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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
Variety is the Spice of Life Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Sunday around midnight ET, Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>492871734

>Upcoming Events
Idol Event - September 28th
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Good golfing, golfers
ever rude...
They could have just ported Blood Money wtf
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Was fun, thanks guys.
>woke up at midnight for VRChat group meeting
>turns out i fucked up the start time due to time zone bullshit
>actual meeting is 24 hours later
I fucking hate time zones.
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WRC club!

00'-10' WRC in Chile ends tomorrow. I'll try setting up a less demanding event next time, some kind of weak AWD on a set of shorter stages. Reminder to change your tyres at the end of the first 35km stage, and repair bodywork/lights for the last stage.

New game, new cars, LOTS of new stages, there's even new handling feel that everyone seems to be enjoying so far. Game goes on 70% off sales every two months or so. You can use EA pass to get WRC trial if you want to see what's what without paying full game's price.

>Game goes on 70% off sales every two months or so
I wouldn't buy this anticheat infested garbage if it was 100% off
Which group is having an event. Is this a jp thing? Link please!
well after last weeks shenanigans with the momo, i decided to finally upgrade... moza r3 just arrived
hopefully its an upgrade, looking forward to try it in the league
Yes. I talked about it earlier in this thread.
oh the EN-JP one. Nice I'll login for that too tomorrow then!
:::::::::::SEA FRIDAY NIGHT BREACHERS:::::::::::::

Friendly reminder Breachers will be breaching in 2 hours from now

I’ll be there broski
i thought we are playing hyperdash?
That was last week
could have swore someone here ask if we wanted hyperdash or breachers this week and everyone that replied said hyperdash
be there in ~5
Join on

Noxsea's sever
password: 42069
36fps with retroprojection
this is the future we chose
Pcvr version doesnt run that much better either
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Anyway I tried underdogs
Nicely polished game; it plays very arcade like; where you get one life and just hammer away at the main story/campaign. It's pretty hard so there's some challenge once you get a few fights in. I'm pretty bad at the game.
Overall; swinging around whacking things isn't really something I enjoy that much but if you like whacking things in vr this would appeal to you much more. It's a game about controlling a robot that punches things
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It's got some between fight RPG elements which is nice. The fighting has complexity to it but the inbetween stuff is pretty shallow. You get to find, buy and equip upgrades and such
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If anyones up gonna watch some britbong tv shows feel free to join
Contractors today at 18:00 UTC
It's gonna be the TF2 maps we didn't try last time. Meme round will be grenade launchers only in Bikini Bottom.


Karaoke starts 28hours and 30mins from now or 8-9 1am jst
what the fuck is jst
Just Deez Nuts

It's japan time
ggwp nice breaching breachers and thanks for hostan
I bought Ghosts of Tabor, started my first run, only found NPCs and then died of hunger. where’s the fun
you wouldn't get it
Sounds about average
The fun comes in hunting other players and ruining their run, and also finding stuff and bringing it back alive.
The devs added such a wall of other garbage inbetween you and the fun parts of the game that I burned out on it. I put over 100 hours into tabor, and it's best played with a reliable buddy or two.


There's some guidance there; notice the wall of text. Yeah. Try and fund a buddy who knows how to play to teach you, but most of the fun loop involves the learning process of how to kill better.
are there any ways to mute other player's avi sound and world sound globally(in vicinity)
looks really useful to fend off nuisances or audio based crasher
Most people just do 5 minute extremely efficient looting raids, max out the traders in a few days then quit until the next wipe. It's a brainrot genre.
got em
As other anon said, fun comes from ruining other people's fun while not getting your fun ruined by others. If you're playing solo, well, good luck. It's relatively late into the wipe now so there will be only quest kids running around naked or fully kited rape squads.
i need to unfuck my sleep schedule so i can some and say hi again
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One of the VR game ever made huh
It definitely is one of it
What's the Luigi's Mansion looking game in the OP webm?
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Phantom Bound?
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90fps on my machine with full crowds and no pop in. I wish that it had all the foliage and working mirrors that the flat version does but it's nowhere near as bad as the Quest version.
It actually any good?
I've only played the demo and I dont think the full game is out yet. From what I saw it has some good design and ideas even though it's obviously a luigi's mansion ripoff. But if you're gonna rip off a game at least it's a good game. It's playable and works in vr, although I had a bug on the boss where it never went into its vulnerable stage unless I took damage... making it impossible to beat
At 1000x1000 resolution, because there is auto res scaler and it makes shit blurry.
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Just crank it up more, ez.
Neat, I'll keep an eye on it.
I can see pixelation and bluriness on this screenshot.

But its still way better than quest version. Ive personally played through all hitman campaigns in vr, enjoyed (with some jank) and am very disapointed freelancer doesn't work in vr.
>very disapointed freelancer doesn't work in vr
Same. The slow methodical approach of the main game doesn't really play to the strengths of VR but the more chaotic freelancer would.
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EU Assetto Corsa: European Racing club, season 12!
Race 79.

18:00 UTC 20:00 CEST, Monday 9th of September 2024.

Formula 4 in Zanvoort. Hopefully, we can start better than actual pro racers! https://imgur.com/a/3JOYhnd

1 hours practice
12 minutes qualifiers
10 laps race

Afterwards some relaxing drive in Black Cat country in convertibles.
Assetto - can be played with wheel, controller, or steam-vr-wheel addon, it doesn't matter, we will all have fun driving together. If you just bought Asseto - grab Assetto Corsa Content Manager - a better launcher and mod manager: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html To install mods: just drag and drop zip files from mega onto the Content Manager windows and click on the hamburger menu on top right. Highly recommend installing stable custom shader patch and 7-zip plugin in Content manager.

For communication we'll use mumble at voice.vrg.party port 64738, as it doesn't need any registrations or logins.

MODS: https://mega.nz/folder/jjBniCTY#Eq1R2yXZ9PSto59Y-uoaqQ
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TF2 Contractors in 30 minutes
seugen ex
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Lobby is up
Join Omega
Password is 1921
I'm having issues with voice chat. Trying to fix it.
Fixed. Join now.
1000 mg caffeine: TAKEN
Antiperspirant: NOT WORN
Secret ghosting voice call: JOINED
Lag switch: ACTIVATED
Yep, it's VRFPS time!
You forgot the speedhack set to x1.05 so you always arrive to the objective slightly faster than the enemy.
Crashed. Lobby is back. Join now.
I am once again e-begging.

Get a job or lesrn Blender poorfag.
Name the best anime.
If you get it correct I'll share it with you.
The fun in extract shooters is locating the extract (the folder) and extracting(installing). Stop wasting your time with them, staring at paint dry is more exciting.
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Made in Abyss
School Days
bokusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan
Rick and Morty the anime
how do we know when its wipe day? how often do they wipe?
Inferno Cop
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji
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Christ that takes me back.
Millennium Actress
Good gaming lads
Good cunny, tractors!
File deleted.
ggs and thanks for hosting! was fun bonking people on the castle map
hopefully we get the crossbow and huntsman someday and all the mobility/buff items for demoman and soldier
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your sins and mistakes follow you, repent!
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Now DSGVO conforming, my apologies
Sneedtractors Feedown, formerly Chucktractors
We got Contractors 2, whens Pavlov 2?
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damn, after not playing assetto for years, it's crazy to see how much they improved it with mods
Pavlov shack, exclusive to Quest :^)
It's actually good on quest that's crazy
Stop watching movies and come drink and hangout.
ill be there in like an hour 15 desu
nah im good
Doubter's are seething
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Drunk Pavlov will be attempted in 5 hours or at 11ET(east coast time).
>want to play pavlov
>don't like drinking
It's over.
You can still join if you suck. And if you dont, make sure to join the opposite team of the europeans
just show up sober anyway.
bonus points if you're European aswell
very high quality shitpost
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>he thinks its a shitpost and not an intellectual statement on Contractors Showdown replacing Contractors
subjectively - Redo of Healer
true and real
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Hidamari Sketch.
neo yokio
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the council convenes.
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konniiwichis anon-chamas, mahjong time des https://vrch.at/ds935p3u
Hey, what do you fucking mean quest+ games can 'expire'? Like, you can redeem and download them and one month later they're like no how bout you buy it? What the fuck is this service for?
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
questi moment
I will be pirating Sports Scramble and The Climb.
get bottled nerd!
watched a jp live band performance last night
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Drunk Pavlov is starting NOW. Heres how to get in: Server name is Shitposting therapy addiction center. click this to get in https://letmein.vrg.party/
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mahjong reclined, until next time
Seeing Ceil’s performance in VRC was one of my favorite moments, even if they had us in a standardized avatar to reduce lag and work with their crowd pass system to get around instance limits. I need to catch Phaze in world some day, but Japan time is pain.
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Imagine if this game launched with multiplayer.
Imagine if it was a game and not a scam
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Yeah sadly they made a tech demo even after making that joke about boneworks. Someone ported the entirety of boneworks to bonelabs though so I guess it counts.
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damn if i can stab anime girls o death maybe I should get it
It finally happened. There is actually a vr game where you can violently kill anime girls. We haven't tested the limits of how many people can join at once though. It uses steam servers so it's really stable. It even has proximity voice chat so no discord vc required.
Now with the video actually attached.
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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Poirot/Miss Marple anime
Non non biyori
Damn what map is SEA exploring this time?
It’s a really good map that has amazing rendering. i don’t know how they did it. A bit annoying the respawn button doesn’t work though
Oh we just posting the Japan SEA meet photos now?
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Good paving fellas
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What's happening. I'm drunk. I've been playing beatsaber for the past few hours trying to beat the disappearance of Hatsune Miku. Anyone gamin?
Yeah apparently so. Got more of that japan irl SEA exploration pic saar?
that anime girl needs to be chastised and corrected.
Is Bonelab good now?
I want to fuck a booth in the ass
I want to fuck a booth in the ass
Could only find the TDA
I wanna fucj a pirwt3 in yh3 ass.
Why does everyone in /vrg/ pronounce the "my beloved" meme incorrectly?
I pronounce it “mai be-lovbd”
Mai bäloväed
>muh balll lover
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Walkabout Mini Golf!
1300 UTC+1 (This is in 2 hr 20 minutes)
Should I join today again? I just did this last week
If you wanna play golf then join
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I'm getting golf withdrawals
Opposite for me.
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>no updates since 2022
is this a dead project?
it's a finished project
>most consoles still stuck with generic models
I got my first ever VR headset yesterday and just tried out some VR hentai where you bang Rouge the Bat. The experience was strange, but a bit underwhelming.
ttry looking up VR porn its REALLY odd when they put their face right in yours
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got the refund on Ghosts of Tabor, thanks for all the replies earlier

might give Onward a shot next but i’m running out of VR shooters to play. I’m Australian so deal with low player count and bad connection to overseas servers with multiplayer only stuff.
Contractors feels good but the AI sucks, Showdown has too much downtime, dunno if Pavlov has anything single player but will give that another launch soon.
starting to think I need to get into VR game dev to make something I actually want to play.
Play into the radius
Play Into the Radius, Vertigo 1/2, Zero Caliber, Sierra Squad, Sniper Elite VR, Cactus Cowboy
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Also hl2vr
one of the best VR shooters
shame most of the HL2 mods dont work on it
post panic.webm
I was posting recently about how I wasn’t really getting the whole gameplay loop of Into the Radius but i’ve just reinstalled and played through the tutorial again, i’m hopeful this time.

the Zero Caliber AI is shit, besides that it was pretty fun.
gave Sniper Elite a shot when I first got into VR ages ago and didn’t like how it cut to third person camera when getting kills, is it any good?
might give Vertigo a shot. how’s Sierra Squad?
Has anyone else been noticing a decrease in FPS performance lately in VRChat or is it something fucked up with my machine?
I've even tried dual-booting on to a new clean hard drive and the FPS is still noticeably worse in some maps compared to how it was a few weeks ago.
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Somehow the modders made a scope easier to use than most other scoped gaems
>5 years old Unity version
>6 years old Retroarch build
>awkward VR controls
>requires an unofficial mod to add custom 3D objects
>no custom player models
>no DC online despite fightcade already having it (I know this is the libretro core's fault)
>closed source
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Walkabout Mini Golf!
Join private lobby 'vrg'
Hi, friendly reminder that next ParaPara training session is today at 17:00CEST/15:00UTC/11:00EDT/3h from now ( or just double check the time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=195&iso=20240907T17&year=2024&month=09&day=07&hour=17&min=0&sec=0&msg=ParaPara84) in VRC
> Wait what is this?
This is a /vrg/ dancing group/club open to any anon. It is first and foremost a ParaPara (dance style for eurobeat) circle but is also open to other types of dancing, such as Wotagei (dance style using lightsticks, on pause for now).
The main goal is to actively learn those dance styles with eventual content made out of it, anyone is free to join no matter if they want to take it seriously or just as a fun thing. No issues with 3 pointers either!
More info here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P-uVnC7m-oiuk6_d2quKzoCBsyeAXG5ww-48fMPVMLo/edit#heading=h.83e22ya6mivq
> What's planned this time for ParaPara?
This week we're going to re-learn a song we haven't done for a year: "SUPER EURO FLASH" by Franz Tornado & Bazooka Girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vioMGZBhOxE . We will do the usual warmup on previous songs before learning it

As usual, newcomers are always welcome and we'll adapt the session depending on who joins.
It is a muzzle aligned camera that will look the same no matter what angle you view it from. It is harder if you know how to use a scope properly because it doesn't line up with the world correctly.
>game mechanic works well for its intended purpose
>waaaah its bad cause unrealistic
Sierra Squad is pure arcade, think more of lightgun game with free locomotion. AI isn't really a thing in any way, most enemies just follow preset paths. It's not everyone's cup of tea but it's fun in the oldschool way, shooting feels good.
I mean it becomes difficult to use after playing almost every other VR game where they're implemented properly.
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Like the other anon said it feels very much like an arcade game that was reworked into a VR game. That works well though as the enemy types are distinct, the difficulty gets hard and no other VR game gives you frantic vrfps action with decent production values. There's a campaign but it's not great so the meat of the game is in the large number of 5-10 minute levels. It's best played in co-op but you can do solo and there's a realism mode if you don't like the default bullet sponge gameplay.
Please make the ringing stop
How are people capturing Mixed Reality these days?
I just followed a tutorial on it only to get to the end and realize it doesn't work anymore.
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Good golfing gros!
New to VR. Playing this Tomboy Adventures game getting me all sorts of goslingy
all those +10....
I finally found it, the most onions 3d scan in the entire game
Half the holes were covered in sticky garbage..
We don't go to Ravenholm anymore
they got stuck in the jam
You will fall once you try VRchat
>controllers with AA batteries
why is this a thing
Because rechargeable AAs exist
why isnt this a thing you mean.
>infinite battery life without battery pack weight & cables
index with AA would be the perfect controller
You'd have to swap them very often. They use a lot more power than Oculus controllers due to processing their own tracking.
alll 30 of you
karaoke happening one hour from now!
woah I fucked up my sleep schedule enough to join tonight! I'll do my best to be tehre
parapara up https://vrch.at/mhyaczfx

Sorry Karaoke is up!
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They're in every QUEST game because quests are basically toys that parents hand to their kinds as a distraction device. PCVR only games have basically no kids in them (because there aren't any players at all)
a devils deal indeed
forced to choose between having your game on quest (downgrading everything, but having an okay playerbase) and making an actual game with no players
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The higher end scope is way better and more useful. the PSO-1 is basically not worth the money. You can't use it at the ranges where outranging the mimics becomes useful, and so you're left with midrange combat with a terrible optic. You are far better off using something with a holo, even if it's the M9+holo.
The weapon selection is kinda poor in the EA version so far since if you want an optic your only choice is a single non-magnified holo that can only go on m9, glock, or tactical shotgun. The irons work well as they're all glow irons though so it's not that bad. It needs a sec level 2 nato SMG that you can stick a holo on.
Sorry, got a busy schedule for the next hours.
Tried the Pico 4 again collecting dust after 6months of Q3 and the screen door is jarring.
I don't know how I never noticed it before.
Autistic question incoming. Are there things I can do to my play space to maximize inside-out tracking reliability? I went to a VR place downtown where they put a bunch of people in a bigass gym sized room with vive focus 3s running wireless PCVR games. The walls were painted black and white with big esoteric zig-zag patterns. Obviously I'm not repainting my walls like cruella but I'm thinking like, maybe I get a patterned towel to cover my mirror when not in use. What does inside out tracking like, that wouldn't look too out of place in a bedroom? Also man the passthrough's kinda ass at any comfortable light level. You basically need 4 sources of sunlight or studio lighting to get the advertised clarity.
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any sort of art/posters/clutter on shelves is the non-autistic answer. If you really want to leave your walls blank, I think one of those laser projectors that put stars and shit on your wall would work too.
The paint was meaningless but you should cover reflective surfaces, and for camera tracking stuff should be well lit.
cute rat awww look at him
i wanted P to join
ITR2 would be more intriguing to me if there were multiple factions, friendly or hostile towards your own, npcs roaming around and do their own thing i.e. make it more like s.t.a.l.k.e.r.
Yes it's not stalker, it's roadside picnic. I think the game would be completely different if there were literal factions roaming around.
Pin your hopes for a VR mod for Stalker 2.
Good dancing everyone!
How good are people with internet/ISP things? Lately my VPN has made videos fail to load on VRChat. If I play VRC without my VPN I get an issue where people just don't load and stuck as blue shapes, sometimes maps don't load.

I tried someone's tip to change my DNS to a public one and that didn't work.
Thanks for hostin! Was fun, my arms are now spaghetti
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Real VR Fishing at 19:00 GMT so less than 90 minutes from now.
holy dUMPY
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How do I launch non steam/semi steam games into steam vr pic related
I just have steamvr running and then launch the game and it werks
>The joke





>Your head
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Does the quest 3 mic still sound like ass?
its not good
Is there a cheap or easy fix? I can't believe they blew it like this.
It sounds fine
sweet dreams
It got fixed with an update pretty soon after launch. It's not quite as good as the Index mic, but it's better than the Quest 2 now.
Defeated by the airman.
You wanted vr to go mainstream, didn't you. You wanted it to succeed. There you go.
om nom nom gerbil prefab
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This map actually had some interactive stuff; put the creature in the ouse and it goes to sleep, put food in its mouth and it chews, it's cute.
Q3 and Pico4 have litterally the same resolution and fov, similar lenses and lcd screens. There is no screendoor on both of them
No thanks. The radius is a lonely place. If only anomalies and mimcs were more mysterious it would be Tarkovsky/10
Lens stack is much better on Q3. Only thing better on P4 is the binocular overlap.
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Real VR Fishing NOW! Join EU lobby
Gone fishing
pass 1488
Head banging.
>Losing my religion

>Our God is surely in this place

Redemption arc
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Ugly bastard has been caught
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SUMMER OF ACTION Wraps up tonight!
We'll be capping off the summer with our last action movie, 1992's Universal Soldier, Starring Jean Claude Van Damme!

Tonight around 11:30-12:00
I could never go to EU karaoke, it's too early, I would not be drunk enough and everyone around me is still awake
its fun, sad to be missing it but glad my friends are having fun
There are some genuinely good and fun singers, you should go some time.
It's perfectly fine. Not Index quality but nothing insulting either.
NTA but I also have both and the screen door effect is definitely noticeable on Pico compared to Quest 3.
You need to realize you dont need to be drunk to do karaoke anon.
You maybe don't need to, but I do.
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>in pseudo public lobby
>mf latches on to me to talk AT me about shit im not interested for way to long
>to nice to break out of the conversation
>self imposed fun limiters
How long will this be going for?
about as long as the bus instances
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I printed another meme for the bigmeme: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6412344 . It's a good meme, can recommend. The halo strap https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6414143 takes all the weight of the headset off your face, so all the gasket really needs to do is block light, which the leather does just fine. Except for the nose gap; which I'm ambivalent on if I want to fill it with more leather, since it's kind of convenient as a passthrough cope.

Even using the raw headset without any light blocking is nicer than I expected. Only thing I miss from the official audio strap are the convenience off-ear headphones instead of dealing with earbuds. Besides that, the comfort of the halo strap mod + minimal gasket is way better than their 3d printed one ever was.
Is VR porn worth trying?
How does this affect the sweet spot? I heard its pretty small on the bigscreen's displays
well it doesn't change the lenses at all, so the sweetspot is still as small as it ever was. However, since you are no longer beholden to their inexact 3d scanning and alignment of the official gasket, you can get your eyes exactly into the sweet spot without the rubber pressing into your face in a weird way. Plus you can get (slightly) more FOV and edge to edge clarity by moving your pupils closer to the lens. Up until your eyelashes hit the lens anyway.

So it's not definitely revolutionizing the experience or anything, just better than the official gasket. Given other people's impressions of the bigmeme, I seem to have gotten a particularly good unit or just have good eyes or something; it's a tiny sweetspot yes but it's perfectly usable and clear for me once I'm in it.
not all of us are extroverted normies anon
not really, i liked it better when it was juuust niche enough to be gatekept
Normies are afraid to look ridicilous, normies are afraid to be judged, normies are afraid to show their incompetent singing. Anon is free of such pettiness and can sing to his enjoyment without alcohol.
most of you are very bad singers, i cant stand it
Name 3 of the best singers. Hard mode, no magnifi
Have fun!
3.sober okuu
was fun hosting karaoke time to sleep off this mind splitting headache
Thanks for hosting!
I saw poiyomi in the great pug right as I was adding a poiyomi shader to my avatar. That was weird
Shut the fuck up, it's karaoke no one cares we are there to have fun
Oh no, the passtime made for drunk 30+ year old japanese salarymen is full of bad singers?

The west has fallen
amvr facial interface and knuckle straps for the pico 4 are kinda bussin, though it can be a little fiddly to get your hand positioning right
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I saw poiyomi at The Great Pug in VRChat yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with roleplaying, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my VRC Creator Economy stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen hundreed VBucks in his hands without paying.

The map owner at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the VBucks and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any EAC infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each VBuck and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning into his mic really loudly.
even the memes are just remakes these days

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