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Previous >>493358013

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Finally, the perfect wallpaper for my phone
Confirmed to be remixed by Kozuka in that livestream/video with lotus
>Found a cheap drawing tablet on Amazon
Might get it
can I get a desktop wallpaper version this is so based?
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I fucking love Noot.
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Which tablet is it?
only buy from huion if you want to go cheap
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SMTfags really hyped up this guy to be better than Meguro but I really don't see it. Every single new track he did for Persona is very boring and his remixes are pretty shit. He did the Reload Heartful Cry too
There's a Mothman waiting in the sky
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thank you anon!
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Ass we can
>Even cheaper than the one I was looking at
I love his work in mainline but his recent Persona stuff hasn’t been good.
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My robowife Labrys
Goodnight lads
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biting into hard metal
rest well labbychan
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Metaphor kun is Door's and Yuko's child that's why he's brown
Makes sense, when I heard that one I thought "sounds like SMTV"
oniai desu ne~
Bootyful butts, in my assessment
I haven't paid attention at all to Reload's The Answer, do we know if they've changed/improved it?
They added Metis hang out events
they made it piss easy
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She's. A. Robot.
This should be part of the OP

The faggot who made this thread is unfortunately still being a schizo as they have for the last week
It's. A. Joke.
buy an ad
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woah cute aigis :)
Oh so that's why he made the thread early.
Guy needs to take his meds
Robot sex
>literally black mask akechi mixed with his white outfit
Woooow P5X is so original and not derivative at all!
Maybe when that shit gets WW release. Other than that, it's all kinds of unnecessary.
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Oh yeah?
>He says as we've had "& Metaphor" haphazardly tacked onto our thread for the past year
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>Persona games
Is Metaphor not coming out in English countries with English fans on an English website eagerly waiting for it?
The Metaphorfag is homeless otherwise, show him some pity
No one cares about chinese slop fuck off.
Fire Emblem General rejected their gacha and look what happened to them
They ended up so inactive and archive-prone that the gacha general took pity and changed their name to fire emblem general and took up the mantle
P5X will never be persona just like you will never be white chang
That happened after five years of separate generals and the only reason /feg/ died was because Engage was so bad it killed their franchise. There's no way Persona 6 would ever be that bad.
...Is that chink Akechi?
>open thread
>see chang shilling his garbage
god its so fucking tiresome
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Ohya deserves to put her shenis up your bum. She's a good person, it's only fair.
Why are you being so lame anon, you're ruining her buzz.
Persona 6 has more in-depth romances with x10 times the content
But the plotagonist is black very black

Leave it or take it.
Leave it
I wish we still had poster counts so I could laugh at how forced your shit is
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Only if picrel is the protag
The main cast member's hangouts are the same, Metis is the only one getting new ones so far
>x10 times the content
go into more detail
No ip counter benefits you more than it benefits us chang
If he's black that means the cuck porn (90% of what gets made nowadays) is gonna be white
Dying game.
Oh yeah!
Metaphor existing means Persona will probably never have a black party member or MC anymore
If only. It's just another example of mentally ill Aigisfag mythology.
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She needs to be kissed
Even on heartless mode? How is it easy? Only way I could think of was golden hands still spawning super frequently like the base game and the win button theurgies, but besides that?
nah I'm going kayaking with the ladies later
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I care about Aran like 10x more than anyone in metaphor.

I'm pretty fine with treating P5X as the side-story it is, and to be blunt - a Persona side-story is massively more interesting to me than the fantasy setting in Metaphor.
Why is Meta-kun brown
He was born like that
it wasn't even on the table in the first place.
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A lot of content to do after rank 10.
You get meaningful rewards for going out with her after maxing her SL.
You can even see her hanging around your house if she's dating you, doing stuff.
You eat lunch together in the roof.
The romance is part of the plot.
The characters react to your relationship.
You can only pick one girl for that but you can still cheat, although cheating has consequences.
There are on-screen kisses.
I agree P5X looks really great, it's expanding on the P5 story and world. The character designs are great and pleasing unlike the DEI ones in Metaphor. (Example of a post trying to generate discussion. Remove this part before posting.)
Purple Panties?
Don't do Mark like that
metaphor is another tokyo mirage sessions waiting to happen
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DEI has nothing to do with it (please get off of /v/, it's not good for you).
didnt they have a really bad schizo
We know how you roll chang. The monkey game exposed your way of operation
I will never touch mobile games
Polter's nopan panties...
Wasn't that because of three houses
Sega buyout has nothing to do with this??
Yes and the 3H general died
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That gacha games are even a thing, let alone popular enough for large franchises to get involved, is when I realized I am too old for this shit
Hes calling metaphor dei slop, which is true.
>Hes calling metaphor dei slop
I understand this.
Please get off /v/
NTA but Atlus is pretty DEI. You're delusional if you are denying that. Still buying Metaphor, looks like my GOTY.
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imagine actually giving a fuck about DEI
this is just the climate we're in now and you're powerless to change it, so just focus on what you do enjoy and move on
gatchatrash is quite literally the worst thing that has happened to this franchise
DEI is just a buzzword for a thing they don't like or when a brown person is on screen
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Is my wife DEI?
>nonstop seething from zhang
I'm looking forward to P5X coming overseas but I'm all for keeping it out of the OP if it keeps this sperg triggered
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She cute
Yes. Yuko is aiming for race mixing
I will not accept it.
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mitsuru would never say this
your parents are dead
>Retard obsessed with gacha
For fuck sake. This thread is cursed.
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Yuko is very cute.
same really, I genuinely despise the kind of "people" gatchslop attracts
That's brown Fuuka, FYI.
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Claiming this coquettish kitten.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
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Nah she's cool

Even for non-biased reasons, chuds only care about brown men in their games. Women are fine because women of all colours and ages are seen only sex objects
Its just internet shorthand for noticing that the american aristocracy meddles with pop-culture
No that's Yuko.
>IP + 0
It's already changing, stupid coomsumer.
>Incomplete game, missing the answer
>Free on GP
>70 bucks
>Released alongside other anticipated games

How did Reload not bomb?
Wtf even is DEI and why do people keep saying it lately. I know I'm old now because slang moves too fast for me
Gacha attracts the worst posters and schizos. Notice whenever this chinese slop is mentioned race baiting and /v/ermin tier posting starts.
15 million from Microsoft, and there was a build up of zoomers with P3 since P3D
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I guess a /pg/ chink noticed that metaphor started stabilizing in the high 100s/very low 200s on steam best sellers
it was p3 in the style of p5, of course it was going to do well
It's nothing new at all. The term describes putting non-whites over whites on purpose and unfairly. A leftist's dream world.
It was a long anticipated and well marketed game with an established brand and wide audience

Just read it as Woke. It means "They" put Woke in the video games. It's a new term because you gotta change up the dogwhistles
It will only get worse in the coming weeks I hate it.
pft, and? even p5t did that, how did that do in the end?
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>"I have my eye on you"
game had a massive reputation built in for it already, that it didn't live up to it is a separate issue and is probably what murdered the long term sales making it less successful than Yakuza 8 but it was unlikely to not do well upfront
darkness evil incarnate. it's what gallica will be called when you fight her as the final boss
...she says to Gallica detecting overflowing evil energy eminating from her.
>wide audience
is that why the majority of sales were from chinks according to Wada?
What's with all the cope with anons denying that metaphor looks kinda woke? It doesn't mean is going to be bad.
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DEI stands for Diversity Equality and Inclusion, it is an organization that pushes for there being more shitskins and trannys in everything.
Companys now have to pay these sorts of companys, like sweet baby inc, to pass over their work to see if its acceptable and what sorts of changes they need to make to fit their standard.
If companys don't pay these sorts of companys, like that chinese Wukong game didn't because china doesn't give a fuck about shitskins or trannys, it is lambasted with bad media coverage trying to ruin the games reputation because they have ties to all these sorts of game "journalist" companys like IGN.
Gallica is evil energy itself. She is the evil power.
Posting on some fringe niche website about it is really changing things anon keep up the great work!
I don't get what does woke entail. Is it woke because there's a brown person in a fantastical world filled with magical creatures and monsters?
At least I'm not a cuck.
It's something blackrock does for companies, game devs do stuff for free funding to showcase diversity.
That's literally it.
what made these /v/ermins visit pg today?
>LAD ~390.3 k by VG Insights
>P3R ~794.7 k by VG Insights
How is it less successful than Yakuza 8? You can compare followers and peak and P3R wins there too.
What reputation? That game is extremely mediocre, in fact the score it got is extremely generous for it.
Is this a new chink shill cope now?
the majority of sales for every game is chinks. There's a lot of chinks anon.

But yes, the appeal of the game in pretty much every major market (Japan, NA, EU, China, and other smaller ones like Australia) based from the wide success of P5 - is a big factor in driving sales. Everyone was buying it because the audience was everyone.
Metaphor getting close to release so expect a lot more of those kinds of posts until they get bored.
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For me Its
>more than double
lmao where are the yakuza cucks who were swearing that yakza would mog persona?
Quit having a mental break down because people have different opinions then you, if you want a circle jerk where people can't say anything remotely negative go join resetera.
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Who's winning?
the power of cunny is unbeatable
not yu, that's for sure
>Banged the fuck out of a hot, almighty goddess who is now on a mission to save him
>Only got a kiss
>Didn't even get a kiss

You tell me, anon.
>When cornered and nobody is interested in his gachaslop Chang proceeds to throw DEI, other buzzwords and forced sales spiel about P3R and Metaphor
It's so tiresome.
It’s really not, it’s just pathetic. He has no power.
whats more brain dead is that they are treating metaphor as if it was churned out by some green haired liberal whales from some shithole like california to call it a product of "dei". as if we dont know any better
Why is SHARTgis such a whore?
How about use real numbers, like SEGA's last financial report instead of internet child autism
Threadly orb
>Implying the fag malding about P5X isn't the one malding about P3R and DEI
>Implying it's not you
OP continues to be a faggot
Finally, a good post.
By all means, link it.
Will we get Metaphorbs?
cool gorb
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she's just a little dubious slutbutt upto mischief
I want a Gallicaorb
To be fair SEGA compared all the series and didn't do individual game sales which they now seem allergic to, but yes Yakuza did mog Persona when LAD8 and P3R were the only new things out. P3R has significantly shitty legs for an Atlus game.
>It's going down now to don't
>Full moon full life to disconnected
Damn that's pretty sad...
Would be cool
>didn't do individual game sales
I accept your concession. Nice try.
>your concession
If you're going to cope out the ass at least do it in front of the right person
All four of those examples are self-cest
True. P3 was a mistake.
this kills chang
What started the Polter panty meme, anyway?
How can anyone say LAD mogged P3R when they didn't compare individual sales? The steam numbers posted are more credible than this
>different opinions
you think way too highly of your shitposts
No idea
You might as well have just posted a wojak.
No they aren't lmao I get that this conflicts with all the brainwashing you've undergone from years of post-switch famitsu threads on /v/ which is why you're so upset about it but this is the truth
The traitor in P6 will be the mascot character
Solid counter argument, guy. .
What does it matter? I'm Anonymous (and retardedly autistic). That's all there is to it.
just another thing wada will have stolen from better hashino games
Yeah because meme arrowing and regurgitating buzzwords is such a good counter argument.
Probably just another tulpa the achizo came up with
How though? The report did not compare individual game sales, just series vs series. The Steam stats and the Famitsu sales charts all had P3R outselling LAD.
Why the massive cope? Yakuza still did extremely well, just not better than Persona.
>The steam numbers are more credible than a financial report
This is the future we chose when we banned mental institutions
Did you even read the financial report? LMFAO.
Gallica will NOT be evil
Careful Derrik.
When she was first revealed, there was a long-ish conversation about her design, and as part of that there was a big kerfuffle about the colour of her panties. The 2 main camps were Purple (which won) and Red and Black (which did not).
And y'know it's sorta fun to think about girls' underwear.

She's a cute design, there's a lot to like with her.
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>Why the massive cope?
You tell me, you desperately want to flip the inequality on one number that's bigger than another one
Kotone should have been the bonus boss battle in Reload answer just so I could beat the shit out of her.
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P5 OST:https://youtu.be/MdabXlguFpA?list=PLKnNtzNfg7jd1eNNpMzb55foRV2Y2YJy1
Gallica will really destroy the world after reading this thread
And then the champion of Purple may have gone on to ritualpost with Polter for a month+
Who knows
Who cares
You're the one asserting LAD mogged P3R when the report only compared series to series sales.
Do tell how you arrived to the conclusion.
what meme
there is no meme
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Remember /pg/, steamcharts are such a cultural staple that they matter more than finance info that goes out to the investors
what would her persona be?
it's up to us to stop her
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9/6: Astro Bot
9/9: WH40K: Space Marine 2
9/17: The Plucky Squire
9/19: Dead Rising Remaster
10/8: Silent Hill 2
10/11: Metaphor: ReFantazio
10/25: COD Black Ops 6
10/29: Life is Strange: Double Exposure
10/31: Dragon Age Veilguard
It's not individual numbers, Yakuza's series sales are bloated because they sell 7+ game collections for $30. We can clearly see in every individualized metric we have, P3R has outpaced Infinite Wealth.
you forgot episode aigis...
She's got some huge tits.
If you can't even read a financial report as simple as that then I legitimately feel bad for you, anon.
It's what chinese care a lot about. Since their precious product has been insulted the thread is spammed with this shit. Same thing happened with the monkey game.
Orpheus (forma fruta)
Three phase fight, solo only. The phases depend on SP because she can and will heal herself. First with Cadenza, later with mediarama, last with Salvation
I don't really care about any of those games other than Metaphor.
Astro Bot is cute and soulful tho.
curious but did p3p sales see a rise after p3r? did newfags decide to move onto p3p to play femc's route? any numbers?
And Persona has P5 (which was actually mentioned in the report as a major contributor to the persona numbers that are there, and not your headcanon)
All of these things will be selling peanuts compared to the newest releases, which were both also heavily discounted shortly after launch which you were probably hoping I'd forget
try again chang
I will let her destroy the world and give us all eternal bliss
Not much, they refuse to put it on sale for a reason.
I think Wada will prove all those haters wrong. Episode Aigis in Deload will be its best incarnation yet
I feel I have been in both sides of the argument about DEI sloppa.
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>literally nothing of note besides metaphor and maybe astro bot
maybe I will force myself to finish reload I don't think I've ever actually been behind on persona releases before in my life
tiny shoulder Maki...
Probably because it's not a black or white issue like the loudest morons pretend it is. It's annoying, it's invasive, and it shits up everything it touches. But just because some game has people that aren't all white or has themes of cooperating with people different than you, doesn't mean it's DEI fueled.
Thank you for showing us more irrelevant numbers that you've seen reposted on /v/ a million times (and also doesn't represent even an entire quarter for either of these games)
P3:Persona 3: Reload [Shin Megami Tensei] (Featuring Joker from Persona 5(Persona Series) series)
I shall not be purchasing or playing Double Exposure or Veilguard on moral grounds.
that's individual game sales though, not series versus series that you are pushing which are hardly relevant when comparing p3r vs lad
No one cares about SHARTgis DLC, I'm afraid. It'll be the biggest flop in Atlus history.
I love this shit the only thing he can do is just post what he knows from his internet circle like a broken wind-up toy
US sales are fairly representative of the west and the west is persona's largest market now (with china next, and then Japan.)
um hello, what about Europe?
>west is persona's largest market now (with china next, and then Japan.)
ironically, china is the biggest market specifically for this game you're trying (and struggling marvelously) to defend
Beautiful child
>the west is persona's biggest market
This is how you know this reloader is a tranny
Do answer the question. >>493458987
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Whatever happens just know i was happy to be part of /pg/
Lmao at the Yakuza cucks pushing a financial report they can't even understand
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Today's the day the tommy boys have their picnic.
You might have amnesia anon we just got through that, your discounted collection narrative fell apart and the only thing you were able to post in response was an infographic from /v/ that represents a single month that both games were out (and just a couple days for reload) as though that supports or has anything to do with what you need to prove at all.
Please stop fighting...we've been having such good threads even Metaphor vs P3R fights stopped happening. :(
Okay, but do you even OWN a FATLUS shirt that you proudly wear?
They're not even Yakuza fans, they're just reload haters, chances are they haven't even played the games.
delicious tears
What they eat?
Fantasy racism has always been a theme in fantasy media. Anyone who has a problem with that is pretty dumb. If anything the only issue is the lack of originality.
I don't think there's any problem with the protagonist having tanned skin. Same with making a lot of characters and random NPCs brown or black. I just hope it's a creative decision and not that Atlus forced Soejima to design them like that. Atlus is buying into the DEI, even now that its in decandence. Reload is pretty much a confirmation of that.
On the other hand, I don't want to side with retards like this anon >>493450267
I wish that was Metaphor's cover art, either that or the one with Meta kun, Hulkenberg, Strohl and Gallica. I really like the art
So you're telling me that LAD outsold P3, yes?
My tomboy got sick in the rain yesterday so I'm keeping her inside and feeding her soup.
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Why do people care about how much reload sold. It doesn't matter.
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China literally only cares about P5
Same, that one was so much cooler. What were they thinking?
anon don't start typing in your awkward formal english everyone recognizes you're not going to get serious replies anymore
>I just hope it's a creative decision and not that Atlus forced Soejima to design them like that.
He talked in an inteview at AX how he was really happy he could finally design characters like Grius and other Metaphor cast members because he was not allowed to when working on Persona
It's called The Answer.
You and me, both brother.
>If anything the only issue is the lack of originality.
That's also my biggest concern. While he has an eye for cool and engaging ideas, Hashino isn't exactly the exemplar of original ideas.
I'm saying this as a yakuza fan. No yakuza fan is batting for infinite wealth that hard, its story was shit, even Gaiden was better.
>steam again
the majority of reload's and tactica's sales from coming from China was literally stated by Atlus while they were pushing P5X
Yeah. It's a shit game anyway.
It just proves zoomers like it.
You are describing wada tho
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Why, meat of course!
Where else do you think China is playing games? PC is way more popular than console there

That's not what they said
What she looking at?
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Weird to hate a game to the point of seething about it constantly but I won't judge.
>everyone on an anonymous website
Oh, so you're the antip3schizo. Makes perfect sense now.
Why are you so upset and triggered?
>That's not what they said
That was what they said
Wada is just Hashino-lite. Less cool ideas, less originality.
If Kotone and Door existed in the same time what would they be? friends, best friends, lovers or rivals?
Door will make Kotone the protagonist-at-home, where she will clean and cook meals ready to eat when Door comes home from Tartarus.
Siblings and fuck buddies
>Hashino isn't exactly the exemplar of original ideas
The ideas of P3-4-5 and catherine are pretty original and not something you see in a videogame every day.
Yes, FFIX already explored death and the meaning of life, but P3 does it much better and he came up with a pretty original gameplay concept that ties deeply with the themes of the story.
That's why Metaphor's themes looking so unoriginal (so far) is weird.
>another melty about p3
get better material
>Reload is pretty much a confirmation of that
>about p3
it was really about p5x that turned into reload because chang couldn't keep up pretending that he wasn't a massive shill of both but ok
These are both true
Wish P6 will come sooner because the same old schizo babbling and melty is getting old now.
Wait until P6 before you say that
Weird to seethe about people not liking shit but I won't judge.
P3 bad
P3 dogshit
Metaphor is kinda leaning into don't judge the book by it's cover kinda vibe I think.
It kinda breaks the preconceived ideas about Persona series, where you have the characters who have certain archetypes but they're different than what you'd expect. Like Strohl isn't a moron best friend, Hulkenberg isn't just a stoic knight, the mascot character isn't a comic relief thing but an old man with tragic past
I'm not seething but you definitely are though.
You don't see metaphor in videogames basically ever, the only difference is that this time you're having a melty because it's not traditional fantasy which is what you wanted
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Shitmire was a mistake.
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Maruki should have erased her. It would even fulfill her wish of not being Sumire.
>say game is shit
>feels the need to attack me personally
Yeah sure. If "no u" is the best thing you can do then don't waste my time.
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Why did she do it?
uh huh
any more schizo theories?
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How I feel every day at /pg/
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Why did she do it?
>Attack me personally
Grow a spine.
you're going to have an easier time dismissing something as some random nonsense when you aren't pissing yourself about it like a teenage girl
Need more p5 meltdowns
Goro was a shit rival
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That’s just the truth.
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Post your outfits ideas
>proves my point
Grow a brain, retard.
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Now what you're doing is exactly what you've claimed I did.
SMT If..., DDS Embryon outfits, DeSu 1&2
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A little soom never hurt anyone.
Don't judge a book by its cover is definitely one of the themes, but I think it has more to do with their in-universe races and not Persona tropes. What you're mentioning is just a coincidence imo.
We still have to wait and see how they deal with the anxiety thing. So far it only seems to have been touched on at a superficial level, but we haven't seen much of anything yet.
Anon, the only one having a meltdown for no reason is you.
Waiting for Pooka to open her third eye
Which persona character unironically enjoys games like LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1 to 4?
That's really weirdly specific but Ichinose is always the answer
Makoto Niijima.
Don’t bring up Kingdom Hearts around her.
>NOOOOO you can't attack me back
Who needed the spine again?
Ann, Caroline, Justine, Futaba
We'll have to see, I'm cautiously optimistic personally. In all honesty we've only seen 2-3 hours of actual in-game footage scattered about and I think it's heading in the right direction.
I feel like I said this already today but if reload was good /pg/ wouldn't have any posts like these to start
Did P3 protag really plap elizabeth?
we hate crapmire here.
Why do Caroline and Justine like it but not Lavenza?
Nemissa Gallica please
>if P3 was actually better than P5
No matter what these schizos want you to think they're complaining about it's all just window dressing for almost decade old seething
can you really call game a success if it doesn't have schizos bitching about it
Schizos bitching about a game is a good metric for its success
Poeple with different opinions than you aren't schizos, newfriend. They just have better taste.
don't flatter yourself kek
Daily Aigischizo melty.
The Reload DLC is just around the corner, we got some new music shit or something today. And yet hardly anyone is talking about it. Whether it's good or not is up to you, but to say it has any staying power on /pg/ is delusional and idiotic.
I just noticed. Why does Hulkenberg have Walter's scarf?
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>implying we aigisCHADs are even present in the thread right now
Dare I say, rent free? Maybe you're seeing us because you WANT us here.
I platinumed that game when I was a kid
>on /pg/
I wouldn't argue this just for /pg/, look at the single most popular persona social media personality and the one thing people seemed to pay attention to was the Joker boss fight
wait so the anti-aigis shitposter is actually right? lmao
>look at the single most popular persona social media personality
Aigistards are not very intelligent.
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It is strange that only Hulk has a different coloured scarf, but the outfits all had different ones in P5. Yusuke had the blue one.
>>implying we aigisCHADs are even present in the thread right now
Then who the fuck am I looking at
Actually not a bad choice
I'm so tired of these "muh aigis" discussions. Go get a room and either fuck or kill yourselves, schizos. No one cares about your stupid discord drama.
if you haven't figured it out by now /pg/ is normally 90% discord drama and the only thing that's reduced that to 60% is the mods cracking down on spam for once
It's just a cognition, it's not the real Aigistard unfortunately
>Aigischizo is having a melty
there were a dozen much better ways to reply to that post that would've made him look like an idiot instead of you
anyone with a heart??
idk I liked the star wars ones
I could soom right now if I wanted.
your boogeyman isn't here
>implying we aigisCHADs are even present in the thread right now
He did that on purpose
These discord kids are so fucking pathetic it makes me feel good about my life and how my parents raised me.
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Anon's sexy mom...
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I still remember a couple months back when the discorders started dumping replies into the thread about how the mere idea of there being a discord shitting this place up was retarded
whatever happened to that kek
but there is no discord
Shitmire is disgusting sadly
Then how come we're all laughing at the thread right now
I miss Groojos
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soom eternal
I don't know if I qualify as a Yakuza fan sicne I only played 0, Kiwami and Like a Dragon, but why was Infinite Wealth so bad?
Where? Do you need your meds?
It wasn't, /v/ was angry that the protagonist doesn't act the way they would (basically a rerun of mid 2017 P5 hate threads)
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It's perfect, chie eats yakiniku and I eat her.
That happens eventually but I start by nibbling her ears while hugging her from behind.
I can't really say without spoiling it and other games.

>daidoji being completely incompetent (allowing a random guy into their secret hideout without even doing a background check, only for him to betray them)
>Hanawa unceremoniously killed off
>shit tier villains (massive downgrade from characters like Shishido, Aoki or Kuwana)
>Ichiban's "Yakuza-jesus" schtick reaches flanderization levels of stupid. Masato made sense, Eiji doesn't. He had a connection with Masato but Eiji is just a guy who did nothing but betray Ichiban, there was nothing genuine there, then he goes and kills Hanawa and Wong, threatens to murder a child, supports hawaii's death cult, it just doesn't really work, his backstory does not remotely justify what he did, it's cartoonish.
>the hawaii plot completely loses steam by the time kiryu leaves and then it's just treading water until the finale
>heaps more but I'm not bothered to keep typing
I'm sorry but it's bottom of the barrel as far as yakuza goes
I haven't played it, but the arguments I've heard outside of /v/ are that the original creator was forced out of the series and now they don't have the balls to write a brave story anymore.
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It's okay, I don't mind. Thanks, you made Chie happy.
She's just a sumi
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He's just a joonkie
I don't like her dress.
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It's from the 60's. So is her bush.
SHARTgis is repulsive unfortunately.
you just know
Anime girls don't have body hair
>square enix as per usual is too jewish to let their characters get used in this
>meanwhile it does aigis better justice than the p3 remake does
no wonder rebirthschizos are so terrified of metaphor
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Jenkumire gets mogged by a fucking robot
Scream and cry about it greasyboy
Barely any mention of the others
Is Door the only liked P3 character here?
she finally died for HER sins kek
Why is derrik do obsessed with feces-related wording?
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>Why is derrik do
Why greasy derrik-grug obsess over blood haired smear? Not understand why he think it OK to smell like that.
Wasn't his blanket literally coated in shit?
i thought it were cumstains
I will never forgive Wada for replacing Metis's chuuni summoning animation with that generic shit
did Reload nerf Door to the level of Yu and Ren or is he still above them?
Not really. Though Nagoshi was important and I'll explain why
>Yokoyama is the main Yakuza writer, for the first 2 games the scripts were overseen by an actual crime writer
>Y3-5 were purely Yokoyama, and this is where Yakuza started to jump the shark in terms of dumb plots
>A new writer is hired, Furuta, who cowrote Yakuza 0 and according to Nagoshi is part of the reason the plot worked so well for that game
>Nagoshi liked Furuta's work on Yakuza 0 and handpicked him for Judgement over Yokoyama
>Nagoshi leaves and now Yokoyama becomes the series head
>He then decides to assign Furuta to the side game, Gaiden, while letting his self-described protege Takeuchi (who has no experience being a main writer on the series and came from RGG online, the gacha) take the reigns on the mainline game Infinite Wealth
>Near-universally people found Gaiden way more solidly written than 8 despite it being made on a shoestring budget in less than a year
Basically there's no checks on Yokoyama's dumb shit anymore, he's capable of good writing but he needs someone to rein him in. People praise Yakuza 0 but that's a game where Yokoyama said that his writing was vetoed the most by Nagoshi (presumably because of the presence of Furuta.) Basically Infinite Wealth is a good representation of Yokoyama-led Yakuza, and it's not really because Nagoshi was the best writer, but he was someone that could say no to Yokoyama, there's no one to tell him no anymore.
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Found it
File deleted.
Door nerfed very hard. All of SEES got buffed heavily.
>Shitmire on a putrid blanket with shit stains
You have a lot of the boilerplate complaints about the game's writing like I said but there's no doubt the first Judgment game was a cut above the rest of this stuff
>Yokoyama is the main Yakuza writer, for the first 2 games the scripts were overseen by an actual crime writer
Guess I got lucky; like I said I played Yakuza 0, Kiwami and LAD.
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What happened to my image?
as piss easy as it is to do in the game, Door is now dead to the other two but mostly Joker before he can build up his Theurgy to use armageddon so yes heavy nerf
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Take a shower smelly
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Wada's doing his best with what he has.
No reason to.
>Wada's doing his best
Atlus consistently put out kino on way less than what he got for reload he has no excuses especially when he's defending his zoomer developers
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Greasy slimeball derrik!
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it got fuuked
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Post the cube
keep it to your discord
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all navis are cute
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Every navi has something with computers. Rise has the Satellite stuff with her persona too.
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You can't talk about Rise's persona without also discussing the brutal assassination of Tofu Rise by the coward moeshit stereotype for marketing Rise
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Sounds like someone needs to be put back into their place
P4 rewind will add more tofu Rise scenes with a cooking mama like minigame
I do this but I don't drink that
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Persona 3 is a beloved game. No one gives a shit whatsoever about DEI Metapajeet shit
I think a man should be able to love his soom
What discord?
>deloadfag is huffing copium again
>read fic
>latest chapter
>author bashes a completely separate character for the last third or so of the chapter for some reason
More info about Yupa and her island
Rent free
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Aigischizo is so embarrassing.
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just use a slur like nigger or faggot next time
Average P3fag
I've enjoyed Reload but I swear if they remove the cutscene where ???/Shadow Door unravels after he is defeated, I'll be mad.
It'll be replaced by an in engine cutscene
sweet home alabama
If anything i want them to double down on it
Make it really shocking
I hope not, they included a lot of cutscenes in the answer and I hope that one stays.
he looks like traveling boy
the awakening scene wasn't even animated
He definitely yanked her hair during sex
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Tickling her feet with a qtip
How much of P3R's budget was used to animate Gallica's feet?
Visually which game looks better, Reload or Metaphor?
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Tickling her pussy with a qtip
metaphor isn't even out and youtube's dogshit compression ruins any footage of it
thread theme;
Which purse owner gives the best head? (Besides Kanji)
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I like Metaphor. Reload looks really clean like too clean, it almost feels too clinical. Especially the portraits. Yukari not doing her Junpei and Aki impression face in the maid recording is one of the bigger examples.
There's no way she's evil.
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Persona 6 be like
Reload. The shaders in Metaphor are so dated.
I remember a TV commercial like this
I had fun on the LoTR one with a friend in co-op years ago.
Metaphor. The textures in deload are way too modern.
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Metaphor 100%
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Metaphor feels more alive.
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Metaphor, I don't think it's particularly close either
the constant watercolor effect all over the characters' hair and clothes I think will be a difficult design choice to top for these other projects with less talented art staff
Junah is so beautiful...
Can stare into her eyes forever...And ever...
I prefer Metaphor. Metaphors visuals are pretty messy but when it looks good it's really special. P3R looks better consistently but feels weirdly lifeless and too clean and it annoys me more when they fuck up the visuals considering how small of a game P3 is.
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What's your favorite quote from the games?
P5X is not Persona.
I'm super guido!
Wait up, Brad. We're going to play Persona? What? Are you stupid?
Metaphor looks three houses tier, and it doesn't have the excuse of being on the switch.
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Waifu kissu.
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This but Junah is Shinji and Travelling Boy is Asuka.
Count Louis gave us a cause to fight for...
So how's the new Kamen Rider going
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I kept replaying that part it was so good
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nanako looks different...
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Metaphor vs. Reload and Wada's endless bitching about budget will be just the newest in a long line of examples of why wasting millions and millions of dollars on fidelity nearly killed the gaming industry.
>abuh-buh-buh persona?????
Fuck off with your dead franchise.
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Cute and canon
I didn't even post any fire emblemshit you fat tard
two of those are persona
Why is she so mad?
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I love Sojiro's entire rank 10 speech and also this but if there's any one singe line it has to be Goro's engine room Robin Hood callout
She didn't have the penis option to correct the red girl
She saw SHARTgischizo.
Cute Nanabutt
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You ready for SOULFUL eating scenes where the cast eat weird food and give their takes on it?
I sure am!
she saw derriks shit stained blanket
I'm gonna play p5x just to piss you off
It will never come out in English anyway faglord.
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>Stop looking down on my with that stupid smile on your face!
There are a lot of better options for male byleth.
Good, I don't even care for p5shit
>selling your soul to winnie da pooh to own persona anons
kek you shills really are a pathetic bunch
He's coping HARD today
None of these posts are about Persona or Metaphor.
Three Houses walked so Metaphor could fly.
Why is it so hard to talk about Persona in the Persona general?
That mini map is actually gorgeous
Wow she's sluttier than Yukari.
bro dont spoil me I still havent played
You tell me ricie
Just one
let's start
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I love Gallica sitting on a mug. But why did they give her such a large portion how is a fairy supposed to eat all that??
Cute and canon.
Desperately in need of correction
Stop propping up your dead franchise.
There are more actually.
Marianne = Haru
Ferdinand = Maruki

But who cares about dubshit when both games have Aoi Yuki.
Metaphor being a Tokyo Mirage Sessions level flop is going to be hilarious
Clearly you seem to care so stop fucking posting about it.
>he cant spot a Persona quote
SHITsuru is repulsive.
Samefagging schizo detected.
How can Persona compete?
which character? Is it someone contemptable like futaba or just out of the blue?
Fuck off Chang.
Sumire's story and character arc are strictly a worse version of P3's Gourmet King
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Keep saying it ricie
by being a thriving franchise
What are you wanting for?
I hope they make SH3
I hope they make SMT6
I like Persona!
>no new games since 2016
Play it, do the blue lions. It's not that long and you can emulate it.
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no way, me too! we should be friends
funny how chang is wishing metaphor to flop when his gatcha trash is already tanking in profits
>It's not that long
My first run took me like 80 hours. But I agree, everyone should go Blue Lions first.
>muh chang boogie man
I've got a huge backlog to get through and also I don't want to emulate it but I'm broke.
Chang is also trying to force the P3R vs Metaphor fighting it all makes sense now.
thanks for reporting yourself!
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Lmao dumbass
It's so funny that the themes actually fit
>announcing a report
Enjoy your vacation, anon.
wtf I hate P5 now
chinksona will go down as the single worst investment decision in fatlus' history and I am all for it
Hqhahaha you actually deleted your post
>deleting it
>Hashino leaves
>Wada sells his soul and persona off to the chinks
It's only the beginning
Don't think we won't notice you're samefagging just because you stop using caps. Go back to spam Sumire or whatever your schizo gimmick is.
Clown world
lol how new
I'll be watching derrik
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P5X will never be persona just like you will never be white
>gachatranny meltdown hours
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This kinda signals that Hashino was really eager to leave studiop because of how tedious it was to deal with wada
Imagine the gaming
I am the single most white person here
black hands typed this
I'm the whitest
Just reached the very first day of Winter Break in P3R. Are the last 5 ranks of Keisuke + 3 Koromaru episodes + Aigis all doable in that time?
>I know some of the team members have moved on to Metaphor: ReFantazio. How does this impact the future of the Persona series?

>Wada: Many years ago, one of the issues we wanted to resolve as a company was to improve the development capacity of the organization. Fortunately, as of today, very talented young and mid-career people are steadily growing through projects like P3R and P5R, so if we are asked about the impact on the future from here on, the answer can only be "for the better."
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The yummiest.
Nanako bot very cute.
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You guys do do this right? Alongside imagespam filtering of course.
It's a minimum requirement to make the thread even somewhat bearable.
She traps young boys heads between those
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P5X has Persona in the title
>best one
>about dealing with death
>liked for being the darkest

>has the meme protagonist
>about unveiling the truth
>liked for the memes and the waifus

>gets the most attention
>about rebellion and changing the status quo
>liked by twitter activist because they misinterpreted the themes
>alternate version forces a retarded redhead into the cast
Yeah, but I don't ban variants of shit like cuck or schizo. Anyone using buzzwords is never worth listening to.
Yep :)
I'm not a p3fag so no I don't have any of this stuff living in my head rent free
So does Trinity Soul and it will be more canon and relevant than this gacha shit in a year time
at that point just stop using imageboards
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Yeah. Still, some of these are too restrictive.
>De load actually gets under his skin this much
Shut up bitch.
Aigistards are the biggest snowflakes in the fandom.
p3keks being p3keks
this is some of the thinnest skin I've seen on /pg/ lmao
>Me rope
It'll be you after this shit gets EoS'd in like 2 years kek
Nah I like to insult that mediocre game and the flopcuck is retarded but I can see that word used in a normal context. I use all the others filters.
I will be real with you but yes that's extremely pathetic thing to do on a discussion board where you are meant to be exposed to all kinds of ideas whether it be sane or outright unhinged
>D3load filtered
>m3tabros filtered
I thought this p3 vs m etaphor was a meme how is it actually real
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Know your place greaseball
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yukari is not that big
>p3schizos aren't real they said
>p3schizos aren't obsessed with metaphor they said
are you the same retard who tried to manually filter all of sumischizos images?
Reload looks like your average Unreal Engine animeslop
Metaphor looks dated but has a much better aesthetic
P3 really just has the worst fanbase without question
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threadly cube
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Nuh-uh. She's a big girl.
No, this thread has no value and you can't be trusted to improve it, so she has to be posted now.
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Did it help?
I can't wait for the day when you choke on your own tongue and die
If I had to give birth to a shitty little jewfro drug addict like you I'd get into a car crash too
Filthy junkie~
Don't worry I'll give you a lot of words to filter 4igiscu.ck
Aigis retards are mentally ill.
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You have never held a woman's breast in your hands before, have you?
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Yukari's hair is retarded
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Metaphor WON
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blame the movies
thank god reload got it right
The thread is unusable rn
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no one forcing you to stay
>Actually mentally ill aigi scu ck
Burn this thread to the ground
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I'm excited for Metaphor.
Yukari is the only thing it got right (sometimes).
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It doesn't fix everything, but I'm sure I see a lot less bait and shitposts than the average person here.
P5X Global will save /pg/
Same. Have you decided what your final party will be?
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Wait for 15 minutes and see the schizo post an early thread to keep trying to force P5X out
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i like reload
Not persona, Im afraid
The only good schizo in these threads to be honest
>/pg/ - Persona General
Cry about it jewbaby
I'm sure you do
Not him but I’m probably going with Eupha, Junah, and Basilio.
>didn't posted the butt jiggle
not true Ken fan
we love maiko, ken, nanako, twins and lavenza here
Nice, for me it's Junah Eupha and Heismay
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pre battle warmups...
Does Ayane count?
a bit unpopular among masses but yea why not
anon if your this based on /pg/ your gonna make them mad
Ayane straddles the line. You can put her into the loli category or outside of it depending on how you feel.

But regardless - We do love Ayane here because she is a sweetheart.
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Ayane is love. She is made for putting in your lap and hugging from behind as you gaze into the seaside setting sun together.
while rubbing your penis inside of her asscrack and bounching her light body up and down
Mishima, he was just kinda there for no reason
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I was trying to go for romantic affection and here you go making it all about sex. Well, if you ARE going to stick it into her, then at least have the decency to do it in the lotus position or while carrying her so she can look into your eyes as you paint her insides white.
>just kinda there for no reason
that's a bit meta
Is Ai Ebihara a gyaru???
Anon, did you really think it was all just ironic memes?
disgusted by the degeneracy
disgusted by your skull geometry
Whats it like to have a dream to fight for?
you don't feel like killing yourself every morning
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not at all.
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Best girl.
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holy shitt! cute robot!!
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I don't get it.
Yukiko's way if calling you a fag. She's nit crass or uncouth
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>or while carrying her
Her portability is pretty hot ngl
>Said by a son of a supermarket owner, inn keeper's daugher, a super idol, child prodigy detective and a gary stu MC
They sure proved him wrong
Chie is a poor, starving lesbian. Please understand.
Teddie wasn't even human until a couple weeks ago.
Delete this.
Is she even poor? She seems like the ordinary person in the group. The only poor one is probably Kanji because he's been raised by a single mother. Non humans like teddie can't really comment on life especially since he's gotten stuff handed to him
If Chie wasn't poor she wouldn't have to beg/force money out of Yusuke every 3 scenes
*Yosuke my bad.
Every once in a while I curse my life for being born into this boring world soulless world where all we do is work so if anything like becoming a Persona MC happened to me I would be devastated. To be given an adventure and friends and then just go back to the mundane like nothing happened.
She got a scooter so she can't be that poor
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Every once in a while I'm grateful for my life for being born white.
>See everyone's house/family
>Except Chie
She's homeless anon
Everyone is born a Persona protagonist bros. You just suck at raising your social stats and starting/developing social links without a guide.
My life is locked in Merciless mode
All of mine are reversed
>dreamed that i waa noemal and girls were talking to me like persona
>one was leading me around school looking for a hiding place to have a quickie
>another social link caught us and reversed
So thats what it feels like
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LJ confirmed that Don't and Disconnected are both written from Aigis' POV, but that was already plain to see.
You’ve reached the point where you’re making up dreams so you can brag about them to /pg/, anon.
I dreamt I was a butterfly
This is one weird sex ed class
I do not know whether I was a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.
why would I make up a dream just to post it here

or do you not have complex dreams so you think other people don't either? That's sad
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because you're starving for attention
I broke all of mine...
I kind of get him but randomly murdering people was stupid. He should have become a powerful politician and lived in hedonism then.
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>randomly murdering people
you mean goro? Adachi has never murdered anyone
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I like that she straddles the girlfriend or imouto category just like she straddles my belly when she mounts me
No like Shido, Goro was just a piece on the board. Sure Shido went down like a bitch but he has Char's VA, is so impossibly beyond the PTs that they needed to use the Metaverse to get at him and was totally living it up right until the very end.
I almost want to play P5X for her.
>Sure Shido went down like a bitch
He risked offing himself with suicide pills to avoid losing, of all the persona villains adachi is really the one that went down like a total bitch
Why are you like this?
750 isn't early tard

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