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#158: Iceberg Eyeball Edition
Previous Thread: >>492134781

General for all things Kirby including the games, novels, artwork, and anime series.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Sound Selection and Complete Soundtrack on sale now: https://valuemall.site/collections/kirby-discovery-ost

Official Kirby Website:https://www.kirby.jp/
Official Kirby Twitter:https://twitter.com/Kirby_JP
Kirby Novel Translations Masterpost: https://www.tumblr.com/nyaagolor/653089595149434880/kirby-novel-translations-masterpost
Kirby Anime Translation Masterpost: https://operationhoshinokaabii.tumblr.com/watch
Kirby Wiki:https://wikirby.com/wiki/Kirby_Wiki

>/kdg/ Writefag Masterpost
>/kdg/ Pixel World
>Elfilisanon's Cave Story mod demo
>Anime Box Set Booklet and Storyboard
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i cant beleive kirby fucking died
Rest in peace, previous thread.
Figured out stage rotation
poyo pop
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just woke up from a strange dream, it's Kirby related so...
>Kirby, eliflin and eliflis are in some sunny place hanging about, think it was dreamland but I'm not sure.
>eliflis looks a bit odd, had a weird prolonged snout and more bulky
>some unknown invaders
>kirby get blasted away, he awakens to the sight of a ice covered land
>it's near a light house with a small wooden suspension bridge and it's snowing heavily with fog
>some gibberish gets sung
>I wake up

what did my mind mean by this?
Kirby and the Tropical Freeze?
Looks like some lively discussion going on in here, eh /kdg/? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We could get a game in the September direct maybe
Yeah I guess it sort of is the starting plot of that.

...what would the funky new mode be for the game?
eh it's fine he does that sometimes.
Key word: maybe
I think we're overdue for a spinoff, but will see. Even just like a port of Epic Yarn Deluxe (the one for the 3ds) or something
>School starts
>Discussion drops to an all time low
Hm. Interesting.
I think the only real summerfag we've had in here in recent memory was that little dillweed talking about songs with lyrics and Dedede or whatever. This is just the natural result of being in a content drought for this long.
There's just kinda nothing to talk about rn lol
So are there 2 Magolor's running through the universe now after the events of RTDLDX?
no? I mean there's infinite universes or whatever and its just that Rtdldx is just one of them. It's stupid and I doubt the devs the devs thought about it unless we're getting Kirby: Secret Wars next year.
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technically there might be 4 if drum dash/dream collection are their own thing.
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she's been fixed
Yes, we been knew kdg was full of underaged kumazaki secondaries and women, anon. It's the only demographic of the Kirby fandom.
So which one are you?
Probably the former, or maybe both
That anon is all of them at once, cloaked in IMMENSE power.
probably a woman with how much she bitches and moans constantly yet does nothing to add to the thread
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If I'm correct there for certain characters there is a
>Main universe version
>Kirby Clash universe version
>Mirror World version which exists in the main universe.
>Parallel/Another Dimension version
of that character.
Magolor exists in three universes.
>Main universe before moving to the Team Kirby Clash universe
>Completely separate alternate universe where he doesn't betray Kirby and just makes amusement parks.
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there's also the manga's but those are dubious at best.
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True, though if we're talking about derivative media such as the mangas would we count characters as a whole or by respective author? There's also what I'd call the 'promotional' universe which is a headache in itself.
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forgotten land dlc confirmed
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It's as many as Kirby wants thanks to the Dream Rod
Bandana Dee but he can hover forever, and actually drives the car for Car-Mouth
>check out artist
>"hmm, some anime or mihoyo game I've neve-"
>it's all about Kirby gijinkas
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Who’s sexier, Sirica or Zan?
Yeah, Susie
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that one pirate waifu from the manga.
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Susie Haltmann, obviously.
>t. susie
Go cake on another five pounds of makeup so you can trick another desperate loser into fucking you.
>t. Tiff
Go lose five pounds, you jaundiced lard lump.
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>Susie projecting
I've seen your fetish fanart.
Also no borb will ever fuck you, skanksie.
these two fat bitches are fighting again
>tiff’s only five pounds overweight
Good for her.
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This one?
tfw english version never
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Tale as old as time.
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It may look like she's kneeling alm sexy but you know that's just big blobby feet
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I was just waiting for him to fucking turn and look at me while riding that dog statue. I'm a little disappointed.
Meta Knight is very clearly playing hard to get here. He secretly likes it.
Ok susie
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Well if it isn't Mace Knight.
I'm seeing double here! Four Marxes!
How do you guys feel about about astro bot
HWC propaganda
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bitter seeing all those dead IP's flaunted around in that game.
I feel like one of these doesn't belong
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This guy and his secret stash of healing items
>captcha: HGHP
I'd like it better if Kirby was in it, and if Sony did anything with all the IP's they used in it lmao, but mostly if Kirby was in it.
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Almost forgot thanks to big run
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Well done anons
was fun
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>tfw you intentionally block semirrors face
Someone’s making a kirbylike using touhou charaters https://store.steampowered.com/app/3200060/SANAEs_sylphid_breeze/
It isn't trying to hide it's inspiration at all
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someone need's to make a magolor's ultimatium edit shitpost
does his narcissism know no bounds?
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the guy tried to make himself the king of the universe and/or start a theme park centered around himself, what do you think?

still less evil then disney though.
>all these eyes watching you as you bathe
It just makes him harder.
Pic related but it's a cyclone instead
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spidey fridey
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First Saturday of the month comes once more, so you know what that means...I'm still working on fixing my computer... Hoping to have finally made some progress come next Friday!

Happy Saturday, /kdg/. I hope you have a good day and a better week, I'll see you next time.
He's perfect...
I don't remember this spider.
Not a lot of Touhou fangames do.
It's like tradition or something.
That Pitch looks so wet
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remove her slippers immediately
But her feet will get cold
the inside of my mouth is very warm
Whose house are they in?
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stop it.
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Kirby (probably) can breath underwater
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Who's Robin? Who's Batgirl? Most importantly, who's Alfred?
kirby, mace knight, captain vul
>sailor dee, mace knight, captain vul
Kirby would be a hero from another city desu, I can see Meta Knight just having his ships crew around as analogue to proper Batman characters, while Kirby is off in some other city having brighter and more cheerful adventures.
fite me
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Kirby would be the Superman after all.
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we live in a society.

bottom text.
Why does the Markler? Is he stupid?
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it's not about the gem apples, it's about sending a message

or whatever.
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>this is where I watched my parents die, metaknight
>fite me.
It's jigging time
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Good jigging, thanks for joining
One thing i always like about these is the last minute where everyone is just hovering the last few pieces over the empty spaces trying to figure out what fits where, something about that is just fun
yeah, was fun
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>Japan timezone fucking me over from joining in on the jiggies

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