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Advice for fivers edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Frontier
Set up and connect to the /mhg/ server: https://pastebin.com/ZJaqPmQa
FAQ & set up: https://pastebin.com/QqAwZSTC
Decorations database: https://supream2.github.io/bougu/deco.htm
Item database: https://xl3lackout.github.io/MHFZ-Ferias-English-Project

Official website: https://monsterhunternow.com/en
Play Store download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nianticlabs.monsterhunter&hl=en
App Store download: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/monster-hunter-now/id6445906110
Database: https://mhn.quest


>Where does /vg/ play?
Shibuya, Japan
Toronto, Canada
São Paulo, Brazil

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>493301308
how do i fucked a handler
learn english first
ESLs fucked my handler...
Not now
I guess a new room/lumu is worth a try
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You may not believe it, but LS is my worst of those 4.
Monster Hunter Mow
Go back to hanmer and do it right this time.
Make new room, I'll join
are you telling him to commit suicide
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I give up for now, good luck with Brachy
can't wait to mod wilds and make Gemma wear that
Hmm, its tempting, but Im having too much fun with GS and Lance atm
Next time ;-;
Wilds will not have mods
I like it Mild
Mild actually works pretty well.
I love huntresses
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just finished sunbreak, while I think I had more fun with it, I feel like I had a greater experience with world/iceborne idk, something feels amiss with rise/sunbreak
started with fu btw
are you my wife
Oh look he posted it again
You tell me
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Why doesn't anyone shill Strength Hammer for people who hate the bugs? It's the most grounded simple playstyle in SB, even in speedruns it's 95% charged swings and then big bang when the monster is down. All that's new is
>water strike
Probably the simplest counter in the game, not tied to a resource, only used defensively or to start big bang no crazy bullshit like SA counter.
>keeping way
You pull yourself forward with wirebug and maintain charge, some horizontal mobility to keep up with the adhd monsters nothing more
>impact burst
A buff move you really only use when it's going to wear off, the only bing bug damage move and it's not spammed or used for damage.
I have hundreds of hunts with World Hammer and this fits like a glove.
>kestodon (female)
W-why do I need to know?
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pawtition to remeowve huntresses
A huge portion of posts in most threads for mhg including this one are made bt one poster. That's why it's so nauseatingly repetitive in here. The
>Bad gameplay webms
>Rise/World Good
>Rise/World bad
and repetitive bait posts that are reddit screencaps are mostly propogated by him
How do I go back to playing anything else after GS and not feel weak as shit?
It's fun, and I beat the whole base game and majority of SB using it, just recently tried out courage. Courage just lets you apply so much more damage so much faster. You stick to the monster and just combo forever. Despite this I do love the drive-by hammering of strength.
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There is only one path forward to true strength, anon
Finally a worthy OP
what you describe basically applies to courage as well but courage does much more damage than strength.
man i fucking suck, cant even kill ruiner in guiding lands without dying like 5 times
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>reach shogun ceanataur
>"nice, should be easy"
>it's the fucking rustrazor moveset who doesn't stop attacking
>eat shit
I was not ready for that lmao
Sorry /mhg/, I'm playing FU today.
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>tempered ruiner shows up right after
alright time to die 20 times
Work hard and kill him
I know element is king now and everyone says to play Courage but it's nice that regular Hammer is still there and isn't non-viable, and more importantly playing it well is just playing with the base moveset for damage with a couple tricks. It felt like shit in base Rise how you wanted to just spam Impact Crater even over Big Bang.
because he doesn't fucking miss
rustrazor's attacks will miss
fucking rice shogun has 90% accuracy
U in the lumu? Lets die to him together :D
i had 0 issues with sunbreak shogun and i cant stand that guy whatsoever in freedom unite
Is Primordial Malzeno the final final boss of Rise like how Fatalis was to World?
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>Want to have multiple weapons with Health Aug
>Have to kill a gorillion Tempered Namielles in GL and a bazillion Ruinergs
God World's augment system fucking sucks.
He's such a pussy he can't stop flinching and tripping
Yeah, Ive been fighting a lot of T ruiner nergs lately for that reason.
What do you mean finished? Primordial, the hazards or farming your BiS armour?
>God World's system fucking sucks.
i agree
I think there's a hazard version of the fight. Risen Magala is apparently harder than normal primordial.
there is not a single hard iteration of gore/shagaru magala
uuuuuh what about frontier's
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I really, really hope that whoever designed Rise gets aids, cancer and dies.
>Hey let's cap stats with shitty birds, also riding your dog and wall running gets bugged half the time
>mm rampages yes tower defense, people want that!
>Oh dango food let's put LUCKY % STATSSSSS
Wanna play the end game? FUCK YOU, you are 10 leaves above the other player with investigations and can't join.

Dont get me started with narwa and ibushi. They fly all the fucking time, they force to use the shitty ballistae but surprise! By the time you get there they disappear.
Monsters stay flying and move all the fucking time and they jack off with AoE garbage and mines and shit because why the fuck not!
What a garbage game.

I fucking hate the japanese, this shitty gacha game. I hope Mr Ching Chong I love japaneusu gets rapped in the ass by a flaming espinas.
I made this the other day and thought it was a gunlance. Then I tried using it and it was just a regular lance and I was confused. Then I poked a monster with it and it caused small explosions and I was even more confused.
>wanting/needing health aug
I thought you guys were good at this game here
>uhh what about um... dauntless!
good morneng sar
some of his attacks come out so fast i cant react and his spikes keep fucking me over, im gonna keep practicing him with cb cause i want his layered weapons...
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Good hunts
i want frostfangs layered armour but its too hard...
Why are hunters so WIDE now
hey, alright
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the other, good one
>try CB for funs in MHW
>charge my blade
>phials fill up
>charge my blade
>spin a special way
>shield fills up
>charge my blade
>actually really charge my blade this time
>everything i do is making lightning explode around me
>blocking monster hits with zero knockback
>charge my blade
>giant fucking explosion

holy moly this weapon is awesome. is there a reason to use the charged sword mode though? it seems to make normal sword attacks a little stronger but i cant use too many of those without getting overheated
bros how do I play SA, it's too big brain for me coming from playing a lot of IG
EE and morph attacks
SA in 5th gen is basically just a cooler IG after they raped and murdered IG's hit effects
Damn the more I play the older games the more I realize how few new ideas world actually had
>monsters breaking the environment to reveal a new area/path
not actually a world thing as this was present in 3U
>environmental traps
technically not a world thing either since we could bait diablos into getting itself stuck in the wall as early as gen 2
>tenderizing with clutch claw
even this is basically just an expanded version of wystones from 4U
>little creatures running around the world
there are countless examples like the little dung beetles in 4U or the fish in 3U

It's making me wonder which world ideas are genuinely new. I guess the slinger, mantles, turf wars, and wallbangs? It really does just feel like world was the QOL (aka casualization) game and the few stuff it did add are mostly disliked by players.
Sword mode is mainly there to build charge and set up counters. But once you get your pizza cutter started, you're pretty much fucking shit up until you run out of phials. I think the proper way to use it is to use some phials and then quickly recharge, but I wait for a knockdown and then do Upswing > ED2 > repeat x3 > One-phial SAED
Stick to weapons more your speed like dual blades.
>is there a reason to use the charged sword mode though?

guard points
>is there a reason to use the charged sword mode though?
Yeah absolutely, properly charging your sword prevents your attacks from bouncing off the monster.
that is the female alpha set
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World problem. Not an issue in Rise and Wilds.
I don't care about new ideas, I care about well implemented ideas. Otherwise we end up with shitty gimmicks like rise
Risen Shagaru Magala? Yeah that was the hardest fight so far.

>Hazard version
Uhh I'll keep an eye out for it
Just spam B, bro. What's so hard to get? If you're really feeling like spicing it up you can press Y anytime after 3 swings for a nice finisher attack.
I feel like neither of you understand what charged sword mode is or does because it does neither of these things
(well maybe it does the second but why are you overfilling your phials or hitting hardspots)
Rise players are the most oppressed race.
I genuinely cannot understate how happy I am with this
Not even a coomer, I'm just tired of the absolute fridge proportions on so many armor sets. You could fit two of me in them.
>hiding your name but exposing the others in the lumu
faggot behavior
Different strokes I guess. This series is so casualized at this point I just want to see what new wacky ideas they can come up with. Which is why wilds feels pretty disappointing in that regard. It really does feel like 4U was the last mainline game to try new ideas. What a shame.
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what layered sets pair well with hammer?
The enlightened are usually persecuted.
Do I stay in axe mode with the partbreaker buff until monster topples/flinches?
Do I need to use amped discharge finisher?Right now I legit dont use it at all in whole hunt
it happens everytime someone posts a webm and its so embarassing
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Anything tribal like Bone or Dober

qipao dress.
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It depends entirely on which hammer you're using
I like Safi with Demonlord
Guild Axe with Guild armour or Kulve
R.Brachy hammer is a nice general hammer I suppose
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my wife
What game?
>coomer skin
>long sword
I can smell your greaser cheese covered fingers from here
Axe mode buff is a honeypot, don't let people trick you into think the axe is useful
It's a little bonus on morph attacks and nothing more
If they post that ONE demo Tigrex TA you know they're retarded
>we got barrel bomb throwing in wilds before flying bomb golfing w/ hammer golf swing
Worst timeline.
Nice but are we getting big tiddy huntresses like the concept art armors tend to have tho?
i was with you, despite the buzzword rage, till you whined about narwa and ibushi
they're piss easy, might be a skill issue
This is the specific error you get when you're kicked from a quest in Rise, right?
wait what no more locale in wilds? just one big map?
that's kinda shit
too covered up, too manly, still gay
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LSfags telling you to slot in flinch-free are literally victim blaming.
I like axe mode for the mobility. When the monster is down, sword comes out, spam B until meter fills(You get minds eye), then BYYY is your damage combo. Or was it BBYYY? I'm assuming you're playing world. Discharging all over the monster's face is fun, but not required. You can just swap back to axe when the monster is up so you're not stuck in the long empty meter animation.
*lance charges you while youre healing*
Heh, nothin personal
Anyone got a template or transparent png of that corner cat meme?
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incoming hammer onee-sans telling LSfags to suck it with a golfswing (up)
Alright the main things to know are:
You can't morph from neutral, your defence comes from rolling and the hops you can do in sword mode.
You want to hit amped state ASAP and use your sword basically whenever you can as long as it's safe.
Triple B is your fasted way to hit amp state but the third B has a long wind up where you can get caught so only use during openings.
Axe mode is a meme outside of refilling sword gauge. You will only ever use 3 combos, those are triple B into Y which is your swings into an overhead slam, Y+B which is an upward thrust and backwards movement input with B to lunge back with an attack that hits high. REMEMBER THAT LAST ONE CAN ONLY BE USED AFTER YOU HAVE LANDED AN ATTACK.
EE and EW are your friends if you are new, sword mode is very punishing if you get caught out.

There's more but just focus on understanding the basics for now.
tldr get amp state and go wild with sword
how do I get the pizza cutter going? rn my main strategy is to charge my shield, get phials, then just SAED -> repeated charged blade attacks for meter -> SAED as hard as i can until the shield charge wears off. is there yet another deeper level of blade charging I should be attempting? also I'm using the zorag set for maximum artillery and the zorah weapon for explosions because it seems appropriate.
Man, if only. I forget, did DD2 have options for DDs and above?
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wtf why are they mean to her
Greatsword is too complicated
Sword charge slash itself does good damage, and on faster monsters it can be hard to get good openings for axe mode or S/AED. I dunno, I always liked sword charge.
They were encouraging her to spend more time with (You) <3
nerdgasming over reddit written dialogue
The same way you charge shield but L2 instead of R2
Her colleges are tired of her being such a shitter
lumu already dead?
>lifts her legs with only her butt cheeks
she's a g*nner
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Friendly reminder to spank the monkey :)
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good honts room, I got disconnected but I gotta get ready for work anyhow
Have you tried listening to any of the dialogue when she's in a hunt?
The only reason she's not a cunt to (you) is because you are THE MC, strongest hunter of Kamura
Any advice on getting through HR Rise solo on the Switch? I don't have Sunbreak.
Hit the monster until it dies.
Deal damage and dont die.
hit monster
dont get hit
I would recommend hunting the monsters
good hunts, gl at work !
They are easy, they are just a waste of time and a shit fight.
fighting goss harag and almudron feels less fun in master rank compared to hr
it's like they want me to use silkbinds all the time with how fast and how many combos they do
their hr fights were really fun
theres no fun in mr and hr in this game
Almudron is basically designed for high mobility weapons like IG. As for goss you need to just stop mashing
I played Rise with only Lance and even still I hated Almudron so fucking much
Just wave after wave after wave of blocking literal mud, and I could not IMAGINE doing the fight with any other weapon
Goss Harag was fun, even on MR for me
Oh no. I've been stuck with the LS because I can't farm the parts to upgrade any other weapon past the starter level.
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Hey guys let's play MHP3rd (PS Vita) and league (PC) today guys :)
with other weapons you have to interact with the mud slopes he spawns or swallow your pride and wirebug jump of them
as always almudron is a misunderstood artist
My strongest weapon deals no damage to the monsters, and their hitscan moves stunlock me until I die or time out.
>on the Switch
why do this to yourself
it runs like trash on switch, even a low end pc will run it 10 times better and risebreak is on sale monthly
what serber?
Hope he goes bankrupt and destitute
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>brown colour palette
He'll be back in Wilds guaranteed. Lament.
Almudron isn't impossible if you use other weapons but you probably won't actually have fun unless you're using a high mobility weapon. Magma almudron is much more forgiving in that regard
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Because my brother got it for me as a birthday present.
okay? retard
your brother might hate you anon
lock your doors at night
It's in the name, and it's just fire damage vfx back then for any fire weapons, IIRC.
PCfags are a blight
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why is it always gunners who *deliberately* ruin sleeps
what crawled up their asses and died
Tranjanath is a transmasc icon. Anyone who calls him by his deadname (Anjie) is hunted down by the Tranjanath cult and never heard from again. Rumor has it that if you worship appropriately he will grant you free doses of high potency tyrannosaur testosterone.
I KNEW anti-huntress posters were just projecting
>be lbg main
>have custom messages for when im about to sleep or para a monster
>warn about putting it to sleep
>melee fags continue their tard flailing anyway
ive noticed vast majority of these idiots play duals or glaive
if you're using a counter weapon like >>493413993 this anon, you'll have an easier time
almudron becomes a massive pushover vs CB, lance and LS(full of counters who would've thunk?)
who hurt you
3rd gen permanently ruined longsword and turned it into what it is today
>use lance
>guard advance all of his attacks because the move is fucking cracked and has a total 360 degree orb of protection so if you're mid animation hopping backwards and an attack slaps your ass you still take no damage
>leaping thrust
>just repeat this til he dies
Normal people don't switch weapons to beat monsters
i find it kinda weird that back then you really had to work for that red buff, even in GU, and now it is basically given to you in a silver plate and it's fine if you mess up
>they are just a waste of time and a shit fight.
i can kill them in like 6-7 minutes, bring buffsluts minoto and hinoa, 2 dogs and skyward thrust their massive asses til dead
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>be me
>love monhun
>play it for years
>name my palico after my cat irl
>makes the game 25% more fun because im imagining my buddy helping me out and its cute
>years go by
>my cat gets really sick, kidney disease
>no cure
>have to put him down, heart breaks, part of me died with him
>boot up monhun again because Wilds hype got me interested
>palico is named after him still

Bros... it hurts.
I asked...
>wtf why are they mean to her
she's a lunatic gunner with 0 defence who NEVER heals
she carts all the fucking time, i guess people don't want to deal with that
>My strongest weapon deals no damage to the monsters, and their hitscan moves stunlock me until I die or time out.
use a lance, you deal damage and take no damage, it's a great noob weapon
>you may not believe it
>the weapon that is notoriously the hardest weapon to master in the game every game, with immense skill cieling
>that everyone hates because it's played by every single noob
>that requires you to master an overly complex kit and all its timings that actively punishes you for missing 0.2s time frames on everything
>that nobody except hunters with 10000+ hunts on it can play well
>you may not believe it, but I'm bad at it
I believe it.
Hating LS and Bow is unironically for casuals.
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My palico in 4U was named after my late dog. Some months ago I opened 4U again and smiled when I noticed
time to move on
put the cat and palico away
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keep using the name, so his memory live on
>bring 4 npcs so you don't have to actually fight them
You're basically just admitting that they're shit
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they're retarded, not malicious. I think.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
>my dumbass waiting for gen2 because I really like both world and rise
>especially the monster selection
I do prefer seliana's gathering hub tho
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I don't have enough mats to upgrade my starting lance to HR-ready levels. I spent them all on my longsword.
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>can't wyvernstake after parry
It's over...
Why are you dumb
but why
jesus christ anon, have mercy lol
You don't understand baka gaijin, the only weapon allowed to have big attacks after the parry is the weapon that doesn't have a shield
We even stopped CHAAJU AKUSSU from doing your stupid SAED after a gaado pointo
you're joking but this is a legitimate question to me
why the fuck is a long metal stick better for parrying than weapons with shields
i think ill do this yeah. its sad but also making a new one that isnt him seems even sadder. thanks for reading my blogposts mhg you guys are alright.
>retard caoslayer swapping r1 and r2 for absolutely no reason
Whoever made these gem grinds is a fucking asshole capture 2 of the same monster break all of their parts cut both of their tails plunderblade and all and i get 0 gems
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Say 'Itchy Nose' one more time and you won't even get that
then go farm some monsters
hell use the fucking defender lance, it costs like nothing to upgrade
The reason is that it's obviously better, you double retard
I bet you have auto-sheathe and damage numbers on
Maybe he doesn't like how most controllers have analog R2 button?
When I moved from GU to World I noticed (and also annoyed) that the guard is no longer clicky.
Good thing I didn't use guard weapons in World.
Something something folded over thousand times
No, I sheathe with R1/run, or item/square
The first time /mhg/ got too dank (in a good way). I hope this made sad anon chuckle even if just for a little bit
I named both my cat and dog, and designed their appearance, after my old dead childhood pets
Memorializing them is always kino even if it hurts
original pic of the cat pls?
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greatest kill screen in mhg history
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thoughts on wyverian...feet? paws?
>birth eggs
>yet have sagging honkers that big, a mammal feature
Literally just created for sex with (Me)
GU sucks and you all know it sucks
Mmm nyo
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>birth eggs
this isn't actually confirmed anywhere right
HDR makes all of the kill screens into blown out nightmares and I'm sad about it.
Name a single thing that it does better than 4U
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Sunbreak Switch room
pass 7243
I'm AR 150
Farming any anomaly stuff
laying eggs isn't necessarily incompatible with milk feeding newborns, like it is for a platypus
hunter arts
nta, but SnS oils, now i do agree GU sucks overall
No, but it hasn't been denied either.
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Thanks, now my headcanon of sucking twins' milk feels less weird. I am not joking.
Tell me, how do Wyverians come about?
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>plantigrade legs
shit artwork
I just name my cat Bud.
Minoto is the superior twin btw
Twins thread?
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No, seriously, did a horny /mhg/ hunter hundreds of years ago one day decided to go out into the wilds and fucked a small rathian and realised that somehow they can have babies?
Sucking on Hinoa's dango-flavored milk patches...
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It's 6/16
Say what you want about Rise, but they didn't slack in the waifu department
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exotic dragon women...erotic...
>I was blacklisted
eh, disagree, most characters where shallow at best
I feel like we'll never get it this good again.
>2 sets of sisters
>Gunner bitch everyone hates hunting with
>Slightly underage
>Very underage
It's got it all
>socially stunted twin who spends more time talking about her sister than you
I mean. In our universe, hunters apparently all want to fuck deer. At least going by screencaps. So really it's just one step removed.
autism is moe
evolution process like everything else
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So hundreds or thousands of years ago, a hunter dicked a wyvern, or a huntress got dicked by a wyvern?
It's fascinating, there are wyverians in the wilds, there are wyverians in human society. They live very long like elves, I get it. But how did they come about? I want to know so bad.
No but seriously, why are IG's hit sounds and effects so bad now
Hinoa would rape you and tell you it's your fault
Minoto would follow you like a lost puppy because she's awkward
>huntress got dicked by a wyvern
this is the one for sure
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>Hinoa would rape you
Oh no, haha, what a disaster..
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I'm so horny and lonely bros
i figured out why im not progressing
i need to stop shitposting and play the game
shame the rest of this is garbage
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>already have Fatalis set trivialising most sets
>already have most decos and charms
>already farmed most of the layered armour
I still hunt here and there but there is nothing to progress for me anymore.
which game?
so play another game instead, thats what im doing
portable 3rd, im at village 3 currently
Based and same
I wanna try out the heavy bowgun do you have to farm for the ammo?
This artwork is shit. The twins have very distinct faces that reflects their personalities, but this lazy weeb trash just copy pasted the same cookie cutter anime face for both and called it a day
>Rise twins
>Having personalities
It's Monster Hunter, all characters are shallow. But in Rise, they're at least pretty.
Can someone explain how to unlock Qurios melding? I've beaten Amatsu but the option is still greyed out for some reason.
Don't mistake depth with personality
nvm fuck that
>>Having personalities
yeah one is "i love my sister" and the other is "i love my dango", they're easy to distinguish

if you're playing sunbreak you can buy the ammo from the merchant
>I've beaten Amatsu but the option is still greyed out for some reason.
you need to beat chaos gore magala as well - i ran into the same problem yesterday, doing things out of order
I don't play that gay shit but I would bust the fattest nut inside of Vex
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ew kys normie
>no quests to unlock different bond level lines with the twins
>they stay pretty much the same from beginning to endgame
Missed opportunities.
does anyone play rise on pc here
im reinstalling it
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what type of weapon should I am for? Kulve or Safi?
I don't really get what are the advantages of each system
Rooms are rare but they happen
I still play
Yeah. Every time I put up a room here I usually get a few people joining pretty quickly.
I'm not too far past Gaisma on my PC file, but I'd join if you aren't farming anomalies
Same and good taste

I forget the last time I played, I remember being upset at the gacha armor skill bullshit and stopping and thats it, but I'll probably post a room within the hour
I've beaten both of them though. I'm literally wearing chaos's set right now.
Stop shitposting and play the game >>493402381
i have no idea, i just did all the quests here and it unlocked for me
you might need to do that first arzuros anomaly quest too as well idk
World is not a game it's a movie
why didn't you quote my obvious shitpost
because I am You
ESL-kun, safi is the best. Once you max it out you'll be able to slot ED armor buffs onto them, assuming RNG is in your favor. I have a set of DBs that have Vaal Soulvein on it, so in order to get super recovery, I just need another vaal armor. You can also increase damage and other shit about the weapon. I THINK you can also buff it with grinding land upgrades.
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Accidental cosplay? I didn't even notice this until I was rereading her oneshot...
Even my Palico looks kinda like the maid in the story
Safi weapon if you don't have Fatalis or you want a good status weapon, Kulve if you're wearing Safi armor
I hope Wilds will have a canon love interest like Hinoa
My hunter's only canon love interest is Babel Spear.
I'm missing both rebirth and reincarnation. I've already hit level anomaly level 81 and MR 56.
My canon love interest is my lumu wife
humina humina....
have you got any merchant related requests left to do?
>my lumu wife
Do you even know where she is?
I think she might be dead?
choco hime...
What oneshot
>Do you even know where she is?
in the lumu
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Rise is not a game it's a but red button with flashing "PRESS ME TO WIN" neon text that releases a dopamine spray into your nose
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>can't connect to lumu
>now capcom says it's not letting me connect because I made too many attempts to connect to it
>have to press a button to win
this is already too hard for me, going back to world
That's a world room tho
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managed to do tempered ruiner with just 1 cart after practicing :)
but between followers, anomaly investigation levels and only 4 man roomsthe multiplayer is a shitshow so there aren't a lot of lumus
I'm pretty sad that wilds is going to have followers too
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Good shit
He’s a fun hunt with CB when you get it down
i feel insanely tense and stressed out playing with real people, so i'm happy i can still emulate the MP hunting experience (with bots), so i'm glad followers are making a comeback
i was already impressed with their ai in sunbreak, so i'm looking forward to seeing how they've improved over the years

i was honestly kinda hoping we could make a 2nd character, and gear them up ourselves and choose ai for them to tweak how they hunt, but i guess that would be a bit much
maybe that could be the gimmick behind the next portable game who knows...
Followers are fun though. Wilds does seem to be doing a better job handling it at least.
None of those things are the reason why SB didn't see many rooms here.
There's a room nearly every day.
>why SB didn't
don't care about the insights of someone who can't even speak English
rise pc room amatsu urgent :(
>why sunbreak did not
what is wrong with that huh, what would you say is "correct"
Apologize to me when you realize your mistake.
Oh cool I actually need that one, gimme a few minutes to get out of bed please
What level gear do you need to fight Amatsu I just did a mission and suddenyl got like a bunch of urgent missions like him and Velkhana and Gore Magala
I also need it but am wageslaving. I'll be on in a bit to make you do it again.
i did it immediately after killing gaismagorm with my malzeno weapon and armor and it took me like 15 minutes, but that was just for the regular urgent one, not the hazard event one
is it worth doing the kulve taroth event? i tried it a few times with friends a long time ago and it was unbelievably long and we got a bunch of weird rewards that didnt actually do anything. we didnt actually finish the hunt (kill him) though
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But in Master Rank, you don't do any of the siege shit
You get dropped into fighting the thing directly
Oh is there a different Amatsu one?
Ichinose: hey guys look what i can do
*Ichinose shits on a plate*
Ichinose: there I call it monster hunter rise haahahaha those baka gajin will still buy this ahahahahahaha ahahahahaha wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
They should have made the Hazard quest the urgent, they knew people were expecting something that could actually cart them on launch
did ichinose really say that
Are you getting one-shot? If not, your gear is good enough.
yeah he did
Oh I don’t know I just unlocked it last night and went to bed, I just got up and free right now.
It's kino, don't listen to him
if my character is the main focus (from the hunters' side) or is in the background then sorry brother I'm not skipping
there's an urgent one you get as part of a title update and then there's a harder extreme version as an event quest
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>we didnt actually finish the hunt (kill him) though
Oh gotcha
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Wait, so kjarr weapons have elem crit built in, so you don't need silver rath set or whatever? Just fat alice crit set + the weapons adding elem crit?
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huntress is so cool
>Wait, so kjarr weapons have elem crit built in
>so you don't need silver rath set or whatever
Silver Rath gives True Crit element, but yeah you can ignore it
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Do I have to sign up on the faggot website to update the pastebin
that's a child
>rathian charges
>turns around
>targets cat, charges again
>i dodge the wrong way because i had no way to know she was going to target my cat and it kills me
total toxoplasmo death
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No. Only the author can update it.
take it as a lesson to spread out
some of you nyaggas have the object permanency of a baby
What did you want updated?
I played GU for so long the past month that I think 4U actually sucks now
Or maybe I just hate the charge blade after using different weapons
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Good hunts! Room is 6/16.
Out of 10
that's a large,womanly, shapely ass
-making machine
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she hasn't even had her period yet
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GGs. See you in Wilds.
fuck me ur retarded holy shit ´im oging to punch my wall thats how stupid you are.
I bet some of these mons have pretty tellable wind ups and decently telegraphed atks, but when your up on them smacking with your weapon and 90% of them is off screen its kinda hard to tell
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explain this then
My bad
I just fought the afflicted Arzuros, so is this how I get like the rank 10 weapons outside of the Gaismagorm ones?
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Good hunts
Biggest lizard down
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good honts
I'm so tired of being an adult, bros. I just want to be a little goofy goober playing my monhans in peace.
this but exclusively if my character is the main focus. If he is not it's getting fucking skipped. No dipshit little girl is gonna make me give a shit about them. I'll care if they are in the sidelines far away from the work I'm doing.
the ONLY exception to this rule is if they are also a hunter, AND are ACTUALLY hunting with me. Then, and ONLY then, should they be allowed more than 6 seconds of screentime.
Also none of this matters the second you make my hunter talk. The second you do that, it's over.
too bad
Don't care for Iceborne and I'm pretty sure I won't like Rise if I play it
Do I play 4U or GU next
If you play GU all the way to the end it's probably going to burn you out on monhun altogether. It has an absolute assload of content.
4U's basically everyone's favorite.
But Rise is good, I swear.
yeah i just got a letter to sign up for Jury Duty. I can't play monster hunter in court man. Such bullshit.
Show them your post history and they’ll invalidate you for being a schizo
where's your partbreaker?
>show them my post history
i would unironically still not be disqualified. No surprise because i don't shitpost.
>i don't shitpost
just send the judge a dick pic and they'll ban you from the court
Just tell the judge you know the culprit.
Or rant loudly about how "this trial be a waste of time, let's hang that coon already".
>4chan.org in browsing history
>instantly told they need not to attend for jury duty anymore
>also put on a local government watchlist
Does Primordial Malzeno have zero openings? This bastard never seems to stop attacking, deals 50% of my HP with each attack and fuck the this incessant wing thrust spam.
charged sword adds extra element or impact damage to sword attacks
It does NOT give you minds eye, only stops overcharge from bouncing
why do you need openings?
make your own openings
Holy fuck it works!
>put something on a wishlist until desire sensor hits
>take thing off wishlist
>do another hunt
>do a different hunt but with the target monster
>the thing you want drops
Maybe to attack him without getting true comboed? Every knockdown results in strings until your dead.
Was this designed around wirebug counters?
pro tip you can i frame the wing slashes lil bro
Designed around wirebug counters in the sense that if you try to counter, the follow up attack hits you, yes.
what weapon are you using
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Room is 1/16 or closed, thanks for the carts
lmao noob
Amazing how much more fun the game is in a group of 4 with zero longsword or ranged users
bro your ZSD spam?
after seeing these responses
now that i think of it, just knowing i was here would unironically have this happen. you are absolutely right.
Just rape the judge.
What's the difference between Valstrax and Crimson Glow Valstrax? I never made it that far in GU.
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I have over 500 hours played and I still haven't done this shit and am still only using 2 submarines
But building up the base is my favorite part of these games.
Can you do anal with Rondine? Asking for a friend.
only if you have a King Rhino if you know what I mean
you son of a bitch, you motherfucker, I will find who wrote this post and have my revenge
Don't do this it makes mustard gas
He's got openings but sometimes it's really hard to get to him if your weapon is slower
For the final phase he doesn't have openings until his explosion
Sunbreak added a feature to the action wheel where you can have your Palamute mark their locations on the map for you, provided you've already found at least one before. Should make it easier to find them.
slut npc when
can't get me lmao lol noob
fatalis : 1
you : 0
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>me and my friend going through world
>get to rajang
>game tells us to hit the tail to stop him from raging
>"what mythology did they take from for rajang, its so unique"
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>>"what mythology did they take from for rajang, its so unique"
Monster Hunter Dos
The Handler was a slut for pies.
errrrrmm its dragon ball you doofus
did you really fail a fatty hunt even before p3 started lol SHITTERS
Kill yourself.
Nah, if you time it correctly they still work.
Dishonourable but I cannot deny it's effectiveness given Malzeno's never ending onslaught of attacks.
Yeah, I started to figure him out on my last attempt. Wirebug when he knocks you down otherwise just keep rushing him. It's completely suicidal but it seems to work. I'll upgrade a dragon weapon and make some dragon decos and fight him for real later on. Right now my hits are barely in the 170 range.
ugh bros monke too stronk what the fuck is his problem?
>what the fuck is his problem?
blame this guy >>493412851
an unfortunate side effect from the beautiful cronch of Kirin horns

/mhg/ btfo
needs to cum in a huntress
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Actually it's from Wukong
>still staring
I thought we moved on to shitting on itchynose a while ago
Have you tried not getting hit?
she's curious because of the sounds
Did anyone genuinely think the teams were 100% entirely different? Obviously there would be overlap. I do find it funny he kept mentioning fujioka and ichinose though like tokuda didn't exist hahaha poor tokuda just isn't being recognized and honestly rightly so. Series went to shit when he started directing
I'm out of HR KT parts to melt
do I Siege KT or hunt MR KT for more melding parts?
If you're having problems with Rajang, go outside and fight a real monkey, challenge a chimpanzee or something to a fight, then come back and put what you learn to use

t. pro MH player
Doing these quests was the one time I truly had fun in Rise. Gathering quests/requests are the best
you're strange
>go outside and fight a real monkey
I'd love to, but apparently it's called a hate crime.
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what the fuck did you call?
you accidentally a word
I called ur mum
I smashed its arm with a metal bat and it stopped moving, went back to FU and triplocked rajang with GS
When is the #ReturntoRise campaign starting?
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>he isn't a soles hunter
This video is stupid though because you can just shit on the director.
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No, but he is:
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Fuck AT Glavenus right in the ass!!!
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rathian soles...
what in the fuck?
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why are risies like this? is it the lack of a father figure in their lives?
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Only took me 20mins, but it was a good hunt.
question, do hitbox changes when you break or cut monster parts?
Logically, when you cut monster's tail, their tail hitbox should change, right?
>exhaust taunt lasts 10 whole seconds
do morlos really think this is hard?
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Because you can't do it in World.
Now do the AT Speed one, now this is real fun
I'm trying to like Gunlance on 4U but holy fuck the time it takes to put up and put down your shield is painful.
what is the point of trying to do anything whatsoever to enraged gigginox? she either just jumps back and spams poison bombs when you cant even try to hit the head (weak tail is in a loading zone or wall at all times) or goes onto the ceiling to waste time, this monster is so fucking aids holy shit
Wtf shiro is good at the game?!
yeah but only certain mons :/
usually yes it does. If there aee cases where it doesn't, i can't think of them off the top of my head.
>Chaotic Gore Magala
>doesn’t have eyes like regular Gore Magala
>is constantly in pain and wants to die like Shin Godzilla
>has the cool almost transformed but not quite theme to it
New favorite monster and best abomination of nature in this series oh my god bros
i was wondering if that's the case for rath family's 360 sweep and poison spin.
>constantly in pain and wants to die like Shin Godzilla
Anon are you misremembering the movie? Shin wasn't in pain aside from when he was being attacked.
>Shin wasn't in pain aside from when he was being attacked.
Are you sure about that? He pukes radioactive smoke.
that's why you can just stay on it's sides, just gotta worry about wind pressure when it flips and flops. You usually should be there anyway when it tries laying it's eggsac on its back.
Baleful Gigginox on the other hand you may not wanna do that with, but the only issue with attacking the face/tail is that frame 1 dual bite they always do, so you just attack when it's in the middle of something else.
Good thing it's main weakzone is it's underbelly, just gotta flip him over.
my hammers too slow i cant keep up with the jumps
that is 100% the case for them, you are good.
Anon Shin Godzilla’s whole thing is that it was a walking abomination and very blunt representation of a radioactive cancer.
Uhh are you talking about his atomic breath? He evolves it to destroy the bombers that are attacking him. The closest he comes to being in pain is his second form when he comes out of the water and his lungs need to form instead of using gills.
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Can I just not?
then it's more about patience than anything else.
Sometimes it'll just sit there and keep doing the body slam/lift itself up for the poison gas attack
sometimes it will literally refuse to let you get close to it.
Remember to bring bounce bombs when it goes on the ceiling.
i like your videos sir :)
I'll be playing Rise for a couple of hours
Pass 7243
Hunting whatever
Uuuum no? He pukes all over Tokyo for no reason, unprovoked. That's when they start to bomb his ass.
based, not joining.
Just not what?
>In 2025
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sorry, am drunk wrong 1
No you don’t have to at all
You don’t get anything good and it’s not a fun hunt
thanks. what weapon do you use?
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vipper tobi kadachi is hard...
>very blunt representation of a radioactive cancer
No it was meant to be a representation of the tsunami that hit japan and the Fukushima disaster along with a critique of the Japanese Government. Shin himself is never suffering or stated to be suffering.
His "puke" is the build up for his atomic breath which burns the entire city and then changes into a beam. As for suffering Shin himself was made due to radioactive pollution.
What about fatty
why the fuck is there an ice element icon on top monke icon
Yeah that's a good name for a hunter.
You fucking burger
It's a pcheat screenshot, why do you think
throw rock at it when it flies
i use Greatsword so sorry if my help is generally ineffective.
Whats most satisfying weapon in World?
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mod so you know what their elemental weakness is without trying to look it up.
Some you just know
>Rajang/Zinogre/Tiggy = Ice
>Rathalos/Nargacuga = Thunder
some you just can't fucking remember
i play on console but i get why this mod exists.
okay later today after my workout I'm going to make a switch axe build from scratch and go kill him and record it and post it here so if you haven't beaten him by then it will be a brutal mogging
and I'm dogshit, so getting mogged by me is a social death sentence. You better beat him before then!
Do the lancegawd challenge
Sword and shield.
IDK what that is, but I did my "The Black Dragon" clear with lance, and thats the only time Ive ever solo'd him. Also why I made a fatty lance for my first weapon.
You must grind the for the red "completed" mark on all quests, you MUST
i think eating and sharpening should be taken out of the game
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>some you just can't fucking remember
No shit, fucking pokemon is the same, you're supposed to learn them, and we have fucking hunters' notes right there to remind us if we want to find out IN GAME
I think you should fuck off to god eater
Holy moly I had my first successful multiplayer experience from the quest board in Rise. It only took 8 months
I was worried for a while that it the join quest board wasn't even working
All it does is save me the 15-30 secs it takes to run to the research guy and check the mon's page in his book.
>un to the research guy
uh, bro, your hunter notes in start menu...?
I don't care, it's late and I want to sleep. Plus if you already know his mechanics and attacks of course it will be easier.
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Isn't this the guy that got harassed on twitter for the crime of finding women attractive
I'd say that was the weirdest way I could rediscover the guy that taught me sword and shield is based
>trap sleeping (Furious) monkey
>doesn't work
>trap again
>doesn't work
stupid facking monkey
At this point I imagine only joining random works consistently.
>got harassed on twitter for the crime of finding women attractive
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I think two other guys did it too
Why you trapping him, your cat with shield spire or even traps would probably do a better job at making openings for you. Just hit the fucker, man
Oh yeah, still faster this way. It improves my quality of life by not having to do extra menu diving.
Yeah dude got harassed because he made a silly little cringe song about how much he would any sort of woman.
someone told the fag he was a fag and somehow that's a drama because these are mentally ill attention whores
What is this weapon
cope!!! no wonder you can beat him with a loser's mentality like this
Alatreon longsword
Three guys, actually
go back and updoot your mod shit shots there
Doesn't that follow the fat acceptance movement who claimed that not being lusted after was like rape?
He made this kinda cringy video about how he finds women hot. The inoffensive catboy persona and heterosexual content made twitter have a fucking nuclear meltdown for some reason.
Maybe because he didn't include trannies in his list or something.
>me and irl friend fighting gaismagorm
>he accidentally makes an open quest
>some tard joins us and carts twice
>types some random shit in spanish
>friend carts and we fail the quest
Never again.
Oh thats pretty neat. Might be fun to try, but not rn.
Is /mhg/ Team Lance or Team Gunlance?
>Weapons that can block
I like both
But enough about /mhg/
>blocking with gunlance
Gunlancels have gotten too cocky recently
>be so inclusive that you don't make the dinstiction between trans and cis women
>because you didn't make the distinction trans women think they were excluding
>if you DO make that distinction that's transphobic for outing them and/or simultaneously fetishizing them
lance/gunlance are too intimidating
It has a name. "Chip on the shoulder" or something?
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Team Speartuna
jesus, the game isn't even released yet, let them have their moment before the inevitable bitching about everything that GL users eventually return to.
should have made him blue and transparent
Lance is consistently one of the easiest weapons in the games doe
Will Gl even be popular in Wilds? It's one thing to say you are going to main it but I can imagine everyone quitting after finding out how the weapon plays.
why has this generals reading comprehension dropped off a fucking Cliff?
I have 500 hours in world and just quad carted to regular shara
>elemental damage
Dont care, using doragon
Gunlance will never be popular. They made it pretty flashy and more fast paced in Rise and still nobody used it.
he's ... going bananas!
i cant into the hops and in 5th gen it has too many moves i get overwhelmed
>can feel the fatty nova coming
>some retard baits him far away from the gate
I hate it...
KT is better out of the box than safi
i just quad farted
Can you disable lock on in world? Whenever I press R3 it's always an accident. Lock on fucking sucks in this game
Preach about jury nullification and wear it on a shirt and they'll throw you out
>It's one thing to say you are going to main it but I can imagine everyone quitting
Why would I quit if it's my main in every single MH game since 2G Portable
I'm playing it in FU and it feels kind of dogshit tbqdesu
You can change it to the target camera from normal MH games
why didn't you guys bring sushi scales?
You can go into settings and set the lock to off, or tap to look at (once), and of course full on lock (R3 selects cycle through the monster list on map at the bottom of the screen)
>i cant into the hops
there is only 1 hop and it goes backwards, it's very simple and you rarely ever need to use it
what do you need to learn though is guard advancing in all 4 directions
>enter a rando room
>someone is getting groomed
Every single time
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Hoontresses like this?
I get those letters all the time and even when I try to sign up to do it they send me another letter saying "oh sorry didn't actually need you, we'll send another letter in 3-4 years." I had a family member in the local PD tell me to just chuck the letters because they have no legal way of telling for sure if you received the summons unless they send it via certified mail.
Why does it feel like Primordial Malzeno is always reacting to me?
join a lumu sometime
That bitch Velk doesn't change after tail cut
About that, yeah... What's the english name for the well cooked steaks in MH?
the one with purple hair and wyvernian ears
ive tried using sns in fu i really have but my hunts literally double in time, the damage is just so pitiful compared to pretty much every other weapon except maybe horn
he's smarter than you
I wish i could shoot you in the head.
I think Wilds will unironically be the best game in the franchise
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How do I into Lumu ERP?
isn't that cause 9/10 she's still stabbing the ground with her nub? Last i checked as well her tail has some dogshit hitboxes anyway, especially the aerial tail sweep where you still get hit if your in the air ABOVE her wing.
we already know it's worse than world, that's why we call it milds
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These aren't the same???
believe it or not, no
why is it worse than world?
because it's not world, that's what they think
worlos really are this deranged
Subspecies are born that way, variants are just the normal monster with something different
I.e Azure Rathalos is born blue, Rusted Kushala is a Kushala that Rusted
I see...
>friday night
>no lumu
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how come no other game gives you a loli idol performance for clearing it
this is why GU is the best monhun game in the entire franchise
do you look like that?
it's mild while world is the best thing in the world
Yes except I'm male.
same monster, different environment, so small changes, usually biggest change is element/status
sometimes same monster but under certain living conditions, has changed/upgraded the way they fight. usually improvements of moves that make them stronger/last longer/the works.
>Rare Species
Monster turned into Fire/Blast.
similar to rare species but mostly involves monsters that have survived multiple encounters with Hunters to the point where they fight almost completely different to eradicate said hunters.
Take all of this with a grain of salt of course.
>world/rise baby
>try GU
>drop it, assume I can't into old mh
>recently try 4U
>love it
I think I just hate GU
fine too
>similar to Rare Species
Similar to Deviants*
my bad.
>closed it literally 15 minutes ago because no one else joined
bitch make your own
just take the goddamn computer away from me.
no, Subspecies is like Lumu vs nightshade lumu.
Rare Species is just silver and gold raths.
Variants are like Black Diablos, Rusted Kushala, Shrieking Legiana
Deviants are extra rare and strong individuals that if found on mass would be classed as variants
Misc is misc
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Friday night World PC どこ lumu room:


Here you go.
no, her tail reforms like it wasn't cut in the first place
The problem here isn't that we had nothing to heal with, it's that neither of us noticed the low hp
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>black diablos
isn't that a subspecies just misclassified because it was a female Diablos in heat?
Just about everything they do is the same, even back in 3u (minus the one attack where they'll dig under and behind you. used to cause tremors so the "torpedo jump" attacks would hit you while you were off balance. guess it was too hard to deal with do they changed the move to move far back before launching forward towards you)
>jar gitgud
>can't git gud
I fucking hate dogshit monster attacks where they just drift away or sping around some point 20 meters away without doing any walking animations. Hopefully retarded shitter B-team intern responsible for Rise animations will never work on another game ever again.
Was it really necessary for fatty to do this 3 more times after this one?
>t. just got finished fighting Royal Ludroth
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I could post any of Niwarhythm's MH art and say "huntresses like this?"
me on the left
yes, which is why I put it under variants instead of subspecies (capcom claims hunters in universe see sub subspecies are more dangerous for some reason)
bravo capcom.
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I love huntresses
Palmraping my goonstick to this one
what about your goonbean and goonballs as well? and is your goonstate goonulated?
I believe (lorewise) researchers are aware that it's female diablos in heat but the behavior change is enough to warrant a new classification for field personnel.
sharpening my goonblade
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>topple Magnamalo
>it flails on the ground
>it has no purple fart clouds covering its body parts
>its only good hitzones at that point are its blades on its front paws
>while toppled, it's constantly moving those blade arms, making it a very difficult target to hit for optimal damage even when it's literally toppled

I hate this shitmon so much.
What are you on about, it's been a thing since rajang that they give to monsters that aren't tutorial punching bags
What are YOU on about? Even endgame monsters like Risen Chameleos and metal Raths have excellent gunner hitzones (tails for both, as well as legs for metal Raths and their heads when broken) that stay relatively stationary compared to fart cat's spastically moving hands like some Gore Magala skeleton monster when toppled.
The literal final story boss, Amatsu, has as its best gunner hitzone its head. And when you topple it, the head stays fucking still.
>watch a black diablos hunt from 3U on Youtube
>she's still aiming the charge even after rolling her head, so you either have to superman dive, weave your run, or use evade extender if you plan on dodging the charge reliably
>she's almost as fast as hyper diablos in GU when enraged with almost 0 cooldown
man i forgot how horrible she was back then. Surprised i was even able to make the Cera Cymmetry back then.
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I think monster hunter should have platforming via slopes and weapon aerial moves for extra goodies and mining spots
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simpry a rack of skirr
And unlike GU, you don't have counters/adepts dodges/HAs/etc. to deal with Black Diablos' autism. It was just a miserable fight in general.
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>my mfw when he tries to kill me with a gunlance
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i keep trying to give World a shot again (70 hours originally) because I see all this return to World stuff, but jesus christ everytime i start to have fun they make me do something boring like a walking mission, investigation, overly long cutscene, etc and it just ruins it for me. No wonder I can't convince any of my friends to start a new playthrough with me
>get rammed from underground by Black Diablos
>before the LSer even had time to finish the getup animation, she was already about to do the "Horn Sweep" attack and gets hit by that, stunned
>lucked the fuck out because it chose to target Cha-cha instead with a charge
Man I'm sitting here smiling, like you really just can't do shit when you get caught by an attack.
Man she is even worse than i remember her.
Just power through the tutorial with defender, bro. You can git gud when the game does.
lance clutch countering her underground move with a health aug feels great.
I wanna play with anons, but I'm always late...
For Rise solo, how good is the SNS vs anything else? I'm debating on doing two things: insect glaive or else a gunner

my only experience was MHFU with hammer which was kino but Rise has way too many small monsters witch make it annoying to do hammer
just use a lance and wide sweep lmao
I think the yellow tailless monkey is a better fight than the normal monkey
lmao even
we're playing right now
Next time just say you are a shitter and a homosexual
>how good is the SNS
i feel you man.
i don't get off work until 2 hour later, and every time i come home, everyone's out for the day. So i sulk, and go back to hunting Hyper mons in GU.
and what is the code? the one in the thread didn't work
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>you really just can't do shit
>mfw just hold block
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>Compiling shaders...
can you block a tremor in old gen?
genuinely asking because i don't play lance.
Huntresses that lose to Rajang?
Stop updating your Nvidia drivers. There is literally no point in doing that if your games already run fine.
not that guy but i use amd and my rise compiles shaders ever time i open the game for some fucking reason
Yes you can.
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yah but the fights aren't the annoying part of the game it's everything else. If there's mods that;
>let you skip cutscenes
>automatically max out all monster scoutfly levels by default
>Make characters stop commenting during quests excluding the palico
>skips walking segments
then that will fix the game for me
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It's Iceborne's birthday today. Say something nice about it!
I am that guy and that's my problem too
>let you skip cutscenes
>Make characters stop commenting during quests excluding the palico
>skips walking segments
absolutely understandable. This should be the default for every future World-style monster hunter game.
>automatically max out all monster scoutfly levels by default
understandable, but i don't mind this personally.
nothing for this
don't think there is anything for this either
It's old enough to have sex with
>introduces 2 of the worst gameplay mechanics at once
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Thank you for Seliana
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poison resist 2 win paralyze attarcks are your bad
having those two might just be enough to enjoy the game but the game just gave me the quest for Zorah Magdros, I remembered how boring that quest was, and I just ended up turning the game off again
this skips the intro zorah
this makes defender weapons oneshot monsters so you could just poke zorah with this and skip the quest that way
Better than mise munbreak
Whenever I don't play Rise for a while, I have to wait long on startup for the shaders compiling and even when I do load in, I get choppy frames for like 5 minutes straight
shut up and post lumu
stop lumubegging and start shitposting
I actually liked the zorah fight
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>last MH game was released 1 year ago
>for phones
man, i just want wilds to get here already
I am not playing because I am watching my Eagles shit the bed in front of tens of thousands Brazilians
what monsters do dung bombs NOT work on in generations?
reminder it DOES work on Deviljho and Rajang, it just takes alot longer than other mons.
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Good hunts! Room's like 10/16.
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good honts
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unlucky disconnect
bros, velkhana just got signed to the giants!
>risies are /sp/ pedos
and no one is surprised
She would improve that offensive line frfr
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experiencing technical difficulties, pls standby
>when clearly only morlos are posting right now
shut the fuck up morloid
I can't believe we have sportsball fags in this general
i'm playing mice right now though
I cant stop laughing
A buncha people DC'd from serber at the same time
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Last MH game came out two months ago howeverdesu
Well what do you guys do when you're not murdering monsters, if you're not watching sportsball?
watch anime like a real man, not faggot sports
I do, I lament that my team is managed by a gaggle of retards. I also play guitar poorly.
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Okay guys hear me out:
>plus knot
>plus horse
>grab attack vores you and shits you out the other side
>its from california
ew, california? Thank god it's not real in the Monster Hunter universe
retarded non-player doesn't know about red khezu
many such cases!
jerk off to huntreesses
I hunt soles
I'm trying way too hard to be funny on /mhg/
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Why're Rath's eyes so fucking big
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Good thing I actually decided to do my research before buying flight or ferry tickets to Singapore, because apparently I won't even be able to try out the demo for MH Wilds at Gamescom Asia until day three of the event since I'm not a business visitor or member of the media.
Which means that the lines for the Wilds demo will probably be unbearable on Saturday, with my only hope of not having to have to suffer 10 hour lines being on Sunday.
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Based, me too
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Stop sending me your guild card. I don't give a shit.
Please look at it :(
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Send me your guild card. I give a shit and I regularly check it to see your progress.
You VILL accept my guild card. I VILL stalk your steam profile.
And you VILL be happy.
I only send my guild card to huntresses that wear kirin set
murdering monsters but with dwarfs or elves or undead pirates
based. Barely anyone sends guild cards in rise, but when i get them i make sure to look for your most hunted monster.
trying to get the cheevo send me yours you fucking PRICK ASS NEEDLE DICK
Are they seriously going to do this shit every year now? I mean i know it's just a twitter post but them constantly mentioning anniversaries is getting old. We're going to be 10 years from now and they'll still be mentioning world and rise anniversaries
Close Total War Warhammer
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Yeah, I assumed I'd have four full days to try out the demo. Sadly, that won't be the case.
And here I was, literally seconds away from buying a ticket for a Thursday morning flight.
I'm interested in that whole "admission to entertainment area will be granted to a limited number of public visitors on Friday" thing though.
Maybe I'll still go to the venue on Friday and ask around how I can be part of this limited early access.
Or maybe I can pretend to be a Street Fighter 6 tournament goer, since apparently there's going to be a major Capcom Pro Tour tournament that starts at Friday at the venue.
Because I sure as hell don't want to gamble my odds at being able to try out the demo on just one day (that day being Sunday).
auto accepting guild cards is soulless
I blacklist every retard that sends me a card
When you hit 999 MR you get access to the secret huntress paizuri booth in the gathering hub sauna
Frostfang give the huntress big ass into equestrian pants
I auto accept and send because I dress like a slooty huntress and it basically just compiles a list of easily groomables for me.
Following slooty huntresses into their room
PC Rise lumu/room/lobby.
ID: PRLHQJ6377r7Lrea
Pass: 7243
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I've just unlocked the Narcarkos Slaying quest
I'm 400 hours into generation
Helping passed out drunk huntresses to theiir bed.
You can't tell who sent it and who's interested in you at the time, it just gets added onto your list of guildcards and gathers dust
based, literally so close to G rank bro. You got this!!!
Feeding hungover huntresses a bowl of eggs in the morning and not allowing them to leave until they've finished.
I like playing as a huntress
Honestly, why can't we just eat raw herbivore or wyvern eggs straight from the nest
Showing cute huntresses all my corner cat edits
I love you

>full rathalos armor, no exposed skin
based. Kids with no control of libido ruin video games.
I've been stuck on this screen for 10 minutes
try it on the steam deck
Only my lumu husbando can say that.
Update drivers? It's probably compiling shaders.
stop buying amd
You WILL longsword weapon pose 1 for me
My game has no G rank
you emulating?
I'm sure you already know but if you aren't and you have a switch, you can buy GU and transfer your save from 3DS to Switch
based 3ds god
switch axe looks so fun is it?
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You have some explaining to do, tendies.
it is
I'm playing my 3DS
shop shut down so even if I had a switch it's no longer possible
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I'm sorry friend
Make the absolute most out of your game.
If i could I'd gift you a switch just so you could experience GU (i mean you can emulate too but still)
It's a great sword.
the zorah magdros one says it's just for the beginning of the game and not the actual quests with him. If there's something similar to this though that skips all the walking sections with the handler that would be great. I will install the defender weapon thing though just for this mission because i don't feel like fighting rocks. Thank you for the help
ok i'll give it a spin
Goodnight /mhg/
How far into world should I buy iceborne?
I don't like switch axe being refer to as swaxe
you should've bought it even before you started the game
Immediately. It adds a bunch of moves to every weapon so if you play without it you're basically going to have to relearn your chosen weapon(s).
we could always call it a gayblade because its for faggots
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Fuck I'm already 9 hours in
swag axe
You're just mad you're too shit to position correctly
99% an amd issue. I have this issue and I spent hours researching how to stop this. It's amd
that's nothing
gaymd user here too
sometimes my rise opens as a fucking window and instantly crashes and i have to restart my entire pc and then it will launch normally again

so maybe you just need to restart your pc and try again
new bread:
you retards really need to stop with that shit, just like the Rathian fags. all of the monsters obviously have to exist in both male and female varieties.
they just wanted an excuse to post the art

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