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Previous >>493446469

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>P5X Released in China - https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZvpD8LW4xq4

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Adachi is still alive and is a changed man.
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Why did she do it?
Mishima and Shiho lovey-dovey date
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Shiho introduces Mishima to her bull
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>flexible delivery options
shiho is pure
The cutest
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Thanks for spoiling
I refuse to believe the cute little fairy is evil. It’s just physically impossible for her to do evil stuff.
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Saturday couldn't come soon enough
I'm killing myself after finishing metaphor. I was gonna do it after P5 but I stuck around just in case atlus was going to annoucne P6.
Exhausted Ann claim.
Best sleeping face.
Most cuddly.
I'm so tired. I love Ann.

Night Personababs.
What about P6
How about you don’t do that and just… live.
Can you buy it for me on steam before you do? If I won't kms then you can't either anon. Live.
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Ryan from the Bronx won.
If only twitterfags weren't stupid as hell.
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Open for Eupha giggle

Hello my love
It's funny, even /v/'s still falling for it
Atlus will probably announce P6 shortly after Metaphor comes out.
Who? Is this another midori?
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Sleep tight.
Yukiko, I'm gonna rape your brapbox
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I have never played a Xeno game in my life.
Persona 6 OST by _________
Koji Kondo
King Gizzard
carpenter brut
Reel Big Fish
>there wasn't a '/pg/ sings' for Reload
modern /pg/ is too scared to enter a discord call with their friends. They're not going to sing
Shouldn't her mom also be a little gremlin too?
6'6 mom, 2'9 dad = 4'8 daughter
He won. Why would he?
on a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is metaphor to be atlus’s magnum opus?
Well it's not SMT 2, so that's gonna be a 1.
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Ugly fuck. Wipe your shit off his nose before you poison the internet with this hideous fucker at least.
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pet the gato
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What would we have sang anyway?
Probably Color Your Night.
It's definitely the standout song of the OST.
I don't get it
We aren't friends.
Shut up Adachi.
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Eupha jp voice sounds so familiar.
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yukari cooking in the dorm
Adachi did nothing wrong.
Yukari is not white
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Good morn-
Eh fuck it
back to sleep
interesting argument, however, I'm still going to stuff my face in her butt
Only if you look like Ayane
Sleeping time
Eating out Koromaru's nutt.
Naked Aigis is so erotic...
fuuka is such a helpful navi, she always keeps an emergency tap soda in her ass for when someone needs a quick SP refill
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The fairy is sleeping.
gallica sleeping on your ballsack like a beanbag chair
Why do I have the urge to kiss her
I want to put her in a jar
What evil scheme is she dreaming about?
Destroying the world… with no survivors!
dlc soon...
Destroying the world isn't really that bad when you think about it. I mean, most world-ending cataclysms give people a few seconds to contemplate their impending mortality and then it's just over. Sure you might have killed literally everyone and everything, but you can do better than that.
A few seconds isn't enough to savor bubblegum let alone the deepest despair each individual human is capable of expressing. We need to think about sustainability goals. Another factor to keep in mind is that dread does not last forever. Humanity as a whole will have to be kept on their toes while willingly pushing themselves through hell because they have some semblance of hope that it will be worth it (spoiler: it won't).
>Destroying the world isn't really that bad when you think about it.
stfu jew
Dreaming of commiting genocide
tax evasion and pirating movies
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Horny Ann reverse-raping me
Can it, pussy. If you like the world ending so much then I'll cook up a special kind of hell just for you.
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Humans were an unsustainable failure but there is still time to save the planet for other animals to keep evolving. We must stop humans NOW.
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in my perfect world, I have free will
If you destroy the world I won't be able to eat cake! That's unforgivable!
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>Society is flawed? That's too bad, I'll continue supporting and attempt to improve it.
trans af
Humans might be imperfect, and the society is flawed, but it can still improve. All you're doing is running away and crying like a child who didn't get its way!
>you're a child
so? Acting like a big baby is bad?
>Door-kun, I don't know what gender to put on this form... There are so many... What am I?
A robot. You are not human Aigis and you will never be human.
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Egg is a term trannys use for people they groom, once they troon out they "hatch".
Persona 6 should cover multiple years, not just one.
||I just wanna see completionist fags suffer||
Atlus will have it ready for you in about 50 years
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>discord syntax
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Is this faggot serious
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Today I had sex with Tae
Then Haru's dad stalled me out for two hours with his infinite reinforcements
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She's NOT evil!
please delete this post
This is undoubtedly statutory rape.
>tfw you just woke up and the diamond blocks were just a sweet illusion in your dreams.
Okay but
Who cares?
>discord tranny
>retard opinion
What if Zelda was a girl
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>Risking jail and becoming a social pariah for the one you love
How romantic
Cuddling with Ichinose…
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okumura isn't THAT hard you damn casuals
Petting the gato
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cat is fine too
What a cute silly little kitty
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Haru story arc where she gets fat then loses all of the weight behind the scenes before Shido
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delet this
girl morgana is what we should have gotten. At least artists can make it a reality.
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I know what I have to do but I didn't have the tools to do it, I need to go back to the Velvet Room
The fatfags will be bamboozled
anon please tell me you're not going to get THAT
i wish morgana were a girl
she'd have been the best sidekick/onahole ever in any media
Brush up on your Baton Pass
Tea with Tae. With Okumera you need to buff your baton pass so you gain boosted damage and to make items so you can pass to everybody then Joker last.
Bro I said I know what to do
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Sex with female Morgana
A loli is fine too
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Would have been way better as a girl.
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If Morgana male, then why dress?
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If Morgana male, then why name Morgana/Mona and not Morgan?
Imagine if robutt pinned your arms to the bed and used just enough of her weight to trap and aggressively snuggle you
metaphor is going to suck
i can feel it, i won’t top P5
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You are so fucking obvious.
Morgana is not for sexual
Beware of falling into the anonymous imageboard pattern trap or you will be on pills for the rest of your life
When did you last have a healthy meal anon?
im trying to find the fucking doujin of feral morgana jerking joker off but it was deleted from literally EVERYWHERE
i'd love to eat your cooking.
If you want more niche doujins, you have to look at the new sad panda or hitomi.
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Don't know, healthy food is icky and gross.
Snuggling the adorable creature on the left all night
"Chie you gotta see this Indian guy taking a selfie near the train tracks!"
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disconnected full version is up!
Do Aigiskeks really?
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Would people hate Yukiko if she was just aggressively racist?
Yukiko at this rate the Metahor crossover game when P4GR drops is out of the question
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Hags before they were hags
Is this aigisfag with us in the room right now?
Yes you are
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>Yukiko saving us from slop
Best girl.
We already saw your filter list >>493478142
Ayase's such a whore her Persona's named Whorey.
>Deload shartgis, aigis schizo and Metaphor filtered
I thought it was a joke but those guys are actually real
Post more aigis NTR lmao maybe he'll kill himself
imagine using any filters ever
let's not
smacking your nuts to spite your opponent just leads to your opponent waiting you out and you having sore balls
Today I ordered my realdoll Aigis. Soon I shall install her personality files.
It actually means virgin
>posting your filter list
What an excellent way to teach everyone not only that their insults are very effective but also exactly how to dodge or that they even need to, makong the whole thing pointless in the first place and revealing just how insecure you really are. Holy fuck I didn't believe there was an aigisschizo obsessed with hating metaphor but you just proved him right.
Virgins are the ultimate whores because they have the potential to fuck anyone.
they post it for validation, which is ironic if you think about it.
What's the best guide to 100% Persona 3 Reload? On a second playthrough but don't want to just NG+ it since being that overleveled would be boring.
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>Being overleveled is boring
>But playing with a guide isn't
This is your "drawbro" everyone. Point and laugh.
You drop it and play FES which is better in every way. Combat wise reload is a joke, you can do most things in a single night if you really wanted to since Fuuka will always give free SP restore with her thuergy when most of your party is low on SP. In the last 2 months you have to abuse the dating website heavily. The new hangouts actually makes it harder to max all of the links out, but half of them are pure ass anyways. Honestly don't worry about 100% everything since you can watch the bad SLs and new events with the guys on youtube. The only new events of value are with Shinji.
Aigisfag just keeps proving that he's the most pathetic /pg/ poster again and again, you love to see it. Not even Derr1k is this thin skinned.
Metaphor will be modern day Chrono Trigger
>listen to sae voice lines on repeat while falling asleep
>the goal was to dream about fucking sae
>dream about BEING sae and having to navigate a day of work
>couldn't walk in high heels without twisting my ankles
>kept looking for a mirror to check how I look and if my hair looks messy
>coworkers keep coming into my office to tell me "good job"
I think it's very retarded that the hangouts in Reload for the girls only gives 1 point and only when you start their SL while the dating site gives multiple.
>dream about being persona girl
>pull down pants and look down
>barbie doll smooth crotch, no pussy or hole
>how the fuck am I supposed to pee
>wake up scared and sweating
this really happened
>little things like his scent and his cologne, a painful reminder that he's gone
Aigis can smell.
Aigis moment
Uh... You want to be like Ann?
I don't see whats wrong with this filter list. These are all things common to bait posts not worth seeing or shit like sumi spam.
Its not like he blocked reload or metaphor themselves, he blocked deload and metabros and flop which is exclusively used by shit posters.
Also the only people saying sumi, soom or shitmire are talking about derrick which is also blocked.
All the aigis shit is the same, just retards who might as well call everyone they dislike a tranny and spam pictures of wojaks.
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Sex with Shadow Sae
Wtf is wrong with men?
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Ok 41giscuc.k
Aigistr4nny moment
If you really can't handle board culture I suggest you fuck off to somewhere more your speed like reddit, twitter or discord
I like the idea of party member passives gotten through events, makes the events have some purpose when they are poorly made outside of them. The problem is they aren't very balanced. Yukari becomes the strongest healer in the series through them, and Akihiko becomes the strongest overall gameplay wise, while someone like Mitsuru gets an ability that is outclassed by the half way point of the game, and even then is more situational requiring multiple steps unlike the rest which is near instant and doesn't require a lot to activate it.
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I'm so hyped for persona 6
Who wins in a fist fight
Door or Kotone?
worst girl
Door can use boxing gloves
The one that's canon
Door pounds her out, brutally.
>noooooo you can't just hide my garbage low effort shitposts
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Door already won however
Kotone quickly has her face in the pavement and her ass in the air getting plapped
ends like this: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10498045
Those aren't tears of sadness, they're of joy that she finally found her natural place.
>nooooo don't hurt my fee-fees they make me so sad! waaaah! waaah!
I thought you wanted attention? Don't complain when you get it.
Persona WISHES it had a girl as good as Tifa.
Maki already exists
>natural place
As Door's bitch?
Noot has her breast size
Good night, /pg/.
Sex with all makis at once
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Man trannys really seethe when they know you don't see their posts, knowing you're not giving them attention.
What would be more merciful for Kotone: FES Door or Reload Door?
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>he chooses to live in fog
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They're multiplying!
But you posted your filter list 41g15tard, now I can easily dodge them.
I'm sorry but there is this woman there... I want to see her again...
That’s kinda gay
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she'll take both.
nah, I realized that the feelings of happiness I had walking around as Sae without any anxiety or shame was because I just wanted to be someone successful. Someone with a normal job, without dandruff raining from my head or a million pimples on my face. A normal functioning adult, its not tranny shit.
P1 is the first and the last time Persona did the jungian concepts and introspection correctly but /pg/ isn't ready for this conversation.
Also P2 is ass and only people who never played it and parrot that its story is so good think otherwise
>Getting gang banged by manga Minato, movie Makoto, P3FES Door, P3P Door and P3R Door
Okay, troon
That's not for you to decide however
Never go full lolcow.
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beep boop
Anal sex with Ann!
Being all raburabu with Chie in front of Yukiko!
Making Yukiko jealous!
Being seduced by Yukiko in a bed trick!
Ryuji is so lucky...
Isn't it interesting how just these shapes of your fat ass and sideboob is enough to trigger the mating response, Ann? Look how big my penis is getting!
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>hey Ryuji buy me this necklace.
>hey Ryuji buy me this cute skirt
>hey Ryuji buy me a crepe
>hey Ryuji treat me to a 5-Star buffet
>hey Ryuji I want a luxury trip to Kyoto
>hey Ryuji I want a nice car
>hey Ryuji buy me this cute bag
>hey Ryuji I want this make-up set
>hey Ryuji buy these Stilletos
>hey Ryuji give me your wallet
>hey Ryuji-
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why ryuji?
What does all the cum of those faceless students taste like?
Where's sumi? where's sumi
I want to make out with a robot so bad...
I'll be sure to ask Yukari later, I'm busy with Aigis right now.
What it like?
>Oh boy I got invited to talk about the answer in an interview!
>They ask me about Kotone, oldsona and fucking Metaphor instead
I hate wh*teoids so fucking much!
He can't see this bro
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Don't slander Aigis' girlfriend like that.
Going to cry then.
I think it shows how overall, Wada hasn't produced anything decent in the eyes of the public yet
Get in line. The whole gym team wants to get busy with her face too.
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Sex with Yukari
How longs the que?
>aig1str0on lashes out at yukarifags for no reason
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Aigis and Yukari should kiss and make out
on my cock
P6 will redeem Wada
Just a few more minutes
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If (((you))) had the chance to interview wada what questions would (((you))) ask?
Yukari would be so warm in bed...
>I know some of the team members have moved on to Metaphor: ReFantazio. How does this impact the future of the Persona series?

>Wada: Many years ago, one of the issues we wanted to resolve as a company was to improve the development capacity of the organization. Fortunately, as of today, very talented young and mid-career people are steadily growing through projects like P3R and P5R, so if we are asked about the impact on the future from here on, the answer can only be "for the better."
P6 will be the best Persona game yet without SHITshino hindering the project
Kissing and hugging Aigis while plapping Yukari
Wait a minute, am I being subjected to woke?
What was the Reload's budget
Sounds hot.
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which persona girls sleep naked?
gross unfortunately.
Persona & Metaphor-GODS
I am excited for Metaphor
That is all
I love sleeping so much bros, especially against another warm human

moids: which persona girls have a pussy and xxx naked boobies hardcore fucking tight buttholes fwa fwa?
I wish I could cuddle with you, Yukari.
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which personabab would you cuddle with?
It sucks it's a month away, I wanna play it already
>how can i make this about ME!?
Probably just sumi
I can't decide, which babs are little spoons and which ones are big spoons?
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Chie always
Yukiko only if Chie agrees and is present
im a little spoon if thats okay
On the bright side, it is nice to have something to look forward to in terms of releases.
post your pussy and xxx naked booies and hardcore fucking tight butthole
Every time she smokes, she moves the cigarette around in her mouth weird and it makes me feel strange... What do I do next time she does this?
ann's butthole..... I will not lose to it!
Remind her smoking is a one way ticket to lung cancer.
stop being gay
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>Metaphor credits roll
>At the end it says "End of Book One. Let's travel again on our next journey."
this shits so dumb
that loading screen reminds me of mankind divided
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I tried, but she just blows smoke in my face and laughs...
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It's Satonaka Saturday! Let us hope for a bountiful tomboy harvest
Hey chink. Please don't try sneaking gachashit in the OP again.
why is /pg/ such a contrast to the other persona communities?
reload is liked outside yet outright detested her
are they dumb or are we too smart or vice versa?
Influencers deserve the fucking bullet
What the fuck.
Nusona fans don't like being challenged, to many people Persona 5 is already too hard, having P3 that is very dumbed down and easy to play is an ideal version of the game for many people.
We're true fans
They're normies that couldn't figure out how to emulate FES or outright refused to in favor of a remake. You see the same thing going on with 4 now. People just can't play Golden for some reason.
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most of the people praising reload haven't even played fes
I have a personal vendetta against remakes since the ratchet and clank one.
Other persona communities are made up by 99% p5onlies, they never played the original p3 and like reload being a reskinned p5.
Newfags take up most persona communities since the ports happened. Even more so secondaries were big when the dancing games happened.
Will /pg/ shit on Persona 4 Rerun like they did with Reload?
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nothing wrong with being a fag
contrarianism is a mental illness and it's pretty widespread on /pg/
Reload was based on a game that had the most removed content in the series overall with what came after it.
If Rerun brings back the fog and tones down the anime scenes, adds a Izanami romance and good new features, it will be good. But it won't since Reload was lazy.
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I too wish to lick Chie
I hope they don't remake 4 and instead make a new Persona game.
No one here shits on Reload. Please don't spread malicious falsehoods.
If P4GR restores the fog I will personally not bitch about it
that's pretty lewd for an official art
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Official DLC art is of Liz being a slut. Lmao.
yes because it'd be the most retarded shit ever. p5babies can't even make the excuses of "no party control is unplayable" "tiredness is annoying" "it's not available on modern hardware" etc.
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I want to do the Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken with her
Them's the pits.
/v/ has ff cultists brigading persona threads, that's different
Chie is very chic!
so, what’s the verdict on P3R?
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So Reload hate is just another form of P5 hate?
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I could see it generally being more well liked. A lot of people hate golden because its a visual downgrade which the remake would fix, other people hate it because of Marie which a remake probably wouldn't change and Chies golden english va which they would change and it'd come with dual audio.
A lot of the complaints people have towards reload wouldn't have been a thing if it was 4 instead like the change in tone, how base 4 already let you control party members, they wouldn't really be able to sell Marie as dlc since its tied into the main game but if they did some people would have even been happy with that, ect.
repulsive, unfortunately.
>Party control is locked until Metaphor kun earns the respect of the party members to command them
Based Hashino
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Threadly orb
We hate deload here.
coat spotted!!
whore putting her whole pussy out
Reload has a lot of problems P5 doesn't have which makes it the worse version of P3 to play.
b-but I thought I was supposed to be the super special guy who immediately becomes leader and everyone likes and follows because I'm super cool and awesome and they tell me that every 10 minutes
there is when you're being a fag with other /pg/ anons
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what's this expression meant to convey
you’re delusional
Uncle lust
It's a bad game. Stop coping.
The lust for uncle cock.
Such as? It's literally P3 in P5 skin.
Me and my wife and daughter
Just being a cute Saori.
All of the cut content, more expensive price, shitter in engine scenes to replace the anime scenes, and more.
it’s way better than P3P and better than P3
you could argue P3FES is better because of the "atmosphere"
Kill yourself Derrik
Saori will never look at you like she does at her uncle.
you will never be 12 again
but I don wanna be fag with normies :(
I honestly really enjoy all the interactions travelling boy has with the rest of the party they've shown off so far, especially Gallica. They kinda bicker a bit between eachother with travelling boy being a sarcastic little fag
>Cut content
Royal was even shittier example of ATLUS being ATLUS. Answer is DLC and no, FeMC is not relevant.
>expensive price
Inflation is a thing. P5 was released in 2016, Reload nearly a decade later
>engine scenes
Only valid point
Such as?
Everything Reload does is worse than something else another version of P3 did outside "Le Pretty". Reload only has "Le Pretty". It has no substance and no real world value.
Who wins in a fist fight
Fuuka or Sumire?
Chie, my beloved.
Nanako, my imouto.
Yu, me.
Extremely unfunny.
You me?
fuuka bazooka
Fuuka, sum would only win if she could trick her into getting hit by a car.
Chie is dumb and stinky.
Majority of /pg/ anons are normies though
The people who defend Reload are the same kind of people defending Call of Duty removing customizable graphics for guns and the player armor.
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Why are Hifumi and Yukiko so unpopular when they're the most beautiful Persona girls?
Western piggu don't like true Japanese beauty
Anyone who likes Chie is a brother to me.
Yukari hates that whore.
>he plays CoD
Because they are hands down the worst Persona girls.
Only the most stereotypical braindead weebs like them.
ware wa nanji... nanji wa ware...
Why are you so bitter about Reload?
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/pg/, is this true?
Remember when mods for Reload to bring the girl's assets to be on P5's level was removed since modders thought it was "creepy?"
Reload ruined P3 for a generation.
Get those degenerates away from shogi wife.
It's called De load get it right
He played it.
Get a haircut
Reload clearly ruined you, I know that holy fuck.
your brain is rotten by nostalgia
Hifumitroon's mod got purged and now he is butthurt for eternity.
They fucked up P3 really bad.
>dumb and stinky
but enough about Shitgis
Chie and Aigis are best friends.
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Thou hast established a new bond...
It brings thee closer to the truth...
Thou shalt be blessed when creating
Babies with Chie Satonaka...
As bad as your mom?
Hifumi is a side character
Yuckiko is YUCK!
half of /pg/ wants to fuck nanako so unlikely
The female half, of course
Would your favorite jojo cast be able to beat your favorite persona game?
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I wouldn't call the general who turned Yukikoe into a stereotypical boonies-residing nationalist racist is anything but normie.
There's no bigger P3 haters than other P3fags. Whenever De.load or FES or Portable is better they are all just slightly different version of the worst game in the series
Shitgis is friendless.
You don't deserve Hifumi if you don't like her doing photoshoots in racy magazines.
She only did that because her whore mother, who I killed, forced her to.
P3fags living rent free in your head, anon. I feel bad for you.
stop posting you mongoloid
Chieanons calling her dumb and stinky isn't meant to insult her you retarded ESL
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I wouldn't call it living in my head more like spamming the thread with the same pointless bickering.
Hifumi got no other skills, it's only natural that she comes back to it eventually.
Flat is justice
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I'm so excited for Metaphor.
Need more BIG Nanako...
/pg/ is the only true place to talk about persona freely. Every other place is either Apathy syndrome, shrouded in fog, or a dream world where you don't have to face reality.
Chie hanging out with her fellow chariot and friend Aigis then going home to her lover Akihiko
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it looks cool and the music is great
but enough about Shitgis
Chie mogs Shitgis so hard
What a hot snack!
Yes those are all examples of this. Thank you for having reading comprehension
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I'm trying to find the scene on youtube, but it's not there anymore. Anyways just watch Priest by Antonia Bird
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I actually do wonder if GER could prevent The Fall on its own.
Rent free like I said. Thanks for confirming.
Trannygis will never have friends, unfortunately.
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Do you see a rash on my butthole? My panther suit itches sometimes, I wonder if you get a cognitive rash... anyways do you see anything?
First game in a while where every new trailer actually made me more excited about the game
methaphor’s mc looks like fuuka...
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It's gonna be so good fuckk, I will finally relive 2017.
What is she doing?
Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8_CIsow_Y8
Yukari stroking her cock
Fuuka kicking the shit out of Sumire!
Yukari facefucking Aigis
Brushing Koromaru
We hate metafilth here as it's not Persona and never will be. Talk about it elsewhere.
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P6 protag
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I could play the DLC for free, but it's not worthy of my playtime. So I shall sit back and watch the retards who paid 35 dollars for garbage slurp up the slop, then spit it out for being shit. They will try to justify the original experience being dogshit to justify why what they paid for was "good", but deep down we all know it's garbage. And I will spit on the fools and laugh. I will drink wine and laugh at the chaos. Then this general will have NOTHING as everybody moves onto Metaphor, with Persoyna dead in the water. After all these years ruining Atlus from the inside out, the Persoyna rot will DIE. Persona 6 will not save it. The spinoffs offering nothing new to further the cast or the plot won't save it either. It will only be franchise death as Metaphor and SMT replaces it into the main stream for REAL GAMERS. Not any of the pussy ass normalfag shit who will learn to watch youtube only due to the recession coming up. And it shall be glorious. Enjoy your shitty franchise now, FAGGOTS. For it will not be long until it is nothing more than a rotting corpse milked to death.
Don't post this faggot
bro thinks he is an anime villain
>and SMT
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Pretty lady!
Stupid frost poster
>metaphor is just the game Makoto is playing in persona 3
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Face it faggots, all this invigorating the general is about Metaphor and only Metaphor. once that is gone on release, all that is left is the shitposters and spammers with people horny posting. Deader than dead.
Hello, Aigischizo.
It's more of a medieval villian.
He's playing Imagine, Toriumi is dressed as the SMT1 Heroine
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Having fun with Door
Why is his nose so big?
Extremely putrid
Shitposting aside when do you guys want to move Metaphor to its own general? When the game info starts leaking or a week before release?
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>Extremely putrid
Hag tits aren't that perky.
>do you guys want to move Metaphor to its own general?
No, fuck off
>female half
There are no females here, just 'females'
Week before release.
yeah I was imagining him playing as the mc that looks like him, that was the joke anon.
Cute and canon.
Her getting ready for that Door knob.
We must bring this matter to a vote, call in a meeting!
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We'll have to wait and see just how big it gets
Pretty shit!
Is this real?
Nonsense. Women are half the population, and thus it logically follows that half of any group are women.
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Considering how confident SEGA is about the quality of the game I expect they'll allow reviews to be released earlier than usual so a week before sounds good.
Extremely ugly
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There's too much useless shit going on, so she must be posted now.
women don't play video games
Ok Derrik, just you post into the void like a good little junkie.
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Why exactly did this artist draw her on a bed of all places
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I like this cute and silly fairy.
Why so rude? I was just asking a question. It's better to be on the same page. I appreciate personafags letting in some Metaphor discussion but it'd be bit unfair to take up the threads with it and abusing the kindness.
My mom plays video games.
I like Aigis AND Metaphor. Whatcha gonna do about it? Huh? Huh?
Your mom is a man
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Sumi > SHARTgis
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>tfw nanako will never confess her love
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She's too adorable to be evil. I refuse to believe she has a single evil bone in her body.
My mom played P5 and romanced Kawakami.
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what's a /pg/ meeting like
She looks like she really doesn't want to be there
P5X is more Persona than Shitload.
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Like Persona dev team Yukari conference
Every new general brings a slow existing general closer to death.
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one major problem with persona is that most innovation with the game's themes died off with P1 since everything is borrowed to a degree from P1. It's been in a degree of stagnation for a very long time, and it's been building up to apply stagnation to more and more of it. P6 really has to innovate or else it's going to be very apparent, since people were feeling it with P5 and Reload, with Reload being too much to be like P5. This is from the P3-P5 casts mostly being variation of each other, doing many of the same types of events. It's why it's good stuff like Metaphor is being made, since it's actual innovation, even if some of it is restoring stuff from the older games. If P6 is going to be P5 2.0 then it's going to have a lot of backlash that Atlus isn't expecting.
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wow a quality post for once, ffs
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Here's another one.
how does metaphor innovate? isn't it just a story where you make zero choices, you have to be the good guy and can't do anything bad?
is it "innovation" just because its not set in a japanese high school?
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I feel like especially because of Reload , P6 will fall into the P5 2.0 route since most of the creative staff from PStudios got poached by Hashino and Wada is left with newbies. Someone will have to step up big time to bring somethinh new to the table
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Lots of rape
Sh1tgistroons btfo
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It's adding more to the combat, giving the protag a choice and a defined personality. The world is different with how people interact with the world. The cast personalities are different with the dynamics. Choices for dungeons and quests too.

Persona has a problem with the casts mostly being the same, with stuff like Mitsuru/Haru sharing most of who they are. With Persona you don't have that choice, the casts are mostly the same, with the general end goal being the same. Maybe the main villain is different, but it's very dependent on the idea of doing something every month to progress things and only that, with it being the same route to do it. With no real choices with SLs. Basically sticking to a formula too much without trying to spice it up in any way, only adding onto it.
I feel like this could happen, but maybe Wada will want to try to add new things. The hangouts and timed events don't really add enough to change the formula to a degree where it feels new.
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Pretty retarded post.
kill yourself chink
Shut the fuck up aigistr00ny
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I'm not your boogeyman and don't know what Aigis has anything to do with you having an idiotic opinion.
Also, the fact that you are trying to bypass filters just show that your only intention is to shit these threads.
Keep up the good posts.
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futaba gaming
My intention is to banish you from here and /smtg/ so you stop fucking shitting them up and no matter how many attempts you make at gaslighting or falseflagging I'm never going to give up until we are free of your blight.
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he was on diet for last 2 years
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Yes, he pre-recorded videos for years while he was losing weight.
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to be honest i think we should move the metaphor general over to /smtg/
this thread fucking sucks
We should all move to /psg/
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It was aigisfag and other p3schizos who campaigned so hard to have it here instead of /smtg/ and the first place.
Is /psg/ up?
Please take your DEI shit game that has nothing to do with Persona out of here.
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what do you even mean
do you even know what you mean
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Ignore the troon.
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/smtg/ doesn't want Metaphor, and Metaphor is here only temprarily. You managed to endure it this long, few more weeks should be nothing, no point forcing it elsewhere at this point.
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Not at the moment.
remember when you spun off sh2 and that thread died after 3 hrs lmao
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It's because most of /smtg/ and /pg/ hated it based on Ringo and the spammer.
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and this isn't an exact repeat of that situation?
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A lot more people like it, where /smtg/ sometimes is 50% Metaphor posts and this place can be in between 25-75% metaphor posts (not counting the spammer).
EO bros...
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I get hating Metaphor but comparing it to SH2 is extremely delusional
can we go back to when we had comfy drawbros and people just being excited for new games instead of some loser constantly screaming into the void about his various hated personalities and childish need to be a shit disturber
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One of those "drawbros" is said "shit disturber".
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Chang got triggered yesterday because nobody cares about P5X and decided to shit up the thread with falseflagging and genrally baity post. It even evolved into steamcharts posting
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P3 bad
P3 dogshit
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We only care about Sumis here.
Sophia, generate something like this but with Ann instead.
maybe there should be...
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I'll make it in a second.
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Drawfags can do literally no wrong.
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Ann's boobs are small.
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And this gives them a free pass to shitpost?
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So make them bigger.
New /psg/
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Please… stop laughing… its not that small…
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More like this?
AI is truly something scary if I can generate porn of my waifus like that.
Clone threesomes are common with female artists.
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It's using a base video to reapply each frame with AI.
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it looks like she's fingerbanging her sister lol
Where you create you gain licence to destroy. It balances out.
I will create a world where shitposting is gone forever
She replaced all her bones with cold steel...
Women are so based
It's weird how you can sometimes spot if a female/fujo drew something over a guy right away
If it's cute and wholesome, it's a man. If it involves brutal rape, it's a woman.
I love women so much
Lmao true
I want tot rape Yukari
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Hulk Smash!!!!!!!
ayyy, i'm ulkin here
it’s a shame there’s no romance, the girls are so cute
i just hope there’s a canon one DQ11 style
>the girls are so cute
The canon romance is the prince. Hashino is building up the trope where a kiss from a hero will wake up the princess from a curse. In this case Metaphor kun is the hero and he will kiss the prince on the lips and wake him up from the slumber
haha anon that ((())) thing is so funi, just like the last 500 times you posted that, gets me every fucking time, honestly. if any of you guys don't understand what he means by that pinnacle of a joke, those triple brackets from both sides denote an individual who is a (((jew))) or has any relations with them
I wish I was at home playing with Yu
I wasn't even supposed to work today
Everyone treats me like I'm stupid
My feet hurt. My boobs hurt.
This fucking sucks.
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>jew ITT
I love wagie Nanako
I can't buy my own food so I use delivery apps and tell them to leave it at the door because I'm terrified of strangers but let me tell you whats wrong with personas social links
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>dubfags defend this
& Metaphor!
Literally me.
Problem number 1: Why am I spending 8 ranks helping girls get over the dumbest emotional issues imaginable. Grow a brain, whore, and spend the next 5 ranks literally sucking my dick.
The VA channeled his own feelings towards a friend he lost IRL.
More like TeacherUsedGoods.
Sounds like they weren't too close.
Why is he talking to a dead guy? Is he stupid?
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She doesn't seem like the black lingerie type.
Mommies don't have piercings.
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why is she the color of the travelling boy?
Nice tummy, i'd lick the sweat clean off her stomach
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Big dumpy
repulsed by the degeneracy.
What is she do?
Pressing a vibrating wand at max power, forcing her to orgasm in 30 seconds flat as punishment for tesing her dumpy
Eating meat
That will surely correct her hehe...
How racist is Futaba
Her parlor mandates it.
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Worst opening in the series.
Not as much as Yukiko but shes up there.
Worst opening is P5 vanilla with that dumb sliding or ice skating thing they are doing on what I guess is meant to be rain. It doesn't mean anything and everyone looks gay and stupid twirling around.
I like the vanilla opening more than the royal one
Forgot to say I like Aigis btw
Nah that's the original FES opening followed closely by Golden
Forgot to say I've never played P5 btw
There’s literally nothing wrong with openings that use footage from the game.
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domo arigatou misu robotto
>watch intro
>spoils gameplay and story moments
It's only excusable because they are newer versions meant for people who played the original, but anyone new to the game would have literally all of P3 spoiled instantly.
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Drawing Morgana everyday until I get good day 4
Can't draw on paper today because I'm going out soon, so I pulled out the phone stylus and drew in my notes, also the stylus is laggy as fuck :(( but it turned out well! Today he's playing street fighter 6
finally a good post
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Do not open
Let them free.
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wtf BIGvenza just flew over my house.
He's just like me playing Deload
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I really hate the golden opening, especially since I also hate golden title screen and loved the originals.
P4G is from a time Persona 4 cast flanderization was at its peak. It really played into the anime scooby doo meme
>schizo going after P5 now
Go back to crying about Metaphor or Yukari.
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This >>493548859
But spanking her ass as well so she asscoiates it will pleasure
Nanako right before her BIG implants.
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The choker stays on during sex
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All you do is disturb my cheese.
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Door-kun was an only son.
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Should hags be bunnies?
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Look at my beloved silly fairy
Is that Yasuda? Money would be better spent getting him to draw DeSu3 desu, though I guess it's fine since it's Eli-chan.
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What's wrong with her lower eyelid?
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Sounds like you are in denial about the nature of P4.
So true
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Sounds like you never played P4.
P4 is more light hearted of a game but when a serious scene happens it stays serious.
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Do not trust this evil creature
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Shes wearing fake eyelashes because shes a fake whore.
but enough about Shitgis
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Gallica is real
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Is it worth it spending this much money on passes and VPNs to achieve nothing of substance?
Its not about the money its about sending a message
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wheres the drawfags
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There's no message it's just mindless. You aren't proving anything nor changing anyone's mind
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These are teenage girls.
i love real time travelling in vidya gaems
metaphor is going to be kino
i still remember the first time i took a boat to selbina in FF11 and it took 10 minutes to get there
i fucking love it
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What do I draw?
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Metaphor is not really real time, it's more event based
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Busy with the big tiddy aigis pic but it's half turned into a study as I teach myself to draw it, so please be patient!
you can wait too
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I'm pretty sure the only way to pass the time is to do an event
What's your point?
There are people who treat Scooby Doo very seriously too.
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watch the IGN gameplay video, you can see the ship moving on the map while travelling
Sumi, please.
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It's only a visual aspect, it's running through a looping scene it's not actually physically moving in real time
But why do a wait?
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