge team member or a Bleed team member?
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this is a zoomer game lil bro
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Do the "Unique" statuses count as distinct for the sake of the mission? As in, Butterfly is separate from Sinking and Nails is separate from Bleed?
both, she works in either team
bench team member

in all seriousness though either charge or an addition to a random team
imagine if this was gregor instead...
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Phillipclair sucks in normal content but is godlike in MD
Just leave Yi Sang and Hong on the bench and you can hit winrate, he will suck in a few fights but in most fights he is wrecking shit with turn 1 AoE sweeps and reusing his S1 to smack enemies
If anything his worst skill is his S3 since it drains his SP and is usually overkill
I'd use her in my bleed team since she gets plenty of resources on her own and her other bleed ID is shit. W Ryo is still strong as hell even if this new one is too.
Yeah but a LOT of IDs are godlike in Mirror Dungeons....
I'm not even doing luxes currently. I don't see the point of spending modules on resources I don't currently need when I could just wait for more efficient ones to open later on.

Kurokumo rodion.
I think there's a case to be made that since the Ensemble were unbooked for the distorted ensemble the crying children could have been merged again for that fight. I can see it going either way personally.
At least here I’m not a manwhore
Same. For me it's only cute and stinky femcels worth loving
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>Two stage entries
>Two stagger lines
>Idle is her wondering if the silence is due to the foolish manager already firing off execution bullets
>Defeat she's not even upset, she's going to enjoy the screaming and mess that's about to come and that the manager has to fix up
She sounds like a schizo in some of the lines, like "I know, shut up" as she staggers someone when talking to skull.
Any. Wshu has higher peaks but I've found that the new Ryoshu is generally more consistent and safer to spam win rate on.
She uses 2 egos, she will be a schizo.
It's solid advice. You're not going to get very far if you keep faltering at every person who begs for mercy when you're beating them up.
So is lob ryoshu a replacement for W ryoshu?
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>loses 15sp after every fight
>winrate with 4/6 skills being single coin
I see.
Swapping DPS for clash so it depends on if you really need nuke turns on the content or not.
She works for charge and bleed, mostly MD bleed, since her bleed application on actual bleed teams seems insanely weak.
me but for yi sang
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Translator abnos never ever appearing again BTW.
Hope you didn't get too attached! :)
Lantern Don has Void Dream's EGO gift thoughever
Which sinner would let me fart the longest in their face?
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I am confused, does that mean I need to trigger stuff 8 times on the SAME enemy? Or will I just get it during the next run. The 6/8 confuses me.
Just order him.
Lob Ryoshu
Nothing more
She clears it faster than I expected
Nah not really. I mean, she has comparable DPS but they are about the same, and WShu can use her nuke skill 3 faster. Plus, being a W Corp ID has its perks, mostly from Outis but also Big Bro Mersault passive. However, if the content largely resists slash and/or is weak to blunt? Yeah sure I'd run her over W Ryoshu
So she doesn't have much of a home. She's amazing in the current XP lux I guess? Her Bleed Application is absolute garbage so she doesn't belong there either.
wait we can have yin yang kino
Yes basically, notice how Tremor isn't included even though you can deal damage with it because Project Moon is very competent.
yeah 8 times on the same enemy, I just did it on the monolith and target the same part with everything
rodion, especially if it has a distinct food smell
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calm down yi sang
How did you do it on the monolith if it is an easy mission?
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God solemn lament is so hype. Why the fuck isn't THIS his WAW instead of fucking Garden of Thorns? This is fucking awesome. You barely even need to do any setup for hundreds of damage, and the art/animation/sounds are great.
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>rerolled my facility because I couldn't handle apoc bird/white night/ticket to hell bullshit while doing core suppressions
>finally caught up
>did gebura's suppression and cheesed's suppression
>try binah and get BTFO and meme'd by pillars

So... I'm getting close... but. How the fuck do I damage Binah? Her entire gimmick is doing work while suppressing her, but like, how many people should I dedicate to dealing damage to her to ensure she drops after every stun? I realized I kinda need them sitting a room away waiting to pounce on her when she gets weak so I'm trying to find the right worker/fighter balance.
I have her in my bleed team since charge doesn't rely on support as much and can self-sustain. But there might be better options for a bleed team because I'm genuinely autistic and don't use ringsang on my bleed team because I still want to try and make Middle envy memes work.
tried the walpurgis pack out of curiosity and yeah this shit is ass. why is it that gamedevs gravitate towards stuffing as much filler as possible in games? isn’t it easier to playtest if it’s shorter? hasn’t director been yelled at enough for baba yaga and canto iv? i don’t understand it
I don't think so. They're pretty similar right down to the sin gen so not much reason to dump the one you already have. She has a slightly better clashing S1 but no evade. Both s2's are great but W's is probably a bit better. Both have fat nukes but the new one is lust not envy.

She craps on KK for clash and damage but also she has no bleed count which is the only reason you'd be running KK in the first place.
KYS ruinabab
No content so you repeat things to make it look like there's content. Reminder that the next actual content we're getting is in a month by the way.
Well, the Rabbits can basically solo a phase for you, but you sorta need to time it right or else they'll get wiped out by a pillar.
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I don't care. Outis, take out this TRASH from my upper sephiras. I already got what I wanted from her brain.
if it was for easy then just I think I just spammed gregs EGO for whatever mob
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>Impyling we would EVER skip on Yin and Yang
Why are you asking this again? It is cool though I agree.
>be nugger
>sign for a job at a prestigious corporation because the pay is good and the standards are good
>unwittingly sign up for non-stop horror and trauma every single day
>can't resign
>have to fight an assortment of killing machines
>just when you think it's over you're trapped in along with the abnormalities because ???
>then you have to fight MORE against some of the strongest fixers in the city after waking up in a library while the evil bitch AI sorts through her daddy issues
>probably accidentally end up killing people you know from the amount of distortions and power vacuums that happen as you destroy the balance in the city
>never get to see your friends or family ever again
>stuck in a library in the outskirts until retard 1 and retard 2 decide to pick a fight with the head
Nuggets.... have it rough
I hate Kim JiHoon so much. This fucking franchise has transformed me in the worst way possible. The idea of a woman old enough to be my mother was repulsive but now I'm fucking diamonds to it. FUCK ALL OF YOU
Walpipi has really made me want to actually play LC
With Gregtons S3 do I have a 50% chance of triggering the conditional on an enemy without sinking or just a 50% chance of not consuming the sinking but you still need it there to trigger?
How strong was Salvador in his prime? Grade 2?
Damn those agents are ugly
And so is the selection
>that fucking faggot tree
the former
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Fun fact
I’m hungry
Make me dinner NOW
You'll always get the plus coin boost either way. So long as the enemy actually has 10 sinking. I'm unsure if it can actually work if the enemy has less than 10 sinking but I assume not.
If ou have a Smile hammer, just dress up in anti-black armor, with just 1 nug per department. This stops the number one cause of death which is floor spikes. Then have the best 4 in the best black armor beat her with melee (not ranged) weapons. You can easily micro to avoid her attacks and wear her down despite the regen. Just ignore the work and clean up afterwards.

If you don't have a Smile hammer, you can still do the above but it takes three times as long because you have to run in front of her all the time to get swings in.
>L-corp nuggets
>go through hell to get a comfy retirement with book clubs
>other wing nuggets
>go through hell and then die
Seems like it's not the worst deal out there to me.
Only the imbeciles that counldn't escape
i feel like people here don't really like blue archive
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>Rangebanned so I didn't feel like drawpiling
S-sparkle on anons...
When is the last time you went on a date?
considering he was part of the smoke war and made it out I'd say he's gotta be up there, so grade 2 at most during that time, maybe bordering towards grade 1 considering he was well aquainted with roland iirc
he's prob closer to grade 3 now though unless he's hopped up on augments and shit still, but I would imagine he's stripped down a bit to live a more quieter life due to his family
You niggers always bring Slop Archive here
Anon, HQ was buried under the earth, there was no escape, and the light ate them up.
Did you know "sparkle sparkle sparkle" is an Alec baldwin quote?
I think the characters and model animations are cute, but I'm not an active player.
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...and I was talking about non-HQ lobcorp nuggets.
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>three daughters
>four sons
That man hasn't shot a blank his whole life
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Misunderstood then. Also they're not having it that much easier. Did you already forget about fallen wing status? And branches don't have the courtesy of having a manager hooked up on T.corp cheats to go back over anyone who died to come back and train them.
Strong veteran were probably rare as shit.
i dont think most people have a strong opinion, just bringing up some irrelevant twitter drama is gay and limbus has had enough drama to last
Fuckin same.
What is even the rupture team, then? There's such few good rupture ids
He's canonically grade 3 now so grade 2 in his prime seems pretty reasonable. Grade 1 is plausible too but being a grade 1 does seem to be a pretty big deal.
Though we don't quite now how losing grades works outside of special cases like Roland going on a rampage and getting b&, maybe he was grade 3 in his prime and just kept the rank by not taking any high risk grade 3 tier jobs that could be screwed up to get demoted.
Rupture is a lame status that just offers pure damage, shit design that I hope is never good because it'll so easily become the best.
It's so fucking cool
i hope your mom is never good at sucking cock because then your dad would be out of a job fag
I chuckled anon. Nice
Damn :(
>Rupture is a lame status that just offers pure damage
>Burn is damage per turn
>Bleed is damage per move
>Tremor is a meme and only becomes good if you turn it into Rupture
Sinking is the only one that can actively affect something else other than damage.
how do get poise team through noon of violet
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So what team do I pick to easily finish all missions?
>Just got recommended a mission tutorial for Walpipi done by a SAAR
I'll commend their desire to "help" others at the very least.
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Next baker please make me a Sault bread.
Where he looks very cool and badass.
the gameplay looks even more sleepinducing than limbus
I hope pale damage is outright a flat % of max health. Give bosses a special resistance or something if breaks them too easily I want to delete the enemy in nice neat chunks.
Bleed for the 6+ debuffs in one turn.
The Faust Who Grips and Ahabmael can get most, if not all of them with their skills or EGOs.
limbus youtubers are mostly jeets, SEAs or southies
Rupture sucks and is uninspired anon, just come to terms with it.
Yes and all of those have limiters like per turn, per clash/move and moving stagger bars. Rupture is even less limited than that. It's a boring tack on.
>Percentile damage in any game
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percentile damage is already in this game
He sparkled alright
>with my Teth and Zayin gear
I'm sure Gebura is writing her resignation letter as we speak.
>April Fools
>Heath gets the ZAYIN abberation World Of The Luscious
You like?
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First: many thanks for the guy that recommended Maid Ryoshu for the extra debuffs
But now, how do I do this? I have Lament Yi Sang but often my enemies either survive with a sliver of health or I do too much damage before he attacks for the 80%.
I have Lament EGO for Gregor too but unfortunately I lack Edgar ID to make most use of it
YiSang mogs her anyway
>b-but my skullbus-
Just use either Buttersang with Damage benched IDs like TT and Marachi. His S3 can actually 1 shot the hearts from 100% provided they all hit heads.
Get a personality
I assume the other is Sinclair? Cause in that case I can do.
Tingtang. And yes, mexiClair. Base Rodya also provides a boost iirc.
If you can make it work with shit gear, then you are indeed strong.
I mean that's kind of the point isn't it? OG Ryoshu is probably stronger than having a Zayin or Teth EGO weapon would make you anyway so she can bully the EGO around and wield them instead of having them weild her like the usual. It'd probably be a different matter is she tried dual wielding a HE and WAW or WAW and ALEPH.
Alright all those can be replicated no issue. Thanks!
She's literally bragging about being able to wield them, not what she does with them.
I'm gonna assume the gear just boosted what was already there. Wasn't Geburah already a Color fixer before wielding the One Sin Ego? I'd assume if Ryoshu is taking her slot in the timeline she'd be around that baseline.
It was in ruina. And with the damage numbers you can get on most good units it'd hardly fuck up the game anyway, just put a conditional on it if you need to. For % damage to screw things up when you can already get several hundred damage from a single skill would require bosses with 10000 health or something, and if things actually reach that point then everying is a complete mess anyway so you may as well have fun with it.
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>gregor entered my room again and keeps bumping against the lamp
I hate this bros, I am scared...
>bosses with 10000 health or something
Current bosses are already halfway there lol
Walpurgis does make me wish they got around to getting content out a bit faster. Got these cool new ID's and nothing to really use them on for a month and a half besides running MD over and over
they came with a fight
Miss Binah’s corpulence… beautiful…
>Current bosses are already halfway there lol
name one (1) boss that has over 3000 hp
Small indie company, please understand. They can only make meaningful content that lasts for 2 hours every 2 months.
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>or the toad
Not wrong, but grim.
That depends on how you interpret her max damage line. She wields them cause she's strong, meaning she feels she knows how use them well enough to warrant it, or like you assume, that they're enough of a big deal that it warrant some strength.

Outis even calls out how certain employees can communicate with their own weapons if their affinity is high enough, so maybe it's akin to being able to extract even more power from a weapon even if it's lower tier, thus making it more desirable on certain agents.
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How many women did Ayin cuck Angela with?
Casual reminder Ruina >>>>>>>> LobCorp
Lobototroons stay seething
every single female nugget and sephirah
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I'm already getting faster content at a higher quality than my previous gacha while getting multiple times the currency over with a Dispense for whatever I fail to get
I'm loving this.
>4/10 worshipper thinks he has any say
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Trannies prefer ruina
t. tranny
Trannies would just distort right?
4/10 gamesis....
Time sensitive question, does the "apply x status affects to an enemy in one turn" thing have to be the same body part if it's the tower?
No you make ME dinner
specifically the shaved brisket i have in the fridge but am too lazy to cook
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Nice Walpipi, Limbabs. Enjoy grinding your Mirror Dungeons, nerds.
this is the only game you can unironically use the small indie company excuse because that's what they are. It's impressive that they manage to consistently pump out monthly content even if they're pressured to keep up with other gachas/live service hames. Goes to show the good planning and direction the studio has.
I think it has to be the same body part. I just went all in on the body of the monolith with different status, like Hong Lu's passenger EGO
I don't even know what game you are pretending is superior
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>If one's WILL IS WEAKENED, devoured by their sins, they are reborn in the form of the PECCATULA, their image reflecting the DEEPEST PARTS OF OUR SOUL dreamt by those who are nothing If one withstands THE BURDEN OF THEIR SOUL, yet REFUSES TO CONFESS TO their sins, the heart DISTORTS. Yet if one seeks to bear the TRUE MANIFESTATION OF THEIR SOUL, the EGO shall ASSUME THE SHAPE of their original hearts... Only those who can define their own SINS... Only those who have awakened to their own IDEAL....
>>>If one's WILL IS WEAKENED, devoured by their sins, they are reborn in the form of the PECCATULA, their image reflecting the DEEPEST PARTS OF OUR SOUL dreamt by those who are nothing
No, they'd become Peccatulas. Specially the ones that do the surgery with high rate of suicide. Those with weak will cannot withstand the burden of sin.
I was being sincere. New IDs and EGO look fun. GREAT LOVE almost wiped out half of my team during my weekly MDH run.
I don't really get how it works in general. Like if I'm a lazy (sloth) person and I accept that being lazy is part of who I am and still function from day to day would I distort or what? If I see that my laziness will lead to a life of nothing and give into despair is that distorting or turning into a peccatulas?
Who will be Ryoshu's binah?
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I just play this game because I have adhd and grinding MD while doing other stuff helps me to focus.
Better than the 2/10 lobototroon corpotransition
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gawd damn
I always recommend people to watch LobCorp online and skip to Ruina just to skip lobfags on this site
D is for Dias though
Sloth doesn't necessarily mean you are a lazyass, Gluttony doesn't mean you want to eat everything. The definition of sins is a bit broader.
I'd assume it's easier to imagine your sins pile up because of consequences of them. Imagine a cop that is amidst a bunch of corruption, murder and political schemes wanting to change all but never moving. His boss and colleagues go on to ruin and kill hundreds of innocents, in that case it's easier to imagine him going crazy overloaded with the guilt.
Amidst all that, Carmen appears to him and tells him it isn't his fault because he was in a tough position he could do nothing about. If he accepts her sweet words, he would distort. If he denies her and admits he never tried to do anything to change that mess because he was scared he'd likely wake an EGO.
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I get it, "sex with hags", haha
But what about the hags (male)?
Show dominance. Cum on him
Dante actually KILLED Dias in an epic 1v1000000 (Dante was the 1) right before the events of the prologue.
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Thanks bwo. The new IDs are pretty fun
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You don't distort over merely being sinful, everyone is sinful in some way, what makes you distort is having something insanely mindbreaking happen to you, that shakens the foundation of your life.
Once that starts, you'll feel the urge to hide away, and ignore the issue. The assumption is that, if you can withstand that mindbreak, and still be yourself, you'll distort, otherwise you'll turn into pecca. A distortion is denying the issue, and embracing some form of cope and becoming fixated on that aspect as part of your new identity. Gaining EGO is denying the cope, and accepting what's going on, but choosing to push forward despite how painful it is for you.

Of course it can vary from person to person. Something that would break you down, is not the same as what would break down someone else.
You seem light of soul. PECCED 100%
>Using my BL poise team
>Decide to pick the event pack
Why did I do that
Makes sense, Iguess thats why people who have an ego are always telling carmen to fuck off anyway because if she gets them to cope they are done for.
Nah I'd get a ego, fuck you carmen wanna be
Hindley is the best example: he kept claiming it was all Heathcliff's fault and all he wanted was the violin.
In truth his own actions dug his grave, and he wanted the acceptance of his father. Hard to admit all that.
Stuffing Malkuth’s fat face with sweet treats…
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People who get egos don't need to ask lol PNC
But it WAS Heathcliff's fault he didn't get his violin.
>Ryoshu = Gebura
>Sinclair = Hod
>Rodya = Malkuth
>Hong Lu = Chesed
All I can think of
Lucky, I had to shard her and missed my chance to get YiSang until the next walpipi drops.
Does Carmen distort if she copes like you are?
You can shard everything but announcers next walpurgis. If you look at the shard trade spot now you can see all the old stuff up for trading.
The announcers? With YiSang currency you can.
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The Violin was just the start of it, what he really wanted was approval. Instead of trying to stand out or do something to warrant the love of his father, he just kept hurting Heathcliff and acting like a ruffian, and pinning all the issues on him
If he had just left Heathcliff aside and focused on bettering himself, his father would have most likely not shit talked him for acting like a spoiled brat, but at the same time, the father most likely did pamper his children, so the petulant attitude is kinda his fault.
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I know it's you Heathcliff.
Mutts like you don't deserve internet access.
Source for the pic?
At least nobody is as pathetic as Linton.
I wonder if his big brother who renounced the family fortune is gonna show up in the future. I really hope he's the same Edgar from DD.
I genuinely think the entire reason why Linton's last name is Edgar was because of this
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Buddy you needed to be walked through if you're an NPC lol (you are)
Is there any benefit to keep rolling the Walp banner if I already got the new stuff? (not counting announcers)
Yeah, getting the announcers.

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