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ayy lmao edition

Previous: >>492864061


>DragonRod's Digital Tamer Reborn 2 just came out today

>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Comic Chapter 5

>Web Novel Chapter3 & 4 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmPTtp9D_o [Embed] [Embed]

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>New manga from the participants of the Digimon comic award has been released

>Current /tg/ /dcg/ thread

>LM-04 announced

>Bandai Card Games Fest goods

>Look Up Piyomon & Gomamon figure pre-orders open

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book

dead thread
dead general
dead death
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No, death general
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Drash's campaigns are necessary, purely because diet NGE and Adventure wank is tiresome
dont post troonshit
Digimon is cursed with transgender slop since movie 7's villain
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>two most popular anime seasons that happened at the peak of the digimon craze won.
Yeah, they're popular. I don't care. Imperialdramon (prince of all jobbers) got third place, so I'll take it Adventure is tiresome but I'll take nostalgiafags over cheaters. Tell me, who did you want to win?
Nostalgia makes the franchise stagnate, so the cheaters are better. Also the bitter tears of Adventure/Tamerscucks is fun.
But the majority of Adventure/Tamer fans don't know about the poll to begin with, so they won't feel anything.
Wake me when Drash and his troogs order non-Adventure DVDs in bulk to goose the sales numbers.
>Nostalgia makes the franchise stagnate
I'll agree with that, I'd much prefer digimon to move on past Adventure and try new things. It has such as vast setting yet always seems to come back to Adventure and RKs/DLs. The only reason I disagree about the cheaters bit is I have a distaste for it. A lot of the games I used to play were ruined by wintraders, real money trade, and third party program bullshit. It's a sore spot.
There were a lotta seething gooks and nips last time.
stagnation is good, just give me the thing I like over and over
That mentality led to 8 melodrama movies and Baysplosions Adventure. Stagnation is an evil greater than any sin Mighty Morphin' Jobber Rangers and Xrospic has committed
Do you trust these people to come with something new and fun, because I dont. It will be trend chasing bullcrap.
Trend chasing did lead to Savers and Ghost Game, the latter having more merit because it isn't basic bitch shonen carried by its MC because the rival and token hoe are trash
>hates Savers
I'd punch you through the screen if I could.
No one cares about blasé shonen. Literal garbage like Xrospic and fag shit like Appmon have more of a fanbase than Savers
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Like or dislike gold on Digimon?
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>POV the super-ultimate ShineGreymon Burst Mode uses his strongest attack to defeat the demon lord belphemon.
It's fine as long as the digimon is at least a hot beastman like Cres. I care significantly less about them otherwise.
How would you name her, /digi/?
Magna Magnadramon
As is with Digimon game tradition Ravemon is fucking shit.
Ravemon is shit in any medium when appraised by any metric
>okay what's this cool bird ninja do?
>uhhh he's really fast!
and that's it. Every time. Even Burst mode is shit.
Ravemon vanilla is the least ugly Savers level 6
Speaking of Ravmon
>At the Genesis of the Digital World, it was a Digimon that served under a certain God Man Digimon and was titled the "Silver Crow", but it is said that it was touched by that god's anger and one of its wings was dyed black.
>a certain God Man Digimon
Will we ever see this fuck?
She's also lazy cope tier. Ravemon is a basic bitch humon, but not as basic as Rosemon.

Rosemon Burst Mode beats the other Burst Modes if only because all of the other ones are fugly
Dunno how you can say that when Burst Mode Mirage and Shine are improvements on their base designs
ShineGreymon just is on fire and MirageGaogamon is still a boring knight, and I still like some knightmons, like Siriusmon
>Lv17 jacked Digimon with high IVs lost to a lv 7
>100% winrate fucked
This game is such bullshit. The numbers are made up.
Choose materials.
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digital monsters and virtual girls
Both of my wives in the same picture, nice.
Digital Monsters and Vocal oids
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The current protagonist Digimon votes.
Probably Izanagimon if they ever bother doing more jap gods as digimon. They already wasted Susanoo on a fucking omegamon clone.
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Looking forward to having a Lillymon anal rapist.
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Ebemon reminds me of Xcom.
Game? I like the sprites
Digital Tamers 2, it's free on itchi or whatever.
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Appmon is good.
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>my saved game got corrupted after a crash
>now i have to start a new game
RIP rape Lilimon
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what digimon should get bancho evos?
im not that anon
Seems full. I guess Bancho Golemon is supposed to be the group big guy, even if it isn't exactly a judo/sumo kinda of look.
Try fighting him as an opponent. The NPCs are crazy annoying when utilising dodge style movesets, and doubly so when they fight close quarters with a small hitbox. A lot of Digimon have a hard time hitting them if their moves aren't a good fit, and the AI seems to be capable of spamming its annoying evasion techniques as much as it fucking wants.
GulusGammamon. Maybe a Gaogamon variant
Make a different Mamemon that is a fucking nerd with swirl glasses and a hat that looks like Mametchi, but has a respect for Bancho Mamemon even if they have incompatible ways of living.
HolyAngewomon Dragon Mode
Pompadour BanchoMeramon

But it's a LadyDevimon variant
Ladydevimon is a dropout.
Exactly, glad you see the vision!
She's not really a bancho if she spends her time smoking on the curb in front of a drug store.
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The coloring here is pretty awful. They couldn't have done the mouth area different to make it look more like Floramon?
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What's your favorite and least favorite anime protagonist final form?
Omegamon or Shinegreymon BM.
DT2 V1.0.2 patch notes are up.
Leader Wormmon getting buffed.
Would normally say Shinegreymon BM, but I've been feeling Imperialdramon a lot more lately. It's just cool.
>Least favorite
Xros shit.
I dont hate it but I want to see its other animations.
The next update for the novel will have a generic opponent that uses a deck with Vegimon, Oleamon, and Hydramon among the cards. Source is I made it up.
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I messed up my Pidmon by killing the dark type guard. Is this irreversible?
so which skill trees should I dump my tamers point on? or it doesn't matter which one I put it in?
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Rival Guys - true
I'm not sure. I'm still pretty early into the game, I just luckshitted into an OP as fuck Palmon with god-tier IVs. Does Pidmon get fucked by having dark exp at all?
>it does
What the fuck that is bullshit. If you have 100 dark exp you can't get Holy Angemon. All other evolutions are still on the table. There might be an item to fix it, but I have yet to see one.

Increased battle drops and less trash from the over world really seems to help. I imagine the reincarnation shit helps if you have that on (you should). Fuck wasting 10 points to see the evo reqs, either figure it out or use Grindosuarus for the convoluted ones.
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Wait, Kiyoshiro was a rival?
>Kiyo instead of Gulus
>Jian instead of Ruki
He is peak "by default"
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>Digital Monster ver X 1 2 and 3
>Digimon Pendulum Z
>Digimon Next Order
>Digimon Cyber Sleuth
>Digimon Hacker's Memory
>Digimon TCG
>Digimon Vital Bracelet
>Digimon BE Memory
>Digimon Survive
>Digimon Seekers
>Digimon Dreamers
>Digimon Liberators
>Digimon Comics made up of 4 different manga
>Digimon runner up comics
>Digimon Linkz
>Digimon Re:Rize
>Digimon New Century
>That Korean update
>Digimon Ghost Game
>Digimon Reference Book adding Xros Wars and tons of obscure forgotten Digimon
>Digimon Partners Assistant Terriermon thing
>Tamers cancel culture stage play and CD drama
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>bring back all the anime protagonists
>dont make a megazord with them

Arresterdramon is literally the worst. Ad much as I love Tamers the lack of evolution scene was kind of lame and I like Dukemon more. I like Imperialdramon dragon a lot more and needee FM for Skullsatamon was weak.

My favourite is Omegamon. But Susanoomon, ShineGreymon and Shoutmon X7 were all good too though. Shoutmon X7 is a clusterfuck though but his evolution and gold color are too cool.
BanchoSusanoomon , aka Susanoomon X .
>I don't want to start another war, I just want to make it clear how little importance it has.
Are they finally getting it?
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How the heck does digital tamers 2 work? I got to level 36 with a leomon and now I feel stuck
Wants money or level for this digi ? => Challenge mode and find something that you can beat easily near/under your level
Wants Tamer level and can't beat anymore digi of your level? => raise another digi
If you want to level fast and can afford it, EXP booster on a map you can clear easily/ with the card drops
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Kyouko lewd
(spoiler for scat)
>Can you believe this shit?
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Jou’s nerdy musk…
>warning: keep away from mimi
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I think I've hunted Otamamon and Gekomon to extinction for that Bulkmon quest.
x3 any day now
A whole bunch of features that help with roadblocks are stuck behind roadblock assholes who are around the late-20's to mid-30's; you want to get your hands on the monmon merchant that sells boosters as well as gaining access to higher level enemies to chew up. You should try raising a free type with good IVs to that level, since free types are a guaranteed type advantage for some reason and that helps a lot especially when the opponent is a higher evolution level. Alternatively grab the v1.0.0 exe and capture the re-colour bosses to cheese your way through unlocking all the areas.
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New RK when, Bamco?
>Only adventure digidestined whose digimon has a mega++ level.
Must be pretty strong, that's for sure.
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Is there any point in keeping Leader Digimon? They can't really take part in any type- or attribute-based challenges
How is the fan game compare to dusk/dawn or lost evo?
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I decided to drop Tamers 2 for now. I made it far enough to unlock the Server City and get my first level 100 Ultimate but it’s super frustrating don’t know how to recruit Digimon to the city, most of them require specific items to finish quests, and the game doesn’t tell you how to get them. It literally gives you no direction at all, and you have to ask people in Discord for each quest but even they don’t know the exact conditions to trigger the quest NPCs, which is really annoying. It also sucks that the Digital World is pitch black during night time, making it almost impossible to find items on the map (and I only have time to play at night).

Overall, it’s not so bad, but the lack of information really turns me off. I’ll come back when someone makes an official guide that actually covers everything.
How long does it take for your first 100 ultimate/ultra?
2 days by grinding in challege mode.
BanchoMeramon, I've been working on it, idk if it will need yet another redesign.
Imagine if, after the events of the mess that is Digimon Chronicle X (https://img3.gelbooru.com/images/fc/be/fcbebc08e79fc70725e44a7ba563fd08.jpeg) the rest of the SGDL decide to to replace Lucemon (it has been implied to be possible), for getting them killed for his Ogudomon X plan. Which digimon would make the best new great demon lord of pride?
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Please explain.
Delumon (virus),
Jokes aside, an corrupted Crossmon variant would be sick, especially since eagles are commonly depicted as proud. In the same vein, a Leomon variant could work.
Gundam Breaker customs.
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>Angewomon shits on Appmon (based)
>said Appmon immediately joins Server City
Nice joke.
It's alright. Just a tad too grindy and some quests are a bit frustrating due to having to RNG find stuff.
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>zones everything flower canon spam
>melee attack is a dive kick
>ult has her jump back and DBZ laser the entire screen
Rosemon is going to be a disappointment after this, I'm sure, and I heard Rafflesimon isn't all that great either.
oh yeah right this game
apparently the first half of the entire collaboration ended and now the second half started with you playing Merge Mansion with digimon?
Somehow even more grindy. Dragonrod looked at the DS games and said they needed more grind. There is a massive lack of QoL and horrible balancing. The game also has fucking IVs, the most hated mechanic of Pokemon, because fuck you. Except it's even worse because the impact is tremendous and fucks the difficulty curve in multiple ways since wild digimon also have IVs.
Honestly, I'm not sure how important IV's are, but in the Discord, people just seem not as focused on that as one would expect.
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Just going to repost this to give you an idea. Though a lot of people in the discord may be more experienced with these kinds of games or played the first one. My irl friends think I am a pervert running around with that Lillimon but the Palmon it started as was genuinely stronger than the 50+ digimon in the box by a huge margin.
So the starter is giga boosted in stats? Damn.
That wasn't my starter, it was a drop from a random battle. But I do think the starter has some kind of boost looking back at the screenshots of my PicoDevimon compared to others I have caught. It seemed marginally better.
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For reference, this is what a max viximon looks like at level 5. It's a level below and not only is it comparable to the good iv Palmon that anon has, but it absolutely humiliates a level 5 child with poor ivs.
Fuck sake that is actually insane. I know there are items to boost IVs, but apparently they are a pain in the ass to get and basically endgame.
Rafflesimon (leader) is great but i don't known much about the normal one
although the one that you spawn with cards (Lv70) is pretty tough
>Written by James Gunn
That explains a lot
Gekkomon, based off Boss/Musashi
This is an amazing idea.
MajuuLilithmon but it's a Fusion Evolution, instead of a DigiXroSHIT.
The female ones, yes, they suck my dick.
>Mirrors Grand Dracumon
actually fucking kino
>Sheoldred but digimon
I'm ok with this
Literally devilman
lookin gud
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Am I the only one who wants a fusion of D-Brigade's mega level digimon?
And no, cannondramon sucks. It's a big blob of yellow flesh with accessories, like Imperialdramon but even less impressive.
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>It's a big blob of yellow flesh with accessories,
First off, his skin is orange, not yellow. Second off, bruh, are you seriously complaining about cyborg dinosaurs in digimon?
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D-Brigade is peak aesthetic.
Greymon has rough and defined looking skin, he doesn't look like a flabby corpulent mass that exists solely to be a mannequin for the toyetic accessories it parades around in. Cannondramon and Imperialdramon (DM) are terrible designs, they almost look cool at first glance but instantly fall apart when you realise that it's just a lame lizard wearing bulky and incomplete cosplay.
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Currently raising this fluffy boy.
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Best pairing.
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anon's wife seraphimon...
Plesiomon is just a normal mega. He'd be a branch from Zudomon.
I see what you mean: Digimon needs to catch up with the times. Their womons are way too covered and their breasts are way too small.
fluffy boy is great
i got Alphamon in less of a day
I like Sleipmon desu, he's very neat
Humons are the worst kind of digimon design.
Nope. In Neo Ver. 1, Heroes and Masters he digivolves from Vikemon.
but he was invented before Vikemon....
Vikemon is a combination of perfect levels so it looks weaker.
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I can evolve him into Alphamon right now as he's has the stat requirements but we're going fishing first. In the mean time, he'll be a big large fluffy dragon.
>Average Nier Gestalt fanfic on Ao3
The elemental system is fucking retarded
>Have a type AND element disadvantage
>Get wrecked by mons half my level
I literally cannot get Dark EXP for my Renamon wtf
Ok, and...?
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>Humons are the best kind of digimon design.
The movies really dropped the ball on Hikari, Adventure and 02 have a bunch of lore that makes her the Crest of Light important, and Tri manages to continue that more or less, but then come Kizuna and she might as well be a background character, which would be fine if her crest's wasn't literally described as being "the light of evolution" in the movie about (final) evolutions, and I don't need to mention The Beginning completely ignoring how Hikari has a direct connection to Homoestasis and nobody thinks of contacting it to confirm Lui and Ukkomon's story about chosen children
I don't need her to be the main character but holy shit they didn't even try
MetalSeadramon fusion when? And no Aegisdramon doesn't count. He's essentially just a Plesiomon that has eaten a lot of Seadramon-species digimon.
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what do I pick
Hikari lore will never be touched again.
>The movies really dropped the ball on Hikari
I don't even take them (aside from OWG maybe) or 02 into consideration
If you like Digimon world, pick rebirth. If you like story games, don't pick rebirth. Your Digimon being reborn will make them stronger though like in the world games and the reborn feature is tied to one npc.
At least Hurricane Touchdown let her and Takeru make their Digimon evolve into Ultimate level and be the reason for the golden armor evolutions
Do not mistake Hikari for an actual character who can truly matter. Her only purposes are:
>Being a plot device.
>Being a motivation for her siscon brother. >Creating mystery bait.
I don't know which one i like
gato ROUND
>The movies really dropped the ball
Could've just stopped there.
Hina, my beloved rogue ai wife...
stop making stupid posts like that and tell me what to pick
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don't forget
>being the breeding sow of Dagomon's servants
vikemon works better as a perfect since he looks like he evolves straight from Ikkakumon
That's part of the "mystery bait," and was a plot thread that was dropped as fast as possible.
No future movie will feature the servants demanding Hikari's "help" to defeat Demon. They already have Maki for that anyway.
Maki definitely died from getting fucked to death by Dagomon's minions.
Watch Maki and Daigo show up in the next movie, part of another "animated" montage, and some lowly producer has to explain how.
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If they ever make a remake of Savers, I want DATS to fight all the SGDL, not just Belphemon.
>>Being a motivation for her siscon brother.
Btw, Tri pretty much confirms that the writers really were imagining Taichi and Hikari as a couple with the creation of Meiko, aka Hikari 2.0 and the obvious new love interest for Taichi.
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A remake of Savers should use the initial idea of the cast being all fighters.
Can't wait for Yoshino to have a gorillion dick riders despite still being as boring as Sora and Ruli
>being as boring as Sora and Ruli
Rulifrens, not like this
Now that I'm thinking about it, what would have mitigated the underutilization of Tomoki, Izumi, and Junpei (and Koichi) in Frontier is if they just fused together with Takuya and Koji into KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon instead of just giving them their Spirits, they wouldn't factor into the designs but it's better than being a bunch of glorified cheerleaders, they already fuse together in the final Susanoomon so why not a bit earlier?
Leaving a bunch of bruised bodies behind her while barely reacting sounds cool.
What if the Digital World started trying to generate its own “humans” or at least human-analogues as a response to previously needing humans to save itself? And in order to gather human data, Digimon began observing and studying humanity, perhaps even sending digital human analogues to live amongst humans, with all the chaos that could cause? Could include some commentary about people fearing being replaced by AI and humanity’s evolving relationship with increasingly complex forms of technology. Maybe in the end the protagonists prove to Yggdrasil or whichever server this associated with there are some traits and useful flaws humanity has that can’t be accurately replicated with data, or something.
pumping my digi-goo into yggdrasil
It probably wouldn't be a Digimon, but it would be interesting to see a human-like digital life-form that gets a Digimon partner and is part of the main cast, but only just one character, maybe 2 with a protagonist and an antagonist but more than that would be too much IMO
>a human-like digital life-form that gets a Digimon partner and is part of the main cast
IIR that's almost what Appmon (and iir one of the games) did.
it was good in lost evolution
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>Yggdrasil:"we Blade Runner now!"
Thinking about it, Savers, Appmon, and Ghost Game have the best art styles, simply because they don't suffer from same-face syndrome like the other seasons' artstyles do
4 days until we learn what Shellmon's gonna evolve into
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Savers certainly looks unique.
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to be fair you can QUALITY basically any anime.
Nah, that'll be saved for Chapter 6, Part 2.
Anon, Sangomon and Shellmon are already in BT--19, and Yao's fighting Shoto
Plus they can align the reveal with the card releases
Can we talk about how this supposed Xros Wars manga set has more Tamers then Xros Wars manga
I'm disappointed that there's no Shademon Nene or ReverseWeddinmon
I wanted to get DORUgoramon but i got Spinomon instead
I don't know what the third evolution is
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I'm sure they'll fix it for the BD.
Do you prefer the human partner being part of the evolution sequence (02 Armor, Tamers with Matrix Evolution, Savers, Xros Wars, Appmon, and Ghost Game) or the evolution sequence only having the Digimon (Adventure, 02, non-Card Slash Tamers, Tri, and Colon)? I for one like the humans being more involved
I want the monster to be cool and flashy without some goober kid being included out of obligation even though it throws a lot of the hype off during critical moments. Matrix Evolution being the exception to that, it both made sense and looked cool.
Damn, agumon really let himself go
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Don't worry, he dropped the weight.
I dunno, I feel like Savers's evo sequences wouldn't be half as cool if it wasn't for the initial Digisoul part, especially Burst Mode
Fair point, but that was mostly on Masaru and he's cool. Kids like Taichi are honestly pretty lame outside of a handful of moments, and it feels distasteful when an evolution is essentially the kid getting mad and yelling for their partner to deal with what's upsetting them.
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I like when the tamer is in. They're basically the battery for it after all.
Where do digistalks spawn in Tamers 2? I have some but I don't remember where I got them
The swamp and the sewers have mushrooms.
Ghost Game's unique Tamer+Digimon animations for the Perfects and Ultimates were fantastic and should be the standard
they communicate not only the personality of the Digimon but also the relationship with the Tamer
Ruli looking smug.
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dies irae lookin sieg heiling ass
based boarder
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3.54 MB GIF
Omegamon + Omegamon Alter-S fusion when, Bamco?

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