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Previous >>493350840

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 06/09
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- 26 minutes Prologue gameplay
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website updated
>Gameplay Video of The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria-
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st website
>The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy has officially launched globally by Fow Games.
>Digital Preorder for The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- is now up on JP PSN
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA
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Any last words /fg/?
Kondo is a nigger
Name me one Daybreak party member in a non-Van related relationship.
It even breaks up the one Rene was in to make him worksexual lol
Reminder that doomers were wrong yet agian.
there is nothing wrong with being a cuckold
I love my husbando
I hope you guys like the new fanarts of the Kuro characters from ''X days before the game's release'' because they are so unpopular that they probably never got any new fanarts in the future. (Seriously... 50% of the Judith and Risette fanarts only exist thanks to the countdown)
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Gaiusbros they're laughing at us...

>Olivert x Schera
>Millium x Jusis
>Sharon x Anton
>Nadia x Swin
>Randy x Mireille
>Vita x Crow
>Gaius x Linde
>Elliot x Mint
>Machias x Patiry
>Kurt x Sully
>Ash x Tatiana
>Neithardt x Fiona
>Thoma x Sharl
>Alan x Bridget
>Makarov x Mary
>Aurelia x Bardias
I include Olivert and Randy's pairings because Sky does almost nothing for Olivert and Schera, and Randy proposed in Cold Steel 5.
Aaron fucks only milfs, Bergard mentioned that he was a bit wild when he was young.
Some of these are headcanony as hell, gotta say
>Vita x Crow
>Elliot x Mint
>Aurelia x Bardias
Post whigger
>Rean x Juna
>Rean x Altina
>Rean x Musse
>Rean x Alisa
>Rean x Laura
>Rean x Emma
>Rean x Fie
>Rean x Sara
>Rean x Towa
>Rean x Elise
>Rean x Alfin
>Rean x Duvalie
>Rean x Crow
>Rean x Claire
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>>Vita x Crow
Crow specifically denied it going that far, even if he may have wanted it to at one point
>>Kurt x Sully
It's one-sided on Sully's part, much like how attraction to Kurt one-sided on Myka's part
>>Aurelia x Bardias
Bardias only starts to show feelings at the end of the sidequest, and even then he's very subtle about it; Aurelia either doesn't know or doesn't care
>>Vita x Crow
>>Elliot x Mint
Cute and Canon
Me x Weissmann is the cutest and canonest ship in Kiseki!
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Rean's canon wife
Imagine being Bardias and losing the love triangle to Makarov
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At least Gaius has strongest S-Craft
Meanwhile Kuro has
>Paulette getting back with Maxim (maybe)
>Ashen Lu and Cao
>Crow denied it going that far
nah they had sex but he regretted not proposing.
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>Van x Agnes x Elaine
Very explicitly, Duvalie and Claire are not true options for Rean. Duvalie has no romantic final bonding event and Claire got kicked out. Besides, Duvalie is just tsundere like that with everyone who treats her kindly; you count Duvalie as part of Rean's harem, she's also part of Laura's, McBurn's, and Rufus' harems.
Elliot and Mint have a date in Mishelam. The ending of Makarov and Mary's episode in Reverie also hints at Bardias x Aurelia.
i can't wait for sky remake to have less voice acting than sky evo does haha...
Randy too.
Post trails in the woke
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Why is she so short haha...
I think that ending is a bit too early to say it's canon, Aurelia still seems too fightsexual
It's one-sided on Bardias' side, he might have feelings for her, but she doesn't really show much interest herself.
Which trails game has the best battle system?
Was Duvalie actually a harem protagonist all along...?
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We need female protag for the last game
cute judy
My bet is Kai no Kiseki is gonna be localized as Trails of the Deep or Trails in the Ocean (of stars)
cute retard
we have 2 threads before our 2000th thread, i hope you faggots don't fuck it up

Which route would you pick /fg/?
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>none of her colleagues respect her besides gaius
>forced to be a promo slut for gotch
Celis just can't catch a break.
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She's fightsexual, but with their obvious chemistry and the ending being that Wallace learned from Makarov that he could be more assertive in pursuing Aurelia, I think it's closer to canon than not. That practice duel is basically his way of asking her out.
It was shown for a reason. I don't know if we'll ever see them again for it to be absolutely confirmed, but we were shown the <trajectory> that they're on.
why is the church like this
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Look no further
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Stop posting gotti
haha... just let the man have some cake you already stole his second and third games its the least you could do....
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Only the Sacrementskeks are like that, Popechads are pure.
>is a vanslut
Sure buddy
shes a famous actress which means she's sucked producer cock
She definitely got Weinstein'd to get where she is in the film industry so quickly
>assassin goes undercover as a famous dancer
>leader of the papal guard goes undercover as a famous actress
wtf is wrong with the writers of this series
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Tick tock Rean.
Is Nina literally womcburn
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rufus is so lucky...
>Adios the goddess of whores
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You watch your mouth.
>Dueling Aurelia is dating her
Damn, bros... Rean got to her too..
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We don't know shit about her or what she can actually do with her powers.
Never heard of hiding in plain sight? Point is they'd be the last person you'd expect
god I want to be her pet and get raped by her 24/7
If she had so strong powers, why did she not use them when everyone was dying in Tharbad?
As of Kai how many girls are confirmed Vanbrained?
Don't know if I should put Judith and Nina. Kondo also cucked Van from Shizuna.
the only actual vanbrains are elaine and agnes the rest is just memeing and cope
Remaining undercover was her top priority, same reason why she didn't do anything at the park when the monsters attacked.
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Shizuna runs at full speed to you like this, what do you do?
Open my mouth as much as I can, aim it at her breasts and hope a titty ends inside it
>Shizunigger again
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I kneel like my hero
Oh shut up, Renne is constantly flirting with Van and goes on a date with him
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Oh it‘s you again? Do you jerk off to my replies again?
rean is SO COOL....
renne was sexier in cs4
hagifying is the worst shit ever...
that's really interesting, next time keep it to yourself
Because Shizuna isn't real, I would instant loss her.
>using agate wild rage expy’s
All of them are dogshit, even Agate was mogged by Zane in all 3 tits games
>taco maker reanfag doesn't know about renne's character
why is she smiling like that
God i wish i could fuck that greasy middle aged man
Why doesn't anyone like Celis
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She is about to cut her husbands ballse.
I don't hate her or dislike he she's amusing, but that's just all she is. She just exists to be a meme she has no character or depth or real role in the story. A lot of the characters in this series are like this.
I simply dont care about any of the girls in kuro or cold steel. Too generic. Soulless artstyle
>A lot of the characters in this series are like this.
I was about to say. That applies to like every other 'main' character
Who is your favorite kiseki girl?
Don't act as if Elie, Noel, Rixia, and Tio aren't the same exact shit as the girls from CS and Kuro.
>>Sharon x Anton
I keep seeing this but reverie never follows up on on this "ship" what happen to anton? how do we even know their dating? who even started this meme for these two? Cold steel Iv doesn't even say of their an item is this some kinda fandom gag that's going over my head?
Post ship
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I'm pretty sure its just a meme anyone could see Anton was just consoling sharon maybe he was confessing to her in his head but I'm pretty sure she didn't see it that way and given the fact we don't see him at all in hajimari is proof enough that whatever they had didn't work out.
Oh okay I was just confused thanks for clearing it up.
Hopefully Americans will notice how good trails series is with Tits remake
they should remake estelles tiny tits
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Rean and his daughter are so cute…
Lmao. I love the way this series treats its female characters
In the trailer Rean says
>I reforged the blade that you once severed
He is saying this to Shizuna?
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Post Bean
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Why do fagcord troons always come here around this time?
kiseki for this feel?
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Su-chan and Na-chan!
paulette and yume
If it was just a meme, Anton would have appeared in Kuro by now to look for a new potential girlfriend.
I want Weissmann to mating press me…
>Trails In the Sky Remake is developed 100% in-house, Nihon Falcom president assures
Rean's dreams
Only Rixia.

Bestelle obviously
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Will we actually get the choice to become an Enforcer in Sky SC remake?
Praise falcom
That design feels too tryhard for Estelle
She wouldn't have the patience to dress up with all that
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I hate Nisa so fucking much. Can‘t pre-order Ys X on the ps store. Can‘t pre-order kuro 2 either.
I remember reading that Falcom wants to do global releases themselves starting with the Sky remake. Is there any truth to that? Seriously, fuck Nisa.
>Falcom wants to do global releases themselves starting with the Sky remake.
Yeah, but as of right now, it's Switch only. I wanna buy it on my PS too, but we don't know the situation as to why it's not coming to PS & PC yet.
Falcom is doing the Sky release themselves since they understand english better than nisa
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This better?
I am guessing Nintendo is helping with publishing. I just wish they released the switch 2 before because I do not want to play it on my switch, I only use it for animal crossing.
better but she doesn't look as good without the twintails
It doesn't take very long to download the games. At least NISA offer a discount.
Haha... that's our Rean Bean Machine...
News when?
Is the Northern War canon
If Lavi somehow shows up at Calvard all grown up as Falcom's biggest secret, maybe?
Nice ass cheeks!
If she shows up, it's definitely gonna be considered canon.
Switch 2 is coming March or April 2025. It has just literally started mass production.
Agnes, Elaine, Renne, Ashen Lu and maybe Shizuna are the only major characters that have shown sexual interest in Van.
Is Roy a better politician than Osborne
Yes but Osborne got raped so you should feel bad for him
i just reached chapter 4 in daybreak
this white haired shota is so fucking annoying please tell me he dies?
He's not a dindu, he's making sure the bloodline continues, he's going into space
He's on the cover, of course he dies!
reana sexo
No. If Osborne was still alive he'd find a way to annex Calvard.
Gramheart would find a way to annex Rean
Into his family
To breed Agnes
How much work is it to do the postgame stuff in Reverie, supposing you kept up thorugh the game?
why would he recruit a gay man if he wanted that
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love renny
I mean, he was intending on invading Calvard with mechs and the like so maybe kek
You could probably get it done in a single play session.
Who should I have sex with?
your dad
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He's dead
la-chan love
Depends on what you actually want to do. Do you just want the story content? Or do you plan to increase the enemy levels with the setting and continue leveling and unlocking more powerful shit with the gacha? Story content and main post game corridor can be completed in a few hours
I don't even play kiseki anymore (dropped during cs4) but I still like to come here sometimes (especially after Ksy remake)
Am I dumb?
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Ban-san can't catch a break...
Forcing Osborne's son to impregnate his (Gramheart's) daughter is a power move.
just let him have his damn cake kondo stop torturing the damn guy
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Play daybreak.
Cute lil tits
Fuck off, Quatre is cute
Try Kuro, it's not nearly as cringe as cold steel.
It still has its moments of cringe, like the Quatre vtuber thing.
I played the demo and hated it
Gameplay looks boring and every screenshot of Kuro I see makes me want to play less.
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Threadly reminder these two will be the only characters that matter in Kai
kek, I've been here for 3 years and I only finished CS4 this year. I finished Kuro 1 a few months ago and it was pretty good, a lot more enjoyable than cs 3-4.
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No pudding, no cake
too tall
Lapis will drive Kevin and Van insane
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It starts very slow, chapter 1 is basically just filler. That‘s why they gave the whole chapter for free. Fight through it and you will get the best cast of characters yet (untill they are ruined in kuro 2, but that‘s another story.)
If you need motivation, just watch the kuro 1 opening on youtube, it‘s the best in the series imo.
what do you mean?
the dick jokes are cool,
the scenes of someone showing up to save van so he doesn't have to use the grendel are also cool
mind control mask and the curse
super interesting mafia villains wanting FEAR
jokes about van being old being repeated all the time is creative
the spriggans are well written and they all get a lot of screen time with some backstory and aren't sidelined to focus on other characters

If you want not good games go play tales of, final fantasy, fire emblem, metaphor...
Na-chan deserves some correction for this.
His punishment for lackluster Kuro sales.
prologue and chapter 1 are actually the only good parts of kuro
I really like this outfit. It looks badass
I don't know why but every time I see Shizuna I'm pretty sure she's going to be a character I'm going to hate like the majority of cold steel cast. I already dislike Agnes and Elaine. I don't give a damn about Feri. Van is ok but I don't like to play trails anymore. It's the same thing again and again and again and the ''pay-off'' is not worth (cs4 is the proof)
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How? Chapter 1 is literally doing 4SPG and going into the traintunnel over and over again. I think you are trolling here.
She deserved the pudding for all her hard work
Does anyone else imagine characters in books as anime figures instead of real people? I'm reading Don Quixote for the first time now and imagining DQ as Olivier, Sancho as Don Capua, Dulcinea of Toboso as Kloe and Maritornes as Scherazard among others.
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He's a big guy.
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Love my canon wife
we finally see republic army generals
her hair looks dumb in kai
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The characters in Cold Steel are written very badly, so I can see where you are coming from. But Daybreak adds very mature characters in comparison (Agnes is 16 and Feri is 9, not them)
Elaine is a bitch yes, only self inserting roasties like her.
But characters like Aaron, Van, Risette, Judith and most importantly Shizuna.
They are a breath of fresh air to the series. I would say at least finish chapter 2, and if you still hate it at the end, then it‘s not for you.
I hated chapter 1 too.
Is she the real Vanessa?
the closest thing I guess
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>her hair looks dumb in kai
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Why does Rean dress like a hobo now?
>Feri is 9
Moron. She's 13.
Sorry about that, I wonder why I mixed it up with 9.
Mcburn backstory? Or is that just Aaron and an MTL of Langport
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shouldve just stuck with her cs2 hairstyle instead of the shitty mix
Either because she's Estelle's actual new VA in the remake or she's part of the VA strike somehow. Or just gay Twitter drama most likely
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god i want a feri tradwife
>wears a clean, fitted outfit that is typical of a jap anime man
>thinks he's a hobo
are you genuinely retarded
Him and Crow can't really pull off the Loewe fit
I'm saying just "get through the remainder of the dungeon, watch the daydreams and beat the postgame boss"
She's been possessed by the evil being/force within the asteroid.
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why is she looking like that?
she needed way more screentime
She's so hot bros. I'm glad she's likely to be playable in the mecha fights
I'm pretty sure Hermes will end up being another demon lord like Van.
>Mare's english VA was actually a cute girl before she decided to cut her boobs and troon out
Why are Californian VAs like this
It's either Aaron or Taikun
The mix looks good. You just have shitty taste
Please post some pictures of the Kiseki girls' butts.
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it just shows her lack of commitment
Unfortunately it is Falcom's new modus operandi. Such a shame, Sen Renne was pretty much perfect too.
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>Daybreak adds very mature characters
>Aaron, Van, Risette, Judith and most importantly Shizuna
irrelevant brat with the most cringe sense of humor ever. he is the complete opposite of a ''mature character''
>Risette and Judith
irrelevant characters too. risette is a boring android with no personality and judith is also immature (same shit as duvalie)
also a manchild. Literally Rean with 24 years old but still on his edgelord phase
literally the most ''generic anime swordgirl'' of the series. she is mary sue with no depth or complexity. also zero relevance except being a ladder to bring rean's back
even kurt vander is a more mature character
Sen III is such a low bar, almost anything is more enjoyable than it.
i love being reductive so fucking much bros
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>pedophile meltdown
>Kuro renne is way better
>Kuro fie is way better
>Kai altina is way better
If you disagree, I respect your opinion, however you should turn yourself into the police department because you probably like 11 year old girls
Troonblut melty incoming
sky renne > kuro renne > cs4 renne
kuro fie > cs2 fie > cs1 fie > cs3 fie
cs2 altina > cs3 altina > kai altina
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I said compared to Cold Steel, right? Can you read?
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anon what in the actual fuck are you talking about kek
>cs2 hair because hood
>cs3 hair because no hood
>kai hair because combining both looks cute
I've received so many spoilers for Kuro and Kuro 2 and none of them made me want to play the game. For me, a good game needs good characters and good characters only exist if the story is good. I don't like Estelle because she's a tomboy in love. I like Estelle because of her adventures against great antagonists like Weissman, Loewe and Richard. Same thing with SSS. Individually the characters are silly but when they're together in the same story they're great.
Kuro Renne is the worst one.
Kuro Fie is better than Sen III Fie.
Kai Altina is too tall but otherwise I have no issues with her.
The SSS is garbage and the antagonists are some of the worst in the entire series.
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cs4 renne > sky renne > kuso renne
cs1 fie = cs2 fie = cs3 fie > kuso fie
cs2 altina = cs3 altina = kai altina
>Kuro Fie is better than Sen III Fie.
cs3 is genuinely one of the most terrible designs in the entire series
It had its moments especially towards the end, but the fucking repetitiveness of every chapter and the atrocious dialogue writing were making me take constant breaks from the game. I also didn't like new class 7 that much. CS4 completely destroys CS3 ending and its build up, that's why i hate cs4 a lot more.
If we got one of the concepts instead I would have been quite ford of Sen III Fie but I do not like what we got at all. Only thing Sen III does better than Kuro is not giving her heels.
...but enough of Rean and Class 7.
>I said compared to Cold Steel, right? Can you read?
I said kurt vander >>493434698, right? Can you read?
all these characters have the same level of maturity as sara

Kuro 2 is worse

Between Ball and Dick there's <C>ock is a great antagonist. MUH Fear too.

Dieter, Arios, Joachim and Ian are bad but far better than everything in Kuro.

Fie fucking sucks in every game. Trash character like Altina
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Smol Rin
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what a manlet bitch LMAO
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I love Na-chan in 3&9, I love Na-chan in Hajimari, I love Na-chan in Kuro 2, and I love Na-chan in Kai
The fact that CS4 destroy CS3 ending is great because CS3 also destroyed CS2 ending
PS: Crow dead in CS2 is genuine but then CS3 introduced cheap ways to bring characters. I never believed for a single moment in CS3 ending
I really. Really. Really. Really want to cum on her tummy. God I want to have Cosplay sex so bad.
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Kekvin is tiny
i really want to see more of these casts interacting
I skipped cs1-3 and only played cs4.
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You're not as big as I was told...
>Crow dead in CS2 is genuine
They needed a way for Osborne to survive his assassination attempt. What else would it be?
The last chapter was the only one that I got any enjoyment out of with that game, Altina was the only New VII I liked, Ash I used to be indifferent to, I hated Juna from the start and Musse got old very quick. Kurt is just forgettable and boring, so much so that I almost forgot to mention him here.
That is fair for Sen IV, I am not that big on it either, though I do not hate it like I do III.

I can guarantee I will still hate Sen III more than Kuro 2 when I get to it, even with all the stupid shit Kuro 2 apparently does. Sen III is probably the game I hate the most, so Kuro 2 will have to do a lot of wrong to take that spot.
>So this is the Spriggan of Calvard, huh? I expected a man of your reputation to be a little older.
>Divine Blade of Ash, you're shorter than I expected.
>CS3 also destroyed CS2 ending
Yeah, IMAAAA and the whole ending sequence of CS2 was completely ruined by CS3 existence. Holy shit, I hate cs3/4... despite some big flaws cs1/2 were overall a lot more enjoyable.
Azure already confirmed that Osborne survived
Rean towers above all the girls there
and all the men tower over rean lmfao
That depends on how segregated it ends up being. From what they've shown it seems like they're not going to be together very often.
Confirmation that Joshua has no penis and Estelle doesn't know how to process it.
>so Kuro 2 will have to do a lot of wrong to take that spot.
It‘s literally a dream. I‘m not even kidding. 90% of the events in kuro 2 don‘t happen, they get undone.
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>Divine Blade of Ash
Thats so gay, Schwarzer
Yes, but they still needed a reason why he survived. What would the reason be if not immortal stuff when we saw him get shot in the "heart"?
>rean can only tower over cumdolls
that's not something I would brag about...
what games does /fg/ recommend outside of trails?
Half-Life, Halo
Design doesn't show as much skin as CS2 or 3 now, but the body is totally different and wrong now.
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Surely Kuro 2 events will end up being pretty important in Kai...
Astlibra, Xanadu next
Halo has been shit for most of its existence.
My married cousin’s need for seed
Ys series
Kiseki (it’s not trails if it’s japenis)
Halo 4 is that you?

Sen I and II were generally solid, yeah. I am not too bothered by most of the issues in those games because they were fun and interesting.

III I absolutely despise and the game is not on the receiving end of enough vitriol, genuinely one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had the displeasure of going through. IV is mediocre at best and I am a lot more lenient on it because of how much I hate Sen III.

That does sound pretty shit but there is only one way to find out if I will hate it more than Sen III. I am almost done with cahpter 3 of Kuro 1 so I will probably play it somewhat soon.

XCOM, Halo before Combat Evolved Anniversary, Desert Storm, SoulCalibur.

Less skin is the one good point of Kuro's design. Personally I want them to take cues from her Sen I dlc outfit, that is still my favourite.
Persona 2
Xanadu next
They're closer to VNs, but I remember really enjoying the first two Spirit Hunter games. I haven't gotten around to the third one that released this year yet.
Raging Loop is also fun, though it is pure reading.
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FF7 remake & rebirth
Ys7, 8, X
Ninja Gaiden 1, 2
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Crow > Rean

btw anyone have 50 mira I can borrow, haha?
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On opposite day.
I hate that this is true, 343 are one of the worst development studios around.

I forgot to add the Megami Tensei series to the list. Not played any before 3 yet but they do not have Press Turns and I absolutely love that system.
The Yakuza series
Granblue Fantasy Relink
Vanillaware games
Souls games

Been trying out some open world games from time to time. Standouts have been Ghost of Tsushima, hands down the prettiest open world I have ever played. Cyberpunk 2077 is also really good, amazing aesthetics and the best open world story I have experienced.
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I finished Astlibra a few weeks, it was so fucking good. Reminded me a lot of old falcom games, but with crazy amount of progression, you'll unlock so many new shit even closer to the end. Also I really likde the story and characters, it was wacky and really anime but in a good way.
Ace Combat series
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Yeah astlibra was crazy fun. Music was great too
Always wondered what /a/fags do in real life conversations where they can't smugpost
I'm guessing they just stare at the floor and mostly nod and shrug
Then again considering their entirely personality revolves around forced repetition I can't imagine anyone sticks around their lives long enough for conversations to be an issue to them lol
Chrono Trigger
unironically enjoyed every astlibra more than every ys made in the last 15 years
i played it for like 30 min and it was the easiest refund in my life
haha i said the same thing about ys 9
More like, on non-retard day.
Even Rean would agree, haha...
>Music was great too
It's 99% free music, but damn Keizo picked really good ones.
I have a feeling you are talking about me here, but why /a/ specifically? The anime I mostly watch usually has very slow threads and I never post.
Astlibra was so good I wish I could play it again for the first time. Still haven’t played the dlc though. I like ys too but Falcom really lost a lot of soul
Stay on topic. thank you.
>Still haven’t played the dlc though
It's not as good as the original, but it's still fun. Also baker's daughter is canonically a lot stronger than MC kek
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Why is Karja's ass so trash compared to every ass in Kuro
Okay, how would you fix Ys?
Calvard women > Crossbell women > Erebonia women > Liberl women (Estelle being the sole exception)
Don't make Ys and focus on Trails instead.
Make the games arcadey action games instead of trying to be "real" jrpgs. Ys just doesn't have the depth in mechanics or story to sustain a 50+ hour long game. Make them short but replayable. Make every boss distinct and memorable again. Remove all the i-frame bullshit. Give Adol armor again instead of dressing like some Jpop reject zoomer faggot. Fire Singa.
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Focusing on the soundtrack and making a very interesting to explore land with diverse areas and cool locations to explore instead of a sailing game with generic islands or a game set in a open world city for 90% of it would go a long way to fixing ys
Estelle is not a women
kek it was just disguised singa seethe
Estelle is perfect and beautiful. I love her, I love her so much, and I'm glad I get to see her take center stage again in Sky The First.
I thought Ys X had a really good overhaul in combat and animations, but the environmental and general art design were pretty bad. Mana related movements were also pretty fun, as for the only thing that I would completely remove from Ys X it's the ship combat.
That's right, Estelle is for sex
Given the state of music in Kiseki since Sen III I doubt firing only Singa would do much.
Not until Joshua puts a baby in her.
She's merely a girl until then.
You don‘t love estelle. You love the younger you that loved estelle, which was pure and happy. You hope the remake will lit a fire in you and take you back to those times. I‘m sorry anon, but that person is long gone.
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Need ass shot with panties on display
Right now Ys is just a worse version of Trails in every aspect. Music, graphics, characters, story, etc.
The only thing it has going for it is the combat and world design (which sometimes falls back on hallway design anyway). If Falcom wants to fix Ys they need to focus on its aspects that you can't get from Trails, but I would also personally like more appealing character designs and more fanservice anyway (Ys 8 had a good amount of it with Dana, Laxia, and Ricotta).
Also do what Persona does and create spinoffs/sequels based on a numbered game instead of throwing everything away and starting from scratch for each game.
How did they do it? Why did they stop making soundtracks like this?
>pedophile doesn't like Ys
like pottery
Yeah the thing Ys has always been missing is a le epic dancing game. That would go so freaking hard.
>Also do what Persona does and create spinoffs/sequels based on a numbered game instead
god no
none of the ys lands are interesting enought to warrant this
>Fire Singa
Singa is the sole reason why anyone will remember Falcom or its games.
ironically the dancing games are probably the only persona spinoffs I liked
Unisuga doesn't compose anymore and falcom doesn't put much care into OST. I don't hate Singa, but I hate falcom for letting him compose 60% of the whole ost nowdays and call it day.
Genuinely would pirate and try an ys dancing game
You‘re all wrong. Here is how to fix Ys:
Yeah. The problem with Ys now is that they tried too hard to make it like Trails instead of keeping it as it's own distinct thing. I don't care about the "world" and "characters" of Ys. I just don't and I never did and never will. What I want is good levels, boss fights and music and none of that exists in the new games.
>towa day got announced an hour ago
>literally no one cares
Kondo is fuming
Crow is shrugging over the fact that he's the only playable character in this pic that hasn't had a crafts reveal.
Falcom will Remake ys 1,2,3 and 6 in new engine with gameplay from ys x but only adol
Seven is the worst Ys game thoughbeit.
Doesn't have to be dancing, but an Ys/Kiseki rhythm game would unironically bring money and fans to Falcom.
Doesn't need to be a dancing game. It could be a 2D metroidvania, a fighting game, a tactics game, a musou, or a rhythm game.
Persona 5 also had a direct sequel P5 Strikers. Ys 2 is already a direct sequel to 1, so they've done something like this before and people loved it.
>the younger you
The me from February of this year. I was so young back then... Haha, it's been years
that would be celceta. Ys 7 had a pretty good story, reminded me of old snes jrpgs.
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>best map (yes even better than 8)
>best bosses (moonlight dragon boss hello?!)
>best ost (peak of the series)
>best girl who sells flowers (aerith 2)
>great story with turning point and assassination of the king
now, the final dungeon? garbage, yes. But they can fix that I‘m sure.
thank god youre just a professional sperger instead of anything meaningful
don't bother, the guy hasn't played seven
if you said you enjoyed ys ix he would then say ys ix is the worst ys game
i haven't been able to play more than an hour of either ys seven or celceta, legitimately some of the most dull games falcom ever made
Having a story and world isn't ripping off Kiseki. The only Ys game that ventured into Kiseki territory is IX.
>Ys 2 is already a direct sequel to 1, so they've done something like this before and people loved it.
Ys 1 wasn't some self contained story. Ys was the original Kiseki in the sense that Ys 1 and 2 were originally meant to be one single game but they had to split it into two games.
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ys9 is a good game but god, they fucked up the ost so hard.
I beat Celceta in a weekend, it was so good I couldn't put it down, legitimately one of the most fun games falcom ever made
Zoomer attention span. Maybe put subway surfers gameplay on the screen while you play.
nah they're just shit games you cultist
plenty of the ys games are good but celceta and seven are crap, i'd replay 1 and 2 100 times over before playing either of those
why does /fg/ get butthurt any time anyone says they like anything
my contribution for towa day
/fg/tards, especially ysfags, get just as butthurt whenever you say a game isn't good
he's a very lonely guy and being a contrarian is the only time he gets attention
Ys 8 left the strongest impression on me and I'm not afraid to admit that I dropped a manly tear after the true ending. I generally enjoyed every ys game, but celceta is the only ys game I can't remember at all. It wasn't bad, it was just really bland.
Okay then how would you fix Ys? And you can't say "just make it like Oath/Origin"
He's not from /fg/, he's a tourist. You can tell because he's the only one that ever has meltdowns about "cultists".
Are most npcs in kiseki unemployed? Seems like they all sit at home 24/7 or stand in the street besides a handful of exceptions and shop keepers
Because autistic people have a very hard time empathizing or seeing things from a differing perspective.
Is trails the only Falcom IP were they design panties for their female characters?
Japan Xanadu too
Ysfag melty hour is always the most boring.
early onset dementia is a serious condition, you should genuinely get checked by a medical team specialized on treating it
no young adult should struggle with memory issues
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Happy Towa day!
haha imagine if the genesis just stopped working at this exact moment haha imagine
The true ending made me think, why did Adol never try to meet Dana again after she became the goddess? She is the only girl in the series that he hugged no?
>best map (yes even better than 8)
All of the maps are nothing to write home about. I'd say VIII's maps are better because they're more fun to explore and come back to.
>best bosses (moonlight dragon boss hello?!)
Of party Ys, yes.
>best ost (peak of the series)
That's VIII. The only truly great Seven song is that field song you barely hear.
>best girl who sells flowers
Tia is the worst girl who sells flowers. Though thinking about it, girls who sell flowers in Ys tend to not be great characters.
>great story with turning point and assassination of the king
The only cool moment is the coliseum. Seven has terrible antagonists, and VIII took the concept behind Seven's story and made it better. Also, visiting every dungeon twice felt lame, like if the CS2 Spirit Shrines were the big dungeons of CS2.
Rean and Crow would probably kill every racist piece of shite in Calvard
E m m a

so the entire population?
rean would personally come to calvard and brutally slaughter every racist because racists that kill are worse than terrorists that want to assassinate rulers and start a war
There was a fat guy in Kuro 1 old town who lost his job and constantly bickers with his wife. I think they had a sidequest where their kid wanted to buy light drugs because of the stress and high expectations his parents put him through. Damn the more I remember, the more I like Kuro's side-quests.
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reporting anyone who goes off topic, just as a fyi.

Anyway I think Agnes will sacrifice herself to save Zemuria after Rene kills Elaine, thus leaving Van all alone. the darkest and bleakest ending
I'm not sure if I like Towa being taller now
My favorite Kuro NPC is the girl who's a comic book writer who's constantly arguing with her editor.
8 ost is great and more modern, but please
>why did Adol never try to meet Dana again after she became the goddess?
Is that even possible? Didn't Dana say she'll always watch over him? In Ys IX you can collect petals and if you collect 60 and give it to that girl I think you'll get Dana dialogue.
Lel most people in Calvard aren't.
this era of falcom was the peak. Genuinely love the soundtracks for psp games especially ys seven and nayuta
Hum sister you might want to give this a read https://www.4chan.org/rules , specifically Global Rule #7 haha...
I miss the 2D openings, man. CSII has the last one, and it was great.
>this era of falcom
aka psp/vita era
posting off topic shit is against the rules though
this is the first time that guy hears this theme btw
the new ones are so much better
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You mean VN style low budget OPs? Yeah, they were a lot better than the shit we got in CS3/4. Falcom just hired the shitties low budget anime studio to do an OPs for them, weirdly Tokyo Xanadu anime opening was pretty good.
read the entire paragraph sis...
The times have moved on, the openings are great now that Falcom have finally figured out animations.
utterly soulless
the new ones look good and have effort put into them. the old ones are just pictures of characters blinking lol
Disagree, Kuro 1/2/Kai OPs are pretty good, the problem is OP themes. It's all fucking Singa and it all sounds the same.
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That was a warning of intent if people continued, it's grey area but it's acceptable.
We are in /fg/ where we discuss Falcom games and we don't want people talking about inferior games made by other developers.
Didn't see you complain about Northern War despite it not being made by Falcom haha...
God I miss Koneko's voice and old falcom composers...
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Lmao. low effort and 3d? Gross.
Nobody talks about the Northern War though, we pretend it doesn't exist.
We've seen the butts of all the female characters in this picture
Falcom are lazy bricks holy hell
Speaking of Dana, did you know this was a jp only ps4 theme?
But enough about your mother.
Crossing Rage isn't bad, but there's tons of tracks from other Ys games I'd put above it. Like
In terms of boss themes though, I think there are better. Crossing Rage an almost nostalgic feeling to it, but I'm not sure how much I'd like it if it was something you heard often.
>t.shit eater
We've also seen the butts of all the female characters in THIS picture
why is this anon obsessed with the asses of pixillated characters
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>The 2000 /fg/ thread has a good chance to land on Towa's day
How is she so powerful bros? Tier lists mean shit if Towa is involved
I just checked the other threads. Is it true that Rean and Kevin are going to up almost half of Kai?
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Love Kiseki so much
Tokyo xanadu OP was great and it's the only op that has the same artsyle as in-game character art.
Please post more art from this artist. I really like the style of it. The way they draw faces.
That's cute, until you realise that the scene is from the Eternian civilisation collapsing with the climate being thrown out of wack.
This song is so fire, it‘s sad that Ys IX and X osts are TRASH
It sure is. If you actually liked ASO, lmao, too bad buddy, we need time for Bean and Kebin!
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I am not using Towa for the 2000th OP, I will use this image. The first ever game made by Falcom.
Looks cool, didn’t know this existed.
Shame sony killed all customization options and themes on ps5 despite similar os so this isn’t useable anymore past ps4…
>Is it true that Rean and Kevin are going to up almost half of Kai?
According to Kondo Van's route will take 50-60% of the main story, while Rean/Kevin will have 40%.
What happened to her? How did she end up like this?
>literally just the millenium falcom
haha... falcom were ripping things off since their very inception huh
40% combined according to Kondom. Kondom's estimates are always bullshit so we won't actually know until the game is out.
Joshua refused to fuck her and pluck her flower.
50 or 60 to Van
40 for Rean/Kevin. Those two are also in the finale if I remember.
It's tragic that it's only used for a single minute long room.
La Mulana and La Mulana 2.
Yes. It really is bullshit. I hate CS and it's cast but I would never say that CS4 should have had 40% of the game be about Estelle and Lloyd. But of course since the fandom is all Reanfags they just blindly accept this.
Wrong, I loved the Estelle that appeared in Crossbell, the Estelle that appeared in CS, and even the Estelle that appeared in Ys vs. Kiseki (which I bet YOU haven't played). I'm happy just thinking about her. I love her, she's beautiful and shines like the sun.
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If falcom didn't fuck up with Kuro 2, I wouldn't care about route shit in Kai. Fuck you Kondo.
Why do they get so much stuff
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Love Rean x Altina canon
Come on, Kuro 2 wasn‘t THAT bad…right?
Lloyd > Rean
Kuro 2 destroyed the entire Calvard arc. The entire Reason Kai is how it is is because Kuro 2 fucked EVERYTHING up.
Altina can't bare Rean's children, she's a cumdoll, not a woman. Unlike Rean's canon wife.
Kuro's killing Kiseki. It needs fan favorites to come back.
Because Falcom gave up and decided to go all in on fanservice slop.
He's always gonna be the cuter young brother of Shizuna.

Another L for Rean.
Because they're popular. Kevin hasn't been seen in ages, and Rean is due for an appearance by now.
Yeah he's due for an appearance, not 20-40% of the game. Seriously you have to actually be an actual literal Reanshitter to unironically defend this.
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It was good
Rean's canon wife, Crow, can't bear children either, so not a good point.
idk, Kondo said that the church and Kevin will be pretty important to the overall story, as for Rean I think he was shoved in to build up more hype after the disaster with Kuro 2, they probably wanted to put him in the far eastern arc, but because he kept topping every single poll they brought him back.
Why are sooo many female fans so obsessed and infatuated with the idea of a female Rean? It's seldom female Lloyd, or Kevin, or Van, or Rufus. It's almost always Rean. What's the appeal?
I think Kiseki games are 7-8/10 but Kuro 2 is 4/10
reankeks are all homosexuals and making a female rean is how they try to justify it
If they don't show up, it becomes too noticeable. Especially for Bean
>female Lloyd
Because Rean is written to behave like a woman. The weird Crow obsession instantly makes more sense if you make him gay or female.
It's not THAT bad, but it's pretty up there. If Kuro 3 actually happened and properly finished Van's arc with him being the only protagonist and then we got Kai with route shit, I wouldn't complain. But Kuro 2 is another set-up game that barely does anything with the characters and the overall story, it's a filler that only teases us with future developments.
There would have been riots if 20-40% of Azure was dedicated to Estelle, or 20-40% of CS4 was dedicated to Estelle and Lloyd. But suddenly now it's okay because it's Rean. This fandom is full of hypocrites.
It literally derailed this entire arc and is now why Kai is gonna get crammed with shit.
20% of zero was renne
>sooo many female fans so obsessed and infatuated with the idea of a female Rean?
Renne wasn't playable and wasn't given her own route that took up 40% of the game. 99% of her scenes in the entire game are her interacting with the SSS and not her doing her own plot off to the side somewhere.
It's okay now because not as many people care for Van and ASO. Maybe that would be different had Kuro II not shit the bed.
huge gigacuckold here. need recommendations
doesnt matter, her scenes still took up 20% of the game
Reanfaggots really are retarded. Renne in Zero is nothing like Reankek and his group of slaves hijacking a quarter of a completely different arc along with derailing all the development and foreshadowing they did with another character from the new arc just so they could feed her to him to make him look good.
>doesn't matter
It literally does though. It's a very important distinction. Don't be disingenuous.
Ys 8 is better than any kiseki game
can't wait to play kuro 2 bros
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Not true. Altina is now a beautiful woman who can and will have Rean's children.
>yskek cant go 5 seconds without mentioning kiseki
wow im so shocked
ys 8 is overrated as fuck btw
why, just because it's an old game? you fags cried when swin and nadia were relevant in kuro 2 and cry that rean and kevin are relevant in kai but it's perfectly okay when it's renne?
>rean killed kiseki with cs1 by turning it into a completely different series
>now he's back and he's doing it again by forcing the remainder to revolve around him
Unironically one of the worst characters conceived in Japan.
Holy Iskan Empire arc when
Only good as an onahole
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Read what I said you retard. Renne wasn't playable and wasn't given large sections of the game for her to go off and do her own thing. There's like 1 scene in the entirety of Zero where Renne isn't interacting with the SSS. She also wasn't on the cover of the game. Just pure disingenuousness.
so her having significant relevance and screen time is okay because you couldn't select her as a playable character when you walked on the road? all of those scenes never happened because of it? i see
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>But suddenly now it's okay because it's Rean
Popular characters tend to get away with stuff like that. Perhaps they should have tried to make Van & Co. better for the nips?
Renne's story was supplemental to the SSS. They were involved in the whole thing. It didn't take over large sections of the game without involving them. Holy fuck can you possibly be more disingenuous?
vocal minority still mad that rean is by far the most popular falcom character?
the spriggans are involved in the whole thing too but it's only okay when renne does it
Show me where the Spriggans are involved in the Rean and Kevin stories. Show me, go on.
Is this a replication of the party members or THE CURSE?
>reanbro is a shit eater that only cares about popularity and fanservice over a story with effort and care put into it
Haha, sounds about right.
theres like 100 screenshots of them together hahahaha wtf. the rean/shizuna thing will be its own thing but it's also completely disconnected from everything so who gives a fuck
So you won't have a problem showing me? Show me where the Spriggans are involved in the Rean and Kevin stories besides the prologue where all the groups have met up.
Has even a single bit of actual gameplay footage for the game past the prologue even released?
>noooooooo previous mc is back even though this is my game
if you're gonna get pissy, get mad at kuro 2, not rean for showing up at an appropriate time
No lol
Only in the garten, nothing in the real world.
btw kais 60% number probably involves the doors so the main story is probably more like 40%
Blame all Japanese people for kuro 2 not selling despite being a 9/10 game and forcing falcom to bring back Rean
>blame people for not willingly eating horse shit
lmao what
but they'll eat horse shit as long as it's rean flavored
As if it wasn't obvious enough that our resident Reantards were 80 IQ favela dwellers.
slightly better horse shit is preferred over horseshit anon.
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>bro this horse shit has a little bit of a piss seasoning so it's better
Rean no Kiseki
>9/10 game
This is delusion is why Falcom is making almost half of Vans game Cold Steel VI & Sky 3rd II
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because it didn't sell retardo, if Kuro outsold at least Hajimari we'd get Kuro 3.
If those are the options, then yea.
yeah, a 2/10 is technically better than a 1/10 but it doesn't make either good
isnt it coming out later this month
>the reanfag admits to gladly eating shit as long as it has his self insert in it
Fucking kek
At least you're honest about your status as a shit eater with no taste.
>because it didn't sell
You don't say! I wonder why?!
because of reanshit games.
>2/10 is technically better than a 1/10 but it doesn't make either good
No shit retard. People will take the 2/10.
Yeah. But just because a 2/10 is better than a 1/10 doesn't make a 2/10 good.
Dumbass. He's saying both are bad and one is more preferable to most. Learn English.
No shit retard.
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Love my cute wife
So stop acting like it retard lmfao.
>it's Reans fault that Kuro 1 and Kuro 2 flopped.
Lol. Kuro 1 was mostly fine. Blame Falcom for not planning shit out.
How come Reanmutts want Kiseki to revolve around Reanslop but fans of Sky and Crossbell are ok with future arcs not focusing on their favorites?
Because Sky and Crossbell fans are Kiseki fans who appreciate the ensemble nature of the series. Reanfags are subhumans who started with CS1 and think the whole series needs to be about him.
I accept your concession.
Sky fans don’t even like their own games
Crossbell fans can’t stand the place or characters by the end of reverie
Canonically female
We do. Just make the arc good next time. That's literally what most fans want.
Kevinfags were happy but /fg/ calls them Cold Steel fags now
>estelle is an autistic troon
>lloyd is a professional jobber
nothing appealing in any of them basically
Kevinfags aren't the ones acting like Kevin is the only character who matters in Kai though. No one is shitting on them.
Because of bunch factors lying on top of each other. New arc, a lot of people left Kiseki after Hajimari because it was a good point to end the series. Burn out from kiseki in general. CSfags being a filthy marginals who only played one arc and after rean's story was finished they didn't see the point in playing Kuro. Shit marketing for Kuro, it was pretty fucking bad and it didn't show enough of new features and hybrid combat. PS4 as the only platform at the start of the release and only one year after Hajimari.
Don't you call my Estelle a troon you whoremonger.
why doesn't falcom release on all platforms day 1
>#1 has shit with popular characters
>#2 has shit with less popular characters
Both may be shit and people will prefer the first option. That's just how it works, anon.
There's been melties about Estelle not being in Kai THOUGH?
Longhair musse never fails to turn me on and I don’t even like musse
No one's shitting on them directly but they still get shit on and get included with reanfags because muh 40%
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>joshua is more feminine than her
>CSfags being a filthy marginals who only played one arc
You gonna blame the console fags for not sticking around when CS was all they had? That's retarded.
No rean = no buy
>How come Reanmutts want Kiseki to revolve around Reanslop
That's Falcom so ask them
What ever happened to musse anon is he still around? Feels like it’s been forever
This what Reanfags are. They aren't Kiseki fans, they're Cold Steel fans. They gleefully admit it but the minute you accuse them of it they try to act like it's not true. Truly bizarre.
Crossbell was only added recently to modern consoles, and Sky is still missing. Before daybreak, they literally couldn't play any other game if they had no PC
Most of the old posters are long gone.
The simple fact is that Kuro is an unappealing arc. You can cope about "reanfags", or you can accept that the world isn't conspiring against Kuro.
Worked so far, didn't it? Keep seething. All Rean's games btw.
hard to be an unironic fan of skyshit and kekbell if you're not a cultist. kuso is kuso so they have no fans either
Tio doko...
Liber ark is the best final dungeon in the series
I don't remember Reanfags getting mad about Daybreak 1. Vanfags are just angry and embarrassed that Kondo mismanaged Calvard. That's not the fans' fault.
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i actually like cs aswell as all of the arcs but the obnoxiousness of the csfags makes it hard to admit it
I liked most of it, too, and love the memes. Haha...
Damn that sucks now it’s just schizos and a guy calling people racial slurs and brazilian
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You found Musse's account
>Vanfags are just angry and embarrassed that Kondo mismanaged Calvard
It's not even about Van, because falcom still puts care only on him and Agnes out of all the ASO members. That's why I'm mad at him, because he threw other spriggans under the bus and locked their charcter development under the fucking doors.
It'd be nice if 4chan got banned there too.
You can't even make this shit up kek. No wonder the Reanspics get so mad when you call them out.
>I don't remember Reanfags getting mad about Daybreak 1
Then you're a newfag tourist because Reanfags like wokefag were shitposting about Kuro and Van nonstop.
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Sol_bag was the only based brazilian...
He's right, but he's just annoying about it.
I was very disappointed when I read there was no rean cameo in k1 or 2. But giving rean almost half a game is insane
They hated him because he was 100% right.
Arcs get shitposted, newfriend. It doesn't mean we hate them.
>giving rean almost half a game
>Kevin and rean only get 40-50%
Are you retarded or just pretending to be one?
You ARE sol_bag, schizo.
most are memes and shitpost. grow a thicker skin
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He says CS isn't woke when it specifically goes out of it's way to tell you that all the good nobles in the world have befriended the Nords while all the bad ones are racists who hate them. And an instance of a bad noble becoming good is when he kneeled and apologized to Gaius lmao
4d chess gotch strikes again and secure an hottie like celis with 0 kids molested in the meantime. Not even the church can stop that madman.
Estelle = brother and father fucker whore
Kevin = wannabe little emo boy
Lloyd = cement eating bitch
Rean = Vanilla flavoured vanilla
Rufus = Murderering cunt
Van = BASED 10/10
Didn’t go to school and learn that 50% means half huh? Don’t know the exact split of the 50 but rean probably has most of it
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I'm not, but I do respect him. RIP king.
wind was too strong haha...guess he's talking about the suppremsists and immigration stuff.
stop false flagging
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Gaius is back in Kai... but at what cost.
the pronouns were weird. that stuff does not need to be in this game.
According to /fg/ Kevin is a Cold Steel character
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Today, I will remind them.
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Soon the GM and Ein will be at his feet.
>only 40%
That's still too much for an arc finale. Estelle and Lloyd were in CS4. They didn't take up 40% of the game because they knew it was Rean's arc.
>CS Art
Yeah he’s totally not back and will only appear in static image flashback scenes
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Not calling Nords barbarians isn't kneeling down and sucking immigrant cock like how Kuro does it.
The arc finale is Reverie and Lloyd was probably 30-40% of that
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Today I will remind them.
No, the arc finale was CS4. Reverie is the epilogue.
Cant wait for her to come i need to lick that butt.
I have all the lolis and estelle. Can't wait for a KeA hoping is cb kea and not cs4 kea.
CS4 was the arc finale and reverie was an epilogue game. Do not compare them.
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Kek it's only CS5 when it's convenient
I never said it was CS5.
We aren't getting another Kuro. Kai is the epilogue. Right?
Technically I think by Falcom's usual conventions he has to show up like that until characters see a new design even if he was in the game.
Shit character
>Lloyd was probably 30-40% of that
And all of those 40% were fucking garbage
>save Crossbell AGAIN
>give friendship speeches
If Van's route actually has a story that finishes his and other spriggans character arcs, 60% would be more than enough.
Take your meds shitposter schizo.
>Van: 50% of the game
>40-50% of it will be shared by rean(70%) and kevin(30%)
>somehow it equates that rean gets half of the game.
I never though i would see even more retarded person than me.
Rean took longer than any other previous arc's protagonists to show up again, quick whining for five seconds.
You faggots have been saying its Cold Steel V for years. Now it's not? Make up your fucking mind.
I can bet solid money there will be a kai 2. Kai is the cs3 of this arc. Returning cast and preparation for the finale.
>Kai is the epilogue.
To what? Nothing has happened over two games.
Show me once in this conversation where I said Hajimari/Reverie was CS5. Quit moving the goalposts.
Kuro 2 was almost as bad as a Cold Steel game.
Only when it's convenient to my argument
Vanfags and Reanfags are two sides of the same coin.
lol most people are happy Kevin's back and are asking where is Lloyd after he turned down the knowledge of what's coming.
>If Van's route actually has a story that finishes his and other spriggans character arcs, 60% would be more than enough.
It's definitely enough if there's minimal padding, but we already know there's filler due to the immigration terrorism garbage that's going to take a chunk of a chapter just to find out that they're being controlled by someone else.
The prologue will only take place in the Garten.
You didn't actually think you were going to Ored did you?
>arc name change halfway through
that's retarded
I don't see why Kai isn't called Kuro 3
>Nothing has happened over two games
They'll jam all that into Kai lol.
>posts literally the one (1) line that Patrick says about Gaius then pulls the rest out of his ass
Lloyd's more like the Van of Hajimari. We start with him and we end with him.
Didn't Kondo already say the finale will have something to do with Rean and Kevin.
Nah you know a good noble showed up in CS because they always introduce them with "He even likes the Nords!"
Kuro is woke, and while Rean attracts absurd criticism he's just okay in my book
Rean and Rufus also contributed to the end of Hajimari.
No? Are you high again reantaco? Did you forget to eat your tamale?
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Which major character will be the first to die in Kai? Make your predictions!
yeah it just won't stop happening! The first thing that the game always says when it introduces a noble is "how friendly are they with the Nords"?
>that's retarded
Welcome to the ride.
They'll be present but it'll absolutely be mainly about Van and probably Agnes due to the Genesis, Vagrants Zion, Grendel, Mare, and the white Grendel.
How would you murder Agnes?
Kondo literally says in the interview during multiple questions that the original intention during development was for it to be kuro 3 but the game's events are extremely important to the series overall plot and so massive that Kuro III wouldn't have fit as a title and would have downplayed how major it is, and that the word Kai is also a big import thing in the game
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When Kai comes out and just time the amount of hours Van's route has compared to others. It's that easy. If Van has over 60% of pov it's his game.
That's not what he says at all lmao
raping the next kiseki that gets posted
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found it
Post Gotch
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>They are also very important characters in the series, and they also have a place in the series towards the end, so their perspectives will be used to complete the stories of other characters
So it's pretty much confirmed that Shizuna's storyline will be resolved by rean... fucking hell.
>Q: Can you explain the meaning behind the title Kai no Kiseki? Does the subtitle "Farewell, O Zemuria" mean the adventure will take place outside the Zemurian Continent?

>A: While the story takes place after Kuro no Kiseki II, internally we felt naming it Kuro no Kiseki III wouldn’t convey the significance of this entry as a major turning point in the series. Thus, we chose Kai no Kiseki. The story's direction is closely related to the word "Kai" but I can't reveal too much as it involves core plot details. As for the subtitle "Farewell, O Zemuria" and whether it means leaving the Zemurian continent, I can't answer directly. However, previous stories mentioned the establishment of a space military base in the Republic, and with such technological advancements, humanity has reached space. This plays a key role in the plot.
>Literally Hajimari 2
I feel like this was obvious desu
Interesting. I guess I read another time where he said that they did it because they merged stuff that wasn't to be in Kuro originally but got merged with "Kuro 3"
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then what was even the point of her being in Kuro 1 and 2?
There's no way this was what they originally intended for her.
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I've masturbated so many times to Fie, bros...
that's why I asked what was the point?
We know Laura, no need to broadcast it.
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Was Kai a mistake
Do you think Shizuna is more of granny panties or thongs?
hate to break it to you but you've technically masturabated to fie once, laura twice, lucrezia once and shizuna once
I'm saying their plans for her were completely different until they decided to shove Rean into the climax, and they needed something for him to do so they figured feeding Shizuna to him would suffice.
>If CS was written like Kuro:
>HAlf the plot would be about the Nords
>Ostensibly the queston should be: "Should Nords pay taxes if they're under Erebonian protection?"
>Everyone who suggests "Yes" is a white supremacists who just hates that they're brown
>And they're also funding anti-nord white supremacist terrorist
>Also Nord descendants invented trains. And all of the best Reinford scientists are also Nord descendants. Native Erebonians will not be credited with a single invention.
>Nords also invented the Thousand Fold Military Style, and taught the Vanders and Arseid their martial arts styles as well.
Do you realize how silly that sounds? That's what everyone else sees when they see Kuro.
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So rean basically stole van's role... great. It doesn't help that their fight is the only thing reanfags on xitter/reddit are talking about. They don't care about the plot or characters, they just want their "GOAT to cook that fraud".
Elaine is saying "An ETWS large Orbal Bike... it's the model that Bergard rides, right?"
>So rean basically stole van's role..
More that Rean stepped up in Kuro's time of need.
Which one is which?
> their "GOAT to cook that fraud".
I notice that too kek. Modern Kisekifags reallty are just shonenbrained zoomers.
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Jorda the cock eater
>they just want their "GOAT to cook that fraud".
Literalyl every CS hater when it comes to Rean ,yes
>Falcom decided to just focus on Agnes and Elaine instead of adding judith,shizuna and etc just because some contrarian shit on them
>Said contrarian still got mad that the 3rd girl is not for van
What the hell man?
NTA but i believe top left and bottom middle is laura, bottom left is a texture swap of shizuna's Z1 costume and top right is lucrezia's swimsuit with a texture swap
she was always tied to rean, though.
Top left and bottom middle is Laura.
Up right is Lucrezia
Bottom right is Fie.
Bottom left is Shizuna.
Though considering Shizuna's swimsuit is just her head pasted on Laura's body, add two more Shizunas.
>Literalyl every CS hater when it comes to Rean ,yes
kek i could clearly see your brown fingers shaking while typing this
*got mad that shizuna
Man, i need sleep.
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What are you on about? I always wanted Van to have a harem and pick your waifu mechanic. I don't like Elaine or Agnes, I wanted to pick better girls like Shizuna, Renne or Judith.
I hate Agnes so God damn much. This frigid, unfriendly bitch is ruining the game for me.
99% Rean game.
she's literally one of the nicest girls in the entire series and cares about everyone
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>I don't like Agnes
If you don't like her, then I'll take her.
Is this how /fg/ usually acts when waiting for a new Kiseki game, just doomfagging and shitposting?
Vanfags are massive doomposters who want the series to fail.
Reanspics are massive doomposters who want the series to fail.
Lloyd is the worst main protagonist and it's not even close.
yes, but now we actually have a decent reason to doompost. Kuro 2 was garbage that ruined the goodwill of Kuro 1 and Van got cucked from his own games.
Rean also had 5 fucking games, where his entire arc could have been 3, maybe 2 games realistically + Hajimari

And he isn't a very enjoyable protagonist. Here's hoping Kai Rean is similar to Hajimari Rean so he is at least a little interesting and not some forgettable no personality LN self insert faggot
Every game since CS4 ended has been doomposted and anyone who tells you otherwise is a newfag.
Shizuna owes me sex
I'm genuinely excited for kai and can't wait to play the game myself. I just ignore all the doom posts.
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Mayday, mayday, the ship is slowly sinking
They think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling
They're all around me circling like vultures
They wanna break me and wash away my colors
Wash away my colors
Take me high and I'll sing
Oh, you make everything okay, okay, okay (okay, okay, okay)
We are one and the same
Oh, you take all of the pain away, away, away (away, away, away)
Save me if I become my demons
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Estelle > Kevin = Van > Rufus > POWERGAP > Lloyd > Rean
you love van so much you can't even post him lmfao
I played cold steel dubbed
are any of the Japanese voices different in Kai so far for Rean, Crow, and Altina and others different from CS?
She seems kind of snobby and stuck-up desu
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That's how an average Calvardian family should look like.
>shitting his britches and crying in public
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I'm playing it on release as well but I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed by what I've seen. The routeshit is a major bummer and I'm also not thrilled about important lore being put in the filler garten instead of organically telling the player and the characters about it.
>harems kills kiseki
>people attribute downfall of CS3 and CS4 sales to harem
>haremfags are pathetic LMAO
genuinely love kai link attacks
>I'm a fucking DEKENAI
I'll just eat shitty MTL at this point if i have to.
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Kai is going to be so kino
why did you post cold shit instead of kino then?
>Cold Steel characters and Kevin have to save Calvard.
What can we learn from the failed experiment known as Kuro?
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Kai is going to be so kino
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>why did you post cold shit instead of kino then?
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Looks like Kebin gets a second S-Craft. I wonder if that means some shit's gonna go down with him like in the 3rd or something
Ew, the Vanfag jerks off to that shit? Is that because barely any real artists want to draw Kuro?
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It's Grail Sphere. Trust the plan.
Japs and autists LOVE self-insert LN writing
Van is too cool for them to self-insert into and him cucking Albert intimidated them.

Or if you want something much more concrete: Daybreak hasn't been released 4 different times in 4 different systems
How does this even make sense? Did your reanspic brain confused cold steel characters for Kuro?
They might give him Grail Sphere as a bonus.
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>no altina, no buy
>no rean, no buy
>more kevin, more buy
simple as
Grail sphere will be made into a regular craft, because of powercreep
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2 of his regular crafts appear to be non-damage, so I'm guessing one is grail sphere since everyone has that now anyways, and the other is probably stigma awakening or whatever, since he uses that in action combat
(You) are the one that has it saved to his computer. Therefore (You) love cuck porn.
Agnes reminds me of Laura.
What if Grail Sphere gets reflect?
kevin should just fucking end that stupid heretic rufus arbarea
If it's straight up nullifying attacks, with a bonus for S-crafting with 200 CP for 2 hits, it's better than the shields.
why did you change the subject reanspic?
>love cuck porn.
unlike you, i don't self-insert as rean, but thanks for confirming that you're a genuine reanbrained faggot.
Odette is literally right there, faggot
Is there more screenshots like this?
He's not Sol_Bag
Tell me more about cuckporn, you have to self-insert as the person getting cucked for it to work? You're definitely an expert on it. I just thought people who liked it just liked seeing guys cucked, instead of always wanting to be cucked.
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How in the fuck does this make sense fo anyone with a brain?
How and why does Agnes remind you of Laura?
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>ka-fai is only using 1 hand here
This guy could take on both Rean and Shizuna at the same time and he'd win with minimal effort.
1 hand is the standard. Only a few techniques require 2.
now you're just projecting lmao.
Before interacting with the fanbase the only character I didn't like was Alisa. Now I feel like I hate 90% of the cast. Even Angelica... I never cared about her after all for me every lgbt is an idiot like that
Are you that Norwegian guy that got cucked by the Brazilian Rean cosplayer?
Kisekifags are the only fanbase who try this hard to make your hate their games lol.
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>On the altina side, because of the Republic's powerful technology , the Empire also needed a person with a technical background to be involved, and Black Rabbit was one of them.
What? Now you're just keep throwing your perverted fetishes onto me, you're truly vile.
you just admitted that you get offended over rean getting cucked in the koikatsu porn, wtf are you on about? Why do you keepchanging subjects instead of addressing your own problems?
You're just acting like him.
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>loses rean to altina
>loses her job to altina
>loses her heroine status to altina
I don't care about your schizo fantasies. Did you create that Norwegian guy to hide your own insecurities? Then you definitely should seek help.
No, just disappointed at you.
crow should be in prison
>Before interacting with the fanbase the only character I didn't like was Alisa. Now I feel like I hate 90% of the cast.
HAHA... that's literally me
You seem awfully defensive, Norwegianbro.
Honestly? I hate Kondo. Just say she's only there because she's popular.
He got the death penalty already. Isn't that enough?
i hate kondo because he turned this series for legend of HEROES into legend of rean
Post onapet
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cucked by a rabbit
Thanks for proving my point. Seek help while it's not too late or you'll start seeing everyone as Norwegian cucks.
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>In addition, Kevin himself is tasked with sanctioning heretics, and who it is that he sanctions and who he takes orders from are all relevant to the plot of this game.
Doesn't that overlap with what Iscariot are doing?
Did Kondo confirm that Kai will be one game only?
can u show me ur NSFW Emma folder I want to see that dakimakura
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Kondom said that you'll know when you see the end of the game.
stay tuned for falcom's re-release of sen 4 where van shows up for operation mille mirage and assists with defeating ishmelga
Wtf? Why couldn't he answer directly?
Yes, and there's already tensions between the groups so maybe they'll do something with it.
Because there's going to be a Kai II and Kondo knows that announcing it will kill any hype.
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I'll support trails in the woke
wdym rean is the hero
>we're getting kai 2
>kai's ending will be directly related to the new arc
>kai's ending will end up in a time reset and sky 1st remake will be an continuation to its story
Or he's just being cheeky
It's cs3 again...
He did exactly the same thing with Cold Steel 3 and we know how that turned out.
Also bear in mind that for both Kuro 1 and 2 Kondo made it very clear they'd have a definite ending and wouldn't end on a cliffhanger.
So either Kondo has learned his lesson about saying too much in interviews, or Kai 2 is on the way.
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There's 9 SEPterrions
Gotchchad will win them all.
>have a failing arc and a disliked setting
>"We know, let's make it Cold Steel length!
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Kai 2 next year together with Sky remake and PLACEHOLDER Xanadu?
It'd be hilarious if this ended up making it into the mainline games since it'd mean a massive twist was spoiled by a shitty cashgrab gacha.
''There's 2 septerrions in the outside''
what massive twist?
if kai fails because of rean
A secret 9th sept-terrion of darkness existing
What's the 8th?
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Why did falcom ruin rixia
Her tits getting bigger every game is an inside joke at Falcom. It's funny.
There's a part of me that wants to see Emma in Kai but there's another part of me that's glad they won't ruin her like they ruined Rixia.
I also don't need to see Emma talking about how bad white people are.
It'd be more kino if Van becomes an enforcer after Kai.
Does speed affect the time to cast arts or only the delay after casting?
Nice. Not opened mine yet, not got the space for it.
This is not Fie though..
Beautiful cumdoll wife
Ka-fai doesn't have the power of <bonds>... Haha...
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