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The Past: >>492903528
Global 1st anniversary stream on September 9th, 9:AM EST

>General Info
- Reverse: 1999 is a turn-based RPG with gameplay revolving around the use of spell cards. The game focuses on storytelling, with a rich main story mode and frequent side-story events. The game is fully voiced in 4 languages, with English as the primary language. There are no PvP elements, you can play at your own pace.
- Daily reset is at 10am UTC

>Version 1.8 Trailer (GL)
>Version 2.1 Trailer (CN)

>Download (PC & Mobile)
1.8 Official Stickers: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TBvyg6vcBpv_C1kpSDmxiMlumZAm_xqF

>Current Event
Patch 1.8 - Farewell, Rayashki || Aug 15 - Sep 19

>Rate-up Banners
1. Windsong (Star DPS) || Aug 29 - Sep 19
2. Druvis III (Plant Support) || Aug 27 - Sep 10
3. Spathodea (Beast DPS) / Shamane (Beast Support) || Sep 1 - Sep 14

>Upcoming Banners

>Community Resources
Database: https://windbow27.github.io/Kornblume/
Guide to the basics: https://pastebin.com/hEeaZ3Dn
Guide to arcanists & team building: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e46cecjsIb1LO3Ybb6urlVUZKUk8R7yrgG9yXZS8-Ho
Resonance guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lUzkJvRfV2diLiU0ai6mCrM-kkm0cqwblo1VvCkhYi4/htmlview
Psychube guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qQinxxU_e0-YXwPj5WAd2PgTFksyLwIaHXwEcosUxU0/edit#gid=1302308761
Insight materials cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/vB9zTHJ
Insight costs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1js7u2mwQzrfqkYnszURTYT1C6DxX0-qhsjfVQ5CvB_o/htmlview#
List of cultural references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoA8vboCEDq2N6SWAtJZNePV_UcuKsCWsyxJ7nUoeZQ/edit?usp=sharing

1999GIFT, 5YRBRF9, MAINSTORYUPDATE, IndustryandMermaid, StoryofRayashki, PotatoDishes, ComplexTheory, CourageBadge
what is Arcana doing
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I love Marcus!
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noooooooooooooooooo we were almost free...
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Telling everyone about Vertin's 1930s Girls' Sensual Parts Clippings.
Half a day left until we go to Brazil!
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Storm check, is everyone here?
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You called my name, did you not?
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Holy fuck why is tooth fairy so fucking perfect?
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bodgeeguards are here

How many hours to 2.2 stream?
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Thanks a lot for the herpes...
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We lost half the thread bros...
i wanna drink from La Source so badly...
Why the fuck is marcus always crying?

She reads these threads and learned that most of the posters here enjoy girls who cry for some reason.
i want to engage in a list of sexual activities with the timekeeper
>I'm here
Wow it's literally me
you made me realize that arcanafags were right
I’ve been here for almost a year
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Alive and waiting for brazil
12.5 hours. You can use this to keep track.
Lucky someone made a thread, some other general is having a meltdown and has made 10 different threads. We could've been swept away...
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My immediate assumption was that a Mihoyo-related general was responsible.
>check the catalog and it's true
Every time.
Come to Brazil
I wanted to try something new and Dynamo setup works good on auto.
But I'm already from Brazil
My condolences
Sex with Arcanists desu
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Any in particular?
Just Arcanists
Sex with them
But like, all of them? At once?
Or are you taking your time with them?
And like the male Arcanists too? Do you separate them by age? Is an apple a part of this?
Hmmmmm.... Yes.
Espero que você não seja de São Paulo
Orgy in the suitcase!?!?
We really need a comfy event where it's just some CADCT stuff in the suitcase.
Sou não mano, sou de Santa Catarina mesmo
Wait why am I almost naked
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Reverse 1999 but it's an ecchi gacha where the storm reverses your clothes instead.
wtf, is eternity's anecdote not gonna be in the permanent anecdotes tab?
I finished it, but what if I wanna see it again in the future
Been listening to this song >>493245834 on repeat fora few hours now...

save me I can't stop
It’ll go there after this patch is over, there’s always a small delay
anecdotes always get permanently added later on so you can re-read the story w.e, the only thing you permanently miss out on are the 5* psychubes/5* gluttony
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>the only thing you permanently miss out on are the 5* psychubes
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she peed herself. thats kinda gross.
Is she not potty trained?
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So smug
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spent $400 on findom when i could've spent it on rolls
>16 rounds exposure
It's ogre for me
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What's the problem? Some new girl doesn't like (you) again?
I stopped going to prostitutes ever since I started whaling.
I almost always feel empty after spending on a girl for 2 hours when I could just jack off.
Whereas if i spend them on virtual women I get big numbers on my gacha game and it lasts me more than 2 hours.
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Girls kissing girls
Do NOT lewd my son
jesse what the fuck are you talking about
I had an old coworker who told me, in an open office, surrounded by coworkers, that she used to do findom. I mean, sure, whatever, but why didn’t you tell me in private. She got out of it but she told me how her other coworkers kept trying to get in. That was the same office where another coworker told me how much money he blew on genshin, shit was weird
Yeah that is weird, who the fuck spends money on genshin
It was early 2020 when people were blowing hundreds to get their favorite standard banner character, it was normie’s first gacha so the full genshin delusion was real
That shit came out late 2020
I’ve lost track of what happened at any specific time from 2019 until last year, I can blame the storm
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Hurry up and gimme the Mor Pankh rerun, I need those drops.
didn't know being financially irresponsible was a fetish
Per my ex coworker, the clients loved watching the money transfer to her account/know what she spent it on. They got off on feeling used, It was entirely remote. Once they wanted to meet up irl, she couldn’t go through with it and she got out of the business. It’s still sex work, it took cultivation and wasn’t “money please”

Livestream in 32 hours!
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sleepy hours...
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I want that skin...
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>welcome to the WORLD of NUMBERS!!!
>enjoy your stay!
New player here, and some questions
>Is it better to all in on a single character to carry or build a team and spread my resources between them?
>For my free "stamina" is it better to focus on the main story, current event or just go all in on materials for leveling characters whenever possible?
>Are 4* and below a reliable investment?
>Are healers necessary?
Main story first
Not when you're resource starved, only rarely occasionally useful
New player here, when does Vertin get pregnant?
>Is it better to all in on a single character to carry or build a team and spread my resources between them?
You should get a carry to i3 and then a team around them. Carries generally benefit a lot from being Insight 3 and high Resonance while most supports can perform decently at low investment.
>For my free "stamina" is it better to focus on the main story, current event or just go all in on materials for leveling characters whenever possible?
You still have plenty of time to get the current event cleared. Materials from the event are always more efficient than farming. You should finish up to chapter 4 of the story (the content that was on the game at release) as soon as possible (don't bother with hard mode yet) to unlock everything.
>Are 4* and below a reliable investment?
They are very situational. As a newkeeper you might want to invest in La Source (3* healer). Even if you have 5/6* healers, she is a lot cheaper to level and performs well.
>Are healers necessary?
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You got it backwards. She's the one who gets others pregnant.
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I love my wife T. Fairy
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>I'm ready for Lu--
Thank you. I finished up to chapter 2 but I'm slowly getting shit on in the event. Might try my luck for a good healer and finish up to chapter 4 then.
>Is it better to all in on a single character to carry or build a team and spread my resources between them?
build your main dps to resonance 10 first
then build your main dps for team 2 to resonance 10
then build your healers to resonance 7
then build your supports to resonance 7
resonance level sweetspots are 5, 7, 9 and 10
eventually you want your whole team to be resonance 10
>For my free "stamina" is it better to focus on the main story, current event or just go all in on materials for leveling characters whenever possible?
focus on the main story to unlock everything so you can actually build your characters
some materials can only be farmed from the later chapters
then you can focus on the current event
the materials in the current event shop are always more stamina efficient than farming the materials directly
>Are 4* and below a reliable investment?
you won't be using any 4* after a couple of months of playing unless you want to do low rarity clears for fun
>Are healers necessary?
only for endgame content but your main dps and support are going to use all of your action points anyways so it's pointless to bring another dps or support because they will be sitting there doing nothing
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>Might try my luck for a good healer and finish up to chapter 4 then
Dikke is good, and is free (or it was in my time, almost a year ago)
who's your healer??
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based gargantuan arcanist!!
the spooking of pulls!!
the master of critters!!
Dikke is still free but she's a reward from the 7 day login. I only have La Source and I guess Apple since I was rerolling for Windsong. For now I'm just bruteforcing with Windsong and Sonetto while going through the story.
>tfw I have P1 and both were spooks
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Sonetto is a good support pal.
if you read here some shit against her, is because some schizoid took it personal with her...
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level her up, sis...
she's asking for it...
she will spook your dreams if you don't...
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Already did.
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dang, this >>493358343
was for (you)
Ms Newbrick will get her garment in 2.2
sirs three more hours
I'm also ready for Lushu~
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Finally, a playable 6* brown shota
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don't get my hopes up...
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as someone who made a fresh CN alt when lucy came out and is using it as a purely f2p account compared to global
>Is it better to all in on a single character to carry or build a team and spread my resources between them?
early on you'll want to 100% invest in 1 character to serve as your main carry to help carry you through content, for me on CN it was lucy, so they you focus on getting to insight 3 30 resonance 10 first, then try to get 1 team set up for you to go through most content since your main carry can help kill stuff for you and you'll eventually be able to get enough 6*s from pulling other banners to form 2 teams for limbo and a solid rotational team to SSS raids
>For my free "stamina" is it better to focus on the main story, current event or just go all in on materials for leveling characters whenever possible?
early on when you start use free stamina on clearing main story & slightly level up your main characters with resources you get from beginner missions, you'll eventually hit the first roadblock in story which for me was lilya, once you beat her (though you wont get full stars) focus on levelling up your roster to the insight 2 50 difficulty. When events like 1.8 is active 100% switch to spending all your energy there instead since you get way more resources for energy spent and the best farming boss at the end has a difficulty that lets you go in with a full maxed out roster instead
>Are 4* and below a reliable investment?
not really since your hard-capped at insight 2 when later difficulty fights/endgame content is designed around insight 3, main value is its alot cheaper to level them up compared to 5* and 6* characters and you'll be levelling a few up anyway like leliana for the new player missions
>Are healers necessary?
100%, best healers in the game are 6*s like tooth fairy and vila and strong 5/6*s like yenisei balloon party and medicine pocket.
3 hours left, are we ready for the micro bikini Shamane skin
its called a speedo siskeeper
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did you order your aPPLe?
dead general dead gam 2.2 announcement will be EoS notice
Saving my rolls for Lucy!
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Fifty minutes sir
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remember to do your stargazing today!
remember to do your torch relay today!
Wow, the meta has not been kind to Kumar. She's such a chump now.
Classic ritualpost
Remember that after you get the main rewards you can do it again for a whole 3000 sharpodonty!
Not sure if I should watch the stream
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>kumar in 1.3
kind of a long fight, adds are also super beefy so you pretty much have to stick with getting hit by kumar's ultimate a couple times
>kumar in 1.8
haha leylines go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
These rerun missions should be autocompleted if you finished them the first time
How come they never topped An-an ult animation?
I'll just wait for anons to post the new units and content here. It's a main story patch and I don't wanna get spoiled more than I already am
And they should really fix the fucking auto already, Vila keeps casting her buff on An An instead of Marcus, and Marcus keeps not using precasts. It can't be THAT hard to make a decent auto in a game where characters have a total of two possible actions, not counting ults.
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they probably dont have the time to do a in-depth ultimate animation like easy lah's for each patch. You do have regulus's 1.9 garment though and I imagine every future unique tier garment will be just as good
I never take healers or buffers for auto because it wastes AP all the time.
>Vila keeps casting her buff on An An instead of Marcus
smart, marcus can't handle the encouragement
Smooch lolilya
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My fellow brazilians. Its time.
Story spoilers
Schneider gets revived but as a brazilian
7 - 1
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30m delay?
extra 30 minute countdown
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Not delayed, the stream started early
Jiu please, you’re too retarded to act sexy
...and the chat is more insufferable now as the hoyoniggers migrate to r1999.
Close the chat or watch the official B2 stream sis
The Marcus samba garment...
CN livestream waiting room...
Come get your spoilers and then complain about waiting another 4 months for it
Why is Semmelweiss an infected arcanist again? I didn't had time to play 1.6 thoroughly
>the 2.2 EN exclusive song is gonna be bossa nova
>complain about waiting another 4 months for it
I don't really mind, the following patches on global are all kino and I'm looking forward to them, so the wait will be bearable
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im watching it on the actual stream instead, no comments or youtuber autism sounds to distract me https://live.bilibili.com/30811028?spm_id_from=333.999.rich-text.link.click
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Same. You can't spoil me, I can't read
Merui is live translating on the youtube stream
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notify me when they reveal that brown cunny
lorelei stds
notify me when they reveal that brown shota
notify me when they reveal that newbabel garment
Notify me when they reveal the white girl
do brazilians really play this game?
>Spoilers instantly
Kek, I closed the stream so fast. Notify me about the new stuff sisters
do Apeirons really play this game?
The choking play at the beginning was hot
New addition to Vertin's harem!
>all the new characters are white people
>zero brown characters
cue meltdown/bluepoch 'boycott' in 5...4...3...
I like how the chinky says Arcana
nyoo I shouldn't have skipped 1.6 story
>a bunch of 'good' NPCs and even playable characters have defected to the manus for the past few chapters
>now we get our first manus defector after schneider
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so this is isolde and tuesday's love child
>90% of the comments on the yt restream are about "too many white people"
man western brainrot is terminal
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>old man
>mother of all quirkies
Those aren't brown muscle amazonesses....

SWIMSUIT MARCUS!!!!!!1111111111111111111111
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>swimsuit vila+marcus
holy poggers
i thought it's tuesday again
Not buying the other 37 garment was a right choice.
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>new footslut character
>the ult for 37's new garment has a foot focus
finally some food
A bit late for summer skins isn't it?
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Isolde, Tuesday and Anjo are literally the same character. Why are they reusing character the same character archetype every patch?
>mesmer jr. anecdote
finally more background on our favorite racist
>Summonable silver fox
>Summonable ship in a bottle
I didn't think Kimberly/Anjo Nala would be playable this soon. Looks like an Arknights character.
chinese lesbi- women love pale skinned raven-haired ladies. it is what it is
I mean they're right for once
Although it's true that you can find plenty of white people in Brazil, it's not the first "shade" of skin that comes to your mind when you think of one of the most tropical countries
They did it right in 1.3, so I guess it's just money speaking and chinks openly saying no to brownies (cringe, chocolate is the best)
seems like you'll be able to purchase 1.1-1.4 battle pass skins
That's Kimberly?
Nyo... her exclusive jukebox garment....
>white rum is literally just a playable ship-in-a-bottle
>make Vila's ult look like shit
>fix it with a paid garment
skip kimberly
roll perola
Same claws, it has to be
Yeah it's like Vila, her appearance grows more "monstrous" with her i2
How much am I looking at spending if I want Vila, Marcus, and 37’s skins?
it was inevitable...
One hundred dollars
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>we went from this cute dress and perfect hat to generic Tuesday 2.0
Bluepoch is getting worse at design with each patch
>another hothead with guns
>another goth women (but with claws this time)
come on John...you could've come up with something better
No Mcdonalds for 3 days and you will save enough
Anywhere from $24 to $45
Anjo is way too similar to Tuesday and Isolde for my taste and I think she looks the worst out of all of em. Easy skip
Lopera looks alright, but I’m not super sold. Its a maybe.
Oh well… I guess I needed a skip patch
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100% will buy
>Complaining about a skip patch
>When we’ve got 3 patches of kino coming up
You should be thanking them
>Anjo Nala is R1999's version of Robin, super strong universal support that sings songs
Damn, this game really is proof that chinks can't into character design
how did you miss the 3 hoyoverse generals and end up here lil' bro?
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unique costs 1680 paid drops, 1080 paid drops for advanced, so 3840. dunno what the $ price is since regulus's garment hasnt come out yet on global
yeah the characters look boring but I will be buying all the skins. Maybe this was the plan all along
Reading some of the posts itt, thank god Bluepoch doesn't take EN's bad taste into account. Anjo Nala is hot as hell, the trinity of black haired beauties is complete.
I kneel to John Bluepoch.
Yeah I needed the break. I’ll just use the patch resources to r15 my current niggas instead.
I like the skins though. Im buying all of em.
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12 moxie?
>3 beast units in one patch
but why
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i'm totally not convinced by the new girls
where's the chocolate
it's fucking brazil, come on
brazilian miku is dominating all social media right now
maybe i'll just buy the skins for shamane, vila and marcus, but this totally looks like a skip patch
they'd have to be giga-broken to make me consider rolling, even as the opposite of a metafag
>no more brown characters because they don't sell as well
Nothing of value was lost.
You’ll buy the garments, you mean.
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He's definitely gonna be playable at some point
Probably 2nd anni
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wtf I had been looking forward to watching the stream live but fell asleep 3 hours ago
isnt he mr duncan?
kimberly kit is a wall of texts holy shit
Kim looks great in her big i2 art and ulti, but her suitcase portrait is not as beautiful as Isolde or Tuesday.
Is it cheaper to buy straight up or via paid drops?
Its usually cheaper to buy things straight up
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No, this is Mr Duncan
He’s so hot I love him so much
>beast reality dmg
>Another Burn-focused 6* Beast DPS loli
Gunslinger Sonetto...
Yeah, I’ll spare a few pulls for this nigga.
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Full burn team!
>spatho dead
>sonetto dead (again, for the 30th time)
it's so over...
>another spathodea support
when will they stop??????
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i'm calling them skins until my death and a day.
Am I missing something? How is Spathodea dead when the stream is using the new girl alongside Spath?
Anjo is literally a lizard lady. Tf is everyone complaining about

He looks like the principal from Prison School lmao
just believe me chud
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>she rolled for p2 melania
>she skipped spatho
Apparently none of the new characters are even Brazilians, they're all tourists
She's a burn support. No one's dying here.
Ulu sisters...
Wait, people are saying anjo nala is limited?
She needs to be a nigger lizard, get with the times
I don't roll for any non-limited unit
isn't it time for new mechanics already?
so burn is officially Beast specialty, wakatta
Intellect seems to always be the outlier, same for Tuesday's poison
indeed, she had a special animation like lucy and the girl who can't read
same thing as lucy+jiu where you have a free 10 pull on her banner
free 10pull
seems so
gameplay demo's always tend to be iffy, I remember kakania's jobbing super badly on a 3 doors fight when shes actually 1 of the best support/tanks in the game in 1.9 livestream
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Jiu is still the best limited btw
First limited I’ll leave at p0 then.
First limited I'll p5
>Anjo is limited
so, Jiu, Lucy and Anjo. when do we get a male limited?
Definitely the third limited of all time
Jiu makes me laugh so I agree
I also like how she says Lushu.
report your status sis
>skip lucy
>roll kakania
>skip 2.0
>skip 2.1
>roll all 2.2
Damn this batch of garment is great
With how they're building up Igor, I can see him being limited. We'll see how it plays out.
Random ass patch got a limited unit. Is this John's way of forcing people to pull
where is Snyder they promised us an old friend. Where is she
Hopefully never
Next one will be Sophia with Igor as the filler 2nd 6*
>p5 lucy
>p5 semmelweiss
>p5 kakania
>p0 joe
>p1 Mercuria
>p0 Tuesday
>p0 Argus
>leaning skip Anjo
>p0 lopera
its funny cause the swimsuit is less lewd than her regular outfit
With Sophia on the horizon? No way
They actually did shitty coomerbait swimsuit garments
It’s so fucking over
Rolling for Lucy, Kakania, Mercuria, Tuesday, Anjo.
There's no way this entire half of the year would not have a limited. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before.
They actually did sexy coomerbait swimsuit garments
We're so fucking back
>p5 semmelweiss
she doesn't get a banner
actual rarest 6* in the game
They're still pretty tasteful IMO
lol you haven't seen actual coomerbait if you think this is too erotic
She can be selected for the build a banner
>Marcus ISN'T fat
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i've been lied to
>37 has thicc thighs
Da fuck bros she's like all skin and bones
Look at her big ass bikini anon. She's hiding the fat there
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This is the day that chubby chasers die out.
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So I guess good designs have stopped at 1.8.
Looks like I'll have plenty of bunnies to roll with one day, and that day won't be any of the upcoming patches.
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>roll 200 on lucys banner for lucy p1+
>pick 37 and roll her
>roll p0 kakania
>skip joe
>tentative skip on mercuria, p1 if I do roll for her
>skip tuesday
>p0 argus
>wait and see what 2.2 characters are actually like before I decide to roll them
She went to brazil for lipo and a buttlift.
Its ok bro, the real marcus is still over 30 BMI
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Kino garment lineup
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so do we get a free 6* as a login bonus?
The ship in a bottle should have been a 6*
yeah. would've been funny to see the negative revenue
I understand why Sonetto isn't in this patch, can't have her interfering with the new member of the harem.
>give the girl who drown to death swimsuit garment
Lucy and Tuesday
Maybe Kakania
sex sex sex sex sex and sex
An underwater themed garment for Polty is really fucking morbid...
Anyone have a webm of the swimsuit garments
>marcus feet
>yenisei feet
>poltergeist feet
more 37 feet
either a free 6* or a specific 6* rateup like the one 1.4 had
the irony is that she already has a swimsuit as her base outfit.
They gave her a snorkel so she won't drown this time
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Something like that
>free 6*
actually based.
furiously refreshing lofter for the next 24 hours
they're gonna be popping off
Being revenue brained and designing character around five different market researches is the reason why chinese games will never have soulful designs.
Sorry Isolde, you’ll wait 3 more patches to meet your wife
What if I already have all the 6 stars…
free 6* is random from the ones you don't own
That's how you unlock Schneider
>That you don't own
Is this how I get spooked by Newbrick...
I don't want a 6 star... I want Yenisei....
Aren't you going to post your gacha with soulful design?
Then you can pick one for portrait.
just buy the 2.2 BP for her swimsuit garment bro!
Sis... You're not going to survive four patches without getting spooked by her.
My free Marcus awaits.
I don't have her and I've been playing since 1.2....
>skip Kakania
>skip Mercuria
>skip J
>skip Tuesday
>roll Argus
>roll Anjo
>try 50/50 pity to get kakania
>get mercuria
>get argus
>skip the rest
so lopera is burn support?
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Can't wait to get my free New Brick...
Pull Lucy
Pull Kakania
Pull Anjo
Lopera depends on story/kit/etc
Everyone else skip
>critter gacha
Holy shit it’s an entire critter collecting and raising minigame
Babelgods we can’t stop winning
>more NewBabel propaganda
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And you'll get her!
Anjo really does look like a rehashed Tuesday, especially being released right after, and already reminds one of Isolde. For once I agree with the twitter crowd, there's no delicious brown BUNDA...I'll just jerk off to brazilian miku I guess
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John answered my prayers...
Her animal traits put her above Tuesday. Can't wait to see the fanart making use of her tail.
Garment will fix that. Trust the plan...
>I have all of them
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Suffering from success...
I have no fucking idea what’s going on with this 8 character mode but it looks fun?
I disagree, her tail is way too prominent in her design
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Genuinely, when is this game gonna EoS?
When was the last good character? Jiu?
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Lopera kit

Insight 1: when Bullet effect is triggered, gain Moxie then heal based on %hp lost to ally with lowest hp
Insight 2: Crit dmg up
Insight 3: When entering battle, increase Moxie based on the number of Beast, Spirit and Intelligent characters

Skill 1: Single attack, Reality dmg, converts <Burning Bullet> owned to <Magic Bullet>/<Ritual Bullet> for the character in front/behind Lopera

<Burning Bullet> Cause burn when attacking
<Magic Bullet> Increase magic power when attacking(wtf?)
<Ritual Bullet> Increase incantation power when attacking

Skill 2: give self one <Burning Bullet> and enter <Ready to Fire> state

<Ready to Fire> if is still in this status at the end of the round, unleash skill 3

Skill 3: Single attack, Reality damage, grant <Direct Hit> to all allies, when target has X burn, increase damage

<Direct Hit> Increase crit dmg based on Lopera crit dmg (this + Jiu's psychube in raid would be crazy)

Ultimate: Set up Array <Crucible Arsenal>

<Crucible Arsenal> Increase crit rate, when using any type of Bullet, they will not be consumed, at least one Bullet will be retained(?)
excess crit rate is converted to crit dmg, crit rate increased based on number of Bullet owned

Lopera jumpscared me, I'm so pulling her
Saying that Jiu is the last good character is incredibly hilarious.
Please, keep seething. Maybe I should start collecting some of these posts for a collage.
Yeah, I wouldnt mind an all white patch if this was set in finland or something.
But this is Brazil. I excepted at least (1) chocolate woman with a massive ass and now I’m disappointed.
>Adding 5 jars of candy to the roaring month
But I already stuggle to use the ones I get daily...
>When was the last good character? Jiu?
Lucy. everything after that has been shit unironically.
>skip lucy
>roll kakania
>roll joe
>skip mercuria
>skip tuesday
>roll argus
>skip all 2.2
no clue what the fuck they were thinking with the 2.2 characters, but at least mr. duncan is hot
>went to visit discord
>everyone is crying about racism, colorism, no nigger peopleism
I mean, I guess I kinda agree. the new girl sucks. she looks too much like Tuesday, which looks too much like Ms.Kimberly, which looks too much like Isolde.
>at least mr. duncan is hot
Yeah I figured this is the type of poster whining about the new patch.
sis she is kimberly
>newbabel buffs
Literally no one would’ve cared if they didnt set this in Brazil.
But setting it somewhere sets expectations.
Imagine setting it in france and we get 1 black guy and an arab….oh wait
I like Anjo just fine. Lopera is the one that bothers me. Extremely boring and unremarkable design. Feels like a character they excised from a much worse gacha game and added into this patch. Betting on
>tragic backstory
>spathodea esque personality
>mandatory for some high scoring burn comp but mediocre otherwise
>gets 50% dps increase at p2
Still Isolde v3 if true
>can't fucking watch because I'm working
John why?
Also let me understand this, we got a tomboy cowboy and people are complaining?
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>you can now choose primary target in auto battle mode
Also buffs soon(tm)
yes and? duncan and shamane are both made for my dick and the 2.2 girls are made to fade from the public consciousness the second their banners end. go play other gachas if all you want is tiny white girls
>black hair = same person
pretty racist sis...
>Newbabel buffs
both the 2.1 and 2.2 characters look shit. its clear having the tooth fairy artist leave months ago has resulted in these stagnant character designs being shat out now.
Yeah I kinda expected exotic bunda like Centurion
mmmmmmmmm nyo, she look gorgeous
Lopera? She looks generic as hell but everyone's too busy complaining about Anjo

>too many tiny white girls
>you're the one who should leave if you like them
logic of the gay man is truly fascinating.......
Tooth Fairy is just a chick with a piece of metal on her face. I can't take the whining seriously when the examples being used are equal or less striking than the new girl.
>Lopera ugly
troons invaded /1999/
Our trans sisters have been an integral part of the general since day one, newcutie
I just want more men
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you mean the totally true and based and correct logic that this game has the potential and the precedent to do better, but didn't here? yeah lol shit's crazy
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>play yuri gacha
what causes this mental retardation?
all anime attracts mentally ill men, you should know this.

>to do better
unironically kill yourself.
There's one useless brick in that team. Can you identify it? Hint: it's not J.
who said either of the 2.2 girls were ugly? they're very obviously conventionally attractive, yet bland and uninspired, which is why they suck.

it's the visual equivalent of white bread, what am i supposed to care about here?
>everyone arguing like the 1.3 patch again
welcome home
>yuri game
Where is your proof? The girls in this game have never done anything gay together and none of them are in relationships.
Male lovers and brown skin lovers having a meltdown for the millionth time is none of my concern, and it's certainly not a concern for Bluepoch.
Not gonna lie, this looks a little off.
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stay mad and accept your 2.2 slop lol
>1/7 Sonetto
I sleep
>too many ypipo!!
>where are poc!!!
>A Knight scale figure
oh marcus…stop seducing me with that thin waist…I thought you are a fat girl…
>can display it next to your Mr. Apple figure
a certain group of people are loving this
I'm happy with the designs retard lmao.
if you want more faggotry then leave.
>chinese lesbi- women love pale skinned raven-haired ladies. it is what it is
they'd roll for them if you were right. but they didn't.

Every patch since 1.9 is a skip patch.
>sonetto scale fig
meh. c'mon bluepoch you know the people want Regulus
Oh neat, an artbook.
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Bros 2.X patches looks incredibly underwhelming, in general, why are they trying to kill this game.
Lopera is uninspired and shit. Anjo is cute but she is basically just an Arknights' character in a nice dress. Whether that's a plus or negative is down to you.
Not enough males or quirky arcanists
>inb4 I'm gonna quit for real this time!!!
>the insufferable people that DEMAND everything to be catered to them are in fact, insufferable
And you'd think why companies don't even know what to do
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nah lol. this game is cool and i make more of an impact on the future of the game by complaining with my dollar
Name Day?
Madam Z?
Matilda P5?
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2.2 PV
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>who said either of the 2.2 girls were ugly? they're very obviously conventionally attractive, yet bland and uninspired, which is why they suck.
Pretty much what I'm feeling here, I like the skins but none of the new characters give me that "I'll pull for you" feeling, maybe that will change in a few months as I get used to it, but I really wished for a chocolate babe with the bunda to match it since bluepoch choose Brazil
Everyone forgot Enigma...
Where's my swimsuit John?
mmmm nyo
name 1 gacha character that look like Lopera
>thinking your opinions matter when they’re the polar opposite of what chinks think
Just woke up, any new playable males?
She looks like Sonetto wearing Blonney's 2.1 garment
Sadly, yes.
a hot old man, 5*
New feet?
mr. duncan, he's only a 5* but he's pretty great looking
Unironically looks like Sonetto with a haircut.
Spathodea support? Beast Healer? cuz Dikke is shit.
MOMMY (gute Version)
it’s not that hard sis
No. Enjoy your third limited female who looks like Isolde though I guess. Anjo is cute but I have no idea why she's limited.
Lopera is nice she's like timeskip sonetto
Anjo is just Isolde 3.0
Poltergeist, Marcus, Vila, 37, Yenisei
That small bit of Lopera cleavage yabai
she's a "healer" like mercuria is a healer, aka use them with joe if you want the team to live
BR Isolde
BR Sonetto
Some dude and a hand (?)
Really nice costumes.
I need proof.
This pleases me very much
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we need more sexy brown girls
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Puzzle Quest bros, we won
easy skip
>skip 2.0
>skip 2.1
>skip 2.2
sheesh I guess I'll just roll for Lucy and hoard bunnies until EoS
but lucy is ugly
I love her design, Vila being a """Rusalka"""" and having like some scale, a tiny fang and a SUPER hidden fish tail was boring. Love the lizard features. I just wish she wasn't 1) a singer and 2) black haired. Give her hair a green shimmer or something.
>specifically name a character anjo in the brazilian patch, a name that is almost 100% male and brazilian
>make it a white woman
genius move, ngl
>Lucy without shirt
Haha tin can
>Lucy with shirt on
Lucy swimsuit when?
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Unhinged women enjoyers
Big tail enthusiasts
Critter lovers
A Knight bros
Newbabel believers
Anyone whose favorite got a garment
Male peddlers
Melanin beggars
She's cute, but heart is broken, i expected my pure hearted chocolate Man/boy
just like marcus
and charlie
and john titor
and erick
The singer part is what killed it for me.
Isolde’s already a singer, Tuesday’s thing is she sings lullabies, why the exact same character for the third time?
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>Shartnetto taking another L
I told Jane to do it, I’m a singer lover
There's going to be a garment voucher?
>Male peddlers lost
Ehhhhh not with that Shamane skin and his buff. Honestly the skins are the winners of this patch. Glad I can save some bunnies at least.
Her hair is dark purple, not black. Too bad it looks like black most of the time.
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>Male peddlers
>Melanin beggars
Eternal losers. Thank you Jane Bluepoch.
>Druvis status?
Sad my girl Druvis still in the suitcase, everyone doing stuff outside and she's still inside. But to be fair, based on the last chapter she was in, taking her out is like bringing the big guns bc she goes overkill with her magic
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mating press marcus!
I always find it funny how Shamane has a fanbase
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Alright now that I watched the rest of the vid here is my full opinions about it
>São Paulo doesn't really stand out for me, the favelas are the only thing that makes me say that it's Brazil lol
>music is boring af, John got lazy here like when they did vila's ultimate
>speaking of it at least the skins are good shit, Vila's ultimate is fixed just need to pay for it now
I'm brazilian and I don't give a shit about the white/brown/black whatever discussion, white people exist in brazil ffs, miss opportunity in not having a hot chocolate chick but it is what it is, I'll probably pull for the bitch strangling Vertin and the gunslinger girl cause she sounds fun
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Always the bridesmaid...
I dunno, I don't particularly want more males, but I don't mind one here and there as long as it's cool ones like Shamane and Joe. But if they start making shotas and k-pop fuccbois I will be severely disappointed.
Did the devs talk about anything development wise?

Thanks for this. Guess I'm skipping this time.
I apologize that you got bullied enough to go to brazil for lipo
the brown supporters dont know about Argus or smth lmfao
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he has a hidden appeal, even critters love him!!
reminder that brazilians are also white
COINCIDENTALLY they were the ones turned into playable characters
expect a lot of eyeless brown npcs, this whole colorism shit holds no weight this time
only westoid trannies on discord.
She needs more flair in her desing to be playable worthy. She's too plain in her desing (which is a shame).
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Marcusfat posters lost.
I literally don't care if a fucking crippled man might look like the guy from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, if the story is good then that is enough reason to pull. This game is so piss easy, meta is for the absurd, and why the fuck would you engage in identity bullshit there's no PH character yet, nor do I care when it happens or if it ever does when (YOU) are literally Vertin??
None of playable characters are even Brazilian
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the biggest spoiler this stream was finding out marcus isnt actually fat
>4 or more genocides are happening right now and westoid choose to complain about skin color in a game not made for them instead of helping like the good person they are
sad, it’s all virtue signaling in the end, none of them care about people who are suffering in life
>marcus got the swimsuit skin
lmao, gotta love it
>big ass straw hat (she's shy)
>weird sea-themed veil to cover her love handles (she's insecure about them)
great garment, even though her base skin is still the best
>flat chest with big thighs
Marcusbros we are so fucking back.
I just like the more varied designs the game is known for personally. Isolde 1.3 is by far the least interesting limited unit.

Don't even have Shamane but I've seen lots of fanart etc, so he clearly does. Also his costume was by far the most asked for.
Just because she didn't want to stay with Forget Me Not, she could be having tons of trauma bonding desperate sex. Like two dogs licking each other's wound in a futile attempt to make the pain go away one day
yeah I agree, the whole point I play these games is for me to immerse myself in a story and pretend to be someone else before I go to work, I didn't choose to play r1999 for representation lmfao, If I wanted that I could just play CK3 and make myself in 4k
The fact that they went for a black haired girl with a reptilian theme twice in a row *is* pretty weird to be fair
Lopera! so lovely!
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he's great though? intelligent, kind, funny, strong, hot as fuck, what's not to like?
Calling the stupid bitch a big fat loser was literally the only good thing about M*cus and Johnpoch had to go and fucking ruin it.
6* hebe in the next patch for sure this time
since the invention of the commercial airline, white people are everywhere. this is a disingenuous argument and you know it
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I want Spathodea swimsuit too…nyo….
do I care about people dying in the real world? No… people die all the time for some stupid reason or another. Sucks you lost the spawn point RNG.
What I do care about is my globetrotting game ruining muh immersion. If black people were in Rayshiki I’d complain. If there were no pajeets in mor pankh, I’d complain. If there were no chinks in shuori, I’d complain.
So now that neither of the 2 brazil characters are brown (are they even brazilian?), I’d complain as well.
They should’ve just set it in some white country instead. Like argentina
>obesetranny meltdown
You love to see it
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The last good designs were in 1.8, 1.9 if you count Lorelei and vampire Semmelweis.
Lucy and Kakania are technically older but still not really impressive.
It really is disappointing.
Should've listened to unusualschizos
What's the estimated amount of rolls required to P5 a limited character? Factoring in the copy you can get after 200 rolls.
I'm thinking Regulus' Unique garment will be around $15 ("discounted from" $20), going by the pricing of the lower tiers.
Is this bitch on ozempic or something
560 is your worst case for p5.
People are so cruel to Marcus lmao
Average? About 350.
Worst case? 560.
Retard you are the only one trying to virtue signal with this "muh genocide" gaslighting
With average luck (lost 3 50/50s) I got p5 Jiu in 360 pulls. Had a couple of earlies though
yeah it's really crazy seeing the lengths they go to defend bluepoch's colorism. it's sad :(
Guess I’ll buy 37’s directly and use my saved up drops for the other two
Lopera, cunny or no?
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I'm sorry but you lost Mr. FMN. She chose the young and beautiful companion (me) over you (old wasted doomer).
Hebe at best. She’s sonetto tier
Cleavage makes me say no
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Alright, that's manageable. P5 Anjo here I come. The tail will be mine.
What is the cn opinion of the new characters? I assume they like it ye?
This is what you retards get for not paying up when they release shitskins or males
Back up your demands with your wallet or cut your losses and play something else
Sister... they probably did pay up but they're just a loud minority...
Thank God, who would roll for a fucking guy in a yuri game?
>release males once every 3 patches, if that
>always have enough bunnies to save up
>never have to spend
>pull male easily
>rinse and repeat
This argument is always in bad faith. If the chinks don't want it, it won't happen. Simple as that.
I’m glad they kill off that woman (dog shit design) and replace her with you know who (awesome design)
woketards don't spend money on things that pander to them
you have to pander to incel weebs cuz we're the ones who spend money on your games
>he thinks she's dead
I love huge tails too.
When are they ever going to do something like the China patch where the cast are straight up getting Isekai'd to a historical setting? That kind of set up has more potential for unique designs rather than this eternal 20th century thing.
>went to discord
>said I wanted more hot girls
>got called sexist
what the fuck is wrong with R1999 english fanbase?
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I see tail I pull
Simple as
It will literally never matter how much you do or don't spend in Global.
>drama slop revitalized the thread
Jane... I kneel.
1) i do
2) are we really ignoring the fact that brown people and male enjoyers aren't mentally ill enough to shill hundreds of $ on anime mobile game jpegs? the reason why male characters sell less is because they are not released as frequently, letting people actually save for them compared to female characters that incels whale for
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>Lizard lady...
>Brazilian lizard lady...
The trailer makes the chapter look pretty awesome
even though it just spoiled me about arcana what the FUCK john??
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Sotheby groomed another old man
What are the cheat code cards + borrowed arcanist for this uttu?
I only put money in this game for Druvis and males.
That's from 1.9...
Avgust and Isolde
mr. duncan is actual a folsom fair bottom faggot who takes it purely from men half his age, though?
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Having a new lounge singer character after Isolde’s new skin is…a choice but she’s an insane woman so I’m pulling. Vila’s skin fixed her ult and is cute, and I told you Marcus would get a cute swimsuit. 37 remains Bluepioch’s special girl
>doesn’t pay anywhere as much
>expects to be treated even remotely the same
Absurd levels of entitlement from your kind
Yeah... Totally...
Do yourself a favor anon, leave the threat and go commission a bara artists to fulfill your delusions
We gets groomed by little girls what do you think..?
>using incels unironically
You have already lost.
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Fish skippers
Your response?
dude idgaf about "entitlement", they were never marketing this game to me specifically. speaking about the quality of this game and it's characters is hardly "absurd", it's called an opinion in a discussion about the game. they should have at least been realistic about the social demographics from the REAL LIFE location they're taking inspiration from
? gachas are traditionally marketed towards incels though? your GFL2 drama? your bunny costume?
go back to discord, trannyfaggot
Eternity buffs?? My P5 Eternity will be good now?
I'll be honest, this is the first time BluePoch has disappointed me with the character designs.

I was really excited to see this patch, since it was going to be set in Brazil, so my mind was racing thinking about the inspirations and designs we were going to have, and then when it came out, that was it.

I have to make it clear that I don't care at all about the melanin and skin tone of the characters, that's something I've never given a damn about in any game, especially since there are white people here in Brazil, my problem is with the inspirations,

Come on, Lopera? A name that is clearly not Brazilian, holding two pistols and wearing clothes that have nothing to do with it, sure I see someone like that every day in my neighborhood, (maybe they used Maria Bonita as inspiration, that's the only thing that comes to mind)

And Angel Nala left me even more disappointed, I thought she was inspired by Boitatá, a creature from our folklore, one of the my most favorite myth, but no, she's a snake woman who has nothing to do with us. (I'll wait to see where the inspirations came from)

Brazil is never portrayed in almost anything and I thought BP would do it differently, but they wasted a lot man

I won't stop playing because, as I said, I don't care much about these things and I'm aware of the type of game I play. I don't want to be dramatic, they can still represent Brazil very well in the scenarios. That makes me excited.

Mr Duncan is the most Brazilian, I won't lie lol

Eu escrevi pra krlh lskskskskks sorry
cry lol, it's an accurate descriptor of the main demographic for gacha games, aka self-hating brown asians who want a digitial white child wife

cry lol
I wish to unsubscribe from your blog.
Anjo reminds me of the Cuca.
>there are unironically moids in this thread
Hopefully they make it up to you in the future brazilbro
I wish to subscribe to your substack.
Ok to be absolutely fair all they had to do was make Mr. Duncan a bit darker and every goddamn discord nigger and their echo chambers would just shut the fuck up immediately since they like their males darker anyway.
>muh realism
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burn & a whale friends p3+ jiu. other characters like isolde+spathodea are luxury picks but p1 leliana & all the uttu+vertin cards are core. Would also not recommend doing the strat with level 1 characters since theres a few fights like pavia or 1.8 boss where you have to kill stuff multiple times
Ah right, I'm supposed to drop a bank-worth on characters that get released so rarely that I can always save up for and even if 200 people were to p5 them it would still be less than your next white girl.
Meanwhile you'll just p0 and consider yourself the winner.
You're full of shit.
You're falling for pasta from reddit, the double spacing, gay writing and the fact that anon's done this before should've tipped you off
insight 1 for leliana woops, since you need the +1 moxie so everyone can ult turn 1
>reddit spacing
Go back and kill yourself
I could understand snake girl, even if I wanted her to be brown. Lopera makes zero sense
Damn... I feel ashamed now.
sister, CN is already past 1.9. It's entirely your fault.
Use the burn start from previous UTTU and throw ultimate at the enemies.
Or try the dynamo setup that need at least 2 turns but works on auto.
Joe design is so. awful with that. shitty s2 animation
The creative direction felt really different compared to the first year. I don't know how describe it.
We love reddit here
I’m going to be honest. As a black Latina that has been playing this game since it’s English release. I have had concerns that the current direction of Reverse 1999 compared to it starting rooster was going in a bias towards colorism that I’ve just given up on seeing any darker skin or black characters, and it’s still disappointing to see it. Here’s to hoping that they actually do a better job depicting Brazilian culture than the way they handled Centurion and her Mexican American identity
TF?They're not right, like 50% of the country identifies as white, and there is no "correct" skin tone for a person, like wtf?
got powercrept by KB and Jiu already
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I'm gonna cry... not arcana... she's so pretty...
>200 people
If you’re that small of an audience then why the fuck are you expecting to be pandered to? Especially when what you’re demanding (shitskins) is negative publicity and immediately filters a huge portion of the playerbase
They should've made her more snake-like instead of Isolde-like
you know, like that reptile girl from FGO
You're not even going to post your P5 Shamane?
you have semmelweiss as eternitys new best friend + semmelweiss's 6* psychube in 2.0 too
think FGO
What i always wanted, a change in the background and It's on my country's update.
I Love It!!! Looks like the inside of a old sobrado
>soulful designs
let me guess the like ofs concord for the west, or generic schoolgirl outfit 999235566769 in JP?
It's literally the same. Crazy animal-themed character. Weird low rarity character. A friendly older gentleman. A peppy young girl. All of these were in launch->1.5, nothing changed.
FGO new designs are mostly trash, I like some of the older ones though
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Spaniards identify as white too (and it's correct, american classification is retarded), but they're not norwegian-tier-pale. Brazil is very sunny and it's literally impossible to not catch some tan if you're going outside daily.
you Lopera hater dont know how long I have waited for someone like her…so beautiful
I can make a cute team now with that universal crit buff, crit dmg buff, dmg buff
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ngl lopera's default outfit gives me van gogh vibes even though shes completely different in character
Thanks for the suggestions, I found a guide for the dynamo setup so I'm gonna try that I think. I don't have any burn characters.
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then why set your game in brazil of all places.
they could've avoided all of this by just setting it in canada or some other country where an all white cast makes sense.
you really dont need any burn characters, strat is basically doing 75-100% of the enemy's health with 8 AoE totem cards then having a 100% ult buff jiu finish them off
>they whitewashed real life brazil
chuds are too powerful...
South is full of pale white fuckers who likes to larp as german or confederates
Brazil is white you racist fuck
>Yeah, I wouldnt mind an all white patch if this was set in finland or something.
But this is Brazil. I excepted at least (1) chocolate woman with a massive ass and now I’m disappointed.

Wtf is even this? Why do you think its OK if there were non-pale people in nordic and scand countries in the first place? And this sentence reeks of fetishization of brazil, you see all those "chocolate women" as some fantasy and exotic thing than a fucking person, bc they have "nice skin"
KEK wtf is this?
>Geisy Arruda
Que nojo! Totally forgot this bitch existed.
Westaboo setting attracts westerners and sets up expectations.
I'd feel just as weird if the setting was Russia or Japan and it was just full of niggers.
Yeah, we get it, asians are racist, but after so many things done right, those that are done wrong start to hurt.
Nips design characters with their dick, this is why I love them
Have there been any gameplay changes?
Played since the start and quit after numbers girl (i think when straya event first started)
Dude, do you even know how to rea…
Oh shit its jiu, everyone say hi to Jiu!
Dont culturally appropriate argentina bwo, thats not nice
No but next update will add a bunch of new stuff
get a permanent new echoes mode in 1.9, in 2.0 you get a r10 buff to change the stats of your main characters biggest puzzle piece and 2.1 adds a new stress system and new character buffs for raid mode that utilises the stress system
That is very pleasant!
Hmm, what the stress system/buffs do?
Lemme tell you a story, long a time ago in a university, a girl dressed up to the nines and went to a class, everyone in the classroom and halls called her a whore (just because she had dressed nicely for that day).
The video went viral, everyone felt bad for the girl and stuff (It's was kinda sad, even i felt bad). But then the girl, Geisy Arruda grabbed the chance of her 15 minutes of fame and ran with it. Finally becoming the whore she was called in halls of the uni.
During one Carnaval, the imbecile did body paint with no cover up of the parts and when she was interviewed by a reporter covering the Carnaval, the bitch showed her butthole in live TV for the whole country to see, than fuck it was on the vapid RedeTv channel and not Globo (that would cause way more repercussion)
Did Vertin take Schneider's dress to Brazil?
>"to do better"
and this is a problematic mindset. People have become to comfortable with "representation" that they deluded themselves that what they're doing is right and "better". Like unironically get off the internet, this shit reminds of the twitter retards that were asking an actual Brazilian why did they draw miku "white" in the Brazilian miku trend, bc apparently you have to be of a certain color and look to be "brazillian", even tho white people are like 50% of the fucking country lmao
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Cool but where's my bunda arcanist?
My biggest gripe is that they made Ms. Kimberly playable, even if she’s manus but not Arcana.
Where is the justice Jane? Give me arcana!
one of them is dead
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Or... that other one!
Yeah, the games an amazing multicultural game. And they’ve shown it in the past.
Guess they’re just trying to play it safe after the whole mercuria thing.
She switched sides so it’s ok
I hope Sophia will get the same treatment
She looks far better than that Isolde clone
I'm happy that the defections in this game are two-way.
I don’t think 1.3 sold all that well, white girls are easy and make money

Race in Brazil, 2022

>Pardos (Multiracial) (45.3%)
>Brancos (White) (43.5%)
>Pretos (African) (10.2%)
>Indígenas (Indigenous) (0.6%)
>Amarelos (East Asians) (0.4%)
Yeah I hope we get to nuke that dumb irrational number
Same artist as Jiu I think, she does look lovely.

>whole mercuria thing.
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>mfw wake up and look at the new patch
>add it to the skip list (2.0, 2.1, 2.2)
>go back to sleep
Wake me up when 2.3 hits
Okay! I turned my computer on, wanna doodle Druvis, but with who? Drinking with Forget Me Not? Dancing with Shamane? Making wands with Joe? Hmm
wtf are you even saying? Brazil is one of the places that you can unironically find data going back some centuries about whites being the majority.
There are few reliable statistics on the Brazilian population before the 1872 census, in Brazil of 1872 were:

3,787,289 Whites (European mainly)
4,188,737 Mixed-race (Pardo)
1,954,452 Blacks (African)
The fuck kind of point are you trying to make retard? The point is that Anjo is not Brazilian.
>all this niggas seething
I love it
It sold better than 1.8 iirc.
One day you’ll wake up with your ass torn and sore and you’ll remember what you said
No you are just retarded, and nothing is wrong with the patch
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minor 2.0 event spoilers but rather than being a pure manus vindictae follower like arcana & forget me not shes actually a foundation spirit bound to the robot toy you see in the PV who eternity owned and gave to a manus villian so he could try save his ass from the main cast
It did alright.
>the whole mercuria thing
chinks hate tattoos or something?
>you know 100 retards are uppidty, so that mean ALL players are incels

kill yourself troon
Very funny reading people who aren't Brazilian try to explain who Brazilians are
>Shamane doing better than Kowabunga
>Pickles doing comparably fine to Jessica
self-hating troonsisters... We were wrong...
spathodea mogged them all…
Nah, just the usual character is too OP with copies autism
It got nothing to do with muh multicultural stuff like schizo is saying
nah, basically first time they released a 6* where you were 100% required to roll for portrays since she was borderline useless at p0 outside mercuria team, actually useable as a support after you ult in p1 and gigabroken OP as fuck gigapowercreep support at p5. Basically made CN giga-seeth and force bluepoch into apologizing and doing a large list of stuff to make up for it
but that is realistic, brazil is mostly mixed people or whites faggot. Stop blabbering about places you dont even know about and using "muh representation" for your nig skin worship agenda
To be fair I think chinks typically buy packs as soon as the shop refreshes. So even if they were saving for kaala, they would’ve bought the packs during shamanes banner
not your personal blog, also reddit spacing
Not fan of this shota in particular
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i'm the opposite
Avgust is the only cute shota in the game
Actually that would make sense since every character that first appears in a patch does better than the one that comes after it seems.
Feels like vila got hosed for being the pre-anniversary patch
hes cute and adorable but his fish eyes seriously creep me out
This is the shit >>493396773
anon was talking about, the "better" and things being done right, like wtf are you even saying? Do you even know about the country you are "protecting" with your amerirat cultural bullshit?
But I thought chinks hate shitskins.

Werent there streams or something today?
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I feel like this game has a more westaboo audience
>vila skin
So why are UTTU Magazine's most expensive and rare cards ALL about Vertin? Is she a celebrity or something? Does Pandora Wilson stan her?
Vertin is the only one who reads that rag so of course pandora pandoras to her
Good for you anon, i only like grown up males to give Druvis a good fucking
murder yourself, election subhuman
a good fucking what?
Why is my teacher wearing a bikini.
Why isnt she at school?
This is so weird, its like shes a person or something
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unironically bigger patch than 1st anniversary, also big swimsuit garment patch with advanced swimsuits for vila+marcus and 37 getting a unique tier 1
Help with horticulture.
Landscaping is hard work and its much easier when you have men to carry everything
thats bc chinks were hasty. Its the same situation as in genshin 2.7 when they released shinobu and everyone was so angry, "why does she scale with em" and all sorts of shit. She was "shit" and when dendro came along like after 6 weeks, "OMG SO GOOD". All the CN fags had to do was wait like 2-3weeks to see the vision with the 2.1 characters and how they work lmao. Imagine a live service game releasing everything all the content at the same time then "running" out of content for the next patch.
what the fuck is an advanced swimsuit
>Scroll up to see what's up with 2.2
>Inane melty about nothing
Neat. Funny we actually got a snek.
https://youtu.be/cWFz-l5vYfY?t=248 same tier of garments as the olympic kaala bauna & chinese a knight+druvis
notice how it rose constantly until Jiu and then fall off? That's why you don't make super limited OP shill characters
A good fucking, a good dicking, a good make out session
I don't believe this chart is accurate
They have randomly spikes that don't coincide with character releases
Shamane higher than Toothfairy? Beside being the perfect woman who doesn't exi-, she was by far the best healer at the time and people shilled her P2 pretty hard
Shamane higher than Jessica? She's a more popular character from the number of fan art she gets and she was the strongest DPS at the time.
I don't even believe Shamane is higher than Kaalaa Bauna. She was also really strong and people didn't know Jiu was going to powercreep her.
6 is also way more meta than Shamane to be that low. Come on.
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Windsong is so lucky...
That's nice. I'm glad she has so many friends.
You need to consider that Shamane is basically a jack of all trades and there were no good Mental supports back then.
>Baby Blue
No. And as per always, second banners almost always sell less than the main one.
You're right... Also Vila probably didn't sell that well because she doesn't work as well with Jiu (the best DPS at the time).
>She's a more popular character from the number of fan art she gets
lol lmao
Oh, that's a good idea for a doodle anon, Druvis preparing a herb garden and someone carrying a sack of fertilizer to help her out
That is an objectively true statement, sorry to break it to you
molest Lopera butt!
People used Pickles actually
>People used Pickles
>First second banner
>Already lost to the second second banner
Not a lot it seems.
Yes. Not sure why you're laughing at your bad memory.
That phrase is a sign of western imperialism that leftoids and twitter weirdos like to spam without thinking about it's implications. To do "better" is to "do it like we do"
>Isolde is one of the best character in the game
>We basically got Brazilian Isolde
>Somehow this is bad because they didn't put a dark skinned guy that talks about sopa de macaco
I hope Pedra comes back and I get to punch him in his smug face
Some people are still on their crusade on asking Jane to add more male characters.
Faggots asking for men to be added to the game should be ignored in general.
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Fuck it, I decided to come back and not stress about permanently missing out on chubes (I think that's all you permanently miss, I pray at least)
I played up to 1.4 I think?
Whichever added 37 and the number people.
I was looking forward to rolling Spathodea but real life got in the way so much I missed the event and got depressed about it and dropped out.
But I'm not going to let it bother me, I will live with having missed stuff and not make it get in the way.

But I really missed the cozy feel and aesthetics of this game and shitposting with you all, getting our ass kicked by the garbage bags in the first limbo cycles. dunking on forget me not.
I don't know how many anons from the very first threads are still but I hope some of you still are.

Here's my friend code if anyone wants to add me. (sorry to peeps i abandoned)
Anon, I kneel....

We have like this much "people" in our thread talking acting exactly like that.

Some arguments is "well imagine, if x or y white country had le black skin, it would be le innacurate", acting like they would care, they would probably praise bluepoch for helping out "poc", than bitch about "muh inaccuracy".

These people have a skewed perception of what x group SHOULD look like (lol Yellow filter, gang violence, drugs and poor 3rd world darksins) which isnt even marginally true in brazil as a whole.

Like: https://censo2022.ibge.gov.br/panorama/
basically tells you the current population ethnicities and race, yet they go ahead with their skewed made up, american fed, media bullshit and try to act as if they know more than the fucking organization that regulates that in said fucking country. They are even historic census that shows that the contury has mixed and white populationsas the majority, such as the 1872 Brazilian census
, and yet they dont care, becasue its not "accurate" to their liking, which seems like its to worship fucking melanin more than anything. I remember a while ago in some thread an anon linked a comment from a "player" of reverse1999, on the genshin leaks sub, that made up issues with how the "diverse" characters were portrayed. For example that kanjira is a stereotype bc she's a pickpocket and since she's Indian and has melanin, its a bad thing, bc it "reinforces harmful stereotypes", even tho in the story and much like IRL, children steal bc they have no one to care and provide for them, if they dont steal they die, its literally survival, but to these retards its bad, bc you aren't taking the safe route and worshipping the ground shes walks on bc she's indian and has dark skin or some shit.
Didn’t read lol
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listen i just like chocolate. if a girl is brown she's automatically cuter. it really isn't controversial.
we are all boycotting nazipoch
>(I think that's all you permanently miss, I pray at least)
They get sold on the shops now so you really didn't miss out on much. Will cut on your Gluttonies but you should be fine.
>getting our ass kicked by the garbage bags in the first limbo cycles. dunking on forget me not.
Based. Limbo 5 was quite a meme.
she looks very mildly tanned here
>They get sold on the shops now so you really didn't miss out on much. Will cut on your Gluttonies but you should be fine.
Oh really?
That's nice, I won't have to stress as much then.

>Based. Limbo 5 was quite a meme.
Good times, I really loved trying to solve the first few limbo cycles with very limited resources and setups we had back then like a puzzle.
I know sotherby, Mr. Karson, usually read everything for you, and now that he's gone, your little dumb ass cant even comprehend what ms. moissan is teaching you. You're in a worse predicament than jiu, bc jiu wants to learn how to read unlike you
and yet bluepoch couldn't even do that for characters from the brazil patch
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theres the bait banner spathodea's in now that I wouldnt recommend rolling but in 1.9 you can pick any 6* including semmelweiss except jiu up to 1.6 to roll for in a specific banner if you missed out on her and still really want her. The only thing you really miss out on are the 5* psychubes and all the free gluttony from events since all the 6* event psychubes eventually get added to psychube shop. sent you a friend request
Skipping everything after Lucy to pull for Cuca singer and the cute gunslinger
is that a problem? And do you even know what a tan is, along with the other anon? If you go outside and see real people outside, you sould see how fucking dumb you sound
Actually that is not Sotheby from the game Reverse 1999.
It is actually an anonymous poster using an image of her.
Now you know.
It's a shame about the 5* just for collection's sake but I can live with it.
>Majority of brazilians are pardas or mixed
>those people typically self identify as brown
>neither of the 6 stars are pardas
> people complain
Makes sense. Thanks for the stats anon
They really should've added a Japanese salaryman for the Brazil patch to throw people in a loop .
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I love the giga girl skin but I want the swimsuit too
Ask to be her bodyguard
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Schneider status??
Lorepa used bra….
Just like Druvis, forgotten.
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Well well well
It turns out John was right again
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Lopera used panty…
>>Those people typically self identify as brown
You really think that you're not being disingenuous when you say this?
Being mixed =/= brown, ameritard, its just means mixed ethnicities in their heritage and family tree, do you unironically think they all themselves POC lmao?

Thats how I know you're a disengenious faggot and you use twitter and reddit to whine about "reperesentation" when it isnt what you like.

Also your dumbass argument could be used against you bc if you actually read the stats. Mixed (which ONLY means 'of a mixed or diverse heritage') is only ahead by a few percentages compared to the white population, which means having only pale characters is just as likely as only brown, but take a guess which one people would bitch about as not being "correct" and "accurate" tho, oh right we live in that timeline.
Based Brazil?
hey Lopera
*touch your boobs*
you free tonight?
*grab ur butt*
my, you are so beautiful, I want another date with you
*steal a kiss*
*french kissing*
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>timekeepers are fighting like arcaniggs over the race of a country they never went or know that exist until now

ARCANA was right!!
MANUS was right!!
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>Finally, it's just you and me master...
Sonetto, you can't let this devious woman be alone with Vertin.
Oh please. Brazil is one of the most recognizable countries.
Its not like its Moldova, or australia
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>skipping foreplay and already playing with erotic asphyxiation
Sonetto already lost
>Brazil is one of the most recognizable countries.
It's as recognizable as people recognizing Mexico if you put a yellow filter on an image. Mainstream media horribly skews perception on places like how some people still think Africa is mostly thatch huts.
you know this isn't the issue here. We're getting the third Isolde, right after patch 2.1 gave us the second one. How boring. How lazy.
Lopera sChizo…
>anon hopes we get other schizo's besides spathodeaschizo
>monkey paw uncurls
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All of you terminally online cunts care more about race in Brazil than the average Brazilian ever will.
Raw, no prep at all. Literally the first 20 secs of the trailer. Fucking hell. What is she based of really?
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Wacky characters sis, our status?
nothing has changed
holy based!
pure soul!
unironically great design, skeleton hand holding a ship in a bottle is cool and gives pirate vibes
what are you talking about, everyone I know everything about brazil.
They all play football, everyone eats steak and bad pizza, they all get Butt lifts and bikini waxes and they all go to carnival to pray to cristo redentor.
What else is there to know?

Sending this data and not reading what I said again like a faggot.

Form the same site
In 2022, approximately 92.1 million persons (or 45.3% of the country’s population) reported being brown. It was when that group became predominant for the first time since 1991.

Other 88.2 million (43.5%) reported being white, 20.6 million (10.2%), black, 1.7 million (0.8%), indigenous and 850.1 thousand (0.4%), Asian.

This is racial identity, which has no effect on their genealogy, other wise they wont be able to report that they are brown, it would be a FACT. Its like troons reporting they feel male/female, compared to their biological sex, it has no efectt on their biological sex.

And again with you're dissentious twisted usage of using the word "brown" to mean something akin to coloured or poc bc "muh skincolor".

Now let me repeat again with the same stats;
>45.3% mixed people
>43.5% whites

For the sake of example, lets consider the usage of brown in this example like how you would use it, meaning brown as in skin color or to mean melanin (which isnt the case its to define a mixed or diverse etnic background).

Now, having both 2 "brown" characters and 2 white characters are both equally plausable given the data we have, but again take a guess which one is seen as WRONG and "inaccurate", even tho BOTH are equally plausible and accurate according to stats
Who's in charge? The hand or the boat?
cool as fuck, but nobody gives a shit
john has no reason to push awakened arcanists, they don't sell
How am I supposed to have sex with this
Is it a man or a woman?
Also, the personality will play a part in how much I like this. The design is fine, but I don't like APPLe just because he's an apple, I like him because he is a cool apple dude.
CN just had an awakened arcanist as its 1st anniversary limited.
It's got a hand
>Tuesday and Anjo are too similar
I'm more hanged up on Lopera and Argus being too similar
How many badass gunslingers girl does this game need?
Lopera…you are so…erotic…
*headpat you*
they feel brown, they look brown,they identify they're brown ergo they're brown.
None of the 2.2 characters even look brown
Thats why people are complainingg
Simple as.
Makes sense in context for Lopera, gigachad igor thought her, yknow the Leader of Zeno
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how do I burn these without needing to do it manually?
Isn't Lucy literally one?
There's a 4* option to feed it to other chubes. You'd have to drag, yes DRAG, not scroll down on the filter though.
I don't think people count her because she's basically just a metal woman.
*kiss Lopera tummy*
your not converting them into the green psychube XP?
K amerirat, complain about "they look brown", "they feel brown" to other americans, bc just from how you said it you dont belong to their culture to even understand the usage of how the word and meaning when they use brown.

Just like when Tyla said she's coloured, and ONLY ameritards complained she black bc she from africa, even saying "She can say whatever she wants, she's black", even tho coloured refers to a mixed ethnicity, but ameriacn faggots can only think in terms of le jim crow so they think its means "Colored" like in america
Lopera is asleep
her lips is so defenseless
mlem lick lick smoochhhhhhhh
it’s my duty as a timekeeper to kiss her
I'm from brazil but I'm not totally sure who anjo nala is supposed to be based off really, at least not on the brazilian mythology side.
I know lopera is very probably a mix of caipira culture (basically decesendents of portuguese colonists and the indigenous people, hillbillies) and cangaço, brazilian cowboys/outlaws on the northeast that were exterminated by our goverment (the goverment even employed ww1 airplanes to drop bombs on their asses), so lopera is likely based on maria bonita who was a cangaceira and lover of "Lampião", controversial folk heroes in the same tier of jessie james there, though her fate was dying and being decapitated with the rest of her outlaw group and their heads shown off for public exhibition by our goverment for decades
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Click this button
thank you, didn't know this even existed
I love you Lopera!!!
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>anjo nala is supposed to be based off really, at least not on the brazilian mythology side.
É a Cuca caralho
esqueci da cuca, 20 anos de curso porra e esqueci do sitio do picapau amarelo e pra fuder.
I saw some chink translators saying that she's a "succubus" is there some brazilian analogue for that?
wow, thats rough brazilbro.
and pretty interesting.
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I had a couple things for Lore Anon to consider:
>Sonetto: "My sword, sharp"
Might be farfetched but it could be from the Anglo-Saxon Journey Charm
>Qiqirn aree another monsters from hindu mythology
Are you sure you didn't mean 'Inuit mythology'? Same with the Kikituks. Idk if you confused 'Indian' with 'Inuit'
>I saw some chink translators saying that she's a "succubus" is there some brazilian analogue for that?
If she is based on a succubus there is only one that really comes close
Iara/Uiara: beautiful mermaid that lives in the Amazon River.who uses her song to seduce fisherman and drag them to the bottom of the river
Anon, I'm reading you and the other anon's little discussion, but wtf is this? This isn't an argument or even rebuts anything they said, they actually made a case using the data, as to how both could be valid, but you would only see complaints for one, even tho both are valid, they even made a culturally sematic reasoning (>>493407000) as to why they can say that they're "brown", and you argument to rebute that is something based on feelings? Why would anyone believe anything you said, it just seems like you're pushing some agenda and are just angry things didnt turn out how you like, that what anon showcased with the small % difference between the two groups (even making the case that, even if their usage of the word "brown" refers to their skincolor, which they made a argument against as well), that both are eually likely and probable using real life data and stats, but even with that, only one would face backlash for being inaccurate and disrespectful.
Why is this archetype a global thing? People really just blame random women in ponds for everything going wrong?
Men die on boats and it's gotta be someone's fault, okay.
Pretty much yeah, old women tend to blame other young, hot women as seductress/demons to keep their men in place and the men play along so they won't get their throats slit by a vengeful/scorned wife during the night, everyone wants to sleep easy
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Não teve uma série da Netflix que tinha uma "Cuca" e era uma atriz gostosa qualquer em vez de um jacaré de vestido?
Some guy on twitter had this theory that she's supposed to be based on Mata Hair, but I don't see it
Instead Rather interestingly Nala was a mythological Hindu figure
Ezra's wife
Nta, but we don't have something akin to a succubus, but we do have for a Inccubus, the Boto. Boto is a species of pink dolphin from Brazil, in the myth, he would take the form of handsome men to impregnate women and leave them the next day (an excuse of women getting pregnant out of wedlock).
We have our own unique mermaid, Iara, but she's the "seductress, but i really just want to murder you" type. She's has Green hair and Dark Brown eyes or Black hair and Green eyes.
I'm truly sorry, I've been terribly busy these days and I haven't even done Zeno anecdote yet, I promise to update this shit and enable comment as soon as I can
>Incubus is a pink dolphin
Well that's unique at least.
The thing about folklore is that there are very much similare creatures in the stories, despite the names. Like this reminds me of sirens and shit
all it took for the thread to get active again was the lack of melanin.
Skeleton handjob
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And he wears a hat so you can't see the hole through which he breathes.
Tem umas versões da Cuca (pelo menos onde eu nasci) que ela se disfarçar de uma mulher muito bonita para sequestrar criança pra devorar depois. Uma que ouvi quando era pequena é que ela se tornou uma jacaroa por causa de uma maldição pelo canibalismo
Shelter from the storm
Um personagem boto ia ser muito foda
Nala is a singer too, so it would be cool if we heard her lullaby in some way in the game
This better not be a reddit copypost
Also 7-1

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