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Goldfish edition

Operation Midnight Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxr9tL73SNQ&t

Agave teaser: https://x.com/i/status/1823570240636379486

>Snowbreak 2.1 Overview & News

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Special Chapter 3 "Operation Midnight" is now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Aug 23 - Sep 07] Lifting of Fog - boss gauntlet challenge
[Aug 26 - Sep 09] Defense Line Zero - co-op wave defense
[Sep 02 - Sep 16] Aperture Eclipse - wave defense
[Sep 09 - Sep 23] Hero Games - co-op wave rush

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Vidya - Agave | Weapon: Bespoke Theater
[Aug 22 - Sep 19] Chenxing - Ethereal Cloud | Weapon: Cinnabar Justice
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Cherno - Enigma | Weapon: Nocturne Fissure
[Sep 05 - Sep 26] Enya - Exuvia | Weapon: Glow of Mystique

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])
h4yi7b2c (new)

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>100 Pity Banner Type Details

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

Previous: >>493227789
Mind break Siris and Chen.
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Marry Cherno's CN VA
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Impregnating Katya
But we already broke Chen after seasoning her buns.
Is there a way to enter the bathroom while someone is taking a shower? I have gifts to give to everyone but they're always in the fucking shower when I try to.
Mind protect Siris and Chen
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Exit room and re-enter
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Okay that works but
>Give gift
>Girl goes to take a shower
>Exit and re-enter
>Give gift
>Girl goes to take a shower
What the fuck is going on why are they always fucking showering?
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idol of my ideals
ruler of my reason
healer of my heart
shatterer of my solitude
dominator of my desires
the one & the only, Fenny Golden.
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having sex with siris while she continually forgets that she's having sex
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>never ending sex because Siris keeps forgetting to stop
I'd love to see this as an in-game.

NTR. They are banging fat ugly bastard behind it.
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Thank you
>What the fuck is going on why are they always fucking showering?
They don't wanna be stinky for (You).
How are the Marianfags coping with the fact that she'll be the free useless support for Summer Katya next patch
Every free support has been excellent though. I'm more excited for that than whoever ends up being the DPS.
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>Marianfags coping with the fact that she'll be the free use
I feel like both Marianfags, and Marian, would want that
>The free Marian support will make Marian Swift useful like how the free Fenny made Fenny Coronet useful again.
I can live with that.
>Marian Swift also like wiFenny
Marianfags boutta be eating good
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>Marian is the god tier sniper support that fixes snipers
>She gets spanked by adjutant to activate her support skill
the only way to fix sniper characters is by switching their weapon
I'm betting instead that Marian is going to be the new DPS and that new Katya will support old Katya
Nita bros...
5Nita will be the first bazooka user bro. Trust the plan.
It really could go either way, but you're right, it's not as easy as just saying "Marian is free because Marian"

If Seaslug gives Katya for free, that unbricks the dorms of people who didn't roll for her. On the flipside, I think Katya is more likely to get rolled for for sex reasons than Marian unless they give Marian a little more oomph than she's currently got.
They've been making the more popular character in the patch the free characters though. It's because they want to drive skin sales for that character. Then they can make the gacha character more popular by making them a meta DPSs which drives skin sales for them as well.
>unless they give Marian a little more oomph than she's currently got.
no reason to expect that they wouldn't; all the glowups have gotten 'buffed' in that respect
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I really hope they don't end up just giving her fatter tits. Girls can be sexy without needing to be given breast implants. Marian is another girl who already has decently sized boobs to begin with, they just need to be released, as seen in her dress skin.
Katya is going to be the star banner character because Seaslug likes making money, it's just that simple.
The new 5* Katya will be able to surf on land
Pretty much. Lyfe is now arguably the most popular character thanks to this strategy, and people want her shit.
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>Marian gets a massive powerup after the Adjutant spanks her
>the other girls tell him to spank them before every mission, or during a critical moment mid-combat
>this has to be included in every report from now on
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It was in my contract.
I hope they do give her fatter tits
I just don't want them to go overboard
6Fenny-type proportions would be perfect
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>The spanking arc begins
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bwos... do you think... bwo... do you think...

has snowpeak... snowpoken?
What kind of upset would there be if Katya was the support unit and Marian was the meta DPS
How about grenade launcher for standard fire, then bazooka for the ult
None. Everyone loves Katya, and it would unbrick the newfag accounts.
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Not much since Katya already had a meta dps version
Give every girl a dps alt and a support alt
Make Katya's support alt surf, snowboard, or skate and play guitar to buff
>wake up in the middle of the night
>go to the hall to get some tea
>see nita squatting in the corner, pinching a loaf
>I briefly close my eyes in exasperation before returning to my room
>I think about why we can't have nice things as I sip my tea before returning to sleep
I remember some dataminer said at this thread that alt Marian will have longer hair. If that's true it will be pure sexo. Long hair = convenient handle to drive Marian.
do not bang the maso, sleepless nights are ahead
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Certified Hag Post. Every thread except for when I forget or until they add her.
Who cleans up Nita's messes though?
These low IQ posts become funnier the more they're posted.
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I can't wait for the meta Tess DPS alt. I can finally use that bimbo to murder shit.
rock star Katya support seems like a great fit
Can't wait to spank my maso wife.
Why do you think people would be upset about getting a free Katya support? Katya already has a meta DPS version. Who is there to be upset?
>the plotline is that Yao teaches Tess how to be a godlike sniper so Yao can go back to being a sleepy support
Caroline since she's diligent and first to rise
It will be a wise move if Seaslug makes Katya alt a good support for Blue Bolt and brings her to meta again, just like what they have done to starshine and coronet
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we snowpoke our wives every night
it's exhausting but always immensely satisfying
stupid kot
Fenniggers will riot if Katya alt gets to be the DPS and the spotlight of the new story even though she is already popular while Fenny was forced to be a jobber.
>Katya is a support for crossbows
Safest skip in the history of Snowbreak.
>All her skins are gone
Shame. But still, opportunity to get more for her new variant.
Rather than all this. Will we be getting wedding bikini skins in the patch for Katya and Marian?
No, MuMu revealed to me in my dream that their wedding skins are indefinitely postponed. He also told me the Cherno Wedding 2029 is not a meme.
You're retarded if you think a support Katya would be a support specifically only for crossbows.
How butthurt do you expect Katyacucks to be if she turns out to be the butt of all jokes in 2.2 and Agave-tier trash gameplay-wise? Considering they're the most fragile little snowflakes in /snowg/, I'd say 11/10 on the butthurt scale.
How butthurt do you expect anti-Katyacucks to be if she turns out to be the the star in 2.2 and better than Agave-tier gameplay-wise? Considering they're the most fragile little snowflakes in /snowg/, I'd say 11/10 on the butthurt scale
It can't be worse than Fenniggers' coping and seething.
It's almost 3 and you faggots are determined to make this a shit thread. I'm taking my wives and going to bed.
That's not true at all you drama tourist. You're literally attempting to manufacture drama before it even happens. Besides, wiFenny is such a good support for Coronet that Coronet became relevant again, and the Fenny Enjoyers (true) got her signature weapon and play with her as a DPS anyway because she's still fun to play even if she isn't the most effective unit. Fenny has a top tier support and also a top tier DPS version.

Seriously, I don't know why you drama tourists only ever think about drama.
Just like there's no way a certain part breaker would be specifically only good for part breaking, right?
Why are you being retarded on purpose? What do these things have to do with each other? Why are you connecting these 2 completely unrelated ideas? Besides, Agave's getting buffed, so you're still a retard either way
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What if Katya and Marian were both main DPS, everyone is happy
>play with her as a DPS
I did so and was humiliated by Lyfe IS in the Niggalink, just like how Fenny cannot help but keeps jobbing to Lyfe.
Are we... winning?
>everyone is happy
Except Fenniggers.
The drama tourist retard is manufacturing fake drama that hasn't happen and will not happen unless he perpetrates it as a false flag himself.

I'm a Katyafag, and I see no reason for there to be another Katya DPS. She's already insane as an all rounder DPS, and if the alt Katya is a DPS chances are that I wont use her, so I would even prefer, logically, that she be a support.
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I wonder who is behind this girl vs girl flame baiting...
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>Fenny mentioned
Fenny best girl
Fenny game
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Is someone really trying to make another "fenny support" situation? We don't even have kit leaks, be patient mate.
>people dont take the star master bait anymore so she resorts to this
This is clearly a misinformation campaign run by Marianfags to spread their Alt Marian DPS propaganda.
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I am noticing
I hope Tess alt has some stupid gimmick like marking enemies through walls so I can call her the noticer
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>someone (singular) is already pitting Katyafags against Fennyfags
>...but the next patch is for Marian and Katya, not Katya and Fenny
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Reminder if you don't roll for Edda your pc uninstalls snowbreak permanently and your phone explodes
Also your cock will shrink while it'll get bigger if you roll for Edda
Why play Star Master if you can go fishing in /snowg/, also the bait is not time gated.
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>They never suspect the real mastermind
What if I already have the Edda frame?
I see, we lost.
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When will we get a playable princess Felicity?
Spank Princess Felicity's fat ass
Built for seasoned wolves
Katya should be a support for Katya. I'm still pissed they baked in an anti-Katya clause in wiFenny's kit.
>I'm still pissed they baked in an anti-Katya clause in wiFenny's kit.
Which was this? I mindlessly used wiFenny on Katya during anniv with the assumption and mindset that wiFenny just buffs Katya's first few shots.
Her special ammo blocks other aptitude bonuses so Katya's deiwos doesn't work.
The question is how are they going to do this? Buffing non-crit damage? Buffing Frost damage? Buffing RoF (hard coded)? Buffing S-energy or S-energy regen? % chance of double damage, or shooting 2 bullets for every 1 bullet? Additional damage per instance of damage? Causing all shots to crit no matter what?
>will actually have to roll for both and buy both costumes because I simp specifically Marian and Katya
How the fuck bros
I thought those two would always be separate but now I gotta CASH OUT
One is going to be free, mang. Unless you're whaling for immediate manifestation levels
Aptitude effects damage buff then 4frit becomes SSS tier.
Maybe also give her auxiliary unit damage buff as a joke.
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Buffing only crossbow damage
>Aptitude effects damage buff then 4frit becomes SSS tier.
this was her leafy secret all along
I wonder if they ever plan to add another crossbow operative or it's going to be a Katya thing forever.
These low IQ posts become funnier the more they're posted.
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>Buffing non-crit damage? Buffing Frost damage? Buffing RoF (hard coded)? Buffing S-energy or S-energy regen? % chance of double damage, or shooting 2 bullets for every 1 bullet? Additional damage per instance of damage? Causing all shots to crit no matter what?
That's now how we do it here. You need to put more flair and pizzazz on your skill descriptions. Something like:

Support Katya go circle on floor
Circle grant "Frozen Throne" to active operator
"Frozen Throne" grant active operator +5% ballistic damage and +5% damage reduction every 5 seconds, stacking up to 10 times
Upon reaching 10 stacks, consume all stacks and grant "Frostborn Queen" to the active operative
"Frostborn Queen" grants debuff immunity and +10% ballistic damage with 20% chance to splinter into two additional mini bolts/bullets for 30 seconds
Mini bullets deal 50% of the main bullets damage and cannot crit
Operators under "Frostborn Queen" shoot out enhanced "Sub-Zero Titagen Infused Bolts/Bullets"
Shooting "Sub-Zero Titagen Infused Bolts/Bullets" deal +10% increased frost damage to enemies and inflict "Lethargy" for 5 seconds, stacking up to 10 times
"Lethargy" causes targets to move -5% slower and may instakill target (0.01% rate)
When Support Katya equip the Hoes of Yehrus logistic set, increase "Frostborn Queen" duration to 40 seconds and grants "Love for Analyst"
"Love for Analyst" give active operative 50% chance to revive with 1HP upon taking fatal damage
Upon taking fatal damage, if the active operative succeeded and revived with 1HP, grant "Reborn Will" for 30 seconds, which increases the active operative's HP by +50% and grants them +50% skill damage
Upon taking fatal damage, if the active operative succeed and revived with 1HP, grant "Sworn Vengeance" to the next active operative. Decrease their HP by -50% and grant them +100% ballistic, skill, and ultimate damage.

I really wish they'd clean up and trim their skill descriptions. I still need to ready Vidya's.
I imagine they would at some point. But Katya's turret mode negates the downsides of using said weapon. What would another xbow user do? Having a slow non hitscan weapon sucks
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Cherno buffs my penis
Tank RoF in exchange for damage that can't crit, only Katya in turret can use it
You forgot additional clauses about losing all stacks of Frozen Throne upon sprinting and losing the Frostborn Queen status upon shooting after performing three dodge rolls in quick succession.
>not a gif
>file: 1716962239019396.gif
>not a gif
Somehow the lowest IQ post itt and you're competing with Cherno users and Katyafags.
Holy tourist
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But it is a gif?
They shower after every round with the adjutant
I mean, she'll still have her good OG version, plus actual skins as opposed to half the roster now
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Adjutant the base's water bill just increased by 1000%...
the shower thing is pretty fucking annoying when doing the daily, you can't make them change places like the rest of the furniture so you have to leave and re-enter the room
it's not even interesting as an interaction, you can't see or do anything other than hear hum.wav
itt: anons want their operatives to stop taking showers
Tess Kotkin
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I believe in eventual shower interactions and hot springs hangouts
I mean yeah, like people have pointed out, the shower event is pretty pointless if we can't interact with them AT ALL. They should just nix it if that's all it's ever going to be, or better yet, let us at least talk to them. Going inside might push some envelopes but fuck it. Might as well try.
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I've seen footage that no-clips in and there's a silhouette in there. It definitely feels like more will come down the line.
Be a good person.
They have a way to create silhouette on a surface. It's right there on the X-ray scanner of Tess in the healing center. However they just don't add this feature to the shower.
B-but i need to become a demon or i won't be able to protect my operatives...
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I hope Tess gets an on-field version at some point. She's cute.
Where did this idea come from? I know 6Fenny is amazing for Coronet, but there's no real precedence outside of that. I'd rather have someone else be a Katya support for the variety.
I mind broke the yuri couple of Chen and Siris by messing up their memories and made them my sex slaves.
I will
kill fenny.
's insecurities and make her my wife.
My logi recycling has not yielded any electrical dmg up yet...only 1 logi out of 3 has it (although it is perfect, atk 10/alignment 100)
How goes it for other Agave-anons?
How many did you use?
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There is no way Tess isn't godlike already
Imagine fucking Lyfe in front of Fenny...
I fucking gave up after burning through +50 logis and almost 70 skill change chips and not getting a single above average stats set with matching 3rd skill
Shit was bad previously, but for Vidia, the 'RNG' become fucking riddiculous.
Imagine hugging Edda in front of Lyfe…
Imagine fucking Lyfe not in front of Fenny...
Imagine watching Lyfe cheat on you...
Imagine Lyfe watching you cheat on her with Tau...
Imagine having gay sex in ass with Will Anderson while Fenny's getting creampied by Modak.
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lyfe is ntr bait
Imagine a /snowg/ thread with only good posts
I've been through 6 that were "good enough" to take to max (anything with ATK over 5 with alignment or anything with ATK over 7.5)
No revisions used so far except for 2 on the GOD-PIECE (got lucky there.) It only rolled 3.5% electrical but I'll take it
lyfe is a garbage whore regardless of ntr
Fennyfags are retarded faggots as usual
Fenny won
Lyfe lost
You lost
Your wife is a sextoy for a flock of homeless bastards
Lyfe's first child is not yours
Imagine impregnating Tau while the entire heimdall force watches.
I would like to wish the following snogger(s) a pleasant evening:
Sorry to disappoint you, but 6Tess will never happen. There are more important characters to release, like 6Katya, 7Katya, and at least five more of her alts.
Dare I say it, 69katya
Wrong. Tess saved the game before Katya.
>Imagine impregnating Tau
You need to spend like 5 decades worth of Yggdrasil R&D budget first to restart her dried out and fossilized ovaries
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Scraping the bottom of the barrel here, are we?
kys nigger
where does this hatred of lyfe come from?
I heard that gacha gamers usually hate the main girl, or something? That could explain it.
I wouldn't really know since Lyfe is my type and Snogger is the first gacha game I really like.
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*very strong hug*
depends. main girls in gacha are usually a bland doormat. lowest common denominator and all that. that particular mold has been breaking a bit in recent years but it mostly holds true.
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>Break in posts between :08 and :21
We're dying without Katya, bwos...
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fat steamed bun all over my face
Edda will win
Edda game!
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This is a child
Share your gameplay snoggers https://twitter.com/SnowbreakEN/status/1831995797128585339
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Edda did nothing wrong
*goes fishing*
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Exactly, she planned to turn humanity into nothing, but even this she done fucking wrong, one stupid incompetent cunt
>page do not found
*goes auto-resolve Pot of Plenty on Easy*
How exactly do you play Cherno and what is the best support for her?
Just happily threw all my neural sim bucks into 10 4chen fragments
I like chen
This is how you play the game.
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6Eatchel wen
1. shoot your smg at mobs giving them purple aids that slowly drains their hp
2. press 'E 'to throw glowing blob on them, which gives them even more and faster purple aids
3. when you cast three blobs, press and hold 'E', to explode blobs with massive AoE, causing the damage proportional to amount of purple aids mobs have
4. When have enough juice for ult skill, press 'Q' and then do point 3 from that list
For support, try Tess, which gives speed buff to Cherno ult skill or 4Marian which can lower enemy chaos dmg resistance
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Remember to thoroughly cherish your auspicious wife!
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>I like chen
You and me, bro. you and me...
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Tau watching me jerk off
Having to wait until 2.3 or even later to learn of Tau's fate is painful.
How does she give birth to AI?
I'm sorry bros but I just can't see Eatchel as my daughter... So I will impregnate her instead.
Because she's the worst character, a loser and does compensated dating with ugly bastards (you excluded).
Fenny won. Fenny game. It's simple.
She's a boss. She don't bother looking over tiny things.
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Stay mad
I remember when a tiny bit of effort was put into falseflagging.
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I love my family
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massage 2.0 when
My wife's daughter is so cute.
What is this game ripping us off
Why is she called the cub?
> british damage sounds
where do I find this in game?
Massage feature was ripped from Orc Massage, so it's a fair game.
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Genuine question. If your favourite Snowbreak girl was asking you to make out with her asshole (clean) because she was into it would you oblige her?
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It's strange that you assume I haven't asked her first.
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Why did Heimdall recover the remains of Nascent Woden? Why did the said it was important? Do you think they could bring back Kim somehow and make her an operative or something?
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Yes because Caroline doesn't produce fecal matter.
You guys are my friends :)
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Hello friend :)
Because they are a shady giga corp pharmaceutical company? Why wouldn't they recover it? It's like asking why umbrella would recover random bioweapons.
I'm not your friend pal >:(
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I'm not your pal buddy.
Are we a pharmaceudical company? I thought we were some Titan defense force.
Cherno makes me cum fast
Because studying whatever the fuck Rozan managed to do is a good way to start forming a plan to stop her?
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Among other things, yes. We produce the jewviosis vaccine.
Just exploding Cherno's balls on her face would be a better way to stop her. That works generally well.
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It's mistake not bringing Cherno Enigma Ball to New Hentai.
I was unlucky enough to have a pajeet as my school bus driver and the ape would always, without fail, take a stop every fucking day at the same fucking spot to take a dump on the side of the street.
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Rozan would snap Cherno like a twig and you know it
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Adjutant should bring Cherno everywhere.
Why is she sniffing my balls?
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5Nita is looking great
She's preparing to explode them.
Nuh uh
It would be funny if Cherno jobbed hard next time she showed up.
That's what Meursault is for.
Patch 2.2 is really disappointing, I'm afraid we will go EoS sooner or later. I am start to believe the shitposts that Seaslug has abandoned this project and moved on to Mechabreak.
Dumb story-skipping chernigger
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No need for the Eatchel-ish attitude
You and I both know that the only person allowed to defeat Rozan is the adjutant
The politically correct term is a PoC (Proponent of Cherno).
Sis, you scheduled this post 1 month too early...
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why is grandma like this?
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What's the origin of this clip? Seen edits in other places too and it's got me curious.
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the titan slayer is so cute
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The smartest people in Heimdall...
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That's professor Fritia for you
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brb selling all my Yggdrasil shares
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*rapes you*
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Wait, Siris is supposed to be smart?
Stop skipping the story, she has proved many times that she is, this isn't just "tell don't show". Pay attention!
I don't skip the story, she just genuinely doesn't have many scenes where this supposed intellect is showcased. (It mostly focuses on her being cute, committed and a deeply trusting person.) Mauxir and Fritia both have an array of gadgets, robots and various tech-related skills that come up every so often.
Siris was the one who figured out how the virtual world works when they got stuck there in her story chapter.
>Girl with memory issues who lacks a sense of direction
>Depressed girl that can't get pass a baby lock and has a complex abouth her body
>Severe autist that goes rogue during most missions and causes unnecessary problems
It's never been more owari
She is a Ph.D bwo
>Severe autist that goes rogue during most missions and causes unnecessary problems
But Lyfe isn't in that image
is she actually a professor?
My impression was that being more of an intuition thing, likely stemming from her background, not education.

Fair enough, I'm just saying it isn't showcased much compared to the two others there.
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But I was describing Mauxir...
>likely stemming from her background
yeah, her background as a scientist
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Professor Fritia wouldn't lie
All the CNbros call her that
Why is Fritia so rapey? Its not the only time she has done this?
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>Makes an AI before 15yr
>Every gadget Yggdrasil uses is made by Fritia
Snoggers telling newpups to skip the first 10 chapters did unrepairable damage.
What about Acacia though? She is a master programmer
AI assisted programming and it's for boomer games, useless for killing Titans. also iirc Fritia was the programmer for star master, Acacia was the director
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Today I will remind them
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What the fuck is that thing
I'm still not playing Star Masters
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even though fenny's my favorite, lyfe's character development is the best. she turns from a girl who lives her life fueled by hate of titans; she mellows out; her goal is still to exterminate titans but for a life of peace with the one she loves.
she definitely destroys the "main girl=worst girl" tradition.
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>Eatchel took on the role of the base mascot
>Lyfe took on the role of the mean autist
>Vidya took on the role of the writer
It's nyover...
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They all come around eventually
Isn't this outright mentioned in one of her Personal Files? They mention something like she has the top record in the Heimdall Force.
Reminder that even without a manifestation Acacia would be able to win against everyone here
Her background is dubious, her suit is REDACTED. She was already an agent before developing superpowers, unlike some people like Lyfe and Fenny that got uplifted from sports.
She was important enough to get stasis for treatment while everyone else was dying in her time.
you don't even play star master, you just stand there and let the npcs do all the work
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She almost never works, but when she does, she gets the job done.
She's stronger than she lets on
Bro, Acacia would win everyone with prep time
Not in a game of basketball, womanlet.
Why every time I look at Agave she has less and less clothing?
I'm still convinced Acacia is a repurposed female player character that was scrapped in beta.
What's left for her now though? Just being a content and happy mary sue character until EOS? There needs to be some conflict.
fuck off
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She now wants to kill gods
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why does it take so much fucking event currency to max out a cope weapon
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Because you have to invest to fully embrace the cope. If you didn't you'd still understand you need the 5 star T1.

It's called sunk-cost fallacy.
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I tried asking in the /v/ drawthread but it got archived.
Could anyone redraw this to be the Adjutant and the dialogue be ''... The Snowbreaker''?
I tried using AI but it just made Adjutant become an Arknights character...
Bros is Exuvia a good support for Katya? Do Katya deiwos trigger Exu support even If the enemy is outside the circle of her skill?
It's you who has to be in the circle, not the enemy. She works pretty well, yeah.
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What is it about Lyfe's face that just screams "AUTISM"
Guys I regret rolling Cherno...
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I blame the lyfe3 poster
Thanks! I'll make my main team Katya, Exuvia and Eatchel, then
It's over. Might as well roll for her gun now too.
based hagLORD being born
That's the issue, I have Wyfe and Katya with their signature so using Cherno with the event gun feels bad.
And I can't afford to roll it or I'm fucked for summer.
Nothing a little plastic (or metal if you're not poor) rectangle won't fix.
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>or I'm fucked for summer
Yes, and?
>(or metal if you're not poor)
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Not having summer Cherno will be the real brick. You are safe. For now.
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I don't, I'm happy to finally have her.
if you don't understand, then you're definitely too poor
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Hello my fellow snoggers
Your very expensive high quality katana that you'll use to mug people and take their money.
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I have a metal card, and he's right.
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>or I'm fucked for summer.
Hmmm, nyo
>got my Cherno
>hit 0 xtals
>finally exhausted 99% of the one time content outside of achievements that give 10 xtals each
How many rolls do you get per patch with monthly card and bp? Wondering if I should be able to snag the new character next patch.
>>hit 0 xtals
The roll currency. Digicash?
Ohhhh, "crystals", you shortened it like "Christmas" to "Xmas"
who the fuck says xtals
If you buy just the monthly employee benefit, You can get enough gems to always guarantee yourself the new operative.
you can get metal credit cards
Focking crosstals m8
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I got a lot of forktals saved up.
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>who the fuck says xtals
Richard D. James
This one is Siris's patch specifically. It's kinda different in every patch.
The last one is what?
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I call them candy
I say borty (borty!), a fun thing to do when you’re feeling sporty
>just buy
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>talks about how anything can happen when people are drunk
>catch her doing something as I pass out
was I raped?
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No you consented when you became the Adjutant so it's not rape
The seasoned wolf in (You) went wild and ravaged her. You may not remember it, but all of the operatives know how dangerous the Adjutant is when he's uninhibited.
Fritia is the only true genius nya
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Crystals spent on Cherno are never wasted.
she stole your digicash bro...
I'm a f2p.
According to the picture up, between a f2p and a monthly/bp, the difference isn't THAT big so I don't really feel that miserable. Even moreso because it's still enough.
But it's still sad being a f2p because of skins.
I've been depressed a lot those days because I can't have Cherno's maid skin
Asking my parents for money to spend on online games feels shameful, and I can't work yet because I'm under the required age to have either "carteira assinada" or work as a "jovem aprendiz"
So my plan was to wait until I'm older but now they are gone forever
Very sad, and I feel depressed everytime I see things like >>493420909 because I'll never have them... but oh well, life goes on
>weekly packages
>medium spender
>high spender (buying every package)
You must be 18 or older to use this website.
You must be 14 or older to play Snowbreak in Brazil
You must be 18 or older to use 4chan.
Bro, you shouldn't be playing gacha games during your early teens, they'll rot your brain
Snowbreak is 6+ in Russia, even little kids are playing it and caress Enya's ass on their phones at school
That's fine if kids are playing Snowbreak legally. However, they cannot be using 4chan.
This is right.
This is also true.
Gacha games didn't ruin me during my teens, they didn't exist. Fucking TCGs like Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs did
Acacia has powers that aren't part of her manifestation
She had super strength enough to hurt a titan even before she got her manifestation
This happens almost immediately after her introduction
>carteira assinada
>jovem aprendiz
>under the required age
Look, I am older than you a fair amount and I still don't have a job, so maybe you don't want to hear this from me but... what are you doing admitting how young you are on 4chan? Even making it clear from where you are too. Could you try to be more careful around the internet?
Other than that, good job.
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where my 20/20 bros at
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Who is in the room?
Rozan and the Adjutant.
Everyone (except Katya)
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Modak and his wife.
I don't have the Star Master badge :(
She throws a knife and it sticks in the titan and the other manifestations are like
Holy shit she just penertrated titan armor with a regular knife.
the Adjutant with two security guards
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Fuck fuck work finished 25 min ago and I and got some ice cream on my way back home but I had a freudian slipfuck and asked for bing chilling and the vendor looked at me weird and now I'm so ashamed I want to bury myself in a hole aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
If you frame it as that you accidentally asked for something in another language, it's a lot less cringe than you asking for it in its meme version.
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Ultra bricked
>Ultra bric-ACK
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I like this post!
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uh oh I had a freudian slip and accidentally called Mauxir a nyagger
now you can finally loose some wait fatty
uh oh I had a freudian slip and accidentally called Nita a pajeet
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How can anyone dislike this cute schizo?
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Cherno'a bum smells good
I look forward to Li since she seems relatively well-adjusted like Yao, Chen, Enya, and Fenny (when she's not drowning in her inferiority complex).
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You mean Chen
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serious fish
Her entire existence is purely to serve as the representation and the spokesperson of the military in the story. She will never join Heimdall.
stop skipping cutscenes
Do most of you play this game on PC? I play on mobile (Android handheld), but the targeting sometimes gets stuck and it’s barely possible to move the crosshairs. I’ve died to this too many times. Wondering if I should just play on PC instead. Is it any better?
Anon, I...
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>is this shooter better on PC
what do you think
This is a pc game bwo
I play on my phone at low graphics
My PC can't run snowbreak
But if I could I'd 100% play on PC
New player here. Can someone explain this me. So manifestation echoes are the special limited ones that I should be saving for every patch and the operative chit I can use whenever? Should I be rolling for the current new characters? Thx

Also my favorites so far are Fenny followed by katya
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why would you default to mobile? I can't imagine playing this on mobile unless it was my only option or I was on vacation
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How old is your pc if it can't run snowbreak but your phone can?
It's the kind of machine that Nita could afford.
Normal Nita or budgeting Nita?
of course it's a million times better on PC
I don't like the lust in this Cherno's eyes
Snowbreak still needs a dedicated GPU, Intel HD Graphics can't handle it.
And I'm still not allowed to work so I can't buy it myself.
Your fingers must be tiny as hell. I couldn’t even move when I tried playing on mobile cause I kept pressing everything
>we have underaged hues
Well, it makes sense I guess. I’m kind of used to playing shooters with a controller though. I will give it a shot, thanks.
It’s more flexible as doing dailies and such can be done anywhere this way.
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You can use a controller on pc.Your account can easily login to both pc and mobile as well. So its not like you need to commit to one
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It's still going
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Yeah, pretty sure the majority of people play on PC.

Yes, the "Manifestation Echo covenant" are the special ones and the "operative recruitment chit" you can use whenever.
>Should I be rolling for the current new characters?
I would personally recommend getting Cherno, she's one of the games strongest DPS characters.
seethe and cope
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W-w-what cut?
>Look at what my friends on gee told me to buy on ebay, Adjutant!
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was vendor chinese?
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>Wondering if I should just play on PC instead. Is it any better?
Snowbreak's official Twitter used to urge people to play on PC.
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Hidden mechanics strike again.
Well, I know for a fact there's kids playing Genshin, and I even suspected some posters on /gig/ were underage, multiple times, so it doesn't really feel weird seeing one here on /snowg/.
Still unnerving though.
How do you recover Agave's S energy aside from shooting? Sometimes her S energy regenerates randomly and I don't know what's causing it.
If they're anything like me, they always find a way to access, even in china I imagine.
On a scale of 1-10, what does Siris' butthole taste like?
Uh oh I had a Freudian Slip and said to Cherno I prefer Meursault more
but it wasn't a slip
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Marianon reporting in
I just finished dailies.
And I am tired
My mouse keeps going to the second monitor during gameplay, is there a fix for that?
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2 SRs left to level up...
New Misena video is out
I hope he never stops doing these
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Yao pls
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doesn't happens to me at all.
Win + P to disable one of the screen will fix it though.
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Yao's chapter will be a SoL around the dorm and her becoming a god after waking up from a power nap
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>My nita post made it in
>Keijo mentioned
Kino as always
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Nice I got in twice again. Also...
>Nita mentioned
Remember the plan
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My old post from Siris patch got in.
>made it in 4 times
do you like tuna? 9/10 if so
Keijo mini game when?
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Damn, I'm so cool...
An entire 3 people must've rolled Agave because I didn't even have leveled logistics or attack on them.
I have her but I didn't bother doing the event again
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Why doesn't Meursault show up on my home screen and give me a kiss, a real deep one with her tongue violating my mouth with her arms wrapped around me? Meursault owes me sex, rough sex that ends with hand holding and youtube.
How did you do that?
Show me your 4* Marian
It would be funny if it turned out that more people rolled on Cherno rerun.
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BrickGODS don't forget to play the trials
I don't even remember, Agave/Ichel/Enya I think, I just mashed E a lot and sat in lava for infinite energy.
>nhentai will shut down
Is that true?
>caring about a low quality leecher
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I only fap to H-audio and eroge so I don't really care but that sucks I guess. I never used the meme panda site just because I autistically refuse to jump through hoops for sekrit clubs like that and private torrent trackers.
eatchel is so cute
she's unstoppable.
Eatchel drinks from the toilet
>>nhentai will shut down
Source? I like nhentai because refreshing my sadpanda became too annoying.
when panda had it's own scare of shutting down with a weeks notice i got a small loan of a million credits to archive anything i could get my hands on from some based anon. so it's the best site for me since i have basically unlimited downloads.
Goes well with the urinal cakes
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I wish this had co-op mode, it's so tedious doing four matches in a row. It's probably even worse for newbies who have to grind it multiple times more.
>Use Lyfe
>Press Q
>Max Killstreak
>Level complete
the few things it had that the panda didn't have anymore are already gone so I can't say I care
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Siris's mode
I just stand on the top middle pole with Katya in aoe mode and mindlessly shoot the things
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My internet went out
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had to stop gathering and use the turret to kill the boss because the Lyfe was too busy making sure mobs don't make it in
My dog ate the ethernet cable
>my feet hurt
>these hags' tits are too big
>I wish I was home developing star master 2
These are apparently from the same match, from the same perspective, but the image posts are only 1 minute apart, so they can't be from the same 4chan poster.
What about the pass?
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I thought the pass lowers cooldown by 30 seconds, so it'd be 1 min for text posts and 1min 30 sec for image posts. If it's 1 min for image posts too that's news to me (I've never bought the pass)
Eatchel is really dumb and I think that funny and cute
She's smarter than most people here, but given that we've got underaged browns posting, that's not much of a statement.
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You are dumber than Eatchel, do better next time.
6Acacia wen
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Take it easy, Pedro.
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I prefer the term chocos
Racist fanny...
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We'll be producing a comedy special featuring Lyfe and Haru in a future side story. Get excited!
Fenny is really dumb and I don't think that funny and cute
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I don't get it
Fenny is really dumb and I do think that funny and cute
Kneel to Fennychads
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Wrong order!
I want a Raita designed operative.
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Her personal file was so good.
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Fenny is the dumbest operative.
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Why did Fenny get a whole ass series of events and developments and Lyfe only appear towards the end
I don’t even react much to most media but Fenny’s personal file made my heart flutter
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Needs buffs. To Cherno
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Only after the Oda Non designed operative.
>Made it in twice
This shit makes my day, desu. Got a fella smiling 'n shit. I gotta make more OC...
There's a reason our Oriental brethren love her so.
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>these fibroma-mutilated tits
I genuinely cant fucking comprehend how anyone can find these appealing. Is that fucking asian things like a obsession about disfigured feet or something?
I can't keep up with Katya's libido
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>Lyfe and Haru stand-up
I unironically want this
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>Mindbreaks Fenny
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Adventist Gun Nun designed by Oda Non, similar design aspects to Siggy.
Shut up Mauxir; you're not even real.
Does Mauxir actually appear in wiFenny's Personal Files? Why? Mauxir is like nowhere in the game, why appear in Fenny's files of all places?
To mindbreak her
Go read her file to find out.
Cat will go wherever cat wants. You can stop him
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Delete this!
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Fenny never recovered after Mauxir hit her with this.
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Slugs, either add a fuckig timestamp to chat co-op invitations or auto clear them after game starts or lobby's no longer exist!
d-delet this!!
I haven't seen it mentioned specifically, but I hope seaslug makes 5Nita's skin tone warmer like it is in that picture (really she should just look like that completely, but they can keep her green eyes I guess)
Contrast with >>493428847 ; the warmer skin tone is much more appealing
The game's going to EoS before 5Nita materializes.
All the artists in the world and you specifically chose the one that specialises in drawing muscular men?
It's an art style. Do you piss and shit every time you look at a Picasso painting?
You must not be familiar with Raita. Most of his characters are lanky, alien-looking women with slender limbs and huge tits. The men he draws tend to be rather slim too, with the big exception of Kintoki.
I've known him since before most in this thread did. I'm just confused why you'd pick him specifically when there are other legendary illustrators out there like Wada and Redrop
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Reporting in I'm waiting for the next Star Master expansion to hit lv 40.
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I want an artist designed by Pepe. Not the frog.
This guy.

Just found him a couple days ago but damn he does good work. I know he'd give us the hag operative we deserve.
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>That cover
had to spend some money but i got cherno at least
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It's this the fabled Curry episode of the harem anime?
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have you guys used your loving gifts or are you keeping them? i dont wanna use them
I used them
They gave them to you so you would use them. You wouldn't just stuff their heartfelt gifts into a storage closet, would you?
>Not opening gifts from your wives
Nigga what are you doing? At least use those tickets to give something back to them.
You can see the gift descriptions in your mail archive anyway. Or just screenshot them.
I only opened the ones from the girls I like
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I still have the chocolate from February, what do you think?
(I opened all of them)
i wanna suck on chernos nipples
i wanna suck on meursaults nipples
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>what do you think?
Your mental illness is worse than any of our girls'.
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Looks like the pixiv page of this one got nuked, so I'll keep this link here just in case https://arca.live/b/projectsnow/109673285
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No need to be so rude...
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Cause I like sticks with tits
Sorry, I've been spending a lot of time with Tau recently.
Meursault is fucking hot
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Which girl was that Splurt for? You have to call it before they start fighting to lick it off the floor.
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Damn I'm good.
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I wanna get brutally molested by Chen
shit kys
MuMu, Chong Chong, I know you see this. You know exactly what you need to do for the next operative. I'll be waiting eagerly.
frittger please
Okay but what is the relevence of this girl with snog?
Lay off the titagen Lyfe...
i look like that & say that.
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Chen (Russia variant)
What is a character archetype (aesthetics or personality wise) that you guys like that still isn't in snobble yet?
For me, I'm still waiting for the wise yet haughty hime-cut girl with a frosty vibe but melts as soon as she sees you.
Hag. I want a fucking HAG. Motherly, ditzy, and with self esteem issues about her age.

Give me the HAG.
She cute desu
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Just play a hag game. Horizon Walker soon to make your hag needs fulfilled.
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Your childhood friend
angry chuuni autist
Girl failure, tsundere, and mesugaki.
Maybe a more stereotypical ojou so I can hear desu wa on repeat
I am a special kind of wizard
I can ponder two orbs at the same time
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newfag here
whats the best team for infinite lyfe
NTA and never played the game before but I'd love it if snobble made an expy of this character and just imported her.
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Mesugaki. Fairy. True tsundere. Kitsune (though Mauxir is close).

Though what I really want is camel toe, nipple bumps, and hints of pubes.
but this game is just shit..
I just want one...I'm begging on my knees. On my KNEES.
6Fenny and 5enya
Or 5acacia and 5kot
Not sure about the 4* options if you're really broke. Maybe uh 4acacia and 4Chen? or 4Fritia
Sex with tiny mother
thanks I have them
I will now boost my infinite wyfe
What is Cherno's cup size?
Enya does fucking nothing for wyfe. Nearly her entire kit is ballistic damage. wyfenny is a given, with the other slot being mauxir or acacia ideally. Budget options being 4acacia with navigator or 4frit
So like, what exactly does 5Enya's ult do? I turn into a 12-sided die, float around for 4 seconds, gain some health back, and that's it?
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Full invincibility and heals you for a few seconds
Can cancel it early
Does a bit of damage when it ends
That's it, it's a safety capsule.
depends on the content, it's highly variable
she's good to go with any two 5* supports excluding only 5Enya
she can also utilize 5Siris as a 'support' to burst down the last phase of some bosses
She’s going in with you.
>True Tsundere
To do this one properly, seaslug would have to tell the players to be patient, as it would take, at the very least, two chapters for her to progress from indifference (at best) to amorousness.
I am
a good person :)
I can smell this image
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Yeah, I don't think we're getting an actual tsundere due to CN bros being a bit neurotic
isn't her dodge ray attack skill damage?
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pic related
I just don't think it'd work well like it does in a conventional VN. Plus, you'd have to make the prospective tsundere have something else to her since the archetype is really more of a state transition than anything else.
The heals carried me when I was a newfag but I never use it now. Cherno spent a lot of time in th Enyaball.
>a bit neurotic
Understatement of the year.
6* WifEnya should have Enyaball - Hardened that comes with a top-mounted minigun.
Meursault is portrayed like a tsundere in some dorm events. If really plan to rewrite the story they could retroactively turn her into one.
I checked again and yeah the insight ray dmg count as skill damage so it's well worth buffing.
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I don't think he's coming back, and I'm sad about it
it's hard to read, but his message says snowg :(
God I love evil women
I usually give 2 weeks. Give them a little leeway in case they're on vacation or something
But I refuse to act like one
he married fenny
he beat the game
I have a whale on my list that literally only logs in for the new patch, then he goes afk for 30+ days, then he logs back in for the new patch. He has the edda frame.
They're the best, evil operatives WHEN
We already have Lyfe though...
What's the deal with Lyfe and NTR?
She's not evil :(
Cause she’s evil
She cucked fenny
it happens.
We already have Mauxir though...
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Sex with mobs!
Who is the best healer in this game?
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Chen, because she brings comfort to my weary soul.
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I'm new so not fully in the loop but there was some video of Lyfe banging two guys and seaslug tweeted about it or something
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I believe it
Of course they couldn't be calm. They knew Tess was abusing our manhood.
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Just abuse Tess back
why is she chained?
she didn't eat her broccoli
I have fapped and now have the clarity of mind to recognize the gun play in this game is shit.
Its pretty fun to me bwo
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Seriously tho, how can Seaslug add an "evil" girl into the game? I know other gachas just make a villain playable, but in Snobble you have to consider the base when making a new operative.
Unlike other games where the base mode is a fun side thing, the base here is meant to be canon.
So, whoever this “evil” girl is, she would need a justifiable reason to join the company, and not have a track record or personality that would make impossible for her to live with the rest of the operatives.
We already have the Evil Cat.
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Pi after you give her a proper correction arc.
By making her evil towards the enemy. Duh.
Just make her evil, but not opposed to Yggdrasil. Have her join for mutual interest as a temporary thing, but she stays on after her arc
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π is a victim of my love
Pi has been cremated.
How did Chenxing flub a line.
The one with the perfect memory of all people.
Add a basement prison cell, the Evil Woman does not get to mingle with the others nor move freely in the base
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I don't know what you are talking about, there are no evil cats in Yggdrasil
and by prison cell, I mean my bedroom
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It's not that hard, there's a couple ways you could go about it
>Have her act like a melodramatic villain, but her evil schemes only amount to pranks on the other operatives and instigating petty cat fights between the girls, either that, or they comically backfire
>Have her be a double agent who planned to fake being in love with the Adjutant, only for her to actually fall for the Adjutant, and any time she thinks of betraying us, she can never bring herself to do it
>Just make her super vain and prideful, a sort of rogue cop who doesn't play by the rules and doesn't work well with others, maybe have her be quick to kill vs showing mercy (Although really, all the girls have no qualms with killing.)
Or like someone else said, call it a temporary alliance as she pursues her own goals.

Really, the hard part would be making CN accept her.
I just want a genocidal nymph to love me.
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>her evil schemes only amount to pranks on the other operatives and instigating petty cat fights between the girls, either that, or they comically backfire
I know the perfect girl for that role!
Slimegirl when tho. She can be evil idc
She doesn't actually have to be evil, just make her look like she is.
>High ranking Evil Adventist Lady
>Adjutant exhibits his sick Titagen powers to get out of a sticky situation
>Lady witnesses it, her neurons get activated and she thinks (You) are a messiah from Valhalla, instantly infatuated with you
>You capture her for information and keep her locked up in a new Prison room in the Base, she is curiously available to talk to there before she's playable
>Evil Lady gets a banner a couple chapters later, during one of the double banner months, so she acts alongside one of your trusted Ops
>Evil Lady is on "probation" and sent into the field to test her trustworthiness, of course, she is all but willing to die for you
>Her violent yandere devotion to you is tempered by knowing you'd immediately end her if she didn't perfectly follow your orders and get along with the gang
Lyfe should have finished the job.
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what about a girl in a big robot
I'd have massive respect for seaslug if they put this level of planning into an operative.
>evil lady
>adjutant dicks her down
>good lady
I ain't buying a skin for a dang robot.
>Her violent yandere devotion to you is tempered by knowing you'd immediately end her if she didn't perfectly follow your orders and get along with the gang
this is just tess
what if the skin added huge tits to the robot
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Another one for the Adjutant collection.
Does 5fenny still want amano even if I don't like using ADS? I have more fun spamming shots running her with wifenny
Amano needs you to ADS.
i don't wannnnnaaaaa
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Then use Mingyi, homo.
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Mauxir is the nicest girl in Heimdall and has never done anything bad
Very true. She is a good kitty who deserves to be pet as she falls asleep (it has become part of her bedtime routine)
Waiting for our favorite captain to become an operative. (Sorry, Haru.)
Good kitties masturbate in front of their owners
she has been a nice cat today so I'll rub her back
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Reminder that Mauxir was the first girl that we got to visibly see Adjutant physically interact with, and she got pets. If Mauxir didn't get petted, then Katya would never have put her foot in his lap.
lot of options in addition to things people already said
victim of false information, or mind control by third party, or villain we encounter is actually a manifestation in a continual state of Flooding, or character only appears to be a villain because we ourselves don't have the whole story about why she did whatever she did, character was a deep-cover agent and had to do evil stuff to maintain cover, etc., etc.
Tess is a Dependent Yandere, she just becomes emotionally distant when she hasn't seen (You) for a while. There's nothing evil about her, nor does she exhibit any hostile yandere traits.
Evil Lady could be a full Obsessive type, one who will obey your every word because she went from a heavily indoctrinated savant to a delusional devotee of Adjutant, thinking You are the second coming of Titan Christ. Not as comically manic as say Albedo from Overlord, but something in the same vein, one that is more orderly and serene in her mannerisms thanks to the religious background. She still needs to be kept on a short leash whenever she starts snarling at any perceived slight against you, the evil edge leaking out from behind the pious nun on the surface.

In fact, who better to pair with this theoretical nutjob in a double-banner month than Tess? Sniper and Spotter team, supervised by their commanding officer in isolated, controlled circumstances. Tess can get a character arc thanks to Evil Lady, a different perspective that sort of lets her recognize her sometimes-debilitating dependency on Adjutant, realizing she wants to feel less helpless and be more dependable. Plot setup done sick new Tess Exosuit ggez
And if Evil Lady gets out of hand, Tess wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet through her head.
this can't be the real Adjutant, his hands aren't comically huge
We already have an evil woman to be an operative named Esther.
And if you don't believe Esther can ever be an operative then we have Katya who was a murderous mercenary who fought the squad on multiple occasions before joining.
And if thats not enough Tau is evil as fuck and she runs the place.
If Tau were evil, then CN wouldn't like her.
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The Tau are space commies, which makes them evil by default. Checkmate xenos.
Tau players are also the most obnoxious cunts in the 40k fanbase
The only people I know who like them are insufferable faggots, so yes.
Operatives ranked from most evil to least evil
Katya > Tess > Cherno > Eatchel
> Lyfe > Chen > Haru > Yao > Fritia > Vidya > Marian > Acacia > Fenny > Nita > Siris > Mauxir > Enya
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Final round of the voting. But you may only pick one woman this time. The top five from round 2 are the only ones remaining.
Choose wisely!
enya literally iced the adventist frenchie
Right, so it should be more like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enya
Jewish communists aren't people.
Her only mistake was not finishing the job
To protect children. Her main goal is to protect the suffering children of the containment zone. Is a mother bear evil for protecting its cubs?
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nothing evil about that
And? Killing evil "people" is an objectively good act. Bring not peace, but a sword.
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China acacia rereleased when? I panic bought the wrong outfit.
killing a prisoner is not an objectively good act
any worthwhile patreons besides shit like LYJ?
Katya is a good person.
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Good evening, frens.
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If they are evil, yes it is. Doesn't matter if they are prisoners, old, young, helpless, or whatever else. Extermination is justice.
He was related to one of the board members and just would have been released to go back to hunting children with drones.
I'm getting mixed Fenny vibes here...
If the prisoner is evil and will just keep killing when they get out, then it is.
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Evening bwo
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Katya enjoys killing people. Tess killed hundreds of people out of duty. Katya did it for money and fun.
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Good evening.
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Need Fenny to bring more of this energy
The important thing is that Lyfe is on the high end of being evil, while Fenny is not evil at all. At the most Fenny is a little bit naughty. But she is a good person through and through.
Lyfe only gives a shit about whatever obsession she is having and will stop at nothing and trample her allies underfoot to get it.
She was part of a band of mercenaries that were going to bomb a bunch of people and did god knows what else before and she had no second thoughts or regrets about it.
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>no second thoughts
Eatchel has no thoughts and she is a good person.
>or regrets
Nothing to regret since she is a good person.
Eatchel is an animalistic monster that doesn't know right from wrong. She would rip you to shreds and not think twice about it. Its not her fault. But thats more evil than most of the girls.
Eatchel was in heat last night and raped me.
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Eatchel thinks a lot
>Eatchel is an animalistic monster
That's not very ohana of you...
Who the fuck is Fenny
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The best
I pity those who didn't buy her gown
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What’s up?
holy based
snoggers be actin unwell
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Who the fuck is out here asking for Caroline? She's nice but if you really want a cunny operator, I'd rather someone new. Same goes for Edda.
It's over
Nope. Edda's cunny is the best!
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>Who the fuck is out here asking for Caroline?
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>I'd rather someone new. Same goes for Edda.
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Save us frito...
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STOP posting Edda. I'm starting to warm up to her genuinely and hating her less and less.
the bread....
It was yummy.
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>I'm starting to warm up to her genuinely
Blops 6 Beta part 2 out. Snowbreak Dallies, maybe ZZZ, Wuwa, then Blops 6 Multiplayer while doing Arknights RB6 event.
I refuse playable Rozan. Rozan has to die. She was gonna turn all of us into her sex slave starting with Katya...
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Machines can't be trusted
We are finally free... Our unique culture will scatter to the wind
Is she daijoubu?
It was over the moment Frito OP abandoned us
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>/snowg/ dead
Time to sell the corpse
1-3 P
4-6 BG
7-9 GS
0 R

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