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Previous: >>493230732
Chiki is sicky so she's staying safe not to spread germs!
Who will win the coin flip denwa?
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I hate both of these characters
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Here's how Gullveig can still win!
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C'mon baby lets make it five!
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Bernie must win for the lulz
I think it would be epic if they both tied and lost!
Why do we suddenly care about the VG again? I don't see anyone making a big deal out of Gullveig stomping Alfonse's throat.
Fjorm gave all her titty meat to Nifl
I don't like Kiranshit because he's a poor self insert. At this point he's the same as Robin/Corrin/etc. He has his own personality, we don't get to make our own decisions(are you gonna say you love Alfonse and he's your other half?), and his own design. If I'm gonna want art of me, literally me, with my waifu, I'm gonna use my own design, not Kiran shit

Gullshit gets very little fanart because she doesn't have a good design, this is evident by the fact that a lot of her fanart tends to not include the snakes or the shit caked on her skin

A lot of what she does get is commissions. This isn't bad in itself, but what is bad is when anons here post the art and say "LOOK NEW GULLKINO SHE'S SO POPULAR" when the art is a commission. This is like saying Larcei is popular because MrTD comms her all the time.

And when I say "no commissions" what I'm referring to is the retards HERE, who are so uncommitted they can't even spend a few bucks to get art of their ugly shitfu
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Cute but will not roll
She looks liek she's going scuba diving
>Literally so mad he's spamming paragraphs of text bringing in drama from the previous thread
No one cares. Go be obsessed with Gullveig somewhere else.
i wanted to skip it until i remembered the orbs
Meant for R-Dawg >>493333328
same kekbreekie
Could Engage fail to get a single winner in CYL again?
you failed to wash yo mouth
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I wanna roll, but I'm scared that she will colorshare with Timerra.
Ascendants were codenamed Bloom in the game code(the JP name for Ascended is Bloom Trait I think)
Rearmeds are "Weapon"
Attuned are "Linked"

What the hell is Accel gonna be code for?
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CYL is purely dictated by how "mistreated" a character is. It all depends if Ivy or Yunaka are getting alts until February.
for going zoom :D
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Chiki likes this thread
No, she'll colorshare with rearmed Dimitri
ANAL SEX with Fjorm!
That would be better. But it's probably Solm this month.
I wish it was something like
>freebie Claude
A reminder, the Ascended units didn't debut until the October banner

Rearmed debuted in September

Attuned units didn't debut until October

Patternfagging might mean the mid September banner will debut the new Reginn alt as a new unit type but who knows. I also remember we got a FEH Channel to introduce Rearmed(with a Lif music video to boot) so who knows if we'll get one this year

I really really really hope it's not a Boots effect that gives a permanent +1 mov, that's way too cancerous
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Snakes are stupid
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fjorm is only for vaginal
Everyone loves Chiki!
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You inherit an extra layer of slaying to prfless units of the same movement and weapon type as Reginn
Mirabilis is not popular
My Kiran’s a girl and Alfonse IS her other half, the future father of her children (she doesn’t acknowledge Heidr).
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super cute. Will roll and + 10 over time.
>over time.
Anon, if she's an asset unit, you will never roll her again.
That's not how it works
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>CYL6 made namschizo have a meltdown because of Tiki
>CYL7 made namschizo have a meltdown because of Gullveig
>CYL8 didn't cause any namschizo meltdown
this is how you know CYL8 was mid.
I feel bad for femKiranfags who had to watch IS shove Gullveig (and Fjorm) down their throats and then they'll get Alfonse stolen from them by Veronica
Asset units get multiple banners with sparks. It's not that crazy to +10 one over time if you focus on a single one.
Sadly, it is. I wish Rearmed and Attuned units were in the main pool. It's already so crowded, there'd be no harm in leaving them there.

>Asset units get multiple banners with sparks.
Only if you're Lif, who is seemingly rerun on every banner.
I genuinely don’t give a fuck.
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sage costume banner when?
>I feel bad for femKiranfags
Plenty of female Kiran Stacies like Gullveig though.
So you admit Gullveig is bisexual?
>could have had an Elusia banner with mage outfits and those winter coats
>we're more likely to get a Solm Desert banner
How do I make Bernie win
We’re 2 hours into Fire Emblem Friday and while she’s never been my waifu I feel like kicking things off with Fjorm.
Anyone have a favourite Fjorm pic?
Just like Shamir, yeah
>So you admit Gullveig is bisexual?
I admit that Kiran loves Gullveig.
Take from that what you will.
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Bernie is weaker
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Very cute but I’m looking for something to masturbate to
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>they're going to spend all of their votes now
>their army is smaller
Berniebros, it's happening again!
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Grima got quite a few reruns too
But even at base, they get the first run, a rerun on a remix banner, and eventally a new heroes return. That's 3 sparks. 4 if you got the pass to spark them on a b8% rerun.
I know this is a saboteur post but it boggles my mind that we're in the 8th year of this game and not only do idiots still think "1 hour left" means this is the last hour, but they think dumping flags on a penultimate multiplier instead of just literally not playing the game is a good strategy. Like what goes through their minds.

I know esports faggotry is a small percentage of the game but you'd swear 90% of the playerbase is full of genuine illiterates who still don't know what Quick Riposte does

Some of the random allies you get in the gauntlet kind of solidify that
No chance we land on same then?
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Cry harder faggot. I've sabotaged more VGs then you can possibly imagine.
Nah just dump now
So who is going to win?
Gullveig has a history of losing.
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Hi I'm late

who won and lost the refinebowl?
I don't want Bernie's ass plapped by Gullveigs big snake cock!
Gullveig is guaranteed to win because of final hour multi
Bernie is behind by 1.7 billion points.

The last multi she had she got 2.1 billion. The one before that was 2.7 billion, and the one before that was 1.7 billion. She'd have to massively undershoot in order to get two consecutive multipliers(an impossibility given the "retards who think this is the final hour" phenomena) or score roughly 1.9 billion in order to pull ahead but not trigger same.

It's possible, but you know well enough some Bernie retards(her fans are all stupid) are dumping flags thinking they're helping
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If Bernie fans were smart, they'd hold and get the final hour bonus. I don't think this strategy has ever worked though because the player base at large is impatient and not good at strategy.
can it not just balance out in the last hour?
Or, you know, they know it's pointless to try and coordinate thousands of players so they just use the multiplier they got so they'd get some rank feathers at least. the smartest thing is to play and wait on the flag spending screen until the hour passes
which 3H characters do you think are still virgins at the start of the timeskip?
I can't see Dedue having sex ever, he's like a monk
Poor Amelia, they go and come out with a superior speedy Far Save Lance tank just 1.5 months after her ascended dropped.
Does it have crying alts
Caspar had no idea what Hilda was talking about when she invited him to her room for sex
he might not actively pursue sex but do you seriously believe a monastery full of pampered nobles wouldn't want to try some of the exotic BDC?
It really doesn't need coordinating, it's literally just "do the players on team Bernie understand how gauntlets work"
Amelia seems much better against melee units though.
You JUST KNOW due to seiyuu patternfagging we're definitely getting another Nina alt soon because we got a Bernie alt recently
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Tiki won, but "winning" might not be enough with her stat spread.

In reality Seliph will probably see the most use, even if his refine is just "do his usual stuff better"
They know how it works. That's why they know that most people will spend their flags on the x11.8 they know they have.
this is why the whole thing is stupid.
There is an individual incentive to get the most points, not to actually win.
No it isn't retard.
Definitely not Flayn
>fates spam
Boosted Hero?

And I'm not gonna dare drop flags yet if I know what's good for me.
well it was a good run Berniebros, we got to stomp Corrin and won by a fluke on Felix, but it just isn't meant to be
Flayn :)
Flayn is a top contender
It's okay voting gauntlet is dumb anyway or something
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what makes you so sure bernadetta can't win?
Stranger VGs have happened. I got a feeling it's just going to go to an even field next round and then Bernadetta can win it.
Save me Edelgard
>Shamircuck taking Bernadetta potentially losing the gauntlet worse than the Berniefags
I already played 3Houses, Hopes, Engage, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn...
Which game next? I will only play more 3 FE games
Triple digit body count
I'm a berniefag and I'll be devastated of we lose to gullshit
It's pretty embarrassing to lose to the previous year CYL
Byleth doesnt look like this
It's a coin flip mode, anon.
Play Fates Conquest and recruit and S rank Nina
So she's getting a ninja alt because she sneaks around to spy on other guys talking?
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Fishing banner with fishing outfits, fish weapons and fish OC Laguz coming soon.
Are you prepared for your new mermaid waifu?
Are you a fish top-half, or fish bottom-half kind of guy?
why did she get turned into "Lmao Fish" girl anyways?
why is captcha a pain in the ass when signing in pixiv?
Play fates and impregnate Kagero then post here so shamircuck has a melty
Would be kino! But aren't we due a second gen Fates banner? I was thinking they'd just give her an ascended and give Soleil an attuned or dome shit since Ophelia got a rearmed, and honestly the only popular 2nd gens are Ophelia, Soleil, Nina, and the furry girls, so they don't got much options there.
Bernie has 27,359,044,976 points. Gullveig has 29,070,904,868.

If somehow all Gullveig players had a stroke that lasted an entire hour and they all forgot to play this hour, Bernie would need to reach a minimum 29,364,550,371 points in order to trigger a multiplier for Gullveig by just 1%, which is about 2.005 billion points.

Obviously Gullveig team is gonna be playing this hour too though, so the threshold will actually be higher. Last hour Gullveig gained 284 million points, and the hour before that was 371 million, some hours she was close to gaining 400 million an hour. Let's just say she gains 327 million points.

In order to trigger a multiplier for Gullveig there, Bernie would need to hit a minimum of 29,694,853,402 points, or roughly 2.335 billion points, an extra 330 million compared to before.

Now like I said the previous multiplier Bernie got 2.19 billion points. Assuming she somehow gains the same amount as the last multi and Gullveig gains the aforementioned 327 million, that would put her at 29,552,825,235 points compared to Gullveigs roughly 29.39 billion, a .52% lead for Bernie. At that point it'll just come down to if Gullveig can gain more than 154 million points in the final hour compared to Bernie

tldr: Bernie can win if she undershoots and gets a final hour multi(unlikely, she'd need to get less than 1.7 billion) or if she gains no more than ~2.4 billion points depending on how much Gullveig gains this hour(also unlikely since both teams are likely dumping flags from sheer retardation) and can hold out in a final hour of same hell.

I'm just bored

See above, it's possible to go into same, especially if team Bernie doesn't go *too hard*, but this is the hour people always overshoot
That wouldn't piss him off. He's totally ok with every Avatar fucking girls in their own games. He just hates Kiran
I don't think anyone read this post
>30 billion
RIP dumbass Bernadetta, all you had to fucking do was not play
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Gullslop won
Mystery of the Emblem
Fuck this shitty kusoge and fuck Gullshitters
Of course you're bored. You're a Shamircuck. Most you can say about Shamir is she's gay for Catherine.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U), Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore(Switch), Warriors(3DS version)
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Is B!TIki worthy of using my last Laguz friend fodder on?

...Considering mine is +7
Well I'm dumping all my flags into Bernie now, I've done all I can do.
>Gullveig is weaker
Uh oh
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Does this new Fjorm greatly outclass Xmas Byleth?
Based Berniebro so did I
Death to gullshit
Christmas Byleth 9 months old, It wouldn't be surprising. On another note, Fjorm tends to be geared toward anti-ranged capabilities, so Byleth might still have an edge against melee, but I've never read their PRF.
okay but when is the next fe game getting announced
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Party time
Meh, 5 gauntlets in 13 months, they were desperate to try and give Gullveig a win, she was gonna get it sooner or later.
>tfw I had a bunch of Anti Gullbitch memes made for her loss
Gay. Guess I'll go to bed early.
I can taste the tears from here jej
September Direct
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Engage has hours upon hours of gameplay and replayability
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Never, I ate all the copies of it.
If Engage was finished in 2022 and we average a new mainline around every 4 years then odds are the next will be 2026. Maybe we would have gotten another remake or another mainline game, we know a FE game was between 3H and Engage, but there is a high chance that Covid fucked up development and they canned it.
I forgot there was a voting gauntlet. Time to dump flags for Gullveig.
i just give up at this point
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How does she keep winning?
Hey man not everyone can be like Edelgard.
Goddamn boy you DOWN BAD for Gullveig!
What's the best healing option for brave Felix so he can speedrun tempest trails autobattles?
New hairdo
It only took 5 tries
Raul's going to spend hours screaming about how not mad he is
Mystic Boost seal is all he needs
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>getting invested in and heated about literal coinflips
Sorry Alfonse has a worse track record than Gull. Maybe next time pendejo.
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You're really trying to get as much mileage as you can from that pic aren't you

Kind of weird how the prospect of Gullveig winning a gauntlet isn't "yay my favorite character won" but instead "I wonder how mad Raul is gonna win"

Yeah but Alfonse losing gauntlets isn't as funny as Edelgard or Gullveig losing them because he's not popular
>Meh, 5 gauntlets in 13 months, they were desperate to try and give Gullveig a win
Take your fucking "L" like a man.
so we have halloween, ninja, and winter seasonals left right? and three chapters left.
Too based to control
Too cringe to unleash
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PLLLEEEAAASE tell me about the name change, I know we had our differences but you all of these fags know, I deserve to know to.

Hello Sanaki-broski. I'm glad some things never change.
>I'm just bored
Consider getting a hobby instead of lurking this general 24/7
I forgot you exist.
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You're typing up entire paragraphs claiming you're not mad. This is next level obsession and seethe over Gull. Just let it go bro.
Theres like 4 Sanaki fags
Funny how Sanakifag always shows up when “Silasfag” just happens to appear when people post about him.

Tharja got officially dumped.
lmao he stopped posting about Tharja years ago and people started calling him Shamiranon because he posted about her more. He spent years denying it then eventually changed his name and refused to acknowledge the fact that he denied it so long
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It happened again
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>PLLLEEEAAASE tell me about the name change
I've been ShamirAnon in all but name for the past 5 years anyway, might as well make it official

I mean I'm capable of doing other things while also browsing/posting

My dude I've got like a half a dozen people replying to me what do you want
I was on team Bernie but somehow gullveig winning caused an even bigger meltdown from the usual brownoids kek

Also get in get in getin.
Gullveig destroyed you kek
This is her first win after five tries thoughever
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Oh right, you're the clown that got bitched but still clings around for crumbs.
Obsessed weirdo.
can we split the general again
Want to see a picture of the magnificent shit i just took?
I didn't really "stop posting" about Tharja, I just posted about her a whole lot less and Shamir a whole lot more
He was just insulting Bernie some days ago, he doesn't actually give a shit.
can he be controlled
Pigzig is a huge Soilascuck simp
kiran-chan is so cute
could use bigger boobs though
Literally only one person here does and he's brown.
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I literally told you, dude

I feel like obsessive behavior is hounding me whenever I post but hey you know whatever
Gullveig is pumping her snake cocks into Bernadetta's tiny virgin holes right now
You should just be honest. You dumped Tharjaposting like the fraud you are and moved onto the next halfassed forced gimmick.
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the purple hair variant has a larger chest.
I'm not the one mass replying with entire paragraphs about how not mad I am, but you do you weirdo.
yeah but her haircut is too ugly
Nvm the stink was so bad I had to flush it. But it was one solid piece with hardly any imperfections. I'd say about 9 to 10 inches long and a good diameter.
It was just fact, not an insult.
>I've been ShamirAnon in all but name for the past 5 years anyway, might as well make it official
Dumping Tharja for Shamir because Three Houses is more popular. Shameless.
I feel like my overall wifeposting is my gimmick (x is my wife, sex with my wife y, etc etc) but my Shamir posting is all genuine. What do I get out of making it a gimmick? How does me commissioning animations of us having sex contribute to that gimmick?

Replying to 2/3 people who are all talking to me directly is mass replying? A sentence is a mass paragraph? You gotta fix your zoomer tiktok brain and get yourself an attention span, anon
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Fuck off
None of your posting is genuine and you're just in it for attention like the dime store slut parading around as Silas. Always have been.
Everyone is here
Trip back on
Nah I'd say your gimmick for the past decade has been "an annoying nigger"
I don't really even like 3 Houses though. I mean, it's ok, it obviously gave me Shamir, but if she weren't in it I'd consider it a pretty shit game. Looks ugly as fuck, monastery is boring as shit, gameplay is pretty meh, story is overrated, etc.

Plus, outside of the games, Tharja is definitely more popular than Shamir

Thank you based fuck off pitbull poster
No more (You)s, beanie baby. Go be an obsessed weirdo somewhere else.
it would help if you actually stopped talking to/about him
The Demon and R-Dawg team is back, baby!
Cute attempt at claiming it's personal but that just reinforces the truth of what I've said.
Discuss Summoner Duels?
Look man, I will admit right here and now that for as much as I like or hell even love characters such as Kagerou and Aqua and NeI and S0nya a lot of my posting of them is just gimmicky wife posting, but me posting about how much I love Shamir is from the heart

Bit of an exaggeration there but ok

Why are 3HRTs like this?
I hate them
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Next time...
Because Engage was too gay even for them
>Gullveig is the Little Ceasars of waifus.
Silas anon just carried out a genocide on Gullshitters with this comment..
I queued up for my one match and got someone who was Bronze A to my Bronze B. Thought they were gonna be a tryhard team but it was Summer Nerthuz, Fallen Veyle, WindKagerou, AttunedAqua, and Ninja Heather. Came down to the wire both our last units(my summer Shamir vs his Veyle) and I got to move first so I won.

Was pretty fun

2XafRmmneG if you want to watch the replay
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>/feh/ faggotry taking over /feg/

I feel bad for the new people who came here for legitimate Fire Emblem discussion
Same halfhearted shit you said about Tharja, so you might as well just go back to forcing out posts instead of trying to convince anyone including yourself.
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Discuss it
>but me posting about how much I love Shamir is from the heart
I really would like to believe that but we all know deep inside you will drop Shamir HARD when you tire of her too.
Can't wait for Heaven Burns Red to go global so I'll never have to deal with you homosexuals again
I don't play it
Don't disrespect little Caesars like that bro
Except when I was saying that stuff about Tharja I was at the same time commissioning a lot of Shamir stuff and posting more about her.

While I'm posting about Shamir right now I'm not secretly commissioning more, I don't know, Ivy stuff and posting 100 more times about how much I love Ivy.

There's a reason that you guys did the +1 abandoned Tharja stuff but you aren't doing +1 abandoned Shamir

Eh, we'll have to see what the future holds. It's possible, but it's gonna take A LOT for me to escape the grip Shamir has on me.
that's nice, dear.
Do you rather have niggers ( not just PoC but straight up niggers) or religious conservatives as your neighbour?
Silas was always leagues above Raul. Dunno why he feels the need to befriend the mutt.
KEEEEEEEEEK I like how every Gulltard got SHOOKETH when THE DEMON bared his fangs
Your reply to the other anon just proves you're full of shit and you don't really love Shamir. Same as Tharja.
I can't imagine trying to play it with Emblem Celica warps.
It's a fun mode with friends or when you do lower power matches but those take effort to set up so it never happens.
Will shield fighter + emblem Ike engaged unbrick my +10 ascended fjorm? I don't have enough pulls , I'll need insane luck so should I save for the double special banner for ice fjorm rerun?
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>nostalgia for a bbc cuck spammer
Behead zoomers
I love Shamir more than pretty much everyone here could say they love whoever their waifu is
Nah I'm born Protestant so those sandniggers can all burn.
Gullshitters have been real quiet since Silas arrived...
Silas did you ever see the leaked pic of Raul? Turns out he's as brown as a pajeet.
Nice joke but
>Eh, we'll have to see what the future holds. It's possible, but it's gonna take A LOT for me to escape the grip Shamir has on me
You don't
Lol that doesn't refute what he said protkike
>Hating the kikes
They're going to get you now man, nice knowing you
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Gullveig is winning the gauntlet in 20 minutes so all you're doing is coping and seething.
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Thea's thighs were clearly too lewd for westoids
currently trannies are becoming progressively worse than jews
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>more than pretty much everyone here could say they love whoever their waifu is
This guy.
That you feel the need to compare yourself to other whales here is disturbing and kind of telling. Just do you. We will judge you regardless, lol.
Do we have actual Berniefags here?
She always struck me as having more of a casual weeb fanbase like Futaba.
>I hate everyone
Actually based.
What is the difference between the two skills? What would Ascended fjorm lose and gain by swapping skills?
I'm a tierlet, but here is my take.
it would probably help, but keep in mind that she's 3 years old at this point so it wouldn't be shocking if she still struggles against ranged nuked because there is just so much damage going out that she might still need support. What doesn't help is that skills like BoL4 aren't as effective at supporting her because of her armor being relatively low, but perhaps being at +10 it would fix that.
IIRC we're going to be approaching book 5 or 6 refines and so she should get a refine next year which will help.
Why are you going after the easy prey? Too scared to face a demon? SilasChad has called out your ilk and you haven't said a peep to him.
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Not even revealing compared to what pegas are normally showing
I'm sorry to say the 2nd half JJK sucked major ass. The culling games drained the life out of the manga and Gege had no idea how to handle the story. Even the fight between Yuji and Sukuna ended with a wet fart
>Sukuna was the coolest guy
It was just an overall disaster
Fishi's upset that no one gives em the time of the day like they do with SilasCHAD
Yes, instead of bothering to try and measure up to what I can do you instead insult me out of insecure jealousy, nothing new
>measure up to what I can do
Drop Tharja for a lesbian that you just admitted you'd drop too?
I got a feeling bernie will tank this somehow.
See, more of that jealousy.

Instead of just commissioning art of you and your waifu you continue to insult me instead
Gulltards in SHAMBLES
Nah she's toast
I made sure to sabotage her properly
I've also sabotaged Alfonse and Felix this vg. Very satisfying.
It's an insult to state what you did and recently admitted you'd do?
You're laughing? Nickson killed himself and you're laughing?
Do it?
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Congratz to the real winner!
Go kill yourself Raul.
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>try and measure up to what I can do
Personally, I don't concern myself with what you do but you certainly care about how others here choose to enjoy their time with the game. To such a degree you have to shit talk anyone who likes a character you don't like. Like I said before rise above your hate. Live and let live. You will feel better once you just let go of the hate.
>Soren could do it
>Freyja could do to it
>Dimitri could do it
>Fucking Vaike could do it
Bernie, you are a fuck up, time to admit that
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Yes I like Bernie a lot
bernie you will NEVER be marriageable
>Actually believing Raul wanted Gullveig to win
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Gullveig: The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be!
Cha cha cha
Cha cha cha
Cha cha cha
Are you possibly retarded? I was congratulating Gullveig.
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Congrats to the bearer of Kiran's daughter
What C skill? Incite?
I'd just kinda go with S/D near trace 4 or Potency even and stick with Alarm on C
I enjoy calling out fraudulent waifufags though.
Kek yes
Structure your posts better then next time sweatie
Yeah but you can just look in the mirror at yourself for that kiddo.
Learn reading comprehension next time, retard.
Maybe, but I actually commission art, I actually +10 my waifu, I actually talk about her beyond coom, etc, unlike some "people" in these threads
Kek Gullveig winning prices CYL8 is utter dogshit and people still liked CYL7 better. Good thing nickson isn't alive to see this.
Of course dear, tell me whatever makes you feel better about your mistake.
Yeah, I was gonna go with Incite in the C slot. Who has S/D Near Trace again?
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This wouldn't have happened if Engage won
CYL8 is full of picks from retards who don't even play this game, LMAO
>Talk about her beyond coom
All you can manage for that was conceding you'd get sick of Shamir and drop her, so...
Who are these people again?
Forde and Spring Sylvain
Silas is my little bitch. If he shows his tranny face around here I'll shoo him.
He would shove you in a locker KEK
The continued failure of Book 8 and engage
I can't believe Gullveig raped Bernadetta to death
Nah nigga is a little pussy bitch that would fold immediately.
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Kek based
CYL8 just can't escape losing to CYL7
Wait so is he ban evading?
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Sorry guys, I beat 77920 Calbert and his Chinese friends in SDR, so now he's posting scat edits again.
>Brave Chrom can just casually get +50 Atk now
Oh... ok...
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Can someone make a /feh/ thread? Calbert being an autistic faggot isn't something I want to deal with.
Rauls attack dog right on time for the voting gauntlet
Nickson is in hell since pretty much every religion agrees on suiciders going there. He can't hear you.
>Gullveig wins
>another Fjorm alt where she pines for Kiran
Yup. Hes in a foul mood.
So it can die in the middle of the night again?
That's enough /feh/ threads for you, young man
I mean, it's better than dealing with the scat and gore imo
Kek KYS contrarian. You know damn well he'd go to that.
I don't think that's true. Maybe a good chunk of mainstream religions though.
Then he'd get bored because barely anyone is there and continue spamming here, retard.
I'm sure that'll stop him!
He was posting in both anyway before the merge was fully accepted
I need to see Silas having sex with Beruka
Where is the Bernadetta being raped by Gullveig art?
Why hasn't anyone tried to reach out to the higher up mods to ban this autist? I swear there was a specific place where you could talk to them.
Up your ass
Gullveig's raping me too?
Putting a whole snake up your ass, no lube.
Wouldn't be out of character for her honestly
Worthless! Unmarriageable!
>100% virgin

>Absolutely not
all the teachers/staff
all the ashen wolves
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Nah, that boyscout is absolutely a virgin at the start of the timeskip.
Laid after the timeskip.
Everything else is correct.
Gullveig and Kiran won
Raul and namschizo lost
We all lost actually
I just said anything could happen in the future. I could get hit by a car tomorrow, but it's probably not gonna happen.

Even if they made a character that was hotter than Shamir(basically impossible considering Shamir ticks all my likes), and better written than Shamir(also impossible) I wouldn't just drop Shamir.
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This "blushes at handholding" spaghetti dropper has not had sex and will pop out babies into her 30s
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shamir fucked so many women back in dagda it's insane
Please don't tell Seteth.
And also men because she's canonically bi
Yes she does. Heroes art always shrinks her tits.
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>English version implies that she really cherishes her quiet time with her husband even more than before once she has kids, ie she makes time away from her kids to be with her husband
>JP version implies that over time as she had more children she just accepted her quiet time being replaced by a lively family environment and began to cherish that instead

I am so fucking mad. This is as bad as them removing the "the place I belong is by your side" line from the JP S rank convo.

Why the fuck do we not talk about how bad the 3H localization is.
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Gullveig sending Botfonse back to the trash was based
Her winning is just icing on the cake
And it only took 5 tries
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>beat Alfonse
>beat FRobin
>beat Bernadetta
What a gal!
And Alfonse and Edelgard will never win a voting gauntlet
Yes you would, you would drop her in an instant
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Gullveig won, and not only morally.
Because muh localisation is a meme. Most of the time its just the game sucking ass like Fates.
>plebbitor mods didn't make the thread that declared Gullkino as the winner
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Which one won?
I'm pretty sure "localizing" an entire support into "..." is a case of shitty localization regardless of the quality of the original game
I dunno, id have to read it to find out kek
Raul is your natural ally, he hates Gullveig as much as you, why do you insist on mocking him?
And the original conversation was also forgettable shit
NFU is everywhere and tempo means fuck all in this meta. But still, Male, especially for someone released six months earlier
Is that something they're supposed to do there?
Why respond to its gibberish? It hasn't had a coherent thought in a year.
Now you're just shitposting for the sake of it
No one would remember it either way, I don't remember a single support from F*tes
Do they really expect me to read all this?
Free C slot is always better than free special slot. But they both sucks to be fair
Yes plebbitors make a sticky thread to gloat over their shitty winner, except there's no thread this time I wonder why KEKZINGA
Why are you on reddit?
Almost made me laugh as much as when I remembered Engage flopping
To point and laugh at the defeated, you're a boring loser already so its not as fun.
>Drive NFU
>Drive Null Atk/spd penalties
>+7 true dmg

>drive tempo
>Speical pierce
>20% spd true dmg

That's all the obvious difference
That's because you smash your head against a wall every morning
So I have a better quirk than Komuros writing Kek
>To point and laugh at the defeated,
Well I guess after having that happen to you four times in a row I can't blame you for wanting some payback, but don't you think that's a little pathetic?
No but I think you’re pathetic
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Your wife and her mommy
I want Ylgr
I forget how big Nifl is
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>Fjorm's stomach is visible through the clothes.
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w-what spell are they casting?
They're attempting to make their own light goddess.
Nifl isn't from vanaheim...
I didn't say she was.
I also didn't say they were doing a good job at it.
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well, you got me there.
This is a very schizophrenic answer
Why does Fjorm's bust keep changing size with every alt?
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I think the reason why IS keeps shilling Fjorm is because FEH was at peak revenue during book 2. so like always they completely misunderstand why it was actually popular and think it was solely because of Fjorm.
Artist liberties. possibly because Maeshima didn't draw this one. Same reason why Brave Vero was aged up and then bunny/Pirate vero went back to using young vero.
Because your breath stinks
I don't know if it's an accidental or intentional misunderstanding, at this point.
It's similar to those Fates and Awakening polls that influenced alts, like how we got a Niles alt and resplendent because he ranked highly once, and also got into Warriors.
Or how Micaiah spam kicked up once she won CYL, even though she won for the wrong reasons.
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On the one hand I fucking hate the Fjorm shilling, it's so blatant, on the other hand, her getting alts makes Gulltards seethe and makes them go into defensive mode so maybe a few more Fjorm alts wouldn't be so bad
Brave Vero was always from the future, she wasn't our Vero. Sanaki even stated that Brave Veronica is 15.
R dawg, you've literally been talking about gullveig for 5 hours. It's obsessive and weird. Seek help.
>5 hours
21 months.
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She wasn't really from the future. IIRC Kozaki mentioned he drew her a bit older because it had been 1-2 years since the game started and it was just a artistic choice he did. The next time he drew her again was for Legendary Vero and she is much older.
The other artists didn't do this despite FEH's timeline progressing basically at the same rate as ours. if brave vero was from the future, or if they were supposed to keep up that trend then she would have looked even older and Bunny/Pirate vero would have looked older than base veronica as well to match her aging as the game progressed.
So it's probably just artists taking liberties with characters like how Cuboon likes to increase everyone's bust size if he can get away with it. IT's strange because IS is supposedly very loose with directions for artists as the pirate Surtr Artist mentioned being hardly given any direction besides adding a cool shark. we have older art from art books of IS doing an inhouse rough drafts for outfits for some special heroes so maybe IS just designs the outfit and then lets the artist do whatever they want.
She wasn't from the future, she was just aged up by kozaki to match how much time had passed in FEH.
Unprompted too, you can tell he wanted to shitpost badly using Flopadetta but now all he can do is pathetic jabs using Fjorm as a vehicle for his mental illness like he does Dykemir.
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Not to invoke doomposting, but when EoS does come in however many years, do will IS introduce an S support romance/marriage ending like with 3H/Engage?
I could see them doing at least for the Askr Trio+book girls...and Feh. There might be too many characters to create an ending/text box for so perhaps it would dissuade them from attempting it at all.
So long does the game need to last before we get mommy Vero?
sothis come back to bed i want to nestle against your soft cunny
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We have one, but IS pretends she doesn't exist, unless Gatrie is around.
You'll get
>Kiran went back home, cherishing the memories he made with their friends in Askr for the rest of their lives
>Kiran went home, not wanting to be separated from them, Fjorm went with them, the two remained close for the rest of their days

And you'll like it
define "mommy". That ranges anywhere from mid 20s to late 30-40s depending on who you ask.
If FEH lasts another 10 years and Kozaki draws another Vero alt then maybe she will look like Thrasir at that point.
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I will now roll on the banner
nah skelewife is definitely childless
Just slap the shit out of Alfonse and tell him to get on with it before Sharena does
delicious fjorm thighs.
They crop all the characters whenever cleavage is shown on another because they think people are dumb enough to think they're not censoring the posts
We need a Nono thread.
if they showed the rest of the picture you'd see my tongue buried in his butthole
>game forced me to go the playstore because I completely forgot to update
Damn, what a shitty banner
Abuela won’t be making tacos for Raul today because he woke her up with the sound of him smashing his hammer into the skull of Maria Sivenkova’s daughter kek
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>wake up
>snakewife won
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>makes the spic mad
>makes silasfaggot mad
>loves (You)
But there was never any to begin with, what is there to discuss about Engage besides it being a failure?
damn, Nifl is a bitch
Kek your schizophrenia is showing
Why should I roll for this banner?
Because Fjorm's itty bitties make your little cocky go sproing
You shouldn't. Save for a Reginn spark, then keep saving.
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I am in the mood for more fire emblem content, so I decided to look into a fire emblem romhack called the dream of five. I got the pozzed red flags claxoning badly with this one.
>Darkies everywhere, not because the game takes place in ethnic countries, but because medieval fantasy world needs to look like modern america
>Pretty much no dark bad guys, though, baddies all white
>One of the units has an ending where she hunts down conservatives if she's not paired up with her gay lover
>Half of the paired endings are gay
>Obese PCs that aren't treated as a joke like gheb
>they/them nonbinary PCs
>Seemingly asexual, loveless fem mc, not scratching deeper but it seems like girlbossing or even lesbianism won't be out of the question
Will the gameplay hold up if I ignore the story, or is the story also good?
>already have Atk/Spd Excel on both of my high mov melee units
>Spd/Res NEAR Trace is actually fucking useless unless you're like a cav dragon or something
>Spd Wave 4 is ok but I don't really need it
Man, Felicia doesn't have the best fodder
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>20 summons
>No Flora
I'm losing my fucking mind fuck this banner
>devs keep trying to make us like Fjorm
>paralogue is about Fjorm trying to make people like her country
Ugggghhhhh so cringe! It should have been about Gullveig!
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Now that's a good bimbo.
Rolling blue is actual hell lmao
Hilda brainwashing Marianne into a bimbo so they can paint each other's toenails, and then go dress up in bikinis and get some boys at the beach!
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is that...a hero complimenting Alfonse??? ADEFHFEEGJG I FRICKIN' HATE ALFONSE
They would be fucking Feroxians while making you watch KEK IN THE HOLE
Fjorm seems like a decent anti ranged nuke unit, and she's cute and your wife.
Hi Robin
My name is Kyle
Leonie, Hilda, Marianne, and Lysithea all tanned to a crisp at the beach! My golden marshmallows!
Went up to spark and managed to get another fjorm and some copies of flora and some other demotes. Didn't get a Felicia, sadly, but it was already fairly lucky so I'm not complaining.
Im Going to bury my head between fjorm's icy thighs while I wait for double special heroes.
Gullveig and Fjorm won but we all lost
who do i have to pay to split the general again i can't stand this anymore
just fix the name of this general to /feh/ as it is right now, and /feg/ is to be kept dead until we get a new game announcement.
We're not going back to the way things were
>got them in 3 rolls
ez pz
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>Gullveig posting
>Fjorm posting
Let’s not lose track of what’s really important.
heroes is an fe game. Therefore all heroes content belongs in fire emblem general
What's the problem
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>freeroll circle
>4 colorless 1 red
>red was 3* lilina
yeah I guess i'm not rolling
>Sindri is referred to as male
Eitri bros it's not looking good for y'all
Time to reroll your account for a better luck stat.
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Free rolled btw
You are Fjorm's canon husband now. Thanks for freeing the rest of us.
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This nigga is on the 2nd map what the fuck
>nifl is a stick in the mud in contrast to fjorm while fjorm does her best to serve
>Felicia is Felicia
It's a bit cute.
Also, story mode fjorm collapses against melee, but again she seems designed to counter ranged.
I wish they’d given Fjorm bigger tits. Even just one cup size up from the ones she has now would’ve been fine.
Someone took a needle to fjorms tits and they deflated like a balloon lmao
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Fjorm is supposed to be flat. FLAT
You fell for Cuboon's balloon fetish
he's just a random spawn
Forgot to talk to the wench and I'm stuck on church route. Guess I'll take a break and play FE 6.
Surprised the generals have so much speed. The green haired dude might be braking 20 on his next level.
Have you already done Golden deer route? if so, then You might just want to go back. I was told that golden deer and church are copy pasted routes but with different characters involved, and I think GD gives you one extra map at the end. I might be wrong on that last bit though.
I never did church route, however, so maybe it is worth it.
Church Route has a slightly different presentation, skips the battle of gronder, and has a different final boss.
What are the odds that Nidhogg is a Heidrun-levels of busted tank?
>School uniform alt
>Bikini armor alt
>Cat maid alt
Played them all just completing the support list and I've not touched her route like 4 years ago. Odd considering she's the closest we have to a general main Lord.
What's funny is that this is literally the first Fjorm alt that's gonna be any good in gameplay
Well, i got what i wanted bros...
strong far save tank, but can't do anything but crumple to any semi-recent 1 range unit.
He shouldn't be
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>good against one range only
Yeah that's kind of what a save tank is
What kind of revisionist history is this? Have you suffered a recent head injury?
Scratch that, Hector exists. Fuck her. Gonna play Hector hard mode again. I'm a fucking idiot
Which Fjorm alt was meta relevant?
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LITERALLY the first Ascended Hero and her Summer alt you stupid asshole
Folded hard against meta threats. I remember using her and she was very underwhelming. I don't think her weapon even gives any stats.
sword infantry (lol
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>I suck shit at the game so she was le bad
Damn that's crazy but I don't really care
I hate this game. I'm going to keep playing it.
It is true. Her ascended was good, not meta. What meta was giving her fodder to Bector
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>Fjorm is yet another "le ebin ranged gigatank" that will probably be useful for a couple months before becoming useless

Happened with her og
Happened with her ascendant
Happened with her summer

What makes this alt any different?
Post your +10 Ascendant Fjorm
>era where parking bhector can win against every nukes
Good times
>What makes this alt any different?
nifl's tits
This one might stay a little longer since her deal is unpierceable+flat dmg reduction. Unless IS brings out DR pierce for those in bulk, she will be fine.
It isn't true and you're a retard
Very astute, my dear retard
Ascended Amelia or Winter Byleth could scrap with melee units if needed. Duo Fjorm has nothing
Post your brushed teeth
It's going to be really funny when you're crying later about how you can't kill her
Kekaree Fjorm loves me
Kekaroo Gullveig smells like poo
it'll be funnier when they introduce a new powercreep 2 range nuke that kills her anyway
And it'll kill your parents too
*snaps fingers*
Basilio. Gheb. Rape correct Gullveig. She's been a bad girl.
is Felix's fodder optimal on Lucia?
cant find them when they cut off all connections to him kek
Gheb is iconic.
Basilios is pootonic
You aren't Alfonse OR Felix...
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Better written than Basilios
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best girl has come to grace you with her presence
This unironically made me feel bad when I first read it.
>Free roll blue
>Hear 5 stars
>It's Isadora
I guess that's alright
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Alt soon.
Aw, he shouldn't be so down.
Strong physique, good hair, man really just needs a good dentist and he'd be looking great
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>tsundere with an inferiority complex because her mom is way better
>best girl
That is a taste, I suppose
And Gullveig is floptronic KEEEEEEEEEK
I'm thinking about if I should fodder her off to someone since she's -def or just keep her since she's +atk. I also have the manual so I could just merge? Idk.
Cordelia, Cherche, and Sumia all feel like the same person
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Okay but what about /ourguy/? Do you feel bad for him?
Gonzalez is kind and gentle. If Raulita had a body like Gonzalez he'd use it to bully and victimize people and anything that looks like Mamori
he's ugly on the inside too
Gullveig won CYL 7 and the spic and his orbiters have been mind broken ever since. I also think her winning this VG has them extra pissy
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God, I can't appreciate Fjorm herself getting Fjorm'd when the orbiting character exists just to be a mountain-sized stick in the mud. Nifl's eternal "heartless robot" routine makes me want to smash her fucking face in every time I see it.
Sumia not really, but I can see it with the other 2.
>Summon dark skinned man
>Severa instantly appears
Bernie should have been avenged though regardless
I summoned red first actually.
>thread full of retarded autists who spam either hags or their waifus without any actual discourse
>when there's discourse it's all about a shitty gacha game and not an actual FE game
>legit FE talk gets drowned in the aforementioned spam

yeah I wonder what the problem is...
>yeah I wonder what the problem is...
Me too
Fuck off
Meant for >>493369543
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legit FE talk?
I suppose we can discourse about Edelgard and the Church some more if that is what you have come for
meant for >>493369543
Arvis was right
Did Nifl ever appear in the main story? I don't remember her from Book 2.
Arvis has an even worse fanbase than Edelgard's, and he's even less sympathetic
Meant for >>493368768
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she appeared when they did the first ascended hero event so it was a couple years after book 2 iirc
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Reminder that Raquel was pro-merge so she and her minions FehOwl and RoyHoenheim could concentrate all the shitposting into one general
No u
This is true
I don't care I like it better merged so I don't have to follow 2 generals at once for no reason
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Nifl's outfit has me feeling some kind of way.
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She did it
the new Flora is so cute bros
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Posting a cute pic of Nel before the spic wakes up
Reminder that Catria actually stole Thea’s personality because Catria had no personality in FE3 and very few lines.
I wish her regular form would leave me alone
May consider her mage path next time. Interesting she has a hybrid of black/dark magic. As far as I can tell she's oneof the only characters that can result utilize the Gremory class skills. Then again besides the higher rank magic who really runs out of all magic in late game? Raphael perhaps
ok, and?
Blame IS for never releasing FE6 in the west and re-releasing Archanea 50 fucking times
So even now Clarisse's refined sniper bow has it's niche against arcane darkbow?
>FEH devs are so desperate for me to like Fjorm that they gave her to me on the freeroll
Neat, still don't like her though
Fuck off.
A bunch of autistic ritual posters going "I love x" and FEtuber drama shit isn't FE discussion either.
People don't talk much about mainline because there isn't much to say that hasn't been discussed to death. Engage flopped, 3H is 5 years old, and anything else is even older.
I was just letting people know because some people still think it’s the other way around.
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Edelgard should've turned into a pretty seraph before turning into the Hegemon husk after a first defeat
Who do you think the next New Hetoed will be? Engage?
Probably yes. Were due an emblem hero too
Timerra and Fogado and Corrin or Lyn is my guess
No, it's obviously going to be 3H
Edelgard should have given tax cuts to her sunjects instead of turning them into demonic beasts.
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Lyn was botted
So were you
Why? Her Hegemon form is a representation of her true heart, she’s not angelic she’s a monster so that’s what she becomes.
>fjorm used to be flat
>nifl used to have tits like the left here
>inflate both
>still not popular
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>Not a cav in FE4
She was doomed anyway.
don't be mean to her!
Felicia is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!

I love Felicia, I will only ever love Felicia, I could only ever love Felicia, my heart belongs to her!!

Yippie!! I waited 5 years for a new alt, she's so pretty and sweet!! I love you Felicia!!
Erinys’s the only flier in gen 1 though, right? She’s pretty much an honorary cav.
Based Felicia enjoyer

I might not like the banner but it’s cool to see Felicia/Flora and Thea fans eating well for once
How are peg knights not a joke in lore?
>all women
>noodle arms
>have to be bailed out of bandit rape scenarios by the hero party
Got Fjorm after just 15 summons. Not bad desu.
+atk -res, unfortunate bane but wcyd.
Post the confession
Is Laguz Friend 4 good on the new Felix? People said that he’s one of the best characters in the game, and that Laguz Friend 4 is the best skill in the game
>literally no way to pass down axes in FE4
fix this in the remake...
No. He wants his unique skill.
You get them all back. A chapter 6 boss has the Brave Axe which retains its kill count.
I feel like her emperor class was meant to use it, since it would fit with Arvis and his fire magic
Oh really, thank god. I read that no passing down axes shit and started seething
Thanks for the info
It would make her a bit more unique, no tomefaire but access to magic would make a high defence mage interesting option but not a definitive answer. Checking the classes I never knew Dmitri's personal class had proficiency in swords. It makes sense since he has access to Lord class but not so much with the other two.
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>Pair Ayra with Lex
>Larcei gets all of Ayra's swords
>Scathach/Ulster gets jack shit
>She boasts about how she always beats him
Kind of a bitch move
I never see art of Dimitri killing Edelgard because I don't think Dimitrifags are that obnoxiously insecure.
it's edelethtroons
dimileth is more popular among actual women so they don't like him
real lesbians usually prefer mercedes or dorothea
I went on the 3h reddit once and all of the fanart was frogleth and dimitri, and one guy making ugly comics with Catherine and Shamir
>Inherits no weapons
>Doesn’t get the family Astra is FEH
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Your favorites died and you cheered
Who cares, Jugdral is boring and banal. No cute fantasy creatures, no monsters to overcome. Just shitty magic books possessing people and holographic dragons. Might as well take out the magic spells. I'm glad that Kaga learned his lesson and added back monsters in Tear Ring Saga, and actual demons and skeletons in Vestaria Saga
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>noodle arms
Tell that to Catria and Palla in FE3
Though I suppose they have the sense to upgrade to wyvern girls
Edelgard sticks out like a sore thumb because she's designed like a villain and is a villain.
Different uses. Laguz Friend is a tanking skill that gives you unpiercable (as of now - who knows what sick shit they'll introduce next) damage reduction on all attacks taken, as well as in-combat acceleration on specials that have long cooldowns, or are defense specials. It's for placing your unit in range of enemy and clicking end turn.
Felix is a player phase monster with perma +1 movement and multiple actions per turn. That B skill of his lets him swoop in from across the map, kill someone, then gtfo.
Nickson... we failed to avenge you...
I'll take things that never happened for $100
>Micaiah making eyes at shota Marth
Oh no...
Fallen Lumera is cool, she gives your units rock tiles and offensive tempo.
I think rock tile is the only way to reduce AoE damage on allies, excluding Gotoh's buff, but Gotoh is a man and gay
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You missed the part where Edelgard robbed a tomb full of crest stones so she could create an army of demonic beasts? That's even worse than what Izuka did in Tellius and he's despised. Just looking at Miklan shows you how cruel her war strategy is.
I bet most Edeltards don't even play other routes and know that because she's on her best behavior in CF
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You missed the part where Edelgard liberated Fodlan from the church and went on to make it even more prospering? Seems you did my friend. Edelgard is and was always intended to be the protagonist of the game. Sadly, those whose favorites died, necessarily, remain salty and just say whatever they can to undermine these facts that have been laid out.
The effects that are currently in the game that make it easier to kill her are; a Potent FU or the 4th hit with a brave(since those can avoid the DSpecial) and AoE's(with Feud if they have BoL support), effects they can add to future units to deal with her are Defensive Special Prevention and a scowl effect that would work at the same point as LF & SF4.

Generally speaking she is weaker to backloaded damage in contrast to EIke who is weaker to frontloaded damage which is healthier for the game since for Enemy phasing to work you will always need to tank the first hit, for Player phasing to exist you need to be able to do damage that sticks.
You better answer that app.
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Edelgard slew the dragon and you cheered
You are not a woman Darron
Why are the flame tribe and ice tribe outfits so boring?
Edelgard fucked your wife and you cheered
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>no you can't lie and cheat to win
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It's not my fault
You came with her but she might leave with me
It's not my fault
You've gotta pay for what I get for free
It's not my fault
You're like, you're like, you're like in love with me
It's not my fault you're like in love with me
You're like in love with me

Where she at? (Where she at?)
What she doin'? (What she doin'?)
Who she with and where she from? (Oh)
Oh, she's this (She's this), oh, she's that (She's that)
She's a flight risk on the run, okay
She's bad (She's bad), she's back (She's back?)
Yeah, I'm back, bitch, are you done? (Huh)
Excuse me while I bite my tongue (Woo)

I'm not on the same shit from before
I can't take this pettiness, now I'm bored, uh-huh
We can share, babe, there's enough for us all
Told you who I am and what it is, that's not my fault

It's not my fault
You came with her but she might leave with me
It's not my fault
You've gotta pay for what I get for free
It's not my fault
You're like, you're like, you're like in love with me
It's not my fault you're like in love with me
You're like in love with me

Get her number, get her name
Get a good thing while you can
Kiss a blonde (Kiss a blonde), kiss a friend (Okay)
Can a gay girl get an, "Amen?" (Amen; woo)

I'm not on the same shit from before
I can't take this pettiness, now I'm bored, uh-huh
We can share, babe, there's enough for us all (Us all)
Told you who I am and what it is, that's not my fault

It's not my fault
You came with her but she might leave with me
It's not my fault
You've gotta pay for what I get for free
It's not my fault
You're like, you're like, you're like in love with me
It's not my fault you're like in love with me
You're like in love with me (Hmm)
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>it's a "Fjorm is the focus of the entire Paralogue" story
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Edelgard won. It's fucking over and it's not fucking fair but she won. It's time to submit to her...

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Dead dragons look like this
Why wouldn't she be, stupid head?
actually she has never won a VG
This, she's the leader of the Ice Tribe!
My wife deserves the best
There are no lies detected here
Does that include submitting your wife to her?
Ueki did it
I seriously will never understand the appeal of Edelgard
Why are you gay
I seriously will never understand the appeal of the poster above's favorite bitch. probably some boring whore
Can Lysithea and Edelgard still make babies or have they been fucked with too much by twswtd? What are the confirmed side effects of the experiments? white hair and underdeveloped bodies (both are short and flat) seem to be a common trait
also, can Rhea give a normal birth and lactate or is she shitting out eggs instead? she looks like she has a properly working set of mammaries
She's ugly as fuck edeltard
You didn't answer the question. Also she's beautiful
>unironic Edeltards are back
Seriously niggas?
she's a queer revolutionist for tards with ugly fucking garish red on
We never left
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she's cute, and I can respect how determined she is, even if she comes across as a psychopath in other routes and her cause has a lot of questionable issues because of the writing.
Name your favorite
I'm sorry about your gay
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She's bad enough in her own route
You're defending the rallying cry character for queers and you call me gay? I guess its true you edeltards have zero self awareness huh?
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>Headcanoning twitterfags meaning anything for how attractive a character is to straight males
The fact that you can't come up with anything better continues to show how gay you are
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Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight!
So, so what?
I'm still popular
I got my new alts
And I don't need you
And guess what?
I'm having more fun
I killed the dragon
I'm gonna show you tonight
Exactly what part of her is attractive, queer in denial?
Her character is literally a bisexual revolutionary killing religion for no fucking reason. Not only ugly but repulsive in personality.
>Using off model exaggeratory artwork to make your point
Can't make this shit up
None of this has anything to do with the fact that you're gay for finding her ugly
/feg/ can't handle a strong woman that's why they deny the true route.
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She literally a bisexual, cope more fag.
I didn't deny this homosexual.
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>She's bisexual therefore she's ugly
Nice logic. do your parents know you're gay?
God this place is even more insufferable than /feh/ ever was
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If you aren'tsubmitting to Edelgards regime you're just gay and obsessed. All will love and worship Edelgard in the new order.
Including our wife
This is not helping your case.
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Do unironic edeltards even exist any more? I tend to think its just trolling. 3 Hopes destroyed most of them since she starts burning crops and shit in that game.
You don't even know what you're arguing, you think sexuality somehow correlates to appearances.
Ok so why do you supposedly like edelfart then?
I'm trolling but I'm also mostly serious at the same time.
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Just give up
>3 Hopes destroyed most of them since she starts burning crops and shit in that game.
What was the context of this? Either way it seems really doubtful that would be enough to sway many who already loved Edelgard enough to be like that. But we're not even talking about Edelgard being wrong or right here we're talking about how attractive she is
>3 Hopes destroyed most of them since she starts burning crops and shit in that game.
And you think this happening (in a spin off no less) is a big deal compared to what she did in 3 Houses because?
Same as the context of all her terrorist shit in the monastery, all part of her "greater plan".
Because she makes people like you cry, and you'll sit and try to act like you have the moral high ground, when it's just a cope because her methods literally work towards a better future for Fodlan and she cuts down the puppeteers who have been stringing everyone along for ages. The funniest thing about it, her haters are most generally bad people irl. It would not surprise me if you are a pedo or if you shop lift. That's just what the people who oppose her often turn out to be, hypocrites who hate powerful women.
because edeltards are retards and the main game wasn't enough for them
You need to go back
Cry more, pedo.
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Yes I am a huge pedo how did you know? And Edelgard will never match the goddess.
She usually has SOME sort of reason for that kind of thing though even if it's a half truth or questionable. I'm imagining the reasoning was just the burn everything so your enemies don't get an advantage that basically every side did in Three Houses.
her methods dont work though, she has the worst route. it only "works" because she kills Thales later on which isnt even in the game.
>kills everyone that remotely opposes her
>tada world peace
The question was how is the crop burning worse than what she already does in canon. Why would that convince them if it's not worse than what she already does?
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Boo hoo
I think Edelgard and Sothis should kiss and I like both of them and their characters/designs
i don't care that edeltard is evil burning crops is based
i care that she's stupid and declares war against the church instead of the slitherers
I don't know but it convinced a bunch of them. Most of her shit in 3H is "muh greater good" and they believe she had no choice because Rhea is a monster and such. They all unironically believe her propaganda that dragons are evil and have to go or else Rhea will tyrannise Fodlan. However in 3 Hopes her first support is just burning random lands and starting a war without the revelation that Rhea is a dragon. Which fucks with this I guess. Ask them yourself I don't know what goes on in an edeltards head.
Go live in China if you like edeltardism its just Mao again
>Use one enemy's strength to weaken and take down the other side
>The one enemy has now used more of their military resources up
Who wants Severa's fodder? I can't think of anyone that wants Buffer and Godlike Reflexes.
which is exactly why she should have sided with the church first agains the slitherers who are the greater threat
I've come to realize anti-edels truly are the dumbest creatures alive. These fat neckbeards sit behind their computer, with tons of illegal shit on their hard drives and will try to act morally superior. It's quite hilarious
That's weird because what I played of 3 hopes actually did more of the opposite for me because it explained why Edelgard didn't tell the church. Also apparently from what I hear Edelgard is literally brainwashed in Azure Gleam for some reason which automatically absolves her more than Azure Moon. Which is also weird.
>church and other nations are an enemy
found your problem
Its time for you to submit to the goddesses feet or go back
Didn't the Slitherers have fucking nukes? Why wouldn't you team up against the more powerful army that, again, has nukes?
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Gotta reunify the empire somehow
Realistically her route should end in Thales nuking the continent which is what he tries to do in Silver Snow. They even said she keeps Rhea alive on other routes as insurance. Any happy ending in CF is a cop out especially after destroying half the continent and making the slitherers stronger than ever in the empire.
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Who cares about writer oversight
>edelgard wrecks the continent the whole game
>get to end of CF
>"Somehow, Edelgard defeated the slitherers and everything was ok"
Now I remember why we split in the first place. It's been 6 years, why are we still arguing about this?
Why can't I submit to both Edelgard and Sothis
writers and any readers?
Friendly reminder that the slithers were indigenous people engaging in decolonial praxis. #landback
The troonmobile
no one?
We're talking about Edlegard's characterization not writer oversight though
In CF they actually reverse it and lose crest powers. Presumably they completely reverse the process. Other routes don't give details but possibly the same.
>HAG Vero
Yes please!
and her character is the villain lol
Edelgard canonically steps down after a while in multiple endings.
edelgard has kids with ferdinand in her ending with him
It was cruel of them to deny us a look at Veronica's mom (most likely would be a Hilda clone but still)
It did? All I remember is she tells the church about them at the start and gets their help. Then randomly declares war on them after in her usual warmonger bitch manner.
Thank you, is it only with Ferdi nand? dude must have some string seed
That flow of conversation was about if she's stupid not a villain.
That was at the end of her life, probably after killing more people like Mao
Ah arguing about Edelgard in /Edel/ general, just like the good old days after 9/11
No clue what that means. Mentioning her reminded me I should play Awakening again
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Edelgard's genuine defenders can't be discerned from intentionally low quality bait.
Y'know it's weird, I was told that /feh/ originally split off because fehggers were tired of 3HRT discourse disrupting their own, but looking at the content that fehggers post ITT, it seems to me like the fehggers ARE the 3HRTs? Why were they trying to escape themselves?
/feh/ was always full of edelgard drama which is why the split was retarded to start with.
I'm gonna be honest I'd probably still like Edelgard as a character even if IS came out and said she's literally Hitler Mao
>saving Ilyana's refine until after CYL
So she's gonna be busted right?
Ok, thanks for the help.
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Edelgard is the face of the franchise, and you're mad about it.
This isn't even why the split happened anyway.
to think that the best fire emblem general on 4chan was actually /trash/'s /fesg/ all along...
I know it was because of Silastard
That place gives me the creeps and I don't even hate that sort of thing, the style of erotic roleplaying is just so weird or something
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Ingrid Brandl Galatea
They already did
They did not.
Edelgard is a great character, she baits in all progressives simply by being LGBTQ+ friendly, but in reality she is a full blown national socialist seeking to expand her Empire across the entire continent while trying to completely genocide actual lizard people and keeping out brown people from the north, east and south. She is proof that identity politics supercede every other character trait and the right leader will beguile the most benevolent and well-meaning people into committing atrocities.
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Ah yes here comes the Edelgard is literally Hitler Mao Napoleon Catherine the great Lenin
Loyalty personified.
Good Job!
Shamir-anon could learn a thing or two from your exemplary behavior.
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I don't give a shit that she's LGBTQ+, in fact I could do without the brainrotted lesbians who think she isn't bi. I just think she's neat and has a cool tragic backstory and some parts of her outlook I can get behind like crests bad and her expressed desire for equality and wellness among humans.
do you think Felix's brother tapped that cunny?
>He thinks nazis were the only ones even in germany to effectively do or attempt all of these things
@anti-edels Not sorry that your favorite's death was necessary for Fodlan to obtain peace.
>death quote
Theres no doubt in my mind he took her first time
too bad her ending is an authoritarian shithole
>inb4 she actually creates democracy later or some headcanon shit
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It wasnt though, only edelgard has to die to attain peace and shes not my favorite
Cope, the church didn't exist post timeskip outside CF. Edelgard is the problem.
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Hey /feg/ what's going on-
>Edelgard discourse
It's 2024, change the bloody record already
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She slew the dragon... shes a hero
Well first of all by default most of fodlan is authoritarian anyway by our standards. But you don't need to headcanon that anyway because multiple of her endings literally say it ended up all good in the end with shit like "she instituted new class reforms and helped to ensure the people's independence", "Their children, born to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy, were encouraged to choose their own paths.", "The pair of talented women ushered Fódlan into a new age of innovation and prosperity.", ect. I'll grant that it doesn't seem particularly likely in reality that everything ends up cool and good in the end with Edelgard's methods but that's the way they made it.
Edelgard is the solution. She's the lynch-pin in the whole operation of bringing about true peace. Sorry Rheatard.
No we're going to do this for another decade and you will like it
Cope. Edeltard had to die, your favorite is the one that had to die. There is no true peace in her ending until she kills more people and no one is left to oppose her. She turned Fodlan into a shithole. You're just upset because Rhea had a better grasp on Fodlan that Edelgard ever did.
Do you not get any monks in fe6? Besides promoting the priests I don't really have a use for light magic. Even then I'd rather have the Valkyrie girls for movement and Lugh for Luna/Nosferatu shenanigans
Game says otherwise
Better to use promoted Clarine or Cecilia or someone than use a monk
Only ones that had to die were the ones who opposed Edelgard, and they canonically did so.
Game agrees with me, Intelligent systems agree with me. as shown here >>493377483
That's pretty much what I did. Besides defence she has over 15 in every stat. A great asset
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Obviously not, but the references are so obvious it's hard to believe people can't see it. From the color schemes and symbology down to the very names of certain, it's very much on the nose. Hell, Mittelfrank(en) is the very location where the Nazis held their rallies, and there's literally plans to turn it into an opera house.
New Thread
I think the excuse for her also getting a "good" end is that she kills the slitherers eventually. Apparently any end where they die is allowed and makes Fodlan better than before.
This itself seems to be a problem though because
1. They are huge jobbers on every route
2. Edelgard could stop the war anytime
They are retards who only have power because of her. As people have said she could just kill them and do her own thing without the church regardless. 3 Hopes pretty much tries to say the same thing by having Edelgard brain dead on Azure Moon and there's still a war with Thales. Basically the slitherers are the ones supposedly holding Fodlan back from the shadows and Edelgard is supposed to be an annoying warmonger even though the former is worse and they don't do shit.
It's there in my opinion yes. I just think that like with many other forms of fiction like this, it's not meant to be the sole thing at all that it is inspired by. Also nice Edel boobs
Edelgard is evil
Edelgard is justice
Edelgard is cute
Edelgard is my little sister
Edelgard is the strong
Edelgard is the most popular character
/feh/ Thread

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