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Neon Prime Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Trackers
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

cat hero when
did this retard just say you lost because you didn't use kinetic dash
what in the actual fuck am i reading from these 30% wr faggots
>silence for pocket
>knockdown for seven
>metal skin/return fire for haze
>debuff remover for bebop
what else am i missing
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Could he work in this game?
I think everyone got it already
>main infernus for weeks
>get a high mmr
>stop playing for two months
>come back
>outskilled every game with every hero
how are you going to control two units in an fps?
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Is mcginnis a lesbian?
don't use just control them one at a time and switch between them? that would feel like shit in deadlock
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don't know, don't care, sex with lady geist
you could probably make him control like Aisling from gigantic where right click directs some sort of bot but make it so that you can freely swap between. maybe give the inactive character some resistance and some visual indication they're not active.
How to counter a skilled Vindicta? I've ran into far too many today playing characters that can't pull her down.
healbane+toxic bullets for kelvin, abrams and ignatious
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Why do McGuinness players always like faggot tryhards
>Is that low health? yes, i WILL chase after you off lane through every alley and basement, fail to kill you and lose Guardian every time
The stink of desperation as they chase after me is palpable.
Lash can pull Vindicta down
a better-skilled Lash can pull a skilled Vindicta down
the ones I encounter play the cancer turret spam build that's impossible to defend against on a solo lane
who is the most honest hero? ive been playing goo man but ive been told he's op so i cant in good conscience use him any longer
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I need a guide on how to Haze.
>broken hero u suck
I have a 25% WR with her over 10 matches, I suck ass.
How do you lane with her? She does zero harass unless you magdump which no competent enemy will allow, and she dies to a sneeze.
Should I get Tesla and farm? I always fall behind on souls.
What's the order of items? QSR/Active Reload THEN Tesla? When do you get Ricochet to farm faster?
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Orb Character when?
This last game we had a Bebop but he couldn't hit his hooks or something. I bought Knockdown but it felt like it takes forever to actually drop her with it. She snowballs so fucking hard in the hands of a skilled player.
>Most honest hero
They're all dishonest in different ways.
By far, Warden.
She can juke delayed effects, dishonest
Paradox. If you're good she's good. If you're not she's probably the most useless thing in the game. Helps if your team isn't shit so you get to do swaps to give them kills. I like the Ultimate Paradox build in the build list.
Just last hit and/or deny ?
You're not forced to trade and can just get extra regen in the shop for 500 and you should be good early
What happens if I use return fire after metal skin?
Technically I would be receiving 0 bullet dmg, so I would return 0 to Haze, or the actual damage I would be receiving without having used metal skin?
how have i never seen this hero lmao no one uses her huh
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This general has existed for weeks, meds.
Jannies are trannies but the threads they banish here are not used
she's the least picked but is really popular among autistic fanartists
I think it works
paradox was actually the first hero i was playing and i wasnt really good, i think i must persist and get better
You know what's mad
Katawa shoujo general still exists
She is exclusively played by degenerates, furries, trannies and discord users (and combinations thereof)
she is a support, you need a party to use her well
there are better options if you want to play carry solo
It's /vg/ culture at this point.
She's good but her ult + syphon bullet nerf hit her hard, so she can't carry by herself anymore.
This game has so many new players who have no idea what the fuck they're doing you're better using someone who can actually carry instead of a """support""" character.
Same problem with Paradox.
okay what im hearing is; keep gooin
can the /v/ janny stop dumping their threads here
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You mean /v/?
Leave the colony alone, there are no roving bands of schizos here.
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Just like
Shoot your goo my dude
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if this isnt proof that the majority of posters on /v/ are underaged, i dont know what is.
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Here's something you didn't need to know:
As Haze, Viscous can cube you while you're ulting, it doesn't interrupt your ult and makes you nigh invulnerable.
He can then also punch you to chase enemies faster than your normal ult movement.
Use this info how you will
Try the build I mentioned. I like it a lot better than the most updooted one. You just buy all the items in the order they're listed basically. Works great. At around 7-10min you can start clearing 2nd tier camps between lane waves. You can get a lot of souls if you do it proper.
okay thanks ill keep it a go
Relax. The game still has a home on /vee/
no one fucking cares about your 1200 elo builds my nigga when the mikaels one exists god damn autist
Why am I almost always top objective damage as abrams?
Reactive barrier is hilariously good vs certain lineups.
Slowing Hex for Lash
good tip! cube works on seven too!
they really need to change that
it should stop channeling abilities
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Sex with Abrams
does return fire have some sort of base attack time compensation? Is return fire utterly useless on Bebop who does almost nothing per individual 'bullet'? Or am I completely wrong in my assumption on how it works, and it generates its own bullets at 70% damage of the bullets that its reacting to?
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He's coming.
>tfw no poltergeist hero
there's already a stone hero with a quarry to settle
wrecker needs to be able to throw allies. secondly I'd like to see jungle camps re-designed when he releases so devour actually has variable effects depending on what creep he eats like in dota
>it should stop channeling abilities
Viscous immediately becomes the best griefing hero, beating McGinnis, Ivy and Bebop
help im about to have my first match ever with friends who do i pick and what do i build so it seems like im naturally mega cracked at this game
buy magic carpet
(sex with) Abrams
Exist near enemies, mash buttons, click LMB and Q and win
Maybe but it has to be like disruption or astral imprisonment in dota otherwise it's way too busted
Man I feel like paradox just isn't good, feels like everything she does another character can do better? Did she get nerfed at some point?
paradox is bad if you the gay player is bad
simple as
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze as the blushing bride in a wedding dress at our wedding. Sex with Haze in the missionary position while holding hands for the sole purpose of procreation on our honeymoon.
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literally nothing but nerfs since her inception
whoever knows exactly how it works isn't telling.
I was quadrillion attack speed wraith and I unloaded into a Lash and my hp bar didn't move. But friendly Dynamo evaporated while he was stomping. It's like it returned fire at what he was aiming at rather than reflecting bullets back at me.
if you're good at fps, wraith is the most straightforward
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If you have a friend who isn't shit laning with paradox it's pretty much an insta win
in order of importance:
1. shoot orbs
2. shoot towers
3. shoot players
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>uhmm guys our entire website doesn't work please join the discord to know why tehee
Fuck you.
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Who is the king of beards in Deadlock, and how bad is he?
what's a good haze build?
For some reason Abrams is constantly drawn with a goatee despite being clean shaven.
Mandela effect fuckery
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>they added tons of Vindicta voice lines...of her screams when getting hurt
i would like to announce that i have hit top damage as krill on my team and lost
What happens if your entire team buys Return Fire and uses it on enemy Seven's ult?
the only thing that sort of feels bad with her is farming, her 1 is kind of her only farming ability and its not even that good
Valve disabled everything
I think the tracker link in OP should be removed, at least until Valve allows it again
Don't do that it makes mustard gas
>bad at farming
nigga what?
what the fuck.
I love playing Paradox but the tiny projectiles on Carabine and Swap are the most annoying part, why did they nerf that so much? No other hero has harder skillshots to land, or with a higher cooldown cost.
>pick mcniggis
>click objectives
nice game icefraud
you can see the moment where I remember i'm shiv and the hubris takes over
Post Vindicta's
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>magic carpet veil walker abrams
I've been on the receiving end of this
They really need to retool Shiv's 3 to be an active ability instead of a passive. I have no issue with the concept of a hero taking 35% less damage if he has the forethought to time the window in which it's happening. But being the tankiest motherfucker on the planet for free is just stupid.
albert was the best character in twin peaks
Barely played DotA but I loved Tiny, now I play Ivy
There's just something about stone characters being able to launch allies away
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Whacha think about my Shiv build? I tried to keep it simple. I usually get just Glass Cannon + Rebirth late game
magic carpet on holiday is really funny i can't wait to hand deliver people across the map to my for my team to not even attempt kill.
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not so many nerfs
it's all on liquipedia
why do yamatos ragequit so much
i'm sorry
it's so stupid i thought it was an active for like the first week i played the game, because there's no way they'd make something so insane a passive, right???
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how are you supposed to compete in a lane against a tank melee character that can just farm all the souls and shoot your floating souls before you can even see them?

wraith is just shit, the pea shooter does no damage at all so people can just bully you as much as they want early game
LOL you don't, dota devs/players are in love with big burly men
you are right anon!
>shoot your floating souls before you can even see them?
ping issue
and i'm assuming you're talking about krill, it's pain laning against him, if he's overextended a lot you could ask for a gank but almost noone does that currently in the laning phase
you can't beat mo and krill
he'll blind you
heal in front of you
deny all your creeps and then beat you to death
>get hard focused by haze
>team bitches at me about being useless
its like im playing ranked fucking overwatch, the audacity of these cunts
then meleeing little shitters shouldn't allow you to eat up all the floating souls on kill, simple as
???????? you can rape her with your dash while she spins and she can't dodge it because she's too slow
shes not going to be taking camps like infernus or haze or any other dps
Buy knockdown and disarm next time
How the fuck do you dash-jump consistently
The timing is fighting game frame perfect combo levels of bullshit
I went through the exact same thought process
You practice it
>>shoot your floating souls before you can even see them?
>ping issue
I've been running into this a lot
What is wraith weak against? She stomps me ever fucking game
>like veil walker
>can't remember where the fuck any of the veils are in the map when i buy it
bro you doing something wrong

stuns, silence, disarm, getting up in her face with multiple characters

just kill her early game before she can farm
Bullet resistance
Slowing hex stops her from teleporting away when she's ratting lanes
Reactive barrier shuts down her ult
Pressuring her so she can't charge her cards to poke or execute you
Holy fuck low elo games are hell no one farms besides me and my team is always 10-15k souls behind how the fuck are people this dumb
>The timing is fighting game frame perfect combo levels of bullshit
it really isn't lol
just buy kinetic dash and practice it moving around the map
>he still loses to shiv

shoot them in the head 25 times every time they melee a creep
The steam release came out recently so the new blood could actually justify it a little.
it's been the same guys waifuposting for 10+ years
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>feel like playing Ivy
>have to actually lane as Ivy before I'm allowed to just wander around the map shooting objectives for 20 minutes
do people actually play the gremlin or do they just jack off to it?
see >>493454673
the upshot of retard MMR is that split pushing is stupidly easy
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So which of the female heroes gets whored out and anime-fied first?
meh, meh, meh, sex

Vindicta, Bebop, and Seven will get arcanas first.
Like Haze, she struggles to fight against bullet resist since there are only a handful of items that will shred bullet armor and the two that are actually really good are tier 3 and tier 4. A lot of items will kind of randomly give a bit of bullet or spirit resist on top of the items dedicated to it so you can build up a ton of armor early on
I would like a skin that's one of those one-piece leotard swimsuits with the open backs for lady geist
it's the perfect summer look for a hag
Viscous ult is absolute garbage in this game. There are corners and columns everywhere and half the heroes can just fly away, how the fuck are you supposed to hit people.
you bounce between the corners and columns to hit someone multiple times
you are probably also not farming
These are the people in your solo queue
>least deaths on my team
>didn't die in lane even after multiple ganks
At least I can feel good about that.
What's the play when other lanes get that fed so quickly?

It's okay to still be learning, it's kinda tough to use.
use your free double jumps to clear obstacles, slow down and speed up according to your needs. bouncing off walls is often faster than turning so try to do that. practice practice practice. get it to level 3 so you can just spam while you're practically invincible.
How do you do the
>X is missing!
hold alt and middle click on their portrait. same goes for minimap.
Thanks. I just learned how to ping abilities, but this never occurred to me. However, this will not stop other people in my game from not telling me that the person in the lane next to me is roaming to mine to gank me every single time.
>What's the play when other lanes get that fed so quickly?
Hope your team can teamfight and shut down those that got fed. In my experience that doesn't happen with pubs. Like with Vindicta she's not that hard to shut down if you can get past her team but if you can't then you're kinda fucked as she will pick off your teammates one by one and get fed even more.
Yeah I ain't doing all that
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>winning my lane
>duo on my team randomly turns up to 'gank' without saying a word
>they fail
>enemy duo also rotate onto my lane
>my team mates leave because they fucked up
>the enemy duo don't leave
>I'm now 1v3 on lane and lose my tower
viscous gets an immediate genderbend slimeslut arcana
what's the point of the anchor if nobody is inviting
i have decided tonight instead of thinking i will drink and pick random public viscous builds
best voiceline in the game is "I see the mole creature..."
viscous has auto loss matchups vs lash and shiv, no way he's S tier, not even A tier if they're guaranteed a fed shiv or lash
try alt-fire
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>75k healing
higher MMR than you
please get to high elo where lash does not care if you have a single 42CD save
I'm getting fucked in my first Infernus game
I hope it gets better once I get Ricochet because I'm 1-4 at 14 right now
What is it about Haze that attracts retards
I don't know why but I've consistently healed better with Kelvin than any other hero. Granted, his top build has healing nova and beam on it so I'm sure that helps
no the main gun alt-fire, the one that explodes and claims CS orbs in a big AOE that has no cooldown.

if you didn't know that visc has an alt-fire, then I promise you are not in high elo. Use this time in low rank to practice!
ricochat is a meme and won't magically make you monster
>viscous alt fire AOE
>building gun infernus
it will not get better
kelvin can make some pretty daring saves with ice path + rescue beam that other supports wouldnt dream of
if the visc alt-fire doesn't give you free CS, then you are just bad at CSing. Go sandbox and practice
I keep debating trying to make a similar thing on someone like Viscous, but you're right that ice path helps alot compared to say the slime ball
i can't aim very well so it's probably over isn't it
you won't get the same crazy angles as kevin can, but cube -> rescue beam goes crazy in its own way
>tesla bullet procs have damage falloff
next time try getting coolodown, duration, boundless spirit, spirit lifesteal, imbue flame walk with everything and farm the map really fast
is it viable to sit forward in a lane and shoot the creeps in their little pods before they reach the line
with the right items you can almost have ice path up 24/7
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Really? The cooldown on it is massive
This game I didn't really get a chance to farm the map at all because of us just getting our asses beaten
Just buy metal skin and bullet resistance, bro
at max rank you get a huge cooldown reduction, coupled with the Superior cooldown imbue, it goes to like 7 seconds, makes it really easy to run around in the gaps and push lanes as you farm the map
you'll be making the healer creep pop out early and potentially heal the enemy hero more often.
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Been spamming ICBM grey talon and man its so much more fun than building around powershot. Know its just the tip of the iceberg for fun builds but pill me on some lesser played builds pls. Gun McGinnis might be next. Except dagger haze that looks boring as shit.
Seems alright I wouldn't pay for it though. Mobas are cancer filled with shitty people.
that's what happens when the matchmaker puts a guy in a bracket above yours in the enemy team

happens in every game with matchmaking
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>Return Fire
are you retarded? why the fuck would lash care about that when his gun has better velocity even if viscous picks up velocity booster? are you stupid? yes
if u'r slept she can kill you in the wakeup time
i killed a haze with return fire + metal skin once
it's still a terrible fucking item but goddamn it was funny
I had that but she lifestealed off my team
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>when the faggot paradox tells tries telling me what to do
stfu bitch, you're a woman
>bullet resist items
>disarm items
you have lots of ways to stop him actually
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oh no he tries to shoot the orb when it appears instead of prefiring it with the exploding projectile to get guaranteed CS

he can't be helped
>how do i beat protoss with 30 carriers?!?!!
Don't let them get to 30 carriers. Tale as old as video games.
They should add a passive bullet return on top of the active, I feel like it's just barely not worth it most of the time.
>walk up to the 2.2k lash for the free knockup ground pound into kill

stop talking already, you are seriously stupid
>velocity matters for last hitting
post-NDA players really believe this?
press jump as your stamina glows blue
Dagger Haze is if you get off on making your enemies ragequit
I don't think you even know what velocity is, you probably have to re-read the google definition a few times and still don't really get it am I right?
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i will push an empty lane and destroy your shrines later and you can't do anything about it
just make it negate lifesteal during its active and buff the pitiful spirit reflect %
Indeed it's a bad idea to sit in melee range of creeps
you fire it from max range right after you get the last hit, it will arrive and hit the orb no matter where the orb flies. no one can beat you if you time this right unless they are sitting in melee range.
if they are sitting in melee range then you just kill them
LMK if you would like live coaching in the future. Laning can be tough!
>and buff the pitiful spirit reflect %
it's so dumb that it's that low when it's literally an item designed to counter haze and seven but doesn't work that good on seven because of the shit spirit %
what is the range of viscous's alt fire

what is the range of lash's ground pound and whip combo

think carefully now
9k damage wraith in a 40 minute match
I'd imagine him play like the left 4 dead tank
>i keep sitting in LOS of my lane opponent and they won't let me CS
this is truly mysterious, I wonder what you could do about this.
>it's impossible for viscous to have a bad matchup, he rapes me every single time

while you may get raped every single time, other players of a different skill level may actually perform a lot better than yourself with the same character, food for thought
i have imbibed a small amount of alcohol and will launch deadlock once it begins to hit me
why does Seven do so much damage midgame
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Sit down, dog.
Spirit scaling is out of control
this is projection
practice your movement, pay attention to your positioning, viscous should not be losing lane to lash.
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Lets post hero ideas.
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uh that doesn't work because i don't know what it does and i already zipline boosted back to my base now go back to your team fight filthy animal
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the fly from the 1958 movie with a trench shotgun
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Reposting from the other thread that got /vg/'d.
I already posted Levi and Adoeete before so since this thread is about characters interacting name me a character and/or a situation and i'll tell how they'd react.
Roswell Alien with a blaster like the Dr. Grordbort's stuff Soldier got.
He wants to wish for the Patron to send him home.
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God active reload gets me hard as FUCK. Timing reload bonuses should be present in all games ever.
no you're gonna steal it and make icefrog think you came up with it
How good is the bonus?
the Seven in my game is 0-10 at 13 minutes
You greedy fucking negro
>a character with the best pre 3k spirit combo in the game and a perfectly above average gun
>it's impossible for him to beat viscous, who only has splatter for burst

are we even playing the same game here?
Seven is the chud core jobber character
>Abrams charge cancels Miku ult
Holy based
wow Haze just eats up random lobbies 20+ kills
ah the classic "my retard carry got in melee range of the low hp terrorbl- i mean geist"
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Swaggering evil mad scientist who hates magic
You cut your reload time in half
a poltergeist that can ambush people from boxes and can throw boxes and passively respawns boxes (item drop reduced for some period of time)
now now anon you can also spend 3500 souls to add 50 damage and some occasional lifesteal to your goo punch
old tinker but evil
Tips for icenigger?
how often do neutral camps respawn
Not very often
Does does damage from Infernus' "handgun" count as normal or spirit damage?
The bigger your mag the sweeter the juice but the quick reload kicks in at just under half your usual reload time, and if you hit it you get (+20% lifesteal) and (+20% fire rate) for 7 seconds. Plus the passive is +20% gun damage and -20% reload time.
I was just thinking about how annoyingly long the reload times are...
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from the wiki in the OP
his afterburn is spirit but the shots themselves are weapon damage
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So basically Box Ghost.
4v1 won
I've been maining Paradox and Dynamo and realized they're objectively weaker than average and not good to solo solo carry a game. What should I spam to grind MMR?
sure but this haze was actually not fighting with their team for the first 10 minutes just ratting and occasionally ulting for money while she farmed up

then she defended base with an ult we didnt expect and got a bunch of money and from then on was unbeatable
>just buy X defensive item
literally none of those helped we had a lot of them she just did so much damage it was too fast and she could out wait them or kill you in sleep
0-15 at 25 minutes so at least his deaths per minute is down
I didn't know the soul gacha machines were marked on the map.
he could have killed you if he ulted
only because the death timer is longer
you have a really shitty attitude if you don't care about having fun and just wanna do whatever is easiest to get some pointless rank
why yes i do rush refresher + improved duration on mole to keep a single person stunned for 10 seconds
What's the point of grinding MMR when you can't even see it?
Unless you're actually improving at the game you'll just get bodied in high MMR matches.
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Just give Dr. Sivana as a hero
>you'll just get bodied in high MMR matches
how do you think you'll improve? losing in high MMR is how you get gud at all games
if he wants to get out of wood bracket so people playing like human beings and not just doing random shit

the games are more fun when people coordinate and try to win, but be careful getting too high mmr where they optimize the fun out of the game
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>550 melee damage as paradox by the mid game
This is the final form of paradox. Sniper larpers and spirit builders are completely BTFO.
Boxer paradox is the true golden path.

>captha: G00N
a hero who's basically just Nicolas Cage in The Wicker Man wearing the bee cage helmet and summons a spirit bear as some kind of AOE vector damage ability
I have yet to see a mcniggis who isn't a fucking dead weight. They constant push and instantly fall apart once get ganked by any number advantage because she has no mobility to get away. It's especially bad when she drag along another teammates that will turn into 2 free kills or more for the enemy.
What does she offer for a teamfight???? Only the wall and her gun IF she is farmed, but she is rarely farmed enough. The wall is completely 50/50 whether rit will help your team or hurt your team if The mcginnis is mediocre. The ult is borderline useless and most McGinnis use it just to clear fucking wave.
I think all my game this morning is decided by which team has mcniggis being the loser because the way mcniggis play just ruin the team mid game position and often drag more retard teammates into her retard gameplan
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>queue 2 minutes before matchmaking closes
>get a 1v1 tard wrangler duel
kino match, even though I failed to wrangle mine
They are both above average in term of power though. They are just bad if you AND your team is shit
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something about this matchmaking doesn't seem right
i love shiv but this pocket was so strong, bursty, and hard to pin down I think i'm gonna make an addition to my roster
but I like those
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rate the lanes as if you could pick them
for me it's yellow>purple>blue>orange

never lost a yellow lane on my life
You have way more tards to wrangle.
They only have a semi feeding geist and she probably fed by split push and get ganked.
Their Abram has alright stat line for a tank and initiator
You have 2 people who might as well be on the enemy team
People who fight on the edges are cowards. Scared of getting flanked from two sides.
Yeah honestly kinda stopped caring once I realized the situation and just tried to practice Pocket there. Was hard to be the only one defending base from three lanes of creeps when I'm also expected to be fighting wherever my team is fighting
alchemical fire but its AOE projects cylindrically upward like 30 meters because there's way too much vertical mobility in this game to make it reliable as-is
this game's ragdolls are so fucking funny
threadly reminder that this game will be plagued with aimbots and cheaters
Probably the same animators that did team fortress
It's impossible to cheat in Valve gamess
has the entire playerbase like forgotten that the teleporters exist or something
Just parry the abrams, retards
vindicta winrate up to 70%
you're running out of intel core 2 duo machines to get banned vatnik
Honestly, I still get lost in the map
aimbot can't do shit vs phantom strike mo ult
Is there any anti-slow items? Debuff reducer is the best I can think of.
Wtf is a teleporter
>objectively weaker than average
He has one of the strongest ults in the game and the rest of his kit is great, he's just not built to 1v1
they don't get unlocked until minute 10(?)
>has the entire playerbase like forgotten
80% of the entire playerbase has been playing for 1 week and probably wouldn't know what ziplines are if the game didn't start you out on one.
meme build idea: viscous all in on cube, CD reduction, echo shard

run in to a team fight, cube in the middle of them. enemy is distracted then WANT TO KILL YOU SO BAD, then you just cube again and they are still just looking at you wanting to kill you for like 20 straight seconds, except your team is still there killing them while they are surrounding you distracted
Orange > Pink > Yellow > Blue

I like the convenient veil on the right of orange, and hate how easy it is to get dove on blue and yellow.
I don't do horoscopes brother.
even mid elo teams just ignore the viscous if they see wraith or haze
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Thanks for the advice. If you lose a close range 1v1 as abrams you're brain damaged
>It's impossible to cheat in Valve gamess
Dota 2 has cheaters
>vindicta on my team
>sucks miles of cock
>vindicta on enemy team
>sucks miles of cock
the retardiest cleft lip moron you've ever seen is queueing up as vindicta RIGHT NOW
Enduring speed gives you resistance to slows.
>doesn't parry the second one
skill issue?
>abramtards when another tank has their F bound to parry
Fortitude is actually such a crutch item, I keep trying to find ways to buy it always
>more movement speed
>more bulk
>can return to fights after healing in hiding for a while
>never have to return to base again
>It's impossible to cheat in Valve gamess
explain why there are so many russians then
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>disable comms
>start winning more
>dynamo buys refresher and warp stone early
>enemy team also has a haze clearly telling him where we are over voice
>entire game is decided by a 2 minute cooldown that wipes whatever teamfight it's used in
Very fun
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the google doc in OP's post will do wonders. spread it around.


holy shit you're posting this again, retard? we get it, you have no fucking game sense.
hasn't pootin banned steam and if not then why hasn't valve banned anyone living or connected to russia and china
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>retarded punch build
>HVM AND Monster Rounds
>slowing bullets (???)
>no reverb, no phantom strike

greetings sandbag viscous player
>why hasn't valve banned anyone living or connected to russia and china
they like money
though honestly russians seem to be a liability for their money-making since everything is marked down 90% in russia anyway
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How long until I can be a useless piece of shit that runs around slapping my 2 button keyboard
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>keep getting pushed up to higher MMRs
>pick hero/build I think sounds fun at the moment
Not my problem
>play Abrams
>run from fight with barely any HP
>get shot while running and die
>drop like a sack and deflate
yeah you're right lifestrike is a bit much and reverb is good
you have to look in the general direction of the enemy sometimes with abrams, i dont like that
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I need to start disabling comms. If it's not the balkan wars in my ear it's shit like this
>If you lose a close range 1v1 as abrams you're brain damaged
>posts webm of paradox fumbling a melee win against abrams
I fucking love active items
Popping Metal Skin in Haze's face or dropping a whole ass anvil on Seven's head the minute he starts floating is pure delight
They really watched you swooce right in
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>early game character
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>I've done my piece
>*heavy french accent* You've done your, uh, peece of asheeit.
EU servers are fucking wild
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BRICS is the future
France alone is enough to disable comms forever. Those subhuman losers are up there with eastern europeans
Based frenchman
Boxer paradox is next. You can build her to a 550 melee by 30k souls.

How long after a match ends for areplay to become available?
>YWN be a Frenchman smoking cigarettes and feeding in your favorite moba
anyone else getting 2 complete deadweight players in EVERY single game today?


>those abrams stats
So gunbrams is the way to go then?
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hard to hit please understand
holy shit laning as kelvin against viscous is hell
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>Haze gains 50% evasion during Bullet Dance
Yes. Please continue building Return Fire against me
Laning against [insert any hero here] as paradox is hell
laning against viscous is hell in general.
no idea how anyone thinks it's ok for him to just glorp you for half your HP every 15 seconds.
>guys everyone buy return fire pls
How about no
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>baiting players i find annoying into calling me a nigger so i can report them
retard character falls off lategame and has no ult so it's fine
Paradox is a really good laner thoughever
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Kek where do you find these people?
>Gun McGinnis
Anon, I...

Try building around items that no one uses. Veil walker, shadow weave, magic carpet, even heroic leap (yes, I'm aware some people use it, buy everyone's too busy shilling for warp stone). I made a build that maxes Grey Talon's fire rate, trap range, and gun damage with 2, and all I do is run around the map becoming invisible and mow pinned / slowed people down from the air. Yes, I am an animal.
>He lacks critical information
>the idea of early vs late game characters
>paradox being one
>intentionally playing an "early game character" in a game where the early game doesn't matter
It's funny on many levels
you don't have to bait very hard, mobas make people very angry
>Get fucking rinsed
>start talking shit to the people you lost with
Why are moba player such flaming homos?
Pocket only ults to save himself after he's expended his cooldowns, like a sea slug regurgitating its organs

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Found this YouTube slop channel. Going to post some brainrot.
have you tried pressing 2
unfathomably based
>you're the only player whose deaths aren't in the double digits
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the abrams with 5k souls dying is somehow the most interesting thing going on here
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the second coming of tyler mcviker
Free game + valve game + moba + shooter + can be played on low end PCs =
attracts every schizophrenic 3rd worlder from every corner you can think of like flies to dog shit
he's right
if you have a 72% winrate you should go pro.
I do this with black emotes on discord. Digital blackface into racebaiting
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This one looks familiar.
have you tried not being dogshit

goo'd, fuck you kelvin playing faggot
did he literally run and die the entire match? how do you even have the time to die that much in that amount of time?
I unironically invite you to watch the match ID. The guy literally didn't shoot a single creep and just held W into a duo and died over and over.
I miss the media blackout
When I'm on my deathbead I'm going to use my final synapse-firings seething about what happened to comms when the embargo lifted. There's something about being surrounded by tryhard shitters that makes me wish I had cancer instead.
This is even funnier because of how much Talon fucking dominates Vindicta, especially if they both go airborne.
Can I get an invite??? Do I need to post my steam profile here? I don't want to be doxxed tho.
>playing seven
>teammate loses his shit when he sees my ult not on cooldown min 8, claiming it's the most broken thing in the game
have these retards ever actually played seven? the ult is garbage when against competent people
anyway I used it to clear the small jungle camp just to spite him and he disconnected
C'est la vie

Enjoy losing your game even if everyone else wins their lanes
How do you deal with Viscous ult? Can it be cursed or KO'd?
>but be careful getting too high mmr where they optimize the fun out of the game
there's never a point where people know how to play but don't optimize the fun out of the game
As a (semi-sapient) sludge man enjoyer, I think laning against any decent viscous as any hero is probably hell. He's clinically underrated in noob world.
>the ult is garbage when against competent people
low MMR
At low rank split pushing wins the game.
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Seven ult is OP as fuck
you wish
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>full stamina
Only if you do it unpunished.
If you get constantly killed then maybe you should stop.
I've only played a couple Pocket games but it feels like trying to hit more than 1 person with ult results in feeding with that hero. Maybe you have to do some big brain plays with the cape to initiate in the center of all the enemies and get out alive.
It's great for catching people out in teamfights, you just need to be a little more proactive about positioning against more competent people. Also worth getting Unstoppable if you're building around it
You need to majestic leap above everyone and slam down when you see multiple people grouped up
just cube haze after she ults
You either jump in from an unexpected angle with your coat pre-thrown, use heroic leap or warp stone to initiate more safely (also with the coat pre-thrown), buy diviner's kevlar, let the spirit leech from your ult bail you out, or abuse the suitcase with either ethereal shift or echo shard. There's a lot of options, but beginner Pocket players aren't aware of them because they're item dependent.
visual clarity isn't this game's strong suit
You've got a button that makes you literally invincible for 2 seconds (that pops for 100-180 dmg), and a teleport (that does 90-170 dmg to everyone in its path) you can cast beforehand. Pocket is really fun but god damn is he an unholy bastard prodigy of the church of low-risk, high-reward. I don't feel good when I win with him and I don't feel bad losing against him.
>open the most favorited build
>let the lane to push to your stairs
>stay behind the cover
>don't harass or care about harassment
>get all of the last hits and denies
>beat enemy by 1k at 3k
>smoke, drop from the bridge (your creep equilibrium forces him to play on your side), press 4
>destroy tower
>spec smoke twice for the SPEED
>run to the other side of map farming heroes
>come back
>push walker
>run to the other side of map farming heroes
>come back
>farm heroes or rat their base
>go to the next game
>repeat 3 times an hour (because it only takes 20mins)

In the rare case you are playing with 5 teammates afk and it takes more than 30 minutes:
>buy reach
>buy unstoppable
>solo rosh until the sound
>pop smoke
>go upper level of the rosh pit
>wait for the enemy to come
>pop bkb
>jump in
>press 4
>get teamwipe
>destroy patron

It's quite easy to be honest.
someone grab that link to that dropped frames short with thor speaking the truth about blaming your teammates
good bebop players are fucking terrifying
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>dude cubes
>slam down turrets and healpod
>spin up gun to max
>deleted the instant he leaves cube
it's nerfed so if youre dying to it youre bad. it has turn rate and cant go up very high so just dodge llmao
he should have just cubed again
Yeah but can it be interrupted
It lasts fucking forever and makes him unkillable

it can be cc'd but 70% spirit resist and 60% bullet resist while in the ball
Of course. The whole point is to sneak away before they get you. Play the teleporters to appear at different lanes constantly.
if you mean purged no it cannot be removed he can only be stopped from moving
cause the game has enough pussies lole
I invite but I don't look at friend codes. I only invite steam profile links
Shoot it. It's only effective as a disrupt against multiple enemies but if multiple enemies shoot at it he just dies (especially if they have -bullet resist). If it's just him vs you literally just get out of the way. If he catches you in a kino Goo Zone™ like the entrance to the base then congratulations you've been goo'd.

>t. gooer
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first time I carried a game
Jesus what a horrible game. Congrats anon.
>80k souls
>54 minutes
holy endless game
How the fuck does it go this long? You'd think one team or the other would just grab rejuv and push
>enemy pocket ends the match 56 - 7 - 13
>everyone on my team loses to him 1v1, mostly lose to him 1v4
>our haze has 41 kills, 17 deaths, trying their hardest, still can't 1v1 pocket

We lost, I went 15 - 10, but i'm just happy I outplayed the pocket. Fucker had like 50k souls at this point and 45?50? kills. Lost, but not horribly I guess. Stuck around a lot longer than we should've.
true retard stalemates can go on for a long time theoretically
judging by the 4/22 pocket I'm guessing this is shitter MMR
it doesnt count if you did it on haze
I had a really really bad stomp the other day, laned against this shiv and haze that pretty much destroyed the lobby and ended the game in 15 minutes. But I'm glad I got one over on them.
wasting time and forcing people off an objective is a powerful tool
and that's the least he can do
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Gunseven...so fun..
based lashGAWD dabbing on briefcase ninja
No, anon, Knockdown existing does not make Seven ult bad.
not everyone has the mobility of lashnigger
the only good play, which won you the fight btw, was dodging affliction.
I really like protracted 1v1s like this but they become increasingly rare as the game goes on because you'll just get ganked in the middle of the fighting. I feel like player's movement speed should be a little bit slower out of fights.
>the only good play which won you the fight was dodging the character's ult
what an asshole way to respond to someone
nevermind, affliction was on cd.
you did nothing, just the typical lash monkey jumping around
I like how racist warden is to cryptids
warden is your stereotypical white policeman
he HAS to be racist against SOMETHING
How do I use Kevin's platforms effectively?
go frozone up to the skybox until you cant go further up and spam down nades and beams
Is the beam far enough to reach?
>anyway I used it to clear the small jungle camp just to spite him and he disconnected
You are wrong against Seven ult, but nonetheless, fucking based.
1. make a sky bridge to the rooftops above the enemy towers for your teammates to use
2. use it to effectively engage, disengage, roam, jungle and break boxes
3. fly up high near the ceiling and divebomb unsuspecting enemies, ult them, and fly away
4. sprint items and fleetfoot together make ice path feel like flying a fighter jet
>play kevin
>do 0 damage
>do nothing but beam people with items that stack slow
>enemies literally move 2 steps every 5 seconds under beam
>i do no damage
>they cannot move
>team kills them
>get called a faggot by the enemy abrams

Low mmr games do this all the time. Niggers still think it's overwatch and will choose to fight endlessly over taking undefended objectives. Even if you're bad at chaotic shooters like I am you can solo carry a game by taking objectives while the other 11 players brawl in one of the middle lanes
Teach me to slowmaxx
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>slowly realising i like watching and talking about this game more than playing it

to be fair it was just like low mmr dota when one team tries to go highground and fails and the other does the same and its just back and forth retardedness
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>shaking my fingers like i'm reloading them like infernus
>normie coworker saw me doing it repeatedly
how am i gonna explain this away bros?
After spending some time to understand who the audience for this game is, I finally figured it out.
It's Fortnite kids.
It makes perfect sense. Colorful cartoony graphics. DEI-approved cast that appeals to the younger generation who has never experienced war. Tons of things happening at the same time to appeal to the zoomer brain. How a bad player can beat a better player by "builds" - it's exactly like in Fortnite!
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>How a bad player can beat a better player by "builds"
probably the greatest indictment of your own skill and intelligence you could have posted
rest in piss you will not be missed
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Looking at some of my stats, how much networth should a good player have in a match on average
3/10 bait
Point your finger at their head.
The game is also different from top down moba like League. You can't just fuck around trying to poke down a tower because fighting under/near enemy's zip is very dangerous and it's extremely difficult to escape a chase in this game because so many characters/items have built in slow. In LoL, you can just fuck around a bit then back off easily as you see reinforcement enter the mini map. In this game, character can zip in from nowhere at high speed and just dive straight in middle of your team for a strong initiation.
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which is more likely
>a gen-x and millenial genre of game is built only for zoomers
>you lost again, dont understand why, and are salty about it on an online message board
depends on the length of the match
look them in the eye
>I have Parkinson's.
to me it's literally TF2 but moved to Jazz Age NYC with demons, the sharp-witted humor in the bios and dialogue is really similar to TF
old techies hero, when?
This isn't a job bruv. You aren't up for a promotion.

Also @ the driveby nigger, nice copy/paste post you fucking retard you're on the wrong board.
the amount you can slow is capped to like 70% or something, idk the specifics. Slowing bullets, lucky shot, point blank, mystic slow is all you need. I'm not sure if that's overkill or not, but I don't think so. You may be able to get a different slowing item that helps more than the other, I haven't looked too deep into it. It's juts a build I tried and it worked, but it's REALLY not good as it relies on your team to actually do damage.
It's fun tho. Silence them for even greater butthurt.
Not soon enough.
That's why I said on average
What the fuck are you talking about schizo??
When valve decides they don't actually want anybody playing this game after all
why do people teamfight all the time? even in combat-focused mobas like league, most players know only to initiate when they're at an advantage
viscous is the "annoying bastard" character of this game
>A loss
Thank FUCKINg god I hate these sweaty niggers (the french)
That's why I'm still in the trenches. I have experience in both LoL and DotA but suck at dueling anyone who isn't a retard. I'll solo carry a game when I can push from first guardian to shrines uncontested, but once you start getting matched with players who know what a minimap is I'm useless. I think I'm slowly getting better though, I'm not spending all lane hugging my guardian and hoping to survive.
We need another MIB/Glowie hero that ISN'T a smoke monster like Haze. Just a normal man in a black suit who pulls out crazy firepower to subdue magical criminals like Seven
because most people are retarded
t. top 0.1% mmr
You talking about metrics and shit, it's a game you clearly just started playing and don't know much about. Learn the game brother but also kill yourself for your unhinged remarks.
>at this hour
server hoppers or canadians?
I'll get them this time bro
Please explain the Urn to me.
Are there any characters that are better at taking it? Is there any movement tech besides dash-jumping I can use to do it better? I know Kelvin can run back along his ice path.
Considering the Sweet Baby Inc approved hero list, a Muslim hero is probably already in design
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when the fuck is he getting nerfed? this is genuinely so free
>playing solo
>repeatedly get thrown on 60 ping servers instead of the 15 ping servers I get 10% of the time
Valve I live on top of one of your servers, just let me play there.
Ivy can grab the urn carrier, that's about it as far as I'm aware.
anyone that's naturally fast or that you build speed on is good for it. for instance, mid-late game seven is good for urn because you'll typically have 2-3 speed items
Because certain abilities, regardless of their damage, can have so much impact in a fight that you can win even from behind. And like the other anon said, because of that people fall into the mindset of "this time I'll totally get the 6 man ult and turn the game around"
>Because certain abilities, regardless of their damage, can have so much impact in a fight that you can win even from behind
that is literally true for any moba
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NAmerican Horror Story
>get to top 500
>literally impossible to solo queue because matchmaking keep giving me sub 30% win rate teammates that doesn't even know how to buy items or understand what last hit/deny is
>they almost always rage quit after 10 minutes because they are getting stomped by regular 50% win rate players that understands the basics of the game
Jesus, is there an ETA to when they will fix the matchmaking?This nonsense is getting pretty stupid
if ivy is on your team yell at her on mic until she picks you up and flies you to the destination
ItS aN aLpHa!!11!!!1!!
Sure but there are different levels. Nothing in league comes close to an ability like black hole in dota
releasing the playtest too early was a mistake I think
Your MMR is shit and you are shit. You are not top 500
lol, relax dotabro, no one is here for your dick measuring contest
The streamers are being paid to play Deadlock right? How are the avoiding the sponsor tag? Because they are clearly not having fun. Why are they doing it tho?
kevin can use his ice walk + fleetfoot as the bar is filling up and make it halfway across really fucking fast
>>get to top 500
Sorry to burst your bubble but you aren't there bro.
potential future money
>gotta get in on the ground floor and become a deadlock personality bro
I'm not so sure, they made the opposite mistake with artifact and look how that turned out. If there was a large scale alpha/beta period for it they might have realized that people were going to quit in droves on release and rethought some of the mechanics
I have at least 6x the amount of time in league than I do in dota. I'm talking about game mechanics, not which game is better
>they are clearly not having fun. Why are they doing it tho?
Have you ever played dota?
>t. 30 hours logged and believes the grifting tracker sites
>I'm talking about game mechanics, not which game is better
even shit like hots has game winning abilities, all i'm saying is every fucking moba game has something like this because it's a fantastic design tropes, no point is comparing the efficacy of one ability to another in an entirely different system
Either. Never relax around the french.
You're mentally ill. I didn't just start playing, I just looked at stats. You're shit and likely unable to wipe yourself without help. Don't reply to me again.
>are there any characters better at moving on the map
Jeez I don't know, anon.

only NA server at the moment is based out of Chicago afaik
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post you're crosshair
they added west coast servers too, not that long ago
helsinki, washaw are new locations too.
did they get rid of the hero/match feedback thing at the end of a match?
i want someone at valve to know my game was not fun when it put people playing a hero for the first time in my game.
They also got rid of the feedback popup when you launch the game
which hero needs the least amount of sweating about item builds and can just kind of click enemies and towers until the game is over
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>enemy ivy says gg after losing
>enemy infernus tells them they're making their team look onions
did i just play against you guys or something
items are always important
but I guess Viscous can kind of build whatever in health and spirit and still not die while being an annoying piece of shit
stfu shallot nose
Wtf is up with BOT Mcginnis..she spams her super like it has a 1 second recharge rate. It's annoying
McGinnis players only know how to fight minions and towers, and there are always minions and towers in sight
can you post your crosshair settings? I was trying to get this but can't figure it out
i just want someone i can play while i'm suicidally depressed without sandbagging my team too hard
did they actually say onions or did they say s*y?
Okay, i've now become a healing rite fan. Originally shit on it because I didn't understand it but it's basically just a health potion from other mobas but with a bit more skill.
No but I'm talking about the bot version of her. She spams her missle barrage every 2 seconds and aimbots with it. She's impossible to fight because she gets it back in such a short time that is impossible for a player.
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here u go
>it's basically just a health potion from other mobas but with a bit more skill
You still don't get it
s*yboy went mainstream
it's funny how back in 2016 if someone told me to "cope" i wouldve assumed they were a 4chanfag too, but now every 10 seconds i hear some normalfag be all like "LMAO FULL COPIUM BRO THE COPE LAMO"
I see, so the streamers are just setting themselves up for potential "game" for the future, even if it is shit, they force themselves to play it? damm, money do make people a bitch.
Yes, and CSGO, CS2, TF, smite and overwatch.
Can you activate unstopabble while being stunned? Like in a Dynamo ult?
Sorry, didn't mean to trigger the sub 2000 mmr anons. Please stop feeding in my matches
read the item description, you stupid fucking nigger

i thought i was in the sf6 general for a second
a better question would be, does curse stop unstoppable?

the site doesn't have 80% of the games, there is no way the stats are accurate
>why do people teamfight all the time?
because its literally the funniest part of the game.
what do you guys build on geist? whenever i see WULFEE7 BEST BUILD i get skeptical
>played Lash for the first time
>can't do shit
>constantly miss my 1
>fuck up my 4 three(3) times
>focusing on using abilities right and I fuck up aiming
>End up just building tanky and with cold front/mystic slow/ slowing bullets to slow enemies
>use my abilities to slow, harass and just be a pain in the ass
>die as many times as I get kills but end up with 3x deaths in assists for my troubles
>kinda had fun
Don't know if I wanna try him again, maybe I'll get better
What about 120% winrate made you skeptical?
as u should be
K dude hope you have fun..
wow and i thought i was impressive with a 110% winrate...
they said the s-word
Nigger you just started playing and you don't even realize why it shows. It's insane how gay you niggers are.
funniest part of low MMR is casting bebop ult on an ulting seven and seeing whether he moves or dies
>nooo the site doesn't have all the 1000000 matches logged, it's just 800000 so your 65% win rate over 350+ games doesn't count
Listen, honestly I don't give a fuck about any of that. It's you fuckers that started talking about this elo bullshit. I'm just saying that I want my matches to be evenly balanced instead of being paired with or against new players that dies to minions. It's not fun to anyone involved in those games
post screenshot of your profile in game
and the last page of match history
My ELO is logged at 1300 but most of the players I regularly see have 1800 or so.
>2 lanes pushing hard as fuck into our walkers
>team is at opposite side of the map where urn return is
>instead of blocking the enemy from returning urn they choose to dive the enemy walker and feed
>the worst decision possible leads to a teamwipe, 2 walkers dying from creeps, AND the enemy getting an urn
literal subhumans
I've found that this game is the opposite to most mobas, the pure damage heroes are easier than the supportive ones. I have never fed as hard as I did on the one game I tried bebop.
Disclaimer: this opinion is coming from a low mmr player
fighting on urn when you are behind on souls is not a good idea either
Fleetfoot on seven is fucking incredible.
Holy shit it's so good.
I would say it's in line with other mobas that every hero has strengths and weaknesses, but a major flaw is that the obvious DPS carries are naturally VERY STRONG solo carries while the heroes with more utility still can't solo carry at all.
fleetfoot is a must buy on everyone
we were not behind
what are some silly fun builds. doesn't have to actually be functional or win games.
I literally only want to play seven for my meme build but faggots wont let me play it, they need to get rid of the 3 heros required
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i feel like this game is less demanding than valorant

in deadlock, if you're behind on kills or souls, you can always play defensively and catch up, some smart utility play can even the playing field real quick
if I get shut down on Seven I'm worthless, but if I manage to go even or win lane you just fucking steamroll and snowball into endgame. no wonder his win/loss is so high
sorry I don't buy cuck movespeed items because I'm good at the game and land my shots without needing to chase and I never get caught out of position
What are the universal counter items that any character can/should pick up if they're getting their ass raped by a specific character or item?
It's an alpha, if they allowed everyone to pick one hero you would see the same heroes every single match. They want data on weird matchups that you wouldn't see if you had a choice.
>pocket has 15 kills but less souls than me
for fuck's sake i wish the overwatch players would stop playing this like TDM
but if you move fast, you can rotate and kill faster
check mate, noob
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get me out of shit MMR please
There's strong marketing force for Deadlock and I absolutely detest it. It's a shit game, and shroud is just setting himself up for a potential game so he can keep streaming for the faggots zoomies on twitch, even if it sucked ass. This game is dead on arrival.
shut the fuck up, seven nigger
play character that takes skill then complain
I mained Paradox and switched to Seven because it's fun being able to carry. Try Paradox anon
>most kills
>most player damage
>second most obj damage
>most souls by far
okay you're allowed to bitch about bad teammates
that game seems fine though
as if there isnt a seven in every single match they're doing it for queue times
How do I build spirit Yamato
pick a different hero instead
You are not playing paradox anymore, you can't talk like you still do.
You lost your hard character privilege. To get it back you need to play 150 games on yamato now.
Infernus should use both hands to finger guns when you get enough fire rate.
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protip: console commands enable going into the negatives for gap
fucking anything but that
someone get this to icefrog and make it happen
post this on the forums and they might actually do it
this is huge
I lost and it was my fault.
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anyone else like to play through games that are safe to abandon?
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you already know i'm padding those stats
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most skilled ivy gooner
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What do I build to counter this?
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slowing hex, Decay, spirit armor, curse when late
it's "go with shiv and kill the whole enemy team instead of jerking off in the corner like a faggot"
the best part it's completely free
Make sure lanes are pushed up passed 1/2 way, pick a kill or two, go do mid boss. Getting midboss makes your creeps stronger and if you get the rejuv makes thins much easier. Midboss = win game
>Midboss = win game
Or "throw game".
Miku guinness does not look like that
why does the slime man speak like a loli wtf
>puts down frost dome on top of the crystal
>frozone into enemy base
>frost dome the shrine
>break it
>frozone out
people are still sleeping on kelvin. frost dome + alchemical fire is insanely strong for forcing objectives
post this on the forums
>40 min game
>90k+ souls
>100k+ player damage
>almost end up losing because 3 teammates are sub 20k souls and damage
>wraith was 0/23/0 and still dying to neutrals after 30 minute mark
Turret McNugget for the win, the only team I need is my turrets. Also holy shit where the fuck does the matchmaking find these people? Hard to believe these people are functional humans
she says that though
I only ever play minigun build, what are the essentials for turret build?
> Also holy shit where the fuck does the matchmaking find these people?
First game on the character most likely. Specialist player, main char got stolen.
teleport item will go in magic phase right so it will always land on my guy if the slot is empty?
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Shiv is disgustingly fun
Is party queue and solo queue different MMR because these games I've been playing since playing with my newer friend are fucking.... garbage. All the League/OW dropouts on my team it feels like.
Also fuck I love ivy but having to 1v6 as her is miserable.
>First game on the character most likely. Specialist player, main char got stolen.
Dying to neutrals after 30 minute mark is in a retard league of its own.
If you are a good player yourself, he wouldn't be in your mmr range.
>Dying to neutrals after 30 minute mark
yes but you must buy either of them before upgrading the in as much of the can
In testing, max fire rate McGUNnis Minigun is really fun, but damnit if the enemy team doesn't hate fun and refuse to ever let me get close to the good parts of it.
How do I play Shiv anyway
True, it can be that if things don't go to plan but getting it can take the game from a losing one to a winning one
get double rage dash on enemy, they shit themselves from the damage and start running, finish them off
>pick dynamo
>see my ENTIRE TEAM together in the lane
>they're trading pot shots with the enemy
>I fly in, ult 4 of them
>not a single teammate reacts and they all just fumble around behind cover
He bought only two items and kept walking around aimlessly shooting stuff around the map for the entire match. Dunno if he was trying to throw or legitimately braindead
this is why you always engage second when you solo que
you see some retard go in, then you go in
otherwise you just cry
learnt the lesson the hard way on mokrill
>He bought only two items
Within 30 minutes?
That has to be an experimental bot.
What if Maurice talked and Krill was the mute

Think about it deadtards
doesn't have a build
1st game on that character
little ivan couldn't host tf2 bots anymore so they got his goons to host bots in deadlock now
What is the best character right now to solo carry a game? I'm tired of playing dynamo for apeminded teammates like this anon >>493492247
seven, haze, abrams, shiv
in that order
bold of you to assume I think
What’s the most honest item?
Titanic magazine
>it's a "you could've killed Abrams like 3 times over now but he keeps punching your teammate who doesn't know how to parry and so he keeps fucking healing" episode
>t. Yoshi
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i fucking hate this flying grandmother
I'm that teammate because I always try to time the parry and the netcode always fucks me
why is infernus allowed to do huge fucking damage with autos from level 1
monster rounds, farming for 45 minutes is honest work
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>the eldritch god tier porn potential of Haze and Viscous
I almost always lose when I trade autos as inferno at the start of a match, even when I get his passive first
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if you ever manage to beat him in lane he can just press 2 and push the lane into your tower so he can focus on denying all your creeps haha! fun character, and I love laning in this game that's entirely dependent on which hero is which

in dota 2 i could beat a herald retard 99.9% of the time regardless of hero, in this I would probably lose to the bottom 30% of infernuses consistently because he's so retarded
I have a theory that souls are programmed to round to 6,666 on a certain threshold.
How long do fights last?
Do some characters get giga bursty when they're ahead and have items? I imagine that's going to be a massive problem particularly since this is a shooter.
>he can just press 2 and push the lane into your tower so he can focus on denying all your creeps
If I try to do this the enemy just shoots me while I'm running and deny the creeps I just killed with the skill so now I'm sitting at an overextended lane with low health, no souls and basically fucked
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who to play as a kazuya main?
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Uhhh Abrams has got some ignorant gorilla shit and Seven is electric so one of those two I think
Monkee man?
Is there a demon Heihachi or just Kazuya and Jin?
>pick a diverse roster to help the team
???? You help the team by playing well
Fights can last extremely long and have no winner or be over in seconds
Highly, highly depends on the characters, the situation, the point in the match, etc etc
well you have to do it when they're in the middle of the lane if they're at their tower then yeah it's a bit more tricky, but still. pushing the lane into their tower is worth it even if every creep gets denied since then you can deny theirs as well, and sit on your flag bearer for longer to heal up
Shiv is literally just a monkey. His model literally is full on monkey, he has a sort of monkey stance. His skin is also a lot more red than his portrait would suggest. Also he hangs upside down from the zip lines

Speaking of which, I thought about that one video of a monkey banging on the door, but the door is McGinnis wall
>team pings your hero portrait over and over because they're playing team death match and not dota
>win with 10x the objective damage of anyone else
Fortunately the other team was playing hero brawler too.
I'm tired of being a deadweight shitter for my team. Give me the most retard proof hero and build so I don't end up feeding again in your games
Pick bebop and dump all your infusions into your hyper beam
Nope, Heihachi has no devil, apparently all the Devil shit comes from Kazuya's mother, so his father gets none
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the entire of tekken is heihachi wanting to kill them because of the devil gene
I just love pushing lanes and running away when someone shows up. I don't know why but it makes me all giggly when I'm escaping after destryoing a walker or even the base turrets
Look this build up and rape
should i do gun shiv or knife shiv bros
it's balanced out by me being unable to aim at all
i'm so fucking bad at infernus man
What kind of wholesome chungus skins can we expect later on?
>Mo and krill but he's riding a giant pink pig
>shiv is le monkey and holding a banana gun
I really hope they give characters special melee animations, everyone doing a punch just looks silly.
This build is trash.
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Stoonk's Pocket
"Lady Christ" for Lady Geist

Honestly no build is going to help you if you cant into MOBAs
why did he fuck the demon then? why did he impregnate her? why does it even matter in a world with alien jedi samurai, boxing kangoroos, magic wooden dolls mimics and even mayan gods of destruction? fucking
retarded billionaire eletric geezer
It rapes actually
I just want emotes already
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Well yeah he's clearly based off the greasers from Hey Good Lookin' who themselves are designed to be explicitly monkey like
there's one guy in trash MMR spamming that build he came up with
he posted a webm of it "working" once, legit bots running into walls
Demon sexo
Ok cool.
What about hitboxes? Are they in relation to the character's kits and stats or are the skinnier characters have an advantage?
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Tbagging is now a strat
How can I make my opponents seethe?
They're pretty accurate, but also very generous. While you still need to be precise to hit consistent headshots, you don't need to be pinpoint accurate; the game is balanced thus
Skinny and fast characters will be harder to hit, but of course much squishier in general. Most characters can be tank-y, but there's only a couple true tanks
Am I the only one noticing how quick to shittalk Infernus players are? Niggas act like if they lose the game they get shot in the foot.
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Be a deny god
Tbag after every kill
Get really good at denying
Use cockroachy lifesteal builds on already hard to kill characters like Abrams, shiv, or guest
Improve your game sense so you always know when to dive and get a kill early
Farm a great deal so you always have a money lead and can take fights at your leisure
Split push
Use active items to stun and silence
I barely even see a infernus player because they are either trash os spend the entire match farming neutrals and then lose anyway because we steamrolled over his teammates
I've gotten "GG ez trash" like five times and it was a warden every time
I think this is a more apt example of Vindicta threading the needle
>Playing game
>Enemy ragequits after a few deaths
>It's the infernus
>Playing game
>Ally ragequits after a few deaths
>It's the infernus
>Playing game
>Get a cheeky kill on the infernus
>They start seething in allchat
>Pushed back to spawn
>Blatantly going to lose
>Infernus uses his mic the first time in the entire match just to shittalk when he's bottom souls.
>Playing game
>Win match
>Everyone types GG except for the enemy infernus
No you're not. Infernus seems to attract massive dickheads. Maybe because he's been meta for so long all the metahead twats gravitate towards him.

They'll get pissy even if they're winning: I had one as my lane partner and he got pissy I wasn't as aggressive as him while I was playing Geist. Even though we were crushing the lane for the most part
Look up "actually good geist build" and trust it.
How do i win with grey talon?
he feels weak desu
He's kinda shit but I prefer gun build, you can shred with your 2
Build spirit and stop waiting for charged shot to fill.
Echo shard bebop is getting nerfed right? It's literally just a "If you get close to him you lose 90% of your HP"
>Just get ES
It's too late the bebop already stacked a silence item.
You die in one hit but you do a lot of damage
You have two paths:
1. Build around his abilities and snipe people aggressively in teamfights, or...
2. Build around his ult and never show your face while you channel your inner drone operator
I don't know what the fuck this character have in its kit but he shits so much damage that even when I have 10k+ souls advantage he manages to rape me when I engage him alone
infernus, max spirit lifesteal and spirit, get some ammo too so you can spray and pray for your passive stacking
>pick ivy
>ignore game
>shoot towers
>fly away when game comes to me
gargoyle gaming
debuff remover counters the build for half the cost or less and is just generally good

there are more OP heroes in the game right now
I tried this but they just shoot me down when I try to fly away, she is too slow
>there are more OP heroes in the game right now
Shut up
>debuff remover counters the build for half the cost or less and is just generally good
that's not how you spell ethereal shift, retard
if you made a tierlist with 4 tiers he'd be in 2, better than average
by far the best part of his kit is the ult, mapwide nuke that also stuns for some reason. devs want you to secure kills with it to make it grow more powerful but you can literally engange with it.
need to not be an autist and use your mic though
Warden and Haze stick out as extremely good at every stage of the game imo
Ethereal shift sucks ass you dumb cunt
>bro to counter the bebop bomb just stun yourself haha
ok nigga
haze, seven, grey talon, shiv, infernus
as the skill level in my games noticeably gets higher, its gets funnier and funnier that people think dota is a harder game than this
what? debuff remover removes the bombs and now bebop does literally nothing to you except pull you to him so you can kill him faster
What's your current roster look like fellas? For me it's
>High Priority
Seven, Pocket
>Low Priority
Warden, Grey Talon, Lady Geist, Lash
but how do I build/maintain rage... I can't fight all the time...
it shits on remover, retards
>lower cd
>you don't get nuked with everything else bebop has or his teammates
>you get to watch bebop shortcirciting from up close while you are cucking him, then unload everything you have right in his stupid face
also you are not "stunning yourself", you are wasting time and distract enemies on yourself, while they can't do shit to you

remover is worthless, you get extra 5% resist passive over 1250 reducer.
only good for affliction removal, but still too expensive overall
His two rapes when you build for auto attack and gun with some spirit.
If you're ever above someone you start shitting out insane damage and they can't do anything against you when you stack leech on top of it.
God forbid you somehow manage to get into an enclosed space and they don't CC you before you literally semi-auto shotgun them in the face.
Just won solo lane first time doing it, feels good. Literally every match I get i'm always in duo lane.
I actually think they won't change the item icons or names. It just has such strong functionalism right now. Color coded for easy sorting into orange, green, purple or flex. The icons tell you mostly what the item does at a glance. Very easy to navigate through the shop. At best they could have like items that have a colored outline or background but that would still be pretty busy looking in the shop.
Harder is too vague
Micro on the average dota hero is way easier, but macro is far more complex. Either way a dick waving competition about whose game is harder is for faggots
Double bomb bebop is only really a problem in dirt MMR. You need to land a serious amount of bombs in order to get it to do any serious damage. And against players with brains they’re not just gonna bump into walls waiting for you to hook/bomb them over and over

Also the bombs are clicked by so many items. At high levels of play most bebop’s aren’t getting more than 700ish damage on their bombs, usually less. And that’s before spirit armour is accounted for.

Most heroes have an excess of 2000 health by that point.

Gun bebop had a far higher dps and doesn’t hinge on you farming bombs all game on player who will shred you if you just charge them
hey here's a pro tip, you can activate debuff remover to, guess what, remove any debuff currently on you
gun build kelvin is so underrated
I dont think he knows it's an active item lol
Bro… that’s the one I use. Pretty much changed the character for me.

I feel kinda gay following someone else’s build but I really can’t improve upon it much.
McGinnis, Ivy
I switch it up sometimes
I'm thinking of putting Mo and Krill back in to play them some more. I've tried Geist and Seven but didn't love them
I didn't know they were considering that but it would be pure insanity to change them. That's one of the systems that is as close to perfect as you can ever get.
You can guess what 95% of items do just from the icon and the color behind them.
it's really not, beam kelvin is so obnoxiously oppressive
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You can spot a league player from a mile away because they don't build or use active items.
>High Prio
Lady Geist, Yamato
Seven, Infernus, McGinnis

Once they add role select, I'll high prio all the support characters all day long. Since I play solo, I get put in orange/blue most of the time.
I could probably prevent someone new to dota 2 from getting a single creep. This one at least gives them half the money in laning and doesnt have experience so they arent super screwed if every creep gets denied. It's also far easier to kill a fed enemy in this game. Plus there's more people on the team to carry you if you're sucking ass. It's definitely easier.
I mostly agree, but I do think they could change the overall frame of the shop and add maybe some beveling or something to the items large icons just for a tiny bit of visual interest
the only shit worth removing is affliction, you fucking retard
you can't remove stuns
it removes the bombs you just planted
why is this difficult for you to understand?
>bombs are overpowered
>noooo it's not worth removing with debuff reducer
make up your mind nigga, damn!
it also costs 4250
and shift does it too, while having lower cd, cheaper, more obnoxious for the enemy, reloads your gun and can save your ass in other situations too
what's so hard to understand?

read, nigger
I only play Ivy and Pocket because I refuse to get killed by Wraith and Seven stuns that I can see coming from a mile away. I don't know what everyone else does to not feed against point and click zero skillshot disables, but personally I just press 3.
it's funny you say this when /v/ is the second swarthiest board on the site
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Despite the fact that shiv is widely accepted to be really strong, I literally always get him. Only 1 of the last like 9 games have I been made to play a lower priority pick
Do people not like playing shiv because his lane sucks or what? It's not even that bad once you get restorative shot
>High prio
>low prio
Seven and greytalon
thats it
youre just setting yourself up for enemies to gang bang you when youre hooked it's better to go debuff reducer
Here's a core Dota mechanic at high level play - evading spells during the 0.1 second (yes, not one second, 0,1) invulnerability period. About the same timing applies to daring blink dagger dodges.

>The wielder is invulnerable, hidden and spell immune during the 0.1-second split time.


By the way, this isn't even the item's primary usage. It also creates two controllable illusions which can be used for all sorts of plays and dispels.
you don't know what you are talking about. try playing more
>don't know what everyone else does to not feed against point and click zero skillshot disables,
Go around a corner
Dive even harder and call out to my team (I usually queue with a friend so I always have at least one person to rely on
Ethereal Shift
t. shiv dude
The only modifications I make is I think it underrates mobility too much and doesn't sell the usefulness of healing rite in early game high enough. Fleet foot is just good.
>High Prio
Warden, Viscous, Ivy
>Low Prio
Dynamo, Bebop, Haze, M&K, Infernus, Pocket
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>still haven't received an invite
You forgot to add that it also disjoints which is its main usage.
I gauge multiplayer difficulty by how small of a skill gap it would take for one person to dominate another person and it's much smaller in Deadlock than in DotA. If one team has slightly better aiming, movement, and rotation, they will dominate the other team no matter what.
>Try out a Seven 2 skill build
>The stun is funny but there's never any damage to follow through
He really is a 4 character huh?
that's cope. I will just stun the best player
Spells aren't disjointed if you fail the manta dodge and I wouldn't call disjointing ranged projectiles manta's purpose.

Its purpose is to

1 attack, farm, scout and decieve with illusions
2 dispel debuffs
3 manta dodge
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>he's not in
my fav part of this clip is there was cover literally right next to him that could break line of sight
this is a very good build
I have won almost every game with this build
thank you for the fun games anon
you can do the same thing in dota wtf lol
the build is a meme, most ultimate builds just give you the damage you need naturally and you can buy improved reach for static charge
Intercontinental Bird Missle
get your teammates to do the damage instead

I am a fellow 2 seven enjoyer and it can definitely work.
Not really. Carries in dota 2 can pick and choose where they fight a lot easier. Deadlock has no wards and less jungle. There's also heroes like slark/ursa/huskar that can shrug off disables. Nothing in this game can tank or outright get rid of stuns with their passives. If you are stunned and there's a +1 near you, you're dead in deadlock.
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new bread

>gun Kelvin
fuck off retard
again, the consensus in this general is that aiming doesn't matter because it's full of shitter cope. 4channel truly believes that they can beat an aiming and movement god by simply out itemizing them.
we're 20 posts off /v/ tourist
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>>High prio
Make tight turns around buildings, sometimes just flying in a circle is enough to throw them off
It disjoint projectiles, but that's just one auto attack worth of damage dude. This only matters if the wielder is literally one hit away from dying and that almost never happens with manta off cooldown.

If the wielder is healthy, wasting the dodge on an auto attack (instead of saving it for a dispel or to manta dodge a spell projectile) is downright catastrophic.
>/vg/gachadiscordtrannies getting uppity again
>can't make a simple text field in build guide

you can remove knockdown before it activates, retard.
>There's also heroes like Slark
Slork fans where we at.
try removing ulting nigfernus running into your face, smartass
What this means is - pressing manta which the stun spell is already flying towards you won't disjoint it, only a full 0,1 manta dodge will.

The preliminary usage will only disjoint a simple auto attack.
not that guy but certain stuns are disjointable like venge stun and shit

svens stun will indeed not be disjointed but a lot of abilities are
People think he's a high risk hero who has to get close, manage rage meter, and hit bleed repeatedly.
svens stun is disjointable
both of you have no idea what you are talking about
nuh uh
just build spirit and pick off squishies in teamfights
early game you have global presence with your ult that you need to leverage to help other lanes. also a lot of people will turtle behind tower with low hp so you should be eyeballing the enemy hp constantly to see if there's a good opportunity to ult and your lead will snowball
I just want more loooore I don't care about gameplay
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>svens stun isn't disjointable
Nice to know all the dota rejects left
he's the most annoying hero in the game
>High Priority
Dynamo, Vindicta
rat girl, Warden
>Low Priority
abraham, seven
that's probably only if it goes a certain distance when he has aghs otherwise it's not
We were originally discussing manta and not blink.

Pressing manta while Sven's stun is flying will mean it keeps following you. If you manta dodge it it will hit you while you're invulnerable and won't have an effect.
>What is reactive barrier
Stuns aren't even that bad
There's zero bullshit in this game if you aren't absolutely dogshit player
Git gud
Dota 2 has way more bullshit
How do you actualy play shiv, I tried 2 matches and he just doesn't feel great, what am I doing wrong?
stack all the spirit lifesteal and land your trivial skillshots while shotgunning in their face
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>um actually the wiki is wrong it's not that I have no idea what I am talking about
two ways, one is dagger stacking, this is the hardest but by far the best way to play him

second is the dash and passive maxing where you just play like an animal pressing dash on top of people and purging off damage. it does not work versus competent enemies who stay away from you
>no ward
Nigger you are the ward
Just climb some rooftop and scan your surroundings
stop talking about dota you're giving me the ick
well idk what to tell you man it used to not be disjointable and people would be followed by sven all the way to fountain
this game is dota
Projectile spells are almost all disjointable, and the disjoint on manta is completely separate from the manta dodge itself.
Is this some weird bait where you're pretending to be confidently wrong about some fairly basic mechanic for (you)s?
Kelvin seems to be a healer but I can't help but want to build max damage for the ice beam.
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>obj dmg
what if i dont want to have 10k souls by 30 minutes and want to hit creeps?
these types of people trigger me, all they do is hit cramps and occasionally ult someone, then go back to hitting jungle
you don't earn shit in the "jungle" in this game, dota-nigger
11 years ago it was not disjointable
surely you are simply living in the past rather than not understanding spell mechanics
yuck gross get away from me please
its fuuuuuun
the beam does shit damage even if you build full spirit, his grenades are nukes though, especially early if you rush its lv3 upgrade

kelvin healing is like a sideeffect
>the negro blows everything up

>the negro sets everything on fire

uhh, valve?
>everyone on blue waiting for a teamfight
>my other 3 walkers are being demolished but creeps
>I can't go clean them they bitch at me
>almost lose 3 lanes because they wanted a teamfight that never happen because the enemy team isn't retarded and knew it was better to waste time there while our lanes get pushed
Fire nigger is pretty gay though
I want a demolition nigger
Even with Escalating Exposure? What do you build then?
yes i want to hit lane creeps but unfortunately there are no wards so i can get gayed while my teammates ARE hitting the useless jungle
you have headphones, you can turn your camera around, you stupid dota-nigger.
>5v6 all game
>Carry entire team on my back with 70k souls vs average 40k enemy team
>3 teammates just died me and abrahm vs 6
>Kill 2 then wipe 3 with haze ult and warden has 1 hp left
>Abrahm proceeds to steal the kill then fucks off instead of following me into enemy base
>Have to whittle down the weakened patron all by myself and unstoppable clutch the infernus ult + ivy statue with seven ulting my ass
>Abrahms and co show up right as my ult kills the patron

Why are my teammates like this? I went back and watched the kelvin he didnt buy a single item and ragequit with 7k saved up and like 8 deaths get me out of this low elo hell
i dont begrudge anyone not teamfighting, i just sometimes join them when i know i shouldnt because its fuuuuuun
yes this
That's nigger behavior
How do you play Pocket? Even when I get fed, I still feel like I am not doing anything.
You didn't beat the game
Soon people will start calling everyone trannies and tell them to dilate
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>matchmaking closed

>How do I change servers?
The test is currently on NA Central (Chicago), EU (Stockholm), Asia (Hong Kong), South America (Santiago) and Oceania. In order to change your preferred server you can open the console with the F7 key by default and enter:
citadel_region_override -1 (automatic)
citadel_region_override 0 (NA-C)
citadel_region_override 1 (EU)
citadel_region_override 2 (Asia)
citadel_region_override 3 (SA)
citadel_region_override 5 (OCE)
Ping is such dogshit for lasthitting I don't even want to imagine what it would be like connecting to another continent.
>The test is currently on NA Central (Chicago), EU (Stockholm)
This is outdated.
There are east and west coast servers now.
Also Warshaw and Helsinki.
Oh, and Frankfurt too.
They added more locations in august.
i mean september.

neat. console command still work regardless for changing to shittier, not NA servers

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