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truth edition

>PoE 2 Early Access November 15th

>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[3.25] Patch Notes

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

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thank you, rogue exile
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eh, can't complain
You made a mistake, not sending more than 10 million dust.

Sending more dust, is almost a guarantee for Mirror shards. Sending 25 Million dust is retarded, but sending anywhere from 11-14 million dust is ideal.
>ilvl 85 +1 pc
that's a juicy one, exile
How much do these actually sell for?
looks to be about 230 divines
i sent 30 million in crops and didn't even get a power rune. gay ass fucking league
buy a supporter pack next time ;)
i bought a $60 one
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you're an actual retard anon just post your atlas tree and scarabs you used so I can tell you how to fix it
this is what I got from a single 100 quantity t16 map
city square is my favored map and the rest are just non favored maps
nice that is juicy
I'm still saving up to get a max frenzy charge ring
ha ha, time for Ritual
check base item
im literally dropping 30-40 8 mod corrupted t16s with the t17 map farm strat. you guys are really struggling to get map drops? are you fucking braindead?
actually worth checking on trade site, because bonering and unset ring make it harder to craft rings and thus have less value. could be some stinking up the 230 price and the sapphire is actually more valuable
>are you fucking braindead?
have you seen the posts in this general
Not rich, not poor either.


Also my soulless Heiro Ice Nova build, starting to get bored of it, maybe time to roll a Slayer?
gamble that house of mirrors and win big
give me ONE reason not to PERMANENTLY disable heist drops in my map
i83 blueprints are pretty easy to bulk sell, if you're picking up anything worth less than 15c there's no reason not to grab them as well
Generic contracts are 1/20
Deceptions are 1/15
Blueprints are probably 1/8 or something idk
It's free money basically
Also running 1-wing Blueprints is a good strat and requires no investment [aside from the odd BP that requires at level 5s]
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This was fun. Not really that rewarding but fun. Though I don't know why hordes and hordes of deli+beyond+ritual dupe mobs make less gold on average than harvest with 3x risk scarabs
is blight impossible with melee?
you gotta make use of your towers way more
League mobs are so bad for gold it's unreal.
I guess it's a little balanced because you can shove billions into your map, but more than 0 would not break the game
Melee skills should come with a flat 30% damage reduction bonus across the board. If you play melee you are tankier, the end.
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>tfw you go bankrupt trying(failing) to get 3 blue 1 red on a perfectly rolled perfect double corrupted heatshiver
serves you right nimisfag
actually im playing ice trap
If by "melee" you mean Mamba prolif or anything with explode on kill then no
shut up nimisfag i'll cut you
man, scarab strongboxes feels so damn weak now. Don't really feel like I should continue doing it
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Two blue + 3 socket + 6 4 sockets did it for me
I actually hit red on the 4th like 3 times lol
is this "nimis" in the room with us right now?
It's funny they deleted Back to Basics when 5x risk scarabs is basically B2B lite and is almost as rewarding
fucking nimisfags running their fucking nimis mouths
Thinking of switching to Maven and rotating through my Scrys
Those chisel prices are too good, among other things
I never sell my tainted chromes for this reason
i figured it would "cheaper" to bench craft it with chromes and vaals
i was very very very wrong
Faustus made a killing off me today.
>craftable +1 power charge implicit ring
It's not going to be cheap anon.
Oh shit, clicking the 'league popup' in PathofPathing automatically allocates all of its notables, awesome
World of warcraft has begun once again
Would that omen work with tainted chromes?
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ssf btw
Just keep blueprints then. Running 1-wings is good and fast
does bottled faith work with mageblood?
figuring out what to do with my mageblood is too hard for my low IQ brain
Mageblood doesn't affect it but you can run it as your 5th flask.

>figuring out what to do with my mageblood is too hard for my low IQ brain
The idea is to get lots of stats that scale with flask effect so that the rest of your gearing is less tight+you get to zoom with quicksilver. Just take quicksilver+2 armour or evasion related+diamond flask if you're crit or quartz if you need SS. Can even go ele flask for max res if that helps you.
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This might help
found it- the fan item I made 7 yrs ago before mageblood. I posted it here a few times and each time everyone insisted it was way too powerful.
why is it that every time some faggot streamer like zizaran opens their mouth up about poe2, they can't help but talk about 1 button builds and "blasting" maps
are they retarded? have they not understood that ggg clearly wants poe2 to not just be about that kind of gameplay?
if you aren't making 30chaos/hr in POE2 by act 4 you're fucking shit and poor
early day poe was exactly what poe2 is looking like, back when vaal oversoul was the toughest boss in the game. it slowly ramped up over time to where insane items like this >>493221076 became reasonable and map clears started taking less than 5 mins. I expect the same shit from poe2.
Does Chris Wilson even like PoE 2? He seemed so excited years ago when he still talked about poe 4.0 instead of poe2 and now he is 404 in everything poe 2 related.
Blasting end game is just a nature of loot-based games, even if you don't trade, the faster you go the more loot you're going to get.
1 button builds is just for convenience. I don't think people will enjoy thinking carefully about every move for hours, it'll be exhausting.
I play PoE to explode things and will work to explode things in 2
people will still discover strong 1 button builds, believe you me. they even have a system for spirit reservation in automating certain things.
Chris played POE2 and said there was no fucking loot and then he knocked over the computer that he was playing on and stormed out of the room
I hate kikes. There is nothing anyone can do to stop me from fighting them my entire life. These currency markets are fucking bonkers.
ssf btw
Based ba-da-boom
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25 Ziggawatts to go
One button builds? No thanks, I'm more of a one shot build.
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Because they are not good at video games
>checking gem prices on poe.ninja
>firestorm of pelting is #2 at level 1, 150c
>soulrend is #11 at level 21 23 quality, 4.6div (firestorm is 7div)
Some streamer is behind this.
yeah there is some youtuber made a tanky bosser build people are probably copying it
It doesn't work with the crafting bench by the way, I've tried it.
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check the ink bwos
This game needs more NSFW art
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technically no build in poe1 without mageblood is a 1 button build,

1st is your main attack
2nd could be your curse
3rd health flask
4th instant movement skill frostblink, flame dash
5th non instant movement skill whirlwind blade, leap slam, shield charge etc

so every build is TECHNICALLY at least 3 buttons without curse and one instant movement skill EVEN WHEN PEOPLE SAY ITS 1 FUCKING BUTTON

also zizaran is a retarded faggot
maven doesn't look like that
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A lazy minion build is 1 button, CWC cyclone desecrate offering, possibly 0 buttons if you're extra lazy.
look how utterly uniquely retarded of a build that 99% of people wouldn't play and i bet thats bullshit because you would use a instant or movement skill with a health flask so its instantly 3 buttons

smart now what bitch
el retardo
el cock sucker negro
What he likes doesn't matter. He isn't part of the day to day operations at GGG anymore.
fuck this nigger game. when i kill something, i expect it to be dead and NOT do motherfucking million post death animations.
no wonder only schizo incel pedophiles play this fucking game
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>fuck this nigger game. when i kill something, i expect it to be dead and NOT do motherfucking million post death animations.
>no wonder only schizo incel pedophiles play this fucking game
chris is checked out, dude
>t. still dies to porcupines
He's right.
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I decided that my first character (fire witch) was completely boched and it was time to go for something else.
Went for Archmage arc lighting build because it reminds me a lot about Ryze from lol.

Need tips:
1) General DMG output is fine for t6 maps (i dont know how far i can go so far) but is there anyway to increase it BY A LOT for little time/CO
2) I dont feel tanky at all and still die when get swarmed by enemies, anyway to fix this?
3)Any general Mana gigachad tips?
Me after I die for the 200th time with 100% spell suppression, 5 endurance charges, capped block and spell block, 80% all res, 75% chaos resistance, like 20% ele damage taken as physical, and 80% chance to evade
>no recovery
>my pc cant handle ritual
Are rogues profitable? I think i get stable FPS in dungeons only
please cap your res. this is pretty much the number one thing you should always do no matter what.
I looked into it and it's a standard rathpith build but with firestorm of pelting, it should work with a few skills.
Use the crafting bench to craft on mods on gear pieces that don't have 6 affixes. Also cap your elemental resists asap (bench crafts might help).
Thanks anons, i have to say its actually hard to cap on res as new player, because i just dont know with which equipment should i be doing this, gonna tinker with rings and stuff.
what about dying to physical?
>1) General DMG output is fine for t6 maps (i dont know how far i can go so far) but is there anyway to increase it BY A LOT for little time/CO
A 6 link.
>2) I dont feel tanky at all and still die when get swarmed by enemies, anyway to fix this?
Kill things, if that fails run away and try again.
>3)Any general Mana gigachad tips?
There's a Kitava helmet that autocasts shit for you if you spend enough mana, there's also a ring that ups your curses to your power charge count, you can combine them to autocast 4 curses as you cast. It helps a lot.
get energy shield and armour/evasion on each of your gear, cap your resistances, look for energy shield nodes/health nodes on tree maybe look into leech as well
What's a gem for recovering life on 99% less recovery
Dont worry you could see plenty of on death shit in poe 2 footage
you can get res on everything. you could pick up any random trash off the ground and it would be better than what you have on.
they are cool, yes
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Why does PoE Necro suck compared to D2 Necro? Are we really never going to be able to top a 24 year old Class's design?
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>"unique" stash tab cant be priced
Shame, what site do you use for stash pricecheck?
Recommend a website or creator that showcases different builds, at different stages of the game, for both meta and off-meta.
I'm new and looking for something I would enjoy. Thank you!
maxroll and zizaran
isn't d2 necro objectively shit
wealthy exile
So the Currency Exchange
>Shift-click item into I want
>Put Divine/Chaos into I have
>Set how many items you have into I want
>Clear I have so it auto-updates
>Ctrl+click so they switch and set I want to *1.05

Am I doing it right
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How did I do? My first time playing through the campaign
Delirium breaks another poor exile's mind.
17 deaths too many but decent time.
Pretty good
Most of them came from act 5 and 10 where I would get stuck between doors and there were some guys with tiny shields around them that would stun me and get jumped on by other mobs lol
Also I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I'm trying to collect the story hideouts but the one in act 5 doesn't seem to be spawning. Is it guaranteed spawn or random?
Leech counts as recovery rate in terms of the map mod, right?
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thats bismuth, retard-kun
>but I'm trying to collect the story hideouts but the one in act 5 doesn't seem to be spawning
It tends to be near the reliquary. Not sure if it spawns in Act V or act X though.
I think what happens is that smelties pick up a random ore if they run out of the stuff they're smelting.
You gotta actually remove them to hoard raw ore for upgrades (or get quite a lot of ore I guess).
most people get filtered cause they bricked their chars by act 4
you did good bro gz
How do you brick your character there?
cause they're not following a build and they usually do poor passive tree choices
>first time playing through the campaign
it would take a complete noob at least 30 hrs to play through the campaign.
>skinnyfat arm
Every time.
>18 months into boat league and he still doesnt understand how the workers function
Ah finally found it thanks, it was hidden in some alleyway
Thanks appreciate it
I'm not completely new, I tried PoE briefly in 2017 and recently watched a LOT of videos, researched etc. so I wouldn't be going blind because I hate not knowing what to do in games when playing lol
a lot of people go 0 life and wonder why they keep dying
That's exactly how it works yeah. I only have 5 miners/smelters, put them on Virisium and the rest takes care of itself
I've played for a total of 40 hours...
how long until next wave of poe 2 videos/news/interviews you think? or is that it until launch
>or is that it until launch
lol no that's not how marketing works

might be quiet for a couple weeks
Instant leech.
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Brainlets can't turn off the smelteries for a while and grind some goddamn rocks to upgrade the town then turn the forges back on.
or you can get all level 10 smiths and miners and never turn them off cause they end their work extremely fast
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you gotta take em off
otherwise they get bored and start smelting whatever they can
you dont want this when you still have to upgrade stuff
so only put em to work for x amount of time so they get done doing what you want done.
did you even read the post you replied to?
It's a little unintuitive, they should've just made it so that upgrades require bars.
did you?
clearly you didn't
clearly you didn't
>post refers to people failing to do their upgrades that require ore because they smelt it all into bars not realizing that the smiths swap ores if they run out of ore to smelt
>bro just like hire level 10 smiths they work really fast
are you perhaps retarded?
clearly you are
I could kill you both with one hand
I accept your concession.
>xhe seethes this much
oh no no no no
I'm sorry you're retarded
I accept your concession.
you know saying this means you lost
nta but you lost this one
look another retard
schizo samefag. take your meds.
What do i do now?
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>inspect element
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I think PoB is a bit fucked with tincture calcs

Like okay, I know 24% attack speed is good, and its getting buffed by my increased tincture effect passives, but really? I think PoB isn't adding the damage over time multi to the calculations because the +53% tincture doesn't even increase individual poison damage
>right click
>inspect element
>remove (you)
>7 times
>take screenshot
>post it
>in less than a minute
meds. now.
>he thinks you need inspect element
I was going to rip on you saying Vanguard Belt isn't 7 years old and this is fake but Vanguard Belt is actually 8 years old and holy shit life is going so fast, i want to get off
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>3.0 was 7 years ago
where did all those years go
I know we're all bored waiting for PoE2 but you don't have to pretend to be retarded or shit up the thread like this.
Pretending to be retarded and shitting up the thread is 90% of what we do here
I'm actually enjoying my build, it's reasonably tanky and does ok damage. I just don't know what to do next with the league. Could try and get the challenges
I know but it's usually not this bad.

What build are you playing?
All the complete schizos returned at the same time, Krautnigger, Mcucco, DJfaggot and Frix.
Now they're trying to out compete each other for attention.
>What build are you playing?
Its this one >>493233903
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Sorry, I don't mean to be insulting, but I scam players through currency exchange system all day long, and the best hours are when Americans are awake.
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Imagine how much better zooming will be when gold goes to inventory automatically like Expedition currency
It's not random. The ores at the bottom are the rarest, and are smelted first.
i suspect south america in particular
>get mageblood
>still can't do any t17 maps without dying 5 times minimum
it's so fucking over for me
do I have to really start a new character? I just want to farm the real content for a chance to get rich man why does everything have to be so complicated
it's literally not possible to scam on exchange.
Has anyone been able to test the later acts or early maps of poe2? I am tired of seeing act 1-2 vanilla wow gameplay
>I just want to farm the real content
t16 is real content if you juice it enough.
Anyway I have this nagging feeling you have no phys mitigation or one of your resists isn't maxxed.
List some orders for obscure but valuable scarabs that have no stock on HC and you're gonna get 100c scarabs for 5c from me.
I don't doublecheck that shit.
double retard
Nah I got about 10 free divines in the first week by wanting to buy 1d for 1c and people missclicked
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>accidentally sent 1 bar of verisium alongside my 50m shipment
well, it was nice knowing you bros
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I die a lot when I try to do the anarchy rogue exile spam too if I use the + modifier scarab
also if this isn't enough defensive layers then I don't know what is
But is a Vaal axe better than a Karui Chopper?
Can I vaal a lvl 1 skill gem to try to get the vaal version?
o7 RIP
rare 2024 hivemind
22k phys max hit isn’t really that great, the other stuff looks good though…
yeah you can
>also if this isn't enough defensive layers then I don't know what is
You should look at the characters that farm content like that easily, they have a lot more max hit, avoidance and recovery than you do. Compare your defenses to Ruetoo t17 katabasis farmer for example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRFHcv9UPXf7LURwTnlIeSNy15XhhjbilR3t9_CA2DgkS-Z_KFCABIH9Nj4-9fO4CFb16xrdLnpN8VF/pubhtml

Anyway, your pool/life is PUNY, you don't have gigarecovery (unless I'm missing something) that lets you restore all or most of your HP every second or multiple times a second. You have no avoidance whatsoever (only 25% block and ignorable amounts of evasion) meaning you get raped by multihit.
Your resists are 75%, which isn't that hot.
Also is that with guard skill up? If it is then you're even worse off. You probably need to make a dramatic change to your build.
I guess I could swap out one of my flasks for a chaos resist one and get a add armor radius gem to pad out my phys max resist a bit more now that I have a mageblood
the convenience of maxing out my chaos resist with a gem can get me only so far
yeah that's with guard
thanks I'll look into the references you posted and see what I can dig up to make my build more tanky
I thought having big leech was enough to sustain me but that's clearly not the case
>yeah that's with guard
I don't even look at the numbers with guard skills up personally, it gives you wrong ideas about how bad your max hit is or isn't, makes it easy to not realize you have a problem.

There are a lot of other makers/characters to look up, I just figured you're probably a slayer so the stuff I linked might be applicable. If I were you, I would just work on that pool first. Under 4k is very puny. Enjoy the "suffixes can't be changed/reforge life" hell.
Also one more point, unless you have great curse resist, your fire res is always 1 curse away from not being capped. Endurance charges might carry you through it regardless but you get hit with 2 flam and ele weakness at once and you're in pain town. Something to consider, get either curse resistance or overcap them more.
what happens?
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okay it wasn't too bad. i thought it was going to be all 1c scarabs
we're so back bros.
what exactly were you worried about?
i thought sending 1 verisium would brick my entire shipment
>approached a pack of devoureres
>they immediately burrow underground
Craiciann's crabs are worse since their invulnerability frames are like 3 seconds long
When is the gauntlet? Has there been any info about it? I am at 40/40 waiting for new shit
>you approach a added projectile vaal construct blue pack
>he doesn't move diagonally at all times
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the 25nd of saptemper
>before the first poe2 league
>when all hands are on deck for the first public playtest of poe2
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How do you guys get reminders so you don't miss the free mystery box events?
don't you know waiting 3 seconds to kill something is good content
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>crabs burrow
>keep bumping into them even though they havent resurfaced
FUCK vivid devourers

>burrow and become immune
>pop up right fucking next to you
>leave behind mini nukes

Absolute worst monster in all of harvest
But zizgayran said there will be one
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How much does this amulet worth?
I'm playing a scourge arrow of menace warden. I mainly farm harvest (non-crop rotation) which it does decently at thanks to the aoe and hindering effect of wither


Is there anything super obvious I can do to either buff my damage and/or EHP? I know I need more fire res (I was capped but just changed one of my rings)

t. retard
gauntlet is a month and a half before poe 2 launches.
do i have to chance headhunter in a nemesis instance still?
wait to sell this. right now you might get 30-50 chaos for it...? but eventually standard will increase in population after poe2 releases and leagues dry out.
It's in current league actually.
cap out spell suppression. 100% suppress chance >>>>>> 89% with lucky
also make sure to cap your resistances, 58% fire res can be the difference between life and death
Really uncalled for
It might be!
No but you should just buy it.
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I might unironically hit my first and only 100 on HC.
Not dying all the time is incredibly powerful, even if it keeps you running shit content.
Name ONE (1) positive thing about GGG.
i got to 100 in affliction HC and didn’t do maven once. i fucking hate hardcore it turns me into the biggest pussy
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Is there an option in trade site to disable the extra stats from quality?
just set quality to zero
old zana voice was pretty cool
I'm not even entertaining Maven, and I'm also not doing exarch until I can tank more balls, I don't really play well under pressure so I don't want to risk suicide.
Eater was easy even with my shit meme build though, bless him for being a free voidstone.
exarch is really not that bad. if you’re playing a build that can get to 100 you should be able to tank balls with purity of fire and an enkindling/inc duration ruby flask.
Explain to me why the fuck elemental damage gets reflect immunity and physical damage doesn't
Even if the fight isn't hard, there is room for me to fuck up and stand in a rune or walk into too many balls.

> if you’re playing a build that can get to 100 you
I got to mid nineties while not even getting out of yellow maps, there's nothing stopping me from doing very weakly juiced reds to 100. It's kind of pathetic but the option exists and I might just accidentally get there trying to farm the 60D DoD (fucking impossible because I can't resist spending divs the moment I get a double digit amount).
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oh, whats that, mister chinky chinaman?
you've listed an item?
you don't want to sell me it?
wouldn't it be a shame if I pinged you every time I finished a map until you capitulated or put me on ignore
a real shame, indeed
not only you're getting ignored both in game and on trade, you are also getting reported as well as posted on reddit. :)
you won't get away with your shitty behaviour.
bane of legends :)
Remember this woeful experience when some absolute moron tells you that auction house/currency exchange is bad for the game and that it shouldn't be added/go core.
scion (slayer)
phys mastery
stop being a retard
I've been doing it for an hour and he's not even ignored me yet
definitely botting

post his username.
how the fuck do I do that? I don't speak chicken scratch
Pantheon and master aren't real immunity and you need to change your build and tree
Ele gets a gem
Stop being a retard
do tradefags not copy/paste templated messages anymore?
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newfag here... WTF do I do with these stupid fucking items?!?
Eat them
time to do the best league mechanics in the game
update on the chink
got bored
offered him a mirror for the item (was listed as 20div)
he invited me
I put him on ignore
>npc chink listens to the ramblings of a madman for nearly an hour
insurmountably retarded
Where the fuck are the closed beta leaks?
What do you want to know?
I want a copy of the ggpk
Just anything. Screenshots, webms, impressions. It is weird that no one is talking about it at all, not even here where it is anonymous. Sure, maybe they have a giant floating thing on your screen but there aren't even people lying about being in it.
there is no beta. they just baited so the retards would calm down. no one is play testing 2 right now.
I mean there are Youtube videos of all the content that's available in the closed beta, it's just Acts 1 & 2. Personally I think it's better than 1 in every way possible but I suspect there'll be people that complain how different it is to 1. If you'd like to know anything specific I'll tell you but it's all pretty much publically available. It feels like the entire game is built around melee and that range classes just trivialize an incredibley well balanced and designed ecosystem of enemies and boss movesets so if you want to turn your brain off and watch numbers go up pick a class that relies on projectile attacks- if you want to have the time of your life pick a brawler.
honestly this is the only thing that makes sense to me
there's no way they're on their second closed beta test and not a single crumb of anything has leaked
no way every single person who got in is that honest
That's me, is there anything you'd like to know about the closed beta other than Asala being my waifu?
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Do I just fucking finish it?
They're never going to turn Kirac Stacks back on are they? Is it really that hard to just flip a couple switches to kill Brother's Gift printing and let me have my stacks back?
I was only sending trade requests via poe trade my gender dysphoric friend
Game is unplayable without stash tabs. I need the sale already.
one thing about poe2 is that they're designing the underlying mechanics so they won't be as hard to balance. so maybe they just don't think they NEED to do as much public testing.

>only one of each support gem so they don't have to worry as much about any 1 being too good
>most skills require a weapon type and you can only equip 2
>probably less cross-class synergy in general to create game-breaking combinations
>generally less extreme damage scaling
as people have said, give us something to datamine
if you're not going to actually share anything what's the point of prancing around saying you got in?
does it finally stroke your ego enough to make you feel like a big boy?
actual data would be the easiest thing to trace back to the person leaking it.
post the dat64 files, or at least the main ones, they aren't traceable
is Sorceress bad or is it just people not finding good combos during the previous tests?
Not this league, no. I don't think we'll see another patch that isn't an emergency fix for something
I'm not the guy claiming to have played. it's just a fact that any data can have traceable watermarks encoded into it.

plus if it actually is just the first 2 acts then it doesn't add as much to what we've already seen that people have much motivation to leak.
I didn't take any video or screenshots and there's no great twist that the entire game is actually a VR kart racer. If you would like any information from someone that finished the closed beta then I'm here to answer any questions people might have about PoE2, but I don't know what more you're expecting. I don't need my ego stroked, I already got 3 mystery boxes for sharing my opinions and contributions to GGG. I mostly played Warrior.
sounds like you didn't get much time to play it, given that 2 acts is like 4 hours of gameplay.
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In theory, I will give me less DPS more defence and more mov speed
Literally the only reason GGG won't add an auction house is because they want whales to be able to show off their mtx
I didn't play Sorceress beyond the opening few areas but there weren't too many skills available in the build and enemy/boss resists are much more important now. Going by a lot of the feedback in the Discord it seemed like a lot of players were approaching PoE2 to PoE1 and building their entire character around dealing damage with 1 skill and expecting that to carry them. If people complained about the Sorceress being underpowered in a beta where range was a crutch, I'd suspect that they weren't using all the skills given to them or using the right skills for the job. I'm sorry how vague this answer is but I didn't get into Act 2 with Sorceress which is where the difficulty really jumped up and boss HP pools got ridiculous. The only complaint I could see people having for her is her lack of survivability options compared to the other classes in a beta where act bosses could take up to half an hour to beat. If she doesn't have any really movement or defence options by then she's gonna be too squishy.
make sure to get a nice foil like the pink one otherwise it's a waste of money
>If people complained about the Sorceress being underpowered in a beta where range was a crutch, I'd suspect that they weren't using all the skills given to them or using the right skills for the job.
that's basically the impression I've gotten. in particular everyone seems to need to use some kind of CC, which the Warrior has built in thanks to most attacks doing some kind of stun.

based on what I have seen of act 2, it looks like act 1 is the correct balance, act 2 is overtuned on purpose to stress-test the classes. how many times did you die in act 2 as a warrior.
I took my time with it for sure but 4 hours seems fucking insane. I think I put about 20ish hours into my Warrior by the time I finished Act 2. The maps are huge and movespeed is slow at best. Most YouTube videos skip the downtime you spend in the towns and just teleport the player from area to area. I also don't skip dialogue because I am / am not a faggot. Needed to grind for some good equipment for the final Act 2 boss as well because I didn't have the right resists on my gear and like I said resists are everything now.
I think anyone who plays the game for 1-2 hours on a showroom floor has really no idea what balance is like. They're naturally rushing to try to see more and you have no time to read anything or try new skills. They probably just used the first skills they got and then complained. That is partially on GGG though for leaving such limited time on what is such a complicated game.
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>I am / am not a faggot
What map do Glacier bros even play to sustain them?
All the adjacent ones suck.
I hit a wall on a certain optional boss in Act 2 and respecced for max Life Regen- even with that the there were some areas that were just ridiculous. I probably died 40 times in the mastadon graveyard and it didn't even have a boss. I heard a lot of people had problems with the Act 1 final boss but I had no problems thanks to active blocking. Act 2 is where you suddenly feel the drawbacks of building your character wrong. If you haven't been putting points into DEX your accuracy is going to plummet to about 10% on common mobs. If you haven't got the right resists on your gear you'll be getting 2-shot by any elemental damage. If you can't sustain your health/ES you will get whittled down to death before reaching a checkpoint. I suspect you're right and it's intentionally whack given how well balanced everything else is in comparison.
they bulk buy glaciers
Good advice sis
I actually don't need it, I can already kill everything deathless
sounds like my kind of time as a ruthless player. congrats for trying it properly.
is the act 2 final boss the Perrenial King?
i am almost lv 90 in ruthless
holy god this is slow
no wonder no one has ever made it to lv 100 in ruthless
Yes, at least he was in the beta. Hardest boss I've ever fought, and the most rewarding. I suspect he'll be nerfed a lot before release because my kill on him took about half an hour, with little down-time and the constant risk of dying in a second.
Just to add to this, the Perennial King footage on YouTube is not the final battle with him.
I'd seen the fight and guessed that because he fucks off at the end he might be the final act boss. confirmation is pretty cool
im sorry fren
what level was your Warrior at the end of act 2?
Can't remember specifically, maybe 31. Sorry Jonathan. If you were commited you could have probably grinded up to 38 in the 'final area', but the skill tree at the time was pretty bad so it wouldn't have been much help.
>Any potential connection between tattoos and lymphoma has not been well studied.
>Importantly, nearly all of the differences in rates of lymphoma between people with and without tattoos were not statistically significant. That means the reported link between lymphoma and tattoos is questionable — and quite possibly observed by chance.
>Despite headlines suggesting a link between tattoos and the risk of lymphoma, there's no convincing evidence it's true.
read literally the next sentence about the larger study
that showed that there was a much higher chance of lymphoma after getting a tattoo.
this is the study that showed a correlation between tattoos and lymphoma
Lymphoma deez nuts
lmao gottem
>I don't think we'll see another patch that isn't an emergency fix for something
You are correct, they've said previously that they don't do mid league patches/balance because people with already build characters feel as if they wasted time if the newly balanced skills/strats are cooler/more powerful.
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what a faggot
More like smart
Reported to TFT admins :)
nothing smart about being a third world scammer mongoloid, kill yourself
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i'm pretty close to my 50m shipment, the best bonus i have available is to ngakanu, second best is to pondium. are the bonuses placebo and i should be chasing power runes or should i go for the best value available?
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>no way every single person who got in is that honest
if it was shit i would have leaked everything, but it's just so good i don't want to break the NDA.
this is the one. seriously.
Does it play as janky as it looks from some of the other videos people have posted from gameshow or whatever it was?
Or where those players just shit.
it's a rollslop for soulsfags, nothing in common with poe 1
Feeling Down in the Best League Ever

Hey fellow Exiles,

I just wanted to share my feelings with you all. Path of Exile is my favorite game, and this league has been the best one ever for me and many of you I suppose. The league mechanic is fantastic, the challenges are engaging, and there are so many cool ways to play and awesome builds to try out. Right now, I have six more challenges to complete and need to grind some currency for build upgrades. I have a great build, but I want to make it even better.

However, I’m feeling really sad right now. I had a buddy who I played with a lot. He introduced me to POE and in no time I got addicted to it. We weren’t always in maps or strats together, but we were always on Discord, talking, helping each other out, and having fun. He recently bought a Mageblood after farming like crazy to get the currency. But once he got it, he decided he didn’t want to play anymore and dropped the league, leaving me alone.

I’m really struggling to play alone without any interaction with my friend. I want to make around 600 divines to fully upgrade my character and be proud of my achievements this league. But without someone to share this journey with, all the fire and enthusiasm I had is gone and I consider my goal pretty much impossible right now.

I just wanted to share this with you Exiles.
Thanks for listening.
If you're rolling you've fucked up. It's not a primary game mechanic to rely on like it is in the Souls games, it's a panic button for when you've already fucked up and want to mitigate your losses.
and i'm sure they told this guy to cheer up, right, they didn't tell him to grow up and stop being a fucking loser?
Ask if you can borrow his Mageblood while you grind to get where he is. When you get there you might feel burned out as well and understand how he feels, or he might be rested enough to want to come back and you can both play again from the same point. It sounds like he's accomplished his goals and moved on though, as the game is sort of designed for. If you're not having fun- why bother?
i will say it's a game you need to actually play to get a good sense of. it's funny they wrapped it up in a pretty serious NDA because right now it is better than any other ARPG on the market. by FAR.
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I have been ostracized and ignored by half the people in 773(ssf global) cause I insulted one of the regular namefags in there
Is Bind Spectre in the beta?
Did you hate the mastadon graveyard as much as I did?
It wasn't in the first beta, which is what I played. Neither were druid or mercenary, sadly.
what did you say?
I called him a soi fag
>heroin addict seeks codependent partner to share needles with
>or mercenary
Oh that's strange considering they had him in the demos.
>50% res
>4 link skill
but also
>two not bad wands

low level rmt or high level retardation, place your bets
I'll be surprised if Druid is in early access. they know that shapeshifting is incredibly cool in trailers and will want to market the fuck out of a later patch which finally adds it.
I doubt it, druid/shapeshifting looked finished a lot time ago and unlike Witch they know what they wanted to do with it's skills so it wasn't stuck in development hell. I'm guessing the fact that they only put half the classes in the closed beta is that they wanted feedback specifically on those classes.
They'll want as many people playing early as possible to spread word of mouth whilst it's still in the current zeitgeist, and withholding popular content has never worked for a game's popularity.
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Kenny, a guy with a lot of luck(and time) who gets multiple magebloods & various other crazy items every single league has been complaining about his rng a lot since hes having trouble obtaining a simplex amulet and I said "Always great to see Kenny that subhuman imbecile not get what he wants"
People were like WTF how dare you say this, reported, ignored etc.....A day passed and I didn't get muted so far though
I don't care if someone is having great RNG and obtaining good items every league but Kenny is really a subhuman who brags too much, in the few leagues I've been in this global he hasn't been helpful once, hes a narcissist who'll attempt to make everything revolve around himself
>there is an unironic poe 2 shill pretending to have played poo2 slop
Is there a scarab recipe or some way of changing these useless fuckers in SSF?
It would be worth sending 50m to Karui ports if you get guaranteed Journey Tattoos but you don’t
Thank you for using your development disabilities for a good cause
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Nice, only took 8 tries

So he's a self-aware retard?
Energy shield builds are for faggots
Druid has been showcased so I'm assuming it to be in EA but I wonder about the ones that haven't been shown yet. I got a hunch that shadow, templar, duelist and marauder are unfinished and won't be in.
me too
after getting 100 divs from a 50mil shipment I kind of lost motivation to play
it'd take me so much grinding to make that much when I can just try to upgrade my farm to all 10s and let my plants do all of the work
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PURE armour and life builds are the gigachad builds, energy shield are for troon faggots
fuckign respecced my faggot chieftain to a slam jugg and its destroying bosses
>I got a hunch that shadow, templar, duelist and marauder are unfinished and won't be in.
I think Johnathan already said that all the classes won't be in. plus that the classes won't necessarily start with 3 ascendencies available.
We haven't seen them properly yet but Shadow is focusing on traps/mines as a weapon, Templar is flails/greatshields (both in beta) and Duelist is swords. Marauder is the only class I don't think they've got an identity for given that Warrior already uses maces and axes.
>read through the thread
>find out bane of legends makes you immune to reflected physical damage
>this entire time my character could do physical reflect maps but I had it crossed off in my regex
man I missed out on so much free quantity
3 of same type for a random scarab
>str/dex shield
>energy shield builds
You literally have 80IQ.
ya i might not be smart, i just smash warcries and BONK bosses but at least im not wearing some gay faggot robes and shields like a fucking pussy
alright bros hows my t17 map drop rat maxxing and gold farming atlas looking?
with torment scarabs and map crafting option and some magic pack and escalation I'm getting a decent rate of t17s and a lot of gold
I can't think of any other way to shove in more monsters into the map but maybe someone here knows a better way since I feel like I spread out too wide for ritual altars
no, the marauder uses Axes. whirlwind is confirmed to be an axe skill.
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>got t1 fractured mana profane wand from ritual
is low tier maps essence farming still a thing? i remember it getting nerfed
or is fossil crafting a thing for ice nova build?
i think i would like to try farming ritual.
whats the play? legion i know, what else?
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my favorite beach layout
your fault for picking beach instead of something good like city square
yer mum's me favorite beach layout m8
Necromancers and minions were very good in blight league because blight league buffed necromancer and minions. To pay for this crime necromancer and minions have been nerfed every league since. Hope this brief history answers your question.
False, minions were very strong in multiple leagues after blight and were in fact meta
>is low tier maps essence farming still a thing?
Yellow maps is the minimum now. still profitable but buyer are asking for 20div minimum for 100% of the value
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It's kind of petty but I wish you could tell at a glance which is the inheriting and which is the inherited
Wait I forgot about the memory trick
I guess there's no way to guarantee which map it ends on right?
minion cucks love acting like victims and tend to forget about a few certain builds and the damage they've done to this game
>Maximum amount of memories on Atlas
Hey fuck you
>Minions were meta because Poison SRS was the only minion build that could do sanctum.
Disingenuous nigger.
yeah spectres and golems were meme builds that no one played, only time when minions were good was the baron zombie in blight right?
usurpers pennace
rogue exiles are good for vessel food. same with delirium bosses
glacier, as well as being the best money map, also lets you get juicy vessels when the ritual spawns at the boss
but honestly, don't fucking bother. ive tried running it for dozens if not hundreds of hours. at best you'll get a divine orb every dozen maps or so. usually you'll only get 2-10c per map from it, and that's WITH all the scarabs; 2 of selectiveness, 2 of abundance
it's a lottery mechanic, sometimes you get a mirror shard or awakened enlighten support, 99% of the time you don't
>running vessel-less ritual
holy retard
2x abundance is overkill
run 2x selectiveness, 1x abundance and 2x filled vessels
you are genuinely wasting your time if you are not at least running a single blood vessel if you are exclusively farming ritual and NOT the titanic strat
why the fuck would you ever use 2 vessels. you can barely spend all the points with just 1
i run 2 selectiveness + 2 abundance + 1 vessel. and i still only get 2c-10c per map because most items in ritual altars are bloat. especially with all the fucking spectres
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I believe in PoE2 because after having watched a lot of the interviews GGG genuinely are taking and old school development approach to the game where they're not afraid to make massive changes in a short period of time, redo and retool entire bosses, change entire systems, and just try random shit without seeking approval through a 20 step process. Modern game development is so tepid and full of pansies who have to ask their bosses for permission to begin the process of scheduling a meeting to discuss a vote on possibly changing the color of a flag. Meanwhile you have Mark coding entire hidden quests and not telling Johnathan, or them deciding to just fucking change how leveling gems works and not caring about how they already did work on the old system. That kinda shit can actually lead to a great game. I was pretty surprised by just how their development actually worked based on everything they were saying in interviews. Seems like an insular team in NZ that isn't filled with "diversity" can actually get shit done.
getting conflicting info here
oh well
ill do anarchy on map device 2 abundance 2 selectivenss, 1 vessel (when i have one, how are you supposed to sustain when you cant make them in maps you use them in)
>Meanwhile you have Mark coding entire hidden quests and not telling Johnathan
You are being marketed to. I liked that interview too, but just good to keep that in mind and manage expectations.
You can make your own using Rogue Exile atlas on Glacier but I just buy them in bulk from TFT
A team like this has its own problems, though.
I think they said that one of the reasons T17s were so overtuned in Necropolis was because at one point during dev, they decided to increase T17 monster HP, and two guys went on to do it without knowing that the other guy did it, making the increase 2x of what it was first intended to be.
Oh, I firmly and sincerely believe that the November 15th release will be a shit show. It is gonna be buggy, it is gonna have constant server issues, it is gonna have problems. I just also think that when it actually releases it will probably be a fantastic game.
>you can barely spend all the points with just 1
skill issue
if you aren't getting 18~25k minimum on your boosted rituals then you are doing something very wrong
apart from the wild rogue exiles, glacier bosses and ritual natural packs, the vessels themselves should also come with unique monsters so it's very hard for you to not have enough tribute
you are not supposed to fill your vessels with random trash, only save them and fill them up with juicy exiles or bosses
>especially with all the fucking spectres
so you are telling me you are getting nameless rituals but you dont get the 100c invitations? kek
no it's very fucking well studied that injecting lead into your skin causes cancer why do retards keep writing on themselves
how can i do this to ensure i catch cancer right away? please?
empty vessels are like 10c a pop, you can get like 10~15 for a div, or you can get them prefilled from >TFT
do some runs with anarchy scarabs instead of vessels and fill your vessels with exiles and bosses, dont waste vessels on non-unique rituals
make sure you have the bodyguard + 20 exile chance nodes
having more than one abundance is placebo, you want quality, not quantity. That's why you use 2x vessels
2x vessels pretty much guarantees every synth item you get has at least two implicits plus higher tier and rarer ones
>finally do the big dick t17 ambush strat
>it's extremely inconsistent
anyone have some decent alternatives? i know you can win big on ambush but i'd like more consistency
want consistency? do it 9999 more times
fair point heh
>if you aren't getting 18~25k minimum on your boosted rituals then you are doing something very wrong
you're actually braindead. i was getting 15-20k with a single vessel, but what's the fucking point when there's nothing to spend it on. absolute fucking nonce
>so you are telling me you are getting nameless rituals but you dont get the 100c invitations? kek
if you actually ran ritual you'd know that spectres appear outside of nameless altars. and they tend to shit up the item pools quite a lot, actually
what a dogshit is
Tips for first time SSF?
do pantheon + nemeses + mirrored rares, it's consistent and low investment. Just need to roll your maps to have 90%+ more scarabs
why is non-t17 ambush considered not worth it when strongboxes aren't affected by modifiers to the map?
>if you actually ran ritual you'd know that spectres appear outside of nameless altars. and they tend to shit up the item pools quite a lot, actually
so do the invitations and they are fairly common
I've been running ritual since before you were ever born
>you're actually braindead. i was getting 15-20k with a single vessel, but what's the fucking point when there's nothing to spend it on. absolute fucking nonce
see above
>you are genuinely wasting your time if you are not at least running two blood vessels
Maybe you should just listen to advice instead of pretending you know everything
true, true, i concede
I love bleed spectral shield throw so much
It's consistent in a smaller sample size if you actually roll the strongboxes too
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builds for this feel?
RF, no fire trap
because on top of the strongboxes, the mobs also drop items and with a good enough currency/scarab roll, as long as you keep getting lucky with reopening, you'll get tinks sooner or later
>rerolling +40 strongboxes
that sounds grim
what kind of rolls are we looking for?
Better learn how to craft budget gear, without all the crutches.
Regular (NOT crop rotation) harvest is probably the most consistent one, but it doesn't benefit as much from T17 maps as other strategies.
It's also boring as fuck.
Is wealthy exile retarded?
Why is it pricing gems at 2 co?
Why are simulacrums only 15c?
ground loot buffed too much
because the only thing worth a damn is Voices, everything else is a currency loss compared to just mapping

still good for xp though
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Because 90% of all gem listings this point of the league are quality gems in 2c dump tabs
Eh, it's less annoying than rolling T17s in my hideout all day to get the additional rares mod with +100% more scarabs. If you're going for scarabs then
>guarded by 3 additional rare monsters or stream of monsters
>drops 3 additional Ambush/your scarab of choice
I'd just roll with alts instead of chaos if I'm feeling cheap
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Is this bugged? It reduces my life instead of increasing it.
I'm using it on a 20% qual apostate, not sure what kind of interaction is happening here.
finally made a bossing build(only just hit level 80)
its actually fun when you have a build that can do it and doesnt have to dance around the arena for 10 minutes.
thanks for reading my blog :)
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when did beach get this bad?
cuz it only exists to make insecure retards feel better about themselves
that bricks your 15% life mastery anon
dude they've been fucking with the game like faggots for over a decade. I wish this company was more hands off. I would do anything for a decent offline emulator- I'd never touch their servers again...
return to strand
I strand'd my face off last league with allflame b2bmaxxing/boxmaxxing
there was a ground with inside access reverse engineering 2.6 a few years ago but i think the tencent assassins got them
nah I'd rather have maps with more than 5 packs
kill yourself you crack addicted hyper-retarded gorilla nigger
>reddit buzzwords
you don't belong here.
Neither does someone who's obsessed with reddit. Fuck off somewhere else faggot
Lookout is the least worse
oh yeah, he's fucked...
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how do you get shit like this from betrayal?
at least in a year or so they're going to be too busy dildoing themselves with poe2 to fuck with the actual game anymore.
Weapons are in the beta but none of the skills. Or did they add flail/trap skills?
i'm glad you're that hopeful
when i gaze at the stars with wide eyes and a gaped ass i know there's good somewhere in chris' heart
Thanks, completely forgot about that because I haven't swapped armours in ages, I'm a retard.
they didn't add them, or daggers which are also in the beta. I don't think we're going to get the Shadow or Templar in nov.
my name is Tevin
it's an old name from old afrika
>spend 300K gold
>1 tier 10 farmer and 1 tier 10 sailor
I'm only missing one more T10 farmer and I'm pretty sure I've spent over a million gold in the past week trying to get that dude
my name is Anferny
it's an old name from old afrika
People dont want bans. Also there are hidden shit in screenshots etc that can reveal who is leaking. Also most stuff is on youtube already
Gravicious in Transportation
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>he hasn't gotten his portal yet
can someone in HC trade please tell me how much amerlieon omens are worth in the black market?
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why? I want to know how much it costs for shits and giggles compared to something like omen of death dancing
it'd be funny if someone was gathering them as a collector item
it's ok guys, he isn't actually retarded. he was only pretending.
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I just scammed some retard who wanted 20 power runes, i gave 20 mountain runes.
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>>he hasn't gotten his portal yet
>my healing flask was always on the 2nd slot
>get mageblood after 300 hours of play time
>whenever I'm low on health muscle memory presses 2
>die multiple times because I can't get used to pressing 1 instead of 2
I'm suffering from success bros
also mageblood in general just sucks
>missclick somewhere
>you move so fast it's impossible to click back without going all the way
>no satisfying mini bars constantly refilling when you kill cool mobs
>no cool factor potion chugging before big boss fights
>your flasks have a lame wooden chair bottom instead of a cool twisty top
>you're paying to play the game less (less buttons to press)
>can't use cool unique flasks anymore just generic ones
I fell for the meme
based portal haver
and then everyone clapped?
Just create a character and check price
inshallah he will be banned for such an offence alhamdulillah
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Scion MTX where her breasts scale with aura effect and her ass/hips scale with mana reservation efficiency.
I just bought my first MB, I didn't need it but it's a funny item
I'm faster now but I lost damage
wow this certainly won't debase your character and your pathetic attempts to reach for anything good in your life.
ranger mtx where visible stink lines emanate from her feet and pits and they get longer scaling with ms
yeah I lost half of my dps too but I guess it's good for clearing maps really fast now
why dnot you just go jerk off to porn, dude
is there a trick to getting a ritual altar to spawn in the boss room on glacier
ive done 30 maps now with 0 in boss room
>Player can check item with his eyes
>Player can check item with his mouse
>Player can't accept an exchange without checking that it is the right item.
Scams should be allowed
Anyone still fracture farming with pic related at this point? Looking for a different farm from Ulti, Ritual and Harvest right now
and to be fair now that I think about it I've been getting fat stacks of gold (30K per t16 map that I can clear under few minutes) as well with the juiced up gold flask so it's not that bad after all
LA or ele hit for some bow herald of ice boom boom gameplay?
>wasting chest slot on that piece of shit because youre too lazy to pick up an ID the occasional frac blue
kek what the fuck
Why do you need an altar in the boss room?
for all the juicy uniques for bonus favor and for blood filleds?
>he doesn't know about goats blood filled
i know you are
i know you are
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??? you can force them to drop blue
he's a retard
Yes, I don't know. What is it?
rog, nuff said
there's no way, power runes glow unlike every other rune
if real then he must've been really fucking blind
>there's no way, power runes glow unlike every other rune
>if real then he must've been really fucking blind
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do i need to 3* him and have everyone connected to him at 3*s? because anytime i have a 3* person below the witch bitch tenctale woman thingy forgot her name i just get shitty drops like scarabs and what not is there a specific person on each of the safehouses i should get to have a higher rarity drop pool?

im new to the mechanic and game somewhat started during crucible/tota
Yeah the weapons have been in since forever but no skills in sight. Shame because templar stuff and traps were some of the stuff I was most looking forward to.
Why is my Ritual Altar laughing?
why do people play garbage "games" like this?
i dont i just find the gif funny
it saw your build
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i find the green npc text in conjunction with the schizo rants completes the meme even further
if you dont scam from an alt account, while trading over through the guild tab you play the game wrong
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Anyone who has any rank whatsoever gets their own upgraded reward room after Catarina is dead. Connections don't play a part in rewards at all.
What I mean by upgraded is:
>In regular Safehouses, rewards rooms are equal to the level of the immortals in that division. So a level 2 Tora spawns a level 2 Tora reward room in safehouse.
>In the Mastermind's Lair, it's different, everyone's reward is +1 to their rank. A level 2 Tora now spawns a level 3 Tora reward room.
So getting Gravicious to lvl 3 (aka. Captain) in Transportation will create a lvl 4 room with TWO good chests, each with a complete stack of div cards.
Leadership doesn't matter at the final quest reward, if Gravicious is getting ranked down it's probably because you're making him Transportation leader and then interrogating him for Catarina intel.
Also if you're getting Scarabs, it's because those are the rewards for Intervention (The guys that jump you). It's all Scarabs there, a great source of them, too.)
Just got random labirint in my map, finished it, got offering.
Do i need 1 or 6 to enter final lab?
How hard will it be? any good loot?
Why is nobody on poe trade selling it?
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i like him
he based
It's 1 offering per Eternal Lab run.
idk why they do the 6/6 map trials thing anymore, they got rid of that requirement a long time ago.
Each trial just gives you an offering, same one every time.
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its on the auction house retard
thank you anon this is very insightful, i will attempt the gravicious on lvl 3 in transportation, last question what if i have a lvl3 on another safehouse for example intelligence? would that then stop div card rewards from gravicious?
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Tell him to chill, it's almost weekend
>synth map
>its completely full of those helicopter blade teleporting things
>an entire pack teleports to your location from offscreen before you can even see them properly
>they attack instantly
>have to slowly crawl around the map literally 1 step at a time attacking constantly so you can kill them as soon as they jump on you
fucking cancer. should have just binned the map.
Intelligence? You mean Intervention?
There are 4 syndicate divisions:
But to answer your question, no, other divisions don't interfere with end rewards. Everyone who has rank gets their upgraded reward rooms at the end.
I should note that completing a Safehouse and interrogating the leader will reset ALL ranks in that division.
So if all you care about is Transportation, you can just ignore Transportation safehouses and focus on getting intel from the other ones, that way Gravicious never gets reset once you get him in Transportation.
post some map blasting tunes
>rambles on and on towards the end
>video cuts off mid sentence
>*kills u*
open rp
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this fuckin abomination bitch nigger trio is retarded and i refuse to read a guide, finna just tank that shit its like fuckin i dont know that loli bullet hell game if the map has increased aoe + extra proj
>Intelligence? You mean Intervention?
yeah my bad
>doesnt affect, interrogate resets ranks
alright thats great thanks desu
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guide? how can you even put out a guide when there is 4 bosses all doing screen sized AOE attacks, its basically tank it or die its not very good and needs to be replaced
>all those SISAs
the year of the gf is near
just don't roll inc aoe unless you can tank it lol
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>video named path of exile 2 recap
>doesn't actually have any info, just clips of people at gamescom, they didn't even put up the nov 15 date
she cute
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i just found out about this why dont people use this?
amulet has a lot of competition, people do use it
They do, but amulets are kinda busted. Something like aul's uprising can give an extra aura for free along with a bunch of other stuff, is that worth an extra link? Aul's isn't even the most op ammy.
i'm burned out
what's a fun build I can play that can just mindlessly blast some maps with interesting interactions
>2024/08/29 03:11:27 9933703 cfg94498 [INFO Client 10292] @From : You have been muted for 400 hours and 0 minutes due to the following statement "autist" as this breaches our Code of Conduct. If you have any questions about our in game chat rules, or anything else, please contact support@grindinggear.com
witch mtx where your feet get bigger the more summons you have out
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He's so fucking cool...
rebind flask keys, retard
Do you people really jack off to this shit? It's so cartoonishly sexed up that it's not even attractive anymore. It feels like comedy.
>you're paying to play the game less (less buttons to press)
Ruthless confirmed for most cost-effective mode.
it's for people who are heavily desensitized and need that degree of exaggeration.
have you used the internet for a sum total of 10 minutes
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bfr what the fuck
How do you do this?
because getting res is pretty easy
and without the appeal of the res the high price makes it pretty worthless
also the added support is trash
better to use The Squire and a one handed weapon that has "socketed gems supported by x" which can easily make a 8link gem which is 1 better than what this amulet can provide, also leaving the amulet open for something like Ashes of the Stars which could make all of those gems in that 8 link be 53% quality
and if you think about it like that, uul's is pretty garbage.

like maybe if the res was 30-75 and gave it +1 level to all gems socketed in body armour it would be worth considering.
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you think you got it bad...
CUTE! <3
God helps those who help themselves anon.
>Normal enemies take 1 Arc
>Blue enemies take 2 Arc's
>Yellow enemies take 50 because they have a 75% chance to spawn as lightning resist since I'm playing a lightning character

Thanks Chris.
>obviously some video screenshot
>it's a secret!
help me by shooting yourself in the face
why are you not playing inquisitor
uhh your lighting penetration?
>everything needed to look it up was already posted
>jungle ryan is making fun of other content creators again
how long until this nigga gets banned for being toxic lmao
I wouldn't mind it if he gets banned, he needs to stay in his lane
guise, stopped playing a few weeks back.
did they fix the amount of gold to make shit happens in the town?
im gonna jakgape so wide if he gets banned bros. i just love praying on other people's downfall. let's circlejerk how much we hate him and call him the toxic one. AIDs ridden retard ape brained gorilla niggers.
since PoE2 is going to slowly release their previous leagues into the game i wonder if they will re-release the challenge rewards but update them? im pissed i missed out on the ultimatum challenge mtx helmet and portal


why do i think they will slowly release them again in leagues? poe2 is for new people they will just update and change the mechanics so its unique enough for poe2
lol mageblood noobs. you can leave life flask at #2. mageblood reads, 4 magic utility, it doesn't care where unless you have more than 4
bold prediction: josh will finish 2025 as a top 10 PoE2 player worldwide
I just found out Chris stepped down as game director because he was diagnosed with Groats Disease… I kinda feel bad for him now
Poor guy
So what happened to current league mechanics having passives?
They did it with Necropolis then not for Settlers? Why?
eldrich implicits are way better than 20% melee dmg right?
how the fuck do people get 25m dust to go along with their shipments?
Please give the context for this shit. Is she offering up her butthole to whoever saves her?
It’s the dumb Nikke gachashit game
The entire game is about spending money to roll for these animated GIFs of girls wagging their asses
And then you get a generic “bigger number, number not big enough to win spend more for bigger number” animation in the background
The gookspammer is trans
It's absolute fucking retards who pay divines for t0s. Just ignore them. I dump all filtered uniques and rings/ammys and I only end up with ~10 million dust by the time I get 50 million total value.
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Dunno but he's been pretty based lately.
Kenny, JGWentworth aka the guy with the <BEER> guild tag that you and your simps hate has been skin trasferring headhunters onto headhunters before you even heard of this game lol
If you don't know just say so this is embarrassing
>name dropping your own name to try and sound cool
Lame fag
Go to another general or adopt a trip please
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Shut the fuck up Garga, shut the fuck up
Uh oh
Melty in progress?
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You are a fucking retard Guam, a fucking retarded faggot
alright i wanna try LS, should i do slayer or warden?
150d budget
just upgraded to a 5800x3D and a 7900gre bros
can't wait to play poe2 at 15fps
havent heard those names in a while
>blacklisted build creators
>stupid chink nigger is shilling a stance swapping build
yeah ok
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>GGG is le based! PoE2 will never be wok-AACK!
Yes. But remember, majority of Warden's DPS come from properly rolled tinctures that are like 10ish divs alone.
>woke is the things I don't like
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Based or cringe?
All poe """"content creators"""" are cringe, it's unavoidable
Recently, he's pure cringe
why is gilded chalice 3+ div? are people really consistently hitting multiple duplications?
i've been running sanctum with 10 additional merchant options and i would be losing a lot of money if i added a chalice every run.
What changed?
Based jungle
Hes pretty based, doomers can't stand him
So pretty much all of /poeg/ can't stand him?
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Why is JGWentworth so based?
Last league had terrible player retention and Alk blamed the players for not being able to adapt. In his eyes GGG basically can do no wrong.
Doomer here and Alk stan. What are you going to do about it?
necropolis might've been the worst league to date
keep sucking on his and bfr cock you massive fucking shill
I did say "pretty much". Though worth asking I suppose, as a doomer does it not bother you that Alk never points out the various flaws of the game and almost exclusively blames the players? He really just comes off as a huge shill.
/poeg/ doesn't like him cause he quit Last Epoch after 3 days
fyi: that schizo keep reporting people in our global
JG is in 773 nowadays
yep, forced ssf
got the list?
worst global ive ever been in, global 1 is friendlier and more helpful
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i hit 100 for the very first time
There are different things
He played PoE2 and he never stops bragging about it
He's very pessimistic because Ben_ mindbroke him in Gauntlets
He plays the same build in EVERY fucking game
He's a Quin orbiter
When he plays Dark Souls, he always acts like it's his very first time and he's discovering the game even though he's finished it multiple times on stream
His jokes have got old
All those are good things
Exp farming strategy? I don't like the Breach strat I'm using atm
yeah probably did the same thing, breaches with evolution shrines. i hated it but it was working. my wrist is killing me
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heckin cute and valid
It's those petrified amber guys that went to a random ore.
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Ah yes, the Act 3 experience
But why does this rightwing incel keep posting the same exact girl all league? Is there something funny about her besides the fact that she is the only terrified character in the gachaslop?
How do? I love fractured stuffs.
Imbued Anarchy
I get angry just looking at POE1. December can't come soon enough
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Predictive network model is perfectly playable and desync is completely fixed BTW
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making RF jugg.

I just wanna stack health and simple damage/armor.
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just go chieftain man
Even on like 9ms I still prefer Predictive even though it sucks
holy shit a mirror
>he didn't /oos after hopping out of the ice wall
chieftain just makes the build worse and gear more complicated
>memory fragment
>slap it on the map
>realize it's niko
>would have to do niko's "mini"-quest to unlock him
Is there any way to remove a fragment once it's been placed or am I stuck with this stain on my atlas for the rest of the league?
But is going to the mine for 3 minutes a big deal. You don't have to do the quest just the first node.
I hate delve with a passion.
Yeah mageblood sucks. I always do buy one though to put in my stash to link in global when people are showing off their mb
pohx recommends chief over jugg its probably why the anon recommended it
and thats why i recommend not doing it
>he still presses flask buttons
The fact that "Use when charges reach full" is a fucking enchant and not just a checkbox you tick on a flask slot is insulting.
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man.... wtf
I could have really used one of these too haven't got elreon yet
Can maps go >20 quality with shit like strongbox mods?
Alright lads, going to do my own build for the first time ever because following build guides is getting boring. Wish me luck. I'm doing poison high-crit ranger so far, but I'm just playing by ear so maybe that'll change. I read on the wiki you can't apply poison more than once per hit so I guess I'm better off doing quick-firing skills or with lots of projectiles, maybe rain of arrows.
you're going to end up subconsciously copying the build because you're already tainted
>Rituals showed up in the Glacier boss room like 4/10 times the past few days
>showed up 8/10 times in Abommy boss room when I just wanted some i86 Ritual bases
As well as Archnemesis quality
>I read on the wiki you can't apply poison more than once per hit
As far as I'm aware poison stacks infinitely so yeah applying "max" stacks in a single hit would be pretty broken.
If you can get 100% crit chance then you could look into Perfect Agony and scale the shit out of crit multi instead of dot multi.
jugg completely stomps chieftain early/late
its more even in the middle but chief still loses hard in survival and recovery due to how many stats they have to sacrifice to deal with things jugg ignores
90 town slots is so limiting when have to to keep backups of R9/10 sailors/mappers
do not believe RF Jugg lies, chieftain is a much better experience even if the maxxed out version is weaker
You solve your boss clear with the resist node without having to do gay curse shit and you get based explodes
then go jugg i didnt know that
grind josh grind
>much better experience
>every rf thread is how squishy chieftain is
maven boots
>resist node
ok have fun losing a fuckton of damage by not being able to triple curse + inflict exposure
>maven boots instead of perma adrenaline 500% life explode ignite prolif
hmm, gay
>running Rogue Exiles with a chaos build
>life as extra es mod
looks like most of these faggots are using Coruscating Elixir
dont care still clears the same speed
faster because jugg has unstoppable
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all I'm hearing is you like to be gay and slow, which is fine i'm not prejudice
cant rmt in there bro
I lose all interest in crafting shit if it involves more than a couple dozen resonator rolls. Wish GGG would streamline fossil crafting somehow
Can my mappers stop dying to 1% please
>If you can get 100% crit chance then you could look into Perfect Agony and scale the shit out of crit multi instead of dot multi.
If I'm not happy with how poison's turning out, I might keep that in mind for a big respec when I get to endgame, still in Act 2 for now.

Maybe, but I don't think I've looked at a ranger poison build before so I should be fairly safe from that. One thing I've noticed doing your own thing is skill gems are much more fun to think about. Instead of scanning the list for the specific one for a build and ignoring everything else, I'm looking at each gem and thinking about how it'd affect my build and how much fun it'd add using it. Really adds a lot of satisfaction to the game you miss with build guides.
What's the hp of the bama clones?
can you make actual money if you do sanctum stuff?
like big boy money not RNG reliant 2-5 divs per hour like regular mapping
also should I set up my gear for maximum damage or survival? is full curse immunity useful in sanctum?
Sanctum is very consistent and fast, yeah.
Do max damage. The only dangerous part is Lycia. Mostly. Some 50% inc damage monsters can be mean.
First phase CAN one-shot you if you get unlucky / are in a bad position, but generally it's not an issue.
Second phase can be DPS'd down before she does the wave attack. If you can't kill her before wave then increase your damage until you can.
Yeah don't tell him one mistake means all 20 minutes is gone. Don't tell him invisible shit hurts you and can take half your hp that's gone for rest of the run. Don't tell him 0.5s of a bad decision of where to run and you step back monsters take half your hp
Relics solve all those problems.
You use relics to see rooms
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RF is quite potent my poo egg brothers
You consistently make around 1-3 div each run which take 20-40 minutes depending on how good you are and both the time and rewards can be optimized when you know what you are doing. If you are lucky you can get a mirror or Original Sin.
>should I set up my gear for maximum damage or survival?
Ranged damage and movement speed. 1.6k unreserved life, 1.7k ES with Eldritch battery, MoM and petrified blood is all the survival I need.
That's what makes the whole thing fun. The only thing I've tried that feels similar was doing Ultimatum, though that very much depends on your build just being good enough to handle it without making it too easy.
is there anything useful I can do with my non favored t16 maps?
I really don't want to sell them since they're not worth that much but they're filling my map stash and having to throw them away or store them one by one is annoying
I wish there was a vendor recipe or something to bulk convert trash maps into chisels or anything else that's useful
feed them to your mappers
I just filter them out desu.
my mappers already feast on the corrupted maps I can't do they don't need a whole stash tab of yellow maps unfortunately
I might as well it's getting annoying to not click on every t16 map drop
no mage blood?
it's a downgrade for my build
Whys that?
>1-3 div
Half my runs don't have a div in any of the paths. Why are you lying?
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>first league
>late start but actually getting addicted for 3 straight weeks
>stop playing for a week due to familial visits
>back now
>all excitement gone
What do? Should I do SSF?
8/8 Ruthless
1. I'm a Chieftain, so capping resists is not an issue
2. I'm using Balbala 3 flask tech to permanently sustain Coruscating Elixir
3. Hunter belt adds a fuck ton of stats and life/es, whereas mageblood adds nothing of value
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So uhh... If I deal fire damage, the chance to ignite comes from the chance to crit since crits = 100% ignite right? If I get Resolute/Precise Technique, I can't ignite anymore? Or is there some hidden default chance to ignite when you deal fire damage?
Criting guarantees ailments.
>Resolute/Precise Technique
You can't crit so you shouldn't be getting ailments from crits.
You can also get chance to ignite on hit, check the gem you're using it might have a base ignite percentage.
You can get chance to ignite from gear/gems/passives, it's 0 by default
New build.
Ok then I'm not misunderstanding.
I wasn't sure if it was 0% because the wiki says "Hits ignite when they combine a chance to ignite with damage capable of igniting." lead me to believe just dealing fire dmg has a chance to ignite. I think it just means the chance to ignite only activates when you deal fire dmg, since it lists some items/buff that are able to bypass that limitation.
Thanks bros, looks like I was overthinking it when I read it.
>the wiki says "Hits ignite when they combine a chance to ignite with damage capable of igniting." lead me to believe just dealing fire dmg has a chance to ignite
That's just saying you can't ignite without fire damage (exceptions aside).
cry more, lil reddit bitch
how the fuck do you scam? its an exchange, you post a buy/sell order and someone takes it. how the fuck is that a scam?
>400 hours for autist
>meanwhile i get 10 minutes for retard
sit down, kid
I wouldn't call it a scam but you can definitely exploit people who don't really understand how the exchange works if the markets right.
Most people just put their item in and take whatever ratio it offers, so if there's a large difference between the current buy/sell orders you can slide in and get stuff for a substantial discount/sell for a markup
i did that as well during league start and i was flipping between exchange and the trade site. that's not scamming thoughever.
you obviously don't have 10 years of mutes adding up on your account
The in game currency market is a sellers market.
You can often sell anything for 50% more then using trade, comes with gold cost.
If you want to buy something will chaos/div it will probably be ~50% cheaper to use poe trade.
>haven't checked trade for a few days since doing challenges
>check trade now
>mb price tanked

wtf happened?
yes cause i'm a good boy and GGG knows.
how much is mb now? i ain't buying it if it's over 200 still
>multiplayer game
>I'm such a snowflake I play it singleplayer by myself
>it's not because I don't have any friends it's by choice I swear
lol at least you're embracing being a loser
>talking about es in sanctum
Back up, does es help with survival or some shit? Surely it is ignored and hits still get you and knock down your bar right?
league is over, 36-40/40 completed.
Standard+ until PoE2 or whatever.
fuck off with your newfag reddit crybaby shit fucking 10 year old site war retard
extremely cringe
putting vitiligo into games wasnt a thing before woke
he is right though
anon it's time to let go
it's not healthy to cling to dead things you have to eventually move on and find greener pasture
>say wrongthink
>become ssf anyways
SSF is more interesting. It changes the economics of the game and you have to be more thoughtful when gearing/planning/crafting etc. It adds a whole dimension of the game that "DUUUURRR NEED .7 MORE DIV" completely destroys.
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It's over for me. I quite literally cannot play anymore as my stash is maxed out lol
What the fuck do you think woke means? Are you genuinely retarded?
economy changes, chase items like mb get cheaper for loss of chase.
Are you okay anon?
put t16 into map device, put in some fucken extra shrine and extra pack scarabs, walk out with 20k gold
based and true
Is it even meant to be vitiligo?
The dots on her cheeks/forehead look like ornaments and the brown is in neat streaks as if it was painted on
>multi-player game
stopped reading. you don't even play the game and you're just trolling for responses
>site war
It's more than a site war. Reddit is a cancerous pit that cultivates nothing but false consensus through a litany of moderation including explicit and user-swayed. It's pure cancer. Pure fucking aids. Circlejerking retardation. I'd rather be burned alive than be a redditor- than be complacent in such a system.
You maybe right, i'm st 32/40 now and might quit soon before buying an mb (mb isn't even good on my 2 builds)
Suggest an SSF-friendly build. I'm gonna do it for the sake of learning and funTM.
>I don't have any friends to play this game with so it's not multiplayer
>a game designed around trading with other players is not multiplayer
let me guess you think runescape is also a singleplayer game because it has ironman mode?
you friendless autists are a different kind of delusional breed lmao
slam jugg
if you need me to explain what woke is to you you are the genuinely retarded one
why are you hoarding garbage
>white maps
nigga what is u doing
Slam chief
That shit happens every league. If you had to get one chase unique ASAP it’s OS cause you can just get Nimis or MB cheaper later on if your build doesn’t need it anyway
And 4ch isn't a cancerous pit? Proving the point you're a 10 year old site war kiddie jumping on the bandwagon of whatever contrarian retard you follow. You alone are the example. Shut the fuck up fucking dumb ass child you must be 18 to post here
>muh muh muh friends
>muh friends though
>get friends incel
>friends? friends.
>where are your friends?
>play with your friends already....
>>no friends
Retards like you are what make ssf so comfy.
shut the fuck up retard
*crushes your skull in my palm*
anything that doesnt need t1-t0 unique to even function
LMAO this nigga carried because he can't do any content dumb ass won't do white maps without a full party
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holy mother of cope I can tell you were fighting tears while you were writing this
did I hit a nerve? LOOOOL
>t. does act 1 with 3 people and still dies
>frogposter can't change up any of her mannerisms and shits herself when made fun of again
Yeah that's on track
is frogposter in the room with us right now?
>get made fun of
You wouldn't have replied if it wasn't you. No one else would care or understand what I meant. You just played yourself
what it looks like is more important than whats it meant to be, nobody peers into the mind of the artist, its up to them to make something that looks good to the audience and isnt confused with something negative

source: when russian automobile maker was named zhiguli, their cars would sell in italy so they renamed to lada, as zhiguli sounded like gigolo to italians and made them avoid the brand

so if something looks like vitiligo it makes me cringe regardless of what it was meant to be in the head of creator
>literally seething after being made fun of for being a loser who has to play multiplayer games alone
>y-y-y-you're being made fun of all along
it's okay you'll die alone in real life too and get to keep your ssf virginity just like in your video games roflmao
Some of them were still unfinished. Still clearing my atlas but I need to wait now until stash sale because the full prices on the map tab for example are a bit ridiculous
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Everyone spazzing about "end of league prices"
this will all, again.
pure reddit
>end of league
We still have 2-3 months.
More please
What xp/h should I be getting solo? I'm currently getting about 140m doing breaches/beyond and it feels very slow.
this us 4chuds were always friendless losers
this is /losergeneral/ pal get out of here if you're not a basement dwelling loser with no friends and zero basic hygiene
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the scars from what blinded her
you're not even discussing anything. you're just raging and telling people to make friends. are you superior at the game compared to someone who trades with no one because you have 3 people in your social tab?
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>reddit is cancer
and this shit isn't?
seriously I feel like I'm just laughing at the kid who shit his pants in class it's just getting weird now
>I'm superior because I don't trade with anyone and have no friends
>the same doesn't apply to you though I'm different just because I said so
>meanwhile being a friendless loser takes zero effort and is the default state of being a loser
you're delusional go and touch some grass man
>what is cell division
they might not be worth that much but if u drop them into like 3c quad tab, bulk buyers will eventually seek you out to buy many at time, so that might be interesting to you, idk
you can have less than 10 miners/smelters i hear
>having random people in social tab == knowing mechanics enough to ssf
you have no knowledge of the weights or measures of things. no awareness of value. average tradefag. also I'm allergic to grass.
Yeah I have 5/5 each. I've just started replacing my R9 sailors with R10. They're pretty common and I only send ~4.5 mil shipments anyways
wait until you find a yellow corrupted belt with mageblood or headhunter skin
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How do people even die to this attack? like. just run straight out? i dont get it
Is it true that Poe2 won't have people zooming and clearing maps in under a minute? How many leagues will this last?
they haven't shown maps or endgame yet
PoE 2 wants the Diablo 4 audience. Why can't y'all understand that? The game simply isn't for you, accept that.
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>Play trade like I always do
>Decide to go pseudo-ssf and not buy anything but only sell to see if I can hold my own
>Have fun slamming with shit gear
>Reach maps start struggling a bit but manageable
>Do lots of different league mechanics but mostly Expedition and Harvest because I like those
>Craft some decent stuff
>Reach Tier 16 and start doing bosses
>Drop 4 stacked decks
>Webm related
>Can just upgrade to beefier stuff if I want to, probably buy all the bis gear
Starting next league, I will never play trade again. It's so much more fun being shit and just having to find a way to make it work.
I haven't opened the game since I dropped that card a week ago, it really killed my desire to play the game.
Yea, Jonathan came to my house today and told me all about PoE2.
Diablo 4 doesn't have a specific audience
sometimes is not straight
>baby gets his first 30d card and thinks he can buy "bis" gear with it
aw how cute :)
it's so good to have friends. me and my friends talk about crafting and looting things off the ground every day... good times. it's important to me my friends don't say nigger or faggot.
Nah it ain't. Fuck the clingy retards who won't leave you alone and spam you with their shitty 100c drops
you have retarded problems
it fuckn better be
>100c drops
you mean divines?
It's why I said probably, the LITERAL bis is obviously mirror stuff.
I just like to play the actual game, don't think it's retarded.
Buy a mirror shard instead of gear and continue on
No, that's the bare minimum. You're playing melee so you'll need a Replica Alberon's (20d for the shittiest version) and then an Original Sin+Mageblood... which comes out at least 800d. That's just to get started.

But you did good with your 30d card! Such a growing little boy!
Don't worry, one day you'll shrug and laugh at 30d drops. But that day is not today.
I'll either throw it on harvest and try to dupe it or buy gear for something else I want to try. Hooked on other games right so who knows.
Bait used to be believable.
NEW >>492391058
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NEW >>492391058
NEW >>492391058
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>/poeg/ actually thinks 30 divines 2 months into a league is some sort of jackpot worth making a webm over
nothing under a mirror impresses me, but you do you, sister.
You sound kinda insecure desu
buy tabs if you enjoy the game ggg deserve it
You sound kinda secure desu
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>hasnt had a thread in sept yet
>Can just upgrade to beefier stuff if I want to, probably buy all the bis gear
You won't be clearing the most juiced maps available with the "bis" gear you can buy with that.
If you don't want to play, just don't, no need to pretend you somehow won. The game is now in a state where you can juice content to absurd levels, acting like 1 lucky drop lets you trivialize it only shows that you're not even willing to engage with the truly hard content.
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WOAH HECKING 30 DIV??????? PLZ SHARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I want to but not willing to pay the full price so I will just take a break from the game and buy them once they are on sale. Hoping I won't lose interest in the game by then I guess
>Hoping I won't lose interest in the game by then I guess
consdering it's like 2 weeks away, see ya

just throw away your garbage
If some people do juiced maps on SSF with gear that I currently have, I think it's safe to assume 30divs would let me be able to do those very easily since yea, I'm not the most experienced player.
Found some info on poedb and it says next sale should be next Friday.
Can't really throw away anything desu, 99% of everything is useful currencies and maps. I don't have a single gear piece in there lol
Don't forget to buy the $20 supporter pack if you don't already have it, iirc it's the same $ per currency but you get some bonus stuff.
Dunno, maybe you should try the build in a properly juiced atlas, get titanic, wildwood, delirium, explicit atlas passives, risk scarabs etc, titanic giant rogue exiles in ritual etc.
I think you're just picking alch'd 10% delirious and deciding that's "juiced" content when it's a pretty far cry.
Currency exchange is your friend. Liquidate into higher currencies. Run those unique maps for atlas points. Throw low-tier maps at the mappers.
I'll sell it, buy the upgrades and do those tomorrow then. If you want to give me a template for what's juiced then it'll be even better, as I said I'm not an experienced player.
Just look up titanic, glacier ritual or other strats on youtube.
Alright, I'll see how fucked it is then. Thanks.
Because it is slow. Removing the xp shrine was a dick move desu
Anything over 10divs even at the last day of the league is worth a webm.
technically it wasnt really a scam. he was literally forced to look at your items before he could accept the trade. he took a look and decided (for whatever reason) that he likes the deal. I would rather call it luck not scam. gz my man
you cant out-grind josh

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