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Mexicat edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>493401943
MH is...
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I love huntresses
I just made another poopy in my pants
Such is the life of a charge blade chad
Literalmente yo en el primer post
>grandad with 0 reaction time
skill issue
now i see why everyone and their mother runs Divine Blessing
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>a sword and shield stack
instant blacklist
Hola gato
>vaal soulvein x2
>Health Boost 3
>Recovery Speed 3
>Recovery Up 3
Aw yeah, its shitter-level gameplay time
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Should have put on the baby mantle before going in
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
Does anyone have a guide on Narkarcos?
what the fuck am I meant to be doing?
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he's fun if you bring tremor res
I tried hitting him and it surprisingly worked
Not to be that guy but
you cana unironically cheese him by playing as a boomerang cat, spamming boomerangs on his tentacle mouth parts so you can skip all his phases and do real dmg to him
I've been hitting him for 30 mins
I'll try that later
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i don't buy at all that there isn't two vastly different teams between World and Rise. I can definitely believe about devs swapping back and forth for coding, but Worlds and Wilds has a vastly different design philosophy for monster and map design compared to Rise. Every monster introduced in World/Wilds seems to be prioritize realism, more similar to designs from the 1st and 2nd gen of MH while Rise monsters are more fantastical designs that could have easily been introduced in 3rd and 4th gen. Monsters like Brachy and Glavenus feel really out of place compared to everything else in the "New World"
Is this better than Nergigante ambition
I was tempted to run Vaal soulvein, but I thought heal on hit is better than heal over time
>Is this better than Nergigante ambition
Yes, Hasten Recovery from Nergi's set sucks
You started with a conclusion and are working backwards to try to prove it with faulty reasoning
That's the opposite of logic
I am the gayest person in this general
I main long sword and love rise
>there’s a cool Gore Magala statue
>it’s like almost $200
Man I love Gore Magala but I don’t know about that much money
We accept you here sister
Thanks for the hunts
I said I'm gay not trans, faggot
I'm sure there is an efficient or correct way of doing Narka but I played greatsword, ran around and did draw attacks on the tentacles for 45 minutes. Popped dash juices throughout. Never hit the main body once
Yes. Super Recovery with Recovery Speed 3 and Recovery Up 3 basically gives you fast red regen and a permanent Recovery Speed 1 non-red. It is REALLY
what other mh merch do you have?
Nothing at all, but I’m saving money for a new computer because my current one is 10 years old.
I failed the hunt
red lazer beam too much
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maybe next time
Narkarkos is a bitch, but you'll get the hang of it.
I fucked up when i hunted with /mhg/ on it before. was nasty.
I believe in you anon, if my cat can do it so can you
daily reminder that none of the monsters are exclusively male or female, all of them can be either.
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>Finally reach Rathalos quest in MHG
>He keeps switching areas non-stop
>When he stops, it's charge spam time
Ahh, sovl...
Funnily enough I got a small taste of this when I played MHW, he spammed the charge sometimes there. I'll try brute forcing again tomorrow but will probably need to upgrade my gear now.
ugly monsters (rajang) = male
hot monsters (tigrex) = female
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Here's your (You) retard.
all black diablos are female
all mitzu are male
all rathalos are male
all rathains are female
etc etc
Hit tentacles
Hit face when it's not covered in blue smoke
Hit jewel when he's downed
Use ballista when he's out of bounds
Very easy fight, just time consuming
>silverlos took longer than fucking nakarkos or akantor
Any tips to make this black gorilla niggercreature less unbearable (yes, I'm using flashes)
Counter claw with lance seems way strong. Is it something I should be using regularly?
If I could get my save data off my switch, I'd play with you GU niggers
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z8m+fTve?kxc lumu 3/16
If it's a jho it must go
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>Tail permantly hovers in the air just barely out of my GS's reach

Can you even cut this nigger's tail?
thats a fin
just google how to do it
fuck hit box fuck guard direction
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What a dumb looking faggot, man i fucking love fat mon
unironically just flashes and adept style. Get a feel for his ground attacks (fucker LOVES doing the backhop fireball attack) Adept dodge his bullshit and rape his wings (or aerial style on his wings, much riskier but ey, you take what you can get) abuse traps, the works.
I did and it requires paying like $200 canadian for a mod chip, getting someone to jailbreak a switch lite because if I try soldering something it'll break for sure and then probably using some cheat engine to convert the save file and hope nothing gets corrupted
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just save edit a new save for the emulator that's way easier
>cut Velk tail
>she can still stab me with it
World PC room
0/16 closed thanks for hunting
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my wife
*spits on you*
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I half expected him to deflate but he just died like this
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>Get Health Aug 1
That's it. Games fucking over right then and there.
It's so fucking busted I'm playing Lance and I didn't even bother sheathing to heal against Furious Rajang.
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She teaches every monster with a tail to do the same thing in Rise
kek, i love that cat
>new world
>it's been around for ages
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This stupid cat killscreen might be the most silly pic I've seen in 12 years on /mhg/, or whenever the vg split was
what was the original?
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The coral orchestra kinda sucks i should just go back to meowlotovs
mewlotov kills fatalis faster than hunters, best weapon
>Latent Power: Temporarily increases affinity and reduces stamina depletion when certain conditions are met.
ok but what the fuck are the conditions?
Just don't. Latent Power is and has always been shit.
getting hit
Is the full Chaotic Gore Magala set and weapons good they’re really cool
its good if you eat shit a ton of times
Originally I remember it basically activated every 5 minutes (in older games?) but apparently it also procs after you take a pretty big amount of damage total.
Conditions that the all MH games refuse to tell you
>after fighting monsters for 5 min (yes ACTUAL 5 MINUTES)
>or taking 180 dmg
you get an extra 30% affinity and 50% stamina consumption for 90 seconds.
50%/75% affinity and stamina consumption reduction for Latent Power 2
i don't remember for world/rise
>upgrade my armor
>hyper rathalos scale
>how hard could it be
>3 carts before 15 mins
man, I guess I have to make a different hyper armor set to fight him
>pretty much Atk up M/Def up M in Hot/Cold areas
>Heat and Cold resistance respectively
>Cool Drinks give an extra 5 attack for Coldblooded
>Hot drinks give 10 defense fot Hotblooded
never realized how good these skills were until now.
It's 2025 and rise is still bad what is capcom doing?
Monster Huntress World
rise is literally flawless
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>he isn't a soles hunter
play sunbreak, it fixes everything bad in rise
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Why are redditors always so butthurt?
Dos > FU, 4U > World > OG, P1, P2, 3U > Tri > X/XX > God Eater > Toukiden, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice > Rise

How true is this? I saw someone comment this on Gamfaqs
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We like huntress armpits here
I agree with this
Just beat LR Shaggy in 4U, did I like it?
why does rise unironically rhyme with shit?
sunbreak > 4u > rise > gu > the other old games > elden ring > mold > micebreak
Monster Hunter Wilds will be Capcom's Elden Ring
I would say in terms of quality Rise is on par and equal to India
it's over...
that was world
can we discuss stuff that isn't rise? every time i think about the game i have a sudden urge to use the toilet
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>nostalgia faggots believe that their 20 year old game with shitboxes, bad maps, unfinished weapon mechanics and complete lack of any QoL features is better than rise because it doesn't have wirebugs
Nah mine compliles shaders for 5+ min every single load, restart or not. It's one of the many reasons I quit that shit game
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>mise is good
good ol' early gen retard run
>4u that high
you're one of those kids that eats from the toilet eh
zamtrios is sovl incarnate, has a fishing mechanic like plesioth but isn't a pain in the ass to fight without it
Yeah it is despite its flaws.
But is it better than rise?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
what other games r u guys playing :)
>Return to frontier after I buyeded morold
>Immediately combo'd into a cart, forgot to bring food and was stuck with a constantly depleting stamina bar
Sono... (soul kino...)
I playing dogma balls 2 then ER dlc came out and I played a bunch of that and pvp'd a lot and now I'm bored and I'm back to playing mhw
Not rise :)
I've only been playing Rise
pokemon red rescue team
the ONLY good pokemon mystery dungeon game.
My condolences
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based, I'm playing too
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if you think THAT'S sad...
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choco huntress pits
If you play rise you are gay simple as
this but play anything but rise, unironically.
Little Yian Garuga fucking dies
I play and prefer world and my life is good. I own my house and have a 6 figure salary. Meanwhile rise players are renting very sad and have circle jerk with other renters to feel like their lives have meaning so sad
>bro typed all that out
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All on Steam by the way
Found the renter. Remember your rent is due this month.
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Different POV :DDD
Is this the tranny gaymer starter pack?
Never quote me, plebeian.
Yes he is better than mise
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my knees...
I'm playing Risk of Rain 2, just got to Mithrix for the first time on Monsoon only to get one-shot right at the end of phase 3. Only slightly suicidal, might reinstall tomorrow
>mh world

Definitely a trans pedophile.
bros i don't have the will to play. i don't know how im going to live with this student loan and this month's rent. everytime i boot up sunbreak i just stare at the screen for a whole minute then cry
isn't the best option here just to kill yourself
>a fishing mechanic
but i don't want to miss the next portable monster hunter
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Good hunts em eich gee
The renters realized the futility of their lives and lost the will to play.

You love to see it.
Well I didn't mean to reply to that guy but now that I did, I'll just say I'm glad I'm not american and getting an education doesn't cost 40,000 burgers, in fact I get paid for it
Also why would you waste money on games when you're deep in debt
>Also why would you waste money on games when you're deep in debt
Because he's retarded
He's a rise player. Critical thinking isn't their strong point.
Nigger it's still open
You can use frogs to fish him out when he's swimming
deadlock is so fucking boring bros...
who wants to play lethal company :)
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It's dead Jim
>~15 minutes brachydios, seregios quests
>~40 minutes deviljho capture
thank you 10* very cool
It's friday night. What are you guys doing playing monster hunter? Are you losers or something? Lmao
Wilds' expansion will be called Dustborne
The endgame will be the Guiding Sands
There will be powered up monsters called Triggered Monsters
Actually I'm not playing monster hunter right now because my controller is charging
>Final DLC boss is She/her Ishvalda
you tried, but they're all good in specific ways
sky is probably better overall than rb and super would be pretty decent if not for the loops and shuttering your possible party members for no reason
the gates styled dungeons aren't as bad as they could be
also the remakes added a lot of mechanical depth to teams you can make just due to having more stuff available even if they subtracted in some other areas

anyway I want that but monster hunter. palicos, small monsters, large monsters, don't care
Ataraxia RSPS
I'm on a quest to prove that I'm the strongest of all losers
I just completely avoid doing anything about the prickly turd because there are much better sets of gear out there.
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Attack 2
Attack Up (L)
Health Rec. (S)
Recovery Speed (L)
Impact Echo Wave
Extended Health Recovery

Health Rec. (S)
Affinity Up and Health Rec. (S)
Earplugs (L)
Echo Wave "Dragon"
Extended Health Recovery

Should I make horns with these melodies or is everything just trumped by fucking Fatty and AuXL
I want some variety in my life and these seem useful for a lot of situations
pretty sure it's a key but I didn't look
also vangis is a great all rounder as always if I'm eyeballing it right
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*unzips steam deck*
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From playing Horn for a little while... I've honestly come to the conclusion that the songs are damn secondary
You are wielding an extremely unwieldy club
You hit the monstie as priority
Recitals are secondary (excluding self improvement)
... which unfortunately does mean that Fatty trumps most of them

Though I have been considering farming Safi Jiiva for a few horns....
>no rise
In Generation he gives tenderize & partbreaker making him better than the Rathalos armor for farming
>no rise

Please chad-sama marry me
I noticed the lack of base gen/4 before the lack of mice lmao
Do you actually play all of those
No way in hell you actually play PokaPoka Airu Mura
Also fix your icons it bothers my autism, other than that pretty clean
Yeah I'm well aware now that I'm learning horn, melodies are secondary but they are part of your weapon. Objectively speaking you best help yourself and everyone by bringing Fatty but I really wanna bring some comfy buffs to a hunt as an added bonus
Like how Lightbreak makes Kirin, Brachy and Teo hunts a lot easier, I like that
>Do you actually play all of those
Currently I rotate between Freedom 1, Frontier, Stories 2, P3rd, GU, Tri, and World
>No way in hell you actually play PokaPoka Airu Mura
I'm learning Japanese but I'm still building vocab before I go engage with actual content.
I played MHX on release in Japanese without a hint of Japanese knowledge and even that was playable knowing only a handful of kanji
>Also fix your icons it bothers my autism, other than that pretty clean
I rarely see the icons anyway. Deck requires a whole restart to apply those and it doesn't always save properly it's annoying
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>Looking for Union ore in Frontier
>Guide online says the Gorge has a lot
>The mining spots are on a ridge connecting 2, 3, and 4 together with no ladder
>Only way I know of to get there is to have someone launch you
Is this kino or shit
it's called union ore for a reason
lumu doko
p sure there's air vents that can launch you up there
Another day closer to wild release and rise being forgotten.

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I'm cumming
There's only one vent and it's in 4, and just gets you over that grey line (which has a vine anyways)
the only new monsters I liked in World were the Odogarons and Fulger Anjanath (regular Anjanath is incredibly boring to me) Anyone else feel similar?
thanks doc
Wait did World actually not have any Melynx or Felynes? Holy soulless
kino for MMO
shit for mon hun
did frontier have IG? It would have hit a nice balance but I guess frontier has extreme style to do it solo too
>Anyone else feel similar?
Not really
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Fulgur should be on the electric plains map in Wilds and I don't want to see a single fucking regular anja ever
Also Kulu is good too
5/16 someone pls join im odd number,,,,,,
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>kulve taroth weapons upgrade on their own tree
what the fuck? what is this?!?!?!?
You should have the Risen elders on Rise since they are effectively variants.
>dc'd from lumu
>can't join back
Not like this...
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good hunts
>jho HH
Stop standing there menacingly
everyone but me dc'ed so i thought you guys were finished
I left also so the lumu is dead now
It's just the glorious rising sun netcode folded over 1000 times acting up
Bros I just got home from my 15 hour shift in the coal mines, can't wait to join the lumu :)
that wasn't a good hunt bro I tripled carted to that scary ass nigga in a span of 30 seconds
good carts!
eat your moxie
I'm afraid it is... dead
>mr barioth/almudron
>man this fight fucking sucks ass
>whip out GS/CB
>fight becomes tolerable
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2 headed wyvern when
too fantasy, not monster hunter
wilds might do something with a snake head on either end
There is no way Wilds' big final boss won't be some kind of a multi-headed snake/hydra.
it will be ibushi and narwa again but this time it's okay because it's at 30fps on pc
I love huntresses
>hey is this weapon good?
>uhh... okay? sorry...
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>too fantasy
it makes for a more interesting moveset than most biting monsters

your weapon is bad because you are a bad person on a spiritual level
MR baby
>hey is this weapon good?
>They are all good
this unironically
fight ukanlos with hammer and hunting horn then tell me how much time each took
or dual blades and sword & shield
Can I do safi solo with breaks where I shut off the game?
what does that have to do with a weapon being bad? especially on one specific monster?
>what does a weapon being bad have to do with it being bad?
gee i dont know you tell me
I don't think ucanlose is a good metric for anything
The hunt could take 49 minutes and it wouldn't matter if the weapon is fun
>New World mons I love
Great Jagras
Pukei + Coral
Anjanath + Fulgur
Viper Tobi
Legiana + Shrieking
Frostfang Barioth
Acidic Glavenus
Unironically I also love a lot of small monsters: Jagras, Shamos, Wulg, Gastodon, all the wingdrakes

>New World monsters that are either meh or lame
Regular Tobi
Paolumu + Nighshade
Vaal + Blackveil
Ebony Odogaron
Great Girros

>New Rise mons I love
Rakna + Pyre
Almudron + Magma

>New Rise mons I hate
Everything else, Rise sucks desu
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>250k coal with x10 output
>not a single celestial ticket
Not that I need it but that's quite ridiculous
>still have 130k coal to burn
that would be a deviant, you can't breed 2 headed animals consistently. why would they evolve 2 heads ?
no, same with KT
Is LBG or Bow the easiest ranged weapon to just pick up and play? I want something for breaking hard to reach shit
Spread LBG is perfect for ease
>new world mons I love
>great jagras
it doesn't do anything
You can solo safi but that's absurdly long because of the energy levels
In World and Rice at least there isn't a single weapon that you can't consistently get sub 15 minute hunts with if you're not bad
He's cute and perfect
Perfect thank you
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heh noob
least biased worlo
I will kidnap your palico
So not even worth going for the "I solo monster first before I ever fight it online" badge?
Those quests are designed for 8-16 players.
I don't see the point of Jagras and Dodogama when Zamtrios (2), Tetsucabra (2), and Tetranodon exist
your sub15 strength/guild hammer risen shagaru proofs?
You don't need to kill him to learn his moves and mechanics, so there's that. Now if you really want to solo, plan an entire afternoon or night to do it. Once you know the fight it's not very difficult, but decreasing the energy levels will take forever, one run only shaves a sliver off a level and there's 3 levels. I gave up trying to solo the siege 3 hours in, my autism wasn't strong enough. Meanwhile in /mhg/ rooms it gets done in 2 runs with just 4 people
I fucking HATE sunbreak Barioth so much
This whigger never stops attacking, all his punish windows now has him stepping back so most attacks would whiff
think Jagras was fine and had a nice little gimmick for beginning hunters.
Dodogama is the one that feels out of place, especially with how late he shows up. Even Great Girros could catch a beginner off guard with all the paralyzing. Dodogama is like Kulu, where it just doesn't do anything unless directly provoked. He'd be fine if you also saw him early game, bur now, meh.
Dodogama exists to shit blast balls on you behind your back while you're fighting a real monster in the elder recess
it took me about 4 hours to do my first safi solo though to be fair fatty gear exists now and they added solo HP scaling (the energy scaling is still multiplayer balanced doe)

MR kulve is a normal fight and not designed around more than 1 player so the guy talking about "those quests" is actually only referring to safi
>I fucking HATE sunbreak Barioth so much
WHEW...i don't even wanna know how badly you'd hate old world Barioth.
>frame 1 short hop
>Hyper Barioth frame 1 short hop, where you lose 1/3rd your health for free
>all with even less mobility because older game
God damn.Thanks for heads up.I'm gonna try to kill it with mhg folks when the room is up.
These types of sieges aren't my cup of tea but I respect them for trying new things.
>old world
why are genfaggotrannies like this? your bing bing switch game is not old world/oldschool/old gen
Try playing the games, tourist. World had a unique tribe for every map instead of copypasting the same old shit. Tendies had zero self respect.
sounds like a right cunt then.
i used to see memes about him and all, but i genuinely forgot how he even fights.
stop crying
It's not up right now, it just rotated for kulve 2 days ago, it'll be up again in two weeks
Who cares. Jagras and Dodogama are cute.
Real Barioth is pretty much fine, you're meant to stay on him for those shoulder checks and tail swings and such
Fat Barioth is just a dumb hunt like Bazel but actually does damage
Stop shitposting and play the game. >>493485436
kill yourself groomer
>morloid calling anyone a tourist
>while talking about taking pictures of the vibrant locals
Oh my god.I guess I've got to kill Kulve then.I've only killed it in base world a few times, don't remember anything substantial about it.Can it be soloed also?
>anti shitpost post became a shitpost
The mighty have fallen...
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Stop gooning and shitpost more >>493481771
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oh don't get me wrong, i liked Barioth back in 3u. He was actually the first monster i hunted online cause i wanted to help others against him. I remember in his den in I THINK area 8 of Tundra, memory is a little fuzzy. far right of the map. First time i ever saw him actually bounce off the walls. Dude was nuts, but fun.
SAND Barioth on the other hand is a genuine cocksucker. Kush tornadoes that double back and can FOLLOW YOU. Fuck him
What are they trying to hide?
3U Barioth is a neutered kitten
Try Tri Barioth
Yes but same thing, there's pursuit levels that are tedious to level up solo, even with MR gear it's shit to solo
what is the difference.
I've been taking pictures of rock rajang's arms, the subquest still won't clear
I thought Barroth was the one that got hammered in 3U
also sandy isn't in Tri obviously
They both did
you have to take the pic when he's applying it
does Safi armor work with other weapons
Why wouldn't it? The armor skill is dependant on the armor alone.
apparently the only difference between Tri and 3U barioth is that Tri barioth also does the stance/wingarm slash that Narg does, but only does it once, rather than the two or 1 then tailspin that Narg does. Also has a weird bite that 3u barioth doesn't do but it's easy to dodge.
Honestly is easier than 3U actually.
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Extreme allah bros...
Why do you have an opinion if you don't have firsthand experience?
Tri Barioth recovers faster from many of his attacks
He spams wall jumps more
also tri barioth doesn't have the hipcheck
that's fucking obtuse thanks
hit tentacles when he's underground, shoot his back with balista. when he's down you can climb on him for good damage. His mouth is another good weakspot
maybe you should learn to read
yeah I remembered they swapped the narga pounce for the hipcheck
the idling between attacks had to be pointed out to me
The requests all have descriptions for shit like that, i was confused at first too
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>he's not hard just time consuming
So uhh how do I spawn regular savage deviljho in guiding lands? I got volcanic region at level 6 so he should appear but do I just have to pray he shows up
yeah, you can't lure them out unless you see them first so you just gotta keep hunting and hope one shows up
because I'm watching a video of him rn and he's the exact same speed as 3U barioth.
in fact, because of him having neutered versions of Narg's moves and that weird bite that just trips you, he is genuinely easier than 3U barioth. Also did not do a single wall pounce in that entire video.
BUT, if you can show me Tri barioth being faster than 3U Barioth, i will happily eat my words.
everything pre tri is utter garbage
>because I'm watching a video of him rn
That's just not how this shit works man
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Is this MR?
>sunbreak spot
>micebreak last
What are you doing
look at the taunt he does after attacking, it's way less common in tri
God I hate zoomers
Seriously? So do I just fix the region at level 6 and afk, or keep luring out weak monsters to refresh the monsters in the field?
>sunbreak spot

>post>events>last page
i see that, and he also has a different taunt, the same as nargacuga's that he doesn't have in 3U where he tilts his head up and shakes.
just level volcano to 7 then start working on another level 7 region
itd be way too easy with no other modifiers
>capcom is ignoring rise for quite some time now
>people start noticing
this will be the downfall of capcom if they keep doing this
Leveling it to 7 will get me the tempered version wouldn't it? I'm after the normal one for the mats for an attack augment
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I see a lot of boasting and not a lot of posting where proofs are concerned.
Kulve siege is always HR, also always AT. They replaced the normal version with it when they released AT kulve. MR kulve is a regular quest in the event tab
Anon... You can convert the tempered mats to normal through Elder Melder
its just not worth doing, i already mentally simulated the fight in my mind and cleared it in 12 minutes
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But it's an overwhelming majority
you can meld tempered mats into regular mats at an exchange rate of 1:1
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>console warrior / concord denier
>cares about the opinions of 'KpopPapi'
>demonstrably an ESL post to boot
They're not sending their best.
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This but ironically
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I see...haaha...
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morlocks, THIS is your 'mind'set.
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Lol is this the same person as the guy talking about Barioth?
I'm sorry but what the fuck is morld supposed to mean
just kill each monster once for mats
Have you actually made any friends from mhg hunting rooms?
you jest but maximilian dood plans to play GU when wilds is nearing release, GU will have an upsurge of new fans and might get asmon onboard too
sure man.
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No, I haven't joined a room in 3 years
this changed everything this mean rise is good now
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You DO draw your hunters right?
Sort of

I can't believe I post in a thread where chimpgenzees are literally trooping around after their favorite ecels and deriving rancid regurgitated opinions to pollute my hobby space further
Fuck off
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I wish a fat ass choco huntress would sit on me...
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mhg culture
>posting gibberish words
mhg culture
>nuking the whole thread
mhg culture
mhg culture
>wild hearts
mhg culture
mhg culture
>black myth: wukong
mhg culture
mhg culture
>family guy
mhg culture
mhg culture
It's pronounced "/mhg/", actually.
People you only know on the intrrnet aren't your friends
They could ghost you forever with ease because you know nothing about them
Anyone who pretends something so tenuous is comparable to a real life friendship is definitey a big loser incel irl so they just don't know
the four circles represent each zone and their weather apex
there are going to be two eldest dragons that fight over the weather
one embodies fallow
one embodies plenty
we try to kill the fallow elder before realizing that he's necessary
you're welcome
actually its tigarekusu
I started Loomis 2 weeks ago so I'll be there in another year or 2 if I don't kill myself first.
an haitchmeshgitsh looby
as someone who started in GU, I'll take anything that'll make GU more known to the masses. Gen5 players will understand what MH is supposed to be even if its through the eyes of "ecelebs"
>as someone who started in GU...
>...Gen5 players will understand what MH is supposed to be even
Really good bait, gonna post this one on /v/
No because they all look like shit and you guys would bully me relentlessly for my attempt at looking good
No I have zero talent for drawing
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She's pretty cute isn't she?
I installed a hairmod that adds the Rose hairstyle and that looks super good on her with the KT head.

I'm surprised by how well the different armor pieces fashion together, really like the matching necklace and headband.
awoooooooga I love huntresses
is that grada's vaal hazak mod?
>big attack has a follow up big attack
I guess this is how things work in sunbreak's master rank?
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Sometimes there's a third big attack.
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Theres nothing gayer than a light bowgun main
gonna goon (gonnoon*
HBGkeks, we finally won...
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I consider everyone I hunt with as comrades
They could disappear tomorrow and I'd remember their hunter's name
"Friends" however... is too much of a stretch. Because while the cynical Anon was being an ass, he isn't wrong
Someone could just drop dead, someone could stop gaming, someone could go into a coma etc, etc, and we just wouldn't know
Come back, Clark.....
HBG is at least big hueg fucking gun imagine wanting a gun but you go "nah i want a small version please so i can do gay little rolls" thats what makes you gay
I miss yes ma'am...
>your weapon
Big gay
>my anus
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/mhg/ huntresses are going to be significantly more seductive in Wilds, now that they're slimmer and don't have fridge proportions any more
>your huntress
looks like a boy
I gotta get used to this, even fucking bishaten caught me lacking
I'm bad
I've played here a good thousand hours with virtually the same people and none of them really act as friends. Not for my fault for trying either when organizing other games sessions and the like. At some point it gets at you when you're the only one who seems like to make an effort.
Meanwhile I barely played 100hrs of some other shit game, joined a community and within 6months we had IRL meet-ups in eastern europe just hanging out in a hotel, doing lasergames and drinking ourselves to a coma.
that's a man
I'm probably not even gonna use the weapon switch feature in Wilds.
It's more of a thing with the later monsters, don't get too paranoid if you're actually just starting.
My cum on that huntress tummy
it's a sidehop actually
yeah thats kinda gay just commit to using one weapon the fuck do you need two for?
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For me it's the Swaxe huntress
a good hunter uses all tools available to him
go away normie
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lmao wilds runs 30fps on ps5
they just don't make em like this anymore
whats with the wanking over this weapon?
I remember a complain how "World made Rathalos set way too bulky eewww in original it was slick and slender now it is tubby" when the cinematic and the gen 1/2 games depict it as a beefy thickly plated set
You need more?
Granted, I don't want to look like a misery porn star who is all about muh depression and suffering in a grimdork fantasy world
GS is the main character weapon of the monster hunter franchise
hey dumbass
it's not about the physical thickness of the armor
it's about the silhouette not being american
even a chunky huntress looked sleek with the way the faulds tapered and the chest was sculpted
Is cunny mhg culture?
no that's /trash/'s /amh/ culture
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this small RAThalos ran away just as I was about to kill his wife, and then continued to run from me (dodging a shock trap)
I hope he enjoys the arena, I needed a medulla anyway
we like older women here in mhg
i cant tell which game this is, WiiU 3U?
..If by older women you mean men
that's ancestral steppe's stupid tiltawhirl wyvern nest but in MHGU
I remember it being darker grey like area 7s stair steps but part of that is probably c/gore's fault
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the last couple play sessions i feel so lost
i have no idea how to progress now
Have you tried hunting the monsters?
World > Wild Hearts > Rise > Dauntless > every other MH game
This is FACT
do i just have to hunt to mr100?
>do I have to hunt
Post lumu so we can hunt together :DDD
yes, it's not that hard anon
what's the difference between hyper rathalos and silver los?
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>he isn't a solo hunter
the same differences between rath and silverlos except Hyper Rath just does more dmg, albeit a bit slower like his "backhop into air fireball" attack.
I'm a soles hunter
Do I need to play spamming buttons or 1 button press for 1 attack action?Im playing World
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I've been trying to learn GG+R but it's hard to get more than just a handful of games in a session so I'm learning at a snails pace
I started playing Resi 1 after picking it up years ago and never finishing it
And whatever frens ask to play usually something like risk of rain 2
world room?
I love huntresses
Just play GS, no button spamming frfr famalam
One input corresponds to one attack in a combo chain, but some attacks take several buttons as inputs. The only weapon you really mash with is DB and even that can get you in trouble if done mindlessly
of course i'm not. i would be nothing without my trusty palico (the companion that the game literally tells you to use and that only soulless people leave in town).
I want to learn a new weapon but then I get worried about the time I could have spent mastering my main more.
pls no, im coming off acid and already gooned three times
I liked all the subspecies introduced in Iceborne, base game worldmons were too dull thanks to the muh realism meme. Except maybe sleep Lumu but MR Lumu was already a lame fight.
Those panties? Sweat stained after a hunt
lmao the dress material makes it look like a hairy stomach cutout
Approaching the monster with a different weapon could help you realize new and exciting ways to hunt it with one you are more familiar with, which you would not have noticed in your routine approach
Nah, the nest did have a permanent high contrast - low saturation filter I'm pretty sure.
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How are we gonna mod her bros
big fukken bazongas
oy vey you can't change perfection that's antisemitism
can someone explain how in old gen flying monsters suddenly have shadows when they want to change zones?
Stop shitposting and play the game >>493485436

that's the guild hot air balloon hovering directly over it to track it, they're on call
Replace her with a gemma recolor
I don't play world on PC
That room's been up for 6 hours why would I assume anyone's still in it?
Possibly but you could also experiment by being more aggressive as you learn the fight more. The timings would also be different across weapons.
Micro bikini and plastic surgery on her tits and ass
is there a max amount a times a monster can be stunned? is slugger useless?
>plastic surgery
Do wildren really?

slugger lets you get one or two more KOs in before the monster's KO tolerance reaches a point that you'll kill it before knocking it out again
>is slugger useless?
It won't get you more KOs per hunt but what it will get you is your first KO faster
You won't be getting more than 2 per hunt because of the way KO scaling works
If you get 3 it means you're doing pitiful damage to the monster and should have killed it 10 minutes ago
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Think of it this way. The first stun requires 1000 stun points, the 2nd stun requires 4000 stun points, 3rd requires 4500 etc.
pthat room is closed
generation 5th issue
what set is that?
i dont know i just liked it
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found it, its "Kukubo" from frontier G
the male version is hotter actually
Triple carted to sliverlos
I don't like him feels cheap and I'll have to change my to a weapon with white sharpness
Don't hit the head unless it's glowing
Aim for the legs
I don't think he glows in generations and legs doesn't feel like it does anything except not bounce
>I don't like him feels cheap
because he is a cheating cunt
>if the silverlos is big enough, his poison claw + flame burst combo, if you dodge the poison claws and try to run sideways from the upcoming flame burst, his wings will PUSH YOU DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF HIM to take the flame burst full force
you just don't gotta deal with his shit and use flash bombs. Like abuse the shit out of them.
why did they ruin raths in 3rd gen onwards
coat off, hairband off
rath talons+ typed this post
No i don't. I just play the game and don't avatarfag.
aren't the valstrax weapons custom made for metal raths?
drawing a picture about monster hunter isn't avatarfagging
stop trying to deride effortposts with your paradoxical attention whoring and pointless unsolicited criticism
>keyboard coated in rath gleam
completely fucking ruined the metal raths in 5th gen. they are way too easy now by giving them a "turn head into weakspot" mode and hitting that spot = free burst of dmg + knockdown. Fucking hacks at capcom.
my game has no valstrax
I thought this was you my mistake
you posted your avatar in the last thread and now you're tracing shit for attention
piss off faggot
I actually liked gold and silver rat in 5ths because they felt considerably more rewarding/less annoying while letting you brute force the shitzones
I also liked silver rath more than the others before and at least liked gold rat more than pink

not me lmao
no they are both me, I'm playing generations on my 3DS and doesn't have G rank
Oh, that's not an explanation I expected
better luck either way, handhelds are cozy
after fighting Regular and Hyper Silverlos enough times to finish the Gleamsword GS, and enough to craft Silverlos X armor set, i can wholeheartedly say, i don't think there is a single person that actually enjoys pre 5th gen Metal raths. Silverlos specifically. 5th gen did the one thing the others couldn't. Make Silverlos fun.
Ummm but it's easier therefore bad?
I just recall silver being somewhat enjoyable in 4U but it probably came down to narrow weapon choices winning out
This but Gunlance
reddit hates old gen now!?
just stay there anon
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>noooo its too easy with new thing
>point out how old thing could be and was abused
>nooo noooooo its legitimate and honest game design
Every few weeks I check the sub, pick a random thread with tons of reply and scroll all the way down to see the morlo seethe. It's virtually the same incoherent screeching as around here but with a username attached to it.
me on the left

you've been saying the same thing about Steam Forums for weeks
pick a lane, stupid tourist
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Actual fucking retards. Making it easier to sharpen on a mount means that monsters will have to become super aggressive when you are sharpening without a mount. Just look at how much harder it is to sharpen in Rise than in World because the game assumes you hop on your palamute.
that's one time too many, you're going down kiddo
>Making it easier to sharpen on a mount means that monsters will have to become super aggressive when you are sharpening without a mount
Not that anyone actually needs to do this in rise, but there is still plenty of sharpening openings
What you're spouting is headcanon
Why is this a problem?
For all the talk about monsters having to change so they can counter some simplified or buffed elements on the hunter side. A lot of the time they just don't which is why the games end up feeling easier.
nta but it would "force" players into interacting with systems, options etc that they don't want to defeating the argument of "just don't use it bro"
Rise HH feels just as slow as every other iterations. Earthshaker is virtually unuseable in MR with how long it roots you in place. I don't even care about the note system getting trashed but all of its attack animation are the same slow shit as gen 2 except for the crush combo follow up and recitals.
Damage is still abysmal. They really pulled the rug compared to the demo.
the difference is that old thing kills your uptime and makes you look like a bitch while new thing makes the safe route the objectively better one
The damage really is just dogshit, even with all other things being equal
I honestly can't remember the last time I sharpened a weapon in Rise. You get a ton of sharpness at endgame + heavensent + skills to trivialize it. fkuz2
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Bros my coffee got delivered a lot earlier than usual
Today is a good day
The "just don't use it bro" thing has always been retarded and that part of the complaint is valid, but it assumes that the changed thing you don't want to use is bad in the first place.
If Rise didn't have wirebug grapples and skills it would be a very monster-controlled hunting environment even with the funny frog tossing
would be better if we were hunting monsters together
>shot booster
I can't take this skill name seriously anymore
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>gunner skill permanently ingrained in my blademaster armor
dont the deviant armours fall off hard in terms of defence?
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Should I even practice HH now?
How much did they change it in Wilds?
Make a lumu then
I don't see you complaining about using a gunner helmet that has +1 to a skill you claim to need or an extra slot
no not really. It's about you not being able to do shit about skills unless you have a +10 talisman
>using a gunner helmet
what are you talking about
Why don't they reveal Agnaktor already, everyone knows it's in.
this made me realize that world was the only title that doesn't have any healing/sharpening cheese like the old games with the loading screens or rise with the palamute or just basically spiderman your way up a cliff. Yeah you can mention farcasters but those were a limited resource, world was taking us in a good direction until the next game took a sudden turn.
>world was the only title that doesn't have any healing/sharpening cheese
Bushes and smoke let you do your stuff safely, also good old flash pods in a pinch.
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Good morning, hunters. Have you all been behaving when I was asleep?
Bro your crafting 50 max potions and then going back to camp and restocking to craft 50 more?
>no not really. It's about you not being able to do shit about skills unless you have a +10 talisman
i find comfort in not having to worry about theorycrafting sets
shame you dont get HGE with hellblade though, but you could always use a weapon with a shield
>what are you talking about
nta but relevant prime example is the BuJaBuJaBu set in mhgu low rank giving you attack up large, but you need the bulldrome cap instead of the helm because of the extra point in attack
it had whetfish actually have a use as items for free speed sharpening 3
Spamming a general direction in the radial menu to auto-combine up to 30 ancient potion did more harm for the game that wasting your time going through a loading screen to heal. At least you feel shame for cheesing via load screens.
ahh, i genuinely would not know about that as i only use full sets, and even then, i have never heard of this before. The more you know.
>slots free meal 3
>brings enough crafting material to craft 20 max potions
>not that free meal 3 would allow me to actually use all of them even in a 50 minute hunt
>goes back to camp and restocks all the material when the monster changes zones anyways
yuuuup this is true monster hunting
mantlels and retarded monster ai (in a bad way)
All of you fags run Health Augment anyway so you have no right to complain
I don't even know what that is
true forgot about the camp restocking, feels good to have access to my extra 5 potions in the camp during low rank
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What do you need cheese for when you're just allowed to run out of harm's way while drinking the potion?
I suspend my believes a lot when I play Monster Hunter. In fact, most of the time I don't question ecology, size, weight, etc. Things are fun

But shen gao? Jesus christ how the fuck is he walking and standing up on tiny tiny leg ends compared to the rest of his body
The real secret is that I do this AND craft max potions all hunt
I am simply self aware at what a busted system it is but I'm not gonna stop doing it
auto crafting is the most video games thing ever, how does the hunter have a full pocket atelier and can hand craft bullets while stunned? I hope they remove it in wilds and let hunters just carry multiple item stacks because that's what you're doing, spending more item slots on a thing
Can we get Akantor back instead
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Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Cry?
he's walking on massive hydraulic cylinders with water constantly under pressure
No way, he's too loud.
Bare feet and toerings
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>bingshits are literally now resorting to the utterly retarded "it's too gamey!!!!" argument to shit on radial menus
>wehhhh mount badddd
niggas be gatekeeping monhun QoL like they warding off Lao Shan Lung siege
C'mon man don't leave the pickle hanging
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World PC Room
they should just give you the 128x attack code, its just QoL to help smoothen your hunts
isn't that just playing hbg
I love that whenever QoL is brought up in any game it's always something that objectively removes an element of difficulty from the game
It's almost universal across all games that you'll find retards trying to dishonestly pass off their crutch they want added as "Quality of Life"
I've found I have bunch of Kulve taroth weapons lying around from base world, but they seem to be lackluster when upgraded to fullest compared to normal weapons.Are there some rare weapons from Kulve that are good or what.Me confused
hey guys im back
what's dude how you doing
traversing across maps at base runspeed on maps 2-3x bigger than world maps would be fucking MISERABLE idc what generation you started with. Take fucking too long to get anywhere.
>Gravios (basarios) are abandoned by their mothers at birth
im doing well its a bit warm doe just lost like 2kg of sweat lol
No, it was just to waste your time and trick you into thinking there was more content than there really was during the drip feed model.
The only Kulve weapons that are still worth running are her DBs and that's only if you're an ultra turbo metafag
They're also worth bringing to Alatreon but it's honestly overkill you can meet his element DPS check with the worst element weapons in the game
they eat rocks
Jokes on you I've never played World.
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pukei has cool armor at least
Why is the concept art always so much better than what we actually get
if you know how to use your weapon your hunts should take like 10 minutes, up to 15 for elders, no matter what you're fighting
this guy gets it.
QoL is shit like menus that don't eat inputs or a quest tracker.
>Have you actually made any friends from mhg hunting rooms?
i've only made enemies
Sure but it's no QoL, it's a a major gameplay change.
okay, clear gogmazios in 15 minutes solo with hunting horn. hbg can do it sub 10 btw
Monster Hunter didn't exist before World sweetie
Imo its a needed change that comes with bigger maps if you want to have roughly the same pacing for hunts and moving over the relative size of the map at the same rate.

If you want bigger maps and not have them take long ass time to traverse, youll need a way to move faster.
i don't know how to use hunting horn, so i can't do that
also gog doesn't have solo hp scaling so it's kinda retarded asking for that monster
>i don't know how to use hunting horn, so i can't do that
what weapons do you know how to use?
>also gog doesn't have solo hp scaling so it's kinda retarded asking for that monster
irrelevant goalpost shifting, dishonest cuck lmao
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Not really. There are anons that are fun to talk to and I like to see join the rooms and hang out with but it's not like I'm going to shoot them a friend request on Steam because I know we're not going to talk outside of the game or play anything else together even if I would like to
I don't agree with the anons saying you can't make a genuine connection though because I've met anons from other generals that I would consider genuine friends that I talk to every day and we know about each other's day to day personal life and stuff. But that's a rare connection I suppose
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Petition to.. Peti... P... Petition... Petition to... I'm hungry
Died due to losing an old harddrive
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I propose Gravios as a Wilds mid tier filter for new players.
>shitters may fight him thinking he's just a bigger basarios
>new aim laser short burst
>reworked to be quicker than older counterpart
>bounce for simple shitters
>surprise new mechanic: spiky rock boy may roll over when you try and mount it to get you off with big damage, making you think twice about simple mount topple
>spiky rock boy
why the fuck do you reddit fags keep coming here? mh discussion on 4chan has a weirdly high amount of reddit tourism in it, why is that?
using hbg multiplies your damage output by at least 256
Because those words would surely trigger (You), that's why
oh noes, the big mean posties aren't taking my monstie huntsies sewiously!
I didn't get triggered, I'm only curious, don't dodge the question and tell me why you come here
Do you guys bother using voice chat in rooms?
this is just like that one anon that went completely mental just because i said "doggo"
I don't think anyone has ever used the in built voip for as long as World as existed
They're too scared for voice chat.
I don't even like you faggots in this thread. Why would i want to talk to you daily
Then of course you're not friends. Hell there's no point hunting together because you aren't talking with each other.
Why do normies have such fragile egos? No I don't want to be your "friend" I just want to have some social interaction while hunting monsters while shitposting on 4chan.
the word you are looking for is Normalfag, normalfag
Why is the normie trying so hard to fit in but then also crying about not having fwiends? Lol
meant for >>493518878
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not like this.....
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finally beat my fist wall in FU, I had to resort to pussy tactics and use a bowgun
I don't agree that it's universal
>sharpening with your weapon out
you take it off you back to sharpen, good QoL change for world
>Option to jump up by 10 when crafting/selling items
instead of holding down a button to climb up by 1, good QoL change
>option to turn off skill names
having 2 names for the same thing was stupid to begin with, good QoL option
>even the cats are trooncore
loving every lmao
You are either lying or stupid, free crit status/element is huge even if you only get white sharpness. You even get custom augments making them the best elemental weapons that beat out everything except Safi's Light bowgun
just look at those empty fishy eyes, he deserved that
By universal I mean you'll find these types of people in almost every gaming community
No matter the game there are people passing off things that make the game easier as "quality of life changes"
>tfw dress up nice but lumu bf doesn't notice me...
There is a great strength which arrives when you realize that the monsters were never looking for a fair fight.
You didn't beat anything.
like I said pussy tactics
>that old thing kills your uptime and makes you look like a bitch
I like how you ran out of differences straight away so had to go uh its lame and people wouldn't wanna. It was cheese that everyone did cause playing it safe was simply smarter.
You can have one of my buffalo eggs
>risen elders investigations
help, how do I fight without my crutch lifesteal??
Wilds should get rid of damage numbers and here's why
>it's bingshit
>it hides hit effects and damage cues
>it pulls hunters out of the environment and away from the core gameplay of hunter vs monster
>the series was built on showing good gameplay through game mechanics, not telling numbers
Make it a one slot decoration or perhaps a special consumable item. Once players are done with their baby training wheels they'll put it in the garbage bin where it belongs and never look back.
Why is it not ok to use health augs but other augs are ok?
Are you stupid?
have you tried not carting in his quests?
>using any augs on weapons
Just say you want can't hunt without easy mode
Yeah, but its the same slots so youre just trading a health aug for damage or deco slots its kinda like why is it ok to spec a weapon one way, but getting 5hp for a poke is somehow a no-no. Like its part of thise specific weapons.

Why run anying past iron 1 weapons and chainmail? They just make the game easier.
you guys take the worst fucking bait
if that post gets a single earnest reply i hate you all
health augs are the only thing that makes lance good, and hunters hate lance.
>Yeah, but its the same slots so youre just trading a health aug for damage or deco slots its kinda like why is it ok to spec a weapon one way, but getting 5hp for a poke is somehow a no-no. Like its part of thise specific weapons.
It completely changes how combat works
Chip damage goes from a potion drain to a non factor
You can trade hits or abuse hyper armor without drawbacks
The combat itself changes from having to take fight breaks to get your HP back up and being mindful of any form of environment or chip damage, to being able to mindlessly cave the monstie's skull in because you heal all of it back anyway
I was sincere here, not baiting!!
Infinite potion tho
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>Want to do Village Quest 9
>Has to do Key quests involving Basarious, Uragaan and fucking Gravious

It is fucking over. I can handle one, maybe two shitzone mons but not fucking three
What monster head is made from the Tusk gear SnS?
you will pick your herbs]
you will fight your shit fillers
and you will love it
>to being able to mindlessly cave the monstie's skull in because you heal all of it back anyway
but enough about health booster, an item you unlock 2 hunts into low rank.
Basarios and Gravios are trivialized by mounting.
Just don't enable them.
They make you hunt Gravios in the first gen swamp
Good luck mounting anything there without aerial style
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Is there any reason to farm an RBrachy weapon? Besides "Just cuz"

For Fatalis, I'll farm an Alatreon wep. And for Alatreon it's FrostFang/Kulve/Silverlos
altering reality through a game menu isn't hunting, and
>hmm that was a good hit i think i did 182.067 damage
isn't hunting
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Niggas really be like
>health augs are a crutch
and then slot picrel in their max hp and stam beta fatty sets.
It's the best in slot if you don't want to run Fatty because you think it's too overtuned
It's the best in slot GL if you want to play a shelling focused style and not slap lance
Capcom fucked the progression of World irreperably when they added Alatreon and Fatty and made them MR25 gated and not MR150 like would have been sane
I think it's their biggest mistake they ever made with the game
There's a ledge in the middle of the map where gravios spawns. Mount > Break the back from the mount and now you're safe from the random fire farts.
Rest of the hunt is whacking the belly or legs for trips.
I use both.
Why wouldnt you?
I use it when I'm too lazy to switch to elements/too many elements to swap to
oh you mean hunt for the Rbrachy hunt
cause I felt like needed it and was struggling with the S legi weapon so I used FF's instead. FF had good armor to boot so I had the parts anyways
>long cooldown
>doesn't last very long
>stuck to one small spot you can't reliably camp to output good damage
>have to go out of your way to use it rather than having it active all the time
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>Yet another bunch of coomershitters who wear blankets, has excessive safety net skills and are constantly on the bottom DPS
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GU is kinda ass, bros
>can't reliably camp
lol, lmao even. Drop one of these things and watch the hunters crowd around it like a fat kulve teat.
I top the DPS cause i'm the only hunter around
You can't really go wrong with Blast for Great Sword
>he is a parsefaggot
Do something better with your time other than making up things to get mad at
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aww man, I don't wanna fight daora with a gunlance....
maybe if I switch to a poison GL...."
Wind Resist doesn't work against his wind, right
or at least, has limited effect
>I know we're not going to talk outside of the game or play anything else together even if I would like to
>hunters plural
No solo? Concession accepted
Blast feels really weak on GS because its proc is as much damage as my draw
Feel called out or what?
poison doesn't stop his wind
and you need GL mats (6 forest) for just the level 4 wind resist charm
t. low DPS
Every huntress who are posted in the thread are shit at the game. Like, unbelievably fucking shit at the game it's unreal. Every single one of them throughout the year and they're not even real women. It's fucking embarrassing.
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Because I'm not naive enough to mistake in game banter for anything more than just that. It's like that guy you know at work who you get along with and have fun talking to but are you going to actually ever talk to each other when you're not in the one situation that facilitates that interaction?
oh right, I keep thinking of his MHFU iteration. Sometimes I miss it, sometimes I'm glad they changed it
I guess Dragon GL would be way better to disable his wind
Lance is unplayable without it in lategame
You have failed to consider: being bad at video games is a sign of a biological female
it carried assmongoloid through literally 99% of the game
but anon they have less HP in multiple mons quest.
I outparse in the lumu as much as I triple cart, tyvm.
t. has never joined a room in their life
there isn't a single player who regularly joins the rooms that is a genuine shitter that needs carried and even caring about the skill level of the people in the room at all is weird. no one cares that much about the game or how the other players are performing if a hunt triple carts in 5 minutes because of one guy no one actually gives a fuck and that doesn't happen anyways
what chargeblade has an augment slot?
what's parse mean?
Read my post again. The fact that none of them are even biological female down to the chromosomes makes them all the more embarrassing.
>there isn't a single player who regularly joins the rooms that is a genuine shitter that needs carried
Fuck off, most regulars are shit and i've seen way too many huntress shitters cart the second their blankets wear off.
>caring about the skill level of the people in the room at all is weird
Imagine being this retardedly clueless. A lot of people will inspect what armor skills you have to determine what kind of player you are and let me tell you that 99% of /mhg/ are pure shitters.
No, it's quite playable actually
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So the deviljho has this window where it staggers back to charge at you, but if you hit him before his attack animation ends, he falls over for sure. Is there a name for this? Pretty sure it's unique to him and his variants.
yeah, and broken glass is quite edible
its when you want something
"parse me the salt please"
someone literally cleared fatty with lance without health augment stop coping he did use cheats b-b-but pretend he didnt for the sake of my argument
mmo-shitter speak for DPS
A 'parse' is basically the statistics of your cmbt throughout the fight. So a good parse would be dealling both good, and *consistent* damage throughout the length of the fight, where as getting knock-down and carted a lot is considered 'floor-parsing'
it's a cheat mod to show monster hp bars and how much damage you've done in the hunt compared to others
the word exploded in usage from MMO trannies trying to compete on player-made leaderboards to see which players in guilds could do the most damage the fastest
My DPS mogs all of yours and i don't even need to use gunner wepaons.
the ones at the end of upgrade lines, retard
I remember making a list of these and calling it brute topples. Glav has his bursa, Brachy has something that triggers it, Uragaan has stagger when rolling, Radobaan has being hit during those awkward rolls and I forget any others atm
I want elemental shelling.
>cares about DPS
>doesnt use HBG
you didn't hunt
What cheats?
St0p shitposting and play the game. >>493517013
>scouter 1: reveals damage numbers
>scouter 2: reveals major monster hp thresholds
>scouter 3: reveals monster hp
>scouter 4: highlights parts close to breaking
>scouter 5: reveals monster part hp values

there, I fixed your cheater problem. Hunters no longer need cheat mods, and any hunter with such a useless skill can enjoy being blacklisted
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>Every huntress who are posted in the thread
Stop playing the game and start gooning >>493523436
Sorry, I don't wanna party up yet, my skills are very rusty and I'll just cart very easily. I'm even running all the shitter skills to keep myself alive.
Lets party up and cart race.
Alright, let's play! What game are we diving into today?
Why do you guys who don't even play in the rooms just make up random dumb shit?
Let's goon the F up niggAAAAA
Koikatsu Party
Koikatsu Party is a character creation and dating sim game. If you're jumping into the game, are you looking for help with character creation, tips on playing the story mode, or something else? Let me know what part you want to dive into!
If you want the highest DPS you should play solo to have more reliable enemy AI or play exclusively ranged.
Post you're gameplay prooves, hunting god
>health aug
Oh no. Oh nonononon. Oh, ha... hahahahahahahahaha
Here. *Unzips GS*
Open wide.
Just getting chipped doesn't make the lance unplayable without Health Augment. You're just a crybaby who can't play without crutches
Which of the 4 videos recorded by 3 people had cheats in them?
all of them its not possible to beat fatty with lance without augment!
vs a shittermon too hahahahahahahahaha
Should I play or should I goon?
¿Porque no los dos?
>he doesnt play with buttplug.io
Didnt beat the game.
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My handler is eating all the food...
What would you guys prefer in multiplayer bow gunlance or switchaxe?
Bow is kinda boring
I would if it had world integration but it doesn’t
Do you mean for me or for my teammates
Why would anyone slot this skill if they can just cheat it in
You know the type of person that cares about this shit is not going to take kindly to the DPS loss of having to sacrifice slots for it
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>hunter goes around gathering farm, mats, equipment, socialising, and talking to fleet higher ups in hopes of making it
>get ready for another life threatening hunt
>goes to top level to eat possibly last meal before death by monster
>there she is
>she is there again, already eating
>"OH HEY PARD" she screams, mouth garbled with food
>her mouth greasy, her jacket doused in food juices and saliva
>chewed food debris sprays my pristine armour
>we set off for the quest, no one ever asked why our forest base camp is on the other side of the map when the exit to and fro the Astera is like right here
>the fat bitch screamed, the moment I turned around she is stuffing her face again, but "secretly" in the Item Box, as if she knows shame
>every time I come back to camp, she pops her greasy face out of the box as if we wouldn't notice
>"I hate this bitch so much", I thought, "and yet she receives a share of my reward money"
I find it fun.
SA user is less likely to faint but not by much
because by making it a base skill, anyone who mods it in gets their speedruns invalidated for cheating.
The speedrunners can just run it on a secondary monitor or on a separate non captured window
I forgor the glider mantle actually does something besides hold decos and jumped off of something only to start float and it confused the shit out of me for a solid 3 seconds.
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>the one that got hammered in 3U
Shit3rd actually
You can also use it to take shortcuts in the coral highlands
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>I set off on my quest with other hunters
>my fellow hunters mock me, some of them come from faraway lands, some of them youngsters from nearby lands
>"s-she does the paperwork, they're too much for me-"
>"what, you mean just getting your hunt paper stamped, it takes two seconds"
>I pause, as the hunter with the sexy green guild marm as his partner revealed
>it was never tedious work
>I hear soon they will let you sanction hunts right on field
>the hunter from the far east boasts about his daily threesomes with wyverian twins
>all this time I was fooled, deceived
>by this leeching fatty
>taxed my rewards more than the guild
>eating my food
>her sheer ugliness gets me mocked by hunters of other generations™
>yet I cannot escape
that was neat but also dumb, it's the only item locked shortcut in world. if there were dozens of shortcuts like that it'd be great, but a one off thing? Set up a palico station for it.
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Yeah I just realised it is a must-have when I want to have my daily sparring with Kirin, fuck climbing up vines and then spider-man clutch clawing all the way up to climb some more. Glider is a godsend in corals.
>has gunner armor anyway
like who cares?
Daily sparring with Kirin…
Thanks for the hunts, room is like 6/16
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>the only title that doesn't have any healing/sharpening cheese like the old games with the loading screens or rise with the palamute or just basically spiderman your way up a cliff.
>monsters dont actively follow you through areas
>can just run or jump to the next area
>doesnt really matter since monsters are slow as fuck, have long ass tells and wind up between attack when they arent stuck in a free trap or turf war
Are you for real?
>looking off screen while hunting
hahaha, sure thing buddy
Are you pretending monster hunter doesn't have huge opportunities to glance away, especially in tightly scripted runs where many actions are pre-determined in advance?
smarthunter actually makes the game harder because you cant see shit one screen for all the overaly
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I love beating down the stupid horse with a hammer. I was never good at fighting Kirin in previous games, but I made myself get good at it. Hammer isn't even my main.

Over time this got addictive, I use MR Kirin/tempered as a warmup before I go on more difficult hunts just to heighten my sense. If I am feeling adventurous I would try other weapons that I am less practised in too, like GS or whatever
Well that’s different to what I had in mind
Feel free to find a single person who looks away during a scripted fight.
I look away during fights all the time to drink beer, snack, and type "lol" in chat
That'd be very difficult because none of them use facecams due to being transgender
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I know exactly what you had in mind. My huntress is also dressed in kirin gear in anticipation. Problem is, I win more than I lose.

I like the update Kirin got to the fight with some criss cross AOE stuff, and how the tempered version would add lightning on top of that to make less safe zones. I hope when they bring him back they add more new moves to keep the fight exciting.
Every time I enter an SAED animation I have enough time to tab away and call a random person on /mhg/ a retard
Do you need to actually do safi siege to unlock the layered weps? dont want to waste a print melding the gem if it wont do anything
maybe tomorrow.. once capcom gets their shit together
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lumu be cursed as fuck, I'll try again later
>weapon hits blue sharpness
sorry, not sorry
i use ghillie mantle for this
What's wrong with peeing in a bush. I mean sharpening
>200 greater whetfish stones in storage
>do the 4 swipe salute 3 times a hunt
sorry, not sorry
>everyone did
here comes the good old projection
no, not everyone played like a bitch
sharpening doesn't take that long, surely you'll find a window for it (or slot in a sharpness skill, you don't need those damage skills since you're clearly not playing at speedrunner level)
12 hours in and I think GS just really isn't for me.
Which weapon should I try next?
Hey man some of us just cba to change our loadout and radial menus..
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it's so over...
People are too elite for me there.Nobody carts, hunts take 5 minute, everyone is using stunlock builds
I think if you can see it you just need the mats. Theres safi quests in the quest pack tho
>do the 4 swipe salute 3 times a hunt
Bro your R2?
sharpening stone animan
It was meaty I had no chance
>suddenly everyone but me disconnects
We were fighting Fatty too and I think it remained quad scaled
Just wear rubber boots
D-do people in use dps mods in the rooms posted here?
no one uses R2 to guard, i refuse to believe anyone actually uses those shit default controls
Yeah, but I leave it on in the background and just check it at the killscreen to see how hard I get carried.
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I cannot beat special investigation Chameleos.
It just works
I use X to guard.
Wilds will have a deco-only skill called "Classic™" which will the bingfly cage and the sbinger from your equipment and bring back flex healing.
Scoutflies are raping my camera
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I use it all the time to judge people in the rooms and put them on a list depending on their performances. I've been doing this for years and no one is safe from this.
So far there are less than 4 regulars that can consistently beat me in the parser.
So.... lumu closed or...?
>less than 4
Just say 3
capcom nuked the room
Nice larp
What about ******? How strong is his DPS?
What the fuck are you talking about I'm literally in the same lumu
Yes I saw everyone disconnecting, but the lumu is still alive
Maybe the lumus would run a bit smoother if the players resided in the same hemisphere
Wilds will have a deco-only skill called "klassik" which will cause your hit effects to amplify hundredfold to simulate Rise
Back when we had full euro lumus with the stray chink disconnecting every 10 minutes
VGHHHHHH take me back
The people disconnecting the most aren't even the anons from the other side of the world
I'm still convinced the host is the deciding factor on how stable the room is
Reveal this secret list
I beat Primordial Malzeno bros. I was so happy I forgot to carve his tail.
No this time I'm sure it's the other way around
I'm the odd one out and the only one who survived the lumu's mass disconnect exodus
Give us a hint maybe?
If mons dont have health bars neither should the player. You should be able to feel out how much health you have left.
>attacking the tail
no wonder you were struggling, stupid fuck
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Lick them
>not breakign every single body part
do you even hunt?
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I will not lick someone with a butterball turkey physique
I've never even seen anyone cut the tail on him so good job.
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>tfw 200 hp
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What time is it?
>not one, but two cheats
third worlder moment
unironically this animation is the best thing in the game and always gives me a semi when I go in camp with my huntress I love it
I broke every single one of his parts I could including his arms, head and tail.
Thanks. It was pretty cool to see him kill all the qurios, nod at you then fly off in the final cutscene.
World room but I'm only playing alone sorry
>Male Blademasters and the occasional femgunner
Take me back.
get over urself, lmao
Wilds is gonna be fun!
Turkey is pretty tasty
Didnt the jumbosaur used to kinda be hard? Well, not hard, but, like, you know...
please post more pictures GSmommy
He takes 3K damage per hit and is still just a great jagras
pukei huntress thigh sex
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>play near perfect using a shield
>have to sheathe eventually to heal chip
>play near perfect using iframes
>never have to sheathe
don't talk about shit you know nothing about
Bring back monster 1-frame charges
I love huntresses
Why is your perfect play worse than your health augment output
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what armor
>frostfang barioth
>gold crown
>constantly pushes you into ice patches with its retard huge body
Are there people that don't do this? I thought that's just how you were supposed to play the game.
>shield classes have to reach 200 hours to have perfect play
>iframe get to have everything and infinite stamina and super moves from day 1
heh, maybe don't hide behind a cardboard cutout of your waifu on hunts
Of course
Some people don't want to use such blatantly overpowered systems
Some people don't want to farm for the crafting materials
Some people don't want to engage with guiding lands
There are plenty of people who don't run augments or craft max potions
Sounds like they aren't playing the game.
It works in Rise and it's so much better that way desu
Psn Palico weapon, craftable Psn throwing knives, feels good to go into a hunt feeling "ready"

The new name (Wilds) is Offsetable Attacks, since it's being implemented on every monster using a specific attack.
Too modded, what's the point?
Anon I think the situation he's talking about is WITHOUT Health Aug. I disagree with him but you're off
>Vaal Super Heal
>Heal Palico
I disagree quite a bit. You have a ton of options to counteract chip.
I genuinely think Health Aug Lance turns this game into a fucking joke, and I'm not even good.
Also, use your Clawblock more often in place of Power Guard. Power Guard increases chip significantly.

Sunbreak's system of having a skill-tax on Health Aug AND it being conditional (broken parts only) works WAY better than literally every weapon getting it basically for free.
finally got bored of pso2?
>The new name (Wilds) is Offsetable Attacks, since it's being implemented on every monster using a specific attack.
Those two things aren't even slightly similar
Offset attacks are attacks you can do and time to a monster's attack to knock it back
Those anons are referring to specific monster's attacks that if you swing into you get a topple or flinch
They're basically adapting it into all monsters, but requiring a specific attack (like golfswing) for it to work
why do you type like you have autism
The last phase of Primordial Malzeno sucks.
It's not super interactive but it's still a cool spectacle. It captures well the frontier bullshit I loved about the game.
because world had that awful rendering where absolutely everything was shiny no matter what material
i think your cynical outlook might be stopping you it's pretty normal to make friends through small banter, or even work. I hated the idea of making friends through work for years but it's really the only option once you're not in school anymore if you don't bar hop
>Hunt Kulve with mhg
>Everyone can see that, despite the fact I am having a lot of fun, I am doing no fucking damage
I hope not

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