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Get Beam'd Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

First for reworking lady geists shitty ult
As a Geist main I wouldn't mind. Sure it's thematically appropriate and funny but the higher MMR you go the less use it has.
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Sex with Abrams
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>you have headphones
Man I survived a gank earlier because I heard Infernus' weird smoldering footstep sounds from half a mile away and was already able to back off. Dota doesn't have that element at all.
The sound design in this game is so good
by the time you hear or see people it's too fuckin late mobility in this game is out of control, everyone can slide hop warp stone and rape you in about 3 seconds

that's why we need wards, like a placable radar. or maybe scan from dota 2 to farm safely
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I bought an item for 3k to kill the enemy carry for free.
so just slide hop warp stone away
if you have less mobility than they do then that's your fault
I'm sick of dying so much. I want to engage in pure ratniggery and PvE for 30 minutes straight, AM style. I want to vanish whenever anyone so much as blinks in my direction.
Give me a hero and build.
they come from behind you and cut off your escape because you cant ward it

wards would increase the skill cap, they should reduce the sound too so that wards are more important
Oh, you're baiting, I see.
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refresher which self damages on use but only refreshes your basic abilities
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>kelvin dashes into our backline to solo ult me
>runs away when his ult ends and I am perfectly fine
>does it again later
>he bought humiliation rite
leave my lane immediately
he has to DOOME
>play pocket
>early game miss a lot of souls because of the low ammo count and big reload time
Am I just bad?
>low ammo count
what the fuck are you doing with your ammo?
you need good map awareness son.
I spend most of it dumping it on the enemy.
threadly reminder that this game will be plagued with aimbotters and other cheaters
they can also crouch up to behind you, or sit in one spot after pushing the wave waiting for you to come back (I do this as mole), so wards are still better
I'm really starting to believe Haze is one of the worst characters in the game. The character really only works when you max out your weapon damage but this makes you insanely weak to pretty much every other carry and then on top of that most of those carries have ways to fuck you up way more. She's really obnoxious when she can invis to sneak up behind you, put you to sleep, then ult...but besides that the character has nothing else going on.

Unironically the two items that give invis are better Haze's
gangstalkers could be anywhere
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we should call crouching up to an enemy as a group gankstalking
She is one of the strongest characters in the game by the simple virtue of being completely unstoppable as a split pusher and split pushing is the best thing you can do in the game
>get hooked by Bebop as Abrams
>think I'll be able to do an epic turnaround shoulder charge
>end up spinning around on the spot and hitting a minion instead
She's only average at best at very high level.
Cope as you get poked down and have to run back to base while i'm sitting cozy farming.
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Which heroes / items shit on Kevin as hard as possible? He's quickly becoming my least favorite to fight against.
ghot pussy
>getting owned badly by shiv as giest
>he dies to a gank
>ult him for a full heal on respawn so he has to run back to base
>he dives me again when my ult is coming back and has to run away again
>now even in souls
>his team was busy feeding during all of this
You can always nuke an Abrams health with it even if you're at full life. It's actually pretty funny to see one Geist ult, 1 second of team damage and a Shiv ult just remove somebody who stacked defenses.

There's also a million situations where a low hp Geist is still unsoloable because of it, and that has a lot of influence on people's actions.
Yes. Play Pocket more, he has a very easy laning phase despite the -15% spirit resist. Don't be afraid to use your 2 and 3 on troopers, after you've taken a level to reduce their cooldown. But you should mostly just be melee'ing troopers to finish them and reloading in anticipation of confirming / denying.
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Classic Valve matchmaking
FYI it's better to warp stone first to put it on cd ASAP and because it kills your movement momentum.

Also counterpoint, there's only like 2 instant-CC abilities in the entire game, everything else has a delay, so even on reflex on first sound of a "gank" a backwards dashjump pulls you back pretty far pretty fast.
I would be seething in this situation
Wraith with unstoppable and a few items should NEVER die while ratting
Haze can go undetected and burst him down easily. Any hero who can deny his souls and make him desperate in lane (to the point of using his beam on creeps) can make him fall behind.
Haze nerf fucking when
Bro, your improved bullet resistance and metal skin?
pure outplay
Haze can technically be countered with items but then your damage would suffer because you're not buying damage items. Shit's OP.
Standard Warden builds do a pretty good job, typically putting on enough slows that Kelvin has to cancel his ice path and dash (falling to the ground) to avoid getting locked up.
Being the juke/defender is such an advantage in this game until you're playing against 350 ping west Asian niggers
Next week.
Lash is fun.
I've been spectating a bunch of streams and replays from players on Tracklock's top player list and I can confidently say MikaelS is not only nowhere near the best player, he's not even the best Paradox, maybe not even top 10. I think the site massively over emphasizes games played and winrates
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Hi, 1480 MMR Abrams main here, the main problem with Haze is she's a ratqueen who can shred the entire base in under 10 seconds without needing to reload.
Haze is an inferior ratter, I think that's just a shitter MMR situation
wow the elo tracking sites which people have been pointing out are extremely unreliable and inaccurate are indeed extremely unreliable and inaccurate

also, anyone who refers to their rank or playtime in order to gain attention is a loser and should be ignored
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Did one of you play a match that dragged out for 30+ minutes after shrines went down and 3 of the defending team DC'd?
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the main problem is she can go invisible to rat much easier than most without warning, which is why we need wards and stealth wards to detect her
Elo systems work by giving you points when you win. MikaelS doesn't have the highest win rate, but he does have the most quality wins (against other high elo players).
I only know how to play mcginnis
I am complete dead weight if I'm not mcginnis
please stop making me play other heros
I'm starting to play against decent player and im getting pwned in lane every match...
If I was ranked #1 on any leaderboard you can bet I'd exploit that to drive traffic to my YouTube channel. It'd be stupid not to.
That said, Eido does exactly this and he seems to have a bit of an ego problem...
Yeah you can do that if you want retards and children as your fanbase
why are you building weapon damage on the hero that relies on her passive to deal any gun damage whatsoever?
weapon slot items on haze need to be either fire rate or utility
You mean the only people who watch ads?
shhhh he's retarded there's a slightly greater chance he'll be on the enemy team sucking ass as haze this way
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i could see something like dota's watchers as a neutral objective in this game
I don't know what that is
Is Kinetic Carbine a hitscan?
Thats ok timmy, the adults are talking here
whatever it is it's probably too complicated and therefore stupid to add. dotards should just go play dota
I enjoy watching Lady Geist
control points that provide aoe vision to either team that captures them
Anon I don't think you realize how young you sound pretending that knowing modern Dota mechanics makes you seem like an adult.
Yes little leaguetroon, you're a big boy
I don't play League either, child.
I win.
I am pretty sure it isn't.
Sounds useful for a game with no wards and a huge map.
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>you are laning against pocket
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>I am laning against Pocket
>I am Chief Prepping Bull
Shooting talon is 20x better than spirit
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>i combo the pocket
>i pick up my mic and scream
>whatever happens after, not my problem
What hero even is a bad laner? I swear people cry about everyone on lane or say he is a strong laner
I think matchups matter a lot, and whether a hero duos well with another as well, more than just x hero is op/bad
except pocket
gas pocket pickers
it's matchup dependent, some just completely fuck another

which is why the game is kinda bad imo, such an important part of the game shouldnt be a diceroll of who you end up against
Haze is objectively a poor early laner, especially solo.
if she some how wins lane though its fucking over shits scary
ivy is awful
nice bait
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Haze, Ivy, Wraith under pressure. Everything else comes down the matchups.
Vision item suggestions:
>Sonar & radar
Active items, sonar 1250 souls, radar 3000 souls
>Sonar ping active
>Reveals all invisible units in a radius around the hero and prevents them from going invisible for 5 seconds
>Radar active
>Sends a radar ping in a wide cone shaped area, revealing any enemy heroes current location on the minimap. Does not track make enemy heroes visible.
Way better than shitty wards/watchtowers
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Why are Vindicta players like this?
>Shiv at 40k at 25 minutes
very balanced character REDO HIS ENTIRE KIT YOSHI
It's fucking psychotic that his 3 is a passive
hear me out
Refresher Grey Talon
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heh... the baxter society has your number.... kid...
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why does the male announcer have such a hard on for haze, like sure the announcers praise everyone if they do well but he sounds wayy hornier for haze than anyone else
it's not the announcer, it's the patron
legitimately pretty good because it refreshes all of your charged shots
Is there a hero other than Abrams who melee a lot ?
melee vindicta, be the change you want to see in the world
shiv/warden maybe bebop. viscous' goo fist scales off melee damage but it's a light melee.
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what comes to mind when you see this match history
i dont like you
i'm wondering why my match history doesn't have dates displayed
let me heal you brother
Yamato right click and light melee meme
How do you commit to killing as Kelvin without three heroes suddenly backing them up and jumping on you?
Seven is quite possibly the most retarded character in anything ever
did they already include a behavior system to fuck with people they deem toxic?
aint no other fucking way i get ""people"" this fucking retarded with me, this cant be just sheer luck
Is there a way to disable the minimap in the options? I want to join my team in literally never looking at it.
me seven
I'm pretty sure you could train a monkey to play seven competently and it wouldn't even take too long
You can easily build paradox to do like 450+ damage on the melee.
sorry bros i play on NA all the time
>play with old dota 2 buddy and his pals
>LoL and overwatch players mostly
>Everyone shoehorns a build
>No one denies
>No one builds counteritems
>Everyone complains game is too difficult
Meanwhile I'm enjoying every game, win or lose. Every death I analyze, what did I die to and how could that be prevented.
/dlg/bros, why are people like this?
here's my pro kelvin strategy
>rush bomb 5th ability point
>buy mythic burst
>buy fleet foot and diviner's shield
>use them and loot all the boxes on the rooftops as you rotate for ganks, toss 1 snowball to clear waves as you skate by
>buy basic armors to make your ehp and healing more effective, plus leech via infuser
>extended reach on 3 so you can be relatively safe while beaming people while roleplaying as frozone
>later, max 3 then 2, 2 maxed will give you 55 extra spirit power, diviner's kevlar will give you 60
>you now have 200+ spirit power when you pop ult and 2
>you should have purchased escalating spirit, just beam people to death and if they're a gun character their attack rate is basically nothing in your dome plus beam
>get real spirit leech along with armor upgrades to become annoying as fuck
Because Haze is a whore
I'm already seven
why does the male patron sound so different when taking down base guardians
Huh, that's interesting. I usually max 3rd first because grenades cannot hit fliers and maxed beam is really good for jungling, but I'm gonna try your build.
Yeah bro let me waste 6k souls just to counter one player and let them get even further ahead.
the grenade is just as good at clear and neutrals, except for maybe the big camps. also, in most camps, you can aim the beam through two minions at once still. imo the self heal in lane is invaluable, you can forget about backing ever, I think you get it at 2.25k or 2.5k so before ult you're already healing yourself and maybe your lane partner. you can also use it on creeps that are about to get melee'd to heal them, and hit the enemy. I used to rush 3 as well but really it's not that good dps until you get tons of spirit plus escalating exposure, and it's easier to get there by rushing 1
>Waste 6k souls
>Effectively removing one enemy hero from the game
Holy shit you guys are dumb
Heroes do not counter heroes.
Items do
Lady Geist teaching Haze to act more ladylike and less like a sleep paralysis smoke demon. Haze trying on frilly dresses and pretty shoes. Haze learning to ballroom dance. Haze as the blushing bride in a wedding dress at our wedding. Sex with Haze in the missionary position while holding hands for the sole purpose of procreation on our honeymoon.
>it's a "7 literally never leaves lane" episode
why are they like this?
Don't you dare talk about my wife that way.
Any item that's particularly effective at shutting down Warden?
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>why does the male announcer have such a hard on for haze

Who doesn't?
>green bitch has unlimited range with everything and her bomb
>bomb bas fuck huge range
>can heal too
This game is already dogass day 1
retard, i buy knockdown early for every vindicta, talon and seven i go against and it helps win games
>don't buy items that are good against the enemy
>blame poor balance
back to league
because every fucking time i leave the lane to help your 0-7-0 at 10min bitch ass all i get is an asswhooping as you pussy away from a 2v1 against the retard YOU fed
is mo & krill supposed to be shit in lane because I just get shot with my bis ass hitbox
>bad laner
people who say this are shit at the game and should be ignored
retards will let you slide around and heal to full every wave but if they don't you just eat shit until you can go dig+grab someone
>we are like 40k behind but manage to hold on
>1 guy dies in the middle of nowhere
>the guys on my team try to initiate 4v6 into them as i tell them to back
the fucking state of these games
Trickle death in MOBA is the number 1 leading cause of losses. Don't mind about it.
it already is
the real reason I play kelvin is because playing against kelvin is so cancer. that lash game I lost where I was 13/4/15, they had a kelvin who bought rescue beam and from the top of the skybox would channel it and save anyone who was close to death. shit is straight broken, not even I abuse that. but I just might start
>pre leak
>discord and forums are slow, focus on bug reports and suggesting improvements
>playing with and vs valve employees and pros every game
>post leak
>discord goes a mile a minute full of reddit memes
>forums full of chinks and blyats crying about getting banned
>haven't seen a pro or valve employee in game for months
>barely even get spectated any more
ok, and?
I keep getting games like this
I hate (You) zoomers
that logic applies to everything in this game

in every game you're picking up some items for utility or countering the enemy team instead of pure damage not to mention health
so you're just venting?
>barely even get spectated any more
bro fell off
is there any way to download the google docs guide or make a copy for it for offline access? it's locked from just doing it the normal ways some unknown reason
We had about 1.5k concurrent when I started playing (estimate, it wasn't trzcked at that point) and my first match ID was around 30,000. It was very small, games exploded since they gave up on staying private
Skibidi rizz fanumtax in Ohio MMR vindicta feet ON GOD ivy with the sauce
but why would you?
and you don't see the irony?
shoutout to every single one of my teammates in every single one of my games that will rather chase a 20 hp haze while every single one of our lanes is getting pushed in
worth it, you can come back from a weakened patron as long as haze doesnt get fed
Why are Ivy players so CUTE and such SCHOLARS?
Should I main Dagger Haze?
my favorite thing to see is when my team decides to stop farming and perma 4 man at 30k total team souls and loses us the game very based
Here's a temporary upload of a PDF version of the new player guide/faq: https://litter.catbox.moe/bcketw.pdf
I just quickly copied it over so it may be missing some images.
If you encounter something like this, you can still manage to copy everything over with a few workarounds. No idea why that's even a feature, honestly.
actually they're UGLY and RETARDED
We shouldn't have been so hard on big hat, these newfags are 100 times worse
valve didnt learn from dota 2 about making the way to win also the fun way to play so it will just be a constant battle of people who enjoy fighting and people who enjoy winning, so teams will implode
Sure, it's a fun build
How do you stun people off the ziplines? It doesn’t always work.
the more i play the more i notice that it doesn't seem efficient to group and try to look for teamfights all game like how can be good in dota league or smite but i'm not sure what you are really supposed to do besides just farm. is it really just farm?
when they don't have the zipline buff on them
There's a short time window before they become immune to being shot down from it.
It's impossible to stun if they've been on it for several seconds (indicated by the blue whirlwind buff).
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>ult, punch, charge, punch, knockdown, punch

No you don't get to play the game.
should they be dead after the second punch?
Abrams is so fun when you're against people who crumble when you're up in their face but fucking hell when you're against a Vindicta or Gray Talon who gets farmed on another lane. What the fuck can you even do at that point?
grouping for picks is fine but so many of my games just devolves into everyone hovering one lane instead of soaking souls in the 4 other fucking lanes we have/getting creeps
Knockdown into a charge.

90% of the time but some of the more tanky characters can take a bit of a beating, sometimes I even have to shoot them.
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why does every game devolve into my entire team fighting on one line like a pair of retards while one guy splitpushes right into our base and every single lane has 800 million enemy creeps in it
Mc Ginnis
put turrets on a lane, move to another lane
Some dude is less than 100 meters from you? Put a wall in their face and go away
Feeling really daring? Climb the tallest building and use your ult from a totally safe place
increased stamina, enduring speed, and the items that make you dodge roll further.
haven't lost to warden in what feels like a long time because you can literally just walk away from him at any time you want.
maintaining a 60% winrate across that many games makes you a genuinely good player, sorry kid.
he's not literally twice as good as the players below him but i laned against him once and had a really fucking bad time.
you cant do anything about them as any hero, now imagine how shitty the game is when they're on the same team

nice balance valve
>put turrets on a lane, move to another lane
thanks for free souls, miku, appreciate it
I have yet to see anyone use the teleporters
What keybinds for skills and items do you use?
Default 1-4 or something else?
1234 and EFCV
moved Parry to ` because I rarely use it anyway
full rebind on everything
scroll wheel for every ability and item, so it's always a mystery what happens in game and I never get bored
>had a teammates help
>he thinks he's so good he had to clip this
>now imagine how shitty the game is when they're on the same team
I don't have to imagine. Had a game just like that yesterday.
Who is yoshi??
valve employee
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Any of your girls hot yet
only geriatric

Sex with paradox
How are streamers playing right now? It's not letting me play pubs
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Viscous' ult is one of the best in the game and shitters hate it because it's not a press 4 to win button/can be fucked up by bad players
>free self peel or chasing down wounded enemies
>great mobility if you need to rotate around the map quickly
>can stun multiple enemies repeatedly (reminder that knockdown is a 3k item that only has one stun on a 40s cooldown)
>scales extremely well into the lategame with hordes of synergising upgrades
what build is this...
stinky smelly deadtard dick :3
>read kinetic karbine description
>"Press lmb to slow time on yourself"
>press lmb with skill charged
>zoom in
full melee + trash
Jump in the air and try it
the "people don't know how to parry" build

Not the "im le hecking sniper carbine call of doody gamer zero impact" build
Its true
Viscous is fucking insane, shitters just dont play him becauze it involves more tjan 3 braincells requires to play seven / haze / bebop
>farming geist like that with a 9k souls disadvantage
i fucking kneel...
are 6300 greens just better than purples/orange
>accidently add ivy to my roster
>she gets sad when I remove her
Cute. maybe I'll play her the day she gets a buff and isn't bad
money doesn't help if you're retarded
>rescue beam and from the top of the skybox would channel it and save anyone who was close to death
this is why i play kelvin. a clutch save is more exhilarating than a kill. i love that shit
you know how like in Dota 2, all the hard carries have some kind passive ability that makes them a hard carry? like Faceless Void has bash passive, PA has crit passive, AM has mana drain passive, Medusa has triple shot passive
how come none of the heroes in Deadlock have anything like that? are there no carry heroes in this game?
I have a Razer Basilisk so I got 1 as the top side button, 2 as the bottom side button and 3 as the wheel button. And I bound "1" to ulti.
1,2,3,4 with WASD movement seems weird as fuck to me.
Slop - The Game
what is the point of this post, to boast you played against him? i did not say he wasn't good you halfwit
Shiv 3rd skill, Seven 3rd skill, Infernus 3rd skill
well heroes like wraith don't have a full on passive but her attack speed steroid also makes her scale like crazy with items
My favorite meme has to be people building paradox around her carbine damage, when on HUGE investment its a SINGLE TARGET 800damage nuke, on 15s cd

If you compare it to ~any~ burst spirit damage hero in game you are doing like 1/3 damage at the same investment, and not even aoe

I have been recently watching first page games, and everytime in pub its a zero impact paradox that either gets carried or loses horribly after 1-2 EPIC wall swap pickoffs
Every hero should have a passive skill unique to them. All current passives should be replaced with an actual clickable skill
It's different because it's Valveslop.
did people stop making threads on /v/
Haze, infernus both have that

Couple of other heroes too
there are no roles in deadlock
Eventually we'll have farm roles like in Dota because somebody has to be the heal bitch in charge of rescue beaming people.
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>laning against a viscous for the first time
>how bad could it be, I rarely lose my lane after all
>0/4, 3~4k souls behind, viscous fucks off to gank as I barely manage to keep the walker alive
You were right dlg, hold me...

Bebop magic damage 3 minutes in game
Versus paradox kinetic carbine 20minutes in the game
by changing matchmaking regions through the console
there are roles and farm priority but they're more flexible than most other dotalikes
bro... your triangles....
feels like the devs have basically abandoned the forums outside of viewing bug reports, I think you have more of a chance of influencing the devs by posting here
Haze has a horrible lane in all scenarios.
Against enemies with bad burst damage knife-heavy melee can work but she needs to play very passively
/v/ cuck mod who shoves deadlock threads into /vg/
I lost my lane to Haze because she landed like eight sleeps to my face.
Is it better to buy several small level 1 items or save for the 3k better items before 15 minutes
which build is good for abrams?
Devs look at the private forums
Retards are filtered out into the public ones
/v/ mods are outraged by all the organic grassroots deadlock posting taking up all the concord, gacha, and undertale threads
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Power Surge Seven or Ult Seven
The fact that you barely see anyone build return fire on abrams, warden and other hecking tanky dps heroes tells you all you need to know
cheap items bring more value but you need to gauge how long they'll be useful, most heroes gain a huge power spike from 3k or 6k items
No, the last one was very active and archived 10 minutes ago.

It might have survived due to some discussion prompt in the OP, since a couple of threads were moved. Or maybe the moving itself was a fluke.
It's literally impossible to control unless your enemies are lined up in a straight line. What kind of 1k MMR are you in
it just doesn't work, try playing the game for more than 3 hours
that the item is shit and the damage is outhealed by just one 1250 lifesteal item?
what was the point of your post? oh, to say that he isn't even good?
Viscous gun hits like a motherfucker.
>No, the last one was very active and archived 10 minutes ago.
That's why I'm asking, nobody made a new one. Usually there'd already be 1-2 new threads by the time the last one hit 500.
Headhunter, the one thing that makes you invisible if you go through veils
Torment Pulse + Escalating Exposure is funny
Weapon damage is always more reliable for 1v1 assassination which is the meta right now since uneven matchmaking means you have to carry the game alone. Return Fire is shit because the damage is low and those noobs has to actually hit you.
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Maybe folks don't want to cross post to avoid it being labeled a general and wait for several minutes instead.
to say that he isn't the best and that tracklock elo is misleading... halfwit was apparently too complimentary
Why aren't those cosmic magic walls shown on the map
ive never built paradox around the carbine and i still suck on her, what exactly do you guys build i want to like her
The goo ball was the scariest bit honestly, that thing hit so incredibly hard right out of the gate and then he started following it up instantly with the punch.
Heal on melee hit and whatever it builds into
Escalating torment

Im about to have 100 games on paradox only
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I don't wanna be banned senpai
Jannies are being extra uppity, we can't just kill a culture war concord SBI tranny eceleb thread like this.
the splatter, gooball is the ult
the most obnoxious niggers build around it specifically, by rushing cd reduction and burst
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Lashbros, I'm sorry...
we all know tracklock/deadlock tracker's ELO ratings are bad and nobody needed you to tell anyone.
were we too cocky
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Ok, imagine this: Guest characters
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>POV: kelvin escaping a lost teamfight with ice path
how the fuck do you build her if not carbine?
yeah, haze deleted herself, gj
return fire is still trash though
t. 300 games on mokrill
Right, yeah. He must've instantly grabbed burst because it was insane, splatter was hitting for half my health.
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How the fuck do I play my nigga Abrams against players with more than 2 braincells? I don't understand how anyone is able to pick him at a high level, this is miserable. It feels like the moment the enemy teams starts stacking slows, disarms, and healing debuffs you're literally useless.
>dropped from 70% winrate to 55% in the last 2 days
this matchmacking is broken
you land the charge, you bait the parry, you farm well so you are ahead on souls
they need more spots for "world of warcraft" threads where it's just one guy posting about trannies and final fantasy 14 and not a single word about world of warcraft, please understand having 3 generals on /vg/ isn't enough they NEED at least 1/3rd of /v/ as well
actually, over time, a 50% winrate indicates a perfect MMR system, althroughbeit
buy heroic aura and shoot
Which item is the mkb of this game I forget. Not in front of my PC
I thought he sucked at first until Anon informed me that I should be using the divekick from high up and now I see the light. Lash is an asshole and you have to play like an asshole.
maybe in a 1v1 game but when you keep getting 1-15 retards on your team who dont secure/deny at all its just tiresome
>slide off the edge of the enemy player model

New item idea
Double melee length
based retard
never post again
stop running into the enemy and farm you useless fucks
pushing into the base to take a shrine is always a suicide because the retards never go back even if you spam them to retreat when the enemy is about to respawn
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>Get put in a duolane
>Other person keeps shooting creeps without shooting the soul orbs
Power Surge but builds that benefit PS tends to also benefit ult
>free slot for pushing guardian
>entire enemy team is dicking around other side of the map
>laner is slowly dinking camps instead of taking the guardian for a free flex slot

Is Pocket secretely good at laning or something? what the trick?
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What's next for Vindicta?
500 souls
He's very good at lane, just abuse the fuck out of the enemy with barrage and ghost
Also ungankable
Becoming the mother of my children
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New active item idea
All shots auto aim/track for 5 sec
every other hero in the game is just going to stop shooting you though
even haze should have cancelled her ult if she wasn't retarded
>new melee item in community ideas
>duuuuuuuuuuur turn off parry

New active item idea
It’s noclip and godmode, but you can’t attack
It's not a big deal if they dont get denied, right?
Add divine rapier for 15k souls
it already exists, its called fleetfoot
I have an idea for the devs, the ability to change which shoulder the camera is over.
>new melee item in community ideas
>duuuuuuuur let me ignore parry

What is it with infirmo players and overextending during laning.
so ethereal shift upgrade/windwaker from dota
would have to cost 9300 since shift is already a tier 3, how would you make it worth that much and not be OP?
magic carpet already kind of does this if you don't get stunned/focused super hard
I can just naruto run out of any situation
no big deal
>if you spam the same voiceline it adds more exclamation points
Okay Valve, you got me, that's cute
some dota heroes have a similar thing where they get angrier the more times you try and use an ability that's on cooldown or with not enough mana
It's surprisingly effective.
It's also fun
shant be throwing the game by getting baboons inside the enemy base before its time
Why doesn't taking the enemy guardians and shrine give you any benefit?? Where are the super creeps
it unlocks flex slots
>le flex slots that are only valuable late game
Shut the fuck up retard. We need super creeps.
explain to me the design thinking behind ultis such as haze ult, wraith ult and so on
>more item slots are only valuable late game
who are these people?
>he doesn't have enough money for more then 4 weapon/spirit items until late game
skill issue
any names for builds with these?
Who are you?? On average what time are you getting full slots.
Versus the time you push one lane up to their base.

Don't reply to me again.
It's not that the Patron is horny for Haze, it's that Haze is very proud and the Patron is appealing to that sensibility.
A similar example is how the Patron is nicer to Ivy and emphasizes how she's her helping her team rather than praising her killing.
retards who are leaving their item slots empty to save up for only tier 4 items
you get super fast zips in lanes where the double guardians are down.
this lets you react to midboss getting to 50% HP really fast and also help your retarded teammates that get caught and are getting chased down.
you get super creeps from killing the midboss. having lanes auto-push just because you killed a building is lame.
winning in solo queue really comes down to luck unless you pick a strong left clicker. their retards only need to be better than your retards.
>On average what time are you getting full slots.
a couple of minutes in?
Shut the fuck up retard. We need super creeps.
>very high level
the game isn't even remotely solved yet, the current top players are mid. a better observation would be that haze's kit sucks.
Yea I'm being baited. Fuck off.
I'm gonna say it, respawn times are too short
4 slots of one category is 2k, how bad is your laning that you can't farm 2k in a couple of minutes?
He's not a melee character.
>die a stupid early death on a solo lane as abrams
>bebop against me gets cocky and dies 4 times in a row after that trying to duel me
>this gonna be good
>all other lanes fed the enemy team
>proceed to drag it out to 40 minutes
>simply can't win against a fed seven, haze and wraith
Every time I get a great lane this sort of shit happens.
Base guardians give you a fast zipline on that lane which is very strong. The shrines are phase 1 (out of three) of the patron, which is what you kill to win the game (a benefit).
only slightly relevant but its kind of shocking to me how just one kill can equalize the lanes at that point
i'm a newfag but i noticed i can have 3 kills on the enemy laner and have double their souls and after dying once to them it's even again
I've noticed that you can almost always predict which way a game will go depending on which heroes are on which team.
If the enemy team gets an abrams and a haze then chances are you're going to lose. If geist and pocket are added to that list then you may as well leave then and there.
This is not me.
You don't even understand what was being said in the first place. If the conversation is about flex slots why would I be talking about ONE item type. Literally 56 IQ retard don't reply to me again.
>why would I be talking about ONE item type
because that's what some characters build and they would much welcome additional slots so they don't have to sell their tier 1 items
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How does hero roulette probability work?
Let's say I want to play as Lash as often as possible. Do I have better odds with only 2 other heroes selected on base priority, or with all of them selected, but Lash having the highest priority?
>a 50% winrate indicates a perfect MMR system
true but it also indicates a terrible experience for the player because who the fuck wants to lose every other game
nobody knows but my guess is if two people have a single top priority, it's a 50/50 between them
I have paradox purpled and two others whited and I always get paradox.
Which is obviously because paradox is a bad hero and no one wants to play her after realising this.
All heroes benefit from having some items from all types regardless if they benefit from 1 more than others. There's not a single build that has you ignore all types except for 1.
You keep making a fool of yourself just stop replying.
it would give you the hero that finds the first match
Paradox rapes in duo lanes but is pretty easily pushed back in single lanes due to low dps, shit gun, and low health.
False. There's many ways to tune matchmaking systems to 50% WR and some of them objectively give bad experiences. You can force 50% WR by shoving the best player into a team of mostly shitters and against a bunch of medium players. The game would be much more fun for everyone involved of the shitters played shitters and the top players played top players.
obviously everyone benefits from every item category but some builds are better off with one rather than the other, if those builds had access to more item slots they wouldn't have to compromise by building a sub-optimal item simply because they're out of slots

this is a very simple concept and completely demolishes your belief of more item slots only becoming relevant in the late game
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>winning is luck if you don't carry
You don't say.
pick the two highest pick rate heros and set them to be your only 2 other options at white priority. The answer is that it's an integer optimization problem and the only way to game the system is to reduce the options the game has
Just walk people down and shoot them
You'd be surprised at how many people get scared and random parry
ok, everyone is now allowed to win 60% of the time.
where do those players that lose 60% of the time come from? do their feelings not matter?
you are not meant to win more than 50% of the time statistically unless you are disproportionately good at the game (which you are not because you wouldn't be complaining about this if you were).
>as i tell them to back
just stfu up nigga no one is listening to your dumbass. Just go play singe-player game if you want your teammates to be your obedient NPCs, retard.
all I have is anecdotal evidence to disagree with you so you might be right. I rape in solo lane but I'm an aimer and in low elo
What heros are good with subpar aiming? I haven't actively played shooters in ages and my wrists aren't what they used to be so my aim is choppy as hell.
I recently watched the stream of this faggot averagejonas or whateber his handle is

Asked in his stream if paradox is good because she seems mediocre to me.
He says nooooo, paradox is fucking insane!

Yesterday i tune into his stream again, hes maining bebop now (was lash before nerf) i say bebop is broken.
Nigga says nooo bebop is baad his winrate is only 48%

(Paradox wr is 41%)

Im starting to think that you need to be some serious sociopath narcissist to be a streamer
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>where do those players that lose 60% of the time come from
fuck you bitch. don't take mismatched fights and listen to whoever is actually doing well
if they're not getting denied you're in a shitter lobby and nothing matters
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Every hero can be countered in Deadlock
Build where you input enemy team comp and calculate optimal item build is meta
Paradox is good if enemy team doesnt have good wave clear, and she pushes hard with grenade instantly deleting range creep from safety.

Semi decent Bebop shits on her effortlessly.

T. Had that happen to me yesterday, dude didnt even skill hook just spammed uppercut bomb
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I will ragequit if I'm not enjoying the match.
I will keep doing it.
I am not sorry.
I will not destroy my mental state for 30-40 minutes because of a videogame.
A game is supposed to be fun - if it's not, I'm not going to play it. Simple as.
That's okay, we ended up winning after you stopped feeding the enemy.
I'm fine with you ragequitting because it means I can abandon without penalty, because I also don't want to sit in a game I'm not enjoying. No need to apologize

We are so incredibly -ack
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>wraith in my team
>goes 0-15
>wraith in enemy team
>goes 20-2
every time
you already posted this
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I don't understand why people get mad and rage in Deadlock
Just learn to play
It's that easy
Winners don't quit
There's a reason why mm always leans toward WWWLLL instead of WLWLWL
that's the problem with all matchmaked games

ultimately they can't provide a good experience to the player because you will lose about 50% of the time
It's a win-win, see?
Ragequitters truly are picrel
Because I some games are just not fun and you don't learn anything at all either
yeah it's called EOMM
that fucking sucks too desu

you win a bunch of stomps and then you get stomped a bunch it's so fucking dumb
Also, learn to have fun, even when losing. Improve in every game, learn from mistakes.
I enjoy the gameplay immensily, wins and mmr do not mean shit
Big plays > you gays
Why is it called deadlock tho? What lock and who killed it
"Meet X" valve sfms showcasing the heroes character and abilities when.
>enemy viscous builds return fire and ults into my team
>dies immediately
its weak and certainly needs a buff
How to lane as Paradox? I always seem to get the sort of opponents that will just dive me from the tower a couple minutes into the game.
Not an easy hero to play overall, but Pocket probably has the lowest aim requirements. The shotgun magically grabs last hits even if you fuck up the aim simulator, and in team fights his spells do more damage than his gun.
It was me. I deaded the lock.
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>had a really good game in high mmr
>it had no spectators
play aggressive on wall and get extra stamina as your first item. paradox is hard
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Who's gonna be the most cosplayed Deadlock character?
Nothing more annoying than reloading in this game man. Chasing someone down and you're one bullet away but they get away because relaoading takes 7 years.
>he isnt spam sliding on every inclined surface to last hit and harass
600 elo noob
My games are usually either:
>duo lane
>dps hero I'm with keep pressure on the two geeds on the enemy team while I wave clear, last hit, and watch denies
>solo lane (assuming I'm not against some drooling mouthbreather who'd struggle to lane with anyone)
>enemy immediately realises all I can do is wave clear
>pushed right back to the guardian and can only hold a stalemate at the guardian
Even in the latter, she can keep souls balance relatively equal but you're prime target for a gank which is where most kf the losses come from.
Active reload + quicksilver pretty much mandatory on any hero
Reload on melee heavy is also great
I do enjoy the gameplay too, but only like 20 % of the time. Mind you that's already like 10x better than any other MOBA I've played, but it's still not very good
>ultimately they can't provide a good experience to the player because you will lose about 50% of the time
losing isn't necessarily a bad experience. losing because your team won a fair teamfight in base is whatever. losing because your team keeps throwing themselves at the enemy team one at a time for 10 minutes is a bad experience.
>you're prime target for a gank
if you keep 2 bars of stamina up and don't waste your wall + ult you're literally undiveable
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Wraith and vindicta seems like the easiest ones
Don't tell me what to do faggot. If we lose, it's not my problem. Just disconnect if you dont like it, bitch.
>play public bot lobbies
>win easily
I'm pro this is fun
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>all while taking cs and denying
>enemy quits 5 minutes in
What aspects of the game you enjoy and do not enjoy?
Genuinely curious
>Vindicta cosplayers
>All the girls that gonna die from tuberculosis... Not like this!
Why did they give yammy the fivehead anyway.
Then be your own downfall pussy. Not listening to those better than you is a sign of mental illness.
People will cosplay yamato for the memes
I drop back into bots to check out new characters and people somehow still manage to die / fail to kill their lane's guardian.
They modelled her after your mother.
>made haze seethe so hard she bought ethereal shift
i consider this an absolute win
I will enjoy playing the game how I want and while I'm having fun, regardless of how the match is going, you'll be seething and itching to hit that disconnect button but you wont because you're a sweaty tryhard. See you soon, you're about to be my bitch for a half-hour.
Laning and the whole macro aspect. I like strategizing around creep waves and stuff like that
The problem with laning is that I feel like there are characters that just kinda make it impossible for you, but I guess that's just because I suck
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Not him but i find everything after laning fun
laning though is boring, and feels more like league than dota, i like dota's laning because theres more interaction than just 2v2/1v1 cs'ing because of the micro games of pulling, stacking, warding, and rune control. I like to forcibly end laning by cycling ganks through the map as a lash enjoyer
You said sfms and my mind immediately went to porn sfms and that you were making a hornypost joke.
game needs a token JK
I haven't tried Pocket yet. I will give it a shot. Any recommendations for a build from the list?
Should Lash always lane on the far right because of the bounce pad garage?
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already peaked lmao
how do you even build damage in this game? I'm buying items but I can't damage for shit
Yellow items that say +x% weapon damage.
It is that simple.
how many of your losses would you estimate to be ones that you were okay losing?

in my experience it's maybe like 10% of the losses usually you get matched against people higher skill than you and get wrecked
I'm the anon he was replying to and I also play Lash, but I guess I'm not playing him correctly, I play him because I like the movement and the big damage divekicks
What's a better character if I like laning and split pushing and stuff like that?
You might be able to get out but you'll still lose the guardian first unless you can rapidly organise a counter-gank.
They need to add a simplified death match mode where you can drop-in or out without penalty.
Depends on your character but the usual bullet damage shit is
and with fast firerate and big magazine you can take tesla and/or ricohet
She's been doing a lot of thinking
from my experience you just wave clear behind guardian and the ganker gets bored and leaves
I don't know how well the game could be adapted to a team deathmatch format but it would be cool to see them try. If they do a creepless+laneless mode they'd probably have to change souls to some other progression system.
What are some characters who can run unorthodox builds that are just as good as, or even better than, the established """meta""" for the character?
I want to do some schizo plays.
Try ganking lanes next game, if they are shoved
It's super easy to go behind enemy lines, especially if they are pushing
Stop building same items every game and learn to adapt
magic carpet+ult warden
I didn't like the way any of the items but I basically go a shitload of tier 1 items, spirit leech, and then diviner's kevlar like this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7U4mNz0NkI
magic carpet on anyone
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mental reset, I'm okay now
Typo, meant to say I don't like the way any of the top item guides were set up.
Thanks anon.
thats was literally the 2nd highest rated wraith build until taimou switched it around to gun and made a separate guide for cardmaxxing
i need the forbidden tech, like spirit haze
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When you create a build, how do you get max ability points?
Every time I hit the "Edit" button it resets to 0 and I can only spend 1 point in each skill.
dagger haze
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i literally said that...
click on the skills again
the only way to join is to invite friends, you think I have more than 3 friends? ofc it will plateau, we're all friendless here
Oh thank god its not getting bigger and filled with even more shitters
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Not my problem
Would it be a completely stupid idea if we had 1-2 more flex slots that are only for active items?
No. I want 4 + 2 seperate slots for actives
horrible idea
maybe down the line but I think the system as it works now is perfect
No way that animation makes it into the game, I hate it.
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>0/12 Pocket starts screaming in Russian
Nevermind, I was using Hero Training mode for creating builds, didn't know you have to jump into Sandbox mode.
you will get banned
you are mentally fragile
you will not improve at the game
>matchmaking issue
Wait you can report a player for being too good?
i like the EU server region. a lot more respectable than my NA niggers.
>be paired with Ivy
>immediately begin feeding
Anyone else do this to spite ivyfags?
I'm gonna ventilate every last one of 'em.
Probably intended for people playing outside of their region and being laggy as fuck
I think that one is also what mods tell you to use for cheaters and to add a comment about it, though you'll probably get better & faster results sending it to the discord
What character should I play if I like split pushing and laning?
No? I like winning.
mcginnis inferno pocket
>Play game
>Sperg out when someone doesn't play the way I like
>Flip the board so nobody can have fun
This is very telling of your attitude in general, anon.
McGuinness no contest
I am the greatest Yamato player alive.
is McGinnis difficult? She seems kinda hard
He seems like a very high-skill character, I don't want to sink my team because I suck
Same as Pocket
haze, infernus, seven, ivy
haze and ivy have weak laning but their split pushing is unstoppable in late game
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Do you have a main yet /dlg/? I started playing this gargoyle for the memes but I am actually really enjoying her kit. Upgraded 3 into heavy melee with melee items and cucking Sevens and Hazes out of their ult is super fun. Started as a healslut now running full gun builds.The trick to getting your main consistently is selecting your character as high prio and putting Seven and Vindicta on prio and low prio respectively.
is the invite anchor a joke I'm not privy to?
Lol no Miku is easymode
Active reload + quicksilver
post forehead
Paradox builds are still undercooked, and the "main" way people build on her is squishy dogshit 800 damage nuke every 15 seconds trash
Is Lash a good character to pick off creeps in multiple Lanes? Hop over buildings and divebomb them between objectives?
>Ok I'm ready to play against humans
>Let's go with McLesbian > Bebop > Wraith
>4 games of 40+min, 12 leavers or griefers
I guess I'm back against bots for the moment ...

Also isn't McGinnis a late game champ ? How in the fuck at 45min their health doesn't move ?
gimme your best spirit haze bild
what is late game if not 45 minutes
mcniggis eats towers for breakfast
And does it actually feel like you're contributing to a fight? Like maybe I won't get kills, that's fine, but will I rack up damage so my friends don't laugh at me so much?
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no but infernus is my most played and I haven't lost as him yet
I'm getting a rescue beam to do this.
>drops them both in the enemy spawn room
sounds like ur falling for the melee tank abrams noob trap and walking into teamfights when ur meant to be playing him as a l4d2 charger and waiting until the action happens to drag and isolate somebody from the team
You're autistic lol
you'll be stuck in low skill matches if you don't keep playing pubs cause they have a hero mmr system still until they change it and i played dynamo once and the enemy team was just spawn camping for 5 minutes
McGinnis wall + gun + turrets applying debuffs is scary as fuck in a sustained team fight. You won't be doing much burst damage but mcG continues to shit out bullets forever.
Yes. Good wall in a teamfight is a godsend. At lvl 3 it stuns, so can drop seven and haze out of ulti with it
I like Miku
>so can drop seven and haze out of ulti
NTA but damn, I didn't know
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Wall is most overpowered skill in the game
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>sends rtz AND yatoro to retirement
>great start
>we overfarmed opponents
>were pushing
>then something went wrong and Kelvin destroyed us while nobody could kill him.
Are his CDs broken?
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damn I love the hag
only viable answers ITT
Anyone got the "Call the ambulance but not for me" edit with Geist?
Anybody still sending invites for this game?
Last two times people said they were giving invites on /v/ and here and I gave my friend id nobody sent the invite.
That's why I'm asking, first game I was mowing them down trying to salvage what I can with 3 leavers, but third and fourth I was doing nothing at all.

Oh fuck so If I want to swap it's "elo hell" each time ?
As McGinnis your wall is your escape but you don't have anything built in that lets you run away, so you have to be more proactive about avoiding ganks when pushing alone and don't tunnel vision too hard. Other than that quite a straightforward character. Also don't throw turrets out arbitrarily during laning because the other guy gets souls for killing them, better to place them out of LoS of the top of the enemy ramp so they flank anyone who tries to dive you. You can also prefire your gun in cover to get it spun up if you're trying to bully, cause the RoF sucks to begin with and you'll trade poorly against burst heroes if you shoot at them with a cold gun every time you catch sight of each other.
How many games do I need to play before I stop facing bots? It just doesn't even feel good to play when clearly the player you're laning against has no idea what they're doing.
MoKrill is really fun with magic carpet while digging
Mikus best escape is extra stamina + dashjumping into safety
But shouldn't be in a position to get caught in the first place
It's quite fascinating to me that this game automatically assigns lanes to players and most of players will never switch. Gamers truly are sheeple.
This game is too tiring... I think it was made for gen alpha not millennials like me
Once you've got a rough understanding of the map layout, your character's skills and shopping list you might as well queue. Bear in mind that you won't always get your priority pick so it's also good to know how at least 3 heroes skills work so you don't get dropped into a game with a character you've never touched.
I don't think you fully read my post.
yep until they add the new system you gotta play in elo hell every time you want to try a hero you never played in pubs
>doesnt throw himself into the ring of fire every chance he gets
God I hate Pocket players so much. Thanks for posting this.
Tbh if i were him i wouldve died
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no but my trio is geist warden infernus
love me some spirit leech builds
I've found with her you buy the stamina boost boots combined with the frenzy 50% slide distance you can much more easily escape things that would kill you without it. The problem being that you feel really weak until you hit those two items. So early game is just really passively farming lane and monsters and once you get them you can start getting a lot more aggressive and escaping from pushing lanes in positions that would have before been just asking to get sent to respawn timer.
Her turrets, heal and ult really should only ever be used when sieging their objectives or mid boss or jungle camps. I almost never use them in teamfights due to how immobile they make you play the fight. You should be sliding around abusing infinite ammo melting the people diving into your team.
Reading comprehension.
>beat up a diving ultra aggressive pocket
>immediately starts whining in chat

why are all pocket players like this
>seven gains movespeed from spirit power
Where is this documented!?!
I've got about 60 hours played and I'm now almost exclusively against players who can farm and do their best to deny souls and harass. You just have to keep queing unless you actually deserve to be playing with those people in which case forever.
You didn't buy toxic bullets and the debuff reducer did you?
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i feel bad for lash
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The hero screen from the main menu.
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>man in last thread asking to get him out of shit mmr

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Literally me on Bebop
can i get an invite?

been watching for ten minutes
>Get changed from Atlanta to Los Angeles servers
>Ping goes up to 40 ms
>Have to relearn last hitting
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>40 ms
>too high
I'm jealous.
there is virtually no difference between 20 and 40 ping
if your ping was 0 to 15 then I could understand it
just ask someone in your steam friends who has it
mine isn't that low in any game
They really need to adress how spirit and bullet armor are 100% buys every game, you essentially get 2 green slots because you're fucking retarded for not building the broken ass resist items
New melee idea, down dash counts as a charged punch so you can goomba stomp people
you gotta win games to dig yourself out of the shitter brackets
I'm not even convinced this game exists since nobody is sending out invites
This general is a psyop
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Vindicta really feels like she's a designer's pet character
>cute undead witch from the salem witch trials, so of course her abilities are focused around her using a gun
>she plays like Sniper TF2, despite having over a decade of evidence that class's design sucks
>has the exact same problems as Sniper because of it
>is also redundant with Grey Talon
how the fuck do you not have an invite yet? I got one a month ago and I didn't even ask for one
because niggers aren't sending any out even though this thread has an invite anchor
Doesn't really share the same class design as Sniper TF2 when it's impossible to 100-0 anyone.
She has the same issue with having a high KDR but losing because she can't push objectives for shit
>>has the exact same problems as Sniper because of it
??? vindicta's ass is not one-shotting every character in the game with hitscan with almost no commitment
I can't wait for this to crash and burn and become the biggest embarrassment in Valve's history.
What's the best Lash build
are the servers shitting themselves?
i had a match where some guy failed to connect and weird visual glitches happen during game start
I get good mileage out of spirit Lash + lots of actives
Pop everything and dive the enemy team to insta-nuke them
your gpu is dying bro
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>Just like to farm in lane
>hate harrassing
>hate duo lanes
>just wanna click creeps and click balls
what's wrong with me?
have you considered path of exile
She's still a long range pick hero who can't actually carry
THE Lash
Get it right you Bebop fag
nigger game desu
I also mostly play Haze so
How do people like the default keybinds? I'm not really a huge fan of hitting 1234

Anyone have any alts that works well?
I think they will remove infinite ammo on slide
Having infinite ammo after reaching a certain movespeed threshold with 3 items can't be intended
i like harrassing while clicking creeps and balls. once the game exits the laning phase at like, 5~6 minutes, I just run around pushing lanes as infernus. I like going fast. Movement speed, spirit life steal, duration. Rest damage/defense. Can't stop the push.
I do not have friends.
q2e4 main skills
mouse button first active item, Z second active item
mouse button 2 parry
right mouse crouch, left mouse default
ctrl zoom
I really wanna put 4 on R but having to change reload to a different key is wonky.
this game has too many actions bound to keys for me to bother rebinding abilities
>no matter how much farm or items I get on paradox she just does zero damage and dies instantly
>decide to just pick the weeb character
>her fucking 1 does more damage than kinetic carbine while being way easier to use, way more survivable and actually able to finish off low hp opponents because she doesn't have to rely on a meme combo that always leaves the enemy with a smidgen of hp and able to escape
funny but also highlights how after all these years valve still have no idea how to do balance. It'll die just like dota, except way quicker because people don't have an attachment to this ip
If I invite someone and they do something to get themselves banned, I might get punished too
>closed alpha playtest doesn't have good balance
>pick bebop
>get echo shard
>absolutely wreck shitters
hooked a guy on a line today, good times
didn't ask
if nobody is inviting just stop posting the invite anchor
or at least put it on a small delay to prevent stuff like that webm from working
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How do we save these 3 toons?
>3rd most played game on steam
>400k viewers on twitch
yeah dead game when will valve learn
>it's only alpha/beta/it's a free game stop bitching
ah, deja vu. Kill yourself
>pick yamato
>grabbed by bebop
>spam ult before he can do his punch combo
>flying carpet away from his ass
Yeah good times
AGREE active items are tedious. I wish they'd turn active items into "items with passive cooldown" like Veilwalker that activates under certain conditions.
you can leave, you won't be missed
unironically fine
unironically too high skill cap so it's fine
delete her and watch the troons and furries lose their minds
>complaining about having to buy knockdown
knockdown is fun as fuck and I never mind picking one up, hitting someone with an anvil outside of the hard-counter use case is always good
sometimes I'll just pick it up when it doesn't hard counter anyone because it's a solid item
Shiv and Mcginnes should just be deleted from the game
>skill issue
>poor skill synergy
>teamwork issue
>hardest hero in the game atm
>hero that requires a teammate to unlock her full potential
>heroes that requires a teammate to unlock their full potential
Their low pickrate is justified, there's nothing wrong with them except m&k only having 1 build
does knockdown even work on seven's ult
Heroes that requires specific items to counter should be reworked.
Is it just me or does the game run like actual ass? No matter what settings I change it's still hovering at like 45 fps
mo & krill should get "free aiming during combo" as a level 3 upgrade to make gun krill into a thing
Get good
Also wrath is OP
I hope this game gets an agh's equivelant
What CPU you got bro.
>wraith doing wraith activities and just pushing sidelanes
>go contest her
>she outskills me by pressing 4
>buy unstoppable
>she tries to outskill me by pressing 4
>no sell it
>rape her
fuck you nigger
yes, it is a direct counter, which is why you never build seven for his ult
Knockdown is just good, no reason to not get it.
Blink + 2
Cya nerd
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Friend id: 1324153019
If anyone is still sending invites, I only play dota, ratclick, shopclick and l4d2.
I don't know but I'm really thinking of buying those MMO mouses with 1234, etc etc on the sides so it's just a push of the thumb
>get parried
Is there a more humiliating feel
playing vindicta
>get parried
>go for another melee attack
>get parried again
>still dying because you flub all your shots
Who can win a lane against the hag menace?
go back to league retard
>try to parry
>miss by 0.1 seconds because you're playing against a brownskin foreigner with 150 ping
I would if Riot made a MOBATPS
the sniper from tf2 is a good design though, you're just malding
>admitting to being an actual lolbab
Filtered, unironically.
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>play with friends
>extremely hard games where the enemy team is super coordinated
>have a headache so go to bed
>friend sends me this as the very first match they played without me
Am I high elo?
I don't FEEL high elo...
don't worry they'll make it and dumb it down for you
i get 300fps on lowest settings in lane
3070 + 12700
I played both Dota and LoL, it's not unusual.
Not sure they can release one before 2025 though
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We lost but I'd say I did pretty good for first time Pocket. So much fumbling with skills and moments where I could've done better though.

What are people sending? Friend code or profile?
i've got 40 games played and i still feel like i'm pubstomping getting 15+ kills every game, sometimes 20~30.
No idea when it stops, but it feels like it should've 10~20 games ago.
>she can't push objectives for shit
That's an issue with the average Vindicta player, not the hero herself. Flight allows her to shred objectives. Guardians and Walkers have no spirit resist, so just building a bit of spirit and fire rate does wonders for her pushing potential. Not to mention that plenty of Vindicta players already pick up Alch fire, which is incredibly handy for taking objectives.
Sure, Flight is also her best escape tool, but I found that it's often completely worth it to die alongside an enemy walker. I'll respawn in 30 seconds, but their objectives won't.
friend code
I like Paradox voice lines.
What's the best Seven build?
>1 build
>2 build
>3 speed build
>4 build
>1 2 4
all same build is it not?
viscous needs to be a female skeleton with big boobs like that one piece of fan art
it is admittedly a shitty old 2200g, but it's at like 50% in task manager max
laning is overall not a very important part of the game, even in the worst matchup even-skilled players shouldnt be feeding so hard that a snowball occurs, at worst you have to really camp behind your guardian and play super safe and they will come out with 2k~ more souls than you and kill your guardian at 9m but thats not even close to an unrecoverable state
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this but fat and with a big belly and not based on that one model
do you think when we get announcer packs, the client side patron model will change with it

do you think the gaben announcer pack will have gaben as the patron
are you delusional? how is ivy hard?
I just had a Kelvin lock himself with me (I'm a viscous ball).
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What are your thoughts on this?
mcgin would say it with a hard R after a long hard day of working on a broken aircraft engine and it wont start up
What is it?
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I pusha da wave
>how is ivy hard?
She's made of stone.
I can kind of see it, but she's from the 17th century. She'd probably say nigger without a second thought.
Accent too heavy, will probably always come out as 'nigga' when she says it.
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Why not
I only ask because I'm still running a 1070Ti for graffix but I've got a decent 5600X CPU and the game runs pretty smoothly on this hardware.
>Accent too heavy, will probably always come out as 'nigga' when she says it.
The intent is still there.
>but she's from the 17th century. She'd probably say nigger without a second thought.
Probably right actually.
Yamato says nigeru all the time tho
I've got a 1060, but even that should be sufficient since it's 1) an esports title 2) a source 2 esports title
Anon, check the order again
>haze + paradox lane
>vs lash + kelvin
well i guess we'll just fucking kill ourselves then
>watch top players for my favorite toon
>copy everything they do
>win every game
huh, it really is dota with guns
Which build would you recommend on McGinnis and Bebop ? The top builds are not on par with the one on the tracker (before the tracker was put down).
Is there a way to completely mute the chat? Like from the start I don't wanna see anyone typing/pinging or talking I don't care
I already have vc volume at 0 but I don't see any way to deactivate normal chat
>drone operator grey talon
hahahaha this is fucking evil
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I kill niggers and feed because looking at minimap is hard and its literally my 10th game or so
Honestly it was fucking hilarious when I got jumped when low super late game, pressed my buttons, did an ulti and healed to full while killing three niggas who all used their cc at the same time (unstoppable, bitches)
ult build only works against noobs
get echo shard
imbue bomb
hook ppl
double bomb them
punt them back into their mates
laugh as they die and you get stacks
I actually learned a lot of shit from streamers.
But I still can't dive succesfuly into enemy's territory during lane phase.
I have a 5600x and it still gets bad during teamfights
Vin, you're parachute ?
I still have no idea where secret shop is
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Why do /v/ jannies hate this game so much
Have you tried Vulkan? When I did, the game didn't load, crashed, and refused to launch for like 5 minutes
yes and it didn't seem to change anything. I have a 3060 ti
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Shiv's fans getting the rejuv ready for him. How thoughtful
There are icons on the map.
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why is warden so easy to play. God I love this character

>ME 16-1-3
>about 1/2 or 1/3 matches have a leaver
Would be nice if they did something about this
The roshan of this game doesn't really seem all that worth it Tbh
>decays you
the creep buff is underappreciated
>me losing my solo lane.webm
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I hope they add jumping melee attacks like in gigantic :)
brainrot moment
depends entirely what you're good at and how good your opponents are and your match ups

if you can aim then gun builds make sense. if you can land skillshots then builds around those skills make sense. if you're bad at everything then splitpush farming jungle builds make sense.

everyone acts like there's 1 type of build for each character that's the 'best' but apart from maybe a few cases everything should be really flexible. most people probably aren't even in lobbies where the skill level is high enough for optimal builds to make a difference. the best strategy is the one you're good at that you can pull off consistently, not one that has the highest theoretical DPS or whatever.
God I hope some sort of draft mode makes its way into the game so I don't have to play against a Bebop ever again.
>just don't get hooked
He's just unfun to play against, I'd rather face Pocket, Talon or even getting perma-slowed by a Kelvin.
For the love of God please nerf Shiv
this but grey talon
Seven has a 90% pick rate.
>be shiv
>pissglide across an entire lane to ult a wraith who blinked and 2'd
What a whore.
filtered by your own IQ
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eat my ass
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How good's an Ivy/Abrams duo?
>Lose due to own bad playing
>Feel fine
>Lose due to other idiots
>Feel enraged
Why is it like this. I only feel happy with losing when I can blame myself.
>kelvin + dynamo
winrate of this dastardly duo?
Ivy/Anyone is good, but I think Abrams has so much regen already that you're better off helping someone with weaker sustain
it is the curse of mobas
let the hate flow through you young padawan
be honest, are you purchasing debuff remover? Besides the beam, Bebop disappears as a character. Debuff remover also is valuable against a lot of the other cast
Low because they can't kill shit. Dynamo + Shiv, on the other hand...
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mfw i queue in on shiv
>win against 1 or 2 actually good players
>feel kind of bad that their teammates were subhumans
By the time I have Debuff remover I'm already pissed from having laned against him.
My and my pal prefer Bebop/Shiv
he basically just yoinks rats directly into my effective range and builds around ult for when we inevitably overextend
>lane starts
>dash jump and hit all 4 barrage shots
>kill enemy right away
>he DC's and abandons
love briefcase nigger
>opponents team
>one of us disconnected
It was very cringe match
ok. I have a 60% winrate on bebop. If you want him to have a bad time laning, don't push the lane up too much. upgrade whatever magic damage you have, just poke him and avoid him
The problem with not being a faggot playing the meta characters is that it means you're more likely to go against them
shiv is love, shiv is life
shiv is for braindead monkeys who can't play video games
>one of us disconnected
I just leave
it's not my problem
I'm not playing my heart out to try to win a 5v6 (at best) only to turn it into a 50 minute slurpfest where I lose by ratting
It's good that 99% of Talon players are genuinely retarded because he's actually a scary good character
How do I get good. Please my friends are going to kill me if I don't get good
>queue up with SA names
>it's a 0/7 infernus and spirit bebop that never ever lands a hook episode

ban the third world
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post rosters
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ook ook get fucked
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wow wraith really needs that hard cc in her kit so she can kill me whenever she wants with here retarded gun
I love it when 7s dive into my team and I just silence him and he stands there looking like a dickhead
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based forced 50 agent bebop
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Abrams Haze Geist Shiv all white
Purple Haze if I'm tryharding
both talon and vindicta are blatantly broken and auto win every lane matchup, they just need to do reworks but there's no way to make these characters work without either being broken or useless
Does leech works with melee hit ?
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smartest bebop
>Purple Haze
honestly, just standing anywhere on the map, not dying and keeping an eye out on low health enemies to ult makes you more helpful than 99.9% of Talons out there
i hate the fact hook doesnt even count as ministun
Take the drone operator pill
ALL spirit items
ALL in on ult
Just be sending out a 1200 damage stun guided missile every 35-45 seconds, it's genuinely fucked up
>not buying refresher
a second bird hit the lane...
i have played duo lane against vindicta + talon twice in a row
i think i need a cigarette after this
Shiv needs to be nerfed/reworked/removed from the game. The most niggerbrained character in the entire game:
>tankiest character out of all
>his stupid gun deals insane damage even from billion kilometers away
>jumps and zaps around more than Haze
>has an auto-target, insta kill the moment he lands two shots on you

Compare that to Vindicta which has basically zero survivability when caught and her ultimate is flat damage you have to aim carefully with.
>still has problems with shiv
>compares an all-in up close character to a flying sniper

shitter detected
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i'm so fucking bad with Yamato, feels like you have to play extra hard just to achieve what you can easily do with other characters
I don't really understand how you deal damage on her.
>jumps and zaps around more than Haze
Not really an accomplishment to be more mobile than a character with 0 dashes/blinks desu
you now remember when valve was going to add steam deck support to dota solely because gaben wanted it
Yamato is super gay to lane against
her weeb line nuke is niggishly strong
>4 game loss streak with people who never communicate and are permanently hiding in jungle or base
>Last one I was laned next to a Grey Talon solo and I permanently had the Bebop on my lane bullied under tower with 10% HP
>Grey Talon keeps sending his bird to other lanes and failing to get any kills
>Keep telling him I have bebop low for the entire lane and he keeps having to back
>Never listens
>Full support ivy build
>My shiv and mcginnis both have less damage done than me somehow
what is wrong with these animals
Does the game have per character MMR? Seen conflicting remarks.
What’s the connection between people who talk/chat the most on the team being the most dogshit? I’m talking 1/11 no impact. Why?
I agree but since I'm rather new to the game I prefer to follow a generic build to start and then familiar myself with the game and the shop to understand later which items are better for each case.
I talk a lot and I always topscore, so seems like a skill issue
IMO It's too early for a draft mode, not enough knowledge from the players and not enough heroes.
I thought Ivy was super strong..I only lurked and just now got the game but I was under the impression she was top tier.
Purple: Abrams
Yellow: Infernus/Lash
White: Mo, Paradox, Viscous
Haha I just had a 4 game loss streak. Surely this means forced 50 will kick in and I'll have a 4 game winstreak.
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i want to be a support and not splitpush all game but ivy's kit is fucking dogshit for supporting, she has no raw power in her basekit and she NEEDS to build stats rather than utility
What's the 4chan/vg tier list of champs
Why shouldn't I buy quicksilver reload on literally all the heroes
>suddenly everyone is a fucking god at shooting and instantly denies everything
alright where do i enable the inbuilt aimbot
because clearly they're using something im not
3 and it's not close
qrd on the 3 sneed build ?
Seven's speed scales with his spirit stat, so if you juice up his 3 and get a couple speed items you can run people down with extreme prejudice
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Feels good to bully a Kelvin into disconnecting
you build quicksilver if you're not building active reload, that's all
i got a 5600x and 6700xt and 16gb of ram and don't notice any lagging or slow downs and i'm running xubuntu maybe it's time to ditch mr michaelsoft
moth on miku
Does Vulkan make the game not load for anybody else?
How do I not feed as Haze in lane?
brams is blue and haze is black
Whats the most chill character to play? I don't want to sweat every game
don't engage
just click creep heads and balls
ignore enemy until ult, he'll be cocky and will eat shit
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>throw dagger
>run away
My go to characters for shutting my brain off are Talon, McGinnis, Geist and Lash
>don't engage
>just click creep heads and balls
But where?
If I stay up the stairs he'll push my shit in, if I go down he'll keep harassing
Her gun is good for last hitting and denying. Don't engage and just keep denying their souls until they get stressed out. Hit your sleeps and click head when necessary.
>he'll push my shit in
so what?
monster rounds
>make alt to get out of frontpage queue, play characters im bad at (viscous, abrams, yamato, etc.)
>win first 7 games extremely hard, feel kinda bad
>game 8
>back in front page queue
so they do have some sort of smurf detection
>game starts
>at least 4 people on both teams instantly start pause abusing
jesus christ why are dotards like this
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>build has more than 2 active items
new lock
a flying sniper who dies the second she's not flying or sniping enemies from half a map away
How do you solo lane with Ivy?
It does but it throws it out the fucking window when stacks are in the match..
Picking Yamato should be bannable offense. I have never seen this character carry any game.
You forgot about the bare feet.

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