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Winnerza GOATzja edition

>Play online:

>Thread theme:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYAPgPH9hsI [Embed]

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fresh hot /chess/ lore for the new bread
This lofi girl thing is comfy desu
>magnus blunders
>his hand moves to the side of the desk
>hans pc lags for 10 seconds
Chess speaks for itself
>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd
- lichess.org Yearly Blitz Arena | September 11th
- Vishy vs. The World | starts September 30th
- Global Chess League | October 3rd - 12th
- Women's Grand Prix (2nd leg) | October 29th - November 9th
- European Individual Chess Championship | November 7th - 20th
- World Chess Championship Match | November 20th - December 15th
- US Masters | November 27th - December 1st
- London Chess Classic | November 29th - December 8th
- Chess.com Crazyhouse Championship | December 2nd - 6th
- World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship | December 26th - 31st
based OP
hans finna boutta lock in
it's fucking gay normalfag obnoxious reddit cancer retard shite is what it is, probably used to peddle whatever globohomo medicine too
>you didnt see anything
They jedi mind tricked him.
hans is DIALED
they provoked the beast
>we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong
Either him or Hans should be in every OP
where the fuck is Danya, my beloved
hanscucks really scraping the barrel here >>493429114
Is Magnoos choking?
Or Kramnik.
Our guys.
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Chess.com is cheating.
I stop watching and Hans wins
I tune back in and his computer fucks up
I'll watch later bros I don't wanna jynx my ass-nigga Hans
Hans is not and never was /ourguy/. It's Wesley and nobody else. Kill yourself.
>magnus listening to his anime kpop to cope with what's about to happen to him
>hans is LOCKED. IN.
>server lag problems with two people playing on a screen in the same room
If only we had some technology to let people play chess together face-to-face, like a chess board with physical pieces and a clock!
or Kramnik yes
Wesley too
Hans has definitely become /ourguy/
point taken but really, no one wants to watch speed chess otb
1 minute otb chess is borderline impossible with writing moves down
are you fucking kidding me?! that is the most exciting possible way to play and watch chess!
playing 1+1 on a physical board is cancer. still, chesscom should fix its shit
boolet is impossible otb
i did it bros, fuck magnus who care, i hit puzzles 2000
What happened to the laptop view? I liked that view.
It does seem really silly that it's in person but still online. Can these faggots not even set up a LAN so it doesn't rely on their shit servers?
Even in classical chess players don't have to write their moves down when the clock gets low.
let's go hans mate some fuckin kings
Judith was strangely turned on by Hans’ chudrage when she realized he wouldn’t hesitate to rape her
roleplay somewhere else you freak
Would you trust Hans "I'll sue you if you say anything to me," Niemann or Chess "We'll let you play our tournaments even if you defame us every minute of your life" .com?
^ femoid who secretly wants to be raped by hans
Magnus got a bit too cocky. The farm animal isn't beaten yet
fuckin magnus , dont get too cocky you fuck
he meant hans is a bull because he fucks magnussy gf so well
I honestly wouldn't put it past chesscom or some mischievous chesscom employee to do something like that (possibly just through spite, or tilt the odds for betting purposes)
I don't get the impression that it's a company which holds the game of chess, and its integrity, in high regard.
oh no no no
hans is crying
what is the younger peoples' obsession with cuckoldry?
Chudmann is tilted. It's over.
online pornography generation
hans could come back in bullet
I'm not american I just tought "what's a dangerous far animal" and went from there desulam
it's just a hyperbolic form of "in this situation X is the alpha male and Y is the beta male" which def isn't exclusive to gen z
>I'm not american
I'm so sorry, bro. That must be rough.
No, Magnus is on prime Hikaru's level in bullet. It is his best chance but don't see how he just isn't toast.
Congrats, anon.
Magnus fucking up just to feel something
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How do I stop losing on time bros?
Hans looks pissed as fuck
If he wins this, he might just sock Magnus in the face in the end
Magnus fucking up just so Hans feels something
rench gave hess the most disgusting look when hess said "we would say the same about magnus"
he fucking despises hans, why cant we get impartial commentators?
play without increment
Magnus is a monster in bullet, he will destroy hans so hard that the twitch stream will have a 'mature content' warning added
Farm animal unironically sounds like an insult Magnus would say
How naive must one be to believe chessdotjew is letting hans play out of pure goodwill?
All they want is to rack up huge amounts of views and money, and hans is just a tool for that end.
What's farm animal in norwegian?
rensch is just the head puppet for the corporation of chess.scum and the corporation is married to magnus so he has to play the role because he is a literal soulless puppet
And yet... Magnus is considered the goat...
>I love that you used the word 'maturity'
That was actually funny from Danny
i dont get it (though i did notice it when he said it and found it an odd remark)
Magnus touch coming in full force this game.
I'd let Magnus touch me.
Corrupted minds by years of online mental poison which is everywhere today.
it's called slurping around here
get in line bitch
Can Donkey Stench do the chess world a favor and kill himself on stream?
Ok. As long as I get a turn.
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any relation to the /biz/ meme
I'd let him touch me and then sue his ass for sexual harassment.
nice nice more pop culture references this is what we love to hear keep 'em coming
Lmao, spotted the exact same dude. This guy touches children.
Because hans is the most immature person in the (high-profile) chess world, to the point of it being one of his primary defining characteristics
I'd let him touch me and then touch his ass for sexual gratification.
I would rather levy do it after his horrible commentary
cia not fooling anyone with that disguise
h-how did you know that was me?
Let them fight to the death and then kill the winner anyways.
Would be the greatest stream ever.
Did anyone actually think Levy did a good job?
if I take h6 will you die?
Hans was making a lot of mistakes in his other SCC matches that his opponents (on purpose!) weren't capitalizing on. Hans isn't playing worse, Magnus is just capitalizing on his usual mistakes.
Is that Matt Walsh?
Hans' perma crying face is so embarrassing
Levy undoubtedly thinks he did great. He has no self-awareness.
i felt bad for danya dealing with him
Magnus brutalising another opponent
i'm not gonna jack off for 1 year if hans wins this
there you go, i make the pact
make it happen
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Paul Morphy sat in his dimly lit office in New Orleans, Louisiana, staring at the pile of legal documents on his desk. Despite his immense talent in chess, he never viewed the game as a serious pursuit. It was the law that captivated his mind and heart. He aspired to build a successful law firm, to make his mark in the legal world. But fate had other plans.

Every day, potential clients would walk into his office, not to seek legal counsel, but to ask about his famous European chess tour and the brilliant victories he had achieved. "Mr. Morphy, tell us about your match with Adolf Anderssen!" they'd exclaim, their eyes gleaming with admiration. Paul would force a smile, recount the tales, but inside, he was growing weary. He wanted to be recognized for his legal acumen, not just his chess prowess.

One evening, after another fruitless day of reminiscing about chess games instead of practicing law, Paul reached his breaking point. A man entered his office, ostensibly to discuss a legal matter. However, it quickly became clear that he, too, was more interested in Paul's chess career. Frustrated, Paul demanded payment for his time. When the man hesitated, Paul, in a moment of irrational anger, drew a sword he kept as a relic. He believed the man owed him money and lashed out, though fortunately, no harm was done.

This incident marked the beginning of Paul's decline. His law practice never flourished, and he became increasingly reclusive. The weight of unfulfilled dreams and constant reminders of his chess fame bore heavily on him. One fateful day, Paul Morphy was found lifeless in his bathtub, a tragic end to a life that had once shone so brightly on the chessboard but dimmed in the pursuit of his true passion.

Paul Morphy's legacy as a chess master remains unparalleled, but his story is a solemn reminder of the struggles that even the greatest talents can face when their true aspirations are overshadowed by past glories.
must be a day ending in y
I generally like Levy but he was too focused on trying out his comedy material instead of talking about chess
how long is the break
Hess is the only one that could pass as a commentator in any other sport.
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Should be long enough for a quick fap, at least.
looks like eric hansen
Naro could. He's self-aware and adaptable enough that his boss would tell him to shut the fuck up with the puns and he'd stop
Norwegian here. Gårdsdyr is the word you are looking for.
thank you unironically
This is too cringe, both the commentary and Niemann's ongoing mental breakdown. I can't keep watching, see you tomorrow.
>hanstards already changed the narrative to "he'll STOMP hikki for 3rd"
t. Me looking at Magnus' arms in this t-shirt
nakamura/firouzja really was a lot more entertaining and high energy than this
i took a nap and hans is losing... hansisters my heart just cannot take it...
Anytime. I saw google suggested Husdyr as the translation, but that word is mostly for animals living inside the house, while Gårdsdyr is used for all farm animals.
took a break, did hans put the beads in yet?
Mine can. Grow up, pussy.
Be kind to your local incels today. This is their 9/11
Kitties ^_^
How did Hans defeat Wesley and MVL so easily when playing at home but got steamrolled when he plays in person?
Magnus winning $1000 from hans after he had to pay him over 6figs for the lawsuit.
anon... you can't say things like that here...
peanuts for the GOAT either way lol
new copes are being invented as we speak
magnus is POISONING him
>so easily
He won by 1-2 points dumb shitskin.
the true GOAT. his genius was unparalleled until Fischer.
It's getting really late and this is not very exciting. Hans could've made it a little closer because it's just making me sleepy.
MVL and Wesley aren't Magnus. People don't realize the difference in class between a random super GM and Magnus
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>won easily
>literally almost lost the last game in a single move
Kramnik warned about this. They knew he was right and they still haven't fixed anything.
Levy looks fucking scary
this could've been Sneedireza
thank fuck he came to his senses
It's so funny watching Naroditsky you can literally see him internally screaming
Hans bros. Not like this.

Also >mfw I got everyone at the office into the anal beads drama.
Naroditsky looks way more autistic in person
Who's the nog?
Remember all the Hanscels have to go back to /tg/ when this is over. You jeets have been shitting up this board for 2 years.
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I remember the day vividly when I hung out with Bobby Fischer, the chess legend who had won the world championship. After his monumental victory, Bobby wasn't too focused on chess anymore. Instead, he immersed himself in his other passions—jazz, rock 'n' roll, and tennis. We spent countless hours discussing music and hitting tennis balls back and forth, enjoying the simpler pleasures of life.

One evening, we were sitting in his living room, listening to some classic jazz records. The room was filled with the smooth sounds of Miles Davis when suddenly, the news came on. The report was about Israelis bombing Palestinians, ruthlessly slaughtering innocent men, women, and children. Bobby's face turned ashen, and he was visibly outraged. He couldn't contain his disgust and went on a passionate rant about how Zionism was the biggest threat facing humanity.

Bobby explained to me that American politicians were paid off by Zionist officials who bribed them. He spoke with such conviction, backing up his points with facts and historical references. He described Zionists as extremely corrupt xenophobes, manipulating global politics for their gain. His arguments were so well-reasoned and supported by evidence that I couldn't help but be swayed by his perspective.

Despite what the media would later claim about Bobby suffering from mental illness, I refused to believe it. His points were always incredibly reasonable and factually grounded. Bobby Fischer was by no means an antisemite; rather, he was an ardent lover of the truth. He saw through the lies and deceit that clouded the world's understanding of complex political issues. Spending time with Bobby was an eye-opening experience, one that showed me the depth of his intellect and the intensity of his passion for justice.
Wesley's play was particularly atrocious against him
Not sure what happened there but I guess we get to witness this beatdown instead another episode of Magnus owning Wesley
It's kinda endearing, i've noticed his hand before and now he's making it a point to keep it clasped in his other one, does he have Parkinson's? lol
this picture is so hot i love fucking chess grandmasters
was going to say he looks exceptionally and painfully homosexual today. must be too uncomfortable to be able to hide it
No. He has nothing to offer for analysis, he does not know how to do general commentary and his jokes aren't funny. Pairing him with Naroditsky is also a bad idea. The time tested correct commentary pairing is a lead professional commentator who stitches together the broadcast and guides the flow of conversion paired with an expert or color man who provides opinion when requested. That's a two man team. A three man team is the lead, the color, and the guest expert. Com does not have a professional lead at all. St Louis eventually put Yasser in that role solo or as a dual lead with Jovanka. This isn't great but it's better than com's approach.
Set up a LAN server then? Or use lichess lmao?
>Also >mfw I got everyone at the office into the anal beads drama.
Hot. Did you bring enough beads for everyone, or do you all just take turns?
>earbuds in headphones
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The color's right there tho
Guys, how do i get a refund of my GMHans premium membership? I took the 1 year sub which is 65$ and i don't see anything on the website
Why is Hans insisting on the Italian? You don't beat Magnus in e4 e5. Maybe Alireza but he rarely loses games there against others.
Maybe he thinks he can slurp it to 1+1 somehow
Did you actually? I've been saying for a while in these threads that GMHans has no content? Just do a chargeback and hope I guess.
The physical spacing is unintentionally humorous.
lmao. Even so, I think Canty is actually an fine color man when paired with someone more professional.
Levy looks ftm
get this guy outta here
/chess/ please help name my band
Magnus wake up
The only chance for Niemann is to play the Schliemann.
the comeback starts now
Hans Niemann (forma Abasov)
They should set up a Hans Niemann vs Hans Sama chessleagueing match ala chessboxing
Looks as though the two on the left would have just invested his lifesaving in their ponzi scheme
Magnus literally was fucking around fyi
Chudman throwing again.
Did Hans cheated?
just checking if his food's still alive and he can keep toying with it
the ironic thing here is Canty's commentary is actually pretty good
wouldn't call him the best but he is fine
This is the ultimate anime arc all is lost moment
>young up and comer
>rash and annoys a lot of the seasoned pros
>scores a fluke upset victory against the number one player and gets a bunch of newfound attention
>has to deal with everyone coming after him
>has to step up his game under intense scrutiny
>goes through a huge training arc while also trying to clear his name
>manages to rise through the ranks and clear his name
>finally gets the rematch he deserved to prove it wasn't a fluke
>everyone hyped
>...gets obliterated
>magnus scoffs at him
>gets newfound motivation to go beyond where he's ever been before
>goes through another training arc
>starts crushing literally every single grandmaster without effort, except magnus
>years later, ranked number 2
>finally gets the 3rd match that we've all been waiting for
>Magnus scoffs again
>attempts to checkmate him quick through a jobber strategy
>Hans brilliantly counters and takes the early win
>Magnus realises that this isn't the same Hans he thinks he knows
>Hans goes on to win overall and take the world championship
>immediately retires
zip it up when you're done, how embarrassing
>trick opponent
Magnus is a proper bulletbrain
and then hans woke up
Danny is literally too cringe, I can't do if
This. Good lord.
Final getsuga doesn't work otb.
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Like a kitty!
How tf did hans managed to beat mvl and so?
Sorry hansbros I'm done this guy is a fucking choker
this is how schizophrenic i am
There wasn't really a trick, Hans just couldn't keep up and convert the advantage in time trouble
>Look sir we just had a man come in this morning looking at this car
>he said he's coming back this afternoon
>now look, we can get you this price but only if you take it right now
They're both washed up just like most other players of their generation.
Not sure what people were expecting. Hans lost to Levi. There’s no bigger sign of being a fraud.
No, no, no, not anime enough
>...gets obliterated
>remembers his mentor words, words of everyone who supported him
>activates his anal beads and destroys Magnus 30-8
>Still loses grand final but very close
>dies at last game
Alireza also lost to Levy though so that argument is flawed
Magnus is gonna job to Alireza though
Well Alireza finished 7th of the last candidates
Didn't Magnus also lose to Levy?
Magnus will show up more fashionably dressed than Ali, and Ali will have a meltdown before the games even begin.
how will hikaru fare against hans for 3rd? Seemed quite tilted today
He will. I've always said Magnus plays way below his level when he plays Alireza, almost like he himself wants Alireza to win. He always overthinks and plays worse than he does against anyone else. I will always pick Alireza against Magnus in speed chess even though Magnus is stronger
is that a chessbrah thing? I've never heard it anywhere else
Hikaru lost to Levi. Magnus and Levi I think ended in a draw the one time they played.
More like Hans Kneelmann lmao.
are you out of your mind lmao
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Dumb fucking bastard shitnus
nice goat you got there
would be a shame if Sneedi chucked him into a woodxhipper
sounds rigged
it's a zyzz i.e. /fit/ and chessbrah (referencing zyzz's brother's nickname 'chestbrah') by extension 'thing'
This, without the exaggeration, is actually gonna happen.
>Hans remembers his mentor's words
>slowly starts bouncing back
>by the end, he's clearly winning
>not enough to overcome the lead from his early game fumbles
>loses overall but everyone clearly saw that he was the better player at the end
Hans looks overstimulated
Jesus christ the random quips in this commentary are so fucking bad it's actually starting to make me angry.
>two blundered games in a row by magnus
I'm tired of seeing super GMs do this shit. you can reach 2800+ elo and still blunder that easily?
Magnus is mad as fuck
why does magnus resign when he could very easily flag? is it some sportsmanship champ shit?
This is the beginning of the comeback. Hansbros have already won, I don't even need to keep watching.
really? he seems to laugh now
They only have a certain amount of time for the set so it might be better to resign and quickly get in a new game
Magnus literally laffing at Hans. He's not impressed. He can blunder a piece for no reason and still not lose
Kek wtf even
Bro turn the TV back on
hans should have won every 3+1 game, what a mental midget
I don't think he finds it funny though, he seems to take dogshit play personally. Nepo's antics made him quit the championship man
I have come here from www.reddit.com to see how you nazis are reacting to the destruction of your wunderwaffe. I am not impressed.
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what this entire 'rivalry' boils down to
Magnus hairmog Hans
Magnus jawmog Hans
Magnus browbonemog Hans
Magnus chessmog Hans
ugh he's so cool….
straightest fagnus fan
>Magnus chessmog Hans
Even if Magnus wins this, Hans will still be up 2:1 in their overall matches played against each other
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I am convinced Niemann is a fraud, He is a decent but average player, but he is not a genius. This game is about genius, and genius is not something that can be forced or bought or even worked hard for. Hans is sadly like many, many other players who have dedicated their lives to a game that does not particularly love them. It can make you spend each night in your room screaming at a god who does not hear you.
It shouldn't even be as close as it is. When Magnus gets bored he gets cocky and careless. Especially when he doesn't respect his opponent. That game where he played Qxa5 was purely "fuck you" and seeing if he could humiliate Hans down the exchange, if he was actually locked in and tryharding he'd up by like 7 rn.
Remember when Fabi lost without winning a single game against Magnus? At least it's better than that.
We're watching Amadeus basically
Hans is Vegeta and Ali is Goku
Ali will avenge Hans
Yeah that was crazy
how good is hans in bullet? is he top dog level?
>decent but average
we're getting used to exposure to too many geniuses. anyone that gets in the top fide rankings is a statistical anomaly in society
No, he'll get wiped in bullet. He's a good blitz player, that's all
>more technical issues
Awful. Just awful.
Ali, Magzy and Hikky are untouchable
Posting on /vg/ is about genius, Nd sadly, this copypasta is genius
>bullshit (((technical issues))) to give Carlsen a timeout to analyze previous game
Don't care, fuck shitnus
>magnus literally cheating during his 'technical pause'
is that allowed? what the fuck i saw it aswell
he quickly reviewed to find an improvement and he literally played that line
magnus is a dudebro npc who happened to be a high iq chess genius
hans looks like he's holding back tears... feel bad for the guy, he worked so hard for nothing
>Nepo's antics made him quit the championship man
I don't find this mentioned enough. Seeing Magnus trash Nepo in that match you could just feel the slow chess ambition evaporate off Magnus like he no longer had anything to prove. No fulfillment for him left for defending the WC.
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>eval bar up and analyzing position after claiming audio issues
also the prospect of fucking up and losing to someone so clearly inferior to you seemed to really upset him. i'm glad he's free now, he deserved a generation that isn't as weakmind as his
oh no no no
i'd feel bad for him if he wasn't one of the most obnoxious people on the planet and completely delusional. i usually love villain characters, he's just a loser with a fake accent. shit's cringe.
how did rensch blunder his camera here? he wasn't supposed to show his goat cheating
Love niemann's chess. But he's not good enough to beat the goat over a match.
yeah, but the world turned him into that. he got his entire career ruined 2 years ago by some smug jock genius and every time he lashes out, the world justifies it and says "see? he's so rotten, he really deserves everything we did to him".
good guy magnus giving hans a narrative to run on for the next few years
Holy shit you can see the literal side bar with the engine lines right there. What the FUCK
all right, seen enough for today
pretty boring matches from a neutral perspective, no reason to watch the bullet in either match sadly
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you're unironically the gayest poster itt
it's called empathy, pal. maybe you should try it sometime, but i forget i'm talking to complete sociopaths here.
Magnus having fun. Hans thinking about shooting up a school
Reminder danny saw this and said nothing (but quickly changed camera angles). Chessc*m is the antichrist.
It's a post game analysis you fucking retards
sure it is magnus shill
shutup you stupid faggot he's always been an insufferable douche even before any of that happened. his fake ass gay accent, his raging on stream, his cheating, all his shit he brought upon himself. fuck him and fuck you too, dick sucker.
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>literal cheating
>i-i-its okay when magnus does it
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Imagine if he was wearing a thong kek
farm animal hooves typed this post
>doing 'post-game analysis'
>with the fucking engine on
fagnus cockslurpers will say this is not cheating
lmao first time seeing the kramnikjak, that's great

Years ago I tuned into a late night chesscom stream where IM Hans was commentating with Anna Cramling, I think it was some kid's event. The entire event he was acting above it all and kept trying to rizz Anna by saying things like, "Well, as the future world champion." Anna was clearly having trouble not cringing her way out of commentating. I've hated him ever since.
Post game analysis is automatic, Hans also has it
The game was over
yeah bro he really needs to cheat to beat this guy he's grinding into the dust. do you hear yourself?
The chesscum botfarm will slide this thread.
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dont worry about it, honest mistake
you ever post in /osg/?
Normalfags can only feel empathy for people with an official seal of approval from the herd consensus.
that's not me, someone else made the thread. I just checked to see if someone made one and they did
taking that as a yes
>The game was over
They were literally in the middle of a match you fucking retard.
why are kramnik and hans like that
No they weren't, stop embarassing yourself please
Honestly I expected hans to be obliterated with no chances in any game, but he gets lots of good positions and sometimes (not as many as magnus) he even outplays him in endgames. He has improved I guess
Game was started but there was only white's first move on the board, tbf.
They are 4chan (you are reddit).
lmfao magnus was just being disrespectful
Oh God he's so cringe you guys x.x
>The image literally says 'MATCH TIMER PAUSED'
Honestly, I say this with all the care in my heart for the future of humanity. You need to kill yourself.
>is no longer the dominant force in blitz and bullet
>will struggle to qualify for the next candidates because he doesn't play enough classical events
>doesn't play premier events like gct, olympiad or us championship

It's over isn't it? He will only play meme exhibitions and titled tuesdays from now on.
Do all Europeans walk like retards?
Europeans walk, Americans wobble.
"Match timer paused" refers to the overall time of Blitz games play, not the time of this game precisely, please stop embarassing yourself.
yeah he was already talking about retirement in the pre-game interview
>Wait pause the game my peepee hurts
>*Pull out engine and analyse last game*
>Okay, audio is working now continue
Fagnusbitches will defend this.
hans is on the level of giri, mvl, slurpley, pragg, vidit, etc. of course he is capable of competing with magnus, but he was always going to lose in a long set of games. only has a chance to steal short matches here and there
YouTuber, total meme, who cares
Not looking good hans fags.
Magnus will really run away with it now. I genuinely hope Hans doesn't shoot up the place
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it's over
>Hanscucks in hiding when the actual chess starts
Come out fags
>actual chess
i dont see any classical chess being played
Magnus turning Hans into his onahole.
Ehh, he'll lose this match.
Still beat Magnus twice before though so it's whatever
Bullet murder

solid as a diamond
no i think he should
Hans would have won if it was blitz only
>Magnus blunders
>"Oh no that was a mouse slip wasn't it?"
>"Yep, mouse slip"
Don't care still voting fuck fagnus
>Hans wins 3 in a row
>his mouse mysteriously stops working midway through a 4th game he was gonna win
what a crazy coincidence
what the fuck are all theses pauses
>Hans bringing faulty equipment to purposely interrupt the match
What a loser.
I got to 1800 chesscum bullet today. Also with my bullet improvement I've broken my puzzle rush record. Bullet is real chess.
>my country sucks at chess

checks out
>danny wretch: awwww the battery is dead
just how jewish is this guy
How do I get faster? I lose in the time scrambles in blitz and bullet most of the time. I'm only 1600 chesscum bullet.
What a sore loser lmao
>chesscom's technical competence
Imagine how smoothly everything would run if Thibault was in charge
oh my god he's gonna throw a tantrum too, mokechuds you cant defend this
a silly ending to a silly event
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hes such a baby
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take him to the asylum
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>My mouse is giving me resistance when I move it by the way
>Uh ok, do you want to change your mouse?
>No, it's not the mouse
He's totally mindbroken
I can't wait for them to hem and haw about releasing the recording of Hans' screen that would show he's actually not making this up
jfc this is so ridiculous that I can only laugh at this baby due to sheer disbelief.
What a sad way to go out
Lmao you're such a freak
God I'm so embarrassed
are you a republican by chance
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Fuck. I'm at work and missing this fiasco live.
sounds like total democrap NOO HE DINDU NUFFIN JUS BELIEVE HIM HES A GOOD BOY to me
lmao wtf is happening now
They should switch computers.
Seriously, they have so many cameras.
If Hans is making this up, they can easily release the recordings and embarrass him. They won't though.. I wonder why?
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Greetings from /mjg/. Why don't they just play it on a real chess board? They're right next to each other?
oh my god
Ok this guy is actually a lunatic, he's gonna kill someone someday
The company running this is trying to turn it in to a gacha esport product.
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They're hitting the lag switch on Hans' computer. Classic move.
it's an online chess championship, for one
but also, one of the time controls is 1+1
(1 minute given at the start to each player + 1 second added to clock after every move)
bullet is awful to play on a real chess board 'cause people knock over pieces and stuff
Nobody knows
because it's speed chess and physically moving pieces is a hassle and time scrambles are unplayable. it would fine, if only chess cum didn't have a dog shit platform or if they played in LAN mode or something.
One cannot help but delve into the complex psychological state of Hikaru Nakamura, a chess grandmaster whose behavior often borders on the spectacularly arrogant and pompous. Nakamura's abrasive demeanor can be traced back to his deep-seated insecurities, stemming from being continually overshadowed by peers like Magnus Carlsen and Fabiano Caruana. Despite his undeniable talent, Hikaru has always played second fiddle to these giants, leading to a festering resentment that manifests in his public persona. His pivot to online bullet chess appears as a desperate attempt to reclaim some semblance of dominance, a compensatory mechanism for his perceived failures in classical chess.

Nakamura's antics are not merely a product of competitive spirit; they reveal a man who thrives on drama and negative energy. His infamous clash with fellow chess master Eric Hansen is a prime example, where Hikaru's over-the-top reaction to a perceived slight showcased his penchant for theatrics. This incident was not an isolated one but rather a pattern of behavior that suggests an addiction to conflict and controversy. It’s almost as if Nakamura needs these public spats to validate his existence in a world where he feels perpetually undervalued.

Furthermore, there is an underlying irony in Nakamura's relationship with chess.com. The platform, which should ideally uphold the highest standards of sportsmanship, seems to turn a blind eye to Hikaru's often despicable behavior. This apparent collusion raises questions about conflicts of interest, as chess.com benefits significantly from Nakamura's high-profile presence. Thus, they conveniently ignore his transgressions, allowing him to continue his reign of arrogance unchecked. In conclusion, Hikaru Nakamura's psychological landscape is a fascinating yet troubling terrain, marked by a desperate need for validation, a love for drama, and a questionable alliance with the very institutions that should hold him accountable.
This is the esport version of chess.
Hopefully in the near future they'll introduce gacha mechanics and cute anime girls.
or combine it with a collectable card game, like Knightmare Chess
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So what exactly is Hans claiming is the problem here?
While this is true chess24 was doing these set ups even for Rapid games
this >>493443968
Electric infetterence on the servers.
Connection lagging. But hes being an absolute fucking retard at explaining it to the arbiter.
He said moves were appearing on his board thag he didn't make, the com lady said nice try we have screen share and watched you make it. So he said ok well my mouse is slow. They said should we change the mouse, he said no it's not the mouse. Com lady in confusion said ok well let's continue then. They continue and Hans claims he misclicked due to another mouse problem. So they restart the game a second time after telling him to refresh the page lmao.
>magnus blunders
>hagha it's 1am he's just tired
>hans blunders
>wow what a mistakeby hans
That's after they already aborted the game tho
let's pray for the hotel room lamps and picture frames...
He's saying that his screen is lagging and not showing moves. If he's wrong, it would take all of 5 seconds to prove him wrong since they have cameras recording him and his screen at any given moment
Imagine Hans lying. Wouldn't that be wild
meme match tomorrow
Hans lost
waiting for the kramnik tweet on Hans
Well Magnus is the undisputed goat and running away with this match so that seems like a plausible explanation to me.
Hans is very good but he's got a ways to go before reaching Mango's level
would still appreciate having impartial commentators and not ass kissing lacheys
It's my biggest weakness too. Usually i'm down 5-10s in just the first few moves as I havent actually put effort into my openings. I think in general playing more aggressive (sometimes even bad moves with a threat make your opponent lose time deciding) and reminding myself repeatedly about simple tactics like pins/forks when low on time gets my eyes glued to the squares most players would go for in time scrambles
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If anything we need MORE biased commentators, one rooting for each side. Make it a bloodbath.
the air is kinda tough in here
>use powerful words



I think he meant it was hot, I don't get how they don't have air conditioning
stick to one opening for a couple of months and you will be up time every game
t. 900
Just woke up, who choked?
nobody choked really. reza stomped hikki, magnus stomped hans. both matches were pretty one-sided
Hans won 21,5 - 3,5
and Magnus kept making excuses about the mouse and lag even though he was already lost
This just in
Hans is MOYLES
better than he was 2 years ago
>when he beat me by cheating

Kek is fagnus literally still on about that
I swear, his hair blowing in the breeze like that, looks like he is trying to be the "master race" meme
How were the scores so close in 3+1 and 1+1??
Magnus was way ahead and got bored
When did hans lose weight? He seemed to be on the fatpo route a year ago
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The youtube chat is the biggest blackpill I've taken in a long, long time.
Hansbros, Reddit is laughing at us...
We won the moral victory.
Just saw the post match interview. Magnus is in love with Alireza. Can't be denied now.
>was it a sigh of relief when you beat Hans?
Yeah I don't think someone who gets to where Magnus is ever thinks that way.
Hans took a bit of time to warm up. He would've won the latter games by a sizeable margin if they hadn't literally started cheating to make him lose
In a fair world Danny Rensch and his new norwegian golem would be crucified and chess.c*m employees would all be arrested and tried for high treason (judaism).
Hans is actually a very strong player. He beat MVL and Wesley in the SCC and he beat Anish in a all time controls (classical, rapid, blitz) in their recent match.
Think about the kind of world we live in where people are pathetic enough to not only cheat, but to cheat in lichess anon
Like 1 in 5 people. Think about it
Magnus barely squeezed out a win, and he had to use underhanded tactics like asking chess dot cum to tamper with Hans' laptop whenever he had the momentum, very shameful
Did nobody find the arbiter highly suspect?
>Nothing was out of the ordinary we were watching your screen
>Okay then show me the recording
>Uhhhhh okay no actually we are voiding this game you are right
wtf was that
Hearing Hans speak for just a few minutes is all the proof you need that being good at chess only means being good at chess. If chess didn't exist, he'd probably be a janitor or something like that, as autistic and confrontational as he is.
Perfect description for chess cum
There is a rule in Age of Empires 2. Where each player gets one restart no matter the cause as long as the time is under 4 minutes or so. Maybe they should get one restart in speed chess as well. At any time if they feel like some error happened without their control just restart the game. It’s not too long to do that
At some point Magnus stopped caring so much he played a delayed bong cloud opening
Very true. It's also interesting listening to Magnus talk and have memory issues with anything that's not a chess match.
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Alexander Alekhine's death in 1946 has been surrounded by mystery and speculation, leading some to believe that he may have been assassinated by the Soviet KGB. Alekhine was a vocal opponent of the communist Bolsheviks, which led to his arrest as an intelligence agent for the White Army during the Russian Civil War. His outspoken support for the National Socialist government further complicated his relationship with the Soviet Union.

Alekhine's death in a hotel room in Estoril, Portugal, was officially declared as due to choking on a piece of meat. However, many at the time found the circumstances suspicious. There were reports of inconsistencies in the accounts of his death, and some believed that foul play was involved. Given Alekhine's strong anti-communist stance, it is theorized that the Soviet Union, which was keen on establishing dominance in the chess world, could not tolerate such a figure as the face of chess.

The subsequent world champion, Mikhail Botvinnik, was a staunch Soviet communist and represented a stark contrast to Alekhine. Botvinnik's rise to prominence aligned with the Soviet Union's efforts to dominate the chess world, adding to the speculation that Alekhine's death may have been orchestrated to pave the way for a champion who aligned with Soviet ideologies.

While there is no concrete evidence to prove that Alekhine was assassinated by the KGB, the combination of his anti-communist views, the suspicious circumstances of his death, and the political climate of the time fuels ongoing speculation and debate.
Pro tip for players around Black's level. When your opponent cheekily sacs material like this don't be afraid to sac a little material back to defuse any positional threats. I can always win these games by daring opponents at this level to sac material back or be positionally worse, and they almost always don't have the heart (in Tony G's words) and end up losing. All you have to do is sac the rook for the strong light square bishop and being the only player with a Queen will start to decide the game. Instead he sheepishly clung onto material and let me bully him positionally. I see it all the time.
*I realize he had the repetition at the end and blundered it away btw I was mixing this game up with another similar cheeky game I won just before. The point stands that this should have been an easy win for him.
Hans is going to develop into a second Hikaru
A perennial second place with an awful personality who can't stand to take a single loss, but is consistently the biggest personality in the room and thus the most popular player
He will never be close to Hikaru's level. To put it into perspective he won't ever even be on Grischuk's level and you see how relevant Grischuk is to chess history. He'll like that Russian guy with the intensely acne face who likes his hypermodern openings, can't remember his name. He'll only be relevant in the occassional online blitz tournament. I actually anticipate Hans moving full time to streaming soon like Hikaru though.
Sure I don't have a problem with that in this in person/on computers format. If they're going to do this esport style they should take cues from actual esport for certain rules created to smooth out the inevitable bugs that arise while playing like this.
Interesting. Keep posting these. Some of this history is new to me. Sounds like a bit of a suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head kind of thing.
Fucking he’ll these people actually have threads up praising Levy’s commentary
reddit loves levy so much even some redditors are bothered by it and metacomment about it, lol
Grischuk was extremely strong at his peak though
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Hans will be world champion
Fagnus will be an irrelevant poker playing drunkard
Chess.commwill he a festering sewer for brownoids (more)
Ah, the noble game of chess, once the pastime of sophisticated gentlemen like Capablanca, has now been reduced to a circus of Twitch streamers, Danny Rensch's antics, and the Botez sisters' hijinks. Imagine Capablanca, the epitome of elegance and strategy, scrolling through Twitch only to find chess being played with the same gravitas as a game of Fortnite. He'd probably clutch his pearls and faint at the sight!

Danny Rensch, with his boundless energy and penchant for turning every chess match into a stand-up comedy routine, has surely sent the ghost of Capablanca into a fit of rage. "Why," Capablanca might ponder, "is this man making chess look like a game for jesters?"

And let's not forget the Botez sisters, whose charisma and flair have turned chess into a spectator sport that even non-players enjoy. Capablanca would likely raise an eyebrow and wonder if he had stumbled into a reality TV show rather than a serious chess match. "Chess," he would mutter, "has become a freak show, a carnival of childish antics!"

In this modern chess landscape, Capablanca would probably retreat to his study, pour himself a glass of fine wine, and reminisce about the days when chess was a game of quiet contemplation and intellectual rigor. Ah, how times have changed!
It's hilarious to watch Cucksen being so smug after beating someone that isn't on his level.
I know, he was a top 3 blitz player at one point. That's why I'm saying Hans will never even be that.
hanskeks said he was on magnus' level THOUGH
Seemed like a normal tired/bored Magnus to me.
Magnus needed to cheat in order to win SO…..
1. Hans said he would humiliate Magnus and end his career. If Magnus wanted to talk shit he would be within his rights.
2. Magnus didn't even act smug, he was bored and even complimentary.
i really love how magnus dominated and mind broken him on their classical encounters, after he's done with classical chess magnus came to his turf to dominate him once again before he leaves for good. so what we have is an eternal second mind broken and dominated by a karpov level player who'll never be goat. so him and his peer calling magnus goat is just their coping mechanism. a prime kasparov, even prime karpov would wipe the floor with magnus. and magnus is not undisputed, he couldn't won against karjakin, and caruana. speed chess is meme chess.
>Hans said he would humiliate Magnus and end his career.
Video pls
Grischuk was briefly the top blitz player
With all the shit talk I was hoping Hans would make things a little more interesting, but this was about the result to be expected at their respective strengths.
Hans is still young though so if he keeps training and fixes his mentality he might be even stronger next year. We'll see.
Levy interview I think
He's not still young in chess years, the commentators saying that are just trying to be gracious. If you haven't been top 5 by 21 you never will be. Even his younger peers are superior and always will be
In the dimly lit hotel room, Magnus Carlsen sat in a state of utter despair. The weight of his defeat to Hans Niemann at the Sinquefield Cup bore down on him like an insurmountable burden. Tears streamed down his face as he replayed the match in his mind, each move a dagger to his pride. "How could this happen?" he whispered to himself, the words barely audible over the sound of his own sobs.

Consumed by a dark resolve, Magnus swore vengeance. "I will ruin him," he vowed, his voice trembling with rage. "Hans Niemann will regret the day he ever crossed me." He could see the young prodigy's face in his mind, full of promise and talent, and it only fueled his determination. Magnus reached for a bottle of liquor, hoping to drown his sorrows, but instead, he found himself sinking deeper into a violent stupor.

Hours passed in a haze of alcohol and self-pity. Magnus, now drunkenly reckless, turned to online poker in a futile attempt to distract himself. The losses piled up quickly, each one a fresh wound to his already battered ego. In a fit of drunken rage, he smashed the bottle against the wall, the shards scattering like the pieces of his shattered pride. He collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, his body wracked with the intensity of his emotions.

As he cried himself to sleep, a smug thought crept into his mind. "I will destroy Hans Niemann's reputation," he murmured, a twisted smile forming on his lips. Little did Magnus know, his actions would only serve to awaken the chess giant within Hans Niemann. The young player, fueled by the adversity, would rise to triumphantly reign over the chess world, a testament to the resilience of true talent.
>If you haven't been top 5 by 21 you never will be
Sounds like bullshit
I'm sure it is when you don't know chess. I think Aronian might be the only exception
>I think Aronian might be the only exception
So I'm right, it was bullshit
You're right that there are exceptions to rule, good job genius. That doesn't make the rule bullshit. It's time to stop trying to argue from a place of mental retardation
>it literally NEVER happens
>okay fine well it does happen occasionally but I'm still right! REEEEEEEE
lmao, thanks for the chat pal
It’s not really though, everyone else in that room is a complete class above him. Alireza is the youngest 2800 ever, Nakamura was taking a break from chess at Hans’ age but already had a reputation for blitz and obviously became the best blitz and bullet player for a long time.
Carlson is obviously Carlsen.
The only one Hans is even close to in achievements is Nakamura and this is only because Nakamura wasn’t even focusing on chess at that age. It must be painful for him to admit it but it is pure delusion to think he is in their class.
Today you learned exceptions prove the rule. Congrats.
No, you're not right any time you open your mouth, retard. You don't know anything about chess history and adapt your angle to what I teach you about it, and you don't even have a functional brain. You are an ignorant retard
Hans lost
>called him a farm animal
This shit still makes me laugh
Wait what, who called who that

Some anon was larping as an event worker and alleged that Magnus called him that when hanging out with some friends backstage.

my apologies I know it was implied, but I mean that Magnus allegedly called Hans that
It unironically sounds like something Magnus would say
>guy who made that reddit post alleging magnus was cheating with the eval got downvoted to hell and deleted his account
if that was one of you here who took one for the team, that was fucking funny though
Ah gotcha, I did think you meant the worker lol
Sounds more like something Levy Rozman would say if you know what I mean

Yeah, if he were to accurately describe his wife.
Thank you for this
>Hans beats 3 regular candidates, Anish, mvl, so handily
>magnus ass fucks Liam quang li 24-0 a few months ago
>Hans scores the same against magnus as hikaru against Alireza (-5)
>reeee nooo Hans will never be a candidate
Magnussies literally this delusional kek
Hans lost
Maybe so, but still less delusional than Hanstards were about him winning today's match, lmao.
Magnus cheated
Bro Hans was like -10 before he complained and then Magnus started playing the fucking bongcloud
Magnus played the last few games half a sleep
He did a delayed bong cloud opening for Christ's sake
It wasn't close at all, Hans only didn't get adopted because Magnus turned the orphanage down
I fell asleep during the 1+1 portion of Magnus v Hans earlier and had the most pathetic dream. Thank god I only remember small bits of it.
Somehow Magnus and I had an apartment together.
Magnus: "When we moved in together I just... I thought you'd be better at chess."
Me: "You saw my lichess rating. I'm not really sure what you expected."
Magnus: "I know, I know, I just thought maybe you'd be better OTB. I can't even practice or analyze games with you."
Me: "Yeah. I wish I was better for you. You're the greatest chess player of all time, though. You know how I feel about you. It's just... you're in an entirely different world than me. I was shocked when you even agreed to move in with me."
Magnus: "I really wanted to make it work, but you're just so awful at chess..."

I wish I was joking.
Hans made a fair point about Levi having unlimited funds and choosing a subpar coach and making a half assed attempt at gaining elo. He really does need to invest in better coaching and training partners
wtf bros, judit is pretty good on commentary huh?
why can't we get her instead of people like rensch commentating the men's game?
There are several people with commentary experience who com just don't seem to ask anymore.
>why can't we get her instead of people like rensch commentating the men's game?
rensch is the Chief Chess Officer at chess.com and gets to force himself into commentary roles because he loves torturing us
>Sara Khadem was already married at age 20
it was literally over before it even began
More gpt slop?
If you converted to the one true faith, you too could be married by now.
Not at all. I like Magnus quite a bit, and I guess the tournament playing while I was asleep got into my dreams.
I'm also somewhat offended you'd call it gpt. Is it sad and pathetic? Sure. But I felt like sharing it anyways.
not him but don't take it personally anon, some guy has been spamming it here all day
Ah, fair enough.
AI has unfortunately become incredibly cancerous in a very short timeframe.
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How will I get my women lichess master title like this? Judit is wrong!
she's just way more based than most chess women will ever be
Ah. So maybe that's why com doesn't have her on often. Too based. Too rational.
Seeing these four super GMs together in a room is like reading a multiverse comic book. As they gather, their rich personal histories weave together creating a tapestry of triumph, struggle, and unparalleled intellect; it's not just a game of chess, but a battle of wills, akin to the epic confrontations of comic book lore. Every move they make echoes with the weight of their past victories and defeats, transforming the chessboard into a battleground where creativity meets calculation, and where each brilliant tactic is a testament to their superhuman capabilities. Just as superheroes unite to save the day, these chess masters come together to craft a narrative that is as memorable as any illustrated saga, showcasing that even in a world of pawns and kings, the true power lies in the stories we bring to the table.
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I missed the bullet but it sounds like Hans pulled a Kramnik in the end. What a sad way to go down. Newfag Hansbros claiming this >>493443968 is cheating is pretty funny.
The only time the thread got this fast recently was during the last round of the Candidates. Pretty hype for a meme event.
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Magnus Carlsen stands as a paragon of excellence, a well-rounded individual whose talents extend far beyond the chessboard. With his striking good looks and athletic prowess, he commands attention both on and off the field. His sociable nature and genuine charm make him well-liked among peers and fans alike.

As one of the most phenomenal chess players to ever grace the game, Magnus's prodigious talent is nothing short of awe-inspiring. His achievements in chess are a testament to his unparalleled skill and dedication. It's difficult to imagine reaching such a pinnacle in one’s craft, yet Magnus does so with an ease that seems almost effortless.

His tousled hair, often described as a crown of intellectual brilliance, adds to his charismatic presence. His peers, while deeply respectful, can't help but harbor a tinge of envy for his natural aptitude and seemingly effortless success. Magnus Carlsen truly embodies the essence of greatness in every aspect of his life.
grim haircut
t. Jovanka
this level of blatant dickriding is always unseemly
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>we play bleetz, I win you perform oral sex, yes?
how do you respond?
yeah alright
Alireza's chess moves are as sharp as his outfits, proving that in both fashion and strategy, he knows how to make a statement!
You can't tard wrangle Judit desu. She's retired, seems to be financially secure, and has the confidence that you see in unusually professionally successful older women. She has enough self awareness that she won't make a fool of herself, but if she wants to say something, she will and guys like Stench can't do anything about it.
please leave the thread, chatGPT
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>hans lost
>'cado won
What a time to be alive.
>it happened again
He's probably crying into his uber eats order right now.
Shitposting aside I do feel bad for the dude. The cheating "scandal" was utter bullshit, chess.com is completely retarded, and he wasn't even 20 when it happened. Most of all he turned to Kramnik of all people for life advice and now he's probably psychologically fucked for life. You can't help but wonder how he'd have turned out if he got the right voices guiding him.
That being said, the chess speaks for itself, and the Niemann we have is nowhere near Carlsen.
His attitude complaining to the arbiter was clearly objectionable, Magnus was visibly embarrassed. Dude would do a lot better for himself if he had a better mindset. Hans versus the world ended with a whimper underneath a Carlsen bongcloud curbstomp.
The saddest part is that he's such a hard worker. A true once in a generation talent like Reza was stronger than peak Hans even during his fashion arc when he didn't really give a shit about chess.
It's funny because just a few months ago you people were calling Alireza a jobber and washed up.
You tards are way too fickle.
Are you new to online sport discussion? And to be fair, Alireza played terribly in both the Candidates he's played ie he jobbed when it really mattered. He always did well in St. Louis. There was also that whole farming episode for the rating spot where he was beating on 25-600 GMs and much weaker players.
People get called jobbers depending on their usual level of play. Reza jobbing is still stronger than Hans playing at his best.
>kramnik... LE BAD!!!
Kramnik is a literal chess world champion who beat fucking Kasparov. I can be certain whatever life advice he has is gonna be miles better than the opinions of some redditor like you who only parrots what he is told to believe by whatever comment on his cringe website has the most upvotes.
hello vlad
Very predictable response. Get better material.
100% accuracy prediction? interesting...
>he's very good at chess so he must be wise
Vladimir Kramnik invented the Berlin slurp, boy. You will show him respect!
this is unironically true tho
listening to chess players on anything but chess is questionable at best
>It's funny because just a few months ago you people were calling Alireza a jobber and washed up
That's because he was at the time. There was a period of over a year where he was coasting along on what appeared to be all talent and no work. The results showed. He starting talking about fashion design, lost games and tournaments he really ought to have won. That's why I said in previous threads Alireza right now is different somehow. Apparently he cares about his results again.
For the first time ever I found myself reporting a comment on the Twitch stream. Just a straightforward uncomplicated racist comment that I think was aimed at Canty.
Being a world champion of his sport is a completely different thing than being merely "very good". That is simply not a level you can possibly reach while being any kind of fool.
>effeminate reddit passive-aggressiveness
Go back
>Make the game as dry as humanly possible :P
>Never play a single move that requires analytical thinking :P
>Me trade pieces, me make symmetry :P
>Me very positional player or something :P
>finally got 700 at bullet in chess.com
im gonna make it to 4 digits yeah
at your level bullet is useless play rapid if you want to improve
sorry, meant to say blitz. I did play rapid before but it just feels slow for me
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I think this position broke my opponent for lyfe. Just look at it. So brutal. This entire time he was so sure he was mating. (White is totally winning. He stared at the board for a minute and then left the game after Nd6+, Ke7, Nxf5+, Kf7, R7+).
Game finished with a minute off my clock and him down to 3 minutes in 10+0 which I'm sure added insult to injury, the fact that I never respected him enough to stop and evaluate.
we're neimannpilled here and if you aren't GTFO. history will vindicate us
>delete women's titles
>replace them with gender-neutral titles based only on rating
Judit is completely correct
We cannot have any tolerance for cheating. The problem is he was not really ever punished at all. If they took cheating seriously from the start he would not have been in the Sinquefield cup at all. If you are playing you cannot perform when you have doubts that your opponent may be a cheater and he was a known cheater. We cannot just tolerate this because it can only get worse from the level you tolerate.
Hans also accepts no sense of responsibility for himself and this is why he will never make it to the top in anything he does. All of the top players at least take responsibility for their own play. Even Nakamura, under his rage. Hans only blames everyone else for his faults. He is a dishonest and extremely narcissistic person who never accepts blame for his own failures and the consequences of his own actions.
It’s insane to me Kramnik even associates with him at all.
Good post
Actually it’s ironic that Hans idolizes Andrew Tate but one of the unironically best pieces of advice Andrew Tate has ever said to young guys is that chess teaches you absolute self-accountability because everything on the board is your own fault, and if you lose it’s always because of your own choices. This is actually great life advice for young men and Hans ironically seems to love Tate but completely ignored this advice.
Let's crack down on online cheating by starting with the guy who happened to beat Magnus and only cheated as a teenager online even though no one cared about that shit before. Never mind the fact that Magnus played other gms who've been banned for online before that and since then. Never mind the fact that Magnus played with Hans multiple times before Sinquefield knowing his history with chess.com. Disregard the fact that Magnus knew about the otb cheating in his national team and chose to ignore it.
It's also just a great idea to kill careers for teenage mistakes even when the guy keeps proving his strength and commitment time and time again.
trivializing teenage cheating in a game where a 17 year old becomes the world championship challenger seems like an interesting approach
i don't care about his age, i just don't online cheating is as serious as otb. it's up to the organizers to have good security measures so all the players can have peace of mind and others don't get into temptation, at least in the tourneys that matter.
Yes, that's right. You have to crack down on cheating because if there is no serious punishment there will never be any path to redemption for these people. This applies also to players like Sindarov and Maghsoodloo.
As long as he makes a mistake as a teenager and there is no crackdown on cheating, everyone will remain suspicious. We have to punish it, to show it is taken seriously. We can also give them a chance to change, but this chance to change cannot ever be considered seriously so long as there is no serious punishment. For him, there was no serious punishment.
In fact, he has been treated incredibly graciously. He was only banned from St Louis after trashing hotel rooms. Not banned for cheating. Still, he will not accept responsibility for himself. He rages at St Louis and basically everyone, even though in any other sport, he would have been banned already. He has been given a uniquely generous opportunity to continue almost as normal considering he shows absolute disrespect for any kind of sportsmanship regarding fair play, and still he shows no gratitude. He attacks everyone else non stop and blames all his problems on them, when they would be completely justified in refusing to allow him to play at all considering he cannot be trusted.
>i just don't online cheating is as serious as otb
It's always low down dirty dog behavior, stakes don't matter.
Fun fact: One of the ways to know you're playing someone strong (for instance, anonymously) is they pause, and then play two or three moves quickly in a row. Because strong players rarely make one move, even when they know it's the move, without first calculating a little bit ahead and deciding on follow-ups. Weaker players are usually playing at a pace of one move at a time, and are often surprised.
>he's not grateful enough for getting blacklisted with a ridiculous excuse
Magnus tweet-tier post.
It's funny how it's been two years and it's clear that FIDE, .com and even fucking Kramnik disagree with the "he should've been banned for life" crowd and they're still on about it.
Nice of you to conveniently ignore all the facts that show Magnus is a huge hypocrite when it comes to the topic of cheating by the way.
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yep...another slick shot for the thumbnails. they just keep making ourguy look bad...
So is true that Magnus cheated?
that's just his face unfortunately. magnus is a bloated alcoholic now but he was kinda cute in a downy way at hans' age. hans is busted and it seems like his thinking face is just crying without tears. sad!
It's hard to believe this guy is 21 years old
Hans lost
Someone would have a clip with context by now.
He wasn’t blacklisted at all. He stopped getting invitations because he was trashing hotel rooms and demanding chauffeurs like a little bitch. He faced fuck all consequences for cheating.
i remember during the sinquefield cup, after magnus made a public stinky, even the guy where neimann got his lunch posted on reddit and told everyone how he liked his grilled cheese and how much he tipped. the point is, the guy was put under the microscope and all they could find was he broke some objects in a hotel room and paid for them. no one would care about this shit if they weren't already very motivated to vilify him and snuggle up magnuses asshole. it's pathetic and embarrassing, they even involved fide in the end...because he damaged private property?? what the fuck does is have to do with chess lmao. if they powers that be want you to go down, they will find something... pictures of neimann jaywalking or dressing up as a nazi for halloween or something dumb he said on stream. there's always something and that's enough for NPCs like you to put him up for public execution and justify any evil act against him, cuz after all, he deserved it eh?
I never said "justify anything" against him you fucking dope, I said he should've been punished for cheating.
The fact that he wasn't punished was precisely why all this happened. Do you have a learning disability or something?
It was the fact that everyone both knew he was a cheater but nothing happened that made Carlsen and Nepo unhappy with having him in the tournament in the first place. If there were actual punishments in place then either (a) he could've been punished and given an opportunity to make himself a better person, or (b) he wouldn't have been invited there at all. But because of limp wristed faggots like you who think that we should just allow dipshits to cheat and not face consequences in a competitive sport, nothing happened until it all boiled over and then got addressed in the worst way possible.
Besides which, trashing your hotel room is always a big deal and it doesn't matter if you pay for it. Hotels won't let you come back and it looks bad for the club to invite him if he's going to behave like a faggot and smash stuff when things don't go his way. Do you have any sense of responsibility at all or do just imagine a world where you can cheat, lie, and throw tantrums and everyone will still treat you like everything is fine because you'll shout and cry if you don't get your way?
Try not cheating if you don't want the reputation of a cheater. It's just that fucking easy.
he's 21?
holy fuck that is a rough looking 21
>guy actively stalls out the entire clock (he had 7 minutes+ left)
>I said he should've been punished for cheating.

oh wow so they just decided not to???
no you retard, they had no proof so best they could do is find some trivial bullshit to hang over his head and justify not inviting him. oh he's a problem personality, oh he broke a vase once haha meanwhile, his biggest crime was failing a vibe check with the poster boy for chess that couldn't handle losing a game. everything else was post hoc rationalization. magnus didn't want to play against a KNOWN cheater, meanwhile he plays them all the time, it's just a problem when he loses... everyone in the scene KNEW but no one wanted to say anything hehe then that chess com ban afterwards lmao yeah we had so much evidence and only now decided to act on it...

it's all bullshit. you can hate the guy's personality, but they absolutely destroyed that kid's career over nothing, fucking lamp shades and picture frames lol
You should stop posting. It's embarrassing.
What's wrong with his hairline? Is he balding at 21?
not used to getting this much pushback, reddit cuck?
Is this the end for Hans Niemann bros?
He's not talking about the OTB incident you dimwit. They had proof of his online cheating, he admitted to it. He's saying THAT going unpunished (till much later) was why the shitshow happened. It's a bad idea to argue with idiots like you anyway. The way you write is enough to know you're retarded, and it's pointless to argue with retards.
Hans has a massive ego in combination with no respect or humility to speak of. He seems to just be a garbage human being and what happened to him doesn't justify it, especially because he is largely responsible. It's difficult to imagine cheating 100+ times and then having the audacity to be upset that people aren't ok with it. Lashing out against people like Levy who have been completely objective about the whole situation is just downright idiotic. If anything, he was probably too kind even.

He also apparently considers himself to be a revolutionary now which is hilarious.
Not the guy you’re responding to, but you’re acting like Hans cheated and originally faced no consequences whatsoever. This is clearly not the case. You can believe the original punishment should have been more severe, but the fact remains that chess.com waited until an untimely moment to enforce it. Magnus was not unhappy with Hans being in the tournament until Magnus lost. The same goes for chess.com, who did not enforce punishments for cheating (something that took place at age 17 the latest) until Hans beat Magnus and made the allegations. This is also assuming Hans didn’t face a punishment for his original cheating, which he did. In a sense chess.com double dipped on punishments. This is made more suspicious, because at the same time Hans was being slandered, chess.com and Magnus were in business dealings together, making it seem like chess.com was pleasing a potential business partner rather than caring about actual cheating. We also know there exists a list of GMs who cheat, and yet Magnus and chess.com have yet to “punish the justly” like they have Hans. It didn’t boil over at the wrong time due to delays. Stop being retarded and look at the whole situation before presuming shit.
he was actually banned for some time and had his accounts closed. they can't ban him from FIDE events because it's just a shitty chess website. regardless, it wouldn't have mattered one bit in terms of how magnus acted and everyone else that was eager to ride his dick.
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Vladimir Kramnik is not just a grandmaster in chess; he is a grandmaster in life. His towering presence, coupled with his striking handsomeness and impeccable sense of style, makes him a figure of admiration wherever he goes. His deep, resonant voice, enriched by an exquisite Russian accent, has the power to captivate and enchant anyone fortunate enough to hear it.

Kramnik's strategic triumph over Garry Kasparov in the 2000 World Chess Championship remains one of the most monumental achievements in the history of the game. This victory was not merely a win but a masterclass in strategy and resilience, cementing his place among the legends of chess. His ability to outmaneuver Kasparov, a titan in his own right, showcased a level of brilliance that few can even aspire to.

Beyond the chessboard, Kramnik's battle against the corruption within chess.com stands as a testament to his integrity and determination. This fight against injustice will be remembered by generations to come, symbolizing his relentless pursuit of fairness and transparency in the chess world. Anyone would be extraordinarily fortunate to have such a sophisticated genius as their life coach, for Kramnik embodies not only intellectual brilliance but also moral fortitude and unwavering resilience.
Why are AIfags like this
do Fischer

I remember the day vividly when I hung out with Bobby Fischer, the chess legend who had won the world championship. After his monumental victory, Bobby wasn't too focused on chess anymore. Instead, he immersed himself in his other passions—jazz, rock 'n' roll, and tennis. We spent countless hours discussing music and hitting tennis balls back and forth, enjoying the simpler pleasures of life.

One evening, we were sitting in his living room, listening to some classic jazz records. The room was filled with the smooth sounds of Miles Davis when suddenly, the news came on. The report was about Israelis bombing Palestinians, ruthlessly slaughtering innocent men, women, and children. Bobby's face turned ashen, and he was visibly outraged. He couldn't contain his disgust and went on a passionate rant about how Zionism was the biggest threat facing humanity.

Bobby explained to me that American politicians were paid off by Zionist officials who bribed them. He spoke with such conviction, backing up his points with facts and historical references. He described Zionists as extremely corrupt xenophobes, manipulating global politics for their gain. His arguments were so well-reasoned and supported by evidence that I couldn't help but be swayed by his perspective.

Despite what the media would later claim about Bobby suffering from mental illness, I refused to believe it. His points were always incredibly reasonable and factually grounded. Bobby Fischer was by no means an antisemite; rather, he was an ardent lover of the truth. He saw through the lies and deceit that clouded the world's understanding of complex political issues. Spending time with Bobby was an eye-opening experience, one that showed me the depth of his intellect and the intensity of his passion for justice.
Interesting how my eyes learned to slide past gpt slop, just like ads in sidebars became invisible to me back before I had adblock
better than the essays about Hans
that got old 2 years ago and niggers are still repeating the same shit over and over
oh, you've posted this one
it's not as worshipful as the Magnus and the Kramnik ones
>repeating the same shit over and over
I always find this complaint funny
people say the same shit over and over when things don't change
until that happens for hans people are gonna keep saying the same things about him
>Interesting how my eyes learned to slide past gpt slop
this except for larpov and karlito slop

Bobby Fischer's legacy in the world of chess is nothing short of legendary. Unlike other chess masters such as Garry Kasparov, Fischer primarily relied on his own strength rather than the assistance of seconds. His unparalleled intellect and raw talent allowed him to single-handedly dismantle the Soviet Union’s chess system, a feat that stands as one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of the game. Modern chess theory and style are imbued with Fischer's DNA, a testament to his lasting influence.

Fischer's dominance in the Candidates Tournament, where he faced and triumphed over formidable opponents like Bent Larsen and Mark Taimanov, remains unmatched even today. His victories were not just wins but demonstrations of his superior strategic thinking and deep understanding of the game. Bobby Fischer was the ultimate free thinker, with an impeccable sense of style that helped make chess sexy and brought worldwide acclaim to the royal game.

Although some have attempted to tarnish his reputation, it is undeniable that Fischer's contributions to chess are monumental. His truth-telling about controversial subjects, despite the backlash, underscores his fearless nature. Ultimately, history will remember Bobby Fischer as a genius who reshaped the world of chess and left an indelible mark on the game.
Get some rest hans, you had a long day yesterday
karla's slop is indisgistuishable from gpt slop.

it's just that her posts are in the first person and gpt slop is in the third.

at least larpov uses reddit spaces like this so you can't avoid him.

also he calls us "kids" and says "memesh!!"
Dear chess friends

I must apologize, for what started off as a few funny prompts about Levy and Hikaru ended up truly becoming an addiction, and I have littered the general thread with reams of some AI slop

I am providing you with my admission of guilt and letting you know that I’m taking a break and will stop posting these.

However, I am truly proud of the Hikaru Nakamura pasta though and I will do my due diligence to make sure I post that in every thread that I can
Kwabamura Kwabmann
jesus fucking christ could that have possibly gone worse for you zoomers...

years of talking epic shit and then magnus dumpsters the fucking nepotism baby while playing casual lazy 2500-level lichess shit lol

i know none of you have ever been to an OTB tournament and you don't know psychology but it was interesting how hans showed absolutely zero emotion or effort in all the previous games like the one where he beat magnus...

and suddenly he looks like he's having a heart attack every single game where he's losing! gosh what could possibly explain this! it's almost as if he was finally forced to play without an engine and ended up looking like every other chess player

this is going to require some unbelievably forced autistic meme energy for you zoom-zoom's to salvage. one of the most embarrassing things i've ever seen

they even got the millions and millions of youtube views they were looking for. all on hans getting roflstomped

welcome to chess, twitch kiddies. this game is hard. it ain't minecraft.

>This lofi girl thing is comfy desu
well like all zoom-zoom memes it's an awful youtube thing from 10 years ago bashed on tranime
zoomers. cannot. meme.
wow, that sure is a long post! I'd better hide it
AI fags killed /chess/
it's honestly quite incredible that we can have the biggest meme event of years... still it's like 30 IP's struggling to get through 2 threads while spamming one-sentence posts. some of the slowest lowest IP shit we've ever had going
You write like a poor retard.

This general is usually of such low quality that I doubt a few AI shitposts on my end are what killed it
let me guess, you're a hansposter too
what's your prediction for hikaru vs hans? who wins and by how much?
larpov!!! we were just talking about you and your epic memesh, guysh!
hikaru, by a lot
kek. im learning that the best thing about chess is the bad manners mind games
magnus played his best and only barely beat hans
Don’t care still voting fuck shitnus
Of course Magnus is the GOAT right now, but one day he will decline too
And when the old guard all retire, it's going to be Hans who's the face of chess
more like the arse of chess
you do realize he and Reza are the same age but Reza is better than him in pretty much every metric right?
>Not the guy you’re responding to, but you’re acting like Hans cheated and originally faced no consequences whatsoever.
No, what I'm saying is there must be an immediate consequence. Exactly as >>493523129 said, and in fact as you agree anyway, the problem is caused by them knowing that he is a cheater, and then waiting to jump in after things exploded.
The rest is irrelevant, or factually wrong, such as the claim he didn't fact a punishment for his original cheating. In fact he won money for it and only had to make an apology in private and have account temporarily banned. This is a pathetic punishment. There has to be some coordination when chesscom is organising chess in such a large scale now. It is becoming irresponsible.
As for the complaint chesscom have yet to punish others, I agree and as I said Sindarov and Maghsoodloo among others should be punished. Now everyone sees the problem. If Maghsoodloo makes top 10 again, like he did before, nobody takes him seriously because there is a doubt about whether he is even playing fairly. This is because they do not punish it immediately.
>Magnus was not unhappy with Hans being in the tournament until Magnus lost
This is false. Both Nepo and Magnus complained about him in advance.
>they had no proof
Hans admitted to cheating.
I have never seen another sport so full of people willing to defend cheaters. Any other sport, cheating would end your career. Hans complains his career is over, but in reality nobody even cared about who he was until he cheated. He is playing in major tournaments and the only ones he are banned from are because he can't control his temper and needs to smash hotel rooms and wonders why nobody invites him anymore. What a joke. Cheating had no consequences for him whatsoever, and he doesn't even accept significant responsibility for his behaviour.
Larpov is a zoomer btw
Yeah but "Reza" is not as hungry, he has other aspirations like gay sex and fashion
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So it’s going to be Levi and stench commentating the final
>everyone in the scene KNEW but no one wanted to say anything hehe then that chess com ban afterwards lmao yeah we had so much evidence and only now decided to act on it...
>the fact remains that chess.com waited until an untimely moment to enforce it
This is also false. Despite chesscom sitting on this for so long I agree it was irresponsible, the fact was chesscom still did nothing, until Hans again chose to lie about the extent of his cheating in an interview where he gave a "heartfelt apology" which turned out to be even more lies. Only then chesscom replied because he directly lied and invoked them in his fake apology. Again, Hans brought this on himself by lying and refusing to be honest and take responsibility for his own choice to cheat.
I can't understand how tolerant you people are of people with no sense of accountability at all, as if any kind of consequences of your own choices is just the world being mean to you.
The puppet and puppeteer
let's enjoy the best possible commentator pair while it lasts
>Any other sport, cheating would end your career.
not really true anon. consequences and suspensions sure
i predict hans winning in a landslide
get ready to screenshot hikki's grimaces
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i can't believe their marketing team is labeling it as a "consolation match". who the hell would want to tune into that?
just say "fight for 3rd place" or something idiots
This probably means they're putting fucking Levy on for Carlsen vs Firouzja
I can't wait to hear what inane TV show we'll be chatting about tomorrow
could be wrong but I think they did have it listed as 3rd place last night when I saw the preview for it. retards changed it
oh no no no hansbros we're not feeling the vibes tonight...
nooooo he's gonna shit talk our guy
kek I bet Magnus is just jumping in to commentate because he fucking hates both of these guys
Wtf? Go prep for Alireza who cares about a streamer and a fraud
holy based, magnus gets to dab on these two forever second-bests
now that's more like it
he prepped for alireza all month
why is kramnik like that?
it's because he's a part owner of chess.com
him being in the booth boosts ratings, simple as
Hikky vs Hans is today? I thought it was tomorrow, fuck me.
i dont think those 2 statements are necessarily related
they are just two true but seperate statements
true i'm technically just speculating that a guy who is financially incentivized to be in the booth is in the booth for that reason
if nothing else it establishes a logical reason for him to do it that isn't the emotional stuff about wanting to dab on the ppl he hates and whatever else
>It's like Alireza but worse, but nobody is better than Alireza at this
Get these two a room
Magnus commentary is goated
It's so great when he jumps in
I was gone all day yesterday. Were any of the games good/interesting enough to go look at or was it just usual fast games you'd see in TT type things?

Hans is only an average player. I’m wishing him all the best and I’m glad he’s been able to somewhat recover is reputation, but I by no means think he is a world beater or anything like that.

That being said, Magnus’ behavior was still completely unacceptable and a showcase of extremely poor sportsmanship.
hans is not a genius. chess is a game of genius. you either are or are not a genius, you cannot practice yourself to become a genius. sadly, this post is genius, and you could never come close to the genius of this post, no matter how hard you work, just like hans
It must be tricky for Magnus to commentate on moves that to him must only appear as complete shit without being completely negative
because Magnus never blunders dumb fuck
Stop crying Hans sissy

This prompt ended up getting completely censored and took out everything related to “horrifically evil Zionist Israelis”. I think I was able to get away with a lot more in the first one but then it corrected itself.
Magnus goes away and we get Rensch
At least it's not Pozm*n
magnus commentary so based, wish he'd do it more
Unironically true
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>Magnus' favourite app is Snapchat
kek I thought Fabiano would be the one to pick Snapchat
honestly feels like he calculated "what answer makes me look max normie"
No, Caruana's favorite would be session
> Fabiano would be the one to pick Snapchat
he probably would be if clash of clans didn't exist tbf kek
>it's because he's a part owner of chess.com
The fuck? Isn't that a giant conflict of interest to have a part owner as a player in a tournament?
yjk he was a menace on kik during his italy years
Same, thought Magnus was going to say Grindr.
fuckin Naroditsky dropping Shakespeare references as if the zoomer idiots will even know what the fuck he's talking about
he's owned by .cum not the other way around
probably but there are layers of separation. more accurately stated as "chess.com owns Play Magnus Group", which is obviously headed by magnus
he's directly tied to the brand but not necessarily a literal part owner of it
>headed by magnus
He only owns like 9% of the shares
i'm not debating the share ownership percentages. it's a company that was founded by magnus and is literally about magnus. again, these technical layers of separation aside, it's clearly accurate enough to say chess.com owns magnus
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Oh boy, where do I even start with this Fabiano Caruana guy? I mean, have you seen him? He looks like the poster child for a stereotypical pencil-necked geek! I bet he can't even talk to girls without stuttering and blushing like a tomato. And that hair! Seriously, what is going on there? It's like he stuck his finger in an electrical socket and decided to call it a day. Meanwhile, Magnus Carlsen is out here looking like a Norse god with his absolutely exquisite Norwegian locks. It's like comparing a rusty old Fiat to a sleek, brand-new Ferrari.

And don't even get me started on his career choices. This guy moves to Italy to "further his chess career" and then comes crawling back to the United States when he smells money. Talk about taking opportunities away from domestic players! I totally agree with Sam Shankland on this one. Fabiano, buddy, maybe it's time to get a new hobby.
This AI shit is unbearable kill yourself faggot

Oh, this is rich! Someone on an anonymous Vietnamese blacksmithing image board getting all bent out of shape because someone dared to use tasteful ChatGPT prompts to cheer up his chess buddies? I mean, come on! It's like getting mad at a chef for using spices to make a dish more flavorful.

Let's be real here: the ability to play exceptional chess requires a fairly high IQ, just like appreciating the humor of ChatGPT prompts. If you can't handle a little wit and cleverness, maybe it's time to stick to something simpler. Like, I don't know, banging metal with a hammer?
Magnus obviously became a part owner so he could download all the other players games, messages and statistics so he could remain on top.
>karla's slop is indisgistuishable from gpt slop.
that's really not true. She has a lot of quirks in her language usage, and the verbosity is there, but there is none of the conceptual blandness and repetitiveness of AI generated text
you have to love the dumbass expressions on hans face throughout the match

>danya constantly turning to hess with a smile looking for approval/agreement on ideas and thoughts
>contrasted with cold commentary and never looking or smiling at levy in the booth
whew lad
take your meds
You're a zoomer
hard to know who to hatewatch here..
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I mean this is the type of barnyard animal stupid play you get out of zoomers when they actually have to put up or shut up. You put a little bit of pressure on them and they fall apart. No strategy. No chess understanding.
what a sexy game by Hans
have you tried the mirror? disgusting subhuman
Goatman legends smilin
why would I hate my mirror?
naka' might be an ugly manlet... but he's an ugly manlet millennial with an understanding of chess

hans is an ugly manlet zoomer. he has no chance in this match.
I think I'm rooting for Niemann here because more annoying zoomers will be sad if he wins.
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Chess speaks for itself.
Hans has good understanding of chess, according to Magnus
Hikaru's and his fans' cope if he loses will be something to behold.
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hahahahaha holy fucking shit naka' doing everything possible to throw the game and hans still can't take it
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Goatman legends happy
you might be the dumbest poster of this gen
Completely delusional post about carlsen
Man this commentary is such a breath of fresh air after yesterday
>Most common line of the French Defense according to lichess database is the exchange variation
>Any (sparse) literature on this variation basically goes "it seems drawish, but maybe not! You can castle queenside I guess! :)"
Seriously how does this happen. If the Exchange is played so often then why will a theory book have hundreds of pages on 3.Nc3 but like 30 if you're lucky for 3.exd5?
Fucking rapid. I havent played chess in 5 months and decided to play again. I was crushing some guy and ran out of time. 1400 level, decided to just turn on stockfish for my next few games and get my rating back
Hans is going to smash slowkarus face in bullet. Screenshot this
Holy based
cmon bro
hikkys gonna crush him in boolet
the chess did the talking. Hans is a fraud
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Akiba Rubinstein's journey into the world of chess is a tale of extraordinary talent and unfulfilled potential. Despite starting his chess career later in life compared to his contemporaries, Rubinstein quickly ascended to the upper echelons of the chess world. His strategic prowess and unparalleled endgame skills led many to believe that he was a legitimate contender for the world championship. However, the era's unique challenge system, which required challengers to raise substantial funds to face the reigning champion, thwarted Rubinstein's aspirations. Emanuel Lasker, the world champion at the time, never played a match against Rubinstein at the height of his powers, leading many chess historians to refer to Rubinstein as the uncrowned king of chess.

Rubinstein's endgame mastery was so profound that some consider him superior even to the great Jose Raul Capablanca, a remarkable feat in itself. His contributions to chess theory are enduring, with several opening systems named after him, including the Rubinstein Variation in the French Defense and the Rubinstein Attack in the Nimzo-Indian Defense. These innovations showcase his deep understanding of the game and his ability to think several moves ahead, characteristics that have made his games a subject of in-depth study for generations of chess enthusiasts.

Tragically, Rubinstein's career was severely impacted by mental illness following World War I. This affliction impeded his ability to compete at the highest levels, yet his legacy remains untarnished. Despite never being crowned world champion, Akiba Rubinstein is celebrated as one of the greatest chess players of all time. His games are not just historical artifacts but masterpieces that continue to inspire and educate those who study them. Rubinstein's life and career serve as a testament to the profound impact one individual can have on the world of chess, even without the official title of world champion.
>1. e4 e6
>2. d4 d5
>3. exd5 Qxd5
is that even a line in the french?
Stop posting these chatgpt novels wtf
Magnus lost to 2300 players before, why not Levy?
Hans can't even close out the game in a clearly winning end game lol.
100 acpl game lmao
>end game
you can't even speak English
Hans couldn't even lose his virginity to a hooker
This kid will never be the best player in the world
Hanskeks? Our cope?

a COMEDY of errors lol could this possibly get more embarrassing

big daddy mag gotta' be laughing hysterically at this retardation

total and complete zoomer death.
what a game
cannot believe hikaru bailed out of those two games
That's basically a Scandinavian Defence where Black plays ...e6 trapping the light-squared bishop needlessly.
Imagine after 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. d4
Black would never think of playing 3...e6. It just doesn't make sense. So, that is why this is not considered a sensible way to meet white's exchange.
Are you happy now you monkey?
It's the "I'm gonna be worse but fuck symmetry" option. Svidler or Yasser or one of those guys told a story about a friend gm playing that line after a long think against a lower rated opponent to keep the game alive.
You're the esl monkey, monkey
i like how the zoomer thing to do when losing a game is to start looking over to the side and gesturing with one hand like WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO HE'S MAKING GOOD MOVES
Nepo does this and then some and isn't a zoomer
you are under 1700 uscf stop talking lmao
zoomers zoomers zooomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zooomers zoomers zoomers zoomers zooomers zoomers
Is the French Defense the most schizophrenic opening?
At a principles level, Black starts with 1...e6 so they can take on d5 on move three. However French players actually do not want this outcome because they want a closed position.
What other openings are like this? Caro players seem happier with the exchange because part of why they play ...c6 is they value their center pawns.
If you play less than 80 blitz games per day lower your voice when talking to me
>1700 uscf
Are you in middle school or something?
I've never seen a gm lose some many winning positions as hans these last 2 days, it's so frustrating to support him
On the other hand it is a good sign that he can get those positions against magnus and hikaru ralatively often
>it's so frustrating to support him
This bozo is actually emotionally invested in some autistic faggot zoomer like it's his idol or something
He was constantly on the other side of these types of games against Wesley
But this is getting hard to watch and it's gonna be a wash in bullet
seems like Hans took his medication today. There's been no schizo rambling
>care about language mistakes in a chess thread
you look more like a monkey here frfr
>what is rooting for players
ok king autist
the fact that he made a top 4 that includes magnus alireza and hikaru, and took games off of magnus/hiki keeping it at least relatively competitive, is a W
even as a hans fan i was never really deluded about his chances to win a tournament like this. top 4 is pretty respectable
Why the fuck would you ever root for Hans "Monke" Newman
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Are you playing dumb or do we really have another complete retard seething at imaginary zoomers ITT?
when you constantly post like a high and mighty faggot you should at least write properly
>niggamura grooving
It’s so over for hanscels
Be honest, would you hold that Philador position against Hikaru?
probably not but I'm like 1500 elo below him so I don't really care
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Top kek boys
Be honest, how many times would you blow Magnus if you gained 100 elo per blow?
Yes, yes, well done Hans, well done Hans
Jesus, Mokeman is bent over a table and getting a tiny hapa cock rammed in his ass on live broadcast.
>keeping it at least relatively competitive
I just turned off the stream because he's just getting raped. And he's gonna get raped even harder in 1+1.
inb4 hanscel, I turn off stomps.
if i blow him once, might as well do it 30 more times and become world champ lol
The best part of this is Magnus basically zoned out after he started winning but you just know Hikaru’s the kind of dude to go for absolute maximum humiliation in bullet
I'd do it for free the way he humbled Hans yesterday
yeah definitely. he is tryhard to the max
kek Hikaru about to get a call from animal rights groups for what he’s gonna do to this farm animal
based magzybros coming out of the closet
universe giving us the most boring outcome again
to proove Magnus wrong
only for you. this is one of the only matchups ever where I'm rooting for hikaru
People in this thread would do it regardless of ELO points
Hanskeks....they're jejing at us.....
Hikaru's turn in the Niemussy.
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Sneedi can still save the day
Trust the process
>make jabs about niggamura’s age
>get pants down and spanked in public
I preferred him when he was Iranian
Holy shit can you imagine if Alireza played Hans here
kek you just know Nakamura is loving dishing this absolute rape out
predictions for final score difference?
How do you even choke so many times in time scrambles
he already defeated the second fiddle, now it's time for the final boss
Hans learned from levy how to lose 5 in a row
>replaying Hans mouthing off between torture sessions
top kek
/chess/ is literally never better than when someone is getting absolutely stomped like this
Probably not a repeat of the Magnus match. Hikaru is too proud to be lazy and give away several games solely because it won't matter.
Is Hikaru going to go for adoption or is he going to play a bong cloud
>Hikaru is too proud to be lazy
the word you want is "vengeful" not proud
Sure that'll work too.
adoption first, then bong cloud on the last game for content
imagine seeing Mike Tyson warm up by throwing jabs at a pic of your face right before you get locked in the ring with him
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>he's warming up with a 60 score on puzzle rush
holy fuck animal rights violation incoming
Why are they letting this match continue? Hans is getting completely thrashed.
No technical superiority in chess. Loser can quit if he wants.
so they can show hikaru drinking water on camera :D
Danny and Nakamura would probably love to lock the doors right now if they could
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Holy kek
bro Hans is so fucking outclassed by these 3 what the fuck was he thinking shit talking
Hikaru farming a "super" GM
hans looks like his eyes are watering lol
>gets blacklisted by the community
>doesn't let it get to him, plays whatever he can, and talks mad shit the whole time
>starts improooving like crazy, talks more shit
>get the opportunity to finally play against Magnus and Hikaru and redeem himself
>claims he's ready and will succeed, talks even MORE shit
>get thoroughly dumpstered instantly
Damn man.
he does this regularly in the SCC
not in the semifinals though lol
speaking of, him vs Ding was so kino whereas this is just unwatchable
he's gonna cry after this you can see it
>this is just unwatchable
not for me i'm loving this shit
according to chat he has been crying for 48 hours straight
2* days straight
Magnus was actually nice for going easy on Hans
Come on hikaru play the bongcloud, really rub it in.
>he's been humble
Tell me he was taking about hikaru and not hans
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The only thing Hans can do at this point is to allow this beating he was given to serve as harsh discipline he missed out on as a child. Allow it to humble him so he can make a public statement along the lines of:

>This was a great learning experience. I received something that I never did growing up: consequences for my actions. I was humiliated, deservedly so, and I apologize for mischaracterizing arrogance for confidence. I’m now driven harder to defeat these people who assassinated my character, starting with me and what I did to tarnish my name. Once that foundation is established, which will be an ongoing process for my lifetime, I will build upon it a new legacy. Not to defeat this chess mafia with pride, but in superior tactics. Over the last few days the chess did indeed speak for itself and I’ve heard that loud and clear. I will be back.
what bizarre psychology hans has. he cheats, then wants to prove that he is better than magnus without cheating, while claiming all along he didnt cheat, yet knowing internally he cheated, and then being chudlike throughout all the games even complaining about magnus. you'd think he would have just embraced the show like a WWE affair and made some money and streaming off it
Kramnik Kramnik Kramnik Kramnik -- Hans Niemann, 2024
bullshit, if he cheated then over the board why not cheat now too?
obvies bait

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