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>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

I love hunters <3
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>no edition
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>answers your SOS with GS
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For me, it's Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the original 3DS XL with the circle pad pro attachment.
*ties you to a chair and edges you for 2hrs just to ruin your orgasm*
so why is berserk so broken I've never used it
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greatsword, sns, hammer or lance?
But quests are limited to 50mins bro...
>playing FU for first time
>want to try lance
>upgrade lance that I have materials for
>it turned into a gunlance
why did they do this
I fired the SOS on expedition
You can't be oneshot as long as you have red health
And you always have red health
So even if you have 10%HP you can't be oneshot
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my wife
Post her butthole
post your butthole
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her butthole
your butthole
You don't want to see that
/mhg/ sexiest female armour set tier list
Do you think you'd have a chance at Rectum of the Year contest?
God the networking in world is such fucking trash.
Can i please just play the game.
Yes now that Sean Lock's out of the picture
servers seem to be working well now, no connection errors
And Maradona as well
>tfw thinking about playing monster hunter is more fun than playing monster hunter.
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Honestly the raptors are a massive step up, much more monster-coded than dogs.
what others are there?
why did capcom make them so sexy
If you have 10% hp you'll die before you can sheathe your weapon and pop a max potion from the health drain
Look at the eyes, bro.
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it was 5/16 when I left

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looks like a hanging ballsack
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oh yeah, they definitely fuck
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>he isn't a soles hunter
Kulve Taroth
>sleepy lumu
>no, that lumu is DECEASED
demonlord needs a scarf/capeless version, the top is top notch
Why does this image have a lance icon jpeg pasted on it
looks like they put Gunlance by mistake i guess.
But that's the Tigrex Gunlance
ahh my mistake then.
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>he's an involuntary solo hunter
>he used an SOS flare
T-they made the black pattern like pic related lipstick
What is capcom implying here?!
Just remake the lumu.
That's a beak retard
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how do i progress in mhw
i just unlocked ala, safigiva and kule taroth but how do i unlock frost fang and shit? where do i go from here?
whats more fun in world, GS or SA?
For me, it's the swaxe
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>need monster hardbones
>decide to do rathalos because also need rath items
>start fight
>his wifewhore suddenly swoops in and starts attacking me
>she sticks to her husband for the entire hunt
>get kind of sick of her shit
>anj walks in wondering wtf is going on
>call him a gamer word and tell him i fucked his mom
>mf walks up all big an tough but gets sideswiped by bitch
>let them fight each other while I return to rathalos
>but rath flies away
>catch up to rath but his wife immediately joins in
>knock her ass into him with bomb pods and then beat them both senseless
>los bitches out again
>decide to beat up his wife who is PISSED
>about to trap her
>she "leaves the locale"
Gee thanks you fucking cunt
Not all beaks are coloured like that, regard
it's all locked behind mr rank and a few blue quests in town, just do whatever
>not utilizing the clutch claw and slinger shot the way the capcom devs intended and cheesing them both by firing Rathian into rathalos, knocking them both down, then wailing on Los until he gets up, assmad, then IMMEDIATELY loading Rathian in your slinger gun and firing her at him again because she won't instantly enrage as you aren't attacking her as she's on the ground squirming.
understandable actually. Because you would never really think that. But could have made your hunt easier.
Look for a Tempered Frostfang Barioth quest in Events
Yes, it has to be Tempered
But you've pretty much unlocked everything in World
Reach MR 100, beat baby Alatreon to unlock everything
IIRC frostfang is only in event quests so check the event list. You can progress the special investigations by just doing each subsequent one, the last one being Fatalis. To progress in the guiding lands, raise at least one of the areas to the current level cap, then you'll unlock a new assigned quest that will be doable at a certain MR level. Keep hitting the GL level cap and doing the subsequent unlock quest until you're at MR99, at which point you'll unlock the final one with Ruiner Nergi and be able to access level 7 in the GL which will give you access to a bunch of tempered monsters that will let you get the best augments on your weapons.
>fight rathian
>mount her
>rathalos shows up
>mount him
>now he is my wife's bitch which makes him my bitch
Regard what
Regard like you're regarded, newshit.
>need Zinogre skyemerald
>drop rate is complete shit
It's over.
its a gunlance in the original image but its the only one i could find with those 4 weapons so i pasted a lance over the gunlance.
I actually did that twice in the hunt and the hunt overall was easy. Its just that she was incredibly annoying. The situation reminded me of a neighbor fight.
Regarded by whom?
You guys complain about world kushala but I'm playing FU now and he's a complete fucking nigger in that too
lancecuck so fucking insecure it's actually amazing to behold.
nha if you poison it it's easier than a kut ku
You can hit the tip of the nose even when it's on max wind levels. Doesn't go in the air often and if it does flashes are great because elders are the only monsters in the game to get a long knockdown from getting dunked.
FU has poison knives and your weapons
World has poison but you can also elderseal and also just btfo him

I never understood why shitters kept complaining about world kushala like he's some filter wall.
Ruse is the only universally good Kushala unless you're playing something like HBG in older games which doesn't care at all previously
The problem with morld Kushala is that they managed to make it worse while also forcing lelderseal instead of Poison, the latter of which is infinitely more accessible
How? His wind barrier goes down whenever he shoots a wind blast. It's objectively the best version of the fight.
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hit head after blast = profit
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poison doesn't work on world kushala because chameleos isn't there to help
to be fair poison not working on it in world was kind of a shit move
prease use elderseal we worked very hard on the mechanic
uh oh worlo meltie
>Don't know what elderseal does to Namielle
>physically cannot know by own experience what Elderseal does to Vaal because it dies the moment you get behind it
I love huntresses
>try out the gacha armour in Sunbreak for the first time
>my amatsu gear loses heaven sent and defence went down
Did anyone bother testing this shit? Conceptually it's not a bad idea but they went about this the wrong way.
I love hunters <3
It's essentially persistent one-shot immunity for ranged weapons
It's actually a decent system, you're supposed to use skills+ on things that you have spare points for.
The defense increases almost never matter
The lower rarity armors have better seeds
im asking because i dont know which one to play, lance is my least used of those 4
That you had to post this shows it is annoying you to a degree. :^)
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The skills and/or slots you can get are benefits that far, FAR outweigh the cons of reduced defense.
That said, the gacha qurio system is still shit in the way the crafting method is designed.
I would have much preferred a system where the player is given the choice to instantly pay for 100 rolls and then pick whatever role they want out of that 100 instead of manually, tediously and frustratingly doing 1 roll at a time.
And of course the gacha qurio system is still shit because the RNG for god rolls is worse than the RNG of even the worst gacha games. Pic related are some of my rolls. It's nowhere near perfect, but it's what I end up settling on after I cut my losses in each gacha rolling session.
Very odd cuisine around here
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Thankss for the hoonts!

lumus 8/16
rise was the last good monster hunter
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rise was shit though
meedom mnite
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>a Monster Hunter game
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greetings mnite
this unironically
>ran out of King Armor spheres
>only 798 defence
This is going to be a very long grind. What anomaly level do the Risen Elder's unlock at?
I've got a good question, Is it possible to time out in Alatreon quest in world? You would have at most 5 carts solo, and you could stop his elements from switching twice for 3 elemental seals but that only takes up 40 minutes at best
i imagine you could if you waited at base camp for 49 min.
Strong damage boost + synergizes with other suicide skills + not actually very suicidal because of how the red health gimmick works
I don't bother personally cause I'm lazy but I'm still using Bloodlust on every set

You could hide too long in camp and time out I guess, I don't think his elemental countdown starts when no one is fighting him
Stop shitposting and play the game.
world Kushala does shit like this wasting your time
>air jump that spawns a vortex
>he then shoots a tornado in MR (every single time)
>which combines to makes the first one even larger
>maybe spits out compressed air while hovering
>he lands to do 1-2 attacks before fucking off back to the sky to repeat this cycle
>only 6 randomy-selected shitposts out of a dozen
Next time mass reply like a man
this can't be how this playstyle is suppose to look
just roll it bro
this looks really fun
Menerations Multimate sounds like a porn game
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I love hutnresses
Flash the fucker
Bonk the nigger

Hell even your video proved with your tranny blade how easy he staggers
is sns really that bad in gens 1-2?
i don't exactly understand how you're doing that jump/evade
I see the scroll changing, and I know that you can evade after that but I thought you'd need to be sheathed for it
Was that not the case?
>all dat for 4 drops that even the common 5 or 6 stars pickle would drop
I don't understand why anyone would get sweaty with Now, just like play casual and it's the same experience and satisfaction
NTA but you don't, and due to how fast he's doing it, rather than going into a stance before evading, i assume that's Redirection
CB is such a retard proof weapon.
Redirection is a specific skill you can get
How do I do that armor augmenting thing in World?
Why are anomalies so hard bros? They feel harder than any of the fights in World excluding monsters like enraged rape ape.
Not pictured, the 9 other its he took before the clip without staggering along with 9 other vortexs (that don't go away when flashed and he will still do the jump move after being flashed out of the air)
Spiritvein gem?
Tempered mons in Guiding Lands
GREAT Spiritvein gems?
Tempered ELDERS in Guiding Lands after MR100
That's really only true for the risen anomalies, a lot of mons are still just punching bags
they just have a bloated hp stat
room status?
gyaru huntresseses
Because you didn't learn to hunt the monstie the first time around and now that you need to do so with respectable numbers it's smacking you around
Why does the mouse cursor feel so gross? It's really slugish
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I really don't feel like doing the urgent 6* hub in MHRise since it's a rampage quest. Any tips before I attempt it and fail like a retard?

Using SnS with a sleep weapon.
Wind Serpent Ibushi? Should be the very last mandatory rampage quest.
Otherwise it's just like any rampage. Set up NPCs and shoot shit for 10mins before the boss arrives.
What is the best looking GS in Worlo and why is it the Alatreon GS.
Frozen Speartuna.
Not even a contest.
You can't really fail a rampage quest, it's piss easy even if you go in not knowing what you're doing and ignore most of the annoying NPC lines that keep coming up. You will end up doing what they're asking.

But it will be tedious and slow regardless of whether you're doing it right or not. It's not hard like lao shan where you have to get damage in. Just go with your most comfortable gear, kill the low HP small bosses that they ask, bend over, close your eyes and it will be over soon, it won't hurt too much I promise
Real shame they fucked the balancing of rampages. Only quest I've ever failed was the event quest rajang rampages because you actually needed some semblance of strategy and quick thinking.
Air dash seems really broken
Instant hyper armor, gap closing, high reach and damage with multiple follow-ups and near instant recovery, and it's a fast cooldown
It's way more centralizing than some of the parries you guys pretend to seethe about
Doing it in multiplayer makes it way more bearable so I would suggest grabbing a friend.
It's a different jumping attack compared to the slower ones that let's you SAED.
Pizza cutting CB really got some love with the expansion letting you zoomer around and even block with that other switch skill I forgot the name off.
Ready stance, that's really strong too but the counter peak performance makes resource management so piss easy it's a hard trade
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doing "point of no return" for the first time
how do you make this big red faggot flinch?
nothing i do moves it an inch
am i retarded?
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Good hunts
they basically made pizza cutter a whole different weapon, when it used to just be a passive buff for your regular playstyle in iceborne
I kinda liked all the playstyles the weapon has in SB, with my favourite being stacking tons of firing pins with a charged sword and detonating it all with an AED.
Only real downfall of rise CB is that impact is undeniably absolutely ass
silence femboy
Another loss for the entire dozens of people who want an actual axe weapon
They're going to remove conga's giant braps in wilds because fart clouds are unrealistic
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More like because the ps5 can't handle it
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>Wilds pizza cutter hits have big hitstop
Make me!
filthy knife ears, need correction!!!
ooooh you just hit it...
Kulve Taroth sirge starts tomorrow. Is there anything important I need to know about that? I remember it's a lot of running around and chasing that big bitch through El Dorado and the main objective is to break her horns, but what is there besides that? There's cannons and Ballista right? What should I be aiming for as a Gunlance user?
But wilds takes place in india, it'll fit right in
Total Rath Death
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Let me see your face... You're the one from my dreams...
999 large barrels
999 large barrel bombs
999 large barrel bombs +
Food Vouchers
throwing out the gun lance because anything that isn't LBG is literally worthless if trying the siege solo under 8hrs
>GL bros
GodDAMN, I can't wait for Wilds to come out so I can hunt with /mhg/ lumu bros, FUCK
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if i have 2000+ lance hunts and have used literally 0 other weapons, just how similar is gunlance - would it be hard to learn at this point?
You will come to the realisation that
>shit, this shelling thing ignoring def/hitzones/bounce is pretty fucking good
Is GS fun?
only if you know the monster you're fighting inside and out
Okay I manage to be at it pretty easily just running around in circles. It was actually easier than the 2* hub Apex Azuro rampage.

Although I did fainted once when it did the gravity move, not sure what I was suppose to do when it's in midair. Didn't realize the "wywernshot" was on the right side that could do massive damage.

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If everything in the world was eaten except for a gigantic pile of shit, would a deviljho eat it?
I told you, it was just like being anally ravaged, unpleasant but over very soon.
Play switchaxe
A surprising amount of animals that aren't as autistically hungry as deviljho are known to eat shit irl so probably
so, female cat?
I've been trying GS this week after realising tackle was a thing. It's been actually pretty fun. Still find hammer not my main a bit stronger and satisfying, but still fun when you hit TCS
Yeah Rise Savage Axe is the most braindead incarnation of CB
Lets end the debate

Which weapon is for white chads, Charge blade or Switch axe
>play a game on the switch for a few weeks
>have to spend an hour re-calibrating to confirm being on a different button on literally every other controller/console
charge blade for white chads that only have sex with black queens
switch axe for white chads that only have sex with japanese beauties
>white chads
>posts plastic korean
Jesus christ.
That poor spray painted palico ;_;
>interracial anything
For shame
Why does it keep putting me into SOS lobbies that have like 300 ping?
What about HBG?
swaxe fucks white chads of the same sex only
CB fucks everything, including monsters
Maybe the real Morld ? Was the mosnters we huntered along the way
none of these, you're thinking of GS
Evil huntress sexually abusing a poor monkey
The siege weapons are really good on her during part 1. Just slot heavy arty in the glider and use that at the start. Just do the canons then jump down and start blastin her. Part 1 is just her running and a little fighting, part 2 is the real fight. Fire mantle might help there if you cant dodge all the big fires and lavas and shit falling from the ceiling.
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> Is it possible to time out in Alatreon quest in world?
It is possible, even without camp stall
>eat for safeguard
>break 1st ele at @ 3m
>break horn before 6m
>break 1st ele x2 @ 9m
>break horn before 12m
>break 1st ele x3 @ 15m
>forced 2nd ele, cart 1 @24m
>break 1st ele x4 @ 27m
>forced 2nd ele, cart 2 @36m
>break 1st ele x5 @ 39m
>forced 2nd ele, cart 3 @48m
>time out before next eschaton judgement

This even leaves room for palico vigorwasp revive as backup and felyne insurance if you're lucky, although if you cart randomly you're probably going to fuck up the rotation and end up whacking alatreon with the wrong element at some point. Limitations on mega potions will likely lead to most hunters running out of sustain before that 24 min forced cart unless they're reasonably competent, and at that point they should know alatreon's moveset well enough to be dealing enough damage that they wouldn't time out.
Also I doubt it'd be practical to be consistently meeting the elemental thresholds without dealing enough damage to kill Alatreon. You need 5 ele topples. If it is doable, you'd need to run a build with capped elemental modifiers and also deal pretty shit dps.
KT has just rolled back into rotation
HBG is too slow and Luna's Razor Sharp HBG doesn't have rapid fire of LBG
U(photographer) in the lumu? Im kinda playing ritardando today, but bored RN and might hop on if some frens wanna do some fun hunts. I got the quest pack so I wanna do some fun AT shitter mons while geting some weapon practice in.
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That one hunt should have honestly been the ceiling for world difficulty. Two permanently enraged shits with some flash immunity and aoe shittery in an enclosed space. Not some unblockable, inescapable dps race with blightspam.
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Raths are fucking cool and Im tired of pretending otherwise.
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Ajanaths? Fuckin sick.
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Kushala? Imposing, but in a cool way.
Is this some MMO thing from world?
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Glavenus? Possibly the best and coolest mon to ever be hun'd
When does the calendar in World advance a day?
Ok, gimme like a hunt or two and ill be there
World+IB takes place all in 1 day, because the sun never sets on a legend.
>Login Bonus
>5 potions
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Morlos are so funny
why is shiggy so confused?
>world softlocked just for searching for sos
Had to call the task manager to clean up my mess.
They're meant to be LINE stickers for reactions, I think
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lumu desu
I just solo hunted GU high rank Deviljho without any evasion skills. I only wish I didn't need Attack Up (L) to do it. Stupid Khezu kept following us.
I am trying to get Earplugs charm level 4 but my Guiding Lands for Rotten Vale is only level 2 and I do not want to waste my weekend leveling it up since that's really the only monster I need in the entire thing. Just doesn't seem worth it since they're so hard to level up. Does anybody have level 7 Rotten Vale area who I could run a couple Blackveil hunts with so I can collect some Tempered Twilight Fangs? NA on PC
he bought the dip?
Edit Guiding Lands region levels to as high as you've had each before.
Uncap Guiding Lands region levels.
>Stupid Khezu kept following us
For real. I kept forgetting to put dung bombs in my item loadouts until that glavenus-uragaan hr7 key
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Just fought Nerscylla for the first time and damn, i love that move where he shivers and grows two horrifically long fangs to attack you with. Love it when they upscale the mon's horror factor like this

I like that it looks like it is wearing some other monster's skin on its body as well
it's wearing gypceros skin
you can see a gypceros covered in webbing hanging from the ceiling on one of the maps
nerscylla is a fucking awesome monster
between 4U and GU which is easier to solo?
village and hub of course
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how dodge
What's the easiest ranged weapon to get into?
superman that ho
have you tried being under his neck?
What skimpy mods should I install to best enjoy lumu
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will try in 2 weeks :)

we got him
all the uhpn
I got all of grada's mods
Hespy for petite
>want to slot the shittiest, cheapest jewels
>game keeps giving me some of the best, most expensive ones
Those skimpy mods that give huntresses delicious flat chests
How do sieges work...Kulve is useful for its elemental weapons right
They need to just port P3's Farm to a mainline game.
Kulve weapons are useful if you do not have access to safi weapons. Also sieges work through continuously fighting him, filling a checklist of objectives and eventually beating them after filling up a room-wide bar. Any time a group makes progress on the siege, the progress applies to everyone in the room. Checklists are personal though.
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Good hunts! Room is 7/16.
Lumu... is dead.
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Lumu 5/16 ty for the hoonts, also STOP DCing ME REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You break parts which lowers their HP pool
You deal track and deal damage which raises KT Pursuit level.
Pursuit level lowers HP and increases the time you have available
Every time a hunt ends, KT gets healed up to her HP current threshold (which is lowered by the number of times her parts are broken and pursuit level)
Break all the parts, reach max Pursuit level and break her horns off at the end. Remember inside the siege, KT is immortal and the only way to end is breaking her horns off. Event KT (MR only) ends once she is killed and not when her horns are broken off
If I can fight KT normally in an event quest what's the purpose of the siege? Besides the fun of multiplayer that is

Thank you as well
How do breaking parts work in Rise? Does it permanently tenderize the limb?
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blurster blurnter blurrled blurborne
Here's a free protip for all you hunters out there: If you're constantly getting hit in every hunt then it's probably best that you don't continue using a full Safi set!

There's no need to thank me. You're welcome.
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Blurbimate blurdition
Tenderizing isn't a thing in Rise.
Event is one and done, you either kill her from full HP or she regenerates to full in the next quest. The siege can be done by shitters over a few hunts and is much better for farming KT materials for melding weapons directly. It is semi-vestigial from when world was without iceborne. IF you have some good friends you can do the siege to speed grind rolling the Kjarr gatcha in a single hunt (was possible with HR gear and is also possible solo with a safi set)
me on the left
Dammit, I hoped. So what does it do to break parts? Just drop loot and sometimes makes monster unable to use some attacks?
oh yeah you can use MR elder bones to meld Kjarr weapons using KT drops as fuel but you need to kill MR KT event at least once and then you can upgrade Kjarr weapons (using MR KT materials) to MR status in order to augment them
I just fought Malzeno and that dude is cool like a vampire dragon is a really sick idea, and then I got to fight Gore Magala and like that dude’s also really cool since he reminds me of like an Alien from Alien y’know that dude’s prob my favorite design so far.
>he reminds me of like an Alien from Alien
As opposed to what? An Alien from Predator?
Does the same thing it does in all the other games, including World. You get an extra reward at the end of the quest, and depending on the monster it'll change hitzone values or monster behaviors.
Anon, the word "alien" can be used for anything. He used "Alien from Alien" probably because typing out xenomorph is a pain
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>get a steam deck for mh on the go
>can't give up mouse and keyboard controls
what a blunder
Using an uppercase turns the noun into a name. And I 'unno for you, guv, but I don't know that many Aliens beside the Xenomorph. Others have names, like Yautja, the Blob, Stitch, Invader Zim, Joe Biden...
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if i've never done the Kulve Taroth siege, should i even bother to attempt soloing it?
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>be me
>redman from scratch to prep for wilds
>no defender/guardian shit
>farming nigergante and vaal for gear during "Investigate Elder Tracks" part of the story
>first cart after farming both 3 times
>palico had free res so didn't exactly "cart"
How did I do?
What gear are you thinking of taking?
>Does the same thing it does in all the other games
Damn. I hoped it did more than that, to compensate for the lack of clutch claw compared to Iceborn. And also because sharpness feels a lot more important in Rise compared to World or 4U.
Excellent, my fellow supreme gentleman! We are in awe of your courage and majesty and ww all award you with a standing ovation for that grand performance!
Only the first hunt is valid. After that, whether you cart or not is irrelevant.
>if nerscylla returns it means gypceros has to come back too
Fair trade
Cool it with the facetiousness. Genuinely wanted to see what /mhg/ considered shitter-tier for first cart. Thank you for your input regardless.
This makes sense. I'll keep that in mind while I continue my replay. Thanks for the input.

also He won.
Not really, all it needs is use khezu's skin or any other anti thunder monster
wilds switch axe moveset looks better than sex
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>Genuinely wanted to see what /mhg/ considered
Nobody cares + you didn't beat the game
>t. carted to great jagras
I mean, the first hunt is when you go in, usually blind, with only theories on what the monster is vulnerable to or what its abilities or moves are.
This is the big shitter filter.

After that, it becomes sadly easier to cart, because you get arrogant and less careful, or you pick a weapon you don't master, or neglect to use blinding pods or whatever, but in my opinion, it's the first hunt that matters, because you give it your best and you're careful about reading the monster's moveset, and you have to adapt to it.
I am of the school who thinks that memory isn't really skill.
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>this nigga cares who carted to what in a game from 2018
touch grass
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I'm carting in Iceborne lategame more often than I carted through Sunbreak... But it still feels so much easier.

Like in Sunbreak my brain is 100% occupied trying to avoid getting blasted by AIDZeno and doing the 10-step optimal combo.
In World I'm wearing a Vaal set with an Immunizer+HealthAug so I literally don't bither sheathing to heal most the time. I play this game chilling to an audiobook.
Is it your first time playing or a replay? My first time playing I carted at least once to everything after great jagras and triple carted to most monsters that were harder than Anjanath.
I think you have autism
>My first time playing I carted at least once to everything after great jagras
H-Hahaha, what a loser lmao!
I think I carted to everything the first time I played, even the small jagrass.
Well that's a separate subspecies. For the classic Nerscylla, it has to be Gypceros.
That just proves him to be a Superior Aryan Ubermensch gamer and you an inferior untermensch journalist.
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What a beautiful place, full of mystery. What secrets do this place hold? What creatures we don't know about inhabit it? We may never know... Only a fragment of the forest have ever been explored.

There are many expeditions left to had.
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that feel when you finish a hunt on a combo finisher instead of a poke
Sorry, I have a fetish for jewish girls stepping on me and calling me goy
Don't sweat it!
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Monster Hunter is great with places. Sometimes I go on an expedition just to walk around and chill.
Then again, sometimes I boot up Sea of Thieves just to fish;
Exploring and taking pics of critters was a lot of fun.
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Lumu doko
Lumu doko des
Pii Shii lumu doko des ka
Yeah. I'm a bit annoyed it serves no real purpose in Rise, but honestly, Rise sometimes feel like two steps forward and one step backward compared to World.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were both developped at the same time and ended up going in different directions.
That's just the truth anon. Rise used XX as a base and added World features after that game's success.
...damn I'm smart.
Its a replay but I haven't played it for over a year. My old save is loaded and filled with good shit, so this time I could feel how spoiled I was when I first played. But we'll see how that changes at master rank.
>I wouldn't be surprised if they were both developped at the same time and ended up going in different directions.
They were. Rise started while World was nearing release, and it started out as a modification for GU. Then World's overwhelming success prompted them to world-ify Rise and the result is an abomination that doesn't know what it's trying to be, ultimately failing to deliver something consistent
post dat killscreen
Fighting Gammoth and Zamtrios in the same quest really puts into perspective how terrible the elephant is
I forgot to save it... I was hunting for a Narga Mantle and got it first try, was so happy I skipped everything else
Mishouga Jiforogu
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having two weapons means that for the shitty monsters that have bad hitzones until they enrage like e-penis you can use gunlance at the start then switch to something else when you can actually do damage and cut tails
my first game was world and the first weapon I tried was gunlance and it took me 40 minutes
after that I switched to dual blades and always picked ones with blast on them when I could with no regard to enemy weaknesses
The double weapon system happened because crapcom realized randomly forcing an elemental dps check was retarded but they're still planning on putting those kinds of shitmons into Wilds.
shrouded nerscylla is the one that eats khezu not regular ners
>kill Shrieking Legiana
>"wow, you've killed your first variant monster!"
what are Nightshade Paolumu and Coral Pukei then?
A dye accident.
see i don't even understand that question bro. i'm playing through the game for the first time and i wanted to do everything solo on the first kill, but now i just happen upon this quest that is very obviously made for multiplayer.
Blast is the funniest status to ever be introduced in Monhun
Literally all it does is more damage on your behalf, and I love it
Whose idea was this
>we will have alateron X epenis monster
they are sub-species, as they can't be mistaken as the base monster while shrieking legiana can be mistaken as normal legi while still being a different fight
Nigger Diablos technically counts as a variant but is classed as sub species for their aggression (Despite just being a walking woman moment colorized)
Well put thoughts of killing KT solo away until you've killed Luna, deviljho and an Arch Tempered Teo first
You need Luna's LBG to beat the first phase, and for the naked phase needs Deviljho's weapon and use an mixed armor set with masters touch
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>serves no real purpose in Rise
Your Hunter's Notes and Guild Card?
>failing to deliver something consistent
So is it anime or is it not? Shitposters simply can't decide
>you need an LBG
yeah i'm out, i don't play ranged weapons. also i play lance, if an armor set doesn't have max Guard and Guard Up i don't even craft it.
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fun hunts
Well you could technically do it with lance, you are are a god with bombs, rock drops, cannon aiming and mounting over 5 hours but you are never going to do it solo without a LBG/MR gear in a reasonable time
Okay, Nazi Trump voter incel.
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Room is closed, thanks for the hunts
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what is this extreme alatreon someone was talking about in the room earlier
do not cum in your palico
Modded quest from the /mhg/ questpack
it's one of the modded quests
basically just alatreon with bigger numbers
I'm looking at it now, does most of /mhg/ have this? I'd love to run some
Literally me as it happened
Yeah, most of have have it, it's good variety!
Most anons have it, the ones who don't usually don't know about it
I'm going to see this cat in my nightmares now, why did I take that screenshot
I'm scrolling through this quest pack now and I'm a fan

Anyone interested in another room to run some of these?
I'd be up for it in about 30 minutes. Had planned to nap but neetlyfe
Sure, I can join you for a couple more quests
>I could've just Melded the bait I wanted
Niggergante! Niggersnarf! Niggershade palumu!

World PC room
another one
custom quests on: >>493346773
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>connection to the session has been lost
Not sure why but it's not joining
bravo nolan
this is the one worlo meme I will tolerate because it makes me chuckle
Haha, you know, there are very few images that can make me crack up the moment I see them anymore, but oh boy, this one does. It's a gem all around. Thank you anon, sincerely.
I'm not sharing my personal informations on le 4chan, nice try.
It's so much easier to play bow on mouse and keyboard but I much prefer controller normally. But man I can't aim for shit with analogue sticks...
Kulve Taroth up yet?
yes, been up for 4 hours now>>493324927
just set your camera sensitivity to max on controller
how to play bow on 3DS?
Man I am getting really good with IG and absolutely beating the fuck out of kushala. Dunking him out of the air and even killed him with my kinsect. Really glad I picked up this weapon.
I'll try it
the mice ate all my rice
>lunastra in guiding lands
oh fuck no, i fought it in high rank and it was cancer
Nothing compares to GS for me. I'm tired of being a one-trick but everything is just so inferior to GS.
the fight gets much worse
Nothing compares to DB for me. I'm tired of being a one-trick but everything is just so inferior to DB.
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how is it that in none of the charge blade gameplay I've seen not a single person used the axe the way this says they could?
Oh, is that how savage axe hits work now? Seems fun.
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i don't want to mash the button for more damage
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>dropped so fucking hard from the lobby I only now recovered internet
the room's fucking dead isn't it
Literally install a custom quest retard
I do.
yeah, close the thread and wait until tomorrow
Goddamn apex monsters don't fuck around in 4U. I'm over here beating the absolute fuck out of apex zinogre. I cut the tail and break the arms and head and he just wouldn't fucking die and then he manages to get enough one shots on me to cart me 3 times. That fucker
Learn to play without aiming, you only need to aim if you need to hit a head that's high up or some other good hitzone. You can just play bow like a projectile hammer.
If it's like Rise, it's not mashing. What that means is holding the button. Usually a guide would say "continuously tap" to mean mashing.
Is bow interesting? IB in particular. I know it's a ranged weapon but the gameplay seems to have a lot more depth compared to bowguns and you actually have to press buttons
I don't think its interesting personally no
It plays like a dodge-focused bowgun.
The gameplay doesn't ever really get satisfying, the damage it does is amazing though.
Oh I thought it would be more involved with stamina management and things like that, like a more extreme DB.
DB needs more stamina management yeah. I actually think bow is more tricky to play than DB but its not cause of the stamina issue
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I love huntresses
Eh. The stamina management is involved, if you're really trying to optimize. Because you have a few different shots that can be stamina negative, neutral, or positive, and so you're adjusting your combo trying to maintain both your charge and stamina while attacking constantly. But the weapon is so strong both offensively and defensively that you don't really have to be super optimal. Status bow is fun though. It's shockingly good at KO so you can get sleep, para, and stun on one weapon.
The downside is that it's extremely skill hungry for stamina management.
Do I finish 7 stars in hub or start fighting KT?
stars in generation's hub***
fight KT
Man, Shagaru Magala doesn’t look as cool as Gore Magala, that sucks. I like how its armor and weapons are like redeemed versions of the Gore Magala ones though that’s cool.
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SOMEBODY in here aint a REAL man!
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Git yer ass up on ere, stop paddlin round fookin' cunt
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For layered fashion hunting, do you
>option 1
pick one (1) cool outfit and matching weapon to wear across all sets
>option 2
pick the best looking weapon for each weapon category and an outfit that matches, you have a lot of different layered outfits
>option 3
pick one cool outfit and the best looking weapon in each category, don't care if they don't match
I like option 1 but fashion is hard in World because almost zero monsters have weapons in all categories (because boned) and I like the outfit and weapons to match.
he just got over his emo phase.
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just picked it up this morning and im having a good time. thousand dragons is insane burst especially with slinger+ and crit element from silver rath armor. its like 90% of the time i let one rip im sending the monster reeling.

i only played bow in the freedom games and its a lot fuckin different. trying to understand the new mechanics for wilds. and watching the new wilds footage, it looks like the world gameplay on crack. prioritizing being up in the monsters grill and perfect dodging for nice payouts with your trickshot gauge.

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Bet you think this is a gunlance.
>freedombabs getting uppity again
You haven't even played the real Monster Hunter
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someone please post the giant ass huntress webm never fails to make me laugh
Kulve Taroth is really fun. I'd even say I'm having a blast
Gore Magala looks like a cool eyeless alien dragon with hand wings, Shagaru Magala doesn’t, simple as.
I pick HR Zinogre armor and then pick a matching weapon that's not Zinogre's
Damn brat. Spankings needed.
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woah woah now ho-hooold on there buddy there's no need to fight here amirite haha let's all just calm down
Dos is fucking terrible
I have 3 fatalis weapons each for every weapon i use all using a different layered weapon. And then I make several layered sets that matches each weapon
>certain monsters and half the hypers are locked behind questlines of varying length that span multiple ranks and into village
maybe the too-much-content retards weren't so retarded after all
Who would win?
>The strongest fiver
>One low rank MHGU Gendrome
did you make her layered set and wear it for your huntress?
maybe they were right to fear shields nahhhh
How to cope being bad at MonHun despite playing thousands of hours accross all games?
jack off
instead the farts will cause extremely strong wind and sway shrubs and trees in their wake
What about Shagyaru Magala?
I just said what I thought about Shagaru Magala he’s not as cool looking as Gore Magala
Congalala will have a 360 degree sweeping beam attack where it sharts a beam of pure shart and strafes around before its ass becomes an inflamed weak point for two minutes
Yes but what about Shagyaru Magala?
Is FU actually hard, or is it a lot of 8 year olds not understanding the game and it having a bad control scheme?
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>Miss my TCS because the monster's head wiggles while its down
Who asked for this seriously
>Miss my TCS because I'm bad
is mhg a godlance general?
>charging my GS on a downed mon
>it's flailing head scoops me up and pushes me past it
You just have to get the rhythm down which means fighting at the monster's pace. Too fast and you'll get hit. Too slow and you're missing opportunities.
>get to a downed monster late
>charge TCS
>monster's recover animation pushes you into the right position to hit with TCS
All skill
How do you unlock the layered gear?
Master rank event quest
Which 4 fatalis armour pieces should I make?
>fightan monkey
>red arms
>put on temproal
>monkey goes for double arm slam
>have red gauge and mantel still has charge
>counter time
>hear the counter sound
>fucking die
>dumped at camp
>mantel is still on me
lemon key face
1. Pretty sure the zoomers won't get your epic reference, anon
2.You should feel ashamed acting like a zoomer despite being 30 years old+
I love vaal hazak. I don't give a shit if jerky dragon has a fucking shitbox the fight is fun. Unironically. Fuck you.
u like it cuase it easy
I get the reference and I'm a zoomer.
does geology bug work with KT or is it only for GL?
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I'm glad this unspeakable monstrocity will never return and CB will remain slow, calculative and grounded. To any of you who are sad or pissed that CB can never have the same levels of """fun""" as Rise
CB, fuck yourself, use another weapon, and kindly do a flip as you hang yourself.
シャギャルマガラ ギャル
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Lumu 1/16 or closed, good hoonts
Except for jho, fuck that nigger
This but SA
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good honts frens, see you all tomorrow!
>LITERALLY just bing bing wahoo until it works
lol wtf
I'd like to join a room once, but everyone is probably RC 14658465843684658436 or something close.
This but HH
You're right, never join a room.
This but IG
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I restarted so I'm mr 9 hr 45, no worries niggy i'll hont with you
I have two characters both HR999/MR999 :^), I gear down when doing not end game stuff with anons who're still going through the ranks
>the hunter in rise seems really broken
I don't get it
It's a spiderman reference.
only GL
>he doesn't have the balls to join the room because everyone is higher rank
Stay out then you sissy faggot. You probably bring your cat, wear your mantle diapers and think that's the normal way of playing the game. Well guess what, you never hunted, and we've had too many people like you dragging our hunts.
You are not insane. The desire sensor is coded into drops. How? Predictive triggers. You look at an armor/weapon multiple times. You keep going back to it. The red parts are what you want. And you are not fucking getting them for 14 hunts, even if you maximize drop chance. Dump 50 brappillion things into the pot, goy.
it's a quote from shrek
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the only time i got HARD desire sensor'd was in 4U
I had to hunt fifty (50) zinogres for (1) jasper

solidified zinogre as my favorite mon tho
This but Monster Hunter as a whole
cant wait to completely memoryhole rise
Post cute non-lewd huntresses
I wanna sex the handlers.
Lmao while you guys are shitposting in /mhg/ on a friday, I'm going out with my zinogre gf.

Probably gonna get my dick wet too.
medication, tranny
you mean your gf that's wearing zinogre armour right?
I know what I said
>>493366808 here, meant for >>493366463
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my worst was 37 Diablos/Black Diablos for (1) Hardhorn in 3U
enjoy thunderblight on your dick
I suspect he uses insect glaive
>rang chasseur
In World? Probably like 34.
In Rise? 1.
Petition for rise to stop existing
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Its hard. But the control scheme is shit too. Have you heard of the claw grip?
>waaa waaaa rise filtered me therefore it's bad
Zoomers... Not even once.
It'll be deemed irrelevant by 2030
it's over you just know
i hunted 40 G rank rathalos in freedom unite because my friend needed a heavenly. in the final quest he got two, i still didnt have a single one
i did not look at any armour or weapon that used rathalos parts
>answer himself

Is this creature a palico?
it's a huntress
Kushala. Every. Single. Time.

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>he isn't a solo hunter
Watch out for that solp!
Imagine being so much of a cuck that you spam.
What a loser LOL!
>world treasures
so what are these exactly?
>give points
bruh what the hell are you even meant to be spending so many points on that you're struggling with all the free points from tracks, part breaks and captures?
no one was talking about rise, console warring schizo
Can I get mantles/emeralds and other very rare monster materials from guiding land rewards screen?
Yiff in hell furfag.
touch grass
Magnamalo might be my favourite flagship. I still remember the huge grin I had on my face when he showed up during the Ibushi fight just to beat the shit out of her.
Zinogre might be my favourite flagship. I still remember the huge grin I had on my face when she showed up during the Whobushi fight just to beat the shit out of her.
Weird way to say you've never played a Monster Hunter game before generation fifth
I try to make an armor set with no layering that looks good
Then if I can't because of some asinine skill distributions I try to make a layered set that matches the weapon, without using anything from the same set twice
Generally there's one set for every (ex.) element
nigga 2030 is reasonable, a new portable might come out by then
Wouldn't it be Shagaru Magyaru(a)?
Which implies that Gore would be a gloomy gal before that
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>force myself to fight tempered monkey
>finally get augment upgrades
>feel like ass
>fuck up MR KT fight start
>stop playing
>don't feel like playing again
I don’t speak JP
I just buy the parts I need with investigation coins
Furious Rajang was pretty easy in Rise. What happened to him
Rajang has always been a jokey shitmon
World tried to convince you otherwise
there's a reason 2x 140 GQ Rajang was picked for grinding, and it wasn't for alleged difficulty.
He was always easy, the game was babies first MH so the difficulty was overblown.
Do you guys think the weapon attacks in Wilds aren't as impactful/meaty as from World? GS definitely doesn't feel as "heavy" from the footage I've seen at least
I just beat Gaismagorn, how do I unlock the rest of the ??? rank 10 weapons I assume are the best in slot for everything? Oh also what’s the best armor sets too? I’m just wearing the Malzeno armor for right now with the Malzeno Switch Axe.
You will have to hunt the monster eventually.
>there's a reason 2x 140 GQ Rajang was picked for grinding
to be fair the only alternative in the same reward category was Jho who had much more HP and the EDs couldn't come as multi quest.
>How do I unlock the rest of the ??? rank 10 weapons?
Do anomaly investigations
>what's the best armor sets
Please do not disrupt my carefully crafted narrative anonymouse, those who have not played the game would not be cognizant of such information
>how do I unlock the rest of the ??? rank 10 weapons
Increase hunter rank and anomaly investigation levels.
>rank 10 weapons I assume are the best in slot
Do anomalies for reconqueress for now. You can switch to elemental builds once you have good gear and decos.
>what’s the best armor sets too?
Primordial with a couple other pieces of risen gear but you are gonna get molested unless your defence is above 900. My suggestion is to build a couple intermediate sets unless you want to suffer through hell.
>Switch Axe
Rise did wonders for the weapons popularity. I wonder if it will carry over to Wilds.
lol he mad
>calculative and grounded
When do I unlock anomaly investigations?
Oh is Reconqueress the best switch axe? Also I was wrong sorry I meant to say I was using the Death Stench armor and the Malzeno Switch Axe I double typed that, should I just keep using my armor sphere stuff to max out my Death Stench armor defence if I can to get higher until I can find better gear I guess?
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Ah...back when CB was slow, calculative and grounded...soul...
I hate world gunlance so much.
the track name being shown on a mute webm gets me every time
>Reconqueress the best switch axe?
No but it's one of the easiest tier 10 weapons you can get that's also exhaust. Elemental phials will outdamage it but unless you want to grind out decorations first it's not worth.
>Death Stench armor
Post your skills.
>armor sphere stuff to max
How many do you have and what's your current defence?
>Icbeorne CB can just cancel an SAED animation mid commitment into an instant GP
how is this honest
What GP did you use to cancel SAED? It's not the pizza cutter one. Is it the generic RT-Y?
I don't think I went that dry, but I remember losing my mind trying to get Narga Medulla in 3u.
Coincidentally Narga is one of my favorite monsters
I'm 100% gonna get desire censored by his skyemerald. On the bright side I'm farming him in anomalies so it's two birds with one stone. The downside is anomalies are overtuned.
because it doesn't work after a second
it's clearly the Pizzacutter GP, the block cancels the pizza animation
Uh how come there is no smoke bomb in MHrise? How do you solo those 2-3 arena monsters without the smoke bombs? Is it because of the mounting mini games doing damage?

Doesn't really make sense to remove the smoke bomb when the poison smoke bomb exist still.
You just play the fence minigame occasionally
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>post my skills
Attack Boost Lv4
Rapid Morph Lv3
Maximum Might Lv3
Protective Polish Lv3
Speed Sharpening Lv3
Focus Lv2
Quick Sheathe Lv2
Evade Window Lv2
Evade Extender Lv2
Critical Eye Lv1
Fortify Lv1
Flinch Free Lv1
Shock Absorber Lv1
>How many do you have and what’s your current defence?
My defence says 631 from my stat page, and the smith says I have:
135 Armor Sphere
2 Armor Sphere+
8 Advanced Armor Sphere
15 Hard Armor Sphere
115 Heavy Armor Sphere
18 King Armor Sphere
10 True Armor Sphere
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I only find lame because it's the ninja game and the smoke bomb is traditional ninja fuckery
>The only alternative was significantly harder
thank you for proving my point
The best raw options are magnamalo and lucent nargacuga, but they use power phials which make your meter management harder
Status/Exhaust phials do less damage but they get bought up a bit by buildup boost buffing them and amp themselves nearly instantly
Elemental is always king is sunbreak
Jho was considered hard? I know people got filtered by Teo if you didn't ping the Nova.
Don't log on to Wilds tomorrow.
Oh I also have Focus Lv2 on my Switch Axe and Spiribird Doubled since I can’t fit any of the other Rampage decorations on the Malzeno one either.
I don’t think I have Lucent Nargacuga yet. I heard Elemental is always the best yeah.
What do you mean your point?
He was replying to me and I already answered
>he hates ninja
Anon, reading comprehension. I think that it's lame that the ninjas don't have smoke bombs, not that ninjas are lame, ninjas are cool
>ninjas are cool
Damn straight, bitch.
Ummm don't they use smoke bomb to teleport to camps
I mean, the teleport smoke has been in Monster Hunter for a whole.

But they do? They have the teleport bomb like every hunter, and they get a free one when fast travelling.
samurai are lame though
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t. loser
You are a faggot and it disgusts me that I bothered helping you.
>Attack Boost
If you can farm some attack boost decorations slot them in. It makes things easier. You won't be able to get the really strong ones until anomaly 241+ which takes a while.
What's your talisman like?
>says 631 from my stat page
That's not enough, you will get one shot by a lot of higher tier monsters. The death stench set isn't gonna cut it desu. I'd get Gaisa's chest piece, Gold Rath's head and the rest can be the Malzeno set. Gold Rath will be either the first or second monster you unlock after Gaisa.
>18 King Armor Sphere
>10 True Armor Sphere
You haven't been picking up the optional subquests have you? Those 10 true armor spheres I think are a reward from the anniversary edition because I don't think you would have fought any hazards up until this point. Anyway you will want to fully upgrade your malzeno coil and gold Rath helm. The rest of the gear you can use the shittier spheres on if you want but it shouldn't be mandatory. The set I recommended should be good enough to take out Amatsu once you get there and then you want to farm all the heavensent pieces.
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he will fall too, emperor's dog
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I fucking love that dog. It's not perfect (have fun following footprints at the dead of night in a forest in Kurosawa mode), but damn, it's so oddly chill.
What man I never play girls in games I figured I’d switch it up from doing what I always do instead of making another cool old guy.
>What’s my talisman like?
It’s got Rapid Morph 1 and Evade Extender 2 on it but no decoration slots, I figured the skills were really good though.
>Gaisa’s chest piece, Gold Rath head, rest Malzeno
Gotcha boss, I’ll work on getting those then.
>haven’t been picking up the optional subquests
I have a bunch of the sidequests available I just have mostly been doing the story ones with my brothers though.
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>still waiting for TGS for new infos
I just want to see a different locale than "The Dune" one. showing a forest area was nice. BUT I NEED SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
>pick up herbs in A7
>unlock more A7 investigations
>pick up herbs in A8
>unlock only A9 investigations
What the fuck does this game want from me.
Have you guys beaten rathalos, in smash bros?
How does layered armor work in Morld?
Play the game and find out.
I gather all the bloody poop + kill the monsters and I get 10 investigation of which half are the same level and the rest is split between higher and lower tier.
I assume you're trying to unlock some A1 shitmons at high levels?
>I figured I’d switch to being gay
You figured wrong.
>I figured the skills were really good though
As you progress through urgent quests you will get better melding techniques and will get more broken talismans. There are also +2 evade extender decorations and rapid morph ones as well so decoration slots will be a must.
>I have a bunch of the sidequests available
Talk to the princess and scroll down to optional subquests. Click on them and lament the fact you've been a retard all this time.
I know they're staple areas in MH but the forest and desert we've been shown in Wilds looks underwhelming even with the dynamic changes that happen
I want Chameleos.
For other tiers its not a problem. But A8 somehow are the hardest quests to get.
I defeated him in FFXIV.
>decoration slots will be a must
Gotcha I’ll try and see about seeing if I can fit in those skills to a talisman that looks good, should I be using the Anima and Reincarnation melding pots?
>optional subquests
Oh man I did a bunch of these and then completely forgot to keep doing them thanks actually anon
you wear it
IIRC you can access the system early on but you can't craft all the layered versions of existing armor without getting to iceborne endgame to get the needed items
>Need to boughted miceborg to not look silly
It's over
>Anima and Reincarnation melding pots?
Those are tied at the bottom. Aurora will unlock after you beat the edgier Gore and that is what you will use until you unlock vigor/cyclus.
>thanks actually anon
No problem. There's some more stuff to grind afterwards but for no focus on that. If you haven't already unlock the palamute silkbinder. If you want companions finish Hinoa and Minoto's quests to get two hunting horns buffsluts.
a good reason to buy it
>riding monsters is advertised as a big part of Rise
>they deal less damage than a good hammer smash
It's percentage based and gives you a knockdown
Yeah but knockdown isn't that interesting.
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skill issue
Why is volvidon the most seethed about shitmon
He's cute and has fair openings
Gotcha thanks a bunch anon, I’ll check on what decorations I can make I just made a bunch of talismans rn seeing if I could just try and get any with good decoration slots to fill at least and I got a couple 2-2-1 and a 3-2-0 one so I figure I’ll mess around and see which works out nicer.
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Why do these pants color like this
Whose fucking idea was this
can't you change the pigment?
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gubros... they are making fun of us again...
even redditors are turning their back on portable slops
feels good to be a mainlinechad
Nakarkos does suck ass to be fair
He's no different from every other "cool setpiece but giant punching bag" monster.
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That's why it's bright blue
Every single color on these glows bright fucking red
Keep boxing that shitter you basedmon
>THREE(3) floating spectacle fights in Rise
Not fun. I'll break my perfect hammer streak and make a gun if I ever have to farm these bitches.
I do that sometimes
Pierce HBG on Ibushi is fun and I used it for a cash infusion when I still needed parts
Their heads and arms are in melee range at all times
Those fights suck for a lot of reasons but the fact that they're floating is not one of them
Thinking of doing a meme build in Iceborne. Offensive Guard Gunlance?
Frostcraft Lance
frostcraft HBG
It's more of a "floats to the other side of the arena right before you can hit it" type deal. They do that so much. It ain't fun constantly chasing them down and for Amatsu waiting for his 10 hit combo to end. Almost timed out on that one.
offensive guard GS
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Do you miss this majestic rock eater? What moves would you give him in 6th gen?
The walking laser snipes except if he misses the ground glows hot before exploding a bit later
a fakeout trip where he falls on his back and tailspins you with the recoil force of his fireball
Deviljho stomps
What’re the biggest monsters in the series?
Full on zenith moveset
Nobody misses this monster
He is in the same group of shitters as Juratados and Volvidon of monsters that capcom add to their games to "not make the roster too good"
Lao Shan? Akantor? The sand whale fucker? The floating moss fucker? Those
He's in rise just hasn't grown up yet :^)
every single one of them has their head in melee range at almost all times, hammer's pretty good for them
ibushi in particular gets stunned really easily, and you can abuse sliding attacks for amatsu
Raw unfiltered filtering.

He's just like me..
I'm honestly kind of tired of the "monster is a walking shitzone" archetype
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Good morning, /mhg/. Whats for breakfast? You are remembering to eat breakfast, roght /mhg/?
For me? Some yummy hard boiled buffalo eggs. I was 90% sure they were gonna be fuckin gross when I first tried them, but theyre super duper yummy.

And speaking of yummy eggs, which min do you think lays the tastiest eggs? I wouldnt mind killing a Rathalos and capturing a Rathian to get a lot of massive unfert eggs. Soft boil em in some Rath broth, spilt em in half, and then whip up the yolks with some butter and onions sauce, and use a half like a big ol' dipping bowl for the table for your hunting party's meats and breads.
Mmmm, eggs.
100% LS main hands typed this post.
>buffalo eggs
MH has gone too far with its lizard pandering
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Did you all make sure you have the movie downloaded or have a stream ready? The watchalong starts in 50 minutes
>roars to stun you
>laser beams you before you can recover
Nothing personnel hunter.
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>teaching new hunters that one size fits all builds aren't a thing and you can get earplugs before setting off or use shields
I'd rather fertilize some rathian eggs, if you know what I mean *wink*
Horny hunters capturing Ratians are how wyverians happened.
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>one of the weapons that can just ignore shitzones with half of its attacks
Iopi is still alive?
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>every time my huntress goes into camp and does her stretch exposing her armpits I get a boner
Does kulve still only drop shit gear?
>can't roll through roars
I know I'm shit but I'm not THAT shit
I can't roll through roars in rise, I swear the frames are different
stinky sweaty pitpussy pitslut
The kjarr shit is arguably the best elemental class of elemental weapons in the game, but other than that yeah.
Rise pizza cutter is a clunky piece of shit and as a result way more "slow and calculative" than regular CB
Gotta love tourists showing up every couple of years and start screeching and pissing themselves about weapon gameplay changes
Are they? I just saw the rarity 8 and tossed em cuz thats some HR shit.
They are.
The base roll was made worse because you have the bugs
t's about half as good
With those ccvs, not really.
Base iframes were too high in MHW so they tuned it done for rise. You need to invest in evade window if you want something similar.
I think it's EW2 for MHW like base roll and EW5 is equivalent to EW2.5 in world
>iceborne 5th anni
what are you doing to celebrate
Kjarr weapons have built in critical element.
I thought you guys said Rise was easy.
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Recombine Guard and Guard Up
lets celebrate in a lumu
roars have odd timing, it's a split second after they tense up and SFX, not that instant
A move where he raises his tail and lazers under himself
wings sweep that looks like a clap, HR moves all hunters in 100 degrees of his face towards his center and GR will either have a charged up lazer as a combo OR the wings will snap shut for damage
A GR only rock attack that starts with his head throwing up a rock and his tail hitting it. This causes pellets to fly out as an 90 degree AoE
Molten form only happens on his own in LR and GR has a "vent" move to undo a player applied heat
HR gets a short ranged neck pin attack that has him look sharply left and then right and if he gets someone he slams his wing claw into them to flick them out
HR gets a backwards kick that boosts him forwards a little and GR gives him rock projectiles
>Do you miss
I've never hunted him desuwa
Yes, split makes no sense
Duralamadur, Dire moralis or Zorah I don't remember which of the 3 are the biggest
yes, but it become a 5 points skill (assuming we get a system similar to 5thg gen)
with guard up starting on the 3rd point of guard
overall a lot of skill bloat could be reduced like that, like recovery speed and recovery up
Laviente is we are including spin off. Dalamdur in the mainline series. I can't remember if the Dala we fight in 4 is meant to be a baby or not though.
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I'm glad this unspeakable monstrosi-BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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Shield weapons should have a higher blocking skill tax to piss them off, while iframe heroes need 0 skills to do everything
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This combo does more damage than anything that has been shown by such a large margin.
God damn, those effects look so shit.
Yeah but Guard up kicks in at level 4/6, 5/6 will prevent multi hit novas from killing with 6/6 only needed for MMO monster "ultimate" moves (deals small amounts of chip with a special animation)
And ofc power guard grants 4/6 guard up for free, at the cost of taking a shit ton of knock back instead of chip damage
In the heat of the hunt, I love when we work together to take down a monster, feeling that tension build as we target its weak spots. There's nothing quite like the thrill of riding our trusty companions and the satisfaction of landing a perfect blow, sending it quivering to the ground. After a long, intense battle, it’s all about the sweet release of carving that beast down to its bare essentials.
why are teostra weapons so trash
Taking down a Rathian is always a wild ride. The way she swoops down from the sky, fiery and fierce, gets my heart racing every time. There’s nothing like dodging her tail as she tries to whip you, only to counter with a powerful thrust of your weapon, finding just the right angle to make her roar. As she staggers, weakened from our relentless assault, the anticipation of that final, decisive strike builds. And when she finally crashes to the ground, it’s all about savoring the victory as we move in close to claim our hard-earned rewards.
Cost of fashion
Hunting a Black Diablos is an intense experience, especially when it bursts from the ground in a powerful surge. The thrill comes from digging in deep, staying on your toes as it charges with ferocious energy. When we manage to get it enraged, there’s nothing like the tension as we work together to chip away at its hardened exterior, every strike feeling like we’re pushing it closer to submission. And when it finally collapses after a grueling fight, the satisfaction of getting in there and carving out those rare materials is unmatched.
I fucking love the pizza cutter and I'm ok with it being a Rise thing only.
>mfw i don't do any of that and just hit shit with CB ever since 4U
Bros, am I a fucking ape?
What the fuck is this chatgpt bullshit
Maybe you're the smart one while the dude trying to find depth in a kiddy videogames is the dumb one
It’s anons posting innuendo disguised as Monhun posting.
I'm training a monster fucker chatbot.
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>this and bow's homing arrows+literal DD's magick archer are allowed and are "grounded and realistic", but shit like energy blade, moonbreaker, bullet geyser are "too anime" for mainline MH
why is there no music in guiding lands
Tokuda went on record to say blast dash is "anime chink shit" and they will be only animefying longsword from now on
Why? Why do all the effects and shit have to look like theyre plastered to the HUD like a fucking rpgmaker attack? Its a shamfurel dispray
You'll be able to disable it like in every other game you whiny dumbfucks
What is this? There's a guy pretending to be an anime girl going to watch the MH movie? Is he going to stream it on youtube or am I expected to find my own? I 'member the 2spooky stream rooms we had years ago, good times, good movies.
Why cant they just make it look good in the first place so people dont have to?
>am I expected to find my own?
holy shit I actually timed out, bow damage in FU is ridiculously low in this game damn
>like in every other game
You mean mod it out?
Why do shitposters pretend the options menu doesn't exist
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>All those seeting replies because CB won't ever jump around around again in wilds
As a GL main that had to deal with seething b!ngniggers because blast dash isn't returning, i'm happy for you anon.
Sister...they'll just bring it back in the g rank expansion when everyone complains about the weapons being boring
Explain the burning pinas shifting shitzones. The legs are good one second and then it's the head. What's going on?
>gives LS every hunterart it had and more
>lol no, this is too anime for *insert weapon*
the fuck is his problem?
I should stream movies on cytube too.
Would you faggot like to watch Ran?
You don't need 16 player rooms, you don't even have friends
mhg are my friends
I'll just have to enjoy those said weapons while it lasts before they rape it so that b!ngniggers and retards can enjoy it.
welcome back old MMO gameplay where it's just two 3d models side by side just doing animations while damage numbers appear around them
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Why do pretend to have a clue? Even the "Change Hit Effects" in Rise doesn't actually do jack shit for the cringey plastered efx
>and CB will remain slow, calculative and grounded
Damn bro, did you skip the Wilds CB trailer?
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do you guys use this follower thing they introduce in rise's grank?
idk, i haven't used it after doing their own quests
You know you have additional options related to gameplay after you selected a character?
Since we are going full anime my hope is that we get the frontier SA eventually. That was the best incarnation of the weapon.
honestly, damage numbers should be a decoration skill as a learning aid, pro hunting looks so much better without them
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World PC lumu room lobby

All I want is the Wild Swings in Sword Mode from Storm Style. Light Sword from Heaven Style would be cool too, but I really just want to hack away
Does the Chameleos rampage deco work as a substitute for bingbirds?
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Ha, yes, literally the same game. Literally.
there should have never been a split

guard 3 give you a light version of it (knockback+chip) while guard 5 gives you the full version (no knock back except supers + very small chip), if there is guard 6 then you get all unblockable + no chip and a reduced stamina cost
do you think hunters can hold their weight against tyranids?
goon or ERP?
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that's not old, that's ancient, but it is the same as FF and WoW
Could tyranids hold their own against monster world? They might overwhelm with sheer numbers, but hunters could definitely down a hive tyrant or carnifex. No chance of getting zora--- a bio titan
Nah. In any kind of confrontation, whatever is Warhammer 40000 wins because they're just so ridiculous. Carnifex and Hive Tyrant are fully armored, for crying out long, you'd have to aim for the very rare vulnerable spot while avoiding talons, whips, and that thing that spouts a jungle when it fires.
Yeah I think so
¿Porque no los dos?
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Nah, nids would definitely get their first wave fucked over by super plagues like vaal or qurio. Any numbers they throw at them would bounce right back. qurio might even be enough to take down a hive ship, at least before they can adapt.
Hunters have more than enough super strength and power sword tier weapons to cut through nid armor
Doesn't actually make any difference with how much space we have
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>Guard 5?
>That's cute.
Yeah attacks surpassing Guard Up is bullshit and completely renders the skill useless. I mean make it 3/4 deco slot or something whatever, but don't have attacks that supercedes it.

It is my dream to shield Alatreon/Fatalis/Behemoth/safi
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>i have to use 10% of my skill economy on le "tax skills"
>this is an injustice that needs to be righted
>fully armored
minds eye, GLs shelling, cluster ammo, tenderize beg to differ
I miss her...
>Yeah attacks surpassing Guard Up is bullshit and completely renders the skill useless
No it just means for some attacks you have to get behind the rock like Tokuda wants you to
finna goon
I don't mind it for the big super duper blow up attacks like Safi's nuke, but it's kind of bullshit that some attacks like AT velk's 360 breath just completely bypasses guard up.
>press roll button
>completely negate any rpg skill system
fire those designers
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Demanding it blocks map nukes is retarded
At that point you might as well stop playing the game because your demand is a block button impervious to everything
>Carnifex and Hive Tyrant are fully armored
>Big Bang 1
>Big Bang 2
>Big Bang 3
>Big Bang 4
>Big Bang Finisher
Shuddup, bejita
I'll big bang ur mum, scrub
Chip damage still exists with max guard up, retard. If you blocked a nuke it should chip most of your health.
>always miss flash pods
>don't even bother anymore, I just take IG and go up to them.
Lumu and Rathalos solved.
I want double flick though I question how useful it would be. Extreme style would be too strong but it would be really fun. I would be ok with storm style in it's entirety. Losing morph attack but being able to spam sword mode combos would be fun as fuck.
Why is lance so weak?
god that was such dogshit design repeated over and over for those final big hunts
It was good until 4U / Gen but world and rise had hate boners for it and decided to either neglect or actively worsen it
damn, this is kino
speaks to my soul
Lance is the best it has ever been in Rise, fuck you talking about?
Watch out he's gonna seethe about moves that were nerfed in sunbreak
>Lance is the best it has ever been in Rise

kys samefag
He's actually going to seethe about muh charge slap and muh leaping thrust being better than muh pokes
>poke poke
>counter guard
I mean they kind of are but it's not like the pokes are unusable. There's a lot of spastic monsters that won't really let you get the leaping thrust swipe combo off a lot.
malding bings
>/mhg/ seething about lance for the 23592nd time this month
lance slapping is dumb, it's a solid core weapon with low moment of inertia(hammer power), it's not made to slap. The charge reverse sweep is fine, because that's the only way to make a reverse hit work
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i like hammer
I like playing hammered
Never said that wasn't the case but autists in here will pretend that pokes are completely obsolete and never worth using
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>it's only like 8% better than poking
who fucking cares you retard, lance is perfectly fine without using silkbind attacks constantly
People always loved to spam their strongest attack but for some reason when you tie it to a resource you have to manage as it is used for both offensive and defence it's bad.
What was it about this specific monster that gathered so much attention? I don't understand why Kulve became so popular amongst those type of MH fans.
Or a lance, I'll take either
She literally has tits in game and the entire hunt revolves entirely around tearing her clothes off
And her armour gives your huntress fat tits
don't forget the pole dancing at the end, kulve is peak corruption fetish hunting
goats are sexy
Stop trying to fuck the monsters
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You're not wrong
>turns out base Wilds will only have 10 monstes + flagship + secret elder dragon
>they will release more but doubling down on the Iceborne DLC model, free but spaced out; Capcom would want to do this to keep discussions alive for longer like with IBand more dev time
>you will get more but you have to wait
How will you feel if this was the case?
if god didn't want me to fuck the monsters why did he make them look so fuckable
That's fine, I started succeeding a while ago
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goon hours
based on the weapon this chart used it's not even current, spiral thrust got nerfed
I dunno, I feel like only gaunts could really be countered.
But I think you're thinking of fighting them Monster Hunter-style, as in, 1vs1, while I'm thinking of fighting them all at once. Of course, in the latter case, hunters would lose, but in the former case... actually a pretty good question, especially since with their intelligence, they'd be on par with Fatalis.
lumu dead? I can’t join
Wilds' is so vastly different from World's that it isn't funny.
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You can't call her mommy and keep melting her clothes away, what's what a bad boy does.
>typo means esl
>minor typo
fuck off
Buenos dias señores
a kill team of gaunts could probably take down shitmons like paolumu or odogaron, with losses. One luna nova and they're toast, and nerg would likely bulldoze through them no problem.
>try lance v fatty
>get him to phase 2 lickety split
>get insta-jobbed when I touch back down x2
Leaping thrust is 3% better than just triple poking things to death? That's what people are seething over?
Oh, I thought we meant what Tyranids hunters could pick on.
>Swarmlord is categorised as 8-C
Nah the nids gets raped by Fatalis lol. No matter what verse all they do is job.
I'm getting close
hunters aren't going to fight an entire invasion fleet on their own, there are tons of monsters who don't take kindly to nids on their lawn. They're a huge distraction so hunters can move on a high priority target like a tyrant or whatever. the vast bulk of nids are pure shitters and the only strength is in sheer numbers.
With both World and Rise, I just stopped playing until the updates were out.
It's a great sword
>plunderblade kitty drops me dozens of gold shinies
How do I show my appreciation without making it weird, I love him so much
>Magala frenzies the entire fleet into collective suicide
its a ham mer
>palico fucking sniped teostra in the middle of super nova and downed him
What the fuck, why are rise palicos cracked?
>the vast bulk of nids are pure shitters and the only strength is in sheer numbers
Yeah but Tyranids are versatile. Hunters can fight back against gaunts or whatever, but then the tyranids will use Raveners to catch retreating hunters or ambush them as they're healing.
Can i solo kulve. ive never fought it before
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I still miss him
There is an MR quest you can probably do but the siege is autistic multiplayer shit
hmmm thinking ill make a funny OP for the new thread
Just finished Narwahhhh and Ibushi quest explain their unlocked skill for me
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y-you too
Make it only have wilds, frontier and now links
why she trying to ship me with her sister when it is her I want to plow
She's a cuckquean.
Odds hunt Odo
Evens go to bed
it's dog time
new bread
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Same issue here. You guys should make a new room DESU.

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