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DD Pecking order edition

>Demo Days
NOW: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
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now rank the games on the thumbnail
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fixed two bugs in my game. guess its time to put that patch on steam.
sculpting or polymodeling
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According to gamalytic

Tower of Kalemonvo - 7.5k wishlists
Wholesome Monster Girl Academia - 7.5k wishlists.
Poke ALL Toads - 1.9k wishlists
Panic Floor!! - 528 wishlists
Afterlife Gladiator - 288 wishlists
Healed To Death - 288 wishlists
Kyubu Kyubu Dice - 204 wishlists
Nolgorb's Ordeal - can't see cause don't pay for premium
Yark Survivors - can't see cause don't pay for premium

Itch's rank perfectly matches up with estimated wishlist order -- weird.
PAT dev better have a thousand levels by now
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>Be me working on my text detective game
>Decide just to use C++ and imgui
>Easily got an in-game working console.

C++ is gross, but I have experience with it. I'd also like to use imgui and I'm too lazy to mess with a wrapper (even if its easy, I'm just autistic about wrappers for some reason). So now that I'm a C++ peasant like the rest of you, I'm sure you can forget all the name calling a condescension rightT? Your ole pal Frosch was just joking, he doesn't really thing of C++ programmers as scum-sucking pissants.

Next goal is to hook it up to lisp (the console won't act as lisp interpreter, it will take in classic adventure game commands, like "look left"). The reason I'm using Lisp is that in my mind symbolic programming should go with this type of game like peanut butter and jelly.

I will return with a demo when the next nah, probably several months from now demo day comes

The Frosch stream will likely make a comeback on Monday ... maybe. We can't have a repeat situation with that Frenchie dominating DD.

Nah, don't see the point of ranking things. Assigning numbers to stuff is an oversimplification in my mind.

>you've masturbated zero times to every single game
I don't believe you
I miss the time when Liq would stream ALL games and not this corrupt pay to appear on stream shit
I would pay Liq to appear on his stream
He had to stop because there started being way too many submissions. The problem is the same as in the entire industry: there are too many games. We need fewer devs and fewer games.
Give me the Liq pill. What is this about paid streaming and how can I get in on this?
how soon are you supposed to stop refreshing your steam sales page every 5 minutes after release
Wait I can pay people to stream my game?
by not having a game that sells like shit
no sklime has more wishlists than some of those
Anyone streaming?
>make significant progress
>satisfied with how far i've gotten
>wake up
I will play a game made purely with AI before I play anything that looks like the average indie game
As soon as you make one (1) sale
i have made 41 sales
Liq used to host demo days and stream himself play testing every submission, but he stopped after there started being too many submissions. Now we instead have a bunch of streamers that only stream submissions if the dev paid them to stream/test.
Cool. Now get out
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Pretty sure one of the vids I saw is the one I looked at in the past
>12 years ago
How!!!!!!? I wish I started gamedev back then, imagine the chances of making it during the golden age! It would have been a good choice had I fully dropped the idea of college and just started working part time while learning gamedev and stocks. I'm pretty sure I'd have had a better outcome in life had I done that, even if I failed at gamedev. Nah I'd probably have succeeded at gamedev sooner or later.

Nta but I dread that these are my few options since I completely failed at getting high paying work after college. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't live at home. I take a job at any of the local grocery stores and it'd only be a matter of time before one of my parents would show up while shopping and make a big fuzz about it, in a friendly way, and embarass me. Not to mention in private they'd tell me to get a better job. If I could, then I wouldn't be in such a position in the first place.
How much they charge?
post your game. I'll buy it and never play it
How would you know? You the dev? If you don't mind, how many do you have?
>Making progress
>Decide to refactor something
>Lose all hope
what's this owo
I will never release my finished game because I don't want it criticised
you can either suffer early and build decoupled, customizable systems that scale.
or quickly write lots of shit code and then have to scrap it later anyway.
>same games as every dd
>only newcomers are deadnet and code:blue
Not trying to crab, but does anyone else get tired of playing the same demos, leaving the same feedback as the games barely change?
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an old walk cycle animation from a project i was involved with awhile ago

i didn't really have anything constructive to add to the thread but felt like participating, and that WIP animation is fun to look at
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funi joke
>I take a job at any of the local grocery stores and it'd only be a matter of time before one of my parents would show up while shopping and make a big fuzz about it, in a friendly way, and embarass me.
Your life is your own anon, and money is money. Don't let other people control either if you can help it.
I'd assume they'd also rather you contribute than leech (until you can find a better job of course).
And in the meantime, learn to really appreciate your time, and live less stressful so you can jlmg.
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It's a process. Games take time to make, especially if you are solo and only working part-time. Some anons only do it for the awards (so their games have been posted to 10+ consecutive jams), but others are just slow.

Give them time.
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I think somethings wrong. The darkness under my eyes is growing in conjunction with the more hopeless I become.
>game flopping is likely guarenteed
>various other disappointments in life
Progress feels like it has slowed since the first realization and this look on my face has become more and more obvious.

Do I really have to just wage into my 60s? I'd rather have made a living off gamedev but it's looking unlikely.
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feedback on blimpgame has been a silly metronome

"too much story text"
"why is there no text"

"too many enemies"
"game too easy"

"levels too short"
"levels too long"

"can't see the badguys"
"autotargeting is too powerful"

We're super grateful for the feedback we do get though. A lot of cool stuff got added to the game because of people pointing stuff out in the demoday comments.

Most of the games we've tried from the demoday lineups have seen constant, significant improvements from demo to demo, though. A lot of the times when we point out bugs or leave feedback, the devs fix it and upload a new demo same day, so it seems like it's a good process, idonno
For me, it's Metrokolia
I just know you're one of those DID system faggots. protip, DID means amnesia means you don't talk to your fucking "headmates", there is no "we", theres who you currently are.
just develop a serious mental illness lmao
>get paid to exist
>never have to wagie cagie
>no worries if your game flops because you get paid to exist
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blimpgame team has 4 people
how's your game coming along?
Should I buy a mocap suit?
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I spent way too long on this.
today I learned how to make sure your blender 3d model is symmetrical, otherwise, I wrote more notes on what I want in my game

>learn the basics of c++
>make pong
>make pac man
>make a table
>make a full desk
>make a naked person
>everything else
pay me and I'll play your game (off stream)
there's no money in gamedev sorry bud, even making a few bucks would be rare, so forget about a full time income.
>but eric and notch
that's like looking up to people who won the lottery then buying lottery tickets yourself
not gatekeeping just calling it how it is, the sooner you see this as only a hobby the more you'll enjoy it and not be miserable.
what am i going to do for a living then if this is supposed to be just a hobby
get a job at a soulless corporation that makes money out of exploiting people instead of delighting people?
How do I make a game that kids would enjoy?
That's a big problem with feedback from /agdg/. Most people here suck at video games and don't enjoy them, either. People who would never play your game force themselves to, because it's demo day, and then they give feedback that usually amounts to "I wish there was less content here to play, and that it was easier so I could breeze through it in 5 minutes, because I do not enjoy this type of game". It's part of why I've stopped posting demos. There's not a lot of valuable feedback to be had except from regulars who replay your demo every demo day.
Sauce me, what's happening in your country?

I wonder how each will do on a marketing style basis. Eg does organic interest via no marketing besides a trailer and storefront pages yield better conversions compared to hyping it up on tik tok?
i don't know why but i find these posts hilarious, and they get funnier every time i see them
fruityEcology FREE YAY2PLAY(no adds included) games 4chan GRADUATION Event.
Everyfairyy do not miss out the last opportunity for audience on 4channel to speak directly with the CEO of fruityEcology「frufi-chan(he/him)」
If any posts/thread pretending to be us occur on 4chan, 5ch or other anonymous message boards in the future beyond this thread that means they are made by imposters. I will try to reply to your questions though there are some forbidden magic topics.
Everyfairyy are welcome to join the event.
Maybe but it's important anon so good job. It's better than the camera movement sucking.

>finally get rich/girl shows interest in me
>wake up
>aww man

>finally get complete and utter peace of mind
>a life i would enjoy (not even rich simply at peace)
>wake up in tremendous joy
I have yet to regain that dream. Ironic since I can't get repeat nightmares, but this dream is apparently off limits.
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we've just kind of accepted that we can't please everyone so when we get feedback that suggests we should make huge changes in direction, if we don't all immediately agree that the feedback is useful we just assume that the person providing that particular bit of feedback isn't our target audience

obviously it's stupid and shortsighted to get stuck in the mindset of "this feedback seems negative so this person must be wrong", so we try to take our negative feedback more seriously than our positive feedback

for example, a ton of people have mentioned that they have trouble seeing enemies against the terrain in several biomes, and a ton of people have mentioned that there's too many gems and powerups and particle effects on the screen which makes it difficult for them to track the action onscreen when things heat up

our fixes for those concerns aren't ready yet, but on the engine development side what i've added is an adjustable rating for how many particles the player wants onscreen at a time. some enemies have received visual facelifts to be easier to see, others have retained their natural camo to make sure the player can't get too complacent.

we're absolutely uninterested in creating an experience where someone who is braindead can just faceroll the keyboard to win. at the same time, the content available in the demo only represents the first chapter of the game, so most testers haven't had an opportunity yet to see how hectic the enemies get at later difficulties

anyway i'm sick of typing this
love u
only 300 lol
Idk on the seriousness of it but I might qualify for an anxiety one. I just don't like the idea of having a record showing I'm "mentally ill." Would be nice but that label being permanently on me regardless of the anxiety going away feels like a stain on me in terms of the records they keep.

You're actually alive? I thought you died! How's life been?
skibidi rizz 3rd person 3D iPad
according to gamalytic mine has 100+....i don't even have that many. for some reason my game has an unusually higher than normal follower count which seems to be affecting the wishlist estimate. seems to just be a bunch of collectors who try to buy every game on steam.
I mean, I permanently have "schizophrenic" on my record, and the only inconvenience it has is when I go to the doctor for a toothache or body pain or something that isn't easily visible and they go "are you suuuuuuurrreee you're not hallucinating? do you need haldol? should we admit you to the mental ward?"

you're not going to get that for... anxiety. out of all issues that could effect your life by having them documented, anxiety is not one of them.
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Anyone remember how many wishlists Marmoreal had? He was usually near the top of demo days but I vaguely recall him saying some low number but idk.
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my.. my magnum opus
embarrassing admiting thats the best you have and will ever do in your or anyones lifespan
more like magnum anus
my game was a failure
i am a failure
Kinda looks like a four legged creature laying down with it's tail pulled around.

Took a look at their site, I fit the anxiety and ocd section. Idk what it means to fulfill the requirements but I apparently do.
Will there be an halloween/horror jam this year?
it.. was a joke, friend
agreed, it just seems like they are trying to advertise or something rather than actually looking for feedback
>say joke
>get joke back
>take joke back seriously
>make autistic jokes
>surprised when ordinary people take it badly
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>asking artist for an estimate over how much it'd cost to make my character's spritesheet
>"around so and so"
>okay but what if you use my existing sprite animation
>send him the files
>he looks over them
>"hm yeah it would cost you more"
Tomo was the one who hosted those so probably not.
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With the hyper-growth of AI, will it be possible in a few years for smaller devs (relatively speaking, not the multi-billion dollar owned ones basically) to be able to assist in developing their own game engines just for the sake of not paying fees to well-established game engines?
oh sweet, a schizo replying to my posts about schizophrenia.

hey little buddy, it's okay to admit you're thoughts are actually delusions and not facts. you can take your meds, they will help you.
But I wanted to make a small horror sideproject for halloween...
thanks doc
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Not entirely.
judging by the state of "art" in indie games that aren't the top tier games, it wouldn't be worth it anyway. there a 3 viable options for indie games: do your own shitty art, pay a small fortune for some art house to do it (not an independent artist. your game will look worse than if you do it yourself), or AI
There'll probably be a few devs that would do that and fewer that will succeed but unless something drastic happens with the popular engines, I can't imagine the normalization of depending on them shifting anything time soon.
>they needed 2 years to realize this
>pay a small fortune for some art house to do it (not an independent artist. your game will look worse than if you do it yourself)
Bedabots looks pretty good tho?
tok has 9200.
the itch page is very old at this point, 5 or so years, so it shoots up during an update and slows down otherwise. i think after DD in 2 or 3 weeks wholesome monsters, PAT and ctesiphon will overtake me
>DD 59 is in January
what the heck?
Does something happen if your game ends up being refunded end masse due to being short enough? Do you end up with some fees or just go back to 0?
>make games for the lowest common denominator
If you rely on your games success to live, sure. otherwise make something you like
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booba buttaba
sometimes artists just want to do it their own way
lotta artists on the internet just doing it for fun, the money is an extra
you can use your own sprite animation to iterate on it
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As I'm making my character customization I ran into a snag:
I implement everything as a (genetic) trait, and selecting narrow shoulders (for example) adds that trait to a character and it is automatically applied. The shoulder/hip width works by moving the bone transform, however it doesn't work when a model is animated.
The only way around it I can think of is to run a method in update that will re-set the shoulder/hip bones position every frame.

Any better way to do it?
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>shut up about clean code abstractions, four-eyes! Toby Fox and balatro guy wrote shit code and everything justworked!
>m-muh AI
Visited the AI thread on /h/
A lot of drama and pics end up being pretty samey after a while.
Quite bad outlook if you were to try making something besides porn.
I think I've learned enough from my game so I'll try to finish it by next month.
woah woahwoah is that a third gender? don't you know you're posting on 4channel.org?
Anyways in your 3d modeling software you can add shape keys to use with unity's blendshapes
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>don't you know you're posting on 4channel.org?
What of it, chud?
>don't you know you're posting on 4channel.org
/lgbt/ is older than /pol/
Trans website.
Why it failed why the target audience not buying it
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Now that the dust has finally settled, how do we feel about using AI as part of the workflow in generating gamedev assets?
I blame whoever decided DD was to be held every 2 months.
Needing art made me good at art, it translates to skill outside just gamedev. prompting gives you nothing. at best it's placeholder shit.
OK for voice acting. Not OK for art.
>character customization
I hope you have a full game and its fun already
>theres 3
artisanry isn't achieved through shortcuts
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Trans website.
Go back to twittter.
/pol/ was added October 3rd 2011
/lgbt/ was added March 18 2013

anyway you faggots are on your way out and going into irrelevancy, it's 2024 and the LGBT community is a Frankenstein project being held together by glue and tape by ESG scores.
go back to your original gender
you can't change sex
following an anon saying he couldn't get a job after solodev,
has anyone used their /agdg/ experience to get a job?
youre starting to get it!
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/d/ was added in 2003 newfags
there's nothing I despise more than people associating /d/ shit with LGBT shit
not only we're in a recession the tech job marked still haven't recovered after the crash due to covid funding running out, people with legitimate corporate experience can't get jobs let alone some autist working on their portfolio
>can't change sex, can change gender, but no gender is innate in the brain so I need to change my body, but wait no gender is a social construct and those studies on the brain were bullshit
It's only alright for doing things like pitching ideas, getting a feel for specific color schemes on a character model, making randomly generated textures, or mocking up fuller designs with stopgaps. Basically, it IS a stopgap. If you carry over most any generated material to the final product, you're the big gay.
AI made my dev cycle longer because it gave me false confidence. I thought AI text was alright, before I started seeing the patterns, and now I have lots of extra NPCs I designed and gave dialog to using AI. I don't want to cut them, so I will rewrite the text.
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Why aren't you making streamerbait games aggydaggy? You could be fucking hot Japanese chicks right now?
The random public stuff is only good for prototyping and concept art. Maybe if you're game is build around getting tons and tons of variations of a thing, then you could use generated assets for that. There is a distinct style to AI art and it only gets more noticable as more cheap products use it.

For production use you want a custom setup with the right Loras, ControlNet, etc. That's a skill in and off itself you need to learn. The problem here is that the advantage of AI is also a blocker: The more art work the AI saves you, the more difficult it gets to edit things when it makes a mistake.
Because even if I made streamerbait games hot Japanese chicks wouldn't have sex with me and I'd be even more miserable not making the type of game I want to make.
At my dayjob AI has made things noticable worse. My IDE already had autocomplete before the AI hype that just saved me time typing. But the AI version tries to guess what I want to do and just gets it wrong. I hit tab out of habit and suddenly I need to delete 5x code than I wanted to write in the first place.
I make more at my day job
>replied to my post twice
Did I win?
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Wrong! Japanese chicks only care about Steam success. That's why their birthrate is so low. Too many nodevs.
Do you get to fuck hot Japanese chicks at your day job? Do you get the joy of creating a game? Do you do world birthing in your corporate wage cage?
>The problem here is that the advantage of AI is also a blocker: The more art work the AI saves you, the more difficult it gets to edit things when it makes a mistake.
and mistakes are not always obvious. If you try to pass it off as human made you will get found out, just a matter of time.
>made more money with a 1 month game than I did with my 5 years project
I may be retarded.
yeah, I work at nintendo
they had a team working overtime for that month and gained skills since it's all an asset flip.
>Japanese chicks only care about Steam success
Even if we assume that is true, it doesn't imply they would care about me if I made a streamerbait game as it is not at all guaranteed I would be successful on Steam by making one.
*gained no skills
>asset flipping isn't a skill
Yikes, I bet you're against AI as well.
hello ubisoft spokesman
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>hot Japanese chicks
That’s oxymoronic. Besides, Eastern-European/Anglo bitches are where it’s at.
I am, in fact, past college age and I don't have to pretend to have skills anymore
go build your own engine, make your own compiler, and mine your own silicon then
there's no difference between using pre-made assets and using a pre-made engine
Star Wars Outlaws was a great game by the way and almost as good as Unicycle Pizza Time you chud
Claude going down for a while gave me pause
if you just want (You)s go to another thread and argue about hot japanese chicks with fagoon
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will stream again 2 hours from now for a bit
will play games i did not get to play last night, and will consider requests
i want to play

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Got a new member of Fygoon Platoon (since there are now too many members for just a mere squad) six hours ago.
And you all said my brand was “ruined”.
i give up yo
>make a game about giving up
>no comments
All as it should be.
Still got a new member in Fygoon Platoon.
Now, what do (You) have to show for your hard work? What’s that? You haven’t done anything but jerk off to anime porn and bitch online? For shame.
nobody's been able to tell so far :)
I actually rather enjoy knowing that aggys who are passionately against AI might have played my game, there's something thrilling about it
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>'cado became thin
>anon still hasn't finished his game
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WTF, using VRAM compression in Godot doubles the speed of drawing textures.
Why did Juan indicate this as "not intended for 2D usage", am I missing something? It doesn't seem to have any artifacts.
It also uses 4x less memory. This is some crazy stuff.
I'm actually awake this time, I'll be there! Though better keep my game quick, not many changes this DD.
it strongly depends on the texture and what you are using it for
texture compression on gpu-side (in VRAM) is very different from normal compression like you would have with JPG or PNG, since it still needs ~fixed time random access
so it can screw up your texture MAJORLY in some cases, but in other cases, like if you have just a huge texture with clouds on it, for your skybox, it will barely be noticable, since the thing is already meant to be kind of blurry and remote
you can read about different texture compression formats on the internet https://themaister.net/blog/2020/08/12/compressed-gpu-texture-formats-a-review-and-compute-shader-decoders-part-1/
Thanks a lot for the info!
I haven't seen any cases where it screws up the textures, but my art is probably too shoddy for it to matter.
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My AGDG experience.
But i don't live on an island?
>will play games i did not get to play last night, and will consider requests
frygarian tile
everything by cris
I wish I could populate an island of the Japanese archipelago... If you know what I mean
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I get that reference.
i considered your request and decided to proceed with another candidate
best of luck in your endeavors.
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>Wake up
>Time to try more demo

What should I play today /agdg/?
are you into shota?
>nobody's been able to tell so far :)
nobody has played your game
>I actually rather enjoy knowing that aggys who are passionately against AI might have played my game, there's something thrilling about it
xister, your egg is cracking
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Is this accurate?
What if there are no forest left to go to and only the ones in the cinema exist
>throne requiem nigga thinks nobody can tell he uses AI
The Frydarian Tale, obviously.
Appreciate your support, but you misspelled “Frydarian” and “Tale”.
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not merely accurate, but downright prophetic, nostradamical
Theres nothing wrong with using AI, luddite.
Enjoy working on the hobby today aggydaggy! :3
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At what point should I stop training my gamedev skills and just make a game?
nigga I'm boutta go WILD
I use it for coding sometimes, no one can tell at all ;)
Doesn't work
making a real game is the only skill that matters
making a game trains your skills, but you knew that already.
>From soulful 3D ps1 vibes petscop-like to rpgmaker trash
Ngl i want to srop my current game and make a vampire survivor clone because of how small it is
I'll be able to tell when your spaghetti code makes your game run so bad people make Youtube videos mocking it.
8 years ago
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the best art is a product of a personal world view
a lot of realism looks the same, not just because realism itself is "a lack of style" but because most games outright have the same boring view of the world
and this isn't even considering the same assets, effects, engines, dev studios etc being used or worked on
It's a porn game so that means futa (not trans...LGBTPPQ+ can go die in a dumpster fire)
But yes, I will change GENDER to SEX. It's a correct term.
I decided to make an rpg as my first game. Sometimes I do want to stop and take a side track and make some small self contained game. But the only reason I could easily make a small game is because the RPG has taught me so much about everything. I'm going to keep pushing. To new lands. Every boundary I pass I strip away another illusion. I must go on, until I find an end.
My spagetti code made it run bad before AI. AI fixed it.
Take a day off your main game to prototype your VS clone. If it turns out to be a bad idea then it's only one day down and it'll get your mind off it. If it's as easy as you think, then could be worth the small(relative) effort to make it.

Probably sell like shit though seeing how many of them there are now. Not sure where money stands for this idea.
gm i'm woke
Nah. Those forests are beautiful

Blendhspes only affect vertices, not bones.
who is streaming today
Do bones need to have animated position? If not then just remove position from the animation cllips.
Nah it's just contrarianism.
Unreal bros...
go broke
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Why am I procrastinating so much, I have a killer game - the 1st prototype with no art got 1st place on itch in its genre, lots of nice comments, 4.9 rating and $100 in revenue despite it being 100% free. I love working on my game but I'm stuck in the middle of development, I don't know why, I have no depression and no stress, my main job pays well and I never ever overwork. I'm going nuts. Is this fear of success or what? Wtf?
not fear of success, just too much success
you’re bored
im hungry
Maybe this is true, but $100 is a fucking joke compared to potential success, why can't my brain see it?
Mid-project slump.
Tell me which game. I'll give you motivation to work quickly when I start on my copycat.
Based homosexual
There are already 2 "copycats" in beta that crossed 10k wishlists. The funny thing - they are way fucking worse than my current game almost in all aspects even in art, this strokes my ego really a lot, but does not motivate me, even though it scares me that they are still in beta and may become way better. So I just close my IDE and go play Elden Ring to not think about all of it.
just think, there's a generation of nodevs so absorbed into AI garbage that they can't stop proooompting and start making a game
my game is shit on purpose so no one wants to clone it
So to handle moves/animations of a more complex and ..raunchy.. nature, I came up with the idea to store them inScriptableObjects. It would have the animation name, the clip reference, animation length and has. Animation length and hasg would be auto-calculatd OnValidate.
It would also have a list of tags - a custom class that has tag name, category and priority with overriden equals function. But I'm wondering if it's enough.
Can anyone of you taking of a better tagging system?
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Made a new build. Apologies to all of my Linux Fygoon Platoon members.
It sounds like you're experiencing a common challenge in game development (and creative projects in general) - the dreaded "mid-project slump." This isn't necessarily fear of success, but could be a combination of factors:

Loss of novelty: The initial excitement of a new project has worn off, and now you're in the grind of development.
Overwhelm: As your project grows, the number of tasks and decisions can become daunting.
Perfectionism: With early success, you might be putting pressure on yourself to make everything perfect.
Unclear next steps: You might be unsure about what to prioritize next, leading to decision paralysis.
Fear of not meeting expectations: Your early success could be creating anxiety about maintaining that level of quality.

Here are some strategies to help overcome this:

Break down tasks: Make a list of small, manageable tasks to chip away at the project.
Set deadlines: Create a timeline for yourself with realistic milestones.
Reconnect with your vision: Remind yourself why you started this project and what excites you about it.
Allow imperfection: Remember that you can always iterate and improve later.
Seek feedback: Share your progress with others to gain motivation and direction.
Change of scenery: Try working on your game in a different environment to spark creativity.
Take breaks: Sometimes stepping away briefly can help you return with renewed energy.

Remember, what you're experiencing is normal and doesn't reflect on your abilities or the potential of your game. The fact that you're aware of the issue and seeking solutions is a positive step. Would you like to explore any of these points further, or discuss specific aspects of your game development that you're finding challenging?
it's called boredom and happens to most people
not sure if it's gonna help, but you ride the hype your prototype has gotten so far and deliver a genuinely good game, you could make a lot of money and do whatever you want after that, without being stuck at your daily job
Well what do you want to do with the money? If you don’t need it, you don’t need it. I recommend you find a risk/challenge to your development project, don’t take the easy "if I just go this way I will have easy success" but try out additional angles (tech, gameplay ideas, whatever) that may FAIL. Anyhow that’s how I do it. And I don’t have much success, but at least more motivation than I can sometimes handle.
Wtf, AI now can replace therapists, firends and even 4chan.
yes, it’s literally <that one website with which all these ais are primarily trained. that has so many long user-written posts>
I don't really need money, $1M will not change my life too much, I just want to make and release fun games and stuff and not waste my limited time on the planet to procrastination.
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ayo, this nigga kinda zesty lmao
>$1M will not change my life too much
im too european to understand this
This is the kind of shit marmo was competing against, no wonder his game plonked

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i cant see shit
>waifu bullet hell
>actually looks good and fun
>good music
>actually japanese anime art style and not some half assed "le anime gurls"

Youre right, marmo could never
I like marmo way better, in terms of graphics and music. Don't like the pixel graphics, or boring looking gameplay.
live in 5
ninja game then ctesiphon
not him but:
>judge gets way to much power
>free a same party convicted felon for corruption that wins the election
>now this judge orders any social network from hosting pages from some people of another political party, even one us citizens
>if not he blocks it in the country

it's not the first time and not the first site, google, all the sites from meta and a few others get blocked from time to time and now I see people posting lies like twitter is hosting cp to hide the real problem?
holy shit man... this is what you get when you go left.
marmoreal is an incredible achievement for 1 person to make, you look like a joke nitpicking such a big project.
first thing that comes to mind reading your post is that of like an ugly and fat dude who goes around critiquing really hot girls on the internet as below his standards.
giving off the same vibes as that is really sad stuff, should work on that.
So I played:
>Healed to death
>Spaceport control
>Dead sector
What next?
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>> Progress
> Want to show characters in the station screen
> "Didn't I build a system for this?"
> hook it up in three clicks
> not working
> check the code
> system was built quickly, only allowing 1 event to happen within a locus (local area)
> each character coming in is an 'event'
> comment in the code "You probably need to rebuild this when you want multiple events"

Fuck. Guess I need to thank my past self for at least commenting the code.

Built and hooked up the whole doctrine update system. Came to the realisation I actually need to code how each doctrine updates (they are all different and unique, requiring unique code). Dawned on me I need to manually code 60 fucking doctrines and their unique effects, some of which are connected to systems that haven't been implemented.

Well fuck.

Doctrine system is done - for now.
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Also the fanart.

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Do it for your future fans
he looks exactly like me and he probably has the same autistic traits
play spy school, you can clip all over the place, it's hilarious
crouch behind the bed
is he your older fratello?
why is his hair covered in grease? how often does he shower?
I'm 2 years older
Very nice.
Ooops, gomenasorry.
Guess I shouldn't have made the thread when I was so sleepy. It's a shame you are the only one who seemed to have noticed.

You just need to power through bro. Maybe a little break will help you out. You might not be stressed but there is nothing wrong with giving your mind some time to be stimulated by other things.
How do I avoid having to put my games setting into a valley or on an island? It seems like every game is either set in a valley or on an island to hide the skybox and map edges
put your game into a city
Put it in the cave surrounded by lava waterfalls but the cave is actually is a flying island above valley
my idea is really good and is gonna sell millions in not gonna share because you'll steal it
rolling ball game dx
where is the stream
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A game where you generate video game ideas and share them online
Time to remake the turn based combat system in PHP for the third time. The folder is called CombatPrototype instead of RPGBattleTest and EVERYTHING is going to be a function so it's already way better at least. Also my game is currently perfectly balanced, just have to keep it that way whenever I add something.
post progress
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and yet another instance of frosch being a retarded monkey
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what is the mandatory 4chan reference in (You)'re game?
also I expected more games with lolis in it
my game is bad, which is a direct reference to this thread and how bad it is
My NPC script is getting too long to keep track of, currently it's close to 1000 lines. What's a practical way of breaking up the code into self contained sections in godot? It's kind of annoying because scripts can't run unless they're attached to nodes. Unless I register them as classes and call functions externally from the NPC script while parsing variables in and out? Seems kind of like a hassle.
I have an npc asking if he's gonna make it

What is your gamedev goal?

Mine is to reach the same level of beauty as Makoto shinkai movies.
A game that sells.
well, does he make it?
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what's wrong with attaching scripts to nodes? it's called COMPONENTS ever heard of em?????
I'm just making games because that's what I do and have always done.
My 4chan reference is the fact that you can kneel in front of the Eucharist and pray to Christ Jesus in game, with a paid voice actor narrating the prayer, and this devotion will give you a temporary buff
Also all of the class trainers are canonized saints :D
what does that have to do with 4chan
none of that relates to 4chinz
The only reason I want to create a game is for people to see me, but I don't think any idea or execution I do is good enough and endlessly search for the perfect thing that doesn't exist
multiple endings ;)
Ninja Game is on rn
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Jesus came for the sinners, not the righteous
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That day he got the surreal opportunity to do a 30 min interview with the creator of Stardew Valley Concerned Ape!!

Can't wait till he shares the interview soon!
an obscure enough meme that filters tryhard "oldfags"
I could die happy just having completed an entire game tailored to my tastes but ideally I can buy land and become a self sufficient farmer that doesn't have to work and I impregnate a female three times. Even if the game flops saying you spent five years making a cool game is enough to say you technically did something with your life if it ever comes up in conversation with the 18 year old shelf stocker coworkers. Me and marmo will go halfsies on a 1 bedroom and put up some drywall.
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There's a very subtle reference to AGDG but I will not reveal it.
Yes! I shan't let down my future fans!
porn of my characters
Future fans? I have my Fygoon Platoon already.
To make a game so good that it gets two cute females to fall in love with me and become my wives.
making my damned game
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OK, this is how the tag system for animation data looks now.
I guess I should make the categories and tagnames enums? Can someone recomend a better system?
I'm giving up gamedev for now. I'm only doing it to impress people and I am not having fun putting pressure on myself to try and create something amazing
What's your game?
what're you gonna do instead
hope it's not one of those interviews with basic questions he's answered a million times
I don't have one just a bunch of small prototypes of systems and like a thousand half finished models of characters I've made when trying to come up with the perfect setting/world/story to impress people but never being satisfied with my work
>I'm only doing it to impress people

No one is impressed by some one who makes toys.

You could tell some one you have a dog and they would find that more interesting.
Hello, Zeredek. I've been meaning to contact you. What's the appropriate channel to reach you privately for requesting a steam key?
you just jinxed it
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Me with Concerned Ape. Super nice and chill dude
Heh, check this out: I have a dog IN my game. ;)

Bit of a twist on the ol' classic, would not you say?
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Has anyone managed to id his iconic shirt?
I said thanks to agdg in the credits.
that guys looks like an actual demon
its ancient, I doubt its still in production
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its just scott cawthon with glasses
dont talk to me, dude
am i crazy? 440 is nothing
scott cawthon is BLACK?!
Would you be happy if someone walked up to you today and gave you $440? Now imagine if you pissed away that same amount on shoes of all things, those same things you step on all day. Wouldn't that be sad?
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i figured out a strong prediction metric for a games success. if the gamedev posts to xitter, with the posts being gameplay + dev progress (>90%) and gets a following of >10k followers. then the game has a near 100% chance of making at minimum ~$250k
>show me an example of this not being true
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Norda are running/hiking shoes. Eric needs them, it's a good investment.
>440 is nothing for some chinese sweatshop shoes
>25 is too expensive for an indie game
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good afternoon, yesdevs
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wow anon you're telling me if a dev posts their game and they gain a large following of people interested in their game it will be a success??

holy shit you're a fucking genius why hasn't anyone ever realized this
>posts being gameplay + dev progress (>90%)
it’s me
>gets a following of >10k followers
yeah ok obviously
I thought most people here were SEs, what are you guys earning
That's like 30 Marmoreals
most people here are neets and fry cooks
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I was making drafts for a visual novel save menu and I wanted to get opinions but by the time I made it, it was very clear which is better
Can you imagine an agdg meetup and everyone shows up dressed like eric?
he could have saved marmoreal but he just stood by and watched it burn...
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How much has Japanimation influenced your style and game design decisions?
He just bought a sussy plushie for more than that (for charity)

ni hyaku paceento
it didnt
game design... 0%
art style... I have big robots, so 80%
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I hope he's drinking cobbee not beer
10k isn't that crazy. i think anyone here could achieve that if they learned how to make a game that sells itself more easily. i honestly think that its a good litmus test. if your gameplay clips don't generate any interest or reactions then you should think very carefully about that fact
i dont think that 10k followers is an obvious metric. but i got it by looking at a bunch of indie devs game launches. 10k seems to be right were critical mass is achieved for most game launches.
during those 45 seconds he made those 600 10x over
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Been saving a bunch of those 80's-90's sci-fi anime vibe videos and am hoping to try and recreate the look later in development.
i hate him
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millions love him. cry moar
There's a few claimed professionals in here. I work in electricity generation, $150-160k maple leafs. If you ever want to make money while doing nothing but occupying space, work for the government.

Or get on welfare and shit out a bunch of babies.
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Stardew is obviously a really well made game but damn I'm just jealous as fuck that it's mega-success was basically just down to "oh wow.. no one ever put harvest moon on PC huh?"

I don't think opportunities like that really exist anymore
i kek'd hard with this
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Where do I go from here?
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trying to decide if i should stream or just do a dd art piece. streaming is less rewarding for me, but probably more useful for the devs... so I'm kinda torn
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attempting the polishing of a turd
>stream or just do a dd art piece
stream yourself making the dd art piece
>124 joined
>Only 64 entry
Upload you fucking demo
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>show me an example of this not being true
I guess this? 12k followers, 90% game posts(I only scrolled so far but it was a lot)
looks like he scooped up some pity buys after the tweet but...
I will submit my loligame in the last day
i did but you didnt play it
*while his game may have failed, I scrolled further into his twitter and found he found a 3d artist gf on tinder to make all of the art for his game kek. living the dream
Oh boy, I love playing the same 50 games every 2 months with tbe se glitches, bugs and content.
That game SCREAMS depression. It's literally called Selfloss, for fucks sake.
B R 0 0 T A L
play the new 14 games then
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>Selfloss is an emotional exploration game filled with rich lore, set in a whale-worshipping, Slavic-inspired world. Embark on the journey of the healer, Kazimir, and his magical staff as he fights a mysterious Miasm in search of a ritual to cure his wounded soul.
appears to be about loss of loved ones, which may cause depression...
maybe going for the spiritfairer audience.
explain this. currently a topselling game.

it's streamer bait, like most top-selling indie games these days
woah good find. i have actually seen 1 or 2 of his posts show up in the past. i would say that its quite unusual for this type of failure to occur (>10k followers), but its not impossible, just unlikely. i think one of the big tells is poor engagement, most of his posts get hundreds of likes but <10 comments. this indicates that hes either paying for post boosting or people just like it for the art but don't think the game is interesting enough to comment
>Flopped when it already has 29 reviews and came out yesterday.
For comparison, Marmo has been out for 12 days and so far peaked at 24 reviews. And Marmo is cheaper too.
Indie gamedev is fucking over. Ten years ago this game would have been a hit just on visuals and vibe alone.
And we can always point to other games and say
>we can still make it, look at Path of Achra or YOMIH or...
and that's true, but the CHANCES of making it are falling by the year, by the month even. Ignoring this indisputable fact is beyond stupid.
What, Marmoreal is OUT?
yeah gobby... OUT of his mind!
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This is my progress since yesterday for the game (largely text-based)

I used imgui to make a console that can send info into my guile scheme program for processing. The console doesn't use guile as an interpreter directly (you don't input lisp into the console is what I'm getting at). The bulk of the game will be written in guile, including the code for processing the console commands.

Each time I enter a command, C++ talks to this guile procedure

(define handle-command
(lambda (cmd)
(string-append "hi" cmd)))
if he said it's a flop I believe him. 29 reviews for a game made by 3+ people is rough, it's been a couple of days already...
Anyone remembers the name of that first person melee combat AGDG game where had a big lance that could throw in the air, then do a ground pound? It was a low poly 3D. I played the demo around demo day 20-30. I'm searching for it but can't find anything.
ill get 3 reviews
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Anyone know how to do picrel in a for loop? I want to increment creating an object starting at one.
"japanimation" screams insecure weeb
art plx
streamers are a dime a dozen
var ind = 1
while !stop:
for i ind ind:
demo DEAD
I fucked up the Dreams of joy build... now I have to upload it all again...
thats just flexing
looks so cool that I want to unironically buy it

Your list have grown, bokusimp, I am going to call this list the list of "based kings".
>still not on the list
>tfw not on bokusimp list
It's over, I'm NGMI...
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Japanimation plays absolutely no role in inspiring my games, in fact, I hate that rainbow-colored eye puke.
I’ll take paper puppet with some cel animation any day of the week.
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Have faith lads, one of these days all of us will be on the based kings listing.
lol game
guy won in life in most ways and still feels like he needs to be taller. c'mon, eric nobody cares
lol at the balenciaga
>Ten years ago this game would have been a hit just on visuals and vibe alone.
To be fair, 10 years ago it would have been a lot more effort to make a game like that too. Presumably the kind of people who could make something like this game 10 years ago can make something even more impressive today with more modern tools. Same way any old toddler can make a doom clone now. So the real question is how much has the chance of success gone down relative to one competency as a gamedev? No idea how you would really measure that though, I guess the average indie devs income relative to IQ range or something? Not that would be a perfect metric either
straight into the abyss
Google Lens couldn't identity the shirt. I tried multiple times. It could easily id the shoes, even though you can barely see it.
no mar on the list? they were making that one furry shota game
i have no idea either, it looks like some weird combo of a henley shirt and a bowling shirt
couldnt even find anything that similar
>guy won in life in most ways and still feels like he needs to be taller.
what gives you that impression? he doesnt hide his manletism which he easily could if he didnt go to these events
post deleted. can you repost it for us?
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Now manga on the other hand...
If I dress in expensive clothes you guys will respect me more? That's so easy...
its called anime, get it right baka gaijin
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hey anon, you DID sign the petition to stop killing games, right? As an indie dev you should try your best to hinder malicious practices from AAA companies!
Show me how much you care about your hobby
But if players can keep playing old AAA games, when will they ever play my little game?
i am not from poorope
how does that help my game? it would be better for me if people dont buy AAA games
I don't care about entitled consumers and I'm not going to enable them.
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that's the commiEU we know and love
more useless petitions for the govt officials to wipe their butts with
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It's AT LEAST 9 years old lol
>25 dollaryoos for synty slop without textures
how does this guy keep on ban evading
is he seriously PAYING for multiple proxies?
I will NEVER pay more than 20 dollars for a game, I don't give a SHIT how many thousands of years of inflation we go past.
so did you sign the petition?
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stream is over! thanks everyone for joining us.

Lance, its fun but currently on hold
residential proxies are like 10 bucks a month are are pretty much infinite
I missed it, what didya stream
thank you
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Dreams of joy build is up, contains a preview of the chapter 2 stuff available right from the get go when you start a new game.

you're welcome. i don't know if the game is still available online though
based moldposter
> 1. From the spawn (Orange), follow a direction, saving all visited tiles
> 1a. If you visit a regular path tile (grAy), keep going
> 1b. If you visit a crossing (Purple), then "jump" 2 steps over the crossing
> 1c. If you visit the goal (Green), you are done
> 2. When you visit a non-pathable tile in your current direction, get a new direction
> 2a. Check all direct neighbors of your current tile for a non-visited, pathable tile
> 2b. Visit that tile and calculate a new direction (new coord - old coord)
> 3. Repeat until goal found
r8 my algo
no it isn't good
yes I cry looking at the function
Where da streamers at?
Thanks for streaming!
Governments shouldn't be able to decide what games people are and aren't allowed to make, just don't be retarded and buy live service games or interact with people that do at all.
writing a text game in lisp sounds like a very interesting idea, it's probably one of the few genres where lisp could prove much more powerful than c++ etc.
>Governments shouldn't govern in favor of the people
Based and Reagan-pilled.
lisp was made for ai and linguistic programming so my intuition told me it would be a great fit.
> eric nobody cares
it will affect everyone's perception of him, so in that sense it's misleading to say that 'nobody cares'
just make whatever you want and when the game is dead (you turn servers off) just give the info how to run these servers to your customers
If it's the only way to save games from disappearing forever then I don't mind.
the real black pill is even the obscenely rich are utterly dependent on how physically attractive they are if they want to achieve any happiness in life.
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They aren't, they're making it illegal for people to make whatever game they want. Someone making a single player online game that people are only allowed to play for five years before they take it down for $60 is retarded and they won't be missed but doing that shouldn't get you thrown in jail. It's important that people use their agency to not make poor decisions rather than rely on authority to take away their freedom to protect them from themselves.
>waaah I can't get fucked by the globohomo billionaires even harder waaah make my life harder waaah
ok Reagan
Don’t fucking holler at me, you faggot.
Well, if anything the doomposters say come true then they will have to invest more money into the games, rendering them less profitable. That means couple of things
>less games being made so you have bigger market reach
>players are better informed what type of game they're buying and will think twice as hard if that's what they want
in the end AAA slop enjoyers aren't your demographic so everything will stay the same
streams usually begin when submissions close
who would even want to stream your poopy game
what game did you submit?
>said faggot with both fag and goon in his name
>They aren't, they're making it illegal for people to make whatever game they want.
Woah that's truly horrible to have in a democracy.
So when I can release a loli porn game on steam?
They should just make it a law that you must print the minimum amount of time online service will be supported and what features of the game relies on online service very clearly at the top of any sale page. Or should any game that has an online component that becomes unsupported have to make the source code of the game they created themselves available for everyone to copy and run?
>What is Dedicated Servers.
M8 why are you sexually aroused by children?
>I don't think opportunities like that really exist anymore
They do, you just gotta dig deep. I dropped a little hint in that sentence. I want you to think on that for a moment.
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My models are all fairly conservative, my textures are mostly 512x512, why the fuck is my unreal project file 1.7 gigs? Is this a problem that will be a gigantic headache for me later if I just keep going or am I fine to let it ride?
I hate meme references so none but I had an /agdg/ cameo in the post credits scene
You're really not looking close enough.
If anything, you should be looking at moden mobile games. Especially gachas. Their gameplay can usually be written into a single paragraph.
just make them release server binaries so the community can host their own servers
you lose NOTHING
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Is that a trick question?
Inadvertently heard some girl talking about this, anxiety issues not exactly the same but similar. She might end up getting it too but has to go to a therapist first, guessing she has no evidence. Maybe I should go through with this. I don't ever have to put up with those anxiety inducing interviews and the inevitables rejections because I didn't come off as normal.

I can finally gamedev at peace.
that's interesting, how much content do you have in the game? I have a handful of skeletal meshes each with a dozen animations, a biome's worth of enough environmental assets (most at 256x256), sound effects and my packaged project is around 300MB.
Try making a game that isn’t shit, that would a good thing to try for your first time
Well, what if part of the charm of the game is supposed to be that it only lasts for a short while then no one can access it again? If they have to release the server binaries then what was supposed to be fleeting can be done again and again. Or what if a person worked really hard on some parts of that server code and doesn't want everyone just copying it just yet? I admit that it seems like not a big issue but the government should exist only to increase the amount of freedom people have, never to decrease it.
wait, do you mean project files your devving with or the packaged project? because yes the former can get big
Ehh no thanks. These are the same types screaming anti dlc stuff. Now they want change? They'll be crying aboutbwhatever ramifications this brings about thst ends up costing them more as triple A makes the game have online passes to circumvent this.
>oh yes anon you can play online but you need an pnline pass
>our shortest dated pass is 10 years for $1500
unreal leaves a lot of bullshit in by default, look around the project packaging settings
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>tfw you spent more time in RPGmaker than you did at your job the last two weeks
Why aren't you answering my question? Why is it okay for the government to regulate THIS specific part of making games but not some other specific parts? The game was rigged from the start kid.
>what if part of the charm of the game is supposed to be that it only lasts for a short while then no one can access it again?
what the fuck is wrong with you
>what if a person worked really hard on some parts of that server code and doesn't want everyone just copying it just yet
i didn't say releasing the CODE, i said BINARIES
do you know anything about computers at all sir???
Ummm yeah no, lol. Thor (he’s from pirate software but I watch his twitch streams every single day so I just call him Thor) is a successful indie game dev that started literally from nothing and he has said over and over again that this is terrible for developers so I will never ever support something so bad and stupid. Idiot.
too obvious
>1.7GB project
Literally who cares lmao why do you autistic retards fixate on the most meaningless and pointless self created “problems” instead of just, like, actually making game. Grow up, genuinely
Too obvious that I’m right and you’re wrong? Yes, I’m aware of that fact already, but, thank you for confirming my correct assumption!
>t. CoD developer
Sorry I'm not installing your 600GB """game"""
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too obvious
I think that might be true for real things, like a forest. When painters became very skilled at realism, they were able to represent fantastic scenes of Gods and angels. The best weren't painting photorealistic forests.
Perhaps games should stylize the real and realize the imagination.
>”huhrrrrrrr duuururrrrrrr 1.7 = 600 duuuhrerrrrrrr I am very smart uhrrrrrtttt”
I'm just glad it's over...
Because sexually abusing a child is extremely destructive to that child's life and development thus having content that promotes it is bad. Obviously it would be better if you all just got brain surgery.

>what about murder games

99% of people who play those games don't actually want to murder anyone irl, 99% of pedogame players would be delighted to get to actually molest a child.
>1.7 gigs
Onpy way I reach that is if I animate the biggest of background objects in my game. I'm using Unity btw but like the other anon said Unreal has stuff on by default which increases the file size.
>give forced lobotomies to all pedos
Based, if some (all) die in the process it’s really for the best
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Not really what I'm looking for. I'm dealing with a very rigid path like pic rel, it's not really a maze that needs exploration.
I literally just realized I can just return an array of the positions of all tiles that are a certain color fuck my life I spent the entire day on this shitass algorithm when it wasn't even needed.
Like 300 megs of meshes and 100 megs of textures/placeholder sounds.
the game making is occurring. I have painfully learned the importance of backups and such the hard way multiple times and wanted to see if this were an issue before I fucked myself again because I do not know how bad it can be to trim a project down
Uh wrong.
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Can someone give me some tips? I'm trying to color the border of the currently selected item in my 3 inventory slot then switching to another. I want the previous color to be reset back. Is there a better way of doing this? The tutorial's example was this https://files.catbox.moe/6quh0t.png, which I cleaned up a bit by calling the set brush color again before the switch on int node but I feel like this is pretty expensive since I'm setting the color again for borders that are already reset.
you forgot to include the link to the previous thread, NIGGER NODEV TRIPFAG SHITLICKER.
Wow you’re going about this the completely wrong way, not like “here’s a tip” bad, but like “scrap the entire system and start from the ground up” bad. Good luck
What compels people to make these retarded arguments? Most lolipr0n is extremely stylized so as to not remotely resemble real children and the country that it originates from is one of the safest countries in the world.
I have a very strong computer. I played around with local models, generating thousands of attempts with many prompts to try to get some good textures. I just couldn't get anything usable for my game. The needs of art are too specific, aside from character portraits maybe.
Music gen though is good. Composers are doomed. AI music sounds real now, and it doesn't need to be very specific.
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i know right
why is he using this visual scripting shit instead of code
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It's just half day in, and already ver2 of my subpixel engine! Now sub-subpixel precise
99% of people who play porn games want to have sex with women, but they don't rape women.
Why are porn games with lolis somehow an exception to this where every player turns into a rapist?
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You have to jump around the bend, get on the corner of the brick, then use the first person inventory (Tab) to line up, and do an almost max jump.
Trust me, I'm a Nolgorb's expert.
The funny part is I bet your code (if visually graphed) would look worse than picrel
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>anti dlc
even since horse armor DLCs are plight amongst games.
>play Tekken 3
>unlock all characters with consecutive clears
>play Tekken 7
>have the basic character set, no unlocks
>3 season passes, each with 4 new characters, each one more powerful than others throwing the balance out of the window, making new characters the new meta
>no longer have the complete version of the game
>no 'finished' (as with all DLCs) boxed version
>original boxed version for PC is just basic bitch code for steam
GaaS is another cancer.
>buy game
>have to play it until the servers are active
>no way to play it casually on your own terms, because servers might die before you have the time to play it
>postpone other games because your GaaS takes priority because of that
>additional shitty practices of FOMO where you need to login daily to get extra currency or whatever, that keeps you above the edge of other players
>in most cases your game can work fine offline but devs want you to play coop and do shitty forced group hunts/raids
Also your argument with old DLCs increassing in price and making your game unplayable is moot as
>any court in EU will recognize it as malicious action
>players that played the game up to that point should still be able to use servers just fine
>if devs decide to filter the game too soon with that scheme they'll only lose money as no new players will ever buy their game
tl;dr we can only win
Codelets are hilarious. I laugh at you all. If you just learned to code properly all your development would 50x in speed, but you won't because it actually requires high IQ and discipline
I am a senior software engineer and in Mensa btw
I have released 2 games using AI art, one is static VN with furry anime and second is puzzle with some cutout animation. Both was a blast and profitable, and extremally easy to do. AI replaced artists for me, doing what I need nearly for free.
is this procgen?
Instead consider what players are spending money on. If they vote with their wallets that they want cancer, why not give them cancer?
I have released 2 games using AI art, one is static VN with furry anime
>making game for iPhone
>need to have an iPhone
>need to pay for membership enrollment
>need to have a Mac to build a phone game
Holy fucking shit apple sucks dick just let me put my game on your store you fucktards.
because it changes the trends in the industry and soon there will be only cancer catering to these retards and as a result I'll stop being their default audience. Cue meme with normies invading your hobby and eventually you're the odd one being kicked out.
I had a good feeling the way these tutorials do things are very brute force and there's a much more elegant solution. Just wanted to figure out if it was salvageable. Eh fuck it, I'll move on to the next section. I just want to finish and get this over it so I can get started with mixing C++ via actual course.
He's a nonce.
I worded it poorly. I was aaying these are the people that claim to be anti dlc but then turn around buy it all up anyways.
I don't know what bad consequences could be from gov invading, but I can count at least 5 my fav games that was just shutdown. Two of them, fans tried to revive 10 years in form of some leaked server emulation or smth. But overall yeah, thats real problem exists. Retro games at least can be preserved with cartridge or cd owned, but games that requires online just to let you play single player, totally meh.
We had a tool for this, it was called 'code'.
This is real visual scripting, done by real 'gameplay programmers'. They have taken us for absolute fools
I realized Mistwood is too complicated (I'm trying to cram 4 games in one) so I'm shelving it. My goal for next DD is to make a survivor-like that focuses on just the combat.
I actually like Apple's Pajeet filters.
>I realized I need to do more so I stop do anything
I'm anti DLC too and even I buy DLC sometimes, on very a rare occasion and with heavy discounts. You need to understand why DLCs are being considered a shitty practice by my type. You bought a game and you want the complete experience. Then you learn that plenty of content has been cut or haven't been developed yet in the first place and they want to sell it to you for extra $10 a piece. Suddenly your $60 game can cost $80 to be called complete. Your Tekken 7 has like 4 different versions, and even complete version was missing 4th season pass. Hitman series is such a retarded monstrocity you basically have one mission and the rest are DLC add-ons. Sometimes DLCs are the best parts of the game, othertimes they're the shittiest but shoehorned in the middle of your game when you buy them. The whole idea of DLC made publishers and devs a little more retarded. Spider-man 3 DLCs are easily the worst part of the game for example.
You should stop referring to /agdg/'s personal hero that way ...

I respect Larian for not bending the knee with Baldur's Gate.
all code looks bad if visually graphed
that's why visual coding doesn't work
It's too much, it's too much!



is this an abstract merchant
Yeah, I remember when fans were petitioning EA to stop the Dark Spore shutdown, it didn't work. I think that fans wanted to do some reverse engineering for Dark Spore or other game, and the publisher sent them cease and desist request threatening them with legal action. You just can't win this alone.
Devving while listening to Steely Dan
rent free
rent is not free
it's devilishly expensive in fakt
oh, and I'm a trans gay furry btw
Ahahaha the dirty stinky brown turd worlder screeches as the Whites put up walls to keep him out
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Just get this and it's good for 5-6 years at least. You can test games on the simulator and you only need an iPhone/iPad to test in-app purchases and you need to screenshot the IAP request and send it to Apple for the review process.
The thing is chances of games making it on mobile are even lower than on Steam.
do you have a mac and iphone?
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>Unfortunately I can only draw lolis
>an artist cursed with too much talent
>on Steam
>click on developer's name to see other games they made
>get a list of 50 games their publisher has published
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I noticed this too, what a shitty change.
right here
*unzips dick*
Code.... Has changed... It's no longer about efficiency, output or cleanliness. It's an endless series of google searches and getting answers from machines. Coding and it's consumption of man hours has become a well oiled machine. Code has changed. AI powered chats explain AI invented solutions to AI generated problems. Blueprints inside the coder's engine enhance and regulate his ability. Tutorial control. Genre control. Art style control. Everything is in the algorithm in order to control. Code... Has changed. The age of coding has turned into the age of indie game control. All in the name of preventing total market saturation...
E-Mail Valve about it.
the same reason why Windows keeps getting worse. they do whatever they want and you will keep using it
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The work start anew. A start to simplify the ui. You can directly go into orbit (the lift off is done automatically). Some animation for the action menu.
Windows 10 is the best Windows so far and I've used Windows since 3.11
I haven't tried Windows 11 yet, I'm holding out for vertical taskbars.
>About to name my game "Lost Country"
>Google and see it's the title of some film about dictatorship is Serbia
I need to come up with another name.
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we are so back!
It's bad to insult Windows AND imply that there are (non-Apple) alternatives. For some reason it's perfectly normal to do the first thing, but heretical to do both.

Good progress friend.
>French spelling of Lagrangian
Frenchies ... in my general ... fucking my wife and stealing my (you)s
i was not implying anything

posted from my gnu+systemD+linux
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it doesent get better than this
They do
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Based. More lolis.
my dude, if the spongebob isn't there for the meme then you need to get your ADD sorted
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there are two types of indiedevs
the ones that want to be the next eric (they wont)
and the ones that want to make a game (they aren't from /agdg/)
You guys are looking at ONE indie dev and basing yourself on him, meanwhile statistically all the most successful indie games were made by small teams.
reminder that only ideatards with no real dev talents (they aren't even good at idea dev'ing) want to form groups
Therefore the games most likely to be successful from aggy are the ones that are finished and the ones made by a team wanting to make a game instead of people wanting to make a game to be in a team.
Therefore if you're a nodev you're NGMI, if you're still feature creeping past hype/expectation you're NGMI, if you're a team of nodevs you're NGMI. If you're a yesdev (had a finished game) you're GMI, if you're a team of yesdevs with finished games making a new product together you're really GMI.
Now there's other dev elements that can optimize probability of GMI but there's no point in going into those since the population of GMI devs is very small on aggy.
Note that being in the GMI population does not mean you'll be successful if just means you have a gambler's chance. Note that good games do fail but if you're game failed and you're from aggy you're game was probably bad.
Notable NGMIdevs: (Boku, Nortubel, Spectre, etc.)
Notable GMIdev: (Pomao, Dingo(s?), Marmo, etc.)
Notable Made It tier from aggy (over 1k reviews): (Penguin Heist, Bug Fables, Fight Knight, etc. (not many))
My advice to aggy would be for NGMI devs to plan your release within this year to push yourself into the positive probability zone. Unless you have the patreon or general financial support to support feature creep for multiple years then you are NGMI tier. If you're a GMI dev then I would start looking at devs who are also GMI and plan something together. I would NOT advise giving any lead roles to no devs or even NGMI devs. Also you really should give away keys.
Now post inspo
I was thinking of something more like a gmod assortment of random props
they do, what do you mean? going to take me forever to sort out all the starter content from my shitheap
thanks, marnigs
just make your fucking game
Speaking of NGMI...
I've been thinking the same way about my roguelike. I'm trying to figure out how to use minikanren in Scheme to define game rules relationally in order to get complex NPC behavior "for free" by expressing creature goals as minikanren goals and having the runtime generate possible action sequences based on the event code itself.
rpg maker literally comes with a default asset pack.
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beat my game on hard without any weapons lol
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>spend all week working on TES6
>no energy to work on my own game
life is pain
Marmo... I'm afraid it's been... 10 years...
Damn that's crazy, relax and post game
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>he was telling the truth
thanks anon, I tried it first on the bone and then around the corner and failed both and thought it was through near the tiny window
Maybe I should start appealing to lolicons...
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Tick tock chudios. My self made prototyping software is already at the stage where it defines teams. I can set any number of character for either team to have any job and any stats.
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More inspo
you dummies don't want Lisp, you want a Rules Engine
>spend all week having sex with my girlfriend
>no energy to work on my game
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What could i add to this character.
I feel like he looks bland he needs something more but i dont know what.
(ignore the fucked up legs its just quick concept art ill redraw this character later once i get the idea down)
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how do I solve this?
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>spend all week working on myself
>no appeal to get a girlfriend
>have made games but who gives a fuck, without girlfriends everything in life is dust and ash
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I'm not unrelaxed, what seems like an agitated state is actually just the mind of a recovered schizophrenic. Anyone that studies math at the graduate level is some kind of insane.
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"What price $4.99 or $9.99 do you think MORE gamers would buy Bokube for now that you've probably already seen the new gameplay trailer?"

dress him like a man. woman show clavicle while men show biceps. this is not a social construct, it's the biology of gender differentiation
why are you so evil?
shut up man, obviously more people would buy it if it was cheaper
if you want to shill your twitter, just do that, this is sad
manually moving a physics body? don't
Minikanren is logic programming dickhead.
You nodev losers tire me, you do know you don't belong here, right?
kys nigger
Make it only turn into a physics body on death
If you want to make mobile games, you need a Mac if you don't want to leave half the money on the table and make only Android slop.
do you want to be my friend?
Pierced nipples would be cool
?? it works as intended
didnt click your link btw
a serious answer: $1- $3
what you'll settle on: $5
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ya like my pc
Dumbass, sell if for 12 put on sale for 8
Nortubel's NGMI? Is even planning to release his game commercially?
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The general gameplay loop is done, outside the ability for one thing to shoot outside the soldiers, is done. It loops and I added support to automatically change the map. A lot of placeholders and I hope to replace them soon once I figure out how to import everything perfectly. But It's coming along. I have a feeling UI and menus is going to be a bitch.
>Anyone that studies math at the graduate level is some kind of insane.
That's bullshit, if anything it requires more organization and sanity. Plus no one wants to co-author with a tard who sees themself as John Nash. You're saying this because you're relying on no one in /agdg/ going into mathematics deeply. But here I am to tell you that you're a gay retard.
not sure if 5 or 10? make it 7.5

bros, It took me 50 attempts, but I finally understood how to make the terra theme, wtf.
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>$10 years of work should cost less than all of this
People don't want cheap games, they want games that are on sale for cheap
For getting ideas it's decent at making a lot of them very quickly.
you should play with feedback on the laptop keys themselves as the user types.
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shut up cris
It's fine only 3rd model I export in order to use.. I'll remember eventually
anyone else see this when trying to download LYA?
Spectre of los... cut this shit out and just make a game.
10 years of development, he shouldn't even be considering 5 dollars.
You forgot to take your name off before upvoting your post
this happens with new devs quite often
itch.io does this automatically for games they haven't vetted yet, i believe
>It's fine only 3rd model I export in order to use.. I'll remember eventually
Before export always check Normals, check UVs and apply transforms. Flipped normals when you're trying to get shit done is like stubbing your toe.
No one knows what LYA is, idiot
Nolgorb's Ordeal actually has 9 reviews.
add gpt to it
Jesus dude I didn't say Nash tier, but yes the more excellent the mathematician the more their life is almost greek.
Also I'm sorry but you're clearly never read advanced mathematics. You realize that calculus is less than elementary level to real mathematicians right?
Lmao please don't talk about things you don't understand.
Still no streamers ;_;... this dd is a bust.
one guy did yesterday
Do you support Palestine?
No they posted nearly at the same time to show you that someone faked being me retard.
brimstonewalker and osurpzz streamed today and yesterday

left is full of variety. right is realistic and i can simply just pick one game and experience it all rather than buying all 8 of them. alternatively i can simply not buy right and go irl to experience it. right can only be salvaged by gameplay/people who don't want to actually go to these places in person. i've played and heavily enjoyed more games that look like left than games that look like right. probably like 3 games on right, Skyrim, Witcher 3, and Stranded Deep. The DayZ mod for Arma 2 would probably be there if it weren't for the fact I had a PC that sucked at playing that game at the time. By the time I had a good enough PC that mod was pretty much dead.
$0.0 is literally on screenshot
no I'm a Christian American first with a dash of weeb. I don't give a shit about Muslims who would wish for my death but I also dont like jews way ahead of white girls for decades who only just now started not liking jews because they now are mass deleting some sand brown people.

IF anything I rather be indifferent and never care about anything that isnt America or japan where anything of value really is and not evil people.
>doesn’t mention if he’s White
I know you’re brown hombre
>PR mutts are born as US citizens for over the last 100 years and are not like mexican Aztec niggers we have been over this jamal
It's accurate. Realism creep is just chasing
>we have next gen graphics, you have to buy!
>we deserve your $100 for our game because look at how good the graphics are!
>we don't have an artstyle, anyone can work on our game as long as they do realism
>need references? just go outside my guy take some photos
>our game tries to capture the feeling... of being on planet earth. truly unique
Are you female? A lot of your behavior feels more like a french lass than a french gay man

No publisher chads wya. Though it is annoying as a gamer when I'm specifically looking for a game from the dev himself. I don't get the ones where the publisher cucks the dev and has them shill someone elses game at the top of the description. Idc if my game gets put on the top of that other devs games, I don't want to shill their game at all in my description.

There are simply no other options
Less compatible games
Lel lemme just open a command prompt to do something simple that windows and apple can do. Oh and likely less game compatibility than apple. Doesn't help that they shoot themselves in the foot with elitist behavior otherwise they could overtake windows imho
50 people buying a 0.99 game is only 25-30 dollars after steam cut and taxes.

10 people buying a 10 dollar game is closer to 60.
Putericans are still brown skinned??
>because they now are mass deleting some sand brown people.
To be fair they are only doing that because muslims started it first.
They are just deffending themselves from terrorists.
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You seen this shit?
>Oh and likely less game compatibility than apple
OSX has less steam users than Linux
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All of these people in this pic are from the island of PR its a MUTT island thats the point. Is it that hard to believe an island in the middle of the ocean take over by europeans and then the US wouldn't be full of mutts?
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insane progress
>stop motion RPG
You're assuming 10 people will actually buy your game. Most likely they'll curse you for selling shovelware at 10 dollars and then go back to playing Minecraft.
any feedback on this? learning how to mix and match animations to come up with enemy behaviors. this guy is higher mobility and does reveal some limitations in the current camera system
publish or perish
Now I remember why I stopped drawing pixelslop. So people would stop recognizing me. I literally cannot make a game. I had a fit of autism when I couldn't set a dummy texture to prototype in godot and still refuse to do it any other way than the way I think makes sense, I don't care if I know other ways to do it.
I fucking hate Godot.
I've accepted my fate as a talentless forevernodev
>United states of mutt land owns a mutt island that just gets confused for being Mexicans

wow just like America itself. Eastern Europe and Russia really are the only real white places in the world huh ether way you're mexican boku stfu now make me taco
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im sorry it's not ready yet but im trying really hard to fix the bugs
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LYAdev here. Maybe it's because I made a new account, never used itch before. LYA is a real game, please don't let this message stop you, I could really use feedback.
it's fucking over to be desu
why are there so many South Americans into gamedev? I thought this was a hobby for finns and other asians
>t. coping stormgate buyer
steam pays in USD so flopping it is making it for them
easy mode life, really
Not sure how I feel about the camera movement, from the webm it looks like this awkward middleground between locking the camera to a dedicated fight arena and just following the main character normally
trees shouldnt occlude your view
Only a bit whiter than the US.
i had a dream about teeth again. this time, unlike the usual teeth falling from my mouth, they just reverted back to their position that they were before i had braces
surely this means something
he should aggro way sooner
his attacks are generic, especially the giant back-jump to reposition.
i also don't like the players dash and back-dash, it's a bit jarring to look at.
I think I just don't like this as a souls clone honestly, and think it'd be better as a different genre.
Do top-down half-life clones exist? I think that'd be pretty cool
iirc teeth falling out in dreams usually correlates with anxiety, so you can think of the new dream along that context
>that lag.
close up on the lady in the dress with hood?
>that load screen
now if only i could draw backgrounds like that for my game

not for me, not a third worlder tho. third worlders "flopping" is, depending on country, a massive success if it gets enough reviews. get 500 reviews and you basically made it. whereas i'd need 5000 reviews to make it at the same level. i'd have to churn out ten 500 review games while all it takes is one for them.
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That is a false and childish notion, you watch too many movies.
>BUT MUH Galois, Erdős, Gödel!!
And some others sure, but there are countless working mathematicians who would never want to work with a schizo, and you're not getting far if you aren't working with people, despite the popular media caricature of the lone autist.
Which calculus were you referring to anyhow? Ahh well, it's not important or gamedev related.

I hope you have a good day, good luck with your "schizo-tendencies"
Protip: top-down games should not have dodge-rolls. Dodge-rolls are a crutch for 3D games where you cannot see enough of the environment around you for strategic positioning.
Animations need to be improved
It's personal preference but I have rollslop fatigue and would appreciate combat that's more positioning, run around, no rolling. especially when its a retro-style horror game.
nice ragdoll, great graphics for indie.
That doesn't make sense, dodge rolls don't help you against attacks you can't see since you have to time them
You use too many words. Who the fuck are you to even tell anyone anything you babbling nobody
starting with (a)woken
I missed ToK streaming my game, my bad.
Do you have a list of which games do you plan on streaming?
Yesdeving is overrated.
>MacBook Air
Why would you get that trash? MacBook Pro is where it’s at.

>Companies should have to provide the product they promise on sale
>Nooo the 30 gorillion dollar corporation!!!! They need to be able to put CHALK in the bread or we'll all STARVE!!!!
>make small warning system such as a red dot or an aura around your head when you're about to be attacked
>or make enemies prefer to attack from the front of your character/within view of the camera
>dodge rolls are now the most important thing in the game
>Who the fuck are you
>you babbling nobody
Woah jamal, don't pull out the nine.
Relax buddy, it's not a personal attack. It's just my words as an analyst. If you're a hobby dev like me (aka based as fuck) then nothing I said matters only fun does and if you're having fun then you already made it in your heart.
I don't like computers with air propellers inside them. Macbook Air doesn't have any moving parts, it doesn't suck up dust and it doesn't make noise (except from the speakers). It's a thing of beauty and elegance. Also since Apple Silicon it's crazy fast and wipes the floor with most Intel laptops.
I agree, but contracts in games should be illegal
That's adding governance over the player, it's wrong.
>melts your hands
Make sure you also abide by the Apple™ approved browser tab limit!
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there is a deadzone around the player and when you hit the edge there is a look-ahead. it is probably jerking around too much right now
true, will need to add that
animation is not my strong suit. also heard on the souls combat. I personally still like the style but may be a little tired. I will need to think about how to add more survival horror in the mix. fwiw, combat would be one "pillar" along with narrative and adventure-games style puzzles.
In 3D games you cannot reliably dodge by repositioning because you cannot see where you will be dodging into. e.g., you dodge backwards, but oops, there was a wall/obstacle there. Top-down games give you a strategic view of the entire stage at all times, so the player always has the necessary information.
>Pixelated Dysmantle with tank controls
Why are you using an everspace screenshot for your game instead of the actual game
>has a windmill inside his computer
>thinks he can make a good game with an air turbine under his fingers
It's hard to describe the serenity of being surrounded with beautiful elegant technology that has no moving parts. Every laptop throttles, but having a rube goldberg contraption on your desk with throttle your brain and creativity.
I've spent decades with big heavy dusty noisy boxes that have ventilators in their power supplies, on their CPUs, on their graphics cards and even on their chipsets. It was disgusting and I'm never going back to that. If I have to endure 15% slower CPU (which is still faster than any computer I've used) to not have some industrial revolution steam engine nightmare under my fingertips, that's a price I'm willing to pay.
nigga I'm boutta POP AN ARTERY
Interesting opinion on how I should be developing video games but unless you can prove you've actually made good games with your method I'm just going to discard it as the ravings of a nodev.

That's just a screenshot from everspace instead of his actual game
what engine did you use?
>sort by popular
>my game isn't on the bottom row
you made it
popular is based on views and post age, sorry
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study this image and you'll be able to perfectly balance your game
kys nodev
There are 10 kinds of people in this world.
Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

;) Only coders will get this one
how's typing and laying your hands on a hot slab of plastic treating you? because I fucking hate it.
no brainer
why would I ever post my game here? It's career suicide
Are you replying to the right guy
ok cris
Does this happen for anyone else?
I choose Mizuho and Marin.
No Rajesh, Macbooks are not plastic.
And they sometimes get pleasantly warm, like when my girlfriend had a high fever but was feeling frisky.
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I found a frog in my garden!
I’m here to make millions. This isn’t about fun. I use advanced tactics to make my game though. I’m above the rest of the rabble here.
Nice! Frogs are an indicator of a healthy environment.
it's now your responsibility to build a mini-pond and supply it with tranquility
Nice virus link faggot. not clicking that.
How am I supposed to know how crapple laptops are built, I don't suck cocks.
thats a wood stump you retard
oh shit, sorry
I’m speaking from experience, MacBook Airs are notorious for failing because of their fan-less design. The MacBook Pro also now comes with Apple Silicon (I now have an M3 Max chip and it compiles builds of my game 3x faster than before)
i forgive you
>called air
>has no fan
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>not plastic
>pretending you didn't type out your own name
AGDG often feels like you never get any useful answers of feedback.
Something I wonder why I even ask any of you anything.
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how do i fix this?
Just keep repeating the question until you get answers? It's that easy.
turn off TAA
Sorry, I forgot not everybody has 4chan X. I got stuck in the Dreams of Joy demo
>MacBook Airs are notorious for failing because of their fan-less design
Proofs that they're failing at a higher rate than other laptops?
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stupid question, what is the blowing coming out of my macbook air if it doesn't have a fan? I thought it had one.
He said plastic slab. Obviously the keyboard is plastic but Macbook bodies are aluminum. As for their quality and reliability, I can only point at user reviews vs other laptops, because obviously we have no hard data on failure rates.
im gonna use the money my game made to save up for a nice gpu (amd rx 7800 xt oc)
The ghost of James T Macintosh, inventor of the Unix operating system.
You must have a pre-2020 Intel Macbook Air.
>ugly but makes me rich
>attractive, will have to spank the woke out of her as wife. mentality will likely changes hers as well considering how many women just mimic their bfs/husbands
>attractive, questionable past as a whore, pass
>career woman who loves horses and law school, complete and utter dodge

nta but it's more so i don't want some schizo attaching himself to it.
>Pirate Software
Ironically the most anti-pirate moron in the entire world. But anti-pirate, as in incompetent moron who thinks DRM is effective, not ACTUALLY anti-pirate in any meaningful way. Just in a delusional schizo obsessed way. While claiming to be
>but I watch his twitch streams every single day
Jesus Fucking Christ you 4channers are even bigger losers than I ever imagined.
>Thor, a successful indie game dev
The guy with a super shit game, who all his reviews are literally either Positive "I only bought this bc I like his stream." or Negative "They only bought this bc they like his stream."? That guy? Yea, he is a successful streamer. Streamer.
>Thor started literally from nothing
He is LITERALLY a nepotism baby from Blizzard. What the actual fuck.
>he has said over and over again that this is terrible for developers
Yes, he has. He is a clueless moron being roasted by literally everyone, everyone from his own audience to based genius Louis Rossman, as well as meaningless e-celeb morons like Asmongold whose opinion matters as much as rando's on the internet. Rando's like Thor's own audience (who also btfo him over this, lmao).
He has indeed SAID THIS over and over. That doesn't mean any of his arguments are good or even coherent. It doesn't mean he is right. It just means he has said words.
Yes. He has said word.
>so I will never ever support something so bad and stupid
It's honestly stunning, if this isn't sarcasm making fun of Thor fans, that someone could be so mindless as to be proud of the fact they allow someone they watch daily to think for them in entirety.
You mean the guy who calls himself a Hacker, flees like a pussy from everyone's rebuttal to his horrible argument by claiming how he has to attend a Hackers convention, but actually believes Steam DRM is effective? Literally the weakest most easily hacked DRM in existence - he thinks it works. That "Hacker"?
>search "why is the plastic around my screen melting?", don't even specify brand
>50% macbook, 30% HP, 20% dell
idk man, seems like your famously silent, fanless, no moving parts laptop has some major downsides.
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>people should le govern themselves
bro the people are retarded
fuck taa
oh, yeah I do.
i dreamt it
Yea, I was thinking this is definitely too obvious a troll.
However even though he is just larping to make fun of Thor fans, there are thousands of people who actually are Thor fans. So this is what those people think.
So even if anon is not really saying this, it is a real thing someone is saying and thus worthy of mockery.

I honestly don't understand why people follow this guy. He is genuinely dumb as shit, a pure nepotism baby, and seems to be ACTUALLY retarded.

I mean a Hacker who thinks Steam DRM is effective? This isn't a thing. That just means he calls himself a "hacker" and all his fans are so completely retarded that they're incapable of knowing anything at all about the topic. So is this like, the r/gamedev-as-a-meme version of a youtube streamer? 2 million subs, but 99.99% nodev gamers who have no understanding of anything related to gamedev and 0.0001% fellow retards with the same IQ of Jason?

He even calls himself Thor, rather than his actual name Jason. Why would anyone take this guy seriously or like anything he does? Is this just 2 million 12 year olds?

Are these people all just child predators who make entire careers grifting retarded teens? Genuinely wondering. That sounds like an effortless grift that you can't really mess up as long as you talk with confidence.
how can i paly this
The people are indeed retarded.
Corporations are retarded and corrupt by large amounts of money.
Politicians are retarded and corrupted by tiny amounts of money.
"Experts" are retarded and arrogant.

So we need actually intelligent people to push real things such as freedom in software and rights such as ownership and the ability to repair.

It would be wonderful if major governments would force all software developers to provide full source code with any purchase, including full server source code. And punishments that include lynching if anyone ever dares try to take away people's rights to ownership and repair in software.
>Are these people all just child predators who make entire careers grifting retarded teens? Genuinely wondering.
No anon, we are actually helping game devs! It is for the good things!
the only way this can happen without government intervention is if we nuke the entire third world + china
consumer rights law is your last hope in this department. You need the government
>the only way this can happen without government intervention is if we nuke the entire third world + china
>consumer rights law is your last hope in this department. You need the government
You seem to be illiterate, not just retarded. The "third world" and China ignoring all copyright is a good thing. Copyright shouldn't exist, and you should be forced to release full source code.

If you can't survive based on merit alone, you deserve to fail. Fuck your meritless system of abuse and exploitation of labor.

If you don't have what it takes to survive as a gamedev, you don't deserve to win. Merit all the way.
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>why is the plastic around my screen melting?
Absolute nonsense. Fanless, metal, 15 hour battery, highest user ratings. They're good, you should check them out.
oh fuck I replied to ronny redpill didn't I
Ronny? Is that really you?
Comparing Brackeys to Thor? Fuck off, anon. Brackeys is actually good. Thor is an obvious grifter just trying to shill his shitty game by telling kids they too can make shitty games that can't sell without being a streamer first.
brackey is such a loser

>abandoned unity when he thought he was a big shot
>comes back now that unity is a husk of its former self after he realizes he is just a teacher at the end of the day
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Just attach them to Nodes, Anon. There's probably a lot of ways to break down your script into various components that you could reuse for other things anyway. Just export a variable and reference nodes that require each other's data.
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>absolute nonsense
refer back to this image >>493570376
>you should check them out
refer back to this image >>493570376

macfags should know their place, nobody else sucks technology brands cocks as hard as you do.
who is thor?
so many of them are. if society collapsed, i could have an easy and comfortable life living off the land.
it is so much more comfy than 10 hours on waging/wage related activities

the problem is all the other people. a decent chunk devolve into murderous faggots who believe what you own should be there's for no reason other than they want it or they just like going on a power trip, the other half devolve into "please protect me!" fuck off i just want to be left alone. neither the trouble of murderous types or the ones who want you to be responsible for them in exchange for money, goods, or sex

i literally just want to be left alone but somehow that concept is just too difficult to comprehend
Son of Odin, god of thunder.
This is all incredibly cringe. Why are you not completely decoupling your simulation data from the game engine in its entirety? That's literally the only competent way you can write games, and yet... almost no one does it. I can fucking count on how many fingers the devs that do this.

I even have my peers - better programmers than me with way more experience in either programmer and/or gamedev - literally decades of experience, asking me "...Wait....you can do that? Could....could you teach me sometime? I always heard that's how you're suppose to do it."

Multiple people tell me this, like it's some kind of dark wizardry when it's literally Gamedev 101 and the only fucking way you write most online games ANYWAY. But then again, there's horror stories like this where the gamedevs actually somehow frankenstein multiplayer into the singleplayer game in ways that are unimaginably stupid.

I am deeply concerned for our future, when the dinosaurs die out and no one is left to actually know how to do anything. I think we're already here, to be honest. Jonathan Blow warns us about a future that might already be the terminal present.
im done with biteme and marnix
"Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."
If AAA games get slightly less shitty, indie devs will lose a bit of their reputation of being "the good guys" of the video game industry.
nortubel is the game most lied about in agdg which is ironic given the accessability to the development
why anon? why? is it because they outdid several of us with a 1 month cash grab? it doesn't hurt, oh man does it hurt that my game probably won't get anywhere near as many reviews while being in development for much longer.
I have no idea. He's apparently a super popular youtuber with 2 million? subs, despite being one of the most retarded people I think I've ever heard speak. Within 5 minutes of any of his videos, he is not just retarded but also incredibly pathetic. It's unimaginable how he is popular, except that maybe he attracts literal children like a child predator? It's the only logical conclusion, as no adult would fall for such an obvious grift.
damn boku, relax with the envy seethe
He doesn't tell fish stories where people know the fish, that's why he has such an adoring fanbase.
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can i make a dating sim if i had never anyone?
Godot even ENCOURAGE you to write games this way. And people still don't do it? What the actual fuck?

Godot makes it so easy. You shouldn't really even need scripts on nodes for most of your game code.
>for multiplayer
depending on the game this just isn't worth the trouble.

this. why would i announce myself to rivals? i can copy all the good stuff. game releases and mine has far more content then theres while they scramble to copy stuff from mine just to reach parity
I will do it and so can you!
The entire japanese VN genre says "Yes"
so he is like transwiz?
>Release a game and release the source code at the same time
>Price it at $20 to recoup my investment
>Some third worlder takes my source code and sells it for $1 instead
>Have zero recourse
I've seen it suggested that the insane amount of CO2 in the air currently has actually over time started making us stupider.
>It's impossible to implement a feature that was in literally every video game in the 1980's and 1990's.
wtf is this why are they lying on purpose to him
>can I make a medieval RPG if I've never been in medieval europe?
>can I make a house builder sim if I've never built a house?
>can I make a slide puzzle game if I've never been inside of a slide puzzle IRL?
fucking obviously, yes, you can.
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F to the Mistwood. What were those 4 games?
>Stardew Valley because farming
>Dark Wood because exploration and defending barricaded house
I don't even know who he is, so not sure why you'd think I'd be envious. I don't envy my cousin with down syndrome so why would I envy Thor? The only retard I envy is Crumble, bc at the end of the day he is fucking based
>>for multiplayer
>depending on the game this just isn't worth the trouble.
Wow, I didn't expect this level of retardation in agdg. To even have Multiplayer, you have to serialize the data to send it over the internet in the exact same method you have to serialize it to save it to file. It's literally the easiest thing in the entire universe, because all the work is already done for you. And all your simulation data should be serializable ANYWAY because that's the only competeny way to make games in the first place. It takes like 10 minutes to implement a save system, which is required for all games ANYWAY.

How fucking clueless are you retards? Multiplayer & Save Systems use the exact same fucking system lmfao.
Nortubel is unironically better than most games made here if you ignore the memes.
>>Release a game and release the source code at the same time
>>Price it at $20 to recoup my investment
>>Some third worlder takes my source code and sells it for $1 instead
>>Have zero recourse
Imagine living in such a fantasy world that you skip the fact anyone anywhere can resell your game for $0, posting it for free, with you having zero recourse, and it literally changes nothing at all.

When did this general get so retarded?
Oh shit that might be why then. Scary. It's fine for me though bc that means my children have a huge edge in life based on merit alone.
I'm not going to bother looking up the staff of that game, but most likely their game is horrible spaghetti code and while it's possible to add save games to it, it'd be really hard and the programmers don't want to deal with that shit so they tell James it's impossible. I should know because I've been there before with features in enterprise software that were technically feasible but really hard to implement but also very stupid to begin with.
So many devs shafting their games this DD. What happened?
>most likely their game is horrible spaghetti code and while it's possible to add save games to it, it'd be really hard and the programmers don't want to deal with that shit so they tell James it's impossible.
Yes, this is my conclusion too. They lied to James. Although my theory is that they outsourced ALL programming to a third party developer, because their in-house "coder" is on the level of a mentally retarded 12 year old monkey (or they just don't even have a single one).
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I have just realized that I will have to establish a company, earn millions of dollars, and then pour them into recreating a 3D engine from the mid 00s. I have no other choice
>thinking about making a dating sim
>suddenly see this post
The gangstalkers are harassing me again.
I feel kind of bad that so many people are giving up, not for them but for me. It makes me sick knowing I share a community with quitters and losers. Eugh. Seeing your shitstain of a quitter game next to mine is vomit inducing.
I have just realized that I don't know how to balance my time and I'm unwilling to give up on my other project to just like make game but I'm also unwilling to give up on just like making game.
What about me? I'm also not a quitter
what do you consider quitting?
>quit making games forever
>quit making games to work on skills related to making games
>quit making your current game to make a better game
>quit making current game because, in their eyes, its finished
>quit making game because it's truly finished being made
I'm available as a consultant. I've been on 66 first dates since I started keeping track. I can describe in minute detail how it feels from literally shitting yourself the entire day of the date throught the businesslike handshake at the end of the date and finally to the rejection text you get when you contact them the next day.
It will connect with the typical male dating experience in 2024 and beyond, and I just want 5% of your gross.
Use alt+r to create code region.
You also can use static method
can't run unless they're attached to nodes
Give your script a class_name, extends form refcounted, and you can new() in code.
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>Can I make a loli if I'm not a little girl?
Thanks, I totally care about a narcissist's feelsies
I am a little girl thoughever.
Thats why i havent dated actually because dad says im too young to date i have to wait until im 30 before i get married.
100 entries
71 entries

It's over.
Please provide free female voice acting for AGDG game
>It's over.
indeed, still way too many.
we need to get back down to comfy ~50s
i noticed an increasing trend of people only showing off their games when they feel they are "ready" rather than every time
which kind of defeats the idea of a "progress jam" imho
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Demo Day is reclining
My game currently isnt even really a game its a virtual art gallery with a bunch of unconnected side quests.
There is no beggining and no end you just randomly spawn inside a glorified art museum doing some chores for random characters for testing purposes
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It's not even over yet
Empiricism is poisonous to art. You should instead look inward to create dating from your own imagination.
many of the games in the top rows are literal ass, i really don't get the fake nice comments some of you niggas is leavin in those
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>Anything is possible if you cheat enough
this but completely unironically
That's just your opinion man
>decoupling your simulation data from the game engine
how to, examples too
the power of being a Yew Tuber in being able to sell a generic newgrounds-era game in the current year
>Godot even ENCOURAGE you to write games this way.
How so?
>i have to wait until im 30 before i get married.
That makes a lot of sense you're not financially stable until 30 anyways.
This is why I don't understand pedophiles/lolifans because a girl who is 16 (age of consent where I'm from) is not financially stable, they can't even get a job without special permissions.
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If a no-name released this game no one would pay any attention to it. So lame.
Just send all computations and simulations to a compute shader
Who the fuck is this guy and why has he been in my top fyp for 3 fucking days?
I finally had to blacklist the fucking channel
I'm not trying to get fucking distracted with bullshit
>Being recognizable means your product has a better chance of being noticed
Wow, no shit.
This was posted by a bitter woman. No man actually wants a girl-boss who makes six figures as a wife.
>doesnt know who paul harrel is
that's not the point retard.
the point is e-celeb status murdering meritocracy
>Who the fuck is this guy and why has he been in my top fyp for 3 fucking days?
A beloved gun youtuber who just fought a long battle with pancreatic cancer. People came together to boost his sub count to 1 million to get him the golden button before he died and he got signal boosted hard.
Speak for yourself, as long as she is amazon positioning me in bed I shall be happy.
Blessed thread
There is nothing wrong with wanting a woman that makes more money than you and rapes you before bedtime.

Make a Ferris-Beuler art museum simulator.
Notice I said "man".
Nobody said it was a revelation, you dipshit. We're just fucking talking about it.
I didn't say I wanted that. I just think it's reasonable for a woman to have a stable job before she has children as to accumulate a saving. I don't think women should work very much after they have children either.
I just cannot conjure an ethical logic that would explain why anyone could be with a 16yo girl in 2024 America.
Also an educated women is appealing because then you could avoid putting your children into public education.
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You wanna know whats scary? It's not getting lots of negative reviews because teh game is bad.
Its getting only a few reviews because your game doesnt look interesting
not just mine it seems, see >>493580394
it's obvious there's quite a circlejerk around mid/bad agdg games, not all of them of course but the fake positive attitude isn't really helpful to devs in the longterm
dude shut up
You can't go to the docks without seeing a few crabs.
Post screenshots from the demon day games so I can get started on the art, if you're not posting screenshots in the thread then it's not going in
he's worked hard throughout his life for his current skillset that has given him various advantages for this. It hasn't been luck or undeserved. (You) couldn't do the same
marmo im sorry for reminding you.
how about 1 download and zero reviews / comments.
Lad, not even the ancient Spartans did this. I understand postponing marriage until 30 for men, but no society has ever given importance to woman's financial status beyond her family. Once she's gotten to thirty she'll either not want to have children or be physically unable to. I can think of many ethical reasons to marry women before they're 25, the only reason I see for the opposite is greed.
A man who has killed many many people.

his voice sounds convincing
What the fuck is there to talk about? Do we really need to have a bitchfit every time someone notable makes a successful game?
Big gun nut
>having sex with a woman is gay
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>follow blender tutorial
>follow unity tutorial
>import everything i made in blender into unity
>doesn't render correctly
gamedev is stupid fake and gay and you're all scam artists
>using blender instead of maya
>using unity instead of unreal
That's also just his opinion.
its healing
when so many of us professional devs with years of experience share similar opinions it becomes fact
dumb sex poster is dumb
>stop discussing things on this discussion board!!!
Ummm no :^)
go into unity and flip the normals
but don't worry something faker and gayer will show up eventually
I just disagree, there's no ethical logic to that.
A woman should have self-sustaining qualities before she is a mother.
Being 20 and pregnant could theoretically be worse than being 15 and pregnant. NOTE that I am NOT advocating for either just making a point.
This actually hits on an important point about populations. Right not the population is in a phase were it's supposed to squeeze because it's optimizing with success. Corporations and governments freaking about about a slowing and squeezing population are fools that are unnaturally stressing the system by importing too many immigrants. Immigrants do have a societal purpose but high rates can lead to destabilization.
What's supposed to happen is that people are supposed to become educated and financially stable, making the next generation act at a higher rate than the previous i.e. finishing standard education at a younger and entering professional status sooner too, pushing the age of stability further back boosting the population.
I just couldn't be with a woman if she had nothing of value that was beyond her physical body. Regardless of if she was attractive.
I wont promote the death of the human race.
go into blender* I mean
go into maya* I mean
Watch another tutorial on flipping normals, then watch a tutorial on exporting from blender into unity. For the tutorial path you CAN succeed but you're going to have to watch a video for every single step because each tutorial is only covering itself, you're not getting the in betweens. Ask here if you have other problems, sometimes people help, plus it's anonymous so nobody knows you're retarded beyond that post.
If you think people won't remember him as a retard you are crazy, everyone knows the retards that stuck around by name.
fuck it I can't refactor I'll just start over in project #489591
they posted names, that was their mistake.
Are you actually going to name them or keep being a faggot and tip-toe around it
how about you shut the fuck up and stop being a nodev for ONCE in your miserable life?
I'm asking so I can triangulate your game and dump a huge shit review on it
Alright then, let's hear your commentary
go into blockbench* I mean
go ahead, ill give you a tip, my game is 3d and only has one review
no need to expose myself
deep down you all know which games we are talking about
Okay, it's all of them except Horbror. Bokube is seemingly the only other game that tries to evoke something with the final boss.
Just quickshot bro.
wipe was yesterday
Thank you for waiting until the thread was on the last page to post this schizo ramble.
post game
I always feel like shit after I do that. I think I'll just quit my porn addiction before I do some really weird shit. I already have enough robot porn I don't want to end up a animal fucker, a homo, a tranny, or a loli fan. I'm kicking my addiction and focusing only on my game. No more gooning on discord.
I mean, you can roleplay and do whatever without fapping. it requires the mastery of the cock. Also if you do a hollow hold for at least 30 seconds, the horny go away.
It's not my rambling, it's my friend who I met on /agdg/ a few years ago. So remember there's at least 3-4 gooner freaks on here (minus one since I'm quitting the addiction to focus on deving)
That's also just your opinion.
Proof of what?
knew it, you are such a loser
That is just your opinon.
I hate Godot what should I use instead?
unreal and i mean it
>the last /agdg/ thread
looks like now it's just me and my game.
Always has been.
Growing and harvestable plants acquired
>You got me again.
I don't like how they just change between being free or not whenever they feel like
No fucking way
>command prompt is too had
Nonwhite detected.
got into Wings3D* I mean
>No fucking way
why not?
>No fucking way
if unreal is too much for you dont expect to ever make it, being a gamedev is like being a f1 pilot, if you would rather drive a kia to a ferrari don't expect to make progress
I don't drive
bloated and C++
new thread
For me, it's OpenMW
File: pong-gameplay.png (8 KB, 1284x767)
8 KB
First game coming through:

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