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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

>Event Calendar

>Fire Emblem Heroes Links and Guides

>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>493332221
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Kiran WON!
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No one is going to use this thread
Hi, heard we're using this thread.
If i post in this thread, does that make me "no one"?
Is there more to that image?
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Let's discuss Fire Emblem Heroes to our heart's content!
Flop status?
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Did you obtain your heart's desire?
See for yourself. Here is a link to the artist's twitter.
I got fjorm, yes.
I got Flora, yes.
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Are you enjoying your time with Fjorm?
Yeah I got summer Gullveig.
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Any ideas for a build? A non prf cav dagger seems a bit fucked.
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eitri is a man
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I love Cordelia!!
How're you gentlemen doing?
Fire Emblem and Fire Emblem Heroes over here
Just one more month and the wait will be over
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hello Ray
Yeah....no. Not going to /feg/
You will or the shitposters will just come to you here again
dont care. you shitcorders are in every FE thread anyway.
And if they're in every thread anyway you may as well use one thread and stop trying to force me to have both open in different tabs by forcing /feh/ to exist again
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Discuss sales NOW
Felix is running through TT so fucking fast with celica emblem
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Here let me post some THRILLING Fire Emblem Heroes gameplay for /feh/ to enjoy
hello cat
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Obligatory reminder that Fjorm is THE canonical love interest.
YOU WILL roll for her latest alt and YOU WILL +10 it.
I don't have the orbs to +10 her or I would.
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I've been away from the game for maybe 2 months. I don't really miss it since theres a ton of power creep each new banner, but I also feel kind of bad since I invested a lot to +10 my favorites.
I'm debating whether I should log in just for the daily bonus & TT rewards for when they release another Camilla or Mamui.
Is anyone even enjoying the game?
>Is anyone even enjoying the game?
It's still enjoyable if you play it like it was meant to.
Collect dailies.
Play the player vs. enemy modes and don't touch Summoner duels with a ten foot pole after you collect your Forma Soul.
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I'm enjoying the game. the modes can be fun and it doesn't take much time out of the day, and the story can be somewhat enjoyable if you lower your expectations. the FB can also be fun and can often be better than the story. Even Arena/AR can be fun if you don't enter whale tiers.
>I'm debating
It takes only a moment to log in for daily log in bonuses rewards, and maybe a few minutes for daily mode orbs. the most time consuming thing would be to grind TT rewards, but that can be either auto battled or only take a few minutes to do your two daily max rank maps to get all the TT rewards.
That being said, If you're not enjoying the game then maybe it's best you just leave it in the past. Would a new alt of Camilla or Mamui really make the game that much more enjoyable for you, or would it just be another dopamine hit to tether you to the game for a few minutes because you feel the urge to max them out?
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Not using the Pedo Paradise thread.
>Implying he doesn't post here too
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>the anti-ranged character is weak to melee
Is this really surprising? some ranged characters are beating her too.
I wish it were early FEH so it were easier to figure out what the hell is going on in fights.
Goddamn I hate E! Ike.
When is he going to just die!
>when is he going to just die
Is it better to have him be useful for months to a year, or to have him be op and fade out in a month?
People yearn for the former and complain about the latter but when it's implemented they want the opposite.
Cursed banner
Absolutely nothing until the spark. No 4* focus, no old 5* as 4* specials, just a fuck ton of Oscar and Florina
Sorry to hear that, Anon, but at least you got the spark and can dip out. perhaps the double special hero banner will be better if you are looking for merges.
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I am sorry for your loss.
This happened to me on Lilith's Fallen banner searching for an extra Speed smoke 4 fodder and it wasn't a nice feeling.
That’s true. Sparked my Fjorm and now I’m done. Saving the rest of my orbs for new Reginn and Dagr and possibly Solm or any Golden Deer students
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such power
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You like Fjorm.
I like Fjorm.
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Yes, why shouldn't I be allowed to?
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any new fan art for the new banner?
There was, but I ate it.
Just a few Fjorms, and a bunch of Felicias.
i see. was hoping for some Flora
Take me back yo the good ol' days when the wine and mead flowed a plenty!
I hardly know how to navigate twitter so maybe there is more, but here is the only one I found so far. Happy hunting, Anon.
Me too. Just wish she was a little more assertive.
thanks anon. twitter is a pain to find things in..
i'll search but post some more if you find some
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Can you guys toot for me? I’m trying for Fonse copies to +10.
I don't know what you mean by "toot", but good luck getting your fonse merges.
Good luck brave roller
hope you dont get him
What ranged nukes can bypass fjorm with support? Feels like I'm gonna need bridal Embla's debuff to ignore her.
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Only Fonse I got was the spark one… since I did full sessions though, I think it went well. Got five copies before the final spark.
Miracle Brave Bernie
They both rook same
How many orbs is that? If you wait until anniversary, they should rerun the brave banners but at 6%.
Is that it? Was hoping more for a formula to apply to my roster to reliably kill her at least 7 times theoretically for arena assualt.
One is pink
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Her weapon is unironically better than any other weapon you could potentially give her
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With the freebie summons it should be 615 orbs. Think most of these were from the Brave banner.
her refine better be super fucking strong or I'm quitting for good
Cute plump Fjorm
>Dev baby: The character
anyways, just quit . no one cares about her or you
I'm going to rape you Infront of your family and if you don't manage to get pregnant from my dicking I'll make sure God makes you the first pregnant man, it'll be a miracle.
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You're not going to do shit, you limp dick nigger
How is she holding up with the new skills? Regretfully save armors are just in a shitty spot because of nukes being so powerful, and the new defensive skills they make work better on infantry or are infantry locked.
Hopefully she gets a good refine, or IS introduces some sort of save 4 skill that makes this better.

That's not very nice.

Jesus christ, anon.
Friend code?
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>615 orbs for 12 focus units
Isn't that insanely good, even if they're not all the units you wanted?
Either way, Alfonse will definitely rerun on more banners you can spark or you can wait for the 6% anniversary banner and you should be able to save a hefty amount of orbs.
I haven't tried her against many magical nukes. She was able to survive against NY!Seidr and OHKO her? She failed against summer Gullveig if I recall.
She can't survive against an unmerged L!M!Shez so... The skill is vastly superior for her, especially against brave attacks but she still can't survive much.
I’m damn sure that is exceptional luck. Think I’ll save orbs until he shows up again.
That's a shame. Does she have anyone supporting her with anything like BoL 4?
Summer gullveig has WTA, but is fjorm can out speed her then she should be able to tank a hit as it seems Sgullveig's DR pierce is based off ofnon special DR.
Since you asked
I was using her in arena and I don't have BoL4 fodder. I only returned to this game after months, it's insane how much the game shifted in that length of time. I could probably try her partnering up with B!Alfonse see how that'll go.
Sent. That's a nice looking marth.
Ty. I'll try to get CBonus Doubler at some point since that's far far better. Don't know when that will be. Hopefully he returns in HoF again?
You don't necessarily need to have her have BoL4, just someone near her. The shitty thing is she has a weaker defense stat which BoL scales off of, but it's probably enough for squishy mages.
You could also try swapping out her seal and change the stat alignment of the save skill for something more defensive oriented to help her survive. If a good c skill comes out, then maybe you could also swap the save skill out if it gives a better benefit. It will make her harder to fmdo her job at being a tank/save armor but she will hopefully live.
There are also other support units in the game with unique buffs that they can give. either Veyle can probably help you, and if you use B!Alfonse then she might have access to the stone terrain he uses. The issue with using B!Alfonse with her is that he might just do her job but better so it is redundant.
Nifl's saggers are getting to me bros
Gotta admit, Fjorm's figure and that outfit really do it for me. Shame there's just no way I can roll for her.
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>heart over the belly button
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>the edges of her dress and the heart form an arrow like shape pointing right to her crotch.
every day my schizo theory become more possible.
>Fjorm in a bikini
>it's okay I suppose but Imma skip
>Figure skater Fjorm
>mental anguish not being able to chase a +10
Crazy but yet makes perfect sense
Not using the dyke thread
There's only one thread?
Oh I worded it wrong. I don't have anyone who I could give BoL4 and I want to eventually +10 balfonse too
They did it. They made me attractive to fjorm.
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Soft as snow
For me it's ninja fjorm
>they made me attractive to fjorm
Fjorm has been attracted to you since 6 years ago, Anon.
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My +10 L!Camilla gets wrecked, however. Just how many tanks specialize in both melee and ranged?
>looking forward to our 3rd alt
Yeah when her TT banner comes up, goddamn gullshitters
I can't believe they wasted Horiguchi on this frozen femcel cunt
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Ninja Fjorm is peak Fjorm.
It's pretty good.
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I wish Flora was the TT unit instead of Nils
Fjorm is unpopular and will never win CYL
anyone else enjoy the Ice tribe outfits ? I wouldn't mind it returning another year with other characters.
We all do.
And that's a shame.
How's it a shame exactly, Maeda? You're to blame. Maybe if you didnt force your uninteresting bitch, people would throw her a vote or two. As it stands, Reddit has zero reason to rally her so long as she keeps getting undeserved alts.
Who would Brave Fjorm be dressed as? Nifl? Laegjarn?
Your wife and her mom (hates you)
I dunno. Queen of Nifl Fjorm would be neat. Fjorm dressed like the summoner?
I don't think FEH could get away with naked units. Though naked with snow or ice crystals covering Fjorm's body sounds hot.
>I wish Flora was the TT unit instead of Nils

i would have +10 build her if she was.
now. she is in the worst position a unit in feh can be
That was a poor attempt at being funny. Fjorm isnt popular enough to win CYL
Fjorm doesn't have any relations to Ginny, but it does bring up the question if we will ever get a void or realm of life themed resplendent outfit.
Both could be great, but they both might be impossible. a regal outfit would be pretty, but Hrid is king unless IS decides to glass him. As for a summoner outfit it's hard to tell if that will ever happen as not even Alfonse got it.
The singular fjorm fag is having a melty
Realistically, a Brave Fjorm would wear an original outfit with the lore being it was her mother's clothes.
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Those WMDs are almost Cornelia tier!
is ice felicia's support any good? can it be granted to any character?
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>Shame there's just no way I can roll for her.
Anything is possible if you believe in yourself.
Fjorm and Nifl forced me to smell their feet
No the problem with all Tellius units is that the games sold like and is unpopular outside of contrarians. So IS has to do extreme powercreep to get them to sell.
It should be granted to her support partner or the ally within range with the highest res. It's good for dragons, specifically it's helpful to L!Mamui.
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flora just needs a flying alt and she has one for all movement types
Based FloraChad
Nice Floras. Is there a particular theme you would want her to be in for another alt?
More devoted than the tripcuck
found some more while scrolling. I should have saved the link for the post of the WIP art piece but wasn't thinking.
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Don't just leave him hanging, you should reply.
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Excellent, congrats to FeliciaChad.
It's always nice to see someone get an alt or character they've been waiting on.
If it was Edelgard you wouldn't be praising him
Maybe so but someone else would.
What makes you think I couldn't, or wouldn't, be happy for the guy if it were edelgard?
I didn't play 3H
Edelgard became your S support by force and you thanked her for it
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>By force
I'm pretty sure I picked her in my BE run, but maybe it was her choice all along.
Crazy that Nils has more alts than he has fans
>Crazy that Nils has more alts than he has fans
being a dragon in feh means you have some extra value. even if just as a demote dragon
We get a new dragon like every other week it's not a niche weapon type anymore
Lol KYS.
I hate chiki, but at least she has fans and some kind of ice dragon association that would've justified her inclusion. Or alternatively just Ninian. Or Kılma, which is the one people always theorized would be on this shit banner
thanks for the Flora art , anon
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That's a clever edit
I can't wait till the shitposters eventually move in here again
Either so I can use /feg/ in peace or we stop this split content for the same basic shit into two threads nonsense
We keep the darkness at bay with a split.
It's a necessary evil.
There is absolutely nothing stopping you from using /feg/ in peace.
Mfw the 'ick on 'eck spammer was 'oxxed and even had an fbi visit, yet we can't do the same for namschizo
There's that >>493486648
Thread on /pol/ rn talking about it.
Also I need to go my daily before reset. Is reset in 30 minutes or an hour and 30 minutes?
1 hour 30
Time change will be this month though
I am going to use Pannette in arena again
That sounds nice. I'm using unmerged LMShez again. Zzzz...
I don't have him and Pannette is my only usable unit of the bunch. Must be easy to just delete whatever you target.
Yeah it's braindead. I end up killing all four enemies with him often.
Yes, Nifl is now pregnant.
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Lysithea (real)
The what on what and why did this happen?
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Fat schizo that would post pics of his microdick on his switch
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Here ya go!
Why is Nifl the biggest bitch in the 7 realms
She's as cold as ice
Shes gonna outlive everyone she knows so why get close?
I'm afraid that the ice has left her cold to your plead of mercy.
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Yeah, because Edelgard is mine and mine alone.
This image furthered my transition
and by that I mean I was still a bit of a dimichud but now im a complete Edelchad
No I mean I'm even more transgender now stop speaking for me
Stop trying to hijack my post, you're not me
Fuck you I have boobs now because Edelgard looks so good with women and there's nothing you can do about it
I didnt make this post, I'm a full fledged male who loves Edelgard especially when paired with her canon wife Femleth
Why are we alive again?
No I am a girl who is Femleth and loves Edelgard
>t. person who isn't me
I can't wait to be in lesbians with my wife Edelgard again tomorrow, person who isn't me and is pretending to be me.
btw guys I didnt make this post
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You want to try saying that again, but in English this time?
Because "cold lmao". Failing to protect her closest friend and having her burnt to crisp probably didn't help either.
I’m dumb, can someone tell me how to make Anna kill Arion? No matter what I do she can’t kill him and dies in return
When's the next banner that isn't trash?
To further emphasize on what other anons have pointed out, it's a theme on her literal cold nature of being the goddess of ice, but it's her way of protecting herself as well as she doesn't want to experience the pain of losing someone again. but she still cares even though she'll never admit it. Just look at the damage art for Ice Fjorm, she stands in the way for fjorm whilst clearly wearing a more darker expression almost as if she were tharja chanting curses toearss the enemy.
Sorcery blade
Debuff/buff dancer/heider
Chip damage/aoe damage
SI better skills onto Anna.
Never. I just keep eating them.
I really don’t feel like wasting valuable skill fodder on the worst unit in the game
We already knew this, they said it back in the main story
Put Jorge on your team. His refine has crux and gives hexblade and breath. That should help Anna get the kill.
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I never even bothered to get Jorge and why would I use grails, feathers and divine dew on an outdated grail unit I don’t care for
what banner are we expecting the new Reginn on?
September. The new TT Story units always release on the New Heroes banner later that month.
You don't need modern fodder.
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Anna needed all buffs from Peony + all buffs from Plumeria + landing all of Plumeria’s debuffs on Arion + Bonus Doubler seal to kill him, still being forced to use the Askr units at this stage of the game is stupid
I really don’t feel like playing AR anymore with Felix and Celica and Heidrun and other annoying units running around everywhere…
Stay out of whale tiers and its much more enjoyable.
then what's the point of playing if it's not to be at the top?
I put all the new cancer units on my AR D team and have 7/7 successes this season

it’s really that easy, huh?
Can you type normally and not like some sharty zoomer.
would be funny if they dump Reginn on the Solm banner
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to have fun.
But would they want Solm banner to have 2 premium lance units? Timerra will definitely be either a rearmed or attuned lance, but Reginn is also a lance and debuting the “acce” unit type
IS has done such things before.
Still. if not. they usually dump OC in banners of games that will be a hard sell.

valentia new heroes or something
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One more month, is anybody else excited for the new Reginn and whatever bullshit mechanic she will introduce?
Any guesses on what it could be?
which game is next in line for a new heroes anyway?
people keep guessing Solm, for some reason, so probably engage.
IS is retarded, the Halloween Timerra was already a lance unit, not even they care about her
Other than Engage, Binding Blade and 3 Houses are the games next in line iirc
new heroes from september last year to now

heroes / FE4
heroes / echoes
fe5 engage
>fe5 engage
should be seperate
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Can we get a 3H banner for once this year? Solm can fucking wait next month.
*becomes the lowest ranking banner ever*
What he meant to say was
>Can we get a 3H lords banner for once this year?
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Honestly im more excited for the new unit type than reginn herself.
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Ice festival> Fire tribe>Wind tribe in terms out outfit designs
I wouldn't mind seeing Ice festival outfits or fire tribe returning next year, but there are also other cultural themes they could do. a Sacae tribe banner could have some cool outfits.
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>a Sacae tribe banner could have some cool outfits.
I nominate Rutger and Sue to be the ambassadors for Sacae. Clarine should also be present as well as Rutger's backpack or as a four star demote unit.
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Would you like to touch it, Summoner?
So the official name of this festival is "the festival of snow and ice"
Literally Fateslandia all over again.
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>any new fan art for the new banner?
New Mild Mild just dropped!
Also, this will be the next OP image.
they're bigger than Fjorm's head in this piece.
Why are dragons so sex
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It's a mystery.
But you just did brochachorinocho
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Post fertile Fire Emblems.
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that artist has to have a pregnancy fetish.
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>Why is Nifl the biggest bitch in the 7 realms
Ice HAGs are built differently.
So what, the "merge" is over and we're back to two threads or is this just one obnoxious idiot samefagging the fuck out of this thread?
>enter Summoner Duels R, noob low tier rankings
>everyone has a Felix, usually with Celica's Ring
welp not caring about ranking up this round. or ever.
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Are we finally ready to discuss Fire Emblem Heroes?
Felix was a mistake.
Hagfag why are you so desperate to false flag as a Gulltard
>loses to melee units
>loses to ranged nukes
What was the point of Fjorm’s new alt?
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>is anybody else excited for the new Reginn
I just hope they give her alt with Gramr in the future.
>character is broken
>people complain
>character isn't broken
>people complain
Good day, /feh/. I would eat Fjorm’s ass with a fucking spoon.
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Love Fjormu!
What's the point of samefagging this thread? Even if you manage to trick people into splitting again the generals will end up merging again because both of them are dead.
what ranged nukes beat her?

but yeah her inability to even put up a half-assed resistance to melee attacks is kind of sad for an armor.
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Nobody wants to discuss Three Houses day in and day out. Which is why Fire Emblem Heroes general exists. Since like 2019.
the many expressions of Fjorm after cumming inside of her
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This isn't an Ice Tribe banner. The Japanese text explicitly calls it an invitation to the Kingdom of Ice (Nifl).
What this means is we may get festivals themed around the other realms like Hel, Muspell, Dream Realm, Vanaheimr, Nidavellr, you name it.
Nobody wants to discuss FEH day in day out either, that's why our general was dying and had to merge with /feg/. This is stupid bullshit, within a month people will be wanting to merge back again because FE is dead.
There was no merge as for as I can see. Only a schizo roleplaying as a dragon for months on end (maybe even years) and some Discord fags trying to talk about their favorite you tuber's videogame called Anderon Saga. Heck most people in /feg/ despise Fire Emblem Heroes so a merge is not even beneficial.
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I rest my case.
Fire Emblem Heroes is not well liked amongst the people who say they love Fire Emblem. This fanbase is so fucking strange.
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Nobody plus ten'd Felicia.
But that's wrong.
>Fire Emblem Heroes isn't Fire Emblem
>we all hate Fire Emblem Heroes
Based. Nobody should mind /feh/ existing for the 5 people that want it then.
I had to spark Fjorm
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At least you got her, I envy that.
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If I waifu Fjorm will I get NTR’d by Laegjarn?
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It would be cool to see some outfits dressed up like ginny.
Fjorm has more art than G*ll
And yet she will never win a CYL lmao
She will win a spot on the CYL9 banner. Engayge will once again be shut out.
Engage is getting shut out but Fjgarbage wont be in a winning spot
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So are we all in agreement this would be the CYL9 lineup if Engage fails to get a single winner again?
Sharena finally got an alt so all the pity votes she has been getting will probably disappear.
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Built for rape and impregnation.
Nah, we'll have to wait and see who reddit thinks "deserves it" at the time of the next CYL to know who will get it. Any one of those characters getting a good alt between now and then would probably ruin their chances of winning.
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Dwagon Bwaid
No way Azura is winning. A pity rally for Sharena, ugh...
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I can see it. I think its more likely Azura wins over Sharena tho
Where's the Feliciafag though? Is it more accurate to say no one on /fehg/ +10'd her?
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Take out Azura and put in this HAG to shake things up.
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i love the divine dwagon
Nobody knows who this is
My wife Shamir?
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That's ok, Pumpkin.
They will soon. They will very soon.
Isn't that Leon Kennedy's wife.
No, I dont think they will.
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Nah man, it's a foreign mercenary chick with a bow and short hair
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What will her next alt be?
Child banner?
Hopefully nothing for awhile
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I didn’t check most of it but I saw a lewd Catria in there and a few kete/Nowi posts. Those were not from the gook, so not all those posts were one person.
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