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Anniversary Motorcycles edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Previous thread >>493355326
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Do you have women in your guild?
Do you ever flirt with them?
Is this the wowg guild?
YAHOOOO! *proceeds to sharpen the blades and fixing Lightforged Golems into orcgrinder mode*
last time i was in a guild was mop
Are draenei meant to be le persecuted jews of the game?
Whats the EU wowg guild
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>there must always be... a fox king
guilds are optional if you arent pushing Mythic Raiding
i havent been in one for decade, succesfully getting Heroic Raiding and KSH achievements with no comms whatsoever.
german VA is so much better than the english one
holy shit
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>Nerub Silkweaving Forum
take your pick
omg are we finally getting those bikes? they were datamined in mid dragonflight
yeah, they'll be up for the 20th anniversary
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Im a retard
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are you EU? whats your name?
it only shows up for alliance, bliz is inept
join the community with the code oBYVlX7cAJO and i can invite you from there
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.

>Now listed in horde!
You can find it by looking for the name, duh.

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay
Good, encouraged even.

get in :d
Im an idiot found it
Can't wait for my Sethrak (soon) Warlock to ride one of these
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NA guild is <GLOBO FOMO>
invite sent
was dragonshart a good expansion?
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listed in both horde and alliance btw so no need to link a invite community anymore.

You can make a guildie of the opposite faction of yours officer so he can promote the build on the horde side btw, so you don't have to mess around with the community to invite horde ppl.
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>Do the story quest that rescues the people from Dalaran
>The Vulpera is an annoying shit that kept talking
dragonflight was the only expansion i quit before 1st patch because i couldnt stand the blatant faggotry, dungeons and muh friendship/family is everything message. also the ending was dogshit too lol, worse than wod and SL
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mfw wow won
no. It was better than BFA and Shadowlands but that doesn't make it good
I found her cute.
Does she have more quests in older expansions?
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Sex with black people
Currently I'm the only (actual) woman in my guild but there's also a tranny in here.
He keeps calling me "bestie" and I hate it
Vault of the incarnates was pure kino.
Everything else... not that good...
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>mfw seeing all these incels running around in hallowfall plate
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The guild <ELYSIAN> EU is NOT recruiting, we are full. The best of /wowg/, all 20 (twenty) of us.
If you are trying to join, please kindly fuck off.

Thank you for listening and see you in the race to world first.
I miss Nathanos.
gameplay-wise and the fact that it was the first expansion where they showed a clear change in design philosophy, yes
no more patch specific tertiary AP like turbo grinds that get abandoned next patch

fucking trash. worst so far i would say. even shadowlands felt more like wow
Today I farmed bismuth for 5 hours strait.
The possibility of me having some kind of brain parasite is non zero.
I did it all on company time tho.
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please let me in, im good....
>3/4ths of the expansion zones are all some underground cave bullshit
>plus delves
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>Currently I'm the only (actual) woman in my guild
>anime pic
post hidden
With the new Dracthyr classes coming out I decided to shelf my warrior until then.
So should I pick Draenei Paladin or Vulpera Hunter while I wait?
uhoh! tranny meltie!
listen to a vtuber or something at least
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oh nonono...
>I did it all on company time tho.
Time well spent.
I'm just saying, nerubians never got uppity under Arthas's reign.
anime website
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>le underground expansion...
>is le... UNDERGROUND?!?!?!
this xpac takes place underground?
I’d date a tranny. I’d give her lots of love even if she’s a freak of nature.
war within azeroth
There is too much drama to know for sure at this point.
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Is the anni event going to allow pvp spam? I want to get achievements and if Ashran is up the titles for nemesis
you think it's worth it to invest a couple hours and some gold to learn tailoring on an alt and pump everything into dusk/dawnweave? i guess you can get quite abit of extra mettle/points if you do it now rather than later.
currently hes miner/herbing they seems "ok" to keep to refine stuff to r3, although mining refining takes a shitload of points
>shelf my warrior
new paladin class tree is schizophrenic as fuck with all the little support effects sprinkled all over the place
skilled players will help a ton in groups with all buffs to blessings though, and the "blessing of freedom self-cast whenever you use divine steed" will a lot in pvp I wager
erm sorry sweaty but the War Within is actually Anduin's PTSD. Try listening to women and getting some media literacy
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he looks like he sells cheap coffee
vulpera or dracthyr pawjob? which one is better this patch?
>skilled players
has a bigger oxymoron been uttered?
"ret" and "chad", mayhaps?
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Why did you do it?
smells like a false flag post desu
>character model is invisible again until i mount
drachtyr have superior grip but they require lube, vulpera soles are soft and kissable but lack the prehensile strength
which assumi video should i goon to
The explosion of Dalaran destabilized the arcane torrents creating random abnormalities.
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>the light will protec-ACK
ty anon, looking into this
apparently its a bug with the d4 pre order mount
its been in the game for 9+ months
I listen my colleague bitching, it's entertaining enough.

True that.
I don't want to get burnt out on the class. Other than than I assume you're just namecalling for yous. Here's your (you)
more like ret-ard lmao
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Post parse, you'll be on the list when someone leave and we end up 19/20.
We call them retardin here.
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>The mail will consume you!
I wasn't aware herbniggers could get writhing samples too, I specced into that shit on my miner
chat is this real
>druid is usually my fallback character every expansion since TBC
>don't enjoy new Guardian
>don't enjoy new Resto
>have hated Moonkin since Cata
>Feral is just gimped rogue
>think I'll just play paladin instead since it can do all roles as well
>Ret plays like shit
>Prot is shit
>Holy is unplayable
kill avatarfags, behead avatarfags, roundhouse kick avatarfags into concrete, slam dunk an avatarfag into the trash, crucify filthy avatarfags, defecate into avatarfag food, launch avatarfags into the sun, stir fry avatarfags in a wok, toss avatarfags into active volcanos
love avatarfrens
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thought it was gonna be cute and funny like in dragonflight
but .... "No!"
looks like I won't be playing this character outside of m+
Vulpera hunter it is then.
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Oh good, he's awake.
Get a good rest there, champ?
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Time to log back into this old cunt. Wonder how she plays now
I already have a max level hunter, I fucking hate the way they did survival since Dragonflight, BM is a pain in the ass to play and MM feels like you're throwing wet noodles at the enemy, at least it's not as bad as fire.
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There is no drama because nobody is talking in the guild. It's just a bunch of autists that are playing solo
not him but I did it because I am too cheap to buy the potion so I went all in sporefused
>all overloads except crystal are worthless
I am not touching my blacksmith's nodes until I see exactly what I need to craft
I am just collecting whatever knowledge points I can

For herbs and mining I just got the nodes that let me get more herbs and ores because I have an alchemist and a blacksmith so I will be using them on my own
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uff... time to read, yay
>talent has a wall of text with 36 lines
>it doesn't even work
based blozzord
I meant in thread. I'll dump at alt in both guilds either way, although I have no real plans to do mythic raids.
>no raids
>no m+
>expecting people to quest together or something
what talent doesn't work?
Sell me on the EU guilds
you can say slurs and not get kicked unlike a normie guild
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dressing room is bugged, i wanted different chest and legs and weapon but these are fine enough
not specifically for evoker, but half the Frostfire hero talents for fire mage don't work for example
You would be a fool to say them in wows chat at all.
zamn disc priest plays so different in pvp
Ah.. well.. I don't play mage.
Whens blizz gonna fix the HORRIBLE lod pop in?
>having fun with ret pally
>always bottom of the dps charts
Is arcane mage just that busted or is ret single target just that bad?
wow 2
wait until ptr patch brother
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Oh no, I forgot that I lost my healbot config. I've gotta enter all the fucking spells again.
It was fine up until the final raid patch where we were stuck dealing with Night Elf troubles again.
Fryakk easily carried that patch.
So if Xal isn't the big bad this expansions. What kind of ass-pull are they gonna get out as the final boss?
Boob slider when
Dreadlord Jaina
From the other ret paladins I've seen in my dungeon, it seems like your spec is only impressive for cumming all over the place in an instant when it comes to AoE mobs, but not really that impressive when it comes to single target. I could be wrong, but that's the only insane thing I really see from ret paladin at the moment.
reminder that no one liked this
i think there will be no big bad at 11.2 and they will just lead into 12.0
how do you get these motorcycles?
Way to fucking deflate an expansion
void corrupted character from our side
>This is not the titan's magic
why? because titansbad?
Yeah that's where I'm seeing it too, the big ass hammer on a group of enemies is pretty huge but once it gets to the boss it feels like you're HP starved for damage
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future trading post reward datamined
11.1 goblins(gay and lame, will make people yawn and quit).
11.2 Odyn, Tyr or some other titanchud(will make even more people quit)
new mage player here
what buffs do you guys track on your mage?
currently i have
>bone chilling
>fingers of frost
and just added
>excess frost
>excess fire
so i know when it does the extra stuff, possibly only excess frost makes sense
missing anything? too much?
maybe frostfire empowerment
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thats the nu-blizz way
Final raid tier got datamined as Ethereals. So probably Dimensius, Invalidus or some other Void Lord OC they go with.
That, or some unyet named/seen Void Ethereal leader.
Best part about it is that you will literally never see this on a male character. Its funny how I still haven't seen a single male character in the upscales of the old vanilla slutrobes. Literally only belves, nelves or humans, all female
You're doing it wrong.
>you will never see this on a male
just for (You) anon i will be a male wearing that set
So should I just go play other video games, or what? I don't know what else to do in this game until Tuesday.
gaia online... home...
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If you're a coomer, just get the mods. Blizz is never gonna ad a boobslider and you know it.
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honestly this dude looks really cute for a trans person
reps, professions, alts, alts with professions, farming pre-bis, farming pre-bis with tertiary
thats about all i can come up with
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naguura just said on her stream she's attracted to black men
the dream is ON
Sounds like you don't like the game anymore
post proof or fuck off
I'm literally just going to void you
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wheres this dragon from
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Why did nobody tell me dragies can normal fly now? This is awesome!
no one itt plays evoker
thats been available on the wowhead dressing for almost a year now
You guys are dumb. Dragies are awesome. Evoker heal is mega cool.
kill this passfag asap
>You guys are dumb
so it seems
>sneeds on /tekg/ about people being friendless losers
>blogposts like a friendless loser
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are you jelous, /wowg/?
who is vyranoth and why is she an aspect
I'm very conservative and adverse to change and I feel they did all the classes I liked the most dirty
>Fire mage is toxic garbage for hobos, and the spec simply cannot work without a massive rework of combustion and ignite
>Death Knight visual effects have been neutered since WotLK, unholy is a pet class rather than disease focused, only Frost can dual wield
>Druid feels unfocused and messy
>demon hunter feels good but very spammy
>hunter has been neutered and there is no reason to use a pet unless you are BM because the pet is weak, fragile and effectively a DPS loss
sounds like a wow baddie
you could not pay me to waste my time on that shit
>buys wow token in ur path
lol what now? u aint poor right
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Heres a fun game: You're forced to be a quest mob for 24 hours. What ever that mob is doing you'll have to do as well. If that npc is on their feet, walking around, sitting or doing an action(fishing, you'll catch fish, if eating you'll eat etc). You'll be doing your action for 24 hours. Which Quest mob are you going to be?
>my minigame is more better than YOUR minigame!!!1
what are some fun specs please
>give me another big bad that's threatening the existence of the universe only for us to beat them again in a single patch phase and move on to the next BIGGER AND BADDER threat
blood elf erper
anyone can buy a token it was designed for even young people working at mcdonalds to obtain
I haven’t played since MOP and decided to give TWW a chance and I must say… it’s pretty good. Got a DK and a mage to 80 and for those two classes at least the design is really superb and fun. The zones are also super dense and the quests are a lot more interesting. Dungeons are good too. Never thought I’d find myself writing this about a wow expansion again.
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>DKs can be permamounted outside
actual sovl
don't understand why they didn't go all the way and let them go mounted everywhere, it feels really like a limp dick talent.
Also fuck them for not letting blood have this spec, Sanlayin is fucking boring ass shit.
can't med'an just take this sword out?
this should unironically work in dungeons
it wouldn't even be that strong
enhance shaman is hard to play?
QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?
skip leg day and do it tomorrow
do leg day in ~40minutes
I feel ya, I'm generally in the same boat but also learning to accept I can't change things out if my control. I will say retail has impressed me more we than not but I hate a lot of the changes they've made as well. Warlock spells look like shit outside of CB and a couple of demo spells. Incinerate for instance is just a joke. I also hate when they changed the hunter gun/bow sounds from the original and made them sound like BB guns.
What is the easiest to obtain nice looking slutmog?
>no draenei
it should be much better after the next patch when ice strike is being merged with frost shock
still lots of buttons though
It's great while questing but I quickly swapped it out for the other version that turns Death's Advance into a short term mount in dungeons. Feels weird that they just didn't let you use it all the time in dungeons instead. But yeah, Riders of the Apocalypse is sick and feels surprisingly great.
Ret is so fucing op
was it during BFA or SL when blizz announced they would ban modding and all the trannies got super upset because they were about to lose all their big tiddy mods etc?
My main tank is a brewmaster, which people say suffers from button bloat aswell, but I think it's alright. Is enchance more/on par would you say?
literally anyone can join Elysian. the GM seems nice from what I have seen
its just people making drama for (you)s
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What mod are you using
>want to play fem warrior
>leg arms make shoulder plates look hideous
not sure about brew sorry buddy
more like
that looks awful. the textures arent even close to matching the face/neck/collar, and no doubt the animations look ridiculous without any physics. not to mention the mental illness proportions
i 100% thought he said shemale when i heard it
it has to be on puprpose
I want to try preservation evo. How hard is it?
who knows
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Henlo my cute orbiter!
nerubfag wanted invite privs to invite non wowg people and was denied so xhe left, made up a bunch of shit and tried to make xis own guild. its an unironic tranny too
Just join both.
>autism spectrum.
Like over half the thread. The other half is undiagnosed.
you fuckers have brainworms

its a play on chainmail. they're paladins.
>he thinks it's just one person
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>upcoming patch doesnt buff prot pally defensives at all, just their damage/healing
it is so fucking over...we're still squishier than a blood DK without death strike
Does this early focus on the next patch and the sweeping spec changes imply the launch didn't meet Blizzard's expectations?
these are not bannable now?
I'm thinking of joining Elysian just to get rid savage ginvite non stop
ok gonna go lift in 30min
then back to leveling
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>get rid savage ginvite non stop
any gay turbochvds itt?
Multiple followers? Awesome
fyrakk/amidrassil end boss.
I get like 10 random invites to guilds a day
Webbed Nodes seem to make decent money but it sucks catching the worms when you overload it.
yeh whatup kid
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>the entire upcoming anniversary event
>all these balance changes that completely redesign some specs for the better
Did WoW win?
no, even most shadowland bosses are not soloable, BFA is the cap for entierly soloable content right now
Chris Metzen!
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This is Vell's lich king armor for fembelves, he has a bunch of other armor mods, you cannot use all at the same time, you have to swap files everytime you want to change to one of his others like pic related
What does "ERM" mean?
Play rogue.
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save me
Where do you even get them from?
>ilvl 583
>all crests spent
>8/8 on 4 pieces
>7/8 on one other piece
>4/8 on everything else
so did people at 584 just upgrade lower value slots like gloves and rings instead of chest/legs/helmet or what
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What an absolute kino questline i dont remember doing back in the day.
Where?? What??
do the needful and tell it off.
all the guilds brainless simp libshits will hit programming faults when they have to choose sides between a female and a troon. Either they side with the eunuch and you dip leaving the guild as a known containment zone or they don't and the troon spazzes out and leaves with whatever shitbirds choose and you have a radically nicer guild.
Don't be like political or directly anti-troon about it just make it clear you are not Xir's "bestie sister" and they make you uncomfortable.

You have the power to make the world a better place. These people get what they want by being offensive and demanding and daring anyone to object. They ride on undeserved sympathy and abuse people tolerance to be abusive themselves. Like one of them calling you "bestie" 100% trying to push down the creepy ass "lesbian" route and thinks it ends with you together and he is basically going to keep advancing and dare you to say no.

Or you know don't, let him be an escalating problem and enable him like a typical clueless female and wait until he tries to get in touch with you IRL. Cus he will its the way they work, you're the only female he knows and he is used to getting whatever he wants for free with his troon card and he has decided that he wants you.
>ptr doesn't fix any of the issues with fire
>barely a footnote
>all the classes and specs that already work well get massive mechanical or numerical changes
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>join shitty dungeon mid battle
>cart starts blasting off
Hm.. guess I'll just.. sit here and wait for them to kill the darkness thingy
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oh SHIT guys remember remember when in february this year blizzard invented an extra day to scam us in the trade post? its true its true check last year calendar LAST YEAR february had 28 days THIS YEAR it had 29
meanwhile prot war mogs everyone in damage, defensives, and utility
Nigger balance
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Pick your doomnigga
love these spider ppl
>join one of these guilds
>usually max player count
>nobody talks
>some woman GM who keeps trying to organize social events or sometimes raids
>if raiding rarely gets past first boss
>if you look in the guild tab has crazy rules like swearing = kick
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demon hunters canonically never have sex
they're capable of it, and they have sex drives, they're just incels
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I just noticed I've been playing WoW for 17 years... Blizzard really got me by the balls
Why would anyone want to have sex with an Elf who smells like sulphur and bad farts?
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Great, and now I get to wait cause CD on dungeon. This is aids.

They used 30 crests to craft 590 items
Old ass quest from BC in shadowmoon valley I think
Golden one with Golden weapon.
I get them from the arctium club discord or the darknest forums
>holy is unplayable
It's a massive improvement over the last iteration of holy for s3/4 of DF
>dawnbreaker dungeon bugs for me
>cant mount or see any npcs
ok blizz
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Classes that can do all three roles tend to not be very fun. Commit to Warrior or Death Knight instead.
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mount me pls
holy shit this never gets old
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It happens. Deal with it and move on. No idea what you tried to accomplish by posting your experience here, as if we're devs who could fix this for you.

Now fuck off.
Preworkout is kicking in lads
Gonna go back to my pally in about an hour
God bless
>Holy is unplayable
I would commit to DK but I want to dual wield tank as unholy like in WotLK and blizzard won't let me.

still plays like shit compared to TBC
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This is a world where women are as strong as the men, so there's no incentive for women to be careful with men as they are in the real world. Which means that they're just as outwardly horny as men are.
what exactly illidan did in legion? it would be logical for him to become the kerrigan of wow and accept xera's gift to do something to imprison sargeras or something
but he was just standing on vindicar and later stayed with titans
I don't know. It happens. Somebody fucked your mom after all.
demon hunterbros...i need my fel motorcycle....where is it....
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any bee/wolf farmers
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Much better
What was she missing that Faerin has?
He changed the skybox in a cutscene. It was... epic!
>earthen cant eat
>be earthen
>eat mana bun
its fucking magic
I don't need a group I do it by myself
dumb opinion
feet sexo
>still plays like shit compared to TBC
>99% of your time is spent pressing HS/HL
is the bonus exp from random dungeons even worth it
i might just spam ara ara on alts
Unironically do elves have one long term partner they have sex with for literally thousands years? Doesn't it become boring after another hundred years? Do they even feel I terest to have sex with the same partner after previous 1000 sessions?
Also doesnt their flesh get bad after rubbing and stretching for thousands years?
Those are all Important questions.
What was the name of the NA guild again?
Fire mage when you hit the cumbust button feels good and then for the entire rest of the time it feels like you're throwing the resulting cum tissues at the enemy
I've been playing this game for like 15 years and I think I've seen this lady show up once and I think it was in a youtube video for a Horde cutscene I didn't see because I don't play Horde
You horde or ally
He fucked over GulDan and KilJaeden, united and cheered up allies, then helped us along the way until finally was able to jail Sargeras.
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why do these debuffs still exist in the game
As there is no canon explanation for any of your questions. The answer is whatever you want it to be.
Both but my main is Alliance
Believe it or not most retard boomers want to go back to 2 button rotations and raids where the most complicated mechanic is moving out of the fire within 15 seconds.
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Just search the name on guild finder fren.
should I pick two crafting professions on my 2nd character and then level a 3rd with herb/mine OR should I just say fuck it and go herb/mine right away on the 2nd
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Remember to stretch /wowg/!
that looks fucking awful anon
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the wife.
the girlfriend, even.
the urethra sounding instrument perhaps.
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shoe has unironically some of the best tits i've ever seen
more buttons doesn't mean better, and actual toolkit was gutted
Who cares if it's worth anything. I don't wanna play those shitty dungeons so I won't.
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So I was right about WoW..
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So I was right about Orcs...
thats not boxxy
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Will we ever get back beautiful elven Azshara?
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absolutelyy fcukcin zwsed
Truly, classic boomers are some of the most retarded creatures on the planet.
qrd on this vid
>he hasnt tried the superior hybrid class
What do we have to do for blizzard to implement at least the evoker sets for the dracthyr dragon form?
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This game really needs a gpose feature
no one is gonna answer there's just degenerates posting.
go 2 crafting profs if you have gold to spare and gather with the 3rd if youre really playing 3 characters.
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The funniest shit was them smugposting about how much harder vanilla was prior to classic launching.
the funniest thing is that he really was right
so was jaina in mop when he said children will grow up, become orcs and burn down the world tree
World of Warcraft?
Why do people farm them?
Healer gameplay being "press the one heal button" is grabage. What tools did holy paladin have in TBC that it doesn't have now?
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>the time they completely oblitared Sylvanas tits
it's harder because i get bored by the time i hit level 6
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>imagine the bad dragon collab
>blizzard will never
they already did
>This is me going from retail into classic WoW
>Mar 19, 2008
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Thats Jaina. You can tell by the hair.
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RIP Elemental and Enhancement Shaman, you got gutted with the 20th Anni Updated and the Fuck-Me-Up Senpai Ascended Form
also by the fact she's making out with an obese orc
what are the damage numbers looking like?
retard alert
Undead Warlock or is it too cliche?
dont call ME a retard... im geting angry
both male
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This, but unironically.
this anon >>493386912 woke up and chose violence

new ascended form looks cool imo
honestly Shaman will always suck because it simply isnt fun to play and hasnt been forever
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ELITE hihglord Turalyonn of the sliver hand here
all of the badmouthing about Retribution will henceforth cease immediately. i will not have mere warriors slandering the elite spec.
Gathering on second so you can stock up for crafting on the third
So with classic dungeons coming to timewalking, what are the chances Bill will consider rolling some of them into an M+ season?
>mana refund on crit
>excellent tank healing but low raid healing ability making the class both unique and necessary
>fun gameplay
only girls in my guild recently are married or unbearable and 7 years younger than me
completely not interested in any of them personality-wise too
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>Shaman will always suck because it simply isnt fun
Resto is fun though
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declaring a heal spec is 'fun' is something of a faux pas
you sound boring
Why are tanks such chuds?
t. ret paladin
Yes in vol’dun on horde
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>Only a few more days until the expansion ACTUALLY launches
if paladins are so elite, why are they always crying for buffs?
there was 1 very vocal girl in my old guild that i was in for a short time
you know the type. shes the center of attention and she knows it. all the guys orbit her and whatever. anyway i joined a pug run they were hosting once back in slands and she picked up and latched on to my accent because it was different from all the americans and wouldn't stop talking about it whenever i was in discord. "omgahd lyke it sounds SO hawt omgahd please join our guild so i can hear it all the time". it weirded me the fuck out and when i wasn't reciprocating it she dm'd me this long winded post about how i might not be the right fit for the guild because i don't join in on conversations in raids and don't fit the "friendly and light atmosphere". i told her i felt uncomfortable with how she singled me out constantly in raids infront of everyone else and the behavior desu was inappropriate as i'm married and she flipped out and went straight to the GM who said "yeah buddy you gotta go"
good fucking riddance. now i make sure that if there's a girl in any guild i join she either doesn't fucking talk, or she openly acknowledges she's married
>sod p4
>RL spends 30 minutes explaining geddon's 2 (two) mechanics
>we still wipe to inferno 5 (five) times before barely killing it the 6th time with like 1 second left on armageddon
>fight is nerfed the very next patch
it's pretty insane how bad the average person is at video games. every time I did group content in classic I was nervous about going in blind and then within 5 minutes I realized I was actually surrounded by complete retards and despite never having done the content I was still better than most of them
plz be in london
>blizzard was probably going to give paladin to all races through the tyr questline
>metzen probably scrapped that when he came back
was it a mistake or not?
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I just noticed something reading the Chronowarden spec.. the entire fucking thing is just my DF set bonus, kek.
report him to blizzard for sexism and harassment
he actually did nothing wrong
jaina realised that as well lmao
Do you mean judgements, because seal/judgement gameplay was fucking aids man.
>mana refund on crit
Changed how mana works all the way around.
>excellent tank healing
Local man hasn't even looked at how the class works this expansion, Hpal is THE spot healer once again. Surely you aren't this fucking retarded.
>fun gameplay
yea nevermind, you are. if slamming holy light over and over again is fun gameplay might I suggest something more on your level, like staring at a fucking wall.
Holy has more tools than ever, all of what you posted just boils down to "the game has changed in the last 20 years and I don't like it"
was it nelf males that were druids and females were priests or other way around?
If you want to make gold, it's unironically over, next week the (((merchants))) will have enough mettle for 3 blue equipments so they'll be able to craft everything at r5 (and mats at r3) without using concentration, and since there's no artisan's acuity catchup-mechanic it's 100% over for you. Go double gathering as a cope and only focus on professions that will craft the stuff that you personally need.
a mere warrior wouldn't understand our ELITE paladinn ways
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>implying i watch dungeon guides
i go in the dungeon and ill figure it out once im in there. deal with it poopsock retard
imagine if we had to go through delves with the DEI girlboss dwarf instead, holy mother of grim
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Imagine not playing flameshaper ...
warriors and priests are (were) femnelf only and druids were male nelf only in older canon
I don't pick specs that give me extra buttons. Always passive ones.
thanks for clarification, i wanted to make a druid but have it be lore accurate
>/wowg/ before any expac (actually) comes out
>tons of discussion about the gameplay and changes, relatively non-emotional criticizing of older expansions
>/wowg/ after a patch
>endless foxes, wolves, draeneis, pandas, "humies", doomposting, the same SJW events in-game and in media by blizzard being posted ritualistically, OGposting
I'm gonna miss this.
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I do this on my tank and it makes people seethe for some reason. I play this game to do keys; not to marathon videos on how to play the dungeons.
what are you talking about, the changes are awesome.
So why does she like orcs now?
>Avatarfag gooners don't actually play the game
Imagine my shock
is this the part were you post a picture of ai art of jaina kissing an orc
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Arise, my champion!
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im a giga gooner who plays the game, tho i dont avatarfag or post my toon here
What's the NA guild?

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Back when THE HORDE was KING
>wowg guild already imploded with drama
>tfw gooner and coomer are two different things
this should be studied
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>whining like a child is actually a good thing!
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>felcycles in 11.0.5
at last my time of suffering has an end date
Thank god, now post bimbos
not even the jailer could decipher it
Same. Ironically I'm not an attention whore.
miss me with that shit I'm saving my sparks for season starts so I can fill gear gaps and when prices are lower
statistics-driven development and professional game design sucked all soul out of games
hold up
hallowfall is underground?
lowkey based for not attention whoring
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I fear you might be right
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anon ...
what was there to even have drama about? this is rhetorical btw i dont actually care
maye is NOT going to like this post
It's better than legion and bfa with its daily engagement metrics.
The Clover Crusade is over?
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You should. Otherwise, you're goonerstatus doesn't benefit us.
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Too bad she avoids lewd streams.
guild is going full WFR sweating and now is rejecting wowg players since they already have a raid team
also typical erp futa trannies being spergs fighting for popularity
how do i open this link? copy paste it in bittorrent?
the game has been moving away from that since SL though.
I made Nerub Silkweaving Form because the GM said they only were recreating enough for the raid team. Dunno why you guys are so hostile just play the game I want to play with wowg anons
His face is just too fucking funny
Hunting for cocks.
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is that the guild?
Why is ZZ-01-47 a "she" but every other thing in the game is a them? WEIRD
now post any futa avatranny screenshot
Don't blame you, wowg anons are so attractive and charmful...
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there's nothing to do
>still cant have hair under hoods or hats
Yes, it's a reference to Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne and the Hollow Earth theory, that there's another world beneath the surface of the planet, with its own lands and seas and sky.
>No, no. I won't do that but my sister will....
What do blood elves mean by this?
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I MISS... HER..........!
wowg unironically the best
everyone is solo
but if someone needs help anons are helpful
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>play DK
>pull 3 fat AoE dudes together
>cast AoE anti magic shell and anti magic zone
>entire team dies besides me
>healer yells at me
>get kicked
>play healer
>DK tank
>pulls same dudes but 4 of em
>doesn't cast any anti magic
>press 1 heal CD, everyone survives easy
>everyone acts normal
>get loot

Are druids just horribly bad? Like how can you not outheal this.
calling her sister a slut.
no anon its this one
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all the sets on a fem human
>play dk
>do a fat pull
>never use my ranged interrupt, my ranged stun, my 2 death grips
>team dies
>get booted

>play healer
>dk tank
>does a fat pull
>dk tank uses his rangeed interrupt, ranged cc, his 2 death grips
>team survives
>pat myself on the back cause i think i contributed
this is actually what happened
and i bet it wasn't even the same dungeon you larping negroid
these all look like trash, T2 sets did not age well at all.
Druid healing is absolute dogshit outside of raids (even then tbdesu), healer was probably also shit, I can pull half the dungeon on my bdk and be fine
How fucking buck broken are you to keep bitching about them when they're absent?
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what the fuck
>judgement suits females better
is it because its a dress? i think so
erm it's body 2 human, chud.
you didn't mention dungeon therefore you are a LARPing faggot in a stereotypical passfaggot fashion and I was correct
the writers forgot who rexxar is so you must now choose your season 2 delve partner:
>toddy whiskers
>naldea rivergleam pushing khadgar's wheelchair
>tess and taelia (they're constantly angsting over their fathers the whole delve)
>an echo of j'lor that continually reminds you about shadowlands lore
All the tools are bloated garbage that make you jump through hoops to do what you used to be able to with a single button or two.
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>I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.
I didn't want to join because I dont want to join a guild that isnt open to thread users. they said they needed a resto druid and I am resto druid but that they are only letting in enough for the raid team.
This isn't true either. Can you stop shitting up the thread now with made up bullshit. I'd rather not get involved in petty drama but I keep being lied about
wtf is that hunter set bros...
>god tier
>high tier
>shit tier
the rest
im horde, unable to find it :(
>multiple dungeons in this expac have mobs that do a knockback which also affects their allies
>all of them come in packs with casters, some of which spam an uninterruptable spell
Blizzard is really trying to make dungeons as unpleasant as possible, aren't they?
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wow won
we fucking w*n
this is their response to the dragonflight maze+ caster stacking problem have fun
really hated the warrior one at first but then i checked how it looked on races like human and orc, and yeah its fucking great. kul'tirans so fucking awful lol
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The problem is that in their mental illness they keep editing their pics so they can evade filters
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i thought the pants on rogue ruin the set but it actually looks good on human female, another case of shitty stretching textures
now they just need to add the edgy shadow covering the face, if they don't add it by the time the set gets released blizzard can suck my fat fucking cock
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on the 11.0.5 ptr
holy moly. hood/mask/cloak combo
>noooo I dont want to start drama im just spamming hecking chat logs :^)
what the eaisest healer?
I tried playing shaman but after i boosted it i had no idea how to play it? there's so many fucking buttons.
why even sell boosts if there's no tutorial on how to play the spec i want?
Oh I was perfectly fine, and he was too. He just never healed any of the dudes. When I checked, they each received like 200k heal while he healed himself by some 10mil, me by maybe 500k. I just sat there and tanked those cunts for 5minutes while he had a melty from the graveyard.
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just b urself
Man makes me miss early Wrench where the only Schizo was the blood elf DK
I will make fun of them all the fucking time because they are pathetic and you can't fucking stop me.
Yea I'm really jumping through hoops to use my utility by... targeting someone and pressing the button?
netherwind looking nice on femhumies
these look shit, they should have done all vanilla tier sets.
this looks so shit omg.
blud is posting tranime laughing gifs as if I'm the one getting booted from heroics
kultirans are just obese humans, of course it would look dogshit. same as how it would look dogshit on pandas.
humans and orcs were literally built for kino sets. everything else either widens the textures to fit their fat girth or comically enlarges the textures to fit the model like in the case of taurens
is this post accurate

how the fuck can you make a profession system so utterly shit if so
Extremely buck broken then, good to know.
kek yeah the reason ive been doing the pulls i do on tank is because i easily healed them. insane to watch people just plummet before my eyes
Some of these are fantastic. Some like warlock and I think that's rogue at the end? Not so fantastic.
Which one is the middle top with the blue lich king helmet?
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>anime image
post hidden
>old holy paladin
>cast the crit CD
>cast holy light crit
>big heal and mana back
>now you need to be in melee do 3 crusader strikes, 7 judgements, twist seven times and use armament of light to cast word of glory because holy light costs too much mana to be efficient
You'd think the tard druids would learn what mobs deal damage at some point. His first message was
Hm.. well probably because they are used to competent healers who know what a CD is
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why would anyone even play healer? every tank is a retarded schizo who pulls like he's fucking mr fantastic.
DPS are monogoloids who must stand in every aoe, healing fucking sucks right now.
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i liked season one shadowlands holy paladin.
i fuckin said it!!!!!!!!!!!!
DONT NOT REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maye has been on the verge of a meltdown for the past week and begging people not to criticize him in previous threads LMAO
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Why is Alexstrasza on this art? I don't remember her doing any villainous shit, what am I missing?
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Because I get an ego boost at keeping people alive through extraordinary amounts of bullshit at high difficulties, or idiot tanks overpulling.
these are supposed to be more iconic tbdesu
people like you fucked up the spec beyond repair kill yourself we had a good thing going in 8.3
>play with pugs and shitters in wowg
>surprised when they play like pugs and shitters
Retard alert
she is not a villian...?
she is there because she is hot and marketable
Warlock, druid, hunter and priest should have been t1
big pulls make healing more fun. mythic+ is too easy and is only hard with retarded groups or insanely high keys where u get one shot. the latter isn't fun just a chore
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ummmmm i enjoy healing
would you invite me to your M0 chill run pogchampions only NO TOXIC vault run alts welcomed?
she sided with the chudtans against her chickenfrens
>get smeared
>post proofs
I don't even blame him.
That's what I thought, so why is she on the "Villains of WoW" art?
Just getting him to match your daily meltdowns, huh?
she's hot.
honestly there should've been a alexstrasza feet cinematic.
Show me your true form
Kill yourself footfag
so the majority then?
I disagree infact weren't there a lot of complaints about healing difculty in DF S1 and S2 for these exact reasons?
>Dps trink
you're a boomkin
enjoy ur dead spec roflmao!!!
what addon do you use to show ilvl on gear?
no i'm making my own group on my 577 disc priest i spent 0 gold on and 0 time on while gearing as fast as you lmao!
>1 dude
This. I can't stand footfags. Foot fetish is on the same level as being into cuckoldry. Your beta monkey brain is literally wired incorrectly, making you think feet are sexy. It's weird and girls think you're not normal
feet and armpits are sexy, get over it.
Meanwhile in the real world, I press holy shock and follow it up with a holy light.
Really complicated stuff here by classic boomer standards I know.
>have you tried making friends
So it's not a wowg guild it's just him and his buddies lmao
it ranges from ok to good.
it did add a lot of good things for the game though (dragonriding, renown system and outdoor activities)
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i spent no gold at all my dick priest friend :)
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keep replying to my posts please while you pathetically wait till your trannytar comes online for ERP ahahaha
>blue number
OH NONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
simple ilvl
>want to level up character I haven’t logged into in a while
>managed to sneak a word into its name that I know will be insta-reported if I do
what did xir do?
guess my character name
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Heh..... pathetic....
paladin or monk and WHY
>girls think you're not normal
Not all of them. My ex gave me footjobs, for example.
you got blue balls after i take your bitch LOL
the independent investigator determined they said negro in a newspaper in 1937.
heroic spamming got boring and I'd rather not suffer while I'm playing the game
>half the Frostfire hero talents for fire mage don't work for example
What the fuck is this shitty meme? They literally all do
oh yeah I forgot the best thing from it all, the profession rework
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>not having brown ilvl
i have both :-)
>furry expansion
>immediately followed by feet expansion
bold new direction following the censorship fiasco. which fetish are they doing next?
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i think i fucked up my mods
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How are u guys skilling your dragie heals? Besides the middle section.
>furry warrior
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>tww is already dead
welp, that was faster than usual
Did you download the nude skins?
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how can it be dead if it hasn't started yet
I kneel...
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>main has mining
>rush mounted while mining
>get x1 mats all the time
>go plethora+bismuth
>constant x3 mats
i was trolled
how do i play healer? the group keeps dying
yes, theres just one dwarf here thats exploded even with the lov fix

Wow won and xiv lost
ooo, do me next
I'm kinda sad that unique forest of Teldrassil is gone
The most simillar one is Ashenvale but still not the same and that location was always contested
WRA or Moon Guard?
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Get the bone and animation files for that, usually fixes it
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>Check achievement score with Foxxo
>All of them match
>liquid can't win fair and square
>start cancelling half of echo's roster 1 week before the race

max really changed the way the game is played huh
I've got mates for decades who never really truly clearly confirmed they're men.

Women confirm it before you talk to them.

Yeah wonder why it's such a hot button issue
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To me, my Sons of Lothar!
the not-playing-druid tax claims another victim
is that a protoss in the back?
Women would literally offer themselves to get raped by indians if it meant they were "that one girl who (x)". This troon, had they been female, would've quit their guild if another joined. or have her bullied out
What are the worldsoul memories? I can never interact with them.
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thousand years war netflix series
last time i was in a guild was in wotlk but i exchanged nudes with quite a few of them

nerds always complain that women ruin guilds because men will simp for them, but in my experience that's not true at all, it's the bitter fucking nerds that ruin them with their complaining
>Very Cute
What happened to them?
You're not an actual woman cause real women actually like trannies.
mads or clint eastwood?
both work desu
no they don't
I am my scars turned into very cute. Very cute died during mid BFA because the game was shit. t. was gm for awhile.
Do goblins also get a discount on repairs? How much cheaper?
I'm trying to decide on zandalari vs goblin for gold

They are so derpy
because its dynamic. its either the easiest thing in the world and you get carried or its the complete opposite
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>need undulation to spawn ancestors
>never cast healing surge or wave in dungeons
in bountiful delves you get an item that you use at the worldsoul to trigger a bossrush
>white actor
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is this stupid flag contest still happening every year?
xe'ra will be black
Xal is a tranny actually
they absolutely do not lmfao
Where are those dudes now?
my wife is kind of a retard, what class would be best for her? I don't think she'll ever need to be competitive but might be nice if she could get away with normal raids or M0 or something. BM Hunter? Ret?
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EUbros join <Nerub Silkweaving Forum> open to any thread user on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Whisper Cawaen or any member on EU Argent Dawn Alliance. Horde players can join but you have to join the community called Nerub Silkweaving Forum, add me on battlenet (Castriot#2261) or just type in /wowg/ in the community finder, I only use the community to add cross faction players otherwise just apply to the guild first or add Castriot#2261 on battlenet. Play or shoot the shit with wowg anons!
>Lighforged Golems
nothing good ol' voodoo can't take care of
Hunter but also just let her choose you idjit
>anime pic
post hidden
repairs should be the same everywhere. shouldn't be hard to check if you have a repair mount and are exalted with sw/org.
Am I ready for season 1 bros?
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Why are you guys all suddenly making guilds and communities? Is the guild that's already there no good?
I made a community like 10 months ago for frens to play with but most are in that guild now.
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>Everyone is raving about TWW base campaign
>Metzen joined the team only after the campaign was finished by Danuser and co

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>shaman ascendance forms use Femorc animations.
It's over Shamansissies.
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>havoc dh (fembelf) from my guild streams on chaturbate
Do I fap to her (male)?
you might be too ready
she likes demon hunter and shadow priest, i dont know enough about DH but shadow priest is definitely too hard
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this is why you never ever play with anons


Warlock wins again
ngmi, e-girls are running around with 590+ minimum
There hasn't been an active wowg guild since mid bfa. now theyre starting again
vc people play games together, most people left, theres still a friend group of like a handful of people.
omg female human actually looks awesome
the idea is to keep you subbed and to force you to play right from the start of the expansion if you want to keep up with the knowledge points, casuals will buy everything with gold that they get from selling tokens and autists will roll a thousand alts with all of them spending knowledge points specifically focused on a certain craft, it's a nasty system for latelets and poorfags
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So if I get 2 more ilevels I'll become a cute anime girl?
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Almost everyone got kicked from the community by one of your friends upset at the guild
thats because they dont have to work for their gear
>not 600+
>shit spec to boot
You need at least 5 or 6 more ilvls as a man to get into MY group

Can't wait to get this for free on free account, get fucked paypigs
>he doesn’t know
loving every laugh
>He doesn't know the keys only drop from the raid
Oh no bro
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>Another attention-starved doomjeet
I cannot fucking believe these models made it through production. Just in sheer awe
where do i get this feet mod O_O
The obvious answer is that they're left-over boss models from Dragonflight, that didn't make the cut for the expansion and just got thrown into WW for Shamans.

Step back in time and show off your class pride when you purchase these appearances with Bronze Celebration Tokens earned during the 20th Anniversary Celebration.

What are you smoking, faggot? Just buy the ensembles with currency like Slopmix
could xal'atath be fixed if she just got a good dicking by a BHC?
it's been 2 years and people still can't do darkness
How much time do we got this anniversary? I am level 20 right now.
This and the drachtyr tier set have to be jokes.
The remade tier set was too much of a good thing for shamans so they had knock them down a notch.
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I am enjoying myself and the story is fun so far.
Every quest is automated
Every cutscene auto skipped
just use unleash life?
>I am level 20 right now.
so you'll be 70 in 5 hours and 80 in 10
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a thousand bucks last time i checked
do darkness?
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>guild doesn't raid till Thursday
>have to do 2x world tours on main and split char
>have to do every single bountiful delve on main and split char
>have to do LFR on 2x chars
>have to do weekly events
>have to get all profession knowledge on main

I'm both excited and tired at the same time
What's worse than an indian customer support or ai support?
indian ai support!
is it ptr?
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Druids won BIGLY
>never cast healing surge
is this bait
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Hm.. you are right. It wasn't someone upset at the guild tho, it was the dude who made the guild. A few days ago everything was normal. The faggot booted me from everywhere after I told him I'd never join his guild and am gonna keep my own where only I and my other chars are in.
Well the real frens are still in it at least.
I left it in his hands while I was gone for like 8 months and he turned into basically hitler.

You can still use my group if u wanna. No idea why he decided to become such a cunt and do this.
more like 200 bucks lol
>Hm.. you are right. It wasn't someone upset at the guild tho, it was the dude who made the guild. A few days ago everything was normal. The faggot booted me from everywhere after I told him I'd never join his guild and am gonna keep my own where only I and my other chars are in.
which faggot? what guild GM?
should i be saving my delve keys for the season?
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>people so desperate for reasons to care they are discussing anniversary freebies they wont see for 3 months
Name is Os1, he made the Elysium guild. He was the only one who had the rights to kick people, besides 2 other friends but those 2 other friends are still in my group.
>3 months.
Bro the stuff's coming next month. They confirmed the event starts in October.
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using them in tier 3 delves is a total waste
i would not bet on blizzard making a deadline that short even if i was using your money
That's funny. that's the same guy that sperged at me when I made the Nerubian guild and has been shit posting in the thread about me with made up bullshit the entire time
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>bought a virtual blizzcon ticket years ago for the skychaser/interceptor
>finally get to fly around in it and mock the poors
Thank you based Blizzard
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>I would not bet on blizzard keeping to their 8 week patch schedule, even after an entire expansion of blizzard keeping to their 8 week patch schedule.
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Well.. if you ever wanna come back to my frens group, you can always do that. But I guess you made your own community so that's cool too.
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oh noooooooooooooooo please don't send me virtual pizzas to my in-game characters
i'm so owned right now
>trusting post-wrath blizzard to be competent at all
do americans really ?
void elf demon hunters...please....
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god I love femdorfs
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Check the MOTD my man
God I love femboys
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This? I made that, yeah. Cause he kept spamming his dumb guild invites in there. I didn't want that. Then he got mad.
What are some good professions for Evoker?
why is city of threads in the m+ rotation
i really hope so
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I hate them so much.
What a retarded looking race.
Full-time pawjob provider
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If a /vg/ guild ever existed, admittance should be determined on whether you are willing and able to spam "NIGGER" in a public space full of retoilets. If you are able to accomplish this and not get permanently suspenders, you are allowed in.
who are you anon, I'll play with anyone from here.
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I am taking my time levelling through dragon isles.
anyone managed to do the Mage Tower since the TWW pre-patch ?
>Make an intentionally ugly character
Sneed troon
Treed soon
Draginid, did you use your arcane magic to transition after playing xiv?
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Why is she so mad bros?
lack of BHC
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These are mine. Tho I don't play the panda anymore.. the hunter is just a meme.
RPer ruined guild already lmao

Wrath set is the clownsuit of BC
its castriot, draginid has left wow forever to become a beauitful trans queen in final fantasy 14
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>could have been the femdwarf xpac
>it's the bearded lady xpac
stop trying to split the community so you can have some semblance of authority thx
>permanently suspenders
this is a cheap laugh
can these fly?
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>anon, it's time for your root pulling quest!
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I'm mentioned 7 times here.
uldum feels kinda meh
What's the best dps with the least buttons? I'm a retard with 3 fingers.
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usually it's bm hunter
Don't be an idiot, do LFR then normal with guild first.
>anon you already got a good piece from your m0, even if it's in your bis list or best stats, can you let this item to the offficer 560 ilvl?
holy BASED jagex

>give palacucks a nice looking arathi set
>all the palacucks mog into it
>it looks retarded as fuck when you run with it
>makes all the palacucks look dumb as fuck
Hows warrior?
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I played the campaign thorougly on the first character I pushed to 80, do I need to unlock the zones on alts after that? Probably gonna have to do Azj-Kahet for the quests right?
Just being a lazy bitch spamming dungeons rn
There's no such thing as a cool looking troonoid scalefag evoker.
im based
ask me anything and i will give you the based answer
arms is fun
Destruction and Devastation are both really simple, theyre probably not the best but fun and easy
you can skip the campaign ye but you need to finish it first.
In pve?
prot warr is insanely good right now, and the big thunderclap spam is fun
Fine. I will be your gf, that means:

>I VVILL tank your key
but also
>I VVILL cuck you
You're a retard if you think that.
wowg guild <wowg guild status> status?
Why can't I find the EU guild through a search? How do I find it, I want to join.
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>go full disenchanter
>still get shit gains
>greens are so fucking expensive and barely drop
thoughts on female vulpera?
i thought Orochi looked cool
Keep telling yourself that.
Dracthyr boyfriends
gotta realize the vast majority of tanks are actually chill dudes who want to pull 1 pack at a time, but slow pulling makes the DPS absolutely SPAZ THE FUCK OUT and start a vote kick or just run ahead and pull the whole dungeon anyways.

the tank mass pull meta is entirely the fault of the dps, usually hunters.
Your favorite WoW character has been turned into a Worgen. What do you do?
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I cum
Hi anon. If you're alliance whisper anyone from AD Alliance in Nerub Silkweaving Form. If you're horde join the community first with the same name so I can invite you
What I did was on first char I did the campaign, second char I did all side quests, although you need to do azjakahet campaign to unlock all of them.
Now all my alts have everything unlocked as soon as they reach 80 and I have loremaster and glyph master or whatever.
anniversary event that'll run november-december
Mental illness
I have like 8 though and I need to mash them like a mad pianist. Sure the "rotation" is simple as fuck but it's not a chill spec at all
Me on the left
sweet, then it should just show up once Im 80.
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>chains painted on body
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my favorite wow characters are all the worgen who post in this thread who I can hit on anyway

Too funny to watch NuBlizzard being so desperate for money, all that pandering to mentally ill lgbt didn't work out?
people freaking out about big pulls is weird to me. i've mostly played OG since i dipped out of wow back in 2012 or so and am just getting back into it. in that game wall to wall is the standard for dungeons, you pull the entire hall between one boss and another all at once and thats what your cooldowns are for, pop the tank mitigation and just melt the entire hallway at once.

is this not the norm in wow? do people actually want to go 1 pull at a time?
Me on the right
eu is Nerub Silkweaving Forum

search community if your cross faction. someone should add this to the next OP
That's not world of warcraft
cope almighty
why are there no wqs in azkeet
what about elysian
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>What a retarded looking r-r-race.
>I hate them so le much...
>people freaking out about big pulls is weird to me
big pulls suck because they are so chaotic with all the swirlies, interrupts, fears, stuns enemies do
World of Warcraft?
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I accept your concession.
so post what a "good" fagthyr should look like
GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

It would be best to avoid.
How did Sonic the Hedgehog and Spyro the Dragon cause so much damage to so many people's brains?
this looks like shit everyone who buys this should be shot in the head irl
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i have an ilvl of 613 after spending an hour farming BGs. Are PvEkeks really so pathetic they cant get past 590?
>ppl crying about big pulls
when I pug I pull few packs slowly to see what randos are capable of and then pull less/more based on that.
I don't mind people pulling for me as well, it can lead to some funny/exciting moments.
i have no idea, add it to the OP as well
I'm 626 nigger, get good
baby's first slop
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I like femboy dracthyr
Bearmode faggots can fuck off
The females should have big fat scaly tits though
>The females should have big fat scaly tits though
god I wish
i can pretty much solo the first major pull with cds so i see how long it takes for it to die then pull accordingly after that
albino buying one of them
funey post
Which tank has the most self healing? DK?
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You still haven't posted a cool looking dracthyr, faggot.
feels good knowing body type 4 dracthyr makes /wowg/niggers seethe
please be respectful
>type 4
what's the difference between that and the other 3 types? they all look like faggot twinks
Elysian is the main guild with people in it
Nerub is offshoot of some tranny who hates the gm of Elysian
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two egg!!! LMAOO TWO EGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they all have broken self healing, but yeah DKs basically dont need a healer at all
>CHADthyr making the sissy "male" human paladins seethe again
world of warcraft?
Elysian doesn't accept new members because GN only want people for one roster of raiding.
it's the only body type that doesn't look like an anorexic tranny
DK>Vengeance DH>Prot Pally=Guardian Druid>>Brew>>>Warrior
Yes, the Dracthyr are a race in WoW. Expressing a dislike for something in the game is still world of warcraft related.
I dont hate him and I'm not a tranny, just want to play with wowg anons and not deal with janny abuse
>put out bikes that perfectly match demon hunter final tier from DF
>dont release them until next expansion
what did blizzard mean by this?
can i join if i don't want to raid
also that's fucking retarded
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Why do my healing spells feel so weak?
My paladin has 583 ilvl and I just swapped from retoilet to holy since that's my main spec and it feels like my holy shocks barely move people's healthbars?
QRD on ara ara trinket?
>wanting to join a guild made by a mentally ill spic who will likely disband after his first normal mode wipe
>he doesn't know holy pala is world of cooldowns
Sorry child but you have to use 7 cool downs to heal someone since ADHD schizos think one healing spell actually healing is for boomers.
retadin is in the bottom half of APM for classes my man I dunno what to tell you
Perma main stat, bis for every single spec in the game, expect nerf soon.
you think your draggot don't look like one too? lmao
reminds me of how resto shaman used to play like
EU quel'thalas is not US quel'thalas anon...
US inside meme, QT, Ragnaros and Azralon are SouthAmerican servers.
that's still the same pandering.

arab, spic, bosnian
all the same to me
some schizo got confused about eu/na realms yesterday and thinks the eu guild is on a na latin server, now hes just repeating it
well yes i plan on taking over
Join nerub silkweaving we accept all anons
adhd with schizophrenia is extremely rare
i do have both though ama
What did you mean by that, I played Rsham in TBC and WotLK and it wasn't like that at all
lmao, even
Both are made up
rsham became like that in mop onwards
>asmon vod in the background
YEP we wowing
MoP was the start of ADHD piano garbage, which is why I played destrolock since only needed two buttons.
Three for cleave
>Can group up 10+ mobs and self heal
>Die to 4 mobs
i play wow with my numpad
in a sense you're right
i really doubt there's just 1 disease called schizophrenia for example
rather it's probably many different diseases with different mechanisms
this is only my personal theory however
BM hunter
you have to choose a pact for them to appear
I dont.
Should I just burn all my crests now on any purple gear I have?
You can't seriously think big pulls are good gameplay
It's fun to splat big packs and make big numbers, it's fun to challenge yourself to handle bigger and bigger pulls with your group's toolkit.

I wish dungeons had more "fodder" between big mobs to emulate the fun of big pulls, without trivialising the important packs/trash mechanics.

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