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Previous thread >>492888908
Birthday edition

Reminder to report and ignore shitposters
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News, Interviews and Articles
Latest: DRS Released on Steam.
Old news updated 23/7/22: https://pastebin.com/pnwKUj3d

>/drg/'s spoiler-free guide for the series *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*

>Game links *contains links to official store pages for each game*

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>/drg/ resources: *contains links to ship tags, modding tools/guides, fanart, fics, and dr-related artists*

>in the event of pastebin getting nuked
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Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you too
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Happy birthday Shuichi!
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keep posting island waifu
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You got Kami-sama's blessing!
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>Saihara, wake up.
>...Claire de Lune? The Gofer Project? Everyone's New Semester of Mutual Killing?
>You must be confused. Come on, we need to expose the mastermind and escape Hope's Peak Academy.
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And now, so does this thread!
goodnight /drg/
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Kami Sama will protect u when u sleep
Die in your sleep shitposter.
Soudafag... (Mahirufag)
How to write Danganronpa-feel characters?
These threads become more active before they die
She would NOT do that to him
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I love my cute wife!
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Happy birthday Shuichi, the Magic Council said he will have a good day
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What a gentleman.
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need a cute /drg/ e-bf or e-gf!
I smell a groomer.
There are no women here so it would have to be a bf.
Who will give him his birthday spanking?
noo i'm not looking for a minor e-gf/e-bf!
that'd be fine!
There are no men here so it would have to be a gf.
There is nobody here so you'd have to find no one
There are no women and no men here so it would have to be a bot.
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Shuichi and Byakuya swap games what happens
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i should not have stayed up all day im going to fucking collapse
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Gamer boy
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Happy birthday Shuichi!!! I wish I could give him a birthday tuggy
happy birthday shuichi
Kaede turning little shota Shuichi into a goon addict for life
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I like where Kaede and Sayaka are because both have many lovers
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Would be based if not for the obvious Kaede gross shit
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>this fucking thread
I can't see the writing on Chihiro and Imposter tier, what does it say?
You did this with raincode
Mahirufag turning little shota Shuichi into a goon addict for life
Wait, if it was some other character this scenario wouldn't be gross? Why?
Are they all high schoolers and which one will MF autistically cling to?
Unironically interesting. tarots are usually meh but i like their placements, everything feels accurate.
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Ibuki love
and happy birthday shuichi!!!!
Rank the Danganronpa boys based on which ones are most likely to get killed by Genocider Syo
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>Girls in armor
Cute! Cute!
Cute tenko
1.Komaeda Nagito
Hina's little brother
Shuichi is like one of two Chads in the entire franchise.
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You know why
Depends on how hard incest girl lusts after her brother
-fag is a tranny!
Byakuya is actually safe. Chihiro is in danger if she finds out his secret though.
the siblings are stated to be in junior high. dunno about the others.
Mukuro vs. Cutthroat. They're allowed to use their weapons.

Who wins?
I sometimes wonder how fucking whimpy some of you have to be to consider Shuichi a "Chad".
cutthroat massacres her. it's too one-sided.
They both team up to beat the shit out of Toko for being a worthless bitch
I imagine the average /drg/ poster to look like this >>493440241
Cutthroat beheads both her and Junko at the same time.
Mukuro snipes his ass from a mile away.
cutthroat rapes her
Mukuro would cut off his dick with a rusty knife
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Toko frolicking in the fields after being acquitted of all charges
>junior high
Did mf write this
Cutthroat has Mukuro live up to her name.
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This. Also based trips.
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Yes I love making twitter mad
He actually has character development. He goes from pathetic to single handedly ending the franchise in the best way he can with the cards he was dealt with. Yes, he's a twink, it's Japan. But the decisions he made and the courage he gathered still stands. It's a lot better than always haven been perfect.
True. No wonder he makes people mad after protagonist switch.
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its an open-and-shut case
she is a fujo into twinks and femboys
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Nekomaru is safe
the dude in the op
he looks like more of a bottom than makoto and that's really saying something considering his ultimate bottom status
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hi everyone! still looking for a cute /drg/ e-bf or e-gf!
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There's no people here. We're all AI.
How sad. There is no happy end to this story unfortunately.
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Saihara and Dante from Devil May Cry
Komaru either has huge breast tumor or this artist can't into anatomy
He tried to suicide like a bitch lmao
meant for >>493507380 when nobody respond
I demand more Danganronpa! Master Detective Archives sucked, and so will The Hundred Line!
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i didn't try to suicide i'm still monitoring the thread for potential e-bf/e-gf.
what are you looking to do with this person
He posted chihiro so what do you think
Why are all chihirofags without exception, weirdos?
You have to be to like a little boy in a skirt.
post something about yourself, why do you think people should date you?
He is an adult
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Reminder that Sayaka is the cutest girl!
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Yes!! So cute!!
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God she is so sexy
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God she is so retarded
She makes me feel retarded with how horny I get.
She makes me feel smart with how retarded she is.
i'm thinking just chatting a lot, being cute together, play games and watch stuff together.. just typical lonely people e-dating stuff.
hmmm i like danganronpa and other vns in general and i'm very nice and caring person!
Do you know how insufferable you sound
She became much cuter in my eyes after the reveal! Cute bpdemon!
what other vns? how do we know you're really caring and not just a creep gay pedophile? what happened to miufag you fucking whore?
Gonta kill pink whore
Gonta win!
Gonta date Chihirotranny!
Gonta too big Chihirotranny tight bussy got destroyed!
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i can only imagine but i don't mind..
i like a lot, i like the typical mystery ones like ace attorney and zero escape, somnium files, raging loop, and also other ones like paranormasight and hifm.
i'm not gay and not a pedophile but it is true that i shouldn't attest to my own personality for myself, but i truly think i am.
>i'm very nice and caring person!
I have no faith in boys who say this
aww.. that's fine..
Pregame 'aede has no faith in anything. That's why she killed herself with a flashback light.
Not first time
Kokichi die from internal bleeding
Gonta blackened
Gonta sex offender
Gonta went to prison
Gonta raped by prison inmates
Prison inmates killed
Gonta live long time
Gonta see all friends dead
Gonta lonely
Explain how Celeste is retarded
Are you Indian? What country were you in in 2021/2022?
How does Sayaka have BPD? Can you explain. Whamen BPDemons talk like >>493535183
no i'm not indian, why would i be indian?
still here and still a fag
Gonta sad
Gonta contemplate suicide
Gonta see little purple boy
Gonta ectastic
Gonta kidnap purple boy
Gonta falls in love with purple boy
Gonta marries purple boy in 20100
Purple boy grows to be Cockichi 2.0
Which character out of all of them do you want to see Miu interact with the most?
your e bf is hooking up with randoms you cuckold
>ummm Celeste why exactly would Yasuhiro make a robot suit that he can't get out of, let you take a photograph of him kidnapping Hifumi, run around hitting people with hammers of various sizes, move the bodies around and then hide in a locker?
>oldfag literally who samefagging
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chihiro or kazuichi
lmao we never even got in contact and i'm kind of glad because i was genuinely delusional yesterday due to my lack of sleep
what else can we expect from chihirocucks
could /drg/ relationships theoretically last? could they be meaningful?
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i hope to find out soon!
Kek Cuckhara is so pathetic.
Celeste's plan really was dumb huh?
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That's the vibes she gave me with her lovebombing Makoto and intense cbanges of emotions she looks like a person empty inside
No... from that one lonely night watching the TV, Sayaka was filled with love for the world of idols... there was simply no room for Makoto in her heart
Why is Sayaka here? Where is Kyoko?
the house in fata morgana
She was busy letting me feel her b**bies
sayaka is shit
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Pink whore, you say?
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My Kaede gf launching her entertainer career after spending a night with Sayaka and her producer
Who voice
oh sorry about yesterday i think we both got shy and didn't share tags..
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I've been with my /drg/ bf for like 9 months now
it hasn't been the same since she left
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make what
im not shy i just dont want to post my tag on 4chan
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no worries!
i do hope you start feeling better though, you remind me of myself when my ex broke up with me
I meant Gonta sad
Gonta contemplate suicide
Gonta see beautiful blue girl with glasses
Gonta wear glasses
Gonta ectastic
Gonta kidnap blue girl
Gonta falls in love with blue girl
Gonta marries blue girl in 20100
Blue hair grows to be Junko 2.0
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thank you i think i'll feel better once i found my /drg/ e-gf/e-bf..
Okay you lost me on the last sentence
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Kill yourself shitposter.
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Gonta's wife
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do you think that will really fix everything though? i used to think that too until i realized that i need to work on myself to be better instead of trying to find someone hoping to fix me
Maki is a social outcast who only made friends because of Kaito's kind nature and desire to start a polycule THOUGH
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What an awful thread
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Kaede the type of girl to turn 360 and leave after seeing me pull out the laptop and HDMI cable
You would all like Tsumugi in real life. She is a weeb otaku that has seen lots of Anime and reads Manga, she is a fan of the same things you are this is the dr general. She is the ultimate cosplayer so if you have another waifu from an anime or something she can perfectly cosplay them. Potential downsides are the incest kink and also she would try to dress you up in cosplay too sometimes
I think you are not Miufag, you are a bot
would you fall in love with random people who you've never talked to before? maybe im just a romantic but personally it doesn't sit right with me to start falling in love with someone i just met
I fucking hate bpdemons
That's the chihirotard way
Kaede wouldn't care about it. And Japanese people use their own products, they don't care about Appleshit.
Me walking pass the #1 Stacy in my school (I came in my pants)
Please kill yourself thanks.
no thank you sorry!
Do your part.
you got any interests besides dangan? any games you like?
He came because he was looking at Kyoko his favorite character
Shuichi is a well-respected JOI creator who has earned the praise of everyone for his Kyoko Kirigiri series
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I'm not gonna waste my time
Suffer the chihirotrannybpdemon
You mean Kagehara, you secondary.
This post could've been made by Chris-chan
No, I mean Shuichi. Kagehara is fandom nonsense invented by actual secondaries
I wish I were the Mastermind so that I could have her wear that costume and make her rub her crotch against my forearm until she cums so much she goes limp. All for the 10 billion yen, of course.
Kagefag would bully you with textwalls.
You can't bully someone over the internet. Just log off bro... just close your eyes
ace attorney is a good one, still need to play the later ones eventually
>he doesn't know
you should! i can buy you the second trilogy if we e date..
Lets talk about how big sis Kaede would ruin little shota Shuichi and turn him into a goon addict for life
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even so ignoring the whole e-date thing don't buy me anything I feel bad whenever anyone buys me things
no problem.
i like giving to my so though but that's okay!
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Chocolate Kaede...
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Let's talk about you killing yourself you annoying pieces of shit
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Wow we have a second Tsumigon shipper here?
Mahiru NTR
any hobbies you're into?
i don't have many hobbies either, i hope to get a job soon myself once i find a place thats actually hiring near me
You love me, you monster
i'm crossing fingers for you!
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reject cuckoldry
embrace wholesome monogamous femdom
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so just asking because im wondering, what would happen or what would you do if you DID start e-dating with someone?
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hopefully we will start chatting a lot and get to know each other better and fall in love with each other and be cute together!
and put his tiny penis in a tiny cage so there's no chance he'll cheat with some woman or by watching different videos
need to e-date so badly man
thats, actually cute. you really do remind me of myself
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thank you..
i only want this if the only kind of sex she lets me have is with her shoes.
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Integrate your shadow and have a wholesome loyal femdom relationship
Celeste has underwhelming shoes, Junko and Kyoko have the best shoes for that.
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>the most generic thing everybody does with anyone ever
Wow, really? No way!? God I hope you two are just baiting for replies like this otherwise holy shit you are retards.
>the prison gays found each other
incredible, now kiss
All femdom girls shoes are cute.
Boots are good, but I'd enjoy it even with Angie.
wow you're rude
don't need to tell me what i've already known
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And you two are actually braindead, but that was already evident by your lack of punctuation of any kind and trying to e-date on /drg/ of all places.
Oh great, you're one of those types.
>Integrate your shadow
I did it and it came out as a wholesome cuckold relationship with Kaede
She doms me and cucks me but we also date and cuddle while watching interracial porn together, our favorite
The first thing that piqued my interest in danganronpa were Junko's boots
are you single though?
He has to be samefagging
don't know what "type" you mean but i've always known I was stupid anon, i don't need validation from /drg/ of all places either
They are pretty good. Kirigiri's are also good, because she's a kuudere.
Miu's are fun but I feel weird about her. Ibuki's shoes are good for me but that's just because I'm an Ibukifag.
Need a pic of all the girls shoes so I can rate them.
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don't mind him! he's just a hater.. you're fine
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If you can't satisfy her then use your tongue or a plastic penis sheath of her prefered size
or get pegged
cucking is haram
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I would rather hang out with the type of people who put "proshippers dni" in their bio for 10000 years before considering dating you
God I hope. Someone like that can't really exist, right? Anyway let's just hope it's bait and make fun of me for falling for it, okay? Time to stop replying.
Real women would see that as an instant turn off.
we're already getting called a samefag don't push it even further lmao
wow that's harsh..
haha you felt for trash bait *pees on your face*
it's fine who cares!
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all me btw
Legit seething
>defending shitposters
despairful masturbation with femkomaeda's socks
nothing can stand in the way of love dummy.
>as opposed to mahirufag's geniune quality posting of his Incest fetish
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I have sex with Rantaro
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>DANGANRONPA IS [headcanon]
Rantaro Amami, the Ultimate Anal Queen...
>actually coping and seething
Make a witty reply like
>w-well... my hand was also a bit rough with me last night!
rantaro needs to suck my blood (penis)
she'd tell you to hump a pillow next time
so what happens now
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Seething disguised as shitposting
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Rantaro awakens something in me... I'm not gay, or even into traps or that sort of thing, but...
I want to kiss his feet while he fucks Kaede
If that helps you to sleep, sure <3
not sure..
i might make a new discord later so we can chit chat!
I want to fuck and cum in his bleached anus...
do let me know when that happens, you're fun to talk to and i don't want to bloat the general even more than it is currently
he does her laundry in exchange for getting to sniff it and masturbate to it
You guys had the most shallow, worthless "conversation" ever
>T. MF
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of course! though i don't think you should worry too much about bloating the thread, people here are so nice and welcoming!
no it was fun and wholesome.
He's so lucky
>people here are so nice and welcoming!
Yeah mf was right, just shitposting
not every conversation has to be meaningful, i just like talking to people and making people happy. i hope your day gets better too
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Finally someone who gets it
>T. MF
Based and kind.
meant for >>493553242
I'm gay but... hear me out.
Everyone is gay for rantaro.
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I'm not shitposting, Rantaro really is pretty
I thought the miufag didn't want to become a known poster? What happened
MF says this
Gonta broke
I know. It's on purpose to mock him.
Love makes you do crazy things
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i got bored, at the very least i don't plan on being here constantly. maybe once or twice to wish joy onto others
Mahirufag and Tinderanon are now dating
Kotoko ToT
>once or twice
Per...? Or do you mean ever?
per, forgot to mention that because i'm quite stupid
Per minute
Miufag... PER WHAT?
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The OGs
per thread oops, jesus i think i need to go back to sleep lol
you use cute images
Kyoko in the middle because she's mid
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May Kami-Sama rest his fictional soul.
thank you!
/drsg/ time?
It already exists under a secret name.
MF won't allow it
gn Kaedefag
it hasn't been up for a few days.
i would much rathe e-date the cute, positive miufag than the grumpy mahirufag.
Kill yourselves shitposters.
goodnight /drg/
Die shitposter.
Soudafag... (Mahirufag)
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why are you so mad
it's mf
i hope you have a good day too
Kill yourself, MF.
All me btw
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Kirumi, where are you?
I made it. Come enjoy.
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I want Hajime's boobies in my mouth.
hot boyboobs
It's up now. Guess you don't know the secret.
I just made it.
That's not it.
You're retarded if you think /sjg/ is a dangan thread.
it is retard
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...and I bring you...
no one posts danganhorny there, therefore it is not /drsg/
Show me one dangan
Yeah, it's better
Okay retard
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Himiko erotic
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Little nurse
Himiko hivemind
Why are you obsessed with oshinoko
Did you misspell Himiko
Die shitposter
What the fuck?
any cute /drg/ poster wants to listen to lo-fi music with me on sync?
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How rude
I'd be down if I was home
can you give me your discord so we can do it later/some other time?
it sounds so comfy..
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I forgot the login to my burner...
aww will you add me if i post mine?
no, sorry...
Only if I make a new burner. If you post it, I'll save it and add you later
see my tag above if you change your mind
If the entire school banded together and stopped Junko, would they have succeeded?
Yes, but then there would be no Danganronpa.
depends on situation and when they act against her. if she has izuru on her side at this point, it would be very difficult to stop her. she also has the brainwashing anime she jacked from ryota. if they act before she meets izuru and ryota, then they'd definitely crush her and mukuro.
>cropped porn doesn't get deleted
On an island... pretty island...
Normal wholesome relationship with Kaede with a tiny bit of NTR play to spice things up (just a tiny bit)
a tiny bit of ntr is still ntr, you cant say its just a tiny bit
Threeways with a guy you think is hot aren't ntr.
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Komahina if it was peak
But it's just a tiny bit of NTR, like really just a tiny bit
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Yuri Komahina doujinshi where?
Tokomaru is down the hall to the left
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You have polluted my waifu with a blonde bimbo!!!

At least mix her with another genki princess
My personal redflags for DR fans
>ships Komahina or Tokomaru as if they were canon
>is angry that Kaede wasn't the V3 protagonist
>self-inserts as Makoto
for me is:
uses "they" or any other pronouns for Chihiro that isn't "he"
>not gay
>looking for e-bf
Yaoi tokomaru...
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how is that gay?
You're a dude wanting to date another dude. And even if you lie and say you're a girl you also said e-gf. You are a homosexual.
>becomes a sociopath if someone says their fav character sucked
>gets all their facts from reddit, e-celebs or youtube
>has no other hobbies than danganronpa
sorry i can't see how that's gay..
Tbf Both Makato and Hajime are meant to be self-inserts for normies to imagine themselves as while playing the game. Makato is super bland just for that purpose.
how do you get your /drg/ anon to reciprocate your feelings?
You don't. If you force it it's unhealthy and won't work out. If it was meant to be things will work out.
can you be my /drg/ anon?
You learn to be alone and stop thinking love will fix the real problems with your life.
how do i move on, then? surely nothing productive would ever come out of /drg/ 4ch threads but sometimes an anon's words stick in your heart.
too real
Hey janny~
endlessly looking for a random on a general to e-date isn't going to fix your love problems, all it's going to do is create fake love and hurts you even more
Souda's prostate
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Souda's teethies
im not chihiro anon, im simply fixated on a specific anon.
Reminder: 99 percent of e-daters quit right before finding a partner to have discord e-sex with
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I should have put that leash on him when I was given the chance.
let's e-date..
not trying to be rude but why? even im not enough of a hopeless romantic to think my true love is out there on a general of all places
based kyoko
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What the fuck?
goodnight /drg/, make sure to have some good rest tonight so you start the next day better
Die shitposter
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Hm? What are you talking about?
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somebody screammmmm
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Bitch looks like a League character
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Bitch looks like she'd nohit plaguebringer
>becomes a sociopath if someone says their fav character sucked
If you don't go full serial killer on anyone that calls your dangan shit then you don't really love them
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lmao i thought thats what you meant, didn't think i'd find someone who knew calamity in here
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I'm doing my second run on it (forma de infernum mode)
any fun? i haven't done a run in a while for myself because calamity hardmode makes me lose interest
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Infernum is so much more fun it adds so much
I'm in hardmode myself (did brimstone elemental earlier today) and the bosses are so different
Just look at revengence vs infernum queen slime for a comparison point
holy shit that is way different, i might have to play this eventually if i ever feel like playing calamity again
What's sync?
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Well /drg/
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Why she look retarded why does everyone who tries to emulate the DR artstyle in their own art draw stuff retarded just wondering
I wish girls were really like this in real life. I could lick her all day.
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>the lipmark panties
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You should i'm having tons of fun playing it with a couple friends
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Kill yourself
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i think i will once i finish the games im in the middle of playing, those changes look really fun
I love everything about this and wish it happened to me for real.
No argument.

I win.
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