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Previous thread: >>493363743

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
[YouTube] Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program (embed)
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
[YouTube] Jane Character Demo - "Deadly Interrogation" | Zenless Zone Zero (embed)
[YouTube] ジェーン実戦紹介「アブない取り調べ」|ゼンレスゾーンゼロ (embed)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Why did this game fail to capture the rich markets of America and India?
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Okaeri, anon~
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B-but the movies...
Ben bigger erotic
gay sex with ben bigger
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will it kill them to release some more mini games?
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she's cleaning my smegma!
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How should I be building Seth? I would prefer him to be a stunner so should I have Impact on [6]?
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proof that the social links are noncanon
>don't have Rina or Grace
>need to wait till 1.2 livestream to know if Jane synergizes with Freezefire
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Batteries? What for?
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No one answered so I'll post it again, is the proxy canonically dead or did they steal the name?
And mini-events are?
Zhubros??? ellenbros??? our rabi??? did we lose???
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You do have an emergency rainy day fund right?
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how can Seth Smaller compete?
where does that show up?
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Shit, how long does it take to finish the Police station event???? I'm WAY too late to the party!
Why do I want to fuck a rabi
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that's what rat is for
Rabi pls no
Seth’s smaller feminine p…
Chinese ZZZ players are something else
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bow to your queen
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I have Ellen, Zhu Yuan, Jane Doe and will be getting Ceasar as well most likely.
What boo should I pull next? I only have the aether one.
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Isn't this the bangboo who conspired against Eous?
Cute and canon couple!
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get her she's good
Doros are second class citizens
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you mean rabbit?
>The hair clips are to keep the wig in place
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We hate Ellen Joe here
Wise & Belle are probably inherit the Phaethon title from the OG
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Just got the kot's ball from standard. Is she finally good?
Is she m1
I caved and rolled the penis head rat. She's so much more fun and smoother to play over Zhu.
Is your kot m1? Then she's about the level of M0 + saarlight limited attacker. If still M0 then your kot is still bricked
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Neko with the same level of investment can solo shiyu 17
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Ao Oni vibes
Zhus attacks feel so meaty tho
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This conversation's feeling a little too gay for my comfort
I want piper M1...
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just working up some sweat before hanging out with a bro, bro
These siblings are having sex!!!!!!!!!
why are you even talking to that fag? the few polies arent worth the humiliation ritual
I hope Miyabi steals Soukakyu from Ellen
She said that after my futa belle fucked her
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>do ALL events
>do ALL quests
>finally, finish Qingyi's story
>scrape around a singular pull
It's perfect.
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I want to pipe piper...
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cute rabi bwo
are you guaranteed though?
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whats a rabi
>that profile picture
Is that his dad ? What a baby
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Would you?
Or big brother. He got mentioned multiple times.
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Your special order, sire.
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Loli Agent soon right?
it's barely noticeable like Asha
they went the opposite direction with Pulchra which was pretty brave
Why artists are not drawing r-18 of Jane? It's all AI generated
>kot is 16
Great you ruined it gentard
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New Eridu women...
I think it's his own picture as a kid/teen. It could be his father or big brother, but I doubt he'd use their picture for his messenger DMs.
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Like this?
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*blocks your path*
Anby was soldier 11's instructor
you just know
Hot as fuck. Post with Jane, please
I meant, the one touching his head
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>interracial ice cream ad
They knew.
Oh. But it could still be either, though I doubt his brother would be taller than him to do that, so it's probably his father.
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wow way to spoil the mood cumgurgler
I hope so, I need to skip and save some polychromes
What does the rat smell like?
I have Ellen, Zhu Yuan and Qingyi.
I really want to save for Caesar and Burnice but it seems like Jane hits like a truck and her design is good.

Bros, help me save for Burnice...
Convince me to not roll more. I already built 50 pity in the case I got an early Jane.
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What’s the appeal of “futas”?
Tranny fetish for tranny "people"
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Cheese, probably
its for coping fags. they pretend to like females but love to suck dick and get drilled by one
Can you S rank SD17? then skip
If you cant, wait till the last few days of the cycle and if you still can't clear by then maybe you can consider pulling
It's a fetish
It doesn't have a particular appeal outside of those who have it
Just like feet
what do you plan to do when you max out all your characters?
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The MC's had a "master", who I believe was the original owner of Eous. They appear to be searching for something related to that master, it's possible Phaethon is a Zorro like name, when the old one dies a new one puts on the mask. Would explain why they don't really feel like actual master proxies letting Fairy do all the work, because they just adopted the name of their master.
Your fetish is literally liking dicks. You gay as fuck.
This list is wrong, Rina and Piper are implied to be in their forties and Koleda is at least 18
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you don't have to look at a dude's ass, but then the artist starts focusing on dicks you realise anything but solo girl is actually at least little bit gay
+5 critmaxxing and +5 anomaly proficiencymaxxing disk substat autism
I used my adult card today in advance for Caesar.
It's over for me, bros.
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when you dislike seeing men in your porn but you still wanna watch a chick get railed or fellate but having another chick strap-on feels like a cop out
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I do the equivalent of 30* in Genshin. S Ranking in all but the last chamber.
Love how this thread is filled with chill people except one wuwajeet who rages at everything and people rarely even acknowledge them LOL
their master seems to be sunbringer (flame head) the head of helios academy
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What are my sources of character exp? I'd rather not to farm them if there's any alternative. Already cleared the HZ/Shiyu shops
That'll take like a year without discs.
>ZY still sitting on the bench
>Jane and Seth at the end of the line
>Lighter and choice of S rank coming up
Rabigods set the tone of this thread
You realize that literally every single healthy man imagines it's them doing the fucking right? This "le self-insert is cringe" meme shit has gone so far that people can't even imagine themselves having sex when they watch porn anymore. The brainrot is real.
you know how stroking your peen feels good? it's easier to imagine how it feels for her when she got one. However you pleasure a futa though, it might as well be gay. Nothing to be insecure about, IMO.
Battlepass, hard story missions, and farming.
when Ellen coming back :(
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>61 million damage against Nineveh with solo Jane
I hope she won't get powercrept for a while.
Why do those idols have biblical angel names? They’re devout Christians?
Oh I haven't cleared all the hard missions, I'll go do that.
it takes around 30 rolls to get a featured A rank, yes?

10= 50/50 lose
10= 50/50 win, but 50/50 lose
10= 50/50 win, and 50/50 win
so an average of 30?
>inb4 calculus

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What's the appeal of "lolis"?
she'll get powercrept instantly by burnice
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This is my Rat.
There's many like her.
But this one is mine.
>mixtoilet general
bitch, you live like this?
technically yes, but you could lose to the A rank that you don't want again and again till you pull the S rank, so it's never worth it to go for the A rank on the banner unless you're ok with getting the S
preach, my man
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I don't want to have sex with dudes
I want to have sex with females, if they also have a giant cock along with the pussa thats fine too

am I gay or not?
I’m from gig btw
Why aren’t you playing Natlan?
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I don't remember ever being this starved for resources in another gacha before.
I can't level my second team or new characters, I can't level their weapons, I can't level their skills and I can't replace their shitty disks let alone level them.
No new BP in sight either. I wonder how long it will take before I can finally play the rat.
It's hot. I like to see a girl with a giant dick fucking another girl.
cuteness and tight cunny, very easy to drag around and fuck. cannot resist
I got jumpscared by a Grace at low pity. But anyway, anyone knows how viable Rina/Grace is at a core? Combined with the Seth I rolled maybe? Or is that too much shock and will get wasted?
Sure you are xaar
Burnice is literally her best team mate at this point, since her passive gives Jane even more damage.
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>You realize that literally every single healthy man imagines it's them doing the fucking right?
obviously but it's still a guy on your screen while you're trying to jerk off even when it's faceless male or even when they are mostly off screen
POV is a step in the right direction
Is it still cucking if I self insert as Seth?
Rat is for belle big futa cock.
Based bellechad
no, devs just use recognizable things for their characters
there's no deeper meaning behind it
Have you wasted exp to get past lvl 55? That's a big mistake early on. Likewise if you try to get abilities up past lvl 9.
No, it's straight and dare I say, based
there is a winged race in universe they might just be bird thirens but the angel idols do seem to take inspiration from biblical angels
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The chinese are pretty funny sometimes, coming up with a term like that.
Easiest way to clear garden with Zhu/Ching/Nicole? I'm at 50lvl with them and managed to do it once and now i unlocked those prefixes. I just picked Zhu and went for ether/critical resonia the first time
People roll too many character. Any support/stunner for now are more than fine at level 50. After DPS fully to 60 +9/13 skills you can at best level a stunner to 55. If you can clear SD right now, there's not even a point.

I personally have only rolled Zhu and I have enough shit prefarmed to instantly level Burny and Caesar (and their wengine, skills) to max.
some people want to see penetration but don't like to look at men
I don't know saar
Does this game have any girls with cute feet?
Those pixels and bits of data sure are attractive.
NTA but even on your attackers? I'm still not inter-knot 50 but from lurking the thread it seems like the recommendation is to get them to 60
Level up DPS to 60 and stunner and supports to 45, that’s the sweet spot. With that I got 6s 1a on Shiyu since rotation 1.
a lot of loli's are just purityfags I'm not convinced they are all mentally ill
Sorry to tell you this, but there's no specific guarantee for which A-rank you get. You could roll 6 Seths in a row without seeing a single Anby in between, or vice versa. I'm pretty sure some anons have suffered this.
giving brownoids like you access to the internet was a mistake.
They're still in the unfiltered stage of early internet, same like the 90s early 2000s West.
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for me its the size difference

same if reversed
Fox milk...
bro, your cosplaying gf?
even in /bag/ where 99% of the girls are below 18 they still have hag vs loli melties
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>Ellen replaced Mibibi as the first banner
>instantly powercrept into oblivion
>Mibibi stonks still rising
I feel bad for everyone who rolled on the "DUDE SLEEPY LMAO" zoomershark
POV is ideal, but not every art will do that
Sometimes you gotta meet the fap half-way and put yourself in there yourself
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Yea the shining starlight knight
What about the people who like both
Unless you do anomaly, higher than 55 is pointless right now, and even with anomaly I'd argue it's just not worth. And only that if you can get the core skill as well.

People heavily exaggerate how much damage you lose because of a few levels.
You get child porn but you don't get busted by the police, what's not to love?
If you're unable to imagine yourself having sex while watching porn. That's first of all kind of sad. Secondly, a sign of low intelligence and no imagination. Hate to break it to you. You're like those people who can't visualize an image in their head when they try to think of an object. A broken human.
early genshin was significantly worse, a lot more unit's and a lot more levels

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Bartender, I'll have the George Floyd special, please
I only have Zhu Yuan and Ellen on 60 and the (relevant) skills of them and their team members hover around level 7-8. I hope things get better before they stop shilling my characters in the end game content
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lucy's shoes
>imagine yourself having sex while watching porn
Normal humans can just have sex without imagining it saar
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*knees on your charge port*
A-anon!?! Where's your polys?? You n-need to save for me, I'm going to be r-really meta!!!
Why didn’t they make Lighter a stoner dude who sells weed to high school girls
Played off and on since launch.
Finally got first 5* on limited.
Faggot furry wolf man.
Deleted the game and I will not return.
exposing yourself as a boomer, the majority of normalfag zoomers are virgins
Your loss
Which you most certainly are not. But that's beside the point. Even if you were the most sex having person in the world it would not change that your brain is fundamentally broken.
It’ll be funny as fuck if this dude becomes the turning point of ZZZ if he becomes a massive success and now the game starts following the Genshin path
Pick crit boost and prioritize getting 4 to activate the execute, it's amazing for 1HKO'ing hornets and tentacles during the boss fight. After that your priority is anything that gives vital view, then energy > ether > shock > duel, sprinkle in some dodge/shield as needed.
Will Ceasar be good with rat?
>M0S0 Jane is already strong
What were they thinking....
Then why do you even watch porn? Do you jerk off to the idea that other people are having sex? Does the concept of people (not you) having sex arouse you? What if I told you that there's millions of people all around the world having sex right now. Are you going to cum in your pants?
you didn't play much at all
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Bros... I thought she was perfect, but I noticed that she has blinking problems after recording her.
doubt it, they both wanna dodge
same with neko
Caesar rat burnice will be the best team
Like how Zhu Qingyi and Nicole and Ellen Lycaon and Soukaku are currently
You have to decide, it /gig/ vs /zzz/

Uh oh, turn on the AC, we have a melty over here

S11+Burnice+Caesar will however
Oddly aggressive.
Is that the best response you can come up with?
What's the difference between the 10$ and 20$ BP?
Yes she's like Seth but better
Sorry rat fags but i'm not replacing Piper, kys.
You're sexless, Rajit. Do I even need to stress myself to walk over you?
Whom do i use with Jane?. I do not have grace,rina,negromata.
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she's melting
someone help her!
I will not be rolling for her then
Lucy Piper
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the attack buff and physical synergy are nice but Jane doesn't care about a shield or stunner
get Caesar if you want her but Burnice should be better
I've been using Lucy and Anby or Nicole since in lieu of an actual team
they better fix this shit
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relentless cat teasing
me after my lobotomy
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You're not having fun and I know it.
Jane is pretty fun to use
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enjo kousai...
Yeah it's cute that you keep throwing these buzzwords around because you have no actual argument to defend yourself with. If you really must know, I'm Swedish. Not that it really matters. I could be from Zimbawe and my arguments would still hold the same weight.

It's simply a fact. And the other person is right. Why are you even watching porn if you can't even imagine yourself being the one having sex? What are you getting off to? A normal person remembers the feelings of having sex in real life and through the visual stimuli of sex on the screen achieves an orgasm by imagining it's them having sex in the video. What is a person who can't imagine himself having sex getting off to? The feeling of getting cucked?
you want the namecard, that is all really
for not allowing incest
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Burnis. We will be good freinds
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>wow, I'm not sure what yo say anon. You saved all those rolls for me?
you're all sleeping on the Caesar + Ben + Anton build
perma shield, all of them stacking shield buffs, crits for days
you can even use a paperboo for MORE shield time
anton+2 even brings his own shield, that's why Caesar banner will feature him
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. . .
Yeah I saved all this semen for you too, now get undressed
>I'm Swedish
I'm sorry for my mistake Ahmed. Please have a great Ramadan
I am I just have very little content some I'm doing HZ meme runs and solo disputed 8
I'm new to ZZZ and still figuring things out. I'm wondering, is a team generally considered solid if all those 3 buff conditions are met (In the upper right corner) - like for example, Jane Doe + Anby + Grace procs all of them - does that guarantee that its a solid team? I'm just not really sure.
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Never played with Lucy until now, how do you use her in a team like Jane/Seth/Lucy?
>the average tv gameplay hater
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Okay but what about that 1 missing synergy slot
Still no argument. If I were to borrow one of your beloved buzzwords, I believe the right label for you would be "NPC".
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You know, when you really think about it, Phaethon relies on Fairy way too much. It makes you wonder how good they really were before getting Fairy.
why? Ellen is an Ice attacker, and Miyabi will be an electric attacker, there really won't be any real power creep until we start getting a second set of every role in 5*
Jane wants all the field time, just choose Lucy first in the chain attack before Jane and then cancel the chain
Now how do i use them cos i was playing stunner stuns and then dmg dealer comes in but piper and Lucy are no stunners
I assume anby stuns and then rat? Lucy is for passive buffs?
>Still no argument
Sorry I was busy laughing at goatfuckers, what were you saying?
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All porn and "shipping" is self insert, whether you think of yourself as the dude or the lady, or the cuck chair quietly watching them, you're still engaged in thinking about where you'd be in the scenario. Jane and Seth, since that's the big shitpost right now, is something liked primarily by women (or dudes who think they're women) who identify with Jane's boss bitch/femme fatale persona wrapping honest men like Seth around their fingers, the kind of person who buys Harley Quinn shirts at hot topic. It's still self insertion, just from a different angle.

This wasn't meant as some kind of argument, just something I find myself thinking every time the shitposting starts. You're lying to yourself being upset about "self inserts".
it's important, but not the main thing
stunner + supporter + attacker is the default
defenders can be cope stunners
and anomalies can be cope attackers / supports

but jane and neko want to dodge. meaning they don't want a stunner
for neko it's trash, and she's considered one of the worst chars
but for jane it makese sense if you have other anomalies to deal dmg with anomaly effects + disorder

so uhh, tldr, keep reading what each char does and plan your builds accordingly
all the SoC girls are virgins
this is true they have rarely worked out technical issues that weren't hardware since they got fairy
I don't think anyone in this thread is ready for this take, but Lycaon gives the best handjobs out of Victoria housekeeping.
Now imagine how nice it would be if you could visualize the image of a goat in your head when you think. Now imagine how nice it would be if you could imagine. 99.9% of humans are able to imagine that. You're not. :(
Do I have to pick a side? Depends if I'm watching 3d porn or doujins desu.
You know, when you really think about it, Link relies on Master sword way too much. It makes you wonder how good he really were before getting Master sword.
Noted. What can i do to not overload myself with corruptions? I always pick at the start more coins and +3 pressure each step
Yeah, the piggies like the asshole because it's tighter
sorry, a turn with the pig man himself is required to join
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TVs are bad doe
So Ceasar and Jane aren't a good team? Fuck
what is a stack of activity? is there a place I can look to see what the stat names and shit are/do?
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They keep Nicole's retarded ass around. They are not very bright.
Thank you anon, makes perfect sense. I think the key here for me was whether proc'ing the 3/3 buff being mandatory or not, could've used it as a benchmark for easy team building but looks like its not that simple and I'll have to research and brainstorm more. thanks again
>they don't want a stunner
Not inherently true. They just don't NEED one. But they still benefit quite a bit of Robutt.

Also Caesar looks like more of a support replacement for many teams.
>I assume anby stuns and then rat? Lucy is for passive buffs?
Basically. Anby can also cause disorder reliably if not quickly.
Pick a side for what?
He vizualized your defeat...
So am I pulling for caesar or not?
Caesar's good with anyone but other characters want her more
So when is next livestream from ZZZ? Do they make one for every major update like 1.2?
Not Piper once I'm done with her
How much does Nicole owe them, with interest?
I don't know, I self insert as belle while she's fucking with Jane (canon)
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If this game was just a tad bit less stingy with agent upgrade materials it would be nice
We'll get a 15 min update video on friday like last time most likely
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...You're way out of your element, Venus.
Stop shitposting with my oshi.
Most trannies do. You're not special.
Very zazed!
We keep Nicole around because she's a convenient slampig.
Ether Defender*
VisualiseGOD.... have mercy... Visualize anything but THAT. For example, visualize having a father
Will it at least come with a redemption code like last time?
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We did it, bros!
The Happy End for the lovers!
Reminder that Nicole organized that class action lawsuit for those people that nearly got blown up as collateral.
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God I wish I were Lucys driver seat
God I wish I were Ellens lollipop
Visualizers, which number?
JaneDoeGODs... our response?
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Ah, yes, I see
(I absolutely love the Butlerboo, easily my favorite aesthetic)
I will only when i get topless images of fat tiddy biker lady!
The saddest part is only lonely incels post tranime pics.
Does Ceasar synergize well with any of the current limited characters? Her design nerf was painful so I at least hope she is useful somewhere.
Mark my words, Caesar WILL be T0 and you WILL regret shitposting about her.
She's probably good with jane, probably good with ellen, probably not so good with zhu or qingyi
Yes that's my point, however weird or disgusting it's always about what you identify with and find appealing, there is no such thing as non self insertion. All arguments on the internet are about the angle and vehicle used for different people's self inserting.
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>catposter still casually destroying threads
People really never learn
You're so low IQ you couldn't even pick out the right word being repeated... It's honestly astounding.
I mean I know I'm in a gacha general, but some people you meet here are genuinely so fucking stupid, it's a small miracle they're able to use a keyboard.
I'm crafting apples I never even seen before.
Xaar, you're in /vg/
>Can visualize up to 3, 2 if I concentrate
>But if I visualize manipulating the apple, it looks like 1
What does it mean?
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so it's canon then?
boos are literally half rabbit and those "things" on their asses >>493389816 are literally... their asses?
We're all laughing at you bro, keep typing it's making our morning
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Jane's thigh jiggle animation took all the budget so Burnice is literally falling apart every time she shows up now.
Higher difficulty: imagine the apple rotating and moving in 3D space
Burnicebros... not like this...
disc6 attack% or anomaly mastery for Jane?
I dunno man, you're the one having a melty about porn.
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>oh noh he pycks on mai spellin' errorz
VisualiseGOTT... Ich...
I always pick pressure reduction buff (turns bank gate into corruption remover) and 80% max hp debuff. The debuff won't really affect you since most of the time you'll be sitting at 50% or less HP. Just save your healing plugins for right before the final boss. For the rest floor demerits, I usually pick coins, then corruption, then hp for the final one.
good morning saars white man cuck saar
Revolverboo shits from there.
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For me personally its about the aesthetic of the erotic subject. I love to observe female beauty. Men are not erotic at all and serve a different aesthetic and purpose. Even during sex my favorite is to just see how my girl looks, moves, smells, sounds. Of course the intercourse itself is enjoyable, but the peak attraction is the woman itself. That's why porn that has a man in it is so jarring and out of place. It's like finding a piece of concrete in your sandwich.
No self inserts are necessary when you just enjoy the scene. Like looking at a painting or picturesque scenery you don't insert yourself into it. The woman's curves and tones are the mountains and oceans of eroticism.
I don’t like her design and animations
Don't really care much about what legal morons find funny.

How am I having a melty?

>spelling error
This place is not real...
right now I'm thinking of an apple with a vagina that's dripping big ol' dollops of cum
Whats the minmax support/engine level?
50 to 60 costs as much as 1 to 50
so probably that
60? They give high stats so you want to level them right after your agents.
>you're still engaged in thinking about where you'd be in the scenario
are self-inserters mentally incapable of understanding this? is it like asking how you'd feel if you didn't eat breakfast
1 but I'm spinning it in my mind while freebird plays
Yeah he big mad
Sorry about fucking your apple without a rubber my dude
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It has been decided then
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all I know is futa is gay af
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piper xisters... we lost....
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1) Gear Coin Resonia
2) 20% Gear Coins
3) 80% HP

Get your Resonia set, anon.
Corruptions don't do anything.
You don't need HP anyway.
Spend everything you have to get more Resonia.
Nothing can kill you if it's dead.
I don't know man. I just look at porn and it makes me coom. I don't even feel like I'm thinking about anything. You know the picture with the guy imagining an apple? I'm at level 0 when it comes to porn.
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>this thread
Futa is straighter than normal sex.
>paywalled content, but no kemono page
terrible day to be a futa enjoyer
What's wrong retard? Can't visualize?
it's been mathematically proven that futa/female is the straightest genre of porn
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take it easy, ratthew
what'cha need all that dmg for anyway
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(the fox does not know how to start a conversation)
Yeah but you don't get it bro. You're fundamentally a broken person because of the way you jack off. You're an NPC! Visualizers rule over you.
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So I finally mustered enough motivation to finish the latest story and now I gotta ask, why were people shipping Seth and Jane here? I mean, damn Seth could be a generic literally who NPC and things wouldn't be much different, his role was pretty small. Comparatively, it felt like Jane got more and funnier interactions with the gang member NPCs, like the coward guard and big loud guy, but I guess a faceless NPC is less interesting to shippers.
futa with balls or no balls?
Because Jane engaged on her piss fetish with him, that's true love
for me, it's balls with no cock
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>don't have ellen
>won't roll for Miyabi
Should I just give in and level up my Soukaku? She spins so she must be fun to play.
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I don't know, I ship Jane with my beautiful belle.
>Stoic yet autistic swordsman
Vergil ruined everything... Where's my yahoo go-lucky katana gal!?
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I liked Jane a lot when I played her but now that I pulled her, I have to face the reality that if I want to build her out, I'll need to build out a whole new team (because I'm not retiring my S11).
I have Grace and Rina but they are low level both. I do have Rina's W-Engine, though, but no Grace's.
Piper + Jane + Seth is an easier option, as I already have Piper build out.
I can consider it after I pull Burnice for a Soldier 11/Burnice/Lucy team.
I can try fishing for Seth's W-Engine in the W-Engine channel - I certainly won't complain if I get Jane's accidentally, but that's very unlikely.
And Anby's engine is a brick.

Decisions, decisions.
It seems either way I have my work cut out for me.
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I play my weekly runs on +10 (including runs I did for inferno reap). I don't like having to gamble on not getting increased dodge cooldown and off-field energy drain.
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Futa is only good if include giant balls and excessive amounts of cum.
I mean you kinda are if you're not even thinking of anything when you jerk off? Sounds like desensitization. Probably watched too much porn.
I dont get how jane grace is supposed to work, theres never a time when it seems like it makes sense to switch off of jane.
i pooped my pants
I came in my dress
pics or didn't happen.
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>I don't like having to gamble on not getting increased dodge cooldown
Doesn't do anything.
You can chain Dodge Counters infinitely even with this Corruption. Stop mashing dodge.
>off-field energy drain
Doesn't do anything.
>yahoo go-lucky katana gal!?
You’re right I would roll for her so hard
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main dps soukaku is "good enough" to clear content. level 60 + level 60 ball + decent substats + atk mainstat on one disk is enough to reach her max buff at 1000. so you're able to do ice% on (5) and crit on (4).
but miyabi is soukaku's oshi so it would be better to get her
>corruptions don't do anything
bro you're just fucked if you get the last level of corruption for nineveh. Plus the longer dodge cooldown is awful
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I'd rather clear faster, thank you very much.
+5 I can do anything and it feels like I'm dreaming while sleeping.
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She kicked him in the stomach, made him piss himself, did nothing but lie to his face and then fucked off without explaining herself. A happy and fruitful relationship
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At what level should I start grinding for disks?
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reddit is down the hall and to the left
she's just playing hard to get
cat n mouse game
Jane has more shipping with girls, specifically that cop girl in the video and that girl with the van that she's flirting with.
>so it would be better to get her
uhhh nyo
You should try and get disks with useful mainstats by 30 and level those up for your damage dealer. Don't bother grinding or worrying about substats till 50.
VisualizeGODs... Our response?
It's his ugly bastard "daddy"
Litterally nobody will remember them after this patch
I can see it...
you mean min/maxing disks and their substats? at IK50 once you have leveled your teams to their maximum level and also maxed their skills. The grind for perfect disks can be eternal so it's better to sort other things first.
Oh i didn't know about the corruption gates, i always though that it was random to get corruption or coin gates. I guess i will try your way, it's a pain in my ass, but i'm 2 lvl to ik50 and i assume with dps at 60 lvl it will be a lot easier
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are we next?
This game is so fucking shit. I wasted 150 fucking rolls to get Jane and her weapon yet I can't clear as fast as some faggot using M6 Billy. What kind of game balance is this shit? Why the fuck does a free A rank agent do more than a limited S rank? I was expecting to mog the fucking Billyposter faggot with my Jane and post a faster clear times than him but she's too shit. I would need at least M2 as well and I'm not wasting anymore money on this homo game. It seems like this is one of those games where they expect sexy characters to sell purely on their sex appeal and then make all the faggot characters for homos strong because you fucking homos are an irrelevant minority and those characters will literally kill the game if they aren't meta.

I thought this game would be different. I was wrong. Some things never change. Hoyoverse keeps making games for faggots. I'm going to play Nikke. Enjoy your gay circlejerk.
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mindbroken by billy (episode 282747)
B-but that's love!!! My divorced parents did that to each other!!!
>no date, no source
Fake news and discarded
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>bro you're just fucked if you get the last level of corruption for nineveh.
No, I'm not.
>Plus the longer dodge cooldown is awful
But it literally doesn't do anything.
Stop mashing dodge. Mashing dodge doesn't achieve anything even without that corruption.

There is only a handful of corruptions that actually do something, and most of them only really impact the TV part of a HZ run. Like, getting HP damage for pressure overloading can drain a lot of HP and limit the resources you can get throughout the run, if you're very unlucky or something.
The 3333 Gear Coin corruption can be devastating but you can't get it if you picked the Gear Coin Resonia.

The only Corruption that actually does something in combat is Hay Fever. But the only thing it does in Activity 0 is makes the achievement for not falling under 75% HP vs Nineveh harder to get (not impossible, though, because that's how I got it).
In Activity 11 its pretty severe during the final boss fight, but it's still perfectly winnable.
And if you got the Riot Helmet Resonia, it does literally nothing again, as you'll have a shield buffer to protect you even if it drains all your HP.

Basically, Corruptions don't do SHIT in Garden.
Stop pretending like they do.
why would you hire someone who has only worked on dogshit games that nobody has played? clearly their work sucks.
she's in a different game
Futa with balls and flat chest, also a bit of muscle.
Imagine being a pagpag that consumes hoyo games past patch 2.0
Bye faggot
Based, I'm dropping after bikers
I started at IK 35
what does miyabi have to do with ellen and soukeku?
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>he rolled for brick doe instead of just waiting for miyabi like a sensible human bean
She don't look yahoo...
Miyabi is ice anomaly
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>had to do an extra run
>had to do that as late as License Level 60
That was because of the Dodge Corruption, surely!
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Billy needs to be fucking deleted from this game. There, I fucking said it.

Imagine spending money to improve agents so that you can beat challenging content and none of that fucking matters because some psychopath gook will sit there for weeks clickspamming basic attacks for 5 minutes straight every run just to prove a point that his shitty homo cowboy is "viable" while abusing every single glitch in the textbook.

Spent $1000 on Jane or Zhu to achieve new personal sub 1minute best? Who fucking cares anymore because you didn't beat it with le epic f2p 4* homo cowboy. All these years and Hoyo didn't learn a single fucking thing from Bennet and Xiangling.
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It might actually be over for homoverse soon
if you have lycaon i definitely suggest you do level up soukaku since those two can easily handle any shiyu defense or mission that needs ice
Isn't 2.0 and the few patches after the really good ones!? I thought everyone loved Fontaine and that shit is like 4.0 or something.
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I did the ik45-50 grinding discs like people suggested, I mostly had all the right main stats on my two teams before I hit 50, but we had that double disc event right in the middle there a newbie isn't getting at the moment. Perfect discs are negative infinity priority, you'll be trying to do that until actual server EOS.
Miyabi is ether
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Content wa doko?
.>falseflagging a sa billy hater
what does this achieve?
33 mins is faster than your slow-ass 48 min run. Go ahead and do a faster run, I'll wait.
Miyabi is physical support duh
Janes slow ass banner killed the hype.
contrary to your mentally ill fag belief, nobody likes that fucking homo
She's doing her best
Who are you replying to, xaar?
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>blah blah billy yap yap
lmao how about you just got good like that faggot. like nigga just don't watch his videos hahaha how is billy ruining your time with a new character. I'm more surprised there isn't more Seth-Jane cuckposting instead of this trash.
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>this cope
My run was over few weeks before yours, lmao.
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The circle of life continues...
Janes slow ass banner killed my wallet
Sorry that your Discord server didn't like him, can you go back there?
And? You can do it again now and be faster with your strat, can't you?
I remember her. She wrote a huge ass melty-powered article on Kotaku (where else) about how Stray is an orientalist game. Funny how people mentioned that since hoyo is chinese they won't be tainted by americans and their bullshit but here we are
I think Wuwa's Shorekeeper release is gonna crush Caesar King..
>source: my ass

You're Indian
there are ships that exist for less.
Imagine actually hating Billy.
Only thing being kept is my wallet LMAO
>paid to post here
kek twitter trannies are delusional, this happen when you're a socially rejected transexual
Caesar is the first 5* support she works with literally anyone.
It's questionable if she's better than Nicole (and definitely not better than Qingyi) for Zhu, but she should be able to replace Lycoan or Soukaku for Ellen and she will be good with Jane but it's also questionable if she'll be better than Seth or not. However, you can just use her and Seth together if you're not running disorder anyway.
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the game hasn't been the same since Ellen's banner. She carried ZZZ alone. Zhu Yuan kept the ball rolling but it's been steady decline in every aspect including content.
Uh oh, melty incoming
caesar is broken as shit
if she survives beta you are bricked beyond belief if you skip her
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Yes, she's anomaly.
Yes, she does more damage than dps even before factoring in disorders. Remember jane vs neko? That's almost as big as the dps gap between her and her inferior counterpart of the same element,
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she's retarded though
So do I replace lucy or piper if I pull Caesar?
Soldier 11 btw.
When you need them to clear Shiyu. Before that focus on prefarming for your next ascensions and/or getting enough money that you don't run out when you hit 50.
Unless discs are going to help you clear there is literally no point in bothering with them early.
You need like 3000+ ATK to max out his shield, don't bother trying to make him a stunner, that's not what he is.
Look at his mindscapes or Wengine, it's all support and damage, so you build him full ATK and crit
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I mean, I have level 60 agents now, and the accelerated mode is faster now.
And I can just not waste my time.
So yes, it's easily doable faster, what's your point?
You still took more time than me to clear the entire Garden.
And the "strat" mostly refers to beating the Garden consistently and getting a good stack of Resonia for the Throne fight.
Imagine how funny it'd be when it mogs [your game] next month. Not that I care though, I'm not a brown animal like you
I don't roll for salad tossers
Nah, my belle is happy with his girlfriend jane
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Does Seth work well with Piper, then? I'm not going to have him for potentially a while since I'm saving for the next patch.
kek, the issues with her model just keep piling up
Mastery seems obvious to me, but I've seen people go attack
Stop self-inserting as Wise. It's embarrassing
Miyabi will be electric
I think Caesar King will crush my pelvis
With her sig, she has way enough AM anyway
ATK% is better because bigger number.
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So you can't do it despite having Lv60 agents? I didn't even try +11 until I hit IK50, there's no rush to do permanent content. You also don't need that many resonia for inferno reap. Your clear was still slower though.
Seth is the premier anomaly support and will be for a while yet, he's likely even better than Caesar. He's certainly better than Lucy and Soukaku if you are only using one amplifier + stunner or 2 anomaly.
Her face was more like "Huh? What is this kid doing this time?". More than being endeared to his single-minded heroism, it felt like she was was poking fun of him from start to finish of this whole scenario, since he was bloody clueless as to what was actually happening.
uh oh belletroon melty
Also I don't even use accelerated mode and my clear was still significantly faster. LMAO.
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She and who else?
Why does it say "them" and not mention the other people?
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>Sisi Jiang
>他 - English Definition: he or him
lmao, chinese tranny
I am not a Wuwa fanboy but objectively speaking, I've seen way more hype for Shorekeeper than Caesar King
How do I get a Venus wife?
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>Qingyi is just an anby sidegrade
>Jane is 10% better than piper
>Seth is likely even better than Caesar
Lots of delusional retards today huh
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Why is she mad?
Unless they really fuck up the salad king, I can't imagine she'll be worse that Seth, for the same reason Qingyi and Jane are better than their A rank counterparts.
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>So you can't do it
How far are you intending to go in your silly cope, anon?
>I didn't even try +11 until I hit IK50
>there's no rush to do permanent content.
>Your clear was still slower though.
And? You are still making a fool out of yourself with your insane cope and competing against someone who cleared Garden 11 several weeks (if not over a month) and with a weaker team before you managed to do so.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you.

Also, my Inferno Reap clear is faster than yours despite using a level 50 team.
What now?
It is hard to tell with Seth/Caesar so this isn't the same as the other two (which only retards would say). Seth buffs AP and buildup, something no other characters do right now. Caesar has 25% damage vuln + 1k attack. She willl have to actually be tested to see if she's better than Seth.
Moreover, Seth himself can enable Rina or inflict disorder, while Caesar is phys so she doesn't provide anything new to anomaly teams. She will be better than Soukaku/Lucy (if you are only using 1 of them) for crit teams but it remains to be seen if she'll be better for anomaly. Soukaku gives the same attack buff right now and is borderline useless in Jane/Piper teams even if you use Lycoan as your buffer.
Caesar compares to attack buffers, not to Seth who is unique right now. And she is better than the other 2.
Is there really any diminishing returns on anomaly application though? Wish assault you can just keep procing them with no real pause.
Maybe it depends on your team setup.

AM is more frequent number though, which seems more consistent. (Overkill damage does nothing.)
I genuinely don't know though. Wonder if anyone's done the math.
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You sound upset
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I'm gooning later tonight
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>A-also I don't even use accelerated mode and my clear a whole-ass month later was still significantly f-faster.
Lmao indeed, anon.
Lmao indeed.
not enough belly rubbing
So you can't clear it faster? Yeah, thanks for nothing.
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>that tiny image
Seth is an anomaly support specialist though, Caesar is more of a generalist. There's no question that she'll be more useful for an account on the whole, but Seth might give her a run for her money in anomaly teams. (Especially if we compare C0 to C6 since he's A-rank.)
She got bones on the scratch card
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I kneel upscaleGOD
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>S-so you c-can't c-clear it f-faster?
>Y-yeah, t-thanks f-for n-nothing.
You're welcome, my silly clown!
shut the fuck up Marche
Yep, no faster clear. I'll give you a faster inferno reap clear later despite you being unable to provide a faster +11 clear.
friendly reminder that if you spent money on this game and cant clear 1st half of shiyu 7 in less than 29 seconds (current billy world record) then all your investment is literally worthless
You know she's fatter than on the photo. People use their best photo for stuff, she's prob a landwhale HAHAHAHAHA.
Anyway this is the way life is, men create some stuff, women infiltrate and subvert that shit, it becomes so dogshit that everyone worth anything leave it behind and creates new stuff.
Do you have autism? What about that expression indicates that she's poking fun at him?
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noo....my $10 dollars....how will I cope...
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No matter how much you seethe, no matter how hard you cope, nothing will change the fact you took a month longer to clear Garden 11.
You're just bad at the game, simple as, and I don't have to prove anything - I already won before you even started, lmao.
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yup 4 shockstar + 2 swing/hormone best set
You're the one blowing this way out of proportion, we were just talking about strats to avoid corruptions in garden. You could just play the game and give a faster clear instead of seething like a retard.
Play Pipah
1000 atk and 25dmg% out values Seth's 100 anomaly prof
>Billy ult is so strong that it can one stun kill SD17 thanks to the Anby sidegrade
Might as well build him with full ult build at this point
Piper yearns for you, play her
>"Oh hey there, I'm anon, what's your name?"
>"Am bee"
>doesn't say anything else
wh-what's her problem bros?
Uh oh melty
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Are you doing your part fighting the injustice of Hoyoverse, bros?
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Can we talk about how much worse jane feels when the enemy is not physically weak
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My only S-rank is Lycaon. Can a team of Billy/Anyb/Nicole and Corin/Lycaon/Ben clear up to red shiyu 4/7? I'm saving up for void hunters (not Miyabi) if that matters and have low expectations of what I have rn
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Anytime you triggered assault and the enemy attacks is when you parry with grace, dumb bitch.
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Name: Miyabi, Hoshimi (小清水 亜美)
Affiliation: 731部隊 (Nana-san-ichi Butai)
Rank: Lt. Gen. Surgeon
Attack Type: Human experimentation, Biological warfare, Chemical warfare
Kills: 400,000 or higher from biological warfare, over 3,000 from inside experiments from each unit, at least 10.000 prisoners
Experiments included: disease injections, controlled dehydration, biological weapons testing, hypobaric pressure chamber testing, vivisection, organ harvesting, amputation, and standard weapons testing
Current status: A Storm (Which Is Approaching)
Such a broken engine that they'll have to make every new anomaly incompatible with it or it'll be their BiS
>contact your local politicians
the fuck are they gonna do???
No because I got a FUARKING 5* MULANI early lmao
Well if you think that's all Seth is offering it makes sense that you think Caesar is better. Try reading his kit again. (And his engine.)
>Attack Type: Human experimentation, Biological warfare, Chemical warfare
Have you heard of "reading comprehension"? That part of the post was about the whole story, not specifically just that moment. Even Qingyi and Zhu were openly poking fun at him at the end of the scenario for being an idiot.
You're arguing with a twitard, anon
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Literally just alternate anomalies. Build up assault after you proc disorder and swap before the second assault triggers, apply shock and disorder with grace, switch and repeat. it's not rocket science.
I mostly have her in the background and do some parries when it makes sense. Seth applies a lot of electricity on his own, but she's useful for triggering it.
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Nice tip for ppl that play Anby/Zhu team:
You can abuse Zhu's timestop on her defensive assist to do Anby's combo safely.
Miyabi is the only modern void hunter we know bro.
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>none of the suggested actions include "stop playing the game"
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Anby not-Brickyi rollers keep on winning
thirens are 20% of all population in new eridu
but they do 80% of the crimes
really makes you think
I’d argue Nicole helps Corin better.

Corin is all about dumping damage at a stunned enemy, which Lycaon helps as both a stunner and passive activator. Add in Nicole’s support and you get a strong team for any content
The left side sounds like everything trannies do while the right side sounds like everything heterosexuals do. Except the harassment/threat shit that'll get you banned.
Jane just told me that rat thirens are discriminated against and have to work their asses off just to survive. (That must be why her ass is so well maintained.)
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Nothing points to the others being dead or mia
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What does Seth's sig even fucking do, I dont understand that shit when it's so fucking vague.
Corin's 16, can't sexualize her
Ellen's 17, ok to show her panties and pubes
fucking twitter logic man
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same with Ellen without Lycaon she needs a team mate with 4pc freedom blues
Seth acted as an unintentional obstacle to Jane's plan. Without Seth getting in the way by first getting captured and then convincing one of the guards to betray them, the story would have played completely differently. I also completely disagree about her having funnier interactions with the other NPCs. The only ones that are particularly memorable is the one guard that keeps scratching and the guard who wanted the scary movie, but neither of them were particularly interesting.
So a Sacrifice is not an Etherial, but instead an experimented human that can control ether?
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nta my kot is actually c1 with ball (lost rat 50/50), gonna start building her fuck the whore rat
fuck you bro I've lose every 50/50 in genshin since Furina and had to go all the way to pity for Navia, Cloud retainer, Arlecchino, Clorinde and now Mualani
ok, she's for belle btw
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good job, you will never get this moment back
>"Xaar, a chink gacha game hurts my feelings. Please stop laughing and do something xaar"
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1.3 Shiyu Defense:
>Anomaly build-up reduced by 80%.
>All Daze inflicted reduced by 80%.
>Parry Points reduced by 50%.
>Dodge cooldown delayed and one Dodge cooldown removed
>Normal, Elite and Boss enemies are immune to all forms of Crowd Control.
>Ice and Fire damage buffed by 20%.

You've been warned. You complained the game was too easy. Devs listened.
Nineveh Nicole's ether corrupted mother
Can we stop to appreciate and applaud Nicole for being able to save up enough money to be able to buy Amillion?

Bangboos arnt cheap and Amillion is a good one
Even without his sig you're still missing that he has an anomaly buildup buff.
I am wondernig more why you'd argue that Caesar is better when you don't even know Seth's full kit or understand it in the context of teambuilding.
It is all he's offering.
Build up res is a meme and his w engine doesn't supply any team buffs.
Not to mention he's a single party member buffer when ceaser is a team wide buffer
Nice, finally a place to use a 3 agent team.
why does she carry around a plush of him tho, did it come with that?
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I finally did it, hermanos...
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Wait, I don't recognize this shorty working here. Have I just forgotten?
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it's f2p bro they are stealing free primos and server capacity
they downloaded ZZZ just to give it 1 star reviews which gave us 16k polys for 50 million downloads
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>poking fun at him at the end of the scenario for being an idiot
They were teasing him for being pure and honest by sticking his neck out for Jane even though she was never actually a gang member. Just be cause you say " reading comprehension" doesn't mean you have it.
Yeah but they would be hags.
Miyabi is like 99% likely to be sword masters granddaughter. Witch would make the void hunters that aren't robots extreamly old farts as miyabi is 24
Ok bwo no one asked
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>there are actually retards here wasting tons of resources, dennies and battery into leveling a fucking A rank defender (a generic furfaggot twink at that) when he already gets completely superseded in 18 fucking days

You should not be planning A ranks at this points, it's S rank only territory.
>1. Increases his energy regen
>2. Increases his anomaly buildup on his most frequently used attacks
Number 2 is the relevant one, since it allows him to reasonably build shock on his own for disorders + activating Jane's passive.
But like the other guy said, the more important part is how Seth also decreases universal anomaly resistance for enemies. All of this put together may make him competitive with Caesar for anomaly teams.
a corrupted human is still an ethereal even if it's intentional experiment
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So Ellen Caeser Soukaku would demolish all of that.

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