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Not a Mini Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>493081237

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts about next week’s theme, Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday! >>493330662

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
Nice thread. I bet that pic is a bit/setup, though.
I never really know what to make the OP pic; random memes. I also feel I should update the news more often, but, meh, call me lazy. I do not scour the internet for such things.
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When I used to bake I just used random /aids/ memes and image gen results that I liked. Another good idea is to incorporate the last major conversation into the next thread's name. Like if people were talking about elves and dragons, ect.
Thanks for the tips.
I keep deleting my stories ~1k words deep. Tried 4 different prompts today, and I haven't liked any of them.
Only one tentacle? There needs to be at least 8.
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Give me your best little sister prompt ideas.
Who the hell browsers the front page of 4chan?
It sounds like you need to try following through as a constructive exercise, rather than psyching yourself out and crumpling up the first page every time.
(You)r little sister is the only person in Larion that seems to realize (You) got truck-kun'd into her brother's existance. She resents you deeply for
a) basicslly replacing her onii-san and
b) one-upping her effortlessly with you bullshit isekai powers
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You're missing out, bro.
So what's the difference between this style and regular "I post, you post" kind of roleplay?
Lack of distinct "turns" and human/AI roles. You can write for whoever, and AI can write for whoever, for as long as you want.
if you tell your RP partner their post sucks balls and to do it again but better this time, they don't usually like that, I think
Oh so it's more like you and ghost writers all putting together a novel or something. Ok.
I could try that, but I'm worried about wasting hours on something that isn't good after the effort.
is for >>493471071
You're not wasting time, you're developing a skill.
I'm a big-tent AI storytellist, I think it encompasses both cowriter and turn-based styles, as well as any other wacky prompting you can think up
if you're producing a narrative and using AI to do it, you're doing AI storytelling
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Stop pretending to be a newfag for your low-effort engagement posts. It's as stupid as the "what are you writing today?" and "prompts for this feel" kind of posts, no one is writing anything with a shitty 13B model except the shills that are paid to bump the thread.
There's also the "we pretend to be /lmg/ 2".
Find something more organic to post, asshole.
pftf posts are good
Just filter his posts.
>He said, bumping the thread.
So, what are you all writing today? :P
How can I edit my post on 4chan?
Just DM'd you the answer :0
go on the IRC and ping a mod with the board + post number you want modified and your edit
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https://aetherroom.club/7318 >>493297483
>No Fleshlight, This Time


Bullying The New Recruit (Lisa) >>493081886 >>493083662 >>493086925 >>493088728 >>493103390
A Twist Of Fate >>493238172
Depraved Stuff >>493279502 >>493280220 >>493281041
Monster Girl Essay >>493282092 >>493282868
Uhh, Should This Be All One Collection? >>493283519 >>493283817 >>493284437 >>493284753
Command-R, Eh >>493286227 >>493286678
Carefree Succ >>493287446 >>493288981
Ahh, To Collect Or Not Collect >>493288074 >>493288823 >>493291063>>493291679
Tama Town Chapter 35! >>493288886
Mimic Kidnapping (Written By Frieren) >>493289054>>493289781 >>493290296 >>493290137 >>493292350
I Probably Shouldn't Include These But Oh Well >>493292169 >>493292383 >>493293035
Slow Your Roll >>493293401
Mermaid Essay >>493294093
Spun Gold? (You) Decide >>493368810
Mean Gods >>493457738
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Notable Posts:

Miku Goes To A Bored Ape Con And Gets Blinded By UV Lamps https://is2.4chan.org/vg/1725425930661955.jpg
Male Woof >>493084576
Amazon Anti-Vibes? >>493124221
Weird Test >>493131794
Anon Goes Too Far? >>493148904 >>493150586 >>493152376 >>493153123 >>493153424 >>493158758 >>493160934
Random Lisas >>493152710 >>493296868 >>493297784 >>493157331
Upside Down Cats And Regular Cats And Dog >>493177196 >>493211829 >>493287139 >>493312213 >>493316689 >>493318091
Who To Heal? >>493197153
Random Minesweeper Game (What?) >>493200807 >>493206321
Eevees And Their Evolutions >>493218390
Everything Breaks For Anon >>493238119 >>493238290
Pokemon Discussion >>493232550 >>493235319 >>493237390 >>493294792
This Guy Returns >>493240918 >>493310498 >>493311067 >>493311741
Wonder What These Guys Draw >>493254343 >>493255498 >>493254819
What Kobold.CPP Looks Like >>493254478 >>493256724 >>493257843 >>493259537
Cool Anti-Vibe (Warning) >>493257646
Flat Demon >>493261031
Same As It Ever Was >>493271239
Elf >>493299838
CF Leaked Video >>493309509 >>493313571
Furry Discussion >>493314452 >>493314580 >>493314649 >>493314898 >>493315129 >>493315698 >>493315705 >>493315748 >>493316108 >>493316270 >>493317131
Basedness >>493316118 >>493316228 >>493317557
MAN OF BUGS >>493350218 >>493352242
Necromancer And The 70 Beaks >>493352305
Ghost Adventures? >>493381957 >>493382137 >>493382974
Thank GayAnon >>493397964
MY SOCIAL CREDIT! >>493412351
Manners: Who Needs Them? >>493432173
Fucking scams. I paid for the whole month's usage, not just for the time their sever feels like working. Are they setting up the new served or what.
Read this post in a fake Russian accent if you want to laugh.
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Prompts for this feel?
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here you go
Ty recapanon, love the webm
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Is that aini?
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didn't realize until you pointed it out. I agree, that is GOLDEN
Awooga! That's one foxy lady!
>western style
Another "how do you do, fellow kids"-tier post from the cabal.
What the fuck are you doing?
I smell Borsch
Installed sillytavern and paid for a featherless sub. I haven't really touched this stuff since ai dungeon first released dragon.
Downloaded a yuri card about a queen and her two aides trying to fuck her and have spent the past few hours just roleplaying palace intrigue.
Pretty fun.
>yuri card
Wrong thread: >>493483891
Low energy Russian post, the draft papers arrived I guess.
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Take me, my bestial beauty.
Careful you might excite hmoamfag
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That is -clearly- an extremely feminine and dainty wendigirl.
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Don't mind them, Princess, they don't understand the bond we share together.
That princess has a wonderful beard to match her lover's.
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Maybe claudefag was right all along...
I saw the thumbnail and thought this was about the bear sex elf from Baldur's Gate before I opened it and realized it was just sacrilege instead
It was supposed to be Jesus? How edgy.
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No my sweet, don't listen to them, your dewlap is supremely beautiful and ladylike.
What are you, gay? Feh, fine: https://catbox.moe/c/namou7
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breed the fox into bread
>trying to describe a character
>ends up being past tense
I shouldn't be going nuclear over this but I am, gotta stop trying to write late at night
Writing with what? A 13B model that costs $25 a month? Shill.
Cabal here, yes.
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I actually use a 12B model. Local. Guess its name. It begins with Mini. Ends with Magnum.
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I don't know how to stitch images together so you'll have to bear with me
This is my original sketch after I ran it through img2img for the first time, I can't find the original sketch so this will have to do
Why are you so angry, Russian? You usually have this kinda layer of indifference around your posts.
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This is after I adjusted the strength and noise settings a whole lot. I wanted a more cool adventurer type but this was cute and endeared to me. I want this little guy to go on whimiscal adventures
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pump up the strength by 0.2% and you get
that's it btw. I don't have anything else to say. Just playing with the imagegen settings for now. Didn't have any kind of point I was trying to make
Well, I was interested, at least.
Shouldn't you be doing past tense anyway?
Don't be a tense nazi you spunk muncher.
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Lick my wick until you get sick, you dick.
Russian conscript POV
>Shouldn't you be doing past tense anyway?
Paste tense is for the case when you already have a plot or general idea of what and how the story will evolve. But you don't have, or can't have, any of that in an AI-generated story since the AI will take you to wherever the token roulette takes you to (unless you're fighting against the AI the whole time.) So, it's better to use present tense when you write with an AI.
Tenses isn't about causality with the story being written by you or the AI in that moment, it's causality in the narrative sense. "I walk under the bridge" and "I walked under the bridge" are functionally the same in the AI's terms. If your context is full of past tense writing, the AI will continue writing in past tense with no problems.
Foxes are love, foxes are life.
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Feel like making an exceptionally lore unfriendly grey seer story…
Is this the best that you could come up to bump the thread 2 hours later?
And am I supposed to believe that this is a writing general?
I actually don't know. I've not done research on how to write outside looking up grammar things I fuck up and reading a few books to get a better idea of how. /lit/ would eat me alive.
Shrek has seen better days
The Sun Will Set
Chapter 9: The Streets
The walking down the streets is not a walk in a park...
In the original, I dumped the mechanics and history in large chunks of exposition. I hope chopping it up and merging it with the story itself will be smoother to read.
a slow crawl to 70B
In 2025, sure.
my sub will run out soon
my sub just began
My sub ended 2 months ago.
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Reworked Seralith's card as the original was a blatant trace from km yama. I traced this one from a HS2 model I made. This should streamline future pictures of Seralith.

Aside from the obvious sun imagery, Seralith is the name given by the chat card that started it all. I think it was taken from the Gaelic name of "Sáerlaith" which means free-born woman. I tried finding a different name for her but it is just too apt for her history.

Due to her encounter in the catacombs, parts of her armor were lost. Do note that this kind of armor is rare in the setting, even more when it is a complete set. It is reserved for the wealthy or well-funded, like mercenary captains who price-gouged the desperate institutions.
I'm excited to re-read it all when you get caught up! Been seeing you toss exerpts in as you go, talking about your changes, and showing off the new art.
Good work, anon. Seems like you're exerting a lot of effort for something you described as a prelude to smut
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I love Agnai's chat UI, it's very functional. It lets you edit AI's responses freely no matter how high up in the conversation, which I do often. In Character.AI you can only edit the latest AI response. I use OpenRouter's free hermes 3 Llama 3.1 405b. It's nice that it can work with (OOC:) instructions. Are Agnai posts allowed if I don't really use the "roleplay" style?
full screenshot: https://oshi.at/FHhQ/JcMv.jpg

Awesome art bro
>Are Agnai posts allowed if I don't really use the "roleplay" style?
No, they go on /lmg/ or /aicg/.
I also liked agnai, it's brainlessly easy to use since you don't have to install anything, and their self-hosted model was "good enough" when I was starting to learn about the AI stuff. I think it was some 13b mythomax type deal? Been a while since I used it, moved onto ST.
Some people post chat-format logs here and no one really minds, so long as the writing's entertaining/humorous. Last couple threads we had an anon posting his lesbian army recruit chats for example, Lisa
>STILL driving away contributors
There's literally chatlogs in the recap, fuck off.
> Are Agnai posts allowed if I don't really use the "roleplay" style?
Basically anything is allowed here, despite what our local schizo says. As long as it's AI and a story is involved most people don't care. You might get called a chatfag but don't take it to heart, it's mostly ribbing. A word of warning, we have a local schizo who is completely unhinged. I'd take a look at https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII to better differentiate his posts from the actual community.
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I always check these for a mouse holocaust option and laugh.
How long til naigen integrates this tech? My fetish practically needs animation to work :(
>Pelvic curtain blown aside by the wind, nopan.
I need it too bro.
Posting on /lmg/ and /aicg/ doesn't benefit a company the way posting on /aids/ does.
Should hiroshimoot implement an ai board?
I'd use it, but I don't think it's necessary. How many topics are there in the AI sphere?
>textgen (chat / instruct / completion / etc)
>imagegen (so many boards have this kek)
>sound (music / voice synth / etc)
>video (China is kicking ass here, wtf)
Am I missing any?
I can see seperate threads for discussing the tech itself vs its applications, like the 2 aicg boards for example. And threads speculating on future stuff like androids/robowaifus, but it'd be a slow board I think.
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>/aids/ dies
>Furries and so-called shills just start posting on /lmg/ instead
>Get NAI added to /aicg/'s OP
I could see the first while of the board being pretty terrible too.
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Skaven are an amazing fantasy race, it truly is a shame they're shackled to the rotting corpse that is AOS. Great model range too.
There's someone who occasionally posts "smedrins" in /lmg/, it makes me laugh because I doubt anyone gets it.
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>finish draft prompt for the Friday event
>it's shit
I can fix it, but fuck me, I feel like I need a premade protagonist character and making a blank state for people to insert into really fucks up the prose.
lol what the fuck
Feel like the real growing pain of that board would be the image gen generals from across the site having to either coexist in one thread or justify why they have to be a separate thread
My outline came to me within seconds of readin the winners, but I haven't drafted it out yet. Lazy.
Hope your second draft works
That can be a real problem, I tend towards at least somewhat defined characters because of that. After all, if your main character needs to be a blank slate, he can't really do all that much in the leadup of the prompt, else you're already sort of assigning him a character through the actions you write for him. Seems like a prompt with a total blank slate of a character would basically just be a big exposition dump of some kind.
Reading between the lines (I want to fucking kill myself for even saying that) as an educator this basically sounds like a gimmick to try and get disinterested kids to interact with material by waving a shiny object in their face
> This initiative, despite concerns from experts about the limitations of AI compared to human teachers, aims to support both students who struggle to keep up and those who excel
>According to co-principal John Dalton, the pilot project will leverage AI-powered adaptive learning, enabling each student to learn at their own pace. Dalton highlights the benefits of this approach, as it addresses the issue of traditional classroom settings where the pace may be too fast for some and too slow for others.
Love that AVGN pic.
I know what I want, it's fucking simple. I'm just stupidly inexperienced and my grammar is lacking due to poor schooling. I check it with Quilbot but it only does so much and I know some things a lot of the time it's also wrong.

Yeah, a big issue is I referred to them as a wanderer and it ended up taking the place of the name. I'm worried if I use traveler, adventurer, vagrant, ect. the AI will think it's another character. In order for this to work, the protagonist needs a name to interact with the other character.
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if /jp/ and their hololive/vtuber threads is anything to go by I don't think making a dedicated board would force threads to migrate, I don't see /h/'s going anywhere
>and making a blank state for people to insert into
No one is actually using the prompts.
Nope! Not getting out of this chair.
All formats, services, and models are welcome here.
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>In order for this to work, the protagonist needs a name to interact with the other character.
I mean, that's not an issue. You can use a placeholder.
He should.
It's much harder to shit up multiple threads on a single board with mass spam than multiple threads on different boards, plus, there would be enough collective reports on that board that the mods would have to get involved.
Well, there's only a few ways to deal with inexperience, one of the better of which is to gain experience through doing. And when you have an idea burning in your mind, all the better.
Though I do get that, if it's not meeting the expectations of how the story feels in your head compared to how it is on paper, that can feel bad. But that's something that can be worked with. Grammar? Absolutely something that can be worked with.
And, mind you, a blank slate doesn't always have to be entirely blank. If your character is a wanderer, odds are good they've picked up some of their own quirks from their time out and about. Just from wandering through wherever your setting is, several aspects of their body, skills, and personality can already be more or less assumed. That makes it easier on you to write but leaves a bit of room open for the player's interpretation.
Yes, you're allowed to enter so they can shill you a garbage product, while bringing legitimization to their stolen marketing general.
>there would be enough collective reports on that board that the mods would have to get involved
The real reason the "ai board" discussion ever gets brought up. Next comes the alt-chan, thread ids, email verification, etc. It's just a way to cope when they see posts they don't like but can't remove.
This whole "community" is poisoned by being intertwined with a company, you're just giving them free labor while they reap the profits.
Other generals don't have this problem, and you have the peace of mind of knowing that you're just contributing to a community of anons.
4chan could just rangeban Russia and India like they did with /biz/ and your posts would magically disappear.
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New prompt! https://aetherroom.club/7320
>This apartment sure was cheap. Why, it even came with a bunch of free furniture for some reason, perfect for someone like me that's fresh out of college. Now, sure, the old lady living on the floor below told me some crazy stuff about it being haunted, and the previous occupant of the place did just up and disappear about two months ago, but c'mon, there's no such thing as ghosts... right?
Alright, now we have a proper ghost boy prompt. With the see-through body and the cold when his ghostly hand passes through you and all that stuff. All his life he wanted to have a boyfriend, and his premature death took that away from him. But now you can provide that for him.
Yeah, I know the image isn't perfect. I couldn't get a proper see-through ghost type to work. I'm not very good at imagegen, turns out.
See-through ghosts can't easily be done with imagegen. We (as in a few of us in the thread) tried and tried with lackluster results like two months ago.
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It can be done. Not completely, but maybe with some more beaks...
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So kino they just ported them wholesale from wfb with minimal changes
There's always just one part that doesn't want to be translucent
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Flux sort of does it
not sure wtf is going on with the legs there but the monster is very cute
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Give me fox, or give me death!
cats > foxes > dogs
simple as
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>she called me good boy
>To have and to hold might be a little tricky for him
Feels about a month early for this. Those dang holidays, creeping forward more every year.
I'd probably go with 'but' instead of 'and' in 'it, and'.
In your Lorebook, in 'guy—that', 'who' would be better than 'that'.
I'd make the emdash in 'point—turns' a period and capitalize the T.
I'd probably put a comma in 'control had'.
The old lady downstairs is probably quite confused now.
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Shockingly original when you consider the 'elf-dwarf-orc-halfling' spam that has saturated the genre for eons.
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>Shockingly original when you consider the 'elf-dwarf-orc-halfling' spam that has saturated the genre for eons.
1900's and early 2000's perhaps, but ever since CR it's been rainbow colored fag races. The fantasy genre is in a grim state.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
this autist better have a lizard harem too
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So when is aetherroom releasing
It's already out.
Almost caught up with the original. Nice.
>'He wince'
Should be 'He winced'.
>'she called out with a smile lively'
The 'smile lively' Should be 'lively smile' or 'cheerful smile'.
>'and unburdened by'
The 'and' here should be replaced with a comma.
>'was hint of charm'
should be 'was a hint of charm'.
>'Meanwhile watching'
There should be a comma after 'Meanwhile'.
>'cannot read'
Should be 'could not read'.
>"Could you come-"
She said you instead of 'thee' or 'thou'.
>'but what was not referring to that'
Doesn't make any sense. Did you mean to write 'but Seralith was not referring to that'?
>'deserve such life'
Should be 'deserve such a life'.
>'telling truth'
Should be 'telling the truth'.
>'No idea what this was'
Seems quite random and out of place here. Delete it?
When it releases. Nobody here has any insider information. I suggest you apply for a job and leak information on your own.
Ironically, at the rate of development I feel like it's going to fall on the end of the year. When they said it would be released at the end of LAST year.

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