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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
More than just sus edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Sunday around midnight ET, Thursday at 11:30PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 11PM AEDT/2PM CEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 18:00 UTC/20:00 CEST
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEDT

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>492430246

>Upcoming Events
Idol Event - September 28th
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Hey there /vrg/ fellas,
Don't mean to disturb, I was on /v/ til a VR thread was pruned. Said something about 2D to 3D AI conversation.
How would I go about doing that?
See ya fine gentlemen
WRC club!

We're running 00'-10' WRC in Chile. Slidey, tight gravel corners in moderately powerful AWD. Reminder to change your tyres at the end of the first 35km stage, and repair bodywork/lights for the last stage.

New game, new cars, LOTS of new stages, there's even new handling feel that everyone seems to be enjoying so far. Game goes on 70% off sales every two months or so. You can use EA pass to get WRC trial if you want to see what's what without paying full game's price.

Texas Hold 'Em at 22:30CEST/20:30UTC
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The VR porn torrent thread has experience with this, don't be put off by it's slow posting.
Previous versions of the threads had discussions on AI conversions and you can find a few MMD examples buried in the OP
https://rentry.org/anonsvrmmd Right at the bottom, the direct link is blocked on 4chan.

I think most of those were made with iw3 and Depth Anything V2, which I've also used myself on a handful of 3dcg videos with surprisingly decent results.

There's been mention of Owl3D lately and it looks like it does the same thing just in a slicker package. I've been meaning to give it a try:

Coom on brother.
3rd time this week VR threads get janny'd on /v/
something is off
Thanks a bunch lads
Obviously meant conversion in my op
Will look into it have a good one
Would be awesome if someone recommended me some vrc worlds/instances/whatevertheycalled for solo play/coop that doesnt really require communication. I just want to get drunk and explore/play some cool maps
Damn EU Poker? Might have to skimp out on mahjong tonight to give it a crack.
You killed him three times in a row! Poor kid.
is organism spooky?
No, is a very fullfilling world.
You ever wonder why we're here?
Just to suffer
I would assume that would involve taking a video in VRchat and then running it through whatever model you have that converts it to video.
I experimented one time with this using just some online tool and here are the results of like 15 minutes of playing around with a random clip I had:

I think if you had a good model, decent 3D to 2D animation would be doable.
Chess up
fuck, forgot link https://vrch.at/p0ty9nqj
nice link
How is the no man's sky VR? It's on sale now and I'm tempted and I trust you fellow VRlets to give honest reviews.
runs like ass
but is most likely the best way to experience the game, as it feels completely different
It's okay, vr feels lile a half done vr mod but it's not a dealbreaker. Main problem is that it is no mans sky
its fun just exploring and flying around but the actual gameplay loop sucks in vr so id just play in creative mode or do the first couple hours in flatscreen
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Mahjong up https://vrch.at/2xj9x0eg
Poker is up!
I build and play in desktop and then get in VR sometimes to look at the pretty stuff.
The gameplay/controls are kind of annoying in VR.
I'm sure that this question has already been asked, but, since there is no /vg/ archive, I ask: Should I buy a cheap VR cable for my Quest 2? Is there any benefit with the official cable?
>but, since there is no /vg/ archive
There's no point getting a cab;e at all, use wifi
High and a winner got a hot hand
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen
Big man sweeps the table and wins the evening!

High stakes wins for those who chant all-in Miku!
someone post the minion router
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thanks for your money bros

the motion picture soundtrack:
That’s pretty cool. Converting old mmds to new vr just via ai
So the mahjong instance is full because theres a bunch of literal arab and turk randos flooding in. Good job EU mahjong
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how would yall feel if i brought a literal tourist to one of the meets?
is aware of 4chan, has never been, knows how it is as a community so wouldn't get offended by it but literally knows nothing about it and keeps hearing about it and wants to investigate.
yea sure im going to scream the gamer word in his face and make him as uncomfortable as possible
like what does he want to make friends and hangout or just snoop around
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>and wants to investigate
not sure if it's even humanly possible to phrase it any worse than you did

anyway, i saw it happening more than once and personally i couldn't care less, friends of my friends are my friends, as long as they fit in. you probably want to keep the guy close to you though, there are people who don't like when someone smells different and behaves a little bit off for 4chin standards and you don't want to stir up shit. no one likes the idea of an outsider peeking into things

and if he's curious, just show him the thread, a bit of lurking and he's a perfectly normal newfag instead of a clueless outsider
Don't bring your fucking non 4Chan friends here retards. I have friends outside of this pkace, but I keep them seperate.
French host please understand.
make em lurk, then immerse them in a 12 hour loop of the *gamer word~* too sleep to
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Tuesday's movie is Mad God

The Assassin travels through a nightmare underworld of tortured souls, ruined cities and wretched monstrosities forged from the primordial horrors of the unconscious mind of Phil Tippett, the world's preeminent stop-motion animator.

starting at 19:00 UTC as usual !
probably the most accurate though, just been hearing about /vrg/ for a while among their friend groups and in publics and wants to see what all the hubbub is. if they jive then just hang and then make friends.
i personally can say atleast they wouldnt be obnoxious about it, theyre just curious
If it's just a bunch of /vrg/ people hanging out ingame with no plans then do whatever you want, if he's an annoying faggot or a lot of people decide not to tolerate randos then he'll be votekicked.
If it's an event or instance advertised in the thread, dont bring outsiders. At the very least anyone you bring should be able to lurk the thread on their own without you prompting them.
Everyone here will deny it but it wouldn't be the first time this happens.
I stopped caring desu, we already have an infestation of faggots, furries, trannies, or all of them combined, whoever you bring it can't be worse that some of the people who hang around here (which luckily they are a local minority)
when is he free i think we should just do a small instance to mess around first and like other anons have said to avoid events and lurk in the thread for now
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evening friends!
tonight, as aforementioned, i will be hosting CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST.
movie beginning at 7:05pm EST
No. The maximum amount of data that the Quest 2 can decode in a second is nowhere near what a 10 dollar usb-c cable can potentially transfer. I can't even say you're paying for durability, considering mine has lasted me 4 years without issues.
>keeps hearing about it and wants to investigate.
Fuck off.
Are they actually randos? Also what's the max size of the map anyways? Surely it can't have 40+ turks in it
If he can lurk in the thread and post consistently he'll be welcomed in eventually.

If he can't then he'll be treated as a rando. Too many people I've met that say they "browse 4chan" but turns out they either just lied or browsed it for 40 nano seconds two decades ago. It's honestly disgusting the length some people will lie just to get an in on an existing friend group. Specially when our requirements is already such low barrier.
Simply use the thread
Ah this anon is very sensible. This is the correct answer
And nothing of value was lost
people talk about us? what do they say?
There would be three ways outsiders could have had exposure to us and heard us:

1) From more public anons we have that move around pubs and talks about /vrg/
2) Friends of Friends who managed to get to our more lax non-event instances
3) Someone who managed to come in our /vrg/ only events and got kicked
thats not what he asked dumbass
And I didn't answer his question. People can reply with something other than a direct answer specially when I'm nta who he was replying to.
You Daft Punk
>HTC Japan and Taiwan now officially list base stations and trackers as discontinued products
>any new 2.0 basestations, 3.0 trackers and Vive Pro 2 only to be manufactured for corporate customers
End of an era.
source please
i know the IMU chip in the 3.0s are discontinued but they will have delivery until the end of the year
it's so joever
ultimate vive trackers can't replace the normal trackers btw they suck for ERP they disconnect when the cameras on the trackers are near walls, floor or bed.
Wouldn't Valve be considered a "corporate customer" since they still sell them on their store even though they're manufactured by HTC?
The Taiwan site only got retweeted.

Most likely but Valve stopped production of Index so they will probably not be restocking basestations for much longer.
>are they actually randos
ah yes 10 turks and arabs appeared because they were just organically browsing the thread together in their internet cafes
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i can only find this, the Vive Pro 2, and 3.0 trackers arent listed anywhere
We have turks and arab anons from the middle east so it's a toss up for me. Just ask them and initiate a kick if they're not from here if you want anon.

PP and W and SM and R are all arabs from the middle east so it's not like we don't have middle eastern anons around.
>PP and W and SM and R are all arabs
are they rich?
It was on the Chinese tweet but could be regional only.
I can't say for the others but W is definitely rich. But they're reasonable enough to not throw it around like an oil prince to buy loyalty/friendship.
Good anon as anon's should be.
He is a rascal and if you see him spoonfeeding be sure to kick him.
Checking EU Vive store, most of the Vive Pro 2 are refurbs or full kits and all heavily discounted so HTC probably did stop producing them.
killing lighthouse tracking is like killing pcvr
its over for vr faceberg won vr is now console
I think they've sold as many as those who are buying. aka no one new is buying lighthouses. They are seeing that everyone is moving to camera based tracking.
is the boothplorer dev anon still around?
is there a way to collect outfits that are for a "body" instead of an avatar base?

Sadly it doesn't check all the ourfits compatible (interesting for MameFriends, Marubody, +Head, etc.)
Would it be possible to integrate this?
keep crying
I think this is the case with 3.0s too, Vive pucks were selling well when it was the only sensible FBT solution for VRC and there were only PC users. Now that there's dozen cheap and good enough IMU solutions and majority of VRC players are on Quest there simply isn't market for 3.0s. Anyone that wanted them already has them.
>should I spoonfeed some rando in
No, and I'm not sure why you thought that'd be a good idea.
>wants to see what all the hubbub is
He can find out by lurking and reading the threads.
Bringing him into the meets so he can "find out" is literally spoon-feeding. You providing him with a shortcut he does not need and shouldn't get in the first place.
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How much am I going to hate being a Questlet after being used to PCVR? I’m contemplating buying a Q3 since I’m going to be away from my desktop for long periods of time, and on somethings like Walkabout it doesn’t matter, but VRC is gonna suck I presume and I can’t join for poker and such since no one is gonna bother making Quest maps for good reason.
Am I missing something? Why do people still think that a Quest will not be used as a PCVR headset? I have a quest pro and the times I used it as a not-PCVR headset is in the single digits (basically twice, when I was traveling).
The quest is a surprisingly amazing PCVR headset when linked with a 5Ghz router
Quest vrc sucks dick. Any vrg meet you wont be able to join definitely. Even maps marked as quest compatible will not work properly. You'll be able to join almost no instances ever here and if they see the quest icon people will crash you intentionally even if you could join (you can't)
Just use it as a PCVR headset?
It really feels like there's a large part of this general that doesn't understand how the Quest works.
Just to add was talking about standalone, of course if you link it with your pc it'll be fine? You're still using it as PCVR like anyone else is there is no difference. I assume you meant you wouldn't have a PC available. You can link it with a cable or through airlink with a router/access point
>>Just use it as a PCVR headset?
>I’m going to be away from my desktop for long periods of time
NTA but damn man learn to read
I've used my quest for travel when I was away from home and managed to enjoy nice smaller comfy meets with my /vrg/ friends :3
fuck yea, finally someone mentions /t/. vr jav is god tier
Depends on what you usually play.
There's a lot of Quest ports that are at least decent, and some of the exclusives are really good.
You're going to be out of luck if you want in on most of the VRC instances though, and some games like Pavlov have ports that don't have crossplay with PC.
The last times I watched VR porn videos it was very bad. Did they actually improve over time?
what didnt you like about it?
There is a questlet poker map or two I've seen. Lemme know before it starts if you intend to join so I can look for a map with the prefab that allows quest. That being said idk of the prefab works for quest so maybe test that out first
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I can't move my head or my body without the whole video following. It's 3DOF rather than 6DOF and that makes so much of a difference in immersion and enjoyment.
My body is also non-controllable on these videos.

I know it's supposed to be sorta like a lap-dance experience but even then why can't I at least have a few ways to look at the goods?
Light-field or Gaussian splatting recordings need to be with VR porn videos or else it will always be sub-par.
Now all you need to tell me is that the knuckles are out of production too as I'm waiting for a tundra-labs restock as my right controller is on the fritz
You can always use slime...
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>I can't move my head or my body without the whole video following. It's 3DOF rather than 6DOF and that makes so much of a difference in immersion and enjoyment.
for me when i use heresphere, the video doesnt move when i like have to get up or move or something. i usually have to recenter manually. i dont remember what i did, when i first used the program i fucked with the settings so maybe try there again
>My body is also non-controllable on these videos.
what are you expecting here, its literally just a video wrapped around your fov for immersion purposes. if you want something more then idk dude go to a jp instance in vrchat and go crazy
>I know it's supposed to be sorta like a lap-dance experience but even then why can't I at least have a few ways to look at the goods?
ive never thought of it as a lapdance experience. go to vrchat or a irl strip club, or idk id imagine theres actual lapdance vr videos. im speaking about purely JAV. its literally just porn. i self insert, embrace the intimacy of the japanese, and move on with my day
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Huh it's actually cloth
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>lightfield porn videos
Yeah anon, we'll be getting those around when the Deckard drops
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It's great but seated only. There are a few mods on Nexus that can improve performance.
$23.99 is a steal.
Time to found VRG Ltd., headquartered in the Cayman Islands.
what chinese tweet?
Hi it's Monday pypy time:
or join on Lycosella
well fuck, time to order one from Steam just to have as a backup for when one inevitably fails.
Need more school uniforms now that it's september.
I just bought both of those recently. Get fucked niggers, camera tracking sucks.
isnt there already a /vrg/ ngo
> VUT disconnecting
I really hope it's just a software thing and that the VUTs aren't cucked by hardware.
I can't wait until all vr tracking is camera based and I have to look at my fucking hands to do anything and can't grab stuff from my 'back' in vr games.

Thanks, questies!
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Showing Strait Jacket tonight at 10PM EDT (in about 22 hours) for NA anime movie night.
I'll post details to join off of when the instance is up.
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The headsets will eventually be completely coated in sensors with their own on-board compute that can track damn near anything. Dead zones will be a thing of the past and anything that can't be captured will be inferred

It'll be fine
Good pypying pypyers
Next NA pypy is Tuesday at 7PM PDT / 10 PM EDT
right, starting with the deckard I'm sure
I'm sure the wait for that will be totally bearable :)))))))
Mojito Monday
kill yourself
Self-tracked controllers like the Touch Pro controllers already exist to solve that problem.
They're already cheaper than a set of Index controllers, and I think they'll become a lot more common in the future.
come say that to my face :3
hello, I am
and no, that will come with the next big update on september 29th. backporting that to the current codebase will take me a bit too long and I rather just work with/on the improved one since I got so much stuff to still add and change.
>the only multivendor tracking solution is dead
It's never been more over
I do not know how to cope with this information. What are my options for FBT?
walkabout and fishing are your two options, vrc on quest is extremely limited, you won't be able to join 90+% of instances. Smaller 4-player instances might work but expect to see unshaded fallbacks.
Hey guys jm probably going yo get laid off my job cause customer just canceled a bunch of orderedls and there nothing for me to do until th 3nd of this month. I got really drunk to celebrate. What's going on??? Any fun things?
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gotta appreciate competizione for public server quality, played it a bit recently after years and years of not touching it and this was probably the worst >incident that happened to me
wtf steam has a space exploration fest and outer wilds is NOT on sale

gaben fix it
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for comparison, average day on ac1 public servers
Not much atm. i can login though if you want in an hr or so I’ll be off back from work
what mods do you use for performance?
No I should go to bed in around 2 hours. Fuck
go drive on lowfuelmotorsport portal if you have SA > 80 instead, its very competitive there
Welp you can try >>492950189
What the fuck is their problem?
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Thabkyou I went. It was fun. I'm going yo bed now, love you.
Nini anon sleep well
Cool stuff actually faking death manually laying on the floor to kill others.

This is why I love VR. You can't do this shit in flat
>literally the only things they sell reliably
>make them unavailable to buy
What is wrong with these people?
playing dead was something you could do in some of the older cod games, not sure if you can still do it
You're FUCKED now
SlimeVR and I will personally FUCK you now
Get two base stations while you still can. For trackers Tundras will still be available.
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Biggest issue is the basestation. And wtf will Tundra do? Without basestation they are selling extremely expensive plastic.
Still gonna buy 2x Base stations and another set of knuckles from Valve after work today just to be sure.
My only theory is some manager idiot looked at sales and thought "Business customers must be buying these as regular buyers", and then decided to make it business only sales to capture that market with more profit.
Well jokes on them sales will absolutely plummet and I'm baffled how management can be so incompetent.
I highly recommend this 3d scanned castle, the interiors were also scanned and you can walk around the rooms
Keep in mind the rooms look like this but it's cool exploring the castle as if I was there, entering doors and climbing stairs and such.
Where's waldo
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In 30 minutes you too can make basic outfits based on games you've played.
30 minutes + 1500 hours of blender experience
+1 minute cloth basics youtube tutorial.
very nice!
Now make it not clip
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Can't tell if my timing was really good or really bad. Should I have just zucked out for a quest 3?
Do I buy more knuckles or just cuck out of VR when they die? There isn’t another option for steamVR controllers ?
I don't really have an answer for you. New index controllers don't have the lifespan issue they did back in the earlier batches so you're gonna use them. Lighthouses (especially 2.0s) last a very long time so long as they're not bashed about. Trackers are almost indestructible but the internal battery will fail eventually. These can be replaced but my experience with doing this hasn't been great.
Also it's just a japan reseller (apparetly) who is doing this so if you're EU or NA you don't need to care. Just buy what you need.

The FBT gold standard is still lighthouses + HTC trackers. Get 2 2.0 lighthouses and 3 HTC trackers. Check ebay for bulk deals since people get bored of VRC all the time.
It's fake news
Move along
Dare ye enter my magical realm?
Inside is just an apartment with a return key shaped floorplan
Just like pico was supposed to bankrupt and brick all headsets, right?
Yes, Enter
ok what if im still using og vive basestations (from like 2018 or so idk)
if i shell out the money for FBT should i worry about upgrading the stations aswell, or is it not really a concern?
I played some vegas infinite and this shit is whack. I can see why people develop gambling addictions.
I hope someone gets fired
Og basestations JUST WORK

You need to upgrade to 2.0 basestations only if you are getting coverage issues and need more than 2 stations.
1.0 Base stations will work with HTC 3.0 trackers just fine. Or tundras.

2.0 lighthouses are more durable, less prone to sync errors, and you can use 4 of them at once but fundamentally they don't track better. If your 1.0s work, they will work just as well.
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Yeah, it's all sad fucks in casinos though.
1.0 base stations support dual mode tracking hence they support 1.0 and 2.0 hardware.
2.0 base stations only support single mode and that's why they don't support 1.0 hardware like the og vive wands, also they both get the same spinning motor failure.
Conclusions are right but its other way around.
New trackers and controllers can read 1.0 and 2.0 lighthouse IR signals. Og vive hardware (og vive wands, 1.0 trackers) can only read 1.0 lighthouse signals.
>Ah finally my gnu home with no windows"
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Hey, anon.
I'm hoping to host an instance of Secret Hitler tonight at 20:00 CEST or roughly four hours from now. The time is flexible if 20:00 CEST doesn't suit people.
It's very fun and a great game for banter for five to ten players.
Yes, exactly
im down but i have never played secret hiter before
It's easy to pick up while playing but you can have a nose through the rules here too.
will do hope i dont crash when the game starts
how long does wednesday eu pypy last
Two hours
and it starts at 7pm cest?
In 25 minutes
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EU Assetto Corsa: European Racing club, season 12!
Race 79.

18:00 UTC 20:00 CEST, Monday 9th of September 2024.

Formula 4 in Zanvoort. Hopefully, we can start better than actual pro racers! https://imgur.com/a/3JOYhnd

1 hours practice
12 minutes qualifiers
10 laps race

Afterwards some relaxing drive in Black Cat country in convertibles.
Assetto - can be played with wheel, controller, or steam-vr-wheel addon, it doesn't matter, we will all have fun driving together. If you just bought Asseto - grab Assetto Corsa Content Manager - a better launcher and mod manager: https://assettocorsa.club/content-manager.html To install mods: just drag and drop zip files from mega onto the Content Manager windows and click on the hamburger menu on top right. Highly recommend installing stable custom shader patch and 7-zip plugin in Content manager.

For communication we'll use mumble at voice.vrg.party port 64738, as it doesn't need any registrations or logins.

MODS: https://mega.nz/folder/jjBniCTY#Eq1R2yXZ9PSto59Y-uoaqQ
It's Tuesday! Time for Pavlov Search and Destroy!
At 1800 UTC (1900 UTC+1)
Join the community server: "Gem Server!"

Password is 9442
Headpat people when you join anyway
Maps are on mod.io now! The easiest way to download them will be let the game download them.
Starting in roughly one hour.
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Good golfing golfers!
(I forgot to post this on saturday, whoops. This is from our saturday 1300 UTC+1 game)
It is Pavlov day! UMP9 is now a real custom gun with slightly different stats from UMP45, a different firing sound, and a functional burst mode. Fire rate, bullet velocity, magazine capacity and recoil are all improved, but it takes 2 shots to ping the helmet instead of 1.
"Ping" is anti-inclusive and is racist towards asians please use a different term in future
can't believe my wife got so much love
Why does UMP9 need 2 ching chong bing bongs to get rid of the helm?
9mm weak baby cartridge that can't even stop babies. .45 ACP is a real cartridge that tears the soul from someone's body sometime after their entire body explodes
How does the UMP45 and UMP9 compare to MP5SD and AKS74U?
Because I thought 'outright superior to the UMP45 but more expensive' is the less interesting option.
Just play the game and see.
>but it takes 2 shots to ping the helmet instead of 1.
So it's worthless then, got it
Instance up
If that's the case it can be changed, but I don't think it is.
Anythig that takes more than two shots to the head to kill is DOA in Pavlov's meta imo
2nd round
Someone crashed. rehost
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movie starting soon... in about 10 minutes!

tonight we're watching Mad God

A Journey Beyond your Wildest Nightmares

https://vrch.at/75kqkdwf or join off Lumadurin !
sorry but seems the game wont even let me spectate hope you guys have fun though
>get vr to be social
>someone walks up to me and says something
>take headset off

it's over for me.
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GG Pavlovers!
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What was up with the modded weapons not changing sides today?
Whats up with silencer not working on the UMP?
That was only on Zoo. I updated the mod before the next map.
What do you mean? It doesn't change the sound or doesn't fit at all?
Silencer on UMP9 does nothing in S&D, it's the same sound as having no silencer.
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I found the problem. It's only when someone else is firing the gun. The suppressed 3rd person sound is actually missing from the mod kit.
well, that was something
cool visuals, underwhelming "story" if you can say it had one.
Thanks for hosting
Just keep trying, sooner or later you get used to it.
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the gem was going insane with the deagle
Wrong pavlover.
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NA chess in ~4 hours drinking maybe blunders definitely thinking forbidden :3 (there will be no shogi)
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thank ya'll for coming
see those who can make it next week for something more... coherent

it was one hour and 20 minutes of interesting imagery that ultimately said absolutely nothing..
>buy quest 3
>cant use oculus mic through airlink/wired
>cant communicate with anyone if im not on standalone
has anyone else had a similar issue?
the audio through the quest 3 is working on output, but input is dead
Paper Beast is on sale for $3 if anyone didn't feel like buying it for $20 but thought it seemed neat. I tried the demo and liked it, and finally bought it just now on sale.
If anyone here actually uses their headsets for games other than vrc
>see those who can make it next week for something more... coherent
should we bring glow sticks?
Is vrchat always this full of troons and screaming children?
Stay out of publics, only goto events or weekend instances.
you can avoid children that way, but the troons are everywhere in VRC, including our own meetups.
Slowpoke here. You guys played the Riven remake in VR?
Anyone here do any VR game dev?
have you tried through steam link/virtual desktop? Haven't had mic issues with those
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Lighthouse sisters, it's over. Pico tracking has won.
this is why i bought a 4090 so i never need a blanket
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That's a view through Pico 4 Ultimate passthrough cameras, using only 2 of the new pico trackers (those should also work with Pico 4 and Pico 4 Pro)

Also now with calibration demo
what is this witchcraft? is it seriously tracking movement with this accuracy based only on some internals with no point of reference on the outside? or is it some kind of magical radio location, or i dunno

what the hell, it really shouldn't work this well if it's tracking without any point of reference, even for a short period of time on a video
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Yes, I work on ChilloutVR.
Does VRchat gamedev count?
Holy fuck that is so good. I want it for my quest pro reeeeeeeeee
Inside out tracking with no addtiional accessories?
its just slimes but with an IR sensor to pick up IR from the headset to calibrate itself every so often.
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occasionally fucking around in unity with dumbest results, no real projects. but anons are plenty creative in VRC with great results, so there's a lot to admire
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AI which was trained on HMD + controllers + feet/waist IMU trackers. Predicts the whole skelleton.

Pico IMU trackers also have IR diodes so they can correct themselves from drifting every time you look down.

Also, it can detect hip gyrations only with ankle trackers.
I read it's about IMU tracking with some sort of other electromagnetic wave contacting the headset for correction from time to time
>Also, it can detect hip gyrations only with ankle trackers.
I doubt it's good enough for thrusting motions that are accurate. Can we use a third pico tracker for the waist?
80 bucks for a pair of trackers, which work whole day, and just work without any need to recalibrate. And there is no faffing about with weird server software.

inside out Pico 4 hmd no external accessorries, 2 little pucks for ankles + optional waist for better estimation.

The only limitation - you need Pico 4 headset and need to use the Pico 4 controllers, because they are a part of FBT estimation inputs.
>Can we use a third pico tracker for the waist?
Yeah I've done something similar, many, many, many different projects trying different mechanics and things, some of them fun, some of them got far enough along they could have been real projects

I still have an itch to create a VR game and I have the skill and assets to do so, but I need the right idea I guess, or something that brings everything together and feels worth playing
Oh god I want it. Is it possible to use this tech with the quest ecosystem?

I don't really want to buy a pico just for the pico trackers. I will lose out on my eye and face tracking as well.
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eh, figures. guess there's a lot of logic for AI to see in regards to tracker position, given that they're restricted by limb lengths and angles and such

can't hate it, very impressive regardless
IR leds are emitting electromagnetic waves I guess, lmao

It's the same technology as controllers - LEDs for tracking on the trackers, but with IMUs stable enough to last enough between you glancing down naturally.
nope. pico ecosystem only.

Can get Pico 4 Pro though to keep facetracking (and have a great microphone, unlike Quest Pro). Today Pico 4/Pico 4 Pro got a firmware update to support these new Pico trackers. Trackers themselves are gonna get released in late september in europe.
Dang. I wonder if I can wait long enough for Zuck to make their own similar solution
>great microphone
its really not that much better, only good headset mics are index and beyond.
Its complety legible, no noises, good loudness, voices sound natural. There is nothing to complain about.

But yea, index/beyound mics have some sorts of extra clarity/brightness, hard to describe, but its audiophile territory.
Maybe it'll force the slimetrannies to innovate.
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Can slime tranny do a similar more open sourced solution to auto-callibrate from headset data from quest pro?
I don't think they have access to quest pro headset data do they?
proprietary all-in-one headsets don't give access to camera stream. Otherwise slime could add some IR leds to them and do some optical correction.

As it stands now you'd need to put a 3rd party camera on a headset or in your room to optically correct slimes.
laaaaammmeeee. I'm sad and jealous now
>zucc could have released ankle trackers for years but is afraid of people having sex in vr
Pico 4 Pro with those pico trackers looks amazing. Kinda sucks I can't use knuckles with that solution thou.
How much will the Pico 4 Pro bundle be in europe?
He's not afraid of people having sex in VR, he's afraid of normalfags finding out about people having sex in VR and not buying a headset because of it.
Honestly I think the rampant furry/anime girl degeneracy in VRC is the biggest reason why it never went mainstream.
Feels like it drags a bit towards the end, but I definitely think it'd be worth $3.
Liked it when I got it out of a bundle years ago.
>Honestly I think the rampant furry/anime girl degeneracy in VRC is the biggest reason why it never went mainstream.
yeah thats why the zuccverse was such a huge success
Show some 40year old what VR sex looks like and he will probably buy his wife one.
Radio here are full of commercials about "spicy up your sexlife" web sex shops and such, being some six pack stud with glowing devil horns and 30cm cock fucking your wife looking 20 years younger and hypersexual would sell like crazy.
Plus all repressed degens and such.
I think the "be anything you wanna be" aspect of VRC could be a lot more appealing to normalfags who read/watching Ready Player One. I've told family & coworkers about VRChat and they think the concept is really cool. The zuccverse failed on its own merits for being sanitized corporate garbage.
Delusional. It’s the opposite.
VRchat is what is mainstream, zucc’s sexless legless metaverse has 50 players at peak
The executives seem to be even more confused about their business strategy than we are.
>HTC's share of the global smartphone market collapsed from 10.7 per cent in 2011 to 0.05 per cent in 2019. Current and former employees blame poor business decisions and a company culture that is impervious to criticism
>In 2011, HTC saw a huge decline in market share as many consumers were just overwhelmed by the number of phones being released by the brand.
>HTC released more than 24 smartphones during that 1 year, and around the same number in 2012
>HTC were not as active in marketing their products
>many were dissatisfied that HTC was packing more and more bloatware into their smartphones, which was strange because HTC was initially praised for equipping their phones with the stock Android operating system.
>poor after sale service in China – there is only one official repair shop in the whole country, in Shanghai.
>In 2017, Google acquired around 2000 of HTC’s employees that worked on design and research to work on the Google Pixel
>former employee said that the company suffered from an “abject failure of leadership” and that the smartphone division was run with a culture of “fear and intimidation”.
>“a lack of trust between HQ and the rest of the company”
>Several HTC insiders said that the company may have misjudged its pricing strategy.
Zucc knows normalfags won't buy body trackers. He's struggling to even get them to put on the headset, they're not going to suddenly want to strap themselves up like a gimp first.
If he sees any mainstream value in body tracking it will be a further development of the current hand and upper body tracking they already use.
how long before the zucc puts out the full body estimation that was supposed to come out in december?
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By "mainstream" I mean used by the population at large, not just a bunch of weebs and furries. I grew up reading books like Snow Crash and Neuromancer and thought in 2018 that VRChat was the beginning of a true virtual age, like when the Internet went mainstream in the mid-late 90's. Then Zucc and the cryptobros poisoned the well and ruined the word "metaverse" forever, so we're left with a stagnant population of 90% degenerates.
He should give up on the camera based fbt solution and just sell some god damned quest pro controllers but as little puck trackers reeeeeeee
furries and weebs are just the ones that stuck around, tons of normies were around in 2017 and 2018. just look at early steam discussions and reviews its full of normies. they just got bored and left, without autism social vr was just a fun gimmick for a couple weeks before moving on to the next trend.
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Running a bunch of American cars at Lake Superior in Assetto Corsa tomorrow night at 8PM EDT (about 23.5 hours from now).
Car list is in pic related, let me know if there's anything else you want to run.
All of the mods and DLC should be in the links below, and the server is up if you want to test anything.
server: vrg racing
pass: tfwnodriftfu
voice chat (mumble): voice.vrg.party
mods: https://mega.nz/folder/xN4EGDiC#cvLFrD3kTpS_8pU7eNVvPw
DLC: https://mega.nz/folder/hNgHTIrb#utSeSx4mqKjcMYfwiI67sg
Pico 4 Pro is china only, you'll have to buy on aliexpress and roll the QA dice.

Pico 4 Ultimate is releasing in europe in september, but doesn't have face tracking.

All Pico 4 series HMDs will word with these new trackers. just don't buy the old ones, those where kinda a prototype and don't have optical correction
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Player numbers are massively higher than they were in 2018. 2017's peak player count was 6,433 and the highest monthly average was 1,745. The big meme blowup in January 2018 hit 9,223 average and 20,212 peak. The last 30 days averaged 30,992 with a peak of 46,939. And that's not counting questniglets, who separately outnumber the 2018 peak. Also, weebery is mainstream with kids these days.

The problem is the vrchat devs are a bunch of literal faggots so they give trannies and furries official advertising and enabling. This means everyone's day 1 experience is getting bombarded with that stuff, instead of using a normal client to go to a normal public room. That makes it like a porn site, where normal people might use it, but they don't want to connect their public reputations to it. Meanwhile, degenerates won't shut up so they dominate discussion about it.
Was there any change lately that cause meshes in a world to be visible in one eye only?
Now add quest users
We switched to Unity 2021 a year or so ago, All shaders need to be Single-Pass Instanced rendering compatible or they'll do that.

You usually just need to re-upload with a more recent build of your shader.
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I'm too fat for that :(
well fuck
good thing I wanna do something new instead anyways

I really hope you guys can catch up a bit more to vrc. Fingers are crossed on my end.
We're doing the best we can, but it's an uphill climb since other companies have more resources.
It's okay, you don't even need to exist. So don't worry.
Spending your life making a bootleg copycap of someone else's thing. What a sad fate.
keep glazing pedochat
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Hi I'm making a room for FBF and I made a manga shelf to fit in the theme of it but I'm indecisive on what to put on the middle/title covers, if anyone wants to feel free to submit something here, you can add as many as you want and you can vote once per browser session, top 9 ones will get in, only rules are nothing too long since it has to fit on a small texture for optimization, no images for the same reason
I'll check back in on the poll in a couple days and see what it looks like, although if its just a bunch of unoriginal "NIGGER NIGGER KILL NIGGERS" ill probably just skip over it
Or you could also decide not to put anything and tell me to kill myself and I'll just put something lame on them instead
The previous OP image poster and title seems fit for this here >>492430246
You certainly have a special place in my heart.
And it certainly is a chicken-egg situation here. To get people there, you need content, maps, creators. But those only go where people are.
Please anything else.
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that one
The moat of network size is hard to beat that's for sure. Making it easy to upload maps made for vrchat into your own system will be the best way.

Even I as a map maker or avatar maker. If I can just click one or two buttons without thinking much and my avatar and world works in CVR immediately, the friction to go and play in CVR becomes so much less.
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Once again if I may reiterate, I am keeping it optimized so too many words and it will be very hard to read or understand ingame, and no images as the images will be blurry af as all 9 will be fitting on a single 256x256 texture
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This one! The greatest VR love story ever told
VR Ojiisan's first love
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woah, I didn't realize this got a live action adaptation https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-01-09/an-older-guy-vr-first-love-manga-gets-live-action-series-in-april/.206307

The manga is good though I somehow doubt the live action is. nips can't act.
I have an idea for you. Just use a UI Textmesh PRO to type the words in so it's readable.
The books can have very crunched compressed pixelated texture and it'll still work
what is even the point of chilloutvr besides cope for people permed from vrchat?
I love both the gaybed and ojiisan. Man we need more funny yet true manga works for VR like these
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Starting Strait Jacket in 15 minutes or so, you can join off Silencen or try the link:
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I'm not as familiar with maps, but you pretty much just dump in a CVRWorld component and click the upload button.

We can't implement a competitor's scripting language for obvious reasons, but Lua in CVR exposes most Unity and CVR components and structures, so it's pretty easy to pick up.

We also have something new coming soon for the scripting nightly (once these fucking unit tests pass).
>We can't implement a competitor's scripting language for obvious reasons, but Lua in CVR exposes most Unity and CVR components and structures, so it's pretty easy to pick up.
Can you create an auto-converter of UDON into LUA?
All my maps have UDON now. Even something as simple as a toggle switch for lights becomes annoying to redo for another platform.
Now imagine the more complex and fun worlds I and other map makers do.
Hi it's Tuesday pypyin' time:
or join on Lycosella
We can't (again, German laws are funny), but a third party could theoretically make one that can do a fast and loose conversion using AST analysis or something.
Interesting. Can one of your main devs theoretically get “fired” and coincidentally make a conveter then get “rehired” after?
We totally don't have a rogue ex-dev making nice things
huh, I wouldve expected EU to be more permissive than US for adversarial interop projects. APIs seem to have good precedent for reimplementation these days. did you guys actually ask a lawyer about it?
unfortunately my GPU is not playing nice with my headset for some reason and after trying to figure it out for 20 minutes i think i'm just going to postpone chess for a week :c sorry to whoever was looking forward to it
No, Germany's pretty restrictive on competition.
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Forgot pic
Such anti-capitalist garbage. I am so sorry
>ordered quest 3 as birthday present to myself
>delivery date is 4 days after my birthday day but that’s ok it is what it is.
>24 hours later front door cam goes off
>postman with my quest 3
I’m so happy bros
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and welcome to the wonderful world of VIRTUAL REALITY
hope to see you in game with us soon fren
Nice pypyin' pypyers
Next NA pypy is Thursday at 7PM PDT / 10 PM EDT
nice dancing doods
these are awesome
where the huggy lolis
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my pypyfu is away for a little while I think
very cute baseball uniform!
I want to make a rave world set on an aircraft carrier tarmac at night with a cool oceanbox

does this sound like oc donut steel or a dogshit idea ? maybe on top of an oil rig helipad?
It's a pretty neat world
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Every idea is a recycle and re-mix of old ideas.
The way you implement and execute it is what is important.

That is a nice idea and you should just do it since it's what you want.
your pypyfu is a whore
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I like the oil rig idea. Easier to have a fitting looking small area for your rave space there, as opposed to an aircraft carrier which would be a giant flat area with way too much open space
who did it first doe
I was thinking at the end of the runway, have it “walled off” with jets or I don’t know, I guess tanks would work better because of the gaps jets would have on their landing gear

I’d walk off the entrance ofc you want the stage to be at the tip of the carrier and the idea is to have the open view of the water, idk through in some jet flying by with cool shaders
This guy did it first 2022



Now do your version
damn… Back to the drawing board
Has potential. There's room to put animated scenery and easter eggs out in the ocean. You could also have weather effects. Both the ship and the rig can have interactable objects to play with. Walling off can be done in a soft way, like putting up caution tape and banners, so it's obvious where the main area is, but it's possible to climb over, mess around in the rest of the map, blow stuff up, and fall overboard.
Anon unless you go pants to the wall retarded there is not a single fully original thing you can do that no one else did before as a map.

At this point 10+ yrs of VRchat already happened.
You need to go really fringe or hyper mix stuff to have something unique.

I'll do some random word generation for you
Got any good Youtube tutorials? I made something but I don't have any idea on how to weight paint it and export it to Unity.
Use robust weight painting blender addon, then tune the weights. Then export as fbx.
The difference in visual clarity between my oculus quest and the big screen vr is crazy.
The generally accepted method is to use some kind of automated weighting followed by fine tuning. Automatic weights when you're assigning the armature or mesh data transfer modifier to move it from your body mesh to the clothes. The addon >>493090871 works really well so use that if you already have a body you're making clothes for. I don't really have any videos for weight painting so just move your body in pose mode (in ways you would actually move it) and adjust your weights so it looks okay in those poses.
haha, i cant even bring myself to join a public lobby
Thanks guys. Aside from the weight painting the process is more straight forward than I thought. I haven't been a big fan of the outfits for my avatars on Booth so I wanted to try my hand at making things.
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>screaming children
The quest headset is what parents give to their children instead of doing parenting so they end up in vrc. These can be avoided by staying out of quest compatible public worlds.

Can't avoid these. Best you can do is avoid the really deep-in delusional respect my pronouns types that are mostly absent from vrg instances.
Post results when you've got something. Always love seeing other anon's works, especially the jank/soul ones.
Sure thing. Will probably do it tomorrow after I do a bit more work on the swimsuit.
Which controllers feels best? Using steamvr so I have options.
The original Oculus touch controllers are probably the best feeling controllers of all time. You don't want to use the corresponding headset in the current year though. The only other controllers I've used are for the Index, which are mediocre.
original touch controllers and index controllers are the only ones I've ever used and index is leagues better, >>493100856 has a serious hand deformity
>open hand
>controller falls to the ground

Who's idea was this?
>fast swap batteries
>100000h+ battery life
>basic proximity sensors and physical triggers for guaranteed hand gesture
>no bullshit like index where you have to keep fingers in specific positions or else you might overlap analog finger proximity sensor from another finger
i miss cv1 like you wouldn't believe
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UK TV nite is pushed back an hour because mods are fags and I'm still banned
instance to follow shortly thereafter
my cv1 is still going strong :-)
I loved the CV1 controllers, light and simple, batteries lasted ages and tracking was good.
I upgraded to a pico4 and I dont like the controllers as much, they are way heavier and bulkier, which makes it hard to use in beat saber
dont have the heart to sell my CV1 though, I put it back in its box and stashed it in the wardrobe
I think something's wrong with its HDMI cable though, there is noticable jitter when moving my head
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the sensors were really finicky sometimes though, if they werent positioned perfectly, my hands would sometimes fly away
never happened with the pico so far, so thats a plus
but two batteries per controllers vs 1 is really noticeable
luv em
though mine are looking decidedly worse for wear these days
For vrc gestures the vive controllers are undoubtedly the best. The trigger, shape, and toggle grip (when actually implemented) are also quite nice for shooters but that's about it.
For vrc the granular inputs of the track pad being divided up into sections means gestures can all be done without touching the grab button and without doing any multi-press or hand position combo. There are a host of other problems, sure, but having both quest 3 and vive, and having tried index controllers, I am pretty comfortable in my position. Hand tracking is such aids it makes me want to get face tracking just to obsolete gestures inputs.
>For vrc gestures the vive controllers are undoubtedly the best.
what the fuck lol
Are there any bases that make adult women other than shinra? inb4 celsetia
Almost all of them dude just shrink the head a little.
Ye, on gumroad, booth are for pedos.
pedofile content right here
Is anyone part of the EN-JP Language Exchange group on VRChat? Saw one of the people from here who added me is. I'm curious to know how the thing is and I know the people on this site are more likely to participate than other places.
Looks like it belongs on gumroad
The japanese are very forgiving in it. I tried to go there a few times. it's a good place to study just be sure to actually go in with the goal of studying
Oi it's been an hr
I'm still banned LOL
please wait warmly
Cutest avatar.
Very easy and accurate gesture wheel. Those who never tried will never understand the power of vive wands. They also are a perfect stand in for a sword or a gun you hold. But they are bad at being your hands
Do you need to know literally any Japanese when showing up? Do they expect you to study outside of it?
You know you can just map facial expression to the analog stick with v3 avatars, right?
>perfect stand in for a sword or a gun
This sounds like a disadvantage in any game where you can let go of the weapon.
I literally went there saying random japanese anime words. The japanese are extremely kind over there and will TEACH YOU.
Huh. Consider me surprised. I didn't think the language teaching community in VRChat would be very good.
literally any base, shrink head by 10%, use the eye shapekey to make the eyes smaller/narrower
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janny didn't like me calling him a faggot so now he's fucking with me. TV nite delayed to tomorrow. C U Soon
dang oki
have you tried not being an insufferable faggot?
I concur and agree
>Faffing around opening menu, navigating to the 2d puppet, loosing movement or rotation control

Vive wands are fast easy and efficient.
I have stopped being a pathetic pussy and play Beat Saber on Expert now.
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Scopes are so hard to use
>new space trucking game came out
>it's in unity
>"hmmm I wonder if that universal unity injector works now"
>"Prease understand anything made after 2020 will not work"
I didn't expect anything but I'm still disappointed
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better late than never
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The shotguns... The irons are terrible but they hit hard
among my favorite recent stuff i've seen around, and that's a high praise because avatars sure look nice nowadays and the competition is strong
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New vive headset?
~P be like oh no! you got ban from vrchat you must be a pedo.
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Going to host a get Vivecraft get-together on crawler.vrg.party tomorrow at ~8PM EST. I'm hoping we can clear a mine cells dungeon and do some general exploration.
can u bounce on it
It is indeed cute.
Though not as cute as my (absent) pypyfu!
awesome, I'll do my best to be there.
What inserts should I get for my Quest3? I'm in europe.
>The potential impact of terahertz beamforming chips on everyday life is profound. For example, these chips could make it possible to download a 4K ultrahigh-definition movie in mere seconds compared with 11 minutes over today’s W-Fi, or support immersive virtual and augmented reality experiences without any lag.
Mite b cool?
I'll hide my bunnies from you!
I love these bunnies, they are so cute.
Reminds me of a ukrainian startup that was doing something similar with transmitting video data to vr headsets via lasers before the war started. Can't find the link sadly.
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>avatars sure look nice nowadays and the competition is strong
I pretty much gave up on trying to keep my avatar looking cute for that reason. Feels like it's a constant rat race of buying the latest booths while overaccessorizing to try and stand out. I miss being called cute but it isn't worth the stress and effort.
I get called cute a lot and still use an old and busted kikyo. I think overaccessorizing is a trap, pick a consistent style and keep it simple.
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Oh fuck I found the Enlighten GI in the project settings. Gonna see if Bakery can still work with this and get some sweet ass indirect global illumination going
Is there any way to lower the brightness of the sun or (preferably) hide it completely on the client side of VRChat? It's not my world, but it's almost perfect. The sun just needs to screw off. It ruins the scenery.
>Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away
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>there was a race
shit, missed it

but admittedly, my avatar slowly begins to feel old to me. spent some time yesterday on giving it new dynamic bones now that we can have ten million of them without losing performance rating, but weight painting is a bitch
EU PyPy today at 17:00 UTC, that's in about 2h, I'll drop a link to the world few minutes before starting, vids are in the link, see you dancing!

It's not about adding more and more. It's about finding the perfect combo for a specific look you want to show. There's a million combinations that can work. Finding one that is not over-designed and clicks is what is important imo.
too bad I'm autistic and have no sense of design lel
>tan lines
My kink. Don't make me get into lolis, please.
how long does PyPy normally last?
been thinking about joining but I normally eat around that time
2h you can join for any amount of time
staarting now!
Just mash together some stuff from booth: an outfit, a base, and some hair you like. It kinda builds from there like a character creator with presets.
That has nothing to do with autism and everything to do with not having studied the principles of design.

Go do a Google image search of that phrase if you want to dive deeper.

Creating harmony among disparate elements is actually a science that gets harder the more elements you add.
Overdoing it with extra shit is how you end up like TDAs. A billion glowing tattoos and shiny piercings, overdone shading, a billion physbones, insane proportions, and etc... I'd rather see a default booth recolour than that shit. If you need to be unique, figure out a design and theme first and stick with it.
Can you fags stop talking about your dress up barbie game and looking cute? Holy shit
can you fags keep talking about your dress up barbie game and looking cute? Holy shit
Can you can???
Can you fags stop talking about your dress up barbie game and looking cute? Holy shit!!!!
The greatest challenge with avatar creation is that you become effectively blind to how it actually looks. In the same way artists will flip their canvas periodically so they notice glaring problems that they couldn't see before. I look back on past avatars and wonder how the hell I ever thought it looked acceptable.
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very important: always jerk off before working on your avatar

ignore this advice at your own peril
people should jerk off before they even get on vrchat
I can't get off to my own work.
There shouldn't be an "acceptable" when it comes to avatars. Make whatever the fuck you want and as long as you like it, that's all that matters.
There may not be a single "acceptable", but there are many, many "unacceptable"s
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At this point I've become so proteus'd that working on my avatar feels more like looking at a photo of myself than starting at a naked anime girl. Doesn't make me horny and the idea of jerking off to it feels too weird.
True why can't people just be NORMAL and talk about shooting games and fresnel lenses exclusively
Yeah fuck objective standards for things, people should just do whatever they want without regard for any rules principles or harmony. Hail chaos, long live infinite noise. Subjectivity forever!
This but unironically
if you're insane I'd like to see it
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Real VR Fishing, in about hour at 19:00 GMT.
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got vr.
got 4070
thinking of getting a new headset
already have trackers

all I want to use vr for now is to be a full body thot and get railed in vrchat
I have a gf now and I would feel guilty.

bros, I'm broken. I want to enjoy vr another way but after the hands free orgasms and hours of moaning from being high with toys in vr
everytime I use my vr headset i remember those times. (even though most of it was shit)

I fucking broken
any alternatives. should I just get it out of me using like. modded skyrim vr. like. aaaaaaaah
Just treat being the slut being railed against the wall as masturbation and keep doing it.
Avatar design, and by extension aesthetic principles in general, are by nature a subjective thing. Cry about it.
get your gf a strap-on and have her rail you while your in vr
why did you get a gf when you prefer being the gf?
You gotta have some sort of gooner brain disease if you get horny making your own avatar
They are general rules, subjectively applied but the definitions themselves are not subjective. You want to throw away the rulebook because you don't want daddy to tell you what to do. But it was never about telling you want to do and everything about showing you what to see.
I don't like it, that's the point. It doesn't look anything like how I perceived it at the time.
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because I'm a full ass block headed 6ft 3 body builder for the last 7 years.

I was always a sub and fantasizing about being the girl but goddamn using vr made it so much worse.
I'm not some dumbass that believes he can actually be a women but goddamn it feels good to get treated like a frail tiny slut.
I have no interest in it with how I look irl.
for context, I get told I look like modern day markeplier but on a bulk for too long
Maybe just stop being a fucking retard.
I joked about it once for exhibitionism and she did call it "basically just enhanced masturbation"

but I feel so guilty to think of doing it
If it's something that's eating at you it's best to talk about it with your gf
nobody fucking cares that you want to get railed like a twink
>get treated like a frail tiny slut.
If you talk to your gf about this she could be able to provide for you. What I've noticed about VRC over the years is that either your partner "gets it" too or you eventually blow up your relationship because VRC takes up too much of the attention/time a romantic partner is typically entitled to.
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Many such cases

this is kinda how I feel about it.
desu I want it to end. or for me to be able to get my rocks off another way instead that hopefully grows boring and/or doesn't involve other real people.

I'm gonna live with her in a year from now since our leases need to run out, and I need to be a functional human being.
so im hoping to find a way to not have this be a. want. yaknow
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Real VR Fishing NOW! EU lobby
Gone fishing
pass 1488
Wanting it to end but waiting out the lease is really rude. Just dump her if you don't like her anymore.
no. I want my horny issues to end

not her. I love her. hence why I want to stop
we plan on living together by next year since we need our separate leases to run out
so no matter what I need this to end. I am not gonna be a vr slut when I have a person living with me that I should fuck instead
This is not a relationship hotline, please fuck off to >>>/trash/vrlg
not really asking for relationship advice.

asking more for "how not to be a generic /vrlg/ poster"
you fucking mongoloid wannabee gatekeeper
what the shit has that got to do with vr games?
You need advice on how not to be a coombrained idiot? Here's some advice, shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.
so you have nothing to say. thanks rager
vrchat is literally a vr game
I am missed pypy TwT
You can choose to abstain willingly of your own free will without internal mental lust or resistance because you know it's the morally correct thing to do or you could get burned on the pire of your own lack of self control knowing it was your own fault the whole time.

Those are the only two paths to recovery.
aaaaaaaaa someone is posting fucked up shit on 4chan what will I do aaaaaaaaa
I thought this place was for normal people why aren't we discussing fresnel lenses
No one cares about your IRL relationship troubles faggot.
I'm all for more discussion that isn't fresnel lenses but this has absolutely nothing to do with this thread.
kinda how I'm feeling.
I need some good vr games that won't cause this
I need some vr games that are solo coomer since that's not near as bad as an intermediary.
No one is saying or complaining that it's "fucked up shit", you retard.
I'm not him I just think you guys are extremely kneejerk and humorless these days. I will continue to mock you.
No one wants to read posts upon post upon post of some guy complaining about his relationship problem.
All causes begin in the mind. External things are irrelevant.
I agree, if we don't go along with randos talking about relationship problems and their own AGP, that means we are humorless.
Seconded, coom in vr on the trash thread not here.
I do
I am here for the inane and the insane, not day #1250 of fresnel lens discussion
what the fuck is this "fresnel lens" scapegoat cope?
no relationship issues.
could be if not fixed though

same as above but the agp is right. it's a genuine problem that vr has made so much worse.
90% of vrc users have it in some way
>"The insane"


Fuck off, dude. If you want to hear dudes whine about their agp, try out /lgbt/.
They're supposed to reduce glare and give greater image clarity but some users have reported they are exceedingly fragile and Crack if exposed to frequent digital bussy scrambling.
hes talking about you mate
Kick rocks, pancake lover
Yeah it's kinda funny desu
I'm talking about people repeatedly saying "I'd rather do (insert gay shit) than talk about fresnel lenses for the 100000th time", not asking about the pros and cons of actual lenses, you fucking ignoramuses.
>Pico 4 Ultimate review claims it doesn’t have edge to edge clarity like the Q3 despite pancake lenses

Fuck. Their FBT looks really fucking good, and hassle free. I wonder if one of the other companies is gonna copy the idea of IMUs that drift correct automatically and implement it so that other headset systems can use it.
I knew pancakefags (or 'cakefags as I like to call them) were desperate but wow
>He fell for my dastardly deception.
It's been over a year since last idol event. I can't wait to see everyone again even if it's just once a year.
Actual dancers are so cool
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Another VR classic
I think there's enough competition in the IMU tracker space to drive the development of more auto calibration methods. It's just a matter of whether they're worth using or viable from a third party implementation.
I do wonder if the likes of Just Dance VR has put any more pressure on Meta to develop their own solution. The leg IK in that game looks embarrassingly bad and missing out on the chance to incorporate leg movement in the game appears to have hurt it's appeal for existing fans.
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NA anime tonight at 10 pm est in vrchat

Lucky Star - 22
Lucky Star - 23
Na Nare - 09
Spice & Wolf - 22

if you only want to watch the airing shows wait until 11 to join
Yea, you’d think someone would have swooped in to eat Slime’s market in the years they’ve had a proof of concept but been unable to deliver a product, and yet the only real attempt was in that was mocopi and that wasn’t even VR headset targetted.
this hair is so cute on you
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bruh your game got superseeded by sean murray obsesion

The bottleneck for all those years was a chip shortage skyrocketing the relevant IMU prices. People were suffering the use of custom Slimes with sub-5 minute drift time because those were the only cheap IMUs at the time.
As soon as the prices started coming down HaritoraX, Mocopi, Axis etc ramped up their own production.
>pico 4 ultimate
>no eye tracking and foveated rendering
it's always something
If it's like the normal P4 lenses then while it's not completely edge to edge it's still pretty fucking good. The Q3 ones are just that good and they'd be perfection if it wasn't for some chromatic aberration on the sides.
pico 4 ultra are the same lenses and displays as the pico 4 and 4 pro
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Great dancing, here you ahve the videos:

cute 7ft tall nigga <3. Ok I usually don't reply to these posts but since you are more genuine compared to the other thread and the posters there:
Completely alright to feel like that, but remember this is just a fantasy, you have a gf, which is a fantasy for a lot of the people around here that will never be able to fullfill, keep that in mind. Also idk how is your gf but with the time relationships tend to be more relaxed, I have a couple of friends that are ok with doing stuff in vrc while being married or having an IRL relationship, but that's something you talk about it with your partner.
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Bought a used PSVR1 for $50 the other day to play Astro Bot Rescue Mission, never owned a VR headset before.
What's the tl;dr on getting the thing working on PC? There seems to be two different drivers people use, but not sure which one is best.
Also I know it's a pretty shitty headset, but want to see what I can do with it before I possibly invest more money into a better PCVR setup down the line.
man, it doesn't even have properly tracked controllers and has abysmall resolution, worse than OG Vive
Don't even own the controllers desu, saw some video years ago of some dude getting VR working in Dolphin and thinking I might wanna try that. GameCube games can't look that bad with its low resolution, right?
https://store.steampowered.com/app/992490/iVRy_Driver_for_SteamVR/ this supports PSVR but you're not gonna have a good time with the driver, tracking and HMD only games.

Just get a Quest 2/3/Pico 4 depending how much you want to spend
His posts are actually on topic. VR implications on relationship getting strained or finding solutions for vr and irl to be harmonized.
Thanks, I'll look into it. Used Quest 2's seem pretty cheap but the Quest 3 looks so much better so might just end up getting that at some point
I love this VR manga! Based anon for remembering it
Don't sleep on Pico 4/Pico 4 Ultra
Liked it overall, but having to wait around on the creatures in some of the sections slowed it down way more than I'd like.
Maybe it just depends on what you're expecting, I was thinking it'd be more of a straightforward puzzle game.
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It's a bit weird they they make no mention of the Pico 4 Ultra Enterprise supporting eye-tracking, yet the eye tracking cameras are clearly present in all their their marketing material.
Exact same setup as the Pico4 Enterprise
How in the
the duality of man
NTA but even with the awful experience look around to see if you find something to like before investing more or alternatively get a used quest 1 for the most bare minimum "passable" experience, i think mine was $70
I picked it up for the artsy style and I can't say I'm disappointed so far. I don't mind waiting for the beast to do their things.
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Hello Games said they were done with this game 3 expansions ago...
Fuck off retard
Silly anon. No one pees in VR
In theory if he is now only working with a smll skeleton crew of passionate devs. They have already made enough money to just keep updating this for the rest of their lives.
>GameCube games can't look that bad with its low resolution, right?
Screen door effect is still going to be a problem since it's directly in your face.
DolphinVR is kind of a mess anyways, but it's still worth messing around with.
I'd jump straight to Quest 3 if you're sure you'll use it a lot after messing around with the PSVR setup.
If you're not sure, and you just want to try a few big VR exclusives, a cheap used Quest 2 is still fine for now though.
thats why i do it in the sink like a normal person
Yeah, the style definitely got me through some of the rougher sections.
after a year and a half of waiting i got my slimevr pucks finally and messed around with them. theyre kinda cool but omg its such a pain in the butt strapping so much stuff to your body compared to the vive pucks 1.0 i was using like chest hips ankle foot ankle foot thighs compared to just waist and feet. i do like the slimevr server program and how customizable it is and everything but omg i would not reccomend
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The base strap definitely leaves much to be desired.

What I did was get some snapbuckles like pic related and modified the straps so it's easy to snap into place. My body does not change in size everytime I strap in for VR. The choice of velcro was a really bad choice from them lmao.
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The CV1 controllers were so good.

Is there any way to pirate old Rift store games? I really wanna play Lone Echo but between the PC store being abandonware and meta shutting down the devs, I wouldn't feel good about paying for it.
Can pirate them just like anything else, but you'll need Revive to run them on anything that's not an Oculus/Meta headset.
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Assetto Corsa starting now, server details are in the previous post if you're interested.
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cs.rin.ru for PCVR
VRPirates/Rookie Sideloader for Quest
Picopiracy or whatever they've renamed to for Pico
zuck has a ton of footage of me pissing
lol Do you also just walk manually into the toilet without removing your headset and doing it all in passthrough mode? It's so comfy
Well, don't miss it again.
>walk manually
how else would you walk?
>he doesn’t have Philippino aids to move his legs
Why live?
Based. Hire them, it's honestly cheap to have Philippino maids. One for each leg!
>Philippino aids
freudian slip
Jesus Christ I'm loud.
you press scroll lock on the keyboard usually to auto walk/run
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Noted. I have a quest 3 so I'm good there. >>493187719
Thank you so much anon. Saved.
clearly I need to be louder
nah it's Numlock you dunder head
well i have the oldest keybinds known to man, and i use scroll lock
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Checkmate atheist
well mine didn't have that so fuck off
I rebind it to 'x' :)

Woah hold on there satan
x is for sitting down
Does anyone have all the vrg icons that were made, I'm makin somethin and could use em
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looks really comfy... what map?

sometimes links in cs.rin.ru die for some niche pcvr games, armgddn is a good alternative (you can find it in the site)
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Here’s an updated summary pic. Been busy for a while so didn’t manage to add more. Will add more later I promise
I’ll send the bigger version in a rD pack later this day at least
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Friendly reminder that Sleepy Walkabout Mini Golf will be hosted around this time tomorrow (11:30PM ET). Hope to see you there.
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rip bozo
Here's a new one!
NA Weekly Pub Hop
literally who
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Here you go anon. Full /vrg/ badge collection as of 9.5.2024
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>Philippino aids
Pretty sure it was a typo. They forgot the "m" in maids
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uh-huh, just a typo...
Don't let the BIG PHARMA fool you. There is no such thing as a different local classification of AIDS that in the philippines that will help you fly and move without walking! Wake up sheeple
PSVR1 is a bad headset, send it back and buy another.
You can get a used quest 1 or rift s for under 100€ if you are this tight on money. Otherwise just play your psvr on its console, having to face the issues of psvr on pc will give you a bad first impression of vr in my opinion
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I've been using my bigscreenvr for the last couple days after finally commiting to buying it like 6 months ago.

You're welcome. The industry was waiting for me to throw a thousand bucks down for the last of the old generation before the next wave of new tech gets debuted. I'm not allowed to enjoy the latest and greatest metaphysically and I was holding us all back.

Now we can finally heal.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your service king
>amazon battery charger cracked in half while charging my controller batteries
Based, I'm also a big dude that work out. But sometimes I just wanna be the little girl, and that is ok. VR did wonders for agp. It's when you mix it with failed male + porn addiction that you troon out.
Who you are in VR, discord, online, is not who you are. Never forget this(most fail to realize this).
>quest 1
This has actually been obsoleted now. Quest games don't all support quest 1.
Quest 2 is the headset I'd recommend as bare minimum entry level. They were going for $200 NEW a little while ago, and used market is good since there are loads out there.
Anything less and you shouldn't waste the money; a quest 1 is getting a good deal on a car but it's not got any wheels. You really have to spend a minimum amount to get something functional.
It works well as a PCVR headset
I have an original Quest, but don't want an Oculus/Facebook account. How fucked am I?
How hard is it for you to enter fake information into the META account sign up? You’re aware you don’t have to provide photo ID for a meta account ? I’ve used a rift S, quest 2 and now quest 3 all with account made under false details.
kek, rip
I had my CV1 bricked when I didn't log in. Whenever I put it on, it just said I have to take it off and open the oculus app to log in. Wouldn't show anything else than that message.
Not using the OG quest is a blessing, get a new headset
Will FBT even work for me I'm fat. Will it only work with fat avatars?
It'll work for you, but if you put your arms at your side, it'll be very clear you're fat.
Lose weight instead of getting FBT
Yes but everyone will see that you are fat, avatars arms not being able to align with body etc.
You can also see on some how their fat stomach pushes the legs apart when they sit down in VRC.
pic for reference? I sometimes spread my legs far even though I'm skeleton
I don't think that's the case. Some avatars also have very slim proportions and tiny shoulders which can be off for any adult male. The whole A pose is also a meme even the most obese people (I've met them irl) don't do this pose.
Coping fatties
It's primarily because your body proportions don't match the avatar portions. You don't have to be fat for this to happen, it just is way more likely.
Probably came from a Alibaba reseller.
Avatars shoulders are too narrow.
anything happening at this cursed hour
I can login if you wanna login. I'm just doing some unity work atm
I like this world it's comfy.
Also page 10
They're not called dead hours without a reason anon.
Not gonna lie. I've been tempted to make an avatar that only appears in mirrors. I just fucking love the concept.
ooo that does look comfy, whats the name? :>
world id is in filename
oh shit! good to know, ty anon
you should! would be cool if done correctly
i used to have a hat that would appear differently in mirrors and confuse people
>They're not called dead hours without a reason anon.
Hey I offered to login if he replied I would've logged in. The offer extends to you as well
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One thing you can be doing during dead hours is playing vr games!
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I'm already playing the best VR game.
Unity chan!
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EU anime tonight at 7PM UTC+1 we're watching Spice and Wolf ep22, Sengoku Youko ep21, BokuTsuma ep10 and Shikanoko ep9
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worlds actually bussin
throw some more
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words used by the mentally deranged. come play videogames with me at LOCO
Starts at 18:30 UTC, look for the link here or join on big gaz
I have no clue what I'd even make it. Some sort of mirror entity, surely, but I don't know what.
A reverse vampire
Video games? At loco???
Every piece of news about new Pico tracker makes it better and better.

The USB-C port of Pico Motion Trackers is not only for charging, but is also a data port which developers can access to pass through data from attached devices. This enables completely custom tracked controllers with buttons, triggers, sticks, and even haptics, with positional tracking handled by the attached Pico Motion Tracker. For example, an LBE venue could create a rifle with a trigger and haptic motor and attach a Pico Motion Tracker, or a business could attach one to a stylus and pass through its tip pressure state.


This can rival vive pucks easily.
Also pico 4 ultra is geting dynamic gaussian splatting content support out of the box incoming. That can mean only one thing. Out of the box support for 6DoF porn videos. Get that zucc!
loco is the game bro
can loco just be pavlov today?
>That can mean only one thing. Out of the box support for 6DoF porn videos
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>VRchive has been down for a week
good. maybe niggers and furries will need to get a job now.
That existed? I thought it was down for years! The funny button you misclick on vrchat and instantly upload a panorama to some random website...
I was on the edge getting this but if it has fishing I can't say no!
Anyone wants to play TF2 Contractors tomorrow?
>not vrchat
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(unkindly) fuck off
I got a quest 3 as a birthday present and have no idea what to use it for?
What games do you usually play?
I would love to!
platformers and jrpgs mainly
Have you tried playing VR games?

No but seriously you can play PCVR or quest native games with it; the store that comes with it advertises some games and you can pirate/sideload games that interest you if you want a free trial. With PCVR you can use Steam Link on steam to play PCVR games on your headset. I personally recommend trying VR FPS games since they completely change up how FPS games are played and you can't get it elsewise.
Pavlov is the one most played but there's a load more. Like H3 which is a gun sandbox, into the radius which is a shooter based on roadside picnic where you go into a dangerous area with guns and come out with loot.
There's also TF2 contractors mod that apparently we might be playing tomorrow. Hyperdash is free and sometimes played.

Also I'd recommend walkabout mini golf. Very comfy; we play regularly on saturdays at 1300 UTC+1. There's some NA lobbies too.

As for platformers, try gorilla tag, no more rainbows, stilt for 'hand moving' platformers.
autistic I see
sell q3 before it's too late and you become a tranny, you are in the risk group
this is not a joke
nah it's my first VR machine. I haven't even taken it out of the box yet, I'll look at the games you recommended, the golf one seems fun.
>I'd recommend walkabout mini golf.
This is how they groom you btw.
>"Oh, anon, you are so interesting, let's go hang out in vrchat!"
And before you know it, you are taking HRT. Many such cases.
There's also VRC but

this guy is 100% right. VRC is a massive proteus risk, If you are at all weak to an environment where sexy or cute anime girls will cater to your every social desire then it's not for you.
>This is how they groom you btw.
The irony is the opposite usually happens; people that start with minigolf just play minigolf, while people who come to minigolf from VRC just go back after a while.
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Also consider "Eleven" - its another game that works very well in VR but I'd recommend a larger playspace for it. Or at least a wide playspace. It's just pingpong but it's fun. I never played pingpong before the VR version of it kek
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Contractors tomorrow at 18:00 UTC
Mod list will be posted tomorrow morning, including the TFVR maps we couldn't play last time.
Nah, I've seen multiple never-vrchatter sinking hundred of hours in vrc after being groomed in golf.
Once or twice can be a coincidence, but it happens too often.
Golf is like light version of mahjong lobbies. Don't trust anything they say.
you've never even played minigolf
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Toss, No More Rainbows, Stilt, Gorilla Tag (multiplayer)
Hi, since today is the first Thursday of the month, it's time for the "Monthly Board Game".
As usual, the session will be at 22:30CET/21:30UTC (~3h from now)
(You) will have to choose between:
> Khet
A strategy board game using lasers and mirrors to destroy your opponent's pieces (rules: https://www.ultraboardgames.com/khet-the-laser-game/game-rules.php, game world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_f77de114-1417-4315-b761-072985c65ad0)
> Classic card games
We'll just use a classic deck of cards to play various games (Durak, President, Mao, ..) (world: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_85631a72-6265-4fe6-bc3c-2b6ea3e11336)
ジグザ (Jiguza) (ZIXZA) is a two-player game based on a 1980's cyberpunk novel where hackers and guards fight in the cyber space.
In a diagonal square grid, each player places their three dice on the spaces nearest to them.
(Rules: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/268163/zixza , World: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_d3dfec24-399c-4b8c-a2ad-3e599bf83508)

VOTE HERE: https://strawpoll.com/40Zm44bjKga
that physically pains me
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I love minigolf I love minigolf
could have been worse
It actually couldn't have; if it had gone all the way down it would have gone off the course and reset where it started.
Oh shit card games, I can teach you all how to play rummy finally.

More suggestions:
The Lab - Valve demo for some VR bits and bobs, good introduction to VR in general.
Skyrim VR - Dungeon crawl for eternity, mod the shit out of it and make magic actually fun.
Ancient Dungeon VR - Roguelike dungeon crawler, looks like minecraft, has multiplayer.
Real VR Fishing (Standalone Only) - Best fishing simulator on the market, 4 player lobbies, great way to relax. Web browser in game as well to stick on music while you fish.

Boneworks - Single player shooter campaign focused around physics.
HL2VR - Great conversion of the base game for VR.
Crossfire Sierra Squad - Co-op arcade military shooter with a wide range of weapons and an 80s action campaign.
The Light Brigade - Roguelike singleplayer shooter with ww1 weaponry and magic.
Survival Nations - Decent asset flip zombie shooter RPG. Quest and levels grinding and dumb skills.
Vertigo/Vertigo 2 - Sci-fi campaign shooters.
Quake 3 Arena VR - Multiplayer quake we play on some Fridays, great fun if you like arena shooters.

All-In-One (Summer) Sports VR - Wii sports of VR (get it cheap) good selection of games and multiplayer matchmaking.
GORN - Beat up NPCs in a gladiator arena.
Beat Saber - Lightsabers slashing through blocks to music, many custom tracks.
Pistol Whip - Shoot the targets to the beat, some custom tracks.
Dash Dance - Full body dancing with a lot of feet sliding. Use your phone to track yourself in game or heaven forbid attach your controllers to your feet.

VTOL VR - Aircraft sim with vr motion controls for all the joysticks, switches and dials, lots of custom campaigns on the workshop, played irregularly in the thread.
Dirt Rally 2/WRC - Rally sim, get the brain jogging. Best experienced with a wheel but works with controller and the steamvr wheel.
Assetto Corsa - Same again but for circuit racing.
BallisticNG - Modern Wipeout.
Pinball FX2 VR - Pinball.
Try vrchat. You'll like it.
Here's one of the better places for card game rules, probably best to set some aside so people can have them open in the interface while we play.
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Here's the eye-catching video.
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Starting soon https://vrch.at/es0xbq2y or join on Pengwyn
one day I will play vrchat and not get scared and leave when someone tries to talk to me!!!!!!
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NYO loco thursday???
i love neon
Bisexual lighting.
We're baptising miku.
Holy shit working Tetris!
not just working but there is vs mode that is also functional apparently
I want to attend a meet-up in VRChat (a language learning one), but I'm still dealing with intense social anxiety. How did you guys get past it originally?
Forced myself the firt time. Then forced myself over and over until I got habitual logon
by not being a pussy ass faggot who can't talk to people in a literal video game.
Did you feel like you were bringing the mood down, embarrassing yourself, or making things awkward for people?
Banished to the skybox realm ;_;
I'm blue.
Well, that's rude...
This is 4chan, everyone here is supposed to have more of a backbone than the normalfags. Anyone who says "I-I'm shy uwu" doesn't fucking belong here.
I didn't. I just stopped logging in after a few years.
Thick skin, not backbone
Being online is for the generally anxious and beyond. You are a normalfag trying to rewrite history.
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one of us...
(sign language meet every sunday pls join its fun)
pay 4 spray
I'm gay
I don't have advanced enough tracking to do sign language, sadly. Glad there's enough of a crowd to do an entire meet-up, though.
whats your tracking setup if you dont mind? Q2, Pro, and Q3 all have good controllerless tracking now, and theres systems for users with older controllers
its a little janky with the olderstuff but either way its still fun to learn and maybe even get an interest in taking classes IRL
Do your best!
If it helps language learning meets are some of the most friendly since the hosts really want you to be there. They will be as nice and welcoming as they can.
The original Oculus controllers. That's literally it.
well, learning to read sign is fun either way, so feel free to stop on by if you're ever bored!
i am everywhere
Post a picture of my panties in that case, loser.
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instance up, we're playing khet https://vrch.at/w2vrmepa
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>Did you feel like you were bringing the mood down, embarrassing yourself, or making things awkward for people?
Anxiety will warp your perception of reality so you think you're doing those things more than you really are. The truly annoying/creepy autists don't even realize they're a problem. Chances are most people you meet who are worth getting to know won't notice or care about your awkwardness to any meaningful extent.
You just need to will yourself not to immediately retreat into your shell once you make an utterly trivial mistake. If you can manage that then you're one step closer to getting better.
Sex with Strasz
Hitman bros...
I was just about to post about it for the one other anon that cares about Hitman. No need for him to feel bad about quest getting priority over PCVR now that the quest version is revealed to be irredeemably dogshit.
Those studios are money laundering operations. No one can make a VR game this bad.
For a second I thought this image was mute karaoke
would tho
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its so over index bros
who will be the next to dethrone one of the top 3 headsets
I’m usually on at this fine peak SEA time I’ll start dropping a link.


:::::::::::::::::FLOP FLOPPIN FRODAY NIGHT SEA BREACHERS::::::::::::::::::

that’s right it’s Breachers night.


That’s in roughly 12 hours from now.
deckard, trust the plan
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Quest 4
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>bald troon
im not c i dont creepshot like that
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nice style, but put some pants on young lady
Hitman 3 PCVR was absolute shithouse, of course the Quest exclusive version would be shovelware
i always just imagine one of these abominations walking up to me and speaking up in the manliest fucking voice possible
I'm never playing vrchat
I deluded myself enough to think that even though it looked like shit in the previous trailers, that it would have tailored VR controls for maximum immersion.
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Napoleonic wars event fucking when
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his avatar look like shit now
the shotguns are sniper rifles
im in.
bro downgraded from overpriced slop to torislop
Hell yeahhhhh
The robo cirno look was at least iconic, now he's just another booth.
That's not even a booth, you're just using booth as a buzzword.
He commissioned that specifically for him, it's just made in bad taste. He'd look better as a default booth.
wrong thread
why all dev have like the most retarded looking avatars?
Starting Zepher hate here too
Its litterally the same vr interactions and controls as pcvr version, but you can now dual wield.

But now it also looks horrible
The ego gets too big and they start surrounding themselves with Yes men. Eventually they lose all sense of what the general populace find's appealing and they start inhaling those fumes as well.
IO should revoke their licence and cancel this. This is horrible
On the server right now. You can join the existing voice chat group (Add the voice chat gui to your radial menu) if you want to chat.
When does it starts being less dead in vr?
we're waiting for you to log off
I’m keen, haven’t been able to for a while but can now.
oh shit I forgot this was happening. lemme get the thing set up.
VRChat is the greatest porn game ever made
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Yeah, for gay people, Not joining your ERP polycule, fag.
You stupid retard you should avoid Jannies like the plague in this game if you want to steer clear of trouble
i would hate to be a community figure like that
constant retards vying for your attention just because you're a figurehead or some big name for a company or streamer or whatever
never really knowing who is trying to get to know u just cuz you both chill together vs who is trying to get to know you cuz they want reagonomics trickle down clout
>ChilloutVR in 2024
This game had its shot with the whole Easy Anti Cheat thing and it lost
rent free
Having java issues, will join when I can.
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>That makes it like a porn site
Because it is, VRChat is a poorly disguised erotic sex roleplaying game
He is literally openly wearing a NSFW robot loli sex avatar holy shit lmfao
Tupper bud what the fuck are you doing!?
I feel pretty much the same way. I'd really like to have a decent alternative, but it's hard for me to have any confidence in them when they fumbled the best chance they might ever get.
Doesn't help that they don't seem to be any better about focusing on stuff that matters than the VRC devs are.
What's nsfw about it?
it's literally naked
I think it's weird some robot bodysuit. I think it's ugly but it's not nsfw.
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The person who made the avatar Tori-Nyan has made official NSFW assets for that avatar that he sells
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What are the virtual reality implications of a MINECRAFT: THE MOVIE?

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Torinyan peaked on the robot before Runa.
That one still looks like an anime girl and is used by our very own Tigole right now
Isn't Tupper's commissioned from someone else?
I love Tori's avis i just wish they weren't so mainstream they lose appeal when everyone has one
a fcking television explaining me vrchat
I'm always down to give them another try. It'll take some more development to make it worth it over vrchat in it's current state
>no you don't understand, if they fail once they are not allowed to continue existing they just have to kts
A SEXY Television
yes and with a really smooth voice that turns me on
Hi it's time for Thursday pypy:
or join on Lycosella
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Drunk Pavlov tomorrow!
gay guy opens the microwave
Alright I'm just gonna ask it and sound like a moron
I made a decent looking room in blender, it looks amazing when I render it, whats fully stopping us from having something that looks as nice as a rendered blender scene as a vrchat world aside from "wow thats gonna be really unoptimized"
how secure is chilloutvr now? most of the instances are all furries and I don't want to get hacked by a liberal furry
bake your lighting or learn unity shader math
i mean i'm aware for baking the lighting, but how come i never see any vrchat worlds that look half as good as the shitty render i made with next to no effort in blender
Default unity lighting, even baked, isn't that great. You have to know what you're doing to get it to look decent.
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thx for playing guys. It's fun to larp as wizards and shit.
gg, good times rollin wit da wizards
you need to bake that "looking good" into textures, and those textures end up being massive
blender has superior rendering, shaders and lighting to unity's built-in-renderer pipeline
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Walkabout Mini Golf lobby is up, code is vrg
Anyone have this who'd be willing to share?

Cool outfit
Good week of pypy pypyers
Next NA pypy is Monday at 7PM PDT / 10 PM EDT
Should have just made Blood Money instead
What time?
11 ET so we have time to enjoy the night after
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New Thread
NTA, it was taken down but moved to another domain for a while before being taken down again recently.

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