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Bad Dream Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>How do I git in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Profile. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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Sex with Goo
I'm starting to think Geist is legitimately OP...
>goo in ally team
>goo in enemy team
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Petition to remove active items and turn them into imbues or passives. This game is too confusing.
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For real. Where do i get key?
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It's GOO'd to see you
People don't realize that doubling down on active items is going to greenlight icefrog to start bloatmaxxing Deadlock to hell like he did with Dota
Sex with Holliday
had a game with paradox 20/3/19 where i lost because lash RQ even though we were able to get to their patron :)
but 7.0 is post icefrog dota (which is why it's shit)
Can someone explain to me why I can only play at certain hours of the day?
Going to try this today, sounds fun as fuck. Thanks.
>people said grey talon is worse Vindicta
>Because they try to play him like Vindicta
>Instead of spirit build that can spam stun from jungle every 20 seconds
>Can kill anyone with less than 40%~ hp
I hate this fucking old faggot so much
what's the console command to change your crosshair offset again?
I've been saying these two are just ren and stimpy since I first got the game

a key.......

pls invite...
>ren and stimpy
Getting to the point where most people won't know what this is anymore, god that's gonna fucking suck.
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anger powered jetpack
When it's early in the game and one character is becoming a problem fast, is it generally better to rush a counter item (debuff mover/curse/etc.) or rush core build items and then counter item.
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Sex with Abrams
>lane against bebop as abrams
>get hooked
>proceed to punch bebop until hes ded
He uppercuts you away thoughbeit.
With the pace of the updates, I feel like this will release in late 2025 or early 2026
i wonder if the mmr system is actually good and counts your score also not only wins/lose
>low mmr people don't know how to play
>high mmr people tilt easily and dc when they die twice on lane
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It will release before Project Zomboid B42 but that's not really a controversial statement.
Pottery will be worth it
I wonder if they'll get more people on the team with how big the alpha has become
Spirit armor and bullet armor seem kind of generic. I hope they turn them into more unique items that like still have those defenses but do something more interesting.
they've already moved everybody over + hired the risk of rain developers
Insane just how broken active items are, specially mobility active items.
Majestic leap, warp stone, heroic aura, fleefoot and phantom strike are so strong
controllers don't have enough buttons for this game and you'd be hardlocking yourself to shit tier by playing controller if it were possible
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i don't get majestic leap, it says you can't use it if you got hit but pockets always use it after i hit them
I wouldn't mind fanum strike's damage getting nerfed, it's mobility + disarm utility + fuckhuge nuke all in one
Get back to work Lemmy.
A lot of these effects could be turned into imbues

like for curse you could do negative cdr on the imbued ability so it isn't too broken and possibly make shorter cd abilities apply the curse effects for a shorter time
Wraith is op
>start match vs bebop and infernus
I rushed debuff remover that match
...pressively riding my dick
just don't let her farm you gotta close her down with a team
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If it takes the whole team for one character it's op
where do i see this
Cosmic veils should be shown on the map
There should be cool effects when heavy melees collide.
>team has Paradox, Bebop AND Haze
>none even try to hit the enemy Vindicta
>my shotgun ass can't reach her
hope they remove mcniggis
boring fucking design to play with and against, literally does nothing
>start match
Is it ok to leave
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Mcginnis is S tier and she's fun to use
I want ginnis players to stay
they're the only people I can reliably eat
You never clicked through all the post game stats bro? It will show how hard you fed in lane and how early you lost your tower along with a ton of other stats.
When I play Paradox (most games) my entire focus is swapping Vindicta or Flying Injun from the air into my team after nailing them with a charged 3. Free kills all day.
she is way overtuned
Anyone know if you can change spells to quick cast and vice versa with console?
>op ult pls nerf
>op ult pls nerf
>op hook pls nerf
>op everything pls nerf
>autistic screeching about if she's OP or the worst character in the game
>op kit pls nerf
>op beam op ult pls nerf
>too hard to kill pls nerf

did I miss anyone
>there are people that want to change Geist's ult when it's the funniest thing in the game
It's not even that powerful, it just requires enemies to turn on their brains for a second
How do you solo lane with Ivy?
Does viscous have a viable gun build? I actually like this gun but it seems dog shit at the same time. Is there any build that sort of soups up the right click? The giant ball blast from the gun?
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>win lane every match, double my opponent's net worth easily
>team feeds horribly
>either turn my lead into a grueling 45 minute comeback carry or lose at 25 minutes
>condemned by the patron
what does this mean and why did it just deal nearly 1000 damage to me?
A lot of the complaints would be silenced by tightening up hit boxes. I have been grabbed by bebop around walls and shit. Been knifed behind walls and even when dodging well. The hitboxes in this game are trash right now.
>>op ult pls nerf
Who buys Phantom Strike?
i hate seven as a hero but i love his style
There's always a catch. Cool and popular character like Ivy has the most boring playstyle and kit.

The most generic and boring looking nigga that is Kelvin has a fun kit.
Hate this shit
i have 70 hours but only 100 matches, is this normal or did i leave the game up by accident too many times
it's an 8m ability
if you get hit it's your fault tbqh
i get it as yamato
Is Abrams' charge bugged right now? I just played 2 games as him and it seemed like whenever I got hit by an ability mid charge I would instantly spin around 180 degrees. Is this some sort of debuff effect I'm unaware of? I've never seen this before. I'm gonna watch the replays and if I see anything weird I'll record it.
It's not all abilities but some. I think it's a bug introduced in the last big thursday patch
walked into spawn
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>give hero fucking sick design
>give hero well-rounded kit that's easy to learn
>give hero a good gun and good dodges
>make hero talk massive shit to everyone

>90+% pickrate
I was in the pit though. Does it come from walking directly under the patron too? That's when I died.
matches are getting too hard
getting too hard to just enjoy the game
We should get an indian hero
I buy it on Muhgrill and Shiv.
There's only one thing I want to change about her ult. Remove the 0.2 second cast time. It's utterly meaningless and only exists to cuck you out of clutch ults that you 100% deserved to succeed with.
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how are they deserved if you died during cast time
skywalk unlocked
I'm trying to git gud despite almost no prior moba experience. It's my understanding from browsing here and listening to my dota friends that a bad build can cripple you in this game, but I don't have the moba experience to better intuit what items to buy or what premade builds to follow. I do understand enough to know that many of the top-rated builds are only up there because they're old (and therefore more people see them first and continue to upvote) or are outright memes. So then, what builds WOULD be good for me to try to follow as someone with good fps and hero shooter experience, but little moba experience? I'm still narrowing down what characters I enjoy most, but they're currently:
- Abrams (I like the versatile kit and the option of being very durable, not that I've pulled it off myself)
- Dynamo (I like his aesthetic and kit)
- Haze (I like how she can reposition well with the stealth-sprint so I can more easily/frequently gank at friends' requests)
- Kelvin (I like most of his kit and the option to do a lot of healing)
and to a lesser extent...
- McGinnis (the healing/wall seem useful, and I bet there are some shenanigans to be had with her minigun)
- Mo/Krill (still have to try him at all but haven't rolled him yet)
- Pocket (fun shotgun and affliction-nuking, but use of coat->suitcase->teleport might be too predictable even if I get better at it, and I wouldn't be surprised at affliction getting nerfed later)
>give hero ridiculous farming speed
>give hero movement speed from the stat he wants to build
>give hero a way to turn weapon damage into spirit damage
>add an item to the game with infinite spirit resistance removal so your spirit gun mogs every other gun in the game
>add a point and click stun to the moveset aswell why not
you could remove his ulti and he would still be bullshit op just from his basic abilities alone
Throw Kudzu bomb on the wave to clear at least 2 creeps in the early waves. You have good last hitting but your gun has to reload all the time so it helps if you use your ability to kill creeps and prevent the wave from pushing into your tower over and over. If you get a few tier 1 items up without feeding then you will be fine and just sustain to farm.
it's funny as fuck on abrams
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>every single lane except mine lost
consneed button PLEASE
I buy knockdown every game on every hero
Literally FREE stun
He should've dodged
You're not going to kill your opponent so just get monster rounds spam bombs with tier 1 extra charge and farm the lane. On the plus side you shouldn't be dying either if you max out stone form.
its the patron attacking your if there are no creeps in the pit
people can play mmos with like 30+ keybinds on controller, buttons isn't the issue

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>free stun
>3k souls
just play like 10 games of paradox and you'll be fine
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>hear Geist say "Die worm"
>get boner
Anyone else?
It doesn't make much sense to invest too much in your gun if you can't shoot during your ult. Dynamo has the same problem and his gun is way better than Viscous gun. You'll still build some gun items but you probably don't need to buy Glass Cannon and Ricochet.
shiv? more like wukong haha
>Vindicta/GT on enemy team
That's right, I'm buying knockdown as soon as laning ends.
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How do I become the Lash irl?
wall is easily the best ability in the game, even probably more game-changing than 7 ult or ice dome
>get knockdown
>kill invicta 10 times
literally free
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Valve and designing archer characters with locomotives for arrow hitboxes, name a more iconic duo.
Man I think I found my favorite hero. I seem to always have a great laning phase with Abrams since he's so tanky and I can easily get souls using melees. Last two games I laned against a vindicta but that feels like a really bad matchup for her so this might not happen all the time. But damn do I feel strong.
have sex with men
>Geist edging you for 8 hours straight to extract as much life force as possible from you
>"Guys kill the fucking monkey"
>"Which one? there's m&k and Shiv"
>"There's another one"
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instructions unclear still winning (got carried hard since this piece of shit character is useless)
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remove your eyeballs
first time ICBM this shit is ridiculous
vitality items should be better
also they need to trim the amount of active items
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wear your tactical open can of beans and sausage chains
Seethe more Bebop
worst part about that is that a properly built haze can practically insta pop either of the flying niggas because her damage output gets so crazy
how do you keep so much momentum when you exit the zipline?
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Which weapon items am i supposed to build on Warden?
I have the rest of his build mostly figured out but i don't know how to get the most out of his bullets
slowing bullets for one. And headshot stuff
so real TI with audience starts tomorrow?
Vindicta and Grey Talon are the worst matchups for Abrams since you can't reach them
Yes, dotard
Is shiv really a monkey? He just has a Neanderthal face structure like Scout
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
I think it's overrated on Pocket. You already have at least one gap closer and most of you are buying Warp Stone and/or Majestic Leap too.
I get in my cube.
>ethereal shift
What's your order of skills for warden

feel that slowing bullets can help you with your 3

aside from something else i can't think of it
it's not so much a gap closer than it is a part of your burst kit
fleetfoot is literally mandatory
close quarters/point blank (this gives you a slowing effect under 15m so slowing bullets is unnecessary)
heroic aura is very good since it gives you another movespeed buff + bullet lifesteal
those three are probably his best core, the others are mostly situational/comfort
pristine bullets are good, headhunter is good, titanic magazine is actually okay now
>ivy vs warden solo
so i just auto lose?
how does anyone fight this fucker
so how exactly is valve going to balance weapon vs spirit
Is it possible I played against someone with auto parry ?
sorry wrong thread hehe
>What's your order of skills for warden
Unlock? 132
Upgrade? First upgrade for 1 and 3, then i greed to get his ult to level 3 as soon as possible because the CD reduction is fucking insane
jesus christ bebop is fun

i buy it on viscous for gooball shenanigans
wraith attack speed buff is absolutely nuts lmao
towers down within literal seconds
You can phantom strike during Viscous ult to instantly lurch at people.
I think it's great they added heroes for the mentally retarded to play like McGinnis.
Dota used to make magic not really scale and you had no real way TI convert right click TI magic.
Now cheap magic right click is everywhere.
They won't.
Yeah I had the same problem hence why I posted this

My guess is we just gotta stay back and farm n deny and build up stone form
My friend randomly got in and sent me an invite. How long does it take for invites to appear in your email?
1-2 days mostly
I got mine in 3 hours
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Why there's no Concord /con/ general yet?
high mmr is just duo queue seven and mcginnis doing stun into wall
If you just cancel the hyperline ride you just retain momentum. if you jump you get the game's air friction
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Improved the list
Press ctrl instead of space when getting off ziplines
shut the fuck up dotard this isn't fucking dota

It's already balanced. Every character scales with both and there's 4 slots for each. They don't have to have direct parity with each other
warp stone like every other character in the game
>They don't have to have direct parity with each other
You cannot afford both in a normal game
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This was the game winning pick and it was funny as hell.
I need to get good at puddle punch, I haven't even unlocked 95% of its potential...
How do I glide on the ground?
Disagree, but they should make actives easier to use. Actives shouldn't require a leftclick to confirm, they should just activate immediately on your mouseover target with a single keystroke like some hero abilities function already.
get 2 levels of cage to cut the cooldown in half then ult all th way
everyone at high mmr fills all slots
There's absolutely nothing more frustrating than ebing on the receiving end of that shit.
500s dont count
What key cancels it? I thought jumping off was the only was to dismount.
>>New Player Guide
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how does warden ever lose the lane?
Lash can do a really funky early cheese and if you do it to me I will turn the lane into the most boring farmfest possible.
pretty sure it literally tells you, but the default is Lcontrol
I'm so fuckin tired of leaver.
shut the fuck up dotard
eat shit nigger
anyone else just play dynamo once and then never gonna touch him again
this but ivy and vindicta
There's absolutely no reason to skip weapon upgrades for spirit upgrades in the early game. Even turret McGinnis builds weapon 1st.
Viscious is the only character I tunnel after because his death yells are adorable
Let's. Discuss. Lane. Phase. Irrelevance.
>up 17 denies
>tied last hits
>2 kills, no deaths
>only up 1300 souls at 9 minutes
>One player kill credit or a round at the vending machines closes the gap
Anyone with a brain will play around it, either by playing at range or by stunning/silencing her before it's beneficial to her to use ult.
>debuff remover's you
Just buy t1 vitality/regen and punch everything from the stairs until neutral camps appear. There's only like, enemy Bebop where that doesn't work. Lane just doesn't matter.
How the fuck do I into zeisty nigga
I feel so useless
>2MB update
>>One player kill credit or a round at the vending machines closes the gap
if you were even, then that would establish a lead
every cent counts, and every soul gets you that much closer to your next upgrade. gigafarmers who are up 40k at the end of the game don't start by throwing lane
Is this list upside down?
Infernus? Go a spirit build.
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You are bad
Nah, haze kinda get screwed a bit by those characters unless she sneaks up on them
Laning phase victory is there for you to take advantage of by delivering urn and ganking other lanes making the lead even bigger. Killing guardian nets the team a skill point. Slowly but sure you're widening the gap.
It's simple, just take Vindicta vs Talon.
Talon has better spirit scaling.
But consider this: Vindicta has worse gun scaling.
There you go, balance.
>dash into crowd
>get oneshot
Also his ammo is like nonexistent
Exactly what I said. But people will always succumb to greed
>plays dota with guns
>gets mad at dota with swords
Is the range in this game really "meter"? Because there's no way 8 meters is that short.
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>confuses stomping a lane with a complete game stomp
That whole game was a stomp. They never even killed the lane guardian in that lane.
>Killing guardian nets the team a skill point.
No it doesn't. Not anymore.
Characters are almost 3 meters tall, that's why. Someone used Pocket near a doorway to measure, and everyone is fuckhuge.
So yeah, 8 meters is nothing.
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mfw bebop thinks he can take me out aka THE LASH
Can’t you counter the cage with stone form?
Game is a complete shitshow atm, crying abrams being owned 0/5 by some random shit like haze in a solo lane, fucking sweatiest paradox player with mikaelS scented dildo up their ass assraping everything in sight 24/7, wraith and ivy afk farming and being outratted by a solo shiv and all of this crap is in a single match. Rework your god damn match maker green dragon.
Games are a complete shitshows atm, you have crying abramses being destroyed by some random shit like solo haze when the enemy team gets
>use the pause function
>everyone spams ???, instantly unpauses and gets mad at me for being afk
I paused because I need to step away from my computer for a bit, retards
What do you do if you're playing Lash and the game dumps you in a lane with a flying sniper shithead

Like I came around eventually and got online but it was fucking suffering for the first few minutes because I had no fucking economy and no way of forcing them out of lane.
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So characters fitting certain objects perfectly is just alpha build being alpha build?
Like the vast majority of video games the units of measurement are completely arbitrary and only suggestively match the real-world units they borrow.
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Warden is the most boring character ive used so far
You don't know Hammer Units kid, shut your mouth
i enjoy playing him but i lost more than half my games so i stopped
That's like the hardest lane for Warden? You get free bonus stamina AND have stone form to throw the cage. Even if you somehow get hit with as many flasks as anyone else has to deal with you'll just out-sustain it.
make sure to check the notifications in steam
I got mine in 4.5 hours
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Oh we're doing tier lists now?
This is why I only play heroes that are ass to play against, and not in a "this shit is overpowered" sense.

I want you to be the highest net worth on your team and be forced to watch a 15 second cutscene in the middle of an important teamfight.
I want people to quit this game.
some people give up way too early
every match is the same, my lane is about even and then someone rotates from their duo lane and i fight 2v1 all the way until my tower is dead
I would play him if he didn't speak in out of place 21st century memes
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>>give hero a way to turn weapon damage into spirit damage
Akchually, this doesn't technically exist period. Maybe we'll see a hero that does with something like Muerta's ultimate eventually.
Anyway "composite" damage (as in weapon + spirit) is pretty strong. Afaik Seven has the one with the best scaling but it has a lower uptime than Vindicta.
Every hero should have mobility like Lash
Just trust the science. Two weeks to slow the spread.
>their lash
assassin's creed death force roaming the entirety of the map seemingly at all times
>our lash
keeps dying 1v3+, misses ult constantly, lowest souls

can't stand this fucking spiderman faggot
i will now start learning the goo hero
if I don't play a hypercarry i lose most games I play.
abrams, haze, shiv.
I can play Infernus and go splitpush maniac FAST build and win, but it's by proxy of lanes being pushed to their core. I can't win on anything else 'cause it requires the team to fucking do something.
are you meant to be able to stack movespeed buffs from active items? speding 2500 to have what looks like speedhack seems pretty absurd. does dotka allow shit like this?
Trust the science. Everyone vaxxed are dead within 2 weeks
maybe say why you fucking clown
Can you get the replay as a video file somehow?
i am bad at
>using more than 4 abilities
>tactics and positioning
which hero is the one for me?
Or we can just accept they are indeed fuckhuge. Like why not? There's no reason to assume realistic proportions and scale in a world of mysticism
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Is there anything you can do against kelvin as abrams?
You can't even charge in because the beam slows you to nothing, even right from the start of the game.
If he traps you in the dome then there's little chance of outdpsing his healing.
Debuff remover is one thing but I feel like there needs to be more anti-anti-movespeed items.
even if i play paradox good i'll never have high damage...everyone will think i played bad or was afk even if i constantly swap people
I have a 36 games on lash and have won 26 of them. Most of those wins have some Grey Talon or something that just absolutely cannot figure out how to not die to Lash, and it's sad. Juking Lash is easy, and then he does absolutely fucking nothing, but my guess it's a bunch of one-tricks who've virtually never touched another character.
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holy kvno
She is particularly strong against some characters, such as Yamato, who has to be in her range and charge her 1 for real burst damage so it's easy for geist to close the gap and just ult.
Dota lets you do it but it's not incredibly useful because Blink and Force and passive buffs fron Boots and Neutrals do enough heavy lifting.
Except on Spirit Breaker where you get a ridiculous amount of speed from stacking move speed buffs from actives which works with the speed from Charge of Darkness which is then turned into a shit load of damage for its Greater Bash proc.
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>mfw 2 tards giga feed Haze and nobody buys metal skin
You can literally just read Enduring Speeds description
Build for 2. You want CDR, Spirit lifesteal, Spirit damage, duration, movement speed.
After laning, go directly into farming camps and pushing lanes. If you see nobody on the map, camps. If you see at least 3 people on the map, push a lane away from them. If you feel as if you're about to get ganked, press 2 and run away. Clear camps and creep waves with 2.
Never group with your team unless you're sure you can win or you're already close to them (within one lane away).
Have fun.
I can read it but it doesn't save me. Enduring speed is part of my build regardless of kevin being on the enemy team.
Is there anything to do when your ping is good, but the game decides that every unit except will move at like 2 frame per second?
>Is there anything you can do against kelvin as abrams?
yeah, punch him
>but he uses slow beam!
wait for him to use it on someone else
>i can't outdps his heal in dome!
just punch him to keep healing yourself lol
Yes. The game is about mobility. It's what makes it fun.

Because that makes the least amount of sense. The game-world and its objects are proportional to the character height. The only thing that doesn't "line up" is the "m" units the game uses to measure weapon damage falloff to our real-world meter.
I'm sure you'll continue being a redditor about this, so I'm just going to call you a faggot pre-emptively. Faggot.
>just punch him
ok i got parried
>bait the parry
works 50% of the time, if you get parried you die
Punching build abrams is horrificly broken at low elo when the people you're up against don't parry. Once they start, gun abrams is the way to go. Still obscenely strong, still a lot of life steal, less ways to instantly die.
The lane and team RNG really saps the fun out of the game after a while. The mmr discrepancy between people in a single match is absurd.
>ok i got parried
normal punch instead of charge punch
parry works on normal punch, noob
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leds dug Mo XDDDD
even if you normal punch they'll know you're punch build simply due to how you play. it doesn't change much. it's harder to react to, but if they use parry at a random time you're still liable to slap em'. I'm not saying it doesn't work, because it does, but it's a lot more difficult to make work.
holy NOOB if you got parried by a normal punch then you simply got outplayed
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>my team gets the good heroes
>they're on people trying the hero for the first time and they go 2-10 on shiv and shit like this
>enemy team gets the good heroes
>they're in an organised 4 stack or something and they just ult dump the only two decent players on our team while our resident shitcord stack chain feeds down mid
So when's the inevitable Riot me-too game?
F tier
B tier
A tier
SS tier
I want them to change his 3 from a cone disarm thing into something that makes his gun really fun
Nta but this might be what I need right now like in general
oh fug ids maurige and grill :DDDD fug :DD
>what TEH FuG
Why can everything be diagetic EXCEPT for measurements?
Look at your options:
>Meters are accurate
>Game is full of giantesses who will coddle you in their huge legs
>No other change
>Meters are inaccurate
>No giantesses
>You get to sperg at vakve over units or some other retard nerd shit
Clearly, there is an option for winners, and an options for actual autistix faggots. So fuck off, fag, go suck a nerd cock.
>out of ammo
>dude is one punch from death
>I know i'll die if he parries
Time to roll the fucking dice I guess
It's gonna take them a couple years but also who the fuck cares. Ain't touching anything of theirs as long as they package it with malware.
what a digger
>No Thursday patch even to fix huge balance issues since the last big patch
>Game continues to play like shit
what did they mean by this actually
It's fun. It's not too interactive since you're actively running away, unless you get fed from this type of gameplay (happens more often than you'd think), but it is fun. Infernus' entire kit enables this degenerate type of gameplay.
early development process
they dont' give a shit about the people playing they just working on a game dude
le massive aoe 7s slow + weapon damage nerf on a gun that already sucks fucking dick at trading in lane is miserable to deal with desu. it's like dealing with the aids that are massive geist bombs except in a different way. it still surprises me I see people clipping geist nades as if it's difficult to hit shit with the fucking radius basically covering an entire lane.
I had some small update just now
havent checked but the demo file is prolly on your pc somewhere
>we're changing the update schedule to bi-weekly so we can get more work done between updates
>"What do you mean there's no update this week?!"
Has anyone here gotten an invitation from the Ancor posts? I've been posting my steam ID since yesterday and I still waiting for one.
>gun sucks a fat dick on a baseline and if you don't consistently track heads it does no DPS
>actives are a MUST on her
>not coordinating your shit with people leads to no results most of the time
They are busy trying to come up with ideas for the limited Pre-Alpha participation cosmetic
What the fuck is with retards abandoning the lane to go farm in the super early game? Has anyone else been getting this recently?
>duo'd with a Paradox
>I manage to kill one of the enemy duo
>Paradox immediately turns 360 degrees and walks away to the camps near spawn that have literally just opened, turning an easy 2v1 into a 1v1
>he doesn't come back until the enemy has respawned, leaving me in a 1v2 half the time
>this repeats over and over: I kill 1, Paradox leaves, I try to kill the last guy but can't on my own, the guy I kill respawns, I fall back and wait for Paradox
>eventually I just give up and go help in another lane
This isn't super common but it's extremely aggravating when it happens, and it seems to be happening more often recently. It doesn't seem to be hero specific, I've had it happen with a Paradox, Haze, and Seven. Do people do this because they have some sort of late game item they're trying to rush? They always go all the way back to the camps near spawn where there's no chance of encountering an enemy, never choosing the camps that are directly adjacent to the lanes or deeper in the jungle. I'm getting the feeling that some streamer retard told his audience this is somehow smart.
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>tfw my PC is GPU bottlenecked anyway
I found the file but it's .dem. I don't think there's any way to convert it to video unless they build it into the engine. Gotta get my shadowplay fixed if I wanna record clips. For some reason it don't wanna work some times.
Oh boy, another slop unfinished hero who is massively overtuned and will plague and solely dictate wins for the next month. I can't wait for more powercreeping. Yoshi is a G*D.

how many times do we have to tap the sign?
Literally every hero has to aim.
Literally every hero uses actives.
Literally every hero requires coordination.
Ivy is a supportfag hero that can just spam her 2 on her team's carry and go into stone form whenever she's caught out. Like any support in every game she's designed for morons.
don't you have any steam friends who have it? they can invite you

he watched a guide on how to farm with paradox and he's following that idea in his gameplay without applying brains to it

probably the same for haze and seven
have you watched the demo back in game? you can record what you need from there, from any perpsective or angle. try demoui in console, not sure if its in source2
Unfortunately every MOBA has these passive retards who feel the need to dodge having an impact on the match for 30 minutes. You just bully them and hope they kill themselves or something.
>Gets wraith ulted and raped by their entire team
>I'll take one large order of Icefraud's cock please!
i add some random people from the anchor but they accept the friend request then don't even say hello, obviously i'm going to forget about them then remove after few days
I have no idea what you are crying about
>go into stone form whenever she's caught out
Nobody tell this retard ethereal shift exists and lasts twice as long.
How's that cock taste?
niggerish behavior, expecting them to befriend and charm you to get an invite. if you add them & they add you back & youve noticed, send the invite. takes as much effort to do that as to remove them.
I did this and got the same thing happening. Didn't invite them either.
No. I don't have Friends
I didn't even get a friend request
It's got a replay UI but I see no way to record it.
>This excuses being completely fucking out of touch and creating meta defining heroes that just rape the fuck out of anyone
Like at least TRY to make the hero balanced and if they're underwhelming buff them up. Sitting here waiting a month for Shiv to get nerfed is not okay.
>3000 soul item vs. starting ability
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Drew Ivy and empathy, Impathy if you will
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I don't owe you shit
nope, kill yourself autist that can't even muster the courage to say "hey can I get that invite"
I add someone, they accept, 2-3 days pass I notice them in my friends list and then I remove if they can't even say a simple hi
try OBS
don't like a game in its early development state? don't fucking play it then you stupid fucking double digit IQ retard
Nobody tell this mega retard that cube and briefcase exist. But it's okay because they're CARRY heroes. Oh yeah by the way they last longer.
yea you do if youve added me from itt, with the implication being you will send an invite, you dumb nigger.
post profile
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DX11 or Vulcan?
>100% wr on talon
I'm scared to queue for a new match
If I think your profile is gay, no invite. If I think your taste in video games is gay, no invite. If I don't like your country of origin, no invite. Simple as.
Go choke on icefrog's cock you dumb nigger. Any fucking retard in his first year of game development could tell you shiv is not okay but hey lets ship it and make the game feel like shit to play for 6 weeks until we adequately powercreep the game so much that they're basically just replaced. This is what happened with Infernus and Warden and Pocket. They're still broken. But more broken shit came along. Where's that gonna lead old heroes on this trajectory?
Spirit characters have the strongest burst of energy in the mid/mid late game so it's good if your spirit character has some strong spirit item mid game.
Some early weapon item,, such as the tier 1 headshot and mystic shot (technically a spirit centric item) are good for most spirit build as well. Some might benefit from high velocity mag as well
then why are you adding anons from this thread? you are one smelly nigger desu ne
a bloo bloo bloo
not reading any of that, all I know is that you are crying about a problem you are creating for yourself, must be miserable being as stupid as you
Just to remind them that I can play the game and they can't.
I hate grandma talons stupid old lady face so fucking much
>guy is losing his mind over...shiv

i played seven and went 2/17 ama
>the mindset of a non-white
>kvetching about the balance of a closed alpha game
If you think Deadlock is bad, old school Dota would have given you an aneurysm.
muhammed frog is a hack fraud
i've just been auto pilot buying both spirit and bullet armor pretty much every game. is that retarded? should i focus on one type? i feel that my damage is so low compared to better players with similar soul count
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>RTX 3060
>32 GB RAM
>1080p native resolution
Why am I struggling to hit a constant 70 frames? If there's a teamfight I start chugging down to 40-50. Is the game just poorly optimized right now in its early state or is my PC not good enough anymore?
>lets ship it
it hasn't been shipped yet thoughever
last time you updated drivers?
I would suggest not having a 6 year old CPU
yamato is such a weird char you'd think she'd be a melee full outplay potential char but she just presses 2 3 then hits you with 1
I have the same setup but a slightly worse cpu and I already given up, made the game run on low settings.
where do you see those stats?
all my hardware is from 2016 and the game runs fine on my machine :)
game history then in one of those dropdown lane stats
The Graph section in the postgame menu. You can select Lane Stats
killing someone at the 1 minute mark is worth nothing
killing someone at the 8 minute mark is worth a lot
>4 denies vs 7
When I bought the GPU in 2021
Mystic Reverb is a really bad item.
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I have 3060ti with i5 8400, the game runs on highest setting around 70+ and rarely drops below 60
the hunt showdown 1896 driver broke for honor for me, it was unplayable until I reinstalled the drivers so try doing that
How do you juke Lash? Just watch the sky and dash when he dives?
nah, it gives you pseudo wallhacks
Torment Pulse is a really bad item.

why's that anon?
increase range, damage, and uncap targets.
half decent item.
I usually get them pretty late unless there's some hero I really need to counter earlier on.
But muh Escalation stacks...
I agree for 3k there are better buys
the game isn't that heavy on the CPU that a 9900k wouldn't be able to handle it

I suspect a driver issue
You know what's a joke? Heroic Aura. Shit is built like a 6k item for half the price.
I generally only buy the dedicated Spirit/Bullet armor if their team is blowing me up. Lots of other items give you some marginal resistance % and I prefer just having a larger HP pool most of the time.

But nobody buys Active items or support items until they reach high MMR
Compared to the value you get from some of the cheaper or equal costed spirit actives and things that increase your overall effectiveness through range/duration extensions, I don't think 3000 souls for an occasional chunk of damage around your character is worth it. If it was 1250 then maybe I'd but it briefly before switching it out later on.
yeah I definitely feel like I'm being punished for doing better
>But nobody buys Active items or support items until they reach high MMR
Did you just start playing yesterday? I have under 60 hours and even in my games people are buying debuff removers, warp stones, hexes, knockdowns, etc. It doesn't take new players long to realize that having 7-8 abilities on cooldown is better than 4. The game is unplayable without actives.
You're right, you are definitely in low MMR
Mandatory on Chief Prepping Bull's drone striker build
use steam recording
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>But nobody buys Active items or support items until they reach high MMR
Is this one of the things "high MMR" players tell themselves to convince themselves they're in high MMR lobbies?
Make a recording with your cellular phone
eeeeeeh maybe as a last spirit item
>spend most of match worrying "am I farming souls enough?"
>die multiple times to my lane opponent
>lose match
>look at graphs
>I am top soul earner for my team 100% of the time
ah yeah lads, good showing
dying doesnt really matter soulwise
consistently farming camps between fights while pushing lanes is going to net you so many more souls than any other player in the game. the average player even in higher elo does not farm the camps.
these are the retards that will farm jungle instead of helping their team with a fight then blaming them for playing the game and not just hitting npc's for 40 mins
Duo laning fucking sucks
How do you keep up with the souls after 25 minutes ?
I can't get past 40k
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>enemy team is 15k souls ahead of us
>the only player on their team that's a useless feeder leaves
>giving them 20% more souls + their worst player leaving
i'm not joining your 2v6 bro
mcgginnis is fun
I love making the entier enemy team turn around because I started firing rockets
I love making them turn into snails with my turrets
E-recting an dispenser here
why do people think you can just grab urn and go deliver it while 3 of your lanes are pushed in and the enemy team is up 20k and there will be zero resistance
You can't anti-mage the videogame because deadlock doesn't have buyback, the supports are generally also farmed, it's a 6v6 so 1 player will have slightly less impact and even the most braindead of teams will focus high number man in a teamfight.
no one defends urn in low MMR so people are used to delivering it being free
then you win more games (because you're running urn) and you start noticing that you're now in the MMR where people defend urn
wipe out the remaining guardians/walkers
go with your team when you see them grouping up down a lane
smash funny little golden pots for buffs
smash in little walking guys heads
smash crate
kill enemy
kill shrine
kill patron
>retard are pushing a lane a quarter of the way up the enemy's half of the map as 2
the rest are on the other side
>no enemy is on the map

yeah i'm going to farm jungle you fucking idiot they're about to fucking die
what the other guy said, but there's credit to grabbing the urn and absconding with it just to bait the other team into trying to ambush you and prevent them from running it for free.
ye retard go run that urn for me ill be over here farming the whole map while youre wasting time for 200 souls or whatever that shit is
Why do faggots give up so easily when enemies are in the base?
>oh no one shrine fell time to DC
worthless faggot
all their walkers and guardians are dead
our soul count is pretty similar
stop giving up
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New item idea
Walkie Talkie
Teleport to a player
7 sec channeling
Channeling gets canceled if player or target takes damage
>change my keybinds for punch/parry
>proceed to press Q to punch someone when we are both on 50hp
>tilt out of so hard embarrassment I'm basically useless for the rest of the game
I tried to play healbitch ivy and it did not work out

but I did try 'spam knockdown and gargoyle stun' ivy and that seemed pretty effective. I think when you're playing with randoms everyone understands 'that guy isn't moving shoot at him', but nobody really notices if you're tethered to them or trying to save them.
2nd Urn is like 4500 souls distributed to the whole team and a free AP for the guy delivering
>Game goes over 35 minutes
If I leave and requeue fast enough I don't get a leaver penalty. Sorry, but basically, I'm not playing with you losers anymore ahahahahahahaha
shut up tranny
yeah no thanks this game is relatively light on the global presence faggotry compared to other mobas and i would like to keep it that way
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>game is relatively light on the global presence faggotry
Wait, I never thought of this. You can just grab urn and bring it to your base so no one gets it?
look if they start adding more global ults and global teleports they can feel free to add a global walkie talkie and poz it up further but for now no
I had 3 people dc and I STILL could topped the charts
Are you a leaguelet? You have no idea what global presence actually is, bub.
They haven't added Zeus yet
any item that brings down match length is a win in my book
fuck your 40+ min no life faggotry
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im retarded and forgot to attach the image
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please delete shiv yoshi ok
Yea. Idk why some Yamato build even from top Yamato players recommend it at all. Yamato doesn't stick that long to an enemy as she weaves in and out of the fight. Something like silencing glyph does 100+ damage with 1.0 spirit scaling AND silence the enemy whenever Yamato dives in with it. Maybe someone like Abram and Mo who is in the enemy team a lot can run it, but even then is it really worth it when it delays much better items???
It's only good on Viscous. Because of stall shenanigans.
how do you build her?
I think the souls count doing away with levels has really scrambled a bunch of brains, a 40ishK character is usually going to beat the shit out of 2 or even more characters 10k lower or worse
For now. They're adding more, don't you worry!
>play female torbjorn
>use my braindead overpowered character to steamroll the enemy who has double my kills and networth because this game is a dumpsterfire
There should be an active item that lets me shoot out a big fireball
>solo lane against the most cancerous seven
>he denies like half of my early game souls
>my tower is the first to go down
>my walker goes down soon after
>zero help from teammates
torment pulse helps me win a lot of games

because it's basically -3k networth on the other team when they buy it

it's nuts people will sink money into MAYBE 100 DPS in a short range around them when for that same price you can buy tesla bullets, majestic leap, or knock down. like you can go make your epic 50k networth build in the sandbox and see how much damage torment pulse does and tell me it's anywhere near as good as tesla bullets with the same networth.
Different characters get power spikes at different soul totals, and it also depends on what order the player builds items in.
Did you ask your team for help?
>ask for help on mic
>zero response
Gun Ivy mains teach me your secrets. I'm addicted. I was way behind on networth and got jumped by Kelvin last night and I GUNNED THAT FUCKER DOWN.
We lost that game but I was a vicious little monster, and I don't understand what the special sauce is that sends Ivy from doing okay damage into being a destructive little demon.
it sucks trying to help teammates while laning. i'm not saying you can't, it's just a fact of life. if I push the enemy into their tower and come try to help/gank, by the time I get back they're already dealing damage to my turret.
how do bebop players consistently get their bomb on heroes in teamfights. I'm always fucking bombing some random creep, which then runs away because it's disabled.
pull enemy, bomb enemy, punch enemy back into team
bomb creep, send creep into team
run in, bomb, leave
range extender items
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>deny the enemy solo laner souls and beat him enough he swaps to the whole other side of the map to avoid me
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>small update hits
>get some weird packet loss with every fucking creep and hero just teleporting half a meter instead of walking
>restarting doesn't fix it
>revalidating files doesn't fix it
>no connection problem of any kind
>it's "playable" but teamfights are a mess and i can skillshot for shit
That's it for me
See you whenever it's fixed
What's the difference between Tesla Bullets and Ricochet or Seven 3?
This shit is precisely why no one wants to play mid in dota anymore. Solo lanes just can't be expected to help, it's usually a gamble and most resources come from staying your ground.
I think people will figure out movement tech and start movinf the second player on the mid lanes more.

probably within hours, anon
>opponent is skilled at the game
>have to plan my creep pops
>denies are difficult and they melee confirm creeps safely constantly
>having a great fucking time, actually fun lane
>suddenly realize I'm winning
>look up at score
>I'm always 1k ahead
>they get cocky because I'm Seven
>I delete them, delete the tower
>Lane won easily again
>Thank them for the fun lane then proceed to devastate their team.
Thinking of this Abrams last night in particular. Was such a close lane up until 5 minutes, what a great time. Dude was really good, I had fun. I think they won that game, my team was feeding hard.
>play shiv for the first time
>flail around wildly and kill everything
>win easily
he requires so much less effort than abrams to play
he's just as, if not even more tanky but his abilities and gun both do so much more damage than abrams
kelvincucks sit down
it's hard work being the wrangler in most matches with these teams
natures profit coming to your game soon
>Apply anti heal to Abrams
>He stops being tanky
Now what do you do against Shiv?
wombo combo
From what I've understood, losing side lanes isn't as bad as losing mid lanes. So if a side lane is crying, I generally will ignore them unless they're feeding and I'm really strong already.
If a mid lane is concerned or starts crying, I'll pretty much always try and push my lane to make a chance to help out because having the middle of the map down seems to really help with space.
Sometimes I just get dumpstered in side lane though and need to farm, sorry pal.
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I had an extremely stupid match yesterday
>pocket doing his epic 10000 APM combo and zipping around the area
>clearly putting in a lot of work to do all this
>his ult alone basically does more than half the damage he did anyway
I've never seen anyone play ultbot pocket despite it almost always being the biggest damage dealer in his kit.
aren't they all
Trust me on this
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>furion with a gun
would be nothing short of kino
It's almost like there was an item, or several items that hard countered it. Hmm, what a mystery...
>autistic screeching about if she's OP or the worst character in the game
paradox is made for sex, swaps and obj dmg, not being a glass cannon
I always get solo lane and I can't gank if I'm on a solo lane.
This is really annoying.
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i have made the poor decision to play each hero atleast 10 times
for fucking real man. Love when you ult and ALMOST team wipe them while your team stands safely behind you. It's even better when you're on mic begging for them to clean up.

>losing fucking game same game with the abrams
>fucking pocket is feeding like a bitch
>not really his fault his neighbor lane fed worse and it just kind of came to him afterwards
>they're throning
>i have seven ult
>"Pocket run in and ult them. Trust me."
>Mad lad does it, fucking trusts me ults them all and dies
>jump in and ult
Could T5 items be a possibility?
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I looked at the scoreboard
boundless spirit already kind of is
i haven't even tried yamato in sandbox mode
neither have i but i will also come up with my own build for each hero to grief even harder
who is the sexiest girl and why is it Haze
Even Holliday seems more finished than Yamato
every single yamato i come across gets like 20 kills and i have no fucking idea how because i've never played that egghead
i'm thinking about trying this but i don't really want to play yamato
what build do i follow for yamato
all of these look ass
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>Shroud rather playing Deadlock than "his" game which just recently released
alright brain geniuses answer me this
>3 of your teammates camped outside the t3 towers playing grab ass with the enemy team
>1 teammate is farming camps
>1 teammate is pushing a sidelane
what is the correct play for you and who do you call a faggot in all chat
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please ivy mains. im desperate i want to be a little gun rat its so fun her gun is so awesome.
I've played about 60 games and I don't think I've been top souls even once
Does this run better on Windows or Linux?
Also what hero is the best for smoothbrains like me?
isn't "his" game dogshit
guess the same stuff you would buy for shiv and abrams
It's a SteamOS exclusive
you're running around too much not farming.
Linux is currently using the windows build. Switch to Vulkan rendering if you crash a lot, it helps but doesn't stop it depending on your GPU/Distro??? I can't tell why I'm crashing I'm kind of a retard. Works great, you'll just crash at least once a game. Fun in team fights.
Play McGinnis or Seven. Seven because if you ult and crash, it's irrelevant usually.
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I'm sorry, anons. I'm converting to bird strike Grey Talon.
i only played the tutorial and 1 round, liked the gunplay but hated the duality concept + the valorant abilites
Learn your ABC's
youve never hard carried? in 60 games? who are you playing? by the end you should have 20 frags and the most souls and damage in the game. you can do this with almost half of the roster
push a sidelane and call the 3 guys at enemy base retards after the enemy inevitably groups as 6 and kills them
it is good to understand the strengths and weaknesses of every character from their perspective and it will make you a better player
I'm always like third or four at best, even when i'm 15-5
I really let myself go after my dota years
her gun is trash.
Torment isn't nearly as bad as you guys think.
Let's take an example: Mo & Krill
You're around 13.5k souls in.
Item A: 3k in cost, and considered a good value item- Pristine Emblem. If you're not in damage dropoff range, able to fire and hit the enemy, not reloading, not CCed, no firerate debuff, etc. It provides ~42 bullet DPS
Item B: 3k in cost, considered by you guys a "bad" value item- Torment. If you're in 9m range, counting only against a single target, no other conditionals, you'll get ~38 damage per second. Reliable. No matter what.

Are there better value items than both of these? Yes, definately. I mean, Mystic Shot, which is not a highly popular item, is only 1250 and easily out-values both of these items in damage added. But the point is is that Torment isn't nearly as bad as you guys make it out to be.
then why does it do a billion damage?
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why are sevens in my team always like this? and in the enemy team they go 20-2
my bad homie
it is as bad as everyone thinks
it's outright bad on everyone but three heroes, and on those three there are better item options 90% of the time
He has insane burst potential outside his ult
back it up by math then, not opinions filtered by bias
It's okay anon
Now spin the drummer
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>Me standing 10m away
>destroy my lane
>literally double the souls
>all my team mates lose their lanes
every fucking time
My most played is M&K and viscous so maybe that has something to do with it
I can get good scores as well, I think I just play too safe and don't push lanes as aggressively as other people and that means I miss out on lane creeps
they build for ult instead of building for 3 usually. seven needs to farm, farm, farm some more. if there's just 1 person on the enemy team who gets knockdown those who build for ult are fucking useless.
even without clearing camps i managed to be top souls
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its hard to do maths on situationals like maybe basic armor + spirit lifesteal as mo&krill would extend your ehp making you not so vulnerable in your combo early, giving value in ways that can't be measured as flat dps increases.
>buys debuff remover
sorry anon but unless you're getting 30+ kills per game that means you're in shitter MMR
niggy bomb
i have reconsidered after a single game of viscous
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they also gloat in chat when their team wins for them because it's the high point of their life
I decided to play her once and the Warden on my team told me to kill myself.
viscous is kind of fucking ass. it can build Q to do big dam but it's not nearly enough. any other hero is better.
i really like the choose three mechanic, makes you git gud with three characters at once
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very big fan of jumping in people's faces and cutting their heads off yes
>he only picks three
entire roster high prio chads report in
wrong, building for ult is fine. You can counter knockdown, and sometimes letting yourself get knocked out of ult is still a team fight winner.
Boosting ult naturally boosts your other abilities with the way items work.

The reason these shitters get dumpstered is because Seven gets shit on in lane and they're fucking retards at laning. Holy shit if I duo with another Seven that forgets he has 600 HP I'm going to throw my computer through Valve's window.
He has style, he has grace. He still has a funny face.
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>Infernus with most healing
wtf, was it lifesteal
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>spawn in solo lane as Ivy against Geist
>ask for help
>nobody rotates over to help
Are people just blind to what's happening in the other lanes at the start?
infernus heals off of DoT
Infernus' gun is a DoT
Infernus' fire walk leaves a DoT through the entire team
If you chase Infernus you will follow in his DoT

Infernus is broken but not because he can 100-0 people. It's because his splitpush is unstoppable unless you have 3+ people or a mo and krill to lock him.
we just had this discussion, friend.

>win 3 games in a row
>next game matched with a 7k hours semi-professional csgo player who goes 32/0/10 as vindicta and lose by 20 minutes
The worst example of forced 50 I've ever seen in my life.
>only 500 damage each
>no green items so get shredded trying to stick them on people or have to rely on hooks only
>12 only
he's right tho
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whats the fucking point man, i flub every fight with every character i play and every team i have does the same I have played 20 games and all of them ore fucking pub stomps. I cant do shit and I cant even get carried I have not once played a game where I could see the power of the hero i was using. As time goes on people are just going to get more skilled I spend time in the sandbox getting stuff down but it never fucking translates into the game. This is the most demoralizing shit ever.

nobody else. ever.
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He is monkey.
for me it's lady paradox yamato, the low tier trio
Does curse not work on Seven's ult?
post match id
nope because he's already started the channel, so he's not casting anything
yamato isn't low tier she's junk tier
yamato is a joke character
The robot nigga is dumb as fuck. One hook if you're squishy and you're dead
How is the Geist vs Vindicta lane? I had two games against two different vindictas in a row when I was geist and both times it was awful. They didn't kill me but they both got my guardian and I felt like I was pressured constantly
Yeah, the idea is to use it with escalating exposure to increase the spirit dmg multiplier, but it takes too many souls to reach that point

Instead I go for slow/silence and save up for the carpet.
well, your entire team got stomped so idk if this is a truly fair representation. first moba? first shooter? you should be intuiting your next move based on minimap information. ie defend a walker, gank an over extended opponent, expect rotates from other lanes to come, you should know what next 2-3 items you need to buy, its probably not out of a left-to-right buy build order
only stun cancels channeled abilities
maybe take a break for a while if you're in a rut
don't worry about the sandbox just worry about fundamentals
hitting shots
positioning well
ulting properly in team fights
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priority is flexible, but I mostly go with these
I used to play Ivy as well
how do i report someone for cheating? lost big time against sus russian infernus with 1xVAC 1xgameban on his profile already
Shive has full on ape face and hangs upside from the zipline, he is in fact, monkey
what do you expect from the most reddit hero in the game

Reddit alien skin for dynamo when
What's the point of golding all 4 picks if that means they're equal in priority
Geist sucks solo until you get some healing items, you cast your spells and you are down 150 hp, there isn't even mana in the game.
as a singularity, he transcends time
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match id. now.
it ain't happening anon
the only spell that geist can hit on a vindicta in air is her 3 so yeah it's a pretty bad lane
a gold star is cooler than a checkmark, and i usually set purple on the hero i want to play as
nobody likes laning against vindicta so just get monster rounds and enough sustain to survive her and outscale, then she becomes useless
lmao there's like three people asking for match id, this guy is either embarrassed or had a bad game and is just posting for attention.
His design and character is just meh. I would have preferred a Indiana Jones type Professor, whose seen a lot of shit and is capable but is more passionate about the field of study rather than just being LE BILL NYE
in another game now ill do it after
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Woops meant to reply to this
Button under the their stats at the end of the match
Very surprised there is no Indiana Jones type character given how much his movies blended the occult and early 20th century time period. Maybe one day we'll get a indy type hero.
>play as abrams vs wraith
>21k to 23k souls
>I'm built with debuff reducer and spirit armor
>she ults and kills me with the cards before I can even move again, every time
what is the counterplay here? by the time I get better armor and debuff remover she just be able to kill me outright anyway
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I kneel Valve. I am obsessed. I never thought Id get sucked back into a MOBA after how badly you fucked up Dota 2 but Im hooked.
when are they gonna ban vindicta and grey talon on the same team?
that only helps if I'm the one to initiate the fight
When they manage to win a game
So I have a nice Paradox build for team fights but pubs can't team fight. How to solo carry Paradox?
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>haze just pressed ult all game
Viscous is probably the single most funpilled design in the game
Even if you lose you should be having a good time
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One game as Abrams and I get the game
I have actually enjoyed myself
I think it was just a character issue
you don't
Is Kelvin a bad laner or am I just a bad Kelvin? I can't stop getting killed in lane no matter how passively I play. I still end up useful lategame but the beam's damage doesn't seem that good when Haze can just sleep dagger me and take 3/4 of my health or Viscous can punch me out from under my fucking tower to near-guaranteed death or Bebop can grab+bomb me once to prevent me from showing my face at all.
The grenades are great but getting benefit from both the heal and the damage requires me to be close and that just leads to me getting punched in the face and fucking dying.
pick a different character
But "pubs" teamfight more than good players imo. Good players play more passive and goal oriented. Pubs wander more and get into random fights just-because.
List of things that need to happen:
>Remove the last hitting/denying mechanic
>Rail system needs to be expanded or replaced with TP system
>Remove a lane so that every lane is 2v2, or remove 2 lanes so it's 3v3 and more focused on team fighting (Y'know, the thing people want to do)
>Remove Neutral Creeps except for Boss monsters
>Remove Urn Delivery or remove Sewer Runes (Jesus Christ they really threw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks)
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I never have issues desu, are you buying infuser to get spirit lifesteal before you harass? it's key to staying healthy and dealing more damage
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I played like 100 dicta games but almost never had that match up lol. I'd say you have 2 options. Either bully her with close quarter headshot or/and shove the lane with 1 on lifesteal. She's the squishiest of the squishies and has nowhere near Geist's waveclear.
ignore the shitters, all lanes are geist lanes. AoE ignores cover in this game and you have pinpoint accurate gun for headshots when vindicta wants to shoot troopers and souls. 3 is spammable and slows targets and stacks to some crazy output numbers. You just have to buy around your self-damage and not miss.
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the match id is 9410941
not like anything is gonna change
The highest rated bomb gheist build does not buy echo shard
wrong. curse stops channeled abilities like Seven ult. it even turns off vindicta/talon fly. Nothing is stopping Seven from building unstoppable though
It buys good items instead
Could you post a Match ID for that one?
I buy Infuser sometimes but its CD is quite long and even a full beam dump with it up isn't giving me as much of a heal as something like humiliation rite
sure, 8974605
>highest rated
means nothing.
Echo Shard is fun on Geist but 90% of games I won't end up buying it. She already weaves her abilities and her gun damage together well enough
Ive played other mobas, but this game brings in the most retarded people I have ever came across. Is it TF2 cucks?
I think I'm too brainrotten for this game, there's a lot of things going on at once desu
It's the foreign dotard playerbase. bunch of filth around the world that are ready to carry all of their dotard bad habits over to this game and have too much ego to realize it
It's Overwatch players who've never played a MOBA in their life.
Unless you're in Europe, and then it's Russian Dota players.
thank you though

Anyone of you niggas tryna play can't solo queue in NA unplayable solo unless EU is still open
why would you, improved burst does more damage than the bomb and it has an internal CD so double bomb isnt even that useful
reverb is better
>Massive sony game 8 years in production, millions invested. Shit sales and serves closes in less than a month
>Barely functional valve beta test, servers barely contain all players.
concord had dogshit marketing and offered nothing that wasn't done better by other hero shooters
its sole selling point was that it was a Guardians of the Galaxy ripoff released a decade after Guardians of the Galaxy
good morning sar
Grey Talon
>OP poke pls nerf
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hundreds of millions to be more precise, literally the biggest flop in gaming history
200 million + budget, estimated sales were around 25,000 at 40 dollars a pop meaning they didn't even make a million dollars in sales (also they were refunded anyway)
deadlock will make valve probably 200m in the first year through microtransactions once they are available
>100k Brazilians and Vatniks
>Another Valve classic
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roaming the rooftops for boxes and sending out the occasional owl ICBM is maximum comfy. i dont even want the match to end.
You can really tell when the /v/ threads are getting deleted. There's always a sudden surge of weird console war shit and broken english as all the mexican and turkish teenagers come backwashing to /vg/.
>literally the biggest flop in gaming history
it's probably the biggest flop in the history of entertainment media
the estimated revenue wasn't enough to cover 1 year of electricity bills for an office building
ima just leave my FC here for people that do want to play na/eu
fc 1796993749
59-60% win rate solo queue player if that matters to you
>respawn time is totally based on match time
Congratulations to the retard who did this
if you try again 10 seconds later it always works, at least it does for me
getting picked off one by one isn't team fighting
And you're proposed fix, retard-kun?
Valve is aiming for 25 minute match times. Deal with it.
Ok what does your teamfight build do then? Skirmishes are still fights with multiple players involved.
25 minutes would be nice. Most of mine are at least ten minutes longer.
Pocket is a fucking wild ride. There's just so much complexity and you're trying to pull everything from your kit every fight. Even worse if you buy actives.
>Press 2
>Press 3
>Press 2 again
>Press 4 whenever it's up
I think the target is more like 30 minutes.
>only a bit woke
>character designs are mostly alright
>gameplay is smooth and fun
gee I wonder why it did so much better

big publishers and studios are too busy trying to optimize the fun out of their games before the players even get their hands on them, they do everything chasing the dollar and forget that good games sell

like blizzard and bioware we're gonna see more and more of these old big names burn soon enough their approach to gamedev has become unsustainable

not before they cannibalize smaller studios, fuck them over, and then put a bunch of people out on the street
are you allergic to fun? just buy curse if you want to ack him
How did you guys learn the jungle routes, I feel like the map is increadibly vertical and I always get lost just trying to farm an extra couple of souls
Might unironically spend an hour just learning all the passageways
It's a lot of fun but oh man it sucks if you can't get a couple early kills to boost the birb.
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Why does Geist wear fishnets and highheels on a battlefield?
Here's your (You).
It's that whole "design game by marketing research and focus groups" approach that they have that's all twisted and unrealistic.

EA's been doing that for more than 20 years.
I'm pretty sure shooterfags are getting filtered by moba stuff and mobafags are getting filtered by shooting stuff.
Making her enemies horny is how she wins.
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>gets hookbombed into the enemy tower
>survives and heals up under dome
Damn that was wild
Thanks anon, I usually get solo lane so I'm not sure how much it'll help but I'll try to learn what I can from it.
Go into sandbox mode and run around the map for a while. Check out what camps each lane has. Check the various pathing to and from secret shops. Look for the shortest ways to cross from one lane to another.
But that's how Haze wins. She gives you wet dreams.
i played 6 games today. literally every one of them was a one sided stomp after the first 8 minutes one way or another.

feels like you get 10 minutes of game, then an additional 15 minutes of mopping up/getting mopped up, where the result is 90% locked in bar a massive throw. it's tedious as shit. no MMR balancing will fix this as the steamrolling mechanics are too strong. once you get an edge it's very hard to lose it.

can't really be bothered to play much more.
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I kinda wish this game was more casual. I like the gameplay and characters and world etc. etc. but sometimes I just want to chill out for a bit. I don't want a 35+ minute teethpulling session. I have already sunk 300 hours so maybe it being so competitive is what has hooked me but man, I just took some sleeping pills with a white rum manga juice and i just want to play some vidya while I donk out
>half of the team just screams to fight non stop as we lose our soul lead when 3 idiots bash their heads against the enemy
>'ay, any ex dota 2 players here?'
>the shitters are all from Overwatch
Thank you dotard Ivy for using your brain and ratting the shit out of them.
They should give Geist all of Terrorblade's abilities.
I'd say my stomp vs balanced game ratio is pretty 50/50 though curiously I think most of my losses are stomps. Haven't looked at the stats but that's what it feels like.

6 stomps in a row sounds like something's fucked though. Could they be testing different sorts of matchmaking in different regions?
the overtards are always the ones who rage like spergs when you tell them not to force fights with a 35k soul deficit
Never played a moba, what are they?
Overtards and League tards are the worst fucking teammates. Holy shit.
I want more DotA2chads on my team, at least they understand why we're losing and try to counter strategize instead of throwing.
>it's another duo lane episode
this shit is awful without communication
aids room...
Haze is so braindead easy it's sad
Q is like a mirror image of the enemy that slows them.
W makes a clone of yourself that can only right click
E transforms you makes you really slow but you have extra range and damage
and Ulti is the same as Geist it's a health swap. He's strong & based I love him.
Try not to blame leaguetards, they come from a game where if you have a significant deficit you might as well not play because the likelyhood of closing that gap is tiny
Decay gets slept on
as a tf2 god i feel your pain when these shit stains are on my team and i swear i'm up against a 6 stack party team
I don't consider myself any of the three though I probably have most hours in dota2 but I haven't played it in years.

Earlier today I had a match where we lost my duo lane seriously badly like to the point where we were feeding almost but I took a step back, roamed camps and lanes and came back and ended the game with most kills and most souls while my lane mate went 1/10 or something like that for the match. Some people just have no game sense for this type of game. They do one thing and if it don't work they just fail doing it over and over again.
Holy schizophrenia
kelvin definitely gets more value in a duo lane with the grenade heal, comboing the slow with a gun/other tools. I watched it back and only see mistakes lol, that's just how it is I guess. good luck with your frosty ventures
>just wanna ICBM
>talon on highest prio
>keep getting low prio picks
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Holy fuck siphon bullets is so fucking OP. I'm starting to rush it quickly on Wraith because the earlier you get it, the more value it has.
oh fuck I forgot about my fellow TF2 gods. Listening to people cry about Vindicta is such fucking cope. Seriously just fucking get good, and play line of sight.
TF2 players seem to be the best at the shooty part of the game and defense. I can tell when my team is all TF2 players because we suck at itemization but our positioning is godly enough to hold our ground until we get fucking throned because all of us suck at builds
Prefer that to those other fags because again, at least TF2 players fucking TRY and will try different things. So used to getting molested by a Heavy/Medic combo, or that ONE FUCKING SNIPER, that the rest of this game is just "Oh. That hurts a lot, okay good to know."
how the fuck does it work exactly?
/v/ fucking sucks dude you're a retard for ever going to that shit board
bro you're literally on /vg/. We need to stop pretending /v/ and /vg/ are that different
okay I am done with ivy. I have awful tracking aim so I just end up fucking up every engagement because I can't kill anyone. I'm trying to learn lash now, but what other low aim requirement heroes would you recommend? abrams? mo and krill?
/v/ might actually be the worst board on this site so I'm not sure why you're so dead set on posting there
I was recommended Pocket yesterday asking the same thing and he's been fun.

This guide was linked to me and it seems to work.
/vg/ is much better. It only has shitposting SEAmonkeys, whereas /v/ has the SEAmonkeys, Russians, Mexicans, and jeets.
Most of /vg/ speaks English as a first language which isn't true for /v/.
>We need to stop pretending /v/ and /vg/ are that different
I can actually discuss the games I enjoy here without some teenager shitting up the thread with a million buzzwords and opinions he absorbed from Asmongold.
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>laning against talon
/v/ is infested with /pol/tards who turn every thread into a culture war thread. Can't have a thread laughing at Concord without some schizo ranting about jews.
I don't blame lolbabs for being victims of riot's collective incompetence, however I do blame them for being reddit-brained apes who expect every MOBA to cater specifically to them.
You also literally can't make a thread about deadlock on /v/ right now because one of the mods has a vendetta against it
>laning against krill
Haha time for funny monkey to deny every single orb and make me regret ever being born if I try to melee to secure SOME farm
>on-topic discussion deleted
>political garbage allowed
certified rapeape moment
i wonder what goes through his mind that he gets so tilted about a game in alpha and people talk about it
it takes up valuable board space that could be used for gacha and twitter grifter generals
rapeape told the jannies they're not allowed to delete right-leaning culture war threads
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Just laned against a krill. He literally just full cleared the wave in seconds and sat infront of my tower constantly heckling me with his gun. It's insane how unbalanced the laning phase is. Like it's not even match up. Some heroes just get the easiest wave clear and get to sit infront of your tower on the steps just constantly fucking competing for your farm and then you try and melee to secure shit and you got scorn, barrage etc. both shotgun niggers btw.
>35 seconds to respawn after being stomped at 15 minutes is really fun bro!
fuck you
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>winning with one lane pushed up and 2 more potentially able to be pushed up as well
>team goes for urn instead and gets into retard teamfights
I am beyond mad. The last 2 games I am zen about because those were matchmade losses from the get go but we could have so easily won this.
>"ok there's only 2 left, go and split push all lanes"
>3 of the 4 remaining teammates rush to the urn and die because all 6 of the enemy team is camping the route to drop off
>lose 3 minutes later
not my problem
actual skill issue
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nothing matters man. it doesn't matter the hero the lane the opponent im going to lose. im just going to quit. peace out. game looks fun though.
pushed up where? if your lanes are pushed going for urn is good you retard
shotgun hitscan characters are really hard to confirm orbs against
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Reminder to report leavers
i love le funny anvil
we should only invite people who link their steam profiles so we can judge and mock them
going for urn when your team has the lanes pushed is good
It's designed that way for visual clarity.
>feeder infernus
every single time. How can anyone call this character top tier when hes so easy to bully
Play more than 5 matches
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>this is the haze on your team
I've played 100. At best they go even sometimes, nothing like Haze or Shiv who will explode into 20+ kills
Lane stage needs reworked or something.
I just played Abrams and pushed the lane 0 problems.
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He needs farm to come online.
Shiv and Geist look nothing like their portraits
I like him but I feel like his power spike is weird. I feel behind all game and then suddenly I am aids incarnate and just looking at me will get the enemy killed.
Lady Geist makes me warm
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and this is Vindicta
do i play one last game and get mad or go to bed
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Seriously, who is this chimp
>1 shot takes you down to 2/3rds of your health
>see a completely healthy Pocket whom is the most farmed on the enemy team
>close to enemy base with all team members up, most one lane away.
>reach 1/3rd your health before you perform a single attack
>completely unaware of Pocket's abilities
>Get destroyed in literally 3 shots
>"this game is garbage"
People like this shouldn't even be allowed to own a steam account. IQ this low is legitimately dangerous to themselves and everyone else around them.
A King in waiting. A God among men.
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lady downs
When are they gonna update the portraits? all the non-artwork ones look terrible. Even ivy looks better in-game than her portrait
>14k soul difference
not sure exactly but that's like a 7-8 level difference in dota, even some support champs have the ability to kill carries with a lead like that
Damn, Anon was so right. I've taken the Active Reload pill and I'm never looking back
supports in dota can kill carries that have 3x their networth
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anon posted this some threads ago
it's night and day
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>he needs a level advantage to kill carries
I wanted to watch that because there was Lash with many kills but it's now been 1 minute into the game and so far the game has played out like people were playing for the first time xd
Sorry chud but my finger of death doesnt need a 7 level difference to zap your pos 1 out of existence :)
You should also include the vn face. All 3 are different.
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What if you could do shit while waiting to respawn? Like you're basically a ghost confined to the spawn room? But you can jump around and spam teabag etc.

What if they put stuff in the spawn room like a gambling machine that lets you bet your souls? So When you have a 50 second respawn you can mess around with that.
I've realized that if a team can't be assed to play objectives or play waves even after getting the megacreep buff you may as well run down mid. They'll never stop playing running around the map like chickens with their heads thinking it's valorant time.
lol when is this game getting a codex? I need it
The portrait artist does not know how to draw an attractive woman. The other Geist portrait they did was even worse.
But what if you get your finger of Death when the enemy carry is already level 11 or something. Levels do matter a lot for those timings.
i feel like they're going to have all the graphical polish packed into a huge single update. If they aren't then they would've added small graphical updates with each patch, so the former makes sense
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>Old swarthy hag sells her soul to become beautiful
>Becomes white
Many such cases
>get game at 2:58 am
>get first blood
>entire enemy team leaves at 3:01 am
this is the last game of the day you stupid russian niggers
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A white woman became white? Many such cases? are you drunk
Servers open sooner on weekends so quit bitching.
why are you playing with russians i'm sure us americhads would be better just swap your region using the console
i like that idea. what if dead players from BOTH teams were sent there and could interact, emote, gamble, chat, spar, etc?

hopefully valve tries to somehow improve the spawning experience
anon is a classic racist, he believes the irish and italian aren't white. (they aren't)
this and seven who feeds and goes like 0/10/2 or something

but when they're in the enemy team they kick ass
Not that anon but this game is really bad on 200 ping.
>played spirit talon for the first time
the arrow snipes are insane and the bird is funny as fuck when you get to see enemies panic in real time as the loud as fuck bomber comes in
what if the game let you kiss the other dead players while you were all waiting to respawn haha
it's so clear the portrait artist was some sjw rainbowhair shitbag

if this is truth and not just anecdotal they want to fix that.
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What the fuck do you even do when one of these dribblers is on your team?

>ff 15
hard for me not to explode when i see these faggots say this shit in deadlock
go on a racist rant and call him bad words.
it feels so good to dunk on the enemy vindicta with a snipe followed by a bird like bitch you thought you were out of range and safe lmao
you lose
Viscous ult got to be one of the worst feeling moves in the game, for every one time you pop it in on a whole team bunched up in a hallway you get 30+ games where you just never even hit the button because every fight is in a lane and you know if they side dash you'll never be able to turn around before it runs out
you already have the best laning phase in the game goonigger, what more do you want?

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