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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>493287306

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Aspie weebsex...
Post your character and your favorite base game class trainer
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not sure, don't really remember any of them.
/aco/. Now.
honestly lads emv is spitting facts right now on stream no matter what you think of him his game knowledge is S tier and he knows what he is doing
probably by far the top pso2 ngs player in these threads by far
DFD clear or wash your hands brady
shame he cant treat his mother as well as his knowledge
>tune in
>anon isnt lying
Trip on
Apologize NOW
wtf I didnt know there was put all in material storage at the kiosk I WAS DOING IT MANUALLY THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!
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Join the discord queen
*inhales* *reroreroreroreroreroreroreto*
>92 viewers
what is going on right now
insert the clip of you dying to dalion
Imagine if he acted like this the entire time and not like a rabid lunatic.
he just got laid so he is in a good mood
With his palm?
Of course the methmouth is shitposting mid stream, it's easy when it's someone else's gameplay being shared through discord
no he met a girl with big boobs who bought him dinner
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My NGS-playing son....
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Now lift her arms...
Can you faggots stop shilling his shit stream. Some 40 year old obese loser repeating the word he types isn't good watching.
>he doesnt know kino when he sees it
zero soul
He shills it himself
Nigga beating your mother is soulless behavior.
>You faggots
It's literally just EMV.
You can tell extremely easily when it's him self posting in the third person due to his typing styles, and generally retarded tone.
I feel like a puppet master made 10 of you go to his stream LOL
Nah I ain't opening that shit.
Okay nigger
Nothing worse than a narcissist who's also a brainlet
post your hands right now u wont
>take zinc for a month
>cum really did increase in volume
Holy shit
Pso2 gameplay?
the only thing he spiting is to dry his crack lips and promote he's normalfag channel, gtfo of the here.
Some overweight faggot who talks like shitlib and can't clear DFD v2 has no insight worth watching for.
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You look like you'll get instant lossed at any moment
Nah, I'd win.
take L-Citrulline aside it for double that amount
Wanna bet?
what discord...
Bet what?
Yeah been taking it for 2 months now, it's great
Ask B
>my block
Does this nigga really thinks he looks like a character from kda? Nigga looks like he was drawn by an 8 year old.
what are you saying
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd
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I'll look into it
It's so over for the mmo genre.
Does Barbara count?
Saga's pretty cool too...
but i don't do that stuff...
Walking behind Mitsumi and giving her a friendly slap on the bare butt.
I'm going to beat you up...
Now take that motivation into the shower and beat that stink up with soap!
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Neither do half the people in it
Reminder that arisu/arisha is a groomer and a creepy clout chaser!
Who are you talking to?
How is BR twitter doing?
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>downloading 77 gigs wasn't enough
oh my days
Show pantsu
Post bulge
goverment said vpn usage lands a daily 9k usd fine
>not pso2g
>still posts in the thread
Good song
Which ship do I join lads?
Ship 2 if you want to play with pso2g
u wot
You'll learn soon enough
He means female but in DEI speak, don't get groomed
Why do I only hear about this dei shit from faggots who are themselves minorities?
Most just chat or play games together
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>talk about gooning
>not banned
>talk about troon drama
>get banned

Nice dead game general lmao
You deserve it for posting brain rot.
>talking about trannies in a mwiz general
You SHOULD get banned for bringing up retarded drama lmao
terf detected
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Goonstuds win again
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Axewoundofthesharts can shove his HRT induced meltdowns up his ass. Even after his death, his bone structure will always be male and even if we dig his bones several years later he will still be identified as a mentally ill male.
change the channel
Who are you talking to?
>log in
>no cute T3 to ride
>log out
I've been called cute and you didn't even ask me
Biofems hate T3s
Fine, I’ll log on…
Guys help, I sent my caseal crush 500 cutes and it's been 15 minutes, she still hasn't responded...
(´ ・ ω ・ `)
T3s willing to let anon ride list?
But no one likes T3s but T3s.
Post butt and I’ll see what I can do
I hate putting on the cube but I love sluts
I do...
T1 bro...
I can't patch my game.
I can't uninstall my game.
-140gigs of unusable ssd space.
Fuck you /pso2g/
skill issue
gookcode issue
Cry about it bitch nigger skill issue
you have a delete button on your keyboard you retard
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Yes I used it you nigger.
Brb 3 hours while i reinstall this shit
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I'm actually T2.. I wanted T3 because last time I had a T1, it was not a good experience.. That's why I want T3 because so far they're more considerate..

he most likely installed the microsoft version at some point for rewards and now the files are perma locked on his computer

I still need to reformat to fix my PC after doing weird shit to be able to delete it years ago but im just to lazy
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are these two "really good friends"?
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oh I see
Was it THAT bad?
yeah i’m thinking /ourgirl/ won
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Good night /pso2g/
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Good night ame kin
that's not very nice
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when can I marry you?
She's taken by the Mari poster
10/10 post butt queen
isn't talking to yourself on the other thead enough
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HunterGAWD still going at it.
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Goodnight my wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet!!!
I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow!
what hair?
queen gwiz lives rent free in the minds of many
all hail hunterGAWD *kneels*
can't imagine being this obsessed for only 2 people to like and move on with their days and not even commenting.

assuming he isn't one of them self liking his posts
it’s funny you would say that. he seems to operate a separate fake account for a made up bf.
>gwizzer and his buttboy squad trying to make up lies about hunter
Take a look.
Reminder that gwiz is a retard who doesn't even know how the blocking system works but still talks about it loudly on twitter
This chad stole his name AND his font
that can’t be a coincidence
Not PSO2 but incredible nonetheless
no thx i only get my info from 4channel and only discuss pso2 related content on 4channel
>generic name
>only thing in common is the yellow color in the logo
>channel online since 2020
>zomg he stole from muh failed youtuber!1
CyberBolt! On YouTube!
Syber talking to his coworkers at Dunkin’ donuts tomorrow
>log in
>open finchys lookbook
>close finchys lookbook
>open hamulilys lookbook
>open rinka lincas lookbook
>try to goon but cum in five minutes
>close rinka lincas lookbook
>quit game
>play warhammer
rinka is so cute bros….
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stratos was cute
dalion rank 2 not so bad
dilate rank 2
Nearly 4 years later and they just drop you off in the middle of the city next to everyone like packed sardines. The game can't remember where you last logged out. NPCs are lined up like private server custom malls.
Why the hell does pso2g still idle in a4, next to the log in point no less.
Fucking horrid.
Where would you rather idle?
not to mention every city just looks like some teenager opened unreal engine for their first time and plopped down a few default assets in a circle
made me laugh out loud in real life
>Gwiz posting about C|SyberB|bolt at 3AM again
is he online
I hate this so much
even once human logs you back in where you last logged out in the world

its actually funny realizing if ngs had minecraft tier gathering and building on top of its customization it would also have 80k+ players on steam at this very moment something so minor yet makes such a major impact
ngs is the only mmo I've seen where you can PM an offline player, or even the wrong name, and the game will pretend that your message got sent anyway.
The game system is 12 years old by the way.
>no trading allowed
>shop has 10% tax
capitalism strong in this dress up simulator
PSO2 is built on code so legacy it's abandoned by Microsoft.

Even simple stuff like the player shop can't remember what you last seen.
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>mfw this thread

lmao i only shitpost rarely if i’m bored to tears on ngs and usually on my smoke break. i don’t know which one of you still watches. but i’m gonna be doing more hangout talk streams late night. and putting out some NGS guides soon for new/returning players.

my fav trainer was the braver one..
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Is the game good yet?
Yea it's really good and we hit 5k concurrent players
it’s as good as you’re willing to try to make it. i didn’t even watch last headline but sega usually throws hooks out to pull you back in. maybe someone else can tell you more. new dfd is a better fight and alot of fun. i want to try it more but i just spend too much time working with my alliance and not everyone is at that level yet. as a side gig it’s best as a time sink/ chat sim if you are lacking that irl is the best function of NGS imo
thoughts on doppejesterdoppeljester??
The game is so fucking good oooouuh~
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Has anyone ever eaten the Gordon Ramsay TV dinners? It was surprisingly pretty good.
Why do you lie so much?
Loved your tribs.
minheight here and i also loved your tribs, hoping to see your cock next time you do it...
dang youre fat
take zinc....
This isn't stricrty PSO2 related but everyone on PSO2 was joking about some upcoming SEGA game a year or so ago. Concord absolutely flopping and being refunded and shut down officially DOA reminded me of this, and I almost thought it was the same game, but apparently not.

What was SEGA's upcoming game that I'm probably thinking of?
I remember horrible looking characters, and it looked bad. I'm pretty sure it was a shooter and I remember shitty chromatic aberration used in marketing for it.

>actually paying for the dot
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They're all pretty forgettable except Risa imho

[Cute] and [Cool]
actually pretty based, moderation needs to "restructured"

iirc they also cancelled 2 more RPGs. they had more potential than Hyenas but unsure why they kept pushing Hyenas instead
Just because you don't remember your crack benders doesn't mean they didn't happen
Yeah that was it. I just watched the trailer.

Very similar to this other game.

>unsure why they kept pushing Hyenas
It's that big corporate agenda where they pay devs to make garbage to annoy players by releasing games that are the opposite of what people want.
>my smoke break
Hold on, EMV is a degenerate wagie smoker?
I don't know if I can continue enjoying your screenshots. Cigs are so nasty being a crackhead would be more attractive.
Hero shooters are and have been a very oversaturated market in general. Lawbreakers failed years ago for the same reason. Lord knows why sony and sega thought they could break into the market still.
that's me...
dude weed lmao
That's also me..
Put on more clothes, dr*w
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You're a niggerfaggot
That ain't Falco
Phantel Nebila hair. It's on the new scratch.
Going after clingy girls like that is just asking to be never being left alone ever. Constantly being texted will make you lose interest and then you got a stalker.
thx it looks nice on u
pooping on falls lap
thank you for reminding me to check for heartis hair
did you snag the 10m one
I got ghosted today. We really hit it off the first two weeks and then this week he just stopped messaging me or if he did it is mostly cold and brief replies. I even saw him in a blue name with someone I know. Help, what do I do? I have pink hair in game if that matters.
Sega took my favorite game, and fucked it. You heard me right, they fucked it.
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i know what you mean lad
RIP alex kidd
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So I did the math and like, it cost us $200 million to remake the game and we’re sellin’ it for $0 with azz microtransactions but we only got like 600 or so players and I don’t think we gonna make any of this back unless we get maybe like a couple dozen more people playing or something.
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NGS was always trash.
You're free to play the kino that was PSO2 anytime.
PSO2 was so shit it died the instant it stopped getting scratches
Boomers be like
>This slow content was better
I know what you mean, ristar online 2 new dumbass didn't deserve it.
I miss these kind of boss fights. Elder, Luther, Magatsu, PD, they were all kino as fuck, not these souless dolls that were just there for no fucking reason. SEGA really dropped the ball with NGS but its already 4 years too late to do shit about it.
Every boss fight after Aegis being one button makes it worse
Back in base pso2, mining base really felt like an urgent quest with a tie-in story to Lilipa. Here in NGS mining base feels like shit. Even running normal fields to fight Rockbear or Quartz Dragon was fun. SEGA shouldn't have gone with the open world meme if they couldn't even do basic level design for zones.
>even running normal fields to fight rockbear or qd was fun
He's right
Base pso2 will always be better than this slop called NGS.
I cum better with NGS graphics.
I didn't take niggas saying base was better seriously the first year of NGS and I'm not gonna take them seriously when they're still here after three years
You can sperg all you want but if you weren't here during base pso2 days you don't matter and you will never be accepted as one of us, ngsbab.
Cope boxy, your opinion never mattered here nigger.

Bal Rodos alone makes NGS look like a joke.
>y-you had to be there
Don't like it? You know what to do
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Base PSO2 was great.
Especially without the global slop.
I've been here since JP and I think NGS is better
Don't like it? Leave. Simple as.
NGSbabs are laughable as fuck because they will never experience being part of the true pso2g dynamic

Your opinion doesn't matter if you were never here from.the beginning.
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>NGSbabs being outed one by one
Oh no no no no no no no
Globalbabs are at least pso2g because they played base pso2 with the JPkeks, but NGSbabs will always be tourist-tier around here. Maybe fleetcord is more of your speed, niggers.
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AI slop cock
Learn a talent.
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Your response?
I'm happy all trannies neck themselves after age 30.
Completely deserved.
Kill yourselves troons.
yeah I can definitely tell you all are girls instead of guys or trannies because girls are afraid of confrontation and can only bitch and gossip.
You're still an NGSbab no matter what you say
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pepe if he real
Have we figured out who keeps saying this? It's a niche enough vernacular that there's probably only one schizo who keeps using the term this frequently.
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Lurk more newfag
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>ngsbabs keep outing themselves
Oh no no no no no no, if you've been here pre-NGS you'd already know the answer to that.
Are you implying that using a term associated with baby play is supposed to be common?
Most people would just say ngszoomers or ngsfags. I've never seen somebody spam "bab" this frequently before.
How about instead of caring about some fag who spends all day posting bait you post something about the game?
Lurk more, ngsbab.
I'm just saying that "ngsbab" and similar niche phrases can be clearly searched on the archives.
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>being this mad he got outed as a newfag
Maybe you're not an NGSbab, maybe you'll never be pso2g lmao gottem
You aren't as anonymous as you think.
>NGSfetus melty
you love to see it
Lurk more instead of crying like a little bitch
Do you think any mods bookmark specific IPs and check in on specific anons daily?
High iq
>you aren't as anonymous as you think
lmao moderator melty, you do it for free too
>azrice shows up out of nowhere
>acts eerily similar to boxy
>turns out to just be a huge newfag
>wins the lottery and sells a weapon for like 200mil
>joins toblerone
>gets outed as a desperate gay cuck
>embarrasses himself in front of queen aiatar
>acts like a creep around tobles, no one wants to include him, the t1 equivalent of squishy
>he ends up having a total meltdown making a huge scene about leaving and how toble is cliquey
>now in a nothing alliance, no friends, no respect
It's the same as calling someone a Worldbab for starting with MHW, the point is to compare someone to an infant for being new to the series while enthusiasts have been playing for more than a decade
none of this is true
wouldnt people new to NGS be the lucky ones? pso2 is not a good game so bragging about playing it for a decade on a server you cant even read or understand the story on is pretty bad
Azrice is boxy, simple as. But because he is a schizo, he cannot form any meaningful connections with his alliancemates. Nogxy will still be Nogxy even if he masquerades as a different person.
you know...sometimes artists make mistakes too
Most people who still frequent these threads have played base because 99% of NGS players would have quit by now if they didn't experience the community through base.
Which is why it's extremely bizarre for anybody to use the term "ngsbab".
NGS is like every game released recently; watered down and censored for the tranny "modern" audience
all of this is true
>newfag trying to justify not being called an NGSbab
lmao even
the outfits are really skimpy though but I get what you mean with the weird gender names and the bathroom censors from base
Stop this
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the word stopped being used after 2022 surprise surprise the shitposter schizo is still living in the past
Fuck off newfag
NGS has simplified gameplay
Simplified navigation
Dumbed down mechanics
Barely any story
Same reused assets
We're still in Halpha and that's never going to change
NGS is better than PSO2
>lucifi being a desperate attentionhog again
And despite that, NGS is a better game that takes faster reactions and more skill to play
>globab brady calling anyone a bab
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only their favorites
emv was on ship2 jp
bro why is you head so fucking small kek
The only thing that is as embarrassing as an NGSbab is a Globalbab calling others a bab lmaoooooo
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EMV the child rapist, mom beater, crack addict, is now teaming up with broomop I kid you not.
I TRIED!!!!!
Idk why but I lost it after reading this post then looking at the picture
Ever make a woman fall in love with you so hard she begins avoiding you out of guilt?
Speaking of JP is it worth visiting? I remember the English speakers being nice to help out with quest even the native JPs who knew English were cool but with global idk if that's the case anymore over there.
T1 are all mentally ill
I feel bad my history is pretty schizo tier
combination of typing style masking,, BPD,,, and one last thing I cant list but its easy to figure out + boredom
No and that sounds retarded
You had four years to play in the correct server bro. Stay here with the Globalbabs where you belong.
Is brady pretending it takes mods and jannies to figure out when he's shitposting again
S T O P!!!!!!!
oh I wouldn't be playing with you guys
I hope Brady smith Lawson kills himself soon
Just looked at it again and it's still funny
The last two jpfags here are alone on their servers, I don't even know why you retards have these arguments when it's just mondo, the fat tub of lard and shitfingers ever engaging with the topic
>defending globaltroon server
lmao even
Do you want a day old thread or a 6 day old thread?
kek I remember when the threads had to be bumped every couple hours by 1 person before Global came out
Remember how not a single jp clear has been posted of every dark falz fight in ngs yet? Sure is alive lmao.
Speaking of which, avoid pso2ngs discord a tranny runs it on a bender named Captain Asuna
I remember when people thought HTPD was impossibly difficult to clear the JPs and EOPs thought we were hacking for getting day 1 clears
The thread doesn't need to exist and you needing a place to shitpost isn't justification nor something to be seen as necessary.
Remember when steam numbers always fall below sub 1k? Sure is alive lmao.
Oh it's one of the last two jpfags who post here spamming steam charts lol
>sub 1k steam sharts
Checkmate globabs
>what is MS Store, Epic, Xbox
1 million players
jpcels: Haha look at these steam charts dead region!
globalCHADS: Here is a collection of our day 1 Dalion, Solus clears.
Game so dead not even RubyEclipse uses his admin privs to make Jempire top anymore
Funniest part is HTPD isn't even harder than Solus R1
I will send incredibly lewd mail to all of my alliance mates on the final day in hopes most of them don't read it before we all wind up in another game together haha
>using a literal who platform like 4chan to justify clears
>when JPs post hundreds of clears on twitter
Ok sub 1k steambabs and the 200 players on MS store and Epic lmaoooo
Do it now you dumbass. The mmo genre is officially dead
>Has to resort to twitter
concession accepted only 4chan matters to pso2g.
Globabs really do think they are worth anything when they can't even break 2k players on all platforms combined LOL
Going in circles now, shame
I like how globals are always saying things like
>my alliance did x
>me and anon did x
>our cross alliance party did x
Whereas all mondo, at and the fat fuck say is shit like
Because they don't have a 4chan alliance to speak of
Doesn't matter to the rest of the world
Globalbabs are the laughing stock every discord and twitter page you go to
me on the me
It matters to you lmao
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why are you here then
fuck off retard
talk about doppel
Did you just admit to being a normalfag
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Jp doesn't even have lolcows lmao
>Says the guy frantically defending sub 1k global while the rest of us JPchads and normieGAWDS laugh from the comfort of our superior server
Holy kek getting desperate aren't we, Globalbabs?
The fat cats and at came from there though
nice fren
You're boring
wtf happened? desu he was one of my favorite posters. azrice was grossly under appreciated like everything good that washes up on your doorstep pso2g~

az won… he obviously didn’t care about y’all’s drama as much as you wanted him to.
I didn't come here to find where some southern hick lives
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JP doesn't have:
Wet Cuck
We automatically win by default just by having no troons and niggers.
Shut the fuck up cracky. You aren't pso2g so your opinion is worthless.
why is emv doing this to azrice?
at least we have friends lol!
>Sub 1k players
yeah i know how y’all are tho and he isn’t like you guys it’s plain to see that T1 was cut from a different cloth. i bet most of you didn’t even pick up on his fun and shitposting without characters attached. you guys blew it you can’t afford to lose anymore quality T1s. .
But JP has Mondo, At, Yomiki, Mukyuu, and the purple futa fag. 3 of them are trannies and 1 of them is a real life black.
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I did my part years ago
>Using boxy's "muh friends" defense when he gets cornered
At this point your friends are imaginary because Globalbabs sub 1k server is just pathetic. Whatever you say is cope at this point because you cannot dispute hard numbers. 2k players if you include Epic and MS store. That's like JP on a midnight schedule.
I just don't understand what his endgame is. Alienating yourself from everyone because you can't stop shitposting your friends and their friends is so fucking retarded lmao
>knows more about Global pariahs than any of his "friends" ingame
Pick one >>493494953
yomiki ish funnie

We don't shit where we eat, Globalbab. We shit on pso2g instead and its sub 1k players LOL!
T2s are for faggots
Yeah I'd plap my t2 friends with my fat pulsating t3 gock desu desu desu
t. Gay T1
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makes alot of sense

i missed that post. thanks anon
mondo is a lolcow
>Alienating yourself from everyone because you can't stop shitposting your friends
I'm still doing it right now. Funposting is fun and is part of pso2g/4chan culture for the longest time. Don't like it? Leave. Simple as. Stop crying like a little bitch because your region failed and nobody is playing anymore.
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Please post butt.
>it really was yomiki
KEK bitch ass nigga
>falling for falseflags
Caught you again Globalbabs lmao gottem
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End of the day, you can rest easy globalfags and jpfags knowing you didn't beat your mother like EMV did
>plays exclusively t1
Normal dude
>plays exclusively t2
Homo making excuses
>plays both
>being indecisive is based
Truly legendary soloing Mother with only Crack V affixed on a wired lance
Namedrop all those who play both and you'll realize that they're all coomers
>you change clothes so you must be indecisive
Changing gender is not the same as changing clothes.
i don’t relate with anybody here lol
>switch to t1
>get told to switch back
Not if you're gender fluid
Ayy lmao
its a videogame
That is a mental illness which is worse.
Tell that to shartwiz and gemma taters. All those years transitioning and they still look male like the rest of the western troons.
yomiki be nice to me for your next troll post pls

you gotta mix it up
Gwiz won
She really won
Back to twitter casual.
He won an obsession with a youtuber
why is pso2g so yappity lately
So this is what happens when shitposters are gatekept lmao
What a terrible day to have eyes
Global is the containment server though.
threads getting weird again..

can someone normal reply to me
You say that as at readies himself to make another alt on global to start over with
i want to distend your minheight belly with my cube
This is what you get when only tobles are talking to themselves
Targeted shitposting is super effective, as demonstrated by the Toblecult. They've done it since base pso2 and they are still doing it now.
Yeah I'd plap my fellow tobles into the fucking ground, but who wouldn't?
i want to fap with a toble minheight...
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>Solus gets a Mk2
>no one does it
>Dalion gets a Mk2
>Everyone keep fighting him every day
Explain this faggotry
Imagine all of toble shitposting you all at the same time. Same thing when you funpost one of them and all of the toblecult comes out of hiding to defend their alliance member. However, once you're out of Toble like Azrice, you become just another targeted shitposting candidate like the rest of the thread.
It only took him four years of coordinating harassment for calling him a 4chan troll then playing the victim after clicking on an IP logger then lying about not living in California then lying about not using 4chan then lying about always using 4chan
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Stfu axewoundofthesharts you will never be a real woman
why are y’all falseflagging as toblerone

tell us something real juicy or go find some drama and come back later when you have something
Talking to my tobes in game. Love not being gatekept like mother factor
Solus doesn't drop shit, takes longer to beat and he can kill you easily if you're not paying attention
no you’re not lol you’re posting here with us?? be my fren~
Sure, tell me more about your targeted shitposting.
Chopping your dick off doesn't make you a girl, it makes you retarded
we're not trying to make you laugh we want you to kill yourself
it’s like 2 or 3 bitter bored ex tobles starting shit between anyone they can that posts itt lol

they’ve been at it for months forcing memes and directing thread engagement. some other fuckers acclimate to it pretty well. they cycle targets but sometimes will throw a toble they don’t like under the bus. at least a few tobles are involved. idk who is directing it but i have done suspicions
some suspicoons**
>Forcing memes
Bro your alliance has been literally doing it for years and now you're doing it to Azrice, stop deflecting.
Shut up and apologize to your mother
Toblerone can't keep denying that they're doing targeted shitposting to anyone in pso2g as they see fit. Nym and Kisa for example, or Azrice.
>classic falseflag manuever
>classic toblerone deflection
it’s just blood in the water mostly

i think pso2g is getting more cutthroat and selective with their targets. but nothing has stuck yet. it is the weekend so some weird energy gets diffused here so yall can put up with each other in game.

wish i could get one of the aloof pso2g to give me some attention~
that's me!
Cracky is way too new holy shit
Shitfingers is an outsider, I don't know why this surprises anyone
kill yourself shitfingers
I wished I was told to kill myself~
love yourself
Shut the fuck up Sparrow.
>the one toble that was nice to him
>shitposts him relentlessly any chance he gets
>I'm just fun posting yall
which one
It's deserved. Any anons stupid enough to try and "see for themselves" how shit he or the other pariahs are can suck a fat one desu
I don't even get why they do it. They can "see for themselves" right here in this thread, every single fucking day.
lol i have barely posted at all. . like what. and when i do i just get ignored or harassed or used as a pawn in your shitpost war games

which one of y’all is the horny one again?
The idea is that you're supposedly thinking for yourself, but if everyone is telling you shit about a guy, maybe you should be wary.
You literally have a folder you keep filled with shit on people.
That wasn't me, silly bitch.
which pariah hurt you lol

y’all scared of pariahs? i hope y’all don’t own mirrors then lmao
is the game good yet?
it's good if you like fapping with other people
Not since the last time you asked
i have my screenshots of my own character, porn of my character, screenshots of me and my alliance friends and acquaintances, some pics i saved from old threads just to use in a pso2g tier list which was tastefully done, and a documentation of every single time one of you has harassed me on social media just in case i need to sue one of yall to afford breast implants or something in the future.
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when you see the one retard who thinks hoarding these for 2 years and going is going to finally pay off when all the 'new' players will want to cosplay as a vtuber
this is the real mental illness what in the fuck
>Boggers flipping items to other bogs to see who gets left holding the bag
>this game's equivalent of cryptocurrency
Plapping your wife inbetween EQs and Dalion runs is the real NGS experience.
Doesn't matter, if one of those sells it already paid for the 12 others
that sounds so awkward

i would want the fuck away as soon as i nutted
It's only awkward if you make it awkward.
Why is a tranny like leche rikka siding with elon of all people?
Why does he delete his posts randomly though
>acts eerily similar to boxy

I still believe they're the same.
not pso2g
Go back to twitter normie.
that's pso2g in general
Oversized tranny hands typed this
you care about twitter that makes you the biggest tranny here
Lol shitfingers is spamming shit about normalfags so he can use his own posts as evidence for his shitty stream lmao
leche rikka is the boxy of his community
Why are you bringing normie shit here?
This is why you will always be a newfag and an outsider brady
Every time brady posts I think to myself "Man that's methed up"
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qrd on these
evidence of what?
top pso2g face sliders?
evidence of DEEG NUTS
my toblewife
i don't recognize anyone apart from emv
Based normie remover.
new sophis hair that was in the datamine doko
Mission Pass maybe
normies hate him too
But N-Sophis Hair has been a thing for years?
i'm assuming they're making a /B
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Sep 25: AC banner
Shiw the face on the right in more detail
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when is he going to respond to Jwiz?
I hope emv thinks about me sometimes
my dead wife who hasn't played in 3 years
i want to cum inside emv
glad you're finally taking the advice of people telling you to go fuck yourself
Can't. I took that screenshot two days ago and I don't remember who that was.
Probably never. The drama has been over for months now. Syber will probably come back to Youtube covering CoD or some mid shooter.
Only if your his crackdealer
other way around for me
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>the car poster is boxy
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It's in his best interest to let it go.

Gwiz is extremely dishonest. He lies about everything. his "attorney approved" thread can be picked apart in ten minutes.

Stalking victims don't xeet their daily location and personal info. They hide, like the people Gwiz threatens.

When he's embarrassed he wastes hours DMing people to "tell the truth"/"set the record" and spread rumors. He did this to four of my friends. They commented on Technicals' video. Gwiz Dm'ed them within an hour. He legitimately watches that comment section like a creep and keeps tabs on people.

Could you imagine living a life that twisted and paranoid? Where your biggest fear is being exposed as inauthentic and a fraud but you can't stop lying so you need to strongarm people into joining your side?

Someone like that doesn't live life for himself : but the admiration of others. And he does it knowing full well his entire life is a lie.

He's a hollow person. Everyone knows he's deranged so they stay on his good graces to avoid drama. Every apology he ever received from people who have "wronged him" are fake. literally no one likes him. They just don't want to make him mad because he can't control himself.

Worst of all, his past skeletons are one Google search away. All someone needs to do is share some of his old internet posts or their DMs with him and *poof* , he's up all night on X melting about why transgender people are allowed to say nigger and harass their former band members.

Such a sad existence. Gwiz fits the description of a Narcissist 1:1. Every single thing he's done reads straight out of the textbook. It's not right to wish bad on him, I hope he gets help and apologizes about lying. Narcissists won't ever do that. They aren't programmed too. The best anyone can do is steer clear of him.

Don't be surprised to see him get into more trouble in the future. These types always do, and often with the wrong crowd.
Didn't read.
Yeah, I'm thinking gwiz won
stay on topic please only things related to pso2 ngs allowed
someone who was demoted to a no name game is not pso2 ngs related
>demoted to manage a children's game
it's a promotion for him
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>game lags
>see this
how badly some of you want gwiz to be a sexual predator for your personal gain really speaks to your priorities
gwiz won
she really won
>open anon's lookbook
>jork it for hours
I love NGS
>don't dress like a slut
>no one will goon to me
hmu when y'all eggs crack
Never forget mwiz came to our block and talked shit about toble back when oya was on top
Does shitfingers think all his schizo posting isn't obvious?
he does
T2 for this feel...?
God fuck off already kisa we've got enough bullshit with the tweaker without your thread erp with your buddy
And dropped
Very gross up there in biggest turn offs with tattoos.
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>Kisatroony thinks we see him as a cool anime T2 hag but in reality we all see still him as Samurai Jack from base pso2
Watch him samefag his own posts after this LOL!
Who are you talking to?
smoking is only cool if you're ripping a bong with me and playing burnout for the ps2, or we're both covered in sweat and grime after pulling off an impossible suicide mission and i light the tip of your cig with mine while rain pours down desu desu desu
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Even your references are lame, brady the dungeater
I don't know what to say. After spending so much time here, this group so far is the best shit I've seen from NA. I'm now aware some are JP, but at the time I didn't really care anymore because I just can't gather even half the numbers of the original chart. I'm dead fucking serious, most cafe trannies can't compete. Maybe if I keep going farther back I'll find rarely posted characters but these so far are the cream of the crop. There is no way anyone can change my mind, I've analyzed and scrutinized the sliders and they are as good as they can get. Also accessories, makeup and eyes make or break the face, which a good majority failed from when I started looking through past threads. Good angles also help you look good, which the majority don't even utilize. Females know this which is why they always try using camera tricks.
>that erp catalog
Shame global never did anything like that. It just turns into a pissing contest for them
You will always be Samurai Jack, Kisatranny. You can never run away from all your meltdowns during base pso2 until early NGS.
I don't get it?
hey methbreath, if you're going to shit up the thread can you at least do it faster so i can post my character?
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Get a twitter and spam your ugly character there if you can't wait, uggo.
Now he's even impersonating other pariahs lmao
I used to play PSO2 on the JP server before the NA launch.
I played a dual gunner and I remember actually needing to aim to do good damage.
Now everything is just lock on and press abilities?
So was that a massive overhaul in the combat or am I tripping?
Kisatroony calling others pariahs is hilarious because he is one. I still remember when he get rekt by Boxy in everything from clears to PvP. It was a one sided beatdown and Kisa would spend weeks throwing melties because he can never beat Boxy in anything.
That was never the case.
I'm talking like 10 years ago
That was never a thing bro, that sounds like inefficient as fuck gameplay you had going there
Crack V moment
As one of the anons who spent a lot of time pvping, when the fuck did you or your pariah friends spend any significant time on the battleship?
Who are you talking to?
There was a time in early NGS when Nogxy and Kisa were beefing in the thread and Nogxy wiped Kisa on pvp nonstop just to prove how shit he was at the game.
That not only sounds fake as fuck, but how do you measure yourselves in a game mode that's completely different from normal gameplay?You certainly weren't playing with the rest of us.
NGS removed headshot damage.
Boxy was never around during base on pso2g.
Ah. Thanks.
base had headshot multipliers, but gunner never really needed to use it, it was more of a rifle/bow thing
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A quick to the archive will easily sort that out. Stop samefagging already Kisa lmaooooo
Now this is Kriell behavior.
Maybe not needed but I found it fun.
Can you still manual aim with guns?
How the fuck did a pic trigger 2 pariahs lmaoo
>Kisa damage control moment
We've been here before Global, during Global, until now. You'll always be Samurai Jack to us. Stop samefagging because it's embarrassing you'll embarrassing yourself even more by trying too hard to damage control.
lil bro fuming so hard he can't even type
you can but there's no reason to ever really other than to shoot the ground with AOEs instead of locking on enemies
>esl babble
KEK it never changes
why are pariahs always esl retards
I'm not even here to defend kisa, I just think you're retarded for pretending benchy or your pariah friends ever participated in group shit like pvp lol
I will come back later
alright fair enough
>at pretending to be Kriell/Yomiki is the funniest shit ever
But yeah, Kisaragi will always be Samurai Jack to us here. There is no coming back from that.
Don't come back. Kys even.
Who is us? The Pariah Four?
>Kisa still damage controlling
Ok whatever you say, Samurai Jack.
I want to be your friend...
>samurai jack
qrd for the people who haven't lived here for 10 years?
Post the cm group picture
Damage controlling won't delete your meltdowns and samefagging in the archives, Kisanigger.
Anon made a joke and apparently it was his one-hit wonder.
See >>493616480
Samurai jack deegs NUTZ LMAO GOT EM
I'm more curious as to why the shitposter is targeting him. Is it because he does PYCs now and then? Does seeing him post his mug set off the shitposter that much? Or is shitposter-kun's life just so void of purpose and meaning?
I'm inclined to believe he's just a faggot that needs to get off the internet.
Based and truthpilled
See >>493616480
I'm leaning towards "senpai won't notice me".
It's just artificial drama so he can keep bumping the thread and parading a dead body around as alive.
he probably insulted him at some point so now he's obsessed
I was the one who pointed out that he put his own picture into that folder and called him out in that old thread, and I don't have a problem with him at all anymore.
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I want this ability to make others seethe instantly.
>more kisa samefagging
lmao you're trying too hard bro
What seething?
it's just one insane crackhead
Literally all you need to do is find your nearest pariah ingame and whisper them.
They live here with nothing to talk about so they'll never shut up about you once you're on their radar.
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>grown add men throwing temper tantrums over not getting enough attention
Having no father figure around does that.
beating your mother does it too
pso2g be like
>Let's ignore a literal definition of a lolcow troon (gwiz) and instead shitpost mindlessly about each-other for months without having anything interesting or new to say
>why won't you care about my bullshit instead of yours
>ree shitpost my enemy instead
Yes, why don't you?
He's not pso2g, simple as.
He is tho, he literally said so on twitter
Cracky says so too but he ain't
thinking of going Global but then that means I'll be missing on alot of the "necessary emotes"

I had the foresight to know going to global early would allow me to get everything I want while also being around my peers and fellows who I can enjoy a good time with.
You only need Lutherism to emote swap
It's pretty obvious he samefags in these threads, sorry to be the first to break it to ya.
I need my cowgirls emotes anon!
Slut. Come to global and I'll show you how to be efficient
I think I'm very efficient anon! I am flexible and knows alot of positions! Heck, I always got told that I do my job very well!
I like that enthusiasm, I'll wait patiently for you.
Why did the thread suddenly die?
pso2g has a few dozen active people so at this kind of time, most are sleeping or only just waking up.
how bad is fatale on a gunblade?
If you need to ask don't worry about it.
Deadroll status, if it's high you can sell it to some schmuck

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