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Previous thread: >>493384243

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
[YouTube] Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program (embed)
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
[YouTube] Jane Character Demo - "Deadly Interrogation" | Zenless Zone Zero (embed)
[YouTube] ジェーン実戦紹介「アブない取り調べ」|ゼンレスゾーンゼロ (embed)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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Belle smell, one might call it
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I hate paperwork (making an invoice once a month)
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>two elite hackers
>still wear the exact same set of clothes every single day
Lmao they don't even have a washing machine, their clothes fucking STINK!
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Literally cute and canon couple
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you fags should really move your asses and create the new thread yourselves.
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>pass out, battery: 02/240
>wake up, battery: 36/240
They have 10 exact same set of clothes
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I kinda want to have sex with Jane Doe
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who, me?
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What do I do?
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ye, you.
Enjoy rat AIDS
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my wife coco
>wants to have sex when you still arent told her real name
you arent making it out alive on that one
what would you do in this situation?
belle with his girlfriend
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R8 my jane
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ey yo
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Do we have any leaks for good Caesar + Burnice teams yet? I think I need to skip the rat but I wonder how much worse Piper would be for a team like that and if running Lucy/Koleda/S11 in that last slot instead is legit.
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have you seen Bart Simpsons wardrobe, it's like that they only change clothes in winter
Cute and canon!
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worth it to build the shock units with anomaly stats? or just build full atk on seth?
She looks a lot better without that stupid tie
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Would you agree anon?
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lock the door to assert dominance
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I want to be belle...
I'm watching jstern25 stream
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>uh oh melty
>lol here comes the meltdown
>self insert cuck
>made for belle btw
>It's actually Seth's cock btw
>whore fetish
>I actually love being cucked
>cute and canon
>new bread?
Your welcome.
Can any Anby enjoyers recommend a disc set?
For my M6 Seth I'm going Crit dmg, atk%, and Impact

Apparently if you're running Rina with Jane you want to Pen Ration on Jane for Slot 5
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she'll tell me her real name after making her climax.
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Can't hide your mistake, retard
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he can hold 4pc freedom blues for Grace if you can get enough atk
4pc Impact 2pc Energy Regen
For subdps memes go 4pc Woodpecker 2pc Thundermetal
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Important question /zzz/, does Jane fuck shotas?
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4 disco 2 jazz. use koledaball or steam oven. anby's dps is low even at c6. but because your 5 slot offers nothing else, you're still picking 30 elec damage% even though you gave up thunder metal.
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why doesn't Soldier 11 tuck her shirt? why isn't she wearing nothing under
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What I miss
No she only teases their prostate
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Is this ball goon on Jane?
Genuine question since it's my first time interacting with the mihoyo general
Is there really no drawfags in your threads? I come from the /bag/ and /akg/ where drawpiles and drawfags are common thing
Since the game is new a expected a lot more drawfags taking requests or some other shit
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I got you bwo
>Is this ball goon
heh it sure is bwo
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Have you reached your intake goal for today, anon?
The current battery limit is the worst of both worlds. Low enough of a cap that you have to check multiple times a day, but also not high enough that you get much play time every time you check.
thank you for your service
our shizofreaks scare those attention whores.
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Post your best wipeouts
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she spreads her legs for me
later, i buy hamburgers for her
sometimes we watch movies
the perfect relationship
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you are not supposed to use any other ball than the slutball on jane
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>Jstern said Jane's Engine is a 30% boost than f2p options
>P*ydwen and other cc's said it's only 15% better than f2p
Who is right?
It's probably the same reason why mihoyo games barely get any doujins at comiket.
Looking back… the real meta choice was to go all in on Qingyi banner and get Billy M6.
I now regret skipping the robutt..
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HOLY, with this mod she can literally crush me to death with her thighs.
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it doesn't matter who's right since weapons are a commodity for whales (which we aren't)
>listens to highschool dropout
>listens to pr*dwen
No wonder you play star rail.
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why is her stance so erotic
>I actually love being cucked
This but unironically.
30% is probably closer to truth. I don't know how Jstern does calculations, but Prydwen Is actually retarded and does strictly numbers crunching in a little burst window, usually one Stun window. They don't account for all the time you spend outside of that and Jane will be doing Assaults on an unstunned enemy.
Prydwen is incompetent
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Soul. Draw this spunky girl next.
I rolled robutt but still came out with an M0 Billy, only reason I still havent touched him
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Chinky won
Theres no money to be made here, the mentally ill trannies and the schizos don't spend, the normies spend in game and leave, while the freaks and addicts need to save their money for the 10 gachas they play.
not a mistake, I just thought the second image was funnier
Sex with me, first
>Officer, she's standing there...sexily!
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why elf have tail...
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may I slap?
Drawfags don't make any money, they do it for free like jannies.
Someone post the Burny ult animation webm pls
>no butt lifting ass straps
no thanks
I blew 77 on the weapon and I dont regret it. I was going to save for burnice but shes ugly
>dyke hair
>lanky body for her height
>looks stupid in-game
>some of the best art yet thanks to blue skin/white hair
it's not fair
>s-she is seducing me, its sexual assault
>sig weapon costs nearly as much as getting a whole character
>weapons are just stat sticks that make numbers go up
>can't even see them outside of menus
>all content is easy
Like, what is even the point
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Does she still say this if you're Wise?
Can you still say "Yeah"?
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Archie doesn't get enough attention
uh oh incoming belletroon melty again
I somehow got it in less than 50 pulls: a first for me, very surprising. im so max pity broken I still cant believe it
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>Baldnice fiasco
>reputation tanks
>finally quieting down
they're doing this on purpose aren't they
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why not roll caesar instead?
she'll be good with la rata
sig have a cosmetic effect, but it does not feel like a good enough reason to roll
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I don't care how much you faggots try to defame her, I'm throwing my guarantee on her.
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Uhhh Ellen bros????
More or less, she says you're probably super handsome and suave.
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>spent 20 rolls on weapon channel
>already regretting it
They’ve made it to the point where Caesar without her sig doesn’t feel worth it.
Is the BP worth it assuming you finish it? Also can you hoard the engine passes and just use them whenever?
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>elf has a tail
>miyabi doesn't
Brutal mogging
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still rolling for her and Caesar
anons who did disputed node 8, how the fk do you survive the second half? Both of them are hyper aggressive and even if you stun one the other one is there ready to fist you as you try to squeeze in any dmg you can. Piper feels like is the worse character for this while I'm forced to spin to win with koleda.
i guess Jane is sthe solution that they try to peddle here?
They technically do but they're so subtle you'd literally never notice unless you're actively looking for it.

They should make them change the effects your attacks or something, that'd definitely get people to buy them
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jane, seth, rina. two questions
>is disorder worth building AP on seth?
>is disorder worth plugboo over officer cui?
im the kind of schizo that rolls only weapons to fuck around with different builds
there's no way this is real
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I don't get it
>shirt says brick

What did they mean by this?
Just dodge counter, any character can do it because there's no time limit.
Seems like this character wasn't ready to be shown off yet but they pushed her forward for this event. Strange how she has two weird visual glitches
BP is a quite good chunk of resources and 2nd cheapest option to buy rolls
You can't hoard engine passes and have to select before BP ends
If she is old enough to work on as police officer then she is not a kid!
>Simple render error
>Simple clipping error
Kinda lazy of hoyo but i've seen way worse
>Named blue shark
>It's black
Do swedes really?
>how much you faggots try to defame her
totally our bad she went bald and can't blink like a normal human being
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full robo is cooler
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So ratfags, whiwh is better, Jane M0W1 or M1W0?
Bwos I have Jane C1W1 and pity guarantee with 30 rolls left. Should I go for C2 or Caesar without her wengine?
First one probably isn't even an error, just resource limitations.
I'm literally that steel bar
That's the sexiest in-game tummy I've seen yet, please post more
this IKEA shark is a trans symbol
I beat it with Jane so I can't say much, but given there is no time limit, you should be able to beat it with just about anyone. The disputed node 8 first half I got an S with Billy,Anby,Nicole with Billy being level 50, took like 8 mins.
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forgot image again
for now, her weapon. setting you up for her rerun, c1 hands down because c2 is huge
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>ZZZ Concord Designs
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Convince me not to burn my left-over rolls (90+ tapes) on the weapon banner
fucked up we let tranny freaks co-opt the IKEA shark
What's C2 do?
accept no substitute
Heh reminds me of the hot girl in school who had a lazy eye once in a while.
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If you're ever going to roll for M2 then get M1, if you're not interested in more Rat dupes then W1
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How fucking DARE you OP. Archie? A nobody? OP truly is an eternal faggot
Can w1 Ceasar replace Anby on Zhu’s team
you should do it
Caesar is defender. Limited supports will always be cracked and rare.
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I can finally touch the tail
too white.
Concord did not have a single white person
i already did it.
How the fuck is it a trans symbol
Even on the interknot OP is a fag.
I burned mine down to 5 rolls and got her weapon and I'm very happy with my choice, BUT if you fail the 75/25, it feels so fucking bad
15% defense shred and her crits are now 100% rather than 50%
Only worth rolling for sex. She's a gigabrick without her engine.
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pwease bwo, dont wholl
if you have no other plans and love your rat why not?
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MORE can't you get banned for mods?
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Seth is fun, IMO. At first it doesn't seem like he does much, but his defensive parry's follow up attack actually triggers his special quick assist, which chains back to the agent before him and gives them his shield and ATK buff. So you just get into a rhythm of parry, swap, parry, swap. I think eventually you just parry then quick charge EX Special for some extra daze, damage and shields.
Shame though, if you don't pair him with another electric or NEPS agent, you lose his 20% anomaly res debuff for any anomaly. Even with just Ellen being the sole ice agent here, I occasionally proc Shatter/Disorder pretty easily on top of the Shock proc, with Seth around.
It also helps that Defenders give 6 assist points back on their ult. Did you know that? I didn't. Ults usually only give 3 points back.
I spent 2 hours trying to get good footage from this fight, before realizing the most fun part here is just being able to deflect everything, so it didn't really look like anything special
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what the fuck lol
I'm mildly interested in troons shenanigans but I'd never heard of this
nta but I saw way too many pictures of trannies with that shark unfortunately, no I don't have any proofs, just my experience
His animations way too long for me
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no, it's client side
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It's one of those many things where they "claim" something as trans and just repeat it often enough that normies accept it
It was featured in some anime sissy brainwashing cutesy art
Wait, is it even common to go for reruns? Doesn't that happen a long time later, characters get powercrept by then I'd think. Like if Genshin did a rerun with a 1.0 character who's currently at the bottom of the tierlist what's the point of going for them at all
google "ikea blahaj" and look at the second suggestion
they claimed it or something
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I burned all my Miyabi savings
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Post bricked builds
Are we 100% sure we're safe on it as long as we don't post UID?? And is that mod on gamebanana or somewhere else
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huh? the bonefish is a tranny symbol?

how do you guys even know stuff like this unless you're invested into the tranny community yourselfves
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In a perfect world, this is the Lycaon we would have gotten.
I think he's cool. Excited to eventually run him with Jane/Burnice. My biggest problem with him is his chain attack animation is way too fuckin' long.
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the rat DRIED you empty, Miyabi cri knowing you didn't stayed MOTIVATED
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they don't need a reason to claim something as trans
because you love them and want to get dupes of them to make them stronger and bring them more in line with current power levels
>tumblr played a big role in me... learning about my own gender
every time
>transgender woman
>transgender nephew
Tell me he groomed his niece without telling me he groomed his niece
What the fuck I thought you guys were fucking around and the actual thing was that they ripped off the "shark" text om Ellen's tail.
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is it time?
W1. It's cheaper.
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the real shame is you don't get that 20% anomaly res debuff unless you do his 75% resolve full hold attack. defensive parry is great for getting the shield, but it doesn't give the enemy that debuff
also doing his trust events made me like him as a character. I found him borderline annoying during the story, so him actually being likeable was a huge surprise
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oh yeah
Hoyo would never
Like it or not, this is the ideal female form.
I don't understand why they made them so long. Is there a tech where you swap character and he keeps going like with Piper? Or perhaps it's better to not charge up and just do the basic bitch press instead of hold.
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If you visit lumina square they have a ramen stand and a coffee shop there, and the best part? No more getting jumpscared by disgusting m*les.
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It's fucking stupid because the shark was generally popular anyways. That's like having a tranny say they like pizza and suddenly pizza being a trans symbol.
Who's coming up next in banners? Lighter, Ceasar, Burnice? Then the Section 6 folks, 2x 5* and Miyabi after?
I'm guessing you only really need Seth at C2? Everything after seems kinda pointless desu
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I think my favorite trans icon is the Minecraft Bee - it attacks you and then kills itself, true trans representation.
yes you can parry into hold EX quickswap into Jane while getting the full dmg and daze
watch jstern vod from yesterday where he demonstrated this
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Archie secured
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Seth M6 makes his lightning attack electrified autocrit, and its the thing you'll be using the most in his normal buffing patrern. That plus the fact the he benefits from his own AP buff and gets more buildup from his M2 and W-Engine means I think it's natural to build him AP and Attack rather than attack and crit or just treating him as a no investment support. You might also want to incorporate some AP on Rina in this situation because she'll be contributing some of the Shock buildup. And yes, if you actually do invest in AP I'd strongly recommend Plugboo. Elemental boos at 60 offer a big chunk of buildup that doesn't skew the anomaly damage split calculations for your contributing elemental characters at all. It basically just acts as if the particular anomaly meter was shorter after it hits. That said, if you don't bother building AP and just use Seth and Rina as pure buffers then definitely use Cui instead.
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why didn't you fags tell me the new event was out.
>character banners are rare characters and a deluge of shitty weapons
>also add a weapon banner because fuck you
how does hoyo get away with this shit
MUH DUCK.. I'm going to need to see more
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I don't think there's much of a reason to hold his EX skill since it gives 75 meter even if you short press it. Have to hold his basic to get the quickswap though.
they'd do it, don't give them ideas
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They claim something trans and then it's a trans symbol
caesar, lucy, anton
burnice, piper, nicole
then patch 1.3 will have lighter and yanagi but we don't know the order or who they'll be with. would make the most sense for lighter to be first
then 1.4 will likely be harumasa and miyabi, but again no idea on the order
calydon is the save/skip patch sector 6 is the plot patch again.
The game integrity check doesn't detect mods?
While we're on the topic - has anyone made a mod that removes all of Mewmew's voice lines?
You know that both Chop Jr and Tin Master are men, right?
Hoyo is making our job impossible Burnice bros
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As a gacha boomer I'm honestly kinda baffled that gacha games are more popular than ever while simultaneously fucking over their players way more than older games.
Didn't Daisuke make Bridget trans, officially? Can't be arsed to remember.
Thanks fren. It's gonna be hard on my wallet, out of the upcoming people I only want to skip Lighter right now.
His hold basic and default EX special definitely are long-winded without i-frames. His EX Special DOES gives him a shield AS SOON AS you start the charge, plus he takes 40% less damage during the charge, if you want to bum rush it from non-optimal positions.
But from what I just experienced, those are mostly optional.
The hold basic is useful for setting up a shield/atk buff on your main attacker (I think it's impossible to apply the shield on anyone BUT the agent before Seth in the lineup)
You can do a quicker EX special if you charge it after
>perfect dodge attack
>defensive assist follow up attack
>after a chain attack (if he's the last in the chain or you manually cancel)
>after his ultimate
Cause its gonna be tbe worst even.
Not everyone have a team of every Element.
I only have Ether, Electric and Phy. I don't have Ice and Fire.
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Has anyone ever gotten banned for using mods in hoyo games?
Thanks bro, will try this

>or just treating him as a no investment support
This is what I'm doing. He works well with minimal investment since most of his stuff don't scale off stats anyway.
they give you trial agents, but they are bricked.

Guess I'll just need to be more patient and treat it as a souls fight, but even then it feels harder because a single mistake and the dude can knock 5000hp off where you only heal like 500 in 5 sec everytime you dodge.
I think once I can reliably kill off the mob first it'll get easier but its still annoying.
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Is two cats and a rat viable if I have c1 Neco with her ball?
I like the feel of the team.
Yes. From my understanding It's cause they showed it off in social media and videos. People that don't seem to be fine. I'm too much of a pussy to do it though.
Yeah, I was thinking daze or something but I suppose it doesn't matter in these teams. (The EX combo looks like it should deal absolutely massive stun, but it doesn't really.)
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as far as I know, no, only if you show your UID and share screenshots online
but I can't be bothered to use mods myself, they brake every so often
I will keep the faith. Burnice will be good, she will be for me, and I won't regret it.
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I love him...
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>M0R0 Jane
>skipping caesar/burnice for this
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I just had a plain cup of cold coffee with some ice in it, does that just completely misalign my chakras or what
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I have not seen a single cosmetic effect from having a signature weapon.
back to back sexy female anthro agents would make me into a f2p+++ fr fr
I drink ice water...
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post cute pls
It's way easier than most souls fights because you get to punish them for every single attack.
Wombat Thiren Agent with a powerful butt attack when?
EX Special has iframes once you're slashing, the charging part just has Anti-Interrupt and damage reduction. You can also just tap it to speed it up.
Cheers. His kit is sort of hard to remember despite being pretty simple.
The current modding method injects models and textures into the active game process rather than modifying the game's own files. Since it's not actually changing the game's files, there's basically no way for the game to detect these graphical-only display change; not without a anti-cheat, I think.
And no, I don't think that mod exists.
Chinese juju dictates 4 years of woe upon yer yard.
Is Weeping Cradle better for Lucy than her signature 4*?
500% daze is a good reason to hold it
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heh what a M0R0N
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I have no Ice units other than M2 Soukaku, should I invest in her?
nah Kaboom the canon clears
Same here. Doesn't work for Nicole, Anby or Jane. (Or anyone else for that matter.) Do you play on PC? Seems like a bug.
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thats a thick towel
I have the battle pass anomaly engine is it better than the Dino one on her?
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Well, we can't call it a Svarthaj.
That's one of these.
Not actually a shark, it is a carp
Corin's is the only one I noticed, the effects are too subtle.
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Oh nyo...
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Archie cute
I wish she would squeeze my towel until milks leaks out of it.
>using Rainpagpag Gourmet
ah sorry, you're right. But they are still somewhat long to complete, which is the point anon didn't like.
>tap it to speed it up
Sure, but I find that wasteful, IMO. The extra damage and daze is good, I say.
Nah. That's an argument to be made for it if you have M6 Soukaku and Lycaon. But at M2 I wouldn't bother. Just leave her in your back pocket for potential Ice teams down the road.
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Very stor.
Formerly Nen
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yes. gemini is also better than dino
I hate the arbitrary limit, I want to fill my board with photos.
>Jane's W-Engine is 30%+ better than the next best option
>on par with the most egregious cases of weaponbait in genshin or hsr
>just casually accepted here
she's the fourt idol, I believe
It's fucking dumb how they give you all that space and then you can't place more than a handful of little shits
Guandong tech isn't there yet, gwei lo... prease understan!
billy still solos most of the content so people don't give too much of a fuck
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btw is this one always a photo of Belle, or is it Wise if you're Wise?
She's already really powerful without it and it's not like there's anything we can do anything about it anyways.
That's true but it takes for-fucking-ever and that's time you could be DPSing on Jane. Not sure which is optimal.
what is this thing?
does it give any rewards?
ai generated slop
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abuse the fuck out of iframes
all counters have iframes, whether it’s the counter after dodging or parrying
all EX specials that aren’t charges (charge-type EX still have iframes at certain stages of their ex) have iframes
of course ultimates have iframes during them too, do them as often as possible to regain parry/vital view meters since you don’t get iframes if you parry attacks without any parry meter left
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it's just a board you can put photos on in your room
>This is what I'm doing.
Fair enough. That's one way to do it. You might actually consider going with the battle pass defense weapon for him if you do go this route. Since the you'll usually be bringing him in with parry assist and you can transfer some energy regen to Jane.
I'll give a shit when I feel like I'm severely gimped for not pulling a weapon, but as of now only a retard wastes their pulls on that shit
>no rewards
so it's useless, got it
>Ellen requires sugar for energy
>Probably has never had an energy drink
lets give ellen an energy drink addiction
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Friendly reminder that Caesar is worthless before C1W1 (preferably C2W1) and you should plan your buy- I mean your rolling plans accordingly.
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It's sovlfvl, something you may never understand.
Beathing the living hell out of my weiner to the next Zoneless posted.
>no naked karin mods yet
dogshit fucking game

Are you going to observe how the sky is blue next, champ?
Yung Shelly!
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I hope Suurin makes a fanart of her
Mod source?
There's dozens, you're just not gonna find them on gamebanana because they remove them.
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Let me roll!!!
You're just going to send your Corin out into the hollow nude where all manner of raiders and tentacle beasts can assault her? Have some decency and rape her with your sibling in the privacy of your room.
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Does Seth actually need his W-engine if you're just using him to buff Anomaly Proficiency? Looks like more Attack only makes his shield stronger, but if you don't get hit the buff is still the same. Or does he want his W-engine because of the other effects like extra energy Regen and more anomaly buildup?
are the mission numbers bugged?
says i have combat balls to collect, but i have no quests
It's a gacha, play an MMO if you want actual content/playtime. Even if they made the cap 300 it'd only take 5min to dump everything, including using coffee.
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lmao you can dodge outside of a "this section closed" wall
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I really want her too
Ghost milk!
/zzz/ is threesome coded
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>mfw all I have to do is make a Jane Doe interrogation gone wrong throatfuck animation scene in Blender, send it to Tectone and thousands of people will see it. All the while using my previous alias so that when people go digging they will find "questionable" SFM videos in my portfolio and all turn on Tectone for promoting my work in 2024
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Loli idols are great, I really hope they still exist.
if you don't care about the shield then it's not a big deal, although like you said the energy regen will be nice so you can get the attribute res debuff off, since that requires 75% resolve (or one ex special) and then a hold attack. if you don't really care about that and you just want the 100ap, just defensive assist, then quick assist back to jane/rina and enjoy the 100ap for free
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same reason you get dupes
mental illness
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This is as far as i go, i just lack the firepower to S this
I love it.
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nakamura regura. absolute god
I cannot put into words how badly I want to rape Archie.
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koleda + ben + belobog bangboo
fastest stun in the game + chain the boo even against x2 mobs
that's why koleda has a chain dmg up passive
Is Regura still making doujins?
Haven't seen his shit for a while.
keep trying bro I believe in you, if I could do it, so can you
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Yeah, Neko is decent with Jane + Seth, mostly to kill low HP enemies and fodder.
If the team is fun and you can clear Shiyu with it (shouldn't be a problem right now) no reason not to just play it.
my dick in the middle
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They forcibly co-opted that shit in burger land like 3 or so years ago.
It's still just seen as a cute shark mascot in Asia and Europe.
i dont want to use the gay bear though
It's Wise if you're Wise
Same with the Inky image
>Pr*dwen makes the basline calcs for all its characters be their sigs and nobody says anything about it
Ceasar apparently has an extra normal attack now for 6 NA's
>Rat is doing 1m-2m more damage better than the next best dps option
>just casually accepted here
>just defensive assist, then quick assist back to jane/rina and enjoy the 100ap for free
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I don't really plan on using Seth on field much, just want his buffs. Would rather not pull on weapon banner if I can help it. Caesar is kinda in the same situation right? She scales off Impact, but again it only affects her shields. If you're not using her to substitute for an on field stunner then the impact doesn't matter.
I need Thiren Youth.
You're doing something super wrong bwo, Grace and Piper should be steamrolling that first side.
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put on an electricboo and level your characters bro
you still have over a week, you got this
Look at team calcs instead of solo calcs retardbro
Might be the hidden commissions that you haven't unlocked yet
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How exactly a team with Nekomata and Jane works?
I mean, both of them want to be on the field as much as possible, isn't it?

But I've see some places saying its good for assault compositions, but how would you play it since Jane needs to be on field and getting passion state up?
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then you're just gonna have wait for her other empoyee to drop, Buck Biggest
>4 whole ass minutes
>on a physical + fire weak enemy
piper is a walking meme

>meanwhile 2nd side
>2 limited S characters
>almost 3 minutes

lol, lmao even.
guess i'll look into that
people who don't play neko drastically overestimate her team passive, the one that gives 35% to one ex special per assault. since it's a low energy attack that you use multiple times per stun along with tons of basics, instead of a single big nuke, it's not important to boost
>But I've see some places saying its good
No you didn't.
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When Ben Bigger's cousin Nen drops, you're gonna see some shit
Why do grace teams use electricboo rather than voltboo though
eugenic male trying to be trans ? holy fuck
hes probably just not IK50 yet
we’ve all been there
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>Piper is a walking meme
48 hour old build, should be done in about 5 days
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He probably hasn't hit IK50 yet.
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Same, he's been some good imagination fodder already
Even gets me interested in chaps when I otherwise wouldn't notice or care about 'em
Best Nicole build on a ZY team?
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Why did the thiren S-ranks do so well compared to the robot and normal woman?
What is Egotistical Youth's problem
mine is 5 stars
havent felt the need to replace him
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Why does my Ellen team feel so weak now?
who cares she's a buff bot
what if... what if egotistical youth transforms into pulchra...
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don't forget to send it to support bro
Cute NPC!
4 pc swing jazz 2 pc chaotic
disk 6 energy regen
M6 HIGHLY preferred for that bump in crit rate
you have a right to remain silent, belle
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Her JP VA at least had a lot of fun with this read
Best agent to ghost after contacting?
For me, it is Corin
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I've learned that from picrel, someone pointed out the shark that sparked some questions and explanations
guess the next godfinger minigame
Ellen got powercrept
wideyabi will make her feel even worse
Corin Rape Simulator
Less Ice Weakness on everything.
You ping pong Jane and Seth untill you stun, then end on Nekomata for damage during the stun. Keeping an eye on the assault bar and swapping in Jane at the last moment to get the assault crit. You play it because it's fun not because it's min-maxed.
Predict Miyabi sales
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So how did Seth and Jane end up doing on the (You) pandering scale? Are threads still in a war state on if this a (You) pandering game or not?
Been busy and haven't been in this threads in a long while and I'm skipping them to save for Miyabi's crew.
didn’t it get leaked as a Vampire Survivors thing?
$0 because everyone who wants her has been saving since launch and everyone else is put off by her face
one miyabillion dollars
>have to input button combos to spring traps and block off doors
>in the end, she always prevails by escaping the traps, sawing through walls, and catching you
holy shit
and people say grace sucks
will yanagi just completely break disorder?
we're playing a gacha, we all already accepted that were getting fucked over.
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He's egotistical
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nice game zoocuckolds
>NPCs in BA got more art than Qingyi did
What went wrong? How can they prevent this from happening again?
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I want her friend more
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If I were ever to M6 a character it would be her
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Ah so I was right and shippers once again were delusional that Seth and Jane wouldn't be for (You) as well, how are threads taking it?

BA is on a whole other level with fanartists man that's not really fair to compare anything to that fandom.
Just like Jane is better than Piper, Yanagi will most likely be better than Grace
Doesn't mean you need either of them to clear as Shiyu is piss easy at lvl 60
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I've been having fun using the ratball on piper and using her normal/dodge attacks more
The banners that will kill ZZZ...
she looks like a downie whose face was held under a heater until it melted a bit
So caesar’s ball is only worth it for the team buff passive?
Better to spend those rolls on a dps ball then
holy brick
that art style is dangerously familiar.
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fuck this stupid fucking nigger cat
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Unrelated but why do most of the videos I see have the support in the beginning of the lineup? Is there a benefit to this I'm not understanding
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need fucking dennies cant increment
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you can lucy/stack soukaku buff before the timer starts ticking
who you start with doesnt really matter though, just the order does (for quick assists)
I may not want her to show up on my rolls but even I wouldn't go that far
That's mean
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>Muh powercreep
shut up retards
Are Lucy/Koleda/Piper and Qingyi/Nicole/Nekomata solid teams, or should I swap some between them?
If I move Koleda to a team with Ben, who else should go on it?
I have C6 Billy, does he work well with them?
>rolled her signature and M1
Is Rina good yet?
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Disorder sucks because you need to build two characters to get the same clear times that a
single attacker can get you.
That's not really saying much; Rio and Kisaki are NPCs and they have have more art than even Ellen herself.
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there's a good chance yanagi will be like burnice and will apply shock when off-field. no leaks of her kit, that's purely based on burnice's disc set being changed to add shock as well as the initial burn, plus the fact that yanagi is in 1.3
they should really just change the set to be "increases attribute damage" so it's futureproof for any off-field anomaly characters they add, but what do I know
this god damn nigger interrupted my final rank up with jane so I had to go and watch the video in the agent trust thing. also the interaction of the two trust events fucked up the game and put me in a frozen state
Those are both fine teams. First team will clear first half of Shiyu right now, 2nd team 2nd half.
not needing skill levels is a big boon
level 11 skills cost a fuckton
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Both of them are 4u even the local cuckposter gave up lol
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M1 and nothing is maxxed out yet. goal is less than 2:30
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>Wisejeets still trying
Rata feet
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i see thanks. what do you recommend for his disk set then? i also have him at m6
damn that hoyodyke is drawing this game too, she blocked me that one time i told her to kill herself for drawing BA lmao
>for (You)
>but only in trust events
>good chance yanagi will be off-field
god I hope so, hyper investing in Jane semi back-fired by turning anyone aside from long buff duration supports into a dps-loss for me
Only way I get to enjoy new toys with her at this point without purposely downgrading would be by releasing more off-field dps/anomaly and buffers
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>I see
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Ah so they are still here then, filters back on it is.
Why do people say, le client side? You know companies anti cheat system can detect client side shit depending on how intrusive the anti cheat is right?
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Calydon sisters its over for us
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imagine not pulling for her
Vanguard would 100% ban your ass for mods.
mcwar trannies maybe? /gig/pests usually
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Imagine her stroking your cock while she's stroking herself
Maybe I should go for Jane afteral..
What is Seth's weapon supposed to be? Like it's obviously a charge blade, but in-universe what the fuck is that thing?
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Ratfags, response?
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it's a police baton
still would
you guys saw the new anton infinite energy tech that people use to clear shiyu17 on CN?
Funny how those parasites migrate to other generals because of /zzz/ there's no longer mcwars on /hsrg/ lol
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Kotfags, response?
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that requires skill, which in this general there's none to speak of.
Did we go back in time? Do I have to farm disks all over again?
Stun baton and riot shield that transforms into a greatclub during his special attacks.
im surprised hoyo isnt going hard on this. we already accept gacha, super intrusive resource monitoring systems is nothing
not new
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>still smiling and enthusiastic after having a stroke and cancer
burnice is an inspiration
It's just a police baton that slots into his shield (put through an anime filter of course)
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Do you guys even look at purple disks or is it straight to the dismantle pile?
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>1.2 event: Burnice Support Fundraising
My cute skinwalker wife...
dismantle and reroll until yellow
I keep purple swing jazz since I'm not at the point of being able to put real investment into supports
otherwise dismantle all
That nigga's getting fired
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Probably all the combat and damage calculated server-side so it's impossible for you to cheat like that
damn who is designing these asses, why do rat and burnice have all their cheeks spilling out.
aside from that what am i spend my stamina on around lvl35, i saw disks have chance to drop gold ones, should i start farming them?
Wow, Jane looks so good without that tie.
the skill is concentrated in piper scholars >>493416638
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w-will she be ok bwos?
>Roll the gacha to fund Burnice's surgery
Genshin is like that and there's a lot of things that break on bad connections due to that. Doesn't seem to be a thing in ZZZ though? Damage seems to go through instantly here.
what is that?
needs to be updated with the droopy eye
she clears the second side of 7 in 2 minutes, Zhu clears in 1:30 but she has Qingyi
Prefarm the next ascension stuff for your characters unless you are literally too weak for content. Don't bother with disks until you actually need them.
You get a lot more damage from leveling up passives or putting your main damage skill up 2 levels. Anomaly characters can have their skills ignored for a while though.
EX, from passive C to D, Ellen gets 8.3% more CD which is way beter than playing the lotto on discs will get you.
>intense attacks
wtf are those?
>crimson chin
>droopy eyes
Literally what's next for her..
those attacks that glitch out the screen and don't allow a counter after parrying
corruption complex has one, I forget who else
Her nose is good at picking up precum smell.
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when you parry into an attack and the enemy keeps hitting you more than once
very nice, saved
red flashes
I think it's those long parries where you automatically parry like 4-6 hits in a row on certain enemies like the Dead End Butcher and Nineveh's spinning attack
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all me
Why did you do that?
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Why is she always pointing to her womb?
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Bros I S ranked disputed node 8 for the first time but forgot to screenshot it... the second side even had Neko on it.

Now how the fuck can I S rank critical nodes 6 and 7 with only physical DPS?
Some combination of Freedom Blues(if you're building AP), Hormone Punk, and Swing Jazz (Especially if you're going low investment). Hormone Punk's 4-Piece is really nice for his play pattern and should always be a solid choice, but if you're going full no investment and don't have another support with it, then going 4-piece Swing Jazz for the chain buff is probably the best option.
Checks out, my Ellen isn't anything special and cleared around 2 minutes as well. She's more than fine if this is the worst they can do for Ice
i use koleda + lucy + piper
can't fit ben in there yet
Any info about the idols? I'm kind of bored bro...
Not every fight is against ice weakness enemies
Rina is such a fucking brick I hate that I got her. Absolute clunk to the max and when I try to switch to Seth, randomly it's fucking Rina who gets switched in. Just ditch her and use Anby.
I just bought two starlight engines without checking to see what rank my current one was and I only needed to buy one
it's over, I'm bricked
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>"at the right moment" flashbacks
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Leave Rat to her devices and throw an army against the 2nd side
@ ?????????????
Hirame he used to draw amazing doujin before going sfw
sure, here's some info
the black haired one looks to be a stunner, assumed ether. she looks to be a real angel
the blonde is a support, she larps as an angel
the robot is probably an attacker then, tho she looks like a healer to me, idk why
it's not random, you switch to rina when it's a ranged attack that seth can't defensive parry
if you didn't have rina in your team those attacks would be red rather than yellow
Billy can solo the robot if you're a god so just get good.
Don't forget to break the legs.
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Hoyolabs' Traveling Mimo trash to get us slaves to generate more social numbers for them
what is that all about anyways, i still haven't build anby 11 since i just got jane. character tutorials doesn't explain shit
I will cum inside of S11 at the right moment
bro, you good?
that's a whale
Yeah I don't care, I wanted to switch to Seth to refresh his buff. This is why I'll never roll or use evasive assist agents, fucking bricks.
How do defenders work? Do they have a hidden mechanic?
now you can start leveling a second one for your next attack character, congrats!
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corin bros why did she say that
Is it better to run Koleda before Lucy instead of after her? I'm really new, so I don't know.
Some people actually got banned for it in HSR back in 1.0, but they were only like 1 week bans and it never happened again after that.
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Has anyone figured out a Jane rotation that is better than just never switching off her and mashing like a deranged monkey?

Honestly, the best rotation I've found is to just parry to get Seth shield then mash like an ape with shield on.
but my second team is jane and I have her sig
No leaks about the releasing date?
what's better for Zhu?
>reduces the number of assist points consumed
it's for multi attacks like the butchers multi hits or nineveh's spin
how are you guys taking so long
it's like how anbi has to click / hold just after 3rd att
it seems to be an obol mechanic (since arby is former military)
Who am I supposed to be ulting with in a Jane/Seth/Lucy team? Lucy's ult seems pretty good.
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Should I save for Caesar instead of Jane if I already have Zhu Yuan and Nekomata?
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she knows who the true predator is
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shes fine though?
she doesn't have a real rotation you have to manage her assault detonation, sometimes it's best to spin when you're over half way but it reduces your passion, you want to save your burst until the enemy is stunned and when the assault bar is empty especially if you have just procced assault
I dont understand what she is trying to say
uh your lighter? your mibibi? your future cunny idol ether attacker?
you always call in the unit to the right when it flashes on bottom right of the screen
such as after a support EX attack
so you want your attacker to be to the right of the supporter. as supporter EX should mostly be used when boss is stunned for x2 dmg
Corin would never.
You also need to do Seth's enhanced basic every 20 second for the 20% anomaly shred. 3rd party member is optional, but I like Anby for the shock & stun memes.
bro so this is where I can get the background for Jane Doe, for 1.1... Am I too late to get it now?
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our pheromones are compatible. she's saying we'd be good mates

is this you or what
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Jane probably saw her alone at night and tried to rape her but Corin turned the tables
I wanted Seth's engine and a chance to get Jane's too
After failing to get Ellen and almost quitting the game, Hoyo has caved and given me the rat. Nice.
They all have a shield that they can provide to their team, along with a buff that persists while the shield is up. Effectively this makes them a hybrid support class. Serving as a hybrid subDPS/Support, Stun/Support, or in the case of M6 Ben a hybrid subDPS/Stun/Support. They also tend to have mechanics that make them better at parrying, though this is barely present in Seth (Just having >>493421382).
None of you are correct, "intense attacks" have no indicator but it just means heavy attacks that would knock you backwards if it connects. Examples are Hati's pounces or Dullahan's shield bashes. a good indicator is if Piper, Corin, or Soukaku stand their ground after parrying, then it's a weak attack. If they get knocked back after parrying, then it was an intense attack. Yes, it's not specifically multihits but it does include them.
i was expecting a 20 minutes of a retard yapping from the thumbnail and title, surprise me lmao
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I'm choosing Soldier 11 for my 300 Standard Selector
Thats why i never get mad when i lose 50/50 you can always get the next banner
based rhythm game enjoyer
Jane/Grace/Rina is fun as fuck I just need to get Grace...
Left easy
Can't wait for the idols to get added and having to play Osu in the middle of a fight
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MC predator. Wise is already caught Janebros are too late

I did actually get a background when I was rolling my points but its a v1.1 background, not sure if its the same thing, and it only applies to your profile page. I dont know the times on that shit at all
those don't take more than one assist point
rrat, caesar, flamethrower, mr.pig / jacket man (one's prob A rank), fix, pink hair fbi, yellow bandana boy / someone else (one's A again)

at a month each, that's at least 7 months from now
and in a few months they'll also start doing banner re-runs of shark and cops (should be around 6 months after 1st appearance)

at least one of the 3 furries is already ingame, so they might be next
the 6 "demon" characters were also revealed early on
and obol / soldier faction is still tiny

so uhh... yeah... idols could be an anniversery thing (tho more likely the demons will be, just after the idols, to ring in v2.0)
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Belle won
I'm glad I lost the Ellen coinflip, she was just so clunky in all my testing but I was suffering from FOMO. I love anomaly.
It was surprisingly easy to learn the rhythm because the visual feedback you get is intense and helps reinforce it.
But anon you are so nice with Corin, it's totally normal that Corin will be nice with you and she read on the internet that sex is really nice.
I barely had any units I liked using, so I was just going to let my account die. Used the last of my rolls and she was the last 10 pull so they have me for a while
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I have no idea what a "pag" is
its literally just marth side b
>3 of my "rewards" were getting 5 points
>15 points total for 60 points spent
t-thanks mihoyo
one of the actual rewards was 30 polys tho so that's not bad
yeah it seems to be from the roll machine where you can do 5 daily.

I'll try to get it since I only have the default ones and that one looks cool.
What if I don't want sex right now?
What stats does Caesar want on her 4-5-6 disks?
tell me your ships and I'll see if you get in
Its just a gigger buzzword for person i dont like
but that's what I said...
jane x every black gangster
The Black Pearl
anomaly is going to feel worse when it has resist and no shiyu defence buffs, higher stun bar and less damage
all female characters x my dick
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She is perfect
You don't really have a choice.
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Seth's background kind of sucks
he's just intensely staring down the event reel
lucy x piper
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they better add some more Corin trust events, and sex
he's waiting for the idols too
chinky vibes
>Lucy x Piper
Neither do I. I figure it's just some kind of SEA slang.
how do i do his trust events, he's not on the call screen for texting
Me x Belle
you should be executed for asking desu
How did you unlock his trust events? He took away my VHS tape and he still didn't come back :(
Why not remove the status buildup altogether?
Nineveh x me
>Me x Belle
Green, come right this way, Wise
You need to find him in a random trust event. I'm not sure if the first one is fixed or not, but mine was the night-time noodle shop event.
Impact disc 6 is the most important. Aside from that you're probably just building standard DPS stats.
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they better add walking in the overworld as chars you have
i'll headcanon the rest
do you think sucking on those tiddies would give you corruption
hay fever III
>Nineveh x me
Red. Be strong, monster fucker. I don't even know if the flower bitch has a backstory or personality at all beyond monster
this one
(You) and me
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Howl x every girl on Sixth Street
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Is it even worth farming discs now for Caeser? I heard they were releasing new discs on her banner which I'm assuming are meant for her
Blue, Belle is watching the interrogation asmr trailer on repeat, I'm sure. Sorry for the zoomer language bwo..
Shockstar Impact Disc 6 is always really good to have. Getting one of those ahead of time is worthwhile IMO since she'll want a Shockstar 2-Piece.
>(You) and me
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shipper bro do not open this if you dont want to get spoiled
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Consensual rape with Corin!
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Wise x All Female Characters
Belle x All Male Characters
HSR Players and Devs x Rope
>Boopons again....
google pagpag
Delete this
I can save for the idols now bros
wait lmao i have killed nineveh so many times
i didn't realize that she has massive titties and kino feminine navel??
lemme undo your red grading anon, you're upgrading to green, come on in. I can see the appeal of being down bad for a featureless, unemotive monstergirl. I once played a cyberpunk character that was down bad for a cyberpsycho that was hunting our edgerunner crew
1-5 billy
6-0 kot
is there anything I should buy from ask give change every week?
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Is this a decent time for Node 7? I have C2 Jane Doe and C0 Ellen
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qingyi won
what the fuck is even going on in that picture anon
is Ellen mad she can't go to sleep?
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You paying?
imagine the obol build
anbi holds at right time to stun
support clicks at right time to buff
s11 attacks at right time to deal dmg
h-haha... what a fun faction...
one thing against that, because it is decently compelling, the items you get from the nineveh fight mention a girl running away from a house where people fought all the time, then she gets trapped in the hollow. extremely unlikely that that would happen to a super strong void hunter. the english translation of the summary says she escaped from a cage, but I'm calling bs on that, the diary entry says nothing about that. maybe they took something like "I felt trapped in that house like it was a prison" a bit too literally or something. it would be really cool if we had more massive boss fights like nineveh though and they were all corrupted void hunters, and that's why they're so massive and powerful
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is there any salvageable party for Jane with the agents I have?
No Qingyi and no Grace is fucking me over...
I wonder if Neko would do?
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Hey, fuck you.
Your c2 Jane is slower than my C0 and my Jane she is not maxed
is it me or there is not a single good w engine for caesar
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made it in, feels good actually
Ellen wants sex and is mad at Wise for just sleeping
what the fuck is that supposed to be?
some catfood if you don't have cat relationship at max, but not much
everything else is a SCAM unless you're trading pink chips for bangboo tier up boxes
her boytoy seth is probably the best character to add hands down.
how much for 99 floors of infinite abyss
c0 with weapon jane
>we're going to kill all the void hunters
Yeah, but that still leaves one slot
lmao oh.
yeah that's relatable. My fiance gets like this because I work full time on weekdays and only scarcely have the libido to want anything on the weekends.
Given Ellen's general attitude and demeanor, I can definitely buy that she'd be like this, despite how eepy she can be herself due to being a shark thiren
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great points, thanks for reminding
BP is "usable"
otherwise yes, all defender engines are ass except for signatures on their intended character
who's your first team? jane/seth/rina or lucy is great
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You got 3 limited S ranks before I pulled my first ZY
lucy or rina bro
i've been running jane seth grace for discord. i've also heard rina is decent in place of grace.
Imagine that people are using their ultra maxxed latest characters for the last node of the biweekly event that basically everyone can clear for max rewards.

ZZZ needs something like in Nikke where every month there is a raid where you are ranked in the whole server and you can get a lot of gems if you rank high. This way you are motivated to really optimize builds.

Instead in this game you can get max rewards with fucking Billy.
Well, at least I can skip like 3 patches and blow my load on Miyabi
Nyoo my Sunbringer...
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*the fox stares at you*
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I wish they gave dennies to people that already maxout their battlepasses, twiddling my thumbs for 16 days doesn't feel right
that would reward people for spending $2000 every month THOUGH
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>Only 7s faster than my electro lipgloss Jane
30% huh
i haven't been involved with online ZZZ discourse
why is it that everybody basically curses eachother with nekomata pulls? what about her makes her considered bad? Is it because she's the only Cunning Hares S rank or maybe because back attack damage is useless when enemies face you?
I don't own the kot but I'd imagine she'd be pretty simple to use if you use the ability that dashes her behind enemies automatically
Thanks anons, I'll try Rina since mine's decently equipped already
obviously whales will always be in the top ranks. But f2p also would get rewarded for trying hard if they want
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>pity into lose coinflip into pity

I hecking love mihoyo games
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Noodle shop in lumina square at midnight bwos
Hey that's my wife you're posting
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>eous with her boossy out
yeah and it's making me reconsider rolling for her. cause unless they drop some A rank defense engine in an event there's nothing close to decent so rolling for her engine would be tempting
because she wants to dodge / "don't need no stunner", but she does need a stunner, losing her purpose. she's basically a feminist
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bwos? your jane doe???
>We have Texas from Arknights at home
BASED, thanks anons
She doesn't even get her back attack bonuses without mindscapes or her signature. That's one of her problems, she doesn't have any meaningful mechanics in her base kit (her core passive is something every dps does due to starlight engine).
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Something like this would be cool but, and Idk how it is for Nikke since I've never played, the difference between whaled out characters/weapons in this game are so massive that you'd have enormous gaps in clear times.
Don't get baited
Cute and canon! Do you have more?
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>She's Chain Sumeragi
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>Qingyi has been with the newsstand lady since she went to kindergarten
Two questions: how old is Qingyi and were all of the old people she was with in the character demo also people she has been with since they went to kindergarten?
>Zhu Yuan is getting an iced coffee with tons of ice cubes
>remind her Qingyi will tell her off if she catches her
>Zhu says she's had enough of Qingyi telling her cold drinks are unhealthy and she can do what she wants
>Qingyi shows up
>Claim it's mine so QIngyi doesn't chastise Zhu
>Qingyi wants to watch me drink it
>Zhu doesn't dare to say anything as I finish her coffee in one gulp
lmao she's probably seething
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you're doing something very wrong or Jane is just a Piper sidegrade.
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why is she like this
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>only got BDSM mask furfaggot and Rina from standard
Please just give me Koleda. Or S11. Or Grace. Anyone... Please...
why's she all dolled up like a cheap whore.
Then what the fuck am I going to spend my stamina on? I've got 50 batteries with nothing to fucking do with them because every avenue for upgrading my characters at this point is marginal at best
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So old that she doesn't even remember how old she is. Her long-term memory is corrupted and the implication is she's pretty ancient.

Maybe, sure.
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Her only mechanic is a random chance to keep attacking with her dashes so she's pretty cringe. I almost like her, just wish that she had a little bit more to her. Even Soldier 11 feels more interesting to play.
you put your cock inside this lolibot, you are putting your cock in History anon
i like you, piper posting anon
you're me if i wasn't lazy
Jstern said to level it for the extra Daze
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I got 57 seconds with R1 but this chink does a better comparison

Piper is sexier but Rat feels much easier to play and way more fluid. A maxed piper can get times close to a M0 rat but rat is far easier to play while Piper requires god gamer skills and way higher investment to achieve a fraction of what Rat does by just mashing A
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Why is Anby's signature w-engine literally her worst option for daze?
Thanks bwo! We're getting a lot of art of them since her banner
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Did all the story content and now I will do all my commissions I did hoard to not end without content,
which mindscape are you on?
both the character and the ball are free
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>C2 Jane
Definitely something wrong, this is my C2 >>493421994
it's a /gig/ meme
tl;dr Ayaka is memed as ugly, people claim it's because of her hair but if you swap her eyes with Yun jin who has the same hair cut she immediately looks better
is nekomata breedable or nah
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I regret rolling for Ellen
Imagine the snuggles in winter.
only one way to find out
I have him at 4pc hormone + 2pc jazz. Impact, atk, and AP on disc. Is this good? You seem to be very versed in his build
My cope is that her sig scales better with her M4
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M0R1 Jane
Kill early mobs quickly -> Parry with Seth -> Don't get hit once and dodge counter all his moves to keep Seth shield on and you should get 60 secs or less pretty easily.

And if you're M2 like the above anon but your times look worse than a M0 rat then you have a severe case of skill issue.
It works specifically with her M4. But yeah, it's an awkward split DPS/Stun weapon.
What discs does Jane want?
bro, your female playerbase?
gay sexoo ben bigger, ben bigger homoerotic uohhh
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you're forgetting to take my skill issue and discs into consideration
>brown child
no not really
more like ben nigger
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Yeah, that's fine.
its time to get balled anon...
4p Physical 2p anomaly
savor it as there will not be any more cunnies for the entirety of 2024 roadmap
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Thanks. Here's Jane's fat ass jiggling.
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I regret rolling Jane because she makes me cum fast
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im not tryin to put you down, fellow janebro. you're killin it
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Peak rat behavior
4xFanged, 2xFreedom. AM/Atk, Atk/Phy Dam, AP for discs 6, 5, 4. AP and Attack substats.
too small
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So why don't I wsnt anomaly on Anton consifering he procs shock fairly fast wouldn't crit rate and anomaly be good on him so his own shock does more damage boosting the power of his passive
koleda + ben bigger + buck biggest
it'll be an awesome build
What's her height with no legs?
anyone who seriously listens to this needs to be destroyed
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I regret rolling Miyabi
Sure it's good if you can fit it in. But you still need Attack, Crit rate and Crit damage too. So yeah. Use the AP, double Crit, %attack discs you find.
on 6 copies he does want to dodge and get shielded
but on less he's better off just attacking stunned bosses, with people like grace procing the anomaly. his crits will be procing stronger thunderstrikes that way
Anyone listening to this is already destroyed
The idea is you trigger shock with Grace to handle Anton's passive
On that pic her legs look as long as her torso. So about 70cm?
>jane's HZ event doesn't give a trust increase
rat HATE
huh? it did for me
But then anton overwrites it with his own shitty shock so quickly which is my problem.
hands- ice + thunder
maids- ice + thunder + physical
belobog- fire + thunder
calydon- fire + physical
obol- fire + ?? (thunder because of anbi?)
hares- physical + ether + thunder
cops- physical + ether + thunder

thunder sure is popular
Jane smells good
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what do I need to do here
Ok belle
Sex with clara
It's a subtle joke.
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>his jane doesn't love him
I will get friend with Seth and hit his sister or mom
Did you try reading?
I'm one away... I might actually get his gf m2 before i get him
RIP movie store
etherbros are being oppressed
>the next major ether support might be idolpedoslop
it's literally over
wait, does it just not give it to you if you're exhausted all your daily random events? I thought I could cheat the system......
Would you watch Jane's movie criticism channel
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that's probably it bwo
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use the skirt version
he tells me to act like a trash can so he can do something idk
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>3 Seths in a single tenner
Is this what getting anal worms feels like?
>”so I watched this movie the other day”
>”but omg the actors were acting its not like real life at all”
>”i’m a psycho manipulator btw haha”
lol fuck no
Nah critical drinker is the only one for me

>hares- physical + ether + thunder
just for tutorial use, will prob give ice and fire next

calydon- fire + physical
hands- ice (anomaly?, defender?) + thunder
maids- ice (stunner, attacker) + thunder + physical
belobog- fire + thunder
obol- fire + ?? (thunder because of anbi?)
cops- physical + ether (attacker) + thunder

idols - ether (stunner, attacker?) + ice? (support?)
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Does Jane M1 give 2 jumps every time she enters passion?
god I love robot girls
I forget where I've seen this concept before
The issue that nobody is willing to admit is that it's a wengine designed to give you energy to do her Ex Special, which has the biggest daze with her passive. As well as her M1. So you need to start with the regular 4 hit combo to boost her energy generation for every hit. It's a shit stun wengine but it's the best wengine for anby IF you play anby right.
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I listen to asmr every night but I do it ironically so it's ok

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