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Literally who edition.

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Owlcat RPGs, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:

>Aletheia: Return of Odysseus




>Call of Saregnar:

>Code of the Savage

>Dragon Age: Veilguard

>Flint: Treasure of Oblivion

>Greedfall 2

>New Arc Line

>Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand

>Prometheus Wept

>Sector Unknown

>Shadow of the Road

>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

Previous: >>493093759
More upcoming RPGs:

>The Necromancer's Tale

>The Wayward Realms

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

>World of Anterra


Some other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
27.05.2010 - Alpha Protocol
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
23.09.2016 - Stellar Tactics
12.07.2017 - Brigand: Oaxaca
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
25.10.2019 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
29.03.2024 - Felvidek
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
>We want the /qa/ audience
Why though?
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Bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave Hasongo no no no no. It was a very nice single-dungeon island, probably my favorite part of the game so far.

Yeah, he's annoying. They really can't excuse his whole character by making a good joke once. Perhaps if someone wants to squint their eyes, join the pirates, then he could fit fine for that playthrough. Sadly he's been extremely useful for my squad so I can't just lock him belowdecks.
>Sadly he's been extremely useful for my squad so I can't just lock him belowdecks.
Just get Ydwin then.
the fuck is this literally who shilling?
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they probably paid owlcat to put their stuff in the game
sad that I drop her once I get alora. or coran if I'm feeling frisky
Owlkeks trying to squeeze last shekels out of wotr now that rogue tranny is a confirmed and undeniable gigaflop.
>Owlkeks trying to squeeze last shekels out of wotr now
But it's free
See >>493452001
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I'm still keeping him for interactions and book events, better this than nothing.
Me too. But Coran's probably the strongest companion in BG1.
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>Casual unprompted racism
You big oaf
god i love eder, best male companion in any crpg I can think of
New dragon age news yesterday. Class progression and companion leveling.

>Can't open steampage at work
I'll read it later. Wonder how they'll do it because DAOs was a fucking mess.
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Seriously, easily the best. No contest.
Next time he's going ranked.
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What the hell did I do this time??
The main video from the article

Just assurance anon, an order from a mere trading post.
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Do we know their classes? So it's going to be
>Assassin Gale
>Cam (but goodwashed)

Come one Bioware, we've already seen these Archetypes.
Do you feel that most RPGs favor the starting party members more so than the later ones in content, writing, and overall significance?
depends on the game, sometimes you get the strongest companions early and other times someone is such a late addition that you don't really get the time to grow attached to them. Having a character be a bro in dialogue and a reliable bro mechanically in gamplay is also important.
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>accidentally take off armor in Pillars
>oh cool sagani has scars and stuff that makes sense as a hunter
>decide to check everyone else, out of curiosity of course
>tfw aloth and durance are absolutely ripped
Idk what’s up with owlshart then because the starting ones are always insufferable
In fact most of them are dogshit and I usually just make my own >>493460534
>mom knocks, asks me to bring down some of the dishes on my bed/floor for her to wash
>don't even take my eyes from the screen
>"Show me your Unfair one-round Deskari"
>hear quiet footsteps walk away
Heh, it's almost too easy
I thought griffin are a myth as most as mystical as the dragon in dragon age until you started killing them in inquisition.
Not going to lie but while Alistair and Morrigan are general mainstays I usually switch Liliana out for Wynn or Sten.
>"Thanks, but I'm not interested, 'Iselmyr'"
holy shit pallegina
>Almost at colphyr mines just waiting for arue quest to trigger
I hope being able to see the dlcs ends worth it
Just started white march part 2 and holy shit one of the villagers is mao from disgaea 3 lmao
Are there any consequences for failing the quest "Middlegame" in WOTR?
I did manage to destroy nearly every army on the map before fighting Darrazand as well as completing all the side objects besides maxing your crusader stats. Probably could have maxed the stats out too but I didn't want to just spam skip day while building a bunch of stuff.
In the ending you have less followers
Eh, I guess I can live with that. Would rather not do the Playful Darkness fight again and pray for good rng with dispels/summon aggro. Might check if I can just walk out of the Midnight Fane and do some kingdom management but I'm pretty sure that it'll be a no go.
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I wanna smooch her.
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So do people prefer their cRPG waifus "evil" (Morrigan, Viconia, Shadowheart, etc.) or evil (Camellia, Wenduag, Morinth, etc.)
People prefer their waifus to not require them holding the idiot ball to romance. Xana is evil and is by far the most popular waifu of DMoMM, for instance. Wenduag and Cam are pretty retarded as they actively undermine you and are pretty open about how they want to torture/kill/betray you. Morinth is also pretty retarded in that she's an unstable serial killing hedonist, not the type you want to let onto your ship.
'Evil'. I can get behind callous pragmatism and self preservation. But inflicting suffering and death for their own sake? Nah, those people belong in the ground.
>Xana is evil and is by far the most popular waifu of DMoMM, for instance.
That's rather unfair since her competitor is barely a character.
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I think she'd be popular in any game considering she's a sexy ride-or-die succubus, even if she's continually trying (and usually failing) to corrupt you.
"evil" for sure
but even better is evil evil with a soft spot for one cause or type of person
The only succ I ever liked
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Evil can still work, they just need to ooze charisma and sexuality. Issue with a lot of evil options in RPGs is that they aren't at all tempting.
>they just need to ooze charisma and sexuality
pic unrelated
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A lot of my favorite rpg waifus are pretty evil, but they share the trait of actually caring about (you) and sharing your goals, and generally having a happy ending together. They also tend to not harm others pointlessly. I like Viconia who owned slaves and followed Lolth and Shar for a while, Minthara who also owned slaves and killed countless people as a Nightwarden, Lana the Sith Lord who killed countless innocents during the galactic civil war, Serana Volkihar who ate an unknown number of people offscreen as a vampire (or zero, to be fair, they leave it intentionally ambiguous, but still), and a few others like this over the years. I love these sort of characters.

I tend to not like evil people who are just evil though. I dislike Cam and Wenduag because they betray people who trust them for no good reason. Like another anon said, I dislike people who make you have to be either stupid or evil yourself to be around them.

So I'm not sure what my answer is. A lot of my favorite waifus are evil-evil for real, but they are smart and responsible and if they trust you and you trust them then they don't betray you or your friends. Evil but reasonable I guess I'd say.

That all being said, I love the goody two shoes as well. My Mass Effect waifus are Suvi and Kelly who are both perfect angels, and in Dragon Age I went with Leliana who is technically an assassin but she's always morally on the right side of things after quitting that and leads the Inquisition. I liked Arue and Galfrey in wotr who are both good, and I liked Octavia in p:km who is good, and in kotor I liked light side Bastilla, and my consular in swtor married Nadia who is a perfect angel too. So I would say I don't really have a preference towards good or evil, I play each game and judge the cast and choose based on the individuals.
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Only succ I ever liked. DD2 isn't canon
I like the surburban liberal too but can't you make her go back to having the attitude of an assassin? The softening/hardening thing?
Any good bastard swords in wotr?
How could Hand ever be a devil? he is such a dummy
you get a pretty good one in act 2
Not without cheating or going trickster. Martyr's Blade, for instance, is a +5 axiomatic holy bastard sword (meaning it's going to melt through demons), but is not found in any shop, drop, or location in WotR. And the joke is is that if you pull it as a trickster, you can't even use it anyways.
>boot up dragon age origin for a second
>get into combat and then directly into a dialogue
>everyones covered head to toe in bloodsplatters
oh yeah, thats the good stuff
Thanks, owlkek
I love 00's edgecore
well i guess you tricked yourself
>almost all mentions are women who can be romanced by female PCs
>long-winded explanatory post
i know it's you, Seranafag
I hate galfrey so much it's unreal, bros
She's cute, women are allowed to be stupid because they're inferior and Galfrey is the equivalent of a rabbit angrily nibbling on your toes
she's cringe. Every second word of her mouth is "BUT WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Cute, needs correction. If only she was actually good looking
Are Explosive Runes a new spell or are they modded? Because I love Explosive Runes
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>when you get a stat drain or negative lvl
One day retards in development will realise that this is a shit mechanic that nobody likes
never because fuck you, youre going to buy this shit anyway
It would be better if it was a more neutral mechanic. The enemy isn't going to care if it gets its stats or level drained because they'll be dead by the end of the encounter. While the player would almost always prefer prevention over application. Ex: Death ward being more important to have memorized than enervation.
Maybe if the PC can gain temporary stats or levels depending on what they drained these mechanics wouldn't feel so shit to deal with.
what did you mean by this?
>Ex: Death ward being more important to have memorized than enervation.
death ward doesn't even fucking prevent half the instances of stat and lvl drain
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So is it gonna be possible to discuss Avowed on crpgg?

I see a lot of people saying combat doesn't look good, and I don't understand what are they talking about, but then again the latest somewhat related games I played are Prey (2017) and Eldenborn (2018) so maybe I'm just out of touch with modern audience.
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>so I go and check some videos on the same channel that claimed they don't like Avowed combat.
>Monster Hunter game is hyped
>check out the video
>the author praises the combat
>picrel is playing while he is praising it
It's a crpg.

The combat looks better now since they improved enemy stagger and overall feedback of landing hits.

It's going to be ludo.
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>this is supposedly good combat according to modern audience
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are these people blind or clueless idiots?
are they just trying to go in line with the interwebs echos? or mayb
It's just a terminal case of "nipnog good, Western/Russian le bad!".
For me it's western bad, nipnog/russian good
>So is it gonna be possible to discuss Avowed on crpgg?
Not a crpg, maybe there's a skyrim-like general?
is VTMB a crpg?
it's not a crpg, so no
>Not a crpg
Yes, it is. Your worthless dogshit opinion is irrelevant.
Yes, it is. Your worthless dogshit opinion is irrelevant.
The damage numbers are ugly and the animations are floaty, looks very much like ESOs combat (which is bad)
That and they’ve gutted classes down to 3 archetypes (warrior, ranger, mage) and godlike. Which you are forced to play as, no idea how helms are gonna work.

Overall seems like it was rushed out of the door and didn’t have the time or budget to succeed for what it was trying to do. Probably gonna be laughed at as a bootleg Skyrim of some sort. I’ll play it anyways because I like Pillars but I’m a little worried by what we’ve seen so far.
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I can't kick Imoen nor Jaheira from the party
Does it matter which envoy to pick in kingmaker? Besides the fagboy, I heard he gives troubles later.
this is worst than vermintide or dark messiah, its skyrim tier
Based and same

My Sister and my Wife.
1. this does look better than avowed
2. it plays much better than it looks
Undertale is a crpg
Underrail is not a CRPG.
it's one of those cases where imho you have to play it to really tell, cause on video it just looks weird
but also, i'm very much disliking that ui, feels too busy and those flying numbers are graphic design is my passion tier. It feels like those parody videogame uis, the only thing missing is the mcdonald ads or whatever
>the animations are floaty
Huh? care to post a game which would do the opposite?
>classes down to 3 archetypes (warrior, ranger, mage)
how is that a bad thing if you are free to select any multiclass variety by picking skills you want from any tree?
>no idea how helms are gonna work.
IDK how did helms work in DMoM&M? huh they didn't
well seems like it's not essential to gameplay after all and you are grasping for the most superficial things to say "game bad"
yes, it matters but only a little bit
I want to pick the old lady but staying neutral, it seems it's not an option if you're not neutral-aligned? I play as a pally
you can stay neutral regardless of whom you pick
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Okay, thanks.
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Checked out vermintide and yeah it looks cool
but then again it's honestly the best FP melee combat I've seen, so does being worse compared to the best here mean "bad"?
After all vermintide has nothing but combat, and avowed will have plenty more to offer
>does being worse compared to the best here mean "bad"
Never played CRPG before. I want to play something from 90s-early 2000s. Which games forgive you for making shitty build?
always wotr
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BG1 then importing your character into BG2 is the quintessential crpg experience.
Stats don't really matter except for your main stat.
Ranged is key early as a wolf bite will probably kill you level 1, but that's with any class or build basically.
There's some stuff you can do with multiclass and dual-class but it's easy for a new player to fuck up dual-class so just pick a class kit that you think is cool and go with it, max your main stat and RP the rest, it'll be fine.
Be mindful that companions who are very opposed to each other might escalate bad feelings to the point of fighting each other to the death. Also if you promise to help a companion then take too long, they will eventually peace out (they will warn you in advance first, it's typically not too tight of a schedule)
If you decide to play and have questions feel free to ask
All of them on lower difficulties. I beat BG1, BG2, Planescape Torment as a kid not knowing anything. Icewindale Games kicked my ass but others were fine. Dragon Age Origins is also pretty easy.
>Huh? care to post a game which would do the opposite?
Always thought dying light 1 had decent melee, lots of dismemberment and solid feedback, my main takeaway from what I saw is that it felt very much like ESO, just playing animations at a target without much in the way of staggering or impact. If its anything like Outer Worlds it'll be serviceable at best
>how is that a bad thing
Gutting the Pillars classes down to three boring archetypes and losing most of the spells and abilities that made the classes unique is bad yeah
and thats not counting all the background stuff and subclasses that made those fun as well
>IDK how did helms work in DMoM&M?
This isnt that game though and im referring to the fact that in Pillars, Godlikes could not wear helmets. Seeing as we are forced to play as a Godlike in Avowed we will be missing helms as a gearslot in this game too (there isnt a slot for it in the inventory footage we've seen)
The UI is standard consoleslop and the inventory and character screen is too dark, looks like they've tried to go with a dark adra sort of colour and its just doesnt work imo. Performance on the gamescom build is reportedly struggling to even reach 30fps and multiple reviews I watched complained about the game struggling performance wise too

Idk why you're so deadset on defending a game that hasnt even released yet, maybe you just like Pillars and want to love it regardless? I do too, but im also not blind enough to not call out problems when I see them. Obsidian seem like they're struggling to get the time and budget for the games they want to make these days, Outer Worlds 1 suffered for it and it looks to be the case here too.
Goldchads will turn Camellia into a housewife, trust the plan!
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Daeran is very funny. and cute
avowed is a crpgg but it just looks like it will be a very bad crpgg.
I'm going for Aeon, made her join the crusade incognito, told her I was happy I could fight by her side and then she started sperging about what I was really trying was getting a date and that a lot of dudes had already tried that trick. I was trying to choose a very neutral option it's like these bitches you say hello to and reply telling you they have a boyfriend.
I do like it, it deals with some of the issues I have with resting.
vermintide came out 9 years ago, this is the par and even then its not that advanced compared to mordhau
There's no weight at all behind the first person animations, which makes it look like you're whacking enemies with a pool noodle. Also lack of any actual showcase of third-persona last I checked.

>dark souls at home UI (why the fuck would you put all the elements on the same side of the screen?)
>enemy arrows so babies can find whos attacking
>combat so far seems to be LMB and RMB, less magic skills than base Skyrim somehow
>uglier character models than Beta Kingmaker
>Nu!Obsidian, so the writing will be like GW2 (bad)
>There's no weight at all behind the first person animations
Literal lie disproven by the very video you quoted: enemies flinch and stagger from blows. Didn't read the rest of your retarded biased drivel.
>There's no weight at all behind the first person animations, which makes it look like you're whacking enemies with a pool noodle
anon are you fucking blind?
or is that "if you repeat a lie enough times everyone will believe it" thing?
look at the webm
I'm gonna try a new run with a Dhampir, it's the only race I haven't played with yet. Any build idea? I was thinking of some kind of Slayer or Ranger.
I thought about going full Alucard with a Magus but it sounded a bit complicated to actually build.
It looks like your arm breaks when you hit them during the slow mo, it looks janky.
So this is Skyrim but worse and no good mods for at least a year if ever?
>dhampir slayer
Literally Bloodseeker slayer archetype.
>Always thought dying light 1 had decent melee
Checked that out, didn't find a lot of combat footage, but honestly it doesn't look good and I fail to see how avowed fighter focused combat is worse
If anything it looks much better
>Godlikes could not wear helmets
I know what you mean
that's what I'm saying
it obviously never stopped a game from being fun, so why even bring up this extremely superficial reason for "game bad" unless you want you points to look more numerous when you can meaningfully produce?

>you're so deadset on defending a game
It's not about the game
it's because I really don't understand were the "critique" is coming from, it's like I'm being gaslighted into agreeing black is white. I don't like it.
like this
>Performance on the gamescom build is reportedly struggling to even reach 30fps
where the fuck did you get that from? the only public footage available runs pretty smoothly
I've seen statements that they are aiming for a baseline 30fps on some xbox, but your shit is just made up afaik
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I don't wanna play evil tho, I tried it and it's not all that fun.
I really can't be assed to go to the deep Caverns. Why lock out lots of goodies to the final dunjun and then have no point of using those stuff after since well, the game is over? There's no post-game shit to kill that's worth your time that justifies popping Supersoldiers.
>call in to work
>open the windows, very chilly
>get the giggles like a spastic and burrow under blankets
>toasty bread with spread nearby, coffee
Yep, I think it's just about time to play some roles
I played a mounted magus whatever it's called and it fucked but the way I used it it could have been any race.
Morrigan isn't even "evil", she's just retarded.
seems like a running theme with many evil characters
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At least her retardation makes sense since she had a shit mom, grew up in a swamp, and rarely interacted with people in a regular setting.
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Any crpgs where rangers are like Aragorn with good melee and some healing ability? I have one in Icewind Dale and it's pretty ok, but Archer kit seems much better than Ranger.
Definitely second group. But I preferred Aerie, Ember (I know she's not romanceable but still). I want airheaded girls that try to be sweet and probably need some amount of protection.
Sorry didn't mean to quote that anon
Literally any crpg based on 3.5
>and rarely interacted with people in a regular setting.
And somehow they still found a way to include a line about her getting railed before.
>chick that dresses like a slut isn't a virgin
>Girl who literally live in the middle of the world's most dangerous forest actively hiding from society and the anti-mage cops still somehow found someone to rail her
Make total sense.
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I work at a blacksmith and we have adventurers coming in all the time on the weekend
She's visited towns and villages before dude
Do you think it's hard for an attractive foid to find a man that will fuck her?
>the anti-mage cops
the incompetent retards that can't find the apostates living within walking distance of their chantries?
Does Dhampir Flamewarden have any potential? Does the Shifter Manticor look any good?
most ass martial in the game
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>She's visited towns and villages before dude
Which was retarded too, especially when one of her stories is literally Flemeth having a meltdown because she got close enough to someone to steal from them, let alone VISIT a VILLAGE and TALK to someone.
>the incompetent retards that can't find the apostates living within walking distance of their chantries?
One of her stories is that she almost got recognized the instant she showed up in town and only got saved because the locals were racists.
It make 0 sense that Morrigan ever left her forest without getting caught and hung within the day, she literally can't keep her mouth shut for 10 seconds and Flemeth knew it (and your initial departure is clearly framed as Morrigan being allowed out for the first time).
Literally nothing about Morrigan's character and backstory fit with interacting with society enough to get railed.
At best they could have had her fuck a Chasind before killing him like her mom does but that's not what they did.
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Why is this autistic literal retard so endearing?
Flamewarden is awful
> Shifter Manticore
I know people have done that with Wenduag and said it worked, I tried her to like level 6 before I decided to stick with other characters but I wasn't impressed, not sure when it gets powerful.
>Flamewarden is awful
Shame, a phoenix-themed dhampir sounded fun.
What's the best Ranger archetype for dual wielding then? And is longsword / rapier with dagger viable?
>I tried her to like level 6 before I decided to stick with other characters but I wasn't impressed
Does the Manticore form at least look good?
Shame there's no Bat themed shifter. Turning into a Dragon-sized vampiric beast would have been fun.
I also thought about Black Blade since it's sound like D.'s sword but the entire 'the blade start fighting like a summon' gimmick sounded kinda lame.
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>decide to randomly buy this on a whim like 7 years ago
>genuinely fall in love with it to the point it reignited my interest in gaming as a whole
>go on a giant crpg bin a genre i never really touched because idk i just haven't, and play most of the big ones in the years to come
>come back to it
>can see its bizarre flaws now but still have a really great time
thanks swen
Do you like JRPGs?
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I would probably play FF5 and 6 again. I enjoyed the Bravely Default games. Other than that, no interest really.
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Is this really what the training provided by backer NPCs entails? I got +1 Athletics and +1 Survival for this. Also, cool statue in the middle.
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The thing with bladebound is that it's meant to be a dual archetype. Everything it does is just a freebie you add on top of Kensai while only trading 1 arcana and having your magus pool split between your pool and the blades pool
What line is that?
Yup I actually got into JRPGs before I got into CRPGs. I'm not sure if I would like the newer JRPGs coming out these days but I still play the older ones.
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What the FUCK is that portrait, literal soijak shit
I usually like their stories, characters and world interaction (like the stuff you can do when visiting a town) more, but very often I despise their itemization and grind.
Manticore form is alright at lower levels by level 6 you have 6 ranged attacks hasted. Arguably you don't gain a lot from shifter after that as it only increases the weapon die. If you just want the shape you can also just get to 4 and then get 16 levels on 2/3 gish class and natural spell and still get all your spell levels
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To be fair, this is the worst of the three of backer NPC portraits in the main city.
This is the largest problem. Enemies suicide into you, you have to care about the consequences. So things like a curse having a permanent duration means the spell is overcosted for the player, but extremely annoying when the enemy uses it.
She could be lying.
i wish jrpgs played like wrpgs- typical top down crpgs or like gothic i really don't care which. they tend to have better music, more memorable designs, more chaotic crazy stories.
but than you play them and its like every standard enemy dies to 1-2 auto attacks so don't bother using the 300 abilities/spells the games hand you and bosses are pretty much immune to everything so the strat for every jrpg outside of very few exceptions is just highest damage abilty/autoattack+heal spamming
it's modeled after a backer so yet it's a literal basedjack
Fallout is the best. BG1 aged like shit ignore all people who recommend it.
You want a good jrpg play gramblue fantasy but actually don't because it's gacha and if your account isn't at least 7 years old you will never do current content
fallout 1 is the ultimate babies first crpg. its short, sweet the entire time though, pretty easy, full of unique iconic elements. a great time always
Why is it always this same look? I bet the guy that decididng paying for nenios funhouse was a good idea looks very similar
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>gachashit full of homos and where you can't impregnate non-human girls
nenio isn't backer content
Looks like BG3's Patch 7 came with some modding tools, but apparently just by the slightest fiddling, you end up with a full dev kit capable of level editing etc.
Looks like BG3 could be on track to dust off the NWN robes as far as being a platform for content creation. Maybe?


to quote anon from /bgg/:
>stupid greedy WotC don't want Larian to integrate a developer toolkit to make new levels
>Swen releases a toolkit where "accidentally" disabling a few features you can use a full DevTool to create new levels, add scripting, etc
>"eheh whoopsie WotC, I'm so silly! My bad guys :^)"

reasonably enough, but not my favorite genre
Shrugs I'm sure autismos can do a better job with encounters than larian despite 5e so it could be cool
nwn got a ton of content because it was incredibly easy that any retard looking though instructions for like an hour can make some kind of small module. if bg3 level editing tools are not that level nothing like that will ever be made for it. it also hurts that non full voiced characters which 99% of modules-possibly all of them will always feel like low budget garbage compared to the games actual content.
full voice acting and camera positions for every conversation is going to kill all of this shit i feel like.
Latrine kiddies have never made a single adventure mod worth playing in any of the games lol. The kind of shit-eaters that play tranny's gape cannot into modding. They will never make even a single good adventure mod, ever.
I wish Owlcat would've pushed in that direction. It felt well set-up to handle that from the DLC menu.

Studios that persist in denying mods or not making mods easy will always be left in the dust. It feels so obvious, I think there must be managerial things that put a stop to it. But there are so many examples of an active modding community keeping players engaged long past its natural lifespan, it feels completely foolish to not let unpaid people create content for you to extend the life of your game.
This whole time I thought that was the only excuse for its existence
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>Afroelf in embroidered shirt
>Asian elf
>Tranny Taash
What level of soγ you need to have in your blood in order to assept this clown bullshit as something serious, not a postmodern self-parody?
whenever I as for jrpg recommendations they turn out to be objectively bad games
after all those failed attempts to find a jrpg I could enjoy I can confidently say that I dislike jrpgs with some intensity
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>give wotc a middle finger and provides modding tools
>supports piracy of his game
i'm thinking based
most jrpgs are complete dogshit and even the good ones almost always have an astrick next to it like I enjoy persona 4 but all nu sona games are like 40 hours longer than they need to be and i adore ff9 but i would be lying to state I enjoyed the combat. best jrpg i ever played was mother 3 but this site has a hate boner for it after it became mainstream because le feelings is reddit. not my fault nintendo understands good pacing, actual engaging combat, and having a fun story that actually has ups and downs in tone.
Text-to-voice AI is already quite good, much better than images I'd say. So voicing might not be as big of a problem. Plus, people can always volunteer their voice acting, I've seen character mods in skyrim with writing and VA that doesn't stick out from the core game, if not better.
The tooling will be the deciding factor, I agree. There will be loads of trash of course, but it will be interesting to see over time if anything worthwhile comes out. Unpaid modders don't typically have the background or investment to make high quality, but there's been good stuff with various games in the past, and with BG3's popularity it could attract more skill.
also inb4 >normie jrpgs
i played a few shilled obscure jrpgs and literally all of them were complete dogshit, like genuinely some of the worse video games i have ever slog though the first few hours of before dropping. I genuinely think the only appeal of them is that you get to suck your gamer edick for "liking" something not mainstream
Yeah, PST is my favorite game of all time.
I've been playing skyrim vr with the 4 "top voiced companion" mods arguably as they have the most endorsements, and the voice acting of each of them is still noticeably worse than base game va to the point it becomes annoying
what's your favourite sci-fi RPG? i'm in the mood for some space exploration and i've already played mass effect to death
Surprised by how many people dislike Elden Ring.
for me it felt unimpressive, i guess it's because i was already out of my souls phase
there are no sci-fi crpgs. they are all just fantasy in space
Its dark souls 4 big map. The mechanics are a step back from bloodborne but it also doesn't have a silly fps cap or a silly bloodborne machine tied to it. No real reason to dislike
it has cute girls thoughever
well what about other types of RPGs?
Sekiro is best from game. That is all.
I liked all the shadowrun stuff but I don't they're great games to replay.
Why? its just dark souls 3 but with tons of open world filler in between the good bits like constructed levels. i literally do not see the appeal of open world design.
holy heck more ugly empty ass catacombs with copy pasted bosses i can run by
i mean the most popular scifi franchise of all time Star Wars is about space wizards, so true. sci fi is just so limiting that if you fully embrace it the gameplay would be just less interesting xcom
im not the biggest kotr fan but i did like it more than i suppose encase so that
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Kind of.
to be fair I never played any MH game and am basing my judgement solely on provided webms
I just wanted to do some epic trolling about Dark Souls as JRPGs but I fucked it up and I don't want to put the effort.
are you implying ER is a jay-ar-pee-gee in regard to >>493535510?
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This guy from the new DLC seems pretty hard for chapter 2 on Unfair.
The Battle for Wesnoth.
? Which dlc their touch isn't that high
holy heck 44 ac wow owl cat sure do make le epic challenge. i better follow a meta build+spend 5 mins to prebuff to overcome this
>Which dlc
The new Visitors from LiteraryWho?
>touch isn't that high
Sure, but this fight is at like level 7-8, casters don't deal that much damage at those levels.
bg1 companion tier list
s tier
can they cast chaos and or equip a composite bow
Meme tier
They can't
Holy bomb fast bomb will just down that in like 2 rounds if you're lvl 8 or 1 if you have 2 of them. You fight 70 ac with the pt buy 15s at lvl 9 in lord of nothing this is fine. Lvl 8 is also a big ass spike compared to 7 because of cleric domain improvements
You're just falling for it to make me not feel bad.
>24 touch
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Shadow under Neketaka.
It's a Japanese Action RPG. A JARPG, if you will.
>enter area
>it's empty aside from one cave with some worgs, wolves, or some other banal shit
half of kingmakers areas are just a single fight with a midgame enemy with the reward being a +1 weapon. i think there's an area for literally every single +1 weapon possible
kingmakertards are delusional
>enter cool first world area
>have a tough fight with a fey with cool music in the background
>my reward is an amulet of agile fists +2
That would be too based for Bioware.
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I'm gonna rob this guy any tips?
It wouldn't be the first time. Viconia lied too.
the summon moshpit classic
Are you a level 20 rogue?
>17 INT and WIS
really now
I didn't play her game, TLDR?
I'm a shallow based honest person so realistically to me it's the physical appearance that matters the most, I will always go for the most physically attractive companion no matter what. I like a dark haired white women so most of the time it's that archetype of Morrigan, Merrill, Miranda, Yennefer, Sebille, Shadowheart. There are some exceptions when they make the raven haired girl the much uglier option like with Cassandra vs Josephine that I don't go for them. But catty, sassy, snobby, prideful girls are always hot.
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Now what? How is a thing like this even possible? This is beyond jank.
> Viconia: You wish to know of me? You wish to learn what I am like? I shall tell you the truth of it, then. I have lied to you, , lies upon lies. My tale of the farmer in Beregost? A lie. I laid with him many times, seducing him to get the things I needed. It was his wife and townsfolk that drove me out. Like a succubus I have whored my way to Amn, taking what favors I could gather through sweat and passion. I earned passage with tongue and moans, , with more males than you can count. And you are nothing compared to them. Any of them. So, then. What do you think of that, ? What do you think of me now?

The above is all a lie meant to push you away since she's a drow with attachment issues.
Isn't there a way to teleport using Toybox?
There is, had to download it. The thing is, I shouldn't fucking have to.
I swear to fucking god, these games are made of spit and tissues. It's been bugs after bugs on bugs every fucking map.
I feel so good about not paying for it.
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werks on my machine :)
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Voice acting really sells these lines to be honest. Shame I can't share.
>I shouldn't fucking have to.
I fully agree, it's disgusting the hoops we have to jump through to get these games to work, I was just suggesting something to fix your problem. Fortunately I didn't encounter anything game-breaking
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>It's... it's not like I want to kill monsters with you b-baka!
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>can't romance Modwyr
shit game
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I know what a JARPG is, silly goose
this fight's gimmick had me loading non stop on my first playthrough lol
I didn't notice what was actually killing me until I was too many times in )
we need mods fixing this!
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Got him by trap stacking
>since she's a drow with attachment issues.
You could just say 'a woman'.
I actually freed the dragon after gently siphoning part of its soul
Interedasting, i've played the game recently, on the latest patch and only had 1 or 2 bugs, none gamebreaking. How are you people managing this?
>coming from the halfling lover
>health bars
do zoomers really
>Interedasting, i've played the game recently, on the latest patch and only had 1 or 2 bugs, none gamebreaking. How are you people managing this?
why are fanbois always so retarded? like do you really think "worked on my machine" is a full-proof guarantee against bugs for the entire user base?

...wait a minute... are you...
you wouldn't be in a QA position working for owlcat by any chance, would you?
>you wouldn't be in a QA position working for owlcat by any chance, would you?
i would be a pretty shitty qa if i could get none of the bugs people are complaining about now wouldn't I? Plus i don't see how such game breaking bugs are hardware dependant. Those aren't graphics glitches or performance issues.
What is the point of PF having all the meme wepaon types?
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NUNCHAKU is not a meme weapon type ok!
in a game design perspective, you can gate extremely powerful weapons behind that, basically adding an extra feat tax that exchanges versatility for power.

None of the exotic weapons I saw seemed particularly crazy, though.
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just like IRL, I like evil women but I love kind women.
>a pretty shitty qa
that's why I'm asking if you are working for owlcat
I mean it's so that if dm drops you like a weapon you identify that is better than all your other ones that you can just get the proficiency. It's also why retraining exists cause whats the point of having you fucked unable to use cool shit you find because you picked axes back in lvl 1 but found a cool idk glaive on lvl 8 you want to use. That's why I think weapon specific feats can eat my ass
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I hope its not bad
it's a game journo playing against babies first monster. In monster hunter they throw weak unresponsive monster at you and work up progressively to help you learn the game. game journos aren't people.
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Thinking about evil/good playthroughs, or whatever other kinds.

Just had sort of an idea. Imagine you're at some dialogue option, but the game (GM) basically just straight up asks your intentions. There's a few options, generally a balance between specific but open. Perhaps there's a completely "I have no idea what I'm doing" option, as well as a couple hyper-specific plans.

Now, along with your various skills and so on, imagine that you get some kind of bonus/malus depending on your decisions matching the plan or not.
Does that make sense? So this could end up being also, for example, a game you can "start good and end up evil" or redemption from evil, just based on the series of mini-plans you take along the way.
This way also the developers could better anticipate player intention, by essentially getting it directly from them. Sure it would have to match one of a few pre-written options, but generally you could use it as an assurance that given that "plan", you understand the player's current intention.
They want everything to be soulslop
The cracked BG3 mod tools looking good?
that's kinda what the Inspiration mechanic is, I think. Playing to your class/character/origin is inherently easier.
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First act was pretty straightforward, but now in the 2nd I'm a bit overwhelmed and confused what to do next. I claimed outskirts (for some reason 2 weeks were auto-skipped) and there's that timer for the curse but there's still time, so what do?
Bot flying goblin and goat ladies ask you to come alone for their quests which is kinda suspicious.
Yeah, that's sort of what got me thinking about it. But instead of playing to some kind of static sense of self, you'd have a series of plans that you are soft-committing to, something like 3-4 per chapter/act/whatever. Following your plan will tip things in your favor just a little as well as some kind of uniqueness in how things end up.
And then you could always have the least-interesting and least-rewarding option of "no particular plan", working the same as systems we're familiar with.
I generally prefer the Tactical jrpg's to the stock standard. Fire Emblem, FF: Tactics and what have you.
Don't research the curse stuff even though it seems like something you should do as a project, not until you've got plenty of free time. Claiming areas and upgrading your advisors does move the clock 2 weeks, which can really bite you if something happens like on the 1st day. So try to time it well, like make sure you're not doing something that will auto-skip close to the end of the month. Try to address things early in the month, with Problems being more important than Opportunities (if I'm remembering this right.)

I'm not remembering a flying goblin... you mean Nok-nok? The mysterious lady? In any case, I don't know if you want spoilers on suspiciousness, ask if you do, otherwise just play how your character would play, general advice.
I'll say you're not wrong to sometimes be suspicious in general. You're a big name in the area now after all. I'd also say to trust yourself, and always keep a spare invisibility or something on hand for emergencies.
Everything is clear to me now.
same I think it looks like it might be good but the lack of any news about the game makes me worried.
>it gets better after 20 hours
who cares, weeb
doesn't change the fact that the provided webms present the most sad state of gameplay i've seen ever
The first things you should do is Recruit Ekun and jubilost in act 2. Jubilost is at the river ford and Ekun can be found on that large road with the dwarven god statue, he's towards the northeast. You might have to progress troll trouble for him to pop up though since you find him wounded hunting some trolls
They barely resemble sickles?
So they can steal drizzts weapons. Its not like your gonna use a full on druid anyways your gonna us jaheria who's a fighter/druid
>Now, along with your various skills and so on, imagine that you get some kind of bonus/malus depending on your decisions matching the plan or not.
That sounds a bit like Disco Elysium. You sometimes get bonuses/maluses to checks depending on your previous knowledge and choices.
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Whatcha want?
Is that supposed to be Leliana?
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No, it's Imoen and her friend, Viconia.
>Mutton mongering riff-raff
look I needed to kill an innocent because my rep was getting too high and kagain and viccy would have left the party otherwise
>not riding it out and letting it happen as part of The Story
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>mfw transbian got memed into reality
let's hope that the meme about ME4 being story about resurrected shepard fighting bad guy clone shepard doesn't become true
I don't
I always preferred good natured but dominant older women women like jaheria , Samara and wynne
sure I do love evil bitches but not the
hurrrrr durrrrrr look at me I am sooooo crazy and edgy type evil bitches but
hench women types who are willing to do anything for you
star sector
>just let the tank and healer you've been building leave you bro
no. I would rather lose rep stealing shit with my thief but A. Its really finicky and B. if you get arrested by flaming fist they are gonna aggro on you and if you kill them you get the full penalty for killing an authority anyways
holy BASED!

Games need more of them desu.
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>", uh hey.... buddy.... I uhh should uhh probably tell you I kinda maybe worked for the leaden key once"
>"please don't kick me out"
aloth is kinda cute when he's all skittish
I saw a video once upon a time, some time after Pillars 1, don't know if before 2 or not. It was Josh Sawyer answering questions, and he gave a neat explanation as to why they're called The Leaden Key. Wish I could remember or find that.
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Just 2 more weeks (and a couple of days)
for a half baked dlc that won't fix the inherent problems of the game
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For murderwaifu kino + hours of good content inside my ship, just like the last sarkorians was a great companion DLC this one will be as well.
Eh, not worth a replay on its own. I'll at least wait for the other companion and hope they aren't both boring dogmatic parodies of their faction.
I can't wait for her to be hilariously over the top "I kill kids for fun and will definitely murder you too" like all of Owlcat's evil romances.
I hope she's more 'Von Valencius' aligned like Abelard, it's annoying that 90% of my retinue couldn't give less of a shit about my dynasty, my Rogue trader status and duties and me in general.
At least Argenta had decent nuances and could even refuse to go against you even when her own order was pressuring her.
>enemies flinch and stagger from blows
That doesn't mean much when your first person animations make you feel like your waving a sword made of air. There's no visceral feel.
And then we have to continuously and unconditionally forgive her heinous actions (that actively hurt the player's efforts) and simp for her. Owlcat evil romances always sucked and I don't get people, even on evil playthroughs, who want Cam or Wenduag.
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Argenta not being romanceable was such a big missed opportunity.

I like how they always make forgiveness the retard option. Like with Yrliet, it makes absolutely no sense to forgive her. She betrayed you to the Dark Eldar. Like it's never a nuanced choice.
Idira, abelard, and cassia are your crew, the rest are there due to circumstances/convenience
Wend romance is turning a minion who tests you at each turn into a loyal wife who ascends into godhood with you once you breach past her emotional barriers.

Cam is just a psycho who, even after becoming a god like you, ditches you in the end.

Wen is evil by necessity and nurture. Cam is evil because it's fun and it's her nature.
>She betrayed you to the Dark Eldar.
That didn't happen.
Sure but at some point you'd think Heinrix should learn to watch his damn mouth. Even Yrilet end up having more respect for my position than my actual Imperium guys.
Wenduag's intro is her proudly admitting to delivering children to demons, being the village's bicycle, and openly talking about betraying you. It comes off way too hard, and even evil players would hesitate to take her on.
The reason to forgive her is because she was a retard that thought mazipan was after her depression over her craftworld and not the RT, the RT never even coming into the equation of her peanut brain. That said basically everyone that goes to commeragh wants her dead, if cassia didn't go to cumrag she won't be on the "execute yrliet" team but if she does she's 100% on the 'can't be forgiven' side. Idira bless her heart was the only one that played devil advocate in my game and said maybe we shouldn't execute yrliet. I romanced the space autist so I am a bit biased but it is definitely stupid that she'll pull you away specifically to explain her side of the story but adamantly refuses to tell everyone else because "they wouldn't get it". I ended up making her say she was very sorry to everyone on board
Redeeming people is fun, redeeming people who are already good people is boring and cowardly.
Cam not being redeemable or at least allowing you to redirect her bad urges in a good or beneficial way is dumb and boring.
Lann and Wenduag being almost mutually exclusive is also dumb and boring.
You gotta give us something to sympathize or latch onto. Wenduag is extremely unlikable and remains so throughout half the game.
heinrix is part of the space Feds, His entire job is to judge you and decide if your becoming heretical and (SHOULD) stop you
>I ended up making her say she was very sorry to everyone on board
I would have done that but Heinrix acted like a bitch in return instead of being grateful I gave a shit about his demands so I decided fuck him.
I still say I should be allowed to have him and Argenta whipped for demanding anything from me after their MASSIVE fuck ups.
Heinrix is some irrelevant paper third rate meatshield for an actual space fed while my entire job is to laugh in his face and have him skinned alive on the bridge of my ship to get a slightly better price for my next xeno deal.
She's like a wet beaten puppy who tries to bite you, I find it cute.
>taking children to demons
Pretty sure she just brought teens to Salva, and even then in her mind that's because it was either that or slowly waste away until they die at 30 at best given a mongrel's lifespan, or die sooner like her Dad who died in his twenties if not earlier, it's not said how young he was.
>village bicycle
Fucking Lann once is being a bike? Okay.
>betraying you
That's called testing, which in her mind and way of thinking, is her way of making sure you don't get complacent. And if you sneak after her during the Abyss mission when she disappears you know she's trying to take out Sal and is acting like an, albeit shitty, double agent.

I don't know why people seem to bring up how "evil" Wen is when they love Aru so much, who may I remind you, canonically ate babies and souls until she drank the Desna kool-aid by force. Not to mention Aru's introduction is invading your mind and then lying to you to get you to kill the hag while she mopes about some random guy she fucked.
Wenduag unironically listens to you and value your input more than basically any non-Abelard / Cassia companion in RT.
Wenduag's dad is Sull.
I don't give a shit about people 'betraying' me in Owlcat games because I'm so stupidly overpowered, it's laughable to think the betrayal could even actually do something.
Even the Cumrag thing ended up just being me cucking Marzipan in front of everyone before no selling all their tortures and just getting back up through sheer will after being left for dead.
>but it is definitely stupid that she'll pull you away specifically to explain her side of the story but adamantly refuses to tell everyone else because "they wouldn't get it".
Let's be honest, literally nobody else would listen, the only thing any of them would hear while she speak would the 'REEEEEEEEE XENO SCUM!!' on repeat in their head. You can't even rub Heinrix's fuckup in his face.
First time I have both lann and wenduag alive act v now wondering wtf to make wendog into
I don't remember if Ulfar says anything but it'd be cool if he said something like 'Whatever happened, I'd still be in Cumrag if it wasn't for you guys showing up'.
He probably just say nothing or also bitch about Xenos I guess.
Thoughts on Larian making a space game?
I hope they don't use Original Sin's dogshit UI, that's pretty much it.
Hope they do another game like the Dragon Knight ones one day.
Space rpgs suck more often than not, but I guess it's worth an attempt
Cassia and idira are pretty empathetic, and jae is a smuggler who's delt with eldar before, I think there would have been a better understanding on the crew if she told everyone barring the full throttle dogmatards (mainly argenta and sometimes heinrix).
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What am I in for?
I love owlcat so much bros
I'll name my firstborn owlcat
From what I've seen RT's lack of reactivity and player input is one of it's biggest failings.

Would it be hard for moders to just add in new dialogue and options for the PC?
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Which one?
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I'm gonna say something that's going to rattle some sabers, rustle some jimmies, raise a ruckus, ruffle some feathers, rock some boats, stir some pots but Cam is the best waifu in all crpg games and there is no denying that.
As a kid I went morrigan for obvious reasons, and in my retun playthrough I haven't actually touched in a while I was gonna go leliana. I think both are good and my main party has always been leliana, morrigan and alistair.
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Morrigan has more content (gameplaywise, storywise and even bodywise lmao) and is therefore superior.
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I think Leliana's cuter but Morrigan is better in every other way.

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