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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #218 - Party time Edition


>Mario News and Releases<
「!」Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door has officially released!
「!」Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has officially released!

Future Release Dates:
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree releases on October 17th, 2024
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership releases on November 7th, 2024
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

Current News Links:
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Official Website (JPN) & Pauline trailer
「!」"Zapper & Score SP" is a Mario-centric light-gun game featured in the Nintendo Museum
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree Officially Revealed
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Officially Revealed
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Officially Revealed


>General Paisano Links

>Netplay Guide

>SMA4 level editor (SMA4 Mods - Smaghetti)

>SM64 Mod ROM hacks [ replace () with a dot ]
https://rentry()co/romhacks (Guide for newer players & for interest)

>Etc. Interest
Post any SMM2 / SMW levels ya' got!
Post gameplay videos!
Share your Strikers club and builds!


Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERbVSrv7blM


OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw


Previous World: >>492755507
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Daisy, my beloved.
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I read that Charles Martinet was fired because he was soliciting gay sex on craigslist. Is this true?
He wasn't fired for it but a /v/ anon found that in like 2012 and we all collectively agreed to let it die there with the thread instead of letting it become a thing. Now there's no evidence it ever occurred, but you can find references to it in the archives if you really look.
I definitely expect a "safer" 2D Mario in that vein to be released at some point, but I doubt it would use the New Soup branding. From what I've heard from interviews, I could see a game kind of like Mario 3 with levels that are more difficult than New Soup's (minus NSLU, which they've mentioned wanting to take inspiration from) and Wonder's non-special levels.
I just finished Luigi's Mansion 2. I'll give my review in a moment. Need to go back and do one more bonus mission for the final area
No (though there's a little bit of truth in there, as >>493329145 said).
He was likely fired for reasons of backlash related to either Wonder or the movie (as both have different people in his roles, and he went on record saying he wanted to voice the characters until he dropped dead), plus he was just getting old and couldn't do the voices quite as well as before, but he took an empty "special" position as "Mario Ambassador" in exchange for keeping his mouth shut about the speciics, or anything related to it at all, really.
Another anon in here and I frequently liken it to a similar situation that happened with longtime Kermit the Frog puppeteer Steve Whitmire, except he turned down the deal and spilled the beans everywhere he could (which is based, because the new guy what's-his-Matt blows, much like Kevin).
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I love Luigi
Mario bros...our response?
My response is to hide that post and pretend I didn't see that.
Not my problem
>Those are more motorcycles shitter, you're a meta pick player.
Can you really call me a meta pick player when all I did back then was stick with the bikes I liked to use? Like I could have stuck with the meta and use Flame Runner/Funky or Mach Bike/Daisy, but instead I picked my own Mii and Nitrocycle or Dolphin Dasher because those were my personal favorites.
>b-but they are bikes!
So? Bikes are fun to use.
Mario for this feel?
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Bikes are favored by the meta. Whether you happen to like them or not, if you use them, you are playing into the meta.
So I think the game was pretty fun. I enjoyed the mission structure of the game. Not as much as the almost metroidvania-esque style from Lugi's Mansion 1 but it was still done well. I liked E. Gadd and Luigi's interactions. There's a few times I used the capture function because Luigi was genuinely funny. Each area felt unique. My favorite was probably the Secret Mine since I always like winter levels. I like how the poltergust feels for the most part. Pressing A to do a big chunk of damage to the ghosts was fun. The collectibles were pretty well hidden but not so well that it's frustrating. I didn't have to back track for too many of them. They made each boss feel unique even if the possessor ghosts all pretty much looked the same. The music worked well to create a somewhat eerie atmosphere but I feel like the game may have been too cartoony. I much prefer the atmosphere to Lugi's Mansion 1. I played the ScareScraper a few times. As an online mode it was a nice distraction. I'd say it's a good game. Will play again at some point. May play Luigi's Mansion 3 in October to finish the trilogy
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The real question is, who cares?
I picked Daisy on a bike the few times I played wii because I liked Daisy and you got to stare at her butt in a jumpsuit when she was riding one.
Still do sometimes during the odd time I fire up mk8 and I'll do it in the next game too.
why are you a coomer
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Whoever drew this has had no real exposure to old rubber-hose cartoons and it shows
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Thoughts on Mario party 10 and Mario Party Superstars
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The lost third Mario Brother?
Do yourself a favor and stay blisfully unaware.
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Fuck off autismo
I havent played many online games so I dont know how "the meta" thing works in general... but Im pretty sure what you're saying makes no sense considering bikes consist literally the half of the entire vehicle roster and that is without mentioning characters' roster and their unique base stats. Going as far as saying "if you use this other half of vehicles, you are following the meta" is a pretty silly argument in hindsight as Im most certain that is not how the meta works.
>The real question is, who cares?
Anon seems to kek.
>I picked Daisy on a bike the few times I played wii because I liked Daisy and you got to stare at her butt in a jumpsuit when she was riding one.
Lmao based Daisyfag. If I go back to Mario Kart, whether it's Wii or 8DX (unlikely) Im sticking with Peach and whatever suits me the best. Not only because sticking to your favorites is fun, but also because there is something so awfully satisfying about flipping off the meta and beating those who make high emphasis on it using nothing other than your favorites. That is also why I stuck with mine back in MKWii, getting those victories was rough, but extremely rewarding.
Of course it's that guy again
Stay here, good review.
Go be anti discussion somewhere else dramafag.
I'm only a "coomer" for Daisy.
I'll always pick my favorites. Anyone who doesn't is playing Mario Kart wrong.
why are you retarded
Oh... That bad, huh? Guess I dodged a bullet bill.
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>I havent played many online games so I dont know how "the meta" thing works in general... but Im pretty sure what you're saying makes no sense considering bikes consist literally the half of the entire vehicle roster and that is without mentioning characters' roster and their unique base stats. Going as far as saying "if you use this other half of vehicles, you are following the meta" is a pretty silly argument in hindsight as Im most certain that is not how the meta works.
NTA but that's still the meta. MKwii Bikes are the only ones who can do wheelies that are big speed boosts at any time and can easily cancel it by hopping and doing it again. Everyone else in Mario Kart Wii is stuck with drift or mini-turbo boosts at certain stage areas, which motorcycles also can do.
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>Stay here, good review
Thanks. I also want to say I never played the 3DS version. So I don't know how it compares or what has been changed. But yeah I had fun with the game. I think I want to replay Sunshine now since it's the only game I never got around to finishing from the 3d Allstars collection. But I'm also somewhat in the mood for 3D World again too. I'm conflicted.
Aww, that is a sweet fanart. I miss old SuperMarioGlitch4, I wager his old videos didnt age well and are a lot less funny than I remember, but they will always have a special place in muh heart for how funny they were for little me. That said, it's a shame his content went to absolute hell after the monetization.
I'll grant you the forbidden knowledge: SMG4, formerly known as SuperMarioGlitch4 was a Youtuber who made SM64 Blooper videos of Mario and Co (plus some OCs of his own like his self insert and the alter) being stupid. They were often mixed with Gmod stuff and memes of all kind in a "lolsorandom" type of humor. Depending on who you ask, his old videos were cringe or kino, but his content undoubtedly declined after he monetized and turned the whole thing into some lame kids show with unfunny OCs all over the place, cringe voice acting and dated humor.
In my honest opinion, his old videos were genuinely funny, specially those close to the monetization like the Mario/Bowser Simulators... but you got to see those for yourself to have a better opinion.
Get out.
Literally no one asked smg4 zoomer
Mario recolors are soul, SMG4.... is something.
[Contrarian reply about how "we LOVE SMG4 here" in a vain attempt to offset the negativity]
I love Rosamama
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reminder smg4 sells sex (coomer ocs) to kids
Not watching a video. Gimme the deets. Was he playing a Mario game or are you completely shitposting against topic?
Well, fuck me then lmao. I still think it's unreasonable to be so lenient about what's considered "the meta", but I will admit that is a very logical argument.
Good to see another fellow game reviewer here. And glad you had fun with LM2, havent been able to play it, but judging by your input, it cant be that bad of an experience even if it deviates from the first game's vibe and gameplay.
>I think I want to replay Sunshine now
A few words of advice:
1. Be patient with the Panchinko Machine.
2. Be wary that some blue coins are chapter-exclusive (just look up blue coins locations in general and spare yourself the trouble).
3. Learn to perform the out-of-bounds glitch just so you dont have to suffer on your way to Lillypad Hell and can focus on just suffering with Lillypad Hell itself.
4. Be patient with the special courses.
5. Learn the spam spray trick, it's going to help you in A LOT of courses
6. Really, just look up the blue coins locations...
7. Mind the Chucksters' special course because those bastards are extremely sensitive to your position as you talk to them, make sure to aim well.
8. Brace yourself for the number 8, because it's absolute pain most of the time.
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>A few words of advice:
I appreciate the advice anon but Sunshine is one of my favorite games and I've played multiple times. But still that's all good advice that I would give a new player too
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Would Rosie adopt an orphaned catgirl?
I think she wouldn't be a fucking namefag
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>Self insert oc namefag appears out of nowhere
What do you want with the mama, scoundrel. I can smell your hidden dirty secrets from here.
wario kino inbound
I think not.
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>/v/ tourists
We were having a good few days too
I'm autistic and I have a catgirl I'm making video games about and I quasi-canonically make her Rosalina's daughter because see first two words.
is this a commission or did you draw this.
Probably, in the end the games sold a lot.
The above pictures are commissions but I can draw my own stuff too. I drew this pixel art.
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First that cockvore autist, and now this prick. Is there an epidemic of terminally-retarded namefags anywhere else or are we the only ones being hit?
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I see, so it is game fuel. Indie vibes.
daisy you little weasel..
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Come on, anon, this one isnt even that bad.
I remember you from before, hope your project is going smoothly (it better be lmao). One piece of advice, though, please lay off the name tag. People do not take signature use very nicely over here, if you want to post about your catgirl and/or Rosa you can, but please be mindful about it just so you dont become a namefag people immediately lash out against, it's not a good experience (I should know...)
The first person you're responding to is prime dramafag, that's his favorite picture to reuse
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Fuck off dramafag schizo
Oh sorry. I namefag in the fighting game threads. My projects are proceeding slowly but they are proceeding. I have multiple in the works.
I'm mostly just here to dump my Kasha/Rosie art though. I have a big stockpile of it and I just thought the Mario thread would like it.
We don't.
You don't speak for me Anon.
Welcome aboard, catgirl Anon.
you don't speak for everyone
NTA, but drop it periodically and all that jazz, try not to flood.
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You need to calm down
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No you.
The art is really well done, so feel free, just do show it at a healthy pace just for good measure, like anon here said >>493346626.
Goes without saying you dont speak for everyone lmao.
>actively encouraging dumping OC art
If it has rosalina in it, I don't care much
I'm not really active in any communities but I'm the guy who made the first Rosalina for SRB2Kart.
I believe the subsequent Rosalinas were based on mine.
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Intriguing, mained some Rosalina in sm64 online in the past, never tried SRB2Kart (played a little srb2 og)
It's good stuff. Don't let our shitposter discourage you.
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>at least two Peachfags and at least two Daisyfags since the pre-100 /smbg/ threads
>now at least two Rosalinafags spawned in the last month or two
The princessfag anon trifecta is complete. If this is a curse or a blessing is the future time to decide.
But that's just Wario's hat
Now we need some Paulinefags.
Holding hands with Luigi!
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What Mario character can beat 2017x Sonic?
Any Sonic character or Mario character can blink and the 2017x faggot dies. Or just turn the computer off.
Any of them. Including Yellow Yoshi.
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Hello is this the retarded images general? Let me contribute something.
He brings his own ketchup from home. Green ketchup.
You're looking for >>493350042 just a few doors down.
>pigeonholed into a boring meme dynamic
Retarded indeed
I had to read that like four times before figuring out how to pronounce it correctly.
Luaisy is the better name.
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wario kino inbound
Both it and Mareach are bad.
If it weren't for the autism that comes with whoever's name goes first, we could be calling them Peachrio and Daisigi, which both just sound better.
Mareach and Luaisy are decent names
These sound worse.
Why is Yoshi always such a useless little shit
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>>pigeonholed into a boring meme dynamic
I know it shouldn't, but it seriously bugs me how wrong people in the fanbase get some of the characters. I can see Luigi not wanting to be super confrontational, but not to the point of being a total submissive who lets everyone do everything for him. Likewise, I despise the depiction of Daisy as this complete Karen-esque busybody instead of the girly princess with slightly tomboyish tendencies that she really is. You can have elements of that in there, such as with her vanity, but it's not her whole character.
He's just an extra hit and a double jump and the less said about Yellow Yoshi the better.
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What's his problem?
Down's syndrome.
He wore all those scarves and sweaters for too long. It made his arms stiff.
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So lovely...
Damn, the angle is just all wrong.
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Nermal is awful still not as bad as Yellow Yoshi though.
Why do you come to 4chan to police sexual morality?
A lack of parental love leads to people becoming like that creature.
>Posting OC is bad
Go back
Why are you replying to yourself newfag?
>posting OC is bad
>posting OCs is bad
That's just dramafag replying to an hours-old post to try and stir something up like usual
Posting multiple OCs is not bad. You clearly hate the culture of this website so just leave.
>retard doesn't know that acronyms can mean multiple things
He's still not doing anything wrong
In your opinion.
OCs are bad.
Opposed to hundreds of shitposters making /v/ their nest. Yeah, I'll take my chances here.
Also we call out dramafag for that shit all the time. Your narrative is flawed.
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You know the holes in the Rolling Green/Gizmo Galaxies that launch Mario to the next planet? Originally they were supposed to be….this
Do you think it’s better that this got cut for the hole launchers?
It adds a lot of flavor compared to the boring launchers in the final game, but I imagine that this would awaken something unfortunate in a select cluster of the kids playing.
Yeah, it looks dumb and it'd be unclear that it's not an enemy that vores Mario. Flavor for flavor's sake is bad, so it's the right decision.
Could've had a sign at the start that said something about them being friendly, like something out of 64 or the Yoshi games.
It's just better to not confuse people. It also just works better with the final version. Assuming that model would get touched up a little anyway, it would still look out of plac.e
Looks pretty weird but I like how it kinda looks like meat.
Freaky Green/Gizmo Freakies
Since you haven't realized it already, the reason they're starting drama over inoffensive posts is because they're concern trolls not because they're actually mad at it. It's very hard to gatekeep against these people because if you say anything they'll just respond to you as if you're the problem that starts the drama, and they'll samefag to make it look like everyone's against you. There's clearly a level of dedication so it's pointless to even try against them. They've caused genuine posters to become extremely paranoid too.
It looks like an asset from Sunshine
Why are you bringing up drama? Can you not shit up the general?
So that anon can know what's causing all the problems, instead of being made to feel like he's the problem.
That's good art
Tour city tracks are garbage
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All tour city tracks are gold
Why are you a faggot
Let me guess, because the game has Daisy costumes? I hate waifufags. They have no standards.
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I just bought 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Not sure why I waited so long. It was easily my 2013 GOTY. And Revengeance releases that year so that's impressive.

Also I've been thinking today. Does anyone miss things like The Nintendo Channel on the wii? Or does anyone else juat miss the wii in general?
I miss the Mii Contest Channel. I got so many Miis through it. Everybody votes was okay as well.
Can you stop avatarfagging with Rosalina?
At least he's discussing the games, dramafag
At least use a trip so people can filter it. There should be no thread personalities here.
Can you keep avatarfagging with Rosalina? I like seeing dramafag have a melty
Not replying to each other doesn't somehow make your anti drama posting not part of the drama. If you just honestly spoke to each other and expressed what each of you are doing that you don't like, maybe you'd sort out your differences.
You're a faggot but he should be able to post a character he likes. Before this general became filled with these constantly offended idiots no one was mad like this at the King Boo poster who actually was an avatarfag.
That's what she said.
I used to check the weather on the forecast channel. I remember NiGHTS on the wii would even use it to change the weather in-game
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Personally, I think losing Miiverse was the biggest tragedy. Just seeing all the wild stuff people would say on there was a treat all on its own.
Hello fellow Rosanon. I'm the catgirl + Rosie anon.
I hope we can be friends united in our love of Rosie.
I think that's fine to be lost. It was wild, but even aside from the increasingly strict moderation, I imagine there's probably a ton of people who look back on their posts and cringe.
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Anyone have a better version of this? I can't find the original youtube video it came from.
It looks too much like an enemy, so I can definitely see why it got cut.
Sure, m8
He is the sex men. Waluigi
Clearly it's an unfinished design.
found it off a fucking tiktok live, they sold it for $12 with shipping
he no longer has the cardboard tag but still has the bd&a tag and is in very good condition
catbox is down so i can't even post the link so once it's up i'll show it
can't you resize the image?
oh no, my whole isp is banned from photo uploading lmao
i think it's my country
What is it?
bd&a 1997 mario wing cap plushie
What if instead of Super Mario 64, it was Super Mario Sexy 4?
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What's a good blue coin checklist for Sunshine?
Then Luigi would be playable
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What if it was Super Mario 69?
God, I wish.
Faggots who play Donkey Kong in Smash online give the character a bad rep by literally only winning via cargo throw cheese and randomly mashing the armored side b.
If you play DK in Smash I hope your ass catches fire.
Vanilla Lake is the worst ice level in Mario
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Afternoon, /smbg/. Came back from a rough work day to find some sheets in my desktop of old inked draws I made, Im not sure where my mother found these. These are of my old shygal OC, but still thought they were worth sharing.
Im pretty sure I had more loose sheets of inked Mario-themed draws, but I dont remember where I left those. If I happen to find them, I'll post some of those doodles too.
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Ultra tetas, enromes glandes mamarias
she's super cute.
I bear no ill will towards you, but it's very funny whenever you come in here clearly fresh from a loss to rant and rave about whichever character beat you.
The problem is the majority of the roster isn't fun to fight. You should be able to turn off certain characters like you can stages.
You're telling me you don't get pissed off when you literally shit on that small dicked gorilla the whole match, you make one mistake and get cargo thrown off stage via stage spike?
Worst of all, for it to happen three times because the faggot just wasn't able to cheese you with the other gimmicky shit he has? Leading to the retarded hurrr monkey to not approach?
It's a game, nigga
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>that little bit of exposed chest on Luigi
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>Bandit GF
Wish Bandits got as much content in mario fanon as Shy guys(/gals). This seems sweet.
I'm interested in this.
I really love this guy's comics whenever I see them pop up, they are really charming and well put both in storytelling and visual design. I've been reading a lot of SoL romcoms lately and this one perfectly fits in as one with a lot of charm put to it.

...So who's going to be the thread's hero and repost the entire story? With my trashy connection and Twitter being blocked I dont think I can lol.
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catbox is finally back
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>roll a banned IP (tor/vpn) after the reroll for some unknown reason even though I could post fine before. Ban expired shortly afterwards
>later today post with mobile connection because wifi is being a bitch
>mobile connection rolls a banned IP (spam/flood on /v/). Ban expired shortly afterward
Why is this shit happening to me...
Cute! I especially love the middle eastern outfit. I always love seeing Shy Gal stuff.
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>playing through Eclipse
>blue coins

Oh, now I remember. That's why I hated Sunshine.
Anon, just use a VPN, then turn it off. It resets.
I miss playable Rosalina in a mainline Mario game, bros.
She only wasn't in Wanda because Koizumi wasn't overseeing and there's a better chance ol' Zuke isn't entirely aware who she is than there should be.
rosalina's in space guarding the universe
I agree with you two, but to be fair about this anon's pic >>493351508 it's just one of those meme pics, and that artist has just contributed to it using this couple.
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Friends don't let friends talk about blue coins.
I want a new golf game
Alright, got all the outfits and got all the stars in Balloon World. Now there's nothing really else to do.
Also with that, it's time to take Mario to his final destination before exiting out of the game. By going on a long adventure and popping balloons, he should rest in Seaside Kingdom as he goes on an vacation with Peach and Luigi.
Congratulations on beating the game 100% anon. What do you think now?
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>playing Sunshine
>playing a Sunshine hack
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>playing Sunshine
>playing a Sunshine hack
Yes, and?
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Here rosalinabro.
Wow, you sure like eating shit.
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>Filtered by mario sovl kino
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nta but thanks anon
>mario sovl kino
Enough about Mario 64.
what 3rd world country do you live in?
the problem is the net-code is ass.
Are we ever going to get another Nintendo mobile game? I prefer playing those from IPs or companies I already like and I don’t want to play any of the Chinese slop taking over the mobile market
Pauline's boobs are too big for the new Mario Party, I'm afraid she's serving too much cunt.
Nope. Nintendo only dabbled with mobile games for a little awhile due to investors demanding something new while the Switch was in development. You can see that they're slowly killing off their mobile titles, eventually to the point they'll no longer be a thing besides MAYBE Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes.
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>serving cunt
>mfw yassification in Mario Party
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Pauline's breasts...
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I'll do it

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Mobile games are ridiculously profitable relative to development cost though, and all of Nintendo’s mobile games were of pretty high quality
thanks anon
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Could Luigi have been present at the last supper?
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>comment on a shitty looking mario/pizza tower clone on /v/ and compare it to kitsune tails
>the kitsune tails dev actually sees it and responds to it

make some good fucking mario clones any time asshat. can anyone recommend one?
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He appears to be revealing that he obsessively lurks /v/eddit to read what they say about him. All western devs are faggots especially indie devs, stop supporting them or even pirating their products.
Nintendo has standards
Okay weeb.
You're in a general for a Japanese franchise
And Dragalia Lost wasn’t good? The Mario mobile games weren’t good? It’s just the worst one, FE Heroes, that has lived the longest, also because it was the most predatory and player-unfriendly one of the bunch
You're in a general about a franchise centered on a Brooklyn plumber.
Just bought 5 copies of it.
Yes, and it was created by Japanese people. You're also on a weeb website that's a copy of a Japanese website.
You're in a general about a franchise centered on a Brooklyn plumber that started as the player character in a king kong rip off game. Mario is made by the Japanese, but it isn't a very Japanese franchise.
It doesn't matter. Like with tradition, Nintendo likes to experiment with things before dropping it entirely. Which for Nintendo, the experiment was mildy successful but not enough to continue on.
That's why every Nintendo mobile game is slowly being killed off one by one, as Nintendo wants to focus more on console/handheld gaming.
The only survivors will be Super Mario Run and Fire Emblem Heroes, as the former has brand recognition and the latter makes around 4 million per month despite the game userbase + popularity dying off due to absurd powercreep and things getting too complicated for casual players.
>but it isn't a very Japanese franchise.
Because you're a casual and don't know about the Japanese mythology influences throughout every game. You were only being told that it's retarded to use weeb as an insult here.
its like 20 bucks. you spent a hundred bucks on a shitty game to spite me?
>You were only being told that it's retarded to use weeb as an insult here.
It's a perfect insult for people like you. Liking Japanese media isn't bad. Being an elitist ass is bad.
Kiss already, you absolute faggots.
I played both FE Heroes and Dragalia since launch and it really hurt to see Nintendo ignore Dragalia even though it’s half a Nintendo IP, and then kill it without really ever advertising it properly, while FE Heroes is still alive despite the devs of that game being much worse and how its meta has basically been destroyed 10 times over
>Telling you not to be western games because they're made by faggots is elitist
How about you stop being so oversensitive. If you want to keep supporting trannies who hate white people then stop complaining.
If Dragalia Lost was still around then it'd be the same as FE Heroes.
>My glorious nippon games are much superior to your inferior western steel
Yep, elitist. You'll grow out of this phase at some point.
The game did a lot of stuff right, but I’ll always remember them nerfing the amount of free currency given out into the ground and then introducing Curse of Nihility less than a year later, those were horrible decisions
It's the fate of all gachas to be greedy.
Don't stir the pot.
Sakaki did a whole video on how important good netcode is. The man is either the biggest troll on the planet or he was vetoed by a shadow council at Nintendo on this.
Samefag dramafag.
It's so easy to hear Mario shouting "BOOBA!" in one of his many strained, injury-triggered intonations.
Show receipts or gtfo.
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Not "all" western devs, but there is a worrying amount. I personally blame Toby Fox for opening the floodgates by actually making a semi-decent game that requires you to set up the heckin' wholesome lesbians to get the best ending.
Newfag. Even if the samefag caller is a schizo, a screenshot isn't evidence of it not being samefag.
>Newfag. Even if the samefag caller is a schizo, a screenshot isn't evidence of it not being samefag.
Only a schizo thinks this.
Screenshot posting has been a thing for years on this site. "muh Inspect element" or "muh phone posting" has never been a good counter to them and is just as "non-evidence"
Especially when two people are just discussing games, this guy responds two whole days later to start shitstirring, of course he's a schizoid.
>Only a schizo thinks this.
Any reasonable person thinks this. I'm not going to believe someone posting a screenshot when it takes 5 seconds to use inspect element. Your screenshots mean nothing. I'm sorry you had to learn this lesson now.
As the "Okay." he replied to when he was being a contrarian, it does strike me as a little odd that people feel this obsessive need to offset any and all remote negativity in here.
Don't even bother responding to the idiot who can't go two sentences without writing schizo
Samefag dramafag
concern troll and newfag
>1 minute apart
imagine being this much of a faggot
Only dramafag brings himself up unprompted.
/vg/ has a cooldown that's longer than a minute, newfaggot.
your two posts were even more than a minute apart, newfaggot
NTA but the cooldown is 90 seconds. Stop trying to save face.
You're the faggot so new you thought /vg/ had a minute long cooldown. It's ninety seconds here.
>Someone defending a shitposter replying to two day old posts to shitstir this hard
Has to be dramafag's new angle.
/vg/'s standard cooldown is 90 seconds, newfagbro. What you should really be saying when accusing two people of being one person is that they used mobile data or a VPN.
>This much a newfag he doesn't know about 4chan pass
Says who? What difference does the pasu make on this board anyway, going to tell us that?
Then why didn't you point out that they're a pass user until now? I think you had to look up that information, newfagbro.
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Settle down, girls, you're all very pretty.
>Y-You looked it up
cry more newfaggot, get exposed less.
>the woman has to try and shut down the argument again because the drama is going to make her faint
What difference does the passu make on /vg/?
Kind of obvious what's really going on.
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Dramafag is going all out today
Toadette's pantsu.
Silence, Yoshizilla
Newfagbro, if you knew about the pass you would have immediately brought it up. Not bringing it up and bringing it up later is basically admitting you desperately looked it up.
Super Mario's Super Banana Hammock
lurk more newfag
>newfag thinks 4chan pass isn't basic knowledge and now throws out mental gymnastics as he's cornered
Newfagbro, I never brought up the 4chan pass but you still took several posts to discover it existed. You basically exposed yourself. Lucky for you, as soon as you stop posting we'll all forget about you.
You haven't displayed the basic knowledge of what the difference is
Aww, the little baby thinks he can throw out "lurk moar" like it means something coming from him.
Peach's granny panties
Daisy's well-worn, heavily brapped in sports undies
newfag, you just explained the reason that you're a newfag by not bringing 4chan pass up
how would another newfag know how to search for something exact like that in 2 minutes. you have sewage IQ
You thought that /vg/ has a cooldown of a minute which was conformation that you're very new to this website. Tell us what the time difference is on /vg/.
Why would we need to? You took several posts to find out about it. You really aren't slick, newfagbro. And all a newfag like you would have to do is search how to reduce post timers online or through the archives.
the "1 minute" isn't only about the /vg/ cooldown you dumb faggot, it can reference a bunch of things, which you didn't even bring up 4chan pass when talking about "mobile data or VPNs" when trying to rp as an oldfag, newfag
How would a newfag know how to search the archives within a minute?
This whole argument is trash
Because only about a dozen people buy 4chan pass you newfaggot, that's why no one brought it up. Feel free to confirm this by looking up samefag arguments on the archives, it isn't brought up because it's even less likely than someone walking to a cafe to use another IP.
Rosalina's endlessly deep lingerie
>Because only about a dozen people buy 4chan pass you newfaggot,
>muh only 12 people
yeah you've run out of arguments, fuck off faggot
>What is an exaggeration
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When will the dramafag bitch stop replying to himself, this is getting old.
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Connie is too cute.
One (1) regular non-boss Mario enemy gets a whole spinoff game all to itself
Who should it be
Either a Shy Guy or a Goomba.
I'd like to see more things done with Chain Chomps.
A Galoomba.
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Elaborate. NOW.
Seconding Goomba.
I dont know how IPs work, but a gut feeling is telling me that is not how it works, specially because I have a VPN that Im constantly using to check twitter, I should have rolled a few bans by then... Still, what do I know lmao, I will give that a try next time I roll the permabanned one.
Venezuela, cant even call it third world at this point, desu...
The skit with the dynamic IP is that whenever blackouts happen (or just every once in a while), the IP makes a reroll and more often than not it lands in a banned IP, sometimes in *the* permabanned IP. Sometimes I even come across banned IPs whenever I get a wifi in the middle of work. You have no idea how many bans I've got hit with in behalf of many users, /v/ bans, /biz/ bans, /his/ bans... even a CP related permaban in a completely different anon board lmao.
There's ways to get past the mobile bans and other bans. For mobile bans, airplane mode can change your IP if you catch someone else's ban. Turn it on for like 10 seconds, turn it off and your mobile data should be okay.
If your router picks up a banned dynamic IP, just turn it off if you can. Leave it alone for like 10-15 minutes and you're golden.
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Luigi's green tightie whities!
He wears green and white striped boxers, silly.
I'm going to pretend it's laundry day and that's all he has left then.
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If LM1 is anything to go by, Luigi is pretty thorough about washing his clothes, so I doubt he'd ever let himself get to a point where he has nothing else left to wear. I like the image of him being in nothing but underwear, though.
They were white when he bought 'em
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Superstar Saga started with laundry day.
I like how both Mario and Peach have been canonically naked. More of this for everyone.
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I would fucking gush if they made Luigi naked in a game.
keep it in your panties, luigiyume
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Mama Luigi?
Papa Mario?
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>When Peach and Daisy are in the flower kingdom and there's nobody to suck your cock
Consider suicide.
This being so high res freaks me out, you can see his weird spic hands and the plush fabric
Sorry bro but it's a extremely popular headcanon that Rosa is a futa.
Do you know what else is a popular headcanon? Brown Daisy.
And both are examples of why we should never take headcanons seriously.
mario retardy at twitch . tv slash nine_ten

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