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Previous thread: >>493322335

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
i wish i could lose a 50/50 on purpose so i can guarantee the next one
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should I make onset partitions 5 or there is and generalist set to do it?
I want Lycaon to call me Master while I fuck him.
I know that feeling. all of my agent rolls have been max pity bullshit and I spent my guarantee on Qingyi(no regrets). knowing I can lose that 50/50 makes me not even want to participate: I hate having hope
reminder that the animeshitposter has not posted their sub 2min clear per side SD while preaching what is and what isn't a brick. BRICKS already solo SD without giving a shit. Do not humor or respond to the nigger.
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>Triggered when there are other characters in the team that can activate [Parry Support] or characters in the same faction as Caesar: When
Caesar activates [Precision Block] , [Defense Counterattack] , [Parry Support] , or launches [Normal Attack: This Road Is Blocked!], she will mark enemies within 7 meters of herself, increasing the damage caused to them by the entire team by 25% for 30 seconds.
Should I put PEN% on Jane if I have Rina?
Does the order in which you apply the shock + assault disorder matter?
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For me, it's Caesar King.
only if it has good substats
everybody type in chat animeschizo is a stupid nigger
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Remember all those times your Jane was attacking?

Now imagine that with +1000 ATK and 25% dmg every 30 seconds just by pressing E

Caesar is a must have
i guess that makes sense, ill get to 35 and then start leveling up engines and getting discs
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Which one?
Remember all those times your Jane was attacking?

Now imagine that with Burnice applying Fire anomaly while she's cooking off field

Burnice is a must have
lets be fair
nekomata would be hairy down there, she doesn't seem like the clean shaven type
ENOUGH!!! Stop making Nekomata the butt of All jokes. She's strong!
I wish my face was buried in Burnice's muff.
true, doesn't change the fact she's still funny
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Okaeri, Onee-chan!
>increasing the damage caused to them by the entire team by 25% for 30 seconds.
Sounds like DMG bonus. Lame
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need some second opinions on this: do I r5 my second starlight engine for my Ellen or do I give her a Gilded Blossom? The starlight engine is already level 60 while the blossom needs leveling, but the starlight engine is r0 while the blossom is r5. So it's basically a tradeoff between w-engine material upgrades vs the puzzle piece material for engines in the shop
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Or instead, you can just have Caeser give you a 1k buff and let you do WAY more dmg on a buff that lasts 90sec with full perma uptime.
Remember all those times your s11 was attacking?

Now imagine that with Lighter where you don't have to think about shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan to time your basics

Lighter is a must have
So I think my teams for now are
Anby/ Nicole/ Zhu Yuan
Grace/ Jane/ Rina

If I can ever get the furry, I can use my Ellen but for now I guess she's benched
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I love seeing anons posting those based ass neko clears. shes somehow evaded my account all this time
Gilded is kinda shit for Ellen. It's better for Corin and Kot. I'd just go balls deep for starlight.
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>Going from a soulful game with actual gameplay and tasteful designs to a soulless shit that's just a png autobattler with generic coomerbait in-your-face designs
Why the fuck would you do this to yourself?
to make sales go up
is lighter confirmed fire attacker? Guess it's obvious but was it datamined or something
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Can Piper use Jane's Engine or is it shit for her?
there are a lot of really adorable interactions in this game. i hope that continues. the slice of life bits of this game are wonderful.
Does it bother anyone else that Miyabi doesn't have a tail? Fox tails are nice and her design feels somewhat lacking without one.
It's shit, if you want a limited engine for piper, wait for burnice ball
not enough to do in zzz
Which would do more damage, C2 Jane with Seth or C1 Jane with Caesar?
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she compensates the lack of tail with her width
Bros I want to get passed around by the Daughters of Calydon.
Imagine... Piper, Lucy, Caesar and Burnice all taking turns using you...
this but watching tokusatsu movies with lighter
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Disorder dmg is SUPER underwhelming.
Even making an off fielder give disorder procs isn't good enough.

They seriously need to some sort of support where disorder procs is multiplied dmg or some shit.
Don’t forget big daddy, lighter and Lucy’s boar theirens
I should rewatch Cross Ange
this but yuri prison workcamp gay
Sorry bro, you could never compete with big daddy pig thiren cock his hour long ejaculations
>not enough to do in zzz
I'd unironically rather play genshit any time over nikkeslop, it's that fucking shitty
We fucking LOST
So Caesar uses the new set for 4 pc, what is looking to be her best 2pc? gonna dismantle some discs and don't wanna waste something she can use
I thought she was really fun in her tutorials. I'd like to build and play her, but she hasn't spooked my rolls so far either.
Wouldn’t be surprised if this was Mibibis gimmick as an ice anomaly
out of all the females in the game who has the hairiest bush and why is it nekomata?
You're going to run into the same problem in Nikke too.
And then you're going to search for the next gacha to fill that empty void, and then the next, and then the next.
>Genshin & HSR got animated short today
>meanwhile our rat doesn't get MV
Yeah, it's over.
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>en trailer
>japanese voice
Impact for more stun and bigger shields or you could just build the usual damage 2pc sets like woodpecker, fang or hormone punk, probably doesn't need energy as her shield lasts forever unless you're a shitter and it gets broken early
>not Rina
We're getting a furry girl I think
2p impact if there is no stunner in the team. 2p energy regen otherwise
every time i think about playing this game more china slop comes out i love wuxia shit but ffs can we go back to belobog or smth whats the next landmass can we go to space america or smth
boar thirens...
Holy sloppa
first i thought the tie was her pansu
rina seems more like a neatly trimmed type
as for the furry girls, we don't have them yet so why i picked nekomata
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They need to do it sooner, disorder isn't fucking viable otherwise.

Its dumb as hell in an anomaly team you need TWO fully built units while in a stun comp you only need 1.
And you need to work 10x harder to do less dmg than a stun comp.
That running scene looks off. Couldn't they hire someone competent like Arifumi Imai
why's the fuck is the voice in jap
i thought this was a chinese game?
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ive been meaning to go through those missions again on a rainy day. so much fucking soul(also I missed some resource trucks)
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I fucking love kot
I love fucking kot
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its Grace 100%

She has no one to clean it for, machines don't care.
Bushy sweaty amazon jungle down there
Just rolled a Brimstone ball, how well is it compared to Starlight Engine? Plan on replacing it for ZY if its worth it
I heard there's another VA strike going on for EN VAs. Feels like every other year or so they go on strike again and ask for crazy residuals and stuff.
i want this Grace to harapan me
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i love lycaon
What's a good A Rank W-Engine for Lucy if I don't have her signature?
I think Reverb Mark II is the best B Rank for her?
when's the drip marketing for 1.3? Any predictions? Maybe our first S-rank support that will mog every single unit released so far?
Yeah, Caesar is overhyped.
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Thanks bros
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go ahead. keep striking. find out what happens next when AI voice replaces yours
since you have more time to spend how about getting a new hobby?
Grace 100%
I'm just coping with the free one at lv 50 for now, once burnice/caesar's banner comes I'll pull on their whichever w engine banner has lucy's signature
Ligther and Yanagi or Lighter by himself and Ellen rerun.
im not a bot im just new
she likes to lick
>The EN dub just sounds like tik tok voiceovers
The JP voices are the canon ones. Everyone knows this, even CN players.
I'm predicting trigger from obols to be the first limited support, probably releasing in 1.5/1.6
Guilded Blossom or Saarlight for S11?
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Should I unironically give my second copy of Sharpened Stinger (Jane sig) to Grace for a Jane/Grace Disorder Team? Sure Grace doesn't benefit from the phys dmg% but it's still a hefty statstick and it would lower her field time since Grace dash attacks often and would have a permanent 40% buildup rate.
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The bloody bastard redeemed...
Sex with Lucy!
why you rolling for duplicates of the weapon banner if you have no clue what to do with them
>if you don't buy the expensive battlepass you brick your account by missing out on limited time namecards
It's so over... I should've at least bought the first premium so I'd have the Howl namecard to identify me as an oldhead.
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she invokes something primal at all times, like shes permanently in heat. they better give her more story time soon. if my hard on goes down ill have too much blood in my body
not refining your weapon dupes is for sissies
Why are you all shitting on AI voices? The HZ audio recording lost items are already voiced by AI and you don't even think it's unusual enough to be posted here, don't you? Stop worrying, fucking idiots, AI preferable to LA tranny slop.
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I was trying to get a Seth Engine
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Naturally my wife is number one in all aspects.
you didn't get one?
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oh my
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I got 9 Anby W-Engines instead
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It's a face, nay, a bush-off between Nekomata and Grace for sure.
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thats pretty fucking funny ngl, but congrats on the jane's engines
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Best set for seth?
>Liking pubic hair
Didn't know I share a general with transfaggots.
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I don't know if I want Caeser.
And Disorder comps aren't good enough to justify her.
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At least 2p ER.
I'm leaning towards 2p ER 2p daze 2p ATK or 4p ER 2p daze myself.
>using caesar for disorder comps
Remember, Anby, Qinyi and Anton are all left handed. I will not tolerate lore inaccurate fan art.
>liking pubic hair is consider transfaggots
i bet you wack off to futa you massive faglord
Allan Poe will be next revealed agent
>Anton is left handed
He's literally me
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I can't wait to get Rina
I've benched my Ellen because Soukaku feels like SHIT to play
Lets me use butler too, since I don't like knot and corin feels weird
EN VA got fired over supporting DEI
I mean, it's all vanity items. Genshin does the same thing and they even have a showcase tab for these but, like, after 4 years you have a godzillion of cards and people only ever will look at one anyway.
Burnice is hiding something
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its the whole package bwo, that only plays a small part. that image is truly blessed
2Pc Jazz 4pc Freedom for Jane/Grace or Jane/Rina team
Change the scenery a bit and this could just be a genshin short.
>Big dinner with all 3 groups for Golden Week
>No pic for my mural
Yeah, her massive cock and balls.
EN voice actors have been on strike since July 26th. You can imagine how well it's going for them given you didn't already know about it.
Bad Anby! Don't eat that!
Where are you people getting that mibimbo is ice anomaly?
What Bangboo for a Qingyi/Rina/Corin team?
What about S11/Caesar/x?
The Caesar vs Burnice from the gamescom video will be real.
She's actually a fire attacker.
Probably something like Caesar with 2 different anomaly?
inside meme we already know she is wind healer
Actually, Mibs is an ether defender.
Burnice is Brutus! SOMEONE TELL CAESA-ACK!
Burnice is just bald bros, don't bully her
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Pussy magnet
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>19 days until Caesar
she's bald cause she has cancer.
please understand
Can't imagine it's any different from using Lucy with Piper or Jane, no DPS would say no to a quick buff.
Caesar is the traitor, the gamescom video is from her Burnice pov
Yeah but she's not specifically anomaly, werid to tie her pull value directly to disorder teams
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Why is she so pissed.
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Unsure if I like this change... It's too early to fully judge though.
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What change? She was always like this.
holy chonkers
She was also mad when your where alone with Nicole on the start on the Golden Week event lol
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>rejects her
Kot is a literal faggot
>get Ellen
>takes time to figure out wtf I’m doing
>get Zhu Yuan
>takes time to figure out wtf I’m doing
>get Jane
>Everything fuckin explodes so easily
Who fucking cares, I don't even remember the story of this game
she unexpectedly made my dick twinge during daily life. she didnt hit it out of the park like Zhu but there wasnt enough interaction to... fully judge just like you said. im just repeating what you said fuck
Only fatties would like Seth confirmed.
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Caesar can't be Brutus... She's Caesar! She gets creampied 23 times by her entire faction! It's when she's on her last legs where Burnice appears and delivers the final creampie in a mating press which leaves her mindbroken!
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
this was the most incest-y thing that happened in the story in my opinion. you can taste how livid she was, and the fact Wise was anticipating that...
>Soldier 11 ready to trust rank up
>no trust rank up mission
good for wanking
You're welcome.
Couldn't be that much time desu.
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guess his VA
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Your honest thoughts on touching my tail?
you are NOT Ellen
Akio Otsuka
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You're right, I'm just an assuming retard cause of Calydon's theme as bikers and her mean look in the launch trailer. Oopsies
Oтдaвaй caлo.
how good is the offer cui bangboo
im thinking of using it on my jane seth rina team
>Actual wife material
Zhu Yuan
>Pump and dump
Jane Doe
Ellen Joe
>Literal onahole
Qing Yi
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I haven't played HSR since launch, how much of the cast is pure china wuxia slop??? I thought it was a sci fi game
I find it to be uninteresting because of how disposable it is.
Jamieson Price.
bill butts
what does that even mean
Jack Black
>As of Version 1.1 Phase 1, Soldier 11's final Rank Up Commission to Rank 4 is not yet available in the game.
What the actual fuck
hits like a fucking freight train at level 60, go hard or go home. dont stop at 50 like a cuck
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Hiding what? the fact she's bald?
I feel bad for artists who had the kinda style AI is good at making.
Y'know, Burnice does kinda sound like Pompey if you pronounce it wrong
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dumb kot
It does the most damage of any bangboo, but they don't really matter when it comes to damage if you don't have pure SOVL running through your veins and do bangboo-only Hollow Zero runs.
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whats the endgame here when the newest character (at m0) mogs the previous character (at m6)?
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Ellen is fat. FAT!
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What's in the box?
Faction boos all hit really hard at level 60. So it works fine if you like him. I find the anomaly buildup boos to be a bit better and more universal though. If your seth/rina have okay anomaly proficiency plugboo might be better for more disorders. But if you haven't invested in their stats then Cui makes sense.
I will C6 BD if this happens.
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What the fuck is wrong with her?
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I love him...
this game needs a wolf girl
Why are the Chinese so into 2010s style ytps?
Some women just be like that.
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Gonna have to wait for Caesar to complete my Jane team since I don't want to build Seth and will not try to get his W-engine
What even is the methodology of calcing this shit. And also the rotation time is different.
Annoyed that Wise was about to hug another woman.
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Patrick Seitz for EN
Fumihiko Tachiki for JP
Po Kai Sek Si for CN
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The power of excel sheet.
You better knell to the god of CALC
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>Firefly almost got me
>Mualani almost got me back
At the end of the day i'm glad i didn't look back.
>Corin trust events
Damn, you really rizz her up.
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>what's the endgame when a DPS mogs a Stunner in DPS?
We just don't know.
Bruh its highschool dropouts making these calcs.
I couldnt finish it. fat fucking Anby above me is more entertaining atm and i hate that shit
some westoid just simulates damage on a spreadsheet discounting any particular optimization or strat. Which is why they say in big red, use it as a relative comparison for a single character’s spec not to compare against other characters.
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Takehito Koyasu for JP
Kirk Thornton for EN
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It's COCA you stupid bug
Corin is definitely the type to have an unrequited crush on the proxy.
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>Genshin homegeddon killed me
>I couldn't even last to the promised Firefly land after the Black Swan bait & switch + heavy Acheron shilling
I think i've grown less tolerant for these shenanigans.
Otsuka Hochu
wtf I love ugly pigman now?
I'm not into lolis but Lucy is hot
Can I????
I don't even know what I want to do with Jane. If let's be honest, when I get Caesar and Burnice I could maybe do like Caesar/Jane/Burnice, but also I got two Koleda the same day from limited and standard so uuuuhhh maybe Koleda/Jane/Burnice and pick Koleda M2 from the selector later? Idk.
Do you guys use Lao Gan Ma?
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correct, I ignore corin everytime whenever I see her around town
Realistic amputation play in VR! Like that one VR anime I forget the name of.
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Which one for rat? And I'm not going to buy anymore BPs
there's always a gay ice pop licker somewhere
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JP dub tranny can kill themselves
I dropped the game after Firefly. Her "gameplay" just wasn't it.
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Jane Doe is incredible but outside of Seth I struggle to find a 3rd character to complete the team. Obviously a second anomaly character would be nice but Jane feels like she has 0 downtime and it never feels worth switching to somebody else besides Seth counter. I know I'm not being efficient, but I'd rather run someone like my M1 Rina than Grace just because she requires 0 field time.

REALLY hoping there is some sort of synergy between Grace/Burnice/Caesar but Caesar might not provide much in that comp. Have to read her leaks I guess.
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so which language gonna be their main vocal EN JP or CN?
Is a Jane/Seth/C6 Anby good for a team? My Quigyi is already on my Zhu Yuan/Nicole team.
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im assuming you're shitposting but ive been wanting to try it to see how CN did. its too late to change since ive started but couldnt hurt one day when im bored
Is Jane's W-Engine good for Piper?
They alternate languages with every word
EN is the objectively correct answer
I'm hoping she's both at the same time. Like, the "leader with a mean expression" thing is a sort of chuuni role for her that she thinks makes her cool or something.
The graph says Jane M0 is smaller than even Zhu Yuan’s M0 though
i'd rather take some expy that hasn't been in GI o HSR. dunno why raiden gets to be such an important character in the other games.
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the elusive CNking has arrived
You can't even name your favorite CN voice actors.
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Hoshimi "youngest void hunter ever who parkours up crumbling buildings and drives off giant ethereals and makes you nervous just being around her" Miyabi is already going to be on that level of shilling.
CN but in esl english
ok im bored with jane
whens the next one
Sure, that's fine. There's no extra synergy particularly, but Anby stuns fairly fast when she's topped up on energy and Seth and Anby can team up for some random shock disorders here and there.
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You cant NOT have a tail this fat and plump and not let people touch it
also the little flap to let the tail pass through the skirt is cute!
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Wuxia slop aside, the game itself is still complete dogshit. I expect very little from gatcha games in terms of gameplay and somehow Star Rail fails to qualify
I can’t even name a single CN person
Anby no! Don't eat the Hollow, you'll turn into a Thiren!
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judging by hoyo's track records for songs (especially in ZZZ) they will sing in ENGLISH, canon language
Is Jane the best DPS?
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The end of the tail is so much wider how does that flap even work?
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is this the new schizo posting like AI art maniac
I love those red Spandex-like shirts that Burnice and Caesar wear that are both completely cut away over their tits
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Welp. Some characters are bound to get extra shilled. Atleast It's not hoyo's beloved little circle of hi3 faggots. Yet...
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I got the r@...
simping for voice actors is kinda cringe ngl
WHITE NIGHT was such a good song and it had a great MV. I hope we get something as good or better in ZZZ
No. That is an anon that wants to know about Piper's W-Engine options.
It's not as good for her as her own Signature.
Sometimes I regret not keeping up with HS:R because they drop a super modern looking character. But I swear to god check in. I look back they're in space Liyue.
>Go from Space Russia to Space China
>Drop Game
>Check in and Penacony looks incredible, what I wanted from HSR
>Check in again shortly after and they're back in Space China
>Every character is in robes and tabards just like Genshin was for 3 years straight
I know its a chinse company but I can't handle that shit anymore. So glad ZZZ has varied character designs, even Genshin is somewhat varied with Natlan designs feeling relatively fresh.
C-Careful.. You don't want Troy Baker to read that...
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Welcome to the Mischief!
Fabric and cartilage are flexible. I think she's just squeezing that fat turkey through the small hole meant for a smaller Thiren.
Fuckin thing is like 1/3rd the size of her body, I really want to know how she's so nimble with that anchor hanging off her ass.
Idk what you expected from row niggas, the gameplay is before the fight starts, which is fine.
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How often do these refresh? What are they even called?
Does he color his hair or is he one of those people that get cool looking streaks as they get older?
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Maybe the skirt opens up at the flap
you get 5 refreshes per run
it's a dye job. he's actually full grey now.
They refresh weekly
ellen's tail is VERY fat... lay off the sweets...
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I still don't know how people like HSR.
Turn based shit seems so fucking boring.
I just expected more sci-fi shit desu. Space fantasy is fine but the game leans way more fantasy than what I'd like. Penacony was the only cool place.
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Is m0 Caesar w/ sig better than m6 Soukaku in Shork's team?
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>rolls for rrat
>rolls for rrat ball

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Seth is so lucky...
You now realize Ellen has super muscular legs and uses shark magic to hide it.
it's possible to consume media without memorizing a mental encyclopedia of voice actors
scary thought, I know
Yeah, I was hoping for more characters like Arlan. The kind of scifi security guy outfit he wears and stuff. Sorta like characters from the Star Ocean series.
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>brick doe is actually bricked
holy shit
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need dorky cop wife...
>skkrt skkrt
Why do I get a headache reading the text in this game? Is it the translation? The font? The wordy unnecessary filler?
They never refresh. You get 5 of them for your entire account's lifetime. Use them carefully.
Jstern has spoken.
how do i play rina
If you think that's wordy you must've not played much of Mihoyo's stuff before...
what did he say
I got out of bounds by parrying on this exact same fight too
It's weird as fuck because the whole rest of the map is walkable with routes and shit
For me it's mostly fun building and collecting characters and figuring out which combination of characters to use to match up with enemy weaknesses and clear whatever content. Overall feels kind of like playing some obscure PS2 era turn-based JRPG, so it's kind of nostalgic.

ZZZ is also kind of nostalgic because it feels like playing some obscure PS2 era Japanese 3D beat em up game.
do you think nicole dyes her pubes like dyes her hair?
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>put lvl 20 Seth with lvl 10 engine and lvl 0 discs on team with Jane
>he does his job and they clear Shiyu 7
it ain't eezy bein cheezy
You might be having a stroke
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this shit goes unironically hard
ai is too powerful
/zzz/ is gay
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I thought Ceasar replaces stunners not supports?
Most of the main game I haven't had an issue with besides a typo or two, Camellia Golden Week's text is embarrassingly rough. Tons of errors, Really shit quality and I hope it's not a trend.
fuck anon you’re so smart, genuinely study fashion or some sort, that was a compelling solution
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>The wordy unnecessary filler?
You better not thinking about playing Genshin or HSR after this, bwo.
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yeah this bangs
No this is my first but I read VNs all the time and something about this game just gives me a headache
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She should wear something else!
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holy fuck my nigga Kichiboushi!
where the FUCK is Kichiboushi part 2
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she replaces both, when her shield is up you get 1000 attack from her in the current beta. an actual support like rina is pointless compared to her
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Thank you anons
>At 40+ pulls now for Jane
>Still haven't gotten her
>Only gotten Seth, the faggy catboy

Am I gonna have to pay at this point? I'm new to hoyo gachas, only won one S-rank for free pulling and that was Koleda.
she like to lick
did you win your last 50/50.
Honkai: Star Rail has the best writing of any Hoyoverse game.
you have over 18 days to pull
also Seth is her best support
admit he, he kinda cute
At least you didn’t roll 11 anby’s and 2 Seths
It might be the font they use for the game. It looked like shit especially if you play the game below your monitor's native res.
Sorry, the bar is below the ground so I'm not sure.
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I make homemade pork buns and bean buns sometimes.
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EX skill > quick assist > nut to her fat cow tits
Nice general, /zzz/keks
after playing, reading some stuff up and doing some trust events. i have found out a few things
>she's a hoarder and most likely has a messy room
>she is quite lonely since most of her 'friends' are people she ends up betraying
>her weapons are the shape of rat skulls
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each patch is ~60-80 rolls assuming you do most quests + dailies
characters usually start dropping at 75+ rolls
so as a f2p you're gonna have to pick who to roll for wisely
if you lose your 50/50 better luck next time

you don't have to pay. but it's common to save for a guarantee (160 rolls in hoyogames) in gachas. that's just how these games are monetized across the genre. most people go months without rolling. it's a feature not a bug. if you can't stomach this then you better quit now.
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Powerful form... Thirens are so good...
Yo why dis Aether nigga look like a Moomin?
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It is actually so fucking over.
Heh, look at the silly murderfox munching delicious food.
Bro? Your Qingyi???
Anon what are your teams?
>Grace's best team is with piper and lucy
this biker duo is too powerful
What's the highest possible AP for substats?
You have nine more days bwo, it's fine.
Bro just roll the rat.
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Wait, what source is this canon?
Assuming +5 for 5 disks (since slot 4 is main stat), 270 anomaly proficiency from substats
I find this design repulsive, too many tranny markers.
What the fuck is this?
Can we expect dev stream next week?
Hoping for new arcade game and news on walking around as agents, although I expect the latter to take take longer.
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*flips image
heh nothing personnel kid
You need to treat your mental illness immediately
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How long until we get our own Ayaka/Firefly?!
>Caesar - Piper - ?
who's the best third teammate?
That metal plate on the chest is gonna ricochet and knock someone's block off, those police girl tits are too strong
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>Lost to S11
>Pic related is her intro
Yeah I'm gonna skip that filthy rat
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Give her your dennies.
Anton and Qingyi use their weapons like a lefty would but I don't see the connection with Anby, she's got her sword like a right hander would use one
sorry nicole, i can only give you my seamen
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>No bulbous red nose
>No random garbage accessories
>No gross arm hair
>No overuse of bright obnoxious pastel colors
>Isn't a nigger
I don't see any of those markers of tranny created character, anon
are assault procs affected by defense
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>most likely has a messy room
its worse then you think
new arcade game leaked, its coming.
walking around as agents wasn't on the roadmap for 1.1/1.2, its not coming. manual time change, fairy cleaning up unearned rewards, and team presets are in 1.2
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G...get kotted haha...
>just did the Rina trust even where she barges into the terminal room and cleans up all the burger takeout boxes and cookie crumbs that are apparently littering the room
Bros... Jane is just like me...
You forgot about Soukaku, Koleda, and Ellen. Jeez, so many lefties in this game they should rename it to Lucky Star. Also Anby isn't a lefty, she's Anbydextrous
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>commissions jobs
>doesn't pay
What's her problem?
damn robobrat... making fun of me...
Oh right they had a rough timeline, thanks anon.
I'm afraid the leaked arcade game won't make it again because I got hyped for it when it leaked before 1.1 stream, but it's been long enough hopefully it makes this patch. I'm praying they don't eventually abandon the arcade it's such a cool feature.
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So when are a 100,000 retarded teenagers gonna protest the "misrepresentation" of some 3rd world shithole's culture in ZZZ?
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Burnice is faat
jane also drinks exclusively soda
shes a slob
>Jane "asmongold" Doe
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>Caesar torpedo tiddies
She's not bald anymore so she packed on some weight in hair
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CnC in this game?
Jane is literally me…I finally feel authentic representation…
Burnice is still good with Piper and Lucy even after the nerf?
Lycaon/Seth/Rina worked out surprisingly well as a half-assed disorder team since Lycaon is so good at proccing freezes already, now I'm curious what it'd be like if I actually kitted them out for it instead of the generic stunner setup I was using on Lyc
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Seeing how there's no regions and shit like that, closest I can think of is if they make a latina inspired faction. Even then, I feel like most xitters and normals who care, exclusively play Genshin and HSR.
she pays everyone back after a while and she becomes debt free
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let's settle this
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I would if the game would let me.
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>jane invites you over
>see this
They'll still be a perfectly functional Burn/Assault disorder team. There just wont be any extra crazy synergies.
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>Jane consumes nothing but soda and fast food
>somehow has that body and ass
So this is the power of fiction
>damn bitch you live like this
lets not forget
i should have rolled for qingyi
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wtf Lycaon is Bruno from BtW?
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Don't worry, there's always reruns
good morning saars
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Clean it up. Then clean this stinky hag up.
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>he skipped quing
>plays 4 wolves
Why did they wolf-code him?
rats have hyper metabolism anon
I'm doing 10 more rolls
Please don't Jane me, I don't want her
Still no full series for Burn the Witch, yet?
Inside him there are four wolves
How about you keep it in your cesspool general, gigger?
There’s a rumor about it earlier this year but it goes silent after that…
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I will put on a maid outfit, clean her place, throw away the moldy fast food, and cook delicious homemade meals for her while she bullies and teases me!
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Thank you for bringing my husband to life...
The fuck is Kubo up to?
drop the sauce
I know a girl who is skinny as hell, eats mostly junk food, AND has a big ass. It's either lipedema or a high metabolism, but still not fiction.
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No more rolls this banner, I am happy to save now.
Hell, I'll buy monthly because of this.
Might even buy NEF for a ball.
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This game needs coop or pvp or something. The gameplay is boring me to tears already.
Lmao not a single person responded
I lost my 50/50 to S11 as well if it makes you feel better. 0 Pulls left, unsure if I want rat.
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He’s memeing around after Bleach and coof happened for some fuckin reason
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jesus fucking christ
what the the hell is this shit?
billy no diffs every goddamn dps in the game including the one that just released
sad I thought it was a black man because of the hand
>those discs
there's no way he got those legit.
I regret building kot
What team should jane run, or should I just wait for burnice?
>Lycaon is eyeing his pray
Lighter and he is going to be removed from the game (for being gay)
Why isn't Billy on the charts bros?
>he rolled for rat
>We should be paid like hollywood actors for 1 role
>I need at least 10 roles, several promos, and a radio show this year or I'm going to have to part time in McDonalds again to get by.
I checked R*ddit just to be sure.

Pause at 12 seconds and tell me that is not a tranny, Pause at 47 seconds and tell me thats not a tranny kirito. Pause at 1:08 and tell me that's not a man. Her ultimate taking off her male shoulder padded vestuary makes it a little better but the slashes are all male coded.
This bitch doesn't have the grace of a woman, shes a male mimic job. They probably used a male model as base to chinese style mass produce her and forgot to give her feminine features.
Do you believe in gaydars? i don't, but i do believe you can spot a gay from looking at them, their gestures and their voice. If you have good eyes and hearing that is.
Sure. And they've been experimenting with it. It was in CBT.
I'm not opposed in the abstract. But PVP tends to supercharge gacha metafaggotry. I can't say I'm looking forward to playing a game with that again.
I would've called this guy a BillyGOAT until
>Zhu ball
Fuck you.
What you need to be worried about is the thousand yard stareboo.
they need to nerf his ass pronto
Go argue in your own general.
>>Zhu ball
it's not even that good on billy, the passive effect is completely useless
it's just a mid crit statstick on him
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full image link please?
It's Anby + Billy + Piper; Qingyi + S11 + Lucy
>M1W1 Qingyi
>fully maxed Billy with god roll discs and Zhu Yuan engine
>Billy has the highest multipliers on his ultimate in the game
>physical shilling
It's not that Billy is overpowered, he's just not as bad as people think and that's a whale level of investment with ideal conditions
Me on the left
Endlessly pissed off that your promoter doesnt show up behind the counter. I want to rape Heddy every day
Sire, redeem the meds.
read the filename bro
Nigga your nicole?
I want pvp, and like pvp in my gacha games, and I'm a f2p.
>ZY wengines
>Qingyi M1 and wengines
extremely disingenuous
Best w-engine from BP? My Rina has no good one atm. (I have zhu's and jane's signature already)
Still a 5* ball, still SOVLLESS. You bring shame to the Knights.
>Only recognize Yohei and Lycaon
I'm getting too old for anime
Rina can use the f2p A rank engine pretty nicely, it gives a good chunk of pen and some energy
Is the rat whore for me like Zhezhi was? I heard she's ship bait with the furfag. Is that true?
>48% Crit DMG and 15% Crit Rate with S-Rank base attack is mid
There's a reason he's running that instead of Starlight Engine
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any tips for running Jane-Lucy-Piper? I feel like I'm doing something wrong.. I got Rina M1 but no chinky so I cant run that, and I'm not gonna use S*th
Same reason Yui Ishikawa got Autism and/or Kuudere-coded
Some people just have the right voices
his free signature is amazing for him as well
The rat whore is for (you) only if you play Belle. There is literally no ship dynamics between the cat fagboy and Jane, trannies are just coping that this game is not for them.
>maxed my iceniggas
>fireniggas are zesty at level 60
>copniggas putting level 60 pounds of pressure on ethereal necks
Who should I focus on next? I got rat but don't really care about the hooker that plays bad
Piper is unironically pretty bad with Jane as demands excessive field time. You can run Anby for faster stun so Rat can be in passion state as often as possible.
Is the golden week event worth reading or is it badly translated slop? I liked Rat's quest
I've heard of her back in my day. Apparently she killed an entire game.
I'm completely lost here, both Sage in the Barrel of the sixth street and in lumine says they don't have anything to come back later, but checking the police cat mascot achievements I only found 17 out of 18 HIA medals in the Sixth Street so far, and even with guide I can't find for my life this last one
She's a huge flirt. She'll flirt with you too, but that doesn't particularly mean she's for (you) exclusively.
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There's some fun moments
>The rat whore is for (you) only if you play Belle
What they change the lines depending on who you picked or something?
You need to redeem some eyedrops and go back to your general, faggot. You're not wanted.
>do Jane's stuff until you run out of your passion stream
>swap to Piper and finish stunning the opponent
>Chain attack refunds Jane's bar and you can do her rotation through stun
That's it. I don't think it's too good but it works okay.
Yeah, but he would likely have a maxed Starlight Replica if he rolled for Qingyi and her weapon and he's still using Zhu's instead
Takes a special kind of retardation to be unable find every coin even with a guide.
Wise always has that thousand yard stare. Glad I chose Belle, the more interesting one
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yup, thats a SKIP
yeah, she is more flirty if you are Belle then Wise
certain coins only appear at certain times of day. just check back with him every time time progresses. also in my experience, the events where an NPC with a gray speech bubble gives you the coin rather than you finding it doesn't get a hint, so look out for those after progressing time as well.
She's for everyone.
Except the one that you choose talk less?
If you like Nicole, Anton, Lycaon or Corin you'll probably enjoy it because they get the most screen time.
It's a cute event. I hope we get more of them.
wise lying to not incur belle's jealous melty
Are you actually serious or are you headcanoning this? Give me some examples.
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How do I build this cute boy? Just dump as much ATK as possible for fatter shield or what
He's headcanoning.
>Jane is only good with S*th
I regret pulling
>did you win your last 50/50.
Nah, I started a week ago, I wasted my first 10 or so on failed attempts at Qingyi, then started saving for Jane.I haven't even pulled enough I don't think for the 50/50, however it works. I've used around 50 encrypted mastetr tapes so far

His shield and baton fusing into a greatsword is cool, reminds me of that one bloodborne weapon

How many pulls exactly till the 50/50? All I know is I'm at somewhere around 50 encrypted tapes used up. I'm not sure how this works.
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I don't.
He's right. Rat is flirty with Belle and Belle reciprocates
Caesar/Burnice/Jane will be T0 disorder meta
That sucks anon. I dodged the rat engine, but it took me 5 anby balls to get the cop ball
I was wondering if there was a medal locked behind some weird thing, like I heard one of the missions on the sixth street is to find a bangboo in the morning, and it only spawns after doing some stuff in lumine
>ip range banned from uploading images
Damn I was going to post some Ellen tits
>How many pulls exactly till the 50/50?
It tells you on the bottom right side of the banner
Thanks, blocked another sloppa """"artist""""
My Nicole build fucking sucks right now, no
I asked for examples. As in differences between Wise and Belle dialogue. It sounds to me like you're making up these differences in your head as a means to justify whatever the fuck it is you're justifying.
The one example is a text message difference in the Undercover R&B story episode. Belle called Jane Ms. Rat Thiren or something earlier on and Jane makes a specific reference to that line, while it's more generic as Wise since he wasn't the one to say that

In her trust events, Jane is for (You) with no line differences
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Is she really the zhongli of ZZZ?
So i can slot her into any random team and win?
I mostly like Lycaon (despite hating furryshit), he seems more interesting lorewise and butler characters can be cool.
there’s still time that things can change
yes, assuming she doesn't get nerfed
She's best in teams where your damage dealer wants to have field time
How good is Jane/Grace/Rina? I only like to use my big titted wives or small titted daughterwives like Piper/Lucy.
Bro?? Your Caesar Lawrence????
How is that flirty? Am I insane?
Jane says "that's why I remember there's a cute manager here" in the Belle version which is missing from Wise's, which is the extent of the flirtiness
Her shred is locked behind M1. Zhong is T0C0 from the get go after the buff
Are the Inferno Reap rewards a weekly thing or do I only get to claim them once?
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You're just going to have to cope with your bricked account
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Who won? Who lost???
just once
I'm actually Nick Cannoning.
>no sovl short animation
>goonbait asmr trailer instead
nice game zzzkeks
I see. That does make sense. I don't get why he didn't just tell me this from the start.

I haven't even done this quest so I don't know what she says to Wise.
>reminds me of that one bloodborne weapon
Play any of the newer MonHun games, bro. It's literally a Charge Blade.
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Baddieboo-sama... Have mercy...
Oh no, Wise pickers are coping again. Just accept that you like looking at males when playing games.
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>the svol short animation in question
getting cucked is so svol!!!
Wouldn't be the first time Mihoyo has changed dialogue to make someone gay
Who the fuck is Cangjiao
I'd take the asmr video over some chinese music any day.
One-time. Frankly, I think that they undertuned it, there's not much purpose to having presets if an average preset can hit the single mission damage reward easily and then you can just pummel it to completion.
I have Ben Blessed by Ben Bigger and have him C6 unintentionally.
Is he worth building or is he kind of a meme
we can’t just wipe out a whole ethnicity like that baddieboo.. that’s called holocaust
M1? Isn't that a buff that occurs once every 300 seconds? Doesn't seem that great to me
>anton and billy
Nice, full pull refunds if I get them
Some combination of Hormone Punk and Swing Jazz will do
W-Engine uhhh I think the rabbit butt is good on him if you're not rolling for his personal engine
>am I insane
Yes by consuming EN dub you lost all the nuance in their conversation includng Belle gushing and calling her onee-san
Here's a question. People who pick Belle do so because they claim they don't want to self insert into a character but rather just stare at a woman's ass. Ok valid point. But then why are they acting all giddy when girls flirt with "them"? Like they're self-inserting, but into a woman. When they're male. Strange behavior.
He's good, just nobody uses him.
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That's because the /hig/ yurifags are trying to milk that for all it's worth and got btfo once Jane actually released and people saw her trust events
You're getting a dozen women pregnant?
>larping jeet
Nice bait, Rajit
He's good, but Caesar will render him useless soon.
>nezumi onee-san
>miss rat thiren
Why doesn't the English language have cuter alternatives for pet names? I guess "thiren big sis" or "big sister rat" is too awkward sounding maybe, but that translation is lacking impact.
Aniki... I like him but there's point in building him...
>Nicole again
I hope this is fake
.. hell yeah brother.
I would have the same stare if the hot black babe in front of my store wouldn't let me hit up her central circuits like a hammer
Is Jane seriously fucking worse than M6 Billy? Did I just brick my fucking account?!
>But then why are they acting all giddy when girls flirt with "them"? Like they're self-inserting, but into a woman. When they're male. Strange behavior.
Probably because you're projecting your strawman onto others. I just like the idea of the experienced Jane devouring Belle sexually. Not sure how self-inserting comes into play here for you.
>when you blow in her throat without warning her
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>6 weeks before i can max out piper's cinema
>literally the last 4* to be featured on a banner
the wait is killing me
Because onee-san doesn't mean big sis, it's just what you use to call females older than you. In English that would be "miss"
anon... jane is anomaly and billy is attacker, they are completely different
on limited banner there's a 50/50 you get what you want or a standard S-rank. If you lose it you're guaranteed to get the limited next time. I can't remember how much you get at the start of the game but if you complete most things you should be able to get her by the end of her banner. I'm not too sure though.
That still sounds wrong though. The tone of miss is too formal.
Should have saved for Caesar bwo
It's over... Lucy Soukaku would have been the greatest banner of all time...
Not really, in the end their core function is still to do damage, more damage means billy is better
Fucking finally, I need the las 2 mindscapes
ok ESL JSL retard
You got kotted
Could he work as a cope fire damage dealer if I don't get Burnice? Because I haven't got ANY fire units except Lucy.
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Should've pulled the other butt cops
That is quite literally what onee-san means. Your N5 is showing.
Anyone who says they want to "stare at a woman's ass" is either a tranny or a pornsick fuck that shouldn't be playing videogames but instead seeking therapy.
> it's just what you use to call females older than you
>I don't know Japanese but this is what I heard from the dub localizers
You don't just use onee-san as an adult, which Belle is, for an older adult.
Hm? You sound mad, for some reason
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Who is the ruan mei of zzz?
not joining this retard fest, just saying:
a shop attendant would say 'miss'
they would never, ever say 'onee-san'
'miss' is objectively of higher register than 'onee-san'
I don't know why you think you need to use him for burnice but sure. He'll just be fire casar that gives the team crit buffs they don't need.
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You're right. ENfags just running damage control as usual
>too formal
Belle is referring to Jane as a customer, of course she would try to be more polite.
What do you gain from spamming this prydwen calcslop for days? Go play the game already and post some clear times for these characters instead.
>Not going to buy more
If you get at least two or three duplicates for rainforest enhance it and switch.
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It will be elysia
There's no limited support yet.
>for burnice
no, instead of, because I don't have anyone else that does meaningful fire, but I guess if he can't be a team carry himself then I dunno what to do about all these fire-weak Shiyu defences
better than real art
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>this thread right now
random reminder that in-universe Piper is indeed easily confused for a child

pretty much confirmed lolibaba type
Ellen - ???
ZY- Corrin side grade for burst DPS
QY- Anby side grade for stunner
Jane - Piper side grade for Anomaly DPS
Ceasar - Ben side grade for Defense
Burnice - ???
>use EN text
>see shit translation
>get mad and call other people "ENfags",
um, kek?
this guy has a japanese wife and lives in japan
The only fire DPS in the game is Soldier 11 and fire usually shares weakness with physical
You don't need a fire damage dealer and the majority of people don't have one
is this 2fps
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Ratbros...m2 Lucy or m1 Rina?
sneed formerly chuck lmfao
Oh he can be, I dunno I thought you were going to do Ben/Burnice/Lucy. But yeah he's worth building for that.
Guess it's Piper forever then
Yeah, it's alright. Also I thought decibel gain increase would be a meme, but it actually does load noticeably faster
Belle is squeeing about how cool Jane is. Her usage of onee-san is a clear showing of that. Weird how localizers ignore context when discussing language

She's not some gang member referring to her superior.
She's not a salesman acting familiar with a younger girl.
She is using onee-san in the way those girls in your animes would call the school's queen.
The woman kind of looks like mr pokke
damn good catch
bro has it good
I for some reason overlooked your weeping gemini. If you get a few copies of that instead that also is fine, possibly even better than enhancing rain forest.
If you have the resources to spare and can make a few, then skip lips and go with that from the get go
Both at once.
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I'd rather know who is the Herta of ZZZ
That'd be great, I didn't get a single one from my Zhu pulls
Well, well.
How do I use Seth again?
EOPs are just retarded like that
>doesn't want to learn Japanese or Chinese
>play the dub instead
>complain that it's done by retards who work as vidya trannylators because they are not competent enough to be real translators
Who tf is Cangjiao??
Post sexy modded Jane skins please
Ken-sama died in the flood as he unzipped his katana to hold it back. Many more would have died if it wasn't for his sacrifice
Literally none of this matters as JP is a dub of the original Chinese anyway. What does she say in the Chinese version?
But i play with seth
Refreshes for your hollow zero blessings
I mean, does it really matter? By the time 1.4 drops everyone is probably going to have every A rank on C6 (well maybe except Seth) and those will be just extra rolls for featured S rank anyways
There's more.
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>time in manila
Who knows as even the chinese use the JP dub
Mihoyo chose the JP dub for the EN trailer when the EN dub for their latest HSR Space China character became unavailable
Clearly they view the JP dub as the canon one in their games, or they would've chosen the CN voice for the EN trailer
Your notifications...
Do Belle and Wise have canon ages? I know people say they're 25 because they had to renew their license, but it's entirely possible that the driver's license requirements in New Eridu are different from real life because it's technically a post-apocalyptic world.
Then it's pointless to argue. We don't even know what she says in the original version. For all we know it could be the JP translation that is wrong.

Or maybe they know that the EN audience prefers Japanese voices over Chinese? They're not wrong are they? Doesn't change the fact that the script was written by Chinese people in China speaking Mandarin.
No they don't, my headcanon is 19-21 ish
Ellen, Zhu Yuan, Qingxi, Jane. Did I miss anyone?
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Ok ok but have you considered, sex with Lucy's tight cunny?
>he was either born in muttland or cuckland
my condolences
nyo, just the standards and A-ranks
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if it's not 3am where you live right now you should not be allowed to post
Of course the tranny was a pedo too, who would have guessed
>Gets proven wrong
>J-JP dub isn't canon anyway
bellebros... onee chan is in danger...
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and anyone who plays Wise to "self-insert" is a cuck, a literal delusional camera man.
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>mcdonalds getting zzz collab in china
>nothing in actual burgerland of mcdonalds
you are unironicaly better running up anby than piper
Wise looks like a serial killer kek. I wonder if his face will be a plot point because it's weird as fuck
is there a source on this? I keep seeing people say this but whenever I watch chinese videos of hoyo gachas on bilibili it's chinese voices 99/100 times
Damn nigga how the fuck is your phone 5 mins behind?
Is Jane THAT good?
I was never arguing with you about whatever it is you were arguing about. I am arguing that you can't claim the EN translation is mistranslated because it differs from the JP translation as they are both translations, and it's just as likely that the JP translation is the one that's mistranslated. Do you want me to dumb it down for you further or did you get that?
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Its actually 5pm
You will post more
I dream that one day my comfy eastern-euro country gets slop collabs like this
Well I almost finished upgrading my steam oven so I guess maxing gemini is next
>I draw you as the basedjack, and I draw myself as the chad, thus proving how I won over you
For my penis yeah
>EN voice
>Close tab
>mediocre noodlewhore
why do white men simp for the most average asian women
Nothing to say, shitter? Heh.
Concession accepted.
>thread is actually pretty schizo-free
>checks /gig/
because arr rook same
EN > all other voices
if you play on anything other than EN you are a loser who needs to get their foreskin cut off
I can't help but laugh at these people when they keep playing the game yet act as if they are boycotting anything
>Aventurine name
Lmao, of course it is a woman or a faggot
Do they have chars in promotional outfits like Genshin and Star Rail did with KFC?
>guhhhh buhhhh i hate english
>hmmm 2chan? no i will go to the burger 4chan filled with english
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PLease tell me someone made Koleda's kindergarten outfit....
Does M6 Lucy do anything or should I go all in on for Piper's M6?
What's going on?
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jane perfect wife...
Fucking Jane's pregnant belly, drinking her breast milk and watching her adult videos while she licks my ear!
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Gonna be ez events I guess
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this game it's turning me into a hagfag...
Cumming inside Qingyi...
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nvm just got Grace on a random stable channel roll with 0 pity lmao. I can run Jane-Grace-Rina now. Just need the materials to build them....
Jesas faq
I'd rather shell out for a love hotel lol
bitch, you live like this?
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Shut up dumbsex, go make it yourself
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Ayaka is no Firefly. Firefly would be like a long lost sibling or outlander girlfriend you forgot about in Genshin.
ZZZ already has Nicole anyway.
Yes like a rat.
What did you expect.
If you want a no stinky gf date Nekomata since cats are know for their cleanliness.
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Indonesia menang!
Seth is so lucky. Too bad he's only fucking the whore.
M6 Lucy is one of the best in the game because she becomes a pseudo-off-field DPS
A Piper EX spin with M6 Lucy leads to it raining explosive pigs
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Destroying my bloodline inside Qingyi
It says

"A rank or higher signal guaranteed in 1 Searches"


"S-rank Signal guranteed in 42 searches"

Is that the 50/50 you guys are referring to?
I hate myself for chuckling everytime I see this
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>Feminine adult woman who's pure sex
>Lives like an absolute slob
Its a meme but I still love it
>and it's just as likely that the JP translation is the one that's mistranslated
Thats some cope. It is far easier to translate ciinese to Japanese without losing meaning
I literally choose the trial characters in the HSR version and put it on auto.
I tend to be a womanlet connoisseur, but seeing shit like >>493354012 makes me appreciate hags a little bit more
>cat with an urge to knock over your videotapes and mess up your store
>known for cleanliness
If I get Anton to C6 during Caesar's banner I will build him (after I'm done with Caesar and Burnice)
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cracked as fuck bwos... Billybwos are doing it....
Yes, if you fail the 50/50 on the limited banners then next time you roll 90 rolls it will be the guaranteed character from the banner
based varietychad
This all but confirms that the schizo posters are mainly from HSR. They are the true enemy of our threads.
Maybe. But until we get a Chinese speaking person capable of translating what the original Chinese version said, we have nothing to go on but speculation.
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okay you guys said the other billy clear was too whale

here's one minute with free shit, just the cunny hares
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90 (hard pity) - 42 = 48

You rolled 48

soft pity kicks in at around 75

So realistically you'll get a 50/50 in about ~30 rolls
The time now is 1714
Nigga it's peak sea hours, I'm sure some of the jpfags that posted are seachinks
BAsed auschad.
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Zhu would have gone viral and she'd be mortified about it.
>My hyper invested S11 with robocop and Lucy cleared twice as slower
It's fucking over for me...
But both the EN writers and the majority of their readers already have had their foreskin cut off?
cat sex
fox sex
shark sex
rat sex
fucking the entire zoo!
Then ask them to translate the Chinese version if they're capable? This is just more baseless speculation.
Why didn't I get a (You)... >>493361759
>Lazily built Piper's 100k assaults outscalling Nekomata's entire DPS
How do I unbrick my kot? Serious question. Where exactly in her kit is the area that sucks? I can't figure it out on paper she seems like she should be fine but just isn't.
burgerland mcdonalds is the worst
Is kot M1 and kotball'd? If not, her kit simply doesn't work
>free shit
come on now
JP Janes blows Eng's emotionless voice acting out.
>east coast
Its 3:18 you retard
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Wasn't there an official splash art of a fox bandit lady, who will also get a shadow boss like Jane? Please post it.
Your wolf sex bro ?
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Bwo? Your Starlight Knight karma/luck? I got C5 before Zhu Yuan's banner ever rolled around!
Nekomata too ugly.
>dub wars
>unironic seapag phoneposting
This can't be more obvious kek
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You're bricked if below M1W1, she's a burst dps, save your resources and just dodge couter/defensive assist till the enemy is stunned then dump all your shit
Damn I knew I needed that C1, I have the ball
do f2ps just never pull whatsoever these days?
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You don't mean that...
Her basic functionality being locked behind her ball and Z1 is the reason she's such a brick
Maybe he thinks F2P = No Pull accounts, just never use any polychromes or reels from the game itself? no clue what he's on about lmao
uh oh who did this
Me, and then I disappeared into the outer rim and will never pay child support lol lmao
are you a legit autist?
It was me, sorry.
BVILT for Wolfeed uterus prolapse
>Page doesn't exist
This is not burst though.
Neko is an on field dps. Burst is not her forte as your webm clearly shows.
wait what? you can dodge counter and assist at the same time??? I am truly a shitter
pregnant women are boring and should've died in the 90s-00s as an obscure fetish like ryona did
Firefly in Genshin IS the twin.
>self-insert losers and shipfags at each other's throats again
like clockwork
based and true
Billy being the most cracked unit in the game is an absolute accident and I'm happy it happened
yes, that's a tech called DPA (dodge parry assist)
>He thinks talking louder is acting.
On field does not necessarily mean not burst, she still wants to hold on to team resources and wait for a stun to use dump it
Who could this be?
I'll never play a 4NIAR gacha but I'd roll for her if she was in one I actually do play
Ok cool, just hope I can farm enough tapes before her banner ends

Thanks for letting me know, have one last Jane
Most likely. He'd rather cbt than say anything positive about le en
no, I think genuinely good acting is acting
unbased and wrong
Jane obviously, no one uses tildes as she does
I finally build my Piper to resist rolling for Jane after she didn't show up in 30 rolls and to be fair she's pretty fun to play, the only issue is those hyper aggresive bosses, but I believe Caesar is going to fix this
Billy status?
All these anime games have a certain accent that just sounds cringe. Other games that have english voiceovers don't sound as bad
Not in Brazil. I just don't have an account
works on my machine
was this supposed to be an example of good EN voice acting?
Americans are cringe and the vtumor generation is even worse
>genuinely good
Objectively wrong. Crazy how older games had better talents, who quickly retired from the industry or moved to AAA only
English voices coming out of anime people just sounds wrong. The only people who disagree are retards who only watch dubbed anime.
What's wrong with it?
there are no "anime people" in ZZZ, it's not animation and it's not even japanese
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>Don't Rat Open Inside
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Too late, your UID is mine
the irony considering surely troons hate body hair

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