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Dead thread edition II

Previous: >>492947168

>News & Reminders
Duskmourn preorders are live
Five new brawl decks now available in the store
Sorin and Amalia are now banned in explorer
Duskmourn coming to arena September 24
MagicCon Las Vegas October 25-27


>Duskmourn Spoilers

>Useful Links

>Free Codes

Pizza or sushi?
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Just stop dude there’s nothing to gain here except some sweet Ajani pics.
>furry set saved us
>horror set killed us again
what happened? i see spoilers i like and you fuckers are maxing at 200 replies.
Is this Mono Reds fault again?
I think some of our posters migrated to /tg/
I got bored and quit bumping with Ajanis and schizo posts and it died. Pick up the slack I might contribute again.
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I have no good white or green standard decks so I went back to color challenge hoping it counted for dailies and it doesn't. Oh well.
Color challenge was the most fun I had in mtga ngl
Too many schizo posts, let the thread die for a few months and hope they don't come back.
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The schizos won.
>what happened?
no one plays this shit game
stop spamming these worthless threads
Best anti-red deck?
Play starter deck duel! It’s only starter decks and faeries or simic is the strongest
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I just spent $100 on the game and none of you can stop me from having fun. Got the gems, the pass, draft tokens, hippogrif, EVERYTHING! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
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Just got pulled over playing arena what do I say?
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Not 2dey niggerboi
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The game is fine I spent money it’s fine. Play the game it fine dude. I shit my stupid doo ass!
boy standard play is so fun i love how in the explicitly noncompetitive queue i get to face off against
>faggot UW control with zero wincons, so it takes 10 minutes for me to beat their stupid ass because they literally have no way to win the game
>faggot monoblack discard, because there's no better way to play magic than both sides topdecking while you hit with a fucking 1/1 bat for 20 turns
>monored aggro
what an amazing experience and not one that leaves me wondering if the people who play this game legitimately have fucking brain damage or sociopathic tendencies
this thread is nothing but schizo ramblings. every sane person in over at /tg/
schizos killed us, and schizos will kill themselves once the thread dies. all is well.
>my last 5 drafts have been 7-6-7-6-7 wins
I love bloomburrow
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>average /mtgag/ poster
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Interesting combat trick for green, guarantees surviving and winning combat (if nothing else interferes) but doesn't buff stats.
Should just be able to "No." things whenever the opponent does something faggy(like cast mana drain) and either the opponent can leave or the faggy thing is countered.
What colors?
Costs too much, it needs a fight effect to be playable at this cost.
Daily reminder this is the worst the game has ever been and if you still play it your a self hating masochistic faggot. Stop making these generals you troon.
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facedown tribal eating good, honestly might be playable even outside of it
also LMFAO general is dying again before hitting thread limit. KYS
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fight blue with blue
Bloomburrow is such a good limited format.
Hope they ll be back with the tribal duo color theme.
And while constructed player are crying we go 7 wins into 7 wins getting paid gems to complete our collection.
Draft Chads win again
I might do some blogposting on my DSK runs, just to bump the threads and help out the draftlets.
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3/2 haste for 2, with upside
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4 mana Atraxa
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I hate blue so much
Just play faster and around counters bro
4 mana ranimation isn't unusual.
It actually is nowadays, for a standard set. Usually it's 4 mana with downside/restriction, or 5 mana with some upside. I actually can't find another 4 mana with upside reanimate in standard.
Are you saying a finality counter is an upside or am i misreading?
not trolling, im ill and cant think well
The flashback is the upside. The finality counter is mostly irrelevant. But really, those two are the only 4 mana reanimates in standard right now. Everything else is either conditional or costs 5+. Pic related needs you to jump through a bunch of hoops. Abuelo's awakening can be 4 but only hits artifacts/enchantments, and turns it into a 1/1. Squirming emergence needs a ton of stuff in the graveyard to hit anything good. Soulcoil viper needs to be able to untap. I would say rite will soon become the best reanimate we have in standard.
>counterspell tribal vs removal tribal
A match made in Arena
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let thread die, wait a few months for all the schizos to commit suicide, try again
this is a schizo psyop
>Get dogshit hands every game, bad matchups, 0 wins in 2 hours
>Are you having fun? :)
Make better decks
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Turn 3 win in brawl, I'll take it
Yeah but that's black. Green is usually either pump spells, or some kind of protection from removal.
That’s a dude
Seems pretty normal for brawl.

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