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Previous thread: >>493517645

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

I proclaim this a reddit thread.
There will be no Sinclair this thread. This 9 wills it.
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limbmilion deaths when?
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Paus and Paus featuring Dante
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What Sasha ID?
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Multicrack rep
why is faust so erotic and sex
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
ba collab looks great
>they're le gay
leftists are creatively bankrupt. no brain lack of brain, only air
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I will just mention that its very funny that everyone who says Heathcliff should get over Catherine turns out to be
>Heathmael shipper
>Yume self inserter
>Makes Heathcliff a homosexual
>makes heathcliff a tranny
and get really mad if you tell them otherwise.
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Simply the nature of Paus
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I’ve only seen heathmaelsisters get mad over canto 6
Yi Sang!
Yumes just self-insert as Cashy
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There was a funny twitter war about saying that Catherine and Heathcliff are canon and turned into people saying its not healthy and he needs to heal by having sex with men
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
<My Heathcliff>
gays deserve to be hanged
i want to see bittersweet but satisfying conclusions to stories about personal growth. i don’t have fandom brainrot and i think more people should strive to enjoy stories without that point of view
Why are YOU on time?
Why are YOU late?
Plenty of people seethed about it ITT because Cathy is a woman
holy late
Why is this suspiciously on time post here? Guess we'll never know
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Time to get Ryōshū
You can do it.
heathmaelkeks aren't people anon
A BA collab would be fucking stupid, I don't want fucking children running around the bus. Charon Sinclair and Don are more than fucking enough thank you very much
Bigger tits please
Personally, I don't see why people think getting over someone means dating someone else, ESPECIALLY if the first love is someone who died.
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>it's so that no one will cry day
You think the anons ITT who seethe about female characters and Heathmael shippers are the same people?
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/lcg...give me your strength
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i bestow upon you...MALKUTH
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<Ishmael, stick out your tongue.>
That's a walpurgis 00
The 000 ones glow like the golden 000
EGO have a brighter golden glow
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is limbus twitter that retarded
i was thinking about that one korean heathcliff artist who draws him with both cathy and meursault
i’ve seen a heathmael shipper seething about how wuthering heights was a worse book than moby dick, so yes
You've got this!
its incredibly funny the amount of trannies that say they are in a ''lesbian'' relationship with heathcliff its like they want to hate him due to being a man but cant so they just turn him into a tranny like them so its okay to like him now
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my heart broke a bit...
tomorrow for sure
Limbus Twitter is EXTREMELY fucking retarded
That was a psyop by ishmael haters
But not Crying Children or any Ensemble spoiler art
Sweeties your media literacy? Ishmael is a bisexual in love with Heathcliff because he resembles her butch girlfriend and he is in love with her because he just is
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twitter overall is retarded tbqh
theres no saving it.
Unlike 4chan right bros?
ironic shiposting is still shitposting anon
wasn't it posted by the heathmael rape nigger
yeah thats the one
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>most wrath IDs burn focused
Twitter is worse than 4chan, yes
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Twitter is a necessary evil for me to get good art.
there is always some kind of seethe towards pairings that are canon (even if they are not together directly) two characters loving each other that goes against what the fandom wanted usually creates this

you can't have someone mourn their loved one like Roland because you have people who will get mad if you don't agree with them that he should be with Angela. They will get mad that the character they wanted to be gay wasn't even though there was no proof of it.
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i just want sanguine desire :(
Ok wiki reader
I know. But maybe ghost Cathy will show up sooner, maybe
Keep crying, see if that makes a point for you
who gave her those tits
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Who is she sending it to?
gonna slip my hands under his bunny suit and fondle his chest
As someone who unironically ships Angela and Roland anyone who says Roland doesn't and shouldn't mourn Angelica is retarded.
ive never seen a paus so out of character in my life
So you rather hope his blind obsession remains unchecked?
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Hong Lu
>So mad he had to bring the argument to a new thread
The absolute state of Heathmaelniggers, LMAO
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its okay heathmaelsis you can still shlick to tranny porn
I fondled them hard every night
>Seething this hard
damn just proving that anon right huh do tell us all about how people are racist for saying heathcliff is dumb too
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The Wuthering Heights butlers (not Sinclair) are so lucky...
More importantly who did she make that sandwich for
>(not Sinclair)
why do you think butlerclair is just an offscreen cameo
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Both for Dante.
ignoring the anons who are too retarded to reply to you directly
nice 69
>the sandwich
For her boyfriend Dante
>the pic
For her bull Heathcliff
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because he died like a jobber?
>replying to xerself
such an oldfag unlikes those tertiary limbabs
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Heathcliff should have gotten the Philip ID.
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Heathcliff was actually cucked unlike Philip thoughever
Even if it was to "get money to give Cliff a better life" she still got fucked by Linton
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>bad ending IDs
Give some ideas for good ending IDs instead
>she still got fucked by Linton
she never even let him sleep with her
>t. Linton "Please open your door so I can watch" Edgar
This thread is getting better by the minute
>she still got fucked by Linton
Read between the fucking lines
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Every base ID because as their manager, I will make them all happy.
>my LEGALLY MARRIED wife that i had HOT STEAMY SEX with on a nightly basis
H-haha yeah...! She definitely fucked m- Linton! She definitely had consensual married husband and wife sex with Linton! I- I definitely wasn't, I mean, Linton definitely wasn't locked outside her room having to listen to her rail herself with a big black dildo moaning for you, Heathcliff! You got cucked with all of the awesome married sex they were having! How does that make you feel, cuck!?
That was after Heathcliff died, but she had to seduce Linton first to ensure he would marry her, and it's very clearly implied in her discussion with Nelly she was already fucking him for this purpose.
But yes, she stopped giving him the time of the day once she lost her reason for living.
Linton would have died straining his frail body trying to have sex.
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>it's very clearly implied in her discussion with Nelly she was already fucking him for this purpose
A cuckold's logic is truly baffling
Anon? Are you mixing the book with the bimbus now?
I know you're dangerously retarded.
>Linton explicitly states Catherine never asked to marry him until after she saw the mirror so months if not years later
>Never allowed in during that time
>S-She did though!
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Paus should've gotten the Smee ID
limbabs are RETARDED
What's the best Sinking Count application team? Right now I'm using butler Faust, butler Outis, Molar Ish, Linton Greg, Solemn Yi Sang and Dieci Meursault.

Meursault just seem to fucking suck but he's the only one with gluttony.

Anything better to readily increase count without Rime Shank spam?
Gregton has no trouble fucking Maid Ish despite his condition.
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thinking about it i'm surprised there isn't even a funny sketch of kromer and linton getting it on considering they're both dead cucks
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do you think they ever explored each other's bodies to relieve the immense aggressive sexual tension they mutually held towards their sister/wife?
No she didn't.
>They RAN
Not a good look xis, maybe try being a man for once
Sorry, anon, acting retarded will only get you so many (You)s.
So what is the appeal in heathmael? Is it just that they hate each other so they clearly actually love each other? like the things your parents tell you about that kid annoying you in school is because /she/he has a crush on you

explain roland and angela too
>Only retards ship Heathmael
>Only retards ship Roland and Angela
It's that simple
Same appeal as Zutara, also probably the same fans
Kissing is mandatory for any wedding in any country though
So he at least kissed her
*logs in*
*converts enk*

Thanks for the reminder, toots.
Smee has white hair so it should've been a Faust ID. Simple as.
The fixed sinner inclusion in most recent story fights is annoying when I'm just trying to test certain status's against bosses. Wish they'd remove it or give some kind of "free play" mode after you beat them the first time
what about acting gay? sinclairposting? hongers thirsting?
What the fuck does that mean
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byud... wyad nyabyoud dya was wun....
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i believe in him
Zuko x Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
>went from definitely fucked to definitely kissed bros
definitely held hands is next
Most competent Limbab ID assignment analysis
It was a hologram.
They definitely ate at the same table bwos, I bet they even shared the same set of salt and pepper shakers, that's literally indirect hand holding
Oh, that.
Extremely gay because we all know Zuko belongs to his sister but ok
sinking count is just in a bad state rn. molar ish is still the best for count. echoes would be good but it's not working in focused encounters until next update
I mean, kissing is already a deal breaker to me. Wouldn't touch a woman that kissed another dude while acting like she loves me
You do you though
Based. Even the voice actors ship that.
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I had a dream last night where Ishmael was married to Gregor of all people. Also I complained to someone that there weren't any new Shi Ids. What is the meaning of this?
But the VTumor was on time?
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the cutest
You self insert as Gregor and want to marry Ishmael. You want new Shi IDs
Gregor is going to be the one to save the Shi IDs
Wrong, faustfags will want an ID of anything with her
They will shove her everywhere
Gregor dev took some time to preheat the oven, but we're due for some freshbaked goodness eventually, next Gregor ID is SSS Tier, screenshot this
The animators had to be inspired by Equilibrum
That third sprite just screams gunkata
Sorry cuckton, courthouse marriage with no ceremony.
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Bullying vtumors doesn't have the same pathos as abusing Zenya. The thought of making her cry when she's just trying to help is compelling.
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he did jack off with some of her dirty laundry though, that's basically third base
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Linton being so insanely cucked makes me aroused.
The thought of him being so pathetic is intoxicating.
>Dante looks down at his PDA
>'hissklippu oiled up shirtless sensual'
>"Ah, sorry. I thought this was a search engine."
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What will further inbreeding produce?
That's not third base, that's shitting your intestines out in a port-a-potty at the tailgate party in the parking lot
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I miss The Sims 3 so much bros...
Why is /lcg/ so obsessed with incest?
Maybe someone should do it.
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thats the sims 4 dumbass
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One take linton
Incest? Never even had sexual thoughts today. Zena - zenakot - whatever this is is like the inbreeding needed to turn a normal cat into one of those ugly persian cats.
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>make Yumejo OC
>write her into the canto VI plot
>the idea of marrying her becomes the reason Heath leaves
Honestly I respect the guts to do it.
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After saving up a final 1300 lunacy and spending it and getting nothing, I fear I will not be getting Lament Sang, Lament Gregor, or Lob Ryoshu this Walpurgis. At least this Dawn Office announcer sounds a bit like Hod if I squint my ears enough.
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That's 3 with skin mod texture because The Sims 4 lacks of fingerless gloves. And that screenshot looks less sterile than cartoon-ish 4.
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How does it make you feel that this is someone's mother ?
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the SPITE in "Heathcliff" followed by the coughs is... Ideal
i dont care, post more hong lu
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Older sisters are simply the best love interests
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I just saved pics didn’t even know she bothered that much further with her OC
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No need to ask me twice.
thank you for bringing my art to life friend
Would it still be worth getting the battle pass if I'm only around level 25 on it?
>yumes make their own sinners and sprites
>I can’t even draw my image of Dante VERDADEIRA FORMA that is ripped as fuck
It was funny. I live for linton posting. Shame it'll likely be dead once we hit canto 7.
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post more yume and fujo oc self inserts
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just wait 3 months :)
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Explain to me why Red Eyes Penitence Ryoshu, a Bleed ID, should be used over W Corp. Ryoshu, a Charge ID, in a Charge team?
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oh no no no no bros? i thought this was our meme?
Stop shilling tremor. I don't use tremor. I hate tremor. Tremor is weak and slow. Tremor is bad in almost all modes. Fuck off.
t. Poisechad
i don't like this one, i ship hong lu with dante (me)
Do you recon Director saw donrapes and decided to instead make the opposite canon?
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Spider Shu is also a charge ID with two types of unique charge
It shouldn't
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Reading the ID explains the ID anon
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It wasn't. In fact, i think it belongs to spanish or mexican people.
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Rodya yume
finna fight kim with a sinking team
Impossible. Not even coomers care about our loser..
Okay now it's time for hard mode
Post MALE oc self inserts
Despite Cathy's existence, I am a male Heathyume.
I love being a cuck!
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No this was
I thought i was Meursault fr but i'm actually Rodya... Lonely person none finds special, someome who will age old without achieving anything.
It's true
I was there
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content doko
love this one
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Look at bright side: Rodya has hulk power.
Literally unga goddess.
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Don't need one. I'm already in the game.
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he just kicked my ass
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there was one by a fujo who unsurprisingly liked Sinclair
I just
Love Heathcliff so much
Rodya and Gregor get along so well because they're both useless losers
Shonen bat san... I kneel...
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That was WEAK and PATHETIC
Now KNEEL before this 4 i know it's different group but it would be more epic
stop being gay
>he's facing to the left
>it's an enemy sprite
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Book Rodya is actually quite beloved.
I imagine you might also be discounting people who love you. At least, I hope you are.
Dante will destroy the sinners in Canto 13. Total wipe.
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more of this specifically please
dante's big floppy ____
keep being gay
>Lonely person none finds special
You're confusing what Rodya thinks of herself with what other people think about her
that's the one
imagine being a woman self inserting as a man that loves a 20 year old orphan
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i'll just give you the yume's page https://twitter.com/soulplagues
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This is almost perfect, the hand clocks moving is ideal but the fire needs animation, it shouldn't just stand in place.
>faggot shit
>possibly straight but probably faggot shit
Are straight male OC self-inserts nonexistent?
>Are straight male OC self-inserts nonexistent?
mental ilness
This is a yume game, buddy.
red ryo benefits from charge ego but she does bleed. she should go to bleed teams. on MD she can do either tecnically but overcharging her might be worthless?

w ryo is obv for charge team and raw damage
<Hey, Ryoshu. I.G.T.R.Y.>
Nice voice no homo
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W Ryoshu is better than spider ryoshu if your team has some charge synergy but Spider Ryoshu is better as a standalone unit on some random team, right?

What about Multicrack Heathcliff in a chain battle?
Thanks to W Outis and Multicrack Faust being good in chain fights charge gives Multicrack Heath more synergy but Erlking becomes absurd if he gets to stack coffin enough, which he can in chain fights
spider ryoshu > wryoshu
Just look at which archetype the ID fits into...
Mutlicrack is better than R Heath because fights take too long now. If a fight is short, R Heath is better.
Erlking is better on a team with sinking since he can get attack weight, clash power and coin power from sinking. He also boosts sinking with Ruin.
W Ryoshu uses charge, so you use her in a charge team.
Budshu works in a bleed team.
For all OC inserting yumes? It's so funny how blatant they are
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>Charge Synergy
There is almost none, Load is garbage that barely increases your damage by 5% unless you stack it over the course of 10 turns which never happens in MD, and then it's still 30% max. SkullRyo is always better, you're not gatekeeping your Skill3 and can always bust it out on command, your Skill1 can actually clash while still dealing damage, you have a useful passive, and you have an Envy+Gloom skill, which both are needed for Charge teams (and can go with the now forgotten meme Middle team). The only negative is you're using an Evade skill for Counter. WRyo is really only usable if you're fighting Slash weak enemies that resist Blunt.
maid ishmael/edgar gregor was cute ngl
how do you build a team? I am just throwing my strongest units together
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Bug-man strikes again!
That depends on a lot of things, what units do you have atm anon?
>I am just throwing my strongest units together
that's how it works
should i get charon announcer
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sinclair tummy
pubes.. gross
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throwing your strongest units together is exactly what early limbab teambuilding should look like because you presumably dont have enough IDs based around a specific keyword to have real synergy
when you want to get into proper teambuilding, decide whether you want to make a team based around sinking, bleed, tremor, poise, charge, burn, or rupture (lol) and go from there
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source please
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i want to bite it
Demian general...
AND it's a hermann enjoyer i am truly blessed today
>t. Never lemon tremored into everlasting
<I can't eat you retarded bitch. I don't have a fucking mouth.>
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explain this then
You need the central thingy to glow green too for a 000/EGO
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read this don quixote theory if you want to receive 45 sp damage
Dante wouldn't say this
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>clock only in one eye like he's a date a live reject
when'd the grimm pose become popularized
I think you should stop posting twitter threads.
I don't come to /lcg/ to get mad, I come to have fun.
thanks, potentialman will hate it
<I can't eat you silly billy. I don't have a shucking mouth.>
Faust is never wrong, Dante.
>This is all my own personal interpretation and speculation. I don't intend to suggest a definite conclusion, nor do I mean to suggest her character is worse off for not following my exact ideas. This is all for my own enjoyment and to give others something to think about!
at least the troon knows it's delusional
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I'm not reading that. I can tell it's another "Troons try and gaslight people that character's self doubt is clearly a trans allegory"
Also stop posting twitter threads you clerk
>be me
>just got done sucking my 4th cock today
>open twitter to find stupid shit about limbus
>ahhh is that a retarded tranny making a dumb post?
>screencap and post it to 4chan's /vg/
>got a text from tyrone for my next cock
Sinners for this feel?
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>sinking can wreck bosses
>tremor can wreck bosses
Is Rupture really so broken it doesn't deserve any decent IDs?
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I have these ones, most characters have at least one uptie 3 but some identities I haven't touched since I don't have the resources yet
If Rupture was as supported as the other statuses it would be insanely broken because it's just a free chunk of extra damage.
The whole reason Tremor became pretty good is that Frog Lu lets it due an impression of the rupture on hit damage effect.
It's a genuine shame that the Smee ID doesn't have Envy
Would have been great to run Pequod Trio + Middle Duo + Smee
But noooo, Gregor's ID doesn't have Envy
Fucking scam
Well I guess we have Spider shu now, but idk... Just doesn't feel the same
>Is Damage-That-Ignores-An-Entire-Fucking-Mechanic so broken?
Considering how hard rupture fucks in previous rr bosses I would say yeah
>The Director is a chud
>Here's why he'll write Don to be a trans allegory
If I was a monster whose only objective was to destroy and subvert something then I sure would take those positions
Red Sheet sinclair is the eternal Rupture limiter. The talismens cannot be unfixed.
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Apex predator
The Eternal Rupture Limiter.
The FOUL and UNHOLY beast who broke rupture FOREVER.
>The new Mirror Dungeon has been out for Months
>Just now realized I can scroll down on the gift select screen at the start for a few more options

Goddamn it, I guess I'm on scarecrow duty for a while
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Prioritize the bleeding units first.
God I want Scarecrow gear to make a return.
I love the dumb dumb trainer so much.
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Oh you do actually have a lot of units.
Well then, I guess at this point you can start making synergy teams. So as you others anon said, specially when starting out, throwing your strongest units together and calling it a day works pretty well, but if you can you may as well try to make teams that work together. For example look at Wild Hunt Heathcliff, he has a lot of effects in his skills along the lines of "if the enemy has X+ Sinking" deal more damage, or clash better, or something like that. So you'd like to pair him up with other units that inflict a lot of sinking and specially sinking count, so you can upkeep that sinking more easily, for example Solemn Lament Yi Sang, Buttler Ishamel, Dieci Rodion and Butler Outis.
For the most part, you can simply go "slap together 5-6 IDs that inflict or have synergy with X status effect" and fill in the blanks with whatever you have
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Dante is non-binary. Dante uses they/them pronouns. Dante is not a self insert. Everyone who knew Dante prior to their clocking refers to them with they/them. Previous self-insert X used he/him, so that is not an argument. Dante was the name of a woman in Ruina, so that isn't an argument. Dante is not literally you, so that isn't an argument. Any retorts, chudbabs?
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I want to punch you and your pronoun.
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Dante is always referred to as they/them because Dante is both mirror world literally (You) and the literal (You) playing the game.
Sex with sleepy ishmael
Raunchy, sweaty, salty, sea sex with ishmael while the crew watches
Sex on the crow's nest
Sex at the hotel lobby
Sex in the bus
Sex in her room
Sex in her mouth
I thought the Slash category was actually for random EGO Gifts and would only refresh if I actually picked them for the run
Goddamn it I feel like a fucking Clerk
>go to youtube to listen to some deadbolt osts
>main page
>>recommended limbus video by that one esatern euronigger
>>30 minutes of pleading "please please ples be good to faggots"
>day ruined
dante is a mirror world sinclair so (You) are sinclair
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what did he mean by this
how did you live like this? what teams did you run?
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<This explains why Demian won't leave me alone whenever when I eat some shucking chips.>
its fucking crazy how people think like this
you stole this from twitter didn't you
Do people even understand dante is probably not even his name?
Wouldn't it be EXTREMELY FUNNY, if it turn out that we're not Dante, we're just a dude that stormed into Dante's office and stole his clock and implanted it into himself and because the LCB expected the real Dante to have a clock for a head and we have amnesia everyone's just like "Yup, that's Dante alright"
Slash / Blunt / Pierce teams arent that good desu, because the gifts mostly suck
You have one or two good ones but they're extremely niche.
Its better to just run one of the 6 standard keywords.
It's not crazy, it's 100% correct. If you have an issue with Dante being referred to without gender, that's on PM not the fanbase.
I like to run Burn (Glimpse of Flame carry) or Poise (Lucky Pouch carry) for Mirror Dungeons

Storywise I keep the Main Canto Sinner as their base ID and then build a team that can actually keep them alive
I talk like that
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>the real Dante is one of the main antagonists
That would be kino
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You dare... interrupt me just as I was engraving the shitpost... You must be out of your...
no MGS 5 bullshit please
its ok anon you don't have to lie to keep up the bait
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Paus should get the Beatrice skin
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I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I just reset until I get the status gifts I want.
>how did you live like this? what teams did you run?
You only miss blunt+pierce+random by not scrolling so you don't miss out on much. All of those gifts are pretty shit compared to what else you could get.
>I am Dante, and so are (You).
Considering Mirror IDs are a thing and that there are now some copies of Yi Sang's Mirror (Glass Window and the other from the Ring), it is a possibility.
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>ids are canonically stored in cassette tapes
holy fuck
That's not a counterargument. Please explain why Dante isn't non-binary with counter evidence, or apologize.
That's not a lie or shitpost, you're just deflecting because you have no counter to the idea the company whose games you like may not agree with you on Dante's gender.
>our spicbros were discordtroons all along
its... over....
This dude has been baiting all day wtf
its kinda sad he double posted
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yeah he really needs to get some better bait
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>kills you for using my cute and wholesome dante doodle for your baitpost
what now dorko
Maybe he works in one of those indian SEO offices with a million phones
Look at the timestamp, it's not my fault that I'm correct about Dante's gender identity and people agree with me.
>just stealing twitter comments as bait
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I was the one that requested that doodle, sorry not sorry, it's mine and I can do whatever I want with it, also it's not bait if I'm correct
i have a rare condition where I die if I dont recieve enough (you)s. Its not my fault okay??? Just give me some fucking replies and I will stop baiting
stop pretending to be me, I am the one who baits
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Just do voiced shitposts
Seems to get (You)s a plenty.
>[Tries to shake your hand anyway]
>Mirror world where Kromer is the indigo elder
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wrong and ur gay and stinky and ugly and get killed by this 4 too
Still no counterarguments? I guess it's settled facts then, Dante is non-binary and you're disrespecting their identity if you use any other pronouns to refer to them, not bait if it's real facts, calling it bait is cope from people with no actual arguments
Stop pretending to be me asshole. Lol youre so pathetic
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Dante is literally ME even the game states it
I want a girlfriend who will join me under the covers nude to read books and cuddle.
We can pull on limbus banners together and then talk about the story.
I want it. I want it so bad.
Where do I find the Limbus loving women?
*eats (You) (They/Them)*
*you're. The real me would NEVER make such an obvious grammatical error. Give up and admit your true identity, you clout-chasing faker.
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Dante is non-binary because Carmen's "head" is strapped to X's body.
Ryoshu would say this to me.
Same but I want my girlfriend to be outis except she has a foot long futa cock
Not because we are non-binary, but because we are literally two niggas
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>pulling on banners
Here's nyour gf bwo
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Dante is non-binary. I am manifesting this truth because it will result in copious art of them as an cute androgynous twink/girl getting railed by all the male sinners and/or being dommed by the female sinners.
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That'd actually make him the most binary character for having both.
yeah well take this as white damage instead then
I'd like to apologize to /lcg/ you don't deserve xitter shit here
A cat is fine too.
It's not "xitter shit", it's cold hard facts. Do you not think Dante is non-binary? Do you have any arguments or evidence to the contrary? I have plenty of evidence for my position.
The they/them is plural.
W-What the what the fuck?
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retarded [HEADCANON] is not evidence
I expect a 10 page essay full of evidence for your position immediately
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>nobody posted /ourguy/
Being retarded isn't an argument btw
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>Did not gain an EGO gift
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It is if it works, now shut the fuck up and get me my 12 page essay, double spaces, times new roman
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Yo holy shit bateman goes hard
I went an entire dungeon with nothing from these.
Dante is referred to exclusively with gender neutral pronouns, even in the Korean text

Dante is referred to exclusively with gender neutral pronouns even by Vergilius and Faust, individuals who knew them prior to their memory loss

Dante never refers to themselves by any gendered terminology

Dante is not a self insert

Dante as a name is not indicative of gender since a woman was named Dante in Ruina

Any counterarguments?
really sad how anon just keeps baiting
Hell yeah
Dante's true identity before memory loss is 100% going to be a plot point, meaning we'll know exactly who he was before being a retard, and KJH fired wonderbab's author for adding ambiguous genders into the lore, so there's 0 fucking chance dante is a rainbowfag.
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I cosplayed as Dante once and I'm a man, therefore Dante is a man
I mean Dante doesn't eat or sleep or anything so how do we know they aren't something nonhuman entirely?
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>Bringing out the spacing to pretend to be a Redditor now.
This is getting sad
Why are you using he? Isn't that an odd assumption to make, when you have no idea who Dante originally was? They could be anything, even a distortion. Seems like biased thinking on your part buddy
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nice [HEADCANON] nigger
promptly kill yourself
>Dante's true identity before memory loss is 100% going to be a plot point, meaning we'll know exactly who he was before being a retard, and KJH fired wonderbab's author for adding ambiguous genders into the lore, so there's 0 fucking chance dante is a rainbowfag.
He'll still be a they/them because he's a self-insert protag. We've been over this
Regular ass clock just grew a human-like body one day, that's the lore
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I Love Ishmael she is cute
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>nonhuman with human-like behaviors and personality
>KJH fired wonderbab's author for adding ambiguous genders into the lore
Insane revisionism
It's not headcanon if it's total unbiased factual information in the text of the game. Any counterexamples, or are you just being a whiny bitch that Dante isn't a man?
all MCs in PM have a gender wonderlabs doesn't count because KJH already said if the wonderlabs come to limbus or ever show up again they will have set genders
>chuds getting angy
look chuddie, you already lost. dante is nonbinary and limbus is pro-LGBTQ+
>Dante is referred to exclusively with gender neutral pronouns, even in the Korean text
you don't speak Korean, headcanon

>Dante is referred to exclusively with gender neutral pronouns even by Vergilius and Faust, individuals who knew them prior to their memory loss
it's done either to keep the gender a mystery until the character reveal, or a shit job by watson/was uninformed by KJH about which pronouns to use

>Dante never refers to themselves by any gendered terminology
Dante never refers to themselves beyond using "I" "I'm" or "me" which are not gendered ever.

>Dante is not a self insert
Gacha protagonist therefore user insert even if they do get story later on

>Dante as a name is not indicative of gender since a woman was named Dante in Ruina
Dante is a male name, as is Ishmael and Rodion, just because they genderbend source material here and there it doesn't mean they are all nonbinary queershit.
Is that so? What's Dante's gender, then, and what proof do you have of that gender?
What is this, an image for Sinclairs?
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keep trying to bait with your insane brainrot take and say it's totally not your [HEADCANON]
is this the anon that saved everything as thumbnails
Dante is literally me
>B-But he's not a self-inse-
Wrong. He's Me. I control the Sinners. I control the PDA. Those inner thoughts that Dante has? Mine.
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I will continue to call Dante a he and nobody can stop me. Also if he's revealed to actually be a she or some other alternate I might still call him he just to spite others!
Sex with this Myo.
So true brother Dante, I too am literally Dante
Isn't the Sensei from Blue Archive also referred to with "They" since Korea has unisex phrases for everyone?
Dante is a woman.
Dante is a nigger desu
1) You don't speak Korean either, any counterexamples or are you being a weasel? The neutral terms are consistent

2) Watson isn't translating anymore, so why does Dante still use they/them, or why wasn't there a revision? Typos are constantly being fixed in the story, plus the whole Faust voice do-over, bitch argument

3) They never make any reference in any way at all to them being male or female, supports my point

4) Was Roland a self insert? Dante is a character with their own personality, name, history, not a self insert

5) Are Ishmael and Rodion men because they have male names? No, they're used in a gender neutral manner, supports my point

come back with some actual substance next time
Actually, he's red. Fucking indians.
anime and manga has males
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Dante is Dante, this argument is stupid.
I am now annoyed enough to reply.
I hate people like you, who waltz in wanting a debate. You want to be right, and prove a point, but do you think you'll actually convince anyone? I think you don't, since your entire approach is pestering and hostile. You just want to stroke your morally/mentally superior cock and look down at the company around you.
I couldn't give two shits about lgbt+ shenanigans, I have friends who identify as such, but you can read the room, you know how the approach you've taken will land. You're doing this for your own emotions, entertainment, and ego, not for the benefit of anyone or anything else. If you were, your approach wouldn't nearly be as snobbish. Being a cunt convinces no one.
Please just declare yourself correct and leave.
>taking bait seriously
Anon korean doesnt have gendered pronouns youre falling for tranny bait
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Because they have to actually show him.
>also referred to with "They" since Korea has unisex phrases for everyone?
this goes for Korea and Japan
This is true and correct, me being annoying has nothing to do with the fact that I'm correct and you can't strike me down, my argument is invincible and you just have to kneel and accept it
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>this thread rn
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oh yeah baby
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Personally, I blame 8lue 8itches.
Please leave.
I do not believe you are in good company.
Dante is a man. My proof? Yumes making up OCs to ship with their favorites, while Waifufags just use Dante.
damn bro which twitter post did you steal this from
I want to murder everyone here.
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You cannot 100% prove Dante isn't a straight, binary, well-defined gender beyond grasping at headcanons and unproven theories, therefore you cannot deny my claim, and I do not need to elaborate on it.
I forgot Homestuck existed, curse you for reminding me.
Dante's tighty whities...
Any recommended mods for a newbie to LobCorp? I want a pure experience but also would prefer shit not to crash or break and such.
Now it's time to debate Beatrice's gender
This general is full of Homestucks. They're always lurking in the thread.
Don't you ever forget that now.
And I shall bear that curse like a blessing.
Faust loves a BLACK man...
dante is a distortion.
optimization mod + 10x speed mod
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The preponderance of evidence extant at the moment, however, indicates that Dante does not possess a binary gender identity and is instead gender neutral. Since Dante has not explicitly made statements as to this matter, the rational mind would of course lean towards the position supported by the evidence, instead of engaging in baseless fantasy to support one's own bias.
I don't care what the golden witch thinks she is or has under that skirt.
I'll fuck that locked room so hard she screams in red.
May your fingernails have snails under them.
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Okay can someone start posting loli now?
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I cant wait for the tranny meltdown once its Dante's chapter
KJH literally said having the Wonderlabs characters set as they/them would just cause problems in the future so if they ever show up in any PM work
they will get a set gender
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I've got some Junji Ito
>KJH literally said [HEADCANON]
Post where he said this, otherwise you're a malding chud
>dragging women around him into adventures with his influence.
I'll rightly admit I've read tl;dr versions of Don Quioxte because I'm not much of a literature person. Does this happen or is this retard making shit up? I never seen any of this mentioned.

Also it's weird how they go for the fact they gender swap Rodya and Sonya, but not mention like several of the women in the roster are gender swapped. Like ?? why Rodya and Sonya specifically.
Regardless of this, it's all stupid reaches that were a waste of time that only made me think of one question....
Why does bloodfiend Don just become a fixer as a Bloodfiend? I feel like that would make the entire point of Dox Quixote's theme pointless I guess, but it's kind of bugging me now. I can understand wanting to be human instead of bloodfiend as a goal for bloodfiend Don. But why the focus/goal of being a Fixer as well? It seems like that could be easily obtained at a respected level, if not near color status with bloodfiend power.
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For me, it's single mothers who are willing to do whatever humiliating things for their daughters to succeed. How far do you guys think she will go for her family?
>Why Rodya and Sonya specifically?
Director doesn't want homosexuals.
>inb4 Ishmael and Queequeg
Don quixote is delusional as per her intro cg, thus she is trans
I dunno but I hope the line is past Oyakudon
what are yours avis on tsunul?
I should probably use those to finish my shitty challenge run where I Day 1 every time I game over or want to restart a day (Never finished the game before)
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i sometimes wonder if he'd have a wrath EGO, but then i find envy as plausible (having not read the book), and i feel like he could be a good foil to Rodya.
i also wonder what sort of person would end up getting a wrath EGO more generally, since the obvious candidates (Heath, Sinclair, Ryoshu and maybe Don all have different EGO typings)
Machine forgiveness.
I'll gladly accept the truthful reveal of Dante's identity when it comes so I can jerk off to the most accurate smut of them, but insisting that Dante isn't presently gender neutral as they exist in the story currently is just stubborn foolishness. Twitter is right and the chuds are just embarrassing us,
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is there any "trick" to being more likely to get lunar memory? ive been playing since launch and ive still never seen it. even when its on an increased chance i never even get a whiff of it
Machine love.
Dante is literally just X 2.0
I haven't mentioned my own gender, does that also make me gender neutral? Is everyone else in this thread also gender neutral? Just because it hasn't been talked about doesn't mean it's not a fact. Any speculation and headcanon is nothing more than that, until true evidence comes forward confirming either hypothesis, just like how Don wasn't a bloodfiend until a month ago, no matter how many people read way too hard into things.
Until then, I'll stick to the old adage of the internet: male until proven otherwise.
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>I Day 1 every time I game over or want to restart a day
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>he's still coping
I've gone through 12 resets so far, and like I said, have never finished the game before. Furthest I've gotten before even starting the challenge was Day 26.
>>To be cautious, when discussing Wonderlab, I remember that at the request of the author and in consultation, we decided not to set or reveal the gender of the Wonderlab characters. However, from the later works onwards, we decided that there needed to be a gender-specific setting and depiction. This is because, until now, I have tried to ensure that the narrative and treatment of the work do not change according to gender, but there have been very few times when the gender itself has not been decided. That's why I even thought of choosing the gender for the next work, and I think that kind of story was misinterpreted.

now kill yourself like the rest of the 49%
An anonymous individual is definitionally gender neutral unless they reveal otherwise. It isn't about what's in your pants behind the screen, it's about social perception. You could be a bot for all I know.
Isn't it 51% now?
No, I mean the author specifically cherry picks out Rodya and Sonya for the fact they were genderbent and weren't their original genders from their original book.
"Don Quixote’s genderbend in Limbus also holds some significance. In all other cases so far, the writing has been deliberate in preserving certain dynamics and ideas. Ishmael and Queequeg still have gay undertones, and Rodion and Sonya are both respectively genderbent."

That just reads to me the fact they swapped genders, and it's like... that's nothing new? I'm just confused as to why that was notable and not like every other woman on the LCB team that were also originally men in their books.
Realistically Heath should have had Wrath on Bodysack honestly. Yeah I know Envy also suits him but c'mon. Hell Snagharpoon also would've made sense.
I dont know just make it a 100%
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I call it Blind Obsession
Every time family has come up she has mocked the traditional expectations that come up with it, either this is a defense mechanism from doing just that or she would never humiliate herself on purpose.
My suggestion would be going a status with not too many gifts and collecting all of them then changing the keyword in the store to that status. Other than that maybe working it's just luck.
Oh, you meant that post.
No, that retard is just a delusional faggot, so any detail can be twisted to support his world view.
Kimchi Poon is saving the first Wrath Base E.G.O. for Dante.
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>However, from the later works onwards, we decided that there needed to be a gender-specific setting and depiction.
>decides to use they/them for Dante anyways
What was Director thinking? Is this his way of appealing to both chuds and troons?
Buy every single ego gift, go to all the abno nodes that reward ego, and choose the rewards that give rando t1-2 gifts until you basically exhaust the pool.
It's the start of a promising career. You've gotten accepted into a Fixer Office as a Grade 9 Fixer.

What weapon are you going to use for your job?
There is a gender specific setting and depiction. This is evidence that Dante is intentionally gender neutral, and is not intended to be ambiguous in their depiction.
because Dante will be revealed not even to be a "person"
More like western trannyshit doesnt even cross his mind
A partisan. It's a fancier spear and I like how it looks.
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Angela is sexy and I'm not afraid to admit it!
if Dante wasn't human an Arbiter would have payed a visit by now
Angela's tits weren't that big
Idk sounds like chud cope to me.
>create a world where every character has a very defined sexual identity and is straight
>keep your mystery MC ambiguous until their reveal, like you've done before
>LGTV crowd can't go 5 seconds without inserting their rethoric into your work to desperately carve some made up representation, otherwise they'll rope
every single time.
yi sang...
Since I'm not a peasant, I'm getting a gun. As a grade 9, I'm just going to be doing basic chores until I get up the ranks, and I'm dead if I run into anyone strong enough to not care about guns no matter what weapon I have. I'll have my seniors teach me melee combat between jobs after I strike up a rich and emotional bond with them (precursor to e.g.o. potential btw)
Erm you werent supposed to point that out
>In The City
they are the same retards with so little social interactions they mistake camaraderie and brotherhood as lesbian/gay romance
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The only reason this is even causing such tremendous butthurt is because of current political climate, and people feeling like if they just accept some given fact despite how obvious it is, they'll be accepting the enemy's point of view, despite ambiguous identity plot points having been a thing since forever.

Dante most likely has a gender made for him once we find out who they are, the point of using neutral pronouns for him, is just cause at this moment it's being threated as a mystery. It doesn't have to be anything more damning than that.
>X used he
>Dante uses they
>No proof Dante is a he

stop embarrassing yourselves.
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Or were they
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double ended axe.
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How the hell are you going to afford maintaining yourself with the cost of bullets?
>in the city
>>>>as a grade 9
Good luck missing all your shots and having to starve yourself just to keep that peashooter loaded
I mean Dante is human but just monstrous or a fucking weirdo since Dante doesn't need to eat or drink water maybe its like the Tailors in Ruina
Im just trying to spitball
>Angela's tits weren't that big
Yeah, as a Grade 9, a gun (which I can afford because I'm from a Nest) will mulch any rats and low-level syndicate members I run into while I practice to get skilled with a melee weapon. I've never touched a sword or axe before, I don't want to be like Hindley where I'm augmented as hell but still a punching bag.
>Since I'm not a peasant
>As a grade 9
>I'm getting a gun
Tourist. Go play Ruina.
>Dante doesn't need to eat or drink water
The descriptions for those soda dispensers in MDs (back when they existed) mentioned Dante took a sippy though?
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I think it's an attempt to make Dante ambiguous for the sake of trying to not make it easy for readers to guess who Dante actually is.
If the gender was definite then that eliminated half of the characters we met in the past games who could be Dante. Or... Dante could just be an OC we never heard of and we could never guess in a million years who they were.
Angela shouldve made herself dfc in ruina to spite ayin "the tit man"
Ew. Why recomend him that 4/10 game??
Because I'm rich. I could probably buy my way to being higher grade, but I want to play by the rules.
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She loves Ayin, though?
Bow with a hatchet side arm.
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To be fair, it's never directly told if he can eat, or even needs to, aside from Meursault's input in canto III where he goes "Manager has no mouth to eat."

Nemo is a flat screen TV for a head, and yet he partakes of expensive as fuck meals for a hobby, so if his head is indeed prosthetic, and not some distortion type shit, there's probably some way to eat.
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I've honestly seen none of these but I think the heath yumes are kinda based but only when they bother to draw an oc. It's not different then when waifufags do it.
anon it's made very clear that ammo in the city is something only whole fucking organisations can afford and even then they're very limited in supply
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of course, but that's an EGO corrosion. admittedly it is the first corrosion which changes sin affinity, but it's also the first time a base EGO corrodes. It seems obvious that the corrosion, and consequently the affinity change simply reflects Heathcliff's extreme instability at the time.
EGO is an expression of one's "core self", so the question simply becomes what sort of person is wrathful at their centre (like Verga, now that I think about it).

I think not Bodysack necessarily, since Heath's main issue is his inferiority complex (thus envy) from growing up in Wuthering Heights. There's more of an argument for Snagharpoon, where we need to decide whether Ish is just gloomy about the tragedy of the Pequod or specifically has a blind obsession with revenge on Ahab. I admit I don't recall too much about canto 5 to support one over the other, but i do recall the log for Blubbering Toad leans towards sadness
Big spear or harpoon
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I like to think he has a little panel on the clockface that opens up to reveal a bunch of grinders like Mephi uses to eat
>who the fuck is this bitch?
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Need the sauce of this yumes Twitter.
<I love my wife, Don Quixote>
I can afford it because I come from a rich family from Nest O with connections to high-class workshops and ateliers with the permits to produce firearms and bullets. My daddy will gift me enough ammunition to last a few years while I uphold the family tradition of working my way up the ranks to become a high-class Tres Association fixer- under constant watch from burly bodyguards, of course,
Sword and board.
Bonus if I can be a lazy fuckhead who borrows concepts from other IPs: Charge blade from MH

Being able to give my weapons electric/elemental charges to my weapons would be pretty bad ass.
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i was going to simply say very true in my head and continue scrolling but i saw you dont have any (you)s so have this reply calling your post very true and based
I'm going to pay Shi to cut your damn head off.
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Homosexual poster
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Two handed sword
I refuse to join the Zwei, though.
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Am I on fucking twitter right now?
Oh, dearie, you're so silly to think a Shi association dog could find their way past my family's diligent butlers! Don't you worry, we'll graciously pay a gift of compensation for their workplace injuries- they're only doing their job, after all!
tourist general
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Time to destroy this thread. Prepare yourselves.
Its okay
I wanna go jerk off anyhow.
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If Im living in the PM world I will have my hair like this and with that dress
My sword and shield will be my pride
larpchads mog naggerchuds
I impregnate Arbiter wombs to make more soldiers for the Head.
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That's the Claw's job too and you my friend are NOT a Claw.
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If I were a fixer I would probably fight with something cheap for the entire year
Except one day a year
That day I will spend my yearly funds on twelve (12) bullets and do Gunkata on some poor backstreet kids
>machine posting
I'm gonna throw up
Hunters axe.
Personally I'd want to be Zwei since it looks like a comfy job and relatively secured compared to other fixer groups.
Ishmael always leaned at least to me to the aspect of someone who needs that blind obsession for Ahab to not fall into depression hence a gloom ego. She seems to frequently fall under states like that during the canto
I'd want to be an Oufi fixer, personally. You get cool threads, chill work wrangling retards into settling on contracts, and nobody's willing to fuck with you because if they do an entire office of pissed off lawyers draws and quarters them
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I'd a twin blades kind of guy because I'm chuuni as fuck.
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Roland's (not) a claw thougheverbait
>Full Stop Office
>Aya (Grade 8 fixer)
>The fucking Iron Brotherhood
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>got to Hod in the Library
Ayin wasn't a Claw though?
Do I even have money for anything beyond a simple shitty sword?
I liked these posts.
I am listening to this.
Aya has some kind of fucked up taser thing, not a gun
Binah is an exception since she is a former Arbiter.
Hag wombpats...
I just don't see how larping as a power gamer 12 year old is fun.
It's easy to assume that actual combat-quality weapons are a lot more affordable in the city, so you're assumed to have enough savings for a 'common' weapon, such as a mace, sword, axe, maul.
Stuff like that
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yeah., that's plausible. I think Hong Lu's gloom isn't especially obvious either. I guess depressive behaviour's just a lot more easily associated with sloth (see YiSang pre-Canto 4). I think I don't really understand what the sin of gloom reflects.
>verification not required
You get (You)s. Also, I want a walpipi with Hopkins and Aya ids, please.
Personally, I have a really simple plan
>Be a relatively young Smoke War veteran (like Roland)
>Join a shitty Office while pretending to be a Fixer who never went beyond Grade 9
>Help this new Office reach greater heights while never revealing my past
>Try to get super close to whomever seems like the best or most idealistic member (assuming said idealist doesn't die early)
>Mysteriously disappear for unknown reasons
>Take on a new identity that always obscures my face
>Almost exclusively take jobs that go against that old office
>Make sure to beat at least half of them
>Throw the match against the one I got close to
>Laugh after they take off my mask while I'm dying
I think it will be really funny
ah too cringe for me. later
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>woowajajahahahahab dantes is non binary
You people remind me of Chris cucks and mudskins with their god. I hate that one purple vnigger too. Making claims that cannot be proven definitely by either side and going well, you can't disprove me exdeeeee huck huck. Dante's gender is unknown. That is what we know, he is referred with gender-neutral terms because the director doesn’t want us to know. This applies to Faust and Virgil to Dante as well. I imagine the Korean language follows a similar structure as Chinese pronouns, as our countries share a common history and development. 他 is the male version as denoted with the human symbol, 她 is the female version as donated with the female symbol, and 它 is the version used for creatures and objects, it's gender neutral in the sense that it includes both but it's not gender fluid in the way a mentally ill Westerner would consider it as meaning doesn't have a gender or any other thing. Dante is as things stand currently labeled correctly as an object. That said, literature-wise, Dante demonstrates primarily masculine traits in the story, such as motivation and leadership(ying). He assists the sinners in growing for the better, something that is the opposite of femininity(yang). If Dante were a woman, her primary role would be to tell the sinners how they should accept themselves and that they don't need to change. Consider the ways men's self-help books differ from women's self-help books, for example to support my point. Do you know what you should do? Every time someone makes a post here about Dante's gender, you should just sexually harass the poster, that will probably make them uncomfortable enough to leave, or they are baiting. AND IM FUCKING FALLING FOR IT!
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>faust image
>dogshit post
Like hand to a glove.
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here u go 4 that post
Good thing ChristCHADS are right again. Homosexuals shouldn't have been tolerated.
>Uses he
>Admits Dante is gender neutral but keeps coping
>[HEADCANON] horoscope bullshit for their unfounded assumptions
you really are falling for it, bwo...
Clocks don't have penis or vagina
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>canto 2 was shit
>MD2 was shit
>RR2 was shit
why is the second iteration always the worst?
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I think as a concept RR2 was cool it's just they gave us the biggest time stalling niggers they could find to fight.
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Damn, good for her. At least the arts cute.
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I don't understand this logic. If Dante has a cock and balls then why wouldn't anyone know that he's a guy? It's not like they got replaced along with his head
Bwos my pc just blue screened three times in a row
*cough cough* go on.......without me........
Surprising amount of variety in the responses
Plus one retard who'd get laughed out of every single workshop in the damn City

SwordGODS keep winning though
Incredibly based.
If I could do art I'd have done the same.
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Danteh... Stop arguing with your mirror world selves Danteh... Just check under your pants and move on, Danteh... You're wasting company time, Danteh...
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Swords are simply the coolest melee weapons, with halberds in second place.
Rest easy, limbab... we'll keep on arguing whether Dante is gender neutral in your honor... rest easy... we'll bring glory to your departed spirit...
swords are the peak of aesthetic
As practical as a spear is, it's a bit cumbersome for any indoor combat compared to a thrusting sword.
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I have an actual Arming Sword and I fucking love swinging that thing around
Real fixers use their fists. You need range? Just pick up a rock and use your 100,000,000 won guns to baseball pitch their skull flat
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Maybe not exactly a Grade 9 weapon but I suggested Trés Don having a rocket lance before, and I feel like a rocket hammer is also a good idea.
Finally unlocked execution bullets in LobCorp. Am I supposed to just start spamming them on clerks whenever I have the chance? I have Big Bird in my facility.
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anyone who says swords arent peak they are coping or a spear loser
yes, basically kill all of them when you can if you have a cl*rkoid lover
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Post sexy women instead of arguing about nothing.
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A rapier and main-gauche
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I love swords way too much. Fighting with them, watching how they're made, the history of them, etc. They're just so fucking cool. I also like how 90% of the different swords in the world have names that just mean "sword".
For me, it's the Spatha.
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Swords are a reliable classic also the most prolific melee weapon in human history.
They are lethal, gives you range, but also not an absurd amount of range that can be a detriment in combat and the hurt zone of the weapon itself is rather large. Compared to like an axe or a mace. Even if you overshoot your swing on a sword, you're making hurtful contact.
I like swords too but I think as I get older I like the utility of halbards and axes more. Plus you can still do some stylish shit with them aswell.
Dante’s gender neutral to be ambiguous since they’re an amnesiac
I like knives. You can get wacky with their design, you can do cool tricks with them, you can throw them, you can give them serrated edges or hooks, you can conceal them, you can use two of 'em at the same time to be edgy, you can be all twirly and dramatic when you're fighting with them, you can make them really big or really small for variety, you can use them in conjunction with another weapon like the sword + parrying dagger combo, I like knives
I want an ID of a sinner being a sword
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paus needs to PEE
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Hod… stop using spiderbud to feed me… I’m full…
Knifes are good. Small arms are nice for modern combat since a lot of the advancements for field warfare don't directly transfer to small scale battles.

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