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Cloud District Edition

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Elder Thread: >>493510034
Pit Fighter still worth the download? It's old as fuck.
It still does what it says on the tin with little fuss.
I did not enjoy it
Does adamant play well with honed metal? I might use it for a future playthrough.
I used to be a honed metal simp but I've turned pretty hard on it these days. I find that it's a half baked solution to crafting, it utterly devalues the crafting skills to the point they might as well be removed and I really don't like things that undermine vanilla mechanics like that.
It's particularly relevant in the case of adamant because of how it reworks the smithing tree to have more incremental progression, it's more difficult to look past gutting the skill when it functions much better for gameplay progression.

I also don't like the general jankiness of it, even with the reliable functionality of the SKSE implementation the way you interact with it in game is pretty clumsy.
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>weapon/armor durability mod
>it uses the shitty (fine), (Superior), (Flawless), (Legendary) system instead of Oblivion's durability system with numbers and repair kits
coincidentally enough that's also something that adamant does, the smithing addon for it changes the weapon/armor upgrades to numbers, +1 to +10.
pretty sure it has a premade perk blacklist so you don't have to do it yourself

It doesn't trivialize crafting skills unless you let it trivialize crafting skills
use what you want to use
If I said "it doesn't trivialize enchanting because of dual enchants" you'd probably state that it railroads the player into leveling enchanting to get dual enchants instead of just taking what you can get for the way you want to play a character
there's no winning
>If I said "it doesn't trivialize enchanting because of dual enchants"
You can still get dual enchants from honed metal, you just need to talk to the guy in winterhold to get them.

When you can get 100% of the value of a skill by exchanging a largely worthless resource like gold, I would definitely consider that to be trivializing the skill.
you can turn off duals in the mcm
Then there's even less point to it, because with only single enchants available you can get the same items by purchasing them from vendors or as drops. The only thing honed metal is adding at that point is the ability to enchant items that don't appear in the enchanted level lists.

And like I said anyway my bigger issue is with the smithing end of it.
Any mod that will let me keep an NPC imprisoned in my house permanently? I beat some boss bitch of a cave and put her in a sack with SL Defeat. Tried setting her in my house but she disappears if I wait or sleep a single hour, or fast travel. I'm guessing she just goes back to her original dungeon somehow. Any way of just keeping her at my house?
You can't get the same items because not every item has an enchantment of the same magnitude in a leveled variant, especially modded armors, even with distribution options
I feel like you missed the point of Enchanting
>You can't get the same items because not every item has an enchantment of the same magnitude in a leveled variant
you can if you are using simonrim, which the earlier poster indicated he was.
>especially modded armors, even with distribution options
which I mentioned too btw
>The only thing honed metal is adding at that point is the ability to enchant items that don't appear in the enchanted level lists.
It's not really my problem if you don't bother to integrate modded armors into your game well, and regardless the gameplay justification there is flimsy as hell.
>I feel like you missed the point of Enchanting
spare me the condescending bullshit, jackass. I don't particularly care what it is you think is so rewarding about gaining the ability to enchant your titty armors.
you deliberately ignored the part where I was talking about other equipment that you add arbitrarily because you like it and want to use it

I use loot&deg to distribute enchantments and even then I'm not going to be able to find one of 200 different enchantments in a magnitude I like on a unique modded armor that I decided to use lmao
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Playing Morrowind for the first time. What Major and Minor skills should I pick?
>you deliberately ignored the part where I was talking about other equipment that you add arbitrarily because you like it and want to use it
Let's check the record again shall we?
>The only thing honed metal is adding at that point is the ability to enchant items that don't appear in the enchanted level lists.
Uh oh, looks to me like anon needs to work on his reading comprehension skills.

>I use loot&deg to distribute enchantments and even then I'm not going to be able to find one of 200 different enchantments in a magnitude I like on a unique modded armor that I decided to use lmao
So you are using some shitty mod that bloats the fuck out of the enchated leveled lists and are acting for some reason like that's everyone else's problem too?
Don't open your mouth anymore unless you have something worthwhile to say.
not really
I had plans on reworking it but it crashed the CK every time I tried editing the dialogues
paradise halls

pick whatever you want just make sure to max out endurance as soon as you can
>player finds cool sword they like
>isn't allowed to use honed metal to put fire on it because that "trivializes player enchanting" and must instead make their grug into a big brain soul gemmer
>Dumbass downloads random anime sword mod, collects it from the random chest in riverwood added by the dogshit modder in 2017
>Dumbass then complains about the fact that his mod sword doesn't work with the vanilla mechanic of leveled lists
^^ this anon is correct. Morrowind has very little level scaling so you can make the worst build possible and still become a godking. It will just take you longer to get there.
>Everything must be lore friendly
>Gives Nazeem a le funny memewalk animation
Never uninstalled something so quickly
>have an overpowered as fuck paralysis rune spell in my magic list, adept level and small magicka cost
>wonder which retarded mod is giving me this shit
>it's actually from creation club
lmao creation club is so trash. I pirated them to check it out and ended up using none of it.

It's literally like those gay overpowered promotional items they used to have for preordering games, except this time they are asking you to pay for it.
Anybody know where I can find this hairstyle from KS Hairdos with SMP or something similar to it? Ideally, longer in the back? I've had very little luck finding it and the SMP pack for KS doesn't have this one.
I'm not sure if I really want a sex dungeon location. Are there really no easier way to keep an NPC in one place?
dTry's "mods" have a trojan in them, watch out. This includes his Payload Interpreter.
NFF lets you assign npcs to particular cells
nta but paradise halls at its core gives you slavery functions, it's not a specific location to store slaves in or whatever

you'll also want the diary of mine addon which lets you "train" your slaves
qrd? wouldn't surprise me at all honestly.
Elfx or lux?
it's down
Sure man whatever
what mod is NFF?
paradise halls isn't a house mod
it adds mechanics to keep slaves wherever you want
Same. The one gave me ebony armor at lvl 2
nether's follower framework
It's not exactly a lightweight mod however. It completely overhauls how followers function in the game but it works pretty well.
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For me, it’s the entirety of Tamriel. Where is the best place to live?
>chimperial city has too many mutts
>every other place has too many mers
probably summerset, elf lands are always depicted as absurdly prosperous and utopian. plus there's yellow pussy as far as the eye can see.
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thats the worst part about skyrim
its too attractive for the undesirables
>decide to side with Saadia this playthrough
>can't tell Kematsu that you don’t believe him, only that you've been hired to kill him
Well I guess I know which side is the right side
>Well I guess I know which side is the right side
exactly, the side with the chocolate titties.
If the thalmor were after saadia they would've had no shortage of spies who can enter whiterun, instead of sending people who stand out from another continent.
Morrowind of course. (:
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mfw I side with Saadia on every playthrough
but she didn't betray her people for nords, she betrayed them for the thalmor
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He cute!
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>rolling a stealth archer in TES6
got a non-blurry version?
the only thing she is arching is her back when I blow out hers
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she looks like she fucks nord boys.
Any followers that look like this?
bijin rayya is kinda close
no she doesn't, that one looks like a man
This anon looks like a skyrim waifu replacer, lets dress him up
post a man that looks like bijin rayya
oh so y'all are just racists who think all black people look the same, got it
yeah they do all look the same face down on the end of my nord cock
>LE got patched
>mods are fucked
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redguards are for the thalmor only
I got banned for "NSFW on SFW board" because I posted a screenshot I took of an ad I found on a SFW board
LE still runs fine.
I keep Honed Metal for crafting/enchanting, and I use Simple Degradation for tempering purposes (which works extremely well with adamant's tempering branch in the smithing tree). I've encountered no problems whatsoever.
>realize hours too late into neck seam troubleshooting that I somehow disabled subsurface scattering and skin speculars in ENB config

That's enough Skyrim for today.
ha ha what
LE got a hotfix patch for the launcher. It doesn't touch the game files at all. It's fucking stupid for bethesda to even updating it because it was removed from the store.
I almost like those scar tattoos enough to finally learn how to bake them into normalmaps.
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It didn't. A windows update apparently broke the launcher for some people and they couldn't boot up the game. The launcher got patched, nothing to do with the game itself and irrelevant to SKSE or mods related to them.
it's down again......
is nexus fucking up for anyone else or is just my area?
still up for me. am burger if that helps
Maam there appears to be some holes in your tights
I'm an east coast burger and it says the cloudflare location in Boston is timing out
its called a vagina you virgincel
What's a vagina?

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