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Elder Scrolls 6 location edition

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Elder Thread: >>493337853
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luv Eldy Scrolls
luv Todd
luv Skyrim
but most of all
luv Serana

Simple as.
yeah I had the same problem. I actually went through the painstaking process of checking every mod with "camp" in the name or description but there is nothing I could find for CC camping.
I used to use campsite but it kind of annoyed me how it gave you basically everything a player home does for nearly free, safe storing and crafting stations. And I was surprised to find that the CC camping is a lot less finicky about where you are allowed to place your tent, you can pretty much drop it anywhere. With campsite I always had to run around for a minute looking for a place the mod would let me set up.
Based Nazi Serana
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>Play with Wildcat on Master difficulty
>Be lvl 14
>Sabercat does a jumping attack on me out of nowhere
>Die instantly
>Check it's level with console
>lvl 6

Post waifus you don't post often
Anons judge whether it's a good or bad thing that they are posted rarely
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whoops meant to post this
pictured khajiit merchant visiting the orc chieftain
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skyrim gaming, the elder skyrim general
>"Ehm, excuse me. You can't claw my face off since I'm a higher level."
>/tesg/ ~ The
Hey faggot, you're supposed to use a dash not the bacon emoji.

The CC camping seems kinda decent and lightweight for the kinda thing I like but I've no real use for SE unless something like Skyblivion actually becomes a reality. Plus finding mods for CC stuff in general is a pain due to having to rely solely on the name during searches and we all know how many people name things sensibly. Somehow people even manage to make it painful to find retextures for CC stuff at times.
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picked up the falconer armour, then edited it in xEdit to be heavy instead of light
"elbows too pointy" ahh post
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It's that time again
Also this wood is pirated, to ensure no illicit gains were made from the destruction of the environment

make sure you turned off all the goofy damage modulation in WC's MCM besides less damage dealt at low HP or whatever, and perhaps attacks from behind even if the cats are weird spinny creatures and that could have contributed if it overshot your physical location somehow, to smack you from the back during a forward hop
I don't remember what WC's base difficulty damage mult tweaks are but the regular .5 / 2x for Master had to be manually plugged in by me
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>hit a paralyzed enemy with an explosive effect
>watch as they turn into a fucking beyblade and spin off into the horizon
Easily the funniest thing in the game
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Reminder to never be a TES snob
Don't edit other people's work, that's outright fucking disrespectful.
Fucking hell have to repost

How do I add stamina costs for attacks and holding a block to Blade and Blunt?
Don't see it in the options and it's just retarded how everything costs stamina(based and good) EXCEPT holding a fucking shield up and blocking strikes AND swinging a massive honking sword
Bonus if I can also make it so that striking without stamina staggers you if the enemy blocks and vice versa if the enemy blocks without stamina
So I guess all mods are inherently disrespectful then?
He'll say yes, but not realize that it's a good thing
Modding skyrim is basically punk rock, crazy bitches and all. Even moreso for actual pirates.
blocking already costs stamina when you take a hit while blocking.
there isn't any good way to add stamina costs to light attacks, every mods that's done it either implements it via script which is a nightmare or SKSE.
Yeah whatever
No. Mods that add things to the game aren't disrespectful. It's mods that change things that are fucking arrogant and disrespectful.
Oh wow I found a mod that does it so it should be compatible
>Hey it's me the author
>I made it bypass NPCs ))))))))
Because he's not retarded. The NPC AI is not built with that extra stamina consumption from standard attacks in mind. If you add that you just end up with enemies that are permanently at 0 stamina.
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I'm something of a TES gob nyself
the thread is named after me
do not take the bait so easily
the main drain on NPC stamina is power attacks, which cost an absurd amount of stamina and most leveled npcs don't have enough for even one
5pts per light swing is not going to break anyone's bank, and hold to block is just going to stop them from hovering about with a shield despite the fact that their stamina will immediately cheatingly regenerate without player intervention just like magicka
Okay both valid reasons anon, thanks
I leave unsatisfied, but at least now I know to look out for any miracle mods that make the AI able to do these things
No, I'm not. Sorry.
I've tried it with mods that do it, they always end up stuck with 0 stamina.
Is there a way to change the slot a piece of armor is using?
I got Armor bodysuits to go with bikini armours and fill gaps in other sets but it uses the default body slot
Shame blocking doesn't serve a purpose in combat. Bashing is also a bit strange in that if you bash an enemy's regular attack mid-swing they'll just be mildly staggered and you'll just end up hitting each other if you swing and they choose to swing instead of blocking.
fenix stamina works on npcs and his AI mod manages stamina though it breaks combat styles so every npc will fight the same way
works on my machine
Yeah, because you use mods. I don't use mods.
>the mod with the feature you really want breaks the feature you arleady have and really like
Kurevsko nedobre novinki(Grim)
Any mods that actually make being a guild leader worth it?
Which of Tamriel's races gets their cock cut?
>vectorplexus is kill
why would you not use mods?
The important stuff is in the OP
But honestly didn't know what else was there and how much was lost
An unfortunate subject but I would say Dunmer are the most likely.
tiktok "ahh" zoomerfaggot fucking kill yourself
the ones that let you fuck your guild members
Hook line and sinker
Can't wait what shitshow the thread devolves into now
Mods dirty the game.
Even besides the mods there were a ton of user-uploaded pictures I wouldn't mind having
I've only ever seen orc cocks
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sorry I asked
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imagine being at video games
so fat you look and see food
>the male version of the cc golden saint armor comes with panties
wonder why they decided to gay it up
To do.. what with?
Yes, that's my name. What do you want?

To enjoy anon.
Did you not notice all of the battle kilts in the base game already
skyrim is a land without clothes
the shivering isles version had full on pants. the cc version has dedicated, modelled panties
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>getting so tilted by a death you check the NPC's level
>wear slutty girl armour
>it's slutty
>it's girly
Just can't believe it
I played a sword and board character on vanilla legendary and it was the most fun I ever had with Skyrim combat (yes even compared to modded combat) because it forced me to actually use the shield. Nothing more fun than taking down an enemy that would two shot me by blocking in between my sword swings, bashing to interrupt their attacks, or spacing to dodge them.
How'd you find a thing like that?
the original version had pants
a kill cam. i was surprised it wasn't full pants. then i checked
You should avoid being emasculated by bandits in the future anonymous
Hi guys
I’m looking for a location to place my new upbeat, light hearted OC character who hides a dark backstory. Should I pick:

a) The Bannered Mare in Whiterun
b) The Sleeping Giant in Riverwood
Go for the adventurous options, like The Riverwood Trader or Dragonsreach
Looks the same to me
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I like the aesthetic I've achieved :)
The problem with blocking humanoid (as in enemies that share the same animations as the player character) is that it doesn't provide an opening. You block because you were slow to react. Bashing power attacks serves a purpose, but bashing regular attack (which if it's a dagger or one handed sword, it's about prediction) doesn't serve much of a purpose since it doesn't give you much time to counterattack. Meaning if you attack you can't recover fast enough to defend yourself. So it mainly feels like I'm roleplaying when I choose to block.
tiny knight, big weapons
oh yeah, peak.
sometimes the game just drops ridiculously strong enemies on you
the difference is the lack of pants. the original had pants. even the male dark seducer armor lacks pants
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Your character got molested?
I dunno about all that I just know during that playthrough the shield was invaluable, it definitely wasn't just for "roleplaying"
It seems the lack of a pants slot in Skyrim, while generally increasing upskirt possibilities, has had unforeseen consequences.
Altmer, for the aesthetic
Have you ever heard of soups, motherfucker? Just pop one, lead enemies to a hall or corner, and proceed to shield stunlock your enemies one by one. These soups exist for a reason, anon.
I want to give my OC follower some unique but relatable personality traits to make them feel more human and like real people. Should I

a) Make them make fun of Nazeem
b) Seethe about the Thalmor
c) Seethe about Whiterun/Ulfric
Not him but honestly I don't think it's intentional the soups let you do that, I think that's just Bethesda being bad at making a good stamina system.
I'm arguing that blocking serves no real purpose. Bashing is useful, but blocking just makes you pointlessly lose health and stamina. It's pointless because it offers no opening.
I'm talking about it from a game design perspective. It was fun in Oblivion having to time your blocks and it serving a definite purpose.
It lets you take less damage from an attack, anon
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It's intentional. Considering they all got looked at again when survival was merged in as a core CC at this point the soup effects are deliberate. Dozens before have posted how useless shields can then refuse to touch the offered solution. JUST COOK THE SOUP ALREADY.
But, you pointlessly lose health and stamina. Blocking offers no opening. So you lose health and stamina, while your opponent loses nothing, they don't get stunned (instead they actually recover faster, making them ready their next attack quicker.)
I never touched the soups and I still found blocking useful
It's not pointless, it reduces the damage you take.
Blocking is only useful against non-humanoid enemies, as blocking them stuns them. Humanoid enemies recover faster if they hit your block.
The meta is just to spam the enemy to death with regular attacks as they hold up their block.
But, you lose health and stamina without any incentive. It doesn't provide an opening.
Man, it's genuinely crazy the lack of good Altmeri followers there are for the game despite more than a decade of modding.
What do you mean good?
Yeah, that's literally the only one. And that's despite Altmers being one of the more popular races.
I don't know what to tell you man, when I block an attack I take less damage than I would have had I not blocked it. LIke I said I played through on legendary with sword and board and I found block invaluable, if you don't I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise.
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this morthal replacer is real good

Yarti, Synthia and Bosmom walk into a tavern and order drinks
The bartender sees such revolting monsters and dies
Are there any vanilla folllowers that wil heal the player? If not can anyone recommend a mod for one?
He seems very annoying.
Her heal is so good I had to stop using her so I could level restoration
Thanks, but is there one that doesn't look like a modern day college girl who spends $200 a month on Starbucks?
erm, which one?
That's like asking for a follower that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself from the cringe overload.
He's not so bad. Especially when you consider that for the longest times the only independent Altmer followers with plenty of interactions with the world were Aurlyn Shartstone (a badly written, mary-sue OC character) or Shartalind Thallery (a dindunuffin token).
I just don't get why it's so hard for modders to make their shit actually fit the tone and aesthetic of the game instead of looking like something from the Sims.
>a badly written, mary-sue OC character
it's crazy how this is an understatement for her. that mod is the most mary sue mary sue I have ever seen in my life.
she literally might as well be god with how big of a mary sue she is.
Zora Fair-Child from 3DNPC.
why has no one extracted her from 3dnpc if she's so good like everyone says? I'm not installing all that bloat.
I don't know what's worse. Everyone having American accents, or that one British Argonian that doesn't even sound Argonian. Unironically, the AI voiced followers fit the best.
Restoration isn't in her major skills and her class is a CombatBarbarian, you sure she's a healer?
>Everyone having American accents,
that's just like the vanilla game though, aside from the guys putting on a terrible corny arnold impression of course.
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I need to install it later and see how it looks with JKs and CoTN. I think it has patches for those two mods. Just overhaul my shit up senpai.
I tried her out because SF successfully shilled her to me ngl.
>aside from the guys putting on a terrible corny arnold impression of course.
I like it
hopefully you learned your lesson to always do the opposite of what that insipid little queer says
>bandit siege on whiterun
>go to the inn to grab a couple of followers to help in the defense against the horde of modded ultralethalized bandits
>forget that entering a building during the siege is what you do if you want to wait them out
>quest failed
She starts off as a barbarian but if you go deep enough into her story she talks about how she should fight and what you should advise her to do. You can ask her to heal you.
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NTA, Fortified Morthal
Her face paint is a little ugly but that shouldn't be too hard to change, thanks anon I'll try her out.
I looked it up yesterday and I think the JK's patch is broken but JK's + CotN works fine. Don't take my word for it though.
>aside from the guys putting on a terrible corny arnold impression of course.
The Balgruuf voice type?
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this older screenshot has COTN with that morthal replacer and I remember it as looking pretty good. I opted not to get COTN on this list to cut down a whole lot.
yeah, that one. Sorry, I was away for a minute.
I just don't think there's any characters with funny little unique lines that aren't annoying. They're never like "wow this city is beautiful" it's some snarky reference or complaining about something every time.
>The Balgruuf voice type?
no the hrongar voice obviously. it's such a bad arnold impression it sounds like a parody.
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It's not face paint. It's meant to be a scar. Pic related is a replacer that shows it a little better.
>I switched to the other Serana dialogue edit that came out like a month ago and just like her more kek
too much blur, I don't have one that's less blurry so that's my mistake.
looks really good. I've been using "The Great City of Morthal for years and that one easily beats it.
makes me wonder what real scandinavian people think of the phony cartoon viking shit in skyrim.
I knew a norwegian girl who was really fucking mad about the bard's college. Specifically, she hated that they used the term "edda" to refer to the one in skyrim because, according to her, the eddas are specific recountings of norse cultural history/mythology and thus you can't just use that word for any old story without applying that proper context.
Now that's autism
>the eddas are specific recountings of norse cultural history/mythology
wtf does that mean it's like the viking bible?
Who gives a shit what they think?
it's in line with the "the bible is an allegorical rule book/pseudohistorical document meant to guide societies" interpretation of the bible.
Why you puffed-up ignorant...
The only time I've ever laughed at a quip was a lizard follower from 3DNPC that said the total population of all the Argos in Whiterun was whereever she was standing.
Eudora is more than just a skilled warrior or a captivating presence in Skyrim—she is a soul searching for meaning, a woman shaped by both tragedy and resilience. Raised in the quiet village of Rorikstead, Eudora's world was shattered when a bandit raid claimed the lives of her parents at a young age. Yet, from this loss, she emerged with a fierce determination to see the world and make it a better place, driven by a deep-seated desire to help others and find her own purpose.

Her beauty is undeniable, but Eudora is far more than just her appearance. With a body like that of a goddess and a heart full of compassion, she challenges the judgments of those who see only her outward form. Her revealing attire is not a reflection of vanity, but a statement of confidence—an embrace of her own identity in a world that often seeks to diminish it. Despite her exhibitionist tendencies, Eudora carries herself with grace, and she is unapologetic in her belief that her choices do not define her worth.

Eudora is a formidable ally, skilled with a war axe and shield, thanks to the teachings of her father. Her combat prowess is matched only by her dexterity as a lockpicker, a skill honed during her mischievous youth. But beyond the battlefield, Eudora is a devoted follower of Dibella, and her worship extends beyond the physical—she seeks deep emotional connections and believes in the spiritual power of love and beauty.

Her journey through Skyrim is as much about self-discovery as it is about adventure. Eudora struggles with questions of purpose and fulfillment, often wondering if her actions truly make a difference in a world so full of chaos. Yet, despite these doubts, she remains steadfast, driven by her core beliefs of standing up for oneself and helping those who cannot.
I misread undeniable as unreliable and I started questioning what an unreliable beauty is.
Eudora's interactions with the Dragonborn reveal a softer side, one marked by loyalty, admiration, and a touch of vulnerability. She may harbor romantic feelings for the Dragonborn, though her nature sometimes makes it difficult for her to express them openly. In moments of quiet, away from the heat of battle, Eudora finds solace in the beauty of nature. Whether walking through the serene landscapes of Skyrim or immersing herself in the tranquil waters of a hidden hot spring, these are the moments when she feels most connected to herself and the world around her.

Eudora is a companion who brings both strength and depth to any journey. She is a woman who has faced loss and hardship, yet continues to seek beauty and meaning in the world. Her story is one of resilience, compassion, and a desire to leave her mark on Skyrim. If you choose to walk beside her, you will find a loyal friend, a fierce protector, and a partner who will stand with you through every challenge.
literally whom?
This was written with AI wasn't it?
>Zora Fair-Child from 3DNPC
I've had her as a follower for 20 hours and she's never healed me, might be because I'm using nether's follower framework.
Not sure why I like her so much. There's something different about her. Can't understand a single thing she says without subtitles though.
>custom follower
Hard pass.
Pretty sure that's written by AI, it usually separates text into way too many short paragraphs like that
Step aside titcow, this is the real beautiful and formidable Eudora
I'd drive that car
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>Imagine how gay you would have to be to have a male follower instead of a harem of scantily clad thots.
being a carfag in the 60s must have been like being a vidyafag in the 90s-00s. everything went downhill from there are never recovered.
but anon I am gay
I think you mean cock dick her.
You need to speak to her in Solitude at a certain point. That's when she talks about how she fights.
>Not sure why I like her so much.
I think because there's so many different types of followers in 3DNPC that she doesn't feel as waifubaitey as she would be as a standalone follower. That and she is unironically a bit charming.
>Can't understand a single thing she says without subtitles though.
You probably can't hear her. I had the same issue:
I've got a plan for buying a second-hand 60s chevy and refurbishing it. Probably cheaper than getting a new car depending on the condition of the one I bought.
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Were they going for a meth addicted British succubus cosplaying as a vampire?
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The internet says female Orcs don't exist.
And that's a good thing. Imagine having to live next to a fish-smelling scaly.
big if true
Lots of people play with tactical bikini waifu squads and don't even have sex or romance mods which yeah thinking about it is exactly like a harem anime. There's something about this fantasy that we should be studying.
I've had similar thoughts but then I realize what an enormous amount of work it would be and that I would probably never finish it.
especially if using the og engine and drivetrain.
fuck off
I found one online that's like a 4 hour drive from where I live and it's practically perfect except for a broken window and a missing converter. Thing's been in the shed for nearly 3 decades.
The best part? it's only like 6k.
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Show a little respect sometime
Who? I don't pay attention to youtubers. This video was linked in the previous thread. Don't tell, don't care.
well that sounds pretty crazy, definitely worth a look.
I wonder if more of those will start popping up now that the boomers are getting older.
How do you learn to refurbish cars?
Evil characters don't work in Skyrim
This is my conclusion after trying to make a character that slowly turns evil and realizing there's really no point to it.

All the "main" (Civil War/Alduin Shit) quests still railroad you into being a hero/saviour/good guy and there is no other quest or mod which really allows you to affect any permament "evil" change on the world.

Like, you become a vampire, dedicate yourself to molag bal become his champion/chosen favoured whatever, become obscenly powerful and...
You go around killing random travelers on the road?
You are rude to inkeeps?
You choose not to save some literally who during a random quest?
Stab some beggar in the back during a cave exploration quest?
Bite Baalgruf's toes with you pointy teeth?
Some great evil the character is.

Unless there is a mod that lets you say screw the civil war and alduin and the yellow knife eared fucks, I am the real fucking crisis for Tamriel. And just go burn down Whiterun or conquer Skyrim for yourself or genuinely terrorize the population, then the RP ceiling for an evil character is being the rude kid at recess.
By having a mechanic for an uncle
Evil playthrough is a meme and it's just not interesting to accommodate it in stories.
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How do you play like that?
No idea but I'm certain that nexus user in particular is having way more fun than me
I think it is really interesting and not THAT hard to do, you just need to habe a really good motivation for the character to be "evil" and know your fucking limits writing-wise. Just no one is fucking trying because everyone wants to play the good guy and that hogs up all the resources and dev time.
Mods are our only hope but no one seems to care and just keepsmaking "EVIL" quests about stealing the other guy's lunch.
What's the best mod for skipping the intro in 2016+8?
its not a youtuber that's the modder. some british slag who made that and several other follower mods with the help of her indentured simp laborer.
What does it mean to be evil?
Do you kill random people?
Do you sacrifice children?
Do you use your powers to force yourself on people's wives?

just works
nothing's stopping you from killing everyone, replacing them with locally sourced organic skeletons, and banging idgrod the younger
Exactly what I wanted, thanks.
Personally I'm only using CotN Dawnstar and Winterhold on my list. Need to find a Falkreath I like but I refuse to touch CotN again. I like the meshes but the fucked up texture choices make it look bad without exactly vanilla textures. None of the others are like that.
Siding with the vampires and killing the Dawnguard leaders does have an impact on the world. You have to improve your roleplay. Sneak into people's houses as vampires and bite them, turn them into your thrall. Lock them in cages and impregnate them. There's certain quest mods like M'rissi that have proper evil routes where instead of rescuing her you can just turn her into your cat girl sex slave.

Being the generic good hero character is cringe.
the glaring GPTisms didn't tell you that right away?
This is pretty much the opposite of how I feel. Trying to play a good character essentially locks you out of half the side quests in the game. Can't do Thieves Guild, can't do Dark Brotherhood, can't be a werewolf, can't be a vampire, can't do pretty much any Daedric quests except maybe Meridia. It seems like the game actively wants your character to turn evil just to do anything interesting.
We should have choices where we can do intentional small acts of evil. Like in DA1 where you can break up that romance between the elven couple by banging the woman.
That's what being a MMO addict does to a motherfucker
I dunno what an example of a GPTism would be I just recognize it based on the short parapgraph format that it always does for some reason.
Imagine little interactions like if you try and seduce Ysolda in the Bannered Mare and Mikael stops playing and fights you. Shit like that would actually make dickhead choices fun.
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Tried Redbag's falkreath yet? (forgive the old screenshot)
Wow you're really invested in her aren't you. Did she ignore your paypig superchat donation or something? I haven't cared enough about any mod to find more info about them. Not even VICN who created the legendary Vigilant mod.
>fingerless glove meter
The number of women I have in the dungeon so that the guards in my fortress can have someone to run a train on and the many, many individuals I've turned into cannibal cuisine while sacrificing their skulls, hearts, and souls to daedra in exchange for power might disagree.
This. That anon just doesn't know how to do it right.
>The number of women I have in the dungeon so that the guards in my fortress can have someone to run a train on
Based strong leader who cares about the morale of his men.
What are you trying to say is that evil characters aren't fitting for the main quest and you'll be correct. The whole point of the main quest is fulfilling the prophecy of the great dragonborn who'll save the world from the big bad dragon who can eat the entire world!

But, there are other questlines that can fulfill an evil character. The Thieves Guild, The Dark Brotherhood, and the vampires.
What's a good graphics only modlist/guide? I have like 1300 mods for everything else but I'm at a complete loss on this.
>The number of women I have in the dungeon so that the guards in my fortress can have someone to run a train on and the many, many individuals I've turned into cannibal cuisine while sacrificing their skulls, hearts, and souls to daedra in exchange for power might disagree.
This is why that shitty SDA ruined my immersion. She calls the dragonborn an idiot if they make a deal with the devil. When your DB has been doing evil shit the entire time with her that doesn't make any sense that she would say that. Got rid of her after that since she was obviously hardcoded for good dragonborn roleplay.
That is very true for vanilla, add to that that the "good guy" sides of the questlines usually suck
>Siding with Penitus oculatus
>Siding with the Dawnguard
Avoid like the plague

My main problem is that all of these things don't really translate into anything in the "grand scheme of things". No matter how despicable the player is and just how many people he kills or shit he does, it just does not matter.
You can be dressed in nothing but skulls, bones, and bloddy crests of Molag Baal and Ulfric/Tulius would still be like
>You seem like a true patriot and jolly good fellow, wanna do some quests for me fr fr?
There's also some of the daedric quests. The companions are frankly just thugs for hire too. You know I'm thinking Skyrim could really use more out and out heroism to balance it out.
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NTA, but here's the gist

>be Daegon mod author (Kukielle)
>create a beta character that's blatantly a self-insert (even being voiced by herself)
>notice that most of her fans are creeps and losers waiting for a chance to romance and sexo her
>says fuck that and gives her a canon chad boyfriend
>later dialogue is non-stop about all the sex her boyfriend and her have
Power move desu
I think I figured out my ultimate improvement for skyrim. I made a mod that reduces all skill xp to 0 so you can only level skills from trainers or skill books. As a result you have to spend large amounts of gold to advance your character, finally giving gold a real substantial purpose. I also modified the amount you can train per level to be effectively unlimited since the 5 per limit makes no sense with this arrangement.

This even makes the experience mod redundant, since the gold you acquire from clearing dungeons and doing quests fulfills the exact same purpose. I can just leave the vanilla level through skills intact.

Now I just have to dial in the gold costs so it makes sense for gameplay. By default it costs something like 120k gold to level a skill to 100 which is too high I think, gonna try 50k and see how that works out.
TES will never do another exotic locale ever again because that just don't sell in mainstream.
At best we will get a little piece of hammefell where all the odd races live while High Rock will be 95% white bretons
but it makes sense for skills to improve by doing the skills
Yes that is what I am saying, but also my primary point is that for Evil characters there is no end-state with consequences for the world.

Say I make a goody 2-shoes Nord who wants to save her kind(Dragons and Nords since blood of both) This shit flows seamlessly, you free the Dragons from Alduin, you win the Civil War for the Stormcloaks, main 2 historic events ongoing during the game resolved roll credits.
Same thing for a good guy imperial sided, kill Alduin because a dragon god in their backline is probably bad, then crush the rebellion, Empire won roll credits.
And an Evil character?
Can you fuck over both factions somehow?
Can you exploit the situation to gain some measure of political power yourself?
Can you do anything obviously evil with any permament effect like the good character does
That's my problem, there is no "evil ending" for neither the main quest nor civil war.
>create a beta character that's blatantly a self-insert (even being voiced by herself)
Are you talking about the vampire follower? That vampire girl looks like she's taken thousands of dicks. If you saw her in real life you would worry about catching an STD from just looking at her. Did you want her to be a virgin waifu or something.
Damn, she looks like a trashier version of my ex and mother of my child. Bongs really do have that natural "trash" look
>I looked it up yesterday and I think the JK's patch
Dammit I knew I shouldn't have gone with JKs this time
she later released the "classic" daegon without the boyfriend character though, so I get the impression that she wasn't actually aware that most of her fans were guys who wanted to simp for her, and she then realized that her simpbux from patreon were potentially compromised after the fact.
Personally I couldn't stand her mods regardless. I tried daegon the day it came out and uninstalled it after 2 minutes because the writing and voice acting is so cringe.
>high rock
tesvi hammerfell is barely into production, let alone the next game after (which won’t happen)
>Are you talking about the vampire follower?
no he's talking about her other follower
It won't be centered around hammerfell you fool. It'll be High Rock, which landscape is safe and generic forests and mountains, like Oblivion.
A broken marriage and raising a kid as a single father while posting in a forum related to a decade old game? Bro, I really hope my life doesn’t turn out like yours that’s some sad ass shit.
Bretonbro, I…
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>What are you trying to say is that evil characters aren't fitting for the main quest and you'll be correct. The whole point of the main quest is fulfilling the prophecy of the great dragonborn
Another way of interpreting it is that the evil dragonborn kills Alduin, Harkon, Miraak, and Paarthurnax because they don't want competition. With those guys gone there's nothing stopping you from becoming the next Miraak.
>The whole point of the main quest is fulfilling the prophecy of the great dragonborn who'll save the world from the big bad dragon who can eat the entire world!
I'm going to use this line to interject with something that's been bothering me, was alduin actually going to eat the world this time around? I thought he abandoned his world eater job to rule over man instead and so after he got popped out of the time bubble wouldn't he be trying to do that again? Everyone just assumes he's trying to end the world but I don't remember him actually saying anything like it. Maybe the reason akatosh wanted someone to defeat alduin was because he needed to reset him to where he actually follows orders and ends the world on time? I'm not convinced the dragonborn actually saves the world from destruction
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The "Evil Ending" is the way you subjugate and exploit the populace after completing the main quest(s). I've been taking the time to collect jarl skulls, myself. Alternatively it should be noted that if you really want a Slow Burn To Bad Guy, you could simply play the hero that wants to do the right thing but inevitably gives in to a desire for power and the tyrannical nature of their dragon soul.
>Implying female modders don't want their self inserts to be used like cum rags
I mean, the most famous nude skin modder, Caliente, for Oblivion/Fallout 3 is some black girl who openly stated that she gets horny if dudes across the world use her skins for porn reasons and cum to it (she bitmapped her own).
That said, i don't think she's active anymore. Didn't see her drop skins for FO4
Very good point.
I just wanted to note that the game seems pretty clear that the Dragonborn actually permanently kills Alduin this time
Based if true
>Heh i owned that father
Yeah, have sex with someone first though.
Actually I think Alduin's death is one of the least clearly outlined ones. When you kill him you don't absorb his soul, permanently killing him like the other dragons, but instead you can clearly see his soul flying upwards into a hole that appears in the sky. That's why I thought it was returning to akatosh. iirc either paarthurnax, esbern, or arngier even comments on it suggesting that alduin may return to end the world again
Not sure if true but frankly wouldn't be surprised. Black women can be the biggest fucking turbonerds in existence.
What's the shock? Did you think only pasty skinny white guys are coomers?
This guy just wrote complete schizo fan fiction without any citations and everyone believed it. So easy to farm (yous) on /tesg/.
>the Dragonborn actually permanently kills Alduin this time
No? You don't take his soul, he just disintegrates. He's supposed to now actually show up when this kalpa's time is up and eat the world.
You can always do the main quest as a self-serving power-hungry bastard. After all, any evil plans you might be brewing would get squandered if Alduin ate the world so it's in your best interest to stop him even if you don't care about saving the world.
So we're not saving the world, we're making sure it ends properly. Neat.

Wonder if everyone in Sovngarde would be celebrating if they knew that.
it has this weird prose style that it makes up given the context you give it, which heavily biases on sounding "good":
>Yet, from this loss, she emerged with a fierce determination to see the world and make it a better place, driven by a deep-seated desire to help others and find her own purpose.
>Her revealing attire is not a reflection of vanity, but a statement of confidence—an embrace of her own identity in a world that often seeks to diminish it. Despite her exhibitionist tendencies, Eudora carries herself with grace, and she is unapologetic in her belief that her choices do not define her worth.
> Yet, despite these doubts, she remains steadfast, driven by her core beliefs of standing up for oneself and helping those who cannot.
NovelAI is much better at writing without the GPTisms.
anon made it up, he's probably a south american tranny
The very few black girls i know closely are either ultra tradwives who thinks "fuck" is the worst word ever, or ultra degenerate coomers who openly advertise their weebism with hentai terms. No middle ground. No surprise that one would help herself to coom.
True and an evil dragonborn might see slaying dragons to increase his power as the best way to pursue his plans. Hell, he doesn't even have to actually slay the dragon himself. He just needs to approach the corpse after someone else kills it.
Can you quote the post properly? >>493521594
it's down
I have. You live a very sad life man.
Do better next time to earn a (you). Not sure why someone would come to /tesg/ to write fan fiction. I'd like to think we're a repository of truth.
He got two people asking if that's true. Are you the one fishing for yous right now by making this dumb post?
What's up with the bitter femcel?
You are awfully offended over this, are you Caliente herself?
Fuck off. Take your fan fiction to reddit.
it's getting moy caliente in here with all these sassy anons not properly tagging replies
The main quest is neither good or evil, you are killing alduin because he is going to end the world which includes you, not much different to killing a bandit in self defense.
it's back up and so is my penis
Personally i don't quote replies since it seems to anger the attention seeking fags a lot. I learned from /gig/ that it really works.
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Are there any GOOD necromancer companions? I mean companions that ARE necromancers, incidentally. Ones that won't raise random chickens like Serana does, maybe just summoning skeletons and such.
Why is she lit like she's modelling in Vice City?
the creator has a shitrig PC but that doesn't change the fact that Isabella makes me cum buckets. Too bad she's not voiced with AI
Oh okay, my bad then.
It's been a while since i played the main story so it was probably me just misremembering shit
Wait, Caliente isn't a nigress, it's the girl who makes the skin textures who is. She even got banned from nexus for posting her (actually quite sexy) nudes on the forums to compare her skin and rather shapely tits with the mod skin. DesertRose or blackRose or something like that, i don't remember.
tfw no black slutty gf who makes skyrim mods
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The wait is killing me
It just doesn't look promising.
I don't know what my last skill should be for my next build. I have heavy armor, two handed, block, smithing and alchemy. I have enough perks for a 6th skill but nothing obvious to get. It feels really bad to put points into archery since it's only useful against cunt ass dragons, and I'm not investing into magicka at all so magic is a no go.
I guess I can put random points in lockpick and speech and shit.
Hey didn't she also make skin/porn mods for Fallout 3? I think I remember her.
Fucking retard you could play it right now if you had more than 3 working braincells but you are the type of n word who looks at a mobile game and say "UMM IT'S NOT PROMISING" like an average /v/igger snop who thinks he's smarter than the majority just because he played a shitty RPG maker about depression starring a femboy protagonist
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big birbs
I dunno about porn, all i remember is that she made the first and most used nude skin textures.
Apparently she used her own skin for realism.
Any good working throwing daggers mod around? I want to play a rogue without going full stealth archer.
Jesus calm down Todd!
Delete this stupid post and then speak genuinely
Todd doesn't pay me enough for this I'm done, fuck you I'll see you tomorrow
fucking based, she was back at it in the Oblivion days aswell
I think your graphics card is dying
Can all of you stop gossiping about modders like a bunch of normalfag high schoolers. Nobody cares. Post mods, waifus, or fuck off.
>stop gossiping about modders like a bunch of normalfag high schoolers
They'll switch to waifu artists real soon
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I'm trying to follow this guide https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim but I'm very unfamiliar with the CK. Do I have to load all the DLC and CC esms or is just the base Skyrim.esm enough?
Don't be racist, the russians aren't paying you guys any more.
Haha racism is so funny haha (/sarcastic incase you are autistic)
base esm is enough though you should load the expansions at the very least so that you have more shit to work with
What is the best mod for knocking out NPCs instead of killing them for skyrim SE?
I have to attend a seminar for work on tuesday but the seminar is remote so I'll actually be getting paid to sit on my couch and play Todd's game. Only time will tell if the game is actually more interesting than a work lecture.
I'm obsessed with M'rissi feet
Say that to my face MF, not online and see what happens
the ENB reflections need some adjustments, no bully pls
it's up
based but a respirator might not be enough, I would go for a full gas mask just to be safe.
I'll never understand you footfag weridos but isn't there a very close relationship between foot fetish and femdom? M'rissi is a sub, not a dom so wouldn't that devalue her feet.
>but isn't there a very close relationship between foot fetish and femdom?
No. femdom is a reddit "safe horny" fetish anyway
>footfag talking about safe horny
What’s anti-reddit unsafe horny fetish then
Personally, I always found feetfags disgusting.
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>sn't there a very close relationship between foot fetish and femdom
>M'rissi is a sub

you wouldnt get it anyway
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>take quest to save a princess
>get 30 days to complete it
I've been in this dungeon for almost a week now. The princess is elusive as the exit. A never ending series of spiders keep trying to wreck me with paralyze. Werewolves that are immune to my blades and relentlessly hunt me on sight. Fuck this place, fuck these spiders, fuck these werewolves and honestly fuck the princess too. I wish I had never come here.
>What’s anti-reddit unsafe horny fetish then
Husbandos with vaginas
I like every part of the female body... except arm pits
>anti-reddit unsafe horny fetish
the opposite? They disapprove of male dominance and masculinity of any kind.
There's an option to turn her into a slave and she's entirely reliant on the DB to do anything. M'rissi is the very definition of a sub. You can even pimp her out to that guy in the thieves guild. I don't think you know what sub/dom means so I won't listen to your foot advice either.
So, I've been playing with Caranthir Tower Reborn and I must say it's a pretty decent mod, the structure and outside model is pretty neat, the position on the map is great. it only interferes with Bloodchill manor but there's also a patch fix for that so its okay.

The interiors tho look like ass, especially all the lights placement and shit. I'm using Settler mod and other tools to place and move around shit, will post pictures later
She's probably behind a secret door, or at the bottom of one of the pits you have to jump over. I let that happen to me twice before I enabled DFU's smaller dungeon option.
>You can even pimp her out to that guy in the thieves guild
doesn't that just make her run away and failstate her questline?
yes but im not a cuck and obviously I didnt sell her to anybody because I'm not a cuck schizo?

so far she's been her own person and she gutted a guy in the ratway because he killed an old khajiit
>she's entirely reliant on the DB to do anything
just like every follower ! Inigo and Remi are more reliant
> They disapprove of male dominance and masculinity of any kind.
I’m not sure if this is true because women’s fiction is by and large dominated by the archetype of a masculine man that borderline forces himself on the woman he wants because he wants em. Obviously there’s a difference between fiction and reality however. Maybe reddit is majority guys?
>except armpits
You can get the fuck out right now
I think she murders the DB by biting their throat after you make her fuck that guy in the thieves guild.
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Don't mind me, just making orc armor look good.
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you would never pimp out your cute catgirl amnesiac girl friend, wouldn't you /tesg/?
>Maybe reddit is majority guys?
obviously. The woman majority areas will have more woman and it's the natural order for woman to fantasize about being raped, even if they don't actually want it. The human body wants to reproduce regardless of their feelings after all.
>Maybe reddit is majority guys?
Don't tell anyone but I browse r/ladyboners to find hot men
maledom is so safe horny it's the default mode of sexuality and wow look at that, extremely popular on reddit!
I'm pretty tempted to enable smaller dungeon but it seems like pussy mode to me. Are the dungeons still reasonably large or are they small Skyrim dungeon sized?
They're still bigger than skyrim and quite large but they're much easier to navigate without getting turned around or confused by the map. You can always turn it off if you think it's too easy
I wish they would add procedurally generated dungeons in the next TES. Fuck Radiant AI.
>some mods cannot be checked for updates
>hey maybe I should check myself just in case
>orange banners from a month or more ago about taking down for a fix and not an ounce more information
There has to be a better way of doing this
Guess you're right, no harm in trying it. I'll enable it then load the save before entering this dungeon. Hopefully it isn't generated until entering.
There is. Gas all modders and forcefully take possession of their mods.
Peak. I love the asian style that ESO went with on their armor and architecture
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Bad cat, get off the clean sheets.
The mobile game Blades had a semi-proc gen dungeon that made me think they were working on the tech for their main games. Of course starfield lacked anything like it but they might still make it a feature in tes6
Now I just have a bunch of gassy mods labelled don't dead mod inside
Is there a good alternative to LUX that looks just as good without being so dark?
what exactly do you think looks so good about it?
I think it's based off some old concept art. Which has a lot of asian/mongolian themed art for the Orsimer. Mind sharing the mod in question?
Haven't really played Starfield so I can't say for sure. But my friend said much of the static content is AI generated. Quests, voice-overs, world spaces, etc. Naturally this would've been generated out-of engine.
This just made it invisible
you know you can adjust ENB settings if its too dark, right?
Did we get Ulfric yet pre-order bros???? (Not a paid Todd account)
>pre-order for a free game
The evil route with M'rissi is kino. It's a rare follower mod that has a legit evil route. The good guy cat waifu marriage route is cringe. She's too bossy and doesn't know her place, so rape correction is the only option.
Does anyone here still have contact with luka the dogfucker
both routes are shit it's rigmor tier of bad
You'll just make her wet
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>Mind sharing the mod in question
Can I use a wabbajack modlist and a separate MO2 modlist on the same install of Skyrim? I want to compare some things.
You act like there wasn't an Asian style to Orcs in TES to begin with. They've always been kinda-sorta but-not-really Mongols -- even if they're much less successful, insofar as the amount of land they control and their track record for keeping hold of it.
No turns out they can't find 2 million people who give a shit
Is that gun the one from Creation Club?
I mean thats definitely true but especially in skyrim they really toned it down. I want pavilions and robes and lamellar armor
any wabbajack list that's worth a shit uses root builder so it will have no effect on your base steam install.
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This is the evil player audience everyone has left behind
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Is picrel accurate?
The only reason they toned is down is because Stronghold Orcs are throwbacks. Not even kidding, they are to the rest of the Orcs actually trying to bring back Orsinium what the Ashlanders are to the Dunmer.
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She needed more weapons
So they're right and will be vindicated some day?
How can I make it so my custom follower never ever uses a bow?
Nah starfield uses procedurally generated world spaces but the settlements and dungeons you find are all prefabbed and just placed randomly, and the voice lines are all recorded. The radiant quests are the exact same as in skyrim too. So they haven't really used the tech in the best way imo. They should come up with a plain dungeon tileset that easily works with procedural generation and give a lore reason for it, like it's some wizard's maze dimension or whatever, and use it as an excuse to have massive randomly generated dungeons mixed in with the regular hand crafted ones.
Like the other anon said, you can install multiple wabbajack installs independently of eachother even, if you wish
I wish we could have necromancer outfit and weapons like this
Why am I so horny for elves?
Basically, yeah. Orsinium is doomed to fail just as a matter of cosmic fuckery. But that doesn't stop the Orcs living in the strongholds in the sticks from being incestuous primitives.
t. Andrezj Sapkowski
gay, last time I checked there was no jesus in tamriel
Oh really? to be honest its been a while since I played skyrim. And even longer since I actually did the stronghold quests. Thats pretty cool actually
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She might be a Meridian cultist.
That was the Nerevarine
I had my mind blown earlier by an armor I tried, it's technically bikini-esque but instead of bare skin it uses a chainmail texture on the body portion, so it looks like a full suit of armor but still retains a pretty sexy silhouette.
Seems like it would be really easy to apply that idea to other bikini armors too, I just need to figure out what chainmail texture to use.
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that... might actually be a fun idea. Thanks!
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What's a good or new guard armor replacer? Sons of Skyrim is great but I wanna use the Whiterun guard armor on Snakestone but my autism doesn't like how he'd be dressed as a guard in my game. Is my only other choice NordWars older guard armor mod?
I'm using lollygaggin', it still uses that whiterun guard armor but you could just swap that one set out for another whiterun guard suit instead of changing out the entire mod.
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>Fight some random vampire in the forest at night
>Has 3 thralls
>Chaos erupts
>Lose track of Lydia
>Battle ends
>Can't find her anywhere neither dead or alive

Well shit.
all you have to do is take whatever armor you want to swap in for the guards, and rename the meshes to the exact filename of the parent mod and put them in the right folder.

So download the old guard armor replacer from nordwar and pull the whiterun guard meshes and the texture folder, rename the whiterun guard meshes to the same filenames that are used by either sons of skyrim or lollygaggin', and place them in the same folder that those mods have them in either overwriting or moving the original meshes elsewhere.
She's stuck in traffic.
Imagine if all the femoids in this general died, like now, and how much better this general would become. You really can't allow women into our space.
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>open save in windhelm
>try to leave
>infinite load screens and freezing when I do leave
>check savefile
>hundreds of stacked scripts mainly from RASS
that explains a lot
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>>>on 4chan
I have bad news for you anon...
I'm tired of nooticing the females posting here I just want to surround myself with men, big sweaty men is that too much to ask for?
What does it take to become a board mod? Half of /tesg/ posts could use a good nuking.
like...their posts or their home countries?
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t. failed janny
go to a park or something and clean up the trash there instead nobody is interested in your free service newfag
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My Whiterun tundra grass is yellow as it should be, but my LODs there are green. Nothing overwrites my grass/landscape textures, so I have no idea where DynDOLOD pulled green tundra landscape textures from. Any guesses? How do I fixe this?
doesn't matter for you anyway, by openly stating you have a grudge against specific posters you ensured you will never be a janny let alone a mod.
what a gigantic faggot you must be btw, imagine how pathetic it is to be a wannabe janny
Change their class to like knight or assassin in the CK.
this is tame compared to the average weekend though
Krautslut was based. The others can fuck right off if they won't post tits
If I change serana's class to spellsword will it fuck up the dawnguard quests somehow? I can't find any good looking light armors.
Sounds crazy but I don't doubt that the spaghetti shitstorm that controls the dawnguard questline could get broken by such a thing.
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I'm obsessed with this kitten
did you generate grass cache before making your tundra yellow
>I can't find any good looking light armors.



For Serana's outfit:
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good kitty
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I can't stop cooming to my waifu. I just want to play the game but I can't due to the constant need to coom whenever I see my waifu. Are there any mods that censor female body parts so I can finally focus on the game?
just dress her in dwarven armor, it's so blocky and stupid looking she'll look like a retarded robot that even your coomer ass can't get off to.
I don't use grass cache. I'm talking about the landscape textures themselves. They're yellow, but their LODs are green.
>I can't find any good looking light armors.
Nini Destroyer, though I haven't tried that one yet
lul seranafag is a Nazi troon

I use this one for M'rissi, great for a rogue/ranger
Based real posters, thanks
what's RASS?
i like lollygaggin
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MILLIONS of people have pirated Skyrim costing Todd HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in profits. What are YOU going to do to make it up to him???
Is her hair immune from gravity?
I bought starfield's digital deluxe edition last year, I'm done with Todd
Personally I pre-ordered every game that he made, buying the most expensive version he can offer + DLCs + Creation Club mods. That's the least thing I can do to express my gratitude

Do I still need FISSES if I use MCM recorder?
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milk truck have arrived

By buying a copy of Skyrim for each of my family members!
Battered wife attitude
Copy that
oh, huh... that is odd.
The Tombs of Anak
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because you're a man of culture
I gave him the best years of my life and what I got back?
emotional trauma and the promise of a son I will never see (TESVI)
by harassing Emil online
We did it reddit! we bullied one evil man, ugh he's so evil! justice for Todd Howard he's being held captive by evil Emil
Evil Emil oooh that got a kick to it
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Can I just use the Purist's Vanilla Patch to undo all of shartmoor's changes or are there other mods I need to install?
Thank you
nta but thanks. What's the point of classes if they don't actually exist in the game?
>What's the point of classes if they don't actually exist in the game?
they do for npcs. classes determine what skills and attributes npcs get when leveled. A warrior classed npc will get increased skill in combat stats and health/stamina for example.
although there are also a ton of fuckups in the vanilla classes that make them work the opposite of how they should, like there are multiple combat classes that are set to increase primarily magicka and npcs that have high stat weights for the opposite type of armor to those they actually wear.
you can read the specifics on how each class works here
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Here I am, I'm back to post some results

I honestly don't understand why modders can't understand how light and shit should work to make an interior cozy

WIP, anyway
I really dont want to use the CK for this, I'm only using stuff in game
Which one is edited? Top is okay since the light source is a shadow caster but the intensity should be lower and more orange.
Top is original, bottom is me editing it.
the original room had a large fire pit in the center, casting an afwul orange bright light, not casting good shadows

I just started, the idea is to add more candles and shit to light up the room more, it's supposed to be a Mage Quarters room and before it was too bright for anyone to sleep there
it will take a lot of time tho
At long last I've found an elven axe. Werewolves hounded and hunted me through this dungeon until now. Not a single one will survive.
Anon PLEASE tell me it's not the same dungeon you were searching for the princess in hours ago
Why are all the best dunmer followers male? Why does that loser balgruuf get the only good dunmer waifu to himself? Was todd trying to cure me of my ashland fever?
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They're up.
>dick size is too small for sex animations
>next size up is too big for blowjob animations
is this what i get for still using SOS?
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change its partition in the nif and biped object in a plugin for the armor and armoraddons
the former can be done in either nifskope or outfit studio and the latter in xedit or ck
this guide walks through outfit studio and the ck
but nifskope and xedit is ez too(picrel)
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Yes. I finally found her and came out in much better shape. picrel
tme for pubes and slingshot bikinis
Didn't really ask you, but ok.
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You have to go back.
>What's the point of classes if they don't actually exist in the game?

Is a question you fucking dung colored merfaggot.
This (and the last thread) is filled with bot posts.
Someone in the last thread called me a bot for pointing out that nobody cares about hammerfell or redguards.
Todd better do a quick asset swap and turn ES6 into High Rock for a Skyrim 2.0.
There is nothing more boring than brown people.
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Needs to be darker, I can almost see something.
>Skyrimmods reddit thread about who's the nicest big mod author
>elsopa mentioned
>"he's transphobic tho"
>"Thanks for the info. I'll go remove endorse from his mods and kudo from his account."
lol redditors are so cringe
>brainlet plays with a dark enb setting
>so dark that it ruins the gameplay experience
>but doesn't care since he prioritizes style over substance
I will be honest, at first I liked the small neat trims now I just want the jungle like in the 4th pic.
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I can see it just fine, and it doesn't really ruin anything. I get to use a cool lantern mod in caverns :)
Please use the new physics mod so your hair doesn't clip with your weapons, converting old hair is a breeze.
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>Trying to determine the best methods of cash grinding in each game, with the goal of how fast you can get 1,000,000 septims (only realized multiple youtubers have already done this for a few games after I'd tested the first 3)

>Arena: Be a Burglar and steal Ebony Belts from mages guild in Emperor's run after power leveling to 9, walk across the street to sell it to the blacksmith
>Total time: maybe 4 hours

>Daggerfall: Power level to 17 and find a dungeon with a human that spawns directly at the beginning, sell 750kg of gear at a time to the Worst quality blacksmith in Grimhead
>Total time: took 4 and a half hours but could be done in 1 hour now that I know where the dungeon with perfect conditions is at what level

>Morrowind: Mournhold, 1 second 100 mercantile and personality spell, Sell Catia's glass bracers back to her at profit
>Total Time: 2 hours

>Oblivion: Power level to 25, grind daedric armor for resale
>Total time: THREE DAYS REAL TIME. Faster if you have the deluxe edition wizard's tower plugin (If you bought the GOTY edition you are incapable of buying this plugin without contacting Steam support and telling them to delete the ownership of the game so that you can buy the deluxe GOTY edition)

>Skyrim: Farm Alchemy Reagents using hearthfire housing or Creation club farm plots, sell poisons to Thieves guild vendors
>Total time: 12-ish hours with DLC and Creation club. Functionally infinite without.

Seems like the economy is the only thing they've bothered to balance over time.
>the new physics mod
link it or shut up
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Koemia: "let's get warm by a fire"

Why is everyone so shit at making vampires. Please give me a decent vampire follower mod. Preferably not some starbucks drinking e-thot cosplaying as a vampire.
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>using a crossbow when the Arquebus canonically exists

I don't like the new creations and find them too gimmicky. Hell, outside of the Spell-Knight and Rare Curios one I don't really like any of them.

Maybe wild horses, I still want to catch that unicorn one day.
jesus christ where did you dig up this ancient pic?
If you're going to wear bulky armor that ruins the female's figure why not just play as a male.
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it's over for me bros. just let me see one last sunrise...
From my reaction images folder because I'm ancient.
because I don't want to
I don't want to
nah it's cool just pray at a shrine or drink a 20 gold potion or go to some jackass in morthal with a soul gem if things get really bad.

vampires are a really big problem in TES btw. really.

>hey dragonborn I directly sold my soul to molag bal in person by letting him shred my puss with his demoncock for a week straight
>kinda don't care for the vampire thing anymore though so brb gonna break my blood contract with satan by seeing the random jackass in morthal to do a 2 minute cleansing ritual.
verified creations aren't canon. you know this
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okay, don't mind if I don't use that physics mod then.
no i told you it's over for me. i'm going to have a dramatic death and that's that
Warp in the West

My fanfiction is your canon, bitch.
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Don't make me play the c0da card.
Is he okay?
he would have been fine if he wore some armor.
And it only would have cost $3.99 (plus tip)
shut up then
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>I have 1,000 hours
>Never knew about the new Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm
Anon I went in there in like 2012
>(If you bought the GOTY edition you are incapable of buying this plugin without contacting Steam support and telling them to delete the ownership of the game so that you can buy the deluxe GOTY edition)
Just pirate the DLC bruh it takes like five seconds
There are only so many hours I can spend troubleshooting mods rather than actually playing the fucking game before I start feeling like it just not worth it
IT hadn't even occurred to me that there would be torrents for data files like that.
il suck your dick
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Nvm. Went back in broad daylight to search for her. She is megadead. Oh well. Back to easier sneaking i guess.
DynDOLOD does not generate terrain LOD. xLODGen does. Grass does not affect terrain or terrain LOD.
its too small so get that thought out of your head NOW
go ask God to get me a bigger one and at the same time seek his forgiveness
>i am sworn to carry your burdens, smoothskin
post this in a ukraine war gore thread
>Daggerfall has the Wagon
>Skyrim has companions
>Arena has items under 1kg weighing nothing
>Morrowind has corprus disease to give you a million carry weight

Inventory in Oblivion is just kinda fucked, isn't it.
>have played with 3dnpc installed for as long as I can remember
>never spoken to any of them because I don't have time for a biography
>finally try zora fair-child out of curiosity
>get a quest to go to bloodlet throne
>wtf never seen this place before I had no idea this mod adds new locations this whole time
>it's actually a vanilla dungeon
it's incredible how Todd's gift just keeps giving
Is there a guide on which characters added by the mod actually have quests related to them? Talked through three different characters life stories with mid voice acting and got nothing from them.
I know the mod has its own wiki but I don't know how accurate it is
>zora fair-child
Seems to be the only interesting NPC out of the hundreds they added.
But dude an Altmer who whines about bannered mares low quality wibe lmaoooo!
But Lydia is a protected NPC. Only the player can kill her...
What do you do with a million septims you jewish bastard?
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Which /tesg/ waifu produces this reaction on you?
that looks like it hurts. It's bending like a rubber chicken.
jannies my boss just saw this!!!
>Keda when she sees new waifus
Did he cum from just looking at them?
>seething that his waifu got incinerated
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time to bleak that fallen barrow
>You can be dressed in nothing but skulls, bones, and bloddy crests of Molag Baal and Ulfric/Tulius would still be like
>>You seem like a true patriot and jolly good fellow, wanna do some quests for me fr fr?

Are you saying they'd be smarter to turn down the guy dressed head to toe in daedric artifacts and risk letting the other side recruit him instead?
>Download NPC overhaul mod
>Male NPCs look more attractive than the females.
>Check mod author
>They're female
Every fucking time. Why are women like this.
>Download NPC overhaul mod
>Female NPCs look more attractive than the males.
>Check mod author
>They're male
Every fucking time. Why are men like this.
>Why are women like this.
Like what? Straight?!
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> Don't let her cheerful, chatty demeanor fool you; Svenja is a well-rounded Nord fighter who will do well with any melee weapon she has in her hands; However, a Battleaxe is her weapon of choice.
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Installed the follower death and injury chance mod for muh immersion. I am playing a rogue adjacent character. I have no fire spells. One of the vampire thralls was doing some exploding shit. I was too busy with the master vampire trying to suck me dry. She will be remembered.
Skyrim's userbase is 85% male like with all games. It's rude to favor the minority over the majority.
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I'm trying to make a chainmail bodysuit
does anyone know what I have to do in outfitstudio to stop the default skin I'm using from z-fighting with the actual skin details I have on my character?
go back to the sims gamur girl. joking aside I also want good male replacers that turn them all into femboys
Those freckles are ugly and you should feel bad.
>Install Realm of Lorkhan
>Game immediately ctds on new game
What the fuck? I don't even have anything else installed outside of bugfixes, skse plugins, and a ui overhaul.
There is your alternative start faggot. Straight into the real life dimension. Reverse isekai if you will.
take a shower you stinky fatass
you will never be a real comedian
I love the cleavage on this thing but I don't know why he bothered making the version that covers it up
Relaxing at home vs out being a mage
works on my machine
Alright fine I'll play it again. Recommend mods and/or playstyle.
Prudes in Nexus bullying modders.
Different variations on the same clothing is good actually.
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I figured it out. For some fucking reason RemoveAllItems Freeze Fix causes it to ctd.
Am I supposed to be choosing between lux or elfx, or using both?
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I love getting lost in a dungeon with nothing but a lantern to light my way :) what a fun time.
Beyond Reach
Vicn trilogy
OStim Standalone setup
I recommend also watching a youtube video when learning new stuff in new tools like that
imga see imga do is a very powerful technique

sneak tools is bredygud https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1863/
only one and ELFX Shadows is what people are using
but if you're gonna use an enb you might not need it idk
I keep wanting to go back to elfx after finally deleting lux but I don’t have it in me to track down the 47k patches I’d need to install.
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I rented a room and found Embry sitting inside. He won't leave. I need to sleep, man, I'm injured.
How is he so sweaty, it's fucking minus 20 in winterhold.
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Why are dunmer women like this?
once I've had issue with rass droplets not turning off in clear weather but nothing like that
reinstalling it on a clean save fixed it right up
(I didn't like playing without it)

you can take a look at this list but it might bit outdated by now https://rentry.org/mq2b8
>browser flags enb as unsafe
Thanks, I guess?
Chey is the queen of waifu tits, cleavage, milk and sex.
You mean the website? It doesn't support SSL/TLS, so everything you enter is sent in plaintext. If you login with an account your password for example.
Literally who asked?
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Shut the fuck up with that shit.
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This mod is currently not supported by the author(s) and/or has issue(s) they are unable to fix yet.
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Nobody asked. And?
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If you could get a girl to cosplay any TES character during sex, what's your pick?
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No amount of Skyrim modding can match this night sky.
Yagrum Bagarn
trying to balance playtime and modtime helps
sometimes I put off overhauling(or undo changes) until I feel like testing and patching and hunting down complimentary mods etc.
separate profiles take some extra effort to keep one playable while the other is wip but it might be worth
this profile sync plugin can help a little bit https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/60690

But my wife, Lydia of course!
Serana, only because I know a girl who would be perfect at cosplaying her
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Dagoth Ur.
Because you're playing an Imperial/Bretonian.
is the body still all ashen and emaciated?
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Of course. And I'll whisper in her ear "there is no recall or intervention from this place."
>boot up skyrim for the first time
>spam A button to try to skip the intro
>character creator
>look at the races up from Nord, and think they all look gay
>oh look, lizard man, LOL, selects lizard.
>do dragon intro and follow ralof most likely
>get free and immediately try to kill ralof
>wtf he cant die
>kill everything else as quickly as possible as you sprint through the tutorial, including running straight at the bear.
>leave the cave wearing a stormcloak cuirass, imperial helmet, boots gauntlets, and a 2h sword, the biggest sword.
>give ralof exactly zero time to say anything as you sprint off into the world, running straight for a mountain
>spam the Y button as much as possible until you finally hax to the top of the nearest tall mountian
>"look upon my kingdom, this is my domain"
>end up in falkreath, probably
>"oh cool a dog"
>and this anon never met delphine

honestly that is based as fuck and im going to play tes 6 exactly like this
The fact that we know girls who talk, look, and act like Serana is a testament to how shitty she was written both in vanilla and the SDA. I wanted an ancient vampire, not some starbucks drinking goth chick.
No, she whispers that in your ear after she leg-locks you.
>What a fool you are. I'm a God, you cannot impregnate a God. There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place.
>Cum. Lay down your arms.
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The girl I know is not that, but I do understand what you mean
>girl to cosplay any TES character during sex
why tho
it's not like i'm the one having it
the fuck am i doing?
watching someone else have sex?
fucking pointless, i'd rather watch my waifu thank you very much
The fact that you jump at every chance to repeat this line in every thread for the past few days is a testament to how much you need to touch grass
Because they're based
Serana, but shes U.S ghetto black, disabled, trans and sexually identifies as limestone.
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>Identifies as limestone
This cracked me up (I am a nodule with a fossil inside)
S tier
Wild girl, will ride on top with gusto
Is sworn to carry your burdens, natural submissive
Giga slut who would do literally anything

A tier
A haughty elf girl who will call you rude names while jerking you off
She will blow you and snort moon sugar off of your Dagoth


F tier
Getting a pity fuck after years in the friend zone, she tells you to hurry up half way through.
She'd have to dress up in a khajiit fursuit and do the accent
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went on a little mini-quest to pick up all the parts of the wind ruler armour set.
I thought playing morrowind and bloodmoon before skyrim and dragonborn would help me appreciate Solstheim even more but I think it did the opposite and burned me out on the entire island and now I'm feeling bitter that they did the same thing twice
the only things they have in common are the names of few locations the rest is totally different
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Weird how the series moved away from certain elements over time. Arena, Daggerfall and Morrowind all had the Tanto/wakazashi/katana/dai-katana class of curved swords. By Oblivion and carried on into Skyrim the only Katanas that exist are imitation Akiviri blades used by The Blades. All other variants are artifacts.

And the textiles in Arena and Daggerfall were very modern. Daggerfall has catsuits. Humourously named "Khajitsuits". A lot of the player character clothing in Arena looks practically like something you'd wear today
I want a [__man[/spoiler] to put on Teldryn’s helmet on. actually a woman is fine too but head is awkward with a mask on
Captain. What do we do? She's not on the list.
forget the list, she glows on the cock
I'm tired of the souls combat mods. What are the definitive first person combat mods?
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Any mod recommendations with which to moodmaxx harder?
idk but i just realised that maybe what needs to be done is to RETVRN to morrowind style combat. Any mods which reintroduce RNG based hits?
combat gameplay overhaul. smartcast, and extended hotkeys.
also get some carnage mods.
Is there like a signle mod that adds high quality, deep scars for male characters? the only one I found was female only for some fucking reason
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I've finished my first drafts of dialogue for my mod that will make Delphine less of an asshole. (You) can be part of this momentous journey by contributing your voice acting. If it's any good, I'll run it through my AI Delphine voice model and use it in game.

I could do all of it myself, but I figured it'd be fun to let people contribute if they want. You don't need a super voice-acting setup, the model is decent at removing noise. I advise speaking in your natural voice though you should do your best American accent if applicable. Focus on getting the emotion of the line.

As far as character notes: it's still Delphine, but it's a warmer, happier, more helpful Delphine. Feel free to take your own interpretation on the lines though. Script feedback is welcome.

There will be more dialogue to come for rebuilding the Blades, killing Partysnax or not, and romance.

Scripts are here: https://rentry.org/vdpob8yb

(recordings should .wav format)
CFPAO, Improved Camera, not sure which overall combat overhaul is best, Dismembering Framework, Parrying RPG
The answer is mostly Breton.
Arena they take half damage from all magic
Daggerfall they are 30% resistant to magic which allows you to completely dump Willpower as a stat to focus on important attributes like strength and speed without losing resistance to magic.
Morrowind they have bonus magicka and a 50% resistance to magic which allows them to wear the boots of blinding speed trivially without detriment
The same is true in Oblivion although it doesn't allow you to shake off the negative effects of enchanted items and it wouldn't matter anyways because few cursed items exist.
Skyrim laughs at your attempts to build a character in any interesting way and nerfed this to 25% and removed the magicka fortification.

Half-elves are busted in every setting for some reason.
Excuse my ignorance but what's the benefit of having voice recordings for the AI model instead of going full text to speech? What technology are you planning to use, if I may ask?
I think the recordings of human voices allows for the machine to more accurately replicate emotion and inflection
Basically this>>493579256

I'm using Applio speech inference, run locally. It gives pretty good results.
>yet another day of thinking if i should go and start modding skyrim
>worried i'll stop playing after a day once i set everything up rendering everything a waste of time
how do i overcome this
I am incredibly horny for this amazoness
make sure to specifically add in new quest content which will keep you engaged.
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some exploitation happening here. It is time for fisticuffs

Mostly cos I need the silver from that mine myself
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Never again will I trust a dunner!
thread is remarkably quiet for a saturday.
God damn
If you want, I can make a lot of noise.
yeah, bang some pots and pans together
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maybe that faggot will take a hint and stop posting
which one
animated ice floes
>Don't know why or how there is a CTD behind College of Winterhold. But output from xLODGen and DynDOLOD fixes that.
All of them. Seranafag, faarquad, the femanons obsessed with that one elf, (you)
Is the Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition worth buying the Oblivion Collector's edition? The art is nothing like the 1st edition from what I've seen, but the 1st edition is like impossible to find online.
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Gonna find these orcs some gloves so I can nab all their ebony ore.
has he been active at all? I haven't seen him in a couple weeks at least.
Are you talking about buying the whole oblivion collector's edition? Fuck no. The pocket guide itself is neat and worth it as a collector's item though. I think I got mine for $30 on ebay
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>Aniya - A Custom Voiced Follower is a companion/quest mod. Aniya, located in The Bannered Mare, is a charming Nord mage student who is morally gray- opting to steal sometimes but never kill. She is stuck in Skyrim for unknown reasons, and it's up to you to help get her a sweetroll and beggining your adventure together.

Have you downloaded Aniya yet?
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i don't post her for 2 reasons
ya but theyre icky
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Is left or right your ideal Skyrim waifu?
I would fuck them both into submission
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gloves delivered.
I usually end up playing a khajiit even though they are objectively trash. Detect Key as a racial is great in morrowind but at the cost of NOT BEING ABLE TO WEAR SHOES. Fuck off with that.
>All you have to do to make a succubus a trad wife is make her half as horny
makes sense.
Right into left. I want to experience the rush of power from breaking her. I will also not ever let her forget it. She'll be "apologizing" for her behaviour for the rest of her life.
Only Nords, Redguards and Imperials for me - sorry.
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Sure, sure, you've played all the Elder Scrolls games...

Or have you... you've played Redguard... right?
Any reason to use FNIS or Nemsis over Pandora?
>no womb tattoo
also right
left is damaged goods as you can see from the broken horn
Worked out better for you than for me.
FNIS is built into MO2 and nemesis doesn’t support creature animations. That being said I don’t use SL anymore and if I did I’d probably BE using pandora
>no pubes
>no womb tattoo
>no vial of semen around neck
I hate it.
She's the demon king, not a succubus
Okay, vial of blood.
Pandora's furniture animations aren't working properly.
I'm not installing sex mods for this order, combat animations. So Pandora it is from the sound of it.

Oh... I want Immersive and Dymanic Loot
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my breton mage :I
my skyrim froze so hard that not even task manager will close it.
Glasses are no longer canon in Tamriel
I love Gothic
Oh noes!

i miss morrowind clothing system
What the FUCK is making my tundra landscape textures green? I looked through my grass and landscape mods and there is nothing that should be doing it.
downright esoteric armor strategy
I think both are boring in different ways
ESLs should also not be allowed to write in my language
So I started a new character and Unbound dropped me near the Riften border passage.
Walked around, killed a few bandits, then I walked into a place called the Black Briar Lodge or whatever it's called. Had some mercenaries, fucking killed them.
Decided the place seems pretty cozy so I could make it my dumping ground for items
Problem, the game says i'm "TrEsspaSinG" and the fucking nerd won't let me do anything inside and I doubt the containers are safe either.
Any console command/mod to allow me to unmark this tresspasing shit and mark a container as safe?
As far as i'm concerned I should be able to mount the mercenaries head on pikes outside and barr the door while i sleep. But no mods for that I think.
I’ve only ever played Skyrim.
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Lady Meridia wants me to find her beacon. Gonna do that now I guess.
Meridia worshipper arc! let's go

I think the Daedric Shrines AIO mod also replaces her voice.
download daggerfall and daggerfall unity, both are free. You can play it on your business laptop when you're bored, it runs on a calculator.
Post tits in aco
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tits in aco
I heard the graphics are shit and you can’t coom or power fantasy roleplay

Not for me
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Daggerfall is the only Elder Scrolls game that has nudity in it by default.
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>exploring mainland Morrowind
>alt tab to tune into a podcast for some background noise
>tab back into the game
>pic related is suddenly in front of me
Scared the absolute shit out of me. Didn't even know this fucking thing was in the mod.
By Boethiah how horrifying
check tundra01.dds and/or fieldgrass01.dds in mo2's data tab filter
I recently went green and I think those were relevant
either that or it could be your lod terrain under tundra01lod.dds
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Guys I'm in a situation right now, accidentally wiped my Skyrim Game Folder, the whole game is gone along with the Mod Organizer profiles, modlists and saves but I managed to back up my mods in another SSD that I just used for archival since I wasn't playing Skyrim in a while. Can you guys list off the mods you have to Install manually like SKSE and shit, because I'm probably missing a few mods that I installed directly into the games folder.
Morrowind had the best armor designs.
Daggerfall is the most coomtastic TES game
I mean that's not hard when it's only up against Oblivion and Skyrim.
Needs bigger pauldrons and a goofier belt face
>I heard the graphics are shit and you can’t coom or power fantasy roleplay
it has bikini armor
make a custom class and abuse the advantages/disadvantages
Watcha doin' in ebonfart?
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dawnbreaker quest time
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Took me until literally last night since launch to realize that Oblivion Blades armor is a fusion of a Roman Lorica and a traditional samurai armor.

It kinda gets lost underneath all the muddy and stretched textures.
>have mod
>dont use it
You've never been in this twilight zone of sweat where it's too cold to take off warm clothes but slightly too warm to leave them on?
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you're not canon
Hey wait until you notice they use katanas and hang out in a dojo
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Don't be talking nonsense.
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Watching Avowed and I can't wait for the flop. All they had to do was copy Skyrim's elegant combat system. It's still the best combat system ever implemented in an RPG. No bells and whistles, just good old fashioned sword swinging, magic casting, and satisfyingly mindless feelgood fun.
oh my god, that's what avowed looks like... Pillars of Eternity is fucking dead...
buy an ad
On top of my head: SKSE, ENB. You could install these with Kezyma's Root Builder for Mod Organizer. Tell me how it goes.
> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31720
80% of the added people have nothing but badly voices loredumps.
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got dawnbreaker :)
Help me coomers of /tesg/ what is the best body for smaller breasts. I want A cups but going that low seems to distort the body. I don't want flat chest either, I want A to B cups.
People rag on Bethesda's gameplay for being one dimensional, but that's the best sort of combat for open world RPGs. Heaping complexity upon the combat or writing just makes everything feel like shit (see Cyberpunked 2077 or Witcher). You get tired dealing with it all. In Skyrim, all you have to worry about is clicking on the enemy and drinking potions. That's it. It's very simple, but that's what makes it good. As Emil said, keep it simple, stupid.
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Obsidian is gonna kill Bethesda with this game watch this
unironically, the simple combat and magic of Skyrim does well for keeping you immersed as just a regular guy adventuring. Webm related looks a little more over the top to pander to zoomer/weebs than I would prefer.
>Lusty Argonian Maid mentions a Lance as a weapon in order to make a dick joke.
>Morrowind is literally the only game in which spears exist
Wands are so fucking gay. There's no better way to turn me off of a magic class. Give me a staff or a magic tome as a focus instead you stick waggling fairies
Fuck me that looks terrible. People actually believe that this is "better" than Skyrim probably think Souls combat is good or that Starfield wasn't the best game of 2023. They just all want to see Bethesda fail since it's the big kid on the block.
A staff is just an oversized wand.
In the setting, you have wands, rods, and staves, with wands being the quick zappy tool, staves being the two-handed heavy hitters, and rods being inbetween.
that's like saying a dick is an oversized clit
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a wand is just an undersized staff
That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day. It's a completely different aesthetic. Take your wand out of your purse and take another look, waggleboy
The hell are you on? that melee looks way better than vanilla combat.
As much as some people like to deny it, the size and girth of your wand definitely matters.
My Argonian furry.
No they just have a sometimes unusual little conversation with you and that's it.
see >>493598436 >>493598217 for why Skyrim combat mechanics still hold up
stop laughing at my wand size!!!
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This looks like one of those /v/ meme games where they slap multiple UI elements on screen to mock modern games
That reminds me what was the name of that mod that flings enemies as you kill them?
shut the fuck up stormbucky. vanilla melee is a massive downgrade from oblivion's combat system.
Who are these people playing with vanilla combat? Combat mechanics are almost always the first thing I mod in Bethesda games. They're unsatisfying, samey (you're basically fighting the same way at level 1 as you would at level 80), and poorly balanced dps checks. In the mid to lategame, everything has way too much health unless you break the game with alchemy-crafting exploits.
I swear some evil villain lured every UI designer into one spot and collectively game them all brain damage. How can anyone look at this and say "looks good"
Terminal contrarians
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Could have sworn I heard one of the prisoners say "have you seen the new girl Ralya and her prize winning ass".

Must have been hearing things because they haven't said it again.
I think they're bots or that one stormcloak fag is losing his mind.
Even fallout 4 has better melee than vanilla skyrim and that's their worst game.

For me, it's the terribly aligned purple/red bars on the bottom left.
it's not brain damage, it's intentional malice
never attribute to incompetence that which can be adequately explained by undiluted pure evil
>objectives on screen at all time
>dark souls items in corner
>giant healthbars everywhere
holy shit. I would make fun of faggots here with less shit modded UIs if I saw them.
>lone chick in prison
>named "rail ya"
creation: unverified
It mostly happens when people bring up non-Bethesda games. It's alright to use Morrowind or Fallout (so long as it's not NV) to bash Skyrim, but bringing up Elden Ring, KCD, Witcher, New Vegas, Enderal, or any other open world competitor makes people very defensive. Suddenly, it's
>Skyrim is the best game that has ever been made
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I think I'm going to bed. I had my second all-powerful crash just now so it's probably better that I let my pc rest.
I suggest practicing your oration to make up for it. (^:

I get the feeling frequently seeing both modern games and more than a few anons posting their UI's but it's like every bad trend mashed together in giant megablocks. Of course it doesn't surprise me considering the source.
What's she from?
I thought Pandora now handles everything as of the latest patch? Furniture animations were fixed 2 months ago.
I'll practice my oralation with that orc bimbo any day. Yes, even with the tusks.
The UI is a disaster but I could practically feel those heavy meaty hits
Saying Skyrim’s floaty spinning tops crashing into each other combat is better is genuinely trolling
What the fuck is that UI.
> It's still the best combat system ever implemented in an RPG.
I disagree.
>Pandora Behaviour Engine v2.3.0-beta
>[Feature]: Support for FNIS fu furniture animations (used by mods like ZaZ) by @Monitor221hz in #291
Fallout 4's melee looks better.
most people play vanilla or vanilla plus because they don't care about combat and getting a good setup requires trying dozen of broken mods
I bet it still doesn't support SL Defeat's chokeout animation that only works on FNIS. I have still not gotten over this.
I'll choke you the fuck out, you niche loving fetish ogre.
Yeah yeah and Starfield’s updated FPS combat can give Bungie a run for their money, right
Pull the other one and let’s see what happens
I've heard people describe Skyrim's combat as the thing you do inbetween the gameplay.
it was KINO. Sneaking and choking NPCs was perfect but Nemesis and Pandora will NEVER have it. WHY?
>most people play as stealth archers because vanilla melee is shit
Don't fetishize the ogres, they are loving creatures.
What makes you think it doesn't? It fixed offset animations a couple months ago.
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>Researching powerleveling in Oblivion
>Mercantile needs 11,000 - 25,000 individual transactions in order to reach Level 100 depending on attribute specialty and major skill allocation

Minimum of 3 mouse clicks per transaction by the way. 4 if the item is in a stack above 2. Also purchases don't count.
it didn't when I last checked a few months back so I doubt it
>Sexlab Approach 3.30 released 4 hours ago and no one has uploaded it

its over
I've been watching a lot of jewtubers and almost no one plays as a stealth archer, it's either melee or magic
Whats that
what happens if a khajiit wears a helmet
>I could practically feel those heavy meaty hits
it looks oblivion tier
what the fuck are you talking about?
Check... right now...
because it's not UP on f95 yet, impatient ninny
he is looking for attention like the last several times he tried to talk about this same topic in the last week or so
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Mid 2000s RPGs were definitely something else.
I am 6'2" chad with 3 kids and a business. My gooning time is very limited.
fuck your wife or mistress then, dumb gooner
You know what 3 kids does to a women? I love my wife dearly and I will always respect her for giving me 3 healthy kids. But when we have sex its with the lights out and under the covers.
Sorry bro I'll try not to wear her out so much next time.
Is this really how people act with their wives after they give birth? You don't remain attracted to her body?
Emphasis on mid
It magically morphs to accommodate the shape of their head of course.
night night
A baby will change everything. No satisfying sex, no alone time. It's over. I'm not married but I've been talking to a lot of married people and none of them have any free time whatsoever
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Is this true storms?
Good fucking lord that ui is horrendous. You can just barely see the combat beneath it all
How do you guys usually stress test your load order?
I boot the game up and start playing the vanilla opening
I just run around the world doing stuff on a character that I equip with things I'd want to use normally
you mean that's not someone's modded skyrim?
set player speedmult to 500 or so with god mode enabled and sprint around the entire map for a while. go inside a few dozen random locations, go to every city to check for npc problems
It was too uniformly one shade of brown for my taste, but I might end up giving it another shot because I haven't found anything else yet and it's still pretty alright.
You have to play test. You'll think the load order is stable then by lvl 20 your save file is so bloated and fucked up the game starts to constantly crash or crash on save.

Personally I don't consider a load order stable if I can't play with autosaves. People who say you need to save before every cell change are coping with shit load orders.
save bloat and script bloat doesn't exist
if a script is broken it will happen either early enough to tell or right after removing a mod
>script bloat doesn't exist
Yes it does. If your scripts never fire or finish because their are so many running then you have script bloat.
that's an issue of budgeting and engine/specs, not bloat itself
it's not a ball of yarn that just unwinds one day
to reach the ceiling in an engine fixes / papyrus tweaks LO you would, as I said, immediately notice it going on
Save bloat -is- real but you're not going to reliably ever have it become a problem on one save unless you intentionally move every single interactable in the world.

It's at least easier to catch these days since people know what to look out for.
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rudynat3 with splashes of storms and rass

run around, look at stuff, fight a bit, sleep, wait, save & load, try a couple new games(sometimes mods or their mcm don't start)
tmm 1, fast travel a few times, do a dungeon, maybe look at a papyrus log
it's mostly stuff I'd do when playing or did while testing new mods or settings
>unless you intentionally move every single interactable in the world.
nervous hahahaha
alright but does she lay eggs?
the west has fallen
Is ES6 really in Hammerfell?
yeah. dei and whatnot
Most likely
Does a new game start without any problems? Then it's Skyrim time.
guess I'll be playing an evil character for the first time
fund the civil war
>playing evil
doesn't everyone just do everything in elder scrolls?
Seems like it, though I'd really love it if they throw in High Rock with it too. That would be great but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm not very excited for TES 6 after their last couple of games.
>shot of a rocky grassy coastline with ancient ruins
>yup it's arabian nights time
People are dumb
>b-b-buh what about how they mentioned stuff happening in-
They mention all the provinces
>muh empire vs dominion storyline!
Summerset Isles confirmed then
>w-what about that one artist looking at north african stuff on pinterest?
His wife is getting blacked or more likely ESO expansion if anything

Hope that clears things up for you.
The college lets you do evil things and you can kill all of the companions after doing the questline. For some reason they're the only faction you can destroy.
it's going to be comically black. like those African hoop things in their mouths and giant earrings
holy cope hammerfell is coming and you can't stop it
They literally told us on twitter like 3 years ago where they called hammerfell the future, eso the present, and skyrim the past.

Not that it matters since it's probably going to be dogshit anyway.
>dogshit anyway
buggy, black, and vapid.
even nigs won't play this
they're gonna do all of tamriel, starfield style.

get ready for vast expanses of boring procedural generated nothingness punctuated occasionally by carbon copy buildings haphazardly slapped on that vast boring expanse.
Their official twitter account.
Whoa arena and daggerfall combo remake?
>Hammerfell is the future das rite
why can't Bethesda just hire some transgender autists, pay them peanuts, and make them slave away on making handcrafted worlds?
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this is what he's talking about

as you can see, it's 100% conclusive.
Whoa es6 set in skyrim confirmed
lmao yeah
I don't know why these homos are so dedicated to gaslighting people into thinking it's confirmed to be hammerfell, but he clearly refused to give you a real source for his claim because he knows he's full of shit.
Bethesda has to be announcing something soon otherwise there wouldn't be these many bots here of all places. Either that or no one using /v/ anymore so they're moving on to the rest of the website.
/v/ is downright unusable, it got worse.
Skyrim is always the future. Every new console generation must have every GTA, RE4 and Skyrim ported to them.
freaky eyes dude.
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New fantasy kino is back on the menu
It's not too late to accept defeat
get that flop the fuck outta here
Only because there's often no other choice. I wonder how a game with barely any choices became popular for roleplaying. And no, "killing everyone randomly off-script" doesn't count.
>Summerset Isles confirmed then
I actually wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be this.

They could easily shoehorn in some retarded boat gameplay, aping the spaceship thing in starfield.

They always make elder scrolls as a second rate crude adaptation of the games they actually care about so there's even precedence for it. Just look at how skyrim is actually fallout 3 under the hood with a fantasy coat of paint.
I hope it isn't Hammerfell.
but knowing modern Bethesda I feel like they can't help it. doing Hammerfell will shield them from all criticism because, you know.
No offense. But that armor looks hideous.
Just to confirm for the record you are a racist though right?
>adaptation of the games they actually care about so there's even precedence for it. Just look at how skyrim is actually fallout 3 under the hood
honestly at this point I get the impression that todd doesn't like fantasy at all. I bet he thinks it's lame nerd shit or something, he's clearly way more personally invested in fallout and starfield and now apparently fucking indiana jones lmao.

how else do you explain them letting their flagship fantasy series languish and rot for literally a longer time than the period between return of the jedi and the phantom menace?
nope I'm not
>grrr todd man bad he hates his fantasy setting
Just actually stupid
I am a professional
he was willing to burn almost a decade and countless millions putting out his untested space IP that flopped, what does that tell you about his priorities with respect to bethesda's biggest IP?
todd man good
Is Vicn ever gonna finish Glenmoril? Seems like he's abandoned it for daC0da.
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Tourist season. It'll pass.
Eh, I like it. It's mihail's dremora robes that he didn't make female models for. I made some and I'm pretty happy with it.
you really like gargling todd's balls huh?
fyi I have been in this general regularly for over 5 years at this point, and I'm not gonna stop talking shit about todd. sorry if that upsets your safe space.
>buy skyrim again
>hurr durr why is todd not making skyrim 2
>inb4 i pirate skyrim
I will not be partaking of skooma with you
Now put some clothes on you hlaarlot
new threaderino
>started posting in the thread eight years after the last game's release
>as if that means anything
yeah I know plenty of tourists that stick around for 5 years lmao.
looking forward to your asspain when I call out todd bullshit in the future too.
The textures on it look flat as fuck. Like he was too lazy to model the details so he just slapped a low res jpg on top of a generic armor set and called it a day.
What are you a shareholder? Absolutely disgusting chills up your spine way to talk about creative projects. Let me try to meet you at your level and remind you they were holding off on the next elder scrolls until console tech got far enough that they could realise what they want to do. So if anything the Fallouts and Starfield were holding space and testing things out for the next one.
Why stop there? They should just wait until we have matrix tier VR to that todds TRVE MAGNVM OPVS can finally be realized. What does it matter if everyone who cares about the franchise is in the ground at that point?
Cottonfield was a test run for hammerfell to see how successful a game could be if it was 80% nigs.

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