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Previous >>493493286

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YM3eHtnoC0
>Metaphor: ReFantazio Official Showcase - https://youtu.be/RlbKYbS0nSk

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
I love Junah
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Why did she do it?
love aigis
love sum
love chie
love fuuk
it’s that simple
Ahh, Persona
I hate P3 and Shitgistards
She did nothing wrong
Fuck off with your dead franchise.
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Do you love your cat?
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I'd kinda thought there'd be more results
>59 results
NTA but this really isn't Persona or Metaphor related nor are you guys trying to make a discussion how those characters relate to the topic
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me defending yukari against haters on /pg/
She can't be forgiven for her actions in the answer.
aigis was forgiven for killing door's parents
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s*mire killed here sister and got away with it
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we need more p3 art in desu style
No, that's not how cause and effect work. At all times Yuckari thought her selfish actions were justified. Aigis never killed anyone on purpose, nor did Sumi. And it's disgusting you would think that's comparable
This is probably the one piece of p3 artwork that I've saved in almost 3 years
yeah, i bet the porn addiction got you good
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This will be gone in Deload btw
His art style is so ugly.
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What is your first reaction upon seeing this?
Why is the side of her right tit so flat?
What is she looking at
She's just a little soom at the end of the day. That's all that matters.
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Should be male adachi instead
so you admit that they did in fact kill people
Reminder that Sumire serves no purpose as a playable and romanceable character. She doesn't interact with anyone except the MC through the whole game like some creepy obsessive stalker. Her storyline could have had her as an NPC and made no difference to the plot.
The first half of her confidant is so bad and rough like bad fanfiction. Her story and character arc are strictly a worse version of the Gourmet King from Persona 3.
The only thing anyone ever posts about this worthless character is that she's "for (you)". Story wise she's a plank of wood held together by headcanons and her le sad past. Every character magically liking her and respecting her and always saying good things about her made the main characer wank look tame in comparison. She's utter trash.
logical conclusion desu
trooning out is the endgame for incels
No I don't admit that. They wouldn't be held responsible in anywhere in the world.
No... I live at the dormitory with the others... Not the trash can...
>Aigis never killed anyone on purpose, nor did Sumi.
you literally admitted it
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Yoshizawa Sumire, we've gathered evidence linking you to the murder of Yoshizawa Kasumi. Additionally, it appears you've been using a false identity for some time.
>now it resorts to cringeRPing
but the tits
They never planned to harm innocent people. And if think running into somewhere unforeseenly dangerous and having someone sacrifice for you is killing then you're disgusting and I don't want to talk to you.
'it's not even one person
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>Yoshizawa Sumire, you have the right to remain silent and anything you say can be used against you in court. I’m placing you under arrest for murder and for supplanting your identity.
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Edelgard is a stupid bitch and did everything wrong
At this point I'm willing to bet it's the schizo's sockpuppet.
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Very yum
This? Canon.
Sumi died in prison btw
just a way to project a decade of seething about P5 onto someone else that also has a mental illness
>want to draw
Any BIG requests?
Why are Trannygis tards so mentally ill?
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Metis pls
Akinari's mum
The way he draws tits is ugly.
Maya. Extra BIG
I Also vote Maya
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The best fic I ever read was a fem!Yu x Adachi fic where she reverse groomed herself into feeling emotions.
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you could argue that in desu tits are oversized, but on that liz art they are perfect
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>Gallica sitting on your shoulder
My heroine!
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Be quiet, /pg/. Gallica is sleeping.
Dreaming of evil
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Aigis drinking several jugs of milk to replenish her breasts
You bitch, I needed that for my cereal, now I have to squeeze it through your breast!
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She killed innocent people with that sword.
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No, she's just an innocent little soom.
>Aigis drinking several jugs of milk
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Would fit better if it was Aki due to the zaps
>See this in Ultimax
What do?
o shit i have the burn status ahhh its so hot yukari you need to pee on me to put it out ahhh hurry
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Pee feeds the fire
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Fucking Chie's sweaty juicy pussy
now post the CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG one
looks tight and wet
The NEW Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Ann's model body
No, she's a murdering piece of shit.
Fat Marie please
Why are bigtrannies even here? There’s games with girls that’re actually canonically as stacked as the shit they jack off to. There’s no reason for you faggots to be here.
>tfwywn get a call telling you that Hubby’s out in a business trip this weekend so the house is all yours
I think Neuras will be extremely based
Can any sensible person even take it anymore?
>likes tits
Are you perhaps a lesbian???
There is no other explanation for such a strange gap in thought
Fuck off with your off topic trash.
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Why is this faggot so afraid of boobs?
Sex with Okyann
hey i listened to this audio porn before
She should have been in Strikers
Imagine if Ichy was an autistic gyaru MILF
Imagine how sweaty her crotch would get in the summer heat
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Yes, you guys are trannies and faggots. /psg/ is only a thing because you fags are so fucking gay and mindbroken by porn that you need to ERP with men pretending to be women to cope.
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>fucking some married whore who will just as easily cheat on you
Navel spotted
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You are the one coping by posting this image as a retarded gotcha every single time someone question your hatred for tits.
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still sexo
Sophie adjusting her app settings and going from small to BIG
>That thread
I can see why Chang is so desperate to shill this
sex SEX with Kawakami (i am a peer)
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No one uses /psg/ retard
As I’ve said numerous times in the past there’s no purpose for it - just post here.
Everytime it’s made and promoted here, it feels like a falseflag by schizos like you
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Teasing makoto's clit and nipples
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So sexo
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the way this artist draws faces is so weird
See >>493568687
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Well, this thread's quality is in the shitter already.
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lick lick
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Why is the tomboy like this?
it kinda looks like the same face copy and pasted a couple times
It was from the start >>493556421
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What do you get paid per day?
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I don’t hate tits, I hate you faggots and your womanly behaviour. You can’t cope with the fact that people think you’re annoying and cringe, whenever anybody calls you out you cry and try to label them as a thread personality to dismiss their criticisms.
>muh schizos
Nigger you’ve been acting like retards for years at this point, people have been tired of your shit for ages. What’s next, you gonna call me a prude? I wouldn’t give a shit if you just posted the occasional shitty image where a girl has tits the size of Jupiter, but you gotta go out of your way and spam and make shit gay. You no-true-Scotsman people and call them gay when they say your fetish posts suck, and you wonder why people hate you.
>b-b-but what about cubeboy?
Fuck off, him being the worst doesn’t make you a good poster.
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Merope is hotter though.
For me, it’s the quick, little steps she does before running
That’s cute
>Me Rope
kek will be all you shills after EoS in a year
Who the fuck is cubeboy? Go back to your fucking discord and your namefaggotry.
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Licky licky sumi's sweaty feet
When are you going to talk about Persona?
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BIG Polter with nipple piercings
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Hey look, your other favourite cope, disingenuity. Pretending to be retarded.
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Same person posting
Very pathetic
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Imagine being this mad over anonymous image boards
i want to kiss her butt, not spank it.
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Hi, /pg/.
Nice edit
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You'll be kissing it when it's pressed against your face
It’s 2024. No one is impressed or convinced by ms paint anymore
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Discordcoomer meltdown
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Going to be out today so here's the sketch so far. Sorry anon who wanted Eupha you'll have to wait a bit more
You sound like a twitter faggot caught in the act
post her tummy
Nobody asked for Aigis.
Stop posting.
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This is fucking garbage.
The ribbon should go on top of the roboobs, but nice
Shadow Yukari's seductive ear licking~~~~
What does that even mean?
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How so? I'm still struggling with the anatomy and forms and whatnot.
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Casting my vote for BBW Marie
Ai cute.
you will never be an artist
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What do with her?
>faggot tranny now spams fake hate replies to try and garner sympathy
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Will someone think of the advertisers?
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You’re really not beating the not-much-better-then-Sumischizo allegations with this spam.
At least it's not his KK renders.
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Haru was made for NTR.
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The best part of latex is that dosen't breath so all her sweat and pussy juice would pool up in the suit
Can we cuddle instead?
I’d like to believe that he’s not the one doing it since he seems to have matured a bit, but I wouldn’t be too surprised.
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What is she doing?
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Being the middle of a Haru sanwhich fucking Haru well getting fucked by Haru
Yuki S.
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Tomboys don't paint their nails
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Join us for the Reanswer draw corner in a couple days
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Casually big Chihaya
>Yuki S
Because that’s how clothes work?

It’s not gonna get under the boobs
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Why did she rape (Yu)?
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>stops as soon as I call it out
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It's not under them, it's falling to the side
Imagine sleeping nude together with her on top of you, smothering your entire upper half with her bigness
Why is SHARTgis such a whore?
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The schizo >>493570293 >>493555763 is trying so hard to spam out P5X though
You always have some drama going on, it's tiring
Why not
Of course a bigtranny is the one that gets assmad about people not wanting 5X in /pg/
having an affair with haru (she is trapped in a loveless arranged marriage)
Vagina bones...
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She's a sweaty gamer
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Which Persona girls?
I need to lick her tummy
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Why does Metaphor look like it came out 20 years ago?
Only whores wear dresses
Maybe you should take a hint that people don't want it? Literally nobody but you notices it. You don't even talk about the game itself you just try to shill it.
Because it's good
Because it did. Wake up, Anon.
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Modern day Chrono Trigger
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33 days.
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Hag tummy...must lick...
Iwatodai... home...
at least it was 'fore I fucked errythang up
Because it doesn't look like it's going to be trash.
Blame the faggot who always has the itch to bring the names of his "enemies" here for some reason
And her emo boyfriend
It cute.
Boys and girls belong together
Who are you quoting?
That's really homophobic
Your mother
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What dynamics do you want in Persona?
rape and revenge plotlines
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cute siblings
Dynamics? Like character dynamics? I’d love a proper mentor character, an experienced Persona user.
What they talking about?
Yukari is so lucky
whoa nice tits
but they're siblings
Not coordinated btw
yes please
imminent breast smothering POV
Actually something like Princess Tutu were every character is forced to play I role that they ultimate don't want would be kino af.
Would be interesting how fate is handled in the series with actual depth.
Manic pixie dead girl
one fuuk... two fuuks... three fuuks... four fuuks... five fuukzzzzzzzz....
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they are planning a surprise for yukari's birthday which is one month away
I miss bigvenza drawfag this one sucks
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(You) would too
Yeah he didn't feel the need to spam for attention.
Who do you think Ken looked up to more. Door or Akihiko? in Reload.
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Hey anon, I'm just dropping into the thread to see how it's go- oh...
Done spamming?
Bro, do your filter reps
I feel bad for toaster
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My love for Aki is pure and unending.
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Y-you too
lmao, even
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he had a boycrush on Akihiko
happy family
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Why does he looks so happy nowadays compared to his depressed form during his interviews about Persona?
He has creative control again
Sorry, I meant super duper pure
He evolved his persona.
Every day he's constantly thinking
>haha holy shit these executives are so cucked they actually let me put fantasy vaping in this fucking game I should try fantasy abortion in the sequel
Is Persona 5 Royal fun to replay?
Not really
prove it.
it's the only one of these games I can bother replaying these days
It's comfy if you stick to no fast travel.
Yes because you get to see sumi again.
No because you have to see Sumi again.
He’s not constrained to making games where you spend most of your time in school anymore.
Not really. Once every two or three years, sure.
>Aigisspic coordinated seethe about p5 backfires
take my word for it?
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metaphor's producer is like
>We have no intention of making political statements with this game and we know there's the American election coming up but the election being a vehicle for the story in our game has no political aspects to it
hashino is like
>Isn't it hilarious that this shit happened twice in a row now
Is every accusation actually a confession with you?
no but every dismissal is a confession with you though
>no u
You really don't like getting exposed huh.
The world doesn't revolve around you burgermutt
My love for Noot is pure and unending.
Need to kiss noot
He can finally make his own game instead of making games like Persona or SMT that are someone else's project.
Working on Persona and SMT has its own constraints that he had to adhere to, in this he makes his own rules.
Please don't be mean to me, I'll cry :(
Metaphor OST:
Cute noot
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I'm mean to you every day, though.
What he drinking?
Yeah- so think how much I cry, you monster.
My cup runneth over
Polter a cute.
Flattest girl in the series deserves love
bouncing on akihiko's cock
meant for >>493586797
what's it like?
>Athletic man with large tits (pecs)
>Artistic woman with flat tits (boobless)
AkiAran is the new /pg/ ship
akimitsu is already canon sorry
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Why are you like this, anon?
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Labrys (teethy)
Persona x Warhammer 40k
imagine the love bites.
Akihiro is dead, long live Akiaran
Dibs on featherman noot
Throatswabbing Polter
What it like?
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i can't wait to see the gore of door
Very tight, kind of an awkward fit for both parties and she spends the first 10 minutes gagging, dry-heaving and trying to psyche herself for it
But in the end she's holding hands with you as you thrust in and out of her tight throat, her eyes rolling back and she's doubly soaked down there
Should be a good scene. I hope it's an anime cutscene.
Hot, but required more info about her purple panties.
I wish there was some form of soom in this life
>He didn't mean actual throatswapping
>inb4 he just explodes into blue butterflies
You know it's either not happening or will be in engine
There is, but how the fuck do you expect to meet her when you're just dicking around in your bedroom, hiding from every noise you hear outside the door?
Go outside, mang.
>offtopic trash on a Saturday evening
don't you fags have anything better to do with your lives?
Oh its the ricie again
You crying about ReAnswer or Aran?
Either way, stop crying about Persona on a Persona thread or do you really not have anything better do to with your life?
If it's not there then Jesus.
Look at those BUNS.
Fuck off with your dead gachashit.
Freaky bots
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I don't believe there, not for me. That's why I don't want to do anything in life anymore. This is the best we have.
Get a life.
I cherish the time we spend together, Ricie.
With awakening and shinji's cutscenes being in engine my expectations are very low
Imagine Aki princess carrying Aran out of danger and while he’s looking ahead all focused and determined, Aran is wide-eyed and heavily blushing, using her notebook to try to cover her face
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Nah, there's always more to do. Like helping people through turmoil, finding a new hobby that makes you and others happy, or just being a walking-talking-shitpost that bends reality around them with pure memetic potential. Life is a fucking wild ride and you'll never know where it'll take you unless you just go for it. Maybe there is a sumi out there for you, but she's likely not gonna be delivering your pizzas. Or maybe she is, who the hell knows. Life is one big participation game.
Gachangs go home >>>/vmg/1447230
I feel like they're gonna either pussy out or REALLY double down on ???'s disintegration in The Answer
Don't bother trying to converse or compromise with it
I just want BIG Nanako bulging out of her bra or bikini...
>242 posts
>Thread started back in April
Yeah... no.
I always talk with him. It might not seem any more productive than talking to a wall, but everything is worth a shot.
P5X shitposting really changed after chang started openly being anti-metaphor and pro-reload
Okay, done
It happened around the time the reports came in that it lost money with the summer update where it became obvious it was going to EOS within a year.
Who the hell is talking about metaslop?
You chinks are so predictable if someone tells you to leave you start brining metafilth and then Reload and then P5 to try start gamewars.
Metaslop is as unwelcome here as you are, with the exception that they will be leaving at some point.
>no you
get some bitches, retard
I cherish the time we spend together ricie
How did anything change? Literally all anyone has ever talked about with P5X is how much they wanted to fuck the girls and that's still what we're talking about today.
I mean, he asked for it.
Thanks for being thoughtful. Just imagine if anyone else here was about her character and me 2 and a half years ago. But instead they did everything they could to make me feel traumatized.
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the most buckbroken poster on /pg/
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Why does the Sumislopper insist on trying to start a pity party for himself
>Gachafag AND a SMT/Vfag
If your standards couldn't get any lower, guess you are just drawn to dead games
We're the closest things to friends he has.
Based Sahori poster, she should have had her own route
No one to talk to in life. I'm here every second I'm awake.
Cuuute, more please.
Damn so he's a glutton for being hated on
It’s another discordtranny meltdown miniarc, discussions are going to be hard to maintain with all the spam and shitposting and falseflagging.
October 10 can’t come soon enough.
A lot of that is self-inflicted, dude. You chose here of all places to try and make an ass of yourself on several occasions. I'm sure you had your reasons. We all do. But it's still up to you whether you want to try to make things worse or try to make things better, even knowing damn well that it can still fall apart. The choice is yours, it was always yours.
He just wants pity and sympathy for being a lazy greaseball
At this point I'll even take the answer talk. It'll be at least funny seeing Yukarifags and Aigisfags continue their 25 year long feud but with a different coat of paint
What's up /pg/ how's everyone doin???
Eagerly waiting for Metaphor so /meta/ can let me migrate to some actual discussion
This is (not) a miku
I’m just killing time until October 10th.
Same as always. Talking about video games, throwing out ideas, having a mental breakdown.
A man needs his soom to be happy.
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I can't make the npcs move on their own and I keep going back to making weird frankenstein models instead of setting the proper groundwork for my mod
Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Victor.
What she lick?
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Toothy bots know just how hard to bite without drawing blood
Im very well aware of how long the draught has come, and having to find topics to discuss can be difficult but I will unironically take even the most batshit insane and regurgitated persona related shitposts conjured up by our schizos over all the worthless gatcha garbage which is thoroughly devoid of any substance. Even your regular crapmire spam is more bearable then the incessant and rabid chink shilling.
Please call her Sumi.
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Metis handjobs (anything for her sister, and her sister wants your semen)
Exactly zero people here are telling you to go play P5X. One guy a few threads ago got laughed at by several people for even suggesting that something go in the OP. Nobody here is talking about advertisements, nobody here is telling you to roll for anything ever, nobody here is demanding you spend money on gachashit.
If you think something like >>493592754 or >>493588626 is "rabid chink shilling" then you unironically need to get your head checked. You aren't well and (You) are the one shitting up the thread by reeeeeeing at ghosts.
>rabid chink shilling
You mean people posting pictures of not-chie's ass? Shut the fuck up retard.
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A girl told me that she didn't find me fuckable because as she said: "You are blonde, i don't like blonde guys". This is the first time i am truly ashamed to be a "aryan".
At least she was honest, some girls will just lead you on and never give you a straight answer, that shit’s way worse then a girl saying “wouldn’t”.
The only worrying slop is metafilth, and the degeneracy.
I read that in Groo's voice for some reason he really seems like someone who'd shitpost on 4Chan
Dirty-blondechads win again
Yeah... I don't i think i just want to be treated like a piece of meat again.
I am dirty-blonde. She denied me despite of that.
bro just dye your hairdo
>She denied me despite of that.
Then toss that worthless bitch to the curb.
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Chie 2 is so cute bros...
But I'm dead

The chink general is down the hall and left >>>/vmg/1447230
Based username
You could've had a chance if you were black
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i feel like shit
Happy beamu
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Why do you hate Chink Chie so much?
He would.
I like my natural hair color usually
The thing is that i managed to get closest to her than any other girl lately, despite the fact that shee wasd basically a drug addict whore. I think i just want to be stung again...
Stop calling her chee she will never become a chee
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Did I miss anything?
Merope is hotter
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Threadly orbs
Just chang shilling his gacha again
Merope (like most Velvet girls) likes them young
>drug addict slut
man I
really wanna come to you and slap your mug hard like holy fuck you essentially dodged a bullet right there
also I think she wasn't even into you "oh b-but your hair gives me ze ick!!" like what kind of retarded reason is that she was probably trying to distance away from you
get yourself up man dont let your spirits down for some druggie hole, you will find someone better
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finally, a good post
Do you think those orbs ever... roll around?
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Another Shuyuka
My favorite orb and my other favorite orb
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Thanks man. But i honestly don't know how to raise them again. There is constant bullshit in my life.
Btw a song which i identify alot with during situations like this: https://youtu.be/eviyEJRZX30?si=yyGhLUYPAf_SKzkG
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
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I can't wait to unlock the Persona archetype in Metaphor and equip it on all party members so I can pretend I'm playing P6
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Yukiko doesn't like men
You're fine. There are worse things to be going through in life, there are worse outcomes to relationships than being a piece of fuckmeat, there are worse upbringings than yours. But if those people can keep chugging, I'm sure you'll figure out how to as well.
>Akechi poster
>Smiths fan
Based post
>two lands meet at zenith
>nothing comes between us
>dancing like ballerinas
>under the moonlight all night long
Door I don't think Tanaka and Mutatsu are gonna reciprocate this
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How? I think that i am being a bit cringe
Got home. Belly fulla ribs. Gonna relax.
I wasn't aware there was a reanswer OST preview what the absolute fuck did they do to the Desert of Doors track it sounds like it was made by some retard on ocremix
Groo is based
They fell for the Kozuka meme, or it was the only available person Sega threw at Wada
Kozuka phoned it in again, I think he hates Persona at this point, honestly.
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I really don't like the OP it doesn't sound like Persona at all
>Lavenza's chest
What happens there?
Nothing, it's fucking flat.

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