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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Nagato META - 9/5
Plymouth Blueprint Completion Plan
Mutsuki and Ark Royal theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles - 9/5
Dunkerque, Exeter, Ibuki, Shiranui, Tashkent augments

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
3D dorm
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493267969
Bad Morning!
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Gib missiles
In 20 hours this image will be canon
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Hebe sexo
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Good morning!!!
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pollnigger for jp anni UR: https://poal.me/udv3vg

Current results
Any guides on PR7 gear? What's good, what's meta?
Imagine all the unfiltered, full force braps Musashi rips with her ass out like this...
Good morning
The UR plane is meta, the rest is sidegrades at best.
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please neck yourself already
gm sir
META, UR and Research ships can reach 120 even without MLB; you only need cog chips.
Though obviously they'll be weaker.
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Eh. Pretty much what I expected.
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Akagi Tsu in 5 days
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Lovely foxes
Lovely fox (not schizo like the rest)
will Hao ever return
Hao does the base design while Kurumi and the rest of the art group illustrate and touch them up.
Yes for Yamato, he'll give her his strongest Haoface and Haonatomy.
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I can still get the stats bonuses despite not limit breaking them right?
does anyone have the leaked portrait? looks like a phoenix?
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After Saru UR
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The Level 120 ship herself won't benefit from Fleet Tech unless she's MLB, but all your other ships will as long as *they* are MLB.
I would be unironically okay with this. Akagi and Kaga arguably defined a good chunk of jap visual identity, it only makes sense for him to draw the biggest fox and give her the sticcest legs.
Ponytail Veneto... very erotic
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tits too small
Surely she'll start getting more skins now that she is permanent starting this JP anni, I feel it in my tortelini
Good morning sir
Yea i meant other mlb ships will still get the stats bonus from a 120 meta ship right?
Ok thanks for the confirmation
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How many cubes?
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At the beginning of July there were about 3200
This is my woman.
Cute, but she has terrible clothes.
Oh well, you can afford it.
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Soyuz my beloved
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I want to impregnate these eyelashes.
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please be real
>anniversary art
guaranteed not coming any time soon
I fucking wish, it's just gonna be dish again
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Soyuz already has a dress so probably not
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Another UR BB/BC means another BB/BC powercreep.
Amagi Tsu is most likely a carrier
Amagi 2 is Unryuu-class carrier
I got you bro:
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No you retard, proof that Amagi II is going to be the Unryuu class version
Amagi's back!
*5 seconds later*
Amagi's dead!
of course it's the essexnigger
What was the best WW2 IJN carrier stats-wise (not achievement)?
Late war not converted ones of course
Because it exists, there's a precedent for it with Yorktown, Laffey etc and storywise it's more kino for Amagi to be reborn as a carrier, as she was meant to be.
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Well it's either Unryuu class or 19 century sloop, feel free to bet your money on whichever it will be.
Bismarck II exists too in the game
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>Amagi tempesta
That might happen one day
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She's a screw sloop
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Because there's no other actual bismarck? Every other '2' has a historical counterpart as far as I'm aware. I mean, I'm not trying to convince you and they can do whatever but carrier just makes more sense to me.
>Every other '2' has a historical counterpart as far as I'm aware
Every II was of the same hull type as the previous one so you really have nothing
Ok, buddy. We'll see tomorrow.
Cant we just have two URs again?
Amagi as the shop UR, Hotel chan as the gacha UR.

The upcoming event is the climax to that shitty Sakura plot that's been 7 years in the making. You either introduce Yamato now that the red carpet is extended and the iron is hot. Or you introduce her next year in a significantly lower stakes story with less buildup.
The crane sisters
Bismarck Zwei is retrofit fanfiction treated as separate unit because krauts have no ships left and they needed UR for an event, it's not a proper Tsu ship in a way Yorktown or Laffey are. Japs don't need that because they have real ships fitting for Tsufication.
yamato's release spells death of the game, it's literally the only ship with some carrying power behind, the later she releases the better
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Yep, no ship has ever changed a hull type, not a thing in Azur Lane.
Yamato is a headliner bote. You wouldn't waste 2 headliners on 1 event. Best we're gonna get is Ayanami UR.
Ah yes, Kaga tsu, with the tsu in the name, very on topic and totally not movimng goalposts
I want to stick it in her Zuihole bros…
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I'd screw her alright
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>I has to have a heckin tsu in the name!
Yeah but have you tried sucking on those Venetits?
It's not about hull type, it's about their class designation in tech tree. Yorktown Tsu isn't Yorktown II class, it's explicitly acknowledged as Essex class.
>be talking about tsus since the bery first post of the chain
>moves goalposts by bringing up a random ass shitter out of nowhere
>no u
>Every II was of the same hull type as the previous
>It's not about hull type
Why are there so many that dismiss the chance that amagi tsu might be a BBV due to x fuckery?
Fuck off dingleberry
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>phoenix feathers
we're getting taihou tsu btw
The sooner they release her, the sooner they can profit from merchandising Yamato through figures, asmrs, more skins, etc. and the sooner they can start shoving her in events to build up player attachment.

The game isn't on a state where it will dramatically gain more players, and waiting too long to release her could mean Yamato would come out to an even smaller audience.
That was my idea too, but all things point toward Amagi being the gacha one and I can't see Yamato as the shop UR.
No, the sooner they release her, the sooner the game loses all sort of publicity and hope for coming back
AL Yamato will inevitably bring in more players, doing so this year or the next one makes no difference other than hastening the game's death
KagaBB and Kaga is functionally the same as Bismarck and Bismarck Zwei, an in-universe retrofit/upgrade. She's literally the same as "II only she's from an old ass event when your "tsus" didn't exist yet so she doesn't have that classification.
>CV Yorktown (Yorktown class) stays CV Yorktown (Essex class) instead of magically turning into Yorktown flying submarine or Yorktown space ship
>Tsus are the same thing as this because [headcanon]
Ok buddy
Houston II and Houston would beg to differ
Clearly they should rename BB Kaga to Kaga 0.5.
Good, I love fucking birds
>no argument
I accept your concession. And I will make sure yo laught at you tomorrow after CV Amagi will be revealed. I welcome you laughing at me if I'm wrong of course.
Finally someone that's not a retarded secondary is able to make a valid point, thank you.
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Good, I was running out of birds to give rings.
That would delay my problems for another year.
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Veneto mia amata
Wtf bros, Amagi is an unholy bird fox mutant now?
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Yes, and you will rike it
That’s what happens to botes when they eat too many Manjuu’s.
Perfect dress to wear for a date as a married couple
Yes, and Amagi III will be a bird fox dragon to become the ultimate IJN ship
He doesn't play the game so of course he wouldn't know that Houston Tsu changes to Cleveland class.
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Umabros... Kotbros...
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
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>Releasing Yamato will kill the game, this time for sure
Weird doompost
It's weird because it's not a doompost, retard.
Can someone explain the appeal of pamiat merkuria and why she's so popular?
The dev team liked her and she got shilled into popularity
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Smug shortstack granny
>the appeal of pamiat merkuria
idk I guess lolibaba?
> why she's so popular?
She's not really popular, she is like AL's vtuber so they give her a lot of screentime and JP remembers her as the vtuber but that's it. She doesn't have much popularity going for her
Basically this >>493379386
>she is like AL's vtuber so they give her a lot of screentime and JP remembers her as the vtuber but that's it
I don't think most people even know what faction she belongs to.
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I need my siren wife...
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For me it's:
1. Meta Takao
2. Alaska
3. Playable Sirens
Then AL has my permission to die.
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slutty smug lolibaba + lots of appearances by staff
Skip every cutscene and dialogue moment, always have.

I'm here for collecting and cooming, not reading some cringey bugman writing.
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The reason is self evident
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Baby making sex with Biscuit
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Imagine the pressure
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If the theme for the upcoming anni is an amusement park, what skins do you think we'll get? (Obviously we'll still get swimsuits and party dresses among the skins)

Here's some ideas:
>A skin that lampshades ferris wheel sex
>Wet t shirts from a water ride
>Horror mansion date
>60MB update
What did I miss
Nagato META buff, she's now the best BB in the game.
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My fellow botes, it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.
Oh man that's great, I can't wait to take full advantage of it in 3 months
A merry go round
A tempesta pirate ship
Rollercoaster with a bote being scared shitless while one in the background has the time of her life (or the other way around)
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You only need 1 month to MLB a OS meta
aquarium, it is a staple for every anime
The skills though
>Bote behind the aquarium glass as a mermaid
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Imagine PLAPmouth bouncing around as she cheerleads for me.
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I'm so glad once again Akagi will get nothing. Its not like she's in desperate need of a retro or anything.
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Akagi is a retarded jobber who got her sister killed for no reason
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Can she still get that UR retro though?
She can get one after both Amagi and Kaga get revived
But Amagi would just die again.
Delicious clapcakes
Which is the biggest aug lottery winner this week? Please say tashcunny
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Ibuki unless Tash's is as good as Hood's
I really want that dress Alsace is wearing in that promotional art, on a ferris wheel ride, but also it’s promotional art, so that would be pretty unlikely I guess
Are Akagi/Amagi/Kaga even that popular in Japan? Liike, they have the average popularity of a launch SSR bote but they're not super in demand, no?

I vaguely remember the nips being surprised when global voted Amagi to the top 3 of the first popularity poll.
Amagi is quite popular, the other 2 fell in time
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Daily reminder that jannies are seanig cucks.
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>blocks your path
what do?
My post mocking the /trash/niggers got deleted yesterday and I was warned
If it wasn't obvious already one of the mods is a cuck
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Chirp Chirp
Back to the cuckshed
That's just purely because she's voiced by Sawashiro right?

Don't bring up Monarch.
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Grope your current secretary and post the results
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blackedfags can slander frogs all they want, but the moment I say I'm gonna bleach SD, I get insta 3 day ban
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Amagi Tsu, soo, i can feel it ijn my fluffy tails
She only cheerleads for me
I want 4 more Kinjo Kuromomo UR/DR lolis and then the game can die.
>Hahh... Ahh... Commandeeer! If I pass out, just keep holding me tightly...
What if amagi-chan metastasizes into Amagi II
She will get ansoned
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I knew nothing, so honestly I always posted Essex
why do people hate suisao and liduke here?
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your favorite comfy casual bote?
God, Imagine plapping Biscuit with U-556
Throw a tantrum on /alg/
>God, Imagine plapping Biscuit
Falling sleep mid coitus?
Fat birb
Why would you fall asleep?
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How was I able to start this commission?
is 12-4 a good way to level botes to 120?
if you can't beat 13-4 then yes, otherwise do OS
If bote eats oil, then technically their CO2 exhaustion is their poop
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You need at least 3 ships, which have to be destroyer light cruiser and aircraft carrier (dd cl cv) At least one has to be lv12 or above
I can beat 13-4 fairly easily. Im stuck on 14-3 and am leveling some DD's.
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From what I remember, Liduke used to be pretty bad at drawing mouths and they always looked like they were a few centimeters too far to the right. Also, Liduke more or less "abandoned" us for Arknights to draw fujobait. And all of his ship girls went years without skins until they finally pulled the trigger on replacing him .

Dunno, maybe because he's relatively shilled much like mimosa?
Grape kun's new love
>Just use the dingdong ring-ring I gave you!
>All you gotta do is pick it up and dial beep boop ding ding!
What did Miss D mean by this??
I don't think anybody other than the local subhuman hates suisai since joffre and la galissonniere sometimes get content.

Liduke only draws for arknights and never came back even to draw a single png skin.
Personally I find it grating that his botes tend to get the live2d treatment, even though they are bunch of literal whos
Restart game
I take it Miss D is oceana?
You got whacked because of the last part
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Head Maid love.
>trannyjanny is pagpag cuckcel
oh wow, how unexpected
Miss D is Arbiter XIII: Death, but she got split into three parts with the whale, and the shadow of death from her event
>pocky skin rerun never
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Why the fuck is that skin still not available?
looks like shit////looks cute////looks adorable
She's that boring
Dishwasher derangement syndrome
Amagi TSU is now a CV...
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Sex Sex Sex
>Racism outside of /b/
>Get bonk
>W-why do I get bonk?
That's a pretty thicc Nagato you got there... is she expecting?
I am racist all the time in /his/ and /sci/
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Look at this retard
She cute
I wish she had a ponytail or just had free flowing hair instead of what she has now
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cute goom
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Hot and canon
Why are retards hot?
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moshi moshi, sea of star
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inherent trait
Who was this again?
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They fool people into thinking they're taking advantage of them. When in reality the botes take advantage of skk.
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hideous cunts
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My lovely sheep is not ugly.
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Would you grope?
Honestly retard title is really fitting for you. Jannies don't have omniscient power, they only know about it when someone report your post.
If retard, why hot?
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Yes or no?
would milk
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Wifechorage raped me.
>Akagi: Dawn-Phoenix's Summons
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See that was her plan, was to act dumb all this time so SKK would pay attention to her. She made SKK fall in love with him, and how she's in charge.
They cute
Would you a Royal Foturne Cheerleader?
Chirp Chirp
I can hear this noise
only if she promises to keep her tentacles out of my asshole
It's actually チュンチュン
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Richie a cutie
This general is desolate and quiet not like /bag/
Well they're posting futa, scat, and men cosplaying.
I prefer /alg/.
then fuck off over there then retard
Are you trying to imitate shitler? Now that's actually fucking sad.
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looks beautiful--looks like shit--looks angelic
Impregnate all of them
24/7, with my wife Ulrich
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Owari da
bote bodies can't handle the sheer pregnancy imposed on them by skk
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Looks like manjuu finally hit a jackpot with Owari
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fuck battlesheep
Huh? Okay.
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Owari is cute
Bache Love
Owari gives me bb groupie vibes of y2k just gyarufied
>queen bong don't understand bongish
howe come
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uk accents can be very distinct, it's entirely possible for someone who lives down south to have absolutely no idea what someone up north is saying even though they both speak the exact same language
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Ark Royal onee-san renaissance... I wonder if she would come and molest me tonight too in celebration haha....
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I love royal fatty
post more royal fatty please
You should be able to max them out while grinding to 120.
Use books if there's any left over by the time you're done.
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Royal Cutie
God she's just begging for a public breeding.
The girl is hot too.
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your head between her Thighs right now!
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Kaga Chan?
Imagine smelling her crotch or pits
My head between her huge boring tits
I bet her pussy reeks, absolutely rancid. So stinky you can smell her coming from 6 rooms away.
Essex, brighten the picture
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Take a big whiff, Master
I won't tell a soul (unless you are into that too)
nice pits
I would expect Scylla to leave a small patch of fuzz well trimmed
I'm into lots of stuff
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They should release gyarufication skins for botes
Imagine being engulfed in her thighs
>the same ancient bait is still being posted in /alg/ 7 years later
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Degyarufication skins would be much less ambitious and more rewarding.
Only if they actually become sluttier in this form
playable sirens when?
Hopefully never
>unless you are into that
Into what
sex with tower bluuuuuussy
Since winter.
I will pretend to know exactly what that means
I did this.
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It means we have playable sirens since winter.
I still haven't touched this game mode.
This but with mog
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It was me you imbecile
ogey not what i meant by playable buuuut fair enough
>literal titfuck
This is worse.
And 16 till the relevant stuff?
I'm not ashamed to say I'm into this.
I take it you like slime girls?
pic unrelated...just siren posting
cause gets a skin and/or new bote way too often just for being in-house when he hasn't made a single popular/memorable bote in all his years working for AL

same as Haori, really mediocre artists

cunt left us

Same question.
Im still surprised at the lack of Lovers art. You would think such a name would spawn more stuff than it has. Surprisingly wholesome when people draw her though
Hopefully NagatoM is the last one and they move on to Siren capture raid, for real, next
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>"I've got a golden ticket!"

>For more interesting daily life of shipgirls, check it in-game on Juustagram!
They're not at the top of my list but they are interesting. I mean, if every part of your wife can functionally be a sex organ why would you NOT put your dick in unusual places, right?
what do fried manjuus taste like
>single popular/memorable bote
They seem to shill La Gasoline a lot, with two live2ds, a meta variant, and a catgirl figs.
Sometimes I wonder how their internal data department works.
How do we get UR CA guns?
please consider Mogador
>How dare you not hate this artist like me despite them not having a say themselves if they get skins for their boats or not
you didn't complain about kuromomo
Based pornfried goonbrain
Don't really care about her
Research Series 6 and OS
Every time i read "mog" in any other board i think of her.
oh the Grozny lover, yeah fuck him too
Sorry anon, the mogcel isn't online to spam and samefag her
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Mystery niggas
Anyways I'm hitting the sack for the time being. See you lot at the stream
schizo came back from his diaper change huh?
That's from last year
The frogschizo hasn't been spamming yet though?
You should know who everyone on that picture is.
Oh look here we go, let's pretend that Eldridge, Z46 and the chink twins aren't more popular or memorable than anything susai has ever done
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Are JP anni streams usually worth watching? I only have to get up an hour earlier than I did today and I enjoyed the CN & EN ones more than I thought I would.
t. newfag
Just the first day, and then only for the game news (and merch if you care about figures and what not)
>Are JP anni streams usually worth watching?
The talk show shit isn't unless you understand japanese, then I guess that they can be enjoyable.
The first segment at 12:15 JST should have the most oath/sold skins during the year if you want shitposting ammo (Shinano and Unzen will sweep)
>Just the first day
So the second day is nothingburger or what?
I find it funny that you now pretend to like kuromomo boats after going off about 'nepotism man this and that' like many of the general, just proves how selective the sperging is.
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Considered and fed
I will thoroughly wash her, fix her air conditioning, dress her up in nice clean clothes, and smooch her on the top of her head
i really want to watch shimakaze masturbate
Second day at the same hour will have Azur Lane news for outside the mobile game
Figures, collaborations, live events, etc.
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
Shitty braindamaged bimbo
I wish Formi were 6'6
Lol looks like it really was a single samefagging frogfag
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>Royal Cutie
that's the wrong Royal Cutie
Blink and you'll miss it.
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that's a cute Mog
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Royal Oak? More like Royal Dork lmaoooo
X never got the memo or holy shit we'd be fucked figuratively and literally
Botes currently control humanity; I'm not sure how much better off we are but my balls are kept empty so that's cool.
TB's living rent free in my head
they know
The flaw in your tactic is that you get angry at posts that would be completely normal in any other circumstance but from the faction you don't like, it just won't work.
Yup, you could tell by how peaceful the thread was until now
As if it wasn't obvious enough already.
Given Botes are far less corrupt than our modern politicians, I assume it's a good thing.
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>thinking of all the botes in political positions in AL
>far more noble and honest than IRL politicians
>far less likely to embezzle or launder their blood money
>actually have competence and noble intentions
>mfw AL world is run better than this world has been for centuries
How can we kill everyone and replace them with botes?
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>Botes are far less corrupt than our modern politicians
On average. I guess we can safely say that they aren't MORE corrupt at least.
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I'm nominating Marco Polo as supreme leader
Except what the SE botes did was both selfish, and incredibly stupid. They risked their nation and the world for their foolishness.
I believe in bote supremacy.
That was because they lacked SKK cock. Just like how humans go crazy without sleep, they co crazy without SKK.
Where's my 4090?
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I'd celebrate marco alright
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In the end, everything will be okay
If it's not okay then it's not the end
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>YFW you remember that piece of shit humans still hamper the noble intentions of botes
We can't keep getting away with it.
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I eated those food. Please look forward to the 5090 for $5,090 gorillion dollars.
Cute yuri
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Not everywhere, it's probably sakura thing
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There's human govts everywhere most likely, if some nations mention it more or less it's due to shit writing
Because unless it’s playable and shown off on social media people just don’t care usually in mobile games.
Mogador stole my panties
My wife would never betray her blood-related sister.
How come we didn't get one of these for this year?
I fucking love NTR gangbang lane
skk uses panties?
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>mogcel is a tranny
Can't say I am surprised
It's incredible how much worse breasts look when a girl is lying on her back.
fertilize Essex's eggs
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Tosa despises Akagi so she probably doesn't approve of Kaga's bootlicking either.
I refuse to believe we wont get a pasta l2d skin
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i loathe these countless nothingburger cutscenes
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Good. Too bad she no longer exists.
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If I want to speedrun the story, which story should I start from? Do I need to read the story of the minor events?
>miss D
who was that again? already forgot is she important?
You press skip, simple as.
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damn how does Littorio feel about getting mogged so hard by her sister?
She's the siren you went whale hunting with.
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I kept forgetting that Littorio is the little sister, she looked more adult than VV
I want to lick VV's feet
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Anyone know how much truth there is to the CN tier list placing Pittsburgh so high? I'm using her anyway, just curious.
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Unironic recency bias
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I dunno man to me it looks like she can hold her ground very well.
Added Pittsburgh, A+ on the mainline list, S-rank end of the big world list. High attack alternative meat titan single strength, taking into account the flagship cannon triggered by the broken armor auxiliary, RDPS is higher than Drake, survival and Drake the same grade; at the same time, air defense is also better. It is considered a Drake strengthened version.
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>AL sory
Don't care, not fucking with that overconvoluted mess.
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doesn't include latest events but it's all I have
I want this hot italian milf to take good care of me
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what's her appeal?
There's no point asking about the plot when you don't play the game, silly.
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Sexy scientist and she's having sex with (you)
Alcoholic mommy that blinds you with science
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>be commander level 161
>doesnt have a single clue what the fuck is going on in al's story
I'm here for boobs n asses, cunnies and mommies
Made for paizuri
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Littorio tsu tier ex and with even bigger milkers soon
Sexo hag scientist
Damn bro you are pretty hot
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Same. I once tried reading summary. Never again
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>doing the cigarette kiss from Black Lagoon
Where's this collab Manjuu? It's not like we don't have equally crazy botes on base to balance them out or anything.
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You guys ready for the next annual Kashino L2D?
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>Finally catch up to the story
>Lex is torn in half and on life support
>Amagi is fucking dead for real
>Kaga fucking died
wtf bros, why are our wives dying now
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Sneak preview for her RQ skin
Amagi Ni in eight hours
>And your sister Amagi, whatever happened there....
>Whatever happened there!?
There are decent summaries on youtube.
Bismarck got sucked into a freaking black hole and she's fine, they'll all get better.
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Lovely fox will fix everything, bro
I can fix them
You can't
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>Skk if you want to save kaga you have to stick it inside her cold dead pussy
i think javelin will graduate kindergarten this year
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My cool Corgi wife.
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how do those pads feel? Are they close to the real thing? I'm getting very desperate for opai, bros...
most breastiful bote in the game
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I MogADORE her
Watch the UR NOT be Amagi II
w-what did she put in the bubble tea?
cute yuri
Just some stinky saliva, it's fine.
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who's dying next
Reply to yourself more
not funny
Based cumbrain
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I will EAT HER! >:D
Shit and blood
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>Collapse after leading fleets nonstop for the last 24 hours
>Blue bitch invades my dreams
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Consider the following:
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Should have married a pink when you still could
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All that overwork and bote rape finally caught up to him...
At least she said sorry and didn't just rape you like the dirty fox does.
canonically steals SKK's virginity
To be fair, Shinano isn't sorry.
There’s TWO UR’s coming, we just don’t know yet until TONIGHT
holy Legs Lane
Yeah, that is why Helena > Shinano.
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holy shit
She just won the raffle.
Sex with botes when?
>SKK's "virginity"
Funny joke
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>Get your allowed 4 hours of sleep
>Shinano invades your dream to rape you
>HelMET invades your dream next to tell you some cryptic bullshit before leaving again
>Wake up not rested at all
>Taihou and Akagi broke into the room again and are currently raping you
>Finally convince them to stop a few hours later
>Drag yourself to your office
>Get raped by your secretaries
>Work until 3AM
>Sneak out of the office (Half the time a bote still catches you and you don't sleep that night at all)
>Drag yourself to bed, faint without even taking your uniform off
>Helena invades your dream again
Will i ever get to rest
plapping mutsuki in the amusement park public toilet
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She's taking the time to grace you with her presence while she's assembling a team, be grateful.
Also where the fuck is Memphis META, she's been AWOL for a few events.
Yeah, there's no way that hot piece of ass made it through naval academy with his buy hymen intact.

This is normally when I'd quip about sleeping when you're dead but the botes would revive you, so... No.
playing switcheroo with Memphis
Hmm, chink meat
RIP fellow Essexposters
That'll teach him to not harassing Richelieu husband
Mooom, jannies are powertripping again
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Hang on, it looks like I need to go dick Royal Fortune... Again...
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fuck capitalism
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Please Manjuu...release more Cheerleader skins, I need these in my port so bad
thanks for posting my wife (on the left)
>fuck capitalism
When is JP STream?
thanks for posting my wife (in the middle)
read the OP
Thanks for posting my wives (on the left and in the middle)
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Shinano is kind enough to give you a dream handjob while she's also giving you a handjob in real life.
best fox, no contest
Gentlemen, I'd like you all to meet my second horniest wife. Well, maybe third. Fourth? Anyway, I got hitched again.
No this was from York's ritual, it's not RF’s fault this time
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Got it in one.

I couldn't handle the smell.

She's not that high on the horny list, is she?
lovely fatdog
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>Not that high on the horny list...
Sir my list may vary from yours, but she is indefinitely very high on the horny list.
I almost hesitate to ask but who are the top 3 horniest?
me Tsu
me Muse
I absolutely love her voice, but don't like her visuals to oath her personally
what are you talking about? I don't use NJ that much but I don't recall her having any horny voice lines
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they look about the same size, plus Littorio will probably also drinking for VVs milkers
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Man the fuck up
Hind reigns supreme, but Pittsburg must now battle Atago, RF, Tosa, and maybe even Fleuret for the remaining spots on the podium.

NJ isn't as overt as some others, but she's definitely down to smash. It might be better to call her flirty.
thanks for posting my wife
What the FUCK?!
Imagine bani putting you on the defensive when she's gonna to pounce you.
unironically forgot she existed
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based Essex
Harsh but fair
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I came here to milk botes.
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Start from Parallel Superimposition imo, I think the most relevant you can see early on is Abyssal Refrain.
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I fucking love bote milk.
I love fucking milkbotes.
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Important poll from yesterday.

Perseus's almost exposed crotch in this skin does wonders for my dick. Didn't know she was the horny type.
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bote milk keeps the port running
A feast made from every bote on the base, just for me.
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or Javelin II?
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Not clicking that, Akagi will win though
Rafi Three when
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And Purifier Muse.
>akagi wins the dishwasher treatment
oof my condolences
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Not my Saint
my beloved Saint
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>The 2 URs (one should be easy)
>Do we get Yahagi or Tone?
>Bote(s) getting the retro
>Botes getting the oath
>Botes getting dakis
>1 literal who that gets a skin for the first time in years
>Do we get Ryuuhou's swimsuit?
>Do we get a Le Tri skin/retro?
>New content announced (not counting 3D dorm)
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Maybe If you are a stud you would notice how the left emblem exactly matches that from Amagi. It's Amagi II "revived like a phoenix" and likely a disappointment. I just hope my wife Kashino gets something like every year before.
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I don't think the poll even mentions Akagi or who wins.
Alright, I was hungry anyway.
amagi tsu, yayanami tsu
some irrelevant tn who who hasn't been mentioned in 4 years
some irrelevant tn who who hasn't been mentioned in 5 years
roguelite mode for real this time
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Arbiter that remembers us who wants her rigging back, chummy with Queen Elizabeth META.
will the bote reveal be on day 1 or day 2
when is she showing up again...
When she catches the whale.
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>Akagi won
try playing the game, retard
Right now?
now kiss
my wife...
Saint Louis would never wear undergarments
Who will win?
Who will lose?
Day 1 is for in game content. Day 2 is for outside of game stuff like merch, cosplay, illustrations, etc. You might see a skin or two tied to a collab with some company or tourist trap announced on day 2, but all the other skins and bote reveals will be on Day 1.
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Not with that attitude
The commander
Akagi, also Kaga
I gooned to Goom.
I only accept sheer white lace
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Essex gives me feelings that I adore
I'll eat mark's pussy
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Perhaps I can interest you in a different saint?
I want more casual/cultural skins
Just give me some fucking dirndls.
Strictly speaking, that's just the Sakura flower symbol.
Most foxes have it on their belt or as an accessory. It's supposed to represent the imperial symbol they had on their bows.
A funny thing is that Shinano has it on her belt with 3 pendants, while Musashi has it as an hair accessory with 2 pendants.
It's probably not Yamato but a part of me still hopes that to be the case
I suppose that will do
Could you imagine if the ur's are Amagi and Akagi
Kaga's tits look kinda big here
Forget about UR, who are the gold and purple shitters gonna be?
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I've given up hope that it's Yamato, but there's a possibility she could be appearing in the story as an NPC like Soyuz did way back on her first design. Maybe the chat frame's badge is referencing her involvement as well as Amagi's (phoenix-like) rebirth?
How many rainbow and gold ships are there in the game? Will I have to retire all purple, blue, and white ships as a latefag? I'm planning to just go by AL github tier list and keep the blues and purples that are considered EX/T0/T1
Where were you when frogs were being posted earlier, huh?
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NaggaN LovevoL
built for handholding missionary sex
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It's more important to keep at least one of everyone, so you will want to expand dock space. At endgame you will want to raise hundreds of different shipgirls of all rarities for cumulative stat boosts across your fleet.
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I asked for it.
I bought the third and fourth first floor dorm slots, and bought the second floor so I can have enough morale to grind events properly and catch up. Now I'm investing all other gems into dock space but I don't see how I'd be able to keep all the ships, and I don't plan to spend except like 10-15 bucks per new year maybe, im a poorfag student. I feel like I'll inevitably have to cut my losses and get rid of lower rarity ships if I want to at least collect the higher rarity ones, the ones I like, and the meta ones. I'm assuming I'll only need to do that stat boost grinding very late into the game? Couldn't I then search for the gray/blue/purple ships I specifically need them one by one and delete them as I'm done? Or are some of them super hard to get?
>Amagi 2, Yamato
>Shinano, they can't deny her much longer
>frankly I don't know which ones do
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Yumi a cutie~
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chibi booba
I hope Yamato looks like a JK so badly.
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You only need to do the stat boost grinding when you're done with everything else the game has to offer. I never had to think about which ones are safe to delete or not before, so I'll leave that to another anon to answer.
boytes (female) erotic
Jannu my beloved
I'm telling Plym!
Sexycute cowgirl.
Imagine being able to draw nice tummies and wasting you talent on ticklecringe.
Yeah I just genocided all my common and blue botes except for like two. It felt painful to do. I'll keep the purples until I'm out of space then send them into the meat grinder as well. I'm only lvl 60ish rn and world 8 so I probably have months to go until I get to end game and my cope is that all these botes will be easy to get later if necessary by just replaying through the early world maps. Hopefully I didn't kill any rare botes lol
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What the fuck
Essex is a dumb slut?
any retards?
>The stereotypical image formed as a variation of the dumb blonde/bimbo persona, with references to the Estuary English accent, white stiletto heels, mini skirts, silicone-augmented breasts, peroxide blonde hair, over-indulgent use of fake tan (lending an orange appearance), promiscuity, loud verbal vulgarity, and socialising at downmarket nightclubs.
This will be the next Essex skin
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
So it's like Bong version of Gyaru
we all retard here
He is always here posting about the botes he likes, he only acts up if any discussion of >them gets too big or wholesome.
>posting about the botes he likes
but he doesn't like any botes
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I fuck bimbo sheep.
They are all shitposters
he doesnt like any botes, its the /trash/niggers, since jannies wont rangeban them they will be here to shit up threads with shitted until their parents die and they end up on the street and hang themselves
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Eugen my beloved
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i don't think so, thought isn't that one dimensional, seems perfectly reasonable to me that a regular tries to shut down discussion of something he dislikes through bruteforced shitposting while fomenting what he likes in the downtime
the only thing he likes is shitposting in this thread, like he has done in the past seven years
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I like botes.
a cute
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which bote is the smartest
Bel she is a massive smarty
It's Guam
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You guys think we're gonna get a single pasta skin this time?
Alright, so I read about how Akagi fucked everything up for everyone (like we all expected) and that was mildly entertaining. Could someone give me a rundown on what the illusions going on in the Pacific were about? 30+ story bits made me glaze over.
does bel have a massive forehead under her bangs?
it was pretty much just everybody having a flashback but amagi was involved, it was honestly underbaked since half of them ended with them realizing oh wait this isn't right and the illusion is broken, with the other half being somebody else came and said this is fake and the illusion was broken
Yes, but it's not gonna be Veneto/Zara/Pola
You know the gay space dragon from Unzen's event? Well it's corrupted Amagi's soul and hijacked the Sacred Sakura and since Akagi was fucking with its barrier, it allowed Amagi-Dragon to leak out and fuck with everyone's brains along the theme of "changing the past for the better" to try and disable resistance. She failed, but was still able to get Akagi to complete a ritual that powered her up, so she started summoning shadow demons and took over Japan. Completing the ritual involved doing a sacrifice, Akagi was going to use herself but Kaga tricked her and killed herself instead, shocking Akagi out of her madness. Amagi-Dragon of course betrayed Akagi and didn't come back as 'her sister' either, so as far as we know there's really nothing of Amagi left to save. The event will probably reveal some sleeping pure Amagi inside Amagi-Dragon they can save or something though, is my bet.
can't wholly agree to that, we all have biases and nobody here is innocent of some degree of shitposting, some more than others maybe and to different degrees and anyone here behind the screen with any amount of years in this board will know this very well, so i think the schizo trashfaggot is a regular poster from here that likes other things and discusses them
Maybe for Impero or Da Vinci.
Stop defending yourself.
no he isn't, its just one of shitlers alt personalities
>Impero swimsuit
Roma and Veneto's swimsuits are great, so I hope Impero gets one soon.

Littorio deserves better than what she got.
String bikini aigir
They've shilled Regolo some in recent months, so she should be on the list of possible candidates. Same with Emma.

Bolzano is by haori, who they love to shill, regardless of the bote.

Littorio is good for like 1 skin a year, too.

Marco Polo is in one of the header pics with Amagi and Soyuz, so she might get something.
If Agir gets a swimsuit, it's probably gonna look like that one collab pic. Maybe not exactly like it, but similar.
I thought about Regolo too but she got a Cruise pass just recently so I'm not so sure about her getting another skin this soon.
You are unironically getting close.
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Veneto party dress l2d is all I ask
Duca succubus skin or I am firebombing Manjuu office.
>HFW you say her full name
That ohi art is pure sexo, one of my faves ever
Introduction of Antoniotto, and her accompanying bikini skin.
Littorio gets a wedding dress this year
This+VV chan
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Honestly, the likely candidates are the botes from the last two events + Littorio
Everyone else is old
Ever since that anniversary art I've been fantasizing about all sorts of poses and interactions for that skin, it really cannot come soon enough.
Fat mafia milkers
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Not bad
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>Veneto skin in 2024
Sometimes, you have to let go
Not only I am not letting go, my desire for more and more for her grows stronger every day: party, bunny, gym, oath, chan, anything, everything.
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Bring Bache's oath into game.
I don’t want to get up at 5 to watch the news stream bwos, but I have to do it for my botes…
You still have 10 hours, go to sleep.
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Bring Spee's oath into game.
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bring ku-chan's swimsuit into game
Impero's event ran only a few months before Da Vinci/Roma's, so I suspect it is a possibility, too.
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Bring Marco Polo's swimsuit into game.
Hold on, are we getting news on the first day? Don't they usually do like 10+ hours of japanese host talk on the first day?
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Bring Roon's lingerie into game.
I want an Emma swimsuit that shows off her massive tits and thick thighs.
its 1 am right now im not gonna make it either bros
>pregnant Hai Tien.png
Bring Hai Tien's pregnancy into the game
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Manjuu here, you must choose:
>Third Trieste sex skin
>Or either Impero or Pompeo getting a good skin
Day 1 is for all in game news, unless they save a merch collab skin or two for day 2 like they did with Vicky's kimono skin last year.

Day 2 is for merch and merch collabs, cosplay, player experiences, and all the other extra stuff.
Don't care about Trieste that much so I'll take an Impero or Pompey skin that's good. Can flip a coin for which one.
They archived her event just now so that everyone will be able to get her for her new skin, trust the plan.
You're onto something here.
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Bring Aquila’s sleepwear into game.
I'll take a naked apron trieste
Pictures of that?
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Give demon her swimsuit.
And grope Niimi.
I can't help but be annoyed when I see fleet comps for hard content where the guy is like "Yeah just get 6 of this piece of equipment that relies on a BP drop from an event where how many you got was entirely reliant on luck."
I have to work at my second job for another 5 hours…
>Honestly, the likely candidates are the botes from the last two events
consider daedalian hymn too as it just became permanent
Have they done that before? Archive an event and immediately give someone from that event a skin?
Babymaking with German boats.
threesome with bismarck and bismarck II
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bring h*mans into the game
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You know my preference.
I am sure they have but I don't have any examples to give, point is that the archive can be seen as a "recent" event too
>Day 1
6 hours of talk, 2 hours of game news, 1 hour of music
>Day 2
6 hours of talk, 2 hours of outside-the-game news, some more music
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Bring Shef's oath into game.
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All three non-collab ningens have huge tits. What's up with that.
No, I was more just hoping for it
Is the stream schedule somewhere?
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I could hear her heart break even with Mute: On
They literally have French and Sakuran magic shit, her idea isn't actually impossible, it'd just be stupid dangerous.
Can she out-drink Harbin?
Luv me nagato

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