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Bros Before Elves Edition

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Elder Thread: >>493239849
Why doesn't the dragonborn just solo the thalmor?
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Hail Ysmir
He is the son of their god and the game prevents you from ever telling them this. They literally only attack you because they think you're a blade or talos worshipper.
So it's actually canon to side with them and choose imperial?
My Dragonborn would probably side with them desu
Ancano and the dude in Markarth are both pretty hot
It would be if it wasn't for delphine tricking canon dragonborn from ever trying it. She single handedly took your harem of altmer dommy mommies away from you,
because Im secretly a thalmor sympathizer. Sorry not sorry
Sorry I just have a taste for elven husbando
more like you have a taste for HRT you freak
wtf I hate delphine even more now
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Post orcs
Every enemy rebalance mod ever:
>crypt draugr are 4-7 levels over you
>last boss is 30 levels over you, casts a flame/ice cloak and summon skeletons
all of those mods suck balls. they invariably make whatever enemy type affected much stronger than vanilla meaning it's impossible to balance your game. you either tune the difficulty slider to make them challenging which makes everything else piss weak, or you tune it so the vanilla enemies are challenging making the modded enemies impossible brick walls.

And they do nothing to fix the fundamental problems with skyrim enemies anyway, weak pathfinding, constant ambushes where the player is outnumbered etc.
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if vanillatards would just drop that shit and move onto mco then maybe we could get difficulty mods that aren't just stat pumps
seranafag confirmed to use trans mods.
it's over
I just like cgo.
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>elden rope
>rushing to armor/resist cap then mashing attack is so...le fun!
This post is a ward against the jews. Well done Sir.
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Recruiting giants to help kick the Imperials out of Skyrim was apparently cut Stormcloak content. I think that alone would have made more people side with them.
That's part of vanilla leveled list jank. if the veryhard (boss) spawn would roll the same as a hard spawn it goes a tier up. A lot of dungeons only have easy and normal spawns, so you can sometimes jump up two tiers on the table without realizing it.
Why did Nise stop modding?
>Recruiting giants to help kick the Imperials out of Skyrim was apparently cut Stormcloak content.
This is ironic since the empire tells the stormcloack friendly Jarl in Dawnstar not to hunt giants.
he got sick of woke shit
he based
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>redguards allying with stormcucks
The Forebearers want to rejoin the Empire and Hammerfell still has an Imperial Garrison.
Burn out and coomers making retarded demands. He only got a bit of a passion spike after theMilkDrinker released Dovakini
crowns would never
bros my modlist has been completely finished and ready to play for a week but I'm still hesitating to start because I'm afraid of finding some unforeseen crippling flaw that will kill my motivation to play 20 hours in.
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Realistically if Skyrim succeeds in its Civil War and secedes from the Empire that just means they're in a position to negotiate an alliance, new trade agreements, etc. It's apparently common knowledge among some the Empire-supporting jarls that the Empire is bleeding Skyrim dry, both for its Civil War in their province and its various military actions abroad, so it would actually be to their benefit from a purely economic standpoint. They're already open to allying with High Rock (even if it's currently still part of the Empire) so it's not really a stretch they'd try to ally with Hammerfell as well in the event of another Great War. Anyone fooling themselves into thinking that "independent Skyrim" just means Skyrim or the Empire trying to stand alone against the Thalmor knows pretty much fuck all about historical warfare.
>if Skyrim succeeds in its Civil War and secedes from the Empire that just means they're in a position to negotiate an alliance
lmao with who, the Empire?
>"Hey bro lets negotiate after I murdered the High King and Queen of Skyrim and murdered a bunch of Imperial Soldiers in a War funded by the enemies of Mankind, a War made solely based off Ulfrics feelings"
The Empire would have to be retarded to not want an alliance with Skyrim regardless of such events. The Thalmor seek to subjugate (if not genocide) all other races equally, all the human races have a good reason to work together regardless of any petty personal feelings in the way.
>have tons of armor mods
>only wear one set
what am I supposed to do with all the others?
>unforeseen crippling flaw that will kill my motivation to play 20 hours in.
like actually playing the game?
make your followers wear them
I make them into replacers for vanilla armors
followers suck
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any armor that looks like this? playing as a mage
no like some scripted mod spiraling out of control and murdering my save, or some fucked up visual error that requires me to install more shit mid game.
I tested all those things as much as possible but I know I will still find something, and there are a few script heavy mods I really want to try but I also know likely have plenty of bugs that will probably beat my ass down the road.
SPID them to the world.
what are you, some sort of redditor?
Why does my camera fov change slightly when drawing weapons or doing a charging power attack? It's jarring as hell and really starting to annoy me. It's like it snaps to a slightly different fov for a second then snaps back when the animation is done.
Anybody got the current SE eskyrim link?
Just proving my point, anon.
>murdered the High Queen
Yeah I can tell you've never seen the Civil War through on the Stormcloak side.
Bro no I was just asking IF you have it, I didn't want you to post it. That's stealing :(
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too bad
well you just gotta accept that it might happen one of these days
perfect setup doesn't exist, sometimes you have to suck it up and take it up the ass
Is there a SPID condition for dungeon bosses? I wouldn't mind distributing them to those as a nice reward for clearing.
Depending on what the mod is I’ll often make a profile around just that. Like I have a profile specific for going to Bruma, a profile specifically for DB runs, a profile specifically for coomer shit (OS is in all profiles but I only use SL mods on one specific one), and so on. Sometimes it’s just easier than trying to shove everything into one and spending days bugtesting
>he doesn’t have Teldryn Sero hard carry his party while he’s fucking some random bimbo he found on nexus
smoothcam has settings for a bunch of fov changes but they should be smoov
this mod removes a lot of vanilla camera fov and camera movement stuff https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35833
I used it to remove fov snapping from sprinting and jumping (idk if it was 1st or 3rd person) but it might've been a cgo thing desu

I know that feel
sometimes I don't launch the game until I'm prepared for the worst
what movement mod? Specifically for the slow run into sprint?
dynamic sprint https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95561
it can look neat but npcs look silly when spamming sprint as they get kite'd
instead of removing it I could've added a player only condition now that I think about it
still waiting on them nip slip photos..
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what the fuck is dyndolod and why is it taking hours to install
closest thing I've ever seen is the altmer armor from carved brink.
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best I can offer is areola slip
I have that installed but it still go into sprint pretty fast still. I hope it's not a animation thing.
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On a blue board? You crazy?
midfu hours
Better than shitfu hours
my stomach hurts. this is the cabals doing. damn khajiit lovers
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>synthia's second husband
This explains a lot about Azaimar.
lizzer is here we're at shitfu hours already
fuck you cabalite. your cat fucking spread disease and got me sick
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I was inspired by the classic Hammer Horror film "Twins of Evil" to do a tandem playthrough where one sister will be a vampire and generally a horrible person and the other will be simply human, faithful and pure. So naturally one will be siding with the Volkihar and the other, the Dawnguard. But I'm determined to play through the main quest and the Civil War with both characters as well, making (mostly) different decisions and taking an alternative approach with each.

In your opinion, would the vampire sister be more suited to the Imperial Legion or the Stormcloaks?
Why does it feel like there's a discrepancy between my BodySlide presets in BodySlide / Outfit Studio and in-game? I'm using AutoBody and I know refit sliders exist, but I'm talking about the base body. Is it really just the skeleton being animated (as opposed to neutral A-posing) that creates the difference?
seethe nigger
Or her taste in men :^)
What hat
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Fem orcs are ideal wives
I think of the difference between sybille and wunnferth
one crumb of trouble got wunny jailed by a wanderer for no good reason
meanwhile sybille seems to be very secure despite the endless rumors and imperial law's influence might be to thank for that
Short and frumpybros, you're all gonna make it.
Now having an Orc for a wife would be something, yes. Strong and bulky.
I was just looking at that movie the other day. Your concept suits all the skimpy modded skyrim armor perfectly at least
As dumb as most stormcloaks are, I’m pretty sure they’d even catch on to a vampire eventually, where as the imperials are more likely to let it slide if you’re useful. It would be interesting to see the “good” sister in the stormcloaks as like a healer or something with the other one joining the legion
>Your concept suits all the skimpy modded skyrim armor perfectly at least
In what way
Petite waifus made for headpats and cuddles
Slampig waifus made for sweaty plapping
guys will literally just see this and type "wife"
kill on sight
no we wont
>polishes one spear and acts smug as an altmer
needs correction
some of you guys are wokegenders.
meet me at the windhelm graveyard tomorrow night
good morning saars
alternatively shalom
>try shadow of skyrim
>die to random bandit
>it respawns me inside a fort full of 20 bandits
>die again
great mod
Name 5 midfus and 5 shitfus
works on my machine.
>get missive to get item back from thief
>try to intimidate him
>nah I don’t think so
>try to persuade him
>nah I don’t think so
>kill him because I need that necklace back
>1000 bounty added to whiterun
God damn it
>no pickpocket attempt
>no creativity in the kill to be undetected
holy roastie
how could you get caught dumbass
back to /fog/
I don't post there.
What does shalom even mean anyway?
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good morning, and it is actually morning for once.
>test it again, die to frostbite spider
>respawn right next to 2 spriggans and 3 bears in the rift
>die immediately before the I can even close the dialogue box
Yep, time to shitcan this mod.
lmfao it's even worse than I thought, I tabbed out to make that post right after it happened. Turns out after dying to the spriggans instantly it respawned me in a fucking falmer cave right next to 3 falmer and I died instantly AGAIN

Why the fuck does this shit mod place you in dangerous areas? Isn't the point of this to be that you have to recover from dying?
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An orc wife would doubtlessly provide you with strong, healthy sons. There's no way to go wrong.
>tfw you will never nut on the face of an orcess
except only the seed of vampires and orcs can survive in the stinkditch of an orc female
likewise male orcs cannot father children of other races
Sounds like a load of headcanon bullshit to me
>le muscle orc mommy xddd faggot doesn't play TES
read notes on racial phylogeny
>read centuries old texts
Based. Germ theory is a kike lie, illness is caused by an imbalance of the four humors.
Notes on Racial Phylogeny is written to intentionally come off as unreliable, tard. Orsimer are Mer and if Mer can breed with humans, so can they.
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Orsimers can procreate with humans
you spelled cum inside wrong
I'm pretty sure in my game environment I could goad him into a fistfight, knock him out and loot it off him.
we making neutral statements now?
weird ugly snout
You are waifu will submit to her orsimeric masters
I can't believe they left my guy hanging but let you arrange like 5 other NPCs into couples
I also can't imagine the Ysolda-level narrative gore if he was marriageable, for that matter
not neutral enough. Here, let me do it for you.

A waifu may submit*
tes6 is going to be mid. we are too spoiled by mods
deserts and swamps are the worst game environments by far therefore it's gonna be shit by default
Pretty sure I could fuck up the dragonborn irl.
Miyazaki won
He broke you
Maybe Mara doesn't like Namira-worshipping cannibals.
Man's gotta eat. Mara's totem is the shewolf and you expect me to think she wouldn't eat a guy?
But i want to play in 1st person. :(
>as we all know when other people describe other races they always do it accurately.
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A mod that adds feedback text to your actions like, "Good!" "Excellent!" "Awesome!" for everything from combat hits to making potions.
I've started up a run of Daggerfall. It turns out being Argonian may as well mean you're black.
"You killed a good and caring daddy"
Imagine leaving your drink unattended around a greasy khajiit female, who would make such a foolish mistake.
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Forgot pic. picrel
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I wonder if anyone's made an edit of this meme for this
Yeah, hair and fur and things like then get greasy when unwashed.
khajiits will has real fur in tes6 get fucking hyped
Khajiit women wash themselves more thoroughly than any other race
>Spend last 2 days making a perfect wood elf waifu
>Realize that with the new graphic mods i have the wilderness is pretty chill and it would be nice to just sit there sometimes so i need to grab a sitting pose mode or something
>realize i never finished the civil war in Skyrim so i would like to do it
>realize playing a heavy armoured 2h wielding gigamage would be pretty fun
Shit, i have to come up with a new backstory and make a male chud char and start from scratch, don’t i
That just goes to show how much of a lazy femcel she is.
Even if TES is fantasy they still don't exist
You went to school, right? You weren't born on the internet. You had to have observed women at some point.
the concept of femcels is an incel power fantasy
Dudes would still hit that.
the idea that femcels don't exist is an incel coping mechanism
If femcel's are fake, why are X number of women convicted of Rape.
god i wish that i was female the amount of dudes that i want to fuck who are straight as an arrow is out of reach, in skyrim
why isn't there a mommy follower mod where she says "good boy" etc. to the player depending on what is happening
I want to be pampered goddammit
are you me
Should i side with General Mewlius or Ulfric Skibidicock cant decide fr fr
I let mewlius rizz me up because rikke is bussin like no cap
Dunmer boys are to he groomed into effeminity and be used by Argonian women to breed and raise clutches of Argonian children
Dunmer girls are to be sterilized and used toys for Argonian men, and these families are to be supplied with eggs from the prior pairing.
Realistically speaking the world would be a better place if it was just sexy dommy mommies x cute sub boys. World peace would be achieved.
is 1h better than 2h weapon
the ebony warrior doesnt use a 2h
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>realistically speaking
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>taller than a fucking space marine banana
I am mogged so fucking hard /tesg/...
The ebony warrior is a cuck.
I don't want icky maledom faggots to be miserable or purged.

Think about it logically
>Dommy mommies keep their boys motivated and dilligent through sexual rewards. Keeping society productive.
>High self control and diplomatic mindset of dommy mommies minimzes conflict and maximizes cooperation
>Weakness and lack of masculine aggressive in boys also minimizes conflict and maximizes cooperation.
I didn't ask for a dissertation I pointed out that you used the word "realistic" for your patently absurd sexual fantasy
You're allowed to have one like anyone else
This is so misandrist, Jesus.
Dunno, sounds hot to me ese
People don't exclusively use "realistically speaking" for realistic scenarios.
>Getting to blast yoghurt thick loads into your dommy mommy while she complements you on your hard work and surrounds you in the soft warmth of her thicc body is bad for men
Man, I love Xavbio's retextures but downloading all 30 something of them individually is pain the ass.
1 handed weapons have higher DPS than 2 handed weapons thanks to their swing speed, and even allow you to wear a shield for better defense, or some kind of spell for added utility. So yes one hand is the objectively superior play style.
>is bad for men
Enforcing that on men is had, or do you just assume every man has the same desires as you deep down and anything else is distractions put there by Satan.
the singularity of man
>installing new modlist
>OAR works fine
>Install a couple of UI mods
>OAR bricks
>Check the ones I added
>disable Compass Navigation Overhaul
>it works fine

What the fuck, how does that even happen? Moreover, does anyone have an archive of older versions of CNO to test if it does the same things then? The mod author hides all the archives.
I literally don't understand what you're saying
Also I'm not implying that this is a situation we could implement IRL. It's obvious that most women aren't dominant and most men aren't submissive. I'm just highlighting a hypothetical scenario and explaining how the world would be better if it could be like that.
Bosmer men feel like this when speaking to Breton women
Anons I’m playing Morrowind + Code patch + MGEXE + Tamriel Rebuilt, and for some reason the Steam cloud saves always overwrite my saves I tried deleting the saves while the game runs or even disabling cloud saves yet no matter what some old saves keep appearing and deleting my new ones.
Anyone knows a fix maybe?
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I'll have to figure out how to get CNO working again but until then I think this is pretty much done.

If I don't have anything to do this weekend I might look into fixing the CK and attempting to update the follower.
what outfit
What's the best spider daedra mod? Asking for a friend. I thought mihail had one but I can't find it
will you make her high poly this time?
in the screenshot? Falconer's armour with Xtudo's brown retexture
On the follower? I'll probably import that one, unless I see another one I like.
that is the plan, yes.
thank poo
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2 handers with precision installed have better range, which allows you to kite 1hand cucks endlessly if you aren't shit at the game.
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Why is there no mod that allows you to sprint in all directions? It can't be that hard to make can it?
Having to turn 180 degrees and sprint to make distance between enemies blows.
True directional movement doesn't do that?
I guess it does, I hadn't thought of that because I don't use it. I really don't like lock on style combat, I prefer the strafing style of vanilla.
So I guess what I'm saying is you should be able to sprint while strafing and walking backwards.

Even with directional movement though you can't sprint in all directions while locked on correct?
Anybody have a PC version of this? This would save me a lot of ESP+ESM slots in my load order. https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/08a605f2-3c00-4cdd-a61b-e01dcc9e6082/Darenii_Spell_Pack_AiO
Whens the last time you tried to sprint backwards or sideways IRL.
I haven't tried to swing a battleaxe at a troll very recently either.
I don't really care to get into an autistic semantic argument about the meaning of the word "sprint". The point is you should be able to spend stamina for a speed boost in more than just one direction for the sake of the gameplay.
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I used sculpt to change one of the scars to resemble her canon one. Worked out well!
It's supposed to be a trade-off. You can keep the enemy in your sight but move slowly, or you can move faster at the cost of exposing your back.
You retards really have jaks for every conceivable scenario don't you?
I don't really care what it's supposed to be, it plays badly.
You can change the difficulty of my proposed system to whatever you like based on the stamina cost of the sprint.
Play Bloodborne and git gud then use TDM+lock on
>use TDM+lock on
no, I'm trying to make the controls better not worse. lock on is cancer
Maybe if you just made your skills better this wouldn't be a problem.
I could get good at breaking rocks by hand with a pickaxe too, unfortunately I don't find that very fun.
I’m just saying what >>493388679
said, play games that use lock on and directional movement and you’ll learn how to utilize it best for whatever situation
I have played them and I don't like them. I have played every fromsoft game except elden ring, lock on sucks. The last thing I want is more conditional, contextual control bullshit in my game.
>Even with directional movement though you can't sprint in all directions while locked on correct?
Yes you can
Well that's cool but still sucks for me because I don't want to use that mod regardless.
orcs are literal fecal golems so it makes sense that only their kin and undead monstrosities can tolerate the stank
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No, they're not "literal fecal golems."

Their ancestors covered themselves in the excreted remains of their god, they didn't spring up out of it. FYI, the Dunmer did the same thing but obviously for different reasons.
shut the fuck up shitlem
go back to TESL
not familiar with your schizo acronyms
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feet must be protected from diseases
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this but you and discord
>no u

>you can now explore all of Tamriel!
>with random generation

Surely he is not retarded enough to do this right?
Unironically no he isn't
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>doubting Todd
I mean that's basically Daggerfall though it's just limited to two provinces. Would be a nice way to create a sense of vastness and emptiness in an actual desert, but since Bethesda's MO for game design has been "every game gets progressively tinier" I'm counting on it being used but on a much smaller scale.
at this point? he wanted to make grounded fantasy and we got FTL, alternate dimensions and space shouts
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>not loving every species
>not fucking every species
>not fucking everything
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Dwemer ruins now look pretty good.
I was wrong about community shaders, ENBs are still superior.
is there any solution for the hideous texture seams like the one at the bottom left of your pic?
I installed everything I could find to fix it and I still have them. Somehow I can find boulders where the seam is blended perfectly on one side and not blended at all on the other. how the hell is that even possible
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Also, I felt like a Dunmer Mager fucking around in Skyrim wasn't a great RPG story.
Now I'm a rich and snobby Breton mage who's family is old money and basically they paid him to fuck off to Skyrim and stay away from the family's business.

I think that's just the shadows, or maybe I dont even see it? Maybe post a screenshot of your game so I can understand beeter, I think I have a mod that blends textures together?
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this I mean, the harsh transition between two textures.
vanilla and other non-parallax textures are blended somehow that doesn't work with parallax textures. There are mods that are supposed to fix this but none of them fully work in my experience.
I just hope they get cities right just this once in their lifetime. Also at this point i would be impressed If guilds would reach at least Oblivion levels.
Are there any period-accurate European medieval dresses available? I'd like to dress my Breton up like she came straight from the court of Wayrest.
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This guy Paratus died right there after threatenign me of going back to Cyrodill and tell his stupid Synod friends everything about Sarthaal, the Eye of Magnus and the Staff.
He had to be stopped.

I'm 99% sure that's a visual artefact generated/caused/related to shadows. I do get a lot of what you're talking about but that happens with roads and stonework related textures, mostly.

I remember like an atelier mod? It's been years tho
I hate doodlum so much, he's adding frame generation to CS rather than fixing the many bugs the beta builds currently have, they will never release a stable version this way and people will rightfully keep shitting on it because they see no progress
apaachi divine store
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>Play as female redguard
>Alik'r warriors don't even suspect me for being the one they are looking for despite being suspicious about every single redguard woman they find.

Bravo Todd
>muscular green women
>not ugly monster women with personality to make up for looks
Because "ugly bimbofied landwhale with shitty fashion sense" wasn't part of the target's description
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Inigo said something about shooting stars and whishes while I was watching the sky.
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>play as Dunmer
>get called an outlander on solstheim despite being from Morrowind
>inb4 “but you got off a boat from Windhelm!!!”
Like three people straight up say that’s the only way on or off that island
if you install Worldspace Transition Tweaks you can swim there
One thing I will say about that annoying Reddit cat is the guy who voiced him put his whole sovl into it
There’s no way Frostfall would ever let me do that
get a rideable boat mod.
it's like how italians aren't white
If the Imperials let Skyrim secede without fuss they could have positioned their troops in the south and stopped wasting human soldiers. There is zero chance that Nords would just sit on their hands in great war two.
habeeb it
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I've heard worst Reddit followers.
Right now I also have Remiel and Anaka White-Mane and M'rissi.
Remiel is annoying but I like her lore dumps while exploring dungeons
Anaka lines are always long and she talks like Thor and it's irritating but I tolerate her since she's a healer and she's a sexy nord cutie
M'rissi is pure sex and she's my cat girl and she will break my Skyrim marriage one day or another
remiels annoying like a woman instead of actual annoying
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found a guy in banded iron armour so yoinked that.
yoink these nuts
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Yes, exactly. I mean, so far most of my followers they got enough voice lines that it doesn't feel repetitive and artificial, and that for me it's the most annoying and immrsion breaking thing.

Thing is, I'm walking around with 5 other people right now and the party is not stealthy and I need to carry a lot of camping equipment around
Oh also, since I'm talking about camping, this thing happened. So I installed ORomance plus and OStim NPCs, right?

>set up camp
>freezing, harvesting wood
>almost die of hypothermia but manage to light up a campfire
>place tent and drink some booze
>suddenly, hear moaning and gasping
>look inside the other tent
>M'rissi is going down on my wife
Ok so I didn't think this through but
I somehow feel even more invested in my game
>Worldspace Transition Tweaks
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Bitch do you even waterwalk?
When I first installed Mrissi I yeeted her body of the cliff 3 or 4 times before actually talking her into becoming a follower. As an altmer with true height mod, I just culdn't resist the urge to put that flea in her place, being about a meter higher and all that.
Common problem with SPID that I need to reload a save after starting the game for it to actually work?
I don't care that much for Ancano, but Ondolemar is charming as hell
>there are few pleasures in life as fine as your company
That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. He even puts his reputation on the line for Dragonborn's friendship
M'rissi is so cute tho. Her VA has the perfect eastern european/tsundere/teasing voice it makes me rock diamond hard to be honest
Why do modders always blow their fucking load so hard, I'm looking for a mod that just changes the costs of training and the training limit and I found several that do that, but of course they also come bundled with a ton of bloated garbage for "immersion" or "realism" that's impossible to extract from the mod without a fucking crystal ball to read the modder's mind about how it all works.

One brilliant faggot decided to make a training overhaul that makes literally every npc into a trainer and also disables the simple, easy to use vanilla training menu and replaces it by using miserably slow and clunky dialogue options.
why dont you just have this conversation on your discord?
Because they get off on knowing that they're annoying people.
I never gave her a chance because in the first quest to find her ring she doesn't have any dialogue and barely speaks to me yet every time we talk to someone else she acts like she and I are best buds and have been through a lot together. It broke my immersion
potentially skytweaks will cover you. you can tweak many in game settings from one dashboard, and its otherwise completely unobtrusive. i never play without it.
Yes actual losers trying to drum up "organic" interest in their fail ass waifu mods lol.
It's not Todd's fault.
Anon is literally the first person in 45 years to play as a redguard woman.

The one in the tower with the bandits? well, we all know this kind of quest are always pretty barebones
but listen, last time I made a NPC in CK, spawned her in the game, took her to Riften and married: I basiaclly bought a chinese wife and we never interacted each other, this is an improvement
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Seethe harder, weeb.
Not just the tower but also leading up to the thalmor embassy quest. You leave her in the college and she acts like it pains her to leave you her bff but even as we completed each step up to that point she had nothing to say to me. I thought I was doing the prologue to her quest but the way she was talking then made me think I had accidentally speedran the whole thing and she just has no dialogue. What I'm trying to say is the pacing felt wack so I left her in the college with the babysitter.
where do I find info on what exactly the game settings do? I'm gonna have to make my own trainer mod apparently but there are 6 game settings that affect it and I have no idea how they work and apparently no one else does either since I can't find it on google. and the creation kit is helpful as ever, also having zero description of what they actually do.
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Soft armor for cuddles
>no female khajiit follower in vanilla Skyrim
Why would Todd do this to me
They exist.
He has them.
Todd kept them for himself.
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fine I'll just do it myself
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Do khajiit like it when people pet them?
yes but don't pet them too much or they get horny
What does skooma taste like? What is the skooma high like?
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How many hours in Skyrim does she have?
Todd... why are you smiling at me like that...
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If they purr it's all worth it
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I'm not sure, but you can watch her play Skyrim on YouTube. Maybe that's one way to find out. She unfortunately died a while ago. Rip, Skyrim Grandma
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Do argonians like it when people pet them?
please don't tell me they had sex
The look on Todd's face says it all
He force the cat ears on her too
They don’t call her Peggy for nothing
Skooma probably tastes bittersweet, and based on its effects in the games (typically raising speed and strength) I would assume it's a stimulant of some sort. The skooma den in Skyrim also reminds me of nineteenth-century opium dens, so maybe it's based on opiates to an extent as well. It's probably significantly more potent and dangerous than lean, at least in its pure form
roleplay backgrounds/hints/tips suggestions for a breton/khajit romance
do breton nboles have, say, khajit slaves? can they import them from morrowind?
A real bastard could but I’m pretty sure morrowind is the only province that accepts slavery even in the 3rd era
super fly khajiit pimp with his breton bottom bitch
Summerset still have Slavery mainly because its incredibly hard for the Imperials to get onto the island because of the magical invisibility barrier or w/e that protects them.
Uhm...maybe a concubine is a more fitting term then.
anyway technically I married her in riften so she's my wife now, legally.
crazy cat ladies
>do breton nboles have, say, khajit slaves?
>can they import them from morrowind?
Summerset did have slaves but into in the same sense, they had some Men slave rebellions that caused them to rather import dead bodies or traffic people into the islands then either kill them and use necromancy to bring them back as zombies to serve them or a type of magical brainwashing that turns them into an automaton. The most common being necromancy and magical enchantments to do their work.
People like to say that the Dunmer are the most racist but Bretons are so politically fractured that you get a range of people who are highly tolerant of other races to Bretons who hate all elves and beast races.
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Be nice to your beloved khajiit, lest they cut your throat with one single sharp claw as you sleep
Mhm, I see.
Are bretons generally allied with thalmor or imperials, or they simply do not care anyway?
I'm trying to build a decent backstory here.

This is interesting, I know a couple things about bretons and they sound like a sophisticated, but very individualistic society. Like the french IRL
Why is my broom resting? There are floors to sweep.
Hmm... blades, helmets. Pretty much anything to suit your needs.
Khajiit paws wrote this
>Are bretons generally allied with thalmor or imperials, or they simply do not care anyway?
Thalmor consider the Bretons as abominations that need to be yeeted from the world so the Bretons (at least the ones that are more man than elf) are with the Imperials the more elven Bretons are either independents or are useful idiots for the Thalmor.
Just high elf things: using magic to maintain a workforce of stinking, rotting, human corpses is a preferable alternative to paying a bit of gold for labor, or just doing it themselves
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>they finally made a super skimpy smp enabled unga bunga set
>it's bhunp v4
I will stay strong and stand with v3 until the korean retard adds unpcm and unpbb sliders back
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this is the guy we're talking about btw
M'rissi on the left
My actual cat wife seething in the distance
Magic is cheaper than gold to them, its just good economic policy when your the only "pure" strain of the Altmer.
What would save TES6? Hiring new staff? Working with another studio?
She's still alive and uploaded a video 6 hours ago
N’wah it’s still cold as fuck that far up north
wait, she died?
Sorry, Aldmer, I flip them around a lot.
Id still rather just use magic to enchant a broom or something to work autonomously but whatever works I guess
it's been one year, he will never admit he fucked up
>install frostfall
>can't explore mountains without passing out in the cold

Is this the same grandma that played GTA and cursed a lot?
That's probably the most popular way to do things considering that its hard for them to import living or dead people to the island in the first place. Being a foreigner on Summerset even in the 3rd era invites a lot of eyebrows being raised and some Altmeri nobles consider it a point of pride that they don't have any of the lesser races living or dead stinking up their homes.
Oh right, she's still alive. I'm not sure why I thought she died. Must've confused her with someone else. She's about 88 years old now
>This is interesting, I know a couple things about bretons and they sound like a sophisticated, but very individualistic society. Like the french IRL
Yeah, they are a blend of the Britons and early medieval french kingdoms.
>he doesn’t make his cute mercenary bf carry firewood and other supplies so they don’t die when doing the main quest
I just want human flesh gardens like our Aylid ancestros had
is it too much to ask?
she had a stroke in her sleep in 2022 but recovered.
I think you’re confusing her with the animal crossing grandma
Yes, no pay taxes plz.
garden of eaten
neither will i and switch to 3ba
>human flesh gardens
lorepill me, i missed that one
basically slanesh from 40k but the nords pushed their shit in instead of chaos.
daedra worshipping ayyleinds making furniture out of humans
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I remember something from the Song of Pelinal/Saint Alessia but basically Ayelids had human slaves carved and displayed in their gardens as "flesh sculptures" or something
Haha anyone have her in a skimpy bikini armor haha?
cold survival overhauls are always so focused on realism they forget to be fun. just turn the defaults to give you more warmth and then you only need to worry about bad weather, as it should be.
The thing is I'm wearing a lot of warm clothes and I also have a few perks invested in insulation from the mod itself
but there's a snow blizzard going on and after 30 seconds I'm just gone and it's been kinda hard to do some quest so I guess my only solution so far is to edit some values via MCM to make it bearable
better yet just don't have a survival overhaul
get one of the mods that make food give you long lasting buffs so you'll eat your breakfast for a buff and get on with the game
or be a supreme autist and just eat for no reason at all
Those two sliders are easy to recreate. You can use this if you are lazy: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106193
Has anyone tried the AI Follower Framework? How is it?
whaddabout the BUSY follower framework?

i like this furfag's houses but i'm alright with nff so i reckon i aint gonna switch unless i hear any good reasons
Don't know.
Don't care.
It's not my problem.
TES6 will be the greatest game ever made. There's nothing to worry about. Blessed Todd asks only that we be patient.
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I kinda like being an autist with eating, drinking, filling waterskin, making camp, harvesting wood and stuff
I think my issue is that it kinda happens a little too often and exposure/coldness values need to be fixed a little bit

There's a mod that also creates separate cells for camping but I like setting up camp in the open air
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holy shit
why didn't the UP posters inform me about this one?
i guess on tonight's episode of modding skyrim i will see if this works and convert the entire wardrobe to v4
thanks anon
Amazing followers tweaks or nether follower framework?
Yeah its just mostly the older deletions that are harder to emulate but there's a bunch of individual sliders that make it easier. Also you can abuse negative sliders or slider values beyond 100.
I know of this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/111048
I know that a lot of hot women play Skyrim, but I never knew about this goddess
this might be easier than I thought. I'm messing with these settings like iTrainingNumAllowedPerLevel, and I noticed that it doesn't conflict at all with the base skyrim esm. Does that mean they don't use that setting at all for some reason, and if I type whatever number in it will just work?
The same result for iTrainingMasterSkill comes up with no conflict somehow, how can that be when the master trainers only work up to 90 skill? Some other unrelated setting?
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Your bosmer girl looks so good. I love wood elves, and I'm not ashamed
thanks, based bosmer enjoyer
post feet
if it just follows baka's tips it's shit, you can't recreate the lost sliders despite his claims
I can't even tell the difference between the two body types. I don't understand what all the autism is about.
I installed bhunp because the ostim guy said it's so much better for his animations and I could not see any improvement or difference whatsoever to 3ba.
I think you guys need to crank one out before you start going down these rabbit hole because it seems like a huge waste of time to me.
>I could not see any improvement or difference whatsoever to 3ba.
regardless of preferences the difference is pretty big, you must have terrible vision
when ace says that bhunp is much better for his animations you should know he's full of shit
I'm using 3ba with OStim with the petite preset and it's going great so far
>regardless of preferences the difference is pretty big
ok so what is it? do comparison pics even exist? smells like a big fat case of skub to me.
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I noticed a clear difference in nip shape but everything else seems possible with either body
an anon mentioned there may be a difference with the way feet stick to the ground in-game(picrel)
but I haven't crawled around much to notice and could've just been animation related
what do you use for your shadow of skyrim settings? I tried it out earlier and got considerably pissed off after it respawned me in 3 increasingly deadly areas that I died immediately in.
I noticed it has a setting to spawn you in your last bed and I cannot figure out why that isn't the default setting or why you would want it set to anything else.
>UNP vs CBBE debate continues 12 years later
i really believed CBBE won this time...
for me it's always been a moral choice
cute, delicious flat cested petite girls
fat cow saggy teats and disgusting hags
kek unlucky
I've had a similar experience while I was using the wounds mods so I sometimes wake up near enemies while crippled
I usually turn off random location because I dislike jumping around the map in general but setting hostile location chance to 0 might be enough
an anon told me about how they created a skooma addict waifu and how waking up in the last bed was similar to a "it was all a dream" save-point for them which was pretty cool
literally everything, I'm willing to bet you never tried making your own preset
the way they handle SMP is also completely different
So with BEES is the way to mod Skyrim now?
3ba is the flat body now and bhunp the cow tits one
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>she won't be alive to play TES VI
Why would I pet my tools?
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I know. guess what I'm using now
3ba has better futa content.
It's up!
>still no bnp 2.0/rsv futa patch in late 2024
skyrim mods are dying
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My water looks prettier than (you)rs.

Simple as.
Good, futafags deserve nothing but the rope
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Wow, imagine that. She was only 12 when Skyrim came out.
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Fortified Morthal looks pretty neat.
unless you really want something 1597 specific like .net script's better telekinesis mod, nah
most everything is accessible atm but I would still turn off tes updates through the appmanifest asap if you're on steam
occasionally I hear about some features breaking on 1.6.1170 but I'm not sure how true it is since I haven't updooted myself
like skyui and interface mods had weird behavior after the update but patches exist like difficulty persistence
and an anon had issue with racemenu presets but I'd probably hear more about that if it were really bad

do you even puddle
isn't bhunp basically just unp but with jiggles? seemed like only the creator of bhunp, baka, was the only one porting costumes to 3ba as well
it's a recreation of UUNP
It's my new favorite morthal replacer. I don't much like the fortified whiterun from the same author so I'm hoping FM is sign of an improvement in taste and not a fluke
I tried but I couldn’t get it to work right on steam deck
Honestly I’m not sure I want to hear Teldryn and Erandur argue with each other in robot voices
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>Female Khajit from Interesting NPCs is voiced by a male
Why are they trying to push the gay agenda in the Skyrim community.
>Don't worry, it's okay to fuck a female with a dude's voice!
Anon, everything about modding women in is gay. Everything about it. From the beginning to the end, installing girl mods means you've turned away from even trying to meet a woman.
It's starting to feel like half of you are trying to mod Skyrim into some personal porn game.
>Building a porn game is gay.
Is this what nu-4chan thinks. Allowing the website to be overrun with normalfags was our biggest mistake. Should have been more hostile. Now we've become reddit.
At this rate i am not sure if i will be.
>Now we've become reddit.
Reddit has always been the internet Roman Empire and we have always been the internet Greeks, it is what it is.
>means you've turned away from even trying to meet a woman
There are people out there that say being nagged to death and having half your money stolen in a divorce is a "good" thing.
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Any setting in IED to fix the sheath straps or do I need to mod them away?
>you've turned away from even trying to meet a woman.
don't need that shit in my life
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based boomer evangelical coming into /tesg/ to annoy and nag people into stopping their sinful modding
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I've got bad news then, anon. You're already normalfags. You've gone soft, know it, and try to call people redditfags to deflect from yourself. This thread is 90% Skyrim and the majority of those posts are about waifus and sex mods. For the love go outside to some local community event and just talk to women.
God forbid you dorks discuss or touch anything outside of Morrowind and Skyrim either.
they should be part of the weapon, you can hide or delete them in nifskope
You're right, there should be more oblivion discussion in this general
Good. I remember only iron weapons having them anyway. Guess someone at Bethesda realized that they are fucking annoying.
I just can't move away from Rudy. It's so warm and cozy while new Cabbage has grey AAA fog in it.
You're right, there should be more ESO discussion in this general
I'm married with kids, sex on tap, and I love me some 3ba modding.
what about nigga pi-cho?
You're right, there should be more Battlespire discussion in this general.
How do I get access to castles
We don’t discuss Oblivion and Daggerfall because nobody is actually playing it right now. And the nexus for oblivion hasn’t had anything up in ages where at least lately we’ve been getting one new (actually good) framework a month for SE
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Feel really unsure about picking an elf for my next char and i'm not really on board with the character and the archer playstyle.
I still yearn for the bullshit of my old spellsword archetype char where i would have 0 health and go all in on magicka/stamina and just parry shit constantly or die in 1 hit
I'll give her a chance still and see if maybe it grows on me but it looks like i'll be making a new char and just doing the same thing I did last time. Skyrim's story and setting just feels too nord-pilled to ever really play any other race.

At least I got to watch 2 crackheads try and murder eachother for 10 minutes in windhelm, they were jousting for position that didn't fucking matter because they both had daggers and were just circling around until one of them just circled close enough to 1h ko the other guy with a finisher
10/10 was sick watching it with the lads
but muh immersion!
Felt like a flashbang exploding on my face last time I tried it.
wait until tuesday
Is there any working quick loot my for Skyrim SE? Every single one CTD when I look at a container.
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today was fun. I discovered a fucked up bug with NWUA's sons of skyrim.
the roastie update has dropped
fuck my wife please
time to NTR the mod author
kek accurate
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>Skyrim into some personal porn game.
This is literally, exactly what I'm trying to do.
The only combat mod I like and shill is Wildcat

Fuck you I don’t care if it’s ancient and blade and blunt does more that with the animations mod is kino
According to Oblivion, Orcs and Altmer don't actually hate each other much?
they kinda don't share last few thousands of years of history
made me chuckle
Orcs really tend to fuck off and stick to themselves as well. It's probably rough enough to be the descendants of feces and Altmer have way higher priorities.
Something happened in one of the updates. It was fine and then all of a sudden it was way too bright. Author hides old versions too so you can't just go back.
Does anyone remember Mour the Half-Dragon follower mod from back in the day? I swear, that bitch was the hottest god damn follower mod available and I've yet to see any other match her. Especially considering the onslaught of male follower mods.
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Yeah I remember. It was hot in charmingly amateurish way how the mod author voiced her herself and tried to sound all sexy with every line.
Does that follower mod work on SE?
got more screenshots, im interested
Are there any voiced vampire girl follower mods, preferably an evil one? Serana is a goth girl cosplaying as a vampire, she does nothing for me.
I think there's a third party SE update somewhere.
I forgot about her existence until just now. Damn. That one was the literal only nexus follower I had in LE too. I don’t think she was ever ported, or even the race she was made from. A dragon waifu and Kaidan combo would go pretty hard
can't wait for the shadowman Aniya mod
unironically how long until someone makes a really hot custom voiced futa mod?
I know of this one but never used her
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She must become one of our thread waifus!
>open wound
immediately a shitpost sprang to mind, but i shall refrain
>all these newfags and creaming about this old ass dragon waifu
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here's you vampire follower bro
She just needs a replacer to not look like an ethot
I actually had to stop using Remi because she was literally useless in combat and was always getting killed or injured. Now I know how Jenassa, Erandur or Teldryn Sero must feel when I start a new game I and I have to spend the first 10 levels hiding behind them
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What am I in for?
Old is hot.
Haven’t used SGO since LE (I just prefer FM+) but I remember it being pretty annoying to do non coomer shit while pregnant because after a while the game locks you out of wearing most armor. That could have actually been an MME “feature” now that I think about it
treat your waifus with respect
Does anyone remember M'rissi's Tails of Troubles follower mod from back in the day? I swear, that bitch was the hottest god damn follower mod available and I've yet to see any other match her. Especially considering the onslaught of male follower mods.
Looks like an ethot/succubus cosplaying as a vampire, but I'll give it a try. Thanks.
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This is an Argonian board lad.
it's right after a custom voiced cute daughter mod
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i see that kohran
i think i'm getting old
my opinion is starting to shift towards more lore friendly armors and cool looking ones rather than just skimpy booba
Welcome, brother
that's your libido plummeting
>skimpy boob armor
>not lore friendly

Wrong anon. You may be getting chronologically older, but mentally you're regressing into a zoomer.
I don't care if the armor is skimpy or not, I refuse to wear bulky armor. It has to fit a female's figure for me to wear it. Otherwise I might as well play as a dude and be gay like you faggots who enjoy looking at a dude's ass while you play Skyrim instead of looking at a female's ass.
Someone made an outfit based off of that but I can't find it on nexus.
The best of both worlds is peak my friend.
Pretty lore friendly and pretty sexy.
Plus wear no underwear and up skirt.
You're missing out.
I play as a dude but in first person view; I don't pretend to be female. I do agree with your first point on bulky armor though, no point in giving my female followers armor that diminishes their appearance.
it's called arena bikini
You mean m'rissi?
It's on the OP site
Basically just an infinite stamina mod with a parry. Somehow manages to remove the stamina management of both souls skyrim -and- more vanilla combat mods.
skimpy armor and lewdness has been a thing in TES since it started
nice. very nice.
And now there’s nothing like that in the series. It’s all sophistry
Normal. Skimpy booba wears off eventually. Soon you'll be looking up tight sweater puppies.
that's what happens when you don't employ real RPG gamers but septum pierced weirdos
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I keep it old school
>Ellie posting again
I give it 20 minutes
it only took you 3 minutes though
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I last longer with your mom
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I just want to be double-teamed by two gurads. It's not that much to ask
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>Protect retard cat
>About to get married to another woman in game.
>Literally just before this happens the khajiit servant from the retarded cat mod implies the retarded cat has feelings for me.
>The retarded cat also implies she has feelings for me.
>Give her a chance
>Get to the confession scene
>Immediately recognize that the dialogue options were cringe as fuck.
>Choose the least shitty dialogue choice
>lol jk anon I don't really see you that way

Fuck Mrissi she ruined a play through by attempting to friend zone me.
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More things happening in the Morrowind modding scene.
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This conversation actually happens in the game. Is she flirting?
would be good if it was less buggy and would be good if it wasn't abandoned in an unfinished state. I know the guy got a real job and is making bank so he had to stop all that skyrim stuff but I wish he had stuck around for like just a few more months to finish all the shit he started
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Experience or vanilla styled leveling?
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Only one elf (my wife) can dictate the fate of man (me)
Makeup and warpaint that goes over the eyebrows make me angry.
Embrace Longstride
fuck Phynaster, all my n'wahs hate Phynaster
No she's not flirting she's being a typical obtuse woman trying to highlight that she has zero (ZERO) disinclination toward people different from her by going out of her way to pointlessly highlight all the differences of an individual, to said individual's face
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It's happening!
Experience unless you've deleveled your game
why does nexus always shit itself at this time of day?
sure it works BUT not perfectly
The point of Colette's character is that she's paranoid, intrusive, and frequently annoyes her colleagues. I wouldn't call her a typical obtuse woman though, she is very eccentric and bothersome to an unusual degree
i love the whole usage based skill improvement TES has
xp system is everywhere and just encourages min maxing
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instead of tipping money to niggers pajeets and mexicans why not hold it back and give 5 bucks to Todd?
dodge framework ? is it primarily for mco jiggers?
Needs toe rings.
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Man, what the fuck...
>bloodskal blade stopped working
sad day
because todd is not delivering.
post devs that are delivering or gtfo out get this thread ITT
none are deliverying. I am not giving anyone money.
it's tied to the animations I'm pretty sure
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Do you think many khajiit slaves scratched up their dunmer masters during sex, as some sort of revenge?
Except niggers and mexicans when you tip them. Give Todd 5 bucks for the painted world alone.
>when you tip them
frankly if a mexican immigrant showed up where I live I'd be impressed.
>the painted world
Go away Miyazaki you're a washed up drunk
min maxing is kino
it's UP
my level of disgust at that waifu
One of the worst follower mods I've ever downloaded. She comes with a giant wolf pet that doesn't seem to unspawn and follows her everywhere, many times overlapping her since it's twice as big as a horse. Her accent is so thick I can't understand anything she says. She's more of a semen demon succubus than a vampire. She's fappable but not what I was looking for. Even Serana is a better vampire cosplayer than this and that's saying something.
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They deserve my 5 bucks WAY more than Todd are you kidding?
Todd has literally done nothing for me for theast 10 fucking years, the lying sack of shit.
Pejeet and Mánual get me any food I want, any time of day, any weather.
kek that image, saved.
>actual forest of pubes
didn't know the french existed in tamriel
stealing todds ideas
>just give dirty degos all of your money for doing their job
really like how this 2024 update is looking so far, especially with parallax. didn't think that would work on linux
>Todd has literally done nothing for me
Literal narcissism.
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>all of your money
Anon... It's 5 bucks... do you need 5 or 10? I'm concerned.
Todd needs 10
>First time doing daggerfall
>Doing an unarmed build
>Nuke personality because who needs it anyways
>Turns out people just call me a retarded nord instead of tell me where to go
At least the guards seem to be slightly less racist towards me
>Her accent is so thick I can't understand anything she says
What accent does she have?
Some european shithole accent. Not sure why they bother trying to speak our english. They should stick to their native language.
>Not sure why they bother trying to speak our english.
a fake one
After Starfield and ES6, yeah you're right. He's going need some cash.
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I used to feel bad for ousting balgruuf during the civil war but after eavesdropping in dragonsreach for a bit he seems like a shitty ruler
>make a video about Skyrim
>44 - 100k views
>make a video about Hammerfell
>1 - 5k views
ES6 is coming out on the wrong side of nigger fatigue.
>she is very eccentric and bothersome to an unusual degree
So like actual women.
dead thread?
qrd on dodge framework? is it a replacement for tk dodge/dmco/whatever or just for npcs or both?
His stance on the war has always pissed me off. His grey skinned waifu straight up admits that he was bribed, then when it came time to protect his city he just didn’t until Ulfric comes knocking at his door. He’s also a terrible parent. I’d never let my daughteru Sofie treat people like Balgruuf’s kids do
Like some actual women and men. I'm just saying she's no ordinary person with that behavior
Does any npc in skyrim use dwarven gear? I'm drawing a blank here.
>She comes with a giant wolf
you just know
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This asshole keeps following me even during daylight. What is his problem?
>xp system is everywhere and just encourages min maxing
how does it encourage minmaxing? it's the opposite of minmaxing.
The vanilla system encourages minmaxing, constantly casting random spells while walking anywhere to powerlevel magic or sniping deer from a mile away to powerlevel sneak is minmaxing.
Leveling via completing quests and exploring with experience is literally impossible to minmax. The level by use thing in vanilla is literally the exact flavor of autism "muh realism" fags use when they mod in realistic pissing and shitting and toenail clipping mechanics, low IQ individuals who cannot fathom the concept of an abstraction like xp.
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>daughteru Sofie
A man of taste I see.
I forget the exact wording but proventus brings up something important and he just brushes him off and chastises him for it, saying "it's your job not mine, stoo bothering me". Immediately after irileth started berating balgruuf for disappearing to drink at the tavern
>kill a rat
>+5 xp
>kill a bandit
>+100 xp
>now every single entity in the game is just experience, better kill everything
>quests give experience
>better min max for the maximum amount of experience gain rather than roleplaying your character
>exploring give experience
>rather than go on a journey and ignore places that might be too dangerous for your character you feel compelled to beeline from point of interest to point of interest for maximum experience gain
impossible to minmax? it not only encourages, it's the only way to advance
>send a detachment to riverwood at once
>it's three guys
I don't think he had much choice
>now every single entity in the game is just experience, better kill everything
except that's exactly how vanilla works too, killing things levels your weapons skills.

you can and should turn that off with experience anyway.
I've noticed thieves guildfags sporting dwarven swords and daggers a lot but that's probably just a common leveled list coincidence for me
The random encounter mercenary on their way to a job, some of those unnamed hostile encounters that are just called [race]. Can't recall any named characters wearing Dwemer gear except swords and the like.
Guar fucking when?
stop replying to obvious bait
That image got me thinking. You ever wonder what dragon temples might look like if they had dwemer tech and shit in them?

kinda like how the manor from clockwork is solitude stuff with new textures and dwemertech in it.
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this is actually cursed couldn't make it past 1 minute i keep cringing constantly
it's the same chick who made daegon what were you expecting?
even more hilarious when you realize that the functional part of the mod is made entirely by one of her loyal simps who gets no recognition or compensation. She's just the ideas guy and does the voices lmao.
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I know >ESO but it's kind of interesting
>Sotha Syl, Alive and well unlike in Morrowind, sounds appropriately wise on an in comprehensible level.
>Alex Amelia, the crazy bitch, sounds like crazy bitch that killed you (Nerevar, Moon-and-Star, Hortator, and Nerevarine, pbuh) and Sotha Syl but she hides her crazy almost perfectly. almost
>Bivek, The poet living god king of Vvardenfell (AKA morrowind) is just Brynjolf without a Scottish accent
all remarkably appropriate to be desu desu.
ideas guys are undervalued as heck. Joking aside something genuine question I've been wondering for a while but why don't starfield modders delete the space between the systems/planets with handcrafted content?

That way they could move between stuff without obnoxious menus getting in the way. There's gotta be some techno mumbo jumbo as to why that's impossible right?
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Come and get it then, pussy.
Your screenshot looks like shit
Not sure if it was here or /v/ or just a screenshot of somewhere else but didn't he say he's just in it for the challenge?
>switch to fantasia from skyland landscapes
>forget to grab the parallax textures for it
>game runs way better and no longer eats ram like crazy
I thought parallax textures were supposed to have no real impact on performance? Or is fantasia just better compressed? They’re by the same guy, aren’t they?
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>didn't he say he's just in it for the challenge?
lmao yeah I bet he did
It's just a coincidence that the challenge he decided to take up was also connected to a giant e-whore, he rolled the dice on every modding project out there to test his skills and just so happened to land on her.
it was here
"I get paid well enough at my job that I'm willing to work on some bitch's mod for free because it's intellectually stimulating"
yeah right lmao
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Has anyone tried Khisartin's skin mod? How is it?
what's the best mod currently for doing limb damage similar to the fallout games?
like aiming at the head does more damage, etc
>why don't starfield modders delete the space between the systems/planets with handcrafted content?
Define "delete". It's literally the void, there are no hardcoded invisible barriers, it's just that planets are insanely far away from eachother (to a realistic extent). like literal real life hours apart from one another. if what you mean is like a E:D-style frameshift drive interplanetary travel there were some mods in production in the pre-ck days. not sure what happened to them. try asking around /stag/ for more information.
Like taking all the planets, stations, etc that have content and moving them all to one system. basically, this patrick meme
I'm not following
I think he's horny for some argonian maids.
sounds neat
not sure if ackchuel dragon priests and dwemer would build into each other like that or if a sort of miraak character could be driven to retrofit dwemer tech
but it would probably make a cool player home with some mashes

archery locational dmg https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63863
dismemberment framework is just visual https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/126203
not sure about melee locational dmg multipliers desu
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Shut the fuck up. Do you want Todd to hear about Dwemer power armor?
Forget the follower cringe that depth of field is literally hurting my eyes holy fuck
I don't just mean it's ugly I mean I'm getting eyestrain, do some of you guys actually play like this?
y tho, that would defeat the whole purpose of the game, plus something like that would take forever, like Skywind or Beyond skyrim forever
>do some of you guys actually play like this?
that's the hoe herself, her channel. not surprising that she's into literally painfully garish visual effects, just look at her profile pic.
The dwemer came after the dragon fell so they'd have to be the ones doing the retrofitting. They built stuff that could contain dragons so at the very least they'd def have the power to turn the dragon priests and dragur into their slaves.

dwemer power armor is cool
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What mod is this?
The Mihail Cinematic Universe is coming to a streaming service near you next year.
Dovahkween: Become Human
>you just know
Just know what?
>video titled after one of the most popular video games of all time gets a lot of views
>video titled after a province that hasn't been visited in 30 years and no casual player would even remember being mentioned in skyrim gets no views
Her only appeal to non-furries such as myself is that she is a brat in need of rape correction.
I think that's a bot, anon.
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You just know what they don’t think it be like it is but it do.
what're we installing tesguys
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Nothing new today, so far, just upoodting mods.
I'd like to think the mod is a comedy and her only purpose is for a quick pump and dump.
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Not normally
I thought so too but it's modded
Are you the type of person who says catgirls are furries too?
That post
>multi-line green text
>a semi-advanced numerical comparison (for what is purportedly a bot)
>a non green text conclusion
>conclusion combines a contextual and childish response
>conclusion includes a racist epithet rolled into a buzzword

Your post
>a 1 line shitpost

If you are not a bot, that is embarrassing.
thanks anon
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Lorepill me on how Orcs treat their women, please
nothing, I haven't even launched the game at all today
She's about 65% furry which falls into the furfag category for me.
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Do fat elves exist?
>I swear, that bitch was the hottest god damn follower mod available
The half dragon girl follower has the height and body proportions of a teenager. Anon, have a seat.
>Ditched Serana and the SDA mod
>Suddenly I'm having fun again
Crazy how that works.
probably. but there's no fat people in any elder scrolls game so .
the imperial guy in redguard is fat and so is yag em n bag em
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Anon, she absolutely looks like a human with acceptable levels of animal characteristics in the same manner as catgirls. The only difference is that her skin is a bit rougher, although still very much human.
Anon, I already said she was the hottest god damn follower. You don't have to convince me. Besides, she has the proportions of a young adult.
sda is for reddit and discord trannies only. anyone else will think it's trash
>installing a patch for Stoppage of Stagger to apply it to player while said patch is on a completely different mod page.
just like every other race treats orc women
at best pump and dump
at worst kill on sight
orc women are disgusting
why are americans so afraid of petite girls?
Why is there a level 55 dwemer ghost in reachwind eyre? Just started an orc stronghold origin and the first thing that kills me is a screeching nutjob.

made me chuckle tho.
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really high testosterone levels, just can't get aroused by androgynous childlike women.
High T individuals need big fat tits and asses for birthing more gigachad children and not frail weak genderless losers.
That image is hilarious. Just imagine a fat Teldryn Sero breathing heavy and trying to keep up with the player while you're walking at a normal speed
based actual posters.
I switched to the other Serana dialogue edit that came out like a month ago and just like her more kek
plus her being changed to being from the first era made more sense
Its saturday
Post and discuss waifu tits
I didn’t know caseoh was in morrowind, nice
>Njada: "I've heard some rumors... about you and Skjor."
>Aela: "And if you want to keep having ears, you'll pretend you didn't."
>Njada: "Is it not allowed?"
>Aela: "It's not exactly forbidden, but even so... it's not true. So that's that."
Are/were Aela and Skjor fucking?
I’d still fuck him>>493490158
nta what's that one like? I have it installed but nowhere near dawnguard yet. From the modpage it looks like they made her more sarcastic and snarky which would be a welcome change from the boring vanilla and cringe saccharine sweet of SDA.
The secret is to kill larger bugs so you've got enough chitin afterwards to form into armour for the heavyset warrior. Emperor crabs were driven to extinction due to a coalition of fatties.
Sorry, but I'm gay, so I don't want there to be tits being posted. You can post hot guys if you want, though.
obesity is unhealthy, bro
>woman warrior
what's she gonna do? nothing that's what. just gonna bleed from her cunt and nag
It's funny when he starts shitting on a Legate and the Legate says "Oh I should take my men and leave then?" then he goes like "N-no."
God, you are insufferable. I understand this is 4chan, but if hating women is your only topic of discussion then please get it out of your system before posting
>hating women
who's hating on women? bleeding from cunts and nagging are awesome!
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I didn’t even need to watch the video to know my husbando soloed just like always
tits or gtfo
unless you are a troon then keep it to yourself no one wants to see that shit
is aerin fucking my wife?
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Then why do big boobs feel so good?
Checkmate, athetits
Give it up, anon. Incels have crept into every board. There's no avoiding chuds ree'ing out in every single fucking threat about women or minorities.
You guys might breed if you talked to women instead of whining about them.
Please talk to some actual women once in a while
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imagine posting this cringe in 2011+13
maybe. or that they were just doing secret werewolf business since the others don't know
Dude is a menace
talk about what? nagging and bleeding from cunts?
Woman here, I really don't care about such posts
My favorite topics!
Why post here and not Reddit?
man here
my dick hard
Bro wasn’t lying when he said he was the best swordsman in Morrowind
he’s got a really big sword too
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yeah I know right? they even had a big shitstorm of relationship/sex drama on the skyrim reddit, women live for that shit. it's probably like disneyland for them over there right now.
Speaking of Reddit where’s the fag that was posting the goredev drama I need to know the fallout
we just went over this sweetheart, if you want to gossip about who's fucking who you can just go directly to reddit instead of fishing for secondhand information here.
you can probably even toss some random sexual assault accusations at redditors while you're at it for some extra entertainment, I know that shit is your bread and butter.
Men in these threads are far more interested in drama than any woman I know
>than any woman I know
kind of a bizarre metric to go by considering you don't know any women but you do you chief.
I literally don’t have anything better to do I’ve already hit gold on Splatoon’s Big Run
>I really don't care about such posts
Yes you do. The chuds have conditioned you. This incel behavior must be called out because it's fucking disgusting and wrong. Women can kick as much ass as any man.
Bet he slays a lot of pussy with it
I bet I could fuck him. Without even breaking a sweat.
>my dick hard
that made my dick hard
your dick was already hard dumbass, it's been in the freezer since you had it chopped off.
Fuck yes, Teldryn Sero thirst ITT
I installed ostim just for him
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The armor stays on
weren't you supposed to get a room
we aren't seeing the creation of a seranafag tier autist here are we.
the posting about this faggot has gotten noticeably more annoying recently.
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Finally my husbando gets the recognition he deserves. Wish it happened on a night that wasn’t Big Run night though
That were two anons flirting with each other, which hasn't happened in thread since then
There’s at least two of them doing it
well certainly it didn't have much effect now that one of them is back and thirsting did it
I'm sure it's more. There's at least two femanons who want to fuck him and at least a few gays posting him too. At least they have good taste
They are going out to hunt as werewolves and prefer the affair cover story over the actual situation since Kodlak told them not to
todd's a fan of npc tsundere
Todd's games are PG-13. I doubt they would imply sex.
sapphire straight up says that she got raped by a pack of bandits for two weeks straight
There’s a book in morrowind where Barenziah describes a khajiit’s barbed cock, and Vivec has an entire sermon about his penis, multiple in fact
Doubt it.
Morrowind was before Todd made shit casual.
It’s hard to be a Teldrynfag when every time his name gets brought up at least two separate femanons start creaming themselves over it
>Doubt it.

>"Oh, wait... it gets much better. How about the fact that our farm was attacked by bandits, and that they killed my entire family who didn't even brandish a weapon against them. Here's the best part. They took me as a prize, and violated me for a fortnight. Tossed me from bandit to bandit like... like..."
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Doesn't Skyrim reference cuckolding aswell? And the Dawnstar blacksmith wife is pregnant implying sex.
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luv Eldy Scrolls
luv Todd
luv Skyrim
but most of all
luv Serana

Simple as.
the gobling..
It's bit of a stretch to say she means rape. Getting thrown about like a beach ball would leave someone feeling "violated" since it's a violation of consent and personal boundaries. So that's most likely what she means.
You're the one that's going to need to provide the proof.
>It's bit of a stretch to say she means rape.
I don’t remember who but someone in Morthal says “I’m not a cuckhold” when referring to the vampire slut flirting with him
posting from bed, tell me a comfy night time story from the pages of tes lore
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Benor: "You tempt me mightily, Alva. But I won't cuckhold [sic] another man, even on [sic] murderer like Hroggar."


Also https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Rustleif his wife is pregnant.

Skyrim has references to sex and other adult themes, it just isn't in your face about it.
There were once some elves frolicking in the snow. They stopped seeing eachother.
Which posts are yours? Asking out of pure curiosity
Molag Bal came in Serana's pussy. Then Serana qweefed out the cum and snorted it.
what do you think molag bal's cum is like?
link related
Like bags of sand,
Ysgramor came from the ancient homeland, and killed all the elves.
But not all of them, because some of them are still here.
Wuuthrad was his axe.
There's also the khajiit astrid lets you kill who brags about being a "defiler of daughters"
>who brags about being a "defiler of daughters"
nah you don't get it anon, clearly he was talking about forcibly making daughters play dodgeball against their will by "defiling".
Which playable race has the biggest dick?
I don’t think I’ve really posted anything that would go “oh you’re THAT faggot” but if someone mentions a steam deck that’s usually me
>game crashes a few seconds after loading a save but then runs stable when I start up a second time
what gives?
one chance at life and you get born with this fucking name
I see, thanks for the reply. Carry on and enjoy Teldryn in peace
stop asking questions
His name is the only thing he’s got going for him, I wouldn’t even know he existed if it wasn’t for Benor :DDD
the way you never use punctuation on your last sentence makes your posts extremely noooticeable.
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Almalexia or Azura?
Two-Handed weapons possess the unique ability to hit multiple targets when performing a sideways power attack. Two-Handed weapons are for heterosexual, high-testosterone men.
Settle down, beta male.
Azura didn’t cut Nerevar’s feet off and wear it as a necklace
And it's made him more memorable than most of his peers.
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>moonstar energy
how much of a huemonkey is this guy really because he seems pretty good at english wordplay
wow he mashed two 1st grader words together what an accomplishment
What do you mean?
i thought the artist was a woman
its not just this one, most of his stuff has that kind of wordplay in it.
its hard for me to believe that he's an esl
that'd explain why all of this shit is terminally unfunny
Esl can come up with wordplay too, anon
Bitter jealous woman post. Stop tearing each other down.
Bitches are always catty. I don't get it.
he is responsible for sneaking into high schools and deleting the good test scores that these young women have worked so hard to acquire
hence de-filer
it proves ruinous for future prospects
usually they can't, that's the point. usually they have a hard time even determining tone or intent. it's very common for esls to mistake things that are intended to be sarcasm or jokes as literal statements.
kill yourself faggot
an entire discord of monkeys with typewriters comes up with this shit anon
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The anon you're replying to is a seething man
Everyone in this thread is catty

It's a dude
Refr handles
I'm ESL (English as second language) and I have no issue discerning sarcasm or jokes. You seem to have a narrow perception of ESL persons.
It depends on how good they are at understanding english. I have a esl friends who come up with wordplay all the time
>It depends on how good they are at understanding english
yeah, obviously lmao. are you esl too?
the point is that the vast majority of them are not good enough to do it.
What about Mongolians though?
we are all mongolians deep down
todd is a direct descendant of the great Khan and has drawn us together here
>It's a dude
Yeah, I don't think it is. They post on reddit.
genuinely retarded
Why doesn't that skank Aela wear the Wolf Armor? And why is she more proficient in Light Armor but wears Heavy Armor anyway? Did the dev think Ancient Nord Armor was Light Armor? I check up her skirt anytime I'm near her.
the female wolf armor is neat but the ancient nord armor stands out way better and fits her more
considering farkas just wears generic steel I don't think they cared enough to be consistent at all
Bro, I'm not retarded. I just don't trust you, a stranger on the internet, over my own intuition.
Yeah, it's even a bit strange on that mission when a member of the Silver Hand says, "He wears that armor, he dies," even though Fuckass wears generic steel. Bethesda just don't give a fuck about the details.
funnier still is the fact that Aela was at one point an option to do the quest with you
and she doesn't wear wolf armor either for the same presumed cutscene
It's so they all look different and cool
I did the quest with Aela once and that was pure pain. I’m glad they cut it. She’s literally useless in a draugr cave ESPECIALLY if you have Genesis
in theory her shield and bow should be useful in a tunnel but in practice absolutely not
There are many orcs, but this one is mine
on the internet, no one knows you're a dog
Dunno chief, from what you've posted over the years, she's been everyone's.
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her vageenis is almost hanging out...
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caturday Content where
vampire miku
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Daggers suck ass with Precision installed. Don't know why i did this to myself.
yeah,they're important
I love that image
>Anon posts his waifu
>I remake her 100%
>Then have her fuck dogs, redgards and goblins
It's an amazing feeling to be honest. It's hidden NTR and the waifufags don't even realize their girl is getting happily ravaged by all manners of monsters behind their back. Pretty sure they actually enjoy it too. Why else would they show off their girl to everyone?
Is this synda a companion mod or some cringe general larper?
today on tesg
anon makes things up in an attempt to bait for replies
That's just germans, arabs, russians and mexicans, and nobody cares what they think. Everyone else has normal ability to detect sarcasm and jokes in other languages.
God i wish that was me
You really think it takes much effort to sculp characters to look alike? Unless this is some weird way to ask for pics as proof.
Anon they post them for download so you can make them fuck dogs. Are you silly?
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Two big talking points
Those aren't fun at all. Their creators enjoy that so the whole point is lost.
You haven't done that because you can't run the game on your telephone
Stop reposting fantasies you've developed after reading screenshot compilations from other threads
But you recognise they'd enjoy you manually recreating them? I think you just like crafting waifus
>Waifufags already coping about their waifus getting gangbanged
Yep, this is the good stuff. Getting real hard.
Hi. I was wondering if anyone here has experience with playing Skyrim without fast traveling. I'm considering doing a playthough like that but I was wondering if that conflicts too much with how Skyrim's quests are designed.
People who refuse to post the files for their waifus yet post them all the time? Absolutely. They're afraid of their girl getting defiled (she is)
It's never bothered me. Walking is good for body and soul. If a questline involves a lot of back and forth I just mix it up with other stuff and take different routes.
Skyrim's quests are too shit. If they were handcrafted, then maybe. But how it is in reality, the quests lack distinction. "Go to <dungeon> and kill/retrieve <thing>" Even most of the questline quests are like this.
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good morning gamers
It doesn’t, but doing dawnguard without fast traveling sucks
If you want to do a no fast travel run I’d recommend using Journeyman
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I mostly never fast travel, and while it's "immersive" it can get tedious when you gotta go from point A to B back to A and then back to B, thanks Dawnguard. I'd recommend it if you got a bloated/populated Skyrim like I do.

Good morning
You'll deliberately have to play the game slow due to the game how often the game makes you travel.
Consider the Main Quest. You'll be travelling up and down that mountain multiple times. Though, you'll probably remember the playthrough more than others. I remember the playthrough I did in Oblivion.
I'm not an elf or gay. Fuck you.
No shit waifus in the next thread ok?
All waifus, other than Jordis, are shit.
>"hurr durr no personality"
Better than some yappy cunt that talks while quest dialogue is playing.
dawnguard and the thieves guild are way less of a pain with fast travel
generally I don't use it but I would if doing the radiants for those questlines
If you were a gay elf I might take you up on that offer, unfortunate
>anon makes up scenarios to justify his own desire to watch women get fucked by dogs, black people and monsters
it's okay anon, just admit you love cock
Would using those carts at major cities be considered fast travelling?
They offer an in-world explanation, but essentially functions as fast travelling.
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Why are they like this
I don't really use them but I wouldn't consider them same thing as regular old fast travel. They're limited in destination and are essentially just stinky taxi services to other major cities, as well as only being able to engage from set locations to start with.
Because they are the master race.
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there aren't any itt
A bunch of triangular me(n)r in leather dresses and eyeliner is not what I'd nominate for the role, all said
Thalmor threesome
Fuck you, idiot. The Altmer RAPED the Empire, and made the Nords SEETHE.
The Altmer's entire existential philosophy is one of inherent sneething
Not one other race on Nirn is possessed of so much sniveling crybaby energy as the sniffle elfs
I'm considering the experience. Because travelling between major cities could provide a more in-depth experience than simply teleporting there.
I won't be "fast waiting" neither, so I think sleeping may be the only exception for skipping time for my next playthrough.
my most recent playthrough was with no on-demand fast travel. i used CFTO and SWIFT so i could get between fixed points quickly.
I used to use Campfire for the express purpose of setting up camp and sleeping away the needed hours when needed but nowadays I just do other stuff until NPC schedules are where I need them. I never use the wait function myself either and only sleep in bedding owned or reasonable. I sometimes miss having Campfire.
Then why is it they fuck ass? They fucked everyone's fucking ass.
Khajiit and Bosmer, the forefronts of contact with Tamriel, are responsible for the successes of the "aldmeri" dominion
Campsite is the usual lightweight alternative to campfire. I have been unironically using the CC camping though and I think it's pretty good aside from the camp itself looking like some crack addict hovel.
I tried to find a mod that swapped the shitty wood lean-to for a tent but apparently it's surprisingly difficult to do that.
The worst part about CC content is that there's no expedient way to check back nexus requirements like you can for normal mods, so anything that alters or reuses assets is a pain to track down
Next kalpa
You're intentional playing down the role of the Altmer, which is petty and bad faith. The Altmer are the brainchildren of the Dominion, they're the ones responsible for decision-making. They fucked the Empire despite the Dominion being new. That's a big accomplishment and evidence of their racial superiority.
God, I wish they fucked my ass
How do I add stamina costs for attacks and holding a block to Blade and Blunt?
Don't see it in the options and it's just retarded how everything costs stamina(based and good) EXCEPT holding a fucking shield up and blocking strikes AND swinging a massive honking sword
Bonus if I can also make it so that striking without stamina staggers you if the enemy blocks and vice versa if the enemy blocks without stamina
Some quests are really not designed for fast travel to be disabled. I would recommend getting something like Journeyman so you can fast travel sometimes for a cost.

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