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>PoE 2 Early Access November 15th

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

just got 1c in the campaign, looks like i'm buying bis gear for the league
Violent sex with Tullina
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Shouldn't have said bis.
>tier 3
>takes 2 people 15 minutes
are they mentally disabled
>d4cutie linked his dead general in hopes somebody would bump
last thread august 30th
These guys haven't cleared the campaign, they're trying their best
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MB price is "stable". It's 250div but 1div is 130c and divs are getting cheaper
>want to play bow build, hh is better than mb for it but i dont want to touch flasks
what do?
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ive noticed the best long term investment to do in leagues is to invest in chaos orbs
>Silver globe gargoyles
>80% less to block
>Volatile cores
>A bunch of other bullshit
Spicy map
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I'm addicted to the Currency Exchange
I just can't stop exchanging
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slow threads with the schizo and a couple other retards.

revenants are really easy now
Nevermind. I found my way back to Expeditions and now I'm getting the thrills again.
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i'm definitely going to keep throwing maps into this thing and hiring retards to die for nothing.
git gud
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morning lads
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Morning, Joshua!
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been levelling a ranger on the lowkey when I get bored of solid grind on my slampig
having fun ngl
mirage archer is clarse
almost level 44 so I'll be able to switch to mageblood and speed run through the rest of the campaign
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Currency exchange is so good
Here's my town MAXXED
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Doing lab is pretty good early on as a new player desu.
No risk, steady rewards and it's fast. Just a quick sample of a half hour of doing normal lab.
It's ok if you can't run any other content (like when you play a meme build on hc) but I'm pretty sure you can pull an assload of scarabs out of the easiest available maps.
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based vaal supporter pack enjoyer
I love the finisher effect, never get tired of it
Lab is currently the only thing that doesn't fill out my tabs desu. I tried deleting maps, converting currencies like some anons suggested but I did a few maps and had to stop and clean, convert again.
Wasn't fun so I'll prolly just do this until stash sale lol.
>Lab is currently the only thing that doesn't fill out my tabs desu. I tried deleting maps, converting currencies like some anons suggested but I did a few maps and had to stop and clean, convert again.

What, are you picking up all equipment or something? You know you don't have to do that (and shouldn't). Use an item filter and pick up only valuable things.
This game is all about making a choice of what you want to spend your time on. It's not a good use of your time to convert every piece of shit equipment into a transmute, because you don't need that many transmutes and it's a poor way of generating chaos/divs.
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kys tr/a/nny
why does every general just have an anime fag
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btw if you like the vaal serpent god stuff and have a thing for snakes
this map device and portal effect go well with them
do you know where you are retard?
RMT. this video was spliced
a subreddit that's mostly notable for how timid it is
So then why would you be surprised about anime fags being everywhere
this you fucking faggot>>493373575
there is no need to seethe
josh is itt
that means this thread is going to be a good one
4chan. it hasn't been for anime in over 15 years. suggesting otherwise is like saying amazon is for books. I've had this exact argument over a dozen times and there's nothing new you will mention- anime is fucking homosexual tranny shit.
I think every other arpg is going to be completely irrelevant after PoE 2.
not only that, watching cartoons (anime) over the age of 15 is a pedophilic, disgusting trait for future sexual predators.
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do you like my character ... .. . :)
It truly was a meme. That also means block is a meme.
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I still can't believe they gave glad lucky block and in the same fucking update added an easily accessible unique with no real downsides that gives it out to everyone.
Absolute genius.
>abyss league wings
>hasnt been anime
its always been anime since its inception doesnt matter when you think it changed

>anime is pedo shit
im curious what anime have you seen to come to that conclusion when there is plenty of kino anime of all genres to enjoy, the only pedo shit i asume you are talking about is pornography, anime is just a japanese word for animation, also this is a poe general so keep it swift i dont wanna argue this dumb shit i wanna talk poe
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how zoomy is vs mamba? thinking of pivoting my poison power siphon to it to farm gold and also because my wirst hurts
i hate how late i joined poe and missed out on league rewards, especially crucible, kalandra and ultimatum
so crazy they're 8 yrs old now
so I've tested switching increased crit strikes support for ruthless on POB
before - https://pobb.in/HOpLUTFjYQLj
after - https://pobb.in/2YRS5TtPU6bl
not sure if I should wait until I max my crit, probs through flaskmaxxing or just make the change now
what do you reckon lads?
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>put on hc or ssf
>glad levels suddenly skyrocket
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holy shit youre right
What not-mamba skills can utilize Low Tolerance stacking in a similar way? Are there any?
depends how good the prolif is
>good prolif = giga zoom
>bad prolif = actual agony, every second is pain.
do NOT try to make your own build just copy mathil or whatever.
Glad will still be good after Svalinn gets nerfed,
gauntlet practice now
just died because a wasp landed on me hand
killed it
then another wasp appeared
killed that
then another wasp appeared
fuck off
>covered in pheromones
have fun attracting every wasp in a mile
>not wasp proof 2 months into the league
your layers of defense sir?
are you playing in a barn
Is goratha gay?
I really can't tell
closed me windows
bastids aren't getting me
dunno what it is about my flat that attracts them
every fucking year I get loads of them coming in through me bedroom window
only me bedroom window
never me living room doors which are open 24/7 in summer
let's ask.
josh is goratha gay
I saw a wasp land on the piece of pork I was eating and bite a chunk off it about 1cm square then fly away with it.
They probably think you look like a piece of cooked pork is what I'm trying to say
>can't spell my
what the fuck is wrong with britbongs
>piece of pork
its funny because I made this post before >>493370917

post goratha's face
I'll tell you if he has gayface or not
Since you're obviously british I'll say it for you- faggot ass nigger bees.
I'm northern you fucking womble
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coulve been better but eh
>curse on hit ruined
thanks lad
glad is op. lucky block is crack, basically carrying my whole build. dunno if they'll nerf it
wasp update
just took me binbags out to the bin cupboard
fucking LOADS of wasps flew off it when I opened the lid
>cat viewers
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jim im on a roll!
i think you have to burn the house down and reroll
they've declared war on me
I'm a tradenigger btw. None of these will ever see use.
>sell item for 2 weeks @ 1div
>no one buys
>repriced same item @ 140c
>3 consecutive whispers in 5 minutes
Like clockwork
might become a namefag
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I don't get the pricing sometimes. Is this gem 39c, 25c or around 90c?
this is the fag that lags your game when he loads into town.
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Glad is hard carried by retaliation skills, but retaliate is a super fucking aids archetype. It's like those >melee gifs where a skeleton walks two inches to the right and the players swing whiffs, but reversed.

Don't even get me started on t17 bosses- need to bait out a blckable attack that won't instagib you, but since your block chance is only lucky when you've blocked recently, you really only have a 70% chance to retaliate on being hit. So you can go forever without being allowed to hit back.

And of course gggiggers balanced the entire spec around eviscerate, so if you have the audacity to try and play any other skill you will do literally 0 dps.
do it josh
whos that?
morning lads
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let it go methtranny, you will be working @ maccas forever
For gems, pricing is usually very competitive.
So those people pricing at 90 will likely sell at 90
This late in the league who knows tho.

The guy at 25c doesn't plan to sell and even if he does others will pay at the 90c mark.
farming betrayal for grav and veiled orbs is max comfy
never had everyone hated josh more quickly
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>He sees anime children
>He immediately thinks about sex
Just use hateful accuser on bosses.
josh is a good lad
nah no bullshit in poeg
poeg is a comfy general
there really wasn't a single namefag post for over a week straight... never know what you have
Oh that makes sense, thanks. So if the first couple of listings are way under priced, they are always crap then
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This is bait, right?
you cant out-grind josh.
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It says in the notes that it's not a good league starter and requires a lot of currency. So yes.

If a build isn't good without a ton of great gear, then the build isn't good. The gear is. Lipstick on a pig.
Reminder that SSF Ruthless is how the game is meant to be played.
I reject baldovision
>he has to ask
what is the point of playing "ruthless" if you can die and respawn
You can recognize homosexuals by their voice. It doesn't mean their voice reminds you of pleasure or makes you horny. It seems like you're the one trying to force correlation of children with sex.
the frog is right, you're a pedonigger
you can play something other than marauder.
what's the "minimum" amount of more scarabs/currency i should roll on T17s ambush?
Never denied that- just wanted to point out his reasoning was retarded.
>n-no y-you!!
pedophiles watching childrens cartoon's and obsessing over kids will never not be funny
how many pakis did you lynch a month ago or so?
Aside from occultist witch, what class can really make use of going Chaos damage focused?
that must be a you deficiency
the hc ladder shows duelist is preferred
it's fun
dying loses you a day of XP or more at high levels
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dying should lose your entire progress if it was truly ruthless
is this mastery just 25% on top of your already existing multiplier? so i'll get 525% if i have 500% to begin with?
if so then that seems pretty mediocre, yet i see many builds use it
Any class really, many powerful archetypes rely on chaos conversion (strength stackers with various melee skills and replica alberrons, high end elemental builds that convert to chaos with original sin). Various shadow builds (hexblast miners, poison builds etc) use chaos damage, there's the viper strike of the mamba PF/tricksters.
Any phys build can turn into a chaos build just by adding a Chaos Damage cluster that gives you Unholy Might.
the ones near me are alright desu
I'm mates with a few
small town, small minority population, so they behave
we've had a few issues with some new turkish faces though ngl
no, that's dumb
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forgot pic like a retard
>disconnect for 5 seconds
>lose a day of progress
I mean yeah if you have some crazy PA shit then 25% won't be huge, but you shouldn't view it in a vacuum. It's 1-3 points, you can easily test whether those points do more work in some other form or not. On a build that's badly lacking pen or something, they might do better elsewhere. Sometimes more multi is the way to go, if you have flat/inc/speed/pen etc out the ass already.
>i want the hardest gameplay possible
>no not that hard!
I hardest gameplayed your mum last night m8
>>>i want the hardest gameplay possible
nobody said this
having a few restrictions, like support gems drop only, makes killing mobs more rewarding and the game more fun overall
ruthless and hardcore aren't fun.
>open build video
>pajeet accent
>close video
you ain't scamming me, you smelly ranjeesh
i was just about to post this about british people
t. Alkaizer
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Is there anything i should change to make this build better? dont mind the dps i have not done the config on the build its around 10-20 million dps

i see, thanks for the input. seems like picking the one where i take 30% less extra damage from crits is a better choice for me since i already have a ton of multi
I'm a shitter who doesn't know about scarab strats but the delirium of delusions is neat and cheap
You might benefit from a watcher's eye for anger of some sorts, I don't know the prices though.
25 is an attempt at pricefixing. he will never actually sell it to you
you can comfortably sell it for 89 or 90
your build looks fine but your post could be made better by simply not attaching images.
Is Asenath's Gentle Touch enough for cheap screen explosions?
im playing this. dps is good but shits extremely slow, like level 1 character movement speed. seriously wtf not even flask makes a difference
josh la...
is anyone in /poeg/ as good of a gamer as you?
they're all good lads
they may be good lads... but is anyone here better than you?
I came to my senses now so I just wanted to apologise for shitting up the last thread with my SSF bait posting for (You)s
I love ironman mode in OSRS so I understand why SSF can be a lot of fun but it's just not for me in POE
Even if any SSF player actually doesn't have a POE friend I'm always here for them in /poeg/ you're never alone
You're all my niggas I won't let my lust for easy (You)s get better of me next time
imagine wasting a ring slot for this garbage
The 100% less recovery rate mod is bullshit, yeah i engineered this outcome by taking increased mod effect but its still bullshit. I walk into it each time. I can tank it but its annoying
but its probably not going to chain explode the whole screen
great for corpse destruction tho and multi curse builds, not that hard to get double curse on hit implicit.
divisive question la
sorry la
just wanted to see what kinda level this general was at
I doubt anyone can out-grind you tho
tbf you know what I'm like
always have my own weird way of doing things
so there are going to be lots of better players out there
I did just go from 550k dps to 8.5mil dps in a couple of weeks tho so I'm on the way up
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>I'm on the way up

stay grindin' la
This shit is so expensive, i thought i'd find a couple but its legit retarded. I've found 1 power rune compared to like 16 div and 9ex
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Please recommend a glass cannon build/pob for Ice Nova Hiero that uses two profane wand.
lightning strike
>river rune to the moon
Basically only did T17s from 98-99 and my judgement is I'm sick of their novelty bullshit
Gonna do 8 mod delis for 99 and just relax
poe down for anyone else?
works on my machine
nah wait, the site is down. what those niggas in ggg doing again
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I'm getting fucked over by RNG hard right now
morning lads
what's up guys?
the sky
>they don't know about the secret POE2 patch that's being released right now
Seer hunting in Palace sux
Where'd you scry it onto?
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What would you think if you got consistently ignored for more than 72 hours and then being sent a dry as hell message back?
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At 30c, I should just run it right?
Memories ignore atlas passive can't have scarabas rights?
why are you wasting time scrying so many maps though?
it's not like you're supposed to run anything other than one favoured map
yeah I regret sitting on my memories for so long
I pretty much made back the triple amount of the harvest memories cost when I did my batch
just don't be a retard and remember to alch+chisel your memories into something decent first otherwise they don't need scarabs or atlas shenanigans
oh yeah that bitch exists
you're alright white boy good luck with your seer luck
That is the Essence Memory, I don't hink alch+chisel would do anything
baby doll you shouldn't be running 10 ways. you spec destructive play and run silo, mayvan will spawn the additional bosses while the map boss is phased, you kill the additional bosses and then leave.
the map isn't witnessed so you go again and again and again, kill the adds and fuck off. get your fancy maps and use those invites to farm mavin rotes.
Buy 20/20 gems for random use and 21/20 for targeting specific high value gems. Adds a bit of trading downtime but increases your profits quite a bit.
I don't know it'll add more 3 modifier rare monsters that'll be good for the challenge if he hasn't done it yet since he is asking the memory question in the first place
I did that. It's boring.
And I am running Destructive Play, I just don't want to run Silo a gorrilian times.
Variety is good.
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wait, this fucking works for real?
fr fr no cap
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lil bro if u lying to me you better hide ong. cause imma find yo ass on skibiddi
Claw, sword or dagger for a Lightning Strike Trickster?
claw is the one for me
it’s the only thing it really has so probably not.
>recomb craft
you didn't earn it
someone is jealous
>lightning strike trickster
>not Eph Edge
what is you doing
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Why do minion cucks love to make shit up?
Like that fag who claims that they've only been good in the Blight league
Did they forget about certain minion builds and the havoc they caused?
>you're talking about SRS/skelly mages!!! that's not a real minion build you disingenuous nigger!!
Not even talking about those and I do agree that they're not a reala minion build
is that you in the pic?
me on the left
LMAO there's always that one faggot not even 4ch kids could like that always spouts "didn't beat it" "didn't win" "didn't x" and its always hilarious watching those retards shit themselves in envy
its just a meme you autistic sperg
Fuck off bro, nuRecombs are as much as a gamble as other crafting systems
>so asspained he didn't get 12 (You)s of dicksucking he thinks banter is serious
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any sst glads itt is it worth rerolling? already have a lvl 97 slayer and im tired of dying
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Lab farming is going atrociously
>it's just a meme
we actually found the "im nit retarded im just pretending" meme in the wild holy shit
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Uh oh looks like you thought I was someone else so you're crying like a faggot because you look stupid as fuck. Watch you not reply out of embarrassment of being stupid as fuck
>34k wheat
>31k corn
is this quota worthy of a 50m shipment?
Yeah it's great, at 90% 98 right now, can handle pretty much everything and do all T17 bosses/most mods [not less block]
I haven't tried Ubers but DPS wise you can do a lot worse than ~2m https://pobb.in/pEAAeJF4cEOs
Leech tattoo is for when I switch to Cruelty for mapping.
>phone posting
>insecure child with no self-esteem
yep, all checks out. make sure to link it to sushi and thank him for his step-by-step tutorial while you had 0 active thoughts as you bought bases off trade
Wrong life flask https://pobb.in/VCqEIN645WV3
keep getting to level 30 and getting bored, it's actually a boring league
but the league mechanic fully unlocks in red maps. how can you judge it by level 30?
not my problem, maybe they should have made it interesting
it's called being a braindead retarded faggot
you should try it sometimes life is a lot more fun when you don't have a brain
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>tfw finally got my portal thanks to my mappers
that frog poster anon would be proud of me
Good luck, I've done 80 palace maps and never saw that faggot. I gave up. (Yes, I was full-clearing.) Defiled Cathedral was a fucking breeze compared to that shit. Of course as soon as I gave up, the cocksucker showed up in the first Silo I ran.
>he doesn't know nameless seer is weighted and shows up easily on maps with trash cards
I've been positively unable to find him anywhere, but I'm playing shitty almost unjuiced maps because I'm playing a dogshit build on HC.
I think he's unironically my best shot at getting Defiance of Destiny.
Yeah it's a pretty common strat. Make sure you're doing 8-mods though or it's a waste of time. There's also high potential with the domination scarab that spawns a boss at every shrine, but shit's expensive.
>lvl 30
everything is weighted in this game, retard. that's why it's a casino simulator, not a game.
I swapped to LS slayer and never looked back. Glad wasn't bad though, just doesn't have the clear speed.
>caring about being on phone
I'm not even reading the rest. You're so fucking mad about looking retarded you're reaching for everything like a massive newfag. I'm not participating in your public humiliation fetish
I still haven't seen proof that quotas do anything other than reward an extra unique item.
I know that, why else would it be so surprising to me that I got Defiled scryed easily?
cry more, lil bitch
>pirate ransom event
>in middle of killing the boss game crashes
>it counts as failing the mission
man I'm fucking fuming right now I only lost two shitty sailors but it still fucking sucks it cucked me out of free runes and 50K cash
Maybe you should buy the cosmetic next time, reidiot
i purposely use 2 ships and make it maxed risk with 1 sailor each on the boats with the lowest rank possible so i can use it to get free gold from the pirate boss, they knew what they signed up for
just imagine how many BIS end game items you can buy with that thing
it's pretty much easy mode from that point on
unironic questions, what's BIS items?
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dont tell him dude
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go to tft discord server and look at the mirror shop or the mirror channel
stuff like these that are mirror worthy with some fees are the BiS worthy items
Looks like something you get for 10c.
>tft discord
yeah... no. I am not a transvestite. fuck off with your groomer chat.
BIS means best-in-slot, but zoomers are unable to communicate using language so now any item that isn't awful they call it BIS

Best In Slot
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go get one then no one is stopping you
it stands for 'best in slot'
>BiS slang
this is how you out yourself as a retarded newfag tourist that never played a video game pre 2015 at best
BiS was a slang from early everquest days you retarded faggot and it was even used at wow launch too
it might go back to D&D days even but I could be wrong on that one
>he works for free
oh no no no
so do you.
>no u
what do you even mean
think about it
that's work
>ziz dies to a rare totem
yeah no way he makes it in poe2
back to your reading comprehension lessons, Miguel.
why is /ourgirl/ smokie not streaming or posting videos?
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New player here
I am about to path into "no scarabs" zone, how smart/stupid is this?
Its my first league and so far i am having a blast, things i want to feel:
How does uber late game feels, with all the hard content and loot fountain
How do people earn currency to achieve said build
Heist (looks fun and rewarding, any heist bros to give some tips)
Woman breasts
it's ok until you get more passive points on your tree. then you should unspec from it
it's good for early game use those 20 points to complete your atlas by investing into kirac mission/map drop chance nodes
What's the tankiest build that doesn't rely on block that I can get for 500 divs or less? I have a quad tab full of reduced block chance 8mod maps I want to run
dominating blow guardian
rf jugg
Right now, levelling and starting up the LS Trickster
how big is the difference between level 9 and level 10 farmer?
it genuinely pains me to throw away 500K every time I go through a bunch of maps to get ZERO fucking tier 10 farmers
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Scarab nodes are less of a priority over atlas completion when starting out. Be sure to spec into all the map node notables so you don't hit a wall in red maps. If you farm your own maps that is
god fucking damn
I guess I'll be wasting a lot of money for this shit
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7[8?] Palace maps.
4x Domination 1x Bloodlines, Domination on device
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the league is not over and people are not leaving by the way
the prices for every scarab is just tanking by it's own for no reason
>Doomposting 3 months into a league
>be me
>warcrier berserker
>use warcry
>”HAWK TWA!!!!!”
>all liberals on screen get triggered and die instantly
ESL retard
Got a pob? I filtered out Aegis and Svalinn on ninja and everyone left has shit max hit
Guess I'll default to this if I can't find anything else
>scarabs still cost over 1c
Still in a better state than last league where everything revolved around B2B
Dilate, blizztroon
I'm enjoying Empy's based or cringe series
how the fuck do you properly utlize the containment scarab?? I tried it on a couple of 300% scarab maps I had and it felt worse than just using another strongbox scarab.
he stole the whole idea from youngjoerogan
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I always skip Ruin on Ultis, how bad is it in Inscribed Ultimatums? I can't see shit on the screen half the time and I'm thinking I'll brick the thing cause I'll just walk into ruin mobs without noticing them
I swear, jungroan simps are even fucking dumber than ruetoo's.
yes so what?
It should be fine, it's only T1 so it's slow, only inflicts 1, and the map will be over before it can hit 7 that if you're running in a circle
Raging Dead 4 is the scary thing on this. They have the most insane shotgun
is there a cheap stackdeck farm atlas/scarab method? selling decks is so profitable to the gamblers
who are you quoting
5x Cloister + Ritual
Level 1 stalking ruin is pretty much nothing if you're regularly moving around, I don't think it even has a ranged attack. One thing to note is that block prevents ruin, so if you've got good block then even higher levels are trivial.
Oh I'd skip it for sure if I wasn't playing a Purity of Ice Doryani
>dont have a lot of time to play
>enjoy cooking up my own builds
>spend most of the league slowly progging
>all my friends quit and are playing WoW now
>im just finishing up my T16 atlas and refining my character still

any other slow gamers here?
based fun haver
it's fine as long as you don't allow them to group up. but once those 4 skulls are ganged up it's diejoubo
>what is recovery on block or defiance of destiny or bloodnotch
dying to shotguns hasnt been a thing for a while now
cringe casual player coming up with excuses for still being shit 2 months into the league
>just burn through a million gold to get 3 rank10 mappers since these retards managed to trip over pebbles and neck themselves in 1% maps five times and emptied my backups
We want you to remain engaged with the game
got the last 2 watchstones 3 days ago
>3 frost wall rare Harvest faggots in one crop
>consecrated ground and life as extra es map
got a good haul at least
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>wake up
>no poe2 beta key
yeah, because that's over.
you missed out on a lot of fun
wait for nov like all the other unworthy ones
>tfw getting fuck all from full on ritual farming
>not even getting 2implicit synths EVER
i wanna go back to maven and essence.....
Ended up making 230 chaos from that memory
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Got my farming set up, what's a good bosskiller that's somewhat tanky or safe and costs less than half a mirror to actually kill stuff like the Eater of World faster than my LS Trickster?
>we have a street shitter in this very thread
Vile untouchable
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im lvl81 and havnt had a single one drop yet
Viper Strike of the Mamba Trickster
on duh groiund
just trade for them in bulk they're like a few chaos a pop
trade site
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What's a Sanctum?
a place where things happen
I see, thanks for the clarification. I will stay away from that, seems like some dangerous stuff.
a sacred place, especially a shrine within a temple or church.
Ask in Global and people will probably just give them to you
PoE Federal Reserver (Div printer goes brrrrrr)
I wish fractured influenced gear from last league was still a thing. Apparitions scarab farm could have been much more fun than just dust farming desu
Always hilarious to me that tomes are always cheap despite sanctum being a money printer, it's such a shit mechanic that nobody outside of the most tradebrained players want to bother with it.
I didn't know ssf players were so tradebrained
How are people giving away tomes in ssf?
It's literally just because it doesn't drop gold I'm pretty sure. Sanctum has always remained popular through a league, even more so as the league goes on even
the monsters give them away you pick them up off the ground
but it does drop gold. it's what you use to buy upgrades :)
you should be me
I get tomes all the time
>burned out of poe
>not in the mood to do anything else
>just staring at screen
I should find something new to do and take a break
Our girl is looking good today
Good call, going to bust a nut on tabula russia.
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Damn I wish you could roll this cause the text reminded me of a magic strongbox
this has been me for a week now. i went so hard on poe that i have no inspiration to play anything else right now. it sucks cause i'm on holidays and they are just wasting away while i lie in bed instead of gaming. pic related is my list of games i'm thinking of maybe playing but i can't choose
>sims 4
>not sims 2 or 3
im running two blood filled vessels (haha penis) each ritual map and havent seen a single one
Depends, you want mindless grind?
You can always play Maplestory, thought it will take you a gear to even start reaching lategame
>he fell for the ritual meme
last time i tried 2 it ran like dogshit even on a modern pc and i think 3 sucks. i think 4 is the best game in the series especially with all pirated dlc and mods
play nioh that's one of my favorite games ever
>Depends, you want mindless grind?
the opposite actually
I want something I can actually finish since I'm burned out on endless grind games like poe right now
I did about 500 ritual maps and didn't find a single frenzy charge synth item and gave up on ritual meme entirely
I did get a bunch of double synth ones but they were garbage
I pirated everspace 2 after last league it was pretty fun
Play Black Mesa. It's good. Or Half Life if you haven't played it yet
>being upset about a meme that even normies have moved on from
actually kill yourself. like unironically. you are objectively wrong and you should feel bad about yourself and everything that has led to you turning out like this
>>being upset
>how the fuck do you properly utlize the containment scarab??
running tons of maps. it's not a strat with reliable and steady income, it's a rollercoaster
>I tried it on a couple of 300% scarab maps I had and it felt worse than just using another strongbox scarab
strongboxes aren't affected by modifiers to the map
>actually kill yourself.
a compelling statement but i'm curious why you think 4 is bad and the others are better? i guess it depends what you want out of the games
>>I tried it on a couple of 300% scarab maps I had and it felt worse than just using another strongbox scarab
>strongboxes aren't affected by modifiers to the map
so what, just packsizemaxx and pray?
make sure you get max chance to reopen boxes so the juicy T17 mobs spawn several times, you still want higher scarab and currency modifiers
that seems neat I'll check it out
I've played all of half life games including black mesa
good recommendation though
it streamlined and normified the series completely. wasn't made by the same devs as the good sims games. instead of improving upon the formula it took away the advancements of previous entries (like sims 3 becoming open world, which was the bee's knees back in the day)
fuck sims 4, all my homies hate sims 4
>he hasn't played nioh
wtf anon. nioh 1 is good but 2 is genuinely amazing, don't feel bad about skipping the first
yea, I do 1 of each scarab and then I tried 300% scarab maps (with chisel) and they were probably shit packsize.

I'll try again with like 60+ packsize and atleast 1 currency and scarab roll
nioh 1 has the kino story with wirraumu sama and his waifu he shouldn't skip it
nioh 2 has the better gameplay with less cheesing but he should at least beat the nioh 1 main story once
i am a bit obsessive about playing series from the start so i need to play 1 before 2 but i have heard 2 is great
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Why the fuck is affliction more popular?
welfare league
Phat loots
he thinks anything that came out after 2010 is bad because he's a mid 30's something soillenial stuck in his past, not being able to move on from his childhood nostalgia.
yeah i still recommend it, i meant more that he should also give 2 a shot when if he doesn't really get into 1
>he doesn't know
>Belton got re-banned on twitch because he couldn't help himself and doxxed someone who disagreed with him
Best League Ever
>n-no you don't get it it's not that the new entry is objectively worse, you're just a nostalgia blinded onions cuck chud tranny buzzword buzzword buzzword
>xhe got actually triggered
i accept your concession.
>buzzword got buzzworded
thank u for proving my point honey buns
now kiss
shut the fuck up, boomer
cod beta today :)
Im pretty sure i heard people say it's way more expensive than that.
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>spawns INSIDE the crimson pillar
>ancestral call doesnt work
>plague bearer doesnt work
>towers dont work
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Nah if you have less than 10 Containment scarabs you only use them on 150%+ More Scarabs T17s and you roll the boxes yourself like pic related or to have Guarded by 3 Rare Monsters. There's a reason T17s with More Scarabs and Rare Monsters With 2 Additional Modifiers sell for 4+ divines
>anything i don't like and is true is LE BUZZWORD
i accept your concession.
>manually rolling strongboxes
never ever again. auto-corrupting strongboxes is the best thing ever
t. doesn't deadlift
post body, porky
didn't rebute my argument. lifting privileges reworked. forced to draw basedjak commissions for the rest of his life
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In most cases yeah. But if your map costs 2+ divines to run and you're too broke to run that shit 50 more times to get big bucks then rolling boxes just works. You only need to hit one mod anyway
I'm finishing building mine for less than a mageblood worth of divines
>soillenial thinks this is actually a le funny post
you couldn't deadlift shit, unc
>still crying
What hardware normally leads to really long load times?
>lost the argument
>pretends to wins
i accept your concession.
it's the cpu for me
if you spent as much time working out as you did yapping and pretending you won imaginary internet arguments you might stop being a virgin by the end of the decade
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Vesselmaxxing. 4x anarchy, 1x 50% double rogue
Jun just left over from the prev tree. Might as well
then CPU
neither of you won because I won in the end by calling both of you niggers
now stop arguing and shitting up the general and talk about the game instead
>porky still hasn't posted his body
you fumbled. i accept your concession.
>loveless virgin still hasn't admitted to his utter defeat in an argument on this prestigious subreddit
Act 7, that's all I'm gonna say
>xhe projects his life and insecurities onto others on a anonymous basket weaving forum
i literally topped another boy and we were both crossdressing and wearing thigh highs and it was great and ur mad jealous because u can't even lift groceries for ur mum
>obsessed with lifting heavy things with other sweaty dudes
>is zesty as fuck
pottery. i accept your concession.
>chuddy THIS upset that a gay little queer lad can beat him both at lifting and petty internet arguments
>still no body, still crying, still lost the argument
sit down, unc
imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery :)
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Omen, fusing orbs or bench? I have 2469 fus orbs
imitate deez nuts, if not for the fact you'd like it.
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>run no regen map
>click reduced recovery per EC altar on Ralakesh build
>hit Blood Rage
>clear map
>unsocket Blood Rage
it's just 1 div dude buy the omen and stop wasting your time
you'll get that 1 div back in 10 minutes
fusing of course
They gave you ctrl shift click for a reason Anon
Play Concord before it goes away
What does doxx mean?
it's already dead and you couldn't buy the game anymore since two days ago
Too late, it's over
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Speaking about that, it is almost done. I'm just missing 2 jewels and it is done.
This is the first time I has been able to farm this much
Tried doing it with my current build but I forgot I don't have all the points in the atlas, so I'll just say I was retarded and I won't talk about endgame anymore. Most of the Atlas Tree was activated but I'm missing some points. Shrines were a huge help, I felt like my build was 10x more powerful because of them, at the end the goat boss wasn't doing shit until the buff ran out, then I just kept getting one shotted.
I'm not a joocer.
tourist niggas I swear
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Where is my """"free"""" weta box, Chris Nigggerson.
It's been almost 2 months since last one.
Ctrl shift click?!?
No events
No free
Only MTX and Announcements
I'm just not american
has anyone ever gotten away with scamming people out of glittering scarabs by putting in nemeses scarabs instead?
You should see what we got on PoE for beta testing PoE2.
Can't show you though, rules are rules.
neither am I so what's your point?
if you've been browsing 4chan for more than a week you'd at least know about the most basic shitpost terms
even retarded twitch zoomers know about this shit man
>soillenials boogeyman: the eternal zoomer
ong you're so cringe
Nah, seriously. What does it do? I'm CtrlShiftClicking and nothing happens
>he doesn't know
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>I'm CtrlShiftClicking and nothing happens
its a hack that turns your mouse into a macro mouse that lets you 'click' endlessly without taking your finger off the clicking button on the computer mouse
it might could be against the law because grind gear games say it is against ToS to do more then one server side action per client side action
Did they ever confirm that in PoE the 'classes' aren't gender locked? I want to use the spear but don't want to be a huntress.
You have to go to Kingsmarch’s Gender Reassignment chop shop and pay 10,000 gold to get swapped
How much to add penor?
if you want to get your hands on a big, thick spear you gotta be a chick.
lucky block will not exist in 3.26 in any form
why waste omen when you can be lucky and just use few fusings
weapon types aren't class locked
How do you have 0.9 of an item to trade exactly?
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>div are down to 100c
league dead bro, league dead
I used 600 fus orbs to fully link it
they are? where?
I'm seeing 114+
they were 130 yesterday, give it a couple hours and it'll be 100% accurate. shit's crashing harder than DrDisrespect
i fucking hate those fearful balls that follow you everywhere, so obnoxious and bad design
Ah, speculating. Gotcha.
they're 110 atm and you said 114
hours might be generous
why the FUCK are strongboxes affected by monster mods? i have to run half the map away to not get one-shot by the frost aoe
sorry that you're bad
answer the question baldie, how is a box a monster
a mechanic that GGG needs to nerf to the fucking ground its a faggot version of heist
strongboxes have been considered a 'creature' since beta poe.
again, sorry that you're bad.
>strongboxes have been considered a 'creature' since beta poe.
yeah but why, how is it a monster
nobody dies to ice novas anymore nice try
because GGG coded them that way.
they wanted them to be affected by map mods
sorry that you're bad
how is it not? huge mouth, belly, those things are terrifying
i have 130k ele res and it still one-shot me
no they don't
I've never died to it
well the map also has 187% extra fire damage so that's probably why
Box ice novas have 100% crit. If there's multi on the map they can hurt. Reduced crit damage taken does a lot to mitigate this, it's an intelligence tattoo and an armour passive master
no I don't think that's how that mod works
Does "Mind over metter" from skill tree and unique item stack?
>Box ice novas have 100% crit.
ty for the heads up, but there's no extra crit dmg on the map
>no I don't think that's how that mod works
well ok but it one-shot 130k ele anyways
No, keystones are either on or off, having a second copy does nothing
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Of newer NPC introduced to the game in recent years(probably like last 3-4 years?) who do you think is most interesting? I actually didn't mind trial master as far as NPC's go. I thought his lore was interesting and his boss fight is interesting lore wise too. You kill him and then chaos just TP's in the trial master that killed you in a alternate timeline. Probably least interesting NPC for me would be Envoy. I have no idea what this guy is really doing besides lore dumping you with the mavens kindergarten tier fanfic bullshit.
There's also a hybrid es/armor passive.
So many maps of zooming to Envoy just to get him to shut the fuck up
No, Keystones don't stack
Envoy wouldn't be that bad if the writing was more interesting. I read everything the envoy had and it didn't make me more interested in the Maven at all.
I've lost track of the passage of time so I don't remember how recent these were, but I like the Heist crew, the Trialmaster, and and the Wildwood stuff.
In this case can anyone tell me if this build i am following retarde?
Might be easier if you posted the build in question
>unstable tentacle fiends
what the fuck were they thinking
my bad
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i have 1000s of chaos orbs hehehehehehe
I always wonder how people in softcore have 100+ deaths when all the bullshit gotcha mechanics like ice nova boxes have been power creeped into irrelevance. You can just tank the mechanics like they don't exist. I can see a few deaths on Exarch or Maven happening to anyone, but it really seems like experienced players should be getting to T17 maps with like ten deaths max even on softcore.
seen that youtube, it looks interesting.
If temp ones count then I liked the concept of alt timeline demon survivor Alva, although Scourge league was kind of filler so she didn't have a whole lot going on.
you vastly underestimate the skill that people who play this game possess
remember that of new players, less than 50% make it past act 5.
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It's using a timeless jewel to turn MoM into corrupted soul
>two tranny anime posting faggots
I'll have to vehemently insult them twice as hard
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because softcore if for new players like me and glass cannon builds to have fun with, hardcore is made for the giga nerds who look at every defence and make that their priority
I click all the blue altar mods on a build that can't really handle it
Fuck the /vt/parrot, I read all the "BUY BUY BUY" or "SELL SELL SELL" on his voice
>new players like me
stupid newfag. stop posting. you contribute nothing. you suck bad.
i have 130k max ele hit what the fuck do you mean "tank"? i also have 88% block but it apparently bypasses that
Almost half my deaths are from ping spiking or tossing in an unidentified map with reflect.
I don't log out when I see a yellow mob.
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i will post more dumb retarded questions even more so now bitch, does RF scale with lightning damage?
I click every altar, I run map mods that would make a hardcuck logout just by reading them
you didn't make a single person laugh. you're holding me hostage with your retardation- that's how stupid you are.
true "skill" in poe is making your own builds and strategies
>ten deaths
That's two maps for me.
439 deaths
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who said anything about laughing does RF scale with lightning damage?
995 deaths
1488 deaths
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forgot pic. also post them.
this. I will forever hold that ghudda is the best POE content creator. He basically invented herald bomber and flask stacking, along with a few other small things. His herald bomber vid is basically poe history and his take was by far the best ever.
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My scarab setup? 2 Scarab of Stability and a reflect map
>Portals to Area have a 50% chance to not be consumed on use
Same poster before and after switching to a viper strike build.
>fishing (rank 8)
assuming this is just a little joke?
Something on Sanctuary boss is one shotting me but I can't tell what or how to dodge it because my entire screen is filled with minion bullshit.
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what is going on in Riben Fell
fishing has hazed new players since like 2014
Hopefully it wont be like runescape where a harmless joke is taken too far by the redditor devs and is implemented.
it's more exciting than Kingsmarch
you need multiple fishers before the pier shows up as an option
likely either the red circle nuke or the lightning circle attack with beidat
how to search for synth maps to buy on the trade site?
oh i think i got it
>Map has # additional Synthesis Global Modifier
>log in
>mappers have a div and a valdos for me
I have discovered a few form of Mega Cancer, Unstable Elder Fiends with Increased AOE. It took me like 3 times as long to do the map because I just couldn't move since so many of these fuckers were overlapping
>decide to run random HoGM
>oh hey it's that immortal "GG_noobs" character everyone talked about some time ago
>proceed to oneshot him with kinetic bolt of all things
holy shit leddit players are fucking noobs
can i do harbingers on t17s
my build is too strong for 8 mods i think
good to know browsing reddit will give me brain damage the people on their are so retarded.
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I'm looking forward to poe2, still pondering if i should go witch with minions or merc with guns
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Harbo mobs are like easiest out of all the league mechanics tho. Do Titanic Rogue Exiles or Imbued Ultimatums in T17s
You can't do it on Abomination, it's buggy as shit and eats some of the spawned packs. Otherwise sure. It's not that good though
>Hmm, I wonder if this mod bricks my build
>Maybe I was just shit
>Oh well -20% XP, might as well keep trying until I can't anymore
Softcore is the definition of complacency mixed with a bit of fuck around and find out mentality. I got 6 portals and I'm gonna use all of them.
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path of math off his meds again?
no u
are rogue exiles a real strat i thought that was just a gold farm
i'll try it out if it's good, i don't like ultimatum tho
if ggg didnt want me to die 5 times every map then why did they give me 6 portals
dying alot in softcore is the intended gameplay experience.
I get 20k+ yellow lifeforce every 5 maps or so cause I click all the quant altars in a 11-mod maps thanks to Risk scarabs. Those rings aint gonna synthesize themselves
I do some T17 fracture farming with Imbued Anarchy and rotate that with i86 influenced gear farm with Apparitions. Corrupted influenced jewellery get you some pretty good dust even if you don't get shit that sells for a lot
go on…
is trade still fucked?
we are just playing a different game. no one in softcore levels up to 95 to run his first t1 map. most of use do sirus in act 6 gear
when you got muted for yelling about DA J00S you lose access to trade at the same time now
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I've ran scryed JV enough to have paid for OS and afford Nimis and still no Apothecary drop. Shoulda just scryed Fortunate on this shit
nah it's fine, I'm assuming the issue from yesterday just ended my session in my browser, logged back in and it's fine
the feature creep of filterblade has been fucking insane. why this retard things adding so many default rulesets is a good idea I'll never know. also, why the hell were chancing bases completely removed?
this site sucks so bad... why does a website have such long and so many loading screens? you can tell this dudes codebase is collapsing under the weight of his retardation.
why would you need a website to edit a filter lmaaooooo
i know for a fact you're bullshitting and i literally edit text files professionally.
whats the difference between using 6 portals in softcore and using 6 portals in hardcore?
hardcore players have to carry 6 portal scrolls and softcore players don't.
Takes a lot longer in HC
The hardcore player has to log back in each time.
>some fagget added his own voice to the maven voice pack
that was me btw
>d2 soundpack
>oh btw you have to download your own sounds and manually add them
neverthink needs to clean up his shit site.
wrong thread sister
oh wait its dead again
I'm glad I shoved Divine Beauty onto JV because I've found enough for a set once so far with no MF
thanks for reminding me im going to make my own with that new sound website im going to mix all the female voices for drops
>im going to mix all the female voices for drops
just make sure you dont cut the voice clip too short, it sounds weird.
i noticed it alot in the current maven soundpacks.
in game there is a bit of a tail even after she finishers her line.
but in the filter the do something like this(hope the visualisation make sense)
when it should be
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this is the best one i have found imo

>das rite
>gimme dat!
>divs crashing
>start getting a ton of raw div drops
thats a good one.
can you make it so sounds have a hierarchy?
so if a div, 10c, 4ex all drop at the same time and each has its own sound clips, that they dont all play over each other?
so the divine sound would "overrule" the others and be the only sound that plays?
no idea mate its my first time attempting it, but i get what you mean i dont even know if thats possible because they are individual drops their individual sounds play i think you can only do that with stacks of currency
>"1 sec"
>gets back to me after 10 minutes
And my 50 divs went somewhere else
okay sec
The runesmith enchants are so retarded expensive, like whats the fucking point
That is a lot of jungle valleys
they expect you to constantly max out shipments.
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fuck they hid the higher tier skills for the merc
>5 tabs of "I might use it eventually"
to entrap craft autismos

normal people see those cheat enchants and shrug
>we want the twin stick shooter audience
for what reason?
>noooo stop doing fun and cool things
1 sec
this but 5 trade tabs that are full to the brim with junk
you think about emptying them all and starting fresh but then you think "nah someone surely will want this, just gotta lower the price is all"
i have 3 1c trade tabs
i get like 5 requests a day
but, i really should just delete them all and not sell anything less than like 50c.
let the bots be bottom feeders.
in good leagues like affliction with insane player retention and new players/late start players needing 1-10c items 2 months into a league its worth it to keep those tabs
but in a league like this i just dont think its worth it unfortunately.
>fun AND cool things
fuck off jonathan.
There's no difference between 0 deaths and 10 deaths and 100+ deaths in softcore. No-one tries to keep their deaths down because it doesn't matter. I don't get CB immune until like 95 when levels start to take some time.
Legit think the div crash is directly related to ease of access to the currency exchange. You see it sell for a few chaos less from last time who cares its an instant trade. And just multiply that b 1000s of people
Cb immune?

play the ascent you retard
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Is it safer to invest in chaos in future leagues? Divs seem too unstable now.
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Why are empires always like this
Here's my idea for a map modifier
>you are chased by a giant hand (it uses droxs spell) and if it catches you it deals infinity damage
>map modifier effect makes the hand faster
>NOOOOOOOOOOOO blasting monsters with shotguns and grenade launchers isn't fun stoooooop
k tranny
I block it
he meant cbt immune
i have
and the dlc
its pretty good(except for all its flaws)
hope they make another one
i dont want twin stick ANYTHING in my arpg.
if i want to play a twin stick ill go play one
if i want to play an aprg ill play poe.
its that simple.
its like saying "well you like pizza and ice cream so you should love when they are mixed together"
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>Frost Blade of Katabasis
>That sword range rune enchant
>Some strike range
>Add Siones for extra range
Yeah I'm melee
1c = 1c
you should always put your money in c.
especially with currency exchange you can turn c into div whenever you need div.
you are using awakened ancestral call right anon?
you do know twin stick basically means moving in 360 whilst being able to aim 360 right?
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>sold hundreds of maps at 3c each
>now C is strong
I am a financial genius.
whats your point?
fucking retard.
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more to the point whats your fucking point you dont want to be able to move and aim in any direction whilst attacking? or is your dumbass brain to small to comprehend multiple actions at the same time?
>hes actually a wasd defender
wasd is the future, retarded boomers literally have no argument against it
This league is an anomaly because of boats delivering 0.5d/hr redditors shipments of 60 divs and 3 mirror shards at a time. Next league we're getting a low effort league to not detract from PoE2, so divines won't be inflated in the same way.
boomers invented WASD you fuckbrained zoomer
who asked you geriatric nigger
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>i cannot comprehend WASD
fucking zoomers fuck off
nobody I don't wait for permission to speak unlike you oatmeal brained little shits
Playing wasd with mouse aim is fine
Playing mouse move with skills on the keyboard is fine
Setting up your 8 button rotation and wasding and aiming at the same time is only good in short bursts. It can work in an mmo where you have downtime, but nobody is playing 8+ hours a day when they have to do all that shit non stop
it's cringe
do you want to be cringe?
>strawmen as far as the eye can see
WoW really has changed
league's dead, we have to find entertainment where we can
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Hits don't always get past lucky block. But when they do, it's a boss slam.
>shes not playing ssfhc ruthless with an uber strict filter from level 1
I've been around long enough to know how prices change mid and late league, but the transition from alive to barely holding on has happened at warp speed this league. What the fuck happened. I get up and the net worth of my stash has cratered, and this is using div as the baseline so it's even worse than it looks
who asked means what "does that have to do with anything" my fellow boomer, not "you can't speak"
WoW raids are finally releasing is pretty much the reason. People can >WoW all they want, but plenty of people want to believe it's back and the first raid tier of an expansion is going to attract a lot of people
I doubt that, it seems like every league is fucking with divs nowadays
reminder this league is going to last until january
no one plays wow, it's a dead tranny skinner box
Oh I missed that, but you're right, a lot of poe players are also wow players. Combined with a lot of people getting in to the deadlock beta for the first time I can see why everything fell off a cliff.
Wildwood fucked with it, but it also fucked with everything else so prices didn't get totally warped. Necropoop probably did fuck with prices but I sat out the early shitshow so by the time I got there it was just infinite <60d 6T1 items
>dead tranny skinner box
why you gotta be so mean to the POE league, bro
stop replying reidiot
nta just trying to help you out with the lingo
Do you guys hit the -50% phys red. alter?
No because it makes me do half my hp with every echoes hit
I click every altar because my character has too much investment
It fits range play styles better.
This counters my boneshatter build, i can tank it but its annoying
>lost ark's combat and boss fights
>poe's monetization model and mapping
The ingredients are all there, why has nobody done it yet
I keep mine, I don't really care that it's crashing as long as it doesn't crash to 10c, it's more convenient to trade with.
corrupted blood
>a tax on being slow
I didn't originally cus echoes of creation but do now because i have a lot of pdr. still cant hit the blue - recovery though i just die and run out of mana
Don't lots of bosses ignore block?
eurochads waking up rn
If I were to guess it's because people completed their settlement and there's nothing new to do. I'm sure lots of people saw a 300k+ crimson iron shipment and said "fuck this" and never touched it again.
go play spelunky and fuck off with your shit ideas
I have 0% phys, 50% this nigger.
God help me if I accidentally click a "fuck your regen/defenses based on frenzy charges" altar though.
It's inspired by that UT2004 meme "if you can read this youre already dead" and it exists to punish you for stopping. It's mainly ironic however and meant to be experientially negative

All mine are like this, shits retarded
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I was looking forward to this weekend of POE, but this entire economic crash has kinda really soured my mood. I don't wanna play the equivalent of GSF
Game needs more slowing debuffs

mapping rn and notice I only have 5-6 random slowing debuffs that I can't be immune too, along with 10 grasping vines. I'd rather not be able to move at all, can we up it?
>that I can't be immune too
Can't believe I'm using this format, but:
Your Kaom's roots???
Your Balance of Terror???
Your correct ascendancies???
>accidentally clicked off on the shrines map duplication chance because of speed reading when the other option was a 3% chance for divine orbs
>it was a start of the map shrine
>130 quantity 8 mod map with maximum number of packs and shrines+ritual altars
>I could have made at least 3-5 divs if I wasn't speed reading
I hate the shrine text reading so much it's fucking unreal
imagine if the retarded faggot devs at ggg would add some sort of filter or let you mod the game so the good shrines had a simple background color
fuck I hate this game so much this physically hurts
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you guys really didn't expect economy changes with everyone getting raw mirrors from boats and invest in things that wouldn't lose value while on holiday? yeah you've totally been around for a few leagues and are experts on this
reddit is 2 doors down
keep crying about the economy being in ruins when it's just you that was left behind
*points at you*
*breaks your finger*
>I could have made at least 3-5 divs
Nigga don't fret over pennies.
*the finger crumbles in your hand revealing the false hand I was wearing to distract you while I use my real hand to stab you in the penis*
that's the very minimum anon
I could have gotten a double currency shrine too and made 20 divs
it was free money I missed out on
I only wish pain and suffering for the bald fuck
how based would a "play testing" realm be?
meaning that in this realm, trading doesn't exist but you get an item editor that let's you edit any of your gear with any existable stats, give yourself any currency, give yourself levels, try out strategies, try out builds, what works and what doesn't, let you do and practice bosses etc. etc.
basically like having a cheat code in a testing realm.
does he know?
jokes on you, i don't have a penis
>imagine if the retarded faggot devs at ggg would add some sort of filter
Knowing those retards you'd need to write it in lua.
I think sanctum might possibly be the worst league in the core game still.
this except bestiary
Stiff competition between sanctum and beasts
bestiary at least has interesting crafting mechanics as dogshit as the fights are. sanctum is just pure trash. no good uniques. no crafting. cancer mechanics. all around bad and I can't believe there was a whole league for it...
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How do I get to this node?
I checked all the dark areas and dynamited every fractured wall but the path still didnt open up.
A node cannot have 2 connections
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My guess would be from here, delve nodes will almost never generate with only 2 connections
it's this. all you really have to know is it isn't 1 space away, and isn't from a dead end and you'll get it 99.9% of the time
I always imagine how absurd this game looks to people with 0 context.
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You were right.
Thanks for the help.
>grining gear games
>they're not grinning
still would on the left thoughever.
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Bro how young are you
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Which way, western man?
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This one came out good.
thats a man
fuck off jeet. take your slop somewhere else.
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You already know the answer
Bestiary was terrible on launch, perfectly fine now.
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>how old are you
however old the game is
almost every exploit or abuse in the game has been made possible by the bestiary.
even as recently as last league with the 6 link kaoms and squires.
not to mention the UI is awful.
i like beasts and the bestiary but it's far from perfectly fine.
ssf btw
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kys blizzbuck
Exploits have nothing to do with the mechanic itself.
I think the whole thing is outdated and shitty, the other masters are too but to a much lesser extent
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im looking for a fun zoomer build what can i get with this
i have a mageblood equipped as well
>these chinks
>people think tencent is hands-off
she needs to post new pictures
she should post only fans content before and after every stream.
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It would be cool if instead of a new league mechanic they actually revamped (not just rework rewards) all the masters to more modern poe standards.
>uber duriel
oh it's ai generated... retarded shit.
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You're paying someone to run a prebuilt model on their computer. With any sort of technical prowess or willpower you could set it up on your computer fairly quickly. Good thing you're disabled and will continue to pay developers to dumb shit down for you.
>try doing sanctum runs to see what the "div printer" is all about
>it's fun since it reminds me of playing slay the spire
>the rewards are kind of shit especially when you consider dying once makes you lose out on all the good shit
>do 2 sanctum runs and get maybe 1-2 divs worth of goods for an hour of grind
>if I did maps I would have made 10 divs plus 500K+ plus gold that could have fueled my mappers or upgraded my town for even more profits with much less effort or brain powder required and zero risk
man I really want to like this game mode I wish I was around on the league it got introduced but I feel like I'm wasting my time grinding that when I could do anything else and get more rewards
also I died on my third sanctum run to the small laser beam room fight so I'm extra salty about losing out on a div worth of goods or something
what the fuck are you supposed to do there when the lasers chase you around
dayum son
It's free you midwit
nice. that equates to about 1 dollar USD.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
rmt faggots get the rope
what kind of crazed goyim thinks like that
it's the logical extension of tradeniggerism
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>n-noooooo you MUST play 20 hours a day and treat this gambling video game as a second job!!! y-you can't just simply want to have fun and do what you want and value your time!!! y-you fucking rmt'er!! m-moooooom they're rmt'ing on an imaginary video game!!!!!
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This one was close.
>an imaginary video game
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Chris Won.
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How do I get more people into Intervention? I want to start a fight club. Is there a limit to how many people you can get onto the board?
kek I accidentally ended up spamming the n word in local chat because I was spamming hideout when logging in as it was in my clipboard so I wouldn't get raped by MTX trannies
The enlightened league experience is
>wait 3-4 weeks for poorfags to beta test the league
>rmt 20 or 30 divines to buy levelling gear and gear for your endgame build
>farm up from there
Not having to play league start builds or run the acts with no gear makes the game ten times as enjoyable
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no way thats real... bros?
look at betrayal gravious farming on youtube
if you're autistic enough to try to do this for fun you might as well try to make it profitable too
there is a guide for how to get everyone in intervention there too
so you skip the fun part of the league and then rmt a lifesprig and some ilvl 84 essence crafted rares?
that doesn't sounds very enlightened to me.
he needs to cope about why his cheating is justified though
don't break his delusion and tell him why he is a fucking retard for paying third worlders to play the game for him
loser mentality
Why don't AI sloppers make anything good like Cassia bending over in front of a blight tower while she sings
You can do it yourself
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poe2db DOT tw/us/Skill_Gems
>t. spends most of his day grinding like a hamster locked in cage looking for his next divine fix
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I don't wanna
>ctrl f righteous fire
>0 results
i wouldnt worry too much its only whats been found in game so far from all the events etc
Are exarch balls considered spells? Does spell block work on them?
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>Flicker Strike: Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting strikes on nearby enemies.
>0 results
you know you can play for fun few hours every day and still make more than enough in-game money to get everything you want right anon?
you'd know that if you actually played the game yourself instead of paying someone else to do it for you like a literal cuck
it's kind of funny to see what type of mental gymnasium you have to go through to justify why it's okay for you to be a cuck and pay for in game currencies
>login on launch day with the boys
>run through the campaign in a few hours
>spec essence and expedition
>craft and sell over the weekend
>stock up on mirror shards and div cards
>start the league a month late and rmt 30 divines to buy a headhunter and get stuck in tier 12 maps
you clearly win the game good sir.
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Last two days of hot weather and it's officially autumn season.
Is there anything more comfy than gaming while it rains outside?
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I was plagued by bugs ruining my POE sessions all fucking summer.
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>rainfags are back
sorry but this is wind chad general
fuck off.
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How about rain AND wind
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how is normal LS better than vaal version?
it isnt
nah i prefer my weather events to happen one at a time
AND thunder
its not it costs a lot more to get lvl 20 and 20 quality vaal lightning strike vs just getting lightning strike and using gemcutter prisms on it
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>wind NO RAIN thunder + lightning, moisture in the air(its raining somewhere just not right here right now) dusk(so the light is all weird and eerie) everything will stop and go dead quiet and then pick back up again into a raging storm and then stop again
now we're talking.
its 130 of 240 and most will still probably change too
Time bends to MY will
you are ssf or a hypocrite
>j-just play for 5 days on league start without a break, bro, trust me it's way better like this!!
take a shower, bruv
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>t-take a s-shower...!
if you retards don't shut the fuck up something bad is going to happen to you
kill yourself in real life
this league is pure bald evil, i played 4 days straight last weekend sending out boats every 30 minutes not a single divine, dont play all week long, log back in and see i got a divine per boat waiting for me now to get me back on the treadmill, all my gold is gone again though
can smite scale well into end-game build able to do ubers and t17's while having good damage and reasonably tanky?
why do you guys pretend poe is still a grindy no life game?
virtually every aspect of the game has been streamlined and casualized.
>ewwww I'm not going to get my dick dirty and all gooey and waste my time and energy by fucking my gf when I can pay 20 bucks to a random dude to do it for me while I get the enjoyment of watching my satisfied gf afterward
>you don't understand bro this is the play just watch someone else do it for you and pay for it instead
>this pissed the general is moving
blizznigg confirmed
>porn addicted incel has to bring his dirty festishes and fantasies in normal conversation
seek professional help.
Sure why not, you can make a Doryani Slayer now that lightning dot is no longer a problem due to greater conversion available and endurance charges being giga strong.
This is probably the biggest copes of them all. The game became objectively better when this degenerate bald faggot fucked off. Fun isn't strangled to death anymore since Mark took over.
20 quality is 30c
>cuck is not happy he is being forced to face the reality of his poor decisions
don't forget to leave a vouch for rajeesh after he is done with your game and gf looooool
>forcibly ceased by his Chinese masters
Sure, whatever you want to believe, gweilo.
ask me how i know you're a subhuman poolack. go on.
at the start of the league it was 1-2 divs now its cheaper dont know why nobody wouldnt switch by now
because I dropped a redpill trvth nuke that woke you up from your sheeple fantasy cuck?
try to play the game next time instead of rmting and you'll be spared the harsh pain
*spits on your face* ptooey
keep the change I'm done here
basically 50% of LS users are retards
>hit a nerve
uh oh, stinky poolack is mad
>level 98
>2 levels to go
>getting 5.8% xp from T16s
>next I'll be getting 4.2%, half of what my last level was
It's month 2... Stop dying. Stop buying. Retards.
dude why is there spit on your face? wipe it off or something it looks embarrassing...
chris has the same role in the company he has always had, basically he signs off on changes/mechanics. the last 3-4 years were a result of ggg trying to shove johnathan's poe 2 designs into poe 1.
>chris told me people should be excited to go back to town to ID their items, not to refill their flasks.. so yeah we changed that.
i guess chris will ruin poe 2 as well.
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you'll get it when you grow up kiddo
>he keeps projecting his fetishes and perversions onto others
you need serious help, bruv
>pedo frog
some of y'all never grinded any levels in an MMO and it shows.
dude now you're peeing yourself like this is some sort of omorashi doujin or something
go clean up dude it's kind of cute but still this is not the place for that
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ANON, NIGERO!!!!!!! NIGERO!!!!!!!!!!!
just wait until you find out that dying will either cost you 10% exp or 3% exp and half a div
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i cant stop watching poe2 videos
uh oh, eastern euro stinky poolack is THIS mad lmao
I have such contempt for MUH DIV MUH DIV retards I am now completely passing up div drops.
I have, this one just feels particularly bad, I don't like LS but it's my fastest character with some tankiness.
You say that like I wouldn't know that by now.
it just hits different on level 99 when you lose 2 maps worth of exp and half a div when you die to some bullshit mechanic like betrayal monkeys spawning right beside divine shrine and one shotting you before you can touch the shrine and kill them
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mfw running destuctive and get corpse exploded by Burial Chambers witch
>drop svalin
>change 5 points in the tree
>suddently immortal

i have less contempt for them after i looked at the game from their perspective.
if everything you do is gated behind 'kill x essence monsters or get y amount of lifeforce so i can buy new boots.' div/hour actually matters.
When I spam comprehensive reports does doryanis map appear in the missions or in the vendor side of Kirac?
Luckily I haven't been dying that often but yeah I'll definitely be feeling it when I lose 10% at 4.2% xp ratios.
You can easily sell spots for like 2div each or something
I always ask for invites for those doryanis missions and just spam and waste as many portals as I can before getting kicked out to keep the doryanis map prices 10 div
you have to pay for the map portal there is no sharing allowed to cheat the challenge
Bros I'm so hype for next league
There is no way in hell I will ever play the game as the majority does or care to even consider it from their perspective. The majority is cursed- so cursed, I will literally destroy the potential to reroll items that I might be separate from them in the sight of God.
Thanks anon
that's one way to get blacklisted on TFT
>account not linked
>80% of TFT users don't use the blacklist filter
>80% of TFT users don't even report most scams
>there is always trade chat in the game too
I keep getting away with it TFT fags can't stop me
Bro there is no next league. This is the final PoE 1 league bro
Someone post the scam compilation
When do I transition from my starter?
Bros, say it's ain't bro..
>div worshiping idiot
I would drive a railroad spike into your forehead. To causing suffering to beating hearts for 1's and 0's. I'll fucking destroy you.
so this is the power of poe players? egg training simulator?
woah take a chill pill, it's just a game and divines are always good.
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yeah we get it you're a unique snowflake and you don't like in game currency
no one cares stop attention whoring
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same its called PoE2
Who cares? I have played for 11 years and I have never entered/used TFT
Nice pic. Made me smile

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