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Previous thread: >>493364401

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

>hod thread
I have failed you limbabs.. I'm sorry
hod my beloved
Fat bitch
what did they do to hod...
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Cringe thread
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>not sinclair op
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Zwei Association from the South have Faust, Gregor, Ishmael, Rodion, Heathcliff, Sinclair and Don. So that means the one from the North will have to choose between Outis, Hong Lu, Yi Sang, Meursault and Ryoshu to get an ID? Who do you think will get it?
Hod? More like Hog.
weird way to spell Rodion.
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Rodya slander will not be tolerated
How does "Inflict X debuff next turn" work for the purposes of the walpurgis inflict debuffs mission, does it count as coming from the current turn or the next turn or is it ignored for the count entirely?
Next turn, I think?
I haven't tested that exactly but I have a hunch its ignored, given other tests.
>bleed WAW ego
>no good bleed id
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Faust's massive retarded breasts
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Honestly, I was about to use this fat pig as an OP, but I saw someone request a Hod OP while I was looking for the drawpipis.
I don't know
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I love Ishmael shes so cute
QRD on the strawberry meme?
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Is there a poise blunt ID or am I going crazy?
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there's zwei rodya but it's zwei rodya
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they removed the mirror world tab so at this point anything is free game I feel like
id so bad the clashing sprite died by itself...
Is the weapon Alriune or Lady facing the wall?
>tfw I'll never be one of the Spiderling gnawing on Ryoshu's flesh
How do I make Wingbeat deal damage?
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lady facing the wall and old lady
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why does my guy keep getting the good ids
>Some Ryoshufags want Ryoshu to literally eat them and other Ryoshufags want to literally eat her
alriune crossbow and granma's gun, poor choice to pick alriune mirror ayin
Get lucky
Butterflies heal SP on hit
I mean, wouldn't you do the same?
>Use Wingbeat unclashed since it can't win for shit lol
>It fails on the second coin
>Restart fight
>Use Wingbeat unclashed since it can't win for shit lol
>It fails on the second coin
>Restart fight
>Use Wingbeat unclashed since it can't win for shit lol
>It fails on the second coin
>Restart fight
>Use Wingbeat unclashed since it can't win for shit lol
>It fails on the second coin
>Restart fight
Like that.
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>"Pheeew," sighed Ishmael as shebfinished typing this with her dirty sailor hands
>As she got ready to speak with Dante in his office again she noticed the door was left slightly open
>And heard an unusual, wet slapping sound
>Peaking in, she saw something she didn't wish to see
>Dante, balls deep into Faust and fucking like a beast
>Faust's envy inducing form, one that would never fail to satisfy Dantenim
>IshMALE looked at her unshapely sailor body, and simply walked away in defeat
doggystyle, sideways, frontwards, backwards, upside down, 360 degrees, no condoms, skin on skin, on the living room,on the bed room, on the fridge, on the closet, on the ceiling, on the library on the nest on the outskirt on the bus on the backstreet
what does the director have against the french then
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lmao fair
french people are just not that good, overrated even
oh so she pairs with them
That's not Faint Aroma, that Screaming Wedge, the E.G.O of Lady Facing The Wall.
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>The only Sinners with no bad IDs is Ryoshu
I mean, he is a Japanophile, so it tracks.
Why are ish antis so fucking deranged browskis?
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Your Blind Obsession with the "Ishmale" "joke" is concerning Manager
How do i bleed team, limbabs?
Aren't they gonna run out of sinners for lobotomy EGO pretty quick? There's a LOT of really iconic EGO from that game but there's a limited number of sinners. There's not even enough left for all the Alephs, which is a real shame since those EGO look so cool.
Hell, we haven't even had a WAW yet (though Magic Bullet's gun itself is WaW level). Surely they'll want to do the three magical girls, but then that only leaves 4 sinners for the rest of the whole facility... Maybe Nothing There, De Cappo, CENSORED, and MoSB? But that leaves out so many really cool abno EGOs like Blue Star, White Night, the 3 birds, Apocalypse Bird, etc.
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ByDon Days soon!
Lccb bwo.....
>R.B. Chef
and 7 to some degree, it just clashes really good without conditionals but thats not enough to carry an ID and besides, the cinq ids are better at that job
>IshMALE looked at her unshapely sailor body, and simply walked away in defeat
> her
good she's mine

I know who you are, I will find you and touch you inappropriately, consider this a threat !
>No bad ID
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There's something extremely punchable about her. She kind of remind of one of my past classmate.
None of those are bad, mediocre at worst.
aint no way rb chef is bad, right?
>1 second apart
the Boatbilly Internet Defense Force is real sloppy huh
Chef is not really bad, just power-crept by her other IDs
Chef is certainly not a bad ID. She's still pretty good and does amazing damage. There's just not a lot of reason to use her over W Corp.
Though yeah, Seven and LCCB are pretty weak, they at least have better numbers than some of the truely bad IDs
He played Monster Hunter on multiplayer and got tripped up by too many Insect Glaive fuckers
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NTA, she got powercrept
>None of those are bad, mediocre at worst.
It's fine but ever since WRyo came out, it's basically irrelevant for Slash. Bleed tried to salvage it but her S3 doesn't have Bleed so BM won't work.
LCCB is bad, there's no doubts about it. Bad clashing, bad poise gain, on crit effects.
>uses ego without SP
natural selection
She just got powercrept is all
Still solid but the lack of bleed on her s3 fucks her
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>that dark silhouette to the right of Rodion
Good argument Anon, however, she has a shotgun. This alone make her miles above the likes of Sloshmael, Jackgor and Mexiclair.
Does the old Hong lu base ego uptie 4 into wingbeat trick still work?
>Sorry, there's no time to explain this Ordeal
>Saves Dante last second and lets everyone else with them die
I don't know, Dantebros... she eliminated any possibility of Dante being safe by his own actions just so she could be a hero while making any competition die,.. maybe she is the traitor...
Chefshu should still be BIS against anything with multiple body parts and a lust/pierce weakness. I.C.C.A. fucks
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Is that you're bald's ego gift?
>chefshu gives 4 heal down to enemies with bleed
Bros, what if she ends up ironically being meta for Canto VII
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it is
So I think the Walpurg LC stuff is actually Dante's own memory. We will probably get some day 50 event to match with the end of Inferno.
<Ishmael, I know it's you. Stop acting tough, it doesn't work.>
I don't think PM is dumb enough to create a fight where a heal down is necessary. I don't think anyone even noticed that's a thing with Cassetti.
I on the other hand just want to smell Ryoshu's feet
Ok Meursault.
what is the best rupture team that one can make from these ids?
mind you, this is just for MD. no way in hell i'm actually running this shit normally
Considering we just had an intervallo where the enemies healed, even having a full restore unclashable, goes to show she won't be. Even one of the EGO gifts inflicted hp heal down, and it barely came into play
so mirror ayin's current loadout that we know
>one sin
>spider bud
>der shooty
>meat lantern
>fragments of the universe
>big and will be bad wolf
>you're bald
>lady facing the wall
>old lady
>funeral of the dead butterflies
<You can keep seething Ishy, but that wont make your tits grow. No need to be jealous over Meursault.>
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Use lccb ish if you have her but 7 + rosegreg is fine. W sang if you have him. Prioritize maxing7 faust
Crimson Scar Ishmael and Cobalt Scar Heathcliff please I beg you director
i want to stab myself with the sharpest knife multiple times then disgorge all guts and other organs and thus I will be confirmed as the true Ryoshu fan
I'll also ask someone to take photos of my malformed body and post it somewhere
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This is actually the first time this happened... my luck is gone... i only pull yi sang. I will need the daily pull for Ryōshū...This is bad.
Pray for me limbabs.
>solemn lament
>lccb ryo
>lccb ish
>der outis
gunbros... the team is finally complete...
Rupture team is impossible to run outside of MDs. You need to have high level of autism and patience to make it work
>t. men lover
also bloodbath
<If that was true I'd be crazy for Ishmael.>
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me with faust
Brazilians with no ability to plan for the future. Grim
why the fuck didn't you save for walpurgis?
>Still 82 to go for ideality
Unironically NGMI
>paying 10 pulls worth of lunacy for announcers
>paying 200 pulls worth of lunacy for announcers
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me with Sinclair
>didn't save for Walpurgis
>doesn't have enough for Walpurgis
Couldn't be me
I saw "fuck nelly" spray painted at least twice on vacation. I think heathcliff's upset.
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my wives
but he likes Nelly, at least LCB does, Hindley's the one spraypainting that
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Hod Thread!!!
Post Hod!!!
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limbabs...have we gone woke...
ogey now get it in Red Pregnant+, and Turquoise Pregnant++
sounds like you are considering how much you reply.
Ryoshu Full Nelson
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It's exactly because you are a brazillian just like me that you should have prepared for this and saved your stuff for the Walpurgisnacht.
I didn't roll everyone I wanted but I had enough crates stocked up to get all remaining Walpurgis stuff.
That were all my savings...
I was counting on my luck until now... it worked until now...i got everything in the game with at most 6 pulls...i got cocky
>that list
there's like 3 games that aren't woke
>raped by Ryoshu futa cock
I wouldn't mind it
not what I meant
>human augmentation
wanting to give myself minigun arms makes me woke, damn
does lccb ryoshu's bench passive work with lament sang? that boy uses all of his ammo a whole lot
Brazilians not understanding probability. Grim
Jokes aside what is this?
/v/ excel that lists "woke" games in the most schizo way possible, to the point where making a commentary about anything at all makes the games woke
Man I think this game has it as well but overtly? Really? Where's the cutscene where Paus had to make out with Smee to get information then?
Of course.
there is your problem
paus love...
Skill 3 doesn't count as 'using the last ammo' since he dumps it all in one go
He still gains the +3 poise with all his skills
But if you want the 50% damage boost, you need to manually empty his ammo with the coins on skill 1, second coin of skill 2 and first coin skill 3, since the rest shoot more than 1 ammo. It needs to be ONE ammo, and it needs to be the last ammo
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Sometimes I imagine doing a full nelson on Ishmael but my limbs get entangled in her hair and then she clenches her asscheeks on my dick and Staggers me.
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Does W Faust and/or Rhino passive support work for Red Eyes?
I >>493404704 spent 3-4 hours testing Butterfly with LCCB, and I don't want to do more testing ;_;
Anything new in the modding area? Is it still only skin edits?
If you think yapper announcers are bad try using more than just one for the nod headache inducing shit possible
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I will DESTROY Sinclair's prostate.
what else could there even be?
How far is X in the latest Walpipi? He has execution bullets and Midnight Ordeal, meaning he's at LEAST in Gebura's department, right?
Don't think they do, Budshu doesn't have charge count and any charge count she gains is instantly converted into red eyes/penitence
Bloodbath and Forsaken Murderer.
Faust is banned from hatchery due to devolving every combat training into an orgy.
I don't think
You don't have an internal voice
Yuri literally has colored hairs desu, max wokie-dokie
Got the new Yi Sang, Gregor and Ryoshu somehow after some four hours of trying for a good combo. What's the next step?
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>due to devolving every combat training into an orgy.
stamina and finger/tongue dexterity competition
You're bald, Ishmael.
on a similar note, who is better for the 6th slot, ryoshu, sang or outis?
ryoshu doesnt really have rupture, but at least her amount of coins are low
yes I do
I have my own Sang Yi inside my own head
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Railway cleared !
>Sometimes I imagine [GAY, HOMOSEXUAL SEX]
not beating the woke allegations..
7 Outis def. Replaced by k hong if you ever get him.
Void Dream, Donkey Jote has it's EGO Gift
I refuse to believe this list isn't satirical
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I like the new Ryoshu on an envy res team because all the random telepoles and electric screamings Middle Don and Meursault shit out go directly into her pocket.
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Sometimes I think
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I think?!?
No you don't.
*cough cough*
i couldn't get the IDs... please add me so I can mooch off you guys, I'll give some decent supports..
Guys, i think!
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Post yourself doing something lewd
Imagine scarecrow sucking your dick
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They've also mentioned they have Abnos that go berserk when Clerks die which is why they were killed off before the noon
So we most likely also have Mountain of Smiling Bodies and/or Big Bird too
that would be very painful
Mountain of Smiling Bodies Gregor
No just add me and please do not comment on the quote I used
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Ayin Shooter ID for Dante when? He shoots faster than Ryoshu can perceive!
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Are we done with Season 4, or will there be more Season 4 content added before it ends? I remember there being a roadmap stream but I never ended up seeing it
You're a big clerk
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MoSB Rodion...
Which female Sinner is a shotacon?
devyat north and zwei west
A Zwei Association Banner and a Devyat Association Banner and then its season 5. No events.
New bygone days is likely S4. Devyat and Zwei likely S0.
>your waifu suddenly grows a 7 inch futa cock
Now what?
2 sets of season 0 ids then canto 7. 6 weeks total maybe
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Nelson would steal her lunch money
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When the season ends do you save your EGOshards that will get halved or do you spend as many as you can to uptie IV things?
She already looks like a freak by herself no need to give her more orifices
big ass forehead.
>sucks your balls outta the sac
This is where the fun begins
>only 7 inches
Bigger cock tops
atleast she ain't a fattie unlike some sinners
Why would she need a second one.
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She needs more orifices to stuff food into
I don't "think," mate.
I shard and uptie stuff but only to a limit so I have a buffer of shards for the next season. I want somewhere over 100 shards after the decay if I can
yeah, my food...
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I will never understand where the fuck Ayin is shooting from to manage to hit every clerk in every department
I'm tired
sinners for this feel
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let us both rope together
there's a reason why kromer makes sense as a character
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>Limbus surpassed their previous peak on Steam's concurrent players again
Why does this game keep growing?
all thanks to us
Ironic answer - western audience and their flood memes.
Unironic answer? Japs.
samefag (futa schizo)
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on the virtue of not having shitgena ,but i know one day my hero will save us form the gacha hell
>Futa franchise
isn't there a scene where a woman tries to flirt with faust and gets scared off when faust says she has 12 companions
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Rodya love?
Thanks to you? I daresay it's your fault.
making a prayer circle for deyvat rodya to be rupture so that it can finally save this dogshit keyword
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Post Erica
That sailor chick said she's with 4 people or something; Faust said she's with 12.
>Didn't crash the servers
Either more people moving to Steam or they somehow got better servers (lol).
Flirt is a stretch, irc she was just asking what she'd doing there.
Roblox players love Solemn Lament
how does she not fall in that position???
You would doom her like that?
This artist draws everybody with enormous tits
It lacks variety (and therefore sovl)
>bleed ID
>wants pride
>literally only three pride bleed IDs are good
Ahabmael was ganked
i feel like this is a pretty obvious joke
>zoom in onto the prosthetic leg
>very tiny fairy ishmaels supporting her so she doesn't fall
>>bleed ID
It's a poise ID
Imagine the Walpipi Black Silence ID's peak concurrent players.
She wants 10 bleed for her skill 3
>Bleed ID
She's also Poise AND Pride.
The Limbis community has fallen.
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its a poise id, jackass
just wait patiently for Kurokumo Clan Captain Ishmael, who will SAVE the KK units
roblox unironically ruined project moon fanbase
What the actual fuck is this? Looks like the most jank piece of shit I've ever seen, please don't tell me our games unironically gain popularity through this.
She's very greedy
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Faust is smart and experienced!
Of course Faust can easily take 12 people at once
Skill 3 rolls 16 unless there's 10 bleed on target
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I think the last local Outisfag just died due starvation.
>big tits equals le good
>complaining about jank
>pm fan
Ahabmael always looked like generic support to Poise/Bleed to me more than an enabler.
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Roblox lets kids make custom games and in a pvp one the PM characters became popular. This has turned out to be one of the biggest source of new (western) players for the franchise. There are also some total PMverse pvp games too
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But can Dante take on 12 Fausts at once?
total rodya death
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Of course.
there's sovljank and that pile of dogshit
>her passive gives poise on PRIDE res
the bleed is just an added bonus
this one got chuckle out of me
>sisclair with big tits
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I still don't understand why they shoved in the bleed shit into Canto 5, and especially decided to tie it to envy-res for whatever reason
Wouldn't call her a generic support but she's very much a support ID that wants to close in for the kill/finisher
Her S1 and S2 gives buffs to allies, and her S3 deals more damage the less HP the target has remaining
it does
There's jank that still offers a good gameplay experience, and there's jank that looks like it was put together in 5 minutes
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Pretty sure that's Griffith.
>not Don Quixote
another update?
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The fuck is Faust doing? What is even happening there?
I think because of charge's lacklustre status as envy's "status" they were experimenting with envy resonance to be the sin's gimmick.
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Sinclair is just Griffith of Limbus.
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Seriously though, Solemn Lament Yi Sang seems broken as fuck. Yeah he has ammo and shit but it's not like it even runs out
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<I could take her unlike that fragile clockboy.>
Who is erica
sadly it sucks fucking ass and now the canto V IDs only work with themselves
I wonder how good he'd be with that MD ammo bandolier gift.
Yume selfinserters are winning
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Erica is Erica.
a Yume's self-insert OC
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maid OC
She's cute
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Just Erica.
Limbabs keep shitting up social media platforms with their stupid in-jokes and memes.
I got here because some gay member on my discord server kept calling me gregor and wants to get me "gregnant" because I apparently look like the character.
Fuck off with your OCs faggots
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hiskuripu stop fucking the maids aiieee
Man I admire how shameless girl self-inserters are
Now i want to get you gregnant too, anon
If growing why sales low?????
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What's the best sinking team? Is Solemn Lament EGO good enough to run Heir Gregor over someone? Also do I want SP healing passives for Erlking or is he better without them?
I could fuck this Cathy, to make it equal
>Cheap as fuck
>Have never seen it deal less than 100 damage
>Sinking lmao
Also, I'm not quite sure how his butterflies really work since somehow after the 3rd turn, Yi Sang triggers it for 1700 damage and I'm still confused.
>What's the best sinking team?
Butlers, Lament Sang, Gredgar, 2 slots left for whatever you want
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This isn't 80% left NOOOOOO
post hussycliffs
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>I could fuck this Cathy, to make it equal
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i love yisang
I wish I had their confidence
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haha faggot
me too
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how would (You) make Rupture interesting the way Sinking is?
no, just saying do give ids more count does not count.
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Speaking of Rodya's tig bibbies, do we have any info on her upcoming "9" id?
Was anything about them apart from "it's a shipping association" mentioned?
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bongbong art-background nugget when?
ideally not getting brutally murdered
what's the optimal md speedrun team?
Bleed followed by Burn
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>ideally not getting brutally murdered
Coward; she would tank that
dante is bongbong. the sinners are the giganuggets that survived
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I'm not going to do PM's work for them. And you can't unless you add in """"Unique""""" effects that just serves to bog down shit.
You say this about Rodya of all sinners.
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I would love to see a picture of the sinners as basketball players one day, especially Rodya. Or just playing sports in general. I could see Don playing soccer and Ish being part of the rowing team
make it heal the attack equal to count number, and make it deal gluttony damage
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He has more coins than combos from Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
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>you now remember when rainbow six was good
>pro-transhumanism bad
why do rightoids have to be so stupid? why would they just hand the cybernetic enhancements to leftists?
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Wsault seems pretty good as a generalist if you pair him with Regret.
Nothing beyond concept art. Director mostly talked about fashion choice for the North and how Devyat use dimension bag for combat.
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I don't understand. I succeeded in this again. I was sure; Yi Sang decimated the thing from full health to zero. And another one with 215 for good measure. Do I need to get 3 kills in a single encounter like that?
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Erica is supposed to be like Latin for the "heath" flower iirc, and she's the artist self-insert OC that is in a throuple with Catherine and Heathcliff
Yes, she wants to get it on with both of them
She's rizzing up Dante, as the kids say
I want to travel in time and kill the nigger who thought
>make the anti-terror super sekrit operatives into sport players
would be a good idea.
Man, I fucking pity Tom Clancy. poor fella must be revolving in his fucking grave.
It is unless it's by that one ESL faggot from /v/ that claimed PM games as "woke agenda" and got roasted because he doesn't know shit
>S3 that max rolls a fucking 12
Yes. Slot Yi Sang and a tank, then save 3 skill 3 for three enemies
>In a Single Encounter
>use any S1
>follow up with Sang S3
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Erica-ome is cute-ome
i think the worst part about rupture is that it is obviously pale inspired but they stuck it on gluttony instead of something better for the theme
Solemn Sang
Butler Outis + Faust
Molar Ish
Dieci Rodya

Erlking isn't worth micromanaging to bother slotting in. Dieci Lu is incredibly fucking strong but everyone else there contributes way more to the team as a whole.
Running both butlers is great due to higher uptime on manor debuff and decent count application, as Greg lament fucking shreds through count.
rank 9 on steam is low? its just that its cheaper to buy on steam and also the fact that some can doompost about mobile sales, so take it as you want
It's why I think it should heal the attacker a little bit (which is somewhat common in certain gluttony skills) and it should instead deal gluttony damage (since right now it deals "raw" damage that ignores damage resistances, which isn't at all interesting and instead just ignores a fundamental mechanic)
he can do it with s3 even without someone else softening it up first
may need some attack buffing passives on your bench tho
I was told the reason why Dante used they/ them was because of translators since korean doesn't have gendered pronouns
They have a techno urban style, thick clothing because of cold weather, and they fight with giant hammer space boxes. Personally really really really hoping for a nod to Yuna's cello case, with the bladed arms.
Lament Sang can instakill the little shits with his S3
Infact you can do the mission solo
he can do everything but the 6 status missions afaik
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>Yuna's cello case, with the bladed arms
That's literally what I've been thinking of.
It's also kinda what I'm expecting because Rodya kinda needs a bleed id with that WAW (and blades probably = bleed?)
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How to keep the game alive long term

Alternate skins for ID's. Maybe you like Nclair's gameplay but want alternate sprites and art? Well now you can buy it. Basically a similar cosmetic system to Bloons 6. Strictly paid lunacy to unlock.

Secondary gacha system for equipment customization:
-Equipment slots for each ID. Weapon slot, armor slot, and a misc item slot.
-Manager equipment slots; Same system as items from MD, except you can only equip 2 outside of MD.

Rework clashing so that it's not a winner takes all binary system. It limits the viability of many ID's.

Fix defense skills being able to overlap into multiple enemy attacks. It's literally just an exploit.
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>(and blades probably = bleed?)
It's going to be poise + rupture that deals blunt damage somehow
I always loved Yuna's weapon and I'm really disappointed we didn't get the full Dawn Office ID set so I'm hard coping. Director I NEED my butterfly slash & eject back.
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>Personally really really really hoping for a nod to Yuna's cello case, with the bladed arms
Well they do have something like that. But final design might be different.
>power down, bind (Base Ego)
>sloth frag, paralysis (Wishing Cairn)
>rupture (Wayward Passenger)
He could if fragile, paralysis and bind/power down count as status
>Skins for IDs that get switched out easily
fuck off
People are already making mods. This could be a thing
Please please please please please please please please, Director I'll suck cock for it.
Starlight>Gift>Gamble>Cost>literally anything>EGO resource
>in a single turn
in a fight right
the only good thing rainbow six has done in the past years is to collab with a gacha full of magical furries and tiny people
you can activate several EGOs in a single turn with the same sinner
>Manager equipment slots
A single decent idea amids the pure shitposting... The (You) was mine.
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lamentsang cant self-sustain all his egos
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I think is bwo is onto something, thoughts?
why do you even need skins for IDs?
IDs are technically skins for the sinners god damn it
>dante gets EGO gear that gives team wide buffs
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Not enough info.
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I want to nail and hammer her boobs with my clock
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Feels my biggest issue is keeping those fuckers alive and healthy. They either stagger somebody or get under 80% health.
I need the first turn using the weaker skills for Yi Sang to build up but by the second turn onwards they are too hurt for the achievement to be valid.
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Faust for this feel?
>lccb ishmael's skill 1 and 2 inflict paralyze and power down ONLY on the same turn
holy shit, they really did not have a single clue how to create these ids back then
>why do you even need skins for IDs?
/lcg/'s usual retardation at display here I suppose
Favourite boss fight?
Don't forget 5 fragile
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You niggers need stop playing the slop that should've ended half a decade ago
Reminder that KKHongers S3 inflicts 5 Paralyze. Ledgermain too.
sales are low because it's niche and it's a miracle enough that it's even growing. it's obviously never going to compete with the likes of genshin, but it fulfills its own niche
you can snipe one from full health with s3 alone so you could shoot one down at the start of a fresh wave
Her support passive is next turn, though.
Realization of the floor of Social Sciences.
But enough about Project Moon.
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Blame Director-seonbae and his favoritism.
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on an aesthetical level, Ahab 2 still top 1 for me, although Time Ripper comes close
on a gameplay level, the Dream Devouring Siltcurrent is still the only fight where i have to actually use my braincells
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Turn 1, designate an event that you are going to oneshot. Love tap one or two of them with Envy/Wrath S1s that deal sinking (Wild Cunt, Heir Greg). Dump all the other skills into the one you aren't oneshotting.
Turn 2, GNASIY the set-up enemies into oblivion. The sinking applied last turn helps massively, when small amounts line 3/1, because Yi Sang applies Sinking Count on Clash Win.
Alternatively, end a wave with Sunshower, and GNASIY two enemies to death with your Sloth Power/Damage Up
Faust does this to Dante btw
Finally. The SEX chapter.
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>"fuck it i'm lucky"
>roll for erlking
>i had enough to shard him
>roll lament greg
>roll spider ryoshu
>lunacy left 83
>not have enough to pity lament yi sang
>finish missions
>get tickets
>mirror dungeon
>grind weekly bonus
>roll lament yi sang
lucklets cope!!!
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So far i know that he played Fate, VtBM and Fallout 3
What else?
What game
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use the FRICKIN piles next time OK?!

https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcexoe27.png (already used)
There was a 'pasta where Dante gets raped by Ishmael, and the first part told about how the Sinners were making fun of her during a banter session.
Dante joins in by calling her a strawberry because of how embarassed she was.
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I only just now noticed how... "grand" the heart's heart chamber looks like
Somewhat similar to me, I actually fought Time Ripper earlier and he's one of the bosses I actually like in terms of theme and "flavour"
Dawn of War Soulstorm from what it looks like. Likely modded with Unified something
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Really? No Erlking?
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bros, i dipped under 100k lunacy
please don't kick me outta the guild, i'll get back up there, honest
just give me some time
Gregor distortion would have the power to turn everyone else into bugs.
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Bait... right?
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bwo im down to like 7k lunacy...
i don't hate him, but timeripper is one of the worst in terms of how bad the UI is
He's good don't get me wrong, but from my testing it's better to just play around building a huge stack so you can spam Greg Lament as opposed to managing Erlking's minigame.
Even in MD?
Especially in MD because his whole gimmick doesn't work when you're spamming winrate. I drop Butler Faust in favor of Dieci Lu in MD though.
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Limbus Company x Ace Combat crossover
does the city even allow mechs?
Echoes of the Manor, did it get fixed, or is the sinking application still fucked?
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Incidentally, is Erlcliff even good on a sinking team?

Because he seems to omnomnom a lot of count, and not apply much.
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do not worry fren, you will one day reach the point, where the only banners you pull on are walpurgisnacht, and you can simply horde resources cuz every new banner is sharded (portmanteau of shit and fard) instantly
There's a zwei nigga in Distortion Detective that has a dog nigga that turns into a suit of power armor that feels kinda mech-ish.
You're forgetting Ruins on his skill 2
That alone makes him worth running in a sinking team
i don't understand erlking. he keeps getting on and off the horse every turn and for what
To kill people.
Killing people nets him Coffin.
You use the S3 or the Counter (which is also the S3 if you're mounted up) to stack it up quickly.
Coffin gives him Damage Up and Clash Power.
He also gets AOE on his S2.
Winraters need to DIE and WITHER AWAY...
>Captcha: MDTND
Who's Adam Sandler of PMverse?
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Mirror Dungeon Traverses Neverending Days
(when not winrating)
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I can't take this guy seriously sometimes.
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thank you fren, i hope you'll gain your lunacy hoard back soon as well
Use Counter to get on horse
Do not use skill 3, spam skill 2 as much as possible
When sanity is low, either pop skill 3 or use counter. This gets him off the horse
Sanity reaching below -25 Sp gets him off the horse too
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How good is new Ryo? In bleed MD team specifically.
Dumb old man
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It's not, it's just an OC.
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Male Ahab
Hag love!
Transhumanism is a cope for ancom trannies
Dante is such an incel that even IshMALE the TRANSSEXUAL wouldn't have sex with him.
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>untouchables out of nowhere
Reminder that Ayin has cucked at least two people.
Don really is the secondary bait sinner huh
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>every new banner is sharded (portmanteau of shit and fard) instantly
... but I like to watch my funni box count go up.
I only have 900 left. And after I (likely) shard Earlcliff I'll have only 800 left (because I already have about 200 shards of him due to Walpoopy pulling).

That's barely enough to shard 4 000 ids!
What if PM releases 5 at the same time?

Bleed MD team?
Absolutely amazing. It's a charge id that FULLY benefits from blood mist (KK Ryoshu, incidentally, doesn't, because her S1 doesn't apply bleed, kek)

Outside of MD?
It's a solid id, but you need someone else to apply count, because she sure a fuck doesn't do that.
I also want her to crush me underfoot
Well Canto IV show us combat robots exist so Mechs would be a reality but not worth the hassle in terms of cost. Might as well buy augs or a powersuit like the Grade 1 Zwei in DD.
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<You are not Ahab.>
<You'll find Catherine again.>
<Your dad would be proud of you.>
<You're not what your mom wants you to be.>
<You are special.>
<You can fly as high as you want.>
<You are a hero.>
<Your family doesn't own you.>
<Your daughter still loves you.>
<You'll make it back home.>
<You're not to blame.>
<You are my Beatrice.>
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I am the only one who matters. What matters is that I have declared this game woke--and that is my commandment, my belief, my religion, and my creed.

My beliefs are absolute! My definitions of good and woke are clear-cut! Thus my beliefs are unclouded, unassailable. Because I have made it so.

I have blessed you with my absolute definitions of good and woke! So that you may live your life with unhesitating, unwavering tenacity!!!
Does anybody know if there's a full page lock mod for the Ensemble in Library of Ruina? I want that early access challenging experience
My hero would never say this... He would trap and betray.
<I said all of this.>
Just spent a lot of my shards uptying a bunch of EGO I will probably never use again
Sinners for this feel?
hows it niche? this game has m*les, massive shipbait, its inspired by some of the most famous books out there and its gameplay is as braindead as possible if anything this game has massive normie appeal just behind the likes of gayshit
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Biggest Issue with Solemn Lament Yi Sang, is that he takes up the slot for Spice Bush Yi Sang, so you lose out on Sinking Deluge.
Let me use two Yi Sangs, director.
spicebush is very outdated and is a detriment to your team until the deluge turn, meanwhile lament is just a very fucking good ID all around.
Transbian post.
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>so you lose out on Sinking Deluge.
Which isn't a big deal considering that Buttersang is far more consistent on a proper Sinking team.
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Angela's POV
><Your daughter still loves you.>
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>Let me use two Yi Sangs, director
Be careful what you wish for.

It's Buttsung.
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pick your father
More like 10 years.
post lament gregor art
>Be careful what you wish for.
i could take all of them at the same time
Why are Gregorfags like this
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>transhumanism is very bad mkay? Just stay an ape
>also love the government trampling you goy, its it what it is!
What a fucking retard
wrong homotranny kill yourself
your gay art is so ugly. gregor can not get pregnant. gregor is a man.
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Instructions unclear.
they want him ingregnated
3d open world >>>>>>>>>>> 2d turnbased
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When does the theme park open?
>Woops there's a forcefield now
>Carmen exclusive though
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Years of training, its all muscle memory now.
He's just that good.
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>in the humanity trumps all muh heckin emotionerinos kill all m*chines HFY setting general
why are you here? you all made a fuss when what robots need dropped too
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went to check on it and its at 9th on Japan right now
You already know
fgo and reverse 1999 do quite well despite being 2d turn based tho
should faust have faust sex with dante
>wasting time to get to the fun parts of the game
Lmfao. The only game that does it well is GTA because traveling with cars is actually fun
Wait so she self-inserts and wants to belong to a harem? How does
what will be the other sinners' reactions when Outis inevitably betrays LCB?
i'm predicting that Heathcliff will be raving mad until finding out it was for her loved ones, where he can relate
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women are cucks
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Let me GO!!
You CAN'T hold me here FOREVER!!
I NEED to go eat PIZZA!!
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You lost nigger
Ricardo is the only character in Limbus to have his own intro music
should dante have sex with faust
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Sinners for this feel?

1. Dante
2. Ring Yi Sang
3. Ayin
4. Charon
5. Rosepanner Meursault
6. ???
7. Sonya
8. Heathcliff.
9. Enoch
He's too good for her.
>airbnb squatter
Wild Hunt Heathcliff
Pre-Clock Dante RELENTLESSLY teased Faust but NEVER actually dicked her down, so she's going to MOLEST and RAPE Clock Dante
(coomer headcanon)
how would that work for IDs
>at 45 SP, manifest an entire fighter jet
>fixed 99 speed
*heart stroke*
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>Holy Fool
Mr. Fool..?!
Not again…
I need Don
which sinner gets paradise lost
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The Distortions and E.G.O are the true path to transhumanism, robots and AI are just a dead ends. A literal power born from the core of humanity. To shun Robots is not wrong because at the end its just another species competing for the same spot. Why you think in our very fucking core we still hate monkeys? Cuz they use to be our rivals and survival runs so deep into the core of existence of very living thing in the universe we cannot let it go. This is why racism will never leave us and why communism doesnt work.
I bet down the line we will touch this theme of what Distortions and E.G.O really mean for the future of mankind in the setting.
She self-inserts as both. She is the girl Heathcliff devoted his heart to and also the groomer taking care of him since childhood. She gets both backgrounds of being a rich ojousama and an uplifted poor girl that became a maid. Likely can have dom and sub sex with Heathcliff this way.
And now that Heathcliff is lonely seeking to bring Cathy back she can be a damsel in distress AND the woman that will comfort him.
Basically win-win.

This is Rodion's theme
>crisis actor
The fuck is that
Not really digging Ryoshu's new ID, maybe its because my team building might be completely fucked but not only does she feel worse than the new Yi sang but her animations and sound effects just aren't that satisfying to me
sex sex sex sex
clown ordeal when?
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Die bitch
When we get to Tiph
Holy fool...
You guys know this is a thing on orthodox church right?
She belongs in either charge or bleed
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how do i use erlking
What would be Tulio's color?
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>4chanX compresses every reply
tf is going on?
"Works on my machine"™
I tried her out in the bleed team and didn't like it, maybe i should try out the charge one then, it just feels a bit weird swapping out W ryoshu from a charge team
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Since everyone else in her Will died and Cathy was married to Linton and Heathcliff became the owner of the Wuthering Heights does that mean he is rich as fuck with the cumulative fortune and possessions from both families?
thank you tiph
probably not
Linton spent his entire fortune on Cathy's plan
Hindley was broke
Cathy spent her own fortune aswell
The Mansion is probably a fucking mess with whatever the ring did to it
Not to mention Heathcliff most likely doesn't want the Mansion itself
Limbus owns all of that, no doubt about it. Contracts be like that
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Green because is the color of money. Jokes aside we yet to see a Legal tender of Anh right in the games right? I hope they dont go the boring cyberpunk way of "its just a fancy glowing credit card".
Knowing Cathy, she probably blew all the load on just maintaining the Heath flowers and doing the multidimensional suicide/genocide
I doubt there's anything left but the mansion
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>funeral shits out eggs
It's a fancy glowing oxidized copper coin
all that wealth down the drain for the project even Linton says he wasted so much money on getting the bough and the lab in the basement
just land by itself should be worth a lot thou
Ballpark how many rolls should we be getting between now and next Walpurgisnaught?
doubt it
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It's funny how that skill has that conditional on the entire skill, not on the coins, we should go back to this
Don't go crazy or anything bwo. At worst you just gotta wait a few months and dispense her next time
Yes, they're called Yurodiviye
ringsang incubus uuoh uwao sex
any strat for the "defeat 3 enemies with 80% in a single encounter" mission?
lament sang solo
Just use Buttersang and use S3s on the enemies.
I don't think you should solo with butter sang, but just bring a bunch of other IDs and have them just defense or at most focus only one of the purple blobs down and let yi sang S3 the others.
Solo Lament Sang
And just do this
this is gay sex...
it’s probably red
>Gunkata Yi Sang as the team cap
>use yellow skill on blob
>tfw use Lament Sang so much I can hear the fucking ding sound effect randomly like it's fucking Tinnitus
how the fuck do I get rid of this?
I brought butter Sang to attack and molarish/heirgreg/butleroutis/+1 other to evade while he killed everything.
solo yi sang. if he isn’t oneshotting with s3 he’s probably underleveled or not UT4, but you can fluff the blobs with a skill 1 and win anyway
>ego gift irl
This is all that's left in my shop after rolling on walpurghisnacht along with dimensional shredder yi sang, telepole faust, lantern sinclair, lantern greg, and toad sinclair in the EGO section. Any of it worth sharding now that we're close to the end of the season? I still have 800 crates
mute game
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do I need to use different effects for this?
any tips are appreciated
only Wsang for rupture teams, oufi used to be good but i can't slot him in tremor teams now
All of those are Season 0 so they aren't going anywhere. The only real important one is W Sang but that's just for Rupture which is in a bad place outside MD right now. I wouldn't worry about them much.
You should just use them all on the EGOs since it removes them from the pool, if you don't want to hold onto crates during the season reset.
>rupture (required)
>second worst 000 for bleed
>tremor (optional)
yeah you can ignore them
>Yi Sang
He's nice in a rupture/w corp team
>KK Ryoshu
Overshadowed by the new Ryoshu ID
>Gothic Lolita Heathcliff
Really nice in tremor teams
>do I need to use different effects for this?
>any tips are appreciated
pepper one of the blobs with Lament Sang's S1 4 times
I've played Ruina when it released and kept hearing Gebura's battle theme for like 2 months.
do you think straight ringsang art exists? i have genuinely not seen any
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Sup limbabs.
Gonna make another AI song today, so what thing or person should I make it about.
Also please 4chan I'm not spam let me post the Zena
there are yi sang yumes somewhere
There are at least something with Outis I imagine.
Just kidding, go with Oingo Boingo and Crayon
that did it. thanks bwos
i was wondering who i should draw him with to fix that problem, maybe i'll do outis
Just did my three weekly MDs
Sinners for this feel?
I used leggy man
ryoshu s1
butter Sang s3
on the boss all turn one
it was enough statuses
Alfonso so I can compare it to mine
I exist. But I've not drawn sex with him outside of 1 picture...
I mostly do pinup/pov/solo art.
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Canon managers love all their sinners.
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Do 3 more.
<Fine. We can go out and eat somewhere, you get to pick.>
but there's no weekly bonus anymore...
what's the common consensus on what we're calling the new yi sang ID?
lament sang
butter sang
lob sang
ding sang
gunfu sang
John Sang
Lament Sang
Anon, you are mocking the same baldie who was right about Starfield, a DEI/ESG game in which the only surviving religion is kike judaism.
>/v/ermin schizophrenia hours
We need to add more to the list
>shi don passive gives +10% slash damage
>r ish passive gives +10% blunt damage
who gives +10% pierce damage?
I think said anon is a redditor
It was so funny seeing everyone shit on him but then a few months later having to cope with the fact that he was right. Good on him for getting due retribution.
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Let's go to HamHamPangPang!
R-Heath and LC Don.
Regular Don and R Heath I think
thanks bros
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Sinner for this feel?
Buttsang sounds nice
What kind of feel is this
Heathcliff and Linton if Linton wasn't such a BITCH
>Yi Sang is Blunt and Envy Fatal
>Doesn't have Evade
How the fuck do you solo with him
People don't have critical thought or introspection to stop buying kusoge. Reason why people look at Asia for entertainment.
thug it out
>Envy Fatal
Bygone Days dummy
<Sure thing. Do they have seating for all of us?>
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Wait, i recognize third guy...
use s3 to instantly kill one of them, or two if you got lucky and rolled 2 s3s.
I am going to stick with Gunfu Sang
Common consensus be damned
it’s a bit annoying, but if you roll an S3 and the enemies have at least one defense skill you have enough to get started. the s3 can stagger/kill one
alternatively go with cinqlair and dodge the explosions
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Go through the archives, people have done it
With difficulty, but it is possible
Just take K corp Hong Lu to absorb dmg
Ol' reliable
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>Tried using Gregor's Solemn Lament at threadspin 1 just to see the animation
>Casually deals four digits damage
I didn't realize how good this thing is, wow
Wait, I recognize Tokiko.
*Gun Yi
Sorry, made some typos. My bad.
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Wild Hunt Heathcliff's laughing when viewed in battle reminds me of Torres.
>Just take K corp Hong Lu to absorb dmg
thats not a solo you cheating faggot
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Is that Yi Sang?
I want to bury my face into that ass
Buttsang, yes.
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Oh I was under the impression that Anon wanted to do the
>take down enemies with 80% health 3 times in a single hit/attack
challenge, and K corp Hong Lu can help there

If Anon wanted to actually solo for fun, then I obviously fucked up. My bad
Where? Almost wish for Speed to affect Clash Power, but I recognize a monkey paw when I speak about one.
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Limbros, no...our game...us...we're woke....
Any general tips for someone whos just starting lobcorp?
>april 6th 2024
Tell this FAGGOT that Limbus Company would NEVER contain pro-REDDIT messaging.
MD, various ego gifts, passives, and above all
Luck (aka skill)
Don't be afraid to reset
wheres lobotomy corporation
I want to grind and dry hump her for hours
Not my fault that this list was created by ESL idiot.
Consensus on new sang? Dpes he just replace spice bush in teams now? Weird he got another sinking ID
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Let's go!
In hindsight, Rodya really got spared by getting Rimeshank instead of a shit evil end ID like Gregor, with future opportunity to get a new one that's much flashier like Erlking. Though I wonder if the fact that she didn't get one is meant to signify that no matter what her pride would always stop her from playing second fiddle to Sonya, being a universal constant like Heathcliff and Cathy always being separated.
Dante is literally (You)
And some of (You) faggots were born f*male....
<It'll be takeout then. Don't make a mess on the bus, alright?>
>Weird he got another sinking ID
It was bound to happen sooner or later.
Spicebush for human bosses
Gunner for everything else
>Dpes he just replace spice bush in teams now?
Spicebush was only ever taken for his sinking deluge
>Weird he got another sinking ID
Why is that weird?
That's a little cold comfort when that "eventually" is probably like multiple years out desu.
Also now the norm is getting a cool EGO and a cool ID. Wild hunt and Binds, Captain and Blind Obsession, Spicebrush and Sunshower
He's great, but it depends on what you want. Lamentsang is much more consistent, but he can't deploy a sinking nuke like Spicebush can.
butter sang
funeral sang
I will be referring to him as these two interchangeably. Expect it.
he has depression, he’s going to keep getting sinking ids
There are characters without 000 sinking ID's still, and its not like spicebush is bad even now.
>Really shouldn't kill people on the basis of their sexual preference.
>>WOKE LEVEL: 99999999ERR

At least I know understand why the left makes those lampoons about overly-sensitive rightwingers.
>My brother in christ, you control the pronouns.
>don doesn’t get sinking ids because she’s a bloodfiend and weak to water
sasuga pm
>spicebush is bad even now.
He is
In the sense that he took his sweet time to ramp up and get his aoe up. with longer fights he might see more use but so far he was only ever taken for his OP deluge
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>casually deals almost 2000 damage using just base skills
Sinking and burn are the only one's she's truly lacking, though some of her ID's for other status's are kinda whatever. I'm still not totally convinced we're getting bloodfiend as an ID, but if she gets some ridiculous bleed ID I wouldn't be disappointed to replace middle
Butterfly is so busted
for all the text the new ids had, they really just play as winraters
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>gloom weak enemy
>stage buff so he stacks sinking easily
>>>>woaaaow why does he do somuch gdamage???????!!?
Are you the type to söipog whenever Clear Mirror does a trillion damage?
He is really good but this type of posts are so funny because it reminds me of everyone saying that Shooty Outis was the best ID in the game and meta due to how she did in the event specifically made for her
the stele is gloom/sloth/pierce weak
Greg Lament replaces Sinking Deluge.

...And that's a good thing. Fuck Erlking and his jank ass "you have to press the defense button for your gimmick" kit.
<...I'll be lenient with what you can get, alright?>
I refuse to believe this isn't some troll purposely making themselves look retarded.
Poe's Law
We should discriminate against homos DESU
Hey anon behind the screen, if you're reading this, if you're going though something, I hope it gets better. I know it sounds like fake/empty words but I mean them. I've been going through a very rough patch myself, it sucks, no one deserves to feel like this. Sorry for interrupting the current shiposting.

Limbus company dailies in 30 minutes canto 5 walpurgis
this nigger cant press 2 buttons LMAOOO
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Someone data mine the hidden text that makes wingbeat roll tails. This shit is rigged.
Your writing this for yourself, aren't you? Don't worry anon, it's going to get
it just struck me that this looks like a bankai
He'll never use it when you press winrate even if you enable the counter, therefore it's shit. It's that simple.
He's very good.
Not broken like ring sang, but very high tier.
>Does he replace spice bush?
They do different things.
Generally, lament is just a better ID. Spice sang has sinking deluge. Up to you if you want to play around it, if you don't have the patience or setup for it lament will always be better.
i limpooped myself
I am going to counterfeit W corp hats because PM wont fucking sell them where I can grab them.
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Yeah I'm not reading all t-
>Limbus company dailies in 30 minutes canto 5 walpurgis
sleeper agent phrase
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should I try making a burn team with ruina Sinclair?
You should put him in the trash.
No if you put him on your team you'll become gay
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Sinking IDs for Yi Sang: 4
Sinking IDs for Don and Ryoshu: 0

They wanna have fun making people depressed too you know.
burn will be meta one day... YOU'LL ALL SEE!!!!
Don and Ryoshu aren't depressed in any mirror world
he's one of the best burn units in term of damage, just make sure to put base yi sang and hong lu on the bench so you get more breathing space with his SP loss
Sinclair needs a Sinking ID too
Jefe doesn't count, fuck off
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Imagine the BJ's...
I like Gun-kata/Gun-Fu Sang
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That Shi-posting? It wasn't a missclick btw.
Thanks, I know it's cringe but something as stupid as posting from time to time in the thread has helped me out a lot, even if just as a means to distract myself from the bad stuff
Really wasn't expecting lamentsang to be pierce ID....
The enemies are specifically designed to be weak to him, and they build up ungodly amounts of sinking just from being hit.
Butler Sinclair and Rose Don will be on a future extraction together. Trust.
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If he was like LCCB Ryoshu or Shootis I'd understand but his preview literally only shows him shooting so what else would it be
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she would bite it off and that's kind of hot
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You take this post's last 2 digits as SP damage
Sell me one nigger
I mean in ruina it was blunt wasn't it? I was expecting that.
FoTB was all about blunt damage in Ruina
I'm sad we didn't get a hindley ID, I feel like sinclair would have fit well.
It was EGO page. Same as Gregor. But Funeral as abno dices were pierce.
Oh yeah. Limbus brain made me forget
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You take this post's last 3 digits as HP damage. Perish.
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Heey why'd this guy review so many futa games?
I tank that, and then I kill you with EGO.
Who’s this? I thought this was amiya in the catalog
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>tanks it
>retard seething about trannies 24/7 consumes tranny porn
Many such cases!
To be honest i only used lament's equipment in lobcorp cos it looks cool, ruina was when it truly goes off.
futa isn't trans
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Is the Lobcorp Ryoshu good? The game tease me by giving me three green chains but only got the Yesod announcer, Yi Sang and Zwei Gregor.
this doesn't kill confirm any ID from full HP
Yeah, its more about dicks
She's a great unit herself, her main problem that she doesn't really fit well with both bleed or charge teams. Still good, would probably recommend her for people who want random bullshit instead of sticking to one status archtype
Mostly about girls dicking girls but that too
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She deserves that.
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Outis cute!
>Just kill yourself Dante
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If Faust loves me why'd she tell me to kill myself?
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I've never played Starfield, it flopped and I love that. I don't give a fuck if he's right or wrong, hell I don't even know what he even is right about because I don't watch ecelebfaggots like you do. I'm not worshipping a bald nigger just because he shares the same views as me on DEI/ESG
We've talked about which Don ID would be the best in bed but what about the others.
Is there a Ryoshu or Ishmael ID that would be good?
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Faust would never.
If she can't have you, no one else can
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Danteh...you should press the button NOW.
Maid Ryoshu would give great foreplay and would try her best to make your balls empty before you try to fuck her
<Go shuck yourself, Faust.>
Obviously Yuroshu and Maid Ish bwo
She didn't want to see Ricardo ass rape you and cuck her.
oh my gyatt
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imagine the smell
Don... A little less suspicious with your remarks...
Ahab Ishmael would be great in bed.
Maid Ryoshu for gloved handjobs while she degrades you
Maid Ish for lifting her skirt for you to jerk off as she stares at you in disgust
Worse damage compare to W. But feels better to use in general.
Please let me know when it's time to fish.
Chef Ryoshu for that crazy chick sex.
She's pretty much the general ID of Ryo now right? W ryo really shines here and there but Lobryo just feels great everytime.
>Don can't into metaphors
Absolutely OOC shit writing. Almost sure she'd use viper to describe villains.
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Which sinners will get the last 4 banner IDs/EGOs of the season?
Why is the title screen still cassetti?
Rodya, sault, shitclair and outis
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Shut the fuck up. I'll do them.
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Danteh.... your dailies Danteh...
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
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Come! Let us do our dailies together, the hour of purification is upon us!
It'll be Don, not Outis. WOutis is still pretty recent.
Every Ryoshu would be good in bed.
Captain Ish is the only good Ishmael ID in bed.
That's my FUCKING manager
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They should've made it so that EGO has limited activations per fight.
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All late
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Clearly pretending
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Or severely cap off sin resources. Imagine only having 15-20 max
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>3 second delay
>150 rolls later no yi sang
>meh ill just support him on event
>funeral sang doing 600 damage regularly
>did everything in a singular attempt
>okay, hes worth it
>50 rolls later spark him
asides shit luck it was peak. so that LC is getting strange ordeals? thats gonna suck on day 49
holy BASED.....
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back to the poop dungeon
Ok but what about Rodion.
GODnte the DAILY DOER...
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By your command, Me
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Does the tumor play limbus or does she just read books?
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Time to get Ryōshū
the fucking frog that i hate...
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tomorow for sure...
neither. kill all vtumors
I've been 3x skipping for like a year now, I don't even know what boss it is unless you people mention it here
>She's pretty much the general ID of Ryo now right?
Dunno about that. Ryoshu is really spoiled for choices when it comes to her 000 selection. Even if some fell off a bit. I guess it's comes down to enemy you going to face or how fast you need to cut turns.
don jumpscare
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don acquired
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I find it funny how Wild Hunt is strong enough to solo a lot of content but he gets bent over and raped by the homeless backstreet thugs of EXP Lux #6 if you try.
Hey guys, any news on the other thing PM was supposedly working on and funding with gacha bucks?
The Director bought a new yacht. TGS presentation? Content? What the fuck you greed is killing PM
Because those assholes may as well have +1 coins since their base rolls are so high
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Feel like it really depends on the overall mood of the ID. Rosespanner and Liu are when she's at her most peppy so they'd be the best. She'd be a total dead fish if it were T-corp though
I want to comfort Dante.
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I will be trying as soon as Limbus loads for me as well.
<Thanks, Faust.>
Cause he's fragile, and every single one of them is blunt, and they roll high as fuck with their base rolls.
I want to BETRAY Dante.
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>Not wanting an annoyed T-Corp Rodion to fuck her frustrations out on you
I will bake Drawpipi bread
<I knew this was going to happen, Faust.>
wtf i brought an ID that takes 4 times the damage from the enemies and they died??
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woke has lost its meaning
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>Ignoring the joke to try to do an epic gotcha
both B.A.D and a baddie.

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