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Previous thread: >>493471353

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

No Davids or artists allowed in my thread.
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Huh I'm early
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You all aren't playing any woke, transhuman games, right? Remember that prosthetic users are not true humans.
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I assume drawpile is exhausted considering Yi x Clair OP went up last thread
If it isn't then, make the next OP
>1+ more week of this SHIT
Well at least things can't get any worse before Devyat Rodya.
should be called the red gist because blah blah yeah i get it already sheesh
is new ryoshu better than w ryoshu?
As active support -yes.
As slash EDGE enthusiast - not really.
One is a slash ID, the other is a blunt ID
I fucking hate hybrid IDs!
Ahabmael wants to be a Poise team, but she wants 10 bleed for her skill 3 to not roll a 16
QQcliff wants to be in a bleed team but wants to be with Ahabmael in order to fuck shit up
Pregor is a poise ID but wants to be in a bleed team for his coin powers
This is fucking retarded!
Bro. Your 6 Sinners?
pee sang is such a funny fucker man is so gloomy he has 3 sinking ids. you also think hes a frail little nerd but then you look at the speed on all his ids. what the fuck is this man running from.
Anon, your bleed-poise team?
Its a kinda shit team granted
Bleed-poise; energy-tremor;
Where's sinking-rupture?
new ryo does bleed and heals
old ryo has no such worries for you do not need to heal or bleed the enemy if he is dead
well ahit has troon flag but i just mod it out. Is that alright kromie?
BL Faust
Yaoi Sang
There's your Bleed-Poise team retard
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ok. but have you considered, double fusion gift memes? thank you.
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>he never built mixed terrain decks in Magic The Gathering
I miss when MtG was good
Ahabmael also wants 3 pride res for her passive and skill 2, the thing that makes her unique. But there aren't that many strong Bleed IDs with abundant of the same sin skills
Pregor, Ahabmael and QQ have pride in common
Budshu, Ahabmael and QQ have Envy
Painters have lust
Hook Lu has lust and pride, yes, but his pride is on skill 3
There aren't that many good bleed IDs with pride skills, which is what pisses me off the most
Stop huffing Bloody Mist and EGO gifts all the time, faggot
It's funny replaying his story and seeing him set out to walk on bare feet while keeping this in mind. Man walked so fucking far he became a marathoner
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How do I use this guy? He either has too many talismans and takes damage from them or not enough to apply them to the enemy.
fuck off retard
>Status effect that loses a lot of count + Status effect that loses a lot of count
Never going to work

>Ish Ahab inflicts no count
>QQCliff inflicts count... Only if the enemy has bleed stacks on them already.
>Pregor inflicts no count (Please don't tell me 2 count on crit with S3 is count, its arguably less than Ishmael)
>BL Faust inflicts no Count
>Kimsault inflicts no Count
>Yaoi Sang has good application but no poise and team lacks debuffs
So this is a strictly MD team?

>Ahabmael also wants 3 pride res for her passive and skill 2
Her passive is just a on-kill which isn't is nice and isn't that important
Skill 2 can just use lust resonance
I was a Yu-Gi-Oh and Duel Masters (also known the good MtG) kid
Use him as a condom for your rupture team.
>he uptied him to 4
Bro, you're missing basesang.
>Skill 2 can just use lust resonance
Again, it's the same problem. Not enough Lust skills to make the skill 2 hit consistantly
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*ahem* *spits*
Le city!
skill 2 buffs pride damage specifically even though any res can trigger it. ahabmael probably belongs in teams with

pride > bleed > other res > poise >>>>>>> burn in that order. but bleed has hilarious ego gifts so she's a good fit in bleed teams in md. her attacks all have random tiny status tags so she's designed to be an all rounder md unit in any case. she's annoying to use in content that's actually difficult because of her annoying sanity loss passive
>Duel Masters
Based. I still have my foil collection somewhere.
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>I hare hybrid IDs!
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There's always The City.
There's always the girl.
why is he so gloomy
S2>S3. The rest is 5D chess involving EGO, passive and his skill manipulation. I would say focus more on him being blunt ungatard, instead of trying to "snowball" the talismans, until you get the perfect opportunity to do so.
>Use him as a condom
That's every Sinclair.
but if i said 4 no one would have responded and i would have felt lonely
bring us the book, and wipe away the debt
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Is Faust for (((you))) ?
Grabbing ryoshu's mouth so she spits it out
I didn't know the Grant Us Love stomp was red damage, I simply let the clerks die whenever it spawned.
You eyeballing me?
She used to, but now Yi Sang is aiming for her after finding her less competent version cute.
>Less competent
In 2 months someone limbtard is going to come around asking "But isn't Faust dumb when she's not connected to the gelleschaft?", I just know it.
I’m inclined to agree. You can easily slap a bunch of poise hybrid units but the only poise support is pretty much bl don and I guess ish captain. Poise is too shit for how hard it is to build and maintain on most units
this pic makes me wonder, have yi sang and ryoshu ever directly interacted in the story? actually, aren't there a few sinners who haven't ever talked directly to each other or even about each other in the main campaign?
But isn't Faust dumb when she's not connected to the gelleschaft?
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I’m so full…
Help me up…
poise seems like its supposed to be the status for long fights? except it blows ass at those too and charge has basically taken its place. poise is such a fucking ass status it wasn't even good during the md that was literally designed to be slash weak pride weak and gave out poise gifts like candy. outside of md it really feels like the units that have poise are just too weak by default aside from like poise sang uptie 4 and meursault
what's a good sinking team look like
The new MD gifts/MD pack will become permanent after Walpipi ends?
I can't, Rodion.
I hope not, the entire thing is way too long unless you have a proper team for it
But probably
hopefully they mix in the Walpipi events/gifts on all other packs
But I doubt it.
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Ryoshu is one of the few sinners that barely interact with anyone. Same as Hong Lu and Faust.
Probably not
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Is Ryoshu's "unique" charge considered a charge ID for the purposes of EGO gifts? Is it really worth sacking WShu for her walpipi IDs in charge teams? Is it worth to get charge egos for her in bleed teams?
You can just not pick it
i love how fucking dogshit tremor was and rather than change the status to fix it they made it so you can transmog it to a whole rainbow of different statuses. bleed is kinda bad in md since most times it only even ever does anything in non boss fights starting on turn 2 so their idea for balancing it was they just made the bleed fusion gift basically say do triple damage and win every clash ever also you don't give a fuck about bleed anymore because everything is staggered already. rather than make a gift that actually interacts with the status. i can't wait for the poise update whats it gonna be how are they gonna brute force fix it with some brand new ids and egos
>See a pack with too long fights
>Okay, I don't pick it
>See a pack with a bad boss
>Okay, I don't pick it
>See a pack with bad EGO gifts
>Okay, I don't pick it

>Wait I have nothing to pick
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I can't stand it anymore, I must rape her.
this made me laugh for whatever reason. when was this?

also you just reminded me of all the times hong lu piped up just to call heathcliff poor
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>see pack that has the gifts I want
>pick it no matter what it is
>winrate while alt tabbing
>pick the gift no matter what the mounting trial is
>Is Ryoshu's "unique" charge considered a charge ID for the purposes of EGO gifts?
The gifts that interact with Unique Charge have had their descriptions changed to explicitly state it.
>See a pack with bad EGO gifts
This is not an issue at all, you don't even need to minmax gifts to beat MDH
>when was this?
Chapter 6, episode 13.
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here, made it funnier.
>pick bloody mist over cotton
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>Pick a good EGO gift over a mediocre EGO gift
unironically paying any attention to the screen is probably a mistake. outside of getting busted fusion gifts for certain teams its probably a bigger time save both total time wise and attention paid to screen time to just wr absentmindedly and insta pick anything thats not a retarded 4 wave final boss (your team is strong enough to 1-2 turn all regular bosses right? right?...)

that being said i still pay a bit of attention in shops because shopping is fun.
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Honorary Aryan mommy >>> Nigger roastie
Even in longer fights, it's ass. I did multiple archetype based RR runs, and Poise underperformed in all of them
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How much longer until the savior of bleed sayoshmael
>pick bloody mist and cotton
>99% of the time everything is just dead already
>vast majority of fights after getting it are just 1 turn stomps or rarely cleaning up one straggler

wow .......you sure are retarded
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That flatoid is not motherly enough for a Sayo ID.
I want her to apply fragile to me once per scene
I want her to inflict bleed on me
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Since the event is over I don’t need to pick the WARP floor in the Mirror Dungeon anymore right?
What's the point if everyone is already dead before turn 2 even starts?
Solemn Sang
Butler Faust
Butler Outis
Linton Gregor w/ Lament EGO
Molar Ishmael
Dieci Rodya w/ Rime Shank

You can replace Butler Faust with Dieci Lu or Erlking but I like having higher uptime on echoes debuff since Greg's EGO absolutely shreds through count
You absolutely need to
i'm pretty sure poise is never going to be good until they give it a "true damage" mechanic. tons of bosses have resists and shit while as far as i know most status type damage bypasses defenses? sloth and sinking have affinity type damage but do they interact with protection? and thats compounded by the bad unit selection poise has combined with the bad damage type of slash. for whatever reason, crush seems to be heavily favored in this game for most difficult fights and plenty of easy ones too.
>while as far as i know most status type damage bypasses defenses?
Rupture and Bleed do.
Burn also does, but not really.
That's 2 out of 7 statuses.
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>the much hyped Erlking is a mere bench warmer for Sinking team
What went wrong?
That's the problem here. Bloody Mist is just way better compare to 90% of bleed focused gifts. Excluding wound clerid. Respite is actually interesting, but it's just dogshit version of clean mirror.
>t.RingSang abusers
I'm talking about REAL bleedGOODs like Kurokumo. Their damage is so bad that it takes a while to clean up without BM.
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He's good but you have to play manually
Which makes him shit in my book.
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She’d manhandle you
how is burn not really? dark flame setups make things just silly.

also you can't count statuses which are just buffs so thats charge and poise out.
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No woman in existence can beat the clock
White Goyslopium saved my ass numerous times when I was a newbab
Sure, enemies cant stay staggered anymore but it inflicts shitton of offense down
Helped me when I had shit teams (I used to run MD with half the team being LCBs and the other half barely UT2)
Too much to manage in his kit in an otherwise straight forward archetype plus his gimmick not working at all in winrate gameplay (95% of your time playing) makes him undesirable.
He's still incredible for manual gameplay, but Greg Lament has taken the role as primary damage dealer in the team now with how fucking BUSTED that EGO is.
bloody most was good without him already bandwagon baby. guess you only learned to fuse after he came out huh?
>Dark Flame
That's Pride.
>also you can't count statuses which are just buffs
Yes I can?
How the fuck do you exclude Poise, its one of the 7 status effects, and read the post that's replying to >>493521384
they do bypass physical damage defenses which is relevant on bosses which resist fucking everything. its fun as fuck to play poise (slash) into some 0.5 shit which also resists pride
>Erlking gives Linton Gregor time to train before his ultimate revenge
>Outdamaged, cucked, removed from the team by Gregor
IMAGINE being Heathcliff
>poise and charge are status type damages
Sir you're fucking retarded and the other guy wins lol.
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How fast is tremor in MD (preferably winrating) compared to good teams like bleed?
>I can't follow a simple conversation
>That makes you retarded
She asked him to lend her his knife to do the chandelier stunt in Ch2
Compared to bleed? Not very fast.
5-10 min slower than bleed/burn
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SinclairDEV has been pretty silent since ENTER dropped...
GreGODs won again.
For tremor to be truly fast you need to stack count and then turn it into piss tremor.
For bleed to be fast you need to press winrate.
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Would someone like Kromer consider something like a condom unpure?
I see, shame. What about charge? Haven't tried need event IDs or Outis.
can someone confirm to me that bulletsang still works when fighting enemies that do sinking to him?
he needs SP to reload, to roll well and to deal his unique sink. im guessing that the moment he starts missing, butterfly stops working for him and he just corrodes
Buffing him three times used up too much energy, let her rest.
They're not unpure but she doesn't use them regardless
Cotton was funky back in S1. It's good now. But not good enough.
Can't get a joke past you, huh.
>guess you only learned to fuse after he came out
I wish.
very slow because it doesn't get anything that directly increases damage, you jsut get a shitload of charge. If you don't draw S3's at the start of the fight they take a while still.
Best options for RR for a latefag/returnfag?
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>Did not gain EGO gift
they are better for prolonged fights
outis and crackcliff respectivelly buff damage and charge generation so its mostly for abno fights
charge is very solid, I got 61 turns on my first attempt and I only started playing 2 months ago
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Why does changing your Key Page in Ruina reset your entire deck? What kind of shit UI is this? And the cards are still in use when I swap the deck? Why does this game not roll speed immediately? Why am I facing the left? Why does the game not immediately show up the attacks so I don't have to hover over the enemy and check each individually?
New Ryoshu worth slotting, or just W?
You're facing the left because you're the dungeon (unless you're fighting an abnormality)
Yes. We will put Yi Sang in his place in Canto 7, trust the plan.
red ryo is healing and bleed based, shes pretty good for RR tbqh
this is the easiest RR by far, so honestly just pick your strongest IDs
Dante has no romantic feelings for Faust and he approves of Faustsang for the sake of the limbus getting along.
W is better for this RR simply because a lot of enemies are blunt resist but are slash weak.
You can try him in RR4, I guess. He works fine there. Just don't get too trigger happy with gloom chain. Since IShallFire will force reload everytime he lands a killing blow.
>Why does changing your Key Page in Ruina reset your entire deck?
The deck is on the page, not your character. It's very useful because you can keep your burn cards in your burn page, for example, and swap it around between characters.
The deck remains on the keypage, it's useful in case you want to switch a floor without re-establishing the entire deck.
Do make sure to remove decks from older keypages if you don't want plan on using them anymore however, same for any passives attributed to one.
>Why does this game not roll speed immediately?
>Dante has [HEADCANON]
<I do not approve of Faustsang and Faust is my lawfully wedded wife.>
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Fish sex DONT open
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Switch for station 3 or you going to waste turns on sheep. Well that if you care about turns that is.
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It's just annoying to use. I don't see the point of attaching pages to "decks" when there's already a page set save function. I could just grab whatever page set that I have saved to bring it.
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I have to admit I took a single point of white damage.
You'll understand the importance in the future, when passives get unlocked.
New player here. May I ask why r*ddor won't accept that Dante is the player ?
I mean in Dante's Room, his working desk is literally the "Window" UI, the projector is "Threater" UI, the city map projected on the wall is "Drive" UI, thats just Dante's POV.
The end of Canto VI also imply that the player is Dante as well, because duh, who hold the tablet to clear all cathy ?, it was me !
The redditor only plays recently released bullshit, so they think a character's being the player's insert and having their own will is mutually impossible.
Because Dante is not me. Simple as. I'm not a huge FUCKING FAGGOT.
Because that would mean they would have to accept that Dante isn't ambiguously gendered for heckin' wholesome and valid non-binary rep but just as a device for self-inserting.
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im a mentally ill retard that just loves seeing these two dunno why
>Didn't make it so Penitence is Poise and Spider Bud is Charge
Lost opportunity, really.
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Bros so I was thinking: remember back in Canto V that Vergilius exposes he will only help in the situation the team suffers a total party kill and Dante is on the verge of being killed off as well? Which was not too soon followed by the exact scenario with Ricardo but by then he was unavailable?
So, we all know he breaks the contract in Canto VI in a mixture to help them and due to the Ring's experiments triggering his memories, but I think the important thing is: Vergilius was there.
He wasn't back in the bus, outside the territory or outside the mansion as the distance is too big and he wouldn't have known what was going on. He had to have been following the team behind, keeping tabs on what was going on.
He wasn't there and didn't know what was going on when Ricardo attacked, but in Canto VI he wasn't risking something similar happening again, so this time he was watchful to step in. Although he ended up doing so for different reasons.
Furthermore that repeats in the following Timekiller event: while he and Faust had to stay behind with the T Corp., when the collectors came to tax the sinners he didn't take long to arrive as if he was again at a reasonable distance gauging if he should step in or not.
a charge/poise hybrid would render WRyo completely irrelevant
Even shitters like the KK are made obsolete thanks to Bloody Mist. I've never seen a single fight last more than 2 turns with BM
And no, Ring Yi Sang wasn't introduced in season 3, the season where Bloody Mist was released
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>Dante is the player ?
Are you retarded? You play AS the Dante, this isn't your loser self insert gachashit like bald archive, kys.
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Google has been listening to me moaning Ryoshu's name...
But WRyo isn't Poise
It wouldn't be so bad if Don didn't immortalize an enemy at 10 HP and cost you an extra turn
blatant tourist post -> go back
<Go shuck yourself.>
You are telling me Faust is not my wife ? Impossible
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paus love
Exactly...? She's a pure charge ID, so making another charge ramper that also has inbuilt crit would directly powercreep her.
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sup niggas whats your lowest turn count for each section this RR?
Hmmm yes sounds about right. Tsundere Verg keeps an eye on the team whenever possible, maybe the Ricardo incident rattled him. No Dante & Co. = No Garnet/Lapis return
This Ryoshu is Charge.
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Not again...
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Err... Maybe he has a spying camera on us? Or he uses a mirror to spy on us? Like with K corp singularity?
Yes, I know. W Ryo is PURE charge. Pipi Ryo is Charge/Bleed. If she was Charge/Poise instead, a charge ID that also self ramps crit would directly powercreep a pure charge ID because all charge IDs do is big damage.
Oh no anon, I seriously mean Charge/Poise/Bleed.
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Wow. Even the non-main characters are experiencing growth in relation to their experiences. Amazing story for a Gacha.
30/14/24/13 (81 total)
i will try to shave some off when i feel like it
>fucking him like a male
ishMALE fags and being gay, call it boatbilly's law
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Why is Spider Bud/Penitence even Charge
Couldn't they have picked the EGO of some fitting abnos like Dimensional Refraction Variant/1.76 MHz, Schadenfreude, All-Around Helper (Make it Charge/Bleed), and Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit?
Unique charge is just the easiest way to create self-stacking effects as there's nothing else tied to the effect itself. It's literally just a stacking mechanic.
Faust wouldn't do that
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name this sinner
No, anon. I'm assuming that Spider Bud is charge not because it would be Charge, but because Director wanted Walpurgis to have a Charge ID (Along with IDs for all the 7 status effects).
heathcliff (erlking)
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>Shitting himself to death
Charge is just a counter, it could be called anything else
It's similar to how some IDs use tremor as charge, with the difference that it interacts with the enemy
Charge is definitely electricity
>Rabbit Heathcliff mentions bioelectricity
>Zany workshop weapons
>Just as soon as we get IDs that need counters but don't use electricity, they instead use Tremor Count
Disgusting monster.
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You recover this post last 2 digits as SP to make up for the SP loss of seeing this
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post the webm
Don will EAT sinclair in canto 7
He'll be gone forever.
Post the copypasta with everyone trapping and betraying her!
No I get that and it is electricty, but in a gameplay perspective charge is just a counter. And it's why penitence/red eyes are a unique charge
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I don't know how to open the link...
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If I was stuck with Faust in the W train she'd leave the train with a thousand children
or at least ten thousand attempts at creating children.
Goldfish that are males have tubercles. These resemble freckles in a way. Just food for thought. This one also lacks a characteristic vent that female goldfishes have.
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No self-flagellation is allowed, brother.
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sinclair is my cute fennec fox
if liking ishmael makes me gay, then call me a faggot. CUTEST sinner on the bus
kys faggot
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Why nyis da chocowate man hugging a fwish???
Zenya is weawwy, weawwy confused...
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I love their dynamic, it sucks that they aren't in limbus in any way.
no u
This is like breeding pugs. First generation of Zena was fine, then Zenakots, then these retards
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Should also note: fish develop these tubercles only when they are ready to mate.
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Live Laugh Love Ishmael
What do you think is the best way to beat the Ncorp Envy Peccatula?
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nyes its been used up now, they were just spaced out due to the bake times
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AoE blunt EGOs. In particular a Dieci Rodion + Rimeshank makes them a joke, staggering them fast. I used both her and a Faust’s Representation Emitter.
The main problem will be N.Clair after to prepare EGOs because there is agood likelihood his sanity will drop into the negatives
All sinners are bad, fathom yourself in such situation that you are being dante from other world where you command your sinners and then you pull out some identities and you get 0 tier shit which are some kind of ugly wagecucks lcb stuff. They don't have any combo with each other, their potency and count are afwul, their passives are almost useless and so on.
I’d argue poise was designed more around unfocused fights than longer fights. The .2 bonus damage is more meaningful when you’re forced into attacking an endured enemy and it’s easier to maintain count despite the two separate sources of loss when you have multiple actions. They tried leaning harder into this with Don and Sault’s buffs getting pretty absurd with multiple actions. Except unfocused fights are a complete joke outside of Jun and poise’s “usefulness” gets even more questionable the more favorable the resistance gets. Like cool on my 40 damage coin I dealt 2 more damage. Their solution of just tying damage boosts to specific coins on crit is infuriating since it means every crit that ISNT that is fucking detrimental now. It’d be like if to replicate the janny passives charge units had 10% chance of losing charge to deal 1 more damage or raise the stagger bar. Like it’s technically extra damage but it’d also make it harder to use the shit you’d want to use. You could replace every instance of “gain poise” with “inflict unique burn that doesn’t gain count” and you’d be better off because at least then it’s consistent.
what's the md sink team?
I want zenny sexy sex sex zen sex
Solo Lament Sang
I was thinking
But then I stopped
>The .2 bonus damage is more meaningful when you’re forced into attacking an endured enemy
What, isn't it a damage multiplier?
Solemn Sang
Butler Faust
Butler Outis
Linton Gregor
Dieci Rodya
Molar Ishmael
It is a damage multiplier
Specifically it's 1.2 I believe
those which have sinking :^)
thanks sister. which supports do you use?
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Spider Boof
Base Don
Maid Ryo (all of her options suck for sinking)
Middle Meur
Dieci Hong
BL Sinclair (Mariachi is better but my bleed team has that as a support)
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>Base Don
I hope you guys won't be whining and complaining about 3 long dead months which will get only intervallo as main thing? Once we are done with Dante's last canto, devs are gonna focus on making a new game
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I've got exactly 1k thread managers.
thank you!
.2 additional damage. Roll a 10 and it’s 12. Roll a 10 into ensured and it becomes 7. Roll a 10 into a fatal and it becomes 22
do you have all IDs at UT 3+?
Anon, its worded in a way that makes me think that Poise changes the resistance, so it would be
>0.5 becomes 0.7
But if it doesn't and is a damage multiplier, then it would be
>0.5 becomes 0.6
Which is somewhat important
Elevator camping is canon.
thank god we are finally done with the BL/maid wank
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I have everything at UT IV except sinclair and some N ids. (and T rodya which I haven't sharded yet, I'll do it at season end since she didn't appear during walpurgis.)
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>N ids
rodya is not that big
lcb heathcliff is decent
>he doesn't know
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>drop 7 bucks on getting a 100 thread weekly pack
>can finally uptie a single 000
why does pmoon have such varying from good to shit monetisation deals
I would never buy it because getting stuff in this game is piss easy over a long time but man that value is horrid
unrelated note, yeah lcb heath is probably one of the two (barely) usable base ids, he at least rolls high enough for his s3 and can fuel his base ego
fucking bullshit, bullshit bullshit BULLSHIT
so she just gets to have tits twice the size of her fuckin head while everyone else gets shafted with little mounds? well you know what fuck you rodiwhore, at least i didn't look like a fucking street hooker when i first got here so kill yourself, fat slut
once we are done with day 49 we might see them
>Buy exp/thread bundles
They're there for the money splurgers, you should be focusing on on BP only and farming, it's not like there's any rush.
A good chunk of side packs are either good, or just a straight up scam in a majority of these games, and only there for those who don't value their own money so the company gets some extra cash.
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>/lcg/ considers themselves skilled yet /lcg/ picks the easier Megaman Battle Network 6 Falzar over the superior Gregar version
>Falzar is even an artificial Cybeast while Gregar was born naturally
Faust, what the fuck are you talking about
i figured even still because the only time i've dropped money is on the passes and this time around for walpenis because i was 40 pulls away from a pity (i did 210 before i got a single 000 or ego)
but if even the blind whalefags of limbus would drop that much for so little then god be with them if they can drop 7 bucks to save waiting 2 days
I don't remember making this choice
What has the Gesellschaft been telling you, Paus?
A lot of people make so much money they don't know what to do with it, so this is nothing to do them, that or they want immediate gratification so the money spent feels earned despite how little it offers.
Buying lunacy packs with double the amount given on first purchase is not a bad deal however, if you purchase one of the later ones, you can easily buy BP multiple times as long as you keep the bought lunacy saved up, and you'll end up saving up if you were to just purchase the BP directly each time, but that's just if you want a long term investment.
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I love snaust, don, and dogrector.
which gifts are the most important for sinking teams in MD
The touhou battle network game is better.
Who should get the Sancho ID?
>Rodya (fat)
midwinter and rags
Hong Lu
Don Quixote herself
After being TRAPPED and BETRAYED in her Canto, her carthasis will be becoming more grounded like Sancho instead of delusional like Quixote
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Please Cobalt Scar next
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Everyone expects Heathcliff cobalt scar, but Director will say fuck you and give it to Don, and Heath will get QoH.
Would make the most sense with Geb and Ish so I'm guessing we'll get it after two more Walpipis pass
>Sangdev has one more chance after 2 wins
Heathcliff season? Nah, it was Yi Sang's.
How are you supposed to do this fucking mission
Yisang/Outis fucking won.
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Just dump them on the boss body retard.
use an ego that applies multiple negative effects such as Ebony Stem/Hex Nail and its really easy.
They have to be all on the same part. You have stuff like NFast who can apply bleed and nails on the same turn.
Your body functions are in stasis inside a warp train so you wouldn't be able to ejaculate or feel sexual pleasure unless you started before the warp takes place, in which case you would spend 10.000 years orgasming
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>Try to get the IV bleed gift that isn't the stone
>Get both 10% towards poise instead
Monzo...I'm using a bleed/poise team but there was no need to do that...
>a permanent unending boner
Just sounds like torture
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UT5 should require no grind, just rolling a dupe of whatever you want to UT5. It'll make 00s more viable
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Kill yourself
I will not roooooool outside walpipi
>lets make all upties in the future almost entirely unobtainable
option 1:
>"no grind!" (400 shards)
option 2:
>dropping limbus into pure gacha hell
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>Try to craft Smokes and Wires
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Roach AND butterfly milk
>rolling a dupe
You're recreating Constellations you actual moron
UT5 should require an item you can get 3 of per week (1 per MD bonus) and sometimes event rewards. No shards, no thread. Just a simple timegate because we're all fucking tired of the mines.
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I swear to god if this doesn't work
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Those can be the anniversary bonus for the free to play players
Oh yeah, didn't they mention they would be giving out stuff to help new players while also giving veterans stuff too? Do we know when that's meant to drop?
No, those should be farmed
Get the gacharot out of your brain you stand on farmGOD clay now
Does new ryoshu belong in a bleed team, charge team, or something else?
If you're new you can put her in every team
She belongs nowhere
She's a solo ID
Charge. She provides nothing to bleed.
I got money I don't want to farm more then I need to
UT5 should be part of a new affection system for all your sinner IDs
Bleed. Charge is already stacked and W Ryo is still best in slot
Bleed, she gives out decent potency as she stacks up red eyes. She also works fine for charge, but W.Ryoshu has better burst damage on it.
Making bleed work outside of MD is a fruitless endeavor most of the time anyway.
UT5 should require a blood sacrifice.
UT5, 400 shards, take it or leave it.
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My friend is really cute and got me into Project Moon and I like her a lot but she's a lesbian and I think I might kill myself since she's perfect in every way to me yet unattainable.
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Dante neg diffs the entire GFL universe.
The worst part of ryoshu on a bleed team is that she'll essentially NEVER get off the second version of her S3
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The head should introduce gacha and waifufagging to maximise suffering and distortions in the City.
>he actually thinks LIMBUS COMPANY general is girls frontline trannies in his walls
Sinners for this feel
I heard that a new G Corp is going to debut in a few months.
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Will Zwei west Ish be a foodie too?
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First Walpurgisnacht for me.
My patience paid off but am still surprised I manged to clear out everything sans announcers.
Impressed with how much the game gives you if you play regularly.
he only posts here because VB does
That's why you should stick to cute and stinky femcels
Love this ginger like you wouldn't beleive!
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she doesn't look ginger enough
Thank jesus
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I don't think Liu Ish is a foodie though
>BiDF hours
>hasn't seen her or Liu Rodya's uptie stories
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I finally got all of the Wall Bazinga identities. Which ones are worth taking to Uptie 4?
What did you use anon? I've been just running lamentsang, lobryo and shootis.
All of them if you do it.
The two new ones are great all rounders even outside of specialised teams. The rest of them depend on what teammates you can support them with.
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Sous Chef
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I don't remember their uptie stories I admit
UT5 works by using a maxed base sinner ID to merge with the 00/000 maxed ID to then bring it to UTV and then takes the base ID back to lvl1 UT1
ringsang, ring outis, boatmael, maidshu, and crack faust
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sodion rex
Sinners stopping for a meal at a Liu backed P corp restaurant!
lamentman and lobryo, greg if you're a cockroach lover.
I want pancakes or waffles but my sister refuses to make them! She keeps insisting on making cake but I fucking hate cake!!!
Post some cute Ishes
Holy shit Don doesn't speak in knightglish
Give her a kiss bro it's the one trick to get your sister to do what you want
Director is GMILF lover confirmed?
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sinners for this feel?
If you want cute post caeshi..
sorry i don't play bad nerdy games
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NO!!! NO!!!!!!!!
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>flat clock
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<Ishmael is cute...I can also say every sinner is cute. Does that make you feel better?>
Too big
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Dante wouldn't say this about ishMALE unless he got forced to. Reveal yourself at ONCE
This community is so divided on Twitter. Coomers picking on woke fans
Flatty manager.
How hard is it to meet Zwei Greg's coin conditionals? Doesn't Defense Level Up decay completely each turn?
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>How hard is it to meet Zwei Greg's coin conditionals?
Can't-Spam-Winrate difficult
>Doesn't Defense Level Up decay completely each turn?
It does
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He benefits a lot from having multiple skill slots.
The woke "fans" did try to kill the studio
You need Zwei Faust on the bench
Have him on -50% HP
And give him multiple slots
Zwei Gregor is a fucking solo meme
You mean S3? You should probably try solo or as duo with Zwei Faust. More slots = more defense up.
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replace the guy's face with dante
What do you think David is doing now?
Very nice.
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<Ishmael is cute. I don't know from what mirror world you came from but she's still cute in my world. Sorry you're stuck with whatever male version you have.>
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I'm sorry but regardless of whatever propaganda PM is desperately trying to achieve, I'm not going to say that Red Eyes (club) looks good or even close to the level of Red Eyes (sword). Just accept you guys made it back when you didn't have too much coordination and leave it to the annals of time alongside with Wingbeat (club).
There should've been a 5th magical girl. Having a regular keypage kind of ruins the kino ngl
Chesed realization had 5 forms, which made the fight really fun
David Hasselhoff?.. Isn't he dead?
>he doesn't know
I know several David(s).
If you meant black David the Third just say so; i have no time for riddles.
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Ish is the type to talk about her discharges and fecal color. A Goop reader
Requesting further funds from the bank in order to acquire yet another bounty of lunacy.
sometimes pm writing is just bad and hacky. why the fuck would hong lu say "a place where regular people live" about a fucking research laboratory
the real dante would he balls deep in outis or faust, and encouraging shitmael bullying.
Myo is fucking dead....
Because it's ordinary place for PMverse where people indeed live. Ask Lisa or Michelle.
What 000 ID should I get for Faust and Outis? I'm thinking of the new ones with charge
if you dont get multicrack faust youre fucking bricking yourself
Crack Faust and Molar Outis, those are the best 000 IDs for them
I wish walpurgis wasn't fucking shit
I wish limbus wasn't fucking shit
I wish pm would hurry the fuck up
Post your own fiction
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Low IQ who didn't save because he can't imagine the future
Some anon already beat me to the punch but I think I'm gonna call you a retard anyways
People will say Molar Outis but she feels super mid. Hot tho.
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Crack Faust is a must have for charge teams desu
lisa was an orphan/test subject and they never said where michelle lived. what's your point
>the Ryongest
It'll happen
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What happened to Sinclair
I thought he was the chosen one, did director forget about him?
Just like how he forgot Rodion was a gambler and had episodic mood swings...
>Teth and Zayin
Imagine getting canonically statmogged by fucking Yi Sang of all people.
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>I thought he was the chosen one,
Yes, he's the only person with the Mark of Cain.
Name ONE (UNO) [1] other character in the PMverse who wielded two EGO weapons at the same time
and yet she's the captain and yi sang isnt. curious!
Only relevant during his canto, even Demian doesn't give a fuck about him anymore and only shows up to harass Dante.
Get this shit outta here
Solemn Lament Yi Sang
It counts.
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Yi Sang is humble and would rather spend his time talking with Butterflyman
Him in Canto 12
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>That KoG Rodion
It's the same EGO weapon
eyeball sex
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>Haha director forgot Sinclair
He's gonna pop the mark again during Ryoshu's canto and you faggots are gonna shit yourselves in a fit of rage
>Yi Sang is humble and would rather spend his time sexing with Butterflyman
Honestly just discussing him makes my blood pressure rise because he's so SHIT. so maybe
Finally, I can use my boxes on Yi Sang
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What are Ms. Faust and the Manager doing?
>AI slop
Claws crush his balls
Kicking Sinclair's body.
Attachment work
kill yourself
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>see noon of violet in MD
>let's see what it's like
>this skill appears
>only 20 roll
Ooo scary
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Yi Sang seems to have issue with responsibilities, given even BL Sang offloads it to fucking BL Outis of all BL ids.
The Machines will spare you when they raze the city in 985.
I understand the Head now, there's something genuinely disgusting about AIs complete lack of human interaction
DPS check.
In the Hard version of the event, both RingSang and someone else got wiped, and I had Huntcliff on the field, so he came back with two Sanguine Pointilism skills to finish off [GRANT US LOVE].
It was pretty neat.
Oooo 20 damage
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>unclashable 20 roll
Ooo scary.
>ish haters are aifags
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>instant death
Ooo scary~
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w-well, team two you're up.
>SoW Sinclair instead of Heathcliff
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This is my fastest run so far. I might be able to bring it below 45 (maybe below 40?) with Greg's solemn lament and Yi Sang but for now, I will wait for Echoes to get fixed.
RR3 Pequod Trio raped my Kong Lu in the same turn of his passive going off, it was pretty funny to see. But that was back when Quequeg was bugged and doing maximum damage.
of course you people love pm writing, it's just like aislop
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Canto 6, part 2 had Dante affirm that SInclair in his own way is healing slowly. This was just as they were descending into the basement of Wuthering Heights
i.e. Director knew some retards would ask things regarding sinners that don't get too much screen time for what he's doing and is spitting on your face
You told me not to use Erlking why did you lie to me I trusted you anons
Need to post more AI kino here to drive away the leftist twitter tourists
SoW's about being used and betrayed and getting mad about it, in a nutshell
Best fit is unironically Sinclair and maybe Ishmael
>you have to play him manually
read, retard
+100 dmg nigga
That is the coin effect, are you blind?
everyone saying not to use him clearly mentioned winrate content
>dogrector AND snaust
how'd you shave off so much time in station 3? sunshower + constant aoe EGOs?
Hindley Rodya is cursed never post it again
>Need to shower myself with shit to own the libs
Incredible gambit
pm's fault for never giving us olga rodion as we deserved
How do I manually play Erlking? Just use his counter turn 1?
Hindley Rodya with those teeth make me feel a certain way and is blessed because of it
right wing american politics in a nutshell
>t. seething artfag
Could you record your next attempt? I'm genuinely curious how you shave so much time off.
Yes. You also use the S2 to drain SP in order to use the S3, but not too much, because you don't want to corrode.
The S2 is guaranteed to hit two mooks at once because of it's extra AOE conditional from Dullahan.
>Its shit because... it threatens me
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Wait, is that-
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You're dead
>showered with shit if you support ai
>showered with shit if you don't
consoomers lost
>machine haters act like THIS
Crass, juvenile, and soon to be obsolete.
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Whatever that anon said >>493550179
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Hindley Rodya ID doesn't exist because she would rape dante in a drunk gambling induced rage
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Makes you think, huh?
not my fault directorchose to write form first person perspective and its harder to show some stuff with presentation style limbus have, Dante said this wapurgisahjht that Faust try to relay less on faustcord but if he didnt said that it would be impossible to tell shes doing anything differently
Have SP? Counter turn 1.
Don't have SP? Consider maybe saving it for, like, one turn.
On horse? Don't counter until you're ready to get off the horse.
Go for kills with S3 in particular.

That's the short version.
that's because paus is smart and not dumb, though
I'm not reading that
Delete it and reply again after taking your time to format it without errors
sinners assaulting dante.. post it
>get to day 45
>hokma is level 5
>can't do the core suppression
Is there a way to trigger his core suppression? I got him to level 5 in this mem repo cycle on day 45.
Not again...
Hindley Rodya ID doesn't exist because my dick wouldn't survived it.
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Your anus would be more appropriate
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it is what it is
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>>On horse? Don't counter until you're ready to get off the horse.
Here's the actual way to play it:

>0 San
Get more San.

>Have San
If S3 is in skill slot: Use S3
Otherwise: Counter, Counter
Alternatively: Counter, King in Binds, Counter
Alterenatively (Poor): Counter, S2, Counter
S3 and S4 generate coffin even if they don't kill so just keep countering
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Do you place Red Eyes Ryo or Ringsang 1st in bleed MD team?
No, you gotta go back to day 1.
Ryoshu 1st until you've swapped some S1s for S2s for Ring Sang then him.
This too.
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It is a lot of optimizing really. Heath's binds can instantly stagger all the blunt fatal ones so with a few other EGOs I can clear them up in one turn although I usually don't like doing that since the backups usually come swinging with EGOs.

Dieci Hongers' S1 can destroy KHong and so can SpiceSang's s1 with Meursault. I usually save my pigritia for this fight to guarantee just storming them with strong AOEs and Heath's aoe s2 and trying to make sure to always hit people with something they are 4x fatal to.

Sure but this took me a while to do. Section 2 was fortunate because Maid Ish got to roll heads a lot during her wingbeat so I could kill Jun faster. Gluttony is such a precious resource for this team.

Here's the full damage stats screen.
Section 1 mostly involves Heath clearing up the butlers. I try to do it so I spend around 4 turns clearing them up and making it so there are 2 Wuthering Heights butlers and 1 other butler alive so I can kill them all at once so Josephine spawns on her own.

That way I can pile on her and stagger her and leave her close to her next stagger for the next turn where I instead pile on Hindley and Heath staggers her with the AOE from his s2 so those 2 take me like 4 more turns. I end up going to Nelly by turn 14~15 and Nelly usually takes me 4~5 turns to kill and I get the 19.

However, I want to mention that some testing showed that I can kill Portrait by turn 5 instead of turn 6 which is where I usually kill him thanks to Greg's solemn lament so at least cutting off one turn is possible.
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Fuck, I really don't want to do all of this shit again.
It's not even fun anymore, it's just tedious.
looks like senia_soft
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AI will give me the Butler Sinclair I deserve.
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just did RR4 with the new butterfly stuff
butterfly sang sucks. He doesnt have sinking deluge, he only has sin affinities that you will be generating in massive amounts and the lack of gluttony makes him dead weight. Combined with all the pierce resistant shit in the Railway hes not worth it. Motherfucker also eats sinking like nothing else. Very similar to the dieci ids where you use him for pure damage over being an actual sinking id

Greg's EGO is cute but youre just gonna wanna spam rimeshank into sinking deluge vs letting him eat sinking off a target. I wanted to try an interaction by using bygone day's passive and solemn lament to get a ton of resources but it just didnt work out ever really
I honestly understand, my gripe with Lobocorp is that eventually it all gets very samey whenever you are not eating shit.
That said, there's a pro and a con, the pro is that you won't have to redo Sephirah supressions and you'll keep the upgrades already unlocked, the con is that to get the true ending you need to get your abnormality codex to 100%
>Alternatively: Counter, King in Binds, Counter
so you get on the horse, pop king in binds, lose sp and begin the next turn with 20 bind and unable to use your counter s3 if the ego didnt already eat through your sanity
the binds ego works really well with n corp at station 2 but in station 3 i find it extremely lacking even at ut4. funeralsang can mostly deal with meursault by using one s3 and the rest really just fall to slash/pierce. really there's like maybe four peccatula that take on IDs that are weak to blunt in station 3 no?
welcome to lobcorp
That's called SOVL bro
the thing people forget about butterfly yi sang is that you need to put him in the #1 spot for the other sinners to make the best out of butterfly
it's the reason why he gets hate with his passive
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best game in the series btw unlike that 4/10 extremely super grindy unfun game called Ruina
Get yourself some qol mods. You SHOULD be having fun while playing games
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Hindley Rodya sexo
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I still don't understand how the order of sinners affects the fights
Read Crow's Eye view
>Sinclair as a woman
>Don as a man
Somehow I feel this would help a lot. Sinclair has a lot of woman moments and Don would be a good active male character when women seem to shine more right now, also the scene where Don beats up Sinclair would be better. Director why are you gay?
In most content it's a way of choosing who gets the bench passives applied to them first. In RR4 there are other benefits to pick order. Same with 1st pick in Walpipi losing an S1 to get another S3.
There are 6 in RHeath, WRyo, WDon, 7Faust, Captain Ish, and RingSang but my strategy is only to use it once or twice. The king in binds effect turns any skill Heath uses into an AOE so I usually go like this
>Turn 1 stagger everyone I can with binds and they are usually left pretty low and make sure Hong and Meursault are close to stagger
>Kill some of them with my other sinners
>Heath goes for one of them usually Ryoshu since she is fatal to envy with his s2
>The damage spreads to KHong and RMeursault who are also taking more damage from whoever is clashing with them
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Unironically, the only reason I like ruina is because I had a friend who mods the game, and gave me his mod suite to fix the flaws of the game.
Those being bugs that PM never fixed and increased drop rates so I don't have to grind.

I'd never suggest Ruina to anyone without the drop rate increase mod.

>I need to get the abno codex to 100% to get the true ending
HOLY FUCK, I didn't even fucking know that. I thought all I had to do was the suppressions to get it. Bro... that just hit my morale even harder.

I'm considering it. I don't even know what would be good QoL at this rate.
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cute paus
>Those being bugs that PM never fixed and increased drop rates so I don't have to grind.
>I'd never suggest Ruina to anyone without the drop rate increase mod.
everyone says this and I never had an issue with drops in my blind playthrough. Feels like I exist in another dimmension from the majority of anons
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cute paudan
NTA but I always forget Binds gives Heathcliff aoe on whatever he uses

Round and round we go~
Idk about you, I went the cock and ball torture method and I did the blue reverb reception without the rework/nerf to it.
So it really hit hard when I wanted The will of the city on every person in the library on every floor.
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Good afternoon, /lcg/. Would you like to have a quiz today? This one will just be on random stuff I find interesting. I hope that's all right. Are you ready?
Question one. The Cacodemon from Doom is one of the most well-known enemies in video games, but did you know that it's actually traced? Can you tell me what was the original?
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I require your most artsy Faust fanart, /lcg/.
also press 1, 2, or 3 to toggle showing enemy attacks, ally attacks, or clashes in some order.
i find that it's best to switch between the three to confirm you're not wasting pages/missing clashes
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For what it's worth, if you already beat the game once, you don't need to beat it again with the codex at 100%.

Less grind
>TT10 Protocol https://www.nexusmods.com/lobotomycorporation/mods/49
>Automatic Work Macro https://www.nexusmods.com/lobotomycorporation/mods/107
>Gift Chance Boost https://www.nexusmods.com/lobotomycorporation/mods/37

No grind but not as bad as the one that essentially makes nuggets invincible
>Permanent Agents https://www.nexusmods.com/lobotomycorporation/mods/79
I don't like that this one keeps the gifts from the previous run, though
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Incorrect. The answer is the Astral Juggernaut, depicted in this image.
Question two. This often-referenced demon is able to reduce the amount of entropy in the universe. Can you tell me its name? As a bonus, can you tell me how it does this?
>automatic work
this one is just straight up cheating for abnos that have timer gimmicks
Which sinners would commit cannibalism
We literally have chef Ryoshu and chef Gregor
are ego gifts lost when you memory repo?
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>Quiz retard is still here
How abhorrent, how horrible a fate.
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what does he mean by thirteen wills?
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I'm here every week, anon. I don't know why you're surprised.
True, he could just choose not to use it. I like it for just rushing until you open central which is usually when you start getting abnos that aren't shit for grinding
rodya fat slut made my penis sore
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book reference
>Greg Lament is busted
>it's the only thing I didn't pull from this Walpurgis before hitting pity
wait is echoes of the manor bugged? Did I brick myself trying to lower my turn count with it not triggering properly?
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That is incorrect. The answer is Maxwell's Demon, which is able to precisely open a door so that only certain kinds of particles pass through.
Question three. This proposed alternative to missiles on ships was eventually shut down partially because firing the weapon absolutely wrecked it. Can you tell me what it was?
Yeah. It's bugged right now and doesn't work at all. You will never get the procs for some reason. Heath's impending ruin also gets bugged somehow and disappears instantly. Not sure what might have caused it but I would assume butterflies have something to do with it.
There’s a few fights where I get it, but I never really felt like it was super grindy outside those few fights. I feel like it’s people bursting named guests down and wondering why they get one book
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That sun.. It was so bright...
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Don't know the source, but it is bugged
No I don't know if it is fixed or not
Shi Yi Sang ID with Bleed Deluge soon™
trust the plAn

Also I am once again begging for someone to do this because I keep seeing it in my dreams
>posts a child
What did he mean by this?
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it's bugged, i tried to inflict count using yi sang's bygone days and it didnt give count even once, which has a below 0% chance of happening
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>every sinking id nowadays has minimum 2-4 coins on every skill
>echoes of the manor was bugged so my stacks kept dropping like a motherfucker
son of a bitch
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Who shot Sinclair during Walpipi? Was it Ayin?
>Immediately protects Sinclair
He's me...
So, next walchudcels, right?
Just to make it clear, is it gonna be Ruina again after this one?
its gonna be fullstop office Meursault, outis and sinclair feel free to screencap this post
Event was actually pretty fun but its so ridiculously short
it's probably going to be floor of art, since netzach is the only briah sephirah without an announcer

the fight itself could be porccubus, or maybe child of the galaxy
Yeah, Yi Sang and Heathcliff can burn through full corroded Rime Shank in a single scene.
femclair is built for bridal carrying
In human fights, the first sinners to get a second action slot are the ones you have deployed first. Additionally, a lot of passives care about who's deployed first. RR4 also has specific advantages based on pick slot.
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gomen, anon san...
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So is regular Sinclair.
The digits of this post is my sinner OTP
0 = Sinclair
Odd third digit + second digit being 1 = Outis
Odd third digit + second digit being 2 = Gregor
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I thought this image was her giving head from the thumbnail and I disappointed myself when I clicked on it.
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That is correct, well done. I believe that they're still funding research into High Velocity Projectiles, though.
Question four. This book features a little story where a woman breaks an onion, causing her to go to Hell. What is it?
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It was me.
>Rodion x Don
How does that work?
They might do Tech/Nat sciences and just add Netz as announcer and give abno from his floor. Similar to how we got Red Shoes from Lit. But I have no idea at this point. Dawn office was plague, so I guess nightmare guest line up is next? Which means Shi and what not.
She doesn't, she keeps plenty on hand, however she used her nails to put holes in them
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Im...... ayin
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Unfortunately Faust will never be cool in game.
playing this game with Base Sinners (with or without Shi Ishmael, your choice) is one thing
But I don't think base ego only can be done for much longer... Chain fights help, i imagine, but without some higher rolling ego you'll hit a brick wall eventually
hog said she shot it right after
They both like blood.
Bros... Hog's going to eat Sinclair...
It will be DD with The Mock Exam
P-please......just a smidgen of burntent......
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My turn
The digits of this post is my sinner OTP
0 = Sinclair
Odd third digit + second digit being 1 = Outis
Odd third digit + second digit being 2 = Gregor
Ayin would have shot and execution bullet
>self-insertfags are BTFO'd once again
Never gets old
>2 is Faust
>0 is 10 is Dante
Holy based
Dante's cannon wife is ishmael
Faust can be his concubine too I guess
Fuck it, I want to roll. Let's see what kind of abomination I get.
>Faust x Meursault
You just looking for excuse to see sinners in school uniforms. I want my nigga Zhang Lei
>0 is Dante
>8 is Ishmael
Faustfags, your response?
I would NEVER marry such a masculine "woman"
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Oh, that sounds really helpful, thanks anon.
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>0 = dante
>8 = ish
digits dont lie
bro nobody here knows SHIT about russian fables
>Faust x Hong Lu
Why is Faust suddenly such a whore?
I will do this except the second digit from the right will TRAP and BETRAY the first digit
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This ship will get pushed next canto.
Check em.
>The Brothers Karamazov
>Russian fable
/lcg/ is, as the kids would say, cooked.
Sexually r-right?
damn, the only one I don't know. I know the one about the guy with the magic hat that instantly kidnaps you, which he used to torture demons and extort humans. He was so infamous that when he died and was denied at the gates of heaven, not even hell would take him, because they were scared of him
Let's see how bad this is going to get. Give me something truly depraved and inspiring.
I guess you got what you wanted.
doesnt count
>Ryoshu, boudning, gagging and traping SHITclair in the rape dungeon
>Hong Lu x Ishmael
>Ryoshu breaking Don mentally and forcing her to grow up
why is hong lu such a stud
Digits don't lie. You lost to the fat fucking fish. Be grateful you get sloppy seconds
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The Brothers Karamazov is the answer, well done.
Final question will be a bonus, so don't worry too much if you don't know.
Let's say | Y > = a| + > + b| - >
Can you tell me what < Y | Y > is?
Anyone but Gregor or Sinclair
uhhhhhhhh 42
Reminder that Hong Lu has had sex with every character that has appeared in Limbus for the experience. This 6 proves it.
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2 of the two male sinners that actually fuck.
whoops I meant *Faust and I'll roll another 2 just to prove it.
Hong Lu is saving his ancestral PENETRATING technique that he's cultivated over the Cantos while no one noticed. Not even Dante or Verga with his flowsense.
>doesn't want roachbro
>Roachbro gets to fuck Don
You get what you fucking deserve
Didn't book Hong Lu had sex with like 3 different people in less than 40 pages while being only 9 or something like that?
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anon probably made it up
he has sex once with his personal maid when he firsts hits puberty at like 9-11 (she’s a year older than him)
and then he has one son with his wife later, before he abandons his whole family to become a monk
his family comments that he’s not as sexually active as they would expect
Wasn't there a part where he was raped by his grandma or something? Did /lcg/ lie to me?
>saved Dante once
>harpooned him next time
>saves Dante all the time
>got a clock skin
>saved Dante again
>saved Dante again. Again.
I think Dante should marry Faust. She is clearly the best option under the stars.
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Sorry, the answer is |a|^2 + |b|^2.
That will be all for today. My apologies for how scattered this one was. What should next week's quiz be about?
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Hmm, this post has been certified Based by the Faustcord.
highly intellectual post, /lcg/ agrees
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these fools do not know of Dante's TRUE Beatrice...
My research into this topic agrees with you
Another quiz about Nightmare Spirits
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Sinner most likely to betray us? And don't give me a bullshit answer like Outis
Chris Pratt as Roland
Jack Black as Yan
Idris Elba as Angela
Nicolas Cage as Argalia
I played Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina without mods
Gregor. It will happen suddenly, one day.
Understood, all right.
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Good, I like Full-Stop Office.
i keep postponing my modded playthroughs
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Outis is so obvious at this point I doubt they'd go with her. Rodion is the one they've alluded to the possibility the most without making it obvious.
why would you think lcg would tell you anything accurate about this book. these are the people who go on about how homo ishmael was and how meursault only thinks about boobs and those are books they actually read
>Faust loses her wifi (dozens of Fausts worth of knowledge)
>becomes kinder
>is kind
>lost all of his memories/knowledge
Then pre-amnesia Dante would be…
I have no clue who the image is
Looks too detailed to be someone from the PM games or adjacent schizo games
Or is it from EYE? I've yet to play that
SHITclair once he unlocks his god powers
Sinclair or Gregor imo
A small chance of Meursault
rodion is literally about betrayal and her canto was unresolving af
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I wish Faust was an interesting or cool character.
I wish Faust was a character at all.
American E celeb who was discovered to be a paid propagandist for Russia
I think most sinners who haven't had their chapters could "betray" Dante, not because they are traitors but because they have their own objective.
>Meursault following contracts
>Faust "..."
>Rodion being special
>Gregor always getting mad at being forced/bound to do things

Not considering what they could gain from the nebulous contract that they got. Hell, even Heathcliff probably could be convinced to betray Dante if the result would be Catherine and him living happily in the current world.
Genuinely curious if they'll try to throw a big surprise our way gameplay wise once canto 12 hits. On one hand, I don't see them changing things because the 12 sinners will have been the playable cast for 4 years or so by then (assuming 2 cantos a year going forward)
On the other hand it's a perfect opportunity to replace some cast members or something.
Are anti-Faustfags just incapable of reading?
i think they should eos limbus and make a real game as the sequel
my interest in faust is entirely gameplay focused because she has good ids and egos
otherwise I dont really care for her as a character and Ive always found her to be boring SEA-bait
That's actually coming for christmas thankfully.
So how are you faggots different from shippers again?
That sounds like something out of Seinfeld wtf
They aren't.
Any promotion of pairings is shipping.
Shippers are cringe but FaustCHADS are based.
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Caring about canon
Also why Heathcliff x Cathy stuff isn't retarded.
pre-Amnesia Dante misused and abused the kind Faust
Heathcliff x Cathy is LITERALLY the opossite of canon and compairing Dante x Faust to that is plain laughable
Are you actually retarded?
<I only ship Heathcliff and Cathy, and it is my duty to be the Priest that inaugurates their wedding>
>Caring about canon
>posts fan art
>using an actual canonical pairing to fuel your delusions
At last I truly see
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This reminded my of Dongrang.
Heathmaelbro... Come on now...
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when is the collaboration
to be fair, it’s pretty obvious that heathcliff’s character arc is heading towards cathy being permadead and him having to get over her
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Absolutely not, wtf are you retards on about?
13/200, please add me bros
don't be weird about it
I don't know what this is but I'm going to guess it's BA. Therefore

Sorry we only collab with non dead games like Project KV.
>he has learned NOTHING about the power of Hope
are you even really a limbab?
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Here's some official art
And yes, caring about canon is very important. Canonically, Faust knows Dante's true identity, has a past with him, and looks after his well-being. They also interact with each other well.
dante says outright that heathcliff’s obsession with cathy is concerning

i don’t like heathmael and i don’t ever want to see it canonized, but heathcliff doing anything it takes to get cathy back is not the good ending
Faust chats with her husband Dante between working hours...
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I like Heathmael
Domestic abuse
>heathmaelnigger still seething about her headcanon being BTFOd in canto 6
Yeah think I posted at the wrong time
Could you imagine if Faust had a personality?
I don't need to imagine, she has one
Don't bother replying. He's assmad about Faust for some reason.
i want canto 8 to make cousin incest canon
I wonder what Hong's bad end ID is gonna be
what if it's his brother?
get your filthy b**tb*lly's hands away from my FUARKING HERO
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Based based based based
Unless you retards actually believe they would join together, you should know Im right
>All the replies to this post
NVM you guys are EXTREMELY retarded. Limbabs, all of you.
Gregor is a jew right? It's so unusual for 4chan not to make a kike meme version out of him
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>have charge, bleed and sinking teams
>not a single ID in any of them uses gluttony
>missing gluttony weakness on new enemies triggering my OCD
>can't use sunshower
I hate it.
t. Disgusting Heathmaelnigger
It's funny how the only other character that checks more than two of these points is Demian.
do you think it would be good storytelling if angelica came back from the dead for roland
>heathmaelnigger getting uppity
screencapped, I'm gonna grudgepost you in about a decade
He is going to be truly happy.
Doubt that.
do you retards really think heathcliff is a roland expy
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Its fitting for Enoch to do that.
I don't expect waifufags to make sense though, but its fun watching them embarass themselves over.
DemiDante confirmed for endgame
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Fau und Durante
Both W-Sang and Hong have gluttony. Also R-heath.
KK Ryoshu and Ring Outis for bleed. Also sous-chef Gregor LMAO.
Dieci Sang, Spicebush, G-Outis, Edgar Family Ish for sinking.
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why does she have a tail
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The Dante is future Sinclair TRUTH
don't forget ring outis
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if limbis is collabing with anyone it's arknigs
dante is future sinclair
>kissing a clock
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nobody is getting their wishes granted
sinners will be stuck on the bus for the next 10 years of gacha
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Sinners for this feeling?
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It wouldn't be that crazy to see considering the settings kind of have similar tones
But I think a Limbus crossover in Cookie Run would be most likely considering they're both Korean and the cookie run devs invested some into PM.
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Do we go there or do they go here?
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I will bake the next bread
it’s pretty much confirmed arc system works or arknights. they have good working relationships with the companies, while nexon is an evil megacorp and the ba/kv mess is not ending well for anyone involved. pm collabing with nexon would tank their reputation even more and nai_ga would probably quit as a ba fan
HE will bake the next bread
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I'm okay with a BA collab but only if it means the male sinners get to go to Kivotos. It would be funny.
by that logic we're gonna get a Cookie Run collab because Project Moon got a 2 billion won investment from them
>fag archive
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Faust does not want to go to another game.
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your blue archive collab limbabs
I still think Faust getting the Sasha ID wasn't a coincidence.
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The absolute state of tertiaries.
Do try to keep your promise of remind me, if your embarassment from being wrong doesn't stop you.
>Y-You're the newfag! Not me!
Retard. Kill yourself for being so stupid.
Are BA fans jumping ship to escape nexon or something? I thought some of their team just left to make a new game.
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i’n sorry lcg is being retarded as usual but heathcliff’s story is going to take a decade to get anywhere lol
>heathmaelnigger SEETHING
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No gypos allowed in BA!
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current state of things are unclear, but nexon has stated they want to make ba into a mega franchise. it doesn’t take a genius to know how this ends
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240 rolls and i only rolled greg. first time i got anti luck pariah symptoms

well took ryo i guess alas
I find the idea of a world where (You) are the only man in the entire country unappealing. I am a completely heterosexual male.
Limbus Company.
Prob rodya or greg
There are only two that do and to be blunt, I've already gone through my first fucking facility with whitenights, ticket to hell, and apoc bird. I'm good dude.
I've had enough of timer gimmick abnos. I'll take the automation at this point since I'll have to do a 3rd facility. Thinking about the perma agents too. But that's prob lowkey cheating cause my facility will be at a capacity in terms of worker that's not intended for game pace.

I just don't really want to train them again.

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