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Are you really gonna scroll by without saying Bee-haw, pardner?

>The War Within
>Anniversa-bee Event

Previous-bee on /wowg/ >>493445168
Be a helpful worker bee, not an angry wasp!
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how did we go from THIS....
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I got the bee mount!
where the fuck is the sale number announcements? Did it really sell so badly lol? worse than dragonflight ?
i know youre shitposting but do people really like bikini armor. it always feels too tacky to find hot
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to this?
it did sell badly but that's okay because enough whales bought the same game for 100 dollars so it did well
How long will the owl mount be in the shop. I like owls and im tempted to paypig
>Coworkers talk about playing WoW
>Figure I'll download the free trial and see if I can get into it
>BattleNet won't install the fucking game
>None of the fixes work

Fucksake, does anyone have any recommendations on how to fix this or am I out of luck?
It's very 90s/2000s hot. Tastelessly bombastic
this is progressive. we like this. right sisters?
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the name name, duh.

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

NA /wowg/ anons, unite.
Maybe it's the drive you're installing it to? Are you on wifi?
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Fucked up my JC sham again bros. Should went all in on making vials for alchies. Those fuckers are selling for STUPID prices.
woah I haven't seen that art in ages
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WoWg community for NA.
For those that wanna play with other anons or goof off and chat, but not be in a whole-on Guild.
No I don't care if you're a degen. Go wild. Dramafags get the boot.

I hated it back then, too. It feels like that 70s high fantasy Barberalla shit my uncle was into
you either dont have enough space or idk. old people and tech averse drunk construction workers can manage to get it working.
Be honest with me /wowg/. Did I brick myself by using up my AA on KP for mining/skinning? And am I further bricking myself by not making multiple alts dedicated to professions? I just wanted a fun casual game...
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>Human cock
>Elven ass
Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.
reminder to report and hide avatarfags
after they stopped doing that with DF i doubt they will ever do it again
the game is so monetized now i imagine that they make more money with 3 million subs now than they did with 12 million back when
its kino. who cares if you cant jack off to it
yea it's ugly and retarded by brown people and dumb people exist so

I'd bet money whoever drew that has a spanish name or maybe chinese
blizz needs to actually advertise Midnight, and stop doing promos with streamers who play the game for two days and then turn around with a clickbait video about WoW being bad
skinning is the worst profession in the game and doing it is a total waste of time
every alchemy+tailoring alt you make is a free 2-4k gold a day
so yeah you're bricked if you're poor and need to farm gold to afford a sub. if you live in a first world country you can just ignore autistic crafting shit
>is retarded
did anyone besides quin make such a video?
all of the shills played the game and moved on, i dont think any of them made any videos
I'm usually not an alt guy. I typically get to them late in seasons or the xpac just to have em around for the next wave, but I can't stop leveling alts rn. The ability to make early money with certain profs/builds, warband rep, and the xp boost for max chars is such a good change. (doesn't hurt that I main a moonkin which sucks rn that I don't wanna play).
is it really clickbait if its true
Why is it so hard to find a raiding guild anons? Last time I played was vanilla classic and it was so simple. Get your preraid bis and then join one of the 6 raiding guilds on your server and then just show up for raids.
Now I have to apply through some guild finder tool, most guilds don't post when their raid times are or what they're looking for and you can't even whisper someone for more information or /who them to see how who is online/active because 90% of people are on random other servers and shit. The guilds that are advertising in trade are all doing "mythic+" dungeon farming instead of forming raid teams, at this point it feels like I would have a better experience without joining a guild and just using LFR to pug.
>2-4k gold a day
Is that a lot? Skinning gets Superb Beast Fang once a day which goes for 5-6K for my region.
>And there's a whole other continent ruled by the new Arathi Empire? And they just... never interacted with EK or Kalimdor? Not even when the world was under threat of destruction?
This is the issue with all of the made up new shit blizzard keeps pumping out every expansion and patch.
All of these islands just existed and never interacted with the rest of the world at all, despite the races of EK and Kalimdor already having mapped out the planet? Full replica globes since Wotlk and nobody ever pointed out a huge landmass we've never explored before. Stood above the planet ourselves on the vindicaar watching it spin, nobody ever pointed any of these land masses out or anything.
The burning legion invaded the entire planet at once, a full scale assault with spaceships (lol), yet we show up on a place like Dorn and there's just... Nothing? No evidence or remnants of a legion invasion, nobody says shit about it, nobody knows it happened.
why does tsm keep trying to get me to disenchant or auction stuff I have equipped. that seems like that should by default not ever be allowed to happen
This game sucks. Whens the next remix
Sentinel only cares about coordinated assualt and butchery so fuck you if you run furt of the eagle or something
Cool blizzard
Why could it not be general? Whats the point in talent trees if you're going to put stuff like this the forces you to take th same talents? Im not asking for perfect balance but literally 2 spots in the hero talent tree don't even apply to any ability i have it feels like shit
>Changed the install drive
>Fixed it
>This is despite my other BattleNet games being on the first drive

Fucking, okay then.
if you don't have an existing group of people to play with i suggest just sticking to normal pugs and doing ksm
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NA /wowg/ guild
has been baked.
Remember to tick all filters if you don't find it.
We'll prolly do the usual, m+, raids and maybe some RBG/PvP if it's your interest.

>Community group for horde people to join and get invited: same name (Globo Fomo)
You can find both by looking for the name name, duh.

Cross faction-Cross realm
>Base realm: NA Moonguard

Allowed but nothing in guild chat.
>Standard Roleplay

NA /wowg/ anons, unite.

we're 14 rn.
im an eu chad
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>he doesn't play on an RP server
>he doesn't add minuscule details to his profile to piss off autistic role players
>we're 14 rn.
you have to be 18 to post on this website
The Alchemist Stone trinkets are always underwhelming. I wish they had an alchemist only trait/buff/ability that made them competitive with top trinkets.
Unique landmass, never really touching on anything outside of it, even if inter-planet travel is possible
Btw there is a bunch of other continents with super duper strong empires we totally didn't pull out of our asses haha :) And huh they just huuuh never showed up on the other continent before!!
Acshually, yeah, you remember that super duper old empire of elven amazons? Yeah no they have like, outposts all over the world. Yeah. Don't think about it.

It has always been a problem in warcraft ngl.
it requires literally zero effort, leaving you time to do other things. with the beast fang you have to actively play the character.
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TBC remix when
roleplay? more like rolegay lmao
How is a jungle troll allied race different from just picking the green troll skin color
Do you want a sand troll allied race too
Im beginning to think that this insistence on guilds and communities is a honeypot of some sort.

Like in my experience the only time someone is this fixated and insistent on doing something is when it part of their plan to fuck someone over.
id want 20th anniversary quality reskins of the tier sets which i know will never happen
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>they said rogue is just straight up not going to be overhauled
>also they removed shadowstep
If you put birthplace: darnassus I'll be annoyed moderately
fuck you
Faerin is a great feminine character
I've only looked for guilds two times in my life and both were easy, though my goals may be diff than most. First was oceanic when I worked nights and raided on my days off, I found a comfy tight night group of raiders and we cleared a lot of content. Second was when I switched to days and came back to NA. Went to a moderately (no high) populated server and looked for friendly guilds that clear heroic raids but aren't pushing mythic raids.

Found a group of friends who'd been together since vanilla and we do boatloads of m+, always clear heroic raids, and clear a lot of mythic bosses as well. Perfect for me since they're casual and more about having fun.

My advice is not to seek the results you want, but the people you'd like to play with. Are they younger and more irrational, or are they 30 and 40 year olds with kids who run well organized raids with nearly perfect attendance and everyone has a good time w/o any drama ever?
>they said rogue is just straight up not going to be overhauled
They did?
we prefer if you didn't play rogue right now
I don't think it's to fuck anyone over, it's just pure ego fishing for fame and recognition.
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healing is a masculine, high responsibility role played by heterosexual males who are very successful with the opposite gender in romantic relationships.
I have a feeling this is going to be disastrous but I'm willing to try it out. Let's prove history wrong and make a strong NA community.
this but augvoker
Thanks for the advice anons, if I end up updating it I'll post another picture. I think I need to actually farm up some mogs though, I didn't have anything that really fit the bill to make these kinds of changes.
Why overhaul rogue?
It got all the variety it needs.
the last time i was in a guild was in classic wowo
and the guild fell apart because of tranny drama, no joke
some biohole and a troon got into a fight. really horrible shit
Bring back Combat
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what was you experience?
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>Stoke the Forge with Fire Breath
Literally the frotting poster child.
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>can't think of any names for my rogue
I guess that's it
My raid leader is 51. He's married with three kids and is a professor at a prestigious university in the NE. Dude's as organized as anyone I've ever known, but the raids are light-hearted while highly organized/coordinated. As someone who just likes to show up and play it's perfect. Give me the boomer GL over the young dipshit any day.
Oh, so you are retarded.
nobody recruits by age as long as you are over 18 retard
guilds are taking whoever they can as long as he jumps through the random hoops
>adults are responsible
literally the opposite
the 15 year old neet isn't going to postpone pull by 10 min because he needs to smoke and he sure as fuck won't leave in the middle of a pull for 2 hours because his roastie wife is bitching about something or the baby is screeching like a banshee in the background
>he likes outlaw
oh no
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Finally. Now to try to level a holy priest for first time using only dungeons.
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I am sub only, retarderino
maybe on planet retard
boring, boring, ok, ugly
Sounds like a you prob friend. I've literally never had this happen with any raid leader in my entire life. Neither the drunk Kiwi 20 y/o who used to lead of the boomer leading my raids now. If the person leading your raid is holding it back, it's a sign that you should move somewhere else.
nooooo you were supposed to say "kino!!" o///o
Kobolds really be like we wuz titans n shieet
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Fvcking BASED
>My advice is not to seek the results you want, but the people you'd like to play with.
I'd like to find a small group of dedicated raiders who are excited to see the new raids when they clear, not necessarily a super skilled group but just some friends to hang out with and see the content. Instead it seems like 90% of guilds don't want to raid at all and care more about doing mythics with a "maybe we'll form a raid team" mentality. I've been playing off and on since 2004 and I can't understand why the community would ever care about running dungeons over and over again instead of raiding, it blows my mind. i miss the sense of community and progressing with your guild from back in the day, even classic was so much better about it than whatever is going on in modern retail.
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Spent too damn long leveling and gearing other characters, haven't finished the campaign. Haven't even set foot in Azj'kahet on anyone yet.
About Halfway through Hallowfall, gotta say... Victim of other peoples hype.
I don't really jive with Hallowfall. I mean I understand the story and everything, I just... really don't care.
Don't really play Humans or Elves, had my fill of their stories throughout several expansions, a joint faction of a former empire is ehhh. I was weirdly more invested in Stone Dwarf problems and the Bronzebeard family, then as soon as I start following Anduin here and just help their spider problems and learn more about what they're doing here, momentum of enthusiasm grinded to a halt.

Zone in general is nice, Beledar is a cool concept and how NPC's and the zone in general reacts to it is cool... Don't like their architecture.
Their Tavern design is pretty sick though, that's probably the best designed inn in years.
*filters attention whore image #8133*
So why are you replying to an anon lamenting the state of outlaw/combat and calling him a retard?
That unironically makes you a retard cause what are you doing? Giving no input to something that you don't care about and has nothing to do with you? Eat a bullet.
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>Send crafting order
>Log off for an hour minimum
>raid leader
when did I mention raid leaders?
nobody is ok with being a permanent bench warmer these days so good luck replacing anyone who takes an unplanned break during the night
made for arathi men
Check guild forums and not the super popular realms. Also check out warcraft logs to see what guilds are clearing what content. Early norm then heroic guilds for the first month of a raid tend to be the more casual raiders. You can check their prog to see skill level. There's a LOT of raiding guilds, including mine, that take on ppl with the fun but reliable mindset.
give rogue their 4th support spec already and ill consider playing it
>they said rogue is just straight up not going to be overhauled
just broadly with people I mean, the more someone insists you must do something the more likely it is its not actually a good for you but rather good for them or part of their plan. If they really repeatedly forcefully insist that you really need to do something chances are they have some particular reason. They need you to do it as part of something that they want to happen.
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Im happy with the way my draenei came out
huh? yeah I mean they want other people to play with
bro i wasn't lamenting on the state of rogue, I just like the name Combat better than Outlaw
I actually haven't played since Shadowlands release, and even then I haven't really played properly since Legion.

What raids or expacs have the best transmog?
Counter offer!
Ass___ is now a tank spec.
How happy would this make you, 1 to 10?
What happens to a pregnant druid when they shape shift? Does the fetus turn into an egg? What if she's going to have a litter but shape shifts back into a humanoid, would she give birth to her original race, or a bunch of lions/panthers/birds?
bro its just trying to get some people from the same video game general thread to play together, there is no ulterior motive, dont join if you dont want to. there is no other option than to advertise it in the thread
Looks pretty cool 'non
>troll poster doesnt like the arathi
Shocking really
Totally unfathomable.
Remind me again how the arathi empire got its start?

It actually makes a lot of sense that you're not into it, trolls are like the polar opposite of the righteous glowy crusader trope.
>I love healing as a HOLY PALADIN in PvP and cucking horde faggots

As god intended. My true calling in life.
This bullshit right here is why only men where druids.
nice char, anon
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china version is better
The children remain orcs
no, the game already has plenty of tanks. they now need to expand on the support role they foolishly added only one of
>Check guild forums and not the super popular realms. Also check out warcraft logs to see what guilds are clearing what content. Early norm then heroic guilds for the first month of a raid tend to be the more casual raiders.
Thanks anon, appreciate the advice. Any additional tips for me that I can use before the raid drops? I'd hate to wait until after the 10th to see who is/isn't worth applying to, ideally my little group would love to be a part of a raid team asap so we can hit the ground running on day 1.
>There's a LOT of raiding guilds, including mine, that take on ppl with the fun but reliable mindset.
I guess this general isn't the best place for me to ask you what your guild is called, unfortunately. It sounds perfect
No, bard or bust
Yeah, Troll aside, I main Alliance and Gnomes mostly.
The human factions for the most part always came off as boring to me, never got the hype of their zones.
Hearing that as a 1 then?
Alright, sending it up!
Expect it to happen next expansion you ganking little faggots.
depends. if they shapeshift into something of equal size to their regular body or bigger, nothing happens. they probably can't shapeshift to smaller bodies however.
You want a rework and that's not you lamenting on the state of your class/spec? You just said you're upset they're removing shadowstep for outlaw.
I agree with you by the way combat was way better. Outlaw is dogshit though and it should be reworked. I don't want fucking dice and guns on my combat rogue.
100% do not join a guild that has to pug for raid, ask if they have a consistent raid group
Some sex appeal in my fantasy game is nice.
I hate Bimbo shit.
But I like revealing fantasy armors and I'm tired of that being a bad thing.
I didn't say any of those things
I just said they should replace the name "Outlaw" with "Combat"
Is dungeon spam the fastest way to level alts
I REFUSE to be 30+ alts. YES I know that's how make a million gold per day, but I FUCKING REFUSE to make throwaway characters with names like "bankalt" and "auctionbot" and "auctionbot2." I'm fine just making enough gold for a sub once a month with the one (1) character I have.
it goes into Z space bro
>100% do not join a guild that has to pug for raid, ask if they have a consistent raid group
Yeah that's the guild I'm in now and why I'm searching for a new one. There's tons and tons of members in it, but absolutely no sense of community and the leadship is "unsure" if they'll form a raid team. Hinting that if I want to raid, I'll have to basically pug from within the guild and hope I can hook some people, and pug randoms if I can't... sounds terrible so here I am.
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>one of the most powerful beings in known reality
>get slapped by a goblin mech and get captured
I genuinely can't believe you people care about the "story."
Join a trade chat guild with prog. They tend to be a good mix of retarded boomers and people trying to play the game
Oh i assumed you were responding to the person who asked you a question, but you're just a rando who stepped in. Well everything i said applies to the person who made the original post.
>Be free use emergency ejaculation toilet
>Surprised by instant defeat by a goblin (FUB subtype)
cant pugs clear at least heroic raids? seems kinda foolish to join a guild that i have to mark my calendar for
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>emergency ejaculation toilet
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depends. I like that it exists but I wouldn't ever put it on my characters during regular gameplay. for me, I like sexy cool armor. like pic related, for example. still very impractical but it looks like something someone would actually wear if they wanted to look really cool and sexy.
maybe on last month of the patch sure
This 100%. Never ever ever join a guild that has to pug for tanks of heals. Every stable raiding guild has their designated tanks, heals, and backups already decided.
>Join a trade chat guild with prog
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pugging heroic isnt that bad
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>He thinks levels mean anything
>He think he'll survive a kodo stepping on his head because he killed the evil wizard in the tower
>holy paladin
more like hole paladin
Please never post a male wearing that mog ever again.
Actually don't post anyone wearing the toilet mog.
Thank you.
Why do kobolds talk like Filipinos
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just had a scalie commit an hero on my overloaded ez-mine node.

I wonder did it not know what they did?
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Am i too far behind at this point? Should I just give up...
Female character broadcasts only one thought:
I am a toilet of sperm. I am free use. I am for gooning.
Pugs have easily been able to clear heroic raids for years with no discord or anything. Needing a guild for content is utterly irrelevant.

Guilds are just a cool word under the name of your character in retail 2024. Unless you're a retard who is a glutton for punishment and enjoys wasting 3+ hours multiple days a week dying to the same bosses over and over because <5 people in your guild are incapable of not making the same mistakes in mythic.
>he didnt max everything like a week ago
yeah, I'd uninstall if I were you
>Join a trade chat guild with prog.
Guess I'm the retarded boomer as idk what exactly that means
It's over. You never even had a chance.
>zandalari tribe timewarp badges
>free justicar/conqueror
Vanilla tw won
bricked account, try again next expac
What do you need Zandalari tribe rep for?
>All of my reps are at 7 top
Imagine if hunter could sell pets
Poacher spec when?
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I leveled my Eathen Pally to 70 just by exploring and now I'm making you faggots carry me through LFG dungeons so I can gear up between doing WQs. Feels pretty great.
>people whining that dracthyr will be able to fight outside of the ugly tranny dragon form
no one is whining about that retard

He means on Reddit which doesn't count
1-4 Level my GIGACHAD belf Paladin
so he was IN the dark heart?
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Shadow priest aoe will get better in keys and raid right
wowg anons are so attrative and chad...
Our characters list of strengths and achievements go far further than an evil wizard in a tower and you know it!
Tags: Vore, GDILF, BHC, WMD, WMD (Non-sexual), Femdom
the dragon form is just a poorly made naked twink
human and helf elf form are the ones with tranny makeup up
if anything people are still whining about the transmog which is even less likely to be fixed now that most classes can never see that form again or the inability to select other races as your visage
I wanted to play with a kultiran visage but I guess people would abuse the basically free race change if you could freely pick anything for your humanoid form
The dracthyr list of "cheevos" is
>Be an ejaculation toilet for horny men
>Literally uplifted to be a semen receptacle for the BHC
If you posted a male human retbvll you'd have a point...
>Hordelet upset by kino alliance story
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So true
not until they get an aoe button
You got your patch of 40% representation now fuck off fotm freak
>humancel thinks he is getting anything
I am laffin
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Uh oh
>Come outside we won't jump you
Feels like this describes horseman/apocalypse DK pretty well
Stupid brownbar piece of shit
Human male ARYAN paladin of retribution spec is the MAIN CHARACTER of wow. Always. Has. Been.
Dracthyr/Evoker should've been a class with the visage being the race you choose it as. They've fucked themselves by making Dracthyr a standalone race.
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>play wow
>all female toons
>switch to OG
>modding and coomer scene is 1000% better there
>come back to wow for a break
>suddenly all the females look like trash since the modding scene is so bad here
>use the barber to swap all my female toons to male

much better... I no longer feel the desire to play females in wow
pvp as holy (paladin) is better than sex.

priest are for FAGGOTS

paladins are for MEN

priest is an f-tier class right now. literally all specs and hero trees need a massive buff. disc and shadow are embarrassing
put on that dress tranny and make sure to give blessing of sacrifice to tyrone while he fucks your findom gf
Hey can I eine respond to me here? Can someone tell blizzard to do this?
>anon managed to overdose so hard on AGP that he detransitioned
>t. 450 pvecuck
Adventurers/champions/mercs have but there's little chance a champion has survived battle from Vanilla to TWW
We survive obvs because we're the players but I don't follow the narrative we're the singular god-slayers wandering Azeroth. You might have an orc that fought in the third war and died in the battle for blackrock spire, then another replaced him, so there's no collector of heads. We're the faceless mooks.
yeah that felt more than a little contrived
like bitch Ive been soling scarier shit than that this whole time
but that one just gets to bonk me in a cutscene cus ????? like motherfucker I took bodyblows from an actual god and didnt fall over.
yeah pretty much
it's crazy how many more mods, especially coomer mods, there are for XIV
I loved HotS Warcraft designs.
>only 4 more days until I can instadecline every tank class playing a dps offspec in group finder
the whispers are always so hilarious
im 626 pvp and 583 pve. top 0.1% of priests. its a shit class, dogshit even.

shadow is doing worse than pure dps classes BAD specs
Yeah not really a 'Horde' matter dude, like I said, I main Alliance characters.
Just don't care for the same human themes over and over again. Last Human related story I enjoyed heavily was Drustvar. That was something new and different.
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HotS should be considered a museum at this point, theyre a highlight of every beloved character as fans remember them. Their jokes and if not most abilities are what players remember about them
The only character to survive that long is protection warriors.
Mostly because they got long term brain damage and have become too retarded to die.
>wasting all that time clicking every x
>best raid healer in game by a mile
>think it's going to get anything other than nerfs from here on out
oh my poor sweet legionbab
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rate my Azrael cosplay
You also instant decline tanks pretending picking up the WRONG tank spec is anything but a grief, right?
maye did that too
he was back on the erp and futa and female characters inside of two weeks
Before they were truly ashamed of their past anyway.
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Be honest, would you a moonkin?
>Yrel's joke about Farahlon
little bit upset about that tbqh
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>not this azrael
its mid
I'm the tank so sure
QRD on maye's feet?
>Doing petty sissy shit
Sure thing, tell us when you transition.
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>not this azrael
ok I guess
Because no mods are technically allowed in xiv, and it has a better engine, theres no real distinction between dps meters, straight up hacks, and porn mods, it's all equally "banned" (read: completely allowed)
>malding over being declined
sorry retardin, maybe next group
YES, i wear the scarlet crusade tabard
YES, i play ret
YES, i grey parse
but in the end, i am the ELITE
can you say the same, mere warrior?
How many dungeons is it gonna take to go from 70-80 on alts? I just want to level my healers so the queues won't be bad.
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>a better engine
i play ret and i have orange parses from last season in mplussy
suck my big white dick
As a fellow paladin, if you do not improve, I will strip you clean of your light, and you will have no faith left but of yourself.

The light is a virtue, not a commodity. If you wish to fail the order, that is your wish, and yours alone.
HotS was Blizzards final glimpse of shining light before it all burnt out
the heroes were unique, the maps were unique, it felt like an actual team game instead of strict meta bullshit where the first half of the game is spent creeping/last hitting
Better engine*

*(For gooning yourself retarded).
there have been dps meters for years and they haven't cared, do you ever actually know what you're talking about or do you just shit and piss constantly?
eat one? yeah, they look tasty
You have poor reading comprehension
yeah but the light says im better than you so what now nigga?
Says here Light says you're a bitch ass nigga, so step up.
Good, he should stay in that cesspit. The only good expansion was the 1st one after vanilla because the gooning was at a minimum and the modding scene didn't turn everything into pornslop. Story didn't feed into baser instincts of rhe fujoshi and incel base. I couldn't stand that game because of degens like you. I deliberately skipped cutscenes in /muh best expac/ on stream to trigger my fc with spoilers before being perma'd and uninstalling.

Kill yourself.
what do you think about my toon
i know she looks like a crack whore but besides that
sexo (right)
>Red dragon alextraza 2.0
Free use.
First time a dracthyr actually looks female
Idk how you did it but congrats
Praise be.
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She's quite charming. Would you my Draconic Battlelord?
>10 minutes to get into bg
>lose game in 10 minutes
>100 honor
what the actual fuck is this grind?
Is it morally okay to fuck a kobold?
well by definition, all paladins are bitches, but i'm still better than you
Its so weird how they trivialized hunter. Of all classes hunter should be the class that's 90% setup. The right armor. Sharpening your weapons. Oiling your weapons and armor.. Having the right ammo. Having the right pet. Making sure jts fed and happy and loyal. All this stuff and more.
Instead jts just nothing. So much for class fantasy.
>losing regular BGs as alliance
imagine being so bad you actually break the cycle
the troon dragoons are so fucking hideous they go beyond disgusting and into outright comedy for me

unironically makes me want to try evoker, not sure which spec is fun tho
So basically like all korean slop MMOs. A wonder why SE hasn't gone full Nexon and truly cashed-in on you depraved whales.
Anyone here use auctionator? How do I look at an item's previous sell history without having one of that item myself?
If I had one, I could look in the "selling" tab under price history.
it was kinda crappy at launch. people were looking for every reason to hate on it because it's blizzard and it was born out of seething over letting dota escape, lol.
now all these versions later when they got all unique talents, game pacing and intuitiveness sorted, ratting and pubstomp heroes reined in, then went wild with hero design towards the end its fun. was way too late to ride any wave tho.
Your alts aren't locked out of the max-level campaign in Hallowfall if you enabled adventure mode on them right?
Dude what
Hunter has no cool abilities
It's all pebble shooting
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>dracthyr glide
>sets your movespeed to 178%
>no cooldown
>cancels all knockback on use
This shit absolutely cannot go live for the non-Evoker classes. Troondragons will be meta in every form of content with racials that where never supposed to be accessed outside Evoker.
ChatGPT made this post
"it's a caster I guess."
Fun (In any content that is group content so like, fun for 2h a week).
yeah it's insane how broken they are
I can't wait to make a prot warrior dragon
Go play classic or better yet monster hunter.
Haha, cry about it little meltie.
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I wanna play a dragon warrior NOW Blizzard
I fucking admit it I'm a scaly THERE are you happy
I didn't think I was but here we freaking are now I guess SHEESH
Wife and sexo
I mean yea but we'll all be humans, no one plays that retarded dragon if they are given the option
Shut up Maye
Can't believe you already got art of your fagthyr
I'm happy they at least changed dark ranger but it is just kill shot - the spec now

I wish chimera shot or kill zone was ever actually used
? I don't have any art of my dracthyr though
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>worgen have a racial for 40% movespeed once every 2 minutes
>meanwhile fetishdrakes get nearly double movespeed at all times
Is there are a more piano class than shaman
Isnt the pic you sent literally the troonthyr you're going to make
Not till november
Instantly knew it was Maye also. What a degenerate, now he's also a scaley. He just keeps falling further down the rabbit holes.
Why wont this stupid dungeon drop my stupid gloves fucking FAGGOT
man pvp blows ass now, why does everyone have a stun, 90% slow and literally 2-5 gap closers
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>disengage -> feign death -> camouflage -> aspect of the cheetah -> sniper shot -> aimed shot -> rapid shot -> explosive shot isn't cool
>Now he's also a scalie
NTA but based, actually. I'd take scalie Maye over futa/groomer Maye anytime. He's infinitely more tolerable that way.
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maybe slop anon will randomly make it for you like he did for me.
He's both, though. He's not replacing a fetish for another, he's just adding on more fetishes.
That's fair, but if he posts about his scalie fetish he's gonna post less about his grooming/futa fetishes, naturally.
Blizzard finally nerfed Night Elf racials... by introducing even more broken ones so people switch to these.
Not cool and I'll add one more thing visually it's boring as fuck too
sex with dracthyr tails
>Want to fuck my tail
>Want to fuck my paws
Why nobody wants to fuck my slit...
Sex with dracthyr cocks and balls
by definition, you're GAY.

And I don't think QUEERS like YOU because HERE.

Better QUEER outta HEERE.
angry sperg typos lmao
Don't worry, they'll nerd Dracthyr racials months after the they get all the classes so everyone will have to pay for 2 race swaps
Seethe at how much fun I'm having
Rejoice! My dracthyr warrior will be a strong, stoic man
That would be cool but I think he only does female characters. The slop of your pooch and the vulpera were really good
Breeding dragon slits with big dragon cock
I think I'm actually retarded lads
I've called Gadgetzan Gad-get-zan for 20 years
Pala meltie uh oh
Grats on finally being based Maye
nirimer won..
he actually freaking won..
>doing some gathering to get material
>flanked by unguilded no transmog guys with names like yhynfofifn keyboard roll
>several of them
>some in duo mounts
>gathering everything and we're still going when I left
Bros what is this game anymore
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Okay, I talked a little shit before, but now I'm invested.
This poor fucker just wanted to see his cat again!
turn wm off?
uh oh maye meltie humiation ritual wow is back wow is dead God i wish i was my dracthyr
What does that have to do with anything
>Dracthyr animation showcase on wowhead
>It's literally just spell casting and calsswide animation essentially showing no racial animation.
I ask to you /wowg/
How come I'm fucking unemployed when absolute FAGS like the Wowhead team can get away with being this incompetent?
This, so much this.
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wm = war mode
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That quest made me cry because it reminded me of when my cat Sam died :s
if you pay for a race swap to a gay dragon for meta reasons you deserve to have your money stolen
I just wish it got burned instead of going into Blizzard's pockets
Femboy dragon twink SPOTTED.. Initiating IMMEDIATE mating press response...
That wowhead writer takes every chance he can get to show off his naked dragon. Now he can show it for almost every class.
it's all in the mog game
need to collect every quiver in case it matches a future outfit.
>weapon & ammo
need to test every new trading post & event weapon to see if they have custom projectiles (this is increasingly common)
you got two pets now. constant stable visits to change the animal companion. you have to coordinate your mounts, maybe even companion pets, while covering all 3 pet specs and hunter specs in 5 active pet slots.
>combat setup
need to watch guides and run new dungeons on ptr so you don't get kicked from normal dungeons while levelling. need to set up UI to track BM's retarded mandatory 6 new DPS windows which all come in cycles. need to remember to not right click enemies and auto-shot pull. need to turn growl on auto at the start of every dungeon and pretend not to notice the increasingly severe spergout the tank is having. you need to have every base covered for the resultant argument
>why are you being such a diva?
>no, pet having aggro doesn't slow down the run.
>ok but you haven't explained why you *need* to take more damage.
>it does not seperate the mobs. I use tank assist macros for every skill, my pet is attacking whatever you're attacking.
if the tank rightfully does not care you NEED to have subtle inflammatory remarks ready
The majority of their team is paid many times the wage of our very own jannies
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No mercy. Death not enough.
Corpse exploded the fucker.
I better be allowed to go find his cat after this...
Again what does that have to do with anything
oh my god, this guy has a macro when he lands off of a fuckin flight like a griffin he yells "Hello, everyone i am here". And uhhh cuz i've seen him do this like four times and then he greets everyone warmly... oh my god.
Shut up loser, nobody cares. Kill yourself actually.
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Farseer feels good, summoning granny to cast lava burst is fun
Based, fuck that guy.
>All the seasoned mages brought on the expedition die shortly after they're ported to Beledar
>The only remaining mage is a novice who never mastered portals despite being on an expedition through the Storming Sea
>He's actually really close to working out a way to establish a portal by applying it to memories
>Wouldn't you know it, this just so happens to coincide with Xal'atath's bullshit
>He fucking dies
The amount of unfortunate and fortunate coincidence involved in this quest is hilarious.
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i play survival. my character is a goblin in a suit and a beanie and i only ever use the bis pet. my hunter experience sounds far more fun than yours.
oh my god, this guy has a macro when he lands off of a fuckin flight like a griffin he yells FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT
That's fucking retarded
Well can he atleast show PROPER ANIMATIONS?
Look at this fucking retard using cheap shot a billion times instead of showing Envenom, and lower the same absolute retard using ANYTHING but bloodthirst.
Ugh, fucking incompetent
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Are we being raided again
it's wow's version of a pvp toggle
so did the recent balance changes change the healer meta in m+ i cba looking over everything
What does that have to do with my post?
the bis pet is a non-cat named cat. this takes discipline. you must never draw too much attention to it or use smilies when talking about it or they'll realize you're being ironic. but if you never mention it they might think you're being post-ironic.
whats the most well designed spec in the game
my pet is named a slur
You should level as a healer spec
No dungeons
No heirlooms
No mounts
No repairs
You must RP walk everywhere.
You're only allowed to use self found self crafted gear
t. Max
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>"Are we being invaded?"
i farm wax for 4 hours
now what
it's 4 chud
is it "worth" doing the theater in dornogal, machine waves in deeps, light shit in hallowfall and fill the bar pact quest in spooder place on alts?
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Anon i meant level 1
Stop under performing you slobs. I'm drunk, and I an can work this game better than you just jerk your own dicks.
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>"I'm game!"
That is who I was quoting yes :)
In combat RP my Night Elf's Aimed Shot ability I have named as "Laughing Sister". A poisoned arrow shot taught to her by the dryads
probably the most bad ass combo yet
you know that hpriest and mw monk have really good low end damage scaling on their aoe abilities right
its not classic
its not a challenge
I dig it.
Always thought Dryads were a heavily glossed over element of this game. They even barely appear with Druidy stuff.
Dryads are really fucking cool, I love how useful they are in WC3 and always felt like they were kinda forgotten in WoW
I love hpal. people harp on it for being stuck with glimmer forever, taking a hit after losing necrolord hammer, being a healer... I just love the spec man it's got so many tools on static CDs that have been there for years. no waiting til 80% haste to function every xpac. some nice fair hard casts even if they're reliant on holy shock crits. never feel like I'm being short changed for more than 1 gcd.
Post ZUGGED babes
Straight up bots
They used to do this all day everyday last season in the underground zone.
This shitty part is that it takes resources away from legitimate players.
Also why gathering skills are straight up garbage chink shit after first few days in an expansion because there's no possible way you can compare and they undercut everything to nickles
I'm not gay but being a dracthyr twink who takes drakonid cock on the daily sounds pretty appealing.
>Send crafting order
>They decline
Can i report them for harassment?
They might have ran out of concentration or didn't really have the spec to hit a good level? Pretty weird otherwise
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>I'm not gay
Are you sure about that?
>AlLiANCe ArE WiNnIng EveRY bG
>go merc mode
>3 wins in a row
Random bgs are a pillar of endgame for alliance they win most of the games and horde is like 80% bots
you are forced to do them for delve keys. but i would skip the machine waves since it takes too long.
ok stay merc mode we need you bad anon
Is there a reason why alliance is losing every single bg I'm in
I decline people that send me dogshit tips
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the internet was a mistake for the vast majority of the human race
we are in a thread for A FUCKING VIDEO GAME with no overt sexual connotations but 70% of this fucking thread is closeted homos lusting after imaginary cocks
you dont come here to talk about wow
you come here to talk about your fetishes like this is some thread on fucking /trash/
get a grip you sorry motherfuckers
fine speech
i want to suck your knot
bro leave scoopbro alone
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I play WoW
I like talking about WoW
I'm also extremely mentally ill
yeah they dont have big strong green men on their team
I agree with the furry scooper for once. I post some shit relating to lore and it's either ghosted or you get a couple of meme responses of people saying who cares about lore and it's totally fine that lightforge draenei can be warlocks just don't think about it. They really just want to pretend they're totally not gay but they specifically lust after balls and cock.
How does a descendent of Thaurissan and Bronzebeard turn into a walking nerd emoji
is levelling up through the wax disturbed earth shit actually viable?
He's a curious young adult, hell I think he's a teen in TWW around 16 or so.
He's being setup as a wise and curious king instead of a warmonger, It's nice, dwarves ALWAYS were closer to archeology and discovery than killing shit, granted they could also do it really well
>he thinks lgbtqlmnop furry shit isn't talking about WoW
bro, do you even play the game
he wasnt raised by either of those people
might be an unpopular opinion around this place but i unironically like his voice actor
imagine if you had to go around the world collecting powerful buffs before you could raid

oh wait classic niggers hated that
He is like 13
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It's done. What do you think of my nelf archer /wowg/ :3
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>queue up
>get into the new bg
>horde is so amazingly braindead
>we ALSO have 2 afks
>tell people to stand on carts and cap 'flag'
>kick afks
>alliance suddenly loses their minds and can't stand up against the horde onslaught
>we cap two carts and get close
>the middle is a mess of fighting over the carts
>no one notices me and I grab the crystal
>run it in for the win

Good job team, good job coming back.
i expected him to be a baseddwarf but hes grown on me
Momma's boy not even once
When Darion was a young man he wanted to die at the hands of the scourage, hit the training room darky
>lore discussion
the thinking man's hobby
>my RP ruleset should decide what characters everyone can make
you get the rope
now i can mountsmogscheevos even better! yay~. thx blizzard for appealing to transfolk like me!
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>still can't decide what to main
>straight up do not enjoy playing any of the melee (that have tank offspecs for m+) in BGs because of all the frost mages
>bear just feels incredibly weak to me this expac
bros...it's over isn't it. I'm going to have to become a 2 character chud
she cute :)
>he wanted to die at the hands of the scourage
They didn't grow up in the same environement, as I said dwarves are adventurers more than fighters.
Oh makes even more sense
It's not my RP ruleset dumbass, it's the ruleset of the in game universe that the devs created. I didn't create the army of light which are light infused beings literally dedicating their lives to killing demons and vehemently against dark magic. That's not my fucking ruleset.
is cat dogshit? I used to find cat very fun in both small and large BGS back when I played druid.
>bear just feels incredibly weak to me this expac
Did you spec wrong or something? Full mage bear with all the +arcane dmg talents, Elune hero talent and 25% of arcane damage leeched as life is very good.
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>We got skinny Nikocado before Worgen / KT Paladins
Holy grim
what server are you on so i can finally spank you
are there other specs like frost dk where you need a certain amount of crit/haste before it gets any fun? tell me what they are so I can avoid them
>Adventurers more than fighters
Yeah I got that I'm just memeing, it takes a lot of shit to become a Magni... or a Varian
Holy fuck i have been playing templar ret since release and only now i noticed i can cast hammer of light multiple times after wake of ashes, i thought it was only once per wake of ashes lmao. Literal retardin moment
>playing melee in bgs is awful because of frost mages
lol guess the expansion
Pretty good, I like it.
bait? FDK is really strong right now because it's good at low gear. As gear gets better FDK should fall off and fire mage stonks will rise.
damn that's hot
it's not bad but I don't like the bleed build much and bite build is weak, also the choochoo train model feels bad

yea I know how to play the easiest tank in the game lol
yes it is. you're selecting your canon and offering it to me. I don't care for this truncated oversimplified version of events, in fact I'm glad it's being perverted.
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>retardin is retarded
many such cases
It's only once unless you have 60 stacks of the capstone talent
Quick heads up items you delete sometimes reappear in your bags at the moment. This could have huge duping potential, especially for containers like BMAH boxes for whomever figures out how to replicate it consistently
yeah that's what i was thinking but you can cast it as many time as you want during those 12 seconds after wake
I just went to the dummy and I can't do that
And you tried to pretend like you care about lore and it's for the thinking man. Lmao.
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>Suddenly get an idea for a new Prot Paladin
>Remember that worgens can't be paladins
Maybe a worgen druid?
What race (female) has the best casting animations

absolutely insane that some races can't be paladins. gnomes, worgen, goblins. i feel like if a race can be a priest, they should be able to go war priest
>be light wielder
>enslave demon
>force them to fight other demons against their will in the name of the light

theres your lore

do you question why lightforged mages exist? mages wield arcane energy, NOT LIGHT. youre having a spergout because fel is le evil and light must be le good. might as well complain that lightforged can be shadow priests
>i feel like if a race can be a priest, they should be able to go war priest
They want to go the extra mile everytime with Paladin mount, but honestly, I don't even care.
As to answer your question, my personnal favorite is Night elf / Nightborne
Are you sure? You need 5 holy power for each, i can get about 3 hammers down before it goes into cooldown
Apparently it's something from the last hotfix https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/hammer-of-light-bug/1947288
A mod or janitor will see this post and go "yeah that's video games"
It just turn into wake of ashes after 1 on cd and everything and I read wowhead cuz I'm not a ret main and there is only 1 cast per wake there so you might found a new bug.
ive been playing since TBC and this is the first xpac i havent played on launch.

i would actually love to try the new xpac, but 50€ + 15€/mo is just too much, idk. i dont htink they can justify this price tag in 2024
>be light wielder
>enslave demon
>force them to fight other demons against their will in the name of the light
I'd buy this it we were in classic, but in retail warlocks aren't just enslaving demons they're kind of friends with them at this point. At points in time they became demons. They embrace it and shadow magic.

No i don't care about mages because arcane magic isn't shadow you fucking retard.

>because fel is le evil and light must be le good
Yes, that's literally how it works.
>Purchased WoD
>Doesn't have millions of gold making the expansions effectively free via wowtokens
his voice actor is the best voice acting wow has had. its actually jarring how much better the VA Is compared to everyone else, he sounds like an actual person not a caricature, its kino
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Riveting conversation as usual, she's regaling us all with tales of her recent laycation to Stormwind. Gnomes and Humans really are the pinnacle of evolution. Human men especially.
thanks for the feedback sis when we pitch the f2p model switchover at blizzard hq your post will be in the collage
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not moonguard.
why do all gnome women look the same
i actually have like 7 million gold from WoD still left over, but tokens are at like 200-300k now and even that seems too expensive
bug-eyed freak
>EU's maintenance lasts a single hour
i got a warning for 'cado posting here
i suspect the same will happen to you friend
Because the face options vary so wildly that there's two normal ones, one that looks like a serial killer, one that looks like a gremlin and one thats about 90 years old.
And of the two normal ones, one is asian.
common ancestry
Thanks for beta testing the maintenance, NAchuds :^)
but why do I want to delve on my alts? or can I use the key on my main?
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we got too cocky elebros
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Yeah, I think I'll level a worgen druid
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>EU has to play with Europeans
sisters... by the time season 1 starts.... everyone will have already quit... why didn't ion pull the ripcord
im gonna be honest guys. im having fun in TWW. haven't played since Legion so maybe I just needed that WoW fix.

im excited to do some M+ and raiding

what ripcord is left to even pull?
bros i have a trial next week and i cant play my class (frost dk) i will never raid myythic
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Desto Diabolistchads how we feelin?
>be guy devoted to one single cosmic power to the point your body is reforged in its name
>use other cosmic power (fel)
>use other cosmic power (arcane)
>"erm akshully this is ok"

kys nigger. its either ok to use other cosmic powers or it isnt

unironically and un-spergy, the story is more interesting when you ask "to what extent do the cosmic powers tolerate using other powers". shit would be boring if titan-forged races could only be mages and never be priests/pallys/warlocks/druids, the same goes for light forged races
naked transmog
when is the reset for eupoors on Wednesday? the server is down from 5AM to 6AM right?
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i beat the game can i quit now
>Do the quest with Brinth
>Check the projection of Azeroth
>New continent To the absolute north pole
>Get to Ulduar in 12.0
>Secret portal / tram that leads to the absolute NORF POLE of Azeroth
I saw this fox’s pussy
the deep north. gonna be kino
that's not a tinker socket bud
Where is this? I missed it
Can I kill Faerin? I want her armor
Have fun replacing it after doing one (1) bountiful delve next week
snow levels are always the best levels.
>Not avoidance
>Wrist, one of the worst slots in the game
You're gonna replace this with an item from delves in a few days btw
dk class mount quest already hinted at something this
>Have fun
Midnight? More like Midnight amirite rights?
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I dunno man
do I level a vulpera mage or warlock?
Way more fun than tardwrangling retards in m+, that's for sure
bussinnight fr fr
lightforged as they're presented in-universe are utter shit to RP as. it would be like if I were still doing burning of teldrassil RP. lightforged warlock is so god damn uninteresting as it really boils down to one scenario - thousand year war zealot thinks demonic studies are handy
I guess what I'm trying to communicate is whether you buy that scenario can eat shit when it comes to character creation. if one walks up to you don't RP with them or chase them off the server by accusing them of pedophilia like usual. or get together and ask blizz for tighter RP server rulesets where nobody can play the race they want.
Call your grandma and tell her shes a faggot lol
>singing sunflower neither sings nor sunflowers
what the fuck did I just waste my time for
is there an addon to visually number squish? i don't want my damage numbers to go above 4 digits
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When will Warcraft go back to its roots?
idk but I want it too, just divide everything by 1000 then show it to me
just turn them off bro
What would happen if i entered pvp combat as a blood dk knight
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Is this thing gonna open
Fempera warlock, without a doubt
Dangerously based
You're being autistic. Nobody said you can't use another cosmic power. I don't care about that, it's irrelevant. I don't care about fel and shadow because they're another cosmic power, i care because they're the antithesis cosmic power. Light and shadow do not mix. This is literal basic lore 101 like hello? Light obliterates shadow. Shadow corrupts light. Naaru become DARK NAARU and corrupted. Paladins do more damage to undead/demons/abberations. Light priests fall to darkness and become shadow priests.
Void and shadow creatures are enemies that we kill, they are bad guys. The burning legion are fel demons and are the bad guys. Draenei were a holy race and they became corrupted by fel and became eredar. Anduin was holy and he became corrupted to a shadow death knight and he's been horrifically crippled because of it. Alleria turned to void and her holy husband, was disgusted, and still vows to never touch it. Every friendly void/shadow person we've met or known are plagued by maddening evil whispers.

A being devoting their entire life against such a thing and infusing their body with holy light wouldn't suddenly embrace it while still being holy. It's really not hard to understand my guy.
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Also, I'm enjoying being an auctionfag. This is easy, I can just watch my shows and glance over every so often for half an hour until I run out of gold then go do my quests.
Kill yourself maye you awful, disgusting faggot.
I think the guy is right. More strict clas race xombos would improve the game. But there's no stopping it now.
Honestly I'd take it one step further and do gender restriction. Only make ne druid.
But at this point dude we have LF death knights and shit.
Honestly dude most of the player base is too retarded or just apathetic. They don't care about the RPG part of this game
>Alleria turned to void and her holy husband, was disgusted, and still vows to never touch it
retard, they literally touch eachother in the cinematic because he loves and trusts alleria more than his distaste of the void
Strict race/class combos killed Tera
there's no going back now. it all started going downhill with pandaren. in truth we should have 0 allied races and no worgen or goblins.

the only race I can justify is Nightborne but that should have been a neutral one that can join both since both factions helped them in Legion.
Yeah, after being utterly disgusted by her choice and taking years to get over it. You can click him right after that cutscene and he'll tell you he still finds it disgusting and he vows to never touch void/shadow himself. Like i just said.

You're a lorelet.
Kill yourself. Just do it already. Me and the rest of the thread are sick of you ruining every discussion with your putrid know it all faggot ass.
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It's not like he's ever been a warrior. If he had been born maybe 15 years earlier, he would have lived through the dark iron war and been a real badass
thinking of leveling 1 to 70 without a boost before giving war within a try
haven't played since mop
good or bad idea? how long does it take if i'm just walkin around questing?
>my guy
stopped reading right there kys zoomer
that's not what you wrote dumbass, kill youself anytime
unreal that a braindamaged cumbrain is trying to call anyone else a lorelet
He grew up fatherless like most posters here
>n-no I'm a chad!
You're posting on /wowg/ on a Friday night
>muh race class combos
The player character is exceptional, ergo restrictions do not apply. We are the main character in the story; forcing us to adhere to normie limitations would be stupid and un-fun.
Cope, seethe, etc.
Yeah and its always an uphill battle in a lost argument
These people don't see or understand the benefits. They just see it as an arbitrary restriction. They don't know how itd make things more special. How we can tie races into classes ability wise. The flavor. Designing armor when the devs know exactly whose going to wear it
Its pretty fast
The player character being exceptional is why class race combos should be more strict though. Only certain races can be an exceptional example of that class.
I'm not even the windmill you're tilting at, you're too angry
>her holy husband, was disgusted, and still vows to never touch it.
Literally copy pasted from my post >>493490814
Learn to read retard. Also learn the lore if you're going to claim to enjoy lore talk and then spew this absolutely retarded lorelet garbage. You're a lorelet cretin.
>i dont like lightforged warlocks, heres 3 paragraphs about shadow (not fel)
big lol
>Draenei were a holy race and they became corrupted by fel and became eredar
are you actually retarded?
eredar was the name of their species. velen fled their planet and named the refugees "exiled ones" aka draenei. draenor, the planet, is named "exiles refuge" on account of the exiled refugees.
velen was the only semi-light wielding eredar. the eredar were primarily mages. velen just so happened to have a staff that was crafted around the shard of a naaru. when sargeras showed up, the shard said "wtf do not trust sargeras" and velen/the eredar refugees who followed velen (now called draenei) pivoted towards the light
would you play a nerubian if you had the option?
Non-ascended? Yes.
i mean this thread is just /xiv/ now. 4chan in general is very different. nobody here cares about lore or roleplay or meaningful interactions they want to solo dungeons and raids to get their transmog for a vulpera paladin and erp
a big mistake is thinking this website has anything to do with what it use to
No because I hate filthy neburians
He is 15 or older, vanilla was 25, df was 40, not sure what the time dif is between df and wow within
What's your opinion on the fact that all priests can just switch between holy and shadow spec with a snap of their fingers?
he got over it years ago, which you would know if you had any idea about the lore
you have never read a book in your fucking life you dumb cunt, hurry up and troon out then rope yourself
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This is the reason i refuse to play prot pally, what an ugly outdated piece of shit. Is there a glyph to remove it or something?
>nobody here cares about lore or roleplay or meaningful interactions
I play WoW so I don't have to rely on social interactions to get shit done, I like the singleplayer aspect with a multiplayer option when I do feel like being social
He was born in cata!!!
like armor for my boy dracthyr! or some kind of racial priest spells... or some kind of faction locked paladin seals...
He was born during cata.
>eredar was the name of their species
Originally but i thought this got retconned. If it didn't then my bad.
And yeah they were mostly mages and priests and such. Had a loose connection to the naaru. Later on became fully dedicated to naaru. All lines up with what i said.
I did not care about this quest
Bitches can't even produce their own pheromones
>You're a lorelet.

>Learn to read retard. Also learn the lore if you're going to claim to enjoy lore talk and then spew this absolutely retarded lorelet garbage. You're a lorelet cretin.

lmfao holy shit someone who didnt know they were eredar before being draenei is calling people lorelet. the absolute state of rpfags. im done here
>nobody here cares about lore or roleplay or meaningful interactions
I don't think you pay much attention to the threads.
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is blood hard to play?
>that one alternate timeline Runas in DF that is a successful guy in suramar
what cold of bean
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the history of eredar is:
>eredar corrupted sargeras
>tbc launch: recton, sargeras corrupted the eredar, splinter faction of "good" eredar exist called the draenei
>metzen himself issues apology over this retcon
>this was 15 years ago
>all lore from the past 9 expansions are in line with this lore
>"erm but akshully im an rpfag and i really care about the lore of lightforged draenei warlocks thats why i didnt know about the lore that originally corrupted their race and created the name of the draenei subfaction"

yeah.... you should kill yourself
Are you going in fucking circles? Are you a goldfish? We literally just went over this. You can literally click him ATFER THE CUTSCENE IN THIS EXPANSION and he says he still vows to never touch it. That's yesterday you fucking retard. Yes he trusts alleria enough to wield it but HE PERSONALLY AS A HOLY PALADIN will not touch it. As recent as fucking now. You're an actual smoothbrain.

That's just one of those silly video game things you have to accept. It's been there since the beginning so there is not much room to complain. Race class restrictions were a thing that have been lifted over time here and there and relatively recently so i feel more justified in complaining about the more silly ones.
Originally lore wise you were supposed to think of holy aligned races to be holy priests, while undead were just shadow priests, which made sense if it really mattered to you. Stuff like troll priests you were supposed to consider witch doctors not traditional 'holy priests'.
I can care about lore and still enjoy those things. Especially the ERP.

The lore has been evolving. There is a lightforged warlock quest giver. It is canon, and has justification. The game is just so old that there are so many layers to what becomes outdated in the lore. The Army of the Light has no purpose, no leadership, and they just watched their leader of millenia get bested by Illidan, a Fel magic wielder, who was then proven right, and the light forged wrong.

That is the modern equivalent of watching Jesus Christ get his ass kicked by the Buddha. There might be some crisis of faith in the ranks.

People just get hung up on their perceptions and opinions. You can call the new races and class combos bad writing, or that it changes the feel of those races, but you can't call it unjustified.
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Why couldn't Blizzard figure this out?
stop replying and educate yourself on the lore you faggot nigger
actual braindead retard
he got over it years ago which you would know if you had a read a single warcraft book in your life
holy fuck it really is the most dumbest, obnoxious cunts who are the loudest
it all started going wrong when they gave water elemental to mages in wc3
I just don't want to hear it. Its so dull. Everyone can do anything. I get it. Thats what you want. Its fine. You have the game you want. I'm just some loser. Yeah anyone can pick up sword. Anyone is arable of making deals with demons. That doesn't mean any race can make an exceptional example of a warrior or warlock. But its too late for people like me.
Is the Elysian guild open to friend invite only like private torrent?
why is there a naked elf next to the gem man?
why did he do it?
the vast majority of people who complain about wow are the ones that dont play the game
wtf bros monster hunter got playable tuskarr before us
Does anyone know how to make the game stop auto leveling my pitch when I'm dragonriding?
playable nelf paladin when?
Oh no i didn't ignore the retcon you just acknowledged happened. My bad. Now shut the fuck up. I already said my bad for the literal one (1) thing that was an error.

Here's your (You). You can stop trolling now.
i heard it's a bug related to water
He was a good guy in our timeline (thats why he was exiled)
my obese retarded rapist orc only accepts pre-bc lore. so he's not subject to the punitive systems in place for raping blood elf women.
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>no playable femgob paladins
You're allowed to like the old style of game and it's writing. I'm sad too that the lore has changed from it's origional conception. The sad thing about a MMO is that the game comes first, not the writing. And it's more fun for a minority of people if
>That doesn't mean any race can make an exceptional
is not true anymore.

See any DnD group and people wanting to be iconoclasts rather than stick to normal fantasy themes. People want to be exceptions.
Why do I sometimes just not land when I'm dragonflying and just clip into the ground but not through it. I'm just stuck going slow inside the ground
So annoying. I hate dragonflying
I've noticed that it occurs more frequently the closer to the ground I'm flying. If it's a bug I hope they fix it soon because it's making flying miserable right now.
>That's just one of those silly video game things you have to accept.
oh ok but this doesnt apply to draenei warlocks. all draenei class choices are super serious rp choices (even though i dont know the backstory of the draenei)

you were wrong on multiple things
draenei wasnt their original name
eredar/draenei werent originally holy people
light isnt strictly good
when you are wrong about multiple fundamental things about lightforged draenei, why the fuck should i respect your gay retard opinion?

>I post some shit relating to lore and it's either ghosted or you get a couple of meme responses of people saying who cares about lore and it's totally fine that lightforge draenei can be warlocks just don't think about it.
also hey look you got your wish. people are discussing the lore (largely to call you a faggot nigger who doesnt know the lore)
Just a fun quirk of the system :)
Don't complain about it or else they'll call you a boomer who doesn't know how to dragonfly.
boomers that don't know how to dragonride
I get constant disconnects while dragonflying.its unreal the game shipped like this.
maybe but i dont know about my character having an extra set of limbs
I'm a draenei in real life. That guy is a total faggot. Any draenei warlock is disgusting. It should not exist.
>oh ok but this doesnt apply to draenei warlocks
Yeah it doesn't. Because of what i said next in that same post. I see why you decided to leave that part out of the copy paste though, cause that would maybe you look retarded. Oopsie.

>(largely to call you a faggot nigger who doesnt know the lore)
No that's just you. Cause you're a retard who can't accept that light is good and fel is bad. It's alright, there are many such cases of people like you.
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lvl 74 still going strong. I wonder when my heals start feeling like shit
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>still no pandaren druids
Faerin's voice actress is pretty bad tbqh
>bear transforms to bear
>No femgob paladin plapwife for my maleworg paladin
Only a minority of people have ever cared about the lore. Leeroy Jenkins and other cringe out of fantasy memes have always been more popular.

When you release a setting to be open to multiple writers, as in the literal game dev writers, but also the player's writing their own story, you lose any ability to keep the world, the lore, or the fantasy real. Wow belongs to the majority, and the majority have never prioritized fantasy, they prioritize the gameplay.
Bro what the fuck did they do to female tauren faces is this just a furry game now
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They made them overly sweet.
Which is hilarious when thinking most Warlock NPC's are very scowly and somewhat evil looking. So the Tauren Warlock trainers just look... kind of adorable trying.
I want to eat a female humans asshole for brunch
>uhm sorry chud your orc isnt allowed to be a paladin or a cleric, the clergy doesn't allow ni--i mean greenskins haha

player limitations are stupid
is he a wc2 type orc?
if so kind of based
imagine the smell
no seriously imagine it and be repulsed
They couldn't make one face type that has some grit to it?
why is the Dwarven city ABOVE ground again? you had one job writers
What's a good class to get arena gear in as a healer? I want to be a dickhead in bgs (like the horde)
this but velf belf or nelf
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Apparently not for the women, no.
They can really only make them dark skinned/furred (WHAT DID BLIZZARD MEAN BY THIS?!) and with red warpaint or something.
Even Magatha Grimtotem just seems a little... overly cheerful and nice to look at, adn she's supposed to be the biggest bitch of a Female Tauren we know. If it weren't for voice lines, you'd just look at her and have an impression she's a very kind and comforting Shaman.
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male tauren are only barely better. they really butchered the race
the power creep in TWW is pretty crazy. idk how they plan on handling new abilities/passives in future expansions without deleting previous abilities/passives
True, their expressions especially seem exaggerated as hell at times, but as a general idle face look, you can at least get some gruff and mean looking faces with them.
Which I guess just comes with the territory of being a bull.
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uh akshually it goes a bit underground too and you can see the structures coming out of the cave walls in ringing deeps
all of the beast races look bad

>worgen have the perma hunch, look retarded having their heads jutting out of their chest
>tauren have their head jutting out of their chest so they look strange and headless from behind

we're getting a number crunch in midnight
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>we're getting a number crunch in midnight

a number crunch and no abilities/passives?
Are cursed
Idk why not desu
Shouldnt have access to any class with any semblance of spirituality, the ones they do have they make a mockery off
>we're getting a number crunch in midnight
>players lose at the end of TWW, making us all significantly weaker for midnight
>we're back to doing 2000-3000 damage per crit
yes please. i prefer smaller stats
i think worgen look the best but thats because you can give them all red eyes (i wish they had no pupil though);which helps avoid the whole Disney/furry effect. I don't mind the hunch. I want them to look like monsters.
Tauren and pandas use to have those kinds of eyes too but now they just look like they should be in a movie.
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MIKUU miku u can call me miku..
we're probably going to be getting some new evergreen progression like hero talents
Worgen shouldn't be allowed to be priests. Not just for lore but because the casting animations are so shit and they look awful in robes
I thought it was a neat idea that goblin shamans are bribing the elements, though i'm not sure what they could offer that would be of interest.
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best race to live as
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>Forsaken can't use the Lordaeron crest.
Typical Alliance bias
I've never seen such a buggy MMO before Is this normal for WoW?
Im unlocking allied races and half of them so far I've had to re-log to get a quest to properly trigger.
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warlock looks cool and it's comfortable, but something is not right especially with how weird hero talents looks on destro..
>the crests are faction locked
Fucking hell
>go to queue for a heroic on my mage
>see the tank and healer role bonuses light up
>swap to my monk and open lfg
>they aren't on anymore
>swap back to mage
>they are lit up again
fuck you bitch i hope you die
Its a shockingly unpolished game. I still get harassed for a quest I don't want to do from an old expansion
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is character restore ever coming back?
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it will be extended another 2 hours atleast
yeah character restore is on druids
how do i access the 11.0.5 ptr?
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>Humans pretending to be from lordaeron
Why can't they accept that undeath is the way? Why pretend to be a member of the kingdom if you aren't going to actually join us
turalyon is from lordaeron and I dont think blizzard has ever even addressed that desu
could be wrong though
Open battlenet
Change the option from live to ptr
Download it
I haven't showered in like a week and my hair is itchy, what do I do
Coming from FFXIV and previously FFXI and Everquest, its very weird to see that. Was trying to look things up and a lot of people would just say "eh, its probably bugged" like it was a common thing.
Also whoever designed mechagnomes should be blacklisted from the industry or worse.
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I was constantly getting bugs and broken scripting leveling through cata zones as a new player. The players here just are use to it.

Is that from the trading post on the PTR? I couldn't get the trading post inventory to pop up for me at all.

Is the anniversary gear previewable in game on the ptr yet?
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It's from 2004. You accept the bugs because you can capitalize on them for exploits.

They took my fucking worms I'm going to kms
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When the warrior pulls all of meadery but he's the only lvl 70 in the group
Yeah, I suppose things in the old expansions are forgiveable, but is that as common in Dragon flight and TWW?
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Which Gnome Priest poster?
Cause that ain't mine.

This one is.
just found out i look exactly like this
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>a kobold asked us not to take his candle once in elwynn forest 20 years ago
>so now every single piece of kobold content is candle themed, the zones are named after candles, bigger kobolds have bigger candles, the boss is a giant candle
Why are all gnome posters here playing them as adults. Thats no fun
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Her creator's got great taste aside from the glasses
>every anniversary outfit is visible except rogue which is totally missing
Rogues dying in a ditch as always.
What’s the matter, boys? Can’t handle a REAL woman?
i need some help. im doing nearly twice as much DPS with my guardian form druid build as i am with my feral or balance DPS specs. i'm not the greatest feral or balance player but there's no way im fucking it up so much that im dealing half as much as my tank spec

is something wrong with those specs? or is it more likely something wrong with my build/rotation?
Probably because, contrary to what one dude would like to proclaim at every opportunity, we're not pedophiles.
I just like sassy midgets. An episode of House gave me that realization.
Sanest Lalafell player
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but have you ever wondered "why candle?"
Imagine playing a race like Earthen where not only can they not reproduce, they can't even have sex. They are fucking rocks. Literal incel race.
Checkmate breedcel
At least they built some lore around it, there is clearly some creepy Void/Old Gods reasons why they must always have their candles. It's to keep the "darkness" away, the darkness which can literally kill them, or whatever is hiding in it. Kind of cool.
>mistweaver cucks the fuck out of dps classes

Holy couldn't make the cut.
Is there a shortcut to Hallowfall from Dornogal or do I have to fly all the way?
Hero talents will last until TLT
in Midnight we'll get more nodes, same for TLT
Watch it be connected to Xal via the thinnest string
You will milk my heavy dragon balls
do you think kobolds have a small candle stash around their neck?
Think the only options are the Ringing Deeps and Az shortcuts.
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With my set still equipped, my Fire Breath casts 6 Living Flames! I'm the Lord of Fire now!
>live on the best continent
>chill in the mountains
>sometimes tag along to see the world with adventurers while riding in a yak
they've got it made
yeah because it could all be negated by some level 1 priest dispel spamming or some rogue ganking you 3 steps before the instance, why would anyone like that
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Good night gamers of the wow thread
I hope I get to play dragon warrior soon
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Watching 6 Chrono flames wave and shoot around feels so fucking sexooo
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Yeah this is the reason I never go to Hallowfall
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Jerked off by holy shortstack hand. God i would rape her whole day
Did something happen to him Trollanon? Maye has been acting different ITT
Less punctual, less grammar and punctuation. Less everything. Just something I've noticed lately. What the hell happened to you Maye?
>t. concerned eurobro
Anduin is for black dragon use only
She finnaly got to groom some poor kid on moonguard so she is happy
redpill me on rogue
the new dark ranger animations on the ptr are fucking nutty
redpill me on monk
Only one good spec currently. Try next year
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why are some quests "delves" and some "delver's call"
Nothing as far as I know, besides work being extra slamming lately. Tiredness.
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i can't choose between dh, rogue or warrior for melee dps
too many buttons
too many buttons
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Choose between Fury or Vengeance, don't look at rogue
God damn I'm trying to avoid having buttons as warrior but the talent tree is constantly giving them
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pal you've got something on your head
cringe n' braindead
sissy class
honest, respectable main
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okay i get it..
fury is spammy as fuck
if you have wrist issues you have to play arms
only play if you wanna be a dickass thief
pretty fun but you have to fel rush and vengeful retreat all the time which might put your character where you don't want to be and it can be annoying to play around
Nah man I'm just tired haha *passes away*

Everything hurts and my soul feels drained from work and life
>and "people" from moon guard
>>Unironically got too invested into the moon guard world and now it's a part of me I want out and go back to being normal
nobody cares
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Lmao why would they use frostmourne to represent the forsaken!?
>fury is spammy as fuck
every class is spammy as fuck nowadays
>Play tauren hunter
>Class fantasy is sylvanas still
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Y'all never satisfied
Anon come on. No one plays survival seriously
>Tauren beastmaster hunter
>dark ranger
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>Echo lost the world's best healer to accusations without proof again
eh, it's not sylvanas per se, it's the dark ranger archetype
I hate that survival is basically melee beast master. I don't want a pet. Dont give me kill command
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I didn't know it could rain here.
Did WoW always have weather?
try arms warrior
Mistweaver healing is still broken as FUCK.
>own name enabled
A missed opportunity
survival got robbed
yes. love how the skybox changes when it rains
holy shit what is going on here
There is an insane amount of people crying in the general forums about tanks pulling too much. I leveled my shaman from 70 to 80 via resto dungeon spam and I only saw one tank who repeatedly bit off more than he could chew. a few were quite slow. most had the basic plan down of how a dungeon should go.
how can so many people be mad cause bad in baby dungeons?
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Naaaah, I'm good
Just let me be a shitty warrior or rogue already blizzard. Give me one handers and lone wolf. I don't care if I'm C tier dps
For anyone wondering.

*Two of Zaelia's exes came out with accusations about him being an abusive partner.

*The first accusation claims that Zaelia shouted at her and pushed her around.

*She also came out saying that she contacted echo about it in private at first.

*Its notable that Echo's response (via Jeath) was uh... Not great. "I heard that you two reconciled and i heard it from a third person".

*The second accusation is more detailed but similar. Notable physical violence was pushing the girlfriend to the wall and smashing her wrist.

*Zaelia made his own statement and confirmed that most of those things happened but painted a picture of more mutually toxic relationship.

*The third accusation is unknown and not public.
I love Dark Iron Dwarfussy...
Why can't you just be normal dude
survival is based, end of story
t. played one since the bfa prepatch rework (missed the apparent glory that was nighthold butchery)
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>checking out reddits reaction to the new patch
>80% of the comments are dad gamers talking about the paladin changes (paladin is retard boomer class)
>other comments are random low iq retards talking about how they don't use talents that don't look good
Is there any reason to wear cloth or leather as a mail or mail as a plate
I had to endure Oculus for years. This is 10 times worse. I'm not doing flying dungeons.
Don’t talk like a zoomer, but yes, Dark Iron women are incredibly choice
Picking talents based on looks is based though. Sorry not everyone wants to bookmark icyveins you loser
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>dawnbreaker worse than occulus
cant believe there are people this retarded
morning wowg
im gonna complete the campaign soon

then quit wow i guess
>Not going to get any new Skyriding dungeons or raid bosses cause people got filtered by Mazebreaker.
I'll never forgive dad gamers.
I'm not sure what dungeon is just an open field and you fly around killing bosses but it was so bad and boring. I'm a new player and it came up in dungeon finder and it sucked. If dawnbreaker is like that then I'm just not going to do it
>Echo lost their best healer because he's a woman beater
Liquid got this
They should've been horde. There I said it. The three forgettables don't need 'em
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Guys guys i made a thread in r/wow and i got lots of upvotes!

But the jannies deleted it :(
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>worse than Oculus
Now that's just plain wrong, hot damn.
For as much as I enjoy Dawnbreaker, I can see the problems people have with it, and they are nowhere near as stupid and problematic as Oculus was.
Not to say Oculus was really a problem in playability, just boring as all fuck.
So why even let us? I got a cloth piece and it's higher i lvl. It doesn't give main stat but whatever
Just comes back to the age ol' issue of there being plenty of Alliance races that should've been horde and could easily be justified to be Horde. Then there's 0 Horde races that are justified to be Alliance
Ignore it!
Delete it!
Kill yourself!
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Fuck you leatherman
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I hear everybody praise the plate arathi armor meanwhile mail gets to rock THIS on?!
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It sure as fuck is. Dawnbreaker is.. the worst dungeon I've ever played. I'd rather sit through culling of stratholme again and watch arthas waste my fucking time than go back into dawnbreaker.
I went into dawnbreaker solo with the bots 2 times. I still have no idea what to do. It's a fucking mystery. The bots couldn't figure it out either.
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They changed Moira's look for revamped BRD
nice side balls nigga
Blood elves should have just been high elves and been alliance and horde get goblin an ogre
Thanks man, grew them myself
It'll never happen
Its an overlapping experience between newer/casual players and somewhat more experienced players, so I think it’s overwhelming for them to deal with big pulls.
At some point these dungeons become so easy that I decided to remove most defensive talents and pumped everything damage-related, turned on battle stance and use dps trinkets. Feels great to pull the whole place and spam your cds
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Remember what they took from you..
they changed most bosses from what i can see
damn, fineous darkvire now looking dapper as fuck
I kind of want to make a worgen but the furry association sucks and the starting zone is aids
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>Then there's 0 Horde races that are justified to be Alliance
Hmm maybe go towards the big glowing yellow balls they put on your map AND minimap and read the text they fling into your fucking face constantly explaining what to do
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yo what is hit
I'm trying to remember what their equivalent was at release. High mountain? Cause Horde got Nightborne with Zandalar in the works while Alliance prebooked KT nearly as fast the deluded latched onto Sethrak
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yooo blizzard??
holy brainlet
Can you trade any gear you get in a raid or dungeon to someone else
you just know
you just now reached azj kahet?
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Most fun new dungeon.
>With bots
Well THERE'S your problem! I did Stonevault with players first time thinking I had to dive into the rifts of the last boss because the idiot follower dungeon dudes all dogpiled on one during his Entropy ability.
The followers haven't got a damn clue what they're doing in any dungeon, don't follow their example. As if they're going to know flight mechanics.
Their equivalent was Mag'har. Highmountain were the Lightforged equivalent and Nightborne for Velves.
is there an addon that shows when people inspect you
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>be a memesport player
>actually be one of the best players if not the best in your role
>get a cushy job, reposting org tweets and playing the game
>because you're an incel with money e-girls flock to you
>they ruin your *career*

Many such cases. This is so prevalent that esport orgs in Korea, where it's actually a real profession, hire bodyguards for their players who do not let women talk to players for anything other than an autograph or a picture.
wdym "just now"
I suppose that tracks. I always paired lightforged and Mag'har since we get beat over the head about it.
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>Lizards posing as Humans
>giga diversity uggo characters
icant.. stop clapping..
my hands just.. on their own.. the conditioning is too strong!
pls respond
holy shit the ingame cinematics are so fuckign bad
the animations are clunky as FUCK
I have played every day since launch for over 10 hours minimum and I've still never stepped foot into a single dungeon and have only done 2 delves
Yeah, HM, LF, NB and VE all dropped in the same batch. DI and Mag came later
Delves are focused on the seasonal storyline that Delves have. This season it's Zekvir. Delvers Call is just to take you to the other Delves
Damn what's it like being stuck in the starting zone?
>victim blaming
I'm not. I've been 80 and beat the campaign a long time ago. I even unlocked earthen
I just feel like I'm not ready to do dungeons. My ilvl too low
How fucking hard is it to fly away from the big bomb?
you're blind if you haven't noticed the shit ton of high elves blizzard put in dornogal
would not suprise me if we saw them in midnight, along with amani trolls
blizzard seems to be going full on wc2 pandering atm
the delves one is a questline that introduces you the final delve boss you can unlock
the other is sort of like a daily/weekly

just curious. but if you started playing recently it makes sense i guess
same but since 2004 launch
Explain how Amani trolls is different from just choosing green skin tone on troll
i finished the campaign tho
What is your ilvl?
I was always under the impression they were bulkier and stronger than darkspear trolls, like the boss in the council fight in ToT
Can't play as a bricked-up jungle troll yet
You already got Velves a group so insignificant they're less than a thousand. You're not getting helves which are a similar group that can't help being up their own ass. Now if they were faction neutral maybe your desire could be partially gotten
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Only if
1. I get to be a faithful soldier of the undying legions of the lich king
2. I get my own death knight butt buddy.
Thats good enough for heroics already bro. If youre in NA, I can tank some for you to get rid of this anxiety
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more furslop tomorrow
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Yeah, I fucking did that, took me ages to slaughter all those elites while the bots kept falling out of the sky and then everything goes dark an everyone dies. It's fucking ass.
I did dawnbreaker 2 times with humans. The first time NOBODY knew what to do. We all just died while hovering in the air in the middle of nowhere and then they all left.
fuck I meant forest troll, fuck!!
>can't even delete this
amazing. worlo wawa.
I'll do it with non-ascended cause I ain't a coward
dawnbreaker is hard exactly once if you've never encountered the mechanic or watched a walkthrough and it catches you by surprise. after that its mechanics are actually trivial and the hardest part of the dungeon is coordinating everybody to land in the same part of town without pulling half the adds from a block away
don't tell me that, tell blizzard that
I think it's retarded that velves even exist in the first place when high elves had been there from the start which has spawned this retarded screeching from both sides in the first place
It's not the expansion, it's the engine. They can't tighten ship until they're not running it on a shitty 2004 engine with shitty 2004 coding. They nearly destroyed the entire game just trying to change the backpack size, it broke so much shit just because the game is a ton of spaghetti code.
Well I've been in there 4 times in total and I still have no idea where to go.
They are much buffier and if they bothered to add a new race of recycled dwarfs covered in dirt, they can add one of the oldest non-human race in the saga
>The first time NOBODY knew what to do.
Okay. Part of the fun of brand new dungeons and such. When you get a group to figure it out at least anyway.
Nu wow has too much bullshit to do
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huns boughted the gold cm set lmao
certified NOOB
So did classic. You just weren't aware of it
>When you get a group to figure it out at least anyway.
>Implying most people dont just left of LFG sents them to Dawnbreaker instead of starting and learn the dungeon

I current only ever completed the dungeon once. 90% of people left immediately
No? Classic did not have 50+ shit icons on the map and far too many renown grinds
Welp, sucks man.
I've lucked out with my first group to learn it and not be complete disasters with the rest.
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So, apparently BLIZZARD invented an extra day in february this year to scam us in the trade post LMAO
>Implying this will not used as the lore justifications for playable ascended nerubians
If they cant do pheromones, apparently the cornerstone of the nerubian society, they will be exiled the moment the Queen is dead
When Metzen left he said on twitter that one of the main reasons is that his hands hurt from carpet tunnel syndrome and he cannot play on computer anymore, therefore he’s focusing on board games irl.
Why has he returned recently if he’s not capable to play on a computer, give me a straight answer.
his new company failed
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For me it's indubitably
Carpal tunnel can be treated with surgery
stfu melvin
Do you know what that surgery entails? They cut open your ligaments, which will never heal as before, you'll lose more besides just your pain.
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this dude posting about the dawnbreaker being hard is trolling for (you)s right
nobody can be this retarded
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Fuck it, I got the bots together. I'm trying to figure this shitshow out for the 3rd time now. Let's see if I can find the last boss
Okay uhm doctor Melvin Chuclefuck from the hospital of *checks notes* .... oh uhm, fuck out of here retard
I accept your concession.
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oh my god lol
>too scared to do it with actual players
brain damage
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Trust Metzen's plan.
Anon you're not a professional. Surgery can be scary, it's why you talk to your doctor.
WoW 2 when?
Would you play it?
Would you say the vote kicking feature in dungeons makes the game better or worse?
Stop double posting in a bipolar way.
You can do the new raid with npcs

It's a toss up 40% of the time
It's called autism. I'm scared of people
why make a new game to sell for 90$ risking the flop when you can just slap 8dungeons+2raids and throw it to the pack of whales and mazed raid for the same 90$
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>enter leveling dungeon
>5 gems
absolutely gemmy
I forgot metzen was the one who drew these images
It's very simple.
When the first boss casts Darkness Comes, you mount up and fly off the ship, circle it until the big death ball disappears, land when it does, resume the fight. Rinse and repeat. Can't expect the bots to understand the concept of mounting up, so don't follow their example.
Last boss is the same, mount up when he retreats, follow him, golden orb trail leads the way if you somehow lose sight. Again, don't rely on idiot bots for that shit.
They wanted to make WoW look like overwatch, since overwatch is just the reused assets of their new mmo.
It's disney/pixar stylization that looks the same as what they did after wod so I guess we'll never get wow 2 since they have achieved all their goals.

Ofc the futuristic mmo they wanted to focus on would've been game changer as it would've had real 3d freedom.
They give you lfr armor or just monies?
Who cares about what the bosses do. I NEVER FOUND THE LAST BOSS
You fly back up to the Dawnbreaker after second boss. General bits whatever tells you to return there after you kill second boss.
they feel like a mash between dungeons and dragons, marvel comics and metal aesthetics almost as if he was a kid when hired and he was into all that
I wanted to play forest trolls since my childhood of playing W3. I seethed as a orc player to be forced to use the skinny anorexic blue trolls instead of the bulky chad-looking green ones.
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Have they done something to ret templar?
I remember throughout the beta up until just a day or so ago, you would cast Wake of Ashes, follow it up with the Hammer of Light and that was that.

Now I can just keep pumping those Hammers of Light as long as I get 5 HP during the buff triggered by Wake of Ashes. It's so fucking crazy
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no u might be retarded fr fr how skibidi toilet brain do you have to be?
no rizz mewlet incel. ong.
Yeah, and then everything goes dark and death.
fight your way up to the ship, side ship 1, side ship 2, back to main ship, boss, fly away from dark orb, land on main ship, fly away from dark orb 2, land, then kill lieutenants at church, the house, and the inn, then kill the boss in the town, then fly back up to the main ship for big bug phase 1 after some trash (dps needs to use bombs, regular attacks do almost no damage), then chase phase, land in the cemetary courtyard, big bug phase 2 tank and spank.

in the flying phases continually grab golden orbs not to die.

thats it. if you're having trouble finding the places in town open the map. also big bugs acid mechanic is much easier if everyone stacks in teh middle so you can quickly drag it out of the way and not hit anyone, though the acid in phase 2 of big bug will clear webs
Can anyone dethrone this guy in terms of empty rhetoric for long spans of time which is mostly just utter bullshit?
>I seethed as a orc player to be forced to use the skinny anorexic blue trolls instead of the bulky chad-looking green ones.
yeah, darkspear trolls look like fucking shit compared to amani trolls and retards still ask wHaTs tHe dIfFeReNcE
The last boss flee in the graveyard place you visisted during the story mod

Well I dunno, you're doing something wrong. There's an NPC constantly telling you where to go after each stage, so fuckin'... Pay attention to them after every segment.
i already complained about this in an earlier thread but faerin would be a great character without that dumb token black haircut
What's a good off the path class for classic troll? I was thinking warlock but I already got one I'm happy with

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