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Warcraft 2 edition

>The War Within
>Anniversary Event

Old >>493471954
if a mount has a 1% chance to drop
and i kill the boss 100 times
>100*1% = 100%
I'm guaranteed the mount?
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>survival huntards outlasting retardins in duels now
what is this heresy...
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Nerubians as a playable race BUT
It's these ugly FUCKS.
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>SL will have been 4 years ago in a couple of months
Considered he was the mastermind that manipulated everyone, Sargeras included, there is no way Zovaal will not be a Key player in the endgame expansion of TLT.

But what will be his role?
Do not fret brother. Our superior sindorei mommies will impregnate the kaldorei in our stead
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No, because percentages are just averages and odds, not guarantees.
The coin flip is a solid 50/50, yet flipping it 100 times doesn't automatically mean you'll get both sides 50 times each.
>pictured: kael'thas meeting tyrande for the first time in wc3 when she saved him and his follower's lives
So the 1% is a minmax theory odd but the actual odds is always 50%, you get it or you don't
>Survival hunter
Regulated to ghostly flashback, as the (First Ones) speak to him explaining Azeroth is actually one of them.
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the army of mini jailers is already on it, collecting the mini sigils as we speak
trust the plan
Interfering third party that thinks they're hot shit that everyone saw coming. Gets bamboozled seven ways to sunday
>combat bug STILL exists

>White male shows up
>INSTANTLY manipulates, mansplains and manslaughters everyone into submission
>SPECIALLY women and non-white "men"
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Holy shit I let out the wildest most loud wizard cackle reading this my fucking sides are orbiting the planet
>tfw no 7 ft purple sexy nelf secretary
why live
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What do I play for this feel?
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boss, I'm so tired
please make this end soon
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chadthyrs can't stop winning

fem nelves really are goddesses
too bad only trannies play them
the gems are in control
femhuman ret paladin
Nelf, Orc (either race), or Zandalari
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Druid bros, I don't wanna wear a skirt but the T2 set is 10/10. Which one looks better if I'm going no skirt the right or left one?

holy pog
BE because you must be a fag for lusting over a woman with so much muscle mass.
Its a robe you plebian fuck
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Zovaal will get an entire expansion long questline fleshing him out and making him actually a good character, as Metzen promised to Danuser before he left that he will make Zovaal the great character he was supposed to be
Weird way to spell male nelf
>He dosent know about the following venom and blood farm
You are not even halfway bro lmao
Fem lightforged, warrior or paladin.
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say sike
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>High effort
>Canonical cuntboys or hung studs
>Literally made for frothing and scissoring
that's actually cool damn
LF, Orc/Mag or Zandalari.
>wax spawn rates got nerfed

Dam son, bimbodorei paladins look good
wew, glad I bought everything I needed.
uhh wtf the new plague started coming out of my computer
Of course it does they're the pally race.
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>The coin flip is a solid 50/50
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>you need to be lvl 68 to unlock earthen heritage armor as it sends you to dornogal
Shame they can't be DKs. If they're that worried about the BfA DK intro not making sense for earthen just stick a dwarf DK NPC in the earthen intro and say he added death magic protocols to the robot builder mcguffin or whatever under the guidance of the earthen to produce earthen recruits for the ebon blade
>but rocks can't be undead
Says who? Also neither can worgen so who cares
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Mr Big Bad Worgen, I promise my taming skills are superb. First I'll show you how good I am with knots.
this sent me
Have you been doing the profession shuffle to get ahead and get all your tools and knowledge points books?
Better do it because you should craft your own pieces come raid time, getting them crafted from others will be expensive as fuck
The average pvp-er that wants to push higher rating has to play and learn every single other spec in the game.
The average pve-er even at the highest level of gameplay is usually just playing just main in total ignorance of what other classes do.

Can you in good faith say that playing vs computer on easy mode is worth so much obsession?
I didn't do this because I didn't want to drop my professions that had basically everything learnt and fully skilled up from classic to dragonflight
fuck me I guess, should have done it on a alt
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Elemental Orc Wives.
>knowledge 'bug'
>renown 'bug'
>more spawns
>??? other stuff
early access chuds won...
they fucking won
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>QRD on the EU Guild Civil War?

I heard that the GM of Elysian is power-hungry, unhinged, and possibly on the autism spectrum.

I also heard that the GM of Nerub Silkweaving Forum is upset because he couldn’t join Elysian and created a new guild out of spite.

Any loremasters here?

Quick Recap from last threads:
>Some heated comments from both guilds, clashing out in the thread.
>Some screenshots were shared.
>Elysian members are very quiet.
>Nerub members are posting alot.
>Nerub GM has played in previous guilds Very Cute and I AM MY SCARS
>Elysian GM "Contirion" also known as "Synx" was parsing green logs in Dragonflight.
>Nebur GM "Cawaen" also known as "Castriot" was parsing blue/purple logs in Legion.

How will this pan out? Theories welcomed

>There is also an ongoing discussion about which guild will prevail and which will implode; only time will tell.

With new information brought to light, I personally have more confidence that the Nebur Silkweaving Forum has the upper hand in the upcoming unofficial /wowg/ race in the new raid

I'll see you in the next thread with more updates
Why are you farming this like a retard when every single nerubian mobs drop it, I'm at 100 without even doing anything but doing some wq. Guess what kind of mobs are inside the raid that you'll have to kill weekly?
>uses the MALE version
I think Xal'atath is going to break the fourth wall and reveal that us, the players, are real entities in the universe.... RIGHT before dying with that knowledge.
I'll just swipe the credit card. The game is pw2.
farming follower dungeon. and all my WQ are done.
>First Ones are the Blizzard writing team.
>Zovaal was abandoned by his father, Afrasabi. And left to pick up the pieces.
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QRD on maye's feet?
Elysian guy just wanted to make a raiding guild, filled the roster and closed the recruitment.
Other dude thought it would be a social guild for all of wowg, but it isn't.
That is all.
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you know it anon. been crafting the night away. its retarded you have to profession shuffle for acuity, there should be a better way to get it.
Sometimes I forget that most things in the game are transactional and most of these "friends" are really not.
Tanked 2100 keys in dragonflight, 24/25 a week on average. Told my guild that I'm not playing Druid this expansion and was told I'm selfish for not considering the needs of the guild.
Was actually so assblasted by it I had considered quitting.
Thanks for reading my blogpost.
funny cat goy in the background
At some point in BfA development there was a meeting where someone said something to the effect of "the world needs to be the main character" and the absolute down syndrome clown monkeys at blizzard thought it would be clever to take the idea literally and now we're stuck with the uninteresting inevitable Mary Sue garbage that is the world soul plotline
Never EVER let a guild dictate what class you play. You should play the best spec of your class and to the best of your ability in group content, but you play the class you enjoy. Period.
random chance as a process is not self correcting IRL, but it might be in wow as some stuff have bad luck protection.
also people have observed that buying stuff from the store or cancelling your sub gives them increase drop chance for stuff
>Expect her to take my fat knot
>Instead teaches me about knots for 5h
Bros I knot believe this, I got dogged...
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u vill play the druidoid
how did he swear like that? how come it didnt get censored to kitten?
Good catch
>2100 keys
holy mother of mazed
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>you get more nullstones by stacking finesse rather than perception
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What's the TL;DR on Zaelia from Echo? He punch a bitch, rape a bitch, or kill a bitch?
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will i make it bros? pic rel
Tranny game
>brb wife aggro

lmaoooooo someone just came up with this in my game haha wtff funny af
I got it in less than 15 minutes.
You just need to fish in the right puddles.
And also having the new rod helps a lot.
wheres the new rod at?
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my pants
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Best side quest?
right here *unzips pants*
You already posted it.
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Why do hordekeks insist that they're the good guys?
isn't that the same helmet that one of the human units in wc2 had for their icon?
I have blacksmithing at 75 and I have around 100 knowledge points in it
My second profession is at 100 and I have recipes there so I dont want to drop it
What do I lose if I drop blacksmithing to go through the shuffle and then pick it up again in the end?
>noooo you can't kill your enemy
redpill me on TWW fishing, any good stuff/what's the point of it right now?
skill ups, time and money and probably recipes you'd have to regain again. you keep knowledge points tho.
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>have a one-trick DH that was with you 10+ world firsts
>kick him the moment multiclassing + evokers became mandatory
>have a one trick boomkin that was with you 10+ world firsts
>kick him the second SL is over and boomkins start paying for their sins in the expansion
>have the best priest who ever played the game
>instantly boot his ass when he was accused ot being a kiddy diddler (to this day there was no legal case formed or evidence presented to back up the claims)
>get the most prized DPS prodigy during DF
>force him into Aug duty and treat him like a punching bag
>he goes to your direct competition after 2 seasons
>have the current best healer who won you 10 MDIs and countless world firsts
>kick him the second a woman opens her mouth
>no evidence presented for a single claim

Fuck Echo for treating their boys like shit just so they keep their sponsorship money. Max or Method should take it all.
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good, i'm glad others appreciate this as much as I did.
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this one, I think.
Story is dragon on
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fish sell for a good amount on the AH and they're required for feasts for raid. its why they cost an arm and a leg. its also relaxing, a very kino profession.
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Based opinion.
Yeah that one really endeared me to the Earthen. I don't really give a shit about the main story but some of the side quests this time were really well done.
does the blue engineering rod make a difference?
>overload an ez node
>you have about 2 second to mine a dozen shards all sitting inside the explosion
haha but for real whoever designed ez-mine nodes needs to be forced to sleep on sandpaper for a few nights
I mostly crafted cheap shit and only used the recipes you get from the vendor, so I should be good if I dont lose anything permanently. Probably max 10k gold to level back up to 75 with vendor crafts if skill is all I lose
i assume it does because it has better skill, but i use the classic strong fishing pole because classic has sovl.
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Have cauldrons always been this expensive? You need a fucking reagent for 50k? I know I get it back when I've used it, but still. Holy shit.
Humans are ontologically evil so any action done against them is morally good
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who carees
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can I pick which story version of the delve I'm doing? or how does it work?
if you feel like spending 10k its up to u, the acuity is worth if you're investing into your main prof
its randomized each day
I literally fall asleep in my chair fishing. Like I'll close my eyes and then miss the bob or imagine that I heard it and click and shit like that. The only time fishing worked for me was when I, in classic, turned every sound down and turned effects to max so that the "fish caught" sound would absolutely assblast my ears every time.
My other prof is alchemy and I am happy with where it's at, but I want to get all my blacksmithing tools ready for next week and it seems like this is my only option to do so.
since 2004 arms warriors need a healer in mini games
at what point has this not been the case?
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its relaxing for a reason, makes you wanna sleep just like real fishin.

then you know what to do anon
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i did the shitty raid?? with npcs or something
am i done finally
Levelled four tanks to 80 and the game kept giving me cloth warbound gear so now I am levelling a shadow priest.
Am I supposed to apply my 6 dots on a target and then suck them off?
Rinse and repeat.
I would prefer to level a mage but my mage is like level 57 and I'm bored of reaching 70.
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did you guys do this one?
i dunno what it was
but im finally done
i can now uninstall this shitty mmo
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Nighttime fishing is comfy.
Has the art team always been this lazy or am is it new? Look at the runes I guess above Alleria's head to the let and right. They are mirrored.
The yellow stained glass looking shit around the purple. All mirrored.
>warcrimes = its just war bro lol
>Has the art team always been this lazy or am is it new
holy esl
EZ mine gets you the highest quantity of you have enough deftness and finesse, so you hover them all up in large quantity and once you're specced into it, the explosion won't hurt you as much so can stay inside it.
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You are fucking autistic
I'm done with the game
that was a dungeon anon
hope you see this reply, it's push week bro
fem human feet...
He talked to a few girls from the guild while being ugly. This makes girls nervous plz understand.
Nah campaign is done
Not even gonna attempt to alt
Played through the campaign with 6h vods of muh favorite streamer and the ingame sound on mute
sisters... it's over
>People using their tendie tokens on that money crocodile when you get a better one for free through the travelers log
+1 mount is a +1 mount
Jailor is not canon
traders market is shit this month, save tokens for next month
>Using autism tokens on cringe pirate shit when based halloween stuff is next month
i'm in dragonflight at lvl 12 and my quests from before dont seem to have any levels either
can you just do whatever u want whenever u want now?
Why do fembelves shake their ass so violently when sneaking?
for the gems
what is she cooking?
like the other anon said, looking for gems
a better game
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for gem to eat
love gems
gemmy :D
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Delicious grannyslop
(her daughter should get together with the single dad guy)
Do you ever start catching fish in open water? I've just been going fishing pool to fishing pool catching fish, because friends of mine were at 200+ still only catching trash items.
wait. What gems?
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is this real
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Fox Chow
Did they buff the drop chance on the profaned tinderbox? I've got 7 of these fucking things today after getting none since launch.
i think the voice actor for dagran thaurissan II needs to kill himself because of this terrible performance
i believe pools are the only way to get fish, ive only gotten trash from open water as well. there's so many pools to find though that it should be no issue.

buy a race change to something better
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gem haha
Yeah, higher skill level would eventually stop getting junk for the most part.
Primary reason for the lures as well, starts catching those specific fish wherever, fresh/salt water depending.
what a handsome lad!
no, when season of discovery ends characters will get transferred to classic era realms same as when season of mastery ended
the thing is, elysian guy has people in the guild who are just m+/non raiders. so idk where this drama comes from.
orcs don't look like this
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it's good to be back in metzen's kino after so many hours spent on og
sorry for ur lots.
when will classic realms be transfered to retail
Never. Blizzard has already confirmed this.
Sorry zoomer, you had to be there to get the special items on retail.
what are you talking about
stay in your own language's internet
>she think they won't add a paid transfer option after classic dies
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Fucking kek.
Reminds me of this guy
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So what time does the 2nd special assignment of the week go live? I don't want to do any WQs before it appears.
the ones jaina likes do
I'm from New Hampshire
why are you like this?
>All new cool transmog.
Guy's probably assuming since Retail's got new weapon files based on stuff they put in the SoD PTR, it means Soddies are getting carried over.
Likely there's just SoD versions and Retail versions of both, like how they made a Wrath classic version of this years chinese mount
sisters what if season 1 isnt ludo kino
earthen jewelcrafter with full gems
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already is
It will be. Why? IT JUST WILL BE!
anduin finding his balls again and ressurecting khadgar was kino desu
are there any exclusive transmog items in sod or what?
that's actually pretty cool
For the most part? No. Everything that SoD gets transmog wise, has either an existing retail variant or soon to be datamined retail variant. Like the recent batch of class weapons they're getting
FUCK wow
FUCK blizzard
I want a warcraft city builder made by impressions games
you cucks need to get with the programme
there is no more conflict, no more wars, no more hairy muscled men discussing the history and philosophy of violence with a blonde blue eyed twinkboy
I want to rebuild Azeroth
I want to make cities of every race, with big BORDERS to keep all the other races OUT
give me the warcraft city builder!
be the change you want to see in the world
mod it into existence yourself
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>there is no more conflict, no more wars, no more hairy muscled men discussing the history and philosophy of violence with a blonde blue eyed twinkboy
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>all areas on map were suddenly undiscovered after TWW launch despite nearly all of them being fully discovered
>several reputation i had maxed out to exalted in fucking 2010 or before are suddenly not exalted but friendly, honored and shit

What the fuck did they do and why?
why did they turn my comfy blood dk into a piano spec :-(
>no more hairy muscled men discussing the history and philosophy of violence with a blonde blue eyed twinkboy
They're going to make old reps account wide soon, so once they do that it should be exalted on every character
is it worth it to learn how to refine herbs or should i just put the rest of knowledge on botany
I love the battle for Andorhal
But if you think about it that way, it's so dumb.
There's neutral druids and Argent Crusade sitting around.
And they don't interfere in any way with the confrontation.
Yeah, well, the sides are morally the same.
One is the living and the other is the dead who use blight and raise the dead.
Refining is pretty useless but you get +skill from leveling up that node anyway so you may as well max it out.
Anon pls understand Lok'tar Ogar For the Horde we Must Drive the Humans Back Kill Filthy Alliance Faggots Lok'Narosh For the Dark Lady small family dadrock company, alliance warcry why would they need one they're pussy ass cucks lmao
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chitin and venom farm can be done with follower dungeons doing the first section of city of threads, dropping, and then repeating. you could also group up for bug hole if you want to absolutely suck the joy out of the expansion but get it done 20% faster.

for blood, city of echoes follower dungeon yields significantly more blood than city of threads and the entire dungeon drops it, often 7 or 8 at a time in the last stretch.

dont try to marathon the whole thing in a day, thats just asking for burnout. spread it out over a week
there are almost no changes in bdk gameplay since Legion.
because intervening in the conflict in the alliance's favour would draw the ire of the horde and alienate any horde in their ranks and jeopardise the power that they have as neutral organisations and they would be reduced to nothing more than minor sects of the alliance
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I never got the "Alliance lacks a warcry" meme, characters have been saying "For the Alliance!" as their literal warcry quote since WC3 at least.

It's kinda funny how the core of Warcraft's big devs went to work on Overwatch for a few years (or project Titan as it was called), leaving a barely finished WotLK and a bunch of vacancies that got filled by secondaries like Afrasiabi and Brack, then the secondary vacancies got filled by even more retarded warcraft tertiaries like Kosak and Danuser, so for an entire expansion it was just unforgettable near-endless Hordewank both in game and in the general community because Horde are the STRONG faction and as course correction there hasn't been a Horde-favouring expansion since.
>need skinning mats for crafting
ok game
>He didnt do it in a six hours straight marathon
>season hasn't event started
>mining herbing already a joke gph
>skinning is a bad prank as a profession
>tailoring mats only kept afloat by transmuation

Blizzard will never address bots
I swear at this point I've seen you faggots call every spec "piano" and all you do is play slow ass specs with 4 buttons
Pretty much all the professions eventually need something from the other ones now.
Something to make more people use craft orders and such no doubt. Or encourage alts with different professions.
i have to press so many fucking cooldowns in an order before actually having to do my rotation
feels like i'm playing unholy in bfa
I’ve never been more bored at the start of an expansion. I got early access for free but should have just waited the 3 weeks
>because intervening in the conflict in the alliance's favour would draw the ire of the horde and alienate any horde in their ranks
That's nonsense because they don't have "horde" in their ranks. The forsaken who joined the Argent Dawn for instance have no loyalty to Sylvanas whatsoever and consider her a new Lich King. The Cenarion Circle has troll and tauren members that must put their duty to nature first. They're not Dalaran, which was from the time of Wrath a joint Horde-Alliance territory, they're their own factions and their objectives aren't to "stay neutral and levy power" but to stop the spread of undeath and to heal nature, respectively.
i refuse to get help from others
this is mine and i will craft with my own effort
I have the same attitude and go hard at professions on alts.
i look like this
region wide AHs were such a fucking mistake it just made every bot on every realm become everyone's problem
So why didn't Tyr pacify the earthen right away?
why do you faggots enjoy having so many specs that are nothing but busybody plate spinning
those "bots" are paying for their sub chud they are here to stay
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tyr is a good keeper
blood dk has a plate to spin?
you only need to keep bone shield up
reapers mark makes it even easier
I actually like being engaged by my gameplay not just waiting for the next button to light up
it's time to put death strike & wog off the gcd
I don't even mind piano gameplay, I used to play Starcraft ffs.
I'm sick and tired of
>listen to the HOOOONK RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL RUN AWAY and then press button
gameplay and even more sick and tired of
>learn the entire raid before you even step one foot in it, fuck learning on the go
>just play LFR moron
I will never play LFR.
idk why lol but this post reminded me of the time echo lost mdi grand finals in SL i think s3, they missed 1 mob during end of sanguine depths and they lost due to that, gigi got so upset he got up and punched his chair
Tyr personally saved humanity from extinction, why would he shit on the dwarves? Makes no sense for his character.
>engaged by gameplay
>do a little dance ritual before your main attack does any damage
>bunch of numbers fly around that don't mean anything anymore
find a decent guild and uninstall dbm then
Don't get me wrong, anon, but bdk was always CD heavy, and for a good reason (he dies outside of them). And it's not like there are some new cooldowns around in this expansion (ok, maybe bonestorm is actually viable now).

Dance rituals >>> Humiliation rituals
For me, it's the opposite; every possible material from any expansion is available for a cheap price.
He is the only genuinely Scottish voice actor in the entire game though. Better than Brann who makes up a new voice every expansion
I don't want Scottish people I want Americans pretending to be Scottish
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You were always more than just arrows in my quiver :)

Fuck I'm glad the Sylvanas arc is over and we are in the Alleria I mean Kerrigan 3.0 arc.
how do you guys play without hekili? I tried the "easy" specs but it was just too much to keep up with
did you know that alterac betrayed alliance in the second war (like a laughing skull betrayed horde)
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>playing the rookery dungeon
>cast path of frost
>healer dies landing in the water
yeah because all of these forsaken and orcs and tauren and trolls and elves would have absolutely no problem siding with the alliance to fight against their own people and the allies of their people
perenolde was peak retard
>just betray all of humanity to the orc troll ogre goblin stampede I'm sure they'll let you live after they're done raping the rest of the continent
Like, come the fuck on bro, even Genn wasn't that stupid and he just hid in his castle for the entire war.
>You were always more than just arrows in my quiver :)
Yeah that was incredibly retarded, why would she give a fuck about any of the forsaken?
They had always been just a means to an end for her to get revenge against Arthas
I love Sylvanas but holy fuck they butchered her
I’m Scottish and I can’t stand listening to them anymore. The WC3 units and vanilla wow dwarf units were fine but now they phonetically pronounce everything in a way no that Scottish person would
stopping just to notice this lovely OP boy them’s was the days
They wouldn't, because they're not tribalist retards like the playerbase, they are specifically adherents to ideology not "their people".
the forsaken should have been eradicated in canon and all forsaken players forced to race change
it was a blood elf, so well deserved
or just never have been a playable race in the first place, same as nelfs
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fuck this fishing derby rng niggershit why wont this stupid rainbow fish just show up
i love wowg anons.
this but night elves
uppity hysterical troons always crying about how they aren't the main characters of the human alliance
shouldn't have been allowed in, should definitely not have been on the box cover of the alliance wow vanilla box
that decision alone poisoned the impression of the alliance for decades
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I remember the time I got all these mounts in like 4 months.

>Pond Nettle in less than 100 casts
>Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
>Reins of the Blue Drake (3 times)
>Reins of the Azure Drake
>Reins of the Vitreous Stone Drake (20+ kills on warr)
>Swift Zulian panther (just 7 kills on hunter, not daily kills)
>Flametalon of Alysrazor
>Glacial Tidestorm (free carry in guild i dont do mythic raiding in)
>Reins of the Onyxian Drake
>Midnight's Eternal Reins (2nd kill on Monk)
>Reins of the Drake of the North Wind (3 kills on druid)
>Reins of the Drake of the South Wind (1st kill on death knight)
>Invincible (20 or so kills total)
>Life-Binder's Handmaiden (3 weeks or so)
>Blazing Drake (3 weeks or so)
>Experiment 12-B (3 weeks or so)
>Highmountain Elderhorn (7 boxes or so)
>Aerial Unit R-21/X (First time doing Mechagon Hardmode)
>Clutch of Ji-Kun (2 kills on warrior)
>The Horseman's Reins (2nd kill on mage)

oh and 4 achievment mounts

>Reins of the Drake of the East Wind
>Reins of the Volcanic Stone Drake
>Reins of the Twilight Harbinger
>Corrupted Egg of Millagazor
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(You) there! Yes (You)!
Draw some quick MS paint WoW art!
yeah because malfurion stopped caring about night elves the moment he became the archdruid and thrall stopped caring about orcs
having an ideology doesn't mean that you immediately stop giving a shit about everything that exists outside of that ideology
don't forget the 1 kill rivendare deathcharger!
farming a hyper spawn in a 4 foot wide sphincter looking cave with no music for 6 hours is actual NPC bot behavior
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Well I kind of did already, but I'll make a shitty genuine attempt.
superiority breeds jealousy
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Lord Jorach Ravenholdt
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that's my ass
>yeah because malfurion stopped caring about night elves the moment he became the archdruid
He pretty much did, retard. It took Sylvanas burning the fucking tree down for him to start being actively Alliance. He wasn't even there to stop Garrosh' lackey drop a nuke on the druid school in the Barrens.
We are literally circling back to the fact the "neutral" factions (including Theramore) opted to not defend themselves or their interests against a clear and unapologetic agressor during Cataclysm simply for no reason other than because the Horde had to get their big wins curbstomping the Alliance across the entire planet for the duration of the expansion. Maintaining racial neutrality had NOTHING to do with it, that's literally saying that the humans, non-Sylvanas loyalist forsaken and high elves who joined the Argent Dawn can't protect their kinspeople in Andorhal because some idiots in their organisation don't understand the goals of the organisation.
I have to assume you're an unironic Horde koolaid addict if you think faction loyalty is the only thing that's supposed to matter to every NPC in the game.
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>been holding on to all mats I have for next reset when everybody will be needing them
>all prices in free fall today
I was supposed to finally be rich again!!!!!!
How many of these fucking sparks can I get per week? 2? i have 3, 1 from the quest and I want another one NOW!
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>on mythic nerubar shoulders for warlock, after a while there are hands coming out of the green smoke
holy ludokino
>anime pic
post hidden
also buy wow token poorfag
>anime pic
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Eye of Kilrogg? Touch of Darkness? We're so back!
What does it have to do with the nerubs though...
can confirm bonestorm is viable
wish it had a better visualtho
Yes anon they will moon next week dw.
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>rep 8 on most shit
is it... over?...
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doing this to all worgen players
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>doomjeets right now
they're starving sisters...
piss off vaush
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doing this to all dracthyr players
>theramore opted not to defend itself during cataclysm
>literally acted as a launching point for stormwind's kalimdor offensive
alliance apologist detected
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doing this to all vulpera players
Don't forget how Khadgar decided to sit out the entirety of BFA even though the other Sons of Lothar, including fucking Turalyon and Alleria who had just returned from a thousand year war, immediately joined the Alliance to defend it from Sylvanas' warmongering that was started with a ltieral genocide attempt.
Now that the cinders have settled, was Sylvanas burning Teldrassil
>A. kino made by Afrasiabi
>B. dogshit made by Afrasiabi
>C. kino made by Danuser
>D. dogshit made by Danuser
consider also that Danuser played up Sylvanas being an unstoppable psycho bitch for all of BfA and only in Shadowlands 270'd her again
>hearth to dorn
>start hearing male dwarven grunts in the background
Are they having nonstop gay sex at the inn?
earthern don't have reproductive organs
>everyone whose class has access to Dracthyr except for tanks will be paying to swap to it if he wants to be optimal in M+ and possibly raiding
The ability to cancel knockbacks, the utility of gliding, the 2 extra emergency CCs and the 140% movespeed are crazy good. Dragons boutta be meta.
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Void elves won.
cata quests doesnt count, they are outdated giga slop
The burning of Teldrassil was kino
It just fell through in the aftermath.
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it was kinoludos because it made horde seethe more than alliance
okay can someone explain to me what makes sacbrood so desired?

i got it off a heroic and its only contributing a 0.2% increase to my damage, meanwhile my arathor insignia trinket is contributing like 10-12% depending on the pull.

guardian druid if that matters. i wasnt farming for it, it just happened to drop but i've heard this trinket was so sought after it caused an LFG leaver rework because of the way people were farming for it
it was dogshit because bfa became a complete and utter humiliation ritual for both the horde and the alliance, with the alliance being punching pags again and the horde effectively being neutered to the point it will never recover from it again
the stacking main stat buff breh
Sue me. Your faction deserves to die.
why do they have underwear then? checkmate
that 1 time bm kyrian chad blew wowg the fuck out
kino times
what is your favorite race
does its benefit only really show up in longer encounters then? because my tracker is showing negligible benefit in heroics
you're mom's an ogre haha
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i farmed ara egg on 3 characters
opened wowhead to read blizzard is nerfing it
fuck my life!!
people already going back to sod, it's over...
hey wait a minute.. didnt blizz intend to add pronouns and option to change your voice during shadowlands or did they scrap that after backlash lol
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Khadgar could've prevented the entire start of the war by moving in Dalaran and setting Silithus under quarantine immediately after the sword hit.
Yes, the azerite was starting to show up everywhere but Sylvanas wouldn't have the azerite weapons lead, nor would the Alliance have gotten duped into sending their forces there while she marched the Horde on Ashenvale.
So we can split hairs about this but Khadgar HAD to be written out of the plot or else BfA just wouldn't happen.
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>open up an addon to download
>my oddly shaped monkey pock marked face quand
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>tfw finished alt crafting army
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I like how noble Umbrick is, though he could have been made edgybloodelfcharacter#726356
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>Log in to SoD
>You are not allowed to create a character on the relevant servers
>Close game
I'm going on a business trip and I'm tempted to buy a month of Nvidia NOW so I can play on this piece of shit work laptop. Does anyone know if it actually runs WoW decently?
nvidia what now
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>she never achieved this
It’s a cloud gaming platform that supports WoW and WoW addons supposedly
i think you're a little too invested in a video game brother
The Elysian gm is possibly autistic, this would explain his poor communication skills. Both GMs would probably get along if they tried to speak to each other.
>playing BfA
why didn't anduin clap taelia's cheeks
he has a good voice actor, I think that carries him hard desu
he plays well of alleria in the few times he has been given screentime
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>Deleted character recovery still unavailable
Art team firing on all cylinders this expac.
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they look like the humanoid nerubians hands judging from the bracelet and claw thingies
Finally these interviews are not cringe to look at.
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I prefer this one
The goal was to give Alliance some playable Ethereals, I am convinced of this. They were too pussy to go through with it as well and also they thought they were clever and could kill two birds with one stone by recolouring Belves. With mogs like these we're finally goign where they refused to before.
They've been fine for a while now, dragonflight made them show up some freaks for no reason.

But they're good now. Probably the Metzen effect.
>So we can split hairs about this but Khadgar HAD to be written out of the plot or else BfA just wouldn't happen.
Yeah I agree, which is why I think BFA was fucking terrible and should never have happened. It was awful for both factions.
WoD was better than sl, bfa and df
DF > WoD > BFA > SL
You guys think Jaina will finally manage to get Thrall to forget his wife and fuck her raw in this expansion or do we have to wait until TLT?
It was dogshit because of the constant retcons as to why Sylvanas did it.
It should have never been more than the natural consequences of Tyrande's nonexistent diplomacy skills.
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is tihs a good resto build? i've no idea how to play this class sometimes people take no damage. sometimes people take all the damage.
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>arathi WQs stopping giving reputation at rank 13
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God, why do I gotta look stupid with peer pressure.
Attempt was made.
Really respectin people that can draw now.
Thrall is too young and thin for Jaina
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mage teleports have a new screenie for some reason
>People are buying tokens and burning their crests to get 590 crafted gear
>M0 will drop 593 in a few days
Am I missing something or is that retarded? Genuinely asking as I only started leveling this week and am doing heroics to gear up my characters while doing some quests for renown.
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erm I didn't give permission to a gemmy boy to copy my look...
guys can everyone reply to my post
yeah they're fucking stupid doing it so early
normal+hc+m0 is dropping on the same day lel
Most of the time it's tanks trying to tank TWW dungeons with very low ILVL they literally tank less than a fucking pre-patch geared DPS.

If you see a 400k health tank at early 70s prepare to pop cooldowns every trash group or leave the group for your own mental health.
Getting the best gear possible in preseason is the only thing to really do in the game. It's just unfortunate that it ended up being profession gear this time around.
its a bit all over the place, but resto is rather flexible. What you 100 % want to pick up is capacitor totem and thunderstorm with the knockup talent, these are really strong aoe stops. poison cleansing totem is very recommended for current dungeons. Personally I would get primordial wave in the resto tree when youre basically there anyway.
7 and i'll buy 10 wowtokens
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try and copy this one
Did she even say more than 10 words?
Can't believe we actually let Sylvanas Dicksucker continue to exist.
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zug zug
As opposed to Genocide Jaina?
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They're puggers who know they need a high ilvl to get into non-shitter guilds next week.
why is it matter
>chink last name
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name my band
Why the fuck is Horde US so fucking bad at RBGs? Holy shit.
Back to the wow forums with you belfcuck, nobody here cares about your 6 gorillion merchants
Nez stop this, we know it's you.
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>xhe doesnt have the achievement
oh no no no.... your response?
We also spare Azshara in the nyalotha raid.
never happened & retconned regardless lmao
>the band that made me unlock earthen to create a digger right now
I unironically don't remember it because it didn't matter, the game had excellent content for everyone not just mythic raidfags and the community as a whole didn't push minimum ilvl req up 10 levels for any pug every week like they did in BfA.
All the Horde pvpers who gave a damn swapped to Alliance in Wrath/Cata.
>ap grind
nobody did this but sweats
you didnt need to do this at all
Legion nostalgiaists deserve the rope
The arifact power grind and legendary RNG stuff sucked yeah, but legion had a ton of content and most of it was great. It was disappointing that we got less and less of it as the patches went on, and the timegating was annoying. But still, better than BfA which also had AP grind issues but worse/less content or Shadowlands which also had legendary issues and awful content no one wanted to do but were forced to
That was so stupid I've headcanoned we actually killed her.
Can't do that with Sylvanas because she still shows up every blue moon to tell us how much she loves us her little pogchamps
I can barely stand using this fucking stupid evoker, but how the fuck do I stop it changing to the hideous troon when combat ends or I land out of flight form?
what the fuck is that elf?
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I played a priest during mop...

what about them
You just turn off the way it swaps back to the elf after each ability..
Check your spellbook. There's a racially called Chosen Identity or something. Toggle that.
Is that Maye by the mailbox?
does female feet nail polish even taste good it looks like it's supposed to taste of berries but i bet it has a chemical taste so why do women wear it
you're playing during prime OCE hours, where everyone is Alliance
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What does one do with artisan's acuity as Min/Herb?
If they send me back in time I would just not add Paladins or Hunters and instead I'd make it so Shamans can collect animal totems/attune with animal spirits and then summon those animals as Feral spirits while Rogues become the default ranged spec like in D2 but only ASS becomes the ranged spec, the sustain coming from poisons and bleeds. Disciple Priest becomes the "Paladin" option with auras and talents enabling them to wear chain armor and their thing is AURAS AURAS AURAS and melee attacks providing passive aoe healing.
Nelves and Dwarves receive Shaman class instead of Hunter class, humans get nothing to replace the lack of paladin and Tauren don't get rogues (ye). Warrior stays the ultimate plate chad. DKs are the other plate chads but their lore is they are essentially runic knights/spellblades, but the Lich King gives only his undead minions the knowledge that is stolen by the Ebon Blade and given to the players as new class.
By Mop when we transition to Specs-as-subclasses, Discipline becomes a whole-ass Paladin enabling plate, shields and all melee weapons from the beginning (lvl 10). The Priest ability kit is heavily modified through the Spec kit, talents improve dmg output and tanking while passively casting weaker versions of Priest spells (utilizing minimal Shadow spells for dmg). ENH shamans get a talent kit that lets them choose between beastmastery or totemism. but totems act more like current BM direbeast summons. Feral Spirits provide bonuses to all specs. Monk becomes a fourth spec to Warriors.
By Legion, Demolocks get a massive rework that lets them either mass-summon minions or go hard into meta to modify their spells depending on their demonform.
I don't associate with literal futafaggots sorry
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just found out that continuing to mine reduced the cd on overload
too bad it's completely worthless
Here's your (you) you can stop replying to yourself now.
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>Create an alt army in remix purely to grind the mount I always wanted.
>Remix ends and they're vomited into their Capital cities
>Park them ready to run indefinitely
>Get the mount on the 2nd alts first run
You spend your time here. You associate with plenty of them.
lol futafaggots mad lmao
I'm not angry I think it's funny how much he cares.
The last good expansion was MoP
they're not actually gonna allow you to unlock other classes pvp sets if you didn't earn rival on that class right? right?
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new directive
They need to just mix BGs at this stage. This is ridiculous. I'd not care if the honor reward for winning wasn't fifty times more than that for losing.
I read about this yesterday and it made me accept it's 100% over for me regarding professions and gold earning because I refuse to do that gay shit. After that realization, I bought enough tokens to buy the next expansion and now I'll level my fempanda instead.
She can even tie the knot in her mouth, with her tongue!
There's no other reason to put it on the vendor if not. R1 title is already shared no?
you have to use it to get blue tools i guess also you can buy like 30pts for the talent trees with it
I still don't know what this fuck wanted to do
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I will be holding my herbs for more than 2 months and then destroy the market.
do azj'kahet profession books give acuity?
BGs should focus more on participation. When they first came out you got 3 tokens for a win but also 1 for a loss. Losses feel like a miserable waste of time now since you don't get any progress towards the daily payout and many weekly quests. It'd be nice if the the daily quests were either just getting honor in bgs or win 1/lose 3 for the payout.
wanted to become sageras v2
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Which pact do i choose i cant decide. Nobody told me i needed to think.
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Does any WoW music live rent free in your head?
This has been going around in my head non stop for four years
just pick whatever one is your lowest rep out of the 3
you can change it each week
I don't remember if he wanted to overthrow the system, make himself the big bad evil lord of the universe that everyone has to worship, or if he was doing it all to prepare us to fight the real real REAL bad guys
Who the fuck knows
I think I've developed the most kino recipe to enjoy this expansion:

>Main does campaign only to 80 (with a couple dungeons)
>First alt does dorn sides and dungeons
>Second alt does deeps sides and dungeons
>Third alt does Hallowfall sides and dungeons
>Fourth alt just does dungeons because fuck the spider zone

I actually really like how you can go 70-80 in one zone's side quests.

Does anyone here actually like the spider zone?
>best dungeons of any expansion
>only time M+ was actually fun
>Nighthold best raid of all time, the other 4 were all decent
>last time we even got more than 4 raids in an expansion (3 after BFA)
>class fantasy kino, the only time since classic you actually get to feel like your class matters beyond meta bullshit
>Suramar was by far their best attempt at the weekly unlocking stories they shove into every expansion now
>all the shit people didn't like was eventually fixed (what other expansion can say that?)
Legion won
no and if you are not shuffling there's absolutely no way you can compete with other crafters regarding acuity gains
legionbabs yapping
for me its
Seems like there's a lot more things to do though. Every zone has a billion sidequests, treasures, purple dirt, mount grind, fishing, etc. Feels a little overwhelming to me. But I can see if you need to be playing wow every day and have been playing since day 1 there wouldn't be much left to do until the m+ and raid open.
Some people in my guild have been going absolutely nuts with the crafted ilvl thing but I'm just gonna wait for reset and try do all the mythic dungeons before raid. Doesn't really make sense to burn cash for gold for gear that I'm gonna replace in three days.
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>can do all world quests on one character and not fall majorly behind on alts
so f**kin zased
No WoW music sticks with me anymore. Maybe it's just nostalgia but nothing feels as iconic and sovlful as the OSTs of vanilla, tbc and wrath.
All the new music is obviously very high production value and well made but it just lacks sovl. There have been like 2 post-wrath soundtracks that have stuck with me, that being Vol'dun and Hallowfall.
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Legion was better tha wod, pandas, cata, woltk, tbc. lmao at ap and lego farmers
I am pretty much there just need 100 more for a final book :) Probably next week right on time for the big crafts and people using sparks
npc opinion
What are your plans for Orctober?
>t.started playing in 7.3
Your opinion is literally invalid.
thats when 11.0.5 drops ye? man its gonna be a lot of shit to do. season shit, then collecting everythign from the anniversary
also replacing dailies with world quests literally saved WoW
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Teldrassil, always and forever.
No particular part, just all of it. The portion that starts at 29mins especially.
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LMAOING at poopsockers
not my problem you dedicated your entire life for a slightly higher number in a videogame
Things that don't exist:
1. feminine penis
2. ironclaw seam
Hi! I despise WoW but I love Warcraft III, am I welcome itt?
>Doing the Dwarf dementia quest in Dorn
>WoW quests usually have shit writing but this is actually a little emotional, lost grandparents to dementia
>Right at the last turn in, ready for the finale
>Ugly mechagnome pulls up in noisy as fuck dirigible mount, clips over the dwarf and levels up from a turn in
If only I could be that much of a chad
yeah, I assume most people here played wc3
Seams will become common in 11.1 with the new zone same as last expansion.
Shut up, plebs. Legion was great and solved big wow problems like dailies, reinvented dungeons, and brought cool stuff like artifacts, artifact skins, class halls, and long-awaited DHs.
>started playing in 7.3
You are a son of true fascism, do not delve these JUDEN halls
no i've found a seam already, they're definitely in the game, just rare as fuck
no this is the worlo wawa general
it's a druid if that's what you mean, please don't bully
I keep only finding Bismuth seams on places that wowhead shows should be ironclaw.
As a matter of fact, I haven't seen an Aqirite seam either.
I'd say yes cause I love WC3, but I'm sure someone'll get uppity about this being for the mmo and you should go to /vst/ or whatever.
>fly to mob
>cast spell
>it dies from 100 to 0 before I cast
why does shit die so fast people can have heroic gear at best... its not like people are armed to the teeth right now
Based. As far as Im concerned Wow is not canon. Warcraft ended with Arthas sitting on the frozen throne
at least you have them ready in case a new mount shows up that you'd really like to farm out
make ur own game ;3
Yes that's why I posted about them being common in 11.1.
Now they are rare.
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Are you saying they should add ilvl scaling back?
Because zoomers won't tolerate anything less. That's why Classic is unironically full of boomers.
Fresh 80 struggles as fuck though.
Try mining on a fresh ungeared alt, every little fucker you aggro takes you 10 seconds to down, which isn't much by itself, but try farming like that
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If i want to just spam Delves, what are the best professions?
Tailoring seems obvious, but skinning seems useless, any suggestions?
9 and i buy 10 wowtokens
inflated numbers do that, same happened in cataclysm
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Will Paletress come back when we go to Avalorn and fight the Arathi empire?
theres ore nodes and herbs inside em
delves have shit tons of ore and herbs
>delves have tonnes of ore
fucking which ones
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Where does this avaloren=arathi thing comes from?
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are we going to be able to customize this pimpmobile during the expansion? Kinda looks a bit bland like this.
humiliation ritual
Warcraft ended with Thrall and Jaina having sex after he killed her father. Rexxar campaign is an integral part of War3
Yeah, for whitemane
if you go to the rostrum or whatever it is you can see the customization options
yes, also you're dumb
>Sitting on one base when Horde already has an expansion right next to your base
The fuck are you doing retard.
I hope not. She did her humiliation ritual by becoming a DK. Now let's pretend that didn't happen and never see her ever again.
need help

does anyone know what happens if you stand in those webs?
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>tfw only now discovered you have a flamethrower to burnt these fucking webs
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I, too, love the jittermobile
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Only misogynists hate her
dicksucking corpsewearer lips...
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I love all the Windunner sisters
what was the name of the elf that xallytoes took over
I hate that she's not my wife
el general
Both were kind of foreshadowed at the same time, it only makes sense that the Arathi fleet landed on Avaloren.
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Im glad some people here still respect the canon.
>goes back to playing my Blood Elf (Now void elf (high elf)) who sneaks into Silvermoon from time to time to get ORC'D or ZANDALARI'D at the embassy

I didn't pay attention to the whole story. Do we know who the elf was that she took over?

>high elf feet
Oh so that's why they are so good.
wow they buffed branns damage, he actually does something now
what's the state of the game right now?
for pvp - bgs, arenas is there ilvl scaling? Can you grind conquer and target the gear pieces you want?
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this thing was so fucking oversold in the promos.

its got like 4 customization slots, only like 2 options per slot, and all of them are locked behind shit you cant get yet. the fucking $70 version gryphon mount has more customization than the damn build-a-blimps
oh cool!
aw :(
He means ilvl scaling as that ilvl scaling that mobs get based on your ilvl.
I saw this faggot walking around dornogol earlier today
not what I've asked
>you have to still queue for legion invasion scenarios if you want to get one of the old legion class mounts
epic blizz
why the fuck can't we just solo these
>he didnt get ALL the legion class mounts during legion
lmao NOOB
>original bug race evolved into different species based on their geographical location
>somehow Nerubians in Northrend and in Azj-Kahet evolved the same way
Explain this lorecucks.
spent farming the shard for the bird mount because im at 6/10
got fucking no shards in 1.5h
while my group mates got them left and right
which ones?
any wowlogs autists here? a friend of mine wanted one of my character names since i don't play it anymore, so i deleted it and he took the name. he asked me if when people look him up on wowlogs, will my old parses on that character show up and i have no idea. how does it work?
>Oh so that's why they are so good.
Why do you think the Alliance wants High Elves so much?
>Every zone has a billion sidequests
It took me maybe 2 hours per zone to do all the side quests. So even the wagiest of all the wagies could finish all of those in just 1-2days since there's only 4 zones and 2x4=8.
Oh. PvP is pretty good when as soon a s you're slightly geared since it scales up to specific amounts so you can gear up easily and most other ppl will be on a similar scale (especially now since there's no conq gear) though it will be painful to gear up, but not long at all really.
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humiliation ritual
notice how everyone in meredar is either black of a women?
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>New Dracthyr classes
>Allowed to stay out of furfag form
>Evoker is still forced into it
Fuck you
>i refuse to ever play with children because playing with children is humiliating and i am too much of a manly man to ever debase myself by entertaining children
never have kids
many such cases this expansion
breath weapon
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kingofdracthyr. Some digging on r34 will get you the booty you seek.
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>shuts down the servers for 4 hours every second day
>doesn't reimburse you for the wasted time you are paying for
humiliation ritual confirmed
you dumb autist
he was refering to playing as a "monster" against them which they defeat and not in the playing per se
>he comments on a post with a screenshot with 4 white male orphans, one girl and one nigglet
they gave us a free day last week
Can you still do that quest? I was thinking of leveling a priest just for the larp of the void stuff with Xal that would be good to do.
No one cares about + why do I go into furfag form during Upheaval cast
Thank you for beta testing for EU.
It's 3 am till 5-7 am during a work day.
Even neets goon during this time.
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i was just having a giggle lads
chill out!!
Demon Hunters having to use their backflip and gap closer in the damage rotation and making those talents incredibly powerful is one of the stupidest design choices I have ever seen in an MMO
no levity
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oh no I'm stuck!
Mongrel hair
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probably, don't see why not
pic related is what xalatath said to be during the final campaign quest because I did that quest + had the dagger tmogged
Hence all the orphans.
Where do you farm the shards? I happened to get one and only one while leveling.
Maybe I'm just bad then. I have barely scratched the surface of extra content but I read all the text and also do events and stuff in between questing along with gathering and working on my fishing. I have no idea how you could do all the sidequests in two hours honestly.
>Trying to get weekly stuff done
>Internet died twice
>Now i think wow is booting me
Just let me play ffs.

Thats why i wanted to level up and play one as an alt. I did the same with a rogue during bfa siding with Sylvanas.
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yes and?
Gemmy on the way.
*eats suspiciously phallic purple gem*
why cant avatarfags make a good looking character, theyre always so abominable
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Have you forgiven him yet?
Can he come back to save Method?
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the name name, duh.

Alliance but Cross faction and Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

Answer the call, /wowg/ anons.
>only roleplay options in wow are whether or not you can simp to corpses
To annoy you as much as possible. Look at the troll pedo - char name Nowra on Coom Guard btw.
i'll never forgive him for being a fakecel
How long does it take for WoW expansions to drop in price?
this vanishing nightmares quest makes me angry
Did they reduce the spawn rate for arathi treasure chests etc? There's wax fucking everywhere, but the chests etc are nowhere to be seen now.
>These farmers from the south wish to take these farms, but I can't let them enter the plaguelands unprepared. Even with the Scourge gone, danger still looms in the form of the Forsaken. No, we must be ready to fight... and that includes our new visitors.
>Before doing anything else, however, I would recommend that you travel to Uther's Tomb, to the east, and place this tribute before his statue to ask for his blessing. Speak with the priest that tends to the tomb when you are finished.
so uther is literally considered a saint in the warcraft universe
I love their pretty little cocksuckers around my TROLL COCK
What is the easiest (fewest buttons) spec in the game right now? I want to play with my gf but she plays on a controller
Around December 20, like every year.
Why the fuck are people obsessed with guilds and their retard drama? Every wowgee guild has just been attention seeking spastics, microdrama and autistic meltdowns.
>make a rpg
>all stats and just flat +% damage
>stats don't actually matter because everything has some hidden +/-% affix

modern wow is a complete joke as an rpg
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Whats the name of the website that lets you see what trinkets are better then others. Or if anything tell me if this thing is good or not to upgrade. I have no idea if its damage is worth the loss of stats.
alleria genocided so many trolls she earned the title troll hunter THOUGH
he did nothing wrong
havoc demon hunter
and danuser ruined him by making him bluther and sending him to these retarded shadowlands
Spot the jew
Bloodmallet, but there's only few sim done at this moment.
soloBG will entirely kill ss and team 3v3s no? Because the players will just be absorbed there
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Rate my monk. Should I go for Uldir shoulders too or maybe other orbs?
I'm sure it will sub 1800 healer solo shuffle
Havoc is far from easy
BM hunter
i'm not even GM but
>why people wanna play together?
Erm it's an MMO?
>everytime will fail hurr durrr i'm a fatalist
Just don't be a sperg. People wanna have fun and play together.
probably. healers are insanely broken in bgs so if this doesn't fix the healer shortage the role should really just be removed from pvp entirely
I didn't mean guilds period.
I meant /wowg/ guilds. There's a stark difference.
yeah i quit my dh at level 72 when i realized lol
brann outsourced the engineering to goblins I see
so why was Liadrin present in a chain related to Tyr in DF, but no significant human? it's literally fucking bullshit
just sim what you get on raidbots with simcraft
you're going to replace it next week anyways, no reason to target farm anything rn
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gem out of gem!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed that the EZ nodes with explosives were made to kill off mining bots
gooning here
theres no way that works. surely bots should be able to sidestep the explosives
Thanks, blud
How will they kill the bot? 1 charge is like 30% and it never falls on the same place. If the bot is knocked backwards it just goes to the same spot and repicks it. There's an army of druid subhuman multiboxers poaching every mine and herb already.
I hit max level before even seeing a third zone because I wanted to do the side quests. Now I feel like I have no motivation to continue the main quest and there's nothing to do but grind delves and heroics.

Should I proceed with the main quest?
holy moly delves are a waste of time
How much is WOW each month?
ret paladin
>There's an army of druid subhuman multiboxers poaching every mine and herb already.
why is it always druids, especially boomkin
I had to log off while levelling alts a few different times because they were in the questing area farming mobs for who knows how long
>ingore EZ nodes
Woah so hard to circumvent this.
Meanwhile countless players will mine it for 10 seconds only for it to disappear the last second.
>No significant Human
How to tell in one easy step that this fag is brand fucking new.
>Travard, last of Tyr's Guard
>The guy from legion who helps you Retrieve the The Silver Hand, the *Hand of Tyr* from the Tomb of Tyr beneath the lake "Tyr's Fall" in "Tirisfal"
>The guys who's Tyr's Guard Intiates died there to see you missions succeed and who has stood vigil over the tomb for ~10 years since.
>Not significant to a questline about Tyr.

He is the MOST significant human.
Uther the fucking Lightbringer would be less relevant to that questline.
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When are we getting a /wowg/ guild started? I want to play with all my 4chan friends :3
When you create one.
You need to finish the main quest to access like half of the shit at max level and world quests.
And also you wanna finish it so you can understand what the fuck are you doing in the raid.
Nah. Once you realize the gimmick is to quickly fly up, hug the node, and mine it before the first bomb even hits the ground, it stops being remotely dangerous. That's not gonna stop bots at all.
it's bullshit made up in legion expansion
I'm talking about real humans who are connected to the original orders like Alonsus and Turalyon
so long as avatarfags exist, we will never have a /wowg/ guild because they will either attempt to and succeed in wresting leadership or dominance if not already in control, or campaign zealously and violently against the guilds if they fail to do so
right here anon
bgblitz will die in two weeks time
and when all the losers realize they cant get a quick 16hundo for their mark in blitz they will flood the shuffle ques
What the fuck did any of that even mean?
>guild made by avatarfag?
>wowg wont join
>guild not made by avatarfag?
>avatarfags will try to take over
>if they fail theyll shit up the thread and try to destroy the guilds
He's just trying to pin his schizo pot-stirring efforts on people who haven't even participated or shown interest in joining the guild. Ignore it.
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So I was right about WoW..
doing the old class hall campaigns feels weird given the state of everything now
Those are bots
yeah, i had to use the foam sword to interrogate the satyrs in the druid one kek
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If you think about it that way, blood elves is such a chick glaze
TBC's artwork makes them look like they're from a free-to-play Korean MMORPG
i looked at the armory and none of the usual suspects are even in the guild
yet, is what im saying
why the fuck you STILL can't mix audio language settings and text language settings... this shit has been bugged since literally forever.
Why is TBC (apart from Nagrand) so fucking gloomy?
what about eversong and azuremyst
because guldan blew it the fuck up (apart from nagrand)
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saw this and thought of the anon here who always seethes about fotm mages kek
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i missed prepatch whats fastest way to level 10-70 now?
it was nerzhul bro
Azyremyst is also gloomy, Eversong is lovely though and lives in my heart.
post what you're listening to and what you're doing in wow rn
oh I guess I do have my orcs mixed up
everything to do with outland is full of tragedy
Dungeon and quest while waiting for dungeon, use Azeroth Auto Pilot.
You just missed Darkmoon xp buff.
typical insecure healertranny
the only sane statement in the entire thread
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God this game used to go so fucking hard and be soo fucking based

Where did it all go wrong lads?
Elaborate, you fucking retard
holy fuck i want a pandaren gf so bad
even doe it had sub-5 minute queues since they introduced it a year ago until last dragonflight patch.
lf gf
Teldrassil blew my fucking little mind, I get a little glassy eyed if I totally immerse myself into it and its music again.
im running around on my treatise slut collecting knowledge
you have until midnight pst to get your DMF prof quest done for 2 skill 3 kp
>earn a raid spot with a very chill guild this coming Tuesday
>got signed up for as a disc priest, Draenei, really like him and the class
>urge to make a dwarf holy paladin and play that instead rising

Help me wtf is wrong with me
Man, why did Frostfire had to be so undertuned. This shit is fun.
>sub-5 minute queues
actually retarded unless you only play healer the ques were 10-15 minute ques for most of season 3 and 4 before prepatch, it got pretty quick for the first two weeks after prepatch and went right back to 10-15 minutes
TWW is good
Metzen is back and WoW is kino again
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Just woke up
and the recent GOAT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOY1z0jbW3k
dungeon levelling
>2 weeks into expac
>heroic dungeon finder already a complete shitshow

oh well
Anon i played specifically on last dragonflight patch and i still had sub 5 minute queues despite playing as a dpsGOD.

Interestingly, when i swapped to heals, queues were almost the same as dps. So i don't know who are you trying to lie to, stop being a retard and play the game.
lmao the fucking projection
this isnt what the "avatarfags" will do this is what the people who crusade against will do.
They're the ones who want to control shit and demand everyone follow their interpretation of the rules and throw screaming tantrums when they're not obeyed.

Screenshot posters want (you)s and its precisely BECAUSE none of us want to be responsible for shit or in charge of anyone that no guild exists. We're the opposite of control freaks we're lazy socials who play the came mostly casually and basically never take charge of anything more complex than a 5 man run.

>everything the avatarfags fault!
obsessive delusion.
nelf tummy!!!!!!!!
go back to bed kek
>So i don't know who are you trying to lie to
look in the mirror, shithead
I feel feels I didn't even know I could still feel when I hear this
>gets proven wrong by someone that actually plays the game
I accept your concession.
is the fast way to 80 really spamming normal dungeons? im bored out my mind here.
Yeah, that doesn't matter, he's a nutter that'll find any excuse to talk about them, despite claiming them as attention whores.
Rent free obsessive and all that.
post gemmy
Did they ever make the lightforged nuke useful again
no, it and vulpera are still terrible
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Low fantasy xmogs win again....
go back to bed kek, why havent you logged into your main since expac launched, isothermia?
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as a brewmaster, if i use ring of peace in a dungeon will the enemies try to attack my party the same way as if a paladin uses invuln bubble or will they still keep trying to attack me?
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>only got ONE keystone hero as fotm baby
Gnomeregan 2.0 theme always gave me big summer block buster movie vibes.
delve quest got buffed big time, you can do a world tour and get 6 levels.
Your loss, faggot.
Which is the easiset moth druid fly form to unlock?
im level 77 and it only took a day of casual questing
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>we're lazy socials who play the game casually
>never take charge of anything more complex than a 5 man run.
Exactly this yeah
I don't know where this whole 'it detracts from le ebin avatarfag attention xD' delusion comes from but it's retarded
The supposed mysterious avatarfag cabal doesn't exist. We're just playing the game and want to play with others. What "control" do we have?

It is way too early for me to be talking about this already holy fuck I need coffee and this schizo needs to get a life
>The supposed mysterious avatarfag cabal doesn't exist.
yeah cuz your autism scared most of them off lmao
you know its bad when that happens
>You were always more than just arrows in my quiver :)
What bother me the most about this is the meta aspect. Sylvanas referring to the Forsaken as arrows in her quiver is something we know by reading her short story, no one in-universe was privy to her thoughts in that scene, there's no reason why she would bring that up. It's just blizz lazily saying "see? She doesn't think that way anymore", rather than showing her change through actions.
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>Your loss, faggot.
>call someone a liar
>expect them not to fling shit at you
>you didnt play because i say so
grow a spine you little fucking girl
post arena rating
you wont because your one of the shitters that will abandon the mode two weeks in
maybea is neither the most prolific nor oldest or most involved avatarfag
I'm not him.
I actually DID run a /wowg/ guild for two seasons in the beginning of shadowlands, but we never did much because I didn't care to lead stuff besides BGs and no one else stepped up to organize PvE. half the "avatarfags" in the thread were in it and there was basically no drama because most of us are mostly chill most of the time. There was no "wrestling for control or prominence" because thats some made up shit that you think about while the rest of us post stuff and banter back and forth.

Sucks you can;'t fathom a social exchange without concern for status, but thats what it is here. You are the one concern with who is the "most important avatarfag who will be at the center of things" because you are looking for something to orbit, even if your orbiting is hostile. We don't actually give a shit because we are just a bunch of dudes of questionable sexuality having a good time in each other company.
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>indirect, instant seethe wojak reply
>still keep trying to attack me?
lmao even
kek mayhaps
No wonder you're seething at arenakeks getting replaced. You lost btw.
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>avatroon wakes up
>thread quality plummets
wojak posting should be a bannable offense
you are so obnoxious its insane
butt out, nigger
I think the night elves should have met their goddess Eluna in Shadowlands and ascended to her. And the forsakens would just end as a race, and the remnants would be slaughtered by the Alliance and take over Lordaeron.
A good and beautiful ending to the story for both races.
Who is this addressed towards?
This it im never
>elune sent night elf souls to the maw
kek nice story night elf babs
you have to be into deep humilation to even play nelf at this point due to how much blizz hates your entire race and lore
i dont think so, i think they nerfed dungeon xp bigly starting at 75 or so
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leftist detected
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what was stormwind even doing while the scourge rampaged their "allies". oh right nothing at all, busy getting finessed by some roastie dragon. and stormwind humans think they have some claim to lordaeron? lmao
dungeon spam leveling is what speedrunner spergs who literally only do m+ do.

theres a half dozens different paths to 80 in in tww and dungeon spam is the worst and most boring of them. Stop trying to optimize everything, you are optimizing the enjoyment right out of the game.
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remember the sunwell.
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>Shadowlands would have been the best expansion if they separated the covenants skills/perks and the activities/flavor
rebuilding their city after it got shitstomped by orcs retard
it would've been good if oribos and torghast didn't exist
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Which of you voted for Void, faggots?
I haven't logged in over a week, saw Khadgar is in a wheelchair like a crippled faggot. Did I miss anything WOWG?
no it wouldnt, its like cata but worse because you cannot travel from zone to zone on your own, the only way is via filightpaths or the airport terminal that is oribos.
lmao wtf is this
why people choose void
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I remember that it has already been tainted by void in the velf allied race unlock quest
8000 footfags
basedchugging paladins kneel to the spriest bvll
You missed everything
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She is just that hot anon.
my void elf is going to wash her feet in the sunwell in midnight
We'll throw Umbrick into the sunwell and make Lorthemar watch
What fem High Elf Feet do to your brain.
Void is 100% harmless, worst thing that can happen is you turn into a blueberry, occasionally.
May I watch
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as will my extremely homosexual and gassy panda
they know what's up
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>the two men pretending to be lesbian lovers
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look at this retard
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OwO what's all this then
Thank you anon. I will try this. I didn't even know delves had a first time bonus.
It's not slow by any means hasn't been for a long time, i cant remember the last expansion where you couldn't get cap in a day with casual play. Maybe WoD, but wow had treasures.
Dam, curse blizzard for nerfing this before I wanted to do an alt.
I'm really not that optimal anon, if I was optimal i would have levled all my alts before the big dungeon spam nerf. however I took it slow on my first character and read quest text. if anything this taught me one thing, I should have exploited earlier and I should have exploited often. had i optimized everything day 1 i could have made an alt to read all quest text. now all exploits are patched and I suffer for trying to enjoy myself. my own fault really.
I NEEEEEEEEED a Draenei gf. Argent Dawn should make it compulsory that 1 in 3 players plays this race.
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Fucking amazing, specially when she starts singing

Also Ulduar music is perfect
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>umbasa shits everywhere
its just always so funny
i might have brain damage
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

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meet me in the goldshire basement AD-EU
they need to up the damage mobs deal to dps in regular dungeons. dps players should not be able to tank a boss for its entire fight in leveling gear. these dungeons are ludicrously pillow fisted
Give me ten minutes.
>auto loot is still broken
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just say you want the cock
I want a draenei gf not a horseschlong futanigger.
cock is gay, dreanei is straight.
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a gruesome death to all futafags
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Also that one from the final boss at Spires of Ascension. Literally rent free i can't get it out since SL.
based blueberry pussy enjoyer
I can just tell you are the most insufferable kind of fuckwad
More than half of the playerbase wants to be edgy in some why, either as evil ugly races or extremist crusaders and xenophobic nationalists. Blizzard sees this and adds another peace loving council to the game because fuck you.
>anime pic
post hidden
My femgob knees are shaking on their own!
nope wow actually sneeds boobs and butt sliders
holy based
the right choice
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This is just four out of my ten paladin characters.
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I have a visceral disgust reaction every time I see anything related to shadowlands

unbelievable that you people actually played that expansion for as long as you did. every zone is fucking shit. every character is atrocious. every covenant is awful and bastardizes some aspect of azeroth, ruining it forever. they should have retconned this out of existence in dragonflight.
>every fertile high elf within 300 miles of this post was suddenly drenched
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I hate this gay earth
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You lied to me...
i liked zereth mortis
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based and cringe
>4 men in 1 pic
it's all going to be over soon
it really is the worst looking back. bfa at least had some nice looking zones, shadowlands has fucking nothing
for me, it's the Kun-Lai Summit and Throne of Thunder scores from spending so much time farming MoP raids for mountsmogscheevos
>there are men pretending to be females or futas erping with eachother
didnt think it was possible to sink so low
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they fucking got me...
I'm not sure which pact to choose in threads
the lore was kino
jailer should have won
Me on the left disgusted by the two horde cucks playing on their alts
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They gave us the best mog, tho
Alleria would be proud of them
>the lore was kino
you are mentally ill to the max
You can change each week. Also check the rewards, it's nothing too important. It's an actual choice.

Also, general.
As maye once said erp is only co-authoring erotic fanfiction and if that's gay to jerk off to then so is jerking off to any porn drawn or animated by a guy.
i dont care what some faggot erping troon said once
Revel in Purity has been broken for almost 3 years now, if not longer. Casting Penance on a target afflicted by Purge the Wicked is supposed to spread the DoT to 2 nearby enemies. It fails about 90% of the time.
Miss me yet?
>seeing goonshire dancers flying around mining
must be rough in that place if they're resorting to manual labor...
why would you miss dragonflight when the current game is almost exactly the same
>the bore within
I swear it's always spread the dot for me idk
i miss legion
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yeah man i miss all the wheelchair dragons, gay frogs, LGBTQ couples, whitewashing of races and all that, yeah so fucking epic LOL so wholesome family is le everything expansion disney tier shit
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Just some AC ludokino while doing sidequests.
Except you aren't fully naked jerking off next to each other while drawing porn or animating. Nice cope though.
Which crests are still valuable are and worth saving even after m0
Basically when do I stop upgrading
not the worst, but the most boring expac.
By the same logic ou also aren't while writing this shit you fucking loony.
weekends are just a mix of manipulation and masses of casuals incapable of not changing a price on anything.
it should be using a unique character id so it shouldn't show old things.. don't have time to look but you should be able to see it on some blizzard pages like maybe your wow profile avatar image file name on the forums.
wdym, we're in patch 10.3 of DF?
Nah, gay dragon people and centaurs are not welcomed here.
Smells like an incels stale dried up cum in a sock.
Cringe and unbased.

Three beards and a bint.
I froze the diver suit mog because I didn’t have enough but I’m up to 2100 tendiez now
Should I buy it? Or wait and save up?

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