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A thread for discussing all things Atelier and Gust.

Gust PC games:

[March 21, 2025] Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & the Envisioned Land
-Website: https://atelier.games/yumia/us/
-Announcement Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Tps0iGizA
-First Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSE-Vq_b3gg
[September 6 – September 16, 2024] The Halloween 2024 - LEGEND FES (((Plachta)))
[September 2 – September 14, 2024] The Atelier 27th - LEGEND FES(((Marie)))
3000 gem event for linking your account to d*scord: https://files.catbox.moe/fr0y9r.png

System guide for Resna:

Resna visual guide and JP banner list:

Resna starter guide:

Previous thread: >>492430858
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For me, it's Meruru.
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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Logy. I try to play Valeria. My Logy deals more damage. I try to play Lanze, My Logy deals more damage. I want to play Rorona. Her best team has Logy. I want to play Escha, Shallie. They both want Logy.
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This was my team btw. For the slash mandatory content, I had Ruven and Patty replace Flocke and Empel.
I see. Unfortunately I dont have Flocke
In this particular build, she's only a marginal improvement on Lydie, although her leader skill helps a little bit more than anyone else's.
This team really works better with Lanze who gets a 100% burst skill buff from Totori's leader skill, but I didn't roll him. Honestly should have taken a bigger shot at him but I threw my gems at Onsen Klaudia instead.
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Witness...your Salvation
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need lara paizuri
Are you sure it's not Memories?
They're going for a Duskier tone so the idea of having Sophie and Firis level broken alchemy on hand doesn't fit right with the setting. I wouldn't be surprised if they work in cauldrons as part of the ruins.

I'm a bit more surprised at them not being sure if Yumia will be the MC for the next two games in the trilogy(maybe they have another remake coming up for the mainline?) and the bit about memories making up a person has me wondering if they got a bittersweet ending in mind since she'll be making friends along the way as a point. I could see them ending with Yumia losing her memories in the end or have the dragon in the flashback be her mom with wiped memories.
I did notice in the interview, they were non-committal towards whether Yumia would return as protagonist for the next game in the series or if she would have an understudy. He actually wouldn't even commit to a series and suggested the game could possibly be a stand alone, although I didn't take that very seriously.
That's because they're waiting for the sales number. Surely you don't believe they had planned Ryza to be the MC for all three Secret games from the start?
I think he actually says in the Yumia video that they planned for Ryza to be the MC in all three games from the start, might be mis-remembering though.
They can say whatever after the fact, but there's no way they would've stuck with Ryza if she didn't blow up like she did. You'd be a fool if you believe them.
You're not considering the fact that Ryza 2 came right after Ryza 1. The games come out yearly but production takes longer than a year. Switching out your MC after a month of sales is stupidly costly on resources and game content cohesion.
>Surely you don't believe they had planned Ryza to be the MC for all three Secret games from the start?
Not that anon, but with the needlessly sad ending of Ryza 1 it made sense that they were planning Ryza to be protagonist again and it was made alongside Nelke/Lulua which were also breaking series tradition.

It's silly to believe that the devs pumping out 1 or more games a year would be sitting on their thumbs "waiting to see what the fans ask for"/sales before doing anything.
Wanted to try maximizing my damage more in EX 2, so I replaced defender Lydie with Christmas Resna. Behold the result.
>production takes longer than a year.
Not with Gust.
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Groping Lara!
Yeah since Envisioned follows with Mysterious and Secret's naming scheme.
Bridal Kot...soon
>first rate up character since the rose banners
>it's the completely useless plactha
At least she's cute...
I wanted her myself but didn't get her with tickets, very cute.
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simply KINO
Is it just me or are the colors in Yumia's game way too muted than usual? I'm currently playing Ryza 3 and it's night and day.
Yumia would be actually 100+ years old granny in fact due to demihuman lineage.
Cuz it is originally supposed to be dusk 4. Prease understand.
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I'm looking forward to Yumia unbuttoning her skirt.
This means she's fat.
Doujin idea: Resna accidently makes am aphrodisiac and she and Kot end up drinking it. Roman comes to the atelier when they both pounce him and...
...he realizes what has happened and leaves immediately, protecting their purity.
If they do end up drinking it, they would fuck each other, not any man.
Whe are you using (((they))) marks for character banners?
Nigga dont be delusional
Resna (A25) and Yumia (A26) belongs to a new Atelier era
Do add Resna since its an official maingame
Stop ruining my horny fanfictions you bullies
It has absolutely no effect on Resna and she has to bind the Kot down till it wears off while Valeria walks in on them only to drink the aphrodisiac out of thirst while Resna's handling the Kot. Kot has to watch while Resna pleases Valeria into submission.
>originally supposed to be dusk 4
Thats partially Ryza 1 (water control) and Resna (mana scarcity) they sure love blueballing duskfags
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Which swimsuit would Yumia wear, bikini like Chad Ryza, or one piece like toddler resna?
Where did you get this. Can you post the rest of them without the sample text
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Are Ryza 2 and 3 worth playing or is it just more of the same? I heard 3 is open world is that true or just a gimmick?
Ryza 3 is indeed open world and is the largest game Gust has ever made. It also set the standard for all their games moving forward.
So should I skip 2?
I believe Ryza 2 was always in the plans, what he wasn't so sure about was Ryza 3, I remember a line from a specific interview around Ryza 2 era where he was dodging hard if Ryza 3 would be a thing to close the trilogy.
Play Sophie 2 while waiting for Yumia.
NTA but I’ve played less games than I imagine most of the thread has. Finally making time for another one, I’m going to play Ayesha soon. Will buy it the next time they run a sale.
>buying digital games
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Not everyone has room for the full set anon.
If you didn't like Ryza 1, then it's not worth it probably. If you did enjoy it, then yes it's worth it.
Okay, the deed is done.
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I'm actually a bit torn about buying it. The PSN gamepass thing lets you play the original for free but you have to pay for DX. Is it worth $20 to upgrade from base to DX? From my understanding the main difference is being able to fast forward. I think you get the DLC characters for free too which I think is Marion and I'm not sure who else.
>The PSN gamepass thing lets you play the original for free
Wait what? I have PS Plus Extra and it's not free.
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Pretty sure all the Arland and Dusk games in their base form are free, not sure about Mysterious, definitely not Ryza.
No of course not.
Oh that's the highest tier.
>Rorona 6/10
>Rorona Plus/DX 8/10
>Totori/DX 6/10
>Atelier Meruru/DX 10/10
>Atelier Lulua 8/10
>Atelier Ayesha/DX 6/10 (10/10 soundtrack)
>Atelier Escha and Logy/DX 8/10
>Atelier Shallie/DX 7/10
>Atelier Sophie/DX 8/10
>Atelier Sophie 2 10/10
>Atelier Firis 7/10
>Atelier Firis DX 8/10
>Atelier Lydie and Suelle/DX 11/10 (Atelier peaked here)
>Atelier Ryza 6/10
>Atelier Ryza 2 7/10
>Atelier Ryza 3 9/10

Don't @ me just because I'm right.
>another zoomer filtered by totori
Lydie & Suelle
>have been playing as far back as 2009
>over 30 years old
Nah Totori's inventory management was garbage and them not fixing it in the DX version was retarded so fuck you. It's also a terrible game to go into blind because of the way the story events are set up between the two major cities prior to unlocking teleportation.
20 pulls and all I got was this stab dodging garbage lmao kill me
Imagine being a puni and you see a girl with a dumptruck butt climbing 30 beds in the middle of the wilderness only for her to jump off the top and piledrive into you with ass, destroying you with the force of a nuclear missile
luck issue
Based on how it looks around the star ornament, and the fingers on the left, anon used AI to inpaint the sample text
Ryza 3 is likely the best game from the Atelier series and its a HUGE step from the previous one, Sophie 2
Remember the whole map of Ryza 1? Well it was merge into a seamless map huge map called region (okay, the island counts as another region and the tower and the previous underworld are unavailable)
There 4 regions + 2 small regions in this base game + another 2 from DLC.

Despite spoilers you may check this site for material gathering
Its shows all of its regions (okay it wont show indoor maps like Ryza house but you get what I mean)

Also check the cpu-gpu sync fix for Elixir engine games (everything since Firis, includes BR too)
As a classic fan, why this gacha seems to have so many bad guys? Atelier never had a lot of villains (well, excluding the PS2 era)
Valeria getting real nervous about being the food instead of eating it.
you want as much broad appeal as possible and some guys like evil women
also it's gacha so you can't just end the story after they beat the first bad guy, it's got to escalate.
Sexo art however
Ryza 3 being open world is a great example of why open worlds are bad. You have a massive map with the same enemies copy pasted everywhere, the same materials found everywhere, and they forgot to actually put any bonus bosses or events around the world so exploring it is largely pointless. Even the odd chest you find feels like a joke when it's just got sub-100 quality materials in it with mediocre traits.
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How the heck am I supposed to SS 11-2? The initial attack is unpreventable, and this is the earliest turn I can set up a burst.
did u upload the wrong screenshot my friend
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Oops. This is the right one.
Cute S-rank Kot
If 11-2 is in the new story I haven't done it yet however so I cannot help
You need to reduce your damage taken somehow. Show your team as well
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Here’s my clear stats. You need to focus on healing a bit.
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This is my set up. I tried various things, but this is the first one where I got enough damage out of kot for her to oneshot the boss.
Wait, is "DMG Taken" actually just what you end the map with? Like, if I take 6000 damage, but heal 5000 it only counts as 1000? If that's the case, that is incredibly stupid, and misleading.
Yeah it's damage taken at the end of the battle, thats why Meruru used to be such a good unit.
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Yes like on this clear from Meruru EX2 I posted in last thread, you start this fight by taking a hit, but I was able to heal it off by the time it ended so I get credit for 0 damage taken.
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I want to play the Iris and Mana Khemia games just so I can brag to you guys about how Gust cultured I am.

I have played Ar Tonelico though. Except those other games set in the same universe. That's like ultra niche.
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What is the menu screen ost of Atelier Rorona called?
Its not on the OST
I found it, its this one

I thought you meant the actual jingles on the title screen not the intro movie
Nvm I'm dumb I never even listened to it beyond the intro part so I didn't even know.
When does Ryza 2 story get interesting? I feel like I'm at least in the final third of the game and I cannot really name 1 thing that has happened
It doesnt
Which Atelier is your wife?
None, the're all under'age.
Is the story is 3 better at least
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excuse me my wife totori is 26 years old
Are you submissive to the law ?
Are you a paedophile?
3's story is entirely pointless outside of giving a conclusion to Bos' character arc. And the new characters have nothing going for any of them in story or in characterisation outside of one being a lolibaba if you care for that.
Yumia looks old enough to come home from work and have a beer with me while she tells me about how she street raced Vin diesel on her motorcycle that day
So 17-19, unless she is revealed to be 100+ years old.
Will Yumia have vocal song like Ryza 1?
I am legally married to Ayesha
If resna 16 I'm 16
Will Yumia have anime cinematics like persona?
Very unlikely
>caring about the story of an Atelier game
You lost before even starting
Ryza 2 story gets explained once that Starchild recovers its memory gets concerned
Ryza 3 once you get whole backstory of that Empels friend
But again, unless maybe Dusk o you wont get any (barely) decent story
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These are lesbians.
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resna must have cute, tiny nipples
big tits with tiny nipples look fake and gross
>Fake News
nah nipple size gotta scale with breast size otherwise it looks gross. look at some examples.
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Other one. Will Yumia have bikini or one piece as swimsuit costume?
tired of atelier girls making me horny, i'm doing a girlless atelier run where i only use boy party members
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>anon turns himself gay
It's Atelieover
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It should've been me....
Just heavily redid my spark priority list to match the post awakened Resna meta. Gyaru Ryza is now #1 on my target list.
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Who is the target audience for this kind of character design?
Zoomer chigyu.
Overall a clear and steady progression from the initial "am I kawaii uguu :3" look designed by and for wahmen, to a gradual enhottening of the heroine culimating in Ryza's considerable bust and unbelievable thighs barely restrained by hotpants.
Next up we have an office cake that trades Ryza's unremarkable hair for a cute bobcut but keeps the thick rack, now in a miniskirt -- a true "sasuga" moment for the character designers.
>a true "sasuga" moment
I kek'd hard desu
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Are you saying this is a woman?
Why did he do it?
I don't think old Ateliers were "for wahmen", more like they just did a good job at appealing to men and women, if I had to guess I would say the recent direction is starting to get less appealing for women and too focused on men.
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Unfortunate that he has same surname with Feminist scum who banned bikinis from Japanese console games in 2023. Kishida Fumiko.
Atelier is almost the champion of the franchise with a hot anime heroine that Japan sends out, nowadays.
This well has almost dried up because most efforts are migrating to gacha.
It's only natural that the collective coomer energies of the menfolk become focused on this one singular champion of console gaming, acting like a lens focusing the coomer energy.
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Resna eatin good. Gonna work on some Judie gear next.
>gifting resna wife a mere SR item
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that didn't take long. I have to go back to the drawing board for new stuff to make
hush now
Is persona anime game too?
Persona has a really bad cadence. The last title came out in 2020, but that is just an enhanced rerelease of Persona 5 which is almost a decade old.
It prominently has cute anime girls, sure, but none are really the face of an individual title

Besides the issue of prominence (quantitatively), I also think it makes a bit of a difference if a heroine really is the main character, or just a side character. But don't ask me to logically explain why I get that impression
Ryza is uber-popular with girls kek
People are very funny with their gender-based analyses.
Atelier and Persona are JRPGs, not "anime games" lmao
Is the Tower accessories(Greed ring,Lust Ring and Etc.) actually that hard to synthesize optimally?
Blew up my minimal amount of cookies and i still can't get the V/V or at least V/IV physical stun damage.
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resna paizuri
Platcha's tickling curse sounds like she's become horny and Sophie is the recieving end....
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>appropriately sized nipples
thank you
Are these supposed to be big or small? I may have to rescind my earlier "Fake News" as I thought that large areolae was also part of the stated requirement.
My mistake.
>Atelier and Persona are JRPGs, not "anime games" lmao
Why are you being an asshat on the weekend? He obviously just meant a game with a clear anime look. Jesus.
Whatever "anime game" you wish to lump in with JRPGs will never belong, sorry anon.
Me and my dick
i love rorona
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Yeah, Arland is full of fanservice, and in general they're just moe, as was the style at the time. Like I feel like NISA put Lias on the Meruru cover in a desperate attempt to bait girls (and he is good girlbait) but it didn't really work.

As games get more popular they attract more of a female audience just by the numbers game, but later titles do feel a bit more coomer-focused. On the other hand, they keep getting easier. I've seen multiple women freak out about the very idea of a time limit. (but they can play Persona with no problems? I don't get it)

I, personally, like the older titles better, but I'm the walking incarnation of OLD GOOD, NEW BAD so don't listen to me.
There's a reason Arland-only fags are so hated.
any tips for helloween EX, how I can easily get 10 buffs?
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resna and valeria anal
holy SEX
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But in game, resna's swimsuit is censored with one piece. And no one faps with valerie's ugly rashguard shirt. Which swimsuit would Yumia wear, bikini or one piece?
Two yuri couples in one image.
Bikini-anon, she takes off everything besides the 2 piece when she bursts.
Or in other terms: She is temporarily censored so she can strip strategically and thus become uncensored.
Will Yumia wear bikini or one piece? She should wear bikini for she doesn't look toddler unlike Escha,Lydie/Suelle,Resna.
We will see, probably after a DLC comes out.
Sophie and Platcha are so fucking gay
Goodness Blue Reflections Second Light's fragment system is odd. The music really carries these conversations about putting chocolate in curry.
Who asked for this?
>Ryza is uber-popular with girls kek
Source: my ass
Guys...I really like this new generation of ateliers with big butts...
Remember Totori, stay strong bro...
>all game correct swimsuits
>except for Ryza who for that tacky golden bikini instead of normal yellow
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This former heiress/nun makes me want to put myself at risk of being taken down by Goblin Slayer.
She is worth it goblin-sama, although I do not know if she will be the best breeding material.
Lanze's second wife
i'm on chapter 5. Is their a story reason she dresses like a dominatrix later on or should i just be happy and horny
There actually is a story reason lol. She changes back into her normal clothes after.
Prepare for extreme KINO in a few chapters where you will find out where this outfit came from
got a yumia card let's goooooo
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What should I expect from Atelier Marie? This will be my first atelier game
If you really want an OG experience I would recommend Atelier Rorona since it's pretty much Marie but better (makes sense since it's a throwback game that started the modern era).
Haven't played it, but a lot of QoL changes have been added to the series over the years. The older games were pretty tedious from what I remember.
Which version are you playing?
>Is their a story reason she dresses like a dominatrix
Wait until you see Flocke dressed as safe horny succubus
which atelier game would be chens favorite
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Yumia is in danger...
Also, physical versions in leaf-land for marie remake are out of stock at one major online retailer, I discovered this today
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how did she leave the house dressed like that without her father questioning her
No one faps over one pieced swimsuit.
Still waiting for Lulua artbook to be leaked
don't try me
Wrong desu, very wrong
Last I checked, Us/Canada didn't get hard copies of Marie Remake. I had to get a SEA copy just to have one for my set.
Why do not much people put Ryza on bikini dlc in game?
That makes sense, these must have been imported editions as well.
Too distracting looking at her fat thighs and butt I cannot focus on game
Mysterious has always been gay anon.
>sophia and plachta
>firis and illmeria
>maybe twincest
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I am holding out hope.
Ryza 4 will be Gyaru Ryza's game.
So which swimsuit would be better choice for Yumia, Bikini or one pieced swimsuit?
imagine going in resnahigh and getting bullied by punk sophie while gyaru ryza records you on the cell phone
I would simply stop time and...
this sounds like top tier doujin content...
The spirit is willing but the flesh is cheap
I'm at year 2 month 3 now, I still can't destroy the rocks at national mine for rorona
bricked playthrough
>Roman's tournament returns
>it's still dedicated content for giga whales
>ranking rewards have even greater disparity now
>emblem rewards require 50,000,000 minimum damage to acquire
I thought they were improving this shit not making it even worse...
Is the whole 500-1k gems for 1M damage still there in JP?
Honestly i dont give a shit about Roman Tournament since i'm too retarded to reach 10M damage.
I could only get there on bolt with my Izana team.
need balbomb. The only thing that matters for breaking rocks is the effect level so don't worry about quality/traits.
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i've been playing for over 20 hours and your post made me realize this bar

This whole time I only focused on quality and it turns out the type of material used affects this bar and it has different effects
lol well your second playthrough will go better
I don't play Resna, but how come Resna looks like a bigger slutwhore than Yumia or Ryza?
her personality is 75% getting horny over alchemy and anyone that does alchemy so the slut look is appropriate
Sounds like a bigger alchemyboo than Nelke.
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Lack of alchemical success led her to this desperate state...
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Reminder that Kokoro mogs Ryza in case you forgot
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just a wallpaper engine thing someone made of a lewd ryza commission i made years ago
Nobody even knows who Kokoro is.
For me, it's Ao, Shiho and Hiori. That was what I used when I got them all.
which atelier is she from
she's from the atelier ryza 2 tech demo
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Judging from the hair I'm guessing she is Patty prototype then?
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Back in 2019 I played Lydie & Suelle on PS for about 10 hours but then I put it on hold because Ryza came out. Is it worth starting over with the DX version on Switch?
She's from Blue Reflection: Second Light
Yes, although I have not played the Switch version
Boobs too big. Head too small.
bruh where is iris
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For most of these you need emulation this days.
Mana Khemia is not Atelier.

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