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Previous thread: >>493439196

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Limbus is becoming too big and successful
I fear for the integrity of the series
The fate collab will seal our fate.
>fear for the integrity of the series
4 years too late lil bro
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Paus and a fish
competent big titty paus
useless small titty shitmael
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thanks for the bake limbab
>dumb bitch 1 & 2
It's very simple, Limbabs
As long as I look cool and do cool things, I can self-insert into any character.
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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limbis is already wokeslop, it's time to let go
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>faggot thread

Fucking didn't expect Binah's suppression to suck this bad but holy fuck does it suck. Phase 3 is tedious as shit and her iframes are lame as hell.
they said this about ruina, they said this about limbus release, they say this now, and it's still just a niche game for roblox kiddies
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Image posted without comment.
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>pmcoomers are so starved all they can do is repost the same image over and over again
Its... a sad life around here
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and Rodya!
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2 peaks with one pic.
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6 years too late.
ddoes this mean ishmales are seachurls
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Why are drawpile sissies always so fucking gay
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When are we going to find out who this guy behind Liu Rodion is?
Because no one else wants to draw porn so only the yi sang sinclair shipper draws it and they usually get to draw the most
cuz they're tourists
Might as well just skip it then fuck
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That's just Jerry from finance
I figured that out but WHY do we let them take OPs like this?
I thought there was a good Ryoshu this week...
That anon always makes big drawings in the 4th pile at the current time. He is also the one who plays a big part in the porn focused one, so he always have a big influence.
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cause nobody really gives a shit honestly, drawpile OPs once a week is hardly offensive. havent seen a genuine touristpile complaint in a while now that i think about it. before today at least
What did I miss?
drawpilers are the least like tourists out of all posters
check the end of the last thread
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goodnight charonbab
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Ishmaelites was used by arca koreans, ishmalebabs are attempting to use it
do you think a faggot tranny or a real woman made this
i regret rolling for mid sang
when rodion get charge id
that barely counts
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its got charge it counts
get owned
This was made by a straight hotblooded male.
>This is our new name, my enlightened brothers. No longer "boatbillies", we are The Ishmaelites of Darkness!
So it was some guy's headcanon trying to taint the well. Clearly not an Ishfag.
>Becoming too big
>40+ dev team (including the sandwich makers)
Unless they do a collab with some big anime series like Evangelion, we are fine.
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drawn by a heterosexual male that can appreciate a nice butt on a cute guy
Drawn by a lesbian in denial
I saw someone say that echoes of the manor is broken atm? What's wrong with it?
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It does nothing.
It does not do anything
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>did RR4 for the tickets
>still didnt get greg
skill issue
You could always use THAT...
>he doesnt have 3 pities worth of lunacy saved up
back into the mines slave
did you do the walpurgis missions? They give like 20 rolls or something
yes I did the walpipi....
sex with this greg
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just one more md run...then sanguine desire will be mine...
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>rolled hod
>rolled 2 ryoshu
>rolled a 2nd dawn office sinclair
>rolled buttergreg
>rolled T corp hong & rodya
>rolled telepole don
>rolled fucking spicebush yi sang
>but not a single buttsang
And I'm only at half pity.
Guess I'll get him next walpipi
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>pick walpurgis pack for floor 2
>throw every single gift into the fuse
>out of the random tier 3 bleed gifts I get barbed wire for bloody mist
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>did not gain an e.g.o gift
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Rub my tummy…
>which one is evil
my guess is the schad on the right...
>"Wherever I look upon the sky... atop the hill that overlooks that detestable manor."
>"I see the glimpse of a few stars."
>"And when I look at them for long enough, I feel as if someone would have liked to see them with me."
>"That feeling... more often than not fades away at a moment's notice."
>"... I wonder if you will give me an answer as to why one day."
how do gift fusion work
why cant i turn 2 tier 2 gifts into a tier 3
You need 3 tier 2 to fuse a tier 3, or 1 tier 3 + 2 + 1.
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the fusion section has a guide in it bwo
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I need more bossman
he is what I become whenever I launch this game
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Lobcorp and Ruina will soon become but a fleeting memory. Only Limbus will stand tall as Project Moon's golden game
Linton Gregor with Lament/Bygone Days.
You can use Lament S2 to inflict butterflies on the enemy if he rolls well on his speed, then everyone gets some extra damage to all their dice.
Against bosses, you let Yi Sang and arty dump butterflies and sinking then Gregor nukes with the awakening skill + Linton's passive.
Thanks to the way Bygone and Lament work, you can easily play with Linton Gregor's sanity values at no risk.
? What?
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I'm still in awe. How? How?? THE RED MIST is one of these faggots' favorite fucking references and the second they see an actual red mist reference they're stumped? God fucking help me I am going to distort.
2024 lobotomy corp was forgot i blame ruinafag for this
so now its triple quadruple confirmed that carmen is the uptie narrator
>pales In comparison
So Ryoshu even without the Dante debuff is confirmed to be below color tier and likely below a grade 1 as well
wieding teth and zayin ego a single good he or waw ego agent could be more practicle and more valueable
I'm under the impression this retard does not understand that the uptie narrator is typically Carmen because their follow up responses imply they think it's Ryoshu saying this
Im doing RR4 and I fucking hate the mimic spam
jesus fuck
Do some of the sinners ever narrate their own ID stories, even if briefly?
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you VVILL uptie 4 AoE egos for more targets
Some IDs is the sinner's own thoughts, others it's Carmen narrating.
'lipclair narrates his ID story in the beginning
But this is clearly the fault of Ruinababs
Someone tell this limbab if he doesn’t give us names he is never allowed to post here again
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you do max out everything for your favorite sinner right anon? Youre not a poser right?
this is exactly how the fate series became the absolute slop it is right now btw
The original fanbase getting replaced by secondaries who know nothing about the original games and only know about the phone game eventually leads to disaster
No. I'm not going to Uptie IV an LCB for the approval of some faggot on the internet.
I have a schizo theory I want to keep track of over time. No strong proof or anything, just something I think would be cool if it were the case. I want to keep track of the sinners who narrate their own ID stories at points and see if they match up with the other sinners who are eventually revealed to have the Mark of Cain. Since it's meant to be a leadership signifier, I'm guessing that taking the narrative away from Carmen could be indicative of a sinner possessing it.
im broke
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Mon amour
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i want to but thread is too fleeting of a resource
thread exchange your shards anon
Any drawfags in here?
I need you to redraw pic related(encircled) to look more like the other one(not encircled) by having Ayin holding on to Nothing There's decapitated head(reference pic in bottom left)
I want to masturbate to 50 year old women trying on bikinis too goddammit!
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of course
but what if a busted id comes out for that sinner immediately after i do it bro
then just start popping your yellow crates for shards
thank you Erlking and Yisang
I think DieciSang does
I really like Rodion but man it's hard to justify uptying and leveling IDs like LCCB and Zwei.
Love requires no justification
How do you justify not having read Crime & Punishment then?
Sadly Dante doesn't have any IDs or E.G.O, and there's no cap to the manager level, otherwise I would.
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yes sir!
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Of course. Paus is strong.
I don't wanna
holy shit is that houshou marine
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<Damn... I've got moves.>
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i have a few sinners maxed, but hongers is my fave
Ishtent when
Meursault does.
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How am I so fucking smooth, bros?
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Damn lucky. Someone had already asked this today so I don't have to make the image again!
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When Dante ENTERS combat, he will have the same level as you have in your player ID.
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>Level 110
>you will have to fight him
What are Dantes skills?
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>Dante The Professional
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the only skill he needs
This is what I'm gonna do to that bitch Gregor when I get my hands on him
>I love everything about you
>The original fanbase getting replaced by secondaries who know nothing about the original games and only know about the phone game eventually leads to disaster
This never happens. A small and vocal minority of TM fags screeched and retreated into their circlejerk on /jp/ while most fans of Fate were just as interested in Fate/GO, even if they were sceptical of the gacha design.
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Cute Paus love. Always nice when this artist publishes new stuff.
>This never happens. [HEADCANON]
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>roll Wingbeat for her ass
>Heads. Tails
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greg's ego is unironically the best walpurgis stuff this go around
pic rel is RR4
Do you think they'll actually stick to Dante keeping his head once he gets it back?
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>newfags who never posted on BL trying to rewrite history
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The one thing that the Head fears, Heathcliff and Sinclair burying the hatchet and becoming BUDS.
The Blade Lineage has their own website?
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I’m still in disbelief at how fucking strong they are casually dishing hundreds of damage as if it’s nothing
This always happens when things get popular
Keep me posted
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Someone tell me how Solemn Lament Yi Sang works man
These kits are getting too long. I'm just spamming win rate
Feeding Tiph so she’s a hefty lady that requires me to grow strong in order to carry her…
I want to do a RR4 run again with FuneralSang and Greg but echoes being bugged is really annoying me because a lot of my strats depend on it to an extent.
FGO made me lose interest in the nasuverse which I've been a fan since the initial fan tl of tsukihime. To the point where I haven't read the remake or even stayed uptodate on whats new
nigga its a MIRROR WORLD, there are times when sinners are literal grade 9 tixer tier individuals.
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>can accurately remember effects and conditions in 40+ cards of his own yugioh deck AND his opponents’
>can’t remember 3 lines of effects of his own sinners’ skills
FGO's writing is still miles above GBF's
I'm trans if that matters.
dear anons, how do I stop carmen realising my addiction to charge?
I swear ever since casetti mirror dungeons have always ended the same way, W-don with fragment of friction pressing electric screaming for comical damage.
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Sure Moses, let me give you a hand.
How bad is Granblue if this is true? I've never played it or consumed any media relating to it.
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Need a Hod wife that can switch between being fat and heavy and skinny and light at any point
GBFs good writing is mostly contained to events, which are miles better than anything fgo has put out.
Built for suicide off screen.
>brings out granblue out of nowhere
I guess he thought there wouldn't be anyone to defend it, sadly for him fgo is also worse than gbf
it's a good thing kjh is the most important figure in pm
there won't be a shitshow like project kv for pm
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I was holding a mirror pointed at the thread so now you're double teans
GBF has the shittiest fucking writing in any mainstream gacha. The writers don't know what the fuck they're doing, never talk to each other, and don't have a concrete idea about what the setting is like. It's gotten so bad that people dread seeing their favorite characters show up in events.
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>he doesn't know
Monzo is preparing to BETRAY and TRAP the director ever since he turned it into a gacha franchise.
When I summon my Baronne it does not come with a page of how the passives work and another page of how the unique status effects work and another three pages of how the skills work
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Blue Archive invented Halos.
Still better than fate shart go.
Isn’t that the game that tried to convince its playerbase to switch gender to female for a collab?
What happened recently, again?
To truly become tranime... one must perform a mass transition ritual...
As far as I can tell. Pride Coin shoots bullets from one gun, Gloom the other, while Sloth is both. Sloth is the only coin that reloads bullets for the guns. Blocking also Reloads. Hitting shit applies sinking and butterflies.
>he actually doesn’t know
you don't get to talk while having a nonbinary mc limcuck
Yes, a idol game collab. How is this a bad thing?
monzo nooooooo
Dante is obviously a man since he is Ayin.
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I don't know how bad FGO is to reach GBF's level, but I'm just venting about how abysmal the latter's writing team is. Imagine if something happened that caused half of the Sinners to permanently die, but no one in the audience gives a shit about it. The setting got so inconsistent that the writers had to pull multiverse bullshit out of their ass to justify everything.
This is just in general. AFAIK, the latest writing fumble was them revealing that the races of the setting can't have kids with each other.
For a few of the idol girl collabs (I think it was Love Live?), the game asks you to switch to Djeeta since the other property has zero male characters. You can just deny it, though.
What will the director look like after he comes out of his thousand year imprisonment?
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>I don't know how bad FGO is
It's worse, I don't care what they do in grub.
Nero shilling pales in comparison to GBF writing, anon.
>Racemixing is NOT possible in our universe
>Red Saber shilling
Holy based. I will now play FGO.
>My best sinners after spending 20k lunacy after grinding through all the Cantos

Lobotomy Yi
Lobotomy Ryo
N Sinclair
N Faust
Edgar Gregor (also got the lob ego)
R Ish
R Heath
W Don

My team can get through shit, but it doesn't really feel synergistic at all. I've got a fuck ton of shard boxes after catching up on content and can probably get 2-3 people. Who should I dispense? WH Heath seems like an obvious, but who else?
There are still a bunch of interracial couples, both canon and fan ships.
>refugees trying to dick measure which series has shittier writing
Huh? Did they actually kill off half the cast in universe or are you saying they're so unloved that they could get away with it
Nice general, limbibis.

This general going off topic has been a thing since day 1.
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Actually dead. You know the lady knight that sometimes gets posted? Got impaled and died. No one cares about the writing or the characters, though, so you didn't hear about it. I can assure you that people would let you know if someone like Mash died for real.
you have the perfect setup for a sinking team
get dieci rodion + rimeshank and butler outis
Shut the FUCK up niggers, I literally do NOT care about your dogshit games.
80% of the main characters of the crew are dead. Name anyone and you're more likely to pick someone that is dead than not.
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Is this okay for a smoke deck?
We should focus on Snaust instead.
You can go for a charge team.
Or just shard season 4 IDs since they're unshardable next season
Haven't played GBF in 5+ years
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I do, I care about the countless mirror worlds.
I just think its very funny that people were shitting on fgo's writing and suddenly someone goes
I thought it was a joke that fatefags actually do that
Eh???? Are you sure it's not just a set up to revive them later anyway?
Wild Hunt Heath
Molar Ishmael
Multicracker Faust for Charge teams (Charge teams don’t properly WIN RATE though so watch out. The AI will use their S3 without charges which will waste them up)
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Nigger, I just want to complain about how fucking SHIT GBF's writing is.
Most people assume that they'll be brought back somehow, but MSQ updates are, like, once a year at this point.
Wait wait. Is it literally just Gran, Lyria, and Vyrn who are alive?
Arguing about other gachas is key to keeping this general alive.
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He is dante (A)lighieri.
What should I change?
Who fucking knows, it'll be years before we find out and they introduced multiverses anyway.
Wait then how the fuck is your story going if most of them are dead? You need protagonists to get anywhere, skills, traits, motivations etc.
Killing off your main cast also cuts off plot threads
Fuck off and complain in their thread then faggot.
Dante Ayinlighieri is a stupid name.
Weren't multiverses a thing since versus yeah? Djeeta and Gran come from different worlds anyway and neither of them recognize Nier even though she should be part of the crew
Was there a hatchet to bury in the first place?
Story doesn't matter, gbf is cruising on homo/yuri bucks
But enough about Limbus Company.
"Barely getting by on WMTSB fans and sunk cost losers
Apparently most of the yumes just left
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If you were to try and catch up with the main story now, you'd go through a plot line where all the main crew get major upgrades and character development only to die meaninglessly later.

Limbus Company!
If limbus ever does a Collab it will truly be over and we will have become just another gachas loo game.
What kind of backup passives are must-haves for sinking teams? Think I might try that
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I'll see you anons later when it becomes a pm general again.
Thank you for this, made me laugh
You're a sick and twisted antisemite for laughing at that.
meds now
>FGO stagnated and gets updates at a snail’s pace
>GBF just killed off its cast
>AK’s protagonist invented rock cancer and gets brainwashed by his own catgirl daughter
What the fuck is going on
NTA but he was obviously joking, relax
that last one was done to make her a romance option
>Barely getting by on WMTSB fans
Very true. My account only sees use whenever I get to see my angels again. Faasan, Belial, and Djeeta sex.
Mexican Sinclair
the director always wins
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>>AK’s protagonist invented rock cancer and gets brainwashed by his own catgirl daughter
>that last one was done to make her a romance option
The more things change... the more they stay the same
FGO needs to end; it's a grandfather gacha at this point. Just build a sequel already
going from jew to turk is quite the upgrade
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Fucking yumes reeeeeeeeeee
Newcutie here, is it more important to uptie or threadspin? Why am I so low on thread all the time?
Don't bother with egos when you're just starting out, only uptie ids
>low on thread
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You can't have one or the other
You NEED to have both

Get back in the mines BITCH
Uptie, except for threadspinning Fluid Sac which is the easy mode EGO.
It's okay. Just buy the monthly thread packs every month.
mexican sinclair and butler faust
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Are abnormalities weakened in the Library's books? I don't remember
thread is the bottle neck
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The abnos in Ruina are weakened yes
>limbis company finally gets collab
>it's with Arby's
This deck's trash. If you're going to use smoke pages, why use energy cycle to begin with? Smoking pipe is fine as it is. Second, you don't need 3 inhale smokes, use some 2 light cost smoke pages. Ironically, you could even make a singleton set with deep drag + wotp + loss of senses, and then your other lower cost pages.
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Fate/GO's first Chapters are shit, this would be like someone using screenshots from Canto I & II and pretending it's representative of the rest of Limbus.
looks.. assaultable
overtly pro-lgbtq thread, limbabs
is there ever a time an abno hasnt been weakened? i feel like theyre almost always weakened by something
does korea even have arbys
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Not while we have enough rope to hang all the faggots.
>Just build a sequel already
It looked like they were going to for a while, but considering the pace and quality of the last year of Type-Moon's output I think it's pretty clear that Nasu is just not interested in continuing writing for the setting and is happy to let the main story just dither out.
Anon even if they were given their most IDEAL habitats if there's no one to feed or clean after them they'll fucking starve and die from diseases

Abnormalities after all are still HUMAN in nature despite it all
did you not fucking read the manual?
It would be a cultural exchange woth hamhampampam
Speedreader forma maxima...
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>he didn't read the manual
yi sang's former group members weren't very good friends considering like half of them are either working against him or were actively trying to kill him.
They're just seething because he failed to read the hints they kept sending him to fuck them but he has "dense harem protagonist syndrome" so they're still sexually frustrated to this day
they'll fucking starve and die from diseases
That's because you don't know just how bad it can get, son.
Just look up their first canon kiss and the whole bread debacle.
Does Basemod still work for LC
Did you not play through LEGACY Lob Corp?
when will be the day that the sinners fight abnos with no deterrence? fuck
Probably, but didn't someone develop a mod manager for it as a replacement?
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<What's with all the art of me being assaulted?>
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>Golden boughs emit deterrence
>Dante has a shard of a golden bough in the clock
Abnobros... it's over.
I saw it mentioned but also saw comments saying it doesn't work or something, same with BaseMod when I was looking to install it.
This post reminds me of the retard yesterday talking about echoes of the manor without knowing what it actually did and telling everyone to read
>Total coinflip on whether this guy is the 50% chance to inflict sinking count or on-hit effect guy
Mysterious. Curious. Exciting, even.
Could just be they're slowing down while they focus on the new thing
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imagine the smell
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Being more serious, it seems that whatever Limbus is doing when collecting the boughs weakens the overall deterrence. There might come a day where the abnos can unleash their true power after all the golden boughs are collected or used up.
Fatty fat fat!!!
>WAW Ebony Queen on Canto 1 is easier than TETH Brazen Bull on Canto 4
What the fuck director
Imagine the taste
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imagine the odor.
Sisters... what's the easiest way to do this?
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well shit, what am I supposed to do now?
>Hex Nail
>Ring ID
>Kurokumo Ryoshu/Gregor
Pick at least 2.
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The Limbus-approved abno risk level overhaul hasn't come yet. Don't know why it's taking so long though.
Clear the Cache, idiot.
But the game asked me so nicely not to start, how could I
Thanks sister
Clearing the Cache is different from Starting the Game, dolt.
Honestly the funniest part about this was how if you don't click it, the clear cathy thing glows brighter and brighter and the screen dims
Lucket log - Pull 118
That is all. You may now return to whatever circlejerk is currently underway.
That's funny. I never stuck around for long in that screen, so I wouldn't know.
Did You Buy Any Lunacy Packs Of The Sort To Reach That Point Or Did You Have Enough Lunacy Saved Up
Shut the fuck up, Kanaya
im really sick of the kanaya kinnie
>131 Pulls
>Still no Ryoshu
>Have pulled lament Sang 5 times
This is not the ideal...
if you genuinely think heathcliff is stupid (especially compared to the rest of the sinners / lcb cast in general) block me because that is legitimately just racism and i am not going to tolerate it i have seen too much shit tonight you people make me very mad
Heathcliff is stupiddly smarter than Faust.
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I want more finger IDs. Hopefully, Heath gets a Thumb one because I like their aesthetic the most, and besides he only has a used to be part of a finger ID.
>Intervallo where one character states YOU ARE NOW IN COLLISION COURSE WITH THE THUMB passes
>Nothing happens next Canto
>2 Intervallos later we've teleported halfway across the city
Forget it, the Thumb is NEVER happening
What games should I play
I got into lob corp because someone recommended it
I got into void strangers because someone recommended it
can someone please give me something else
action games are fine too if they have strategy and a solid story too
They're waiting to pull it out 4 cantos from now so it really hits
play zero escape series if you like puzzles and autistic vn
Why are you guys still playing DEIslop? Limbus LITERALLY just got flagged on the Woke Games watch-list for promoting gender confusion ideology, and they have anti-white discrimination in their hiring practices. Play an actually based game instead like Wukong if you're not cucked
is running hard md better?
limbabs how would you describe the music played in l corp yi sand and ryoshu's uptie story?
Dominions 6.
I'm not a fan of whatever fucking retarded bit this is. Just as annoying as the faggot who made a Limbus thread on /lgbt/ and the tripfag that came over for a thread or two.
For grinding? No. You play Normal for that because it's 4 floors.
For getting all bonuses on one go? Yes, always.
thanks broski
For the weekly bonus? Yes.
For starlight? Yes.
For grinding boxes? No.
:( sowwy....,..,.,
No problem.
do you think id be in this general if I haven't already
I'll look into it. At a glance, it seems a bit far on the vn side, rather than the gameplay one? Though, I don't want to sound picky.
Piqued my curiosity. I'll look into it.

thank you all. I do appreciate it.
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I like the Thumb's aesthetic too, though I hope Meursault is the one that gets a Boris ID.
thank you broski
I suggest you play this game, the best rpg maker game ever created, you won't even believe it was made with that trashcan engine.
ze is vn first and puzzle game second i will admit, but if you are into death games and pseudo science ramble you might like it
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>the better ruina being recd in a pm thread
Didn't expect to see it
Where are all the artfags?
Don't know what you're looking for so here are some low-ish profile games with great mood and interesting concepts.
Pathologic 2
Rain World
Sunless Sea & Skies
Cultist Simulator
Book of Hours
Kentucky Route Zero
Off-Peak (and all his other games)
he looks so cool
do you have a clear png of this?
Northen journey
Comm someone or draw it yourself
is there any benefit to keeping clerks from dying
You might want to try a request thread.
How for (((you))) is this game and Faust ?
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I'm scared, Give it to me straight, If PM is unable to recuperate Leviathan, what does it means for Vergillius as a whole?
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Kissing Hod’s perky butt and tits
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Oh wow, I'm not even the fag who asked for recs, but I might play it just for this
Extremely based
Mouse over the roman number above your regenerator gauge, it shows what benefits you get. The only ones that are worth it are Binah (-12% EGO buying cost), Netzach (+50% healing from regenerators) and maybe Chesed (a few extra bullets)
I don't see how they could possibly lose the case or whatever it is unless there's some serious incompetence at work. I guess if it did happen they might have to buy the rights to Vergilius and whoever else but seems really slim.
Likely redesigned and rewritten. Since his overall contributions to the plot are minimal so far, he'll likely just become legally distinct Verg with a very similar plan. Charon's plot might entirely drop though.
Ah I wondered what made those levels change. Thank you.
I'm starting to not hate Angela.
How do I fix this.
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Embrace the good writing and cute design.
You are not Ayin.
>You are not Ayin.
i just felt something weird in my chest bros...
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They should buff Shootis to make up for making her so stupidly weak after Lament Sang showed how guns should really be.
Acquire prudence
>good writing
I agree. She's good on burn, but I want the gun to be good too. Bullet build up needs to be faster.
Make her S1 gain a magic bullet if the enemy has X amount of burn potency, that should boost her a fair amount.
Congratulations, you're growing up.
Sorry, all the shootis fans said she was super duper strong so she'll stay as she is
Hey if you have an argument for why she's poorly written, I'll listen.
I just think she's written incredibly well, regardless of personal opinions on her actions.
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I agree. Bullet buildup needs to be way faster OR her bullet needs some kind of damage boost too. The only content she felt strong in was her Walpipi and her S3 has felt super underwhelming ever since. It's also stupid that her S2 stops working after a certain amount of bullets.
Please play Northern Journey
The Homeworld games (ignore the latest one)
Weather factory games (BOH/CultSim)
Uh no, limbus is more fun
alright so which snigger is getting fervent beats ego
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Me (I fervently beat my meat to Rodion)
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Actually, Ruina did an incredibly poor attempt for her character development, mostly because they shoehorned in the Lobotomy Corporation format, which worked for that game but not for the sequel.
Not to mention takes away from the sephirot struggles.
Not really considering her growth is apparent when you look at the receptions too
Plus you need to actually do the seph stuff to progress the story due to the library levelling up from doing them
I'd disagree, since the elements of the other sephirah helped with her realizations. She clashed ideals and came out the otherside questioning her stubborn childlike outlook.
I think it also works wonderfully in contrast with Roland, who goes through the same exact type of ordeal, carrying a selfish notion about his own pain like her, but was able to overcome it through the reflection of others.
The format of compare and contrast, being alike but different, is a part of the themes of the game I think, and Angela/Rolands struggles against the ideas of the Sephirah are important to that.
Though I can understand if you feel it undermines Lob Corp's way of theming those characters.
The games are not fresh enough in my mind to take specific example, but I think Angela is written excellently with 'contrast' being a core theme of her's, with part of that mirroring Ayin.
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The sephira stories are treated completely separated to the main story events.
After several break downs after floor realisations we get in the main story that scene where Angela shows the intention to release every abnormality, once she got the true book, spitting on everything we did so far.
>The format of compare and contrast, being alike but different, is a part of the themes of the game I think
Lobotomy Corp had a reason why we started with Malkuth and worked down, despite this being the upside-down to the actual sefirot star.
What is Ruinas reason, except Lob Corp did it first?
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Because it’s a bit by bit thing
Within the main receptions it becomes more obvious that she’s forcing herself to go through with this and she even hesitates at certain points
Her and Roland are basically coping the entire game and the bad endings reinforce this
cute geath
I'm a shitter. Which one do I pick? Is the Evil Defining Ego Ahab or Trio Ahab? This is my first MDH.
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my beloved cutie patootie
You don't want either ahabs anyways
Lust boys are pushovers
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>enemy hp bar displays a stagger bar
>damage them beyond it
>doesnt get staggered

>enemy has egos queued up at the same speed as my sinner
>their ego goes first resulting in a retry
>but only sometimes they go first
Which team you're running? Either way, second or third are the easiest ones.
>Because it’s a bit by bit thing
It should be but it's not. That particular scene I mentions completely destroyed that development that happened up to this point, like it happened on another plain of existence.
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>Which one do I pick? Rape or Rape?
To make it easier on yourself why not go for Tangling Lust or Sunk Gloom?
Lust or Gloom
NEVER pick the ahab rape squad or ahab in mdh floor 5
Lust or Gloom. EGO Ahab if you are a pro limbus gamer.
>What is Ruinas reason, except Lob Corp did it first?
I think that's really the only reason, but I don't that lacks meaning or thought.
Again, there is a mirror to Ayin's journey here, a realization of your own actions and consequences. Angela is going through her own version of Ayin's struggles, which she herself suffered from, and now has to face her own self in a similar manner. It's a reminder of her pains and then a confrontation of it, in the same path it took Ayin.
I think it's neat just how wrapped up in Ayin Angela's journey is, even down to Roland. I know I'm definitely missing the actual context behind the sephirot and how that could more deeply relate, but I think it's far from bad writing.
Lust, got it.
Poise/Random Bullshit hybrid as per usual.
Didn't know she was that bad.
I'd probably have to alt+f4 a couple times. I could make it.... eventually.
>Shoot and kill an enemy with a gun
>Yuri mentions how I'm so sick with my sharp blade
Why is she so stupid?
She's got brainworms bwo. It's not her fault.
Fausto sexo
It doesn’t destroy the development though because she still ends up showing hesitation and is ultimately forcing herself to get there
>Didn't know she was that bad.
Rape squad is an annoying as fuck fight if you dont have the setup to one shot ahab. And ego ahab has a billion phases while also being annoying
>Hong Lu
Are the ones who are at 9 IDs. Since Rodion, is confirmed to get the 000 ID, who's getting the 00 ID?
>Didn't know she was that bad.
its mostly cause of her phase 3, the counter turns into a fucking Nuke in MDH floor 5 if your team is not pierce resistance.
Because Angela is literally Ayin
station 3 of RR4 is an abortion and overall failiure of game design. Im convinced director made it just to troll anyone trying to lower their turn count
Am I fucking insane or did they change how AoE ego works? Previously if one of the targeted enemies died before the AoE would go off it would just add a new target to the pool
How accurate is this tier list for teams of randos rather than an archetype team? 000 and 00 being in their own category
No. I like all the sinners but certainly not enough to grind any more than neccesary.
Obviously. Everyone at level 45, uptie 4 and every EGO is at threadspin 4
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>r corp above wildhunt
i get it but i don't understand it enough to articulate properly
>philipclair above n(igger) corp
>twinhook over lintongreg
what is up with the last one anyways? never really sharded or pulled twinhook so enlighten me
>that armpit
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R Corp can manage on his own while Wild Hunt requires a lot of sinking for his coin power and damage modifiers
Dawnclair can do much more thanks to his easily access AoE while Nclair struggles due to losing a lot of damage potential by rolling a single head
Twinhook is one of the few Poise IDs that can maintain his own poise while shitting out damage modifiers like candy. Gregton loses a lot of damage dues to his 1/2/4 coins and no damage modifiers
If we're going for a team of randos with little to no synergy with one another, then it wouldn't be fair to compare dawnclair to Ncorp. The latter is arguably the ultimate plug and play ID with how insane his rolls are. You can argue he gets fucked by his s1 showing up or rolling heads on one coin of his s3. However dawnclair needs prep and its really hard to get up to 40 SP in a single clash unless you got stigmatize as one of your first skills that round and even then there's no guarantee you have an s2 queued up to use. Hell i dont think even in his EGO form dawnclair can outdamage ncorp, maybe catch up on speed with his s2 but its really dependent on the perfect conditions when, again, ncorp can just be slotted into any team and you've got it solved.
Was a 00 confirmed? I feel like all our new association reveal banners have been a lone 000. Yes I am aware I am patternfagging well beyond what is reasonable.
I'mma be real, this shit wasn't very fun and it took waaaay too fucking long. With how many EGO's I had to use, I easily could have done 2 regular MD's. Especially on that last fight with Tippy Tappy. I'd rather run 3 MD's than 1 MDH.
*draws face on my tummy abs squishes it to make it speak*
I spoke too soon. I see now how niggas get those crazy high numbers on their BP.
It's only really fun if you have a solid theme team.
Otherwise it's a bit of a slog.
The TRVE grinders are doing Hard 3 times a week, and then spamming normal
Like me
Is W Shu Shu good? Should I shard her? That MDH put me in a good spot box wise.
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This was way too painful, and I didn't even get the Miris exclusive attack so I have to go right back in.
Should I dispense Sanguine Rodion?
>Is W Shu Shu good?
>Should I shard her?
New reveals yeah, most later ones were have a bonus thing on them.
gn /lcg/
W shu is still probably one of the most independent IDs
Bro? The Zwei identities in two weeks?
if you've nothing else you want to shard, it's a good investment for the inevitable actual good bleed rodya id
>two weeks
Who cares, they arent seasonal so they can always be sharded too.
This seems more like a tier list just from top to bottom. You could definitely move a few of them around but seems accurate for the most part. I think with the addition of Lament Ego Linton Greg is probably better now but thats personal opinion and depends on how much Egos matter.
Gn bwo
Noted. Thank you.
I fucked up....
I've spent $50 on rolls. I got Hook Lu, Lantern Don, Ahabmael, Dead Rabbit Mersault, and Spicebush Yi Sang. Someone pleasee cash app me my money back. $VesperKid Onegai...
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lmao no nigga be responsible for your purchases
Nice larp nobody spends on this game beyond the pass
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thank you for funding the theme park
>No thick jungle of a bush
Into the trash it goes.
this game... is lgbt... isnt it
Youve been trying this all night
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Your lack of self control brought you HERE.
So what is Devyat Rodya gonna be?
Gotta be rupture right?
She's missing a rupture ID.
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I spent 70 dollars this walpipi and all my money went gladly GLORY TO PROJECT MOON
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i'd delete that if i were you
>posting billing address on 4chan
what the fuck are you doing newbab
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I sure hope that Info is not real, retardbro.
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you can't be this fucking stupid
We have Nobility posting here???
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Best time to look into this thread
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Jesus fuck man, I literally have 0 debt on my name and I wouldn't dream of doing this past the battle pass

Oh come on now, this is a bit far-
But I guess it's a lesson in its own way...
bro works at the krusty krab he doesn't need us to cashapp him
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What is up with this general and retards not checking their images...
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This is rotten.
>American Intelligence
SEAgods wouldn't have made such a blunder
>begging for 50 dollars
Bro, honestly how old are you...
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Sometimes my real name fills into the Name section of the quick reply and I'm always afraid of accidentally doxxing myself. This shit is frightening. Don't bully the limbab bros, he doesn't deserve it.
Im guessing its a kid
Just know that doxxing yourself on 4chan usually leads to nothing. But be mindful of your accounts for a few days.
Go scream into a pillow and be thankful this mistake can be learned from.
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My guess is-
2nd year college student mooching off of parent's funds, used his lunch money
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Do clerks really...?
Thank you Ammar Al-Assaf
I don't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already have.
I will tell you that I am too old to be fucking up like this.
Can we not do this? Stop bullying the newcutie bros
Probably this
Just be glad it happened here and not somewhere worse.
This happened to me once years ago, somehow no one mentioned it and I managed to get away.
I still think about it sometimes.
You can clear out field autocomplete results with the Del key
I will never pity anyone who lives in europe or america, you all have it easy so you should spend more money on PM
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Come on Dave if you've got "The Third" in your name you've got to be rich enough to splurge 50$ once in a while.
Just a jest.
Oh, I just did. That's nice, I won't be worried about it any further.
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>once had my personal MAIN email autofill
>>no one saw it
Guys I think he likes dragons
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I have the same issue, no idea how to fix it.
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Look outside your window david
oswald oh no no no dot png
Stop bullying the poor kid lmao
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How interesting.
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>Black people in my thread
What do you mean, Artour Babaev?

Is this just open info to the public in America or something
I'm pretty sure votes where I live are kept in secrecy
looks like the >>493504501 works, but also sometimes, there pops up an X that can delete it. Sometimes I feel like it doesn't pop up though.
>born 2000
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Distort, nig, do it
>actual nigger pandhandling itt
Holy fucking kek
It's not votes, but it's voter registration. You can be republican registered and vote whatever you want.
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Do you think Dave will be able to make this week's car loan repayment?
America is a dystopian country
Shut the fuck up, that's the first thing I do with my check. I'm responsible... enough. I just fuck up with my spending money.
Do you guys think David knows what the chirp is that goes off in his house every so often means

do you guys think that if we asked him if he didnt have breakfast, how would he feel, that he would respond with another question?

do you guys think that he's an idiot for being a
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hmmmmm nyes I can smell a DISTORT.
>do you guys think that he's an idiot for being a
yes but i think you're an idiot for being a
his race just makes it worse
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Literally who cares, nigga has gambling addiction.
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Remember how I said I spent 100 euroes to pity Wildhunt Heathcliff?

I spent zero euroes to get bot walpipi ID's in 30 pulls. Funny how life works like that
I was an electrician, I installed the smoke alarms. I got plenty of calls from white people because they were either too retarded or too lazy to change their batteries themselves.
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that's gacha.
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always something funny going on in this general, never change guys
looks like you're too retarded and lazy to not beg on 4chan you stupid nigger
Bro stop being an ass 9 volts are expensive and he spent his last 50 on some gacha rolls
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>nigger begging for welfare checks after spending it poorly
uncle ruckus itt and you all insult him... the man is a national HERO
Alright fellas, alright. That's enough, let me be. Please.
Good on you buddy, I've heard those 500% interest rates are a killer.
He was a NIGGER anon
Black people literally can't read novels, how come this nogger even plays limbus? try genshin bruh no wonder you spent money on rolls
>post censored NSFW and delete it a minute later
>gets banned from ever posting files within seconds
>nigga gets doxxed multiple times
>absolute silence
Why are the mods such nigger lovers?
Now this is the /lcg/ I know and love
Funny how people will vote against their own interests, to people that mock their race and wishes for them to be gone.
You're going to be clowned on for the next week and a half.
I recommend taking some time off from /lcg/. Seriously my guy.
white people voting for either party when they bipartisan support jews
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You live in fucking america and you beg for my money.
genshin is even more wordy than limbus
Could be worse. You could be me an occasionally get banned for posting nsfw on a blue board when its a sfw image youve posted for years
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Shut up. I read books.

I've been one of you guys for months now. Show mercy. Dante wouldn't do or say these things to me. What would Charon and Vergilius think?
You're right. I'm leaving. I'll see you guys in a month.
but nobody reads genshin lore because it's all expositional filler to a "nothing" story
>I've been one of you guys for months now.
fucking tourist
I support Trump
It's okay MY FIXA. Just take a break. Youth of this day has no respect for a smoke war vet.
Post xbox
It could be much MUCH worse and you randomly get banned for 'racism outside /b/' or the fable 'trolling outside /b/
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You're living in a damn first world country and asking for money-
You're getting bullied for atleast until the end of next thread lel
>I read books
>Videogame novels designed for teens
y-yeah good one "bro" i

i'm a bit speechless about how retarded you are.
>makes a post saying he spent 50 dollars on rolls
>posts his cashapp to beg for money
>some anon says prove it
>gets doxed
Later David.
Don't take this too personally despite it being literally that. We've all made mistakes.
I once got scammed by a Russian posing as a dom on a fetish dating app.
Yeah cutie that's it, keep digging your grave deeper, it's really fun to look at
>That Don
Something's about to burst and it's not my tremor
newfag here I want to build charge team, should I use WRyo or Redshu? I have both unleveled
>getting banned for racism
So long as you dont insult spics or SEA (the majority of jannies and mods) youre fine
I hope Trump doesn't go to jail
There's a YouTuber who males AI president content, and I don't want Trump to leave the show because he's my favorite
i should make a david nugget...
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Don't sweat it, we all make mistakes. David.
>>That Don
>Something's about to burst and it's not my tremor
Yeah it's probably your ocular nerves, check with an eye doctor.
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>That Don
Wouldn't that make it even better?
Shit would be like an always sunny bit
"The gang breaks trump out of jail"
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>I once got scammed by a Russian posing as a dom on a fetish dating app.
Leave my thread retard.
>>That Don
I shall rape you.
Seems like the consensus is that red shu is stronger by a bit, so prio her first, but do both since they have different damage types.
I will not.
Whatcha gonna do? Bully me harder?
Make me all hot and bothered by calling me a retarded faggot?
dw youtuber's don't have souls he will be there forever
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>Outis hasn't gotten content in so long anons don't even recognize her anymore
How do Outisfags cope with this?
why are you talking like a discord user
Based masoGOD
>Dreamybull is itt right now
can i get fiddy dolla cashapp
You are a good boy and a valuable member of the /lcg/ community *smooch*
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>I once got scammed by a Russian posing as a dom on a fetish dating app.
As a retard who has almost all the IDs, (excluding Reindeer, Kurokumo Ryo, Cinq Don) I use spider shu in an Envy bleed team
Middle Duo, Pequod Trio, Spider shu. With W Faust on the bench

W Ryoshu goes in the charge team for me
This is all in the perspective of Mirror Dungeon ofc
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I see I missed some fun in my sleep
dontchu got a bitch that can wave her hand around and getchu money? wife still dead tho lmaooooooo
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>come back to the thread
>some burger doxxed himself
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Post your thread toad team, anon..
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People accepting and taking pride in being loser is the most beta behaviour. Stop acting like this and leave back to disgroom and xitter. You faggots need to be bullied.
Goldshower Gypsycliff.
Sunshower Heathcliff with Telepole HE can probably solo it
Personally, I also slot in N corp SInclair to see who can kill each other faster
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Ring duo
Hook Lu
Cpt Ish
KK Ryoshu (use a support for gebu ryo if I remember)
Same as everyone of my thread teams.
I use a __skip__ team.
I solo it with NClair
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Do you fags uptie all the EGO to 4 too
This is asking for way too many resources...
This one kind of references canon events and even brings them into the story of the content
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Enough. Angela, get me my rifle.
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This thread has been fun.
no lmao
more attack weight is necessary
Alright both it is, thanks anon
Only if it's going to WAW from HE or if it's just >that good<
I try to save thread for ID's
Rate my progress
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>3+ atk weight?
>extremely niche and specific ego that requires you to do a triple backflip and then finger your asshole for it to get proper damage?
>stuck at ut1
I'm looking at you soup nigs
At least to III for passive and slight boost of damage. I don't use EGOs very often. So uptie 4 mostly goes to stuff that I actually use. No team synergy in mind either.
Waste of time/10
Lol no
Motherfucking ASTLIBRA
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>I read books
Miss me with that shit
This happened to me once and that's how I found out someone in my city shares my exact name
Apparently someone sent him flowers to his address so I hope he liked them
God I'm fucking horny.
I paid for exp tickets...
turbo mode when?
sinclairs for this feel
Why are Limbers distorsions so weak compared to Ruina ones. Just Phillip could go from multiple babies to a monster several times and was a threat to the City at one third of its self, in comparison we have an AIDS chicken and two mutts. I won't count Kim since he was forcefully distorted, but he didn't seem to get the bullshit magic powers previous distorsions did either.
Same, jerked off to ahab femdom already, but I need more.
philip didn't distort
Carmen is doing her best okay? Give her a break.
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Dead on arrival.
read distortion detective
you're forgetting about wairdo-hunteyoh but aside from that we're actual garbage. bottom of the barrel thats barely able to contend with urban plague shitters or that fucking wimp of a bloodfiend lucchetti even though we've virtually infinite revives and the mirror. we're going to be stuck as small fodder until purgatorio and solve the small/pathetic distortions while Moses and the gang get to tackle serious work
He pretty clearly distorted, dude
He ALMOST manifested ego but instead he got too trapped inside his own bullshit head space instead of just saying fuck it we ball and got a shitty half-ego that burned him up from the inside and made him distort even harder
I mean it's either that or, what, you're going to start telling me the rest of the Reverb Ensemble were just a bunch of wacky costumed guys
Because the library was selectively accepting strong foes to grow and we got to the top tiers of the city by the endgame. Distortions have always been all over the place, plenty of shitter distortions show up in DD and moses even talks about stuff like distorting by having their head turn into a puff of air and dissipating and other relatively-benign things like that.
Strong distortions still exist, they're just rare and if we did meet one now it'd be a clean partywipe without Ver.
That's not fourth match flame.
I know black guy from /a/ who read School Days so your statement is false.
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uooaahhh tipheret crotch...
Because the stronger distortions still maintain some degree of sanity and consciousness, and are being scouted by Demian in his blue team.
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Fuck I need to replay this again once I forget all the plot.
This is the end, Angela.
Is wingbeat worth sharding or am I better off spending my ish shards on molar ish or ardor moth flame
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All of the male sinners would be vastly improved if they were instead women with large breasts.
Mersault would never say this.
Mersault would say this.
molar for sinkan' team
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The Citadel
Wasteland 3
Wingbeat deals absurd damage to Gluttony weak enemies but has weak clashing
Ardor has middling damage/effects but is I BELIEVE the highest rolling coin in the game
Molar Ish is very strong for pierce weak enemies but truly shines as being exceptional on Sinking teams
Not gregor, only males can be true friends
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>All these deleted posts
What the FUCK happened here?
I have to commend PM for adding just enough anime bullshit to their stories to create cool moments without making them cringe.
>Abnos cant die
>Usually incredibly powerful
>Each one follows unique esoteric rules that makes developing counters a nightmare
>Some can be reasoned with

R corps retarded clone fortnite would Have been eternally shafted if LoboCorp had decided to produce mercenaries instead of energy. Producing new abnos wasn't even that costly considering how many they made in such a short time
Some retard literally doxxed themselves after begging for money
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Royalty passed through /lcg/'s halls
>he missed it
TLDR, an Anon wasted 50$ on rolling, begged for money, provided proof that he did lose money on steam, accidentally doxed himself as he didn't redact info
Anons did some digging around and found a lot more about him
Kim teased a new character
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New sinner leak
It's Alice
Reasoned with is not the same as Controlled
There are literally 2 in the entirety of their repertoire that could kinda do merc work and they were incredibly costly
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>He does not know
Royal guy from US invested ~260$ into ProjectMoonland.
>deleted posts
>still archived for anyone to view and see
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>scroll up
>some burgerfat doxxed himself
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Dave the Diver spinoff set in the PMverse got confirmed
And people give me the stick eye whenever I tell them I have no social media accounts or credit cards and barely any online presence
This is why
Because you can't control abnos and you can only reason with them so far as it fits that abnormality's archetype, and even then that comes with a cost.
Also starting a wing war against the combat-specialist wing sound like a hell of a lot of a rougher time than against the already unpopular smoke shitters and their bugman allies.
>stink eye*
I mean the worst that has happened is a dude getting bullied. Reasonably the worst that could happen is attempted identity theft/fruad. Or mailing him cum.
Don't mail anyone cum...
But the males are the interesting characters in this franchise???
Me cum
Yeah because /lcg/ is made of tourists and zoomers for the most part. Had this been the old days of 4chan, that nigga would've been socially dead and turned to a hermit
Mail me Gregor cumtributes
They'd be more interesting if they were women. /lcg/ might even stop seething about Sinclair.
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>oldfag larping
That's it, I'm mailing everyone in this thread cum.
I wish rodya mailed me her cum
D-Doxing people is bad Dante...
Doxing bad people is good.
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(I decided to get ardor blossom anyway because I've already dumped all my resources into full burn)
My newbab cock is aboutta mail some cum directly into Outis' home address. If you catch my drift
Name 1 instance where this happened
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Why'd you hide your user id anon.
After the events of this thread I'm not taking any chances
It'd be kino if it happened midway through an Intervallo or Canto. Just trying to do our job when suddenly
>Your are now in opposition to the Thumb.
>We are trying to-
>YOU. ARE IN. OPPOSITION. TO THE THUMB. Your fate is already set. Fight or not. It doesn't change our actions.

And then every stage thereafter, including story-only, has a pre-battle with Thumb opponents.
This but unironically, we already have beef with the Middle, the Thumb and the Ring(kinda).
We are gonna piss off the Index and the Pinky in the next 2 cantos and then they will all come for our asses during Ryoshu canto.
I mean the Ring members we met in VI were ex-Ring weren't they? Though I could still see the Ring coming after us because they're still salty about what happened with Ver or that we have the corridor in our bus.
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Why do you think I have no social accounts
>124 modules/12 boxes
>hasn't emptied the dispenser
Get your lazy ass into the mines right now
Do I have to finish the ordeal to get the "1 shot 3 enemies" and "inflict 6 statuses on one enemy in one turn" missions? They don't say complete suppression. Wondering if I can just do them and dip.
I don't remember leviathan. Weren't N corp and the ring collaborating in the corridor's laboratory or something? Or was it a kidnapped researcher from N corp?
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I want to confess - I bought xbox game pass for 3 months just to play codslop.
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Sure you don't own those games, but with the library of Xbox, gamepass ain't all that bad-
>to play
Isn't warzone fucking free
I know. I just want to hope that black ops 6 will be kino as black ops 1 and black ops 2...
for multiplayer and black ops 6 singleplayer, but I've played a lot of warzone during COVID era
>Ryoshu's Canto ID
>has to be related to the fingers
>can't be a finger ID since she loathes them
>anti-hand ID
>she makes her own group to oppose the fingers (hand)
>opposite of hand is foot
>Ryoshu gets a foot ID
It's written in stone at this point
You are the direct constituent of the hell the world is becoming. Pay penance by signing this petition.
How the hell did I not make this connectiom before his backstory is basically identical.
Was about to reply to this seriously
>I just want to hope that black ops 6 will be kino as black ops 1 and black ops 2
why are you like this
You lost
Don is the new foot queen
Face reality
Faust, shut the fuck up. Your manager is trying to think.
I didn't play any decent FPS that is not arena/boomer shooter in a decade
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Hmmm no.
How many turns do you have in section 1 anons? I managed to get my turn count from 33 to 25, and managed to beat portrait in 8 turns
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SHOCKING: Rodya got thin
And people say ozempic isn't a miracle drug kek
They should leak it into burgerland's water supply, honestly
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Man, didn't think that I would live to see the moment when americans would begin to forget their own language... Faster than usual, I mean.
Didn't he die?
Ah fuck it I'll bite
Imagine being so fragile that the mere possibility of a minority showing up makes you go "damn I guess that one's not for me"
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kek is that trolling
You are brown
you have to proof that
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>n corp getting on the culture war grift
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>>493514961 (me)
Limbus Company.
He prerecorded content two years prior just to post while he was losing weight. All he did was for the money, and he won.
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Hmm, I'm going to have to call this BASED.
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>Where are all the artfags?
you won't find them here lol.
they'd rather post their art on reddit and twitter where they get actual praise and recognition.
unlike this place where they call 99% of all fanart trash and then beg you to do their requests
>gain 200+ pounds
>require oxygen mask to breath
>require scooter to move
>for a couple of hundred thousands
Yup, he sure won
I am a newerbab and I got like 28 and 31 in my two tries.
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How is Ruina fine but Limbus Not Recommended? Just because pronouns?
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uh oh
isn't transhumanism (and electric cars) cool now that musk is on "our" side?
Anon, that list full of shit. Life is Strange less woke than Limbus
>live in an echo chamber
>get critisim
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>Life is Strange less woke than Limbus
These retards have spammed that word so much that it completely lost all of its meaning
>subtly pro-transhumanism
I'm imagining someone seeing a person with a prosthetic leg walking down the street and having a psychiatric break
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Kate would go full NCorp tho
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<I would like to formally apologize to Kromer, the One Who Grips, who is also the most beautiful woman in the world, much more so than that ugly Faust, the One Who Grips, knockoff.>
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atleast if someone on twitter likes my art enough they might commission.
most losers here only ever beg for art requests and then call you a jew for not accepting their ideas
Post your art then so i would call you a jew.
Post your twitter.
>getting second pair of robo hands le bad
>turning yourself into rabid monster i a ok
fuck of kromer, i want my extra hands
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Critism only means anything when it's informed, "it's shit" tells you absolutely nothing. Of course the same goes for empty praise as well. I just avoid posting my art at all these days, it's not like it'd get me anything.
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eh i think my art is not that great.
but if it'll make you shut up
then here's one of my PM fanart
Is this woke? IS THIS W-WOKE?
I didn't even mention commissions or getting paid. You honestly sound like a faggot who's been living in an echo chamber
Cute Don but i still call you a jew; just in case.
Pretty cute, good job, anon.
I don't know who needs to hear this but simply having eyes does not actually qualify you to give constructive criticism on art. "It's shit" is not constructive criticism. At least the barest knowledge of fundamental principles is required to give the barest resemblance of constructive criticism.
The same is true for music, the same is true for food, the same is true for writing, the same is true for theater.
Also, generally speaking, artists are at least vaguely aware of the flaws in their work; they do not require you to point them out specifically. This is why people generally get miffed when you give them unsolicited criticism: they already know.
You can feel free to ignore this and keep doing as you do but please understand that people see you as a clown for these exact reasons.
I will apologize only if you leglock my head, Kromer
Spoken like a true jew.
She looks like she finally achieved her Impossible Dream.
Good End ID.

Also you're jewish. Just in case you actually are.
Other than her face on the right, the art is cute.
You going out of your way and crying in your previous post makes me think you're an attention whore
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Nice Red Mist Don.
You're still a jew.
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I actually think that Kromer is so much better than NFaust it's crazy. I don't understand why they made her a sleep deprived NEET.
>Get called a nigger
>Call them a nigger back

Please offline yourself and talk with real human beings instead of chatbots please.
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I like both of them.
I understand that just saying 'it's shit' the worst thing a person would want to hear for something they worked on. But at the same time, you can just ignore them because they're obviously being retards or just trolls. The furthest you can go, is by asking for further clarification, and if they do give you a well, meaningful critic, then nice. But if they keep on saying 'it's shit' or other dumb replies, then you can ignore them
I can't relate to artists, but I have a job too. I'm basically an 'artist' in a different sense. And I NEED to hear critiques other than 'it's good' otherwise I'll never improve
Feedback is very important with progressing forward, otherwise we'll end up as Andrew Dobson
>nobody gives me actual critc
>bitch about it
>get critic
>throw a tanturm
And here I was trying to be civil
With all due respect, which isn't a whole lot, why would anybody here have any meaningful art critique
An artist would be much better served going to any given dedicated community for artists if they wanted critique or advice
In no reality is it worth anybody's time to humor every single anonymous poster in order to find out if they're a retarded 14 year old or a secret master when 99% of the time it's the former
>why would anybody here have any meaningful art critique
I want people to improve
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I can see that you engage in the most ancient of Jewish traditions. Lying. I invoke the ancient guardian against such powerful Jewish Tricks.

Still doesn't change the fact that if you post your art here you'll get negative comments. Which disincentivize returning. If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything. The lack of reactions will be its own reaction.
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This was overall a VERY interesting thread.
Please only say good things about me.
this intolerance is borderline psychotic
and the document as a whole feels like it was made by a bunch of tourists regarding the fandoms
That's very nice but, as you've admitted, you have no artistic skill and probably no grasp of the fundamentals of art. Therefor, cut your fingers off and stop posting.
>Still doesn't change the fact that if you post your art here you'll get negative comments. Which disincentivize returning.
While I appreciate artfags if someone doesn't belong here, they don't belong here.
You smell better than my shoe.
Because that's exactly why I brought up Andrew Dobson. The way you're thinking, is exactly like he was thinking.
If you're posting your art anywhere else, it's because you want praise, and nothing more, an echo chamber basically. If everyone just says 'your art is good', 'your art is good', then you'll never improve that way
>anon thought I was the same anon
I love tricking people
When and where did I lie?
>If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything
My fucking sides.
How good are walpoopoo Ryoshu and Yi Sang? For reference make sure you tell me they're just okay because I'm at 180 pulls without getting either of them
I've pretty much said all I want to say, but I will leave off by letting you know that your understanding of every website outside of this one is skewed beyond usefulness. There exist many other places in this world where an artist can receive unfiltered critique from people with vast skill ranges, critique that far surpasses pretty much anything you would get in a thread like this one, here on this board. You do not have some unique gift of "telling it like it is" that the rest of the world has forgotten or left behind. You have an ego complex, a middling grasp of the English language, and a penchant for wasting other people's time.
In summary, you're a clown.
i just fucking noticed that if someone is looking for a game that is accepting of wokeness this would provide a great list of them
i dont think this was well thought of tbqh
They are just okay.
Ryoshu is unga bunga, especially in charge, Yi Sang is amazing.
Yi Sang is so ridiculously good I can’t believe it
The artist was explaining why the artfags don't show up here. The criticism angle was added later in an attempt to frame the entire arguement as that. Your jewish coat has been stripped. Return to the ghetto.

THis is getting silly. Get your jab in and we'll call it a truce
You see, THIS is exactly what I'm talking about. You have literally proven my point that I was trying to make
red ryo is a better charge ID but she focus on regen hp/sp and bleed
bulletsang is a great sink ID, likely the best he has. he cant deluge or AoE but he single target focus really well
Not really, I'm not even an artist. I'm an engineer.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You're the one who started crying and bitching about hate messages. You said you don't get critiques, and I gave you one, then you started shitting yourself, I'm assuming out of stupidity or something
No. It's very well thought out actually. It is correctly fulfilling its purpose.
Glad to hear that, and I'm a dentist. And it doesn't change my point. Regardless of any job or position, critique is very important for anyone to improve. Even if they were a janitor or a garbage man
As shown by Boeing, there's no need for improvement as long as you are confident.
I'm a dentist too, and I've seen a lot of people cruise by with force of personality
It became woke after Ruina. Lob corp was based and ayin pilled. But LoR became "woman has feelings the game™" which was a snorefest storywise. Roland could have been cool but they just had to ruin it by making his wife the real color fixer. I will never trust any gooks after this.
Go woke go broke
Chuds are just right wing SJWs

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