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Miner's wife edition.

Previous thread: >>492129758

>Nebulous Fleet Command
Nebulous: Fleet Command Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco
>Galactic Civilizations IV
GalCiv 4 Dev Journal #67, Plan your Research: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4328605968622370115
>Distant Worlds 2
Distant Worlds 2, State of the Game & Roadmap (July 2024): https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4353375766573486163
>Airschips: Conquer the Skies
Airships: Conquer the Skies, update 1.2.7. :https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/342560/view/6464437551375326994
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
Sins of a Solar Empire II, v28.10 Update Notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4611210477261139745
>Dune: Spice Wars
DUNE: Spice Wars, community update #3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/4344369662289739605
Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U
>Sins of a Solar Empire II
TEC spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8mBx6udZuA
>Distant Worlds 2
Return of the Shakturi stream: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2234442117
Dev Journal 7, Sound Design: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4263306772078106748

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
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>be me
>broken lord
>lost my body and am a prisoner of this armor that sustains me
>don't like having to drain energy from innocents to stay alive
>feels bad man
>but harvesting dust can be pretty hard
>meet Sister of Mercy
>she's nice
>she's pretty
>she believes in me
>...she forgives me...
>suddenly no longer a pain to harvest dust
>no longer lonely
>kicked my haunt roommate out. He was a downer and fed off my negative energy
>Sister of Mercy moved in
>some alien firefaggot autist burned her village down
>we get a Geldirus puppy
>take long walks around town
>she fixed me
>she saved me
>she loves me
>finally free
>feels good man
What's the best story you ever saw in a RTS? All the ones I tried seemed to be quite dull.
I bought age of mythology and got fucked in multiplayer. People building walls and kicking my fucking ass. They never stop building civilian units. Non stop. I stopped at 23 and they kept building to 99.
Right click on the icon.
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best dog
The broken lords are literally me
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I forgot the crocodiles could do that.
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Stop lying on your portraits. What the fuck is this even.
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Oh hey.
Now you can use your divine powers several times during a game, but they cost favour.
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Starting to understand why I struggle so much with this game.
I was playing with Egyptians (cheap, specialized infantry) against Greeks (expensive, excellent infantry), and refusing to use any migdol units because they're all cavalry and I don't like cavalry.
As soon as I started playing againts Atlanteans and used cavalry, I fared better. The lack of message when a gold mine collapse is really annoying though.
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It is Civ 5 and the year is 2037.
An endless world war has dragged on since the information age dawned. Being located on the far west coast of a pangaea map gave me an advantage that has been whittled away. Rome, the Celts, and the Egyptians are all still major players. I've only kept the neighboring Paris. The others were all stomped out for attempting to space race.
My attempt to steamroll my way eastward until Rome has gone sideways. I thought pumping out XCOM units after deploying my standing army would let me smother later enemies until my army could arrive. Now my rocket arty/mech inf army is in a quagmire and my XCOM units are dying as fast as they get churned out.
Nukes are off the table due to the UN. Rome is churning out so many jets they'll have total air superiority for 10 tiles before I even hit their border. There is no time to make and march mobile SAMs to the front. The Celts have been preparing to invade a unit spamming Rome all game but have lagged just behind in troops that their war never happened.
Polynesia's capital will soon fall to my regular army but there will still probably be another 15 turns of war before they surrender. No doubt I'll lose another 4 to 5 of my 20 army units during that time. Assyria is being sieged by XCOM units constantly dropping in but their cluster of cities and rocket arty means its a constant slaughter.
How the hell do I get out of this one? I'm at risk of stalling out while Rome continues to snowball their military unhampered and the Celts are constantly playing peer with them. If my military continues to get shredded I'll be facing Rome and the Celts declaring war on me together which would be bad.
What the shit.
Okay, can you post a screenshot or something?
>nukes are off the table
Your first mistake anon
Homeworld, easily
There's a story in Homeworld?
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Sup bitches
I heard you fags got dust in here ?
Anyone wanna tell me why you're keeping dust to yourself when you know that ALL dust distribution must go through the kingdom first?
Is that a magtay breedslut I hear roaming around in your basement?
Would be a shame if someone were to drain her soul away
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>add buses to the city
>2 of them immediately crash into each other at their first stop
ah, the perils of public transit
>sins2 has dedicated PD ships
>they're only good against missiles
>strikecraft rule all, you're only counter is spamming more fighters than your enemy
wow what great game design, I didn't want to use cool battleships in space anyway
what do I do with low habitability worlds in stellaris?
Long term you can terraform them
Short term
>build robits who dont care about habitablity
>enlsave a population that can fit on that planet and force them to work it
>gene mod your own pops so they like it
>simply deal with the low numbers and decreased yeilds until you can terraform or mod your pops
The 5th campaign world in Age of Wonders 4, Grexolis, is disgusting. Endless waves of enemies. Can't even build up enough units to take a city before I get swamped, everyone kills each other, and we rebuild just to repeat the process.
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>"spiderfag why do you never stream"
Well now I have an excuse to never do it.
Games with terraformation annoy me because it's half baked. I don't like bringing up Warhammer 40000 because I hate its edginess, but it has some good ideas with the hostile worlds.
Scratch that. I’m finally winning so the campaign is totally fine.
Time to pick up smoking and start drinking.
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This place actually looks like a city from a low angle.
Link your twitch, spider.
>RTS general
>no Beyond All Reason, FAF, or TA
FAF is shit, and TA is /vr/.
I only stream once in a blue moon, so no. I'll link it if I wanna show off a cool RTS.
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BAR is pretty good tho, i've been playing it pretty regularly
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Try again lol
post some screens
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i dont have screen caps to share but here is an official trailer that they put out a couple of weeks ago that showcases the in game
>play now for free
Smells like a scam. No wonder they're trying to shill it here on 4chan.
shut the fuck up
You struck a nerve.
Playing Songs of Conquest. Kinda missing the overworld spells, but I like it.
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What faction are you playing?
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Can anyone tell me what the fuck?
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You can take my GRIDS out of my cold, dead hands
Wait, should I be playing C:S2 instead? Is it fixed now? The last I remember there was a public outcry
Trying out the undead (Barony of Loth), since the Hillar guy in it's campaign was cool.
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One game I'd like to stream would be this one.
enjoy the dead channel

I heard you spam rats in that one.
Doesn't seem like it. My CS1 city is doing better than my CS2 one. And I set up a nice roadway.
also reason i leave a link is that i reflected on it and i decided that between advertising myself and coming out as a self contradictory ass, one was less worse than the others
But hell, maybe one day I'll host a Jackson Box game for /civ4xg/ or whatever it's called.
Yeah, you get bonuses to rats, and you get 5 rats minimum per turn. So you get to do a lot with rats. Seems like every welder has their own strat tied to them.
I haven't been to this general in a while and I can't tell if I'm getting memed on right now. Is it a shittier simulation in 2? Did the developers lose their brains or was there just technical problems at launch?
That, and something something about their minimal damage being raised, so they can murder the fuck out of anything if they attack first.
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If I had to guess, you have a bunch of city services you can't afford. Either you have to get rid of them, cut their budget, or gain more tax revenue.
A couple updates ago, they added wage costs to city employees so their wages come out of your wallet but the cost isn't noted anywhere on the upkeep cost of any building in their respective tooltips in the build menu so you get it as an unpleasant surprise when you place the building and it fills with employees.
The solution I used for this save was to expand rapidly and take advantage of the prebuilt infrastructure on this modded map, so my first neighborhoods were entirely row homes, and a lot of them. This lead to lots of new people moving in which means lots of people to tax and pay for modern luxuries like fire trucks and imported power.
I have this pirated, by the way.
Did you play the campaign?
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Here you go. Polynesia's army is almost exhausted finally. Assyria's capital will probably change hands a few times before my ground forces arrive.
My army is definitely not going to last until Rome in the west. Between waiting for Polynesia to surrender and a new army with SAMs/tanks to arrive in Assyria I'll be stuck for about 25 turns. 25 long turns where Rome and the Celts continue to arm themselves to the teeth.
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Good morning.
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>be me
>can only sleep in 4h increments or so
>go to sleep at a "reasonable" time like 10 last night
>now awake. Almost fully
Good morning anon
I've been playing EL, too
Still trying broken lords to win. Against my better judgement I used to same settings as last time, where I lost to some fag on the other side of the world. Feeling like that might happen again if one of them reaches sci victory this time, idk. Here's my run. How's yours going?
>spawn in to a pretty okay region, not too special
>head east one region. Sisters of Mercy. Oh yeah, it's all comin' together.
>plant my city just north of one of their villages, looks cool as fuck, gonna envelop it with districts long term
>region just past this further east is three haunts, fucking perfect. These regions so far are lacking in science, so this is necessary. Unfortunately this region borders TWO other empires, but I decide to play it out.
>these are my two main cities. First is Grandmercy and is primarily dust. Up to about 600. Have both auriga buildings here
>second is Hauntsdawn. Pure production. Managed to snag the megapole
>other regions include my original spawn, another one to the north for sci, and TWO more to the south which have 3 haunts and 1 SoM. All in all a solid spread.
>north of Hauntsdawn is the cultist, who attacked my city and failed. Setting up for war with it rn because it's been a thorn in my side. I've managed to kill some heros in cold war and have destoryed many of its minor faction slaves, so I think I should be good to take the city (I fucking hope)
>Unfortunately the BL quest told me to go south instead and take a city from my other neighbor, who has been a dick but not actually violent towards me. Either way I know the next step after involves a lvl 6 dust bishop, so I'll clear the actual threat of the cultist first anyways.
>basically have the capacity for 4 armies of 8 plus 3 heros and 1 guardian
Wish me luck bros
>pic rel
was my last game where I lost to the cultists
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Good luck anon. My image was from a game I played a couple of years ago. When you play in late january when it's endless week you can unlock a special hero.
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You could have just said it was good
>continent is half empty
>cities don't even have their 2nd ring claimed
What's going on here?
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>added level crossings in my city in a small industrial area
>the homeless are now using it as an avenue to leave the city on foot
this game is strange
>play against the hard AI in sins 2
>they never attack anywhere at all unless they can bully an unprotected colony
>not a single titan built after 2 hours
>fleets are 1k supply at best when I'm already running around with almost twice of that
Damn I like this game but the AI is so passive and retarded
Almost constant war between all parties except the Celts and Romans. Non-aggressive AIs got cucked at T2 and didn't settle outside their first for a long time because of wardecs. Since it's an information age start no other civ bothered touching cultural anything because of Assyria, Rome, and the Celts doing nothing but unit spam. You can spot a city there that Assyria stole from Rome when they very briefly had the upper hand.
There's a couple great spots open to me still however settlers have a stupid long build time on info age start, no matter what buildings you have. The shot there is only I thought I had enough power to march to Rome. At best I'll make it to Egypt now before having to churn out and push new units to the front for the next 30 turns. As a result, even my cities borders aren't wholly fleshed out either.
I don't even want to load right now. Look at the health on my XCOM units. There's still 2 enemy rocket arty hidden 1 tile in fog. All of those guys are going to wipe in 3 turns at best and Assyria will take Assur again before I get there.
>manor lords
>attack iminent
so how do I survive this? do I really have to rush militia when I can barely afford other stuff?
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Small park space in an industrial area, yeah or nah?
Should I?

>Should I?
It's where company picnics are held.
>try AoM solo
>do kinda ok
>try comp stomp with friend
>get bumrushed by centaurs and cavalry
>can't counter with Egyptian spearmen
>get killed instantly
Haaaa, so depressed...
>cant decide what lewd origin i want to choose in Stellaris
When you're Tiny Village, what's the strat to start earning money? Build as few roads as possible?
Do not update C:SII to 1.1.8f1. It seems to have broken lots of things.
why not
>takes place in space
>literally no weather
>still gets storms
Mad scientist was moving their weather-control doomsday device to another planet, but it got lost in transit and is now drifting through space making giant storms around it.
Cosmic warp storm.
Prostagma anons.
How do Hersirs work on Retold?
They still get bonus favor when they kill and destroy things or it's just a passive Hero thing?
Beg your pardon? Don't all Nordic get favour when killing?
I checked, it seems to be the case. According to description anyway, they get shot the second they walk in.
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Thea: The Awakening or Thea: The Shattering?
Also how hard are they?
Only played the Awakening, so I can't really comment. I didn't even know the Shattering was a thing.
I don't know. I'm still figuring this out. You get XP for building roads. Money, you probably wanna get taxpayers crammed into domiciles
Only if it's a bouncy castle
They would get double favor compared to other units but I am not sure in Retold.
They should do it too. I mean, tooltips say so.
Alright, got a decent village going,
however seems pretty unfinished still, doesn't the initial area has fuckall farm production
I really like some of the details though, like house embedded workshops,
tried a battle for a region it was nice too, livestock management is crap though
guess this is it until release
Endless Legends 2 when? Space is cool, but it's so 'zoomed out' it's hard to feel attached to your lads
>can't comment
great input

I have both and they're really nice, in fact you kinda made me want install them again to play
they're very comfy but certainly hard as hell, in the sense that you're always struggling for survival and barely making progress
the second certainly feels more streamlined and as such I guess a little easier to handle the challenges

speaking of which, i hate to say I haven't played as much of either as I wanted,
>great input
Would you rather have me shit on the Shattering despite not having played it? Are you stupid?
no need to shit on what you haven't played, but he also asked another thing
could have said what you think about Awakening, to contribute in part, and then someone else might talk about Shattering
could have not replied
>could have not replied
That is literally not an option on 4chan or in general. If you don't answer, people assume you don't care or didn't hear, so they'll just shout their question louder in your ear.
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